#archi's hoard
exhausted-archivist · 3 months
Got these amazing stickers normal (left) and transparent (right) from @chanafehs / @palipunk you can get them here and remember that the proceeds will be going to help a family evacuate gaza.
I'm sticking the transparent ones on a water bottle once I get it, the normal ones are going in my sticker book.
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snackugaki · 2 years
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tmnt au, where everyone made it past their 20s and goddamnit they deserve peace
they also sometimes visit Venus’ home province, and April’s grandparents for Lunar New Year
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ribbonbonny · 5 months
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finally some archie/maxie content in masters again even if its just an EX role upgrade. Wahoo
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Cora's Collecting
When Regina Mills adopted her son, she decided to cut her mother off from her life. Cora’s collecting habit had spiralled so far out of control that she feared for her son’s health and safety. Today, Cora says she is ready to start cleaning out her mess and making space for her family and friends to come back into her life.
My excuses are that I couldn’t sleep and had the clearest image of Cora being a hoarder that I could not shake until it was written. And, honestly, it was so much fun that I hope you laugh and enjoy it as much as sleep-deprived me enjoyed dreaming it up. This is meant to be lovingly mocking the television programme and the format they follow for all their one million episodes. This is not, at all, a jest at the expense of anyone who does suffer from compulsive hoarding. 
For over fifteen years, Cora Mills has been bringing things into her 145,000-square-foot residence nestled in the picturesque Misthaven woods. When she moved into the hunting lodge that she has used as a primary residence for over thirty-seven years, Cora was a newlywed and it was the ideal place for her to start her family. 
The gilded halls were with bright sunlight streaming in through windows with their heavy drapes tied back. The expensive fabrics of the drapes were perfectly coordinated with finely embroidered seats and the thick, soft rugs. Heavy wooden tables sat between the seats which lined the marble corridors. The lodge boasted over 180 large rooms, each decorated immaculately in individual styles which complimented one another. 
But, all that changed for her when her husband of over twenty years suddenly died in his sleep. Despite a lifelong battle with an unknown heart condition, his death changed everything for Cora. She had to fight to keep her home after her husband died and five years after his death, she and her teenage daughter, Regina, were finally given the deed to the home they’d lived in for her daughter’s entire life. 
“I don’t think my father and mother had a particularly happy marriage,” Regina recalls without emotion. “It was the house and the potential to lose the house that really seemed to shake her up. Yeah, I think that is when she really started to accumulate things.” 
Today, the once-pristine hunting lodge is filled with clutter. Every one of the over 180 rooms is so stuffed with furniture, clothing, children’s toys, and other items that Cora has resulted in sleeping in the stable on a haystack without heat. 
“I’ve been sleeping in the stables and washing in the watering trough for about three years now,” Cora admits to Dr Archie Hopper, a clinical psychologist who specialises in the treatment of individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder and who struggle with compulsive hoarding. Archie has been brought in, along with professional organiser, Belle French, to help Cora clear out the clutter that has overtaken her life. 
“I want to see my grandson play in the halls where I raised my daughter,” Cora explains as she shows Archie through the cramped halls of her home. After climbing over too many items to identify single objects and shimming against walls they finally reach the suite of rooms that Cora once slept in. Here, the clothing and furniture are stacked around them in mountainous piles that reach the ceilings. The gold-plated ceiling seems to have dulled. Little light filters through the massive windows, which are almost completely blocked by Cora’s items. 
“We are now standing in your wing of the home and it is completely buried in items,” Archie says matter-of-factly. Cora nods in agreement with his statements but doesn’t say anything in response. “How does it make you feel, Cora? Looking at these items in the rooms where you once dressed for grand balls?” 
Cora looks around the space and takes in the piles around them, “It’s embarrassing. I don’t know how I let it get this far.” 
Archie grabs a nearby item, a landscape of the north woods of Arendelle in an elaborate dusty golden frame, and shows it to Cora. “How would you feel if I took this with me tonight?” 
“I wouldn’t like that,” Cora’s voice is sharp with a mixture of anxiety and unquestionable authority. 
“Cora, you called me here to help you get better.” 
“How does taking my things help me?” 
“You have to try to make room for your grandson to play. This is not a safe environment for him to be in,” Archie softly states to remind Cora of her goals in having him there today. 
“So, I am going to take this with me.”
“Okay,” Cora says wearily. 
“How do you feel right now?” 
“Angry. Stressed.” 
“I want you to sit with that for a while. It is important for you to know this feeling will fade away and you are strong enough to endure the discomfort,” Archie explains gently. Cora looks away from where Archie stands with the painting, toward the other items surrounding them. The dust and clutter fill her with dread that chases out the discomfort she was feeling at the thought of the psychologist taking the painting of the white woods of the North Forest. 
Cora desperately wishes that the home could already be organised and returned to its former glory and is overwhelmed by the taste of bitter emotions - anger, shame, frustration, guilt, and hopelessness - thick on her tongue. She is ready to have her house back and her daughter back, but she cannot see a path forward out of the clutter she has built up around her. 
Dr Hopper has called Cora’s daughter, Regina, to see how the conditions of the home have deteriorated since she was last there, eight years ago. Regina stopped visiting her mother when she adopted her son, Henry, because she feared for his safety in her home. 
“When I was a child, the house was spotless. My mother had a host of people that helped keep everything in order. If she found a speck anywhere in the house, the maid responsible for that room was never seen again,” Regina tells Dr Hopper before he knocks on the door of the home. 
Cora opens the door and Regina walks into her childhood home once again. Cora and Archie stand at the threshold of the door and allow Regina to tour her once-spotless home alone. Regina is horrified by the clutter. “The mountains of junk have grown so much since the last time I was in there. I could never allow my son into that death trap.” 
She makes her way through another room, items crunching beneath her feet, and her anger flares again at the situation her mother has created. When the pile she was standing on gave out and sent her tumbling, Regina terminates the tour and returns to her mother and the psychologist waiting in the foyer.
“Mother, this is horrible. How do you live this way? It is disgusting.” Regina’s anger is rolling off her in waves, the hate and accusation in her glare all too familiar. 
“I know. I don’t know,” Cora answers but her words fall on deaf ears.
“Belle should be arriving, let’s make our way back outside,” Archie suggests.
Regina shakes her head, “I’m leaving, I have to get Henry from school,” and with that, she is gone as quickly as she came. 
After collecting herself, Cora nods to Archie. When they exit from the house, Regina has disappeared. The grand fountains flowing with clear water and bright green topiaries with not a branch out of place provide a sharp contrast from the dark and dusty house behind them. 
Cora draws in a deep breath of fresh air before turning to watch the young brunette woman in a flowing blue dress cutting through the courtyard, her thick hair billowing in waves behind her with every purposeful step. Cora felt an immediate dislike for the young lady storming her home. 
As if reading her mind, Archie lays a calming hand on Cora’s shoulder, “She’s here to help. You are still in control of this entire process.”
Scowling at the clammy hand on her shoulder, Cora mutters -  Supper with Regina and Henry. Supper with Regina and Henry. 
“Good morning, Belle!” Archie calls to the new arrival with a smile. They shake hands and exchange some pleasantries. 
Belle turns to face Cora with a bright smile. “You must be Cora?” Belle’s chipper voice grates at Cora’s already raw nerves. Her smile does not falter when Cora refuses to shake her proffered hand or acknowledge her ridiculous question in any way, “Let’s see what we’ve got, shall we?”
“No better time to start than the present,” Archie chirps as he pushes open the grand door, revealing the hoard behind to the organiser. To Cora’s disappointment and relief, Belle’s smile still doesn’t falter as she crosses the threshold and orients herself with the clutter inside. 
“Cora, you have some beautiful things here,” Belle says and Cora wonders if she misjudged the lady. “But, we have a lot of things to clear so that you can actually enjoy them.”
No, I was right.
“That is why I have called you, Ms. French,” Cora explains slowly, as if worried the organiser could not grasp their meaning.
“Absolutely,” Belle replied cheerily. The smile finally fades as she picks up two items at random and holds them up to Cora. “Cora, can you get rid of either of these two items?”
Cora studies the small broken round table. The green marble table top is a sad echo of the sprawling gardens visible through the open door, two of the three shiny cheery wood legs are still intact and end in a highly decorative curl, dust is so thick that the finer details of the carvings are lost. Her palms start sweating and her pulse thunders in her chest and head as she shifts her focus to the porcelain doll Belle holds. The black hair of the doll has become frizzy with age and poor storage, the fine fabric of her dress is creased and wrinkly, and the doll’s painted face has faded. 
“No,” Cora rasps out, her mouth and throat suddenly too dry. Cora knows that she has to get rid of her things, but the doll’s big brown eyes stare at her accusingly. Regina’s face, splotchy and red from crying, fills Cora’s mind. Her expression is equally as accusing as the doll’s; she blamed Cora for the accident that had taken Daniel’s life. Cora would never heal the wounds that formed when she survived the accident that Regina’s first love did not. 
“Cora, you have to give up so much more than one thing before your daughter and grandson can come over for a visit,” Belle admonishes gently.
Archie steps toward Cora, placing a hand on her arm, “You seemed to have gotten very stressed all of a sudden. What are you thinking about, right now?” 
“I am thinking that I cannot throw out the doll.”
“What happens if you throw out the doll?” Archie nudges. 
“I can never get my daughter back,” Cora grinds out. 
“Cora, we are cleaning up all of this to get her back,” Belle says simply. Both of their faces are sad and understanding in a way that snaps something in Cora. 
“Throw them both out,” Cora demands, a sense of pride soaring through her as Archie and Belle congratulate her on making a good decision. It is ridiculous that their praise should matter to her, but she relishes it all the same. 
They work through the day and night similarly - Belle and Archie holding up a few items and Cora deciding what to keep and what to remove; Cora continues to bask in the praise, encouraged to keep only priceless family heirlooms and the necessary furnishings. It is not until an owl flies in through the open doorway, making the three all squeal and swat at it to shoo it back out, that they haul the progress for the day. 
Cora sleeps in her halfway-cleared grand foyer that night. The comfort of the antique tufted sofa far exceeded the straw bed she slept in the night prior. 
When she wakes up, she is shocked that she does not mourn the loss of the things that were removed from her home. The realisation inspires her to go forward with the process when Belle and Archie arrive. 
After a successful first day, Archie and Belle have an idea to speed up the clean-up process to get Cora back in her home, ready to host her daughter and grandson.
“Cora, since your house is so large. We brought along a crew of over 120 people to help haul away all of your stuff. With your permission, we would like to have them take away anything that is damaged or of little value,” Archie says in a way that seems like a question and command all at once. 
“Okay,” Cora agrees, but she feels a sense of impending doom that throws her off as she picks up where they had left off sorting through the foyer last night. After an hour or so, the feeling becomes too much for her to continue to ignore and she stops working and runs out to the courtyard. Trucks as far as she can see are filled with items taken from her home. The workers are tossing her possessions in without care and she worries they have included relics of great import in those bags that she cannot see through. The fear grips her and she is rushing the trucks and yelling at the men toiling away before she is aware of her actions.
“Cora? Cora, what is wrong?” Belle asks, chasing after her from the front door. 
“They are just removing everything. Not everything in my home is trash! You promised they would only take away things that were damaged or trash! This is twenty trucks of things, there is no way that my house had twenty trucks of worthless trash in it,” Cora is yelling at the petit organiser. 
“Cora, I promise you that we did not throw away anything of value,” Belle says in her most soothing tone. 
LIAR!  Cora wants to scream it in her face but knows there is no point. “I don’t want to do this anymore,” she admits to the organiser. 
“It is hard, what you are doing is very hard. But, if you keep going, you can have your daughter back in your life. Isn’t that more important to you?” 
“Of course, it is,” Cora snaps. The last day and a half have been extremely difficult and she feels more alone than she ever has before. Cora is exhausted and does not want to fight anymore. 
Belle pauses the cleaning crew and Cora talks with Archie. Three hours later, Cora agrees to continue with the clean-up. She returns to the task with a new determination and allows the Merry Men to continue their removal work without interruption. That night, she falls asleep in her bed for the first time in over a decade. 
After ten months of work with professional organiser, Belle French, and numerous haul-away days with the Merry Men, Cora’s home has been returned to its former glory. Her daughter is returning to see how her mother is progressing.
Cora waits for her daughter to arrive filled with nervous energy. The home is immaculate once more, the halls almost as bright as they were when Regina’s laughter filled them, but she worries that Regina will not see the progress that she has made.  It won’t be enough to have your daughter and grandson in your life.
When the knock sounds, a newly hired butler rushes to open the door. The butler shows Regina around the house, as directed. Regina takes in the beautifully polished furniture, the rich fabrics, the smudge-free windows and mirrors, the tastefully decorated rooms, the maids and servers darting between the rooms, and she is transported to a time when their home was the centre of the kingdom.
Cora is settled in a formal sitting room, anxiously waiting to receive her daughter. A maid appears with tea and biscuits before disappearing again. 
Regina arrives with a broad smile on her face, “You did it, Mother.”
Cora’s heart leaps at her daughter’s approval. Her daughter looks at her with love and admiration that hasn’t been there for as long as Cora can remember. Cora is filled with cautious hope for their relationship. 
“I cannot believe it. You did it. It looks incredible!” Regina pulled her into a tight hug and Cora feels tears prickling in her eyes.
“Does that mean you will bring Henry for dinner and for holidays?” Cora asks tentatively.
“Yes. Oh, you’re going to love him. He is perfect; so smart and so funny,” Regina gushes, settling to sit with her mother on her couch for the first time in years. Cora gestures toward the tea, listening and laughing and enjoying her daughter’s company. The future looks bright for them for the first time in many more years. 
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briankang · 2 years
brian bangs… who, exactly?
me, obviously
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moonstruckme · 5 months
He would never take those bracelets off 😭 now I kinda want a fic of counselor James and counselor reader how cute
Hi, I've lowkey been hoarding this for months because I wanted to wait until I felt summery enough, thank you for requesting!!
camp counselor!James x fem!reader ♡ 693 words
“Land ho, boys!” A familiar voice reaches you over the water. Your eyes are closed towards the sun, but you feel your lips twitch upward. “Thomas, if you don’t help Callum paddle you’ll fall behind, and the last one to shore has to buy me a popsicle after dinner. Hey, look, we’ve got a mermaid on our beach!” 
You turn your head to the side, squinting your eyes to see James and his cabin of boys paddling toward you in kayaks over the lake. You lift your hand in a lazy wave. 
“Oh, false alarm, it’s just y/n. Hi, y/n!” He raises an arm to wave back at you, wrist stacked with string bracelets made with care by small hands.
You swear he’s got more from your own campers than you have, but you don’t mind; James is a hero to most of the kids, the goofy gentle giant who lets them ride on his shoulders when your manager isn’t looking and deals temporary tattoos out of his cabin during mealtimes.
“Careful, Archie, mate, if she catches you rocking your kayak like that she’s going to hang you from the lifeguard stand by your toes.” The boys laugh, and James protests, “No, really! I’ve seen her do it, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You roll your eyes and close them again, turning your face back towards the sky. It’s not until you hear the shushing of kayaks against the coarse sand and a shadow falls over you that you say, without opening your eyes, “Spreading rumors about me again?” 
“They know better than to take me seriously.”
James’ shadow moves as he sits beside you on the sand, and you turn your head again to see him. He’s looking over his shoulder at the boys, the lean muscles of his abdomen stretching and dusky skin shining with sweat in the afternoon sun.
“Hey, whoever puts my kayak and paddle up, I’ll buy them a popsicle after dinner.” Shouts and bickering ensue, and James turns back around with a smile. “Where are your kids?” he asks you. 
“In arts and crafts,” you say. “Figured I’d catch a nap while they were busy.” 
He hums, setting his hands on the warm sand behind him and leaning back. “So you didn’t just come here to see how fit I looked dragging a paddle through the water?” 
You know James is only playing, but embarrassment tingles down to your toes anyway. “Not this time, sorry.” 
“Mm, don’t believe you.” He shoots you a grin, and you look away under the guise of rolling your eyes. That thing is more glaring than the sun. “You coming to the bonfire tonight?” 
“Don’t we have to?” you ask. It’s the last night of this session, and camp always closes out with a bonfire and s’mores for the kids. 
“I mean the other bonfire.” At your blank look, James continues, looking rather too pleased to know something you don’t, “After the kid’s bonfire, when they’re all watching a movie in the cafeteria, some of the counselors are planning to go out into the woods and have a grown-up’s bonfire.” 
You giggle. “Grown-ups? What are we, twelve?”
James bobs his head. “And we’re gonna have s’mores, and tell ghost stories, and maybe play truth or dare,” he says in an exaggeratedly animated tone. “It’s gonna be super cool.” 
“It sounds super cool,” you agree, laughing. “I’ll be there.” 
“Excellent.” James casts a look over his shoulder and starts standing up. “I should get back to my kids before they injure each other.” 
You check the time and sigh. “Yeah, me too.” 
“Want a hand?” 
You reach up and James takes your hands in his, hauling you upright. Your head lightens once you’re vertical, a combination of your sun-warmed skin and James’ touch making you woozy. 
“See you later?” he asks, releasing your hands and starting to back away as the shouting behind him grows more boisterous. “I’ll come find you in the cafeteria, we can walk together.” 
“That’d be great, thanks.” You start walking away, too, ignoring the pleasant buzzing in your chest. “I wouldn’t miss it.” 
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lovelylivewirez · 8 months
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Figured I should post this on it's own since @au-sonic-smackdown has already begun (but I kept forgetting so... a few days later it is lmao)
I'll take this as a chance to ramble a little about this AU as well- putting under the cut tho bc it's gonna get a bit long and is probably a bit disjointed lol
So Sonic in this AU is immortal, right? He's like a demigod kinda. But so are Shadow and Tails (Shadow being the Ultimate Lifeform and Tails being a kitsune). They live far into the future, long enough to meet Silver as a child and see him grow, and will live far longer still.
Sonic is a nomad and lives anywhere as long as it's off the grid. He doesn't like other people knowing of his immortality out of fear that it will be exploited somehow. Eggman Nega would eventually prove that fear true, and some of his scars are from encounters with him.
(Some scars are from his childhood, but the prominent one running down his torso and the one in his ear, as well as a few other big ones covered by bandages, are relatively recent. They're indicative of some of the ways he has died before, if you're willing to take a guess.)
Shadow has taken over the role as Mobius' current hero, at least in the eyes of the public, but Sonic has remained a hero of legend. Silver also does his fair share of hero-ing, too, and is constantly chasing after Nega and foiling his plans with Shadow's help. Sonic will come in and help often, but leaves just as quickly as he came, often remaining unseen.
Meanwhile, Tails uses his kitsune powers to appear as a regular fox and hide his status as immortal. He poses as a local mechanic in Onyx City (the city from Archie Sonic Universe's Silver Age arc, but like. A good future instead of a dystopia) and helps Shadow and Silver covertly with his advanced tech.
When he's not saving the world from impending doom, Sonic either wanders the world to find places to nap in, hangs out with Tails or Shadow, or is hunted down by Nega.
Sonic's immortality allows him to regenerate and come back whenever he dies. The Chaos Energy inside of him won't let him die, he just heals and comes back, but it often leaves a scar, especially if the injury is severe. It's left him with chronic pain and fatigue. He uses a cane he carved himself out of a stick, unless in werehog form, where he just walks on all fours instead.
As a werehog, he's extremely irritable and pretty feral, but since he can control when he transforms most of the time (except new moons), he avoids transforming unless the boost in strength is absolutely necessary.
He's gotten pretty attached to lots of old things that remind him of his friends. Even if those things have started to decay, he hoards them in secret burrows across the world and refuses to let them go. His memory is not the greatest and has gotten worse as he aged, so he holds onto things that remind him of his late friends to ensure they live on in some way.
Anyways, that's all I have for now. Go vote for your favorite Sonic in the smackdown!
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xviiper-rents-houses · 3 months
Detailed Headcanons: Yandere Sonic
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TW: Stalking, possessiveness, murder, mentions of past trauma, manipulation, clingyness, blatant lying.
Is it proof read? Sorta...but I really just wanted to get this post out here cuz it's been on my mind man, I gotta share it!
Lemme know what you guys think! Feel free to comment, like, reblog, whatever! Thanks 🫡
Sonic wouldn’t be the most possessive guy out there, I’d say a score of 50/50. With a reputation like his and ego to accompany, he doesn’t feel the need to hoard you away from others entirely. Sonic lets you hang out with your friends and his alike. However, that doesn’t mean that he’s going to let you go Scott free, Sonic’s been through a lot. There will definitely be times where he has to know where you are, what you’re doing, what you eat, who you are talking with and..and..why you are hanging out with them…? Sonic cannot lose you to another catastrophic event. Even so, Sonic understands that regardless of his feelings, he cannot limit your friendships! And he also understands, to his own justification, you are prone to getting hurt by a crazy scientist (Eggman).
That's what makes Sonic a mastermind at disguising whatever disdain he holds for others in your presence, masking his anger or frustration with a quick smile or a joke. Whenever he’s in battle with much stronger foes that strike terror into his heart, Sonic usually covers this up with masked confidence or making a few jokes to comfort himself and others. Sonic does this in both the games and the comics. If you are a keen observer, you will notice the amount of times Sonic’s eye has twitched, others mistaking it for a wink or Sonic just being plain impatient. His eyes, feet and hand motions are what you need to pay attention to the most. The more Sonic taps his foot and waves his hand, the more agitated he gets and the closer to lashing out, especially if his eyes narrow and he brandishes a sneer. Sonic then makes it a point to get in front of you, as if he is shielding you from the perpetrator.
While Sonic tries to not display his possessiveness in public, he usually fails and displays his need to “subtly” let others know you're with him, openly with physical touch, covering it up as a comforting manner. His hand is usually hovered too close to yours, almost ready to grasp it at a given chance and Sonic has to stand close to your general area. Sonic likes to feel the warmth radiating from your hand, to know that you’re still here for him; if he’s involved with you romantically, he’s going to try to hold your hand or rest his hand on your shoulder as many times as he can. Platonic, his hand will hover the majority of the time, maybe give you a fist bump or a high five. Sonic wants others to know that you are with him, friend or partner. This goes hand in hand with Tails, caring for his brother by playfully teasing him and giving lots of fist bumps. A platonic involvement with Sonic would be similar to his brotherly relationship with Tails, except Sonic is way more protective.
In the Archie comics, Sonic treated Tails like the same little boy he knew when he was growing up. Tails looked up to Sonic like he was a hero, believing that his big brother figure knew everything this world had to offer. But it was when Sonic went with his motto in the Archie comics of living in the moment, doing what he felt was right at the time, shielding Tails from Fiona Fox and ending up dating her. In the long run, this helped Sonic’s and Tails’ bond strengthen, Tails becoming more than a sidekick but an equal. Tails expressed his disdain for how Sonic sheltered him from Fiona; Tails had a major crush on her. Sonic had assumed that his little brother had gotten over it but when it came down to a confrontation, the truth was revealed. Tails yelled at Sonic, stating that he hated him for what he did, especially with Fiona.
I personally believe that Sonic has a bad habit of assuming others want to go along with his plan, especially in this au. He understands that others have their own ways about going through difficult tasks, relenting and letting them take over the missions, (.i.e Rouge, Tails, Knuckles, Archie & IDW series) sometimes, but with you, he thinks that since he is such a dashing hero, you’d automatically want to follow along with whatever he has planned. Sonic’s done this for years! Why wouldn't you trust his superior thinking and quick-witted remarks? Don’t worry, you still get some say in what you think is a good idea and what is not but, don’t expect Sonic to completely place his trust in you once he’s this smitten. He’s seen terrible things happen and he hasn't been able to save everyone that he loves. Sonic believes he has a right to be paranoid, (in a way he does and TOTALLY uses this to his advantage) overriding your decisions in favor of his.
Walk away if you want to, run even, you cannot escape Sonic. You tell him to give you space, to leave you alone, he’ll say, “Alright, alright. I get it, I've been up in your grill, I’m sorry,” (he's not too sorry). He’ll give you that space, if only for a little while. Then, Sonic’s anxious thoughts kick in and he cannot bear the thought of you getting hurt by some crazy event, (cough cough Eggman). Sonic tries to keep himself in check, tries to not crowd you but, he ends up watching you from behind. As soon as you turn your back, he dashes out of the scene. “Didn't say anything ‘bout watching,” Sonic justifies. He knows that he has broken his word. Sonic also knows that this is wrong, stalking you and violating your wishes isn't the right thing to do. And he does it anyway because he loves you, Sonic loves you more than anyone ever will.
When beating up badnicks, Sonic in this AU doesn’t hold back his punches. It’s either them or you, and he’d rather keep you alive so he can dash on by daily, forget the plans you made specifically for yourself. He will join in almost any activity you do, Sonic doesn’t want to be away from you and needs to be a part of your life. If you have a strong resolve and refuse every time, Sonic will resort to stalking you so he can still be with you, (as stated before). What about murder? Now, it's quite rare for Sonic to be driven to murder. He values the excitement around him, including Eggman and his friends. That also includes interdimensional bad guys who seriously need to lighten up. “He-hey! Lighten up chuckles! Someone had a real bad hair day;” Sonic loves his puns and mocking his foes. But, as soon as your life is in danger by the same cause, multiple times…maybe it is just better to get rid of a fun problem.
“Hey Sonic, you took a little longer getting here, is everything okay?” It's not like you need to know. Sonic totally didn't take that one idiotic Mobian villain of the week behind closed doors and showed them how fast he can actually throw punches. Or that he knew how to cut a few limbs off with just a knife. And was so clever with hiding the body where no one could find it; there was a reason Sonic liked water every now and then. He was real glad he knew how to pilot a ship and get rid of the mess. “Yeah! Everything’s fine. Remembered that I had to take care of cleaning up something back at my place, no biggie,” Sonic replies back with a smirking shrug, dismissing your concern. Man, his shoes look a little darker than usual, almost brown. Must've gotten into some mud? Probably. Smells pretty bad, he should wash his shoes.
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lucie-newman · 1 month
Where: The Vinyl Hub When: August 12th Who: Open (4/4)
"Here's the thing," Lou tugged a fourth record down from the shelf before turning with a smile, "it's not hoarding if it's vinyl." She'd come because she needed a breath of fresh air. She'd come because Archie was in a (hopefully) hour long milk-induced nap and being watched by her sibling. She'd come because well - "And right now music is what's keeping me sane."
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mrgladstonegander · 5 months
How will the characters be portrayed in DT47 compared to DT87, and DT17?
to be honest i havent really watched enough of dt87 to say 😅im drawing more inspiration from dt17 + the comics
I do have some thought-out differences for some characters though! :)
I'd do more characters but I don't have everything set in stone completely yet .
these links have more up to date information : phantom and the sorceress / specter of the past , phantom blot/rorschach specter
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doodled this a while ago but scrooge / graham are different in terms of ... business practices. DT17!Scrooge is whitewashed (in the traditional sense) from the comics (dt87!scrooge moreso from what i know). but i personally think that scrooge's penny pinching debt collecting personality in the comics can still be fun (+creates conflict) but ALSO . personally. I don't really think it's good to say you can be the Richest Person Ever while still having good ethics. ESPECIALLY when said billionaire collects and takes artifacts from other cultures
Graham (dt47 scrooge) remembers debts extremely well, and always puts himself in situations where people would become indebted to him (even family). he takes contracts and small print very seriously. he also has the same issue of hoarding all his treasures in his house or money bin, and separates them by how useful they are to him (like, say, if there was a magical Papyrus that can be used to make contracts that Bind things... cough cough)
honestly i think that dt17!scrooge's aversion to magic felt slightly contradictory at times? considering how much he collects/uses them
i dont remember if it was ever said in the show, but while Graham likes adventuring, I don't think he does it just for the sake of adventure. He wants treasure, but he also wants to give the kids (dt47 donald/della/hdl/webby etc) an experience and let them travel because he remembers being poor and how many things he wasn't able to do. but with this mindset he doesn't recognize that it's his fault when they start getting bad coping mechanisms or tiring themselves out trying to keep up/impress him
but i think the most major difference between dt17 and dt47 is this; Scrooge built the Spear of Selene, and did everything he could to try and bring Della back. DT17's narrative, even with Last Crash, does not put the blame on him; he didn't really do anything wrong. but for dt47 i REALLY want to emphasize how many people Phoebe (Della)'s disappearance affected - and the lengths that Graham went to hide it. I made a chart a while ago that shows how Phoebe's disappearance affects people and Gyro/Beakley's equivalents (the ones with the red star) have specific gag orders that Do NOT allow them to say anything about it. The cousins (INCLUDING PERCY) only know that she disapearred, Oliver/Gladstone trusts Percy/Donald's judgement that it's Graham's fault, and Frankie tries to understand things from both sides with no avail. Graham forcing Archie to keep quiet about it does not go well at all, especially with how guilty Archie feels about building the rocket
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tldr; tries to make people owe him so that he always has leverage, uses magical artifacts to build his business, has bad coping mechanisms regarding his childhood (that lead to him being adventurous, untrusting, penny pinching etc), and he really sucks for how much he's burying what to phoebe. ALSO i forgot to mention but he doesn't really have a money bin in the traditional sense. I want to give him the world's most complete coin collection to make him seem slightly more insane in a different way.
. ok realizing that this is really long and you're asking how they're portrayed and not just the differences. heres some quicker comparisons
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(please read the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde)/ (the poor thing has anxiety because of valerie (beakley's) teachings)
this post is still consistent with what i have planned for team science + archie
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sp1derc1der · 9 months
Since my first post on the Draco Scaled AU, I thought I’d do a sort of updated version of what the AU’s about
So, the Draco Scaled AU is a Pokémon AU where everything’s the same, except weredragons exist and live amongst people. While they have strikingly different appearances depending on which region they’re from, they share general characteristics: being somewhat reptilian in appearance, being extremely rare, even in their home regions, possessing shapeshifting abilities, and often sharing some weaknesses with Dragon-type Pokémon.
In Kanto and Johto, weredragons are seen as nuisances, but they aren’t seen as evil. At best, they’re politely shooed away. At worst, they’re chased out of the building. In these regions, the weredragons are a proud male-only species that hoard money. In fact, Dragon!Giovanni’s hoard originally belonged to his great-great-great grandfather and it was passed down in his family.
Appearance-wise, weredragons in Kanto and Johto are bipedal Western-based dragons. Their wings aren’t big enough for them to gain sustained flight, though they can glide or boost their jumps with these wings. For some reason, if these weredragons are hot, they’ll dig large holes to cool down in.
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In Hoenn, however, weredragons are revered as the emissaries of Groudon and Kyogre. Originally, these weredragons were seen as a female-only species and were praised for representing the beautiful and serene sides of nature until Maxie and Archie came into the world. However, the Hoenn region has two types of weredragons: the sea serpent/melusine-based ones and the drake-based ones. These two species of weredragons hoard things like seashells, trinkets they’ve collected, or anything their heart desires. Dragon!Maxie hoards books that are either well-known classics or possess knowledge while Dragon!Archie hoards things like pirate merchandise, plushies, or anything he finds interesting.
Appearance-wise, the sea serpent-based weredragons look like reptilian sea creatures, though they lean more into the sea creature part rather than the reptile part. Dragon!Archie’s appearance, however, is more akin to a crocodilian sea serpent with large spinal fins, sharp teeth, strong legs, and a thick tail that’s half of his body length. The drake-based weredragons, on the other hand, are often large and wingless quadrupeds armed with strong limbs and thick claws. Dragon!Maxie is more petite in terms of frame, is bipedal, and possesses long, retractable claws. He can also move on all fours if the situation calls for it.
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The Sinnoh region sees weredragons as bringers of Winter. These weredragons, unlike their more extroverted cousins, are aloof, prefer to not show emotions, elusive to find, and often drive away those unaware of their existence due to their silently judgemental glare. They prefer to hoard things with sentimental value, or in Dragon!Cyrus’ case, broken things so they can fix them. For these weredragons, they pass their condition on to the eldest or only children in their families.
These weredragons often take a lindwyrm-based appearance, possess pale-coloured scales, icy-blue eyes lacking pupils, icy horns, and easily-concealed fangs filled with a venom that acts similarly to liquid nitrogen. Their scales are also so cold to the touch that if someone touches them without protection, they’ll get frostbite. Their glare can also freeze a person in their tracks. Dragon!Cyrus, in particular, only makes eye contact if the person he’s looking at is antagonising him.
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In Unova, they see weredragons as harbingers of evil and the heralds of destruction. What sets these weredragons apart from the others is that they possess multiple heads and tails and are actively more bestial in terms of actions. They’re also the only species of weredragon that consumes humans. They also can’t pass down their weredragon condition, but are instead cursed by Arceus to turn into these mockeries of dragons.
Dragon!Ghetsis is said to be the most dangerous out of all the weredragons in Unova, not just because of him possessing an odd number of heads, but because he’s able to effectively wipe out human cities thanks to his three heads cooperating. He’s a Zmey-based weredragon with slight King Ghidorah influence, but instead of his two extra heads, Geechisu and Dennis, arguing, the trio work together quite well, always running like an oiled machine. Even other weredragons are scared of these Unovan dragons.
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The weredragons in Kalos, on the other hand, are treated the same as any other person. Their condition is passed down to their children, but they don’t fully develop their weredragon powers until they’re 30 years old. These wyvern-based weredragons are quite proud, but loyal to their friends. These dragons also possess more mammalian features, especially in the face area. They also hoard anything that can incite passion in them like books, movies, etc.
Dragon!Lysandre has a more leonine mane of hair and has slight Yveltal inspiration. He also boasts incredible fire powers and as a result, he can resist heat, but he has a higher body temperature than his friends.
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Alola has a strange case when it comes to weredragons. Not only are they somewhat birdlike in appearance and behaviour, but they’re a female only species known for possessing a stuck-up attitude, preferring to pay no mind to humans in their dragon forms or lead solitary lives in their human forms. They also tend to hoard anything they perceive as beautiful.
Unlike other weredragons, Alolan weredragons have around 75% of their body covered in a feathery hide while the 25% is scaly. They also have scales that reflect light, eyes that are immune to blindness, and large feathered wings. Dragon!Lusamine in particular possesses eyes that glow brightly at night, allowing her to navigate the darkness easily.
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Alola also has one more species of weredragon: Dragon!Guzma. A more insectoid dragon. He’s there. He got bitten by Lusamine and now he’s a bug dragon. He can spray an explosive chemical from his scorpion-like tail like a bombardier beetle.
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infantisimo · 8 months
@phenakistoskope post on archies and foot shortage in 60s reminded me of conversations i had with my dadi.
i spoke to her about the '43 and '66 famines.
in '43, she was in hazaribagh and there was nothing to eat, nothing. the wheat that was available was rotten and red. they ate it despite the rot to fill the belly. maadd (the water the rice is cooked in) is something i remember me and the elders in my family drinking up till the late 2000s. i suspect force of habit and no wastage. back then whatever rice they got was given to the children and whatever maadd that was there was shared between the adults in 5-6 hutments in hazaribagh. she also said her uncle would go into the forests to snare rabbits. unsuccessful most of the time. they used to hunt deers too but that was a tall order because they had no energy. then there was snails which they ate. whatever remained of the dhaan, they would give as fodder to the surviving livestock. and boil the rest of it, then grind and cook to fill belly. she also said that in every chauraha sometimes (rarely) the british would set up langar of tea and biscuits. she would have and then take some for her siblings back home. which makes sense since hazaribagh was a cantonment town and also hunting lodge. all of this at best amounted to barely one meal a day. she used a phrase: agar haftey mein sirf ek din hadia (a cooking utensil) utla na ho, then that was a good day. dadi says they hadn't eaten roti before the famine of 1966, which came as aid from abroad. she also says that zamindars would hoard everything. she says she and her brothers were supporters of naxalbari uprising that happened the next year. some relatives in hazaribagh and daltonganj participated. she enjoyed seeing fear in the eyes of the zamindars.
the funniest thing she tells me which always cracks me up is that once at a market she saw a british soldier choke on a shareefa (shareefa = aata = custard apple) while trying to eat it whole.
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silverjirachi · 11 months
fire emoji here. magma admin courtney
perfect. immaculate creature. what would the world be without her. she's mean. she's a lesbian. she's nice. she's shy. she's bisexual. she hoards candids of her boss. team magma would be nothing without her. maxie would be floating face down dead in a ditch without her. archie wouldn't even know he's gay without her. i owe courtney team magma my life
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zeroiii · 1 year
Updated Sep 4, 2024
🔞 - MDNI, 18+
@ciskink - NSFW 🔞
@roseselfships - Self-shipping 🔞
@permababy - TransID hoard
@sh2doman - Poképhilia 🔞
@rocketterrier - Art 🔞
@ganvitosh - Game development*
@jauffrejam - Elder Scrolls 🔞
@cucksworth - Fallout 🔞
@twolittleislands - Animal Crossing*
@forgetmenotboys - Harvest Moon*
@uncontrolledinsomnia - Degrees of Lewdity 🔞
@missionbeach - Nature, landscapes
@autognostic - Red + black (Ithai's blog)
@blinkiehut - Blinkies, web decoration
@softyellowbabyblanket - Positivity
@agere-dni-banners - Agere DNI banners
@romeoburg-archived - MCSM / Minecraft (archived)
@steelports-archived - Saints Row 🔞 (archived)
@archieswhite2nuzlocke - Archie's White 2 Nuzlocke (cancelled)
*Shared blog
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karatekels · 2 months
15. Do you read comics?
Not really? I used to devour Archie comics as a kid, and I have a couple of specific comic books/manga, but I definitely don't hoard them the way I do traditional books!
Link to questions here
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thekingofwinterblog · 9 months
Maybe this is just a flight of fancy - but your post about Kuma just made me think about how One Piece just abandoned it's more dialectical, for a lack of a better word, direction - instead of a tyrant being somebody who in the irony of history leads to revolutionary change, ala Napoleon, Nobunga, Cromwell or even Ghenghis Khann - he instead must be just a martyr - and not a Jesus, because a Jesus turns tables over and is not allways "nice", but just a caricature of some "Nietschean" "slave morality".
This can just be seen with how Luffy more and more turns from the amoral (not imoral) free spirit that never wants to be a hero and just liberates the world by his self consiousnes dominating the stagnatn oppresion, into a generic saviour, destined by literal prophecies that are fulfilled to the T, and not just by the end of history more abstractly - like hell somebody noticed how "the will of D" was basically overshadowed with the Nika stuff - from smiling because you are content and know that history will redeem everything, to just smiling because it is the magic system in a very boring and surface level way...
So yeah, even if my ideas may sound strange I'll finish that I agree - Kuma was kinda changed from a charachter that was introguing into one that may be more sympathic but ultimately less interesting - a mirror to the Gorosei, who were a human yet poignat critique of real politiks turning people into monster, who go against their compasion, that did destroy Ohara even thought they didnt want to out of a twisted "duty", into the saturday morning literal demons that call people "insects" - and as the devil that tortures souls in hell isn't really evil, so isn't an anti-semitic caricature that has a paralyzing stare - as "evil" as King Geedorah or Godzilla, just a rubber monster, not the evil in all our hearts...
Eh, i agree with some, disagree with some of the other things.
One thing i do disagree with, is the idea that the gorosei being pure evil is a problem. It's not, it's only a problem if all of them are the exact same in personality as Saturn.
The problem with Saturn is not the fact that he's pure evil, and like the rest of the celestial dragons he has a god complex, it's that he's boring.
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He's just an evil asshole, who is pure evil, and frankly, his actual main purpose seems to be introducing the magic system that his side has hoarded for themselves, so that we'll have had a taste of it by the time the final conflict takes place.
The problem with Saturn is that there isnt much to him. What glimpses we see from the rest of his circle is that the rest of the gorosei have actual real opinions on the world that is in some part based on good intentions, or at least an appeal to the greater good. By contrast Saturn is just a Celestial Dragon with actual power behind him. no more, no less.
and there are ways to make that sort of characters compelling.
the youtuber Lowart, during his retrospective on the archie sonic comic breaks down pretty well how the Brotherhood of guardians from that franchise are quite frankly assholes... but it's the most extreme member of this extreme group, Locke, who is the most compelling character of the bunch, speciffically because he has been molded by his groups century's long ideology into becoming who he is. the logical end result, of a long line of extremism, who believes that the ends justify the means at any cost... and then explores how this completely ruined his, his wife's and his sons lives.
By contrast saturn is just an asshole, who does assholish things, because he is an asshole.
also as for him being an antisemetic charicature, his devil fruit is clearly a gyuki-oni, a demonic, bovine spider monster from japanese legends.
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They really do look like that. they have been a part of Japanese folklore LONG before they even knew jews existed.
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By sharp contrast, to saturn, while Imu hasnt been fleshed out in full yet, it's very clear that the monarch of the world has a much more distinct personality, with hopes, dreams, and has very distinct reasons to hate the people he/she does... but you also get the sense that Imu is a very lonely individual, who despite hard words, very clearly misses Lili, and seems to see Vivi as some form of getting to do things over again.
In other words, an actual character, as opposed to Saturn's Im fucking evil guys! look at me! im EVIL!!!
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No in terms of good and evil, the larger problem is that the world government's opposition has lost as lot of their greyness as the story went on.
Dragon was a man who's actions was portrayed as a lot more grey than Kuma, a man who didnt mind his son becoming a pirate so long as he actually went out to see how the world was for himself, who talked nonchelantly with his subordinate about having brutually toppled a regime in a coup in their quest to destroy the world government.
There was a sense that he was on the right side of this war... but that he had no problems with shedding blood to get the war done.
Now this trait hasnt exactly been removed, but the way the manga portrays Dragon and his faction's actions has. Now rather than a bloody conflict with lots of intentional civil wars, post time skip it's portrayed more by relatively bloodless coups that doesnt kill that many people.
just look at kuma's flashback, where the king of sorbet was removed twice, and came back a third time, all because dragon didnt have him executed the first time.
The fact is, Oda did not need to make this conflict one of black and white, and it didnt have to become that, even as we saw the true, irredeemable evil at the WG's top.
I think the single biggest showcase of what a bad idea this was, is that Oda could have used the revolutionary army's raid on mariejois as a massacre, where they freed the slave, but also put as many world nobles to the sword as possible. as it is, it makes no sense for them not to do so while at the heart of their enemy's homebase, other than that this would have made them look very, very brutal.
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and yeah, im not a fan of nika, or how it overshadows The Will of D.
The powerset of gear 5 is actually great, but It did not need some grandiose backstory that connects Luffy directly with the previous great figure.
I disagree though that luffy himself has become some savior hero. On the contrary, luffy's main storyline post timeskip is how he keeps dedicating himself to assassination plots against his political rivals, on his way to become pirate king.
That is the actions of a pirate, not a hero.
The problem is the fact that due to Nika, now he is entangled to become the next joy boy, not due to his own, personal qualities, but instead due to the devil fruit he ate... which is so much less compelling, and in turn makes Whitebeard denouncing Blackbeard as not able to suceed roger despite his name, as much less compelling.
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