#arc trooper bly
mothask · 2 years
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It has come to my attention that according to the council of the CW Fannin that Bly apparently had the fattest ass.
Suggestion by @sincognito
evidence/ original post by:
 @ thatfunkyopossum
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candyfloss5000 · 3 months
I'm just gonna leave this here 🤗
"Do you think it hurt?" The question had been eating Wolffe alive, ever since he had deserted the Empire and realised what he did.
Rex turned to him, "Did what hurt, Wolffe?"
"The general..." Wolffe couldn't bring himself to say anymore, as he felt the bitter bile stir in his stomach.
"No," Rex tried to sound reassuring, tried to sound like everything will be alright when it ultimately won't and will never be, "I think it was quick, painless."
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fwtcanimelover · 1 month
Star Wars Order 66 au
Where the Kaminioans find out early that Palpatine is planning to eventually betray them. Before order 66 they secretly swap the codes for order 66 and order 65 around without Palpatine or anyone else knowing. So basically now order 66 demands the removal/execution of the Chancellor aka Palpatine, and order 65 is the execution of the Jedi.
So when Palpatine calls every single clone commander, commandos, bad batch, and the entire clone army to execute order 66. He is cracking up thinking that the clones are going to kill the jedi. Only to have an uno reverse card, and have the entire Republic army come after him instead.
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thivell · 2 months
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you know what I needed today? Tookaverse shenanigans
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sadiecoocoo · 6 days
Thinking about Hardcase getting to be an ARC trooper with Jesse
Thinking about Tup and Dogma just talking and hanging out together
Thinking about Domino squad all joining the 501st and eventually becoming ARCs
Thinking about Rex getting to see his brothers after the war
Thinking about Comet hugging Wolffe after he lost his eye
Thinking about Wrecker letting Echo use Lula after a nightmare
Thinking about Fives being there when Echo was found
Thinking about bly and Aayla growing old together
Thinking about Cody helping shinies adjust after their first battle
Thinking about Boil and Waxer going back to Ryloth and visiting Numa often
Thinking about Omega getting to see the stars without the fear of being hunted
Thinking about Plo Koon making sure the 104th felt loved
Thinking about Ahsoka joining the clone cuddle piles
Thinking about Rex watching his brothers be happy
Thinking about the clones being happy
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sashketter · 2 months
The fun thing about the clones is that because they don’t have last names, whenever you write their name before another character who does have a last name, they read like a couple. Like ofc Cody is Obi Wan’s husband, it clearly says “Cody and Obi Wan Kenobi.” Or “Bly and Aayla Secura,” they’ve been together for ages! The clones are syntactically husband-shaped!
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Y’know one of my favourite tropes? Clones with lightsabers but out of necessity. Rex picking up that laser sword of death as his last effort to defend an unconscious Anakin. Obi-Wan getting blasted across the room, Cody igniting his lightsaber with a look at his General, who just gives him the slowest, solemn nod. Jesse body-tackling Ahsoka out of the way of a blaster bolt and picking up her shoto to deflect the onslaught of fire from droids because it’s the nearest thing he could reach. Wolffe grabbing Plo’s lightsaber and melting his way through near-impenetrable blast doors to rescue him. Bly catching Aayla’s saber in midair to slice a battle droid in half, then tossing it back to her without missing a beat. 
Fox whacking Sheev in the face with his own lightsaber so hard he just kriffin dies. 
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saggitary · 9 months
Clone and Unknowingly Cuddling
I’ve seen a lot of back and forth in whether clone troopers would be big on physical touch or not.
I think that it would make a little more sense especially from canon that the clones would be a little bit less into physical touch just based on their upbringing… HOWEVER
How funny would it be that no matter wear they fell asleep, who they were nearest to, anything, while they are asleep they will somehow find a way to cuddle right up to the nearest person.
They could be in the opposite side of a cave from someone on their own sleeping pad and everything and still somehow find a way to end up right on top of that other person.
Obi-Wan was very confused the first time he and Cody shared a tent in a campaign and he woke up to find Cody gone from his own cot on one side of the tent and in his cot.
Rex was horrified when he woke up on night while in a mission spooning his general. Anakin was a little surprised but didn’t say anything about it.
Even someone as standoffish and scary as Fox, has woken up after falling asleep on Senator Chuchi’s couch after going 4 days without sleep, completely glommed into the Pantoran.
Echo thought for sure he was going to be decommissioned when he woke up wrapped around his little commander, but Ahsoka assured him that she really didn’t mind and slept quite well.
Bly almost had a heart attack the first time he’d done it to Aalya. He’d even positioned himself closer to one of his captains that night so it wouldn’t happen. He’d quickly realized that the person spooning him from behind was his captain.
This habit of unconsciously ending up cuddling other people happens to make clone cuddle piles deadly for anybody to close to get dragged in. You will end up with three different people glommed onto you.
Oh did I mention that they also don’t let go until they wake up?
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Just happy copy paste boys as a treat
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Expression practice based on requests from... how long has it been? Several months ago. Yikes. A big thanks to everyone who sent me a prompt, and so sorry for the long delay. This was a lot of fun, even though it took me quite a while. 🧡
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starsanatomy · 1 year
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What better practice is there for drawing faces then some clones over and over
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mothask · 2 years
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@blitzythefanvergentpitsterthings asks: Why? 
Everyone asks why. But never how?
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candyfloss5000 · 2 months
just gonna leave this here
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uwingdispatch · 4 months
I've been changing things up with some of my earrings and with the new season of The Bad Batch out it felt like a good time for another clone trooper round up! Here’s every clone I currently have in the shop:
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All of these earrings can be found here. I have some more clone goodies coming in the next month or so, so keep an eye out! Love y'all!
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caramelcorgi · 1 year
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A few requested clone boy sketches ☺️
Jesse, (post-cryo stasis) Kix, Cody and Bly!
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allanalightwood · 11 months
fuck temuera morrison for making jango fett so fucking attractive
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