#argyle x oc
dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
Writing prompt: Dustin has a five foot tall older sister named Nina. Argyle nearly loses it when he meets her.
"I found her! I found the small Nina woman!"
I'm not sure why this popped into my head, but it did. 😆
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rp-partnerfinder · 6 months
I'm 33 female writer looking for any 18+ writing partners for discord for the Fargo and Joe Keery fandom. I only double.
Ships I'm willing to do and for doubling up. I am looking for a Gator Tillman to rp against my OC. Other ships I will roleplay for you.
Gator Tillman x OC
Kurt Kunkle x OC (Spree)
Steve Harrington x OC
Robin Buckley x Steve (platonically)
Steve x Jonathan Byers
Baron (Marmalade) x oc
Walter Keys Mckey (Free Guy) x oc
Jonathan x Nancy
Officer Hopper x OC
Hopper x Joyce
Robin Buckley x OC
Robin Buckley x Chrissy
Steve Harrington x Chrissy
Steve Harrington x Eddie
Chrissy x Eddie
Billy Hargrove x OC
Billy x Eddie
Billy x Steve
Eddie Munson x OC
Steve x Billy
Kurt Kunkle x OC
Gator Tillman x OC
Tom Grant x OC
Robin x Vickie
Nancy x Robin
Nancy x OC
Jonathan x OC
Argyle x OC
Argyle x Jonathan
Robin x Steve platonically
Chrissy Cunningham x OC
Serious inquiries only.
If interested and serious just like this or comment on this post and I'll reach out to you.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
drabbles coming out today 🥰 also, I have a question for those of you lovely people who don’t enjoy reader inserts too much, would you want to read about ST characters x my OCs instead? I can do those as well 🤔 just saw a couple of tiktoks about it
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theknightsstars · 7 months
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"All the flowers in this garden should bow and ask your pardon, for not one can match your beauty, O my love"
Fun little ship painting of my WoL and Lyna, experimenting with oil painting approach and mixer brush :)
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harringtonstilinski · 5 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty-Six: The Hellfire Club
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 3,303 Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! I can't believe we're on the last season!! Buckle up, friends, 'cause it's a lot this season!! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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The phone ringing startled me awake as I sat up straight in the bed. Looking at the clock, I tried to count three hours backward from the time shown, slightly struggling before jumping to my feet and rushing to the phone, answering with a groggy and breathless, “Hello?”
“Can I read this to you?”
I sighed at the sound of El’s voice before answering, “Of course, sweetie.”
She always read me her letters that she wrote to Mike, asking for my advice on whether or not it sounded good enough. “Okay. Here it goes. ‘Dear Mike, today is day 185. Feels more like 10 years. Joyce says time is funny like that. Emotions can make it speed up or slow down. We are all time travelers if you think about it. For example, this week is going very fast. I think because I am so busy. I have to make something called a visual aid. I hope Mrs. Gracey will give me an A. Some exciting news; Joyce got an amazing new job. She gets to work at home. She says she loves the freedom. Will is painting a lot, but he-he won’t show me what he’s working on. M-maybe it is for a girl. I think there is someone he likes. Because he has been acting… weird. Jonathan is acting weird, also. I think he is just nervous about college. He is still waiting for his big letter. I hope he and Nancy get to go together. But I don’t know how he’ll ever get to college because his car is still broken down. His funny friend Argyle has been taking us to school. His hair is longer than mine. And he and Jonthan like to smoke smelly plants together. Jonathan says the plants are super safe because they come from the Earth, but to not tell Joyce. Me? I’m twice as happy now. You were right. It just takes time. I think I have finally adapted. At first, I missed all the spring flowers, but now I find it pretty here, too. I even like school now. I am still best at math, but my grammar is good now also. Thanks in part to Olivia back home. It helps that everyone is so nice here. I have made lots of friends. Even so, I am ready for Spring Break, mostly because I get to see you. I am so excited to see you, it is hard to breathe. Are you excited, too? I think you will love it here like me. I think we will have the best Spring Break ever. I hope my spelling was better this time. Miss you. Love, El.’”
She breathed deep on her end of the phone, silently asking me what I thought. Taking a drag from my cigarette, which I rarely ever do, I nodded my head before saying, “It’s good! But the part about friends? I’m not sure that should be in there.” El’s kept her word on telling me every detail when she calls me. This bitch Angela bullies her to no end, and it pisses me off to the point where I want to get in my car and drive to California to beat the shit out of this girl… but I can’t since she’s a minor and I’m 19 years old. “Maybe just tell him the truth?” I took another drag, holding it for a moment as I said, “The truth–” I blew the smoke from my lungs. “Is a lot better than having to cover up your lies in front of him when he’s there in a couple days.”
“Livvie! Are you smoking again?” Mom hollered.
“Shit,” I whispered, dabbing my cigarette.
“Steve will be here soon!”
Holding the mouthpiece of the phone, I hollered back, “Okay!” Sighing and shaking my head, I removed my hand, saying into the mouthpiece. “Listen, get ready for school, do the finishing touches for your visual aid that I know you’re gonna kick ass on, and have a good day at school, okay? I’m sorry this phone call is short.”
“It’s okay,” El said. “Can I call you tonight?”
“I’ll be at Steve’s, but sure,” I smiled. “You can call.”
“Okay. Argyle is here. I finished my visual aid before I called you.”
“Okay, sweetie. Have a good day at school.” “I will. Bye, Olivia.”
“Bye, El.” I hung up the phone, yawning after I did so. Going into the kitchen, I made myself a cup of coffee, adding my sugar and cream into it before taking a sip and walking back into my room.
No, Steve’s parents didn’t come home last night. Dustin needed help with something for school, so I told him I’d come for the night to help him. My plan was to go back to Steve’s, but I ended up falling asleep on Dustin’s bed, him waking me up to kick me out of his room. As I entered my own room, my phone was ringing, so I walked to it, picking up the receiver, answering with, “Can’t I just enjoy a cup of coffee this morning?”
“Good morning to you, too,” Steve said.
Sighing, I said, “Oh. Morning, baby.”
“Hey, listen. I’m gonna leave here in a few minutes to come get you and then pick up Robin, okay? So, be ready this time.”
I chuckled. Last time he had to come get me from my house I wasn’t ready for work. He and I had had… a night and I was super tired the next day, so I didn’t wake up with my alarm. We were late for work and Robin was late to school that day.
“Okay, I’ll be ready.”
“Promise! I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
I hung up the phone, taking another sip of my coffee while looking at my closet door. I set my mug down, walking towards the door when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. “What?”
“Liv, I need you to stall Mom,” Dustin said.
“And why, pray tell, do I need to do that?” I asked, turning to look at him with my arms crossed.
“I’m talking to Suzie and I need you to not tell her what’s going on behind my door.”
Scrunching my face in disgust, I said, “Dustin, I don’t need to hear you two have radio sex.”
“We’re not! It’s something about school,” he exclaimed.
Sighing, I said, “Fine. Whatever. But you owe me.”
“Thank you!” he said, running back across the hall to his room, sliding his door closed.
I turned back to my closet, finally able to go into it to pick my outfit for the day; a graphic tee, comfortable but tight-fitted jeans and my Converse. I’ve been working with Steve and Robin at Family Video since October and I have to say I quite enjoy it. Not the whoring out my boyfriend part, but everything else about the job, aside from Keith, is awesome!
Once I was dressed, I heard talking on Dustin’s Cerebro, that he somehow installed in the house, so I poked my head in to see what was going on.
“That’s a negative, Dusty-bun,” Suzie said.
“Son of a bitch,” Dustin said, pressing a button on his radio. “Try tigers86.”
“Tigers86, copy that.”
“What the fuck are you doing?” I asked, walking into his room, sliding his door to a crack.
“Liv, not now,” Dustin said. 
I sighed, “Alright. Oh! I can’t pick you up tonight. Steve and I are going to the game and then I’m going back to his house.”
“Fine, whatever,” he said, going back to his radio.
“Jiminy Crickets, Dusty,” Suzie said. “I’m in.”
“Holy shit,” he said.
“Wait, is she… is she hacking into the school system?” I asked.
Dustin and I jumped at the sound of hearing pounding on his door, Mom’s voice ringing on the other side, “Dusty, what’s going on in there? You’re gonna be late.”
Mom went to open the door just as Dustin shouted, “Don’t come in! I’m naked!”
She shut the door before saying, “Oh, Livvie! Steve’s here!”
I said, “Shit!” at the same time Dustin said into his radio’s mouthpiece, “Running out of time here!”
I walked out of his room as I heard Suzie tell him to hold on. Walking past Mom in the hallway, she told me to grab a slice of toast on my way out, which I told her I would, grabbing it and a banana before rushing out of the house, hearing Steve honk his horn. “Alright, Harrington! I’m coming!”
Opening the passenger side door, I tossed the banana at him, my piece of toast hanging between my teeth. As I buckled my seatbelt, he backed up out of our driveway and started towards Robin’s house before he sighed out and said, “Good morning, Henderson.” “Harrington,” I said, muffled through a bite of toast. I shook my head while taking the toast from between my teeth, saying, “Ew. No.”
He chuckled, handing the banana back to me. “You’re lucky I let you eat in my car.”
“At least I brush the crumbs off my legs when I get out of the car.” I finished my toast by the time we got to Robin’s house. Getting out of the car, I brushed the crumbs off my jeans, turning to go back in the passenger seat when Robin called out, “I need the front, Henderson!”
When I turned to face her, she shoved her shako into my hands, the yellow and white plume sticking out of the top. Yes, I know marching band lingo, shut up.
As we started driving, Steve was telling her about our date we had the other day when we had the day off. “And then we went to Enzo’s and had an amazing dinner–”
Leaning between the seats, I interrupted, “I literally thought he was going to propose, it was so freaking romantic.”
“And then we went back home and watched a movie–”
“Cuddling on the couch before I fell asleep to the movie.”
“What, no sex?” Robin asked.
Chuckling, I said, “No. Not that night. The next morning, however…”
“You asked!” I exclaimed.
“Liv, I’m not fully awake yet. It is 7:00 in the morning, we have this stupid pep rally, and I woke up looking like a total corpse.” She pulled her face back after fluffing her hair a little bit.
“Oh, you’re worried about a basketball pep rally?” Steve asked. “You expect me to believe that?”
“Newsflash, Steve, you were in the pep rallies, remember?” I said, poking his cheek.
“Yeah? So?” Robin said. 
“We all know what this is about,” I said, looking at her profile. “He’s not buying any bullshit. This is about Vickie.” I smiled at her as she turned her head to look at me. “Absolutely not.”
“Yes, it is, and you know what else I think?” Steve said.
“I don’t care–”
“I think you gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you’re around her.”
“You just gotta be yourself, love,” I said.
“You’re both quoting me to me, you do realize that right?” Robin said.
“Well, maybe you need to listen to yourself,” Steve said. “Ever think about that, smartypants? I mean, I listened. Look at me. Boom. Back in business.”
Looking at him, I deadpanned, “You’ve been in business, Steve. For over a year!”
“It’s not the same thing,” Robin said. “And Liv’s right.”
“Plus, when you asked out girls, they all said no,” I said. “Big deal. Nothing happened, other than your ego getting bruised–”
“I ask out the wrong girl, and bam, I’m a town pariah,” Robin added. 
“Yeah, I’d buy that, except Vickie is definitely not the wrong girl,” Steve said.
“We just don’t know that, do we?”
“She returned Fast Times paused at 53 minutes, 5 seconds. Do you know who pauses Fast Times at 53 minutes, 5 seconds?”
“Oh, my god,” I breathed. “People who like boobies, Robin!”
“Ew, don’t say boobies!” she said.
“I like boobies, Steve definitely likes boobies, you like boobies! Vickie definitely likes boobies,” I said.
“Wait, you like boobs?” they both asked.
“We’re not talking about me.”
We got to the high school, Robin and I getting out before I handed her her shako hat for the pep rally. We hugged before she ran off with her friends, chatting and walking them as she met up with them.
“Were we like this?” I asked, leaning over a little bit.
“Yup,” Steve said. 
I looked at him, our eyes meeting. I smiled as he leaned in closer, our lips meeting for a second before I heard kids through the opened windows saying, “Get a room, Harrington!”
We pulled apart as I groaned, resting my forehead on his shoulder. “Get me off this campus before I beat the shit out of these sophomores.”
He chuckled, driving off to our day job that helps with the bills… metaphorically speaking.
I was standing with Steve on our side of the counter when the phone rang, and because I was standing by the phone, I turned around and picked it up, answering it with “Family Video, this is Olivia speaking. How can I help you today?”
“Liv, I need you tonight for Hellfire.”
Chuckling, I said, “No way, Dustin. Not tonight.”
“What?! Come on!”
“I don’t even know how to play! Plus, I’ve got a date with Steve tonight.” I turned my head over my shoulder, watching Steve help out a female customer. 
“Just move your date this one time! Come on.”
“What, to hang out with you and Eddie? I’ll pass this time.”
“What about Steve?”
“Negatory, little brother.”
“He’s just jealous because I have another older male friend.” 
I heard the smug little smile on his stupid little face. “Yeah, I don’t think he feels the same. Besides, Steve and I really dig each other. I think that he could… well, I know he’s the one.” I watched as some girls walked into the store. “Oh, I got– well, Steve has customers. I’ll call you back.” I hung up the phone, faintly hearing Dustin say that he’s at school.
Turning my head over my shoulder, I whispered, “You're on, babe.”
Once we were done with our shift, Steve and I went to grab a bite to eat before heading to the basketball game. I said hey to Nancy as we walked in and gave a small wave to Lucas with a thumbs up. He slightly smiled back at me, going back to his warm ups.
After Steve and I found a spot in the bleachers, I turned into him after he put his arm around my shoulders once we sat down. I looked up at him, asking, “Baby, would it bother you if we won this game after we’ve graduated?”
“Interesting point,” he said. “Thanks for bringing that up, babe.”
I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his middle while still looking at him. He looked down at me, giving me a chaste kiss on my lips. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he said, a smile ever present on his face.
The principal came up to the microphone that was in the middle of the gym, asking, “Everyone now please rise for our national anthem.” You could hear everyone standing, collectively. “Singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest. All the way from Nashville, our very own Tammy Thompson!”
I clapped while looking confused at Steve as he looked over at Robin, a confused look on his face as well. Tammy started singing, the microphone giving feedback as she did.
“Told you,” Steve whispered. “Muppet.”
“Oh, my god,” I whispered, trying to hold back my laugh at either Steve calling her a muppet or her singing, I couldn’t decide. Maybe a little bit of both.
“Okay, she does sound like a Muppet,” Robin whispered.
“Oh, my god, totally,” I heard Vickie agree. “She sounds like Kermit.”
“I was thinking it was more like Miss Piggy.”
I snorted, turning my head into Steve’s shoulder, his hand coming up to rest on cheek from my shoulder.
When the game started, we got two baskets right off the rip. I honestly didn’t get basketball, I just knew the basics from what Steve had tried to explain to me over the years. But everytime he got to what he thinks is interesting stuff, I would always fall asleep. 
I swear I was getting whiplash just watching the boys run up and down the gym, shooting baskets, colliding with one another, almost getting into fights with other team and the ref.
Seeing movement from the corner of my eye, I looked in Lucas’ direction, seeing him running onto the court. “Oh, my god. He’s putting Lucas in. He’s putting Lucas in!” I exclaimed, jumping in my seat, happy that one of my kids is actually playing.
I knew three of them were on school grounds with Hellfire, so I wasn’t worried about them. I wasn’t worried about Lucas either, moreso happy for him that he’s finally getting to play.
Steve was enthusiastic as ever, standing and shouting at our players to shoot the ball, to pass it, to not travel with the ball. I swear to god, seeing him in this element turned me on like no freaking other.
Steve and I were standing, the ball being passed and dribbled around before he said, “Shoot it!” as one of our players got the ball, making the basket.
A few more points in and Jason, the captain, called a timeout. The team huddled together as the drumline started to play a cadence. I secretly did band throughout middle school and freshman year of high school. I quit once Steve became King, not wanting him to be associated with a “nerd.”
Once the game continued, Jason got the ball, and from what I heard from Dustin, Jason’s a cocky motherfucker who thinks he's the top dog of the high school just because he’s King. No one will ever meet up to Steve as King.
Jason shot the ball, not making the basket at all. Ha ha! That’s what he gets. Lucas grabbed the ball as it bounced off the rim, breaking out of the huddle to run a few feet from the basket, turning around to make the shot as the buzzer went off.
You could hear everyone collectively stand again as the ball flew through the air. I could feel Steve behind me as we watched the ball bounce off the rim to the backboard and into the basket, giving us the Championship win!
Steve and I jumped, excited for Lucas and excited for the win. He wrapped me in his arms, giving me a kiss on the lips as the players and cheerleaders ran over to Lucas, chanting his name.
We had waited outside for the team to come out after hitting the showers, Lucas spotting us right away.
“Oh, my god,” I exclaimed, giving him a big hug. “Congratulations!” 
“Thanks, Liv,” he said. When we pulled apart, he kept his hands on my shoulders. “Thanks for coming.”
“Of course!” I said. “I wouldn’t miss my little brother playing for the world!”
He smiled before looking at Steve, giving his thanks to him as well. Jason and his small crew came out, calling Lucas over to them. He walked with them as Steve and I started our own journey to his car. 
I stopped him as I watched Dustin and the rest of Hellfire walk out of the school. He spotted me, raising his hands in the air. “Liv!” Dustin shouted. “We won!”
Giving him a smile, I raised my thumbs out to him, letting him know I was proud of him.
Steve and I went home that night and celebrated with a movie and popcorn, clothing optional.
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
Additional Note:
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Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on April 22, 2024
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misfit-thieves · 4 months
Weston City
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(word count: 3,202)
The cityscape of Weston City is bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun, casting long and ominous shadows that dance on the wet pavement.
Xavia Cyprus stands tall, despite his body screaming in pain. He clutches at his wounded shoulder that drips blood onto the asphalt beneath him. It's a deep gash, not fatal by any means but painful enough to warrant concern. His white hair clings to his forehead, slick with sweat, while he pants heavily from exhaustion and effort.
His opponent lays motionless on the ground before him; unconscious or dead, Xavia doesn't care for specifics. All that matters is victory; survival by any means necessary.
Drawing in a ragged breath, he huffs out through gritted teeth. His pain is secondary, the mission always taking precedence. Swaying slightly on unsteady feet, he pushes past his discomfort with grim determination and steels himself for the task at hand.
He makes his way carefully over to where the object of interest lays, an ornate dagger his employer, Aurelius Van Helsing, had tasked him to retrieve from their now incapacitated opponent. Every step causes sharp pain to shoot up his arm, but he bites down hard on his lip and carries on.
Bending down is another ordeal altogether as it feels like gravity itself is against him, pulling at his injured shoulder painfully. However, once he finally manages to get a grip around that damn blade's decorated hilt, relief washes over him.
Xavia grunts, holding the dagger in one hand and his shoulder with the other. He staggers towards the brick wall of the alleyway behind him, the world tilting ominously around him as he moves.
He lets out a pained sigh as his back meets the rough surface of the bricks, feeling their coldness seep through his jacket. He slides down slowly until he's sitting on the wet pavement, grimacing at every jolt of pain that radiates from his wound.
His head falls back against it with a thud and he closes his eyes momentarily in an effort to regather his energy. This isn't Xavia's first brush with danger nor his first time nursing an injury alone in the shadows. Life had dealt him a hand that was never easy.
He learned early on that people often failed you when you needed them most. The world was harsh, and survival meant relying only on yourself. It made him strong, hardened him in ways few could understand.
Sitting there against the cold brick wall of an alleyway, grasping at his bleeding shoulder, it all seems like just another day in his brutal and unyielding life. But he wouldn't have it any other way. This solitude feels familiar, almost comforting.
Xavia tilts his head to gaze up at the sky. The dying light of day paints a breathtaking canvas overhead, vibrant streaks of red, orange, and purple bleeding into each other. A sunset has never looked so beautiful to him before.
The deep purples hold his attention. It's an alluring hue that somehow seems distinct from everything else around him. He can almost forget about the throbbing pain in his shoulder as he loses himself in its depths.
He knows he'll have to call for backup soon enough. But for now, just for a fleeting moment longer, Xavia allows himself to be swallowed by the dimming evening sky above him.
Xavia finds himself striding down the opulent corridors of Aurelius's mansion, passing by priceless paintings and sculptures along the way. They're absurdly valuable, each piece a testament to its creator's genius and Aurelius's taste for exorbitance.
His steps echo off marble floors under a ceiling adorned with intricate murals; figures from ancient history locked in eternal combat amid sweeping landscapes. It's all disgustingly affluent but, it does give an impression of sophistication, he muses darkly to himself.
He makes his way towards Aurelius' office, a familiar route he has traversed countless times before for mission briefings. His right shoulder still feels stiff from his injury but it's no longer holding him back. It's just another battle scar etched onto his body as a testament to the dangerous life he lives.
As he approaches the heavy wooden doors leading to Aurelius' office, Xavia runs a hand through his slicked-back white hair, preparing himself mentally for whatever challenge awaits him beyond those doors.
No matter how mentally fortified he thought he was, life had a knack for throwing curveballs his way. And today seemed to be no exception.
As the office door creaks open, Xavia's eyes fall on her. An unfamiliar woman stands by Aurelius' desk; tall and poised with a self-assuredness that instantly grates on him. Her long black hair is pulled into a high ponytail with some loose strands framing her face.
Her complexion is fair, dotted with freckles like constellations across the span of her face and neck. One of her eyes is as brown as rich mahogany while the other is... Purple? The same damn hue from that sunset weeks ago that still haunts his thoughts.
The unknown woman wears a violet top with mesh accents and high-waisted jeans, a large bow resting against her shoulder. The weapon looks well-used and loved, like an extension of herself.
He feels an immediate surge of annoyance prickling beneath his skin at the sight of this stranger standing so casually in his employer's office. Yet another unexpected complication he's going to have to deal with now.
His attention drifts to the man sitting behind the desk, the grand patron of Xavia's dangerous escapades - Aurelius Van Helsing. An elderly man with snow-white hair that matches his well-maintained curly mustache. 
He's clad in one of those horrendously purple aristocrat vests, complete with an equally obnoxious bow tie.  Xavia secretly thinks his outfit looks like it was stolen from the set of some outdated period drama.
"Good afternoon, Xavia!" The elderly gentleman greets him warmly despite the coldness etched onto Xavia's features, "I'm glad you're here! There's someone I'd like you to meet."
Xavia's eyes narrow slightly at the boisterous greeting of his employer. Aurelius is a peculiar man with an infectious enthusiasm that often gets on Xavia's nerves.
"This is your new partner," Aurelius announces as he gestures grandly towards the stranger, grinning from ear to ear like he'd just unveiled a priceless artifact, "Her name is Dusk and she's quite skilled with that bow of hers!"
Dusk responds to the introduction with a subtle smile, her mismatched eyes meeting Xavia's dark brown ones. She gives him a small wave and steps forward, extending her hand towards him.
"It's nice to meet you!" She says, the sincerity in her voice somewhat disarming. Her demeanor contrasts sharply with his own cynicism and it feels like watching daylight clash against midnight.
Ignoring Dusk's extended hand, Xavia turns his attention back towards his employer. He crosses his arms over his chest, an unreadable expression on his face as he speaks.
"Partner?" He questions with a hint of incredulity in his voice, "I don't recall asking for one or needing one," His tone is curt but not entirely disrespectful.
He likes working alone. He doesn't need anyone else to watch his back and certainly not some newbie who will probably get in the way more than anything.
Aurelius laughs at Xavia's reaction, taking it in stride as always, "Ah, don't be so fickle, Xav," He begins lightheartedly, "I'm aware you like working alone but Dusk here is an incredible shot. And we both know you've had a few close calls lately."
He pauses, letting his words sink in before adding with a twinkle in his eye, "Plus, having some company wouldn't hurt now, would it?"
His words leave a bitter taste in Xavia's mouth and he bristles at the reminder of his close calls. He had always managed to get out alive, hadn't he? It's part of the job, high risk for high reward.
"I'm not fickle. I'm practical," Xavia retorts, his eyes darting from Dusk to Aurelius and back again, "I don't need a partner."
His gaze lingers on Dusk for a moment longer before he turns back towards his employer, irritation seeping into his voice.
"Especially one who looks like she's never been out past sunset," The comment is pointedly sharp; Xavia has no qualms about expressing his skepticism.
"And stop calling me Xav," He adds as an afterthought, annoyance flickering in his dark brown eyes.
"Pardon my interruption," A cool voice cuts through the room, distracting Xavia from his heated argument with Aurelius. The speaker is Zane Argyle - Aurelius' ever-present assistant and someone Xavia never lets himself trust too easily.
Zane always maintains an air of mystery around him. His navy-blue hair mirrors his cold eyes that seem to hide a world of secrets behind them. He dresses like an old-time detective, normally wearing crisp dress shirts and dark trench coats.
Xavia has heard whispers about Zane's connections with the underworld, but he'd rather not delve into it unless necessary. He knows better than to meddle with someone who could stab you in the back while shaking your hand.
"But I agree with Aurelius," Zane continues smoothly, meeting Xavia's glare without flinching, "You nearly died during your last job. Some cover wouldn't be a bad thing."
"An unnecessary interruption," He shoots back icily, "The last job had nothing to do with needing backup, and everything to do with lousy intel."
Zane doesn't miss a beat, bowing his head slightly in an apologetic gesture, "My apologies."
"Not accepted," Xavia retorts dismissively, his gaze cutting through the room. He's growing tired of this conversation. 
Before Dusk can even open her mouth to speak, he turns sharply towards her with a cynical scowl plastered on his face, "Save it," He warns her before she can utter anything about being capable, reliable, or any other empty promise.
"I don't need some pretty-eyed archer for me to babysit."
Aurelius, despite the jovial facade, has a certain steeliness in his voice when he wants to be taken seriously. He levels a stern gaze at Xavia now, "This is not a request, Xavia. It's an order."
His words echo ominously through the grand room and for once since this conversation started, Xavia feels silenced.
"Dusk will accompany you on your next mission," Aurelius continues with finality that allows no argument.
Xavia clenches his jaw, the muscles in his neck straining against the flush of anger that spreads through him. His dark brown eyes narrow, a silent storm brewing within them as he glares at Aurelius.
"Fine," He spits out finally, the word tasting like poison on his tongue. But he isn't one to defy orders, not when it comes from Aurelius anyway.
Turning abruptly on his heel, Xavia storms towards the exit without sparing Dusk a second glance.
"Xavia!" Zane calls after him, "You need the details for your next mission!"
But Xavia isn't in the mood for more chatter. He flings a hand dismissively over his shoulder as he strides out of the room.
"I'm sure my 'partner' can fill me in... Seeing as she's so capable," He shoots back with an acid laced sarcasm that leaves no doubt about his feelings on this matter.
"Um..." Dusk begins, her voice barely a whisper in the tension-filled room. She wears a nervous smile on her face as she stares after Xavia's retreating figure, "Is he always like that?" Her question hangs in the air, trailing off into an uncertain silence.
Overhearing her comment, the door swings open again and Xavia pokes his head back in. His expression is unreadable but there's a mischievous glint in his eyes, "No. Only when I'm annoyed..." He corrects flatly, "Which is most of the time."
And with that, he disappears again, leaving behind another wave of uncomfortable silence.
The white-haired man sneers to himself as he saunters down the hallway, 'This is so annoying,' He thinks irritably. The faint throbbing at his temples is a testament to how frustrated this whole situation makes him.
"It's as he says, Dusk. Yes, he's always quite grumpy," Aurelius mentions with a lighthearted chuckle once Xavia's out of earshot. The old man doesn't seem to be bothered by his employee's blunt behavior at all, "I'm certain he'll warm up to you in no time."
Zane steps forward, adding onto Aurelius' words with a smirk on his face, one that Dusk finds unsettling for some reason, "Let's hope so. He's pretty stubborn after all... Well, that's our Xav for you."
Dusk chuckles lightly at their comments, brushing a stray strand of dark hair away from her face as she does so.
"Yeah? I've noticed," Her voice holds a hint of amusement mixed with determination which makes her eyes shine brightly, "He's cranky and stubborn but... That won't scare me off."
"That's a great attitude to have!" Aurelius laughs heartily at Dusk's determined declaration, his tone filled with unspoken approval, "I knew I made a good decision in hiring you."
"Thank you, sir!" Dusk's response comes brimming with enthusiasm and a spark of excitement that's hard to ignore. Her gratitude is genuine, adding an innocent charm to her already likable personality.
"Since you're here, Dusk," Zane begins, ignoring Xavia's abrupt departure as he pulls out a manila folder filled with documents and information. He slides it across the desk towards her, "The location is an amusement park in Oceania."
Dusk blinks in surprise at that revelation, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion, "Hmm... Amusement park?" She echoes the words slowly as she opens the folder to skim through its contents, "Sounds fun. What's our target?"
The curiosity is evident on her face, clearly showing that she's never been to one before.
"The target is an ancient mask that's currently being displayed in their haunted house exhibit," Zane explicates, watching as Dusk takes in the information.
Before he can provide further details, Aurelius chimes in cheerfully, "I'm looking forward to adding it to my collection! I've had my eyes on it for quite some time."
Dusk looks up at him with a small laugh escaping her lips, "An ancient mask... In a haunted house exhibit?" She repeats incredulously before her curiosity gets the better of her.
"That's definitely interesting," She concedes with a nod, "If you don't mind me asking, what's so special about it?"
Zane is about to answer Dusk's question when Aurelius beats him to it, "It's an ancient artifact that's rumored to be cursed!" The older man explains animatedly, "I can't wait to get my hands on it!"
"Cursed? Well, that's exciting," Dusk chuckles lightly, although her eyes hold a determined glint. She's eager not to disappoint her employer on her first assignment.
Zane takes this opportunity to cut into the conversation again, "I've arranged train tickets for you and Xavia. You'll leave in a few hours," He says as he reaches into his trench coat pocket, producing a slip of paper which he hands over to Dusk, "It should be a simple mission."
"And don't worry about Xav," Aurelius reassures her with a wide, confident smile, "He'll come around eventually. In fact, I'm certain he'll thank me for this someday."
Dusk turns to look at the closed door where Xavia had made his abrupt exit, her expression thoughtful as she contemplates the older man's words, "I'll do my best."
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The train carriage jostles lightly as it chugs along the tracks, the scenery outside a blur of green and gold. Dusk leans against her window seat, her gaze studying Xavia's rigid form seated across from her. He's engrossed in his book, brows furrowed in deep concentration, an image so picturesque that it feels like she's looking at some living painting.
She takes in everything, from his strikingly white hair, gelled back yet playfully rebellious, to the way his black funnel neck jacket hugs and accentuates his toned physique. His almond-brown skin is smooth, save for an intimidating scar marring one cheek. 
But despite this rugged exterior, there's an allure about him that she finds captivating, something magnetic about those deep eyes and firm set lips which seem perpetually poised between a smirk and scowl.
He snaps his book shut, looking directly at Dusk. His eyes are intense, holding her with a piercing stare as he warns her sharply, "For the last time... Can you stop staring? It's fucking annoying."
Dusk, startled out of her thoughts by his sudden outburst, blinks a few times and then flashes him a sheepish grin as she leans back in her seat, "Sorry. I was just wondering... Have you been on many jobs like this before?"
With a nonchalant shrug, Xavia turns his gaze back to the pages of his book, replying curtly, "More than I can count."
Nodding, she says politely, "I'm sure you have a lot of experience," She pauses briefly before mumbling, "Guess I'll try not to hold us back then."
"Good idea," Xavia replies dryly, not looking up from his book.
Feeling the conversation turning frigid with each word exchanged, Dusk rolls her eyes and huffs softly. She turns to stare out of the window, watching as night falls outside, "Okay then... Fine."
His words stung more than she'd like to admit. It's clear he sees her as a burden, and his cold demeanor is unsettling. But she won't let it deter her, instead, it fuels her determination to prove him wrong. His respect won't be easy to earn... But somehow, the challenge only makes it seem worthwhile in her eyes.
Xavia and Dusk arrive at the entrance of Dreamland Gardens, sneaking into the park under the cover of darkness. The once neon lights of the park have long gone dim, the rides having been shut down for the night as an eerie stillness blankets everything around them.
Xavia shoots a severe glare in Dusk's direction, breaking the silence with his gruff voice, "Just stay out here, keep watch, and don't get caught," He instructs her before adding on a final point, "If you see something suspicious or if things go south... Just run."
To him, this is absolutely ridiculous. Why is he even explaining himself to her? She should already know what to do.
"But-" Dusk begins to protest, but is cut short as Xavia vanishes into the gloom of the park. She sighs, watching his retreating figure with a frown before murmuring under her breath, "Always cranky..."
She makes her way around the entrance of the amusement park, her eyes keenly scanning their surroundings. There doesn't seem to be much activity happening which is a good sign... But it also means that she has time to overthink.
Despite trying not to, she finds herself wondering about Xavia, what he's doing at the moment and if he needs help. Part of her wants to rush in after him, but another part argues that maybe this assignment is a test, some sort of trust exercise?
She shakes off these thoughts quickly as they only serve to frustrate her more than she already is.
Opting instead for action, Dusk enhances her sight and scans the area once again. She spots the top of a Ferris wheel looming in the distance and mutters a soft, "Perfect," under breath before setting off towards it.
She quickly scales up the structure until she reaches one of the cabins at its peak. From her elevated perch, she has a clear view over most of Dreamland Gardens, including its haunted house exhibit where Xavia most likely is right now.
If he wants her to keep watch then that's exactly what she'll do. And from up here, nothing will escape her sight.
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portaltothevoid · 1 year
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Chapter 35 - Spellbound
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OFC (Kat Ramsay), sequel to Foolin’
Summary: Kat returns to Hawkins after the battle.
Warnings: This is it. It’s the end of Kat’s story…. For now. 
Word count: 3.3k
Chapter song: Spellbound by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Tag list: @munchabunch​ @madaboutmunson​ @earl-greater​
The medics were working on Eddie before the helicopter was even in the air. They took his vitals and changed his bandages, applying more pressure to stop whatever ones were still bleeding. Frantically, they were writing notes on various clipboards. 
An adrenaline crash hit Kat like a ton of bricks. She could feel herself spacing out as she tried to stay attentive to Eddie. The whole ride took no more than 15 minutes. They landed atop this building in the middle of the woods. It felt eerily similar to Hawkins Lab. 
Eddie was wheeled off in the stretcher. The woman had held Kat back, not letting her follow. She didn’t even fight it. There was really nothing anyone could do to keep her from him anyway, but she knew the doctors needed space to assess him and make him comfortable. Soon enough, she would see him.
Kat was led a few floors down to a fancy boardroom. There she saw her Uncle Hank who shot up to greet her along with a couple of his colleagues. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” he said as he hugged her. 
“Yeah, me too, honestly,” she said quietly, returning his hug. “They’ll tell me as soon as Eddie is stable, right?”
“Yes, yes, of course. He will be very well taken care of here,” Hank assured her as he pulled out a chair for her to sit.
“Where is ‘here’ exactly?”
“Knight Ridge Technical, a government research facility, about ten miles east of Bloomington.”
“Right…” she said tapping on the table. “It’s not the kind of research that brainwashes kids and experiments on them against their will, right?” With Kat’s blunt question it felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. 
“No, no. Nothing of that sort. That was Brenner’s thing. Here at Knight Ridge we focus more on understanding physics and electromagnetic fields, things of that nature.”
“Yeah, sure. So are we here to talk terms or…?” she trailed off.
“Terms?” The woman asked.
“Uh, yeah. Eddie and I are prime suspects in murders that One did, and ya know, opened up a massive gate between our world and the Upside Down. So I want our names cleared. Specifically his name cleared.”
“That… that will come in time. I’m seeing to it you both are going to be very well taken care of. Right now we are just trying to understand exactly how that happened.”
Kat let out a big sigh. “So my friend Max was one of his victims. Basically me and El, Eleven, piggybacked from Max’s mind into Vecna… One’s mind. We call him Vecna. Sometimes One. Sometimes Henry? Anyway. He wanted us to watch him kill Max as his fourth and final victim to, in his demented mind, ‘save the world’ more or less, but wherever El was, her boyfriend gave her this peptalk. Which I could hear too. He was telling her to fight. I thought of Eddie. And I fought like hell to get back to him. Because the all-seeing asshole showed me a live feed of the demobats attacking him. El basically finished One off while I went back to my body and then, um, sort of became a human EKG machine. Um, so yeah, we sort of stalled him for the time being, but I mean, every place One killed someone turned into a gate. When Max… died…” Kat took a second to clear her throat. The weight and reality of that statement hadn’t even registered in her mind yet. “That’s what caused the giant earthquake. I saw it from the air. Every gate connected and formed a line to the center of Hawkins. I don’t know what it means, but… He said he would be there when the rest of the world burns and falls and he’d be there to pick up the pieces, to turn the world into something beautiful. Clearly we have very different standards of beauty. If only you guys got a look at him. He doesn’t need to bag just his face, but his whole body…” Kat shuddered at the thought and then looked at everyone in front of her. They all stared back at her blankly, mouths slightly agape. 
Hank cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. “We’ve lost contact with Eleven after the disaster at NINA, but you said she was there?”
“Yeah, she’s on her way back to Hawkins.”
“You’re the reason that boy is alive?” someone else asked.
“Um, yeah. I– I– I panicked. I couldn’t… I can’t lose him,” she whispered as she looked at her hands on the table.
“You never cease to amaze me, ya know that, kiddo?” Hank said with a beaming smile. “So here’s what happens now. We’re going to set you up in an overnight suite here. You used an immense amount of power. To be quite honest, I don’t even know how you’re still standing right now.”
“Well, I’m sitting, but yeah, me neither.”
“You rest up and hopefully by the time you’re ready, you’ll be able to see Eddie. Sound good?”
“Yeah, sure, but Uncle Hank? I mean it. When we get back to Hawkins I want his name cleared,” she spoke sternly.
“Who said anything about going back to Hawkins? Kat, honey, you can’t go back there. The town is like a war zone.”
“Exactly. It is a war zone. And I have to be on the front lines. This fight isn’t over. It’s only just beginning.”
Hank started to stutter when the woman spoke up. “The girl and her family will be staying in their secluded cabin. Surely there’s another one nearby we could set up for them. Temporarily they can stay there until we finalize everything.”
“I like this lady,” Kat nodded with a smile as she got up from her seat. Everyone else followed suit. “Don’t know who you are, but I like you.”
“Agent Stinson,” she said as she stuck out her hand for a handshake. “I’ll show you to your room.”
The next day Kat was waiting outside Eddie’s room, ringing her hands anxiously. She had been called here just moments ago, but when she finally got to the room, he was still asleep. One of the doctors finally came by and updated her on everything.
“He’s very lucky to be alive, you know. We honestly don’t know how he survived. Those wounds were deep and he lost a lot of blood. He has quite the road to recovery, but luckily you got him here in time. Truly, his case is baffling. Were you aware he was clinically dead for about a minute?”
“I… um, yeah. I just, um… I went by the book to save him, I guess,” she muttered. She’d never heard or seen this person before in her life. How could she know if she could trust him? Sometimes she felt guilty for how much of the battle she relayed to her Uncle, but it just kept pouring out of her.
“Is that so?” The doctor chuckled. “We’re all on your side here. You can trust us.”
“That’s what they all say,” Kat said with a weak smile.
“I get it, I get it. From what you’ve been through… It’s wise not to automatically trust everyone you meet. Anyway, his vitals are stable. We gave him fluids when he first got here. He was able to eat this morning. His upper body suffered the most damage, so you guys should be on your way tomorrow.”
“Does everyone know what I can do here? Jesus. Wait, on our way tomorrow? Are you serious?”
“You and Eleven are like our local celebrities here. We’re all in your corner. And absolutely. This is the most miraculous case I’ve ever seen. I mean, the improvement from yesterday to today is astonishing. I’ll send you home with a folder full of his care regimen. You’ll have agents and doctors close by, should any issues arise.”
“Thank you,” she said sincerely.
“Alright, I’ll let you see him. It’s best if he wakes up on his own, but there's a chair in there for you and the TVs still on, so help yourself. If you need anything, just buzz for one of the nurses.”
Kat nodded and had her hand on the door knob, but hesitated before she went in. “Wait, just tell me before I go in there… Did you have to cut his hair?”
“No,” the doctor chuckled. “His hair is still intact.”
“Thank god. I didn’t wanna be the one to tell him. He would’ve been pissed,” Kat laughed as she entered the room.
He was lying there peacefully. Bandages covered much of his body. But the color had returned to his face. His hair was fanned out around him. She was well aware the doctor said not to disturb him, so sat in the chair and sort of… followed his directions.
At this point, she had a handle on her powers so much that she could just enter the void simply by closing her eyes and focusing on it. The TV became background noise. The light didn’t bother her. It was just like falling asleep with the lights on, in a roundabout way.  
As soon as she padded across the shallow water of the void, something felt… off. Usually, she felt completely neutral here until she entered someone’s mind. This time it was different. Cautiously, she walked up to his hospital bed and went to reach for his hand. Before she made contact, his eyes flung open. He grabbed her arm with a tight grip and pulled her down closer to his level. His eyes bore right into hers, streaks of red brightened his dark brown irises. “No,” he said forcefully.
Immediately she opened her eyes, her chest heaving from whatever she just witnessed. She looked over at Eddie who was still peacefully sleeping. This was something that had never happened before. It was as if something else was there. Something else that didn’t want her seeing into Eddie’s mind. 
He began to stir and slowly started to wake up. His eyes fluttered open and when he glanced to the right, he softly smiled. “Hey,” he whispered groggily.
Kat flew out of the chair and to his side. She gripped his hand tightly like if she let go he would disappear forever. “Hey, hi!” she murmured gently. “Are you in pain? Do you need anything?”
“Just you to be here with me.”
She leaned over and kissed his forehead. “I’m here.”
“Wait, they didn’t cut my hair did they?”
“No,” Kat laughed at how well she knew him. “You didn’t need brain surgery. Which is surprising considering how dumb you are!”
“Ah, here we go,” he chuckled. 
“I can’t believe you! After everything I told you! Sometimes running is okay, you know! Jesus. You scared the shit outta me. I almost fucking lost you. For good. For forever! Oh my god, and Dustin! Dustin had to see the whole thing. Poor Dustin.”
“You good? Got that outta your system?”
“I– Yeah. Just… don’t fucking die again, okay?”
“Not planning on it, but hey anything can–” he started to tease, but cut himself off when Kat shot daggers at him with the look on her face. “Yeah, no, definitely not planning on it. Um, how did I, uh, get here?”
“I called my Uncle and he got you airlifted here. It’s like Hawkins Lab 2.0. Supposedly minus the brainwashing and child experiments, but jury’s still out on that.”
“You what? You called the government? So, what the hell happens when we get outta here? Am I…” Eddie spoke so fast his words almost blended together.
Kat shook her head. “No. They’re gonna take care of it. We might have to stay with El in some cabin for a bit until they get us our place, but we’re going back to Hawkins after this. And my Uncle assured me we’d be well taken care of. Both of us. Eddie, this was the safest route. The doctors over at NINA that were working with El are also working with everyone here. We’re safe.”
“Great, so we’ll basically be under witness protection or some shit?”
“Why is this bothering you so much?”
“I just want my life back,” Eddie muttered.
“In time, babe, in time. Maybe. Who knows. Vecna still might destroy the world and we did all of this for nothing,” she shrugged. 
“Can’t we, like, run away to California or something? Stay at one of your parent’s houses or some shit?”
Kat shook her head solemnly. “I need to be in Hawkins. This isn’t over.”
“Yeah,” he snorted. “It’s not. Hey, does Wayne know I’m…alive?”
“I have no idea. I’m not even sure if it’s safe for him to know. We can ask?”
Eddie just nodded and stared at whatever was on the TV. Kat furrowed her brow, debating if she wanted to ask this question now, but why wait when it would just gnaw at her? “Hey, Eddie, can I ask you something?”
“Do you remember anything from… um, anything about–”
“Dying? No,” he answered curtly. “And I don’t wanna talk about it.”
His tone took her off guard. He never spoke to her like that. And that’s how she knew he was lying. Her theory was proving to be correct. Something was definitely off. A knock on the door interrupted, or rather saved, Kat from coming up with a response.
The doctor gave them both a run down of his status and confirmed his release for the next day, after testing out his mobility. He struggled, but was mobile. They were just mere hours away from an actual peaceful rest. Hopefully.
Another helicopter landed atop the Knight Ridge building while Eddie and Kat were waiting for their ride back to Hawkins. Eddie had returned to his normal self. Or at least, he didn’t act weird like he did the day before. The couple leaned against an expensive looking black car with the darkest tinted windows. Eventually, Agent Stinson finally emerged from the building with another man and woman in tow. 
“Chief Hopper?” Eddie asked.
“You two know each other? Oh, what am I saying? It’s Hawkins, of course they know each other,” Kat mumbled to herself. 
“Hi, I’m Joyce Byers,” a woman with auburn hair and the kindest, sweetest smile Kat had ever seen held out her hand.
“Hi, I’m Kat Ramsay, nice to meet you. Byers? You must be Will’s mom?”
“Yes! You know Will?”
“We know of him. Eddie is, well, was the DM for the D&D club at the high school. Dustin and Mike would always talk about him and El. You both seem like wonderful people, I’m so happy she found you guys after getting away from that prison of a lab,” Kat rolled her eyes at the thought of it. 
“You know El?” Hopper asked. He had a shaved head and the start of a beard. He looked like he was practically skin and bones under his baggy clothes. 
“Very well. I was, uh, number Ten at the lab.”
“Come on, we can catch everybody up to speed on the way there,” Stinson said, urging everyone to get in the car.
When they finally got to the secluded cabin, Kat had heard all about the Russians involvement with the Upside Down and how Joyce went all the way there to save Hopper. They also told her about how they destroyed particles from the Mind Flayer and demogorgons at Kamchatka prison to help give them an upper hand. From there, Kat filled them in on everything that had happened the past week.
As they reached their destination, Stinson sighed. “I thought you said this place was livable?”
“Well it was, but I’ve sort of been in a Russian prison. Haven’t been able to keep up the place.”
“We’ll send a crew out. I’ll give you all some time. I’ll be back later to take you all someplace in the meantime.”
Everyone left a chorus of ‘thank you’s to her as they got out of the car. Mike and what Kat assumed to be Will, ran to Joyce, followed by another boy that was with Nancy. She presumed that to be Jonathan, her boyfriend… for now at least. Kat would do her best to keep her comment to herself. She noticed another boy with very long, dark hair holding up a mushroom, like he’d found gold. Nancy ran up to Kat and gave her a hug.
“Oh my god, Nancy, you’re alive!” Kat exclaimed. “Did Robin and Steve make it out too? How’s Dustin? What about Max and Lucas and Erica?” 
“Yeah, our group made it out alive. Lucas beat the shit out of Jason, you would have been so impressed. He also didn’t make it through the earthquake…”
“Good riddance to him. Sorry, too soon?”
Nancy just shook her head and chuckled. “Erica is okay. Lucas has been at the hospital with Max–”
“Max is alive?!”
“Barely, she’s in a coma. The doctors aren’t even sure how she’s still alive.” 
Kat looked over at Eddie and then saw El emerge from the cabin with Hopper. “I think I do,” she whispered before she ran over to El and wrapped her in a huge hug. “Oh my god, El, are you okay? How are you?”
“I am great,” she said as she beamed at Hopper. “I am happy you’re here, Kat.”
Kat was formally introduced to everyone. When Eddie met Will for the first time, they stared at each other. It was only for a few seconds. No one else but Kat noticed. She was the only one watching him like a hawk for anything out of the ordinary. The exchange made her stomach flip. 
As everyone was mingling, a sudden chill went down Kat’s spin. At the same time, she saw Will reach for the back of his neck. Him and Eddie exchanged quick nods, before Will turned around to look up at the sky. Dark, ominous clouds were rolling in. Thunder rumbled and particles began to fall from the sky, exactly like ones that floated around the Upside Down. Will had grown visibly anxious, his breaths becoming short and shallow. Eddie stared up at the sky, biting his lip and tapping his fingers on the side of his leg. Telltale signs whatever was happening made him anxious too. From what Kat understood, besides herself and El, Will also had a connection to the Upside Down and to Vecna. 
Together, they walked through the woods to a nearby field that cascaded down the hillside. The bottom half of it, closest to town, was rotten and decaying. Everything was covered with fuzzy film, like mold almost that puffed and spread with it was touched. Everyone stopped in their tracks, overwhelmed with the view in front of them. 
El kept going to where the vegetation had died. She picked up a dead flower and examined it. Kat walked with her and knew she had seen this somewhere before. She bent down to examine it all more closely.
“This looks like how the pumpkin patch did…” she noted, looking up at El who looked at her with a forlorn expression and solemnly nodded. 
Everyone looked out over Hawkins. Plumes and pillars of smoke reached up to the clouds. The biggest one was in the center of town, where all four gates met. The same red lighting that they all saw in the Upside Down was right in front of them. Anger and determination took over El’s features. Kat stood up and looked back at Eddie. He wouldn’t take his eyes off the tornado-like columns of smoke. As she followed his gaze, fury started to rumble inside of her. 
Vecna wasn’t going to take Eddie away from her. Not again. The battle might be over, but the war had only just begun.
previous chapter | the end
A/N: If you’ve made it this far, you have my undying gratitude. If you’ve liked, commented, or rebloogged, even if you’ve only read one chapter, thank you. I appreciate anyone who’s taken time out of their day to read any parts of my writing. If you’ve been here since the beginning of Foolin’, I just cannot thank you enough. I wanted to give Eddie the ending he deserved and ending up creating a bad ass OC in the process. I’m still amazed I was able to see their story through to completion. Kat and Eddie will always have a place in my heart and I hope they will in yours too. Til next time!
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schrijverr · 1 year
A Behind the Scenes of: Domestic Life in '93
Jonathan gives insight into a few of the more domestic photos that have been taken in 1993 with the help of Argyle.
On AO3.
Ships: jargancy, steddie, robin x ofc
Warnings: recreational weed and mention of assholes on twitter
“Hi, I’m Jonathan Byers, the main photographer and editor of A Collection of Queer Photography. Today I’m giving you a behind the scene look of the photos on 148 and 149, which are more domestic photos from ‘93,” Jonathan starts out the video, still awkward, despite having done it multiple times before.
“A big point of the book was showing that we lived normal lives,” Jonathan says. “We of course wanted to show the big things that happened, but most of the time it was just us living our lives and we wanted to show that the most.”
“So, I picked a page of domestic photos to talk about here,” Jonathan says. “Lets start on page 148 which has Sitting Together on the upper left side.”
The photo that appears is of Eddie on a big plush chair in his apartment with Steve. He is sprawled over it like it is a throne, smirking lazily down at Steve, who is sitting on the ground in front of him, head resting against Eddie’s thigh as Eddie plays with his hair.
“This was taken right after they moved to their new apartment,” Jonathan says. “Robin had won the couch in the rock paper scissors, but then it broke in the move and neither of them had a couch yet, only chairs.”
“Eddie is sitting on his throne,” Jonathan continues. “He has a flair for the dramatics and this was his DM chair. It came in the mail and they invited us over to come look at it. God, he was so fucking proud. He had it custom made, I’ll ask who did it and if they’re still in business I’ll put a link in the description. Is it description?”
“It is, baby boy,” Argyle answers from behind the camera.
Jonathan nods, then says: “I like this photo of Steve and Eddie, because it shows their dynamic, which I’m not going to get into, since it’s not my relationship. But it also shows how happy Eddie is with his chair and how stubborn Steve can be when he’s hosting. He refused to let one of us sit on the ground. But also how Eddie tries to make him comfortable anyway with the hair. Little details like that can really make or break a photo.”
“Next to it is Gossiping,” Jonathan says and the image appears on screen. It’s of Nancy, Robin and Steve on the couch in Robin and Rose’s apartment. Robin is in the middle, holding a magazine in her lap as both Nancy and Steve look along over her shoulder, the three of them giggling.
“We often hung out at each other places in that time and I remember Nancy giddily coming home with that magazine,” Jonathan laughs. “She tries to keep up with all news, even shitty news, to know the rumors floating about. She immediately called the others to go hang out. It was Eddie’s first front page scandal. Apparently, he was in a committed relationship with a girl he’d been spotted with.”
“What I think is funny about the photo is how delighted the three of them look about it. Not one second did anyone doubt that it was true and it was just a fun joke. Taking the piss out of the things that come with fame,” Jonathan says.
“The photo that we had to cut is of Eddie,” Jonathan tells the camera. “He was sitting in the corner and pouting about it. It was pretty funny. I like to think we kept him humble throughout this years and this photo is a small ode to making fun of friends together.”
“And on the bottom of page 148 is R&R, which is a pun, because it’s Robin and Rose as well as rest and relaxation,” Jonathan moves on.
The photo is of Robin and Rose, both of them are wearing a face mask. It has been taken during a spa night they organized at their apartment. They’re facing each other, both sitting crisscrossed on the floor. Robin is painting Rose’s nails, her tongue poking out in concentration.
“Robin and Rose still organize spa days when we all get together,” Jonathan says. “Rose almost became a beautician, before deciding on becoming a librarian and she took it upon herself to give Robin a skin care routine, which obviously meant Steve got dragged into it and Eddie and then it snowballed into all of us.”
“What I really love about this photo is how concentrated Robin is,” Jonathan says. “She’s one of the most clumsy people I’ve met and her own nail polish is always a mess, where Rose’s is always freakishly neat. And Robin is trying so hard to get it right and Rose loves her so much that she doesn’t even care as long as Robin is holding her hands. It’s very cute.”
“Page 148 are all taken at the Munson apartments, while page 149 was all our apartment, so the page form a little bit of a split,” Jonathan says. “Most of the time we ended up at their apartments, since they were bigger and since Eddie didn’t accidentally want to lead paparazzi to our place. It’s sweet, but also kind of shitty that that is the case.”
“I might be a photographer, but I like to have respect for the people on the other side of my lens. The pictures you get are uncomfortable otherwise. Sadly, I learned that through trial and error, something I’m not proud of, but I’m glad it taught me what it did,” Jonathan confesses.
“Now onto the first image, which is Night Off, which Eddie took” Jonathan continues on.
Night Off is of the couch in the new Byers apartment. On it are Argyle, Jonathan and Nancy. Nancy has her legs thrown over the back of the couch and her head hanging off it, her eyes are red and hooded. In her hand is a half-forgotten joint. Next to her Argyle and Jonathan are making out, their joints in the ashtray on the table in front of them.
Jonathan blushes a little as he says: “As you can see, we’re a little high.”
“And making out!” Argyle comments happily from behind the camera.
It serves to loosen Jonathan up about it as he laughs and agrees: “And making out. We should get you a mic as well, so you can keep commenting.”
“Hell yeah,” Argyle agrees.
“So, yeah, me and Argyle are making out,” Jonathan gets back on track. “It had been a busy week for everyone, so Eddie got everyone joints so we could have a fun night off.”
He looks back up from the photo and says: “We debated a lot if we should put photos where we were high in, because we wanted to be taken seriously and it was a crime at the time. But we decided to put it in. We wanted to be seen in our entirely, to show the parts other might not agree with and still force them to see us as human, so the ones where we’re high got in here.”
“Eddie took this while high and we found a few blurry ones of the same moment as he fumbles, which was kinda funny,” Jonathan says. “But I like how the smoke gives it a little more dingy vibe, as if we’re in a club, while the décor screams the opposite. It makes it a little odd, but in a good way.”
“This photo also very much shows that we are not all cheating on each other,” the comment sounds a little snippy and he lets out a sigh.
“You okay, baby boy?” Argyle asks.
“Yeah,” Jonathan sighs again. “Just need to stay of twitter for a little bit. Some of these people are really getting to me.”
“Want me to kiss it better?”
There is a shuffling noise and a little groan, before the video cuts. Jonathan looks a little flushed as he smiles into the camera as he mumbles: “Lets move onto the next one, which is Love Is a Battleship that Argyle took.”
The photo is of Jonathan and Nancy. They’re sitting at the table, a game of battleship in front of them. Neither of them are winning or loosing, both brows furrowed in concentration as they try to snuff the other out.
“Me and Nance like playing games together,” Jonathan says. “We’re both the oldest siblings, so our entire childhood has been filled with younger siblings getting extra turns and being exceptions, so they can win, which has made us a little competitive.”
“A little?” Argyle snorts.
“A lot,” Jonathan corrects. “We are sticklers for the rules. We try to be less knife on the table about it when we play with others, but it’s nice to sometimes be extremely competitive when we play.”
“And then the last one on these pages, Long Day taken by Nancy,” Jonathan says after a small break.
Long Day is a photograph of Argyle and Jonathan. Jonathan is sitting on the couch with Argyle, who is next to him, legs thrown over Jonathan’s lap as he buries his face into the crook of Jonathan’s neck. One of Jonathan’s hands is carding through Argyle’s hair, the other is rubbing soothing circles on his knee.
“This is a more vulnerable moments, but they’re very important,” Jonathan explains. “Of course there are big tragedies in here, but the everyday can be hard too sometimes. We have our fun nights, our daily moments of rest and our hard days.”
He turns to the spot next to the camera and asks: “Do you remember this day?”
The video cuts and Argyle is now next to Jonathan, he’s looking around as he says: “This shit is whack from this side, bro.”
“It’s our living room, love,” Jonathan smiles fondly as he points it out. “And you’ve been on this side already.”
“But I didn’t sit down then, buttercup,” Argyle argues. “It feels more official now.”
“Just be you,” Jonathan says encouragingly.
“That’s my line,” Argyle smiles back.
Jonathan rolls his eyes as he grabs the book again to show Argyle the photo and get the two of them back on track.
“Running a restaurant is fucking stressful,” Argyle says. “That day one of our serves fell away, so I had to step in there, while also assisting in the kitchen. It was just a nightmare all around. I think I spilled my drink a few minutes before this photo was taken.”
“Sometimes a small thing can be the thing that breaks you,” Jonathan agrees with a nod where he is listening to Argyle.
“Luckily, I have wonderful partners to cheer me up,” Argyle grins back, pecking Jonathan’s nose, which causes him to flush and melt.
Trying to hide it, Jonathan comments: “It’s always miraculous to me how you can look so small when you’re so tall.”
“Chef’s secrets,” Argyle winks.
Jonathan rolls his eyes fondly, then signs off: “So, yeah, that is a behind the scene of the photos on page 148 and 149. Hopefully that was interesting. Thank you Argyle for your cameo.”
“It was fun, baby boy,” Argyle grins, before waving: “Like and subscribe, brocachos. Bye.”
“Bye,” Jonathan echoes, sending Argyle a weird look. He obviously isn’t familiar enough with YouTube to know that way of ending a video
I fucking love Argyle so much, he’s just so fun to write <3
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cherryscribs · 1 year
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My fave oc Ginerva Santoro, she’s my Stranger things oc and I think she’s gorgeous 🫡
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jugheadthelesbian · 3 months
sfw requests r open!!
alright im caving. while not feeling completely up to writing new chapters for anything, i am desperate to write something 😭😭
so x reader, x oc, and pairings requests r now open!! just send me ur asks w whatever u want for the following fandoms/characters
criminal minds
🩷 x reader/oc: i will do any of the characters from the team x reader or x oc but i LOVE writing elle, garcia, and morgan specifically
🩷 pairings: morcia, galvez, spencelle, hotchi, jemily, jelle, jarcia, ellemily, rossi x gideon, gideon x hotch
harry potter/marauders
🩷 x reader/oc: harry, ron, fred, george, lee jordan, hermione, ginny, luna, cedric, angelina johnson, lily evans, marlene, remus, sirius, peter, james, regulus, dorcas, mary, pandora, evan, barty, bellatrix, narcissa, alice, andromeda, and rita
🩷 pairings: ronmione, linny, lee x george, lee x fred, jily, jegulus, jegulily, regulily, pandalily, wolfstar, dorlene, marylene, marylily, quillkiller, nobleflower, and rosekiller
the hunger games
🩷 x reader/oc: finnick, annie, johanna, katniss, peeta, haymitch, cashmere, gloss, enobaria, lucy gray, sejanus, and cinna
🩷 pairings: odesta, johannie, everlark, hayffie, cashbaria, clato, and glarvel
mean girls(2024)
🩷 x reader/oc: regina, damien, janis, cady, gretchen, karen, and aaron
🩷 pairings: rejanis, fetchen, cady x aaron, ms norberry x mr duvall
stranger things
🩷 x reader/oc: max, lucas, dustin, mike, will, el, steve, robin, nancy, eddie, jonathan, argyle, and chrissy
🩷 pairings: lumax, elumax, byler, elmax, steddie, platonic stobin, ronance, hellcheer, buckingham, and jargyle
note: i will not do anything beyond making out and i will do angst and fluff :) if a character/pairing was not mentioned, but u want to request it, feel free to ask anyways and i will respond privately if i dont feel comfortable doing it. i can do head canons or full-on drabbles, u pick! i can also do platonic pairings or x reader/oc
as for introductions, im a chronic flirter with an obsession for reading who is loved by one(@siriusblackwannabe)
for more writing, go to my ao3:
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1-800-papaya · 2 months
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Charming a Duchess
Benedict Bridgerton x Duchess Arabella Campbell of Argyll (OC)
Author | I just want to say that this will not follow the books but instead reimage Benedict's love story in the future season four, this means that all events and characters from seasons 1 to 3 will be included. Once again i really do hope you guys love this story and idea for Benedict just as much as I do.
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The early morning sun filtered through the towering oaks that lined the driveway of the grand estate of Inveraray Castle, the ancestral home of the Duchy of Argyll. A soft breeze carried the scent of heather and the distant murmur of the River Aray. Arabella Campbell, the newly titled Duchess of Argyll, stood at her bedroom window, gazing out at the rolling hills that had been her sanctuary for as long as she could remember.
“Arabella, dear, we must hurry,” her mother’s voice called from the hallway. “We cannot afford to delay the couch much more.”
Arabella turned from the window, her heart heavy with a mix of excitement and trepidation. London awaited them, a bustling metropolis full of promise and potential matches for her younger sisters. Charlotte and Dorothea were giddy with anticipation, their chatter filling the house with an infectious energy that even Arabella couldn’t resist.
“Yes, Mother, I’m coming,” Arabella replied, smoothing the skirts of her travel dress. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror, her emerald-green eyes reflecting the determination she felt. At five and twenty, she was content with her life, devoted to her family and her passion for the arts. Marriage was not something she sought for herself, but her siblings’ futures were her priority.
Downstairs, the household was a hive of activity. Trunks were being loaded onto the coach, servants bustled about, and her younger siblings were saying their goodbyes to the staff. Arabella’s mother, the Dowager Duchess, stood by the coach, her regal presence commanding respect. Despite the loss of her husband a mere year ago, she had managed the estate with grace and strength.
“Arabella, there you are,” the Dowager Duchess said, a warm smile lighting up her face. “Are you ready?”
Arabella nodded, returning the smile. “As ready as I’ll ever be, Mother.”
“Excellent. Now, where is that dog of yours?” Her mother’s tone was fondly exasperated.
As if on cue, Archie, Arabella’s beloved Gordon Setter, bounded into view, his dark coat gleaming in the sunlight. He circled Arabella’s legs, tail wagging furiously. She bent down to ruffle his ears. “Come on, Archie. London awaits.”
The journey to London was long but pleasant, the rolling countryside giving way to bustling towns and villages. Arabella and her sisters chatted excitedly, their laughter filling the coach. Charlotte, at nine and ten, was vibrant and full of life, her blue eyes sparkling with dreams of romance. Dorothea, just eight and ten, was quieter but equally excited, her gentle nature endearing her to everyone she met.
As they approached London, the landscape changed dramatically. The air grew thicker, the roads busier, and the buildings taller. Arabella’s heart quickened. London was a far cry from the serene beauty of Argyll, but it held a charm of its own.
Argyll House in London was a grand townhouse in Mayfair, elegantly furnished and ready to host the family. As they stepped out of the coach, Arabella took a deep breath, absorbing the bustling energy around her.
The following days were a whirlwind of introductions, parties, and social events. The marriage mart was in full swing, and Arabella’s sisters quickly became the darlings of the season. Arabella, though more reserved, found herself enjoying the vibrant arts scene in London. She visited galleries and attended musical performances, her passion for the arts rekindled with every new experience.
One evening, at a particularly grand ball hosted by the Bridgerton family, Arabella stood at the edge of the room, watching her sisters dance with eligible gentlemen. She felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing they were enjoying themselves.
As she observed the swirling colors and listened to the lively music, a voice interrupted her thoughts. “Miss Campbell, isn’t it?”
Arabella turned to find the handsome Benedict Bridgerton standing beside her, a charming smile on his face. He moved with a kind of effortless grace that drew attention wherever he went. Arabella had observed the second-born Bridgerton throughout the season. She had watched as he poked fun at his brother’s dopey lovesick similes as he danced with both his own and her sisters. Charlotte and Dorothea both expressed great joy at having the attention of the dashing Mr. Bridgerton. Though her mind did roll through many articles in Lady Whistledown that either showered the Bridgerton family with praise or cast a slight shadow over them. He intrigued her to great lengths.
“Duchess, actually,” Arabella corrected gently, offering a polite smile. “Arabella Campbell of Argyll.”
“Ah, my apologies, Duchess,” Benedict said, bowing slightly. “I’ve heard much about you and your family’s arrival. Your sisters seem to be enjoying the season.”
“They are indeed,” Arabella replied, glancing at her sisters. “It’s their first time in London, and they are making the most of it.”
“And you, Duchess? Are you finding London to your liking?” Benedict’s tone was genuinely curious.
Arabella hesitated, then nodded. “It’s different from what I’m used to, but it has its own charm. I’m particularly fond of the art scene here.”
Benedict’s eyes lit up with interest. “Is that so? I happen to share your passion for the arts. Perhaps we could visit a gallery together sometime?”
Arabella was taken aback by his forwardness, but there was something sincere in his eyes that made her smile. “I would like that, Mr. Bridgerton.”
“Please, call me Benedict,” he said, his smile widening.
“Very well, Benedict,” Arabella agreed. “And you may call me Arabella.”
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✨ Master List ✨
18+, MINORS DNI ~ Ageless or underage blogs will be blocked; this content is for adults only. Thank you for understanding 💕
{❤️‍🔥} smut {✨} fluff {🔥} angst {🕊️} contains trigger warnings {📖} series {💭} headcanons {🦄} oneshots {👽} au
🔥 REQUESTS ARE OPEN 🔥 📖 Currently writing for: (Stranger Things) Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Jonathan Byers; (Fargo) Gator Tillman *If you have any requests outside of the scope, just send me a message, and we can talk about it! ✨
*Thank you so much to those who have enjoyed my work! Feedback, comments, and reblogs are amazing forms of support and always so appreciated!*
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YOU MADE A FOOL OF DEATH WITH YOUR BEAUTY (finished) Jennifer's Body AU Billy Hargrove x Tommy Hagan; Billy Hargrove x Jason Carver {❤️‍🔥👽🦄🕊️} [Read on Ao3]
RED LETTERS TO NOWHERE (WIP) Stepbro!Billy Hargrove x Mayfield!Reader {📖✨🔥👽❤️‍🔥} [Read on Ao3] 💕 CHAPTER ONE: Move-In Day CHAPTER TWO: Certain Type of People
ANIMAL MAGNETISM (finished) Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader {📖🔥❤️‍🔥} [Read on Ao3] 💕 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
ECHOES OF REDEMPTION: LOVE AND SHADOWS IN HAWKINS A Tale of Growing Up, Rock 'n' Roll, and the Battle Against an Unseen World (WIP) Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader {📖👽} [Read on Ao3] 💕 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FOUR
HE'S THE BAD GUY (finished) Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader {❤️‍🔥✨🦄}
🐊 Gator Tillman🐊
69 IN A 60 (finished) Gator Tillman x Fem!Reader {❤️‍🔥}
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THE CUMPETITION (finished) Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler {❤️‍🔥🦄👽}
FULL CIRCLE WARNINGS (finished) {🔥🦄👽}
PLEASURE DOM EDDIE BLURB Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader {❤️‍🔥}
💕 Argyle 💕
💕 Jonathan Byers 💕
💕 Other 💕
This list is updated regularly! ✨ Please feel free to send me an ask or message with any requests or questions, and thank you so much for visiting 🥰
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zzzykiek · 5 months
Play it Sweet
2P Alastor (Blueberry) x Diabetc fem!OC Reader
Chapter 2: Done Deal?
(parenthasis indicate MCs thoughts)
*Please dont share without credit*
TW: Creepy Boss, diabetes, coerced kiss
Current chapter is SFW however future ones will not be so Minors please DNI.
The blue deer demon snaps and then is gone from under the table, causing you to startle and scramble out yourself. As you turn, your eyes fall to a pair of unique blue sneakers, your gaze trails up as you stand taking in the sight of who you had to assume to be your new friend (Can I call him that yet?). Blue jeans and a shiny sky blue shirt with a white and blue argyle sweater. His face remains relatively the same, albeit with a more human tone. You note the blue lipstick he now wears. (Never would have expected that to be attractive.) The blue of his eyes is reduced to the Irises only (They are still so mesmerizing.), ears gone, and his blue hair replaced with a platinum blond fringe adorned with blue tipped bangs. He smiles and holds out a hand for you to take, blue painted nails rest gently on the back of your hand as he pulls you up.
“Al, pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure,” There was something oddly attractive yet sinister in his voice as he introduced himself, placing a kiss on the back of your hand leaving a blue stamp of his lips behind. Now it was your turn to blush, you felt the heat burning from your cheeks and down your neck as he looked into your eyes. The glint of mischief and danger made you sigh.
You had to shake that away quickly as you could hear your boss's footsteps approaching.
“Suniffa, where did you get off to?”
You couldn't hide the snarl at your boss's attempted caring tone.
Al raised an eyebrow and somehow you understood, “Clifford,” you whisper.
Al kept your hand in his and jumped into a laugh as if you had just said the best joke. “You can’t be serious; no wonder you wanted me to cover this for my broadcast!”
As your boss peeks into the break room, Al made eye contact with him. “Oh you must be Clifford; you must forgive my late arrival. I intended to make it to the meeting, but my flight from New Orleans got delayed. I don't know why I ever trust those flying contraptions to get me anywhere on time. Suniffa has been just beaming about all the wonderful opinions of the people. I would love to get some interviews. Oh! Do forgive me; I jumped over some important bits.”
Releasing your hand, he moves to fully face your boss, one hand behind his back, the other outstretched for a shake.
“Al, host of the Evening Tea, KMFDM Radio; Pleasure to meet you, quite a pleasure!”
He firmly shook your boss's hand. (Was this the same timid deer you just had stuttering under the breakroom table?) You saw your boss light up hearing his position as a media personality. Though you also saw the slight sneer towards Al’s lips and nails. (They were perfect….. Wait, where did that thought come from?)
“Well, I had no idea my Sunni was being so proactive in her new PR role!”
You flinched at his use of that damned nickname.
“You said you wanted to have the opinions of the people fully heard; what better way than the best broadcast for controversial topics in the US! Al has been a friend for a while so when you dropped this project on me, he was the first one I called.” (Where did that random information come from?) Al slid his arm around your waist, you knew he could read right through your boss and see his unsavory thoughts toward you. Though having a demon take a protective stance for you was new. Being able to understand as if you were telepathically connected was also very new…but definitely helpful in this situation.
“And I have been itching for a good community to feature for this quarrel of literary proportions,”
You couldn’t help but chortle at Al’s choice of wording. Suddenly you felt light headed (Oh shit, I originally came in here to boost my blood sugar…and never did). You whimper slightly and Al’s attention turning toward you as your hand shoots up to his shoulder. You try to smile.
“Whoops, Al, I was so excited to see you I forgot why I left the meeting. My blood sugar is running a bit low,”
You saw Clifford make a move forward as if to scoop you up, but Al beat him to it. (Thank Lucifer.)
“Darling! You really need to take better care of yourself.'' He gently sat you in one of the chairs and went back over to the donut box pulling out a headlight donut you knew wasn't there before. (Wait, didn't he eat the last one?) “Headlights are still your favorite right?” he asks, that mischievous glint in his eyes letting you know he was toying with your boss and loving it. (To be honest you were too. It had been a while since you had the attention of someone you wanted it from…The comment about wanting company wasn't all in jest.) He positions himself next to you, half sitting on the arm of the chair handing you the doughnut. You happily accept and bite into it as he engages in conversation with Clifford. You are in no state to engage at the moment, absentmindedly leaning your head against Al’s torso. His hand moves to gently rest on your shoulder bringing your awareness to the position you had taken. (I just got cuddly with a summoned entity without a thought WTF is wrong with me?) You glance up, slightly flushed. His attention is fully on your boss; his eyes are gleaming as he is apparently winning some sort of internal competition he set. You then look over to your boss, whose gaze has moved from Al to the point where his blue nails stand out against your black sleeve, eye twitching at the sight. He clears his throat and obviously changes the subject on Al.
“So, How exactly do you and Al know each other, Sunni dear?” Clifford gives you his full attention.
“Hmm, well I was his fan first and foremost. I always love a good serving of gossip and he was the best one I knew to truly give all sides with no filter.” (Why am I talking so animatedly and excited about a story that doesn't exist…. I hope Al is ok with this.) You glance over to see Al beaming at your response. “I started calling in to contribute to his show, and then when I needed some extra experience for my portfolio, I reached out to see if he could spare a day or two for me to shadow him.”
“Her comments were always most impressive! I loved picking her brain when she rang in. There was no question of helping her gain some experience in my studio! Besides…” Al tilts his attention from Cliff to you, as your cheeks flush with the look of pure adoration in his eyes. “It was the perfect excuse to meet the little sunshine of my show in person.” He flashes his gaze back to your boss. “Best decision of my life! I am sure you feel the same with hiring quite the impressive young lady! Can you believe that was two years ago, darling.” His attention is back on you.
���Has it really been that long? Oh my time flies!” You laugh, the first real laugh you have had in a while, and you can't help but see the flush and flash of desire pass in Al’s eyes. (Is that what that was? My laugh cant be that nice can it?)
“I can't believe it took me that long to come see you, my sunshine! I do wish I had been able to get us together in person again sooner. But I am here now! We have much to catch up on.” He settles back against the back of the chair and gently runs his fingers through your hair as his hand makes its way back to your shoulder, sending light static through your body. It felt so good you had closed your eyes and leaned into his hand. “Are you feeling better now?” He looks back at you with genuine concern. Your eyes fly open.
“Yes, Al, Thankfully the dizziness doesn't last once I get some sweets in me,” you can’t help but giggle at some very inappropriate thoughts that pass through your mind regarding the sweet demon perched to your right. (Where did those ideas come from…?)
“Good, can't have anything dimming my sunshine while I am here,” He gently squeezes your shoulder as he stands.
“Well, Mr Clifford, when would be a good time to arrange for some interviews? I will need some time to observe the library activities and craft some questions and scripts of course.” Al bursts your little thought bubble with his abrupt switch in modes. Your attention is drawn back to your boss who is obviously fighting some sort of internal conflict. You knew his desire for media coverage would win out.
“How about we do Friday? That should give you two days to observe and curate your questions and a day for myself and the other board members to review said questions.”
“Of course Suniffa will review them before I hand them in! I wouldn't think of doing anything without her approval.” Al interrupts him, obviously wanting to cut out the last part of Clifford's plans. You stand up at the mention of your name. “Let's do Thursday at the latest. I was hoping to use Friday to play a little catch up for my two years of absence.”
“Oh Al! That’s so sweet!” You step up and embrace him, wrapping your arms around his torso under his arms, thankful your back was facing your boss so as to avoid the daggers you know he was throwing at you. (Thank goodness Al embraced me tightly in return.) Then you give an over-exaggerated sigh into the crook of his neck. (Did he just shiver?) “I am scheduled to work though…”
Al’s hand finds its way to your hair in a comforting yet oddly possessive gesture, “Well, I am sure, considering all I am putting into your town's broadcast, that your boss can let you free for a day at least,” his words come out in a firm and demanding tone. Lifting your head you enjoy the profile view of Al returning Cliff’s glare ten fold.
“Better have her check her schedule before granting anything, don't want my Sunni to fall behind,”
You break off the surprisingly comforting yet demonic embrace and twirl excitedly to face your boss.
“Friday is the library inventory, which thanks to my new position, I am no longer involved with, so it works out perfectly!” You watch your boss's eye twitch, definitely regretting that promotion now, even if it had put you in the same office area working directly with him.
“Wonderful!” He bites out with a clenched jaw, trying so hard not to explode at the broadcaster about to bring his dreams to life. (So he thinks.) “We will plan for the interviews on Thursday. What did you wish to observe until then?”
“Oh there is no need to waste your precious time with that, I can arrange all that with your wonderful PR representative.” Al gives your hand a covert squeeze. (Don't let him take over.)
“Of course! I do have a drafted itinerary already prepared, a tour will be the first activity!”
“Always prepared, Sunni!” Clifford gently takes your arm, “Where do we begin?”
You take a peek at your watch. “Oh my, time flies when planning such important events! Four p.m. has arrived. I am sorry Al; the tour will have to be first thing in the morning.”
“Oh, not a problem at all! In fact, that is preferred. After all the kerfuffle with my flights, I am quite tuckered out.” Al smooths his sweater as he turns to you with a look that takes you a moment to decipher. (How many of this Boss of your's buttons can I push?) You smirk in answer. (As many as you want.)
“It was wonderful to meet you Mr. Clifford! I look forward to picking your brain tomorrow.” He shakes Cliff’s hand firmly then softly offers his hand to you. “I am so happy you thought to bring me here for such a grand story!” He places another kiss on your hand, ensuring Cliff has a view of his stamped lips left behind on your skin. “Now I must apologize, my sunshine, I wasn't able to arrange for transport or lodging past making it here to you.”
“Al, you don't have to worry about that! I have plenty of room and what hotel could provide you with a recording studio any way?” If your boss was jealous before…he was about to blow his top now.
“I never doubted you wouldn't welcome my company. I will have to make sure we are properly supplied. I do owe you some of my blueberry pancakes after all.”
You'd never felt so excited in your life, and from the looks of it, Al seemed to be just as excited!
“Let me grab my purse and print the itinerary for you gentleman to review tonight.” You walk down the hall to grab your things, and you hear hushed arguing floating down the hall from the break room. (Somehow you didn't doubt Al would set your boss in his place.) A few moments later, you hear footsteps as Al turns the corner to your office, an absolutely manic look on his face. “Cliff said to leave the itinerary on his desk; he needed to get home.” Al suddenly grabs your chin and pulls you to meet his gaze. (How tall is he? Even in human form, he stood taller than Clifford and was at least a foot above you…)
“You're lucky you're pretty and I find this little rivalry fun. I don't usually step in before a deal is made.” (Oh shit…I thought things were going good.) Al then pulls you up to him, making you stand on your tiptoes, and forcefully presses his lips to yours. It's passionate, desperate, yet somehow chaste as it ends abruptly. (Ok… I hope that means he likes me.)
“What do you want in exchange for your help?”
His eyes soften as he thinks for a moment. “Y-you… I-I-I want you.”
You don't even think before the word spills from your lips “Deal.”
A flash of green light and an odd sensation fills you and when you regain awareness, Al’s lips are on yours again. He seems more nervous this time. He breaks the kiss and you see tears in his eyes. He’s visibly shaking. You tightly embrace him. (I know a panic attack when I see one.)
2P Alastor originates from the following
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thatwriterrosefics · 1 year
Rose's 2023 Kinktober List
I have done it! I have finished all of my kinktober prompts and this is the official list of what prompts and who they're about each day. These will be posted on my Ao3 which is ThatWriterRose. I will make daily posts with a link to each fic but this post will also have links to each fic as I post them. I hope you all enjoy!
1. Hair Pulling - Jonathan Byers x OC
2. Roleplay - Larissa Weems x OC
3. Hate Sex - Eddie Munson x OC
4. Breeding Kink - Steve Harrington x OC
5. Office Sex - Foggy Nelson x OC
6.  Double Penetration - Jonathan x OC x Argyle
7. Semi-Public - Randy Meeks x OC
8. Face Sitting - Oscar "Spooky" Diaz x OC
9. Sex Toys - Boba Fett x OC
10. Edging - Oberyn Martell x OC
11.  Cunnilingus - Johnny "Coco" Cruz x OC
12. Mutual Masturbation - Robin Buckley x OC
13. Reunion Sex - Adult!Natalie Scatorccio x OC
14. Shower Sex - Stefan Salvatore x OC
15. Anal Sex - Din Djarin x OC
16. Pegging - Gerald of Rivia x OC
17. Fancy Clothes - Yennefer of Vengerberg x OC
18. Taping Sex - Adult! Van Palmer x OC
19. Caught in the Act - Stu Macher x OC
20. Morning Sex - Jango Fett x OC
21. Aftercare - Evelyn Hugo x Celia St. James
22. Car Sex - Eddie Munson x OC
23. Sex Dream - Lottie Mathews x OC
24. Lingerie - Jim Hopper x OC
25. Quickie - Jaskier x OC
26. Corruption Kink - Henry Creel x OC
27. Dacryphilia - Fennec Shand x OC
28. Marking - Jackie Taylor x Shauna Shipman
29. Phone Sex - Argyle x OC
30. Virginity - Ethan Landry x OC
31. Possessive Sex - Steve Harrington x OC
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harringtonstilinski · 5 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty-Seven: Vecna's Curse
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 4,431 Warnings: fluff, angst, olivia being protective, mentions of chrissy (may she r.i.p.) Smut: no | yes; 18+ MINORS DNI: unprotected m+f (wrap before you tap), oral (f receiving), brief fingering (f receiving), A/N: Hi, friends! We getting Eddie in this chapter!! I'm so freaking excited, lol. If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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I woke up sore, but a good kind of sore. Feeling a heavy arm on me, I turned my head over my shoulder, looking at Steve’s adorable sleeping face. Smiling, I turned over on my other side, lightly cupping his cheek.
Leaning forward, I placed a light kiss to his lips, feeling his arm tighten around me. Taking a deep breath as Steve started to deepen the kiss, I wrapped my arm around his neck, our lips moving in sync. 
He moved me on my back, caging my head in with his forearms, my other arm going around his neck. I let out a quiet moan as I felt Steve’s tongue meet mine. Feeling his hardened shaft on my thigh, I smiled into the kiss.
“Is that morning wood, or are you happy to see me?” I asked.
Chuckling lightly, he looked at our bodies between the sheets, moving a hand to my core, dipping one finger in my entrance. “Looks like someone’s happy to see me.”
I could hear the stupid ass smirk on his face. “Uh-huh,” I moaned. “Very happy.”
As Steve moved his finger in and out of my core, I cupped his cheek kissing him before he started moving down my body, kissing the valley of my breast, my stomach before kissing right above my clit. 
Moving my hand to his hair, I threaded my fingers through his strands, resting my hand lightly on his head as he kissed my clit before kitten licking it.
“Steve,” I breathed. “More.”
He licked a stripe up my core, my back arching just a little. He fingered me while working on my clit with his beautiful mouth. Just before I was about to cum, he pulled away, crawling his way back up my body before kissing my mouth while putting the head of his cock at my entrance.
“Wait,” I breathed, putting a hand on his hip. “We don’t have any more condoms.”
“I’ll pull out,” he said.
I trusted Steve with everything I had, so I nodded, cupping his face again. “Don’t.”
All movement from him stopped. “W-what?”
“Don’t pull out,” I whispered. “I asked my doctor about being on the pill and she put me on it. Plus, I got tested and I’m clean.”
I could see nothing but adoration in his eyes as he looked at me, a hint of a smile on his face. Picking my head up, I kissed his lips, feeling him kiss me back. I gasped, feeling him enter me bare.
He groaned. “Fuck, you feel amazing.”
“Oh, my god,” I breathed. 
Steve started pumping his hips back and forth, continuing to hit that spot inside me that had me moaning his name like prayer.
“Fuck, Liv,” he groaned. “Won’t last much longer.”
“I’m gonna cum,” I breathed, reaching between us to boost my orgasm. Loudly moaning his name, I came. Hard. Harder than I ever have. I felt Steve’s cock twitch inside me, feeling his seed release into my pussy.
We stayed like that for a moment before I threaded my fingers through his hair, sighing. “We should get up now,” I whispered.
I felt him nod before yawning, lifting his head off my chest, our eyes meeting. He placed a sweet kiss to my lips before lifting himself off of me, slowly pulling out, both of us hissing. Once Steve was out of the bed, he went into his bathroom, relieving himself before coming back out with a damp cloth, wiping up the mess coming out of my core. 
I hummed as he finished cleaning me up, holding his hand out for me to take. Placing my hand in his, he gently helped me out of the bed, a groan coming from my throat.
“You okay?” he asked, placing his hands on my hips as I stood.
“Yeah, just a little sore,” I answered, looking into his eyes, seeing concern. I lightly chuckled, threading my fingers through the hair just above his ear. “But it’s a good kind of sore.” Moving my hand to his chest, I smiled before walking around him to the bathroom, starting the water for a shower.
Once we both had taken a shower together, minus the funny business, we’d gotten dressed for our day at Family Video, going down the stairs to get some breakfast before heading out of the door.
We had to pick up Robin from her house since we all had the same shift this morning. Keith was there to open the door and make sure we got all clocked in before he went into his office for a couple hours.
After Keith had left, Steve, Robin and I were all busy putting the returns up as Robin told Steve and I about her night in the stands last night at the basketball game. 
“And then Vickie laughed,” she said. “And it wasn’t like a cheap, fake laugh either. It was like… a real, genuine laugh.”
“Of course, she laughed, Robin,” Steve said, putting some returns away. “It was my Muppet joke. It’s hilarious.”
“My point is that Vickie laughed and everything was just like…”
“Right with the world?” I added with a smile on my face as I shelved a VHS case.
“It was perfect,” Robin said.
“But?” Steve asked.
“But I’m having this problem where it’s like, I should stop talking,” she explained. “I have said everything I need to say. But then I guess I get nervous, and the words- they just- they keep spilling out, and it’s like my… my brain is moving faster than my mouth–”
“No, your mouth is moving faster than your brain,” I corrected.
“Well, I’m digging a hole for myself,” she continued. “And I want to stop digging. I’m trying to stop digging, but I can’t. And I’m doing it right now, aren’t I?”
Steve and I were standing next to a shelf of movies, one of his hands on the top of it, his other arm wrapped around my neck as I had my arm around the middle of his back, looking at her with small smiles on both of our faces.
“Yeah, babe,” I said. “You are.”
Robin exhaled, backing up to the poster behind her, resting her back against it, saying, “I’m hopeless.” Steve and I followed, my back against his chest as we both said, “Eh.”
“We all are,” Steve said, wrapping his arms around my stomach, chin meeting my shoulder.
“I wish we could, like, combine,” I said.
“Combine?” Steve asked.
"Think about it, babe. Robin knows exactly what she wants in the girl of her dreams, but lacks the courage to ask her out,” I explained. Unwrapping his arms from around my middle, I started pacing in front of him and Robin. “Meanwhile, we’ve been together for over a year and go on like a million dates. You obviously know what you want because you have me.”
“Mhmm,” Steve mumbled. 
“So if we all combined, all problems would be gone.” I turned around and faced them, hands out to my sides.
“I think I found our morning movie,” Robin said, moving past me.
“Plus, I’m still okay with whoring you out just for a sale,” I said, moving closer to Steve.
“Doctor Zhivago,” Robin’s voice cut through.
“Oh, no,” I said.
“You know I don’t do double VHS,” Steve said, putting his hands on my shoulders to turn me around before he grabbed a buggy full of returns.
“But it’s about doomed love,” Robin said, sweetly.
“Not relatable,” I muttered, moving to the counter.
“Also, Julie Christie is b-b-bonkers hot in this. Like, seriously, the most beautiful creature I have seen in my life,” she said, moving behind the counter with me.
“I thought Vickie was?” I asked, turning on the TV.
The reporter's voice came blaring through the speakers as she said, “We’re in Forest Hills trailer park in east Roane County. We don’t have a lot of details right now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning. Police have not yet released the victim’s name–”
“Dustin,” I whispered. I turned around and picked the phone up, calling my mom. When she answered, I immediately spit out, “Where’s Dustin? Did he make it home last night?” When she answered that he did, and that he was sitting right next to her, I let out a breath of relief. “Oh, thank god.”
Our eyes were glued to the screen when we didn’t have any customers in the store. Hugging my arms around myself, I brought my fingers up to play with my bottom lip, something I do when I’m super anxious or just thinking.
The door opening with the sound of the bell ringing above it had me turning around, dropping my hand once I saw Dustin and Max walk through the door.
“Oh, sweet shit,” I whispered in relief as Dustin said, “Hey, Steve.”
“You guys see this?” Steve asked.
“You had me worried sick before I called mom,” I said.
“How many phones do you have?” Dustin asked.
“Someone was murdered,” Steve said.
“How many phones do you have?” my brother enunciated.
“Two, why?”
“Technically three,” Robin said. “If you count Keith’s in the back.” Looking at my brother, Max said, “Yeah, three works,” right before Dustin took his backpack from his shoulders, slinging it over the counter.
“Dustin, no,” I said, already knowing what he was about to do.
He pushed his bag across the counter before jumping on it, Robin, Steve and I exclaiming our own words.
“What are you–?” 
“My pile!”
“Dustin, no!”
He kicked the tapes that Steve had stacked up, the older teen saying, “No, no, no! My tapes! Dude.”
“You couldn’t have gone around the damn counter?” I asked, right behind him once he cleared the counter and sat at the computer. “Hey, shit for brains, that’s for employees only. What the hell are you doing?”
“Setting up base of operations, shit for brains,” Dustin replied.
“Base of operations?” Robin asked.
I tried pushing him off the stool, but he fought back, bringing an arm up to protect himself and to push me back. “Get off, Dustin.”
“No, Liv, stop. I need it.”
“The fuck for?”
“Looking up Eddie’s friend’s phone numbers,” Dustin explained.
“Care to explain why?” I asked, crossing my arms. I knew Eddie sold weed, and his friends might’ve as well, but I didn’t know for sure. I knew who Eddie’s dealer was though, but I wasn’t about to let them know that just yet. “Will someone please answer the phone?!”
“Oh, Eddie,” Steve said. “Your new best friend you think is cooler because he plays your nerdy game?”
“Steve, stop,” I breathed, turning to look at him.
“Yes,” Dustin groaned. Turning to Steve, he said, “I never said that.”
“Seriously, you guys,” Robin voiced. “Maybe on a Monday, you can play around in here like toddlers, but it’s Saturday. It’s our busiest day.”
Clipboard and pencil in hand, Dustin looked at the computer after typing in one of Eddie’s friends names, saying, “Alright, look, Robin, I totally empathize, but this cannot wait until Monday.”
“Oh, my god,” I muttered, hearing Steve mutter it as well. I rolled my eyes, sighing, while turning around to help Robin pick up Dustin’s mess.
“What, ‘cause calling all of Eddie’s friends is an emergency?” Robin asked.
“Correct!” Dustin exclaimed.
“Since I’m his older sister, do you want me to strangle him?” I asked. “Because I’m  itching to strangle the little shit.”
“We can take turns,” Robin said, turning her head to look at me with a smile.
“Can you just fill them in while I do this?” Dustin asked. “Fill us in on what?” Robin and I asked, turning to face my brother, boyfriend and Max, the latter looking like she really didn’t want to explain whatever it was that she was about to.
After Max had explained to us that she saw Eddie and Chrissy enter his trailer after the game last night and that some funky shit happened with her lights and TV, and that she knows it’s Chrissy’s body they wheeled out this morning and Eddie was nowhere to be seen, three out of the five us got busy calling all Eddie’s friends, trying to find out where he was hiding.
When I heard Max say Reefer Rick, I knew exactly who she was talking about; aka, Eddie’s dealer. After I wrote his name down, I watched as Steve walked by with the tapes for Doctor Zhivago, chuckling while shaking my head as I sat down at the computer, working on typing returns in, while also typing in Eddie’s friends names to get their phone numbers for Dustin, Robin and Max.
Steve came back around the counter, handing me the tapes, running his hand along my back while I asked for the girl's information to add it to her account. Once she gave it to me, Steve ran his hand along my back again as he went back around the counter, walking the girl out.
I heard him whisper, “Goddammit,” as he came back inside. All I could do was giggle and shake my head at him, finding humor in all this. Hearing one of the phones being placed back on the receiver, I turned around, looking at Max as she said, “I might have a lead.” “Seriously?” Dustin asked, excited.
“Yeah,” Max replied. “Apparently, Eddie gets drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick, and sometimes Eddie crashes there.” Humming, I turned back around before saying in a sing-song voice, “I could’ve told you that.” Silence for a few seconds as I typed in Rick’s name, feeling a hand collide with the back of my head. “Ow! What the fu–”
“And you’re just now saying something?” Dustin exclaimed.
“It’s not like anyone asked,” I said, looking at the computer before rubbing the back of my head, whispering, “Shithead.”
Robin, Dustin and Max had a small conversation as I typed and looked for Rick’s information, hearing something about a last name.
“Bet the cops know a last name,” Steve said.
I looked at him - well, moreso his back - watching as he placed a movie back in the crate at the front of the store as Max said, “What?” “Cops.” 
It was silent for a moment before I raised my eyebrows, saying, “Babe? Elaborate?” with curiosity.
“I mean, listen, if this Reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer-” Steve said, until I interrupted with “He is.”
Steve turned to rest his arms on the counter, continuing, “I guarantee you he’s been busted at some point. Means he’s in the system.”
“Like Olivia?” Dustin said.
I looked at him, an unamused expression on my face. “Gee, thanks for that.”
“The cops?” Dustin turned to face Steve a little more head on. “Really, Steve? That’s your suggestion?”
“I mean, I just think at this point they should probably be filled in on what we know, what’s going on,” Steve said.
“You think Eddie’s guilty, don’t you?” 
“Whoa, I believe in innocent until proven guilty, all that constitutional shit. I just, ya’know, just don’t think that we can rule it out.”
“You’d be a terrible cop, babe,” I said.
“That’s precisely what we’re trying to do here, Steve,” Max said.
“And maybe we’d have a little bit more luck if you spent less time whoring yourself out - with Liv’s permission - to get a sale and more time trying to find Eddie,” Dustin said.
“Oh, well, someone has to tend to the customers,” Steve retorted.
“Especially if they’re babes, right?” Robin and I said, the former winking.
Pointing to Robin, Steve said, “Hey, not fair,” before pointing to me saying, “You’re the one who agreed to this. And I tend to all the customers equally, babes and non-babes alike. We’ve got a very big selection in here. Okay, it can be super overwhelming for these people.”
“Okay, will someone please for the love of god pay attention to what I have up on this godforsaken computer?” I asked, gesturing to the device with my hands. “Okay, I have something we all have been looking for.”
Everyone huddled around me, seeing what I brought up on the computer. “Now, tell me how many Rick’s check out Fast Times, and not one, but three Cheech & Chong movies?”
“Baby, you’re a genius,” Steve said.
Flipping my hair over my shoulder, I said with a smile, “I know.”
“I could kiss you stupid right now.”
“Do that later,” Dustin said. “What’s the last name?”
“Lipton, like the tea. Lives at 2121 Holland Road. Which you could’ve also asked for earlier.” Again with the silence, so I groaned and hung my head for a moment before picking it back up. “I used to buy from him sophomore year.”
“The same year you started getting busted for all those B&E’s?” Steve asked.
“Yup,” I nodded. “The very one!”
“That’s out by Lover’s Lake,” Dustin said.
“Middle of nowhere,” Max added.
“Perfect place to hide,” Robin also added.
Robin, Steve and I went into the back to grab our stuff we walked in with, not bothering to clock out before we ran outside, Robin turning the sign to closed and locking the door. I hopped in the passenger seat as Steve sat in the driver’s seat, turning the car on as Dustin, Robin and Max piled in the backseat.
Reefer Rick’s, here we come!
It was dark by the time we made it to Reefer Rick’s. All I wanted to do was just close my eyes for an hour… or eight.
When Steve parked the car, we all piled out, heading to the front door of the house. Dustin rang the doorbell, waiting for a moment before pressing it again before becoming impatient and ringing the bell over and over again.
“Okay,” Steve said. “Well, that’s settled. I guess he’s not here.”
Dustin knocked on the door, becoming very impatient. “Eddie! It’s Dustin!”
“Awesome,” I breathed.
“Look, we just wanna talk, okay?! No cops, I swear! We just wanna help.”
Dustin, Steve, Max and Robin all had flashlights, except for me, for some reason. But that was okay because Steve’s fingers were threaded between mine.
I looked over to my left, watching as Robin looked through the window next to the door, as Dustin knocked on the door again, saying Eddie’s name before ringing the doorbell once again.
“Rick!” Dustin said before banging on the door. “Reefer Riiiiiiiiick!”
“Don’t scream that,” Steve said.
I walked away, following Max as Dustin screamed Rick’s name again, Steve saying, “Stop, he’s not there.”
Seeing the boathouse, I called, “Guys! Boathouse!” I felt everyone behind me before I started moving towards the boathouse, walking inside. “Hello? Anyone home? Eddie? Hey, it’s Liv. Are you here?”
“What a dump,” Steve muttered.
I looked over at him, unamused as he looked around. “Not everyone can grow up in a big house on the nicer side of town there, babe,” I said as I followed him around the other side of the boat that was sitting in the middle of the boathouse, his light turning off catching my eye. 
Watching him as he got an oar off the wall, I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. “Babe, what are you doing?”
He ignored my question, stabbing the oar into the tarp that was in the boat. I jumped at the sound, as well as Dustin, who asked, “What are you doing?”
“Steven, what are you doing?” I asked, a little more sternly.
“He might be in here,” Steve answered.
“So take the tarp off,” Dustin quietly exclaimed.
Gesturing to the tarp with his hand, Steve said, “If you’re so brave, you take the tarp off,” before going back to stabbing it with the oar.
Max and Robin went over to a table, inspecting all the stuff that was on it as Max said, “Someone was here.”
“Maybe he heard us. Got spooked and ran,” Robin suggested.
Being a sarcastic little shit, Dustin said, “Don’t worry. Steve will get him with his oar.”
I chuckled as Steve said, “I know you think you’re being funny, Henderson, but considering the fact that everyone in this room has nearly died about a hundred times, personally, I don’t find it funny in the slight–”
His words were interrupted by a figure jumping out of the boat, pinning Steve to the wall, as he shouted, “Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!” before the sharp end of a broken glass bottom was pointed at his neck.
Realizing it’s Eddie, I held my hands out to him, standing between him and Steve, and Dustin, Max and Robin. “Eddie, Eddie, Eddie!! Stop, stop, stop!!”
“Eddie! Eddie!” Dustin shouted, the older teen looking at him. “It’s me. It’s Dustin. This is Steve.”
“He’s not gonna hurt you, right, baby?” I asked, my breathing heavy.
“Right,” Steve whispered, agreeing. “Yeah.”
“Babe, drop the oar.”
He let it go, but that didn’t stop Eddie from trying to stab Steve’s neck, Dustin and I protesting as my fear went from an 8 to an 11 on a scale of one to ten.
“He’s cool,” Dustin said. “He’s cool.”
“I’m cool, man,” Steve whispered. “I’m cool.”
Looking at Steve, but directing his question at the whole group, or at least to just Dustin and myself, Eddie asked, “What are you doing here?”
“We’re looking for you,” Dustin said, hands out and eyes wide. 
“We’re here to help,” Robin said.
Eddie looked at us and it was just now that I could see the fear in his eyes, the emotion only softening a little as he locked eyes with me and Dustin. 
“These are my friends,” Dustin said. “You know Liv, my annoying older sister. You know Robin, from band.”
She imitated herself playing her trumpet.
“This is my friend Max. The one who never wants to play D&D.”
“Eddie,” I said, his eyes meeting mine. I took a tentative step towards him, my hands dropping slightly. “We’re on your side. Okay? I swear on mine and Dustin’s mother! Right, guys?”
“Yes, yes, we swear,” Max said.
“On Mrs. Henderson,” Robin said.
“On their… their mother,” Steve said.
It took a couple seconds but Eddie finally let go of Steve, my boyfriend groaning in relief as I rushed to him, putting my hands on his cheeks, checking him over.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
He nodded his head, “Yeah, I’m fine.” He bent over some, putting his hand on his neck as I rubbed his back before he sat on a stool next to us, pulling me into his lap.
Eddie was leaned against the wall he had Steve pinned against, sliding down into a squat. 
“Eddie,” Dustin said, squatting in front of him. “We just… want… to talk.” He reached for the bottle, Eddie snatching it back, his hand shaking from fear and adrenaline. “Okay.”
Robin walked over slowly, squatting down next to Dustin, Max following behind her to stand. “We wanna know what happened.” He shook his head, sniffling. “You don’t believe me.” ‘Try us,” I said, softly.
He looked at me like he didn’t believe me, but he wanted to do so bad.
I knew Eddie from the times I’d drop Dustin off for Hellfire at the school. Since I used to watch The Party play when they were little, I would stay and watch Hellfire. Eddie and I became friends, mainly because of Dustin. 
One night, they all got into a dispute about something non-D&D related, so I put my own two cents in, and ever since that night, mine and Eddie’s relationship was strictly platonic, just like Robin and Steve’s. 
Eddie moved from where he was squatted against the wall to sitting by the boat, legs crossed over each other as he explained what happened with Chrissy, voice tight with tears. “Her body just, like, lifted up into the air and, uh… and she just, like, hung there. In the air. And her bones, uh, she…” He made a noise, like he was humming to himself. “Her bones started to snap. Her eyes, man. It… it was like there was something, like, inside her head, pulling.”
My heart broke from him hearing his voice crack and tighten with every word he was saying. Steve and I had moved to stand next to a post, his arm around my shoulders, my left arm around his lower back. Robin was leaning on a table next to us, Max sitting on the stool in front of Steve and I, Dustin right up at the front, sitting on his knees in front of Eddie.
“I… I didn’t know what to do, so I…” Eddie said. “I ran away. I left her there.” He scoffed before saying, “You all think I’m crazy, right?” 
I shook my head, my own breath stuttering, “No, Eddie. We do not think you’re crazy.”
“Look, don’t bullshit me, Olivia! I know how this sounds!”
Steve’s grip on me tightening a little, my own tightening to let him know it was okay and that I had it handled.
“We’re not bullshitting you, Eddie. We believe you.”
Eddie let out the breath he was holding before Dustin said, “Look, what I’m about to tell you might be a little… difficult to take.”
Eddie blinked, nodding his slightly, saying, “Okay.”
“You know how people say Hawkins is… cursed? Well, they’re not way off.”
“There’s another world,” I added. “A world hidden beneath Hawkins, and sometimes it bleeds into ours.”
“Like ghosts and shit?” Eddie wondered.
“There are some things… worse than ghosts,” Max said.
“These monsters from this other world, we thought they were gone,” Dustin said. “But they’ve come back before, and that’s why we needed to find you.”
“If they’re back again,” Max said. “We need to know.”
“That night,” Robin wondered. “Did you see anything?”
“Dark particles, maybe?” Eddie shook his head, telling us no with just the movement.
“It would almost look like dust swirling around,” I said.
“No, Liv,” Eddie said. “There was nothing you could see or, uh… or touch.” He was quiet for a minute before he said, “Ya’know, I tried to wake her, Liv. She couldn’t move. It’s like she was–she was in a trance or something.”
“Or under a spell,” Dustin said.
“A curse.”
“Vecna’s curse.”
“Who’s Vecna?” Steve asked.
I placed my right hand on his chest, looking up at him as Dustin and I said, “An undead creature of great power.”
“A spell caster,” Eddie said.
“A dark wizard,” Dustin added.
Well, folks… here we go again.
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
Additional Note:
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Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on April 30, 2024
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misfit-thieves · 3 months
Dreamland Gardens
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(word count: 3,952)
Xavia glances around the park as he advances toward the haunted house exhibit. He takes in all of the sinister figures and shadows dancing on his path. Even for him, this isn't exactly a walk in the park. Those damn clowns... This place is giving him the creeps. 
Taking a deep breath, he steps forward and pushes open the creaky door of the haunted house. It's quiet, far too quiet. Which makes him all the more anxious to grab the mask and leave. His dark brown eyes narrow as he walks past the grotesque decorations, trying to ignore all their lifeless stares. The mention of a curse at least makes things more interesting... But Xavia doesn't believe in curses. 
He soon reaches the spot where the item is supposed to be displayed - a glass case that now stands empty. 
"Oh, were you lookin' for this?" 
Xavia turns on his heel at the sound of that all-too-familiar voice. Argent, leader of a rival thief group known as Silver Ravens, leans casually against one wall while twirling an ornate mask between his fingers.  
Medium-length black hair hangs loosely around the man's face and his piercing green eyes gleam with arrogant confidence. His arms are wrapped with bandages and just looking at him pisses off Xavia immediately. But Argent's abilities are undeniable and shouldn't be taken lightly. 
Scowling deeply under the dim lighting, Xavia growls out, "Argent... Should've known you'd be here." 
"Been awhile, huh, old friend?" Argent remarks with a cocky grin dancing on his lips. 
"The last time was more than enough," The white-haired man replies crisply, holding out his hand as he takes a step forward, "Hand over the mask. I won't ask again." 
Argent continues twirling the mask on his finger, unbothered by Xavia's stern tone, "Sorry, no can do. We're getting paid a lot to get this back to our buyer," He shoots him a smug grin, confidently adding, "You really want to go another round and lose?" 
"I don't plan on losing," Xavia declares defiantly as he swiftly unslings his twin scythe from his back. Gripping the weapon firmly, he locks eyes with Argent, "I've got a job to do and I'm not letting you get in my way." 
Whether by fighting, stealing, or negotiating... It doesn't matter how he gets that mask as long as it ends up in his possession. Argent may be cocky but he's no pushover. This won't be easy. 
"That's a shame. I was really hopin' we could come to an agreement," Argent remarks before tucking the mask into his backpack. He then unsheathes his dual hook swords from their hip holsters with practiced ease, "Shall we get this over with already?" 
"With pleasure," Xavia retorts, maneuvering his weapon into an attack position, "Don't think this will be like last time." 
Argent merely chuckles, a sardonic sound that echoes around them eerily, "We'll see," He replies, then charges at Xavia without any hesitation. 
 Xavia manages to parry the initial attack with his scythe, catching Argent's hook swords with one of the scythe's dual blades. With a sharp maneuver, he deflects the attack and spins the scythe around, the other blade whistling through the air, "Not so fast," He mutters, aiming a swift counterattack at his rival's midsection, the curved blade slicing towards Argent with lethal accuracy. 
However, Argent skillfully blocks it, catching the scythe's blade between the curved ends of his hook swords. With an abrupt twist of his wrists, he pushes Xavia back, forcing him to stumble. Seizing the opportunity, Argent launches another assault, spinning one hook sword in a tight arc towards Xavia's midsection while the other slashes diagonally at his shoulder. 
Xavia sidesteps just in time to evade Argent's strike, using the momentum from his quick dodge to his advantage. As he shifts his weight, he expertly rotates the scythe, one of the blades arcing upward in a lethal sweep aimed at Argent's neck,  "Getting rusty there, are we?" He taunts, his voice dripping with sarcasm. The blade comes dangerously close, targeting a critical spot that forces Argent to react quickly. 
Argent laughs bitterly as he ducks under Xavia's swipe with a flourish, "You wish," He retorts, feinting an attack to Xavia's left. As Xavia moves to parry, Argent swiftly shifts his stance, delivering a powerful blow to Xavia's side with the flat of his hook sword. 
The white-haired man winces, pain shooting through his side, but he hastily retaliates with an unhesitating strike of his own, "You're too confident for your own good," He grits out through clenched teeth. 
With a quick, practiced motion, Argent crosses his hook swords in an 'X' formation, catching Xavia's blade between them and twisting sharply to the side, deflecting the attack with ease. 
A knowing smirk appears on Argent's face at the sight of him struggling slightly, "Not using your nen this time, eh?" He provokes him. 
Xavia's dark eyes flash dangerously as he lunges forward again, "I don't need my nen to deal with you," He spits out defiantly. Argent's constant mocking is clearly an attempt to get under Xavia's skin, and Xavia knows it. However, he refuses to let Argent's remarks affect him too much, focusing instead on his next move. 
"Since you know I'll just use my ability to nullify it?" Argent prods as he effortlessly sidesteps Xavia's oncoming blow. With a fluid motion, he ducks low and pivots on his heel, evading the scythe's arc gracefully, "Looks like you finally learned your lesson, kid." 
"Keep underestimating me, Argent. It'll be your downfall," Xavia sneers back. As he speaks, he swings his dual scythe in a wide, sweeping motion aimed at Argent's knees, trying to catch him off guard, "And quit calling me kid," He adds sharply, punctuating his words with the aggressive attack. 
Argent merely shrugs impassively, effortlessly evading Xavia's strike with swift, fluid movements. As the scythe sweeps toward his knees, he leaps into the air, performing a graceful backflip that carries him safely out of range, "Whatever you say," He responds nonchalantly, landing lightly on his feet with a confident smirk. 
"Enough of this!" Xavia suddenly grunts in annoyance. 
With a decisive flick of his wrist, he sends one blade slicing through the air towards Argent, forcing him to retreat further or risk getting cut. At the same time, he swings the other end around in an arc aimed directly at Argent's midsection. 
Argent dances back adeptly but Xavia is relentless. His attacks come faster and harder as he spins and maneuvers, using his agile footwork to keep up with Argent's movements while also attacking from unexpected angles. 
The sharp sound of metal meeting metal fills their surroundings repeatedly as Xavia launches attack after attack with practiced precision, whirling and twirling like a deadly cyclone that never seems to let up on its assault. 
Despite the intensity of Xavia's onslaught, Argent remains calm, his eyes sharp as they scan for any potential opening in his opponent's attacks. Every swing, every thrust from Xavia's twin scythe is met with a nimble dodge or deft block from Argent's hook swords. 
A smug chuckle escapes him as he spots an opportunity amidst the whirlwind of strikes. In one fluid motion, he sweeps low with his hook swords aiming at Xavia's feet, effectively catching him off-guard and sending the white-haired man sprawling onto the ground. 
"Best of luck next time, Xav," He bites out mockingly. He takes this chance to make his escape, swiftly exiting the haunted house exhibit without looking back. 
Xavia grits his teeth in frustration but doesn't waste any time dwelling on it. With determination etched across his features, he hurriedly picks himself up and heads after Argent, "You're not getting away that easily." 
As they finally reach the entrance of the haunted house, Argent turns to throw a smug retort over his shoulder, "Oh, I think I am," He says, subtly tilting his head at the last moment to dodge a projectile dart aimed at him from behind. 
The dart, moving with deadly precision, strikes Xavia in the shoulder before he can even comprehend what's happening. 
"Dammit... Not good..." Xavia grumbles under his breath as an unexpected sting spreads through his arm and starts seeping into his system. His vision begins to blur almost instantly, and he sways dangerously on his feet, yet he stubbornly attempts to keep moving forward. 
A tranquilizer? This low tactic takes Xavia by surprise. It isn't something he expected from Argent... But now there's no room for error. If he doesn't manage to fight off this sudden wave of dizziness fast enough, he's done for. 
"Sorry, can't afford to have you waste our time," Argent's tone is casual as if he's discussing the weather instead of his betrayal. He points over his shoulder nonchalantly, "Brought backup with me this time." 
Xavia's vision continues to blur and he feels his body going numb alarmingly fast. Despite this, he manages to clench his teeth against the overwhelming disorientation and growls out defiantly at Argent, "You... Bastard..." 
His dual-bladed scythe slips from his grasp and drops onto the ground next to him with a clang, echoing loudly in the silence around them. 
"Nothin' personal, kid. Well, maybe a little bit," Argent admits sardonically, giving Xavia a cold look, something malicious flickering briefly within his green eyes, "But... Would it be so bad if I just finished you off now? It'd mean a lot less trouble in my future." 
Xavia can hear the pounding of his own heartbeat inside his ears, almost deafeningly loud amidst this chaotic situation. With great effort, he forces himself to weakly lift his head, looking up at Argent despite his visible trembling. 
Even on the verge of collapsing, he somehow manages to spit out a taunt towards Argent, "Go ahead and try." 
"You're real cocky for someone who can barely move," Argent retorts sharply, his voice resounding in the eerily quiet surroundings of the amusement park. 
Despite his rapidly deteriorating condition, Xavia manages to shoot back a counter with equal venom, "You talk too much for someone who hasn't actually won anything," If he can keep Argent engaged and distracted long enough then maybe... Just maybe he can find an opening to save himself. 
Argent's brows knit together in confusion at Xavia's words. It takes him a moment before realization hits him and he breaks into derisive laughter, "Haven't won?" He chuckles, sounding completely self-assured as he waves the mask triumphantly in front of his opponent, "I've got the mask. I've won." 
Summoning every ounce of strength, Xavia forces himself back onto his feet, grimacing as unbearable pain courses through his body. He steadies himself, breathing heavily, "The only thing you've won is my patience wearing thin," He snarls, his voice strained yet strong. 
In response to this blatant display of defiance, Argent moves forward and presses the end of his hook sword against Xavia's chest. The sudden force sends him hurtling backward, crashing hard onto the pavement below. 
"You just don't know when to give up, do you?" Argent taunts, a cruel smirk painted across his face as he observes Xavia struggling once more. 
Xavia clenches his jaw against the searing pain radiating from where he had been struck, determined not to let it slow him down. He meets Argent's gaze with an unwavering intensity, his voice fierce and resolute, "And you don't know when to shut up." 
"Do me a favor, Xav," Argent begins slowly as if he's relishing every moment of this. He takes slow steps closer towards the wounded man sprawled out on the ground, "Send me a post card from Hell." 
He raises his swords high above them, positioning them for a decisive strike. The blades are aligned perfectly to deliver a clean and quick kill when driven downwards. 
"Only if you give me your address," Xavia remarks evenly, maintaining a steely gaze and an obstinate demeanor even in the face of impending death. He stares right back at Argent, meeting the cold glint of his blade head-on. 
As Argent lunges forward to deliver the fatal blow, Xavia's mind is flooded with memories within just a few heartbeats. His life flashes before his eyes, every bitter memory from his past; the warm smile on his mother's face that he holds so dear... He wishes he could see her one last time, but at least she won't have to worry about him anymore. 
He closes his eyes tightly against this reality, gathering all the strength left within him as he wills himself not to panic. 
Suddenly, without warning, an arrow whizzes through the air, piercing Argent's neck with deadly precision. The unexpected strike makes Argent gasp out loud as he reflexively reaches up for the embedded shaft, trying desperately to dislodge it while blood spills out profusely from where he had been hit. 
A couple more seconds pass before Argent finally succumbs to his injury and collapses onto the ground below, silence replacing what once was filled by smug laughter and derisive words. 
Blinking in pure shock, Xavia takes a moment to glance around frantically, trying his best to locate the source of the unexpected intervention, "What the hell... Just happened?" He breathes out, still struggling against the debilitating effects of Argent's poison. 
Upon scanning his surroundings thoroughly, he soon finds himself staring in sheer disbelief at a familiar figure standing atop the Ferris wheel. His mind races as it desperately tries to process this new information, "Dusk? Is that...?" He can't finish his sentence, too astounded by her accuracy and timing. 
She managed to shoot him down from such an incredible distance? He had never imagined she'd be capable of such an impressive feat. It seems he owes Dusk one now. 
From her elevated perch, Dusk catches sight of another figure in the distance, the man who shot Xavia with the dart, prompting her to quickly adjust her aim. She releases her breath slowly as she lets the arrow fly, watching with satisfaction as it lands right on target. 
"Gotcha," She whispers triumphantly under her breath. 
Once satisfied that no more imminent dangers are lurking nearby, Dusk wastes no time in making her way down from atop the Ferris wheel. Worry etches clearly across her face as she sprints towards where Xavia lays sprawled out on the ground. 
Upon reaching him, she drops onto her knees next to his collapsed form, panting heavily from exertion, "Hey," She greets softly, careful not to startle him after everything he's been through. 
Slumping heavily against the cold, hard ground beneath him, Xavia manages to summon enough strength to turn his head towards the source of her voice. Despite his vision being blurry and distorted from the tranquilizer's side effects, he can make out her face clearly, "Dusk," He rasps weakly. 
Hearing her name called out softly yet unmistakably by Xavia, Dusk can't help but return a small comforting smile, though her eyes reveal how worried she truly is for him, "Yes, it's me," She reassures gently, as she begins checking on his condition as best she can. 
The tranquilizer dart was certainly strong, and its aftereffects are undeniable. Dusk carefully examines Xavia, her fingers gently brushing his forehead to check for a fever. She watches his eyes closely for signs of clarity, relieved to see full recognition in them. She checks his pulse, feeling the steady beat beneath her fingertips.  
"At least you're coherent enough to recognize me," She murmurs, hoping the lingering effects will start wearing off soon.   
However, in spite of all this concern directed towards him from his new partner, Xavia merely scoffs slightly at it all, stubbornly attempting to push himself up into a sitting position despite his body clearly protesting against the movement, "Didn't ask you to save me." 
Dusk lets out a sigh, yet she also finds herself unable to suppress a small smile that slowly creeps onto her face, "Well, you're welcome anyway," She remarks, extending an arm to help him sit up. 
Predictably, Xavia ignores her offer. Instead, he winces sharply upon finally managing to prop himself into an upright position, shooting a disgruntled glare in Dusk's direction, "I didn't need your charity," He complains bitterly. 
Dusk merely chuckles lightly and meets his glare with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, "And yet, here we are." 
"Some partner you are, using this as leverage," Xavia grumbles half-heartedly under his breath. 
"Oh, believe me," She swiftly counters, her tone laced with playful defiance, "I could be using this in a much worse way. But I'm nice like that." 
"Frightening thought," Xavia retorts dryly. Despite his initial reluctance, he finds himself somewhat appreciating Dusk's company at this particular moment. 
"I aim to please," She quips, enjoying the surprising, but not entirely unwelcome change in their banter. There's something oddly satisfying about seeing Xavia so relaxed under these circumstances, "Do you have the mask?" 
Xavia glances at Argent's lifeless body sprawled out nearby and mutters indifferently, "Should be in Argent's backpack." 
Dusk arches an eyebrow curiously, "Argent? He's the guy with the scary hook swords?" After mulling it over briefly, she sighs reluctantly. Rising from her crouched position beside him, she begins to walk over but pauses, turning back to ask with concern, "Wait, am I going to be cursed if I touch it?" 
Rolling his eyes exasperatedly at Dusk's superstition, Xavia weakly scoffs at her comment, "Only if you believe in that sort of thing." 
"Coming from a guy who just got taken down by someone with hook swords, I think I'll keep an open mind about this," She bites back, her tone laced with a hint of playful sarcasm as she cautiously approaches Argent's body. Careful not to disturb it too much, she begins rummaging through the backpack that's still strapped onto him. 
Xavia sharply responds to her mocking remark, "Watch your mouth. Tranquilizer or no tranquilizer, remember that I can still kick your ass," He warns, though the small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips reveals his amusement at their current back-and-forth. 
Glancing over her shoulder briefly, Dusk gives Xavia an entertained look, unable to resist teasing him further, "I'd like to see you try." 
"Just wait and see." 
Eventually finding what they're after, Dusk cautiously picks up the ancient mask and takes a moment to study it properly. It's creepy looking yet fascinating in a haunting sort of way. Carefully tucking it into her own bag, she returns to Xavia with a triumphant grin playing on her lips, "Mission accomplished. Can you stand?" 
"I don't need your help," Xavia proclaims stubbornly, even as he uses the wall to support himself. 
Shaking her head at his denial, Dusk nevertheless extends an open hand toward him, "Yes, you've made your point very clear." 
Ignoring her offered help, Xavia instead opts to push himself up into a standing position, albeit with some difficulty, "Told you," He grunts defiantly, shooting a glare in Dusk's direction. Almost immediately, however, he stumbles unsteadily. 
Dusk can't help but raise an eyebrow skeptically at the sight. Acting on instinct, she swiftly reaches out and grabs Xavia's arm just in time, preventing him from falling over completely, "Yeah, yeah, I'm still not convinced," She quips playfully while offering him some much-needed physical support. 
Feeling her arm tighten protectively around his, a faint, amused smirk forms on Xavia's lips as he grumbles, "Let's get out of here." 
"Sounds like a plan," Dusk replies with a nod, offering him a reassuring smile. She steals one more lingering glance at Xavia before they make their move. 
However, catching sight of her gaze from the corner of his eye doesn't sit well with the normally stoic man. Turning sharply to face her, Xavia snaps irritably, "Stop staring." 
Just as quickly, Dusk vehemently denies the accusation, "Wasn't staring," She retorts defensively, her cheeks tinged red from anger and embarrassment, while hastily averting her eyes from his piercing gaze. 
Taking a moment to study Dusk's profile more thoroughly, Xavia finally feels compelled to begrudgingly admit, "You're actually... A decent shot. That shot you pulled off wouldn't have been possible for any normal archer. Was that your nen ability?" 
Upon hearing his rare words of praise, Dusk blinks in surprise before slowly answering with a growing smile, "Yeah! I can enhance my eyesight using my nen. It lets me see really far away, and I also use it to enhance my arrows, making them fly further and hit their targets with better accuracy." 
"Huh," Is all Xavia can manage to say after listening attentively to her explanation. Despite his usual cynicism, he finds himself impressed. Her ability is practical and highly useful, two traits he greatly admires. 
Seeing his underwhelming response, Dusk feels a small sense of giddiness wash over her. It's progress, no matter how minor it might seem to an outsider. Maybe there could be hope for them after all. 
An awkward silence falls between them once again, temporarily halting their short-lived banter. However, Xavia finds himself not caring as he stares resolutely into the distance, "Let's head home," He murmurs quietly, almost as if speaking to himself. 
Maybe having a partner won't be as annoying as he initially imagined... Not that he would ever admit his thoughts aloud, especially not to her. 
Xavia lounges comfortably on the couch when, suddenly, the front door swings open with a loud creak. This unexpected intrusion brings in Dusk who's lugging several suitcases along with her. Right behind her enters Zane, carrying an absurdly large box, which he promptly sets down as he steps into the house. 
Raising an eyebrow at this peculiar sight, Xavia can't help but eye them both suspiciously from where he sits, "What the hell is this?" He grumbles, not even bothering to get up from his comfortable position on the couch. 
"Well, Xavia... About that," Zane replies hesitantly, nervously scratching the back of his head. A sheepish grin spreads across his face as he finally reveals their reason for being here, "Dusk is moving in with you. Aurelius' orders. Don't shoot the messenger, alright?" 
As soon as the words leave Zane's mouth, Xavia's eyes narrow skeptically, clearly displaying his annoyance as he snaps, "And I wasn't included in this decision because...?" 
The navy-haired man shrugs apologetically, raising a hand defensively, "Didn't get the chance to tell you earlier since you stormed out. Besides..." He tilts his head slightly towards Xavia and meets his glare with a challenging stare, "It's not really something we need your approval for." 
An irrational wave of anger instantly surges through Xavia, causing him to scoff loudly in frustration, "I can see that." 
First off, he was forced into accepting a partner he didn't want or need. And now, a roommate too? What kind of fresh hell is this turning into? 
"Hey, hey," Dusk interjects, her eyes darting between Xavia and Zane as she tries to mediate the situation, "Let's not start a fight over this, okay? I'll try to stay out of your way as much as possible." 
A deep frown etches itself onto Xavia's face as he slowly brings his hand up to rub his temples in frustration. This is all starting to give him a massive headache, "Yeah, well... You better," He finally manages to say through gritted teeth. 
She offers a small nod, not entirely appeased but choosing to drop the subject for now, "I will." 
Xavia falls into an uncomfortable silence, breaking it only with pent-up sigh. Without another word, he waves his hand dismissively at both of them, silently signaling them to continue with their moving process. 
"Well, that went better than expected," Zane murmurs under his breath, mostly to himself. Sharing a quick glance with Dusk, the navy-haired man then directs her attention to a nearby open room, "That'll be your quarters for now." 
As Zane leads Dusk away, Xavia squints after them in annoyance, making no attempt to hide his irritation. He sighs heavily and leans back onto the couch. 
"Leave it to Aurelius... Always making decisions without ever giving me any say in the matter." 
Frustration simmers within him, tinging his thoughts with a bitterness he can't shake off. Surrendering to the uncertainty ahead, Xavia closes his eyes tightly and lets silence overtake him once again. 
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