#arc 2 wof
scrollwyrm · 4 months
My take on PeaceMaker…
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lizard12323 · 24 days
WoF AU Where the Arc 2 protags are all dead and are just ghosts retreading old ground completely unaware. In a cycle over and over again
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quotidianish · 8 months
I SPENT SO LONG JUST EDITING THIS THING WHEN I THOUGHT ART WAS THE HARD PART… if the transitions are weird no they aren’t trust me
YouTube version here!
Some stills. Mom Foeslayer truther forever
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crowcrash · 1 month
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The Jade Winglet
you are welcome to use my designs as long as you credit me :)
design notes:
Moon is a dark almost greenish black color, and has a silver almost diamond shape on her nose and chest. Hatching under two full moons, she has a teardrop on the back corners of her eyes as a mark of her mind reading abilities, and a smaller front teardrop as a mark of a seer. She is remarkably large for her age, a trait she got from her father, but is still one of the smaller members of her winglet.
Not much about Winter's design. He is stocky, has clusters of darker scales on his face, a darker nose, and is remarkably shiny even by IceWing standards. He continues to wear the earring from Qibli, claiming he doesn't trust Darkstalker's magic to be entirely gone without it, when in reality he secretly likes the connection to Qibli and his winglet.
Peril is very large for a SkyWing, and is the tallest of the winglet. Shes very muscular and her scales are abnormally bright and shiny in comparison to the other tribes. She is almost iredescent in the sun and practically glows. She has VERY large, unblinking eyes that are a startling shade of blue (an eye color already uncommon in the Sky Kingdom) and is known for intensely staring people down without meaning to do so. Despite being firescales she is covered in small scars from brief nicks in battle before her opponents perished.
Turtle is very short and stocky in build, and is the shortest of the winglet as he carries himself very low to the ground. Hes very freckled and alongside the golden armband he wears gold stud earrings. His horns are twisted and almost silvery, a trait he shares with every animus dragon. He bares a striking resemblance to his ancestor Fathom, however he is shorter and stockier than he was.
Qibli is lanky and awkward in appearance, with long legs and a thin, gangly body. He is unkempt in appearence, with crooked teeth and freckles and scars covering his body from his rough up bringing in The Scorpion Den (the scar from Cobra being the two slashes on the front of his nose) and is surprisingly tall, taller even than Winter, but because of their differences in posture (Winter's being perfect to a T and making himself appear much larger than he is and Qibli's being nonexistent) he appears much smaller than he really is. Like all SandWing’s, he has a darker patch under his eyes to help with seeing in intense sunlight.
Umber looks very similar to Clay in appearance, with hazel eyes and warm scales. Unlike Clay, Umber is significantly smaller and thinner in frame and is covered in large freckles. He has a lighter patch on his chest, his ears are long and hang down, he has a long scar on his snout and neck, and his right horn has a blunted tip from the battles he fought in the war.
Like Umber Carnelian shares many scars from the battles she fought in the war, most notably being the chunk missing from her left ear and the several long slashes across her face. I like to think that had Carnelian lived longer and Umber remained in the winglet the two of them would’ve become close friends, and eventually Carnelian would’ve become protective of the other dragonets in her winglet.
I struggled getting Kinkajou’s colors right; i wanted to make her bright and include her iconic pink/yellow scales, but i wanted to make her less neon and have more believable tones down hues. I also wanted to include some orange and reds to show her more fiery side.
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secondhandtroubles · 2 months
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our kibble
tried to make a design for him lol, I'm imagined him more neutral tones but I like drawing colours lmao
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ninoxwof · 5 months
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Stonemover the Nightwing (and Dinner!)
[Image Description: A digital drawing depicting Stonemover from Wings of Fire. He is a stony gray nightwing dragon with tired green eyes and spots of mossy green growing on his legs, tail, back and wings. His eyebrows, nose, horns and spines are like crumbling rocks and stalagmites and he has cracks all over his body. He is laying down with a sort of tired and glum look on his face. In a second picture, dinner the fox is added to it. He's a red fox with a creamy underbelly, and brown sock markings and ears. He is sitting close to Stonemover, next to his back leg. /.End ID]
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darkstalker-void · 9 months
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Because ruling the world is faster than personal growth, duh
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nevermore-ramblings · 7 months
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“Maybe Peril is the wings of fire.”
I took this quote from the books and I based the art off it too! The quote first appears in the brightest night after peril burns the poison out of clays leg. It is later referenced in escaping peril.
peril is such an interesting character and definitely one of my favorites, she’s so desperate to be genuinely loved and she swells at clays words. Poor baby, I love you so.
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kakajoju · 3 months
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The GN Redraw Project started working on book 2 so ofc I had to join in on the fun. Been feeling like drawing a lot of scenes lately as you can see ehe.
The original by Mike Holmes under the cut:
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I think arc twos ending is pure dogshit, not the ending with moonbli but the ending with darkstalker. How do you spend a whole arc drilling home the idea that using magic to force change people into something they’re not is a horrible thing and a fate worse than death. Then have your main characters do the SAME THING THE MINUTE ITS CONVENIENT???
like COME ON. And Tui didn’t even do anything interesting with it like calling the characters out or haven’t the action show to be morally wrong!
She could have so easily had darkstakler choose to become peacemaker, she set up the whole idea that moon and turtle were reincarnations of fathom and clearsight (at least I think she did I don’t remember) and had followed that theme with darkstalker. Or idk maybe just KILLED HIM.
it would have been interesting to see an arc filled with examples of how forcing people to become something they’re not is bad but then show have accepting change yourself is good!
I think it’s by far one of the worst endings to a story I’ve seen in a while. (still love arc 2 tho!)
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scrollwyrm · 6 months
If requests are still open, you should definitely do Qibli munching on some (spineless) cactus.
I made it a comic 😭
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artwork-and-tingz · 3 months
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moonie moon
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meroaw · 2 years
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lesbianbeeliker · 8 months
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booksofstars · 2 months
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You’ll be in my heart.
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3zethe3zr · 11 months
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Animus Design: Anemone
- Albatross -
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Fun Fact: I've designed her with albinism and partially based her design off of bleached coral and yellow anemones!
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