#are some of these ooc? I really hope not
polydamnory · 9 days
Poly Shaw Pack Headcanons
Sometimes when David says something kind of snappy or rude to Angel (tsunderes gonna tsundere), Darlin will just come up, pick Angel up, and walk away saying “nope. Mate privileges revoked” - doesn’t matter if Angel isn’t bothered by it, he was mean
Milo HAS borrowed that choke collar from Baaabe and used it on Asher 👀👀👀
Almost all of them have tried their hand at teaching Asher how to cook - none have succeeded
Asher and Angel both keep getting caught late night gaming by the others, and David. Is. Not. Happy about it.
Sweetheart doesn’t purposefully sneak up on/startle Darlin the way they do Milo - they know that due to Darlin’s past trauma, they’re a lot more likely to lean more towards the fight part of fight or flight instincts, as well as just not wanting to accidentally trigger them in general
The non-shifter mates will go on a group date just the four of them once a month - the shifters do too but most of the time they just end up playing video games together (Asher) or spending some time in their wolf forms
Milo and Angel are both huge dorks for Aggro and baby him excessively
When Darlin gets really touch starved (which is most of the time), the rest of the polycule just kind of pile on top of them
Baaabe and David learned how to cook some of the dishes Sam’s grandmother used to make for him to help him feel better on the anniversary of her death - Darlin tried to help but got kicked out of the kitchen
Asher and Sweetheart occasionally team up to fuck with Milo (also Christian lol)
Angel moves around in their sleep a lot so whoever’s closest to them in bed have to be the ones to essentially smother them to keep them from accidentally kicking or punching somebody in their sleep
Solar Solstices are TOUGH with them all staying together, but thankfully the four non-shifters can team up to tackle it - Baaabe’s on cooking duty, Angel’s the one keeping David and Darlin from getting up out of bed (they are NOT above sitting on you, Darlin, stop it!), and Sweetheart and Sam team up to do some sleeping or healing magic - it doesn’t help much, but it’s something. They typically end up watching movies or playing some easy video games that at least keep them laying/sitting down for a majority of the day. EDIT: the lovely @darlin-collins (sorry for the at) has pointed out to me that both stealth’s AND vampires are negatively affected by the sun bound solstice so I guess Angel and Baaabe are gonna have to fight for their fucking lives lol
The mates groupchat still exists and Asher begs to be let in it like once a week
Darlin kind of wants to be included in it too but refuses to admit it
Asher and Angel can both dress like total gremlins and it physically pains Milo to have to see it
Baaabe has dommed most of the others at some point
Sam took a bit to feel comfortable asking to feed on any of them other than Darlin, and even then he still typically goes to them first if he’s feeling hungry - he doesn’t really have a favorite, it's just that in that regard he feels the most comfortable with them specifically
Asher will shift and comfort any and all of them in his wolf form like he does for Baaabe - he has to do it a lot for Sweetheart, their job has them stressed
David often feels like he’s babysitting a bunch of toddlers because even when they were just friends, the stupid shit this group would get themselves caught up in is insane - the fact that none of them have been arrested yet is a miracle in itself. No, Sam is not an exception.
Darlin, Milo and Angel are all terrible with horror movies (this is canon) and David sometimes likes to choose one he knows will particularly get them when it’s his pick for movie night just to fuck with them
I feel like some of these could technically apply outside the context of the polycule, and you know what, yeah that too
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moeblob · 4 days
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North and Simon: (shaking hands on killing Simon potentially)
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lambmotifz · 1 month
“embrace switching!!” what if i don’t want to. bottom!dean feels ooc (to me) no matter how hard the enjoyers of this dynamic try to prove otherwise
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ohgreat-moretapes · 10 days
Hey Tim, my dad recently had a seizure and I wanna be able to comfort him...it really scared me and of course it scared him too and I figured you might know a good way to help me to comfort him? I'm sorry you have to go through stuff like that all the time I wish I could comfort you too...🫂
Everybody's situation is unique so you'll need to find what works for y'all personally of course, and that's just gonna come with time.
But that being said, I am certain what would mean the world to him is just simply spending time with him. I've had a lot of health scares in my life and a lot of those times I just wished someone was there by my side, not to take care of me, just to distract me and help pass the time while I was healing.
Board games, crafts (without sharp objects), getting into a podcast together, gardening, starting a collection of some kind... Fun little things like that can make such a big difference.
And that being said, don't forget to look after yourself too. If you feel like the stress is weighing on you too, you gotta make time for yourself and make sure your own needs are being met before doing things for others.
Take it day by day: drink water, eat healthy, avoid alcohol, and get some physical exercise when you can (extra points if it's something y'all can do together like pickleball or table tennis). I know everyone says this stuff but it really does help.
Here's to healing, we're in this together bud <3
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psychopomparia · 29 days
Oh triple faced soul, please forgive me for what I’m about to share.
It came to me in a dream
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isthemedia · 12 days
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So my “what if Wade and Logan saw each other’s flashbacks during the time ripper scene” has turned into a bit of a trip through a few universes where they are being told by:
A healthy Polycule of Scott/Jean/Logan
Origins!Version of themselves
A hint at my AU with the main polyship (thank you EXILES)
That they NEED TO TALK ABOUT FEELINGS and to stop pushing it off.
Not sure how long it will take since “Oh Brother of Mine” is just in pieces but still over 2k words alone.
(And I need to rewatch Origins)
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i demand timbern for the ask game /jk
How dare you come into my asks and demand that I talk abt my favourite ship after I reblogged a ship ask game! /jk
I think it goes without question that I ship it lol
What made me ship it?
When I first got into DC (Tim Drake) the only Tim ship I was really aware of was timkon due to its immense popularity. I ended up really liking it (and still do!) but every now and then I'd see posts of people dunking on timber (mainly because they were bitter abt Tim not ending up with Kon). I decided to look into the ship more to see if it was really as bad as people made it out to be
And next thing I new I had a new favourite ship and favourite character lol (Bernard Dowd they could never make me hate you)
2. What are your favourite things about the ship?
There are so many thing I love about them. But I think one thing that doesn't get talked about enough was how Bernard knew Tim before he knew Robin. Yes technically Tim was still Robin when they first met, but that got upturned relatively quickly and I think they spent more time together without Tim having Robin then vice versa. So many people in Tims life that he's close with knew the mask a while before they knew him (which is a fascinating relationship in itself) and E grieves is one of the few times we see Tim without any sort of mantle. I think that there's something special about the fact that Tim, with all his identity and attachment issues around his superhero identity, ended up with one of the few people who knew him (even for a short while) as just Tim Drake.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
The fact that they have less content then other ships that have been around for decades longer is enjoyable. It means you get to fill in the blanks
I feel like with ships that have been around for so long there's less room for ambiguity to fill up. Everything is already there for you, which is fun don't get me wrong! But having the freedom to be creative and come up with ideas in a way you couldn't otherwise is part of the fun
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togament · 4 months
kicking my feet and giggling at the togame thirsts in my askbox. working on that and another (kinda) huge one! (someone pls teach me to quit yapping and keep my stuff short i yap too much)
togame girlies are absolutely thirsty, filthy and absolutely feral. i love it. i love us. love that for us.
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likemosaic · 4 months
sometimes i like to pop into people's inboxes and write people ask drabbles when the mood strikes me, but i'm always worried about asking permission to do so. if you like this post, you're giving me blanket permission to send you random ic asks as the inspiration strikes. whether they're from memes on my blog or yours, or just a little drabble i came up with for our characters. this may include starters on the rarest of rare occasions, but more likely, i'll send you something in your inbox and leave the opportunity for us to make it into a thread if you're down. they can also just be one-offs if that's what you prefer, no biggie. if you ever change your mind and want me to NOT send you random asks anymore, just unlike this post. i'll be adding it in my pinned post for easy access. and of course, i'm always open to receiving the same thing from my roleplay partners, no liking the post necessary for that. if you haven't liked the post, i'll still politely ask before sending you anything random--this post just skips that step for you.
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iniziare · 3 months
The moment that I've locked myself out of primo farming by having completed all exploration except the real odd chest left/right and Enkanomiya, while I actually really, really want Clorinde. 😭 Dear girl, please come home at the 50/50 which should come soon, because I won't be able to get you otherwise. Genshin, please.
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milleyroxai · 11 months
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I just wanted to share these images that I made literally not even a minute ago, sorry if they’re bad
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[This Day, 13 Years ago, Juno was Launched.] [This Day, 13 Years ago, Juno road along the Atlas rocket] [This Day, 13 Years ago, Juno left the soil we walk on.] [August 5th, 2011.] ... ... ... 🎉Happy Launch Day JUNO!! 🎊
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(featuring the most stupidest image ever lol - ADMIN)
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maimedaffair · 4 months
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i have surgery in the morning! 11 hours to go. i’m going to go read a c o t a r again for comfort.
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quietlyblooms · 1 month
good evening, friends!! i'm really in the mood for emotional/soft/angsty things, so!! i think i'm gonna reblog a few memes and then dive into my inbox/drafts to use this craving to my advantage.
but first a little bit of business: if you send me something on anon about someone, even if it's true, i will not post it. understand that i've seen it, but i'm uncomfortable posting this sort of thing in a space that i want free of heavier topics and drama, which i feel i would be inviting onto my blog by responding to your message. if you feel the need for a discussion, you can message me personally, but otherwise, i don't want these things on my blog. and it should go without saying, but since i've seen a lot of mess on the dash in the last month, if you send me anon hate, i'm deleting it. so don't bother <3
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byanyan · 3 months
need y'all to know that some time ago xeno brought it to my attention that jesus of suburbia is an incredibly byan-coded song and i haven't stopped thinking about it since
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edgymuses · 1 month
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these past weeks I’ve been super busy cleaning and getting college stuff sorted out since in 3 weeks it starts 😭 still cleaning though I want my room to be nice for when I start school so I don’t have to worry about it all that much. any who I’m mobile bound so I’ll be doing drafts there, in my tumblr dms, and discord! Mutual are free to ask for my discord
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