fwtcanimelover · 1 month
Star Wars Order 66 au
Where the Kaminioans find out early that Palpatine is planning to eventually betray them. Before order 66 they secretly swap the codes for order 66 and order 65 around without Palpatine or anyone else knowing. So basically now order 66 demands the removal/execution of the Chancellor aka Palpatine, and order 65 is the execution of the Jedi.
So when Palpatine calls every single clone commander, commandos, bad batch, and the entire clone army to execute order 66. He is cracking up thinking that the clones are going to kill the jedi. Only to have an uno reverse card, and have the entire Republic army come after him instead.
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uponrightful · 2 years
Ok, I am hooked on Phantom Squad. Give us more on their personalities? Physical attributes? What do they like to do in their down time? What pisses each of them off ?
Hi there!!! I'm so excited to see you in my inbox 🥰🥰
So, I chose physical attributes. However, I'm going to give kind of... the general "run-down" of things. So like, what they all share and certain visuals that are common amongst the boys. As well as a couple of the really noticeable personal details. In the future, I would love to do more in-depth descriptions of all of them individually. Maybe even figure out a way to have some art done of them...
Anyways, I hope this is what you're looking for and it gives some better insight.
Phantom Squad - Physical Attributes
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Phantom Squad was initially put into their growth pods before a large amount of construction was done on Kamino to increase the production demands of clone soldiers. This alone, shouldn't have influenced their appearances because they were not considered to be "specialized" or anything more than regulation clones set to be split apart once their batch was ready for training. However, the construction efforts on Kamino were rushed, and this meant that many growth pods needed to be relocated to other sections of the complex. In itself, the transportation process isn't complex. Yet a very strict set of procedures must be followed to ensure that the growing embryos aren't risked. Phantom Squad was unlucky enough to have been housed in one of the older sections of the main cloning lab. Thus when expansion became a high priority, the Phantoms had to be moved.
Multiple Times.
When growing human lifeforms unnaturally, many technological necessities must be intact at all times. Otherwise, oxygen supplies, temperature, nutrition, and other essential factors can become unbalanced. Or worse, unrecoverable. The act of moving growth pods multiple times was a huge risk to the Phantoms, and this resulted in their vital supplies being either delayed or completely halted at times. Resulting in visual changes that were almost immediately noticeable to the Kaminioans that did pay enough attention to them in the first place.
Fearing their lack of production as it was, there were multiple clone batches that were risked just as Phantom Squad was that were more or less experimented on as a last-ditch attempt to save the "viability" of the to-be soldiers. As for the Phantoms, in particular, they were given some manipulations that, up until that point, were considered invaluable to the cloning effort since its inception.
Alpha-Class Genetics.
The Kaminioans were well-aware of the benefits and glaring disadvantages of their Alpha-class DNA modifications. Physically, the soldiers were taller, stronger, and all-around much more proficient fighters in a general sense. Mentally though, they were much harder to "control", therefore making them a very difficult "product" to sell to the Republic in mass quantities. The Alpha-class troopers still within Republic control were a very good example of how unmanageable they could be at times.
Yet, Phantom Squad was not genetically Alpha-class. Their general make-up was identical to Jango Fett, and this made the idea of inserting certain genetic markers in small quantities into Phantom Squad much more viable. So in the interest of saving one of their failing batches, the Kaminoians spliced together certain traits to give Phantom Squad the best chance at survival. Hoping that they would live just long enough to pass their initial training and ward off the Republic's need for soldiers until they could begin doubling their efforts with improved and enlargened facilities.
They did not expect the Alpha-Class genetic additions to have such a prominent impact. Whereas some areas of concern were totally unchanged after the manipulation, others were seemingly overwritten and enhanced beyond the standard expectations for development. But by the time the Kaminoians realized their "mistakes", Phantom Squad was ready to be decanted and their initial training to begin. For the scientists, it wasn't really an experiment gone right. They felt that they had loose cannons on their hands, and were quite happy with the idea of decommissioning the batch before things got out of hand or their actions were questioned.
By manner of luck -or well-thought-out plan- Chancellor Palpatine was the one who considered Phantom Squad an immense opportunity and brought forth the idea that they should be selected for a special forces unit that would have zero contact with Republic forces after their training was complete. The Kaminioans were more than happy to accept. Phantom Squad was hardly their responsibility any longer, and the Chancellor paid a heavy price for the five men who easily stood out amongst the rest of the batches decanted near the same date.
Shared Visible Genetic Attributes:
Most noticeable about Phantom Squad is their height and build. Whereas regs come in at a respectable -and Fett-like- six feet tall, the Phantoms stand at a toweringly unsusal six-foot-four. The sight of them is truly impressive. And during their time on Kamino, it was often that they were mistaken for Alpha-class troopers even before they were given their armor kits. This proved useful for the cadet Phantoms in many ways... But drew much negative attention from those like the Chancellor and scientists on Kamino hoping to make profits off their "failed experiments".
All five are nearly identical with small differences in build -due to varying exercise and other health choices- as well. Their muscle definition is more easily defined, strength capabilities, and overall mass adds on an extra 40-42 pounds than that of a reg. Initially, this wasn't detectable by the Kaminoians in charge of predicting their peak physical capabilities. They were quite surprised when seeing their progression throughout "childhood" and "early-adult stages" clipping at a development pace above others of the same age. Throughout their training, it was clear that the Phantoms would be best suited to undergo advanced training programs after their graduation to better "control" and hone their respective differences from regs.
To add to their outstanding appearance, Phantom Squad takes much of their batch's namesake and individual names from another large part of their uniqueness. Their hair and eyes.
Not affected by Alpha genetics, it was a bit of an unspoken reason as to why all of Phantom Squad were decanted with silvered hair and cool-toned grey eyes. There were constant rumors by reg peers that the cadets had somehow gotten ahold of hair bleach and took strides to keep their true hair color hidden from everyone else. Understandably, all the cadets wanted to look unique, but no one could come up with a good reason as to how they could change their eye color as well. Those genetic scientists who had the most contact with the batch didn't understand either. But the very overlooked team of regulators who shifted the growth pods during the squad's gestation period did know the answer.
When their pods were disconnected from the permanent life-support towers holding all of their vital nutritional supports and monitoring levels, replacement support was immediately reconnected to stabilize the batch for transport. However, mineral levels in the mobile units went unchecked as a result of glaringly obvious malpractice. Therefore providing zero access to necessary vitamin B-12 for an extended period of time. This, combined with a number of other factors, resulted in grey hair and eyes. This greying does not just pertain to their head either. Eyelashes, eyebrows, and any body hair are all silvered as well. Leaving the Phantoms with yet another reason to think of themselves as made for the task of being invisible.
Individual Visual Attributes (not in-depth):
To begin, the Commander can be safely described as a man who doesn't take the time to worry about... frills. Even when it comes to his physical appearance. He's far more concerned with how his body performs. Therefore Omen's chosen length of "personalization" lies in his tattoos, and -fairly typical- hair choices. With one additional identifier that he silently hates but can't escape.
Since the moment it became an option, Omen has been partial to facial hair. Particularly a strong beard with some respectable length. With so much time spent away from anyone considered a commanding officer who would even think about reprimanding him for being outside of regulation, he's not shaved clean in years. Of course, maintenance is key, and the Commander isn't a stranger to cleaning up new growth on his upper cheeks and ensuring that scraggly hairs along the edges don't ruin the look.
His hair is a much more utilitarian style in comparison. Omen enjoys the simplicity of maintenance of a buzzed head but never quite liked the look or feel. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the idea of a mess of hair knotted up to fit under a helmet didn't appeal either. So, in his own best interest, he melded the two styles as he saw fit. Think about skin-faded on the sides. With enough length on top to have a french or dutch braid running right down the center.
As for tattoos, Omen isn't the most heavily inked of his brothers. But he's not the least by any stretch of the imagination. Most notable is the one that sits centered on his forehead. An upside-down triangle. The wide end complimenting his straight hairline and the point coming to rest near the middle of his forehead. The outer line of the design is thin, and a black inner triangle is separated from the former with negative space. It was his first -as it was for all of his brothers- as it is their squad's homage to their unit and identity as "Phantoms"; Adopting many traditional philosophies that consider the use of a triangle as a sign of spirits, ghosts, phantoms, and other paranormal entities.
And lastly, everyone can't pick only good things about themselves or what ends up defining the significance of their appearance. And Omen's is his scar. It rests from temple to temple, over both eyelids, the wide bridge of his nose, and down a bit on his right cheek. The whitened skin resembles a splatter of some kind of another against his tanned complexion, and Omen can't stand the sight of it. He's highly guarded about it, despite how noticeable it is, and goes to long lengths to keep it hidden by the use of his helmet. The scar is a result of a particularly... gruesome, mission that all of the Phantoms would rather forget about. And while most came out with small physical reminders of the event, Omen emerged with a permanent scar that spans nearly the entire top half of his face. Luckily his vision wasn't affected due to quick treatment of the wounds, but the Commander often wishes it would've damaged his eyes just enough to where he didn't have to see that scar.
Wraith likes things classic. He's very partial to the standard clone-cut and hasn't deviated from it since he can remember caring what his hair looked like. This isn't totally the Lieutenant's personal motivation though. Wraith is inarguably the stiffest out of his squad when it comes to regulation and doing what he can within reason to appease the regulation and rules that he was taught during his cadethood. And while most of those terrible influences fell to the wayside once Wraith got a taste of life away from Kamino, a few particularly tricky habits stuck around. Just like his immaculate hair that he could spend nearly an entire morning trying to tame back fly-away curls.
As said before, all of Phantom Squad have their sigil somewhere on their body. But getting them wasn't the easiest mission to accomplish. For years, every except Wraith was more than happy to have an identical tattoo marking them as not just squadmates, but batch-brothers. The Lieutenant gave his constant opinion that should anyone find out about their "identifying markers" it would result in severe punishment. Or worse. And he did have a fair point. There was always the imminent threat that their anonymous presence would become recognizable in time. And something like tattoos would only make it easier to tell them apart. However, one mission on Daro left the whole squad with a very harsh reminder of just how easily their lives could be ended.
It was in the safety of the ship hours after they has escaped Daro that Wraith came forward with the request that they find somewhere to have their sigil tattooed. And the sooner the better. When asked for a reason for his change in heart, his reasoning was more than enough excuse for Omen to decide to change coordinates according to Rev who know exactly who needed to do their ink.
"If any of us die, everyone should know who we are,"
This is Wraith's singular tattoo. And every time he sees it while looking in the mirror; Resting over the right side of his chest, a swell of pride and a sense of belonging rises in his chest.
Firstly, Revenant is the most severe in terms of his tattoos and hair. He's a very physically connected person not just in terms of what his brothers consider his "sixth sense" but with touch and the many ways he can achieve a level of contact with people around him.
His expansive collection of tattoos is the biggest show of that and makes for a lasting visual impression. Of his brothers, Rev outmatches them in number and scale of body art. In what had begun as a one-off decision to get a tattoo from a woman on a small moon in the outer rim, Revenant began a tradition of getting inked on every planet he could. Picking an artist with a genuine traditional style and the desire to give a visitor a piece of their culture before he departed. And after years of planet-hopping, Rev began filling up his arms, legs, torso, neck, and even his hands and feet.
Wraith always groans when he sees Revenant nursing a new piece of art and Omen always wondered where he's getting the credits to pay for it. But that's what makes things unique for Revenant. He's never once requested a certain image or style. He's not even interested in if it's color or black and grey. He's in it for the connection. The opportunity to have someone talk to him about their life and traditions. All while touching him in one way or another. Working diligently at his skin and putting their permanent mark on him. He relishes in the pain and excitement. The lessons and experience. It's worth the time for him and to date, no one has ever made him pay for his tattoos. As for his matching sigil with his brothers, Revenant made sure that no matter where he was the triangle would be visible by placing it on the back of his dominant left hand. Separate from all of his other art.
Of the Phantoms, Ghost is the most notorious for having the most... interesting appearance. That is, considering he's got more metal in his skin than any of his brothers. In addition to hair and tattoos, Ghost really likes his collection of piercings.
All six of them.
The two in his nostril, a septum ring, and tongue piercing take care of a little more than half of the mystery, but it's not going to be quite as easy to figure out where the others are located unless you're able to get him out of his kit.
In addition to his constellation of bars and hoops, Ghost sits comfortably in the middle of his brothers when it comes to tattoos and just how many he has. More importantly, Ghost has a very strict theme and does his due diligence to make sure that his space-themed ink is nearly exact in size and scale. Being such an immense lover of galaxies and all of the impressive sights one can see while traveling in space, Ghost has spent the majority of his skin space permanently paying homage to his favorite constellations and other important spots in the galaxy.
To the chagrin of his brothers, Ghost is the most inconsistent when it comes to his hair. It's often that seeing the pilot two times will result in the slight shock of seeing something close to Captain Rex's buzzcut, while the next time he's caught without his helmet, he's much closer in style to Commander Wolffe or even Captain Howzer. The variety in Ghost's hairstyles comes from his often restless mind and the desire to switch things up as often as he can. Within his comfort level of course.
This being said, Ghost will spend months and years between these changes, and the only reason his brothers find it so "frequent" is that they found what they liked quickly and stuck to it almost like a religion. Even in Ghost's desire to keep finding inspiration through something like his hair, there's one cut that he always finds himself coming back to. And it's a simple undercut. One that leaves him feeling refreshed and lighter. He likes the look. How he can let his curls live and breathe without having to tie them up or worry about them getting super tangled.
This man is going to be easily identifiable just by his body language even in full armor. But if he's seen without his helmet and armor, you’ll see his preference for a very clean-cut... with an infuriatingly confusing desire for a flair of extravagance. Specter is a close second to Revenant with the expansiveness of his tattoos, and he's very proud of them in a quiet way compared to how Revenant is much more open to letting people see his or add to his collection.
While black and blue ink tattoos are most common, Specter has the singular experience of finding someone who was able to not only what white ink tattoos are, but that they can/actually do create them. White ink shows up like scars on Specter and he loves the look of them. They curl around his neck and up the sides of his head; Melding into his silver hair and disappearing under the collar of his shirt. It’s a beautiful contrast against his tanned skin, and extremely well-executed by the mystery artist that Specter refuses to identify.
As for his hair, he likes it short. With shaved sides that allow to his tattoos to show when he isn’t wearing his helmet. Typically he slicks it back to keep his -very unruly- mess of curls from falling into his face. Additionally, he likes a hard part. And the edged line of his part sits in perfect line with a slit in his eyebrow. Specter’s look overall is somewhere perfectly balanced between anonymously threatening and somehow strikingly intricate and effortlessly simple at the same time.
TAGS: @queenquazar @justanothersadperson93 @loth-wolffe @lackofhonor@ladykatakuri @rebelmedic99 @altered-delta @saltywintersoldat @imalovernotahater@imabeautifulbutterfly@ulchabhangorm @itsagrimm @lokicat5 @rembra-legacy @taz-107
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paperback-rascal · 3 years
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Right after Omega acquired her bow in the show, there was almost unanimous consensus that of all Clone Force 99's members, Crosshair would be the best archery teacher for Omega. First of all: I love that idea, second of all - it lives in my mind rent free every since it first appeared!
Since the episode 6 of TBB, when it turned out it was Echo who gave her the lessons, I developed the headcanon that archery is taught to snipers at Kamino to teach them physics of projectiles, patience and overall aiming rules (it also an excuse to why ONLY Crosshair knows archery from all of Clone Force 99) while ARC troopers have only basic archery course as a part of their training (to excuse Omega being trained by Echo in ep 6.).
Since Kaminioans love order they most likely color coded archery equipment & bows to reflects the cadet's level/age:
kids -> blue (to 8lbs) teens -> red (to 30 lbs) (young) adults -> green (above 30 lbs)
I took the color coding from: blue - Obi-wan's scenes on Kamino from Attack of the Clones red - Boba Fett’s episodes in TCW green - Domino squad's final test uniforms from Clone Cadets
I also presume that the archery gear would be individually labeled as bows are something very personal and calibrated towards the specific archer. It also teaches cadets responsibility for one's gear. That is also why Crosshair could have his "old gear" with him.
Star Wars/The Clone Wars/ The Bad Batch (c) George Lucas, Lucas Arts, Dave Filoni, Disney
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Shout out to the new sad Fox Au where 1010 is a young new clone sent to Coruscant to take a new ranking position there. Little did he know at the time this spot was the the Commander of the Guard. He learns this fast once brought to the Chancellor Palpatine, finding himself introduced to his new boss by the Kaminioan who went along and it's there he is given his new armor. While listening to the clones history of assignments and the like the Chancellor smiled and commented thaf 1010 was like a fox, paying and looking at 1010. "Yes, I do think that fits you well, Fox." And well, that's how 1010 gained his name, afterall it's not everyday a name is given by the Chancellor!
What Fox doesn't get is why every clone he crosses paths with from there on out seem to dispise his existence. From his new Guards he is to be working to the older Commander Clones like Kote to Ponds seems to dislike the very ground he walks on. It literally seemed overnight that all the once friendly faces turned against him the day he took in charge and well, it won't be until way too late that the young Commander learns that the name he proudly took from the Chancellor was the very name that gained him hate from others because of the name he stole from the clone prior in his spot.
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one-real-imonkey · 3 years
Hey, I love your CG headcanons! Any headcanons about the CG's relationship with Boba?
They love him.
No really, in the expanded corrie guard AU (I'm calling it that now), Boba never stays with Auura or her gang and never attacks his vode, so he never goes to prison (and Ponds lives), but he does find his way to Coruscant and to the Guard.
He was with Auura but it felt wrong so he slipped away and he got lost and was found by Weave on patrol. Realising he had nowhere to go and was going to end up in big trouble messing with gangs, Weave brought him to the barracks knowing they were never ever inspected and let him stay for the night. They gave him as many tips and as much training as they could, but they knew he didn't want to stay and that they wouldn't be able to keep him there.
Instead they pooled resources for a very cheap ship for Boba, snuck him some weapons and rations and modified armour parts, and made him promise to keep safe and not take big risks and comm once a week.
And they made sure he always knew he could crash in the Corrie Barracks if he needed to, which he did a lot.
Boba knew Fox because they'd met sneaking around on Kamino, and Boba had visited Fox a few times, though Fox had never risked going near Jango's quarters after he came back from a meeting with the Kaminioans different. It's the only reason he didn't escape after Weave brought him to base, Fox was called to see him and they talked things over (though the blankets piled onto him and food and medical check up and fussing ori'vode helped).
Even when they're running low on everything, they'll make sure there's a meal for Boba and a bed and blankets and someone to confide in and a medic if he needs it and lots of cuddles, but in return, and realising how bad things got for the Guard sometimes, Boba would bring back credits from his bounties and add them to the pool despite his ori'vode telling him it wasn't necessary.
Boba likes the Guard, the rest of the GAR, he avoids. He doesn't like that they abandoned the Guard, after all, he managed not to and he's 11. He always goes back to them, and doesn't forget them or not answer their comms. He hates that Fox's batch don't answer, he always does. It's not hard. He agrees when Fox makes him promise if he ever needs help and can't make it to them he'll go to the nearest GAR squad, but he doesn't plan to.
He paints his armour like his Buir's was before Galidraan, green (duty) and red (defiance/honouring a parent) and yellow (remembrance), but he also has a Corrie Cog on his thigh in dark green (guarding (he nearly chose more red but he was informed it clashed (given that Shap was the one who said it he double checked, but Glimmer and Bubble also said it clashed so he chose the darker green over the regular green instead))).
The corries love to spoil Boba, every visit his ship gets more little handmade trinkets, art, handmade clothes. They give him hugs and listening ears and there's always someone if he has a nightmare. He treasures every gift.
Boba once found Fox crying in his office because he had vode who badly wanted to desert because they couldn't take it anymore but he had no way to help them, and Boba immediately offered his help. To get them off world, contacts he'd made who might be able to help them get new lives, hells they could stay with him on his ship and work with him (something he'd been adamantly against at the start). Boba knows he would be in jail or dead if his big siblings hadn't stepped him, and he is determined to repay it.
Hound and Pup let him play with the puppies, he wants one but he hasn't been able to sneak one past them yet.
Boba still hadn't managed to convince Ink to give him a tattoo. And he's tried. He's really tried.
Thank you so much for the ask. I’ve been meaning to get to Boba for a while now. (I think there’s another Boba ask deeper in my drafts so there might be more at some point oops).
Inbox always open. (-:
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rebelwriter99 · 3 years
Bad Batch Week-Day 2-Favourite Dynamic
This is technically the batch as a group, but is really about Hunter and Crosshair. The two of them in episode 1, especially boarding the marauder, is kind of what I based this on. It’s also heavily inspired by @transformersluna ‘s amazing art! (Still in awe-still can’t draw!) Especially the clone cadets series and the illustrations for Stick Together. I think I may also have borrowed from the early chapters of Coriolis Effect by @uponrightful.
This is unfinished-but it’s being posted as a work in progress because otherwise it would gather digital dust! It was written nearly all in one go as I watched it happen in my head. I know what happens next, I just can’t quite get past where I’ve stopped. I will attempt to finish it eventually!
Toils of Training
Crosshair counted his steps. 47, 48, 49, turn right, 1, 2, 3… Part of him barely even registered he was doing it, it had been so many years spent navigating the featureless white walls of Kamino and this route he was particularly familiar with. From the specialised range he was trained at back to his squads barracks. What never became familiar was how he had to navigate it. Alone.
After hours spent frozen in place, gaze never shifting from his scope, vision shaded by his helmet visor, his eyes could never quite adjust not only to the bright light but the ever shifting focus as he walked. With no landmarks to navigate by, and nobody else in his squad to follow, the first few individual training sessions he completed he had become hopelessly lost until his eyes readjusted. The first sessions he had been able to walk back from anyway.
Every clone on Kamino knew their training was tough, designed to be a physical and mental challenge to rival the warfare they were created for, but Crosshair knew his squad was different. As defects, mutants or science experiments (so many Kaminoans had differing views on them), the expectations around them were as altered as their DNA. The strangely mixed language underlied their training experience. What they were expected to achieve had to be greater, to justify their ‘enhanced’ mutations, to have the experiment be a success, to prove their difference from the regs as valuable. But the methods used to achieve that? They were Kaminoan property, defects, not fit for republic ownership and standardised training, so what did it matter?
114, 115, 116, 117, he reached out a hand, his blurred vision found the control panel and opened the door to the barracks allocated to clone force 99. Staggering to his bunk, he sat down, rubbing his eyes. Even half blind he could tell the room was empty of his brothers. He was the first back.
He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He had no idea how long he’d been at his own training session, stock still in silence in the dark, so he had no idea when his brothers might be back. It was what each of them hated most about training individually-the very fact they were not together, as a unit. He knew it bothered Hunter more than perhaps any of them, but it bothered him almost as much. He just showed it differently. Hunter was the shield Tech and Wrecker relied on, pitting his enhanced senses and strategic wits against the odds to lead them all to survive. Crosshair was the knife in the dark. His job was to hide, and without any enemy ever knowing he was there, destroy the things trying to kill his brothers. Crosshair was good at hiding. Sometimes, Hunter would say to him under his breath, almost too good.
As if thinking about him had summoned him, it was Hunter’s turn to stagger through the door. As it slid shut, Crosshair caught a glimpse of a Kaminioan who must’ve been escorting his brother. That was never a good sign.
Blinking away the last patches of adjusting vision, Crosshair strode across to his brother. Hunter had fallen to his knees and stayed there, head bowed. Crosshair dropped slowly to one knee in front of him, hissing at the stiffness in his legs, and rested a hand on Hunters shoulder. He looked up.
‘Crosshair?’ He asked, his voice strangely quiet ‘You’re not normally…’ he shook his head, long hair shifting as he rearranged his thoughts ‘where are the others?’
‘Still gone’ Crosshair answered, his own voice hushed from disuse ‘I got back just before you. I was hoping you would know’
Hunter shook his head, running a thumb and forefinger over his brow.
‘I don’t even know how long I’ve been gone’
‘Me neither’
‘Are you alright? What did they make you do?’
‘Capture, interrogation, escape. You?’
‘Interrogation! Crosshair what’
Their conversation was cut short by wrecker limping in. It was painfully obvious he’d been hit badly on his left side. He carried his arm awkwardly, and a black eye was just starting to bloom on his face. For once he wasn’t smiling. Instead he offered a small wave with his right hand.
‘Hi!’ Wrecker’s loud voice only sounded the slightest bit tired ‘Boy am I glad to see you! Hey where’s’
‘Shut it Wrecker’ Crosshair drawled ‘Or at the very least turn the volume down’ He jerked his head towards Hunter, who was clutching his in both hands
‘Oh’ Wrecker shuffled over to his bunk ‘Sorry Hunter’ he offered, considerably quieter ‘I forget training hurts your head’
‘It’s alright Wrecker’ Hunter sighed, turning to face him ‘I know you-‘
In an instant Hunter’s entire demeanour changed. Crosshair watched half horrified half in awe, as the sight of Wrecker limping to his bunk turned Hunter from broken cadet, to Sargent in command.
‘Wrecker what the kriffing maker happened to you?’ Hunter’s question was more of an order for information than anything else as he strode across the room, concern and fury in every line of him as he came to kneel beside his brother and started to help him remove his armour. Crosshair eased himself off the floor considerably more slowly and half-sat on the edge of the table, waiting.
‘Oh nothing much really’ Wrecker’s ever cheerful voice didn’t match Hunters at all ‘Explosives test-wanted me to blow up some tanks. You know-usual sort of thing’
Since Hunter was having a fierce battle with an armour clip that seemed so badly warped it no longer wanted to work, Crosshair asked his next question for him.
‘then how’ he made sure to keep his usual sarcasm to a minimum for wreckers benefit ‘did you end up like that?’
Wrecker suddenly seemed a little sheepish, his right hand coming up to rub the back of his neck
‘Oh that. Well…’ there was a moment of silence as his brothers watched him ‘I keep getting in trouble see’ he eventually restarted ‘the Long necks say I get a bit over enthusiastic about the amount of detonators I use’
Hunter and Crosshair shared a glance as he finally got the armour plate loose
‘So?’ Crosshair asked
‘So they told me to catch the tank’
They both shot to their feet. Hunter visibly shocked.
‘They what?! Wrecker explain yourself!’
‘It’s a test see’ Wrecker rambled on, ever unconcerned ‘I blow up the tank with enough explosive to make it go flying and then catch it and throw it away, and then do the next one. It’s actually kinda fun! You should try it some time’
‘I’ll pass thanks Wrecker’ Hunter managed to reign in his temper ‘especially since it seems like it can go wrong’ He gestured to his brothers limp limbs
‘Yeah’ Wrecker looked sheepish again ‘I got carried away. Used too many detonators. I couldn’t catch the tank in time so it kind of-landed on me’
‘It landed on you!’ Hunter’s horrified disbelief was back in full force ‘You must’ve dislocated or broken half your body! Why aren’t you in the med bay?!’
‘They wouldn’t let you’ Crosshair’s voice was deathly quiet ‘would they?’
Wrecker shook his head and winced groaning, grabbing his left shoulder ‘They said I’d learn not to get carried away next time’
As Hunter eased off the plastoid supposedly there to protect Wreckers hand and wrist, he seemed to shrink ‘aooow’ he moaned, unusually quiet ‘that hurt’
‘Sorry Wrecker’ Hunter’s face twisted in sympathy ‘But if the med bay isn’t an option, I need to take a look’
‘Oh alright’
As Hunter peeled off plastoid and blacks, Crosshair walked to Hunters bunk. He pulled open the drawer underneath where Hunters head would be, and then pulled it out. Flipping it upside down he saw exactly what he’d expected to find. A medpack, fully stocked and taped to the underside of the drawer. Hidden from anyone who dared search his things. Even from the rest of them. Except Crosshair. Crosshair saw everything.
Crosshair replaced the drawer and walked back over to his brothers. Hunter had managed to get Wrecker out of the top half of his armour and blacks. Crosshair almost wished he hadn’t. Deep purple bruises covered the whole of Wreckers left side, spreading across a third of his torso like a poorly arranged blanket. His wrist, now clearly visible, was unmistakably misshapen; bent and swollen it hung awkwardly in Hunter’s hands as he winced in sympathy.
Tearing his eyes away, Crosshair offered Hunter the medpack. He took it without thought, having Wrecker cradle his wrist as he opened it, then realised what he was holding. Eyes wide he stepped away from Wrecker, pulling Crosshair with him.
‘Crosshair how did you find this? Besides it’s for emergencies we can’t-‘
‘If this isn’t an emergency’ Crosshairs drawl cut through his Sergeants whispered panic ‘I don’t know what is’
Hunter sighed ‘I know Cross, but I meant for it to be,” his face crumpled, his head was in his hands again “I thought-‘
‘They won’t leave him to die Hunter’
He looked up then. Facing Cross directly, who was still looking at him side on.
‘That’s what they show you isn’t it, Tech and Wrecker injured or dying somewhere on a mission gone wrong. But this isn’t a mission, it’s training. They need us alive. They’re punishing Wrecker, not trying to kill him. You know we have to help him now Hunter-not in some imaginary future’
Hunter seemed to pause for a moment. He looked over at Wrecker, sat on his bunk, head leant back against dura steel, for once silent and still.
‘You’re right’ he admitted quietly ‘that wrist needs to be set in bacta at the very least’ He glanced at Crosshair ‘You mind being an extra pair of hands?’
‘Not at all Sargent’
Hunter huffed a single burst of laughter, shaking his head. A thought seemed to strike him, and he turned to face Crosshair again, placing a hand on his shoulder to return his brothers typical method of showing affection
‘You should know’ He spoke softly, but firmly, leaving no room for doubt or argument ‘I see you just as much as the others Crosshair. You’re my brothers-all of you. Don’t forget that’
And with that, he squeezed Crosshair’s shoulder, and walked back over to Wrecker. Wordlessly, a part of him still reeling, Crosshair followed. Kneeling down beside his brother, who once again had Wreckers wrist in his hands, deaf to the larger cadets protests that he was fine, he began handing him med-kit equipment, one piece at a time.
And there they stayed for a while, working in easy silence as Wrecker sat half-conscious or half-asleep on his bunk, Lula held tightly in his right arm. As they finished off, tying Wreckers wrist in a sling to stop him from aggravating it and settling him under his blanket on his bunk, Crosshair handed Hunter the painkilling stim in the bottom of the med pack.
At the sight of it, Hunter froze, and pushed Crosshair’s hand back into the pack.
‘Hunter’ Crosshair hissed ‘he needs it’
Hunter shook his head, and whispered ‘wait for Tech’
‘Why does that make any difference?’
‘You’ll see’
He froze, tilted his head toward the wall bordering the corridor.
‘Crosshair hide it! Now!’
Crosshair bolted for the drawer, throwing all of its contents and the med kit inside and replacing it. Hunter tucked the blanket tightly around Wrecker, hiding his bandages and praying to the Maker he didn’t wake up.
The door slid open, and Tech was dropped in a heap on the floor, utterly lifeless.
Crosshair saw red, his face contorting in a snarl of rage as he marched up to the Kaminioan overseeing the two soldiers who’d been ordered to drag Tech back to his barracks.
‘What did you do?’ His voice, usually lethally quiet, was beginning to rise ‘What did you do to my brother?’
The Kaminioan’s eyes widened slightly, and turned to a person Crosshair hadn’t seen, standing out of sight around the door. A bounty hunter. Who laughed.
‘That’s not for the likes of you to know Cadet’ a cruel smile crept across his face ‘besides what would you do if I told you-shoot me?’
‘Is that a confession or a request?’
Faster than Crosshair could move, the bounty hunter struck him. Hard. Gasping for breath and clutching his stomach he doubled over, falling to his knees. He looked up, fury still fueling him, only to see the bounty hunter raising his fist to hit him again. And then Hunter leapt in front of him.
The bounty hunter paused, eyes goggled and jaw dropped, before his face contorted in rage again.
‘Are you giving me an order Cadet?’
‘Cadet Sargent’ Hunter corrected quietly ‘These cadets are my unit. I take full responsibility for their actions. They have had a full days training and the exhaustion is leading them to make rash and inappropriate decisions. I can assure you it won’t happen again’
‘Very well’ the measured voice of the Kaminioan answered ‘but if an incident such as this does reoccur Sargent-there will be consequences’
‘Understood Ma’am.’
The Kaminioan waved the others away, and the door slid shut.
‘Hunter’ Crosshair started ‘You shouldn’t-‘
‘Later’ he said, eyes already focused behind Crosshair ‘Can you help me with Tech? It’s normally me and Wrecker but-‘
Crosshair was already on his feet.
‘What do you mean normally?’ His voice had returned to its dangerous near silent drawl
Hunter sighed
‘You’re usually last back, and I’m the only one still awake by then, right?’
Crosshair nodded as they both knelt beside Tech
‘Admittedly it’s never normally this bad but-this isn’t unusual for Tech’
The hand Crosshair had placed on Tech’s shoulder gripped tightly. Tech flinched. Crosshair let go as though he’d been burned, his wide eyes met Hunter’s-filled with worry.
‘Tell me what to do’ Crosshair said flatly
Hunter nodded once, and reached for Tech. Ever so gently he took hold of one of his arms. The muscle twitched, and Tech groaned.
‘How are we going to move him if’
‘Quickly’ Hunter said ‘We haven’t got a choice’
He took hold of Tech’s arm again, and waited for Crosshair to do the same.
‘On three’ Hunter gave his quiet order ‘one, two-‘
They moved. Tech crying out as they lifted him by the arms and, as quickly and gently as they could, got him to his bunk, and laid him down, Hunter turning him on his side.
Crosshair frowned
‘He can’t lie on his back’ Hunter whispered ‘it makes it worse’
‘Makes what worse?’ Crosshair’s voice was laced with fury again
Hunter reached for the collar of Tech’s tunic, and, as softly as he could, pulled it downwards to reveal his neck.
Crosshair took a step beck-and then went straight for the med pack.
Unlike Wrecker, the marks on Tech didn’t cover his skin completely. In fact, if you didn’t know what you were looking at, it would be difficult to know what they were. Spidery red lines spread around his neck, meeting at the base of his skull and travelling downwards along his spine, disappearing under the fabric of his tunic. Crosshair only recognised them from his own training on interrogation tables. Shock marks. Though in Tech’s case, from a collar.
Crosshair handed the pack to Hunter, averting his eyes as his brother exposed more marks on Tech’s wrists, and small burns on his ankles.
‘They ground the charge at his feet to make sure it travels through his whole-‘
‘I know how it works’ Crosshair growled, stalking to his bunk to find his winter blanket. Shocks, he knew, left you cold. As bad as Tech was-and only in a tunic rather than blacks-he would be freezing.
After a few moments rummaging, he found it, and walked back over, misstepping as he stood when his legs tensed awkwardly.
Hunters head whipped round to face him. Crosshair tried not to notice.
‘Here’ he handed the blanket to Hunter, and turned to walk away
‘Crosshair wait’ His brother called quietly after him ‘Are you sure you don’t need it?’
‘Need what?’
‘The blanket, or anything in the med pack’
Crosshair turned away again. ‘Help Tech’ he said flatly walked back to his bunk. He felt Hunter’s eyes on him the whole way, just about managing to sit down before his stiff legs gave out.
As he began the painstakingly slow process of removing his armour with stiff, sometimes trembling fingers, he watched Hunter tend to Tech.
It was appallingly obvious how well practiced he was, easily finding a spot on Tech’s upper arm that was unmarked to inject the hypo rather than on his neck; he held it gently as he did so, accounting for Tech’s involuntary flinch. Crosshair didn’t even want to think about how brutal and prolonged Tech’s shocks would have had to be for him to be this bad. He didn’t know how long he himself had been restrained and questioned, at the time it had felt like an age. Now, watching Hunter apply bacta gel to his smallest brother’s burns, it felt like a matter of moments.
He turned to take off the armour on his right arm and hand, but his left hand was trembling just enough to make it difficult. He tried to pin the plastoid piece against his leg to keep it still, but that seemed to be shaking too. Crosshair was dimly aware of the fact he’d probably been running on adrenaline-and it was starting to wear off.
And then two hands took hold of his left, and deftly unclipped his armour, setting it in the neat stack beside him. Crosshair jumped. Hunter smiled.
“Couldn’t let you sit there all night” He said through his small grin “could hear the plastoid clicking together from all the way over there”
Crosshair replied with a non-commital noise of dissatisfaction, refusing to meet Hunters gaze
“Don’t need your help” he grumbled-so quietly that only Hunter could possibly make it out
“Like hell you don’t” the Sargent replied, his voice kind as his hands kept working to remove all the pieces of armour Crosshair couldn’t “Kriffing interrogation Cross? What did they do to you?”
“I don’t-“
“Crosshair” Hunter’s voice dropped into the register that brokered no argument, and then he sighed “Brother-please”
And then Crosshair looked at him. Only for a moment, but he looked all the same.
And very quietly he began to talk, his usual sarcastic overtones strangely muted
“It’s a drill. They make me do it a lot. I’m more likely to be captured than any of you are.”
“Because you’re alone-away from us?” Hunter filled the silence for him. Crosshair nodded.
“They simulate everything. Being captured by droids, imprisoned, and-“ he hesitated. This time Hunter just waited. Crosshair let out one his grumbling sighs “they torture me for information. They use separatist equipment. Suspension restraints. Everything. And then I have to escape”
“On your own?” Hunters face was unreadable, seemingly haunted by something
“No a magic Jedi comes to save me-of course on my own.” Crosshair grumbled “the faster I escape, the better.”
Hunter frowned.
“I get shocked less Hunter-that’s why it’s better”
“No!” Hunter corrected “I mean yes of course that’s better-but it’s wrong”
“I think that’s a summary of our day Sargent”
“No!” Hunter was exasperated now, pointedly ignoring Crosshair’s blatant sarcasm “it’s wrong because it’s not an accurate simulation”
“You know that how exactly?”
“Because we’d come and get you!”
Crosshair froze. Staring at him. For a good 30 seconds there was silence as the two brothers gazed at each other.
Hunter spoke first
“So you finished earlier than usual today because you escaped quickly”
Crosshair nodded. Hunter let out a breath in profound relief.
“That’s good” he thought for a moment “But they still-“
“Tortured me? Yes. Before you ask I don’t know how long for”
Hunter nodded “They shocked you-like they do with Tech?”
“Similar. Shock travels over me, not through me. Fewer burns”
Hunter nodded again-committing everything that had happened to his brother to memory
“Fewer-not none?”
Crosshair was frozen in silence
“Cross-show me”
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monicasdanvers · 2 years
headcanons i have about cody :
1) he is gay and on the ace spectrum
2) he enjoys physical contact with people (especially his close brothers- fox, wolffe, bly, rex, boil. and waxer etc) because it makes him feel grounded to the present
3) he’s a really good cook -no i will not elaborate
4) he likes using they pronouns sometimes but he’s only ever told this to his batch mates (and rex)
5) he and ahsoka are really close - they gossip all the time & get along really well and he was really sad when she left the jedi order but ultimately understood because if they had treated her
6) he would kill for his shines he loves them
7) he’s the best at hand to hand combat in maybe the entire GAR (this is kind of a fact lol)
8) he’s very philosophical ? like he’s always thinking about why the galaxy is this way and big questions like that etc but he never actually says it outloud (except to bly who is the same in a way) because the kaminioans used to punish you for asking too many questions
9) he has really bad anxiety ( this is self projection )
10) finally he is really good at taking care of his brothers and comforting them but they have to bully him into taking care of himself
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The Dark Side is like a parasite, it takes parts of your mind and consciousness and creates something else.
It wraps the person, consuming them, hiding theirs humanity away from the world. There had been times when such people had been worshipped. These days, such people are hunted down and destroyed. They were called Siths.
...Or an AU in which Vader is a parasite like Venom (not a pArAsiTe!).
Vader has lurked in Skywalker's head since Geonosis.
Surprisingly little empty space in that blond head. Would've fooled the Sith, but apparently Skywalker wasn't as dumb as he made himself appear.
For years (two, for two years) he hadn't had reason to go out.
Not since the Tuskens.
And then suddenly his host was dying.
"Not while I'm still here," the spectre growled, ripping apart the natural barriers Skywalker had put up after his mother's death.
On the outside, an inhuman screech ripped through the air, stopping almost all action for a second.
The clones close to the General could see his fallen figure twist and bubble. A dark smoking liquid kind of substance emerged from Skywalker's pores, enveloping him until the only thing seen was the dark substance. A substance that was taking shape.
A large, imposing and quite intimidating figure stood in Anakin's place. His breathing echoed throughout the battlefield, the sound of blaster shots and bombs going off, slowly fading in the distance as if everyone's ears were filled with flims-cotton.
The dark figure turned around towards the battalions of droids and just kept breathing. Suddenly he turned on the General's lightsaber.
In contrast with the usual blue blade, the plasma was the color of freshly spilled blood, still wet and dripping.
The Dark spectre, the Sith, stood unmoving, no blaster bolt coming even close to his figure. It looked as if he was looking at the odds and finding them amusing.
Then, as quickly as thunderbolt in Kaminioan storm, he had crossed the battlefield, shredding droids and turning Separatist to dust.
Every clone could only stand and stare as the man obliterated the opposition in mere minutes.
It was like looking at Death incarnate.
Finally the dark terror stopped, turned towards his own troops (were they his? Or were they enemy too? They were too afraid to think of the prospect) and spoke in a emotionless baritone, that boomed through the silence.
His wavering cape, which was moved by unseen wind, opened, revealing a set of buttons and gleaming black armor.
"My name is Darth Vader."
"I will take over your General when he acts inappropriate of his rank. Make sure he gets the message"
With that a dark smoke overcame his figure, lingering for a few seconds and then disappearing as if it had never been there.
Leaving behind beaten and sickly looking Anakin Skywalker.
He took one look around the field and proceeded to faint.
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knightprincess · 3 years
What happened to the clones after the Rise of the Empire?
I’m a big fan of Star Wars and love pretty much everything to do with it. But there is one question that has never been answered. What happened to the clones after the rise of the Empire? I know we’re getting some answers on the grey area now with Bad Batch, but it still curious on what really happened to them. 
I have a total of six theories on what could have happened, some from legends, other just me speculating. Let me know what you think. 
Theory #1
The Death Trooper Project. As the clones are known to have accelerated aging, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for the empire (likely Tarkin) to come up with another use for them after they are “retired”. We know from TBB, Tarkin has taken somewhat of a likely to Crosshair. So is it possible Crosshair would be the prototype for what the Death Troopers could be? 
I know a lot of people believe the originally Death Troopers are Crosshair clones. Although I like the idea (mainly because Crosshair is my favorite Bad Batcher). I doubt it is that, as its been made clear Clones were rare to come across just five years after the wars ended. 
Plus if we go off Legends then the real fate of the clones involved is far more darker than most realize. The clones were tortured, dismembered and rip apart just to be stuffed into suits of mental. Most of them taking their own lives as a result. 
Theory #2
The clones went into “retirement”. This one is becoming more likely with project War-mantle. Where the clones had to train their own replacements with the natural born soldiers. After they had nothing more to offer they were either killed or left to fend for themselves. Essentially just being cast aside once they had served their purpose. 
I highly doubt they would have died out quickly. Despite their accelerated aging there would have to be more than Rex, Gregor and Wolff around by the time of Rebels. By rights the clones would have lived between 40-45 years, if not killed. 
Theory #3
The Empire released some kind of virus to kill of the clones with the Jango Fett DNA. Or at least those working within the empire at the time. Although I admit this probably wasn’t it. We do know the Separatists were close to developing something similar during the wars. I mainly doubt this one due to knowing Boba Fett is still alive. Although it isn’t a far reach for the Emperor to do something like this, especially as the clones were bred for war with most only being loyal to the Empire because of the Inhibitor chips. He likely seen them not only as a relic of the past but also a threat to the empire itself. 
Theory #4 
The Kamino Rebellion. I admit this one is most likely to be the cause given everything we know. We know this happened in legends and was a vital part of why the empire turned away from cloning. We also know the empire kept what happened their a secret, ensuring no one else knew of the rebellion. 
Could this also be why the Kamino Cloning logo was worn by a human male in the Mandalorian? Could the Kaminioans have been wiped out alongside the clones? May the Kaminioans attempt to get Omega back eventually lead to this ending or something far worse?
Theory #5 
The Empire Hunted them down. This would be in a similar way to how the Inquisitors were created for the purpose of hunting down and destroying what remains of the Jedi. Maybe this is what the Death Troopers original purpose was, to hunt down and exterminate all that remained of the clones, after they became a threat to the empire. 
We already know Rex could have been starting a rebellion, as early as days after the Empire rose from the ashes of the Republic. Maybe there were more clones out there whom were still willing to fight for the memory of the republic.
Theory #6
Order 67. This is probably the saddest theory out there. Order 67 was essentially similar to infamous order 66, but this one ordered the clones to kill each other rather than the Jedi. They’d have no control but forced to gun down and kill their own brothers with little chance of prevent it (if the inhibitor chip is still active)
Or that could be Omega’s purpose. Alpha (Boba was the first clone that marked the beginning of the clone army). Maybe Omega is who eventually ends the clone army. But like the others having no control over her actions. (Yes this would sadly mean she could eventually end up killing the Bad Batch). 
So what do you think. What are your theories on what happened to the clones after the rise of the empire? Do you think we’ll finally see it in the TBB? Let me know in the comments. 
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WTF republic
My first taughts about clone army 1) Wait... How do they don’t know it is existing? 2) I mean, they pay for it! 3) ... Please say that they at least have paid to Kaminioans... 4) Wtf if long-necks haven’t got paid and they just have made the clone army like “Sure! Someone orderder it 10 years ago and we made it!” 5) What kind of costumer service monster you are if something had been ordered from you 10 years ago and you never contacted your customer weather they are happy about it what you are doing? 6) ... I bet Palpatine have somehow figured how to put the cost of a clone army at section of officise supplies along flimsies.
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yodamn · 4 years
I'm adding on to my soft post about older siblings and parents to clones.
a head nurse who tells a particularly stubborn clone to get back in bed. Does the Mom Voice AND counts to three and he immediately goes back to bed.
a nurse who had a few little sisters. And since mom was always a little too busy, THEY were on Hair Duty. So maybe tup is in Med Bay and hella uncomfortable and his hair is just ugh all over the place. So big brother/sister is like Braid Time! And Tup. Just. Melts. And falls asleep.
bounty hunter hired by the republic to train clones. Little did the Kaminioans know is that they had a soft spot for kids. And maybe they come across a cadet or baby clone whos upset for one reason or another and they calm him down and cuddle him and maybe do that nose stroke like in Frozen 2
ive noticed that sometimes peoples families are really different. Mine is really close knit and physical with each other, meanwhile a friend of mines is just not as touchy feely. Well maybe theres a nat-born whos really physical and you know. We all know how touch starved the clones are. So like maybe at one point the nat-born sees a clones just laying and automatically just lays across him in cat pile fashion. Not even thinking about it. And then all the Clones are like Ö can we? And the officer is like ??? Of course? Like just, cuddling bro.
an older sibling officer who sees a Clone or Jedi who's got that look. Like a look of "Im just done, I'm so tired, I just want a hug but I'm not gonna ask for it bc i have to be professional and serious" and they are like alright guess I gotta. Guess its big sibling time idk. Come here you big emotionally constipated lug lemme give you a hug, a warm drink, and a soft blanket. Im here to listen.
or or or just like. Momma Bear. Someone sees a clone being yelled at or just like bullied or whatever and they go full get the FUCK away from my baby so help me God ill rip you THREE new ones. And once again clones are like Ö you did that for us?
Like maybe in the Senate someone is like clones are just weapons they are lower than low. And senator is a parent or older sibling and sometimes. Sometimes you can tell what they are thinking by body language. Especially shinies who havent fully gotten a hold of like hiding emotions. Senator sees that and like anger fills them. How dare you. How dare you.
A civilian sees a couple clones playing a their younger siblings or kids and its like well guess i gained a few new fully adult and armed kids/guess I have new siblings idk.
OR I saw someone sent in an ask to () about Pet Foolery and about Pixie and Brutus. And how Brutus was like Wolffe. And its. Like. What if. Wolf Pack gets a little stowaway or plo gets a new itty bitty padawan, a lost kid or you know SOMETHING. Kid becomes legit attached to Wolffe and the rest of the Pack and they get just as attached to them. Start calling them their "pup". Kids like !!! Look! Look at this cool rock! And these adult men are all like ÖÖÖ Cool Rock! Cool! Or plo brings them sweets and they are like ÖöÖÖ candies? I jus I love it. Or maybe conversely the Wolf Pack is like ugh its a brat but the kids either like FUCK you we are friends now or is too starry eyed at these huge guys to realize they dont like them. And maybe a whole "you mean you dont like me?" Scene happens like in Finding Nemo where baby gets upset and as SOON as tears start welling up theres 300 Clones Arming up to defend them and scare whoever doesnt like the babychild. Babychild falls asleep ON them and they cant move jus UGH so cute.
little kid goes to wrecker and says "I love you THIS much" and stretch their arms as wide as they possibly can and wrecker is like Ö and does the same and the kids like thats alot! And wreckers like Yeah!
kid gravitating to clones who Dont Like Kids. Bc kids are Like That. Like Cats.
kids, younglings, or padawans drawing pictures for the Corosaunt Guard or other clones and giving it to them. Them keeping Every. Single. One. And putting them all over their barracks.
Some pictures that were drawn specifically for THAT individual clone are kept with them even in battle. Like maybe one youngling in the creche was enamored by Cody when Obi Wan came to visit and was nice. Next time the kid saw him they gave him a picture of the two of them with the word friends spelt wrong under neath the two smiling figures and legend says Cody still has it to this day.
kids giggling and playing with the clones helmets, running around pretending to be them. Or making their own "armor" from cardboard or scrap pieces.
one really feisty kid having NO problem telling someone off for being rude, doesnt matter who it is. One time Anakin got snippy and kiddo walks up and says with all seriousness and courage "Youre Mean and a Bully". Ahsoka thought it was hilarious, Rex was honored by his courageous knight in shining robes and tiny pigtails.
Older siblings not really forcing the clones to accept their help but still like "Hey I'm big sister/brother and you gotta deal with it, I'm here if you need me" like if they see they have something on their faces and dont know the older sibling will wipe it off with mass protest. Coordinating with older clones to harmlessly embarrass younger clones. Or to get them to calm down.
I cant write for shit but im gonna have to try bc I gots some ideas. Ive got mostly fluffy soft domestic stuff but still 👀👀👀
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fwtcanimelover · 1 year
Order 66 au
Where most of the Jedi survive order 66 because the Mandalorians get a heads up about order 66 and decides to adopt the Jedi. It starts off with just wanting to adopt the younglings. Then it escalates to adopting the padawans and the younglings, then the knights, then they wanted to adopt the masters for some reason, and you can't forget to adopt the temple guards, so before they know it they've adopted the entire Jedi order. The Mandalorians' adoption senses just keep on increasing and become stronger during order 66. It ends up becoming a competition to see who can adopt the most amount of Jedi. So the temple still looks the same with it being on fire, but there is a huge swam of Mandalorians coming in to surprise adopt a jedi, then coming out with as many jedi as they can carry. Yes they really did adopt Master Yoda.
The Kaminioans had a feeling that Palpatine was going to betray them, so instead of the inhibitor chips making the clones kill the jedi, it gives a strong boost to their Mandalorian instinct to adopt, so basically they adopt the jedi instead of killing them. So when order 66 is issued they adopt the first jedi they see. Obi wan was confused when his men started to shout "adopt the jedi", then even more confused when he is called a foundling.
Or if both scenarios are happening at once, it could be a competition between the clones and the Mandalorians to see who can adopt the most amount of jedi. The bad batch also joins in, they are confused as to why Crosshair wants to adopt the padawan so bad, but they decide to adopt the padawan too, Caleb Dume is now their son, Omega gets a space wizard brother and is happy that they too got a jedi. Depa got adopted by her squad.
Palpatine is confused and is fuming. He has even more trouble in the senate because the senators want to adopt the jedi too, where's their space wizard? They want one too! Then it gets even more problematic because republic citizens also want to adopt jedi. Instead of order 66 being called the purge, it was called the great adoption. Also Padme doesn't die.
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paperback-rascal · 3 years
Tumblr media
special thanks to @kalm5 for such enthusiastic response to my The Bad Batch x The Witcher crossover despite the fact that I kind-of, sort-of hijacked their original post >.>
More information about this drawing is under the cut (as always):
Kaminioans are, in this AU, a group of elves very skilled in alchemy. They oversaw many of witcher Trials at the peak of Witchers "production". Nala Se was especially involved in the project. She knew more about the witchers than the monster slayers knew about themselves. She also knew to keep it simple with them - which is stay away from them as much as possible.
Some time later*, to her horror, Nala Se was forced to ask a witcher for help. Hunter, a novice at the time, was the one who aided her in need and, as naive and full of ideals as he was at the time, invoked "Law of surprise" as a payment. The reward he asked Nala Se for was to give him what she already have, but doesn't know of yet.
She agreed, thinking she'd get away scot-free as there was nothing she already possessed that she knows nothing of and even if there was such a thing it wouldn't be anything of significance. As it turned out Nala Se was pregnant at the time - despite having a fling with a human not so long before, she didn't considered it for a second as an valid option for her, as elves have hard time reproducing so she was "overconfident" with her "problematic fertility" (A/N: it's far easier for an elf to reproduce with a human than with their fellow elves - yes, it's a PIVOTAL yet background bit of the witcher lore!).
Since Nala Se always wanted to have a child, especially a girl, she accepted Omega as her own despite the girl being a half-elf. As a scientist Nala Se didn't believe in destiny, but, having "a bad feeling" about her deal with Hunter, the alchemist did everything in her power for him and Omega to never meet. Her decision brought a lot of pain, suffering and even death to everyone involved in her schemes, as destiny is not something you can trick or ignore. All of her efforts ultimately lead to Nala Se's downfall, which finally brought Omega and Hunter together.
* In the witcher universe only humans lives are "short". The "non-humans" (like elves, dwarfs, gnomes, dryads, halflings, supernatural beings, etc) and most monsters are long-living creatures. The longer lifespan also applies to humans changed by magic: mages, sorceresses/sorcerers, witchers, etc. thus certain events in this crossover could take decades or even centuries. That's why in one of my previous posts about the crossover I've noted that The Bad Batch can have ridiculously big age-diffrences yet look and act like they were roughly the same age.
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
The witcher saga (books) © Andrzej Sapkowski/ The witcher video games © CDProjektRED/ Hexer (movie & TV series) © Heritage Films/ The Witcher TV series © Netflix
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paperback-rascal · 3 years
Soooo the Witcher idea.
Maybe the Jedi have sorcery. Similar to the magical order in in the show. (Sorry it been awhile since I’ve watched the show).
Then the clone are the Witchers.
But it’s your universe but you got the gears turning. Lol
Oh gosh! if you watched the Netflix show only, you're missing out in the best part of the franchise - THE BOOKS by Andrzej Sapkowski. you know... the book series that STARTED IT ALL!
Jedi would be sorcerers/sorceresses for sure! Anakin could be a very powerful/potent Source!
Kaminioans could be alchemists preforming some of the Witcher Trials!
I don't know about the rest of the clones but Clone Force 99 would definitely be witchers. They also could be from different witcher schools but banded together as a hanza while on the Path.
Crosshair would look so great with cat-eyes... unfortunately, lore wise, witchers don't use long-ranged weaponry :( Wrecker'd overuse Igni sign during combat, Tech would be the bestiary expert (well, I knew she was a bruxa. What? I though it was obvious!) while Hunter would pompously declaim speeches akin to Geralt's "evil is evil" spiel!
Omega could be Hunter's Child of Surprise!
If you think about it Hunter's and Omega's bond is basically... of the lesser quality in comparison to book!Geralt and book!Ciri's father-daughter relationship!
Damn it, @kalm5, you've just got me hyped!
=== STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney The witcher saga (books) © Andrzej Sapkowski/ The witcher video games © CDProjektRED/ Hexer (movie & TV series) © Heritage Films/ The Witcher TV series © Netflix
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