#apologies but it was really fun to sum it up like this
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eolewyn1010 · 1 year ago
Ich wĂŒrd gern mehr ĂŒber deine OCs wissen, aber mein NamensgedĂ€chtnis ist mies. Wer ist dein/e aktuelle/r blorbo? 👉👈
Oh, boy, a prompt! ...Ich nehme das mal ganz frech als Aufforderung zu einer detaillierten Lebensgeschichte (nimm's mir nicht ĂŒbel, ich brauch die Ablenkung). Mein aktueller Blorbo ist Chryso! Commence babbling.
Chryso ist ein junger Mann von einem nichtnomadischen Steppenvolk. Die haben seit jeher ihre grĂ¶ĂŸeren und kleineren Konflikte mit den umliegenden StĂ€mmen zu klĂ€ren, weswegen sich bei ihnen folgende Kommandostruktur ausgebildet hat: König und Königin obliegt das zivile Recht innerhalb der Mauern; dem Kriegsherrn obliegt das Recht in der Armee und auf dem Schlachtfeld. Außerdem hat jede der drei herrschenden Parteien eine*n Sekundanten zur VerfĂŒgung, quasi der allernĂ€chste Berater / Stellvertreter / Vertraute / LeibwĂ€chter. Chryso ist in seinen frĂŒhen 20ern Kriegsherr geworden, einer der jĂŒngsten, die sein Volk hatte, und seine Geschichte spielt zwar wĂ€hrend einer laufenden Kriegssituation, dreht sich aber vor allem um die komplizierte Beziehung, die er zu seinem besten Freund und Sekundanten hat, Elinn.
Chryso hat seine Mutter in seinen Teenager-Jahren an einen rivalisierenden Stamm verloren - sie ist vermutlich nicht tot, aber sie wurde als Sklavin verschleppt und er hat sie nie wieder gesehen. Das hat seine Familie ziemlich kaputt zurĂŒckgelassen; Chryso und seine Ă€ltere Schwester Serrony haben ihrem Vater nie verziehen, dass er nicht gekĂ€mpft hat, um ihre Mutter zurĂŒckzubekommen. Bis zum Tod seines Vaters ist der Bruch zwischen ihm und seinen Kindern nur schlimmer geworden. Serrony und Chryso, beide unsoziale, schweigsame EinzelgĂ€nger, haben sich noch mehr zusammengerottet. Serrony war frĂŒh eine der besten Kriegerinnen im Stamm, und es stand praktisch fest, dass sie Kriegsherrin werden wĂŒrde und Chryso ihr Sekundant. Allerdings ist Serrony gestorben - ehrenvoll, in einer Schlacht, siegreich, aber sie ist gestorben - und hat Chryso sehr vereinsamt zurĂŒckgelassen. Er ist ein guter Kommandant, ein ĂŒberragender KĂ€mpfer und ein cleverer Stratege, aber er war nie gut darin, Freunde zu finden.
Die einzige echte Ausnahme dazu ist Elinn, der in seinen Teenie-Jahren zu den Rekruten der Armee gestoßen ist und dem Chryso als Trainer zugeteilt wurde. Elinn hat ihn am Anfang nicht ernst genommen, weil Chryso ein bisschen jĂŒnger ist als er, aber vor allem, weil er wenig nach Krieger ausgesehen hat (und eigentlich immer noch nicht aussieht). Er ist ein kleines dĂŒnnes Kerlchen, das immer mehr auf seine Beweglichkeit als auf seine Kraft setzen musste. Elinn hat schnell gelernt, ihn als Vorgesetzten zu respektieren; der Rest der Armee hat zum Teil immer noch so seine Probleme damit, auch nachdem Chryso schon jahrelang Kriegsherr ist. Er ist langsam mit Elinn warm geworden, und ĂŒber die Jahre haben sie eine sehr innige Freundschaft zueinander entwickelt. Elinn hat sich irgendwann verliebt, geht aber davon aus, dass Chryso das nicht weiß und auch nicht wissen muss; Chryso wirkt in der Hinsicht ausgesprochen unnahbar und desinteressiert. Er ist einfach wahnsinnig emotional verklemmt, und Elinn will ihn auch nicht unbehaglich machen, indem er versucht, auf irgendwas zu drĂ€ngen.
So weit, so gut. Als Chryso nach einem entscheidenden Sieg Kriegsherr geworden ist, hat er Elinn zu seinem Sekundanten gewĂ€hlt; es war der stolzeste Moment in Elinns Leben, komplett mit Treueschwur und Versprechen, notfalls sein Leben fĂŒr Chrysos zu geben - es ist absout alles, was Elinn fĂŒr ihn sein will. Von da an hat sich so ziemlich das Bild etabliert, das man jetzt vom Kriegsherrn hat: Chryso, das schmale Kerlchen mit seinem verkniffenen Gesichtsausdruck und kĂŒhlen Blick, und ihm immer auf den Fersen dieser große, gutherzige Golden Retriever von Mann, der ihn mehr oder weniger subtil anschmachtet. Elinn hat mit sich ausgemacht, dass ihre Freundschaft und das KommandogefĂ€lle kein Problem fĂŒr ihn sind.
Das geht solange gut, bis Elinn in einer Schlacht Chrysos Leben rettet - indem er gegen einen direkten Befehl verstĂ¶ĂŸt. Jetzt steht Chryso unter Handlungsdruck, ihn zu bestrafen; es gibt Leute, die ihm nur zu gerne FĂŒhrungsinkompetenz vorwerfen wĂŒrden, und das AutoritĂ€tsproblem kann er sich mitten in der Kriegssituation nicht leisten. Chryso ist also mĂ€chtig sauer und Elinn eigentlich auch, denn er hat ja das richtige getan. Chryso sterben zu lassen funktioniert fĂŒr ihn hinten und vorne nicht. Also gibt's Streit. Und dann ne PrĂŒgelei. Und dann ziemlich nahtlos Sex. Und dann hat Chryso sich gefĂ€lligst damit auseinanderzusetzen, dass 1) er möglicherweise schon lĂ€nger in seinen besten Freund verliebt ist, 2) sein bester Freund definitiv und jetzt auch ausdrĂŒcklich in ihn verliebt ist, 3) er so gar nicht geĂŒbt ist, was emotionale Offenheit und WĂ€rme angeht, 4) er nicht sicher ist, ob er gerade massiv seine Befehlsgewalt gegenĂŒber Elinn missbraucht hat, 5) seine Soldaten Wind von der Sache bekommen und ihm jetzt vorwerfen, dass er im Zuge dieser Beziehung seine Befehlsgewalt gegenĂŒber Elinn aufgegeben hat und demzufolge nicht zum Kommandanten taugt, und zu guter Letzt 6) er nicht weiß, ob letzteres vielleicht sogar stimmt, denn er war nicht nur auf Elinns Rettung angewiesen, sondern dank einer infizierten Wunde auch noch auf seine FĂŒrsorge, was seinem Stolz jetzt nur so semi-gutgetan hat.
Ja, und nebenbei stehen auch noch die BergstĂ€mme vor der TĂŒr und sind eroberungswĂŒtig, und Chrysos König und Königin wĂŒssten schon mal ganz gerne, wie die Überlebenschancen des Stammes stehen. Fun times!
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whorelaud · 1 month ago
ê’Šê’· 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 possessive ÂĄ
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summary rafe only realizing he's head over heels for you after you give up on getting him to like you, and move on to someone else. jealousy overrules his resist to give you space, eventually confronting you about the situation.
contains jealousy, slight angst, confessions, hurt/comfort, fluff!! wc; 2.7k
a/n fluff and angst yaya this was very fun 2 write ^-^ hope u enjoy!!
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You knew it was time to get over Rafe when you caught him laughing and messing around with another girl, while he barely ever sent a smile your way. 
It broke your heart to pieces, the sight of the man whom you loved the most, cracking jokes with a girl he met five minutes ago, when you’ve been trying to pursue him ever since you were teens. 
Your family were good friends with the Camerons, which is how you were introduced to Rafe. After you moved to figure eight, his family were of great help when it came to adjusting. Sarah was kind enough to show you around town, and Rafe
 well he was there. 
You developed an attraction to the boy from the moment you saw him, and it just grew from there. You knew your love was unrequited, however, you couldn’t help it, not with the slightest moments hinting that he might’ve been into you.
Whether it was the small smile he’d flash you as a sincere apology, or how protective he’d get whenever his friends try to influence you in a bad way. It all made your pulse quicken, getting your hopes up, thinking that he might’ve had the same motives as you. 
You were in the same friend group, meaning of course, you’d be seeing him often. That was besides the family dinners you shared every weekend, nothing but causing your unrequited crush to evolve into something more. 
You knew Rafe, the boy always kept to himself, the older he got, the more mature he became, distancing himself from his surroundings. That only made you want him more, knowing deep down, there was more to him, not just the cold persona he created for himself. 
You thought it was a fleeing moment, that you’d probably get over him as you grew, but you didn’t; in fact, things only got worse. You started wanting more from him, feeling your heart break a little whenever he introduced you as a family friend, or dismissed his friends whenever they teased you two about being together. 
He’d always laugh it off, brushing off their assumptions with a simple, ‘we’re just friends, she’s like Sarah to me’, and that, it really did it for you. You’d ignore him for a day or two, and give in when he texts you asking whether you were going to show up at the family gathering. 
Sure, he broke your heart, but he was quick to cover it up with sweet words that were the bare minimum to others, but to you? They meant the world to you, and that alone was enough to sum up your feelings for him.
However, this time around, nothing could fix the pang of emptiness that filled your chest, when you spotted Rafe laughing with another girl that wasn’t you, not a worry behind his eyes. He looked happy, that when you saw him, tears instantly welled up in the corner of your eyes, feeling your heart sink to your stomach from the scene you had witnessed.
That was it, your last straw. You decided it was finally time to move on, not able to bear the pain anymore. It was a hurtful sight, really. You validated the fact that you might end up with him one day, your dreams coming crushed when you lost all hopes of ever having him.
It was clear that something was going on between them, hell,  who were you to decide who he ends up with? After all, you were just a family friend to him, nothing more. 
You spent the next few days, weeks, months getting over him, you were determined to do it this time, hanging out less with him, and instead spending more time with the pogues. You started attending less family gatherings, not going unless your parents insisted on dragging you there. 
And when you did join them, you’d avoid the boy with all your might, looking past the puzzled expression that spread across his face whenever he saw you. His gaze would be glued to you the whole night, seeking your eyes with his own, even if it was for a mere moment. 
But you didn’t give him the satifcations. You wanted him to know that you weren’t the same girl who begged for his attention for years, only getting it now that you were ignoring him. 
Rafe on the other hand, well, he can’t state that he wasn’t desperate to find out what went down. Things were normal between you two, until one day, you decided to randomly ignore him, not bothering to text him, or check up on him anymore. 
He tried to crack a conversation out of you, whenever you attended events– which was rarely, now on, merely to be met with a dry response in return. You’d brush off his concerned questions, coming up with an excuse to immediately leave the conversation. 
He had them memorized by now, it was either you getting a phone call, or a text, sometimes needing to use the bathroom came in handy, and the most common one was of course, that you weren’t feeling well, telling him you’ll continue the conversation later on, though that was a lie. 
Rafe was well aware of that. He knew you were upset at him for something he did, that not even the things he usually does to get your attention could solve it. He wishes you discussed your discomfort with him instead of completely bailing on him, refusing to hangout with the rest of your friend group whenever he’s around. 
He can’t lie and say it didn’t hurt his ego, because it did, seeing you give someone the same smile you’d flash him months ago, now desperate for even a single word out of you. For a while, he thought going with the flow would turn things back to how they were, but that only made it worse.
He was starting to miss hanging out with you, having you chill on his bed while he played video games, his whole room smelling like you for days, from being able to recognize your scent on his pillow. 
It bothered him, not being able to hear all about your day, seeing your excitement dedicated to someone else, when it should’ve been him instead. He could only watch you from afar now, gaze burning through your skin until you somehow acknowledged him. 
Going to parties wasn’t fun anymore, he didn’t look forward to events now that you weren’t there, only attending in case he got to see you. He tried, he really did, attempting to get over the uncomfortable feeling rushing through his insides whenever he spots you from afar, wanting nothing but to go up to you, tell you all about how much he missed you.
He knew you though, he was aware that would lead to no good, causing you to further drift apart with the latter, as if it wasn’t bad enough already. He resisted the pang of jealousy that filled through his chest, held back, until he no longer could. 
He couldn’t help the possesivness that washed over him when he spotted you with a man, laughing at a stupid joke he told you while caressing his arms. The little gesture encouraged the latter, causing him to sneak his arms around your waist. 
Rafe’s jaw clenched, tightening his hold around the beer he had in hand, the sight causing anger to bubble up inside him. He wasn’t used to seeing you like this, acting the same way you did with him in the presence of someone else. 
He felt a ping of jealousy, wishing it was him instead, holding you and claiming you in front of everyone else, despite the misunderstanding you had going on. Topper tried to ease up the tension, noticing the way Rafe was intensely staring at you. 
He offered Rafe a drink, telling him to relax and enjoy the party, however, that wasn’t of much help, as his attention was fixed on you the whole night. He tried to resist, he really did, reaching his limit when the boy leaned down to kiss your cheek, the action earning a chuckle out of you. 
That alone, it had Rafe raging, walking towards you with anger visible on his face. He didn’t bother apolgizing to the people he bumped into on the way to you, his mind too accompanied with you to process anything else. 
His breath knocked out of his chest once he was in your presence, your scent instantly filling his nostrils, the same one he’s been grieving to take a whiff of, even for a moment. You turned in the latter’s direction when you sensed him hovering behind him, yet in the other man’s hold. 
“Rafe?” You mumbled over the loud music playing, noticing the look of discomfort on his face. “Is something wrong?”
“You’re coming with me.” He replied, grabbing you by the wrist, merely for you to yank his hand off, immediately growing irritated. 
“What are you doing?” You shot back, eyebrows furrowing with confusion. “What the hell, dude? Can’t you see I’m busy here?”
“Mhm, you look real busy, cuddled up in a random dude’s arms.” He scoffed, “Your moment told me to drop you off, I’m taking you home.”
“I'm capable of getting myself home,” your face scrunched with annoyance, reaching out for your phone, checking to see whether your mom texted you. “Besides, my mom didn’t even say anyth–”
“For fuck sake,” he cut you off, tugging you by your arm, this time able to drag you off the man’s side, who stared at you with confusion. “Just come with me, why are you making things complicated?” 
You mumbled a quick sorry to the man, as Rafe dragged you out against your own will, leading you through the dimly streets, until you eventually approached his car. He unlocked the vehicle, opening the door to the passenger seat, silently signaling for you to get in.
“What are you doing, Rafe?” You shouted, shoving him off of you. “What is wrong with you?”
“Get in.” He replied, tongue darting out to wet his lips. 
“I’m not going with you,” you stated, persistent with your decision. “My mom didn’t ask you to drop me off, I know you’re lying to me.” 
“Get in the fucking car,” he ordered, causing you to slightly wince. Realization washed over him, aware that he was scaring you. “Fuck, I’m sorry– I didn’t mean to–”
“Fuck you,” You hit his chest, attempting to stop him from taking another step forward. “You always fucking do this; every time you see me happy.” 
“Listen, okay– I apologize, I didn’t mean to startle you like that.” He muttered, gaze lingering on your arms pressing to his chest. “Let me jus’ get you home, so I know you’re safe.” 
“You can’t do that,” you choked out, feeling tears form in the corner of your eyes. “You can’t do this to me anymore, I won’t allow it.”
“Why not?” He questioned, frustration visible through his voice. “I did it before, why can’t I do it now?” 
“That’s the problem,” you shook your head, gaze finding the ground, afraid you would give in if you saw Rafe. “I don’t want you to treat me the same way you did, I’m tired of you confusion’ me, over n’ over again.” 
“Then what about me?” He asked, causing you to glance up. “Have you considered my feelings when you decided to ignore me?” 
“Why should I?” You scoffed, despite the tears falling down your face. “After all, I’m just a family friend, nothing more.”
“Fuck that,” he spit out, “That’s not a good excuse for you to ignore me. You know how confused I was?” 
You remained silent for a moment, taken aback by the statement. Rafe’s hands found his forehead, letting a stressful sigh escape his throat. 
“You know how hard it was not having you around? I tried, I really did try to get over it, ignore the fact that you’re killing me alive, while being in another man’s arms.” He uttered, exhaling through his parted lips before he continued. “I mean– what even happened?” 
“You–” You started, vision going blurry, your tears like a waterful now. “You led me on, Rafe. Kept me around, despite the fact that you have a girlfriend.” 
“I– what?” He cocked his head to the side, fixing his attention on you. “I have a girlfriend?”
“You don’t?” You sniffled, now just as confused as he was. “Who was that girl you were with at Topper’s party?”
“Val?” Rafe questioned, recalling the said girl you were talking about. “You idiot, is that why you’re upset at me?” 
You flashed him a puzzled expression, watching as a smile tugged at his lips, washing over his frustration. It made you angry for a second, feeling belittled under his gaze, despite the seriousness you had displayed across your face. 
Rafe relaxed under your gaze, and you could’ve sworn his eyes flickered to your lips, but that might be your vision, blurred up with the tears in your eyes. However, before you could further question the latter, he leaned forward, ceasing the distance between you. 
His lips captured yours in a soft kiss, one you’ve been dying for throughout your entire years of knowing Rafe, crushing on him, not being able to reach out and touch him, even though you were dying to do it. You tensed under his hold for a moment, relaxing when he moved his mouth over yours, the gesture bringing you back to reality. 
You returned the kiss, feeling your pulse quicken within every passing moment. You couldn’t believe it, Rafe Cameron, the one whom you’ve been crushing on for years is kissing you, and you loved every second of it.  
The boy pulled away, letting his forehead rest over yours. His nose slightly brushed yours, and he was so close, you could feel his breath fanning over your face. He cupped your face with one of his hands, wiping your tears with his fingers. 
“Val’s my cousin, by the way.” He clarified, chuckling when an audible gasp escaped your throat. 
“You’re kidding.” You covered your mouth, disbelief visible on your face. 
“Mhm, I’m not.” He sneaked his arms around your waist, a teasing grin forming on his lips as he pecked your temple. “She was visitin’ the island, so it caught me off guard when I saw her.”
“Right.” You replied, too embarrassed to meet the boy’s gaze. “That’s
“Cute,” he snickered, continuing your sentence. “You’re so adorable, I didn’t know you were ignoring me ‘cause you were jealous.” 
“Shut up!” You shoved his shoulder, “‘s not funny.” 
“I thought you knew how I felt about you.” He started, embracing you in a hug as his chin gently rested on top of your head. 
“How you felt about me?” You repeated, feeling your face heat up. 
“I like you.” He confessed, “I like you so much, it hurts seeing you with someone else, knowing I should've been the one in his position.” 
You froze in your spot, eyes slightly widening at the confession. Your heart was beating so hard, you were afraid it might pop out of your chest any second now. You were in a state of disbelief, mind too hazed up to comprehend what the boy said. 
The Rafe Cameron likes you, out of everyone else, you. Teen you would be screaming and fanning herself right now. 
“How was I supposed to know that?” You muffled against his chest, fingers fiddling with the buttons attached to his shirt. “You always ignored me, y’know.” 
“That’s not true,” he pulled away, “Everyone in our friend group knows I like you, I was scared it might make you uncomfortable, that’s why I always brushed it off whenever they teased you about me.” 
“You’re so stupid,” you chuckled, sniffilng once more. “I’ve liked you for years, you know that?”
“Oh, I know now.” He cupped your face, a knowing smile suppressing it’s way across his. “Never ignore me again, tell me next time something bother you, okay baby?” 
You nodded, nuzzling your face into his chest once again. You let silence seep through the air for a moment, enjoying the comfortable hug Rafe wrapped you in, letting the boy rock you back and forth. 
“I had no idea who that man was, by the way,” you clarified, cutting through the quietness. “I jus’ went with the flow in hopes of getting you riled up.”
“I knew it!” 
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86espresso · 3 months ago
secrets i have held in my heart, are harder to hide than i thought ✯ jh86
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sum: “I really like you.” *looks around* “are you sure-”
// jack x med student
warnings: 18+, oral (f & m receiving), mentions of familial neglect, cursing, kissing, stress, anxiety, doubt, pet tigers, jack thinking too hard, reader is insecure don’t know what for 💔, overuse of commas because im insane, happy ending, a lil too sappy (i say this with emphasis), i mean it there’s a whole lotta CHEESE, mostly fluff, very emotional and hearty pls im sorry im a lover. afab!reader w/ she/her pronouns :)
w/c; 7.6k
a/n: hey so yeah. wtf. the word count?? i had so much fun writing this. half scared that its boring. i love simp / munch jack. ps: as queen as y/n is, i gave reader a nickname, sorry. (a very 
 unique nickname. i myself am puzzled as to how my brain works) enjoy. or at least try to. under the cut !
THE library was unsurprisingly almost empty considering the fact that no sane person would want to step outside in this rainstorm, so you were content in studying organic chemistry in the very back, alone with your thoughts, your textbooks, folklore by Taylor Swift, and now a guy. Who decided that he will break the silence in the almost empty library.
You were in your world, as always, not really connecting or associating with things around you but the ruckus of the someone knocking over an umbrella stand and profusely apologizing to apparently no one made you lift your head up. You smile slightly before going back to your work, barely registering your surroundings. 
Sure, Jack was entirely focused on his friends, studies, and hockey back in high school, but he was an expert at faces and names and could jot down absolutely anyone that he knows he’s seen before. He knew exactly who the girl with dark circles and way-too-oversized hoodie in the back was. 
At least five minutes later, Jack started hovering near your spot, which was the romance aisle. You sneak a glance at him and take note of his athletic shorts and New York Giants hoodie and quickly denote that this man was definitely not the romance novel type (or maybe book type at all). After flipping mindlessly through another book he lets out a soft “fuck it” before turning to face you completely. 
You can’t help but crack a smile at his jump when he saw that you had already been staring at him with wide, voidfull eyes. 
A pause. You staring at him. Him staring at you. He cracks a dopey smile, blinding you with his paper white teeth, and pulls up a chair in front of you. 
“What’s up, Dee?” He asks holding his hand up for a dap. Bewildered at how this complete stranger knows your nickname amongst close friends (from when you gracefully told people that ‘the bags under your eyes are Dior’), you dap him back anyway and blurt, “I have never seen you before.”
“You went to my high school. We worked in a project in like, AP World I think? I dunno. But I remember you saved my grade that whole year.”
Your mind remains blank. You saved a lot of people’s grades. 
“My only high school memories are countless APs, pain, suffering, studying and depression.” 
Most people would blanch at your dreamy straightforwardness, but Jack just grinned again. 
“Yeah, I remember you were always tired but also really funny. And tired. Deja Vu, man, watching you sit here, laser focused on your books. I was on the hockey team, if that helps.”
I furrow my brows, thinking hard. 
“I do remember that our hockey guys were really good. They would announce their names like every day on the speakers because they won all the time.” 
Jack groans at the memory. He was well known but it was just uncomfortable having your last names called out where the whole school could hear. 
You laugh at his reaction. “They would call the same names over and over. I don’t know if it was you who used to hide your face every time they did it but yeah.”
Jack perked up. “Yeah that was me.” 
You take a moment to admire his boyish facial features and athletic build. He’s pretty. 
‘Don’t even think about it’ pretty. 
“Dang. You were like a superstar. Sorry I don’t remember much. I’m like, walking jet lag.” 
He laughs a typical frat boy laugh (if that makes sense) and you like it. You want to hear it again. 
“So, what are you doing out here? Never pegged you for a big city girl.” 
“I go to college here.”
“Damn, we should’ve met sooner. My name is Jack, by the way.” 
“My friends call me Dee, but I guess you knew that.”
You were left pondering as to why a hockey player from high school was even anticipating meeting you; people only approached you for notes and the occasional party invitation back then.
“So, uh- what about you? Make it big in the league thingy yet?” 
He breaths a laugh. “You could say that.”
“Who do you play for?” 
“New Jersey.”
“Prudential, isn’t it? That’s close by my apartment.” I say in thought. 
Jack grins. “Really? We might bump into each other often, then.” 
He looks genuinely excited. 
What’s going on. 
You chat for a few more minutes but it’s mostly you saying out of pocket things and Jack laughing instead of side-eyeing you and walking away. You were surprised at his effortless kindness. 
“Or Snap? Whatever you feel like is best,” he says, pulling out his phone. It takes a second to register that he’s implying that you exchange contact information. 
“Don’t really use Snapchat. I kinda have too much on my plate right now.” You hand over your phone. 
“You always overwork yourself, you should be at the club. You’ll die on the inside.” 
“Nothing I can’t handle, I hope.”
You just need to push through and never ever have fun.
He checks the time and sighs. 
“I was just here to return a book but I gotta head back. Flight for a roadie takes off in a couple hours. I’ll be back in, like, four days? I hope to see you around then?” 
You match his soft smile and nod, whatever roadie means but okay. It was actually nice, wasting some valuable study time for a potential friend. He’s cool. 
“Yeah. See you.” You offer and huff a laugh as he reaches out to dap you up again. 
That night, after yet another long and winding day with the only highlight being meeting someone who was apparently a high school acquaintance, you decide to look him up. Surprised at the absolute famethat this man had loaded, your lips parting at every detail, you click on his instagram and officially unhinge your jaw. 
You’re never on insta but that can’t be good. 
The shock of how you basically were bonding with someone who definitely downplayed how famous he was didn’t wear off a week later; he texted you quite often and you tried to text back without seeming dry. 
It was nearly a week later when he offered to meet up again. 
-> two questions
babies come from the baby store.
-> wtf 
sorry. ask away !
-> 1. are you at the library rn
do you still like the caramel frappe from dunkin
yes. and yes. what the hell are you doing. 
-> something nice. see u soon angel. 
angel is wild when I look like I snuck on this earth but thanks for that anyways. you’re very kind :))
-> kind enough to tell you to that you’re really pretty :))
*reacted with heart emoji*
You check your forehead temperature to make sure you hadn’t just imagined the whole conversation. 
It wasn’t long before Jack was strutting into the library with two dunkin’ shakes in his hands accompanied by his gorgeous smile when he spotted you in the back, once again. 
“You’re wearing glasses today.” He says when you look up at his outstretched hand. You reach forward with a grateful smile, and deja vu hits you hard. The same exact scene playing out in high school when he had asked everyone in some group project their favorite drinks and treated them when they all got an A. 
“I remember you,” you say as he flopped on the bean bag next to you with his own drink. 
“Yeah? I knew you would. You’re too smart.” He says, again dazzling you with his perfect smile as he lifts two fingers to tap your temple softly to emphasize his point. It’s a challenge to tear your eyes away from his baby blues. 
“Your eyes are so blue. It’s distracting.” 
Jack’s eyes widen at your unintentional rebuttal at his subtle flirting, and he smirks. He knew that you weren’t aware that you were being flirted with the past week; what you lacked in emotional and social intelligence was shadowed by your sharpness in academics. 
“Hey, you didn’t tell me you were a really big deal around here? Everyone knows you and you have like a million followers.”
“Stalking me?” 
“Educating myself.”
Jack laughs and throws as arm around you to peer over your shoulder. 
“Well, I don’t just go around telling people how good I am. So, whatcha doing?” 
The contact makes you freeze up and once again the surreality of a man wanting to spend time with you disorients you a little bit.
“Watching porn.” 
Jack laughs again and earns a stern look from the clerk down the aisle. 
“I’m studying anatomy.”
“Yeah, didn’t suspect any less than med school for your smartass.” 
You turn to him to talk back but his face was inches away from you and that sets off alarm bells throughout your body. You’ve had your fair share of guys and girls but there was not a single string attached and the short flings were easy to forget. 
But having someone that pretty, that close to you, not showing exactly what intentions he had? That caused your anxiety to spike. Positively. 
“Your face is really close.” You simply state, pushing your large frames higher up your nose. 
“And yours is really red.” 
You immediately press your hands against your cheeks and groan at what you picture your face looks like. Jack just giggles again and pulls your hands away. 
“It’s cute.” 
His hands are still on your wrists. 
“It really isn’t, but thank you. You’re very kind.”
There’s a beat of silence where you can see the gears in his head turning. 
“Do you like aquariums?”
You surprise yourself and Jack when you pull him into a hug as a greeting outside the aquarium.
The feel of your chests touching with little fabric in between set Jack’s heart off racing and the way your curves dipped at your hips had him pulling at his collar. 
But most of all, when he pulled back from the hug, he noticed you were wearing shorts that had your legs all out for him to ogle over. 
“You hidin’ all that?” He scans your figure, noting the dark, low cut, full sleeve top. 
“What? All this?” You say as you push your tits together. “There’s not much to hide.”
Jack’s throat runs dry. Unfortunately for him, he’s still a guy and tits still make him drool. And the fact that you had no idea you were keeping him on his toes 
“Be for real.” He rolls his eyes. “How’d your day go?” 
“Nice, actually. I just took Nala for a walk and-“ you cut yourself off. 
“I didn’t know you had a pet? Can I see her? I love anim-“
“She’s a tiger.” 
You give him more and more reasons everyday as to why him hanging out with you was unethical and strange but he seemed to keep on staying. Studying you as if intrigued by your strangeness. 
“You- have a pet..tiger?” 
Yeah. I’ve done it.
“I- yeah.” 
It seems like all Jack ever does is grin because he’s doing it again and flinging an arm around your shoulder as he starts to walk with you. 
“Oh, Dee. There’s just so much to learn and love about you.” 
It takes you a second to react. 
“That may be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.”
“You serious?” 
“Yeah. Well, cause I was ugly growing up, and people always thought I was strange. It’s hard to imagine that people are genuinely interested in any sort of friendship with me.” 
Jacks fingertips on your bare collarbone, his cologne and aftershave, his figure pressed against your side; all of it was overtaking your senses.  
“Baby, why do you think I walked up to you that day in the first place? You may not remember much but I do. You were so kind and honest. And so intriguing. And hardworking. And pretty. I think your dark circles are hot.” 
You huff out a laugh and ignore the flutter in your chest at ‘baby’. 
Jack looks down at you with a gaze that he can’t pinpoint. You’re just very, very endearing to him. He needs to show you all kinds of fun so you laugh like that again. 
“You smell nice.” You say and hesitate before loosening yourself against him more. He hums at the increased contact and at your compliment, smiling against your hair. 
“Thank you.” 
To say you had the absolute time of your life at the aquarium was an understatement. Jack got to see a side of you that loved fun, that was carefree, and didn’t have that goddamn crease in your eyebrows. You were the one pulling him around, telling him you wanted to be a marine biologist as a kid and that you recognize most of the species. Jack made sure to snap a few pictures of you when you weren’t looking, the lightning shaped twinkle in your eyes a memory he wanted to keep forever. 
Later that day, Jack drove you back to your apartment, mentally noting that you were about a fifteen minute drive from his place. 
“Nala?” You coo out softly as you push open the door and drag Jack inside, not giving him the chance to protest. Jack looks around at your apartment. It’s small and messy, but organized in some places. He jumps and lets out a brief scream when a fucking tiger is bounding towards you at full speed and knocking you over with a hug. You laugh as your beloved Nala starts licking up your face and you both roll on the floor. 
Jack’s breathing calms a little as he remembers who owns the tiger. 
“I’ll put her away for now.” You say, reading Jack’s skepticism. He sighed in relief. 
“Oh good. Because as much as you reassured me and as man as I am, she’s still a tiger.” You giggle at his words and guide Nala towards her room. 
The sound makes Jack smile stupidly. His heart stutters and he wants to put your little laugh on replay. He can’t believe that a girl who stated random medical facts at any time, who lost sleep because ‘she just forgot that it’s important’, who barely remembered him from a while ago even though he remembered everything, who waves at planes as they fly overhead, who didn’t know shit about the sport he played, had him wrapped tightly around her finger. 
He takes a moment to observe your apartment. The stacks of medical related books that he doesn’t want to and never will understand, the old record player sitting in the corner of the kitchen, a huge jar of nutella on the coffee table, a questionable fluffy purple blanket on your sofa. Just little things that made you all the more real to him. 
And he still wants to know more. He wants to know your sleep schedule so he knows that you’re getting enough sleep and when to text or call, he wants to know what you dream of, he wants to know your passions besides studying, he wants to know what made you become so numb and detached, how you still managed to have a twinkle in your eye when you experienced emotion. 
But, as he leans to the counter for support at his racing mind and as you enter the room, still clad in your godforsaken low cut top and curve-hugging shorts, he most of all wants to know what you are like, what your lips would feel like molded against his, how you’d moan or whimper at his touch. He’s still leaning against the counter as he recalls when you unabashedly pushed your tits together just hours ago. 
“You alright?” You ask, but you yourself seemed to have distressed eyebrow lines. 
“Uh? Oh yeah. I was just.” He gestures around your apartment. “Observing.” 
You nod, still lost in thought. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, not liking the stress in your body language. 
“Yeah. It’s just, I have two projects due next week and I’ve been studying for something else so I completely forgot about them.” You frown, feeling tears pool in your eyes. You can’t cry in front of Jack. If everything else didn’t make him abandon you, then this would. 
“Woah. Hey, hey.” Jack is by your side immediately. He feels guilty for thinking of you sinfully while you were in distress but he really couldn’t help it. You blink back the tears and shrug it off. 
“It gets kind of a lot sometimes, y’know?” Jack follows you to the couch and sits next to you, immediately taking your hands in his and pulling your legs onto his lap. You gave up on keeping your cool when he does that and give him a bewildered expression. Being taken care of is so strange. 
“And? Go on, baby.” He smiles softly and encouragingly, dropping one of your hands to hold your chin for a moment before grabbing your hand again. 
You blink. 
“Well, It’s probably not as much as I’m stressing it out to be. I’m about to abuse substances.” 
“Now don’t do that. There’s lots of ways to destress yourself.” Jack’s hand wanders again, resting on your bare knee. His movements are soft and gentle, but they still cause a foreign spark through your body. You dryly cough before registering his words and looking at Jack’s hand that had inched higher by the slightest. 
“Is this flirting?” Rushed out of your mouth and Jack chuckles, a normal sound but an octave lower. 
“Sure is, baby. You’re learning fast.” He’s staring your eyes down, and all of a sudden he’s consuming your senses again. His cologne is still there, his insane blues are glued to yours, his deep breathing is signifying his increasing heart rate. His hand inches higher as he moves closer. 
“Why don’t I just,” shrug, “eat you out? ‘S a better high than drugs-” His phone buzzes in his pocket. 
Jack huffs and pulls away, leaving your insides churning at the his lingering touch and words??? The implication alone, the images conjuring in your head were nothing short of filthy. 
He scowls as he takes the call, muttering something about how it’s his agent and he’ll get in trouble if he doesn’t answer. His responses are curt and his expression neutral, but his hand is gripping your thigh with intensity. As he hangs up the call and tosses his phone aside, his hand is almost at your inner thigh and he maneuvers himself to be directly on his knees on the floor in front of you. 
The sudden movement and his face looking up at yours between your slightly parted legs has your pussy throbbing. It’s been weeks since you were.. in this particular position with someone and god did it feel nice that it was the finest man in world to unpause your sex life. 
He leans up to be face level with you. “Do you trust me, baby?” You never noticed how sultry his natural voice was. 
His eyes search yours for any kind of discomfort as his hand reaches forward to cup your cheek. You nod in conformation as he moves closer. 
Your breath hitches as he presses his lips to your cheek, dangerously close to your mouth. It confuses you slightly as to why he didn’t just kiss you but both of his hands on your waistband distracts you. 
“Can I take these off?” He questions and you nod once again, not trusting your voice. 
He’s doing everything in slow motion and you think it alludes to your sensitivity earlier, but anticipation and his hands cloud everything in your mind. 
What kind of guy just? offers to eat you out? to help you destress? 
Your shorts are discarded and the exposure doesn’t bother you. Sure your heart would be thudding either way, but Jack made you feel different. No anxiety in the sense that he would judge you or harm you or hurt your feelings.
“Hm, these are cute.” Jack’s thumb fingers over the lining of your underwear. 
You feel yourself flush. 
“Thanks.” Is your quiet response. 
“Relax, baby. This is for you to unwind, not to get nervous. Focus on how you’re feeling,”   Jack instructs as his finger ghosted over your clothed cunt. Your teeth nibble on your bottom lip as you push your hips closer to his hand. 
He smirks at your eagerness and gives in, entirely pushing his thumb against your clit through your panties. 
His thumb moves slowly but firmly back and forth as he gauges your reaction. Finding the right spots where your stomach clenches or your eyebrows knit together. 
“More.” You muster as you open your eyes to look down at Jack who was already moving to take your damp panties off. Once again, slowly. He groans as he sees you glistening for him and starts kissing up your thigh. 
“You have a pretty face.” 
Jack grins up at your compliment while peppering feather light kisses on your inner thighs. 
The anticipation pools in your lower stomach as Jack breaks eye contact with you to admire your delicacy in front of him. He uses the same thumb to rub through your folds and reach higher to circle your clit. The stimulation has you moaning softly and the sound has Jack’s cock twitching in his shorts. 
“I- hurry.” You huff in slight annoyance, wanting more besides the slow circles. Jack smirks against your thigh and removes his thumb so he could move forward lick a stripe through your folds. 
Your knuckles get white gripping the pillow,  itching to hold his hair instead as his eyes flicker between yours and your pussy. Jack notices your hand on the pillow and guide it to his hair while sucking and licking your cunt. He parts away for a second to catch his breath before making slow and languid motions with his tongue on your clit. 
You grip his hair, hard. Jack grunts against you and loses a shred of control as he pulls your legs apart further to dive further in. You let out a startled breath at the sudden movement and pull on his hair more as he shakes his head deeper while still staring up at you. 
“Jack..” you breathe out, but it comes out as more of a whimper that makes him hum against you and a spark run through his body. He pulls away and inserts his middle and ring finger through your slick and pumps shortly before curling his fingers. You heave a breath and moan at the feeling while Jack stares up at you in awe. 
“You’re everything.” He says more to himself than you, as he watches you writhe and whimper at his fingers while holding the eye contact. He connects his lips with your clit again and suctions in a way that has your back arching and your moans getting louder and more high pitched with each type of attention Jack gives to your pussy. 
He switched his fingers and mouth and rubs your clit as he laps up your arousal as he feels you getting close. He takes that moment to switch back and locks eyes with you as his dark pink, wet lips attach to your clit again, softly sucking you closer to your tipping point.
“Oh, f-fuck I’m-“  
Your eyebrows knit and your eyes roll back at the sensations of his mouth and tongue and fingers and gaze. 
You spasm around his fingers and moan louder while Jack’s fingers guide you through your release. He licks up whatever he can before sitting and wiping his face with the back of his hand as you stare at him with hooded and tired eyes. 
“Feel better?” He has the nerve to ask as he runs a wet wipe up and between your legs. 
When did he even get that?
Your leg twitches in sensitivity after he’s finished. 
“Mm better.” Was all you could muster. All you wanted was to sleep and dream for days. 
Jack laughs softly at your state and checks the time. 
“I’ll need to head out soon. Team dinner.” He says as he fits another pair of underwear on you. You feel a pang in your chest and anxiety creeps up your spine, but Jack immediately shuts your thoughts down. 
“Hey, this doesn’t mean I’ll abandon you or anything. I’m goin’ cause I have to and I would take you but you look like you could use a nap. We can hang tomorrow?” He’s so soft and caring with you, cupping your cheek and smoothing his thumb over it. 
“Yeah okay.” You say and watch as he gets up, not before pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“I won’t go anywhere, baby.” 
After the team dinner, when Jack got home and shut the door to his apartment, the first thing he did was call his older brother. Quinn was just the slightest, itty-bittiest bit more fortunate with girls, so Jack naturally went to him for tips here and there. 
A few minutes into the call, they exchanged formalities and talked about each others’ seasons before Quinn cut to the chase. 
“So? Is it a girl?”
Jack blanched. 
“I- well yes, but it’s different this time. Swear.”
“You say that every-time. But it does sound like it might be different.”
“Do you remember Dee from high school?”
“I don’t remember anything from high school.” Is it really that common to forget four years of your life?
“Yeah well. I met her again a few weeks ago. She was the one who used to take all the APs and she graduated early? She was like always tired and kinda funny. And she’s pretty. Like the natural kind of pretty. You’d look at her and want to give up the world for her kind of pretty. I don’t know.” Quinn listened quietly, detecting the hint of fear in Jack’s voice. 
“I might be, like obsessed with her. I think she knows.”
“Wait, wait, wait. She knows? That you like her? And you’re not together yet?” Jack didn’t deny it when he said that he liked her. 
“I-yes? I think so. She might be into me too and we did a thing earlier today and she flirts with me without even thinking about it? That’s gotta mean something right?”
“You did things with her?!She flirts with you?! Do something. But take it slow. She probably still wonders why you even give her the time of day. She likes you but she doesn’t know it yet.” Hearing his older brother say it untightened his chest. 
“I was going to kiss her but I really wanted to things slow with her. She’s been through a bit and, I don’t know, I want to treat her special.” He’s glad that he has a person he can say the cringiest shit to. If it was anyone else on the other line, he would get toasted for the rest of his life. Jack wore his heart on his sleeve and was smart at reading people and their emotions. But sometimes he was just clueless on what to do with that knowledge. 
We can hang tomorrow. 
Who the fuck says that after going down on someone. 
Jack didn’t text you that night.
Or the next morning. 
You started panicking slightly when you come home from classes. 
That had to have been the last straw for him. 
He’s a fucking superstar, he lives in the New York City area, where all the pretty models and blue eyed blondes live. Why the hell would he go for a tired med student from his home state who didn’t care about herself enough to care for him?
Your mind runs a marathon as the elevator doors open to your floor. But when you approach your apartment, Jack is sitting on the floor next to door, scrolling on his phone. 
You freeze and stare blankly as he realizes that you’re here.
He perks up and walks over to you pulling you into a light hug. 
“Hey, Dee. How were classes?”
“Good. Thanks for asking.” You reply, hesitantly wrapping your arms back around him. You weren’t hugged a lot as a kid or growing up. You’ve hugged more in the last two weeks than you have in your entire life. 
“I have a game later today. Wanna come? The other team
isn’t that good. We might win. Unless you have work to do. Or if you just don’t want to go that’s okay too. Or-“ he cuts off when you press a finger against his lips. 
“I’d love to go. I finished a lot of my work during classes.” You smile removing your fingers, relaxing in his arms. “When is it?” 
“At 7. I’ll pick you up, yeah?” 
You both just stand there for a minute before you remember social cues. 
“So, come in? I’m hungry as fuck. We should eat.” You say pushing the door open, petting Nala as you walk in and Jack followed. He smiles at your awkwardness and accepts. 
Your look is acceptable. Hair clutched back, light makeup, hoodie and sweats is your go-to anyway. Plus, you’re always cold. 
You arrive at around quarter to seven and with the help of signs make your way to the lounge that Jack gave you a pass to. 
There’s a guard at the door that held his hand out for the pass and when you gave it to him he eyed you wearily. 
“You’re Hughes’ girl? Where did you get this?”
“Jack gave it to me.” 
“Uh huh.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “So can I go in?” 
“Sweetheart, Jack has only ever invited two other girls here and I can tell you right now, you’re not the third. Who gave you this pass?” 
The mention of Jack bringing other girls here makes you absolutely sick to your stomach. 
You might vomit. 
But anger bubbles up your throat and you’re about to press your finger into the guards chest and give him a piece of your mind, when there’s a patter of feet and an excited “Dee!” coming from your left. 
Jack has you in his arms already before you could register it. He tucks you into his shoulder, presses his lips against your temple, lingering, and faces the guard. 
“Was there a problem?” The guards mouth hangs open and flickers between the two of you. 
“None at all.” He opens the door and lets the two of you in. After he shuts the door and turns face you, you take a second to admire him. 
He’s dressed in his game jersey, shoulder pads and everything; except for his skates. 
He looks really good. 
“You look really good.” 
“Are you blushing?” 
Jack pulls you into his chest so you don’t see more of the pink adorning his cheeks. 
“Am not,” he mutters above your head and you giggle as you try to untangle from his grasp. 
You pull back and notice that he still has a tint on his cheeks. He holds your face for a moment, admiring every feature. Going from eye to eye, the slope of your nose, the dimple digging into your left cheek, a beauty mark on your chin, your lips. 
You feel your breath quickening when his thumb grazes your cheek and his eyes linger on your lips a little longer. 
A sharp knock on the door interrupted the two of you. 
“Warm ups in two!”
Jack sighed and looked back at you. 
“I need to go. You can watch from here.” He led you further into the room and you could hear the crowd getting louder as you got closer. He led you to a balcony where there were a few other people, and pecked your cheek before going back. 
The game starts and you’re more clueless that you thought you’d be. The puck was way too small and you didn’t bring your glasses, but you remember Jack telling you that he was ‘86’, so you tried to follow wherever he was. 
The girl next to you strikes up a conversation which you cautiously tread with, but you warm up soon. She tells you that she’s dating someone on the team. 
“Woah. That must be cool.” She looks confused. 
“Aren’t you Jack’s girl?”
“No? We’re friends. I think. He’s really nice to me.” Your new friend blinks before talking again. 
“He really likes you though, and you look like you really like him.” 
“Well of course I do. He treats me really well.” 
“Oh, babe. No. He like likes you. My boyfriend told me he talks about you all the time.” She holds your hand. You look down at it and back at her. You’re quiet for a moment. You’re not sure how to process that. 
“I’m not sure how to process that.”
“Well, do you like him? Love him even?” 
You’re cut off by that awfully loud goal horn, and glance at the screen to see that Jack has scored. You felt a surge of pride in your chest and feel yourself smiling wide as Jack’s tiny figure skated around and fist bumped the players on the bench. He turns to your section for a moment, lingering for a sliver of a second and your heart stops. The game called for the face-off just a second later so he had to look away. 
You look over to the girl on your right and she’s already looking at you with a half smirk. 
Jack politely declined on drinks later in the locker room after the devils won. 
He leans against his car and thinks about you. He really wanted to see you, needed your affirmation. 
It’s all he seems to do now. Jack just wants reassurance and peace in knowing that you were there. He spent every waking moment thinking about you and how he got you to show sides of yourself that you don’t show to people. He tried to keep his personal life away from hockey but the way his instincts told him to look in your general direction after he scored made him sick to his stomach. 
He might actually be stupid obsessed with you. 
Trusting his gut on your body language and making a bold move the previous night may have been the best thing he’s ever done.
That means that he doesn’t need to be cautious with his flirting anymore. He knows exactly what he feels but he wants to wait til you come to that conclusion on your own. 
He didn’t notice your quiet footsteps in his direction and was mildly startled when you were standing in front of him. Almost at once, he felt a smile adorn his face. 
“That was so cool, I didn’t understand anything but I know you scored.” Your wide, twinkling eyes stared back up at him. “I’m proud of you.”
And that’s all it took for him to usher you into the back seat, strip off your sweatpants, and throw your legs over his shoulders. 
Not even ten minutes later, your lungs are dying for air and your body is covered in a thin sheet of sweat. He was rougher this time, sucking a hickey on your neck before, getting the entire bottom half of his face messy, his own hooded eyes losing focus as he pleasured you.  
“You back to me yet, baby?”
You open your eyes and you’re in the front seat, cleaned up, pants back on, and Jack is fastening your seatbelt for you. 
“I lost you for like, three minutes there. You okay?”
His voice is gentle and quiet, his index and thumb holding your chin softly as his azure eyes bore into yours. 
He laughs, pulling back and shifting the gear into drive, his hair falling slightly in his face and he pushes it back. 
“All the chipotle in the world for my Dee.”
Your mind briefly flashed to how he kissed the tip of your nose before he went down on you, and not your lips.
You’re in Jack’s apartment now (your heart dropping when you thought of Nala, but then you remembered that you fed her quite well and she had to be passed out by now. Jack handed you a Hershey’s kiss to calm you down), and it’s big. 
Like, huge. 
Massive for someone who lives alone.
His TV was playing ‘How to lose a guy in 10 days’ and you were watching like a hawk. 
“I’ve never seen this one before.”
“Really? You don’t watch romcoms?” Jack looks at you surprised, sitting next to you with both of your chipotle orders and throwing a blanket over the two of you. 
“No. I don’t really get the time.” You furrow your brows and turn to him with a blank expression. “You’ve showed me so much fun in the last few weeks. Thank you.”
Jack could happily die in that moment. He flashes back to yesterday again, your childlike wonder, the new things he learnt about you. 
“‘S nothing yet. There’s so much more you deserve to feel happy about.” He kisses your temple before getting closer to you. 
You both watch in silence for a while, occasionally laughing and aw-ing, until you can’t hold it back anymore. 
“Do you think kissing is unhygienic?”
You look up to him, his unbuttoned shirt, messy hair and lingering smile making your heart skip a beat. 
Oh no. 
You have such a horrible, fat crush on him.
Sweet boy is not a multitasker and the movie was at a really good part, so he didn’t really get distracted and soon you were engrossed too. 
You were still in a cloud of feelings and it was getting a bit much for you. Your head was usually void of emotion, so the change was welcome. And you had Jack to thank for that. He’s done so much for you, taken care of you in ways that no one has and no one ever will. 
You realize that he could be your worst heartbreak or someone that’s going to be in your life forever. 
You feel slightly sick thinking about it and you need to get it out of your system. 
“Can I suck you off?” Your lips lightly brush his ear. 
Now that. 
That gets Jack’s attention. 
He nearly snaps his neck to turn to face you and your noses touch. 
“You- I- what?”
Your fingertips are feathery as you brush the hair out of his face. 
“I want to suck your dick.”
“You don’t- if this is to- to reciprocate or something-“
“I promise it’s not. I really just want to.”
Jack is already semi-hard and he can feel his dress pants tighten. His eyes briefly widen and he borderline gulps before he watches your hand run down his chest and toy with his belt buckle. As soon as he gives you the green light and pauses ‘How to lose a guy in 10 days’, you’re on your knees in front of him, just like how he was with you the previous night. 
Jack’s sanity is once again lost as he watches you on your knees for him. You make a quick work of his belt buckle and pull down his dress pants just enough. 
You can already see how loaded he is through his boxers and look back up at him with the same wide eyes that he goes crazy over. 
Jack barely has time to react over your concise approval of his length before you’re mouthing over his boxers, sucking softly, leaving Jack gasping for a breath. 
You pull down his boxers and start working immediately, pumping him and wetting your hands slightly so you have more friction. 
“Y’know, it’s crazy—I know what all of these veins are called.” You say, more to yourself but Jack’s half smile drops when you lay your tongue flat against his shaft and suck on his tip. He lets out an embarrassing sound between a staggered breath and a whimper as you make your way down. Your cheeks hollow out as you make eye contact with him, making sure you’re getting it right. You come off and continue with your hands and look up at him. 
“F- Christ- fuck, so good, baby. So good.” 
Happy with yourself, you continue to suck him clean while he chokes out moans and his stomach clenches. You can feel him getting heavier in your mouth and you start speeding up, using both of your hands. 
There’s a moment when he reaches forward to push your hair out of your face, so that you don’t get bothered and so that he sees you properly, which warms your heart. 
He taps one of yours hands that’s on him to indicate that he’s close and you pull back with a kitten lick to his tip before sticking your tongue out.
You have Jack seeing stars when his load pumps into your mouth, and your eyes dart over his shirt clinging to his chest, his hair falling into his screwed shut eyes, his lips parted and his hand gripping the sofa with such intensity that his veins pop out. 
You tuck him back into his clothing after cleaning him up, and he looks at you with tired eyes while making grabby hands. 
You chuckle, climbing into his arms and he slumps his body against you, both of you now lying down on the couch as he unpauses the movie. 
His head rests comfortably against your chest, one of your hands running through his hair, and the other intertwined with his. 
It’s sweet. 
Jack wakes up alone and panics at once. It’s embarrassing, really; like finding out your stuffed animal fell to the floor during your sleep as a toddler. But when he checks his messages, he finds a text from you. 
Hey, I had to leave. I have a project due tomorrow and also Nala :( We can meet up later. I had fun yesterday. Thank you :))
It’s hits Jack how gone he is when he finds himself clutching his phone to his heart. 
It takes a while. 
He comes home fresh from morning practice took a nice long nap to clear his head before waking up properly to see that it was raining outside. 
He was enjoying (not) the protein shake that he was required to drink and mindlessly scoring through plays from an old game, when it hits him like a sack of bricks. 
Do you think kissing is unhygienic? 
You think he doesn’t want to kiss you. 
You think he’s toying with your heart by showing you all kinds of affection besides the one thing that both of you wanted so fucking bad. 
You think he doesn’t like you enough to do that yet. 
The drive to yours was smooth despite the rain pouring down from every direction, and because you always reminded him of road safety. 
You were standing outside of the apartment building, looking like you were having an argument with.. your tiger. 
Your hands were on your hips, body soaked and hair wet as you tried to coax Nala into shelter. 
Jack laughed at both of your antics which got your attention. Your mind flashes back to the day that you met him, the pouring rain, and how awkward it was to meet someone you knew from a while back. You wave at him happily as he approached, but noticed a hint of  anxiety and embarrassment. 
“What’s wro-?“
“Are you into poetry?”
“Uh, sometimes? Why?”
“This- well, I can’t read it. Here.” 
He hands over his phone, stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks at anything but you. Puzzled, you cover his phone from the pelting droplets so you could read. 
‘The first time you caught my eye
it was not love at first sight. 
Instead a quiet curiosity was
planted in my chest and I knew
it was only a matter of time before 
you sunk beneath my bones and
nurtured this deep seated familiarity
into a love so fierce that I would question
if I had ever been in love before.’
Lyra Wren. 
You read it again. 
There’s no way he actually searched for a poem to depict how he felt. 
“Look, I didn’t understand half of it hit you get the-“
Jack was cut off by our lips against his. 
It was short, maybe a second long, closed mouth, but you pulled away breathless and were close enough to feel his heart racing underneath his clothes. 
How desperately he wanted your cold, soft lips against his again. 
“So, you like me? For who I am?”
He nods. 
“Are you sure? ‘Cause I-“ 
You were interrupted by Nala’s whine (to say: I change my mind, I want to go inside), and you give Jack his phone, grab his hand and pull him inside. 
“C’mon, we’ll get pneumonia.”
Your hands were still in each others, his engulfing yours, when you shut the door to your apartment, locked it, watched Nala bound to her room, and turned to face him again properly. 
He was so, so close. Your lips were parted, just inches apart, your foreheads touching. 
He closed the gap this time, almost groaning in relief when he felt your mouth properly against his, something you both yearned for without realizing. His lips move against yours gently, savoring as much of you as he can. He nips your bottom lip and it has you and Jack smiling into the kiss. And then it’s a mess, teeth clashing, giggling, tongues lolling over another, one of his hands cupping your face and the other wrapped around your waist, but it feels like everything you’ve ever wanted. 
You pull back. 
“I love you more.”
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months ago
“You need to do better.”
(This gets vitriolic, and is a full-blown criticism of Macaque’s portrayal in Season Four and Five. If criticism of a character/franchise you like upsets you, I do not recommend reading.)
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Wow. I had no faith in his character writing, and I’m STILL disappointed.
And it only took one episode! How impressive!
Macaque, who has put in ZERO on-screen effort to become a better person or make amends to his victims, is criticizing Wukong for being a bad mentor! And does Wukong criticize him back? NOPE!
After getting screamed at and berated, does Wukong defend himself? NOPE!
Ooh, but there was a second long reference in a dual yelling match that mentioned that Macaque was a genuinely bad person who took glee in hurting innocent people! Oh, fucking delightful! Ooh, Wukong even points out in one episode that Macaque goes without consequences!
Pointing out a flaw in your writing does not make it less of a flaw.
Macaque will always be allowed to do whatever he wants to anyone he wants- power theft, attempted murder, insults, deceit, assault-
And the narrative and characters will never hold him accountable or force Macaque to look inwards or become a better person.
Macaque will always fall upwards into redemption without any obstacles or pushback.
There will never be a struggle to goodness with a satisfying conclusion. There will never be a moment where falters in his newfound goodness and questions going back to his old ways. There will never be explicit remorse or regret. He will never have deep introspections on his crimes and atrocities that provide a reason for him to want to change.
The sum of his “arc” will always be “you were a good guy all along”, and that lack of depth is where it will stay.
RIP Seasons 1-3 Macaque. You were fun and interesting and cool and lovable.
But the man they replaced you with was destined to be a boring and brooding “anti-hero” who has no real connection to the actions you selfishly and violently performed with your own two hands-
And you will always be a less interesting character for it.
The execution of the actual arc boils down to a single heroic (but ultimately self-serving) moment and then Macaque is immediately forgiven for all the crimes he’s committed and is a magically better person without any effort and nothing he’s done is ever brought up again.
It severely weakens any character’s arc to cut them off from their past actions. If MK forgot his traumas every season instead of carrying them forward- we’d all agree that doing so was a case of poor writing.
It was the reason that people disliked Mei’s portrayal in Season Four- she immediately moved on from the Samadhi Fire arc and “no longer wielded it” after spending a whole season gathering and learning to use it.
Why can’t we agree that it’s bad for Macaque, too?
You can’t “develop” a character by dropping an entire plotline and writing it off with one line.
You can’t “redeem” a character by pretending that they were a good person right from the start.
Sorry, bud.
I really did like you. I just wish I could like your writing.
And, what is more clear to me now than ever?
People only defended Macaque’s shitty writing because they think he’s hot.
I know this now, because I’ve seen white-hot Li Jing arc hatred from fervent Macaque arc defenders.
So we all agree that an “I didn’t really mean it!” isn’t an excuse to abuse the people around you? That you don’t get to mistreat innocent people just because you’re stressed and upset?
I wonder why people despise Jing for his dogshit “one nice thing redeems all your bad actions” arc but love Macaque for his??
(Because they think the monkey is hot.)
The funny thing, though?
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Li Jing apologizes to at least one of the victims of his actions. He expresses regret and remorse.
Macaque doesn’t even have that.
Anyways here’s a line that I hate because Macaque has in no way developed enough to have the right to deliver it-
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“You need to do better.”
Really, Macaque? Maybe you should take your own damn advice- try apologizing to one of the people you tried to hurt and tried to murder in cold blood!
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Like when you trapped MK under his staff after stealing his powers and tried to murder him when he was helpless?
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Or when you kidnapped MK’s friends and tortured the kid by forcing him to fight them?
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Or you led a violent assault against a palace full of innocent people?
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Or violently beat his dear friends until they were screaming in pain?
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Or assaulted Tang, who posed no threat to you?
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Or threatened to murder an innocent girl if you didn’t get your way, then ran away (and encouraged MK to abandon her) first thing when it put her into a life-threatening meltdown of raw power?
(Isn’t it cool how NONE of these people have interesting or varied reactions to him doing this and ALL immediately are cool with him like a gelatinous hivemind.)
(Oooh ONE mildly questioning line from Pigsy but no anger over his adoptive son nearly being killed multiple times over)
(Isn’t it cool that no one has complex or interesting thoughts on this.)
(Isn’t it cool that by robbing them of unique feelings on the matter they robbed Macaque and the Monkie Kids of compelling and interesting interactions that could’ve helped flesh out their personalities and strengthen their characterization.)
(Isn’t it cool that Macaque and the Monkie Kids are actively denied intriguing character dynamics so Macaque’s shitty “redemption arc” can happen faster.)
(Isn’t that cool.)
Why don’t YOU do better, Macaque?
(In a way that is more satisfying than “one kind-hearted speech from a kid that I tried to murder changed my mind and now I am a better person but all my character development happened offscreen and without personal introspection”, at least.)
Also what the fuck do you mean by “do better”?
Be heroic and put your life in danger? He already does that! He’s done it more than you have!
Just tell MK that he’s not alone? YOU COULD DO THAT YOURSELF, MACAQUE!
Help MK with his traumas and fears? MK doesn’t tell anyone about those! He keeps them bottled up, lock and key, and actively refuses attempts to help!
Wukong TRIED to reach out to him, and MK PUSHED HIM AWAY! Was he supposed to tie the fucking kid down and torture the information out of him?
He respected MK’s boundaries by not pushing any further and letting him leave!!
What the fuck, man
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cheri-2047 · 10 months ago
Genshin date headcanons (venti, lyney, ga ming, kaveh)
if i accidentally mischaracterized them i deeply apologize
warnings: nothing it’s mostly fluff, btw it’s established relationship already
He would love to take you on a picnic up on a hill. somewhere where the sun is in the perfect position and where the winds feel nice.
he would have a basket of all your favorites and a bottle or two of wine. (If you dislike wine, he will bring your favorite drink)
you guys would talk and just do whatever and have fun! This man loves to make you laugh, it makes him feel really happy.
afterwards, you guys go on a gliding date. Going down the hill and going around mondstadt wherever you guys please.
At night, he brings you to the tavern to drink (but then again if you dislike drinking, he will take you out to a romantic dinner).
afterwards when he brings you home, he leaves a flower in your hair and gives you a kiss
this MF would greet you at your house doing a magic trick for you to get a rainbow rose on your hair. He would also say smth flirty as his first greeting like “it was a cloudy day before you, my light has appeared!” Or smth like that
he would take you to his favorite cafe in Fontaine, to have breakfast with you there.
whenever a kid approaches him and asks him to do a magic trick, he would go “alright! But only one okay? I’m on a date with this (if ure a girl, beautiful lady, if ure a guy, handsome man. If ure a diff gender he says with my dearest) and afterwards starts rambling on to the kid about how much he loves you. This man would show you off every single moment he gets.
he would walk you around the streets of Fontaine until he reaches his home. He brings you there and cooks lunch for you, somehow he knows your favorites even if he never told u. This man is strange 😭
after you guys eat he cleans up (and if you offer to help, he would not let you) and you guys cuddle on the couch watching a movie until both of you fall asleep.
He would take you on a dim sum and street food date, all with him paying for it ofc! He would bring you to his favorite street food stalls and you guys get to try the most delicious foods ever.
whenever he sees fellow co-workers, he loves Telling them “I’m on a date!!” He’s really happy and excited you guys are together.
whenever he sees any of his relatives he tells you to run, which actually becomes pretty fun for both of you since ou guys treat it like a heist 😭
When it gets dark, he brings you to a special area in Liyue Harbor. He then performs you a dance that he himself made specifically for you. Obviously this attracts some people so at the end he proudly announces that he made it for his beloved.
He brings you to your home and before you guys part, he hugs you tightly saying “Thank you..I had the best day today my love”
He’d take you to the palace of Alcazarzaray, showing you around. Hed talk about his experiences in making it too.
you guys hang out there for awhile, talking about yourselves and getting to know one another even more
afterwards, he’d take you to an art museum. Both of you then jokingly judge modern art 😭😭😭😭 and just have fun
afterwards HED invite you to his and haithams home. He payed haitham to let him have the date there and for haitham not to interrupt because this man knows haitham would interrupt you guys 😭
he cooks for you and you guys eat together
afterwards you guys play bored games. You personally invite haitham so that you’d have more players and you’d get good entertainment whenever haitham and kaveh are beating each other
when it reaches night, kaveh invites you to stay. You two cuddle on his bed and sleep in each others arms.
sorry this was not proofread at all and that venti’s part is so short 😭 I tried.
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furuyalover · 8 months ago
taking care of him at a party
— ft. atsumu miya
AN: just a lil sum while i work my music event drabbles đŸ€ also this was soo fun to write so pls request any other characters i should do this for !
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your roommate was throwing a party in your shared house, and it was fun at first. however your social battery was running kind of low, and you felt like taking a break anyways. “hey im a little beat, but if you need anything i’ll be in my room” you tell your friend and then you make your way to your room.
you lie down on your bed, and decide to maybe take a small nap to help you feel better. but not even 15 minutes into your nap you hear a soft knock on your door. “come in” you groan, as you readjust yourself so that you can sit up and see whoever’s at your door, expecting your roommate needing assistance with something for the party. but to your surprise, your greeting by three familiar faces, one being a very drunk atsumu miya.
being practically held him by his twin brother and good friend suna, the former embarrassingly says “y/n im so sorry for barging in, but is it ok if we let atsumu take a break here? every other room was occupied and your roommate told us to try here” atsumu was smashed, you could tell that he was shitfaced and it was more like osamu & suna who needed the break.
“what? ok sure yeah whatever. just lay him down over there i guess.” too tired to really even refute their request, you instruct the two to carry their drunken friend on the side of your bed opposite of you. this is where you decide it’s probably time for you to turn in for the night.
you leave atsumu to rest on your bed, and head into your bathroom to change, shower, and what not to get ready for bed. by the time you’re done you chuckle to yourself when you see atsumu is still knocked out on your bed. admittedly, you found it kind of cute to see him like this. peacefully asleep, in his natural state, a change of pace from his usual loud and brash personality, it didn’t help that he was in your bed as well. after placing a glass of water and some tylenol and advil on the nightstand next to him, you sit on your side of your bed and start mindlessly scrolling on your phone.
you text your roommate, updating them on the wild situation you found yourself in. “y/n are u fr rn? this is like the perfect chance for u to confess to him hello??” a smile forms on your face after reading that text, “bro what hell no. that’s so awkward 😭” “ur trippin, worst case scenario u can tell him u we’re js drunk” rolling your eyes at that suggestion, you exit your texts and go back to your scrolling.
a few minutes go by and you feel atsumu shifting in your bed, followed by a slight groan. “oh god where am i” he groans as he rolls over, rubbing his eyes, to face this mysterious figure sat beside him.
“well you’re not downstairs getting shitfaced that’s for sure” you snark with a small chuckle, slightly admiring how cute he looks with his messy hair and flushed face. “oh shit! y/n! is this your room? oh my god did we..?” amused by his slight panic you reassured him that nothing happened, “no no don’t worry, you were absolutely plastered so suna and your brother dropped you off here so you could rest. there’s some tylenol next to you, you should really take some”
she’s such an angel wow, he thought to himself as he took the pain relievers you so kindly prepared for him. “god those assholes, sorry you had to deal with that” he quietly, almost embarrassingly apologizes. giggling at his annoyance you assure him it’s fine and that it’s not a big deal. but then the gears start turning in your head a bit, as you start to develop a lil plan to semi-confess to him.
“the party isn’t probably gonna end for another few hours, so if you want you can just crash here if you want. i can just sleep on the couch or something” almost immediately, a grin plasters on atsumus face, and his usually cocky self is back just like that. “i mean that’s rather rude ya know? i wouldn’t want such an angel who had to take care of a drunken asshole to sleep on the couch. you should probably just sleep in your own bed” he grins as he runs his hands through his messy blonde hair, this bitch knows exactly what he’s doing, you think to yourself.
despite a very obvious blush creeping up on your face you respond, “yeah well i’d feel bad if you had to stay on the couch” scoffing, faking offense to your comment “who said anything about me on the couch? plus i heard cuddling is good for hangovers.” OH HOW I HATE HIM. rolling your eyes you playfully act annoyed, but you couldn’t be any happier
“hm well i always wanted to cuddle with that dumbass from the volleyball team who i have a crush on” you retort with a light laugh. now it’s his turn to blush, already flushed from the alcohol he is now redder than before. “when exactly were you planning on tellling this handsome and talented dumbass?” despite the confident demeanor he was definitely screaming on the inside.
“i figured now would be a good time, but who said anything about handsome and talented.” you reply as you side eye him, but he just can’t help but smile right at you. “so we’re definitely cuddling right?” he asks with a heartful, genuine smile. not being able to deny this lover boy’s smile or even him in general, i mean you’ve liked him for months now, you roll your eyes and respond “ok fine i guess whatever, but find some clothes to change into and take a shower” you laugh as you playfully hit him on his shoulder.
“on it.” he gets up heading downstairs to see if any of his friends have extra clothes they can get him, and to of course tell them about his crush on you. “shit finally, it’s about time you told her you liked her, osamu you owe me $10 and some food” “ok fine suna whatever, but you owe me $5 since he did it while he was drunk.” yes these mfs placed bets on you guys confessing to each other.
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reblogs appreciated and admired à«źâ‚ ˃ ’ ˂ ₎ა
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forsoobado137 · 2 months ago
Hi , i discovered your account a little while ago and i really enjoyed your nation revealed au posts and i wanted to know if you had more France nation revealed au headcanons because your posts about him are hilarious and he's my favourite character
OUAIS FRANCEEEEE! Oh my god there's so much. He would thrive in the spotlight. He's very charming and good looking, so he knows how to control public opinion. I'm not trying to say that every citizen loves him, but he's a very admired national treasure. The French gov takes advantage of this and tries to make him announce things so they'll be taken more lightly. He attends political press conferences and stuff, but he's usually there to look pretty and distract people from getting mad. It's become a bit of a meme like "when they bring out Mr. France, shit's going to hit the fan."
He's been in a few movies back in the day. But he was usually cast as an extra because the gov didn't want whatever erotic scene he was in to "taint the national reputation". He usually does voice cameos in movies now, and he DEFINITELY made a cameo in Ratatouille (he had one line). The only physical cameos he makes are in historical documentaries.
As the "nation of fashion", He's also starred in many beauty commercials, and has been on many magazine covers (duh). He attends fashion shows to support designers, and his tweets during fashion week are always a highlight. He starts a lot of trends too. Luxury brands see his influence and trample over each other for his endorsement.
His social media personality depends on the site. I made a more in depth post here, but I'll sum it up. His twitter is where he posts his "philosophical musings" with a side of memes. His Instagram is where he is in peak slut form, but he posts normal French stuff periodically to get his boss off his back. His Tiktok is a mix of Twitter and Insta, but more focused on making cooking videos and trends. He also loves posting about his cat, and makes matching outfits for him. he often features other nations in his posts, and films them doing mundane silly things.
Since France is the most visited country in the world, he has a lot of interactions with tourists. He does his whole "charming Frenchman" schtick and gives little tours around Paris. He also does tours at the Louvre, though he usually cares more about the paintings involving himself. Despite the fun, he always has to deal with people being disrespectful and entitled to him. It's even worse now in the age of the internet, where everyone's trying to have their fifteen minutes of fame. People record themselves trying to ask him on a date, flirt with him, kiss him, and other things when he's just trying to get his coffee. He politely turns them down, but he's punched many a tourist before.
France has also been in some scandals. He's had many sex scandals. Too many to count. So many that it's not even considered a scandal when he's caught sleeping with powerful people or being indecent in public. He's a very passionate person. He has been arrested many times, often while at protests. He can also get very confrontational with the paparazzi on a bad day. Those videos often go viral, and people talk about how "unhinged" he is (and say he's "iconic" or whatever). Obviously, his outbursts and police confrontations are a very bad look for the gov. But there's not much they can do to stop him without public backlash. So usually they make him apologize.
He's often invited to talk shows and interviews both in France and abroad. For the serious interviews, it's usually about political and historical stuff. For talk shows, it's a mix of "he's so hot" and trying to make a spectacle out of his eccentric moments. Hosts are usually respectful, but English-speaking ones will often poke fun at his English, and sometimes do stuff like "say squirrel" to laugh at his accent. They'll also joke about his "meltdowns" and stuff (half the time they're moments where he's in mental distress).
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kissami · 1 year ago
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sum. after a tough breakup, you find comfort in things you never thought you would do.
fem!reader with she/her pronouns
warnings: drug usage, very rushed, angry katsuki but the usual, y/n is a mess lol and kinda a crybaby srry I was pmsing when I wrote this

inspo: heavily inspired by Heaven and back by chase Atlantic I love that song sm gn
not proof read sorry I’m lazy I’ll edit it later, YOU’VE BEEN WARNED
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She was always dealing with the devil
She was always into taking those chances, yeah
“Thank you, have a wonderful day.” You smiled at the customer as they grabbed their cigarettes and left the convenience store you worked at.
It was currently 7:47 PM, and all you wanted to do was be at home with your cat and sleep.
But it’s never sleep when it comes to you. It’s always work, study, work, work, repeat. Living alone was stressful, especially when you didn’t have a support system like you used to.
Your support system..your precious katsuki. Gosh how much you missed him. That night of your breakup was one of the worst things you had ever experienced.
It wasn’t like the time when you lost your pet turtle and it crawled into your father’s work boots, leading to its awful death.
It wasn’t like the time you lost the charm bracelet your best friend had gotten you for your birthday in 7th grade.
No, nothing could ever compare to the way you felt like your heart was yanked out of your chest and tossed aside like a rock.
“Being in a relationship with you is exhausting.” You remembered saying to him as he was ranting about god knows what. You didn’t remember why you two argued, or how you two got in that position.
“Are you fucking serious?” You finally realized what you had said, going up to him to apologize.
But all you remember is him scoffing with tears in his pretty ruby eyes and yanking his jacket off the coat rack, slamming the door harshly. That was the last time you seen him.
“Hi is your lane open?”
You looked up, seeing three girls who were dressed in tight dresses, fur coats with huge smiles on their faces. You caught a whiff of the familiar green plant many would find relief in and their bloodshot eyes as they looked at you in excitement.
“Yes of course. Is this all?” You scanned the bottles of Pedialyte, chuckling as the girls began to ramble.
“You’re really pretty to be working at a place like this?” One girl with brown hair and pink highlights said, holding onto her phone.
“Oh uh thanks?” You blinked at her, looking back down as you scanned the Tylenol.
‹“We’re going to a party later, you should definitely come! When does your shift end?” You sighed, looking at the clock. These girls didn’t even know you and they wanted to party with you?
“It ends now, but look I don’t really go out at all though so-“
“Even more reason to come! Come on! It’ll be fun!” The shorter girl with curls said as she shoved her pixie stick in her mouth.
“I don’t even know your names.” You tried to explain, shaking your head in disagreement to this idea of theirs.
“I’m Yei, this is Lumi and Honey. We already know your name,” Yei the girl with blue hair pointed to your name tag giggling. “So there’s no other excuse. Please come with us.”
“I think that’s an amazing idea.” You felt a soft shove, looking over to see your coworker Ley looking down at you smiling.
“But I-“
“Go, Y/N. You’ve been working too hard and I know Layla asked for you to cover her shift for tonight but I refuse. As your boss and your friend, go have fun.” You sighed, nodding as you handed Ley your work apron.
Some would say it was pretty weird to have a boss who treated you this way, but you’ve know Ley since middle school. He was basically one of the reasons you still had a job here.
“I don’t even have anything to wear though.” You walked next to the girls as they dragged you along.
Said she met a couple other women
Who were into going late night dancing, yeah
You side glanced at the numerous people that were dancing along with the loud music, smoke overtaking the air as you clenched onto one of the girls’ hand, following them as they led you in further into the party.
You sighed a deep breath, feeling anxious as you watched everyone pushing and grinding on one another.
Gosh you wished you could call Katsuki to be here. Or even to just take you home.
“Hey, have a drink you look stressed.” Lumi laughed as she passes you a red cup. You gulped, smiling as you clenched it in your palm.
“Hey leave her alone, she said she’s not one to party so maybe she’s just not used to this environment.” Honey gave you a side hug and rubbed your shoulders in comfort.
‘I want to go home.’ You thought as you started to sip on the drink, making a small face at the sweetness of the alcoholic beverage, but still not putting it down.
“Mina said she was coming over with her friends.” You tensed up as you heard your old friend’s name from Yei who put her phone back in her small clutch, going back to downing the small shot glasses that were scattered around the counter.
“Mina as in-“ before you could finish, you felt warm soft arms grab your hands, squealing in your ear as you turned around to see the familiar pink girl looking at you in excitement.
“Y/N what are you doing here?!?” She asked, grabbing her hands tightly again smiling widely.
“Oh I was just-“ you looked up for a second and took a double take as you saw him.
Katsuki, standing in all his glory. His large arms in full display in that black wife beater tank, the chain that hung on the side of his loose jeans and your favorite gold chain that laid so gorgeously on his neck. You saw that he got an eyebrow piercing along with two more ear piercings and with pretty gold rings that hugged his fingers perfectly.
The fingers that were wrapped around a girl’s waist tightly.
Your breath hitched as you watched the way he smiled smugishly into the heated kiss with the girl who looked like an angel.
She was the complete opposite of you. So perfect.
You stared back at Mina with wide eyes, making her frown as she slightly turned around to see what you were looking at.
Her deep sigh of disappointment was all you needed to know.
You pulled away from Mina, walking to the bathroom as a loud sigh escaped out of your chest.
“Stupid stupid stupid.” You kept repeating to yourself as you started to put cold water on your face to cool down.
A loud knock interrupted your mini crisis. “Hey we need the bathroom!” A girl yelled, twisting the doorknob annoyingly.
“Sorry.” You whispered as you walked out, seeing two girls drag in a boy with blond hair with a lightening streak who was smiling dumbly. You now realized it was Denki who was dragged into the bathroom.
Good for him. You thought with a small smile. You began to make your way out, only to be caught by the wrist.
Looking back, you saw the face you were dreading to see now.
“Let me go, Katsuki.” You spoke sternly, yanking your arm away. You saw a small glance of hurt in his eyes that was quickly overtaken by the look of anger.
“What the hell are you doing here?” He asked, looking over your shoulder and back at you.
“Who are you with?” You rubbed your face in annoyance and frustration. “That’s none of your business.” You heard a small huff from him, seeing the way he licked his lips in irritation.
A habit you used to love because he looked so good doing it.
ïżœïżœIt is my business when you-“ you felt another pair of hands grab your shoulder, being shoved back into a rough chest.
“Is this guy bothering you?” You looked up, feeling your breath hitch at the gorgeous man that stood before you.
He had a tight compressed black shirt with gray sweatpants. Pretty green eyes and raven black hair as he looked at Katsuki.
“Uh what?” You asked to yourself, looking back and forth as you soon realized you were in a muscle sandwich.
“Who the fuck are you?!” Katsuki barked, feeling a vein pop out of his forehead.
“Katsuki.” You spoke softly, looking up at him as he laughed softly.
“Whatever, Y/N. Do whatever the fuck you want. I’m sick of worrying about you and your stupid decisions.” He brushed you off, walking back to the girl from earlier as he grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the party.
You felt your heart hurt a bit, gulping at the way he tenderly talked to her as they left, without a second glance.
“What a crappy ex huh?” The guy joked softly, looking back down at you.
“You seem like you need something to get your mind off things.”
Then she fell in love with a pill, that could take away all her pain, yeah
“What is this?” You twirled the pastel rainbow pills in the small shot glass, looking up at the guy whos name was Kyle, in curiosity.
“I like to call them my happy pills. Come on, try it. Let it course through your veins as all your worries leave you.” He sat back in the raggedy couch that was in the basement as he smoked a joint.
You scratched your neck, feeling a bit tense and bothered as you saw the gray sweatpants that hugged his waist as he man-spread.
“I’m not gonna die, right?” You never did anything like this before, and you had no idea why you were even trusting this man with anything he was giving you.
But you were a whore for a man in a tight black shirt that showed all his good..qualities.
Then she fell in love with a whole new drug
That could fill her veins
And then
An hour later, you were laughing hysterically as you drank, looking around the room.
You felt like you were floating, never had you felt so alive before. This was a new sense of happiness you haven’t felt in all your years.
You started to feel addicted to this feeling.
She's high
She lives in the sky
Tonight, she's satisfied
Rolling back her eyes
You put your hand up, turning it as you inspected it in curiosity. Giving a side glance, you saw Kyle talking to his group of friends, smiling over to you.
You fell on the couch face first, groaning as you felt your vision start to blur.
“What?” You asked, seeing blobs looking down at you, shaking for you to stay awake.
“I’m having fun, leave me alone.” You giggle, pushing one of the face’s away, humming a song softly.
“Katsuki, please take her home.” Honey was looking down at you in worry, wiping your sweat off your forehead as she spoke in the phone.
There were incoherent voices in the background that you happily blocked as you sipped on another drink that was passed down to you.
“Get up.” After a good fifteen minutes of pure bliss when honey hung up the phone, you looked up confused to see him staring down at you completely pissed.
You looked around as Lumi helped you stand, seeing the girl who Katsuki was with looking at him annoyed but she was now sitting on Kyle’s lap drinking.
“Huh?” You asked, pushing his face aside when he tried to help you walk.
You limply looked up at him, seeing him even more mad than before had you sober up a tiny bit.
But then she starts to cry
Everything is turning to black
He lead you outside to his car, his keys jingling around while he helped you to sit inside.
You nuzzled up to the familiar texture of his seats that you used to sit in countless times before.
It was silent the whole ride and you began to cry.
Not just a normal sniffle cry. But a gut wrenching wail, the endless tears falling down your cheeks.
“Don’t be mad at me. Please I’m sorry.” You said clearly extremely intoxicated, watching him clench the steering wheel.
“I’m not mad!” He yelled, making you tense up and cry again.
“I-I’m not mad at you
okay? Whatever happened before
.i forgave you for it. I’m mad at myself because I fucking left you!” You could hear the way his voice sounded so distraught and upset that it made you scotch closer to the car door a bit more.
“And what the fuck did you take?! How fucking stupid are you to do something like this? Did you even know that fucking guy?? You’re fucking smarter than this, Y/N what were you thinking??”
You felt your cheeks burn from the alcohol, the embarrassment, and the frustration.
“I wasn’t okay? I wasn’t thinking.”
“Fucking clearly. What the fuck happened to you?” You sat up, looking at him completely heartbroken as he spoke those words to you.
“It’s you! It’s all you!” You cried out. Katsuki looked at you, extremely pissed now as he slammed the car breaks which made the car shriek.
“Oh so it’s my fault now?!” Katsuki now turned his whole body to you, pushing the driver seat back so he was more comfortable as he faced you.
You scoffed, trying to open the car door only for him to reach over and slam it shut, along with putting the child locks on.
“You’re not fucking leaving. We’re going to talk. What the hell is going on?”
You looked at him as your head limply fell back, lightly hitting the seat as tears streamed your face.
“I was doing fine. Then these girls picked me up after my shift and then I went to that stupid party! Then I see you there, making out with the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. I was so upset i ran to the bathroom but then denki and some girls came in so then I left only to bump into you! After that you started being a fucking asshole which made that dude come over! The-then he gave me these pills. They made me feel fucking incredible!!”
Katsuki’s mouth opened like a fish out of water, his eyes wide as you rambled.
“So there! That’s what’s wrong with me!” Reaching over his lap, you unlocked the car and got out.
As soon as you did, the cool fresh air hit you instantly, making you hunch over as you started to throw up everything in your system.
You heaved, throwing up even more as you clenched onto the tree that was on the side of the road.
You heard the door slam and a comforting rub on your back the more you threw up.
“It’s okay. Let it out.” You turned around, feeling your legs get wobbly as you pushed his hands off.
“You said you could care less about me so leave me alone.” You spoke drunkenly, only for your head to roll back and everything going black for you.
Katsuki sighed as you plopped on the dried orange leaves that luckily saved your fall.
All in one night
She just went to heaven and back
You slowly opened your eyes, seeing that you were in the back of his car, laying across the seats with his jacket that used to be your favorite to steal.
You watched him skip through songs, groaning at the annoying stations that played.
“Who was she?” You almost laughed at the way he jumped, turning to see you sitting up now.
“Jesus fuck, you scared the hell out of me.” you could practically hear the way his heart was racing and ponding from the tight grip he had on the steering wheel.
“Answer my question.” Katsuki stayed silent.
a girl I started talking to.” Humming in response, you leaned your head against the car window.
“That’s why I did it. As pathetic as it sounds, I took those pills to forget about tonight. To get that imagine of you kissing her so lovingly out of my fucking head.” You didn’t realize just how much you started to cry, only seeing your tears landing on your hands that were laying on your lap.
“It’s my fault though. I was so stressed with school and making sure I had enough money for the week that I was so mean to you when you tried to talk to me that night. I’m sorry I said you were exhausting. I’m sorry I’ve been a shitty girlfriend to you, I’m sorry for everything.”
You wanted to bury yourself in embarrassment at the way you had rambled your apology, overthinking that maybe he didn’t give a shit about you or your relationship anymore.
“I can see you having a fight with yourself, stop it.” Katsuki gave you a deep sigh, thinking for a bit before he gave himself a small nod.
apologize. I was being an asshole too and pushing your limits when you were saying you weren’t in the mood to speak. I should’ve given you your space. I’m sorry I fucking kissed that girl.”
Before you could respond, he parked the car and you finally realized where you were at now. You were parked right outside his apartment.
The door opened and Katsuki sat next to you.
“Look at me,” he grabbed your hand. “I’m sorry. We both were
really shitty with each other and I’m sorry. I want
to work things out. Maybe it isn’t our time yet, but I just want you.” Katsuki looked down at you, wiping your cheeks.
“I love you. So much. But I can’t
not right now. Not when I have so much regret and resentment with myself for letting this shit happen to you.”
You hum, looking down at your hands as you were thinking of what to say.
“It’s crazy how much shit can happen in one night huh
but can I ask a favor from you?” He looked at you, waiting for you to continue.
“Can we stay like this? Just for tonight like old times? Before I lose you again?”
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huboi · 1 year ago
character(s) — cyno, tighnari, alhaitham, kaveh, wanderer
reader’s gender is not specified, nor is their race. I always try to make my fanfics as inclusive as possible
tw/cw — none ig, lmk if there are any
note(s) — I made this as an autistic person, however this may not include like every trait of someone with autism if that makes sense. PLS DON’T USE THIS FANFIC TO SELF DIAGNOSE URSELF WITH AUTISM, it’s important to get professionally diagnosed due to overlapping symptoms
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he would be the perfect boyfriend tbh
like if you have any hyperfixations u wanna talk about? he’s all ears
even if he’s busy playing tcg with someone, he doesn’t mind you talking about your hyperfixations with him
my man can multitask, it ain’t hard
if ur not a big fan of large crowded areas, he will make sure to walk with you in the least busiest parts of sumeru city
if you don’t like loud noises, like the crowded area, he will try his best to make sure he doesn’t bring you to loud areas
if anyone ever makes fun or belittles you for having autism.... he will beat them up/hj
he will mainly use his threatening aura to make them apologies or just make them leave you alone
no one messes with the mahamatras partner and gets away with it
you have comfort foods? he’s learning how to make them. whenever he can’t make them, he will buy them for you
you’re clingy? he loves that, hug him all you want, fidget with his hands all u want, he’s smitten asf
struggle to make eye contact? he’s ok with that too! he’s actually kinda used to it tbh, cause people can barely look him in the eye due to his status
overall, quite protective and just overall rlly loving, doesn’t rlly care u have autism, he still loves u as you are <33
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when it comes to your sensory issues, he can relate, as a fennec hybrid his senses can easily get overwhelmed, so don’t worry about your sensory issues being a burden, he’s totally ok with it
have comfort foods? he will make them as much as he possibly can, he doesn’t mind how simple they are, he’s making them and sometimes he will buy them whenever he goes to the city
you stim? he will support you with it, if he’s feeling generous, which he usually is since ur his partner, he will let you fidget with his tail and ears, as long as ur gentle with them obviously
have hyperfixations? he’s all ears, quite literally, you can tell him all about whatever it is ur obsessed with no matter what he’s up to, whilst he’s studying the wildlife? he doesn’t mind, whilst he’s patrolling the forest? go ahead
anyone ever makes fun of you or is mean to you, he will sort them out with a good telling off. this sassy fox man will give them the lecture of a lifetime, he doesn’t mind if it’s for u tho :)
collei is supportive as well, she’s even more so understanding than the other forest rangers mainly due to her elazer, it’s not the same in any way shape or form, but she understands what it feels like to be different
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this man has traits that are quite similar to autism, so it doesn’t bother him that you have it, he’s supportive in his own way if you know what I mean
sensory issues? oh look, there’s now a pair of noise cancelling earphones for you, how strange, how’d that get there?
people would think that your stinking annoys him, newsflash it doesn’t. in a way he finds it kinda cute, but not in a belittling way if that makes sense
have hyperfixations? he can and will listen to you all day if he has to, and he would do it gladly too
doesn’t mind if ur clingy, he can read his book whilst you hug him on the couch or sum, kills two birds with one stone, he gets his research done, and you get cuddles
he’s actually a huge softy for you but won’t admit it to anyone, not even himself :))
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kaveh is amazing, like best supportive boyfriend alert
if you have sensory issues, he can’t really help with the big crowds and loud noise but he’ll try his best to help you cope through it and give you distractions
like if ur in a crowded erea he’ll ask you to talk about your hyperfixations to him. if you don’t have hyperfixations he’ll just ask what you have done today
when it comes to taste sensory issues, he’ll try to avoid eating food that you dont like the smell of cause he doesn’t wanna overwhelm your nose. he will eat said food like that someplace else when ur not around
if you have comfort foods, he sadly can’t really buy them often since he doesn’t have a lot of money, but now and again as a special treat he can make it for you or buy it
clingy? great, he is too, cuddle him all you want, he’s not one to complain. wanna kiss him all over? go ahead, he embraces it
tries his best to understand how you work, he can sympathise with how frustrating things can be when people don’t quite understand you and how you work
you don’t like affection? that’s fine too, he will try to keep physical affection to a minimum as much as he possibly can, he can be affectionate in other ways tho
love language is probs spending personal time together, so that’s enough for him if u don’t want affection too
overall, 10/10 best boy and baby girl, recommend
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ngl he’s not rlly the best, but he tries. it’s just really difficult for him to be nice since after all he’s been through, he tries tho, he really does
whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed by large crowds and/or noises, he will pick you up bridal style and bring you to nahidas place, where it’s quiet and no one else is there
like certain foods? he can’t cook, since he was made by ei who can’t cook to save her life, so he will just buy your comfort foods for you instead
want cuddles? it depends on his mood wether or not he’ll comply, if he’s in a good mood, yes, if he’s in a neutral mood, yes, if he’s in a bad mood, no.
whenever you stim, he sometimes watches, other times he looks away, he doesn’t wanna say anything mean to you by accident
if you can’t understand sarcasm, he’ll try his best to not use it around you, but it’s difficult sometimes since he has used sarcasm for so long
if you have hyperfixations and like to talk about them, he will listen, doesn’t mind hearing you talk about your interests, in a strange way it fascinates him, sometimes he asks questions other times he just stays silent and nods his head now and again in acknowledgment
if he ever hears anyone being mean to you, wether that be on purpose or not, he’s finna throw some hands, and he will win. tries not to actually fight them, tries to argue with them. he tries to fight less cause it makes nahida kinda upset
speaking of nahida, she’s amazing with you, like the best person to ever go to. she’s the god of wisdom after all, more or less knows how to take care of you during certain phases, he sometimes actually goes to her for advice on your behaviours and how best to support you, but you didn’t hear that from me
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moonyasnow · 11 days ago
Ship intro: Leomoe
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The image of cat Tomoe & Leona was made by my friend @cactus13-rolloflammesimp ^^
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Some fics I think really fit to show off their relationship and dynamic and stuff! Not perfect, of course, but pretty close:
'Burn Wild' by @/solxamber ("Always so close, yet so far away. Leona pushes it down—he keeps pushing and pushing, until one day, he lets it break.")
'There's a Calm Surrender' by @/cheapshrimpysheep ("The Bead Brawl tournament ends and Leona and the other three run away leaving you[Tomoe], Grim and Jack behind. This causes Neji(Kifaji) to reprimand Leona and trigger him into taking you[Tomoe] on a ride to confess to you[Tomoe]")
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I made a little imaginary music video in my head for their theme song
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Hereeee comes the timeline stuff~
Keep in mind I miiight need to change up some stuff in the future depending on what happens after Book 7 and stuff like that.
T I M E L I N E :
Book 1
Tomoe's first thought upon tripping over Leona's tail is So there really is a different species with animal-characteristics in this world...'
Of course she saw a couple of students with similar characteristics before...but this, having it confirmed before her very eyes that the tails and ears are REAL, that the people they're attached to feel the same kind of pain an animal from Earth would if it was stepped on, made it really start to sink in.
As soon as it does, her first reaction is to bow in apology.
"I apologize; I didn't realize there was someone else here."
All he did was 'hmph' in response. "Ain't nothin' worse than bein' in the middle of a good nap and havin' some jerk step on your tail."
"Again: I am sincerely sorry."
"You...I know you. You're one of those herbivores from orientation who couldn't use magic."
When he suddenly stands up, walks towards her, and sniffs her, she can't help but yelp in surprise.
This isn't the first time she's been shocked in the past few days, but this is probably the biggest shock she's received yet. She wasn't used to anyone, much less someone she'd barely known for a minute, walking up so close to her, and doing something like sniffing her.
Realizing it must be related to the biology of the Earth animal whose features he seemed to share, she didn't take offense at it, but it was still somewhat bewildering.
"Well, can't say it'd be much fun to hurt someone so helpless. Still gonna do it, though."
And she snapped out of her state of surprised confusion quickly, alert and prepared for some kind of a conflict.
"No one gets to stomp on my tail and just walk away without payin' the price. I'm in a bad mood on account of bein' woken up from my nap, too. That's gonna cost you a tooth."
She wasn't quite sure whether to try talking her way out of it first, considering she was going to need to return to that part of the botanical gardens either way, and the lion's tail lead her to suspect he'd be able to outrun them quite easily, but Grim's urging lead her to deciding that 'cheesing it' was indeed the better option.
She'd picked up Grim into her arms, one leg poised to make the first leap of a get-away, when the hyena beastman she'd later come to know as Ruggie appeared, preventing an all-out conflict.
 Next time you stink up my territory, there's gonna be a price to pay, herbivores!"
Was the last thing said between them during their first meeting, Tomoe watching on silently, still on-guard, until he left, and she let out a quiet breath.
Her mind was quickly turned to other matters.
Still...his boldness in stepping so close to her to confirm his suspicions did leave quite an impression on her.
To sum it up, her first impression was that he was someone to be wary around. Not meant in any negative way toward him, just that if they were to become enemies, he's someone she couldn't underestimate.
Book 2
As soon as they encountered Ruggie, Tomoe immediately knew he'd done something, like magic of some kind, knowing food was the one thing Grim would never concede, and so was immediately suspicious of him. She knew, at least, by this point that Grim couldn't lie to save his life, so she believed what he said about feeling like his body was copying Ruggie's.
After being assigned to the case by Crowley, and hearing all of the students report feeling like their body was moving on its own...her gut was telling her he was the most likely suspect. But she refrained from saying anything about her suspicions until she had more proof.
And she DEFINITELY caught Jack mumbling to himself about how he didn't think he'd become a target.
Frankly? She thought it was sloppy. If they wanted to go undiscovered, they should have had one of their own fake an injury; or at the very least fake narrowly escaping getting hurt.
And as soon as she heard that Savannaclaw had lost to Diasomnia the past years, and that they would be paired up against Diasomnia in the first round of the tournament she already had most of the case figured out.
On Leona's side of things

All this planning, almost time for his plan to be put into action, and here comes this meddling herbivore and her hairball familiar playing detective?

And she figured him out, and thwarted his plans.
Because of course; life had never given him anything he wanted before, no matter how hard he'd worked for it, so why would it this time?
He still held some lingering resentment for what happened
though a lot of it was directed inwards, swearing at himself for being bested by such a simple, doe-eyed herbivore.
But after all was said and done, she didn't hold a grudge. Since, because of that vision she somehow saw...she understood. She understood exactly where all those feelings came from, and roughly how they lead to where they did.
She decided to pretend like the whole entire thing hadn't even happened, not letting her perception of him be defined by it.
But what he hated the most was that...after he came to following his overblot. He didn't find the same scorn in her eyes as he did in the others'. Not even the anger and disappointment in Ruggie and Jack's. Instead it was... No, he didn't know what it was.
Neither did she.
But he quickly decided to just stop thinking about it.
She didn't. She couldn't.
Especially after the match they played against each other. Even with her only acting as a strategist, playing against him... It brought her a feeling she didn't have the words to describe.
Book 3
When he heard what she'd done, he was absolutely floored. He thought she really must be stupid. Or absolutely insane! Maybe both...
That she'd really go out of her way to ask for every single one of Azul's contracts at NRC to be broken if she fulfilled her end of the deal...it was the gutsiest, most arrogant, foolhardy thing he'd ever heard someone try.
What was weirder to him was how calm she looked about it. Like stated earlier, insane...or maybe she really did have some trick card up her sleeve?
He wasn't counting on it, though.
During Book 3 after being kicked out of their dorm, while Irina had decided to brave one of the unused 'storage' rooms, Tomoe and Grim ended up sharing a sleeping bag on the floor of Leona's room.
Her first thought upon seeing it was that she desperately wanted to clean it. And seeing as she's used to getting up at 05:00 every day...she took the chance to at least get all the clothes laying around the room into a few small piles in a corner of the room, divided by garment type.
As for how she ended up getting his help...
Picture HOURS of loud enka singing. As well as the intro songs of anime she'd watched with her siblings growing up.
Seeing her, to him surprising, ruthlessness in getting his help, Leona gained quite a bit of respect for her as a person after it was all over. In fact they both ended up realizing that, despite the obvious difference in her being so hands-on and his hands-off approach, they were remarkably similar. In Leona, for the first time, she found someone who could keep up with her natural quick-thinking. She actually felt her heart flutter a little when their first chess match against each other resulted in a draw.
And after the events at Mostro Lounge, she 'somehow' seemed to find her way to where he was more often. Or perhaps it was him who just 'happened' to be in places she'd pass by. Maybe a bit of both. They both began to introduce each other to more and more strategic board games, Tomoe to Yoté and Dara, Leona to Shogi and Go, and kept finding their win-lose ratio begin to plateau as soon as the other figured out the rules. It didn't take long before many students were betting on who would win the next match. They may not have been there for the actual games themselves, but it was usually easy to tell who won, lost, or if it was a draw based on the two's respective moods.
It felt refreshing to for once be allowed to go all out against someone and not have to bother thinking about being polite all the time. She was still very polite toward everyone else, of course, but he was a special exception. The two teased each other quite often, too. It seemed that both of them could dish it out, but neither could really take it, huffing and pouting and becoming defensive when the other did it. He made her incredibly frustrated at times, which was a very new experience for her, as she'd never had an equal she could really get upset at without it being for good reason before. With him she didn't always need to be responsible and mature or relied upon. She kinda liked it. He could get under her skin in a way no one else had ever managed to; challenged her in a way she'd never realized she craved.
And as for his side of things, she had a lot more patience with him than most people did. She treated him just like she would anyone else. She wasn't afraid to call him out on it when he acted out of turn, and stuck by him even when he did, but otherwise didn't mind his grouchy, callous way of acting, sometimes even teasing him for 'acting like a grumpy cat'. Eventually it became commonplace to see her sitting under a tree while Leona used her lap as a pillow, Tomoe turning the pages of a book laid on the grass with one hand and using the other to play with his hair. And, knowing how much it hurt her that no one in Twisted Wonderland knew anything about Earth history and she thus couldn't talk about it with anyone, he let her basically infodump to him about it whenever she wanted— so long as she kept playing with his hair, of course. He always acted like he was asleep, but really, he listened. And she knew he did. And he probably knew that she knew. But they didn't say anything about it. For once, they didn't need to.
And maybe it was sorta nice
knowing he hadn't been bested by just any herbivore.
And Leona actually ended up making her more open to being a bit less hands-on, learning to delegate and to trust they were competent enough to handle themselves. And she in turn encouraged him to become more involved in the activities of his Dorm where it was needed, such as cracking down on Savannaclaw students' frequent starting of fights.
She can also tend to overwork herself sometimes, so Leona forcefully pulling her away to take a nap was exactly what she needed. And Leona having been the one at fault also gave her some kind of excuse for why she was 'slacking off'. And when Cheka visited, she was more than happy to take over Leona's responsibility of babysitting him; she'd always loved kids and had a very motherly personality, and the little lion's eyes always lit up when he begged her to tell him another story. ...Though Leona did become a little bit jealous of her spending so much time away from him when Cheka visited, so he often ended up joining in on their activities anyway.
And they'd also started sitting together at lunch more and more often.
I like to imagine that when Leona sits with Tomoe, Grim and Adeuce at lunch (Irina usually eats either with Jamil and Ruggie(when neither are busy helping out Kalim or Leona) or with Malleus) Tomoe instantly starts picking some pieces of meat from his tray to it on hers, and replacing it with some of the vegetables from hers
She eats a lot more vegetarian food than meat, so I imagine she used the argument that this way they're both getting more varied diets
He still leaves most of the vegetables untouched
most of them. He does eat a little bit of it. Sometimes.
Book 4
For just a second, just one, Leona wondered if maybe he'd offer for her to stay at some some hotel in the Sunset Savannah over the break, knowing just how awful the heat isolation was in the rickety old house Tomoe and her dorm-mates lived in.
But then he remembered his brother and sister-in-law would probably be bugging him to meet her. Even worse if Cheka found out she was there. He seemed to like her just as much as he liked Leona himself.
Book 5
There's not much going on this book so instead I'll write a bit more about the internal parts, as well as some details I didn't know where else to write
She saw through that protective façade of his. Saw the good in him. She saw a man who cared a lot more than he would ever let on, who wanted to prove his worth, that he was worth more than the weight of a crown he was born a decade too late for, a weight that would always weight him down like a shackle of phantom pain
but had given up hope he could ever change it, or that the chain would ever weight less.
Each time she revealed just how well she truly saw him, he felt his pulse begin to race with a cold sweat, feeling completely and utterly naked under her gaze.
But it was also all he'd ever wanted.
To not feel the weight of that steel ball on his ankle. To look into someone's eyes and realize that for once, they weren't looking into a one-way mirror, but through glass, straight at him.
For Leona the man, not the prince, to be perceived.
Because of Tomoe, Leona now knows what happens in:
The Journey to the West
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Water Margin
The Art of War
The Tale of Genji
The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter
The Iliad
The Odyssey
Don Quixote
Les Misérables
All of Shakespeare's written works
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Poetic and Prose Edda (sources on Norse mythology)
The Saga of Grettir
He's picked it all up the many times he's pretended to be asleep on Tomoe but has actually mostly just been listening to her talk.
Now, she never gets details from her favorite books wrong. But if she ever did, he'd be able to correct her about ANY detail. He hopes it doesn't actually come to that though because then he'd need to break the weird kayfabe of whatever the heck their current relationship would be classified as and actually admit he's been paying very close attention to her this whole time.
Of course he knows she already knows, but saying it WITH WORDS is another thing entirely.
Cloudcalling the Savannah
This is, understandably, considering it's Leona's hometown event, a pretty big moment for them. I'm gonna include a lot of quotes
Tomoe tells him that, though she'd heard him complain about his family before, she could never entirely see exactly why he seemed so frustrated. But now, she understands exactly why. She's also frustrated now. She talks to him about ideas like putting up solar panels; the Sunset Savannah has nothing if not sunlight, after all. So that energy could fuel more industries, in turn giving jobs to the people in the slums both as workers on Solar plants, but also in the factories, and making deliveries. And they found yet another common ground. Basically, she's the only one who's really on the same wavelength as Leona, both in terms of their very intelligent, logical minds, as well as seeing exactly how short-sighted and misguided his family's efforts are.
She says, upon seeing the golden fountain: "In my home's history, there was once a queen of a country going through a famine while the nobility still lived large in their mansions and palaces. When a revolt started, and the common-folk lead a march to the palace to demand the king open his overflowing granaries to them, just to be able to feed themselves, she is said to have stated: 'If they are hungry, let them eat cake.'"
Leona, who's listened to her ramble on about history for countless hours, knows that the quote was 1) not at all from Japanese history, 2) only misattributed to her, and 3) only later on. But Tomoe says: "The point still stands, so they don't need to know that." And his respect for her grows a bit more.
[ When they're at the market ]
"Unfortunately, I don't have much to spare."
"If you recall, the monthly sum the Headmage provides me with is supposed to cover food for me, Grim and Irina for an entire month. A shiny bauble doesn't fill an empty stomach." Grim complains. "Grim, we were given these ribbons, so we have mementos already. And our hosts are being very generous allowing us to stay here free of charge. They even bought you your juice."
[and then Leona says he'll pay for whatever Grim gets]
"Now Grim, what do we say?"
"Sure sure, thanks and all that, now I gotta pick!"
Smiling, Tomoe shakes her head in amusement. While Grim is distracted with the thing he got, Tomoe goes closer to Leona. "Thank you."
Leona says: "The hairball already said it himself. But I won't turn away even more gratitude." Tomoe shakes her head again, look on her face even more amused.
"I'm thanking you myself, for getting it for him. We would survive without it, yes, but I do like to see that happy look on his face. So thank you, for spoiling him in my stead."
"Huh, wonder where the three who usually watch Cheka are
Oh, don't tell me." Leona said.
"Oh, yes." Answered Kifaji. "I do hope you're prepared, Prince Leona."
The aforementioned prince only 'tsk'ed in reply.
'Ah.' she thought. She turned to him.
"I suppose we should expect a challenge then."
Leona could practically feel the look Neji must've shot him at overhearing this exchange (which he pointedly chose not to turn to see) drilling into his head. It had been very few people who could really see into his head like that. Even if this itself wasn't a very groundbreaking example of insight into him, it was enough that Neji would get curious. But he remained steadfast that he would NOT be giving the old bird even a milimeter, lest he take a mile.
He was not ready to have any sort of conversation about the topic he presumed he'd be asked about.
...about Tomoe. About him and Tomoe.
And let's not even mention when Cheka decided he'd start calling her 'anty Tomoe'.
He was not looking forward to his next trip home...
Thought speaking of trips... When, after the Bead Brawl, Leona, Lilia, Vil and Kalim all sped away in his car, leaving her, Grim, Jack, Spike (still suffering from a terrible sunburn) behind with Neji...she felt a bit forlorn.
She...kinda wished he'd taken her along, too.
Book 6
She went after Grim. The whole incident made her realize just how important Grim had become to her in such a short time; she felt like a mother who'd lost her child. She was worried for the others too, especially Leona, but she knew they could handle themselves.
Or at least so she thought. But when she did see Leona again...she was so relieved. The worry for Grim had been stronger at first because she actually saw him be taken away. But seeing Leona again she realized just how worried she'd been for him too when that worry was lifted from her shoulders.
The utter relief she felt upon seeing him again, combined with the memory of the end of their visit to the Sunset Savannah finally made something click for her.
She was in love with him.
The news shocked even her at first. She hadn't realized that falling in love was something she really COULD do...she'd never had much interest in it before; had never even had a crush.
But, if there was anyone who could make her fall for them, of course it'd be him. It just made sense to her, that of all the people she'd ever been close to, that it was him.
No one else would ever be able to compare to him.
Book 7
She is asleep. She dreams of some strange, fanfiction-esque alternate reality: a historical Japanese setting based off the media she'd engaged with of the Muromachi period. Everyone she's met from Twisted Wonderland is there, as is her family and friends from back home, and she's the Samurai/Strategist/closest companion/lover of Leona, who's here the second son to the Emperor and breaks away from the Imperial family and starts a war to win personal status. She knew she couldn't persuade him it was a bad idea, so instead she decided to just do everything she could to make sure their war went smoothly.
But she's always been more interested in the lives of historical people in general, whether they be Priests or Warlords or Commoners or Emperors, than she has in the actual bloody side of warfare. So the dream barely actually shows any of the 'war' parts, seeming to be mostly just in a lull period where preparations are still being made, but the war has already broken out. And when it does show combat, there's way more of an emphasis on the strategy.
Book 8?
I'm using this as a placeholder name for whenever Crowley actually manages to find a way home for Tomoe and Irina.
Irina decides very quickly she's not going back to Earth; she's staying in Twisted Wonderland with Malleus.
But for Tomoe?
It's not that easy.
She actually has something to go back to.
She has people she loves in her world; her mother, father, sister, brother, grandparents, and her friends Tooru, Kaede and Miki. Before she was sent to Twisted Wonderland she got into the school she'd always wanted to go to and was prepared to study history and eventually get a teaching degree, and become a history teacher, like she's wanted ever since she was very small.
She was just about to celebrate her brother's birthday, and then later that week go to a fireworks festival with her friends-- their last before they'd all start going to separate schools for the first time and not be able to hang out as much. It was a bit sad...but also hopeful. Bittersweet. They were growing, and while things wouldn't stay the same, in some ways they would become even better.
Then she wakes up in an uncomfortable coffin to a talking cat almost burning her to a crisp trying to steal the uniform she doesn't remember putting on.
And she's forced to become a janitor working only for room and board, in a dilapidated hovel of a house, trying to keep that talking cat- who can breathe fire- in line enough to not get both her, him, and the other student from her world she needs to look after from being expelled and kicked out to survive on the streets in a world none of them are ready for.
All the while, she's wondering if her family and friends are worried about her. And she has to deal with the headmage, who clearly has no plans on actually going out of his way to try and find a way home for her nor Irina.
But it's not all bad. She makes friends at Night Raven College. Ace and Deuce, the troublemakers. And every time she gets dragged into the conflicts of the other dorms, she still manages to make more friends, and resolve conflicts in the process, leading to her becoming quite respected by the students she's met.
So when one of them tells her she's staring to fit in a little TOO well...she can't say she disagrees.
She slowly starts to lose the feeling she had of her stay at NRC only being temporary. She started to have fun, with her friends, losing herself in those small moments of joy, like seeing Ace and Deuce fight over something insignificant, or Grim fall asleep after stuffing himself on tuna and needing to carry him to bed herself, or just learning more about the worlds from its residents.
And somewhere along the way, she got very attached to the people in Twisted Wonderland she considered dear to her. And some of them got very attached to her too. ...Even one who initially tried not to.
She came to see Grim and Irina like family. Ace and Deuce as her best friends. And...she even fell in love for the first time.
But still...
Even though she's 19, that doesn't mean she still doesn't have moments where she just wants to hug her mom. Reminisces about memories with the people from her world she loves and misses.
So she's faced with a choice.
If she goes home, she loses Grim, Irina, Ace and Deuce forever. She loses Leona.
But she will never fully be able to explain that grief to anyone. Because no one would believe her when she told them why she disappeared for so long.
And she'll live forever knowing her troublemaking little cat and her big grumpy lion will go on without her, still remembering her. Knowing that she can never meet them again. And that no one would ever be able to understand.
Going back would feel like 'waking from a dream'. Going on pretending it really was a dream, not speaking of it...would feel like saying the experiences she had, the ways she grew, the people she grew to love, her bonds with them...that none of it mattered.
If she stays, she loses her mother, father, her siblings, grandparents, and her friends. People who have known her for her entire life; who hold memories-- parts of her-- even she herself has forgotten. Friends and family who will never know what happened to her, and go on forever fearing she was met with some kind of horrible fate.
And she can never become a history teacher, what she's wanted her entire life.
She can never experience any part of the culture she grew up in again. Not even the language; her mother tongue. For even if she has children, and she teaches it to them, if they don't carry it forward, it'll be forever lost.
How are you really supposed to go about making a choice like that?
Even though she knows what her gut is telling her to choose, isn't it a little too impulsive to just trust her gut in a situation like this?
She needs time to think. And she says as much.
Irina stays over at Diasomnia for a while, taking Grim with her, to give Tomoe space to think.
The expression on his face as she says bye for a little while tugs painfully at her heart.
And as she spends time for herself, just thinking, over the next few days, the realization hits her just how strange it feels that Leona isn't there either. That she has no one to spill her thoughts to. And she recalls all the times she'd thought aloud next to him, and they'd ended up bickering about something or other. Even though it might have been considered fighting...it always warmed her heart in the end.
She wondered if he felt the same way about her...if just her presence was enough to light up his day. She wasn't sure those words would apply...but she knew him well enough to know she'd become special to him, somehow. Even just the possibility that her leaving MIGHT make him feel like how she felt now...
As was usually the case, especially when one of the Ramshackle quartet was involved, a secret rarely stayed a secret for long at Night Raven.
And inevitably, word that the headmage had found a way home for the Prefect of Ramshackle dorm found its way to the lion's den.
And for the first time in a long, long time...he felt panic. Saw the vision of her slipping through his fingers like sand. Just imagining it he felt...so helpless...
And for once, he had trouble sleeping.
He remembered what life had been like before she arrived.
He didn't want to go back to it.
And he knew she liked him. He wasn't stupid. So maybe, just maybe...he might be able to convince her to reconsider.
...Yeah no, he himself could barely believe that. But what was he gonna do? Just let her go? No way. Not now. Not after she wormed her way into his heart like that.
How could she just not tell him what was going on in the first place?! To have found out from some rumor mill... He was pissed.
And desperate.
And so scared...worried he was too late. That she'd already made up her mind.
"It's...an impossible decision, really. I have people I love on both sides. But I've made up my mind now."
He thought his heart would stop. Or maybe it already had? His ears were more perked up than he'd ever had them before...she really had him acting like some damn prey animal.
"I'm going to stay."
Only when she said those words did he realize for how long he'd been holding his breath.
...She loved the people in both worlds just as much...but she'd realized what her priorities were. Caring for Grim, and being with Leona. It felt right, like what she was supposed to do.
Of course she still loved her family very, very much.
But if she went back home, she'd most likely be 'that one mysterious disappearance case who turned up again' for the rest of her life. Not to mention that she'd be the only one who knew what had happened in the months she'd been gone; no one else would ever believe her.
And she knew that her friends and family had each other. But Grim only really had her. And she wasn't going to just leave him.
She could always find a new way forward in life; new goals, new dreams. But people are irreplaceable.
Of course, there were still a lot of feelings she'd need to sort through. But there would be no matter what she chose...
He sighed.
"Damn Herbivore...gettin' me all worked up like that... You're lucky I—..."
Holding onto his hand, she leans her cheek against his palm, closing her eyes and nuzzling against him.
"I know."
"I love you too."
"Tch. Don't go gettin' all sappy on me..." But he still leaned his forehead against hers. "...Tomoe."
She was his pillow for a long time after that. More than she usually was because this time he didn't just use her lap as a pillow, but her entire body.
He really had underestemated her. She was the first person to ever scare him. To ever make him feel desperate. The first to make him vulnerable.
Every weak link, jagged edge and hard surface...but also every spot of warmth, shining light, and gentle curve.
Seeing all that he is, good and bad...and loving every part just the same.
Even if she gets annoyed when he refuses let her get up in the morning and makes her late to class, or flicks his tail in her face when he's upset, or bosses her around telling her to make him dinner while he freeloads on the kitchen counter.
She loves that too. Because it's just like him. And every quirk and habit is proof of him, and his presence in her life.
And of course, she makes sure to get back at him, too.
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mattslolita · 5 months ago
lonely dancers - n. sturniolo
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in which ... two heartbroken people find solace in dancing with one another in a retro diner. ( nick x black!male!reader )
warnings ; bisexual!male!reader, crying, fluff ending
"𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒖𝒑, 𝒘𝒆'𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
"we're lonely dancers, join me for the night."
when you had first arrived with your girlfriend, everything seemed fine at first. though, you could tell something was a little off when her demeanor — she barely looked at you the whole ride to your destination.
a new, retro diner opened up not too long ago. you both had never been there before, so you decided to surprise her there with a date night. it featured a karaoke section as well a rollerblading area where you could put music in the jukebox and dance ( if you could handle that and skating at the same time ). you were excited beyond excited to be there, yet your girlfriend didn't seem to feel the same way.
"we're lonely dancers baby, dance with me so we don't cry."
upon walking inside the diner, you immediately light up, moving the dreads from over your eyes as the neon, retro lights make for a fun atmosphere. you watch her eyes rake over the crowd of people, and you feel a tug at your heart as you see her expression contort. she unclasps your interlocked fingers, moving away from you slightly.
"hey, did i do sum' wrong?" you ask the girl, to which she sighs and rubs her temples, "m'sorry, it just feels like-"
"y/n, just let's try an' enjoy this, yeah?" she tells you, turning to you with a slightly irritable expression. "i'm gonna go get us something to eat."
you simply nod, not wanting to upset her any further. over the past few weeks, you could you guys' relationship start to crumble slowly — there was always an excuse as to why she didn't want to spend time with you anymore, and it's like she was always mad at you.
you walked on eggshells around her, because you were too afraid that if you said the wrong thing she'd snap at you. you tried your best to make her feel like she could talk to you about whatever it is that was going with her, but she never did. right when it seemed like you were making progress and she was going to tell you, she completely shut you out or shut you down.
texts and calls went unanswered, until she finally decided to speak to you again. you were relieved, hoping that piece by piece you could fix whatever it was you did wrong.
you glanced around the diner, scanning the various activities — the roller blade area was lit up with others who happily rolled around, laughing and enjoying the company of each other. the laughter echoed and bounced off the walls, and you briefly wondered if you would be able to get her to laugh this evening.
you made your way over to the food stand, but she was nowhere to be seen. your eyebrows furrowed curiously, as you peered up and down the row to see where she could be. had she gotten lost?
your feet carried you past the food stand, which is how you ended up near the bathrooms. hushed voices and laughter could be heard, and you swore you recognized one of the voices as your girlfriend.
had she come to meet other friends?
you didn't mind — if she had other friends she wanted to hang out with as well, you just wished it was something she would've told you in case one of them might've needed a ride home or anything of the sort.
but as you walked closer to the bathroom, you realized the sounds were coming from elsewhere. your heart pounded in your chest, scared to see something you weren't ready to see. a neon lit exit sign led to the outside, where the laughter grew closer. you hoped you were wrong — you really hoped that all you would need to do is apologize to whatever couple would be interrupted on the other side.
opening the door slowly, you felt your heart drop in your chest.
there she was in all her glory, another man's hands enveloped around her waist as she laughed — he leaned down to connect their lips, and you could feel your heart beat wildly in your chest as you watched the scene in front of you.
unable to continue watching, you storm back inside of the diner. all this time, you thought it was your fault. you blamed yourself for the reason she seemed to not want you anymore. the whole time, she was giving her time to someone else entirely.
you were so hurt you didn't register how many people you had bumped into on your way back inside. you turned around ready to apologize to the last person who you'd bumped into, but you bumped into someone yet again.
"sorry, i-"
both of you looked up to see each other's faces, and your expression instantly softens, and you run a hand through your dreads — the brunette haired boy in front of you had puffy eyes, signaling he had just been crying. hell, you were two seconds away from being in the same boat as him.
you give him an empathetic smile, opting to sit on the bar stools nearest to the both of you. you nod and motion for him to sit next to you, which he does. you watch intently as he wipes the tears from his eyes — when he looks back up at you again, you have to stop your own eyes from widening at his pretty blue irises.
"if you can't tell, i'm havin' a terrible night," he speaks first, his boston accent slipping out whilst he wipes at his eyes again.
"your lover left you?" you ask him softly, to which he nods.
"broke up tonight," he laughs humorlessly, shaking his head as he looks over the crowd.
"my lover's busy kissing other guys," you tell him, rubbing your hand along your jaw as you let out a sigh.
his expression then softens, giving you a sympathetic smile as you both look at each other. "we're both alone now, tears in our eyes."
"thanks for that, captain obvious," you joke, causing him to chuckle softly, bumping his shoulder with yours as you laugh too.
his attention suddenly shifts elsewhere, and you turn to see where he's facing — his eyes are on the jukebox behind you, tempting you both. it's almost inviting, even.
you watch curiously as he stands up and moves in front of it, scanning the various song options before he grins and selects one. the melody slowly drifts throughout the diner, and he turns to face you, wordlessly holding his hands out to you. "i know the perfect way to waste our time."
"we're lonely dancers, join me for the night,
we're lonely dancers baby, dance with me so we don't cry."
with a soft grin, you hold your hands in his, and you both sway gently to the beat as you make your way over to the dance floor. multiple people who hear the melody move to the floor and begin to dance with one another.
you can't believe how easily you feel into tune with him — his name was nick. he was unlike any other boy you've talked to in the past; gentle, caring, funny, and genuine. you loved how quick you molded together, almost like this dance was specifically made for the two of you.
"we're lonely dancers, there's no need to hide,
i know the answer baby, dance with me so we don't cry."
you both swayed along together, everyone else seemingly fading away as the only thing on your mind was moving your bodies in sync with each other. his blue eyes were entrancing, and you found yourself unable to look away on multiple occasions. his soft laughter resonated in your ears, a sound you could be content with hearing for the rest of your life.
unbeknownst to you, you'd also had an effect on him yourself — he fought the urge multiple times to force his eyes to stay on your brown eyes, instead of your plump, brown lips that looked so inviting. your dreads sat perfectly atop of your head, the blonde color looking good against your milk chocolate skin. he was flustered to have been lucky enough to meet a guy like you tonight, and he was hoping this wouldn't be the last night.
the people around you guys all blended into each other, and you couldn't stop smiling at the boy in front of you.
a snarky laugh sounds from behind nick, and you turn to see another brunette haired boy looking at the both of you, shaking his head. your eyes narrow at him, causing nick to furrow his own as he turns around.
you can visibly see his expression drop as he meets the guy's eyes — you assumed that was his heart-breaker, and you wished you could've beat his ass right then and there. how could he fumble someone like nick?
nick's seething, and you could hands become shaky as he looks at his ex, who shakes his head tauntingly at the two of you. you watch nick's lower lip tremble, and you could feel your blood boil at the idiot who broke his heart.
nick's about to walk over to him, but you gently pull him back, his chest flush against yours. "wait, stop. forget that guy."
"he don't know love," nick whispers against you, tears pooling at his eyes as he looks down, "i hope he dies."
"get back up," you whisper to nick, your hand still on his waist, pulling him closer to you. "we'll be alright." you lift his chin up, looking into his blue eyes, your eyes momentarily glancing down at his lips. "tonight you're mine."
his eyes trail down to your lips and without another word, he softly connects your lips — his are soft, and slightly chapped but you don't care. all you know is that this isn't the last time you want to feel his lips on your own. a spark rushes through the both of you, as you tilt your head to deepen the kiss some.
you both pull away after some time, quickly being brought back into reality that you were still in public. a small giggle escapes nick's lips as he looks at your flustered expression, your expression mirroring his as well.
still with your hand on his hip, the both of you continue to sway to the soft melody of the song, caught up in the presence of one another to care about your ex lovers.
by the time the song had ended, both of you are feeling in much better spirits, and new feelings seem to blossom instantly — you both got some food to eat, but much to your dismay nick's brother had arrived to pick him up. so instead of eating in, you both chow down on a churro as you wait for his brothers to pick him up.
the cool boston air whips past the both of you, creating a light atmosphere as you can't contain the constant conversation and giggles that flow from both of your lips within the ten minutes it takes for his brothers to arrive.
when the car pulls up, you pull nick back gently and he smiles at you. removing your dreads away from your eyes, you hold your phone up towards him, signaling for him to input his number into it.
"i had a lot of fun tonight," nick tells you cheekily, his cheeks dusted with a rosy tint as he smiles at you.
"maybe we should do this again sometime," you suggest with a grin, "us lonely dancers gotta stick together, right?"
"lonely dancers?" nick chuckles, tilting his head in mock disbelief, "is that what we're calling ourselves?"
"i think it's fitting, given the state of things," you shrug, your grin never leaving your features.
nick smiles and moves in to press a peck to your cheek, then ruffling your dreads adoringly. "i like it."
you watch as he waves you goodbye for the night, climbing into the backseat of his brother's car. you're grinning widely as you watch the car drive away, the effect of nick's lips on yours having a permanent effect on you, as it's all you can think about.
"we're lonely dancers, join me for the night,
we're lonely dancers baby, dance with me so we don't cry."
( lilly's corner 💌 )
for my twin @thenickgirl 💓 ! & all my other nick nation angels! this was so cute & fun to write, and i hope you guys enjoyed reading it! 💌
@luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @mrssturnioloo @mattsturniolosleftnut @sturnprime @thenickgirl @guccifrog @nickgetsmewetter @eyeliketoeatpoosay @e1ias3 @sp3aknaur @middlepartmatt @summerssover @riasturns @sturn777 @l0akkzz @hysteria-things @pinksturniolo @chrissturniolossidehoe @chris-slut @hoesformatt @raysmayhem-72 @lanas-doll @chrisssluttywaist @mbbsgf @jetaimevous @chaossturns @cottoncandyswisherz @oliviasturniolo21 @sturncakez
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emmyrosee · 2 years ago
are u down 4 sum lil angst?? well, i'm just curious how would it be being the famous star volleyball player, Sakusa Kiyoomi's TOTGA?
ok so fun emmy history, back when I was a wee child and before the miya twins were even a thing, i wrote a self insert that I’m still weirdly proud of today so congratulations, you scratched that memory HHEISBSOSN-
Hey! Future Emmy here. so... major tw; kiyoomi is very mean, extremely toxic, and i for sure went overboard, but there's a lot of blaming and yelling and just. ugh. this piece hurt my own heart smh.
But listen. You slipped into Sakusa Kiyoomi’s life surprisingly. He wasn’t expecting you or even just to date at all, you were just at the right places in the right times where he finally felt at ease in your presence. You just understood who he was beyond surface level, and he’d never had that in someone before.
You loved him before he was cool, before he was anyone other than a top ace in Japan. You were the first to tell him it was okay to mess up, do something other than eat drink and sleep volleyball, even if he wants it to take up most of his time.
Time, he no longer has, when he gets injured.
It wasn't like it was an inopportune time- though, as a college athlete, there really is no good time to get injured- if anything, it was spontaneous and had he not had dreams of making it big, he'd never think twice of it.
But he gets injured. Junior year of college, just as his name starts to grow in the industry, and he gets injured. Bad ankle, it’s actually a former injury from his childhood that apparently didn’t heal right.
There’s articles that spread about Bokuto Koutarou, how he’s climbing the ranks and how Miya Atsumu, the same little rat who bothered him in high school received an offer from god knows what team, and he’s fuming.
That should be him and his setter getting those offers and climbing that ladder, it’s been him and him alone for years, and he knows it's bitter to hate people for their successes, but its not fucking fair, he deserves more than this.
He deserves more than doctors trying to encourage surgery to heal at the sacrifice of volleyball, he deserves more than flowers and cards of best wishes, more than Miya Atsumu texting him to see if he's okay, he deserves more than any being on earth could give him.
And that includes you.
"Baby, did you finally call the surgeon?" You ask, coming in with a water bottle and a cup of his meds.
Apparently, that's more than enough to set him off.
"I don't need surgery."
He hears you sigh, "the doctor says the tear is too big just for physical therapy, you'll need the extra support-"
"In case you forgot, I was fucking there."
His breath becomes hot, and he can't peel his eyes from the commercials playing on the tv. The room suddenly feels suffocating, and of he could will himself to do it, he'd apologize and tell you he loves you, he's just tense and hurt, and he's grateful you're here, and-
"I'm the one who's life is going down the tubes. Fun fact."
The other thoughts in his mind are static. merely an incoherent buzz. You're his victim now, to his ugliest sides that therapy and his family prodded back years ago.
There's no one to prod it back now.
"I... I didn't mean any harm, I promise-"
"You really shouldn't talk to me right now," he snarls, rage bubbling and clawing away at his soul. There's a bubbling of tears that rip at his waterline in a demand to fall, but he's blinded to anything else.
He hates his life. He hates his ankle. He hates his doctors for telling him it may not heal right ever.
He hates you.
"Kiyoomi, please-"
He bears his teeth like a dog in an attack, and you flinch back slightly. "If you hadn't fucking distracted me, this never would've happened." He hears you whine in your throat.
he ignores it.
"I was fine," he barks. "I was happy before you. I was strong, I was powerful, I was a damned force to be reckoned with." He crawls closer to you on the couch, and when you cower to try and get away, he chases your body with his torso.
When you stand up, he does too. His leg lights every single nerve up in a blaze of agony, but he's too gone in his own rage to think about it.
"I... I know you're mad, but please, sit down Kiyoomi-"
You're right.
"Shut the hell up!"
Even on one foot, he towers over you threateningly. You bring your hands up to try and force distance between you both; your touch does ground him slightly, but not enough to stop his scorn.
You sniffle softly, clearly uncomfortable, "you're just mad... and that's okay. Please stop shouting at me, we can make this work, kiyoomi."
Now, his eyes are scalding with furious tears.
"I want this to work, oomi... please, stop shouting-"
“It doesn’t matter if you want it to work,” he snaps. “I’ve got a plan to stick to that’s already been screwed because of us, AND IT'S YOUR GODDAMNED FAULT!"
When you sob and crumple to your feet, there’s a small part of kiyoomi that comes to, the words suddenly sour on his tongue. He feels
 confused, he doesn’t know where it came from inside of him, but the way your eyes water from his words snaps him back to reality.
 im ruining your plan?” You choke, and god kiyoomi wants the floor to engulf him whole. Because duh, of course now you’re not he’s just the scum of the earth, you’re all he can think of wanting in this shitty life, but he can’t say that, not when your hands cover your mouth in distress and horror, tears slipping over your fingers. He feels the blood leave his face when you take a step back, followed by another, then one as you turn on your heel to leave.
“No, Kiyoomi,” you snap, and its his turn to feel your rage, your head whipping to look at him in betrayal. “No. I’m officially done waiting for you.”
And despite the fact that he wants to chase you, wants to gather you in his arms and pin you to the wall and demand you listen to him, listen to why his plan has changed and how you’ve completely ruined all of it in the best ways, he can’t. His leg throbs at the mere idea.
He just. Stands there, frozen for god knows how long, staring at the long slammed door, wondering if you’d come back for something you’d forgot in your exit. Something dumb, like a charger or a water bottle, something easily replaceable but you wanted from him just as a last chance makeup.
But you don’t. And once his good leg starts to cramp from standing there, he slowly moves his way to his bedroom.
And he’s fine. Honest!
Sitting by himself in the cold of night gives him more time to think about the future. The one without you, of course. Limping around the dorm on crutches makes his arms ache and knees weak, and the backpack on his shoulders making him fall forwards is plenty to make his elbows strengthen up (they’re withering away) and his breathing circulate (he’s breathing back tears of pain and frustration.)
He can’t
 he can’t do this without you.
Call him selfish, but his life was not only easier with you around, it was better, it was fun to love you and have you scream his name from the stands, but now that seat is occupied by someone else when it should be yours and yours alone.
He’s tried to get over it. He’s tried to get everything in line, get you the hell out of his mind but he can’t.
You’re different. He hates you for it. There’s something about you that refused to leave his mind and soul. Every time someone is interested in him, he feels disgusted because every crush is based on appearances now; it never was with you. Every time someone laughs, his first thought is how much he misses yours. When one of those stupid fast food commercials comes on in the late hours of night, he smiles sadly as he remembers the way your eyes would meet his and you’d beg him for some fries at ungodly hours.
He has to move on. It’s been fucking years. Why hasn’t he moved on?
Any sane person by now would have moved on, passed through his heartbreak and try to find another, but he’s so emotionally unavailable at this point. Every thought and every reminder that plagues him continues to hit like a ton of bricks every time.
Maybe it's guilt.
No, its definitely guilt.
He loved you, more than you could imagine, he appreciated you more than he can express, and to show you how much you mean to him, he blamed you for his failures.
No wonder he deserves to be alone.
And just when his exhaustion can't grow, his self destruction and crumbling self worth can't get lower, he gets thrown in another circle of hell that he seems to find himself in; this time, in a coffee shop he frequents. Not too many familiar faces, just a couple blocks from the train, and up until that point, only having known him as an alias.
Until today, when the Gods decide to torture him a bit more.
“Sakusa,” he says, not even thinking as he scrolls on his phone. There’s a high pitched gasp from the girl, and it makes his eye twitch.
“NO WAY!!! Oh my gosh, you’re THE sakusa kiyoomi?! Oh my gosh, wait, hold on- can I get a picture? No, wait, you’re not into those- can I get an autograph? I knew you looked familiar, my sister and I watch you play all the time! I’m such a fan!-“
 thanks. Can I have my tea-“
The girl doesn’t answer, instead, she calls for her co-worker who barrels out in equal excitement.
On any normal day, kiyoomi would snap. He’d scold and snarl about how rude they were, how he’s still a fucking person who just so happens to be good at volleyball, but he’s like a deer in headlights. He’s too surprised at his own stupidity of not using his usual alias, how damn tired is he?
There’s a weight that feels like a ton of bricks that settles on his chest once he hears the line behind him complaining about how long it’s taking, then people behind the register flashing pictures that have him blinded and asking him questions he doesn’t want to answer, he just wants his tea for God’s sake and-
“HEY!” There’s a snap from someone at a table, and it breaks up the small, impromptu paparazzi at the front. “People are trying to work here, and not get a damn seizure from your damn pictures!” He feels all that anxiety break on his shoulders once they cower away. “And shame on you all!” They continue, the line slowly parting to let them continue shouting. “He may be famous but he’s still a damn person! Make the fucking drink and GO!”
Kiyoomi doesn’t want to look. Even if he’s eternally grateful for them, he knows that scold and he knows that bravery to call out random people for their shiftiness.
Because it’s the same thing you used to do all those years ago.
He winced and pulls the mask higher on his nose to keep himself concealed- as if he’s not a 190.5 cm monster. But you don’t say anything about anything that just happened, you must be deep in your work to not process just exactly who you were defending.
He gets his tea with a quick apology from the baristas, and he heads to the door to leave.


He’s gone. He’s on the bus, headphones in and heading to practice, audiobook putting him in a new world where his only current connection is the hot tea in his hands.
There’s always been a table on the bus, a table he rudely stalks up to, where you’re sitting and typing away furiously at your laptop and massaging one of your temples, too engrossed in your work to notice the outside hitter standing just in front of you.
” he chews his lip nervously. You don’t look up.
This is the chance Komori’s been talking about. If he doesn’t take it, he’s going to hate himself forever.
“Thank you for standing up for me back there.”
“You’re welcome.”
He sighs staggered, “can I
 repay the favor?”
To his extreme relief, you offer him a small chuckle, “maybe you can recommend a coffee shop where random cele
” your voice drifts off when you look up at him, jaw frozen open and eyes wide and dancing all over his face. You’re both just staring at each other, breathing ragged and tense, and his brows furrowing to try and hide the guilt and absolute need he has for you to continue the conversation.
You clear your throat, “your uhm
 your foot healed uh
He wants to, but can’t, fight the snort that sneaks past his lips because that’s about the last thing he thought you’d say. But he sees you crack a smile too, and it’s worth it.
“Yeah,” he says after he clears his throat. “Yeah, I’m playing professionally now. Minor aches here and there, but nothing unusual.”
“So you got to stick with your plan,” you hum sadly, and his heart stops. “That’s wonderful, Sakusa. Im glad to hear it-“
“But my plan never felt complete,” he interrupts, and he sees your nostrils flare in annoyance. “I-I-I thought I knew what I wanted, but god, I didn’t. I don’t, I’ve always only wanted you.”
You offer him a shrug, “Kiyoomi, I was an intruder in your life; I can’t blame you for that, I shouldn’t have been there-“
“I wanted you there.”
“Clearly you didn’t,” you snip, and finally, he sighs in defeat. “You made it just fine without me in your plan.”
Fuck it.
If he’s here, he’s gonna lay all his cards, give you every last thought of his and leave you one more time to pick up your shattered pieces.
“I miss you.”
You freeze, but there’s a glazing of your waterline before you slowly, tensely, turn up to look at him.
“Don’t,” you snap. “Don’t do this, Sakusa.”
“I can’t help it,” he says, own voice twinging raw. "I hate it too. I hate that I've had to carry this weight with me for all these years, years I should've been with you, kept you safe and happy, and I couldn't even do that."
"You shattered what we had. Don't ever forget that."
"I never have been able to."
There's another silence surrounding you both, suffocating and hot and thick, and he gets flashbacks of a scenario not too dissimilar, where you're looking up at him with those same, betrayed eyes.
But your gaze doesn't last. It crumbles before you let out the breath you'd been holding, a sign that you're not going to waste your energy on him anymore, "you're too late, Kiyoomi. You don't get to miss me anymore."
When your hands shift to close your laptop, he sees it. The massive, heavy rock on your finger, glimmering under the soft lights of the coffee shop.
Kiyoomi feels sick. He could faint right now if his pride would let him. Instead, he swallows the bile in his throat and grits his teeth, giving you a smile and a casual scratch of the back of his head, "that's... that's awesome! I'm happy for you."
"Don't be," you smile sadly.
You shurg, "you don’t have to be happy for me. I’m happy for me. He's a friend of Bokuto-San's. Set us up not long after we broke up." Then, you sigh shakily, "I'm just here for work, I won't taint your coffee shops for much longer." It was an attempt to break up the heavy silence.
He could puke right now if he didn't feel completely defeated. He could strangle Bokuto in devastation.
In his younger, naĂŻve efforts to drive you away, he drove you straight to someone else's arms.
He nods and chokes out a small "alright," before spinning on his heel away from you
He makes move to leave the coffee shop, but before he does, but before he can, he turns back to face you, trying to get one final look at you, soaking in your presence and soul before you vanish from his life forever. He calls your name, and you look at him one more time with that big, beautiful gaze.
"Do you believe in the one that got away?" he asks, and you process his answer before slipping your computer in your bag.
"Yeah. And I believe I'm yours- but you were too worried about losing volleyball. Now, I guess we all got what we wanted."
His veins turn icy as he tries to blink back the hot tears searing his waterline, turning his head to dodge your knowing eyes.
Everyone got what they wanted.
Except for his broken heart, of course.
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drdtshipping · 24 days ago
Hi, so, it's been a while. I apologize for inactivity. Honestly, my excuse is pretty much what you hear from most depressed people: depression hits like a bitch, and lack of motivation. That basically sums it up for me. Oh, plus drdtxmas... Which y'all should join! Really fun!
Right now I'm writing some terueden for drdtxmas. Since I'm mentioning it, maybe I'll promote it here when I post it.
Anyway, here are some tidbits or head cannons that may or may not have to do with the fic. They're all family-related. Some of these I might reuse in other fics, too. I don't know.
tw: there's homophobia in this, and it gets icky.
˚₊· ÍŸÍŸÍžâžłâ„ Eden's parents are supportive of her sexuality but aren't quite understanding of what her sexuality is. Or specifically, that it's possible for a woman to love only a woman or a man that loves only a man. In their eyes, Eden is bi or pan and happens to fall for another girl.
˚₊· ÍŸÍŸÍžâžłâ„ Eden's parents adore Teruko. They don't talk about her sexuality at all after they learned that Teruko has dated men, too. But they adore her strength. They know Teruko can keep Eden safe, and they love that Eden is happy with her. Mostly because of what Teruko can do physically for Eden (as in, protection, and since they see her as a tomboy, maybe she'll show their daughter that women will always love men).
˚₊· ÍŸÍŸÍžâžłâ„ Teruko's brother likes Eden, and he loves Eden for Teruko. In contrast to Eden's family, Teruko's brother thinks she's good for Teruko from a more emotional standpoint. She's kind, patient, loving, affectionate, forgiving, and a good person. He believes she has the potential to teach Teruko some valuable lessons, especially when it comes to what drives other people.
˚₊· ÍŸÍŸÍžâžłâ„ They seem like a cat couple, and Eden is a cat person, but she also loves dogs (Teruko is a dog person). So, they have a small dog they adopted from a rescue shelter.
˚₊· ÍŸÍŸÍžâžłâ„ They also have a turtle.
˚₊· ÍŸÍŸÍžâžłâ„ They'll take in foster pets, but if they foster a dog, it has to be at least eight years old.
˚₊· ÍŸÍŸÍžâžłâ„ Eventually, after marriage and therapy and preparation, they took foster kids, too. Specifically babies and teenagers above fourteen.
˚₊· ÍŸÍŸÍžâžłâ„ The only adoption they made besides their first dog was a golden retriever, comedically named Sandy.
-Mod Fishy!!
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rupertsfangirl · 1 year ago
Ron Weasley Imagine-Comforts you after a rough day at work (Smut)
Disclosure: Spanking, oral (female & male receiving), Probably missing sum but idk.
Summary: You have a long and rough day at work and your doting husband Ron takes care of you when you get home (IYKYK). 
Word count:2.5k
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Ron Weasley
Note: HOLY HELL I APOLOGIZE! I know I released the original all fluff version like weeks ago but the holidays came around and then my birthday and a bunch of other things but anyway I’m back for now (hehe). I am starting school up again but I should have a bunch of free time due to most of my classes being extracurricular ones since I took college courses to do the other classes early (Yippee for me). Anyway I really hope you enjoy it. I know I had fun writing it even though it took me like a million years. I do plan on making a twins one but I kinda need to rewrite it cuz I accidentally set it in a time period making them underaged sooo yea gotta redo that, oopsies. 
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Ron stood in the doorway and let his blue eyes trace your figure. 
“You look beautiful.” You blushed at his compliment. 
“Well today is important.” He walked up next to you and took the necklace you planned to wear off the desk. He placed it around your neck while you lifted your hair allowing him to clasp it together. 
“Perfect,” he whispered, placing his hands on your waist from behind. You smile as you put your matching earrings in. 
“Alright, I'm ready.”
“Do you have everything prepared?”
“Yes, it's all in my organizer.”
“Well then don’t forget you are amazing and you’ve got this, go get’em.” You hug him feeling a surge of extra confidence from his words. You walk out of the room and down the stairs to the fireplace, Ron trailing behind you. He presses a kiss onto your forehead. While stepping into the fireplace you grab a palm full of floo powder,
“Ministry of Magic.” You watch as Ron disappears behind the flames and the ministry's black brick walls appear. You start towards the conference room feeling the sweat on your palms, you take a deep breath and reassure yourself. 
“You got this.” You step into the room first, as you expected. You begin to set up your presentation; it was an important one because it would allow your department to expand and potentially lead to a promotion for yourself. Once everyone had arrived you began the presentation. You glided through with ease feeling quite cool and collected the whole time. Why had you been so nervous before, you thought of Ron’s words and smiled internally. After the presentation you were feeling pretty good about it. You left the room and started back toward your office however you heard a few of the wizards and witches who had been in the room talking badly about your presentation. It made you upset and questioned whether you had hallucinated that you were so calm while presenting. You tried to shake it off but remained in a funk the rest of the day. And add that you were behind on just about everything due to being understaffed, it was a combination of all the things that made you overwhelmed. 
You had stayed about 3 hours overtime and got home later than you planned; but even still the second you got home Ron was there to greet you. He took your bag, giving you a kiss while grabbing it, and placed it on the couch. 
“How was work?” You only groan in response. “That bad sweetheart?” You nod and place your head onto his shoulder letting out a big sigh. Ron tries comforting you by rubbing your back and holding your head. 
“Why don’t you get out of those clothes and we can just relax.” 
“Alright,” you say, grabbing your bag and heading upstairs to change into something comfy. You take your hair out of the tight bun it's been in all day and fling off the narrow pumps your feet were squished into; sitting down you take out your earrings and necklace. 
Suddenly Ron shouts from downstairs, “I have a surprise for you!” You can’t help but feel excited using a spell to quickly and cleanly remove your makeup. You make your way back downstairs to see a table set with two plates of delicious looking food, candles, and glasses of the good stuff (nice wine). Ron looks pleased with himself and you can’t help but feel like you drooled a bit when you saw the food. 
“Oh my goodness, what did I do to deserve you?” You give him a tight hug and you both sit to eat. You tell him all about the rough day you had and he shows all his emotions on his face like he usually did: anger when you told him about the people who talked bad about you, worry when you told him about all the work you have, and excitement when you told him that you still felt the presentation went well. Then he told you all about the day he had at work which was usually light hearted as he co-managed the joke emporium with his brother George. He always managed to make you laugh with something crazy that happened. You guys finished eating and took the plates to the kitchen placing them in the sink then Ron used a spell to start washing them. 
“What do you feel up to, darling: a bath, a movie, or maybe me?” You giggled at his proposal and rubbed your finger on your chin pretending to think really hard. 
“Hmm, what about a massage; my back and feet are killing me.” 
“I can make that happen.” He had placed his hands on your shoulders and squeezed them lightly. “Go up to the room, I’ll meet you up there.” 
“Okay.” You head up the stairs and into the room, you lie face down on the bed placing your head into your arms. Ron walks in a minute or so after with a bottle of oil. 
“Well you have to take off your shirt,” he chuckled while giving you a knowing look. You roll your eyes at him making sure to face away from him while removing your shirt. You quickly lay back down on the bed and soon after Ron drips the warm oil onto your back instantly soothing you. He begins to glide his hands along the sides of your back to your shoulders where he puts pressure and squeezes causing you to let out soft moans. 
“You have magic hands Ronnie,” you mumble jokingly. He chuckles quietly and continues to massage the knots out of your shoulders. He then slowly moves his hands down to your lower back and using his thumbs he presses into it and moves out slowly; you gasp lightly feeling loose and calm. 
“Did that feel good?” You nod into the bed and he smiles feeling happy he can please you. Ron’s rough yet gentle hands rubbing from your neck, to your shoulders, to your tailbone. You feel as though you're on a cloud and you allow your mind to wonder. You sense his fingers slip into your pants, slowly pulling them down; you think about telling him off but it’s been awhile since you two had been sexually intimate, so you let him continue. His hands caressing your ass; starting from the bottom of your cheeks and squeezing while sliding up. He pulled the spandex waistband of your underwear letting it slap back down onto your waist and swiftly slapping your ass making you tremble. While sliding your pants off all the way, his hand came down a second time leaving you a shade redder. 
He smirked at his ability to make you squirm and leaned down to whisper in your ear, “Ass up.” You bite your lip, abiding his demand, getting on your knees and arching your back to lift your backside into the air. He ran his thumb under the trim of your underwear, lifting it and planting another slap on your cheek; you jump, letting out a slight squeal. 
A pleased grin spread on his face, “Youïżœïżœre so wet for me.” Placing the pad of his finger on the forming wet circle, beginning to rub it; the friction of the fabric against your entrance causing a moan to escape your lips. His fingers traced over your lips gradually moving inwards towards your more sensitive areas; slowly working up the pressure but keeping the same pace. 
“Your hands really are magic.” 
“That's not all that's magic,” a sly smile forming on lips. He roughly pulled off your underwear revealing just how wet you really were. His tongue gently skimming your thigh until slowly reaching your vagina. You softly call out his name as he draws circles and places kisses; soon after pushing his tongue into you. Sultry breaths and rough hands accompanied by a soft tongue brought a rising heat. Contrasting with the coldness of his fingertips as they explored your legs before placing another slap on your ass, pulling a whine from your throat. His mouth hovered just above your clit, placing gentle kisses around the hood and releasing light slow breaths onto it, making you ache for his tongue on your clit. Your hips seemed to take control attempting to move closer to his mouth; prompting Ron to plant another slap on your already rosy cheek. 
“You have to be patient,” he tutted before treating your ass to several quick slaps. The sensations drawing out sounds you were unaware you could make. 
“Please,” you whine.
 He smirks into your skin and shakes his head, “But I love watching you beg.” His finger trailed from the top of your vulva to the bottom; his breath still seemingly rubbing your clitoral hood. As his finger was just to touch your clit he pulled away skipping over the area then continued down. Every time he did this you whined and squirmed, craving his finger pads on your deprived clit. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, the feeling of Ron’s muggy breath and his coarse hands that knew all the spots to make you scream. 
“Ronnie, I-” 
“You're close, I know.” His voice trailed as he put his tongue back to work making you moan at the sudden warm stimulation. He slowly licked up to your clit and finally allowed it some love. Your voice filled the room and you could feel your climax on the tip of your tongue as could he (literally). You felt as if you were filling up until it spilled over, spreading throughout your body making you shiver and moan Ron’s name. Your legs become wobbly and weak causing you to fall flat back onto the bed. Ron flipped you onto your back and wiped your watery eyes. 
“How does my princess feel? Can she take another round?” his hands rubbing your cheeks and head. You felt all the warmth from his body next to yours. You turn your head to face him and biting your lip you nod. He smiles, “We can take a break.” Suddenly you feel a surge of energy from the very last remnants of your orgasm; quickly you straddle Ron who looks shocked but also extremely turned on. You slide his pants down slowly with his boxers in tow, revealing his hard cock. 
“It's so perfect. Perfect for me.” You place a kiss on the head, Ron smiles as his cheeks turn a light red. You slide down his legs to make it easier for your mouth to reach. You reached for the oil on the floor and put a bit on your hand. Placing your hand he twitched at the temperature change. You gripped the center and began slowly moving up and down placing kisses along the side. 
“Sorry it's cold.” He only mumbled under his breath in response. Your other hand made its way to his balls cupping them and beginning to massage them. Dragging your tongue across the head you heard Ron let out stifled moans, using his hand to cover his mouth. His eyes locked with yours, he seemed nervous but you maintained the contact seemingly making him more sensitive. You smile to yourself as you continue to navigate your tongue around his sensitive head, licking up a bit of precum in the process. 
“Does that feel good?” You watched as he brought his hand to grab the back of your head; he lightly tugged your hair letting you know he liked what you were doing. “You need to use your words darling,” you whisper smugly. Using his arm to cover his eyes he mumbled, “Yes.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes it feels good.” His whines and reactions to your hand and tongue only tempting you to mess him up further; but you want to take your time teasing him until he can’t hold it. You start to quicken your pace as you feel Ron getting closer from his expressive voice and face as well as the abundance of precum flowing from him. His hand gripped to your hair hard pushing himself deeper into your mouth just as he came. You felt it slide down your throat as you swallowed, wiping some from the corner of your lip. You continued to run your hand up and down as he was feeling out the final traces of his climax. “If i’m magic you must be mythical,” he huffed catching his breath. You laughed a bit at his joke and crawled up to his chest laying your head on him. 
“I guess I must be.” He stroked the back of your head while planting kisses. Your hand remained on his penis, idly rubbing it through which you felt it regain the stiffness it had just moments ago. You slid back down so that his penis was against your stomach. 
“I thought you were tired. And yet here you are taking charge,” He chuckled while sliding a hand on your waist. 
“You’ve invigorated me.” You practically beam with confidence; giving him a sly look, you sit up on your knees to guide his dick inside. Placing your hands on his chest you began to roll your hips, looking at his pleasure stained face. You leaned over pressing your lips to his. His fingers snaking to your hair and pulling you away from his lips leaving a trail of saliva. You had stopped moving, catching your breath from his sudden aggression. His hips started to entertain you with small thrusts making you moan. Releasing your hair, he sat up keeping you in his lap. Pressing your foreheads together you breathe heavily into him soon after your lips are locked with his once again. The kiss is deep and messy matching his hip movements; you can feel him getting closer. He quickly flips you onto your back, catching you by surprise. You look upon his face, admiring him: his heavy breath, the way he looks at you, it makes you squirm a little. You move your hand to stimulate your clit as Ron drags his tongue against your neck, making you shiver. Both yours and Ron’s bodies were nearing their limit. A warm and powerful sensation began to overtake your body until it suddenly burst and felt like a wave crashing and soon after dissipating back into the ocean. At the same time you could hear and see Ron climaxing with you. You felt him fill you up and then fall next to you both of you catching your breaths. Ron turns his head to face you, pushing your head to face him.
“Your brilliant-” you glare a bit, “-and beautiful” he whispers quickly as he caresses your cheek. You smile leaning into his hand, your whole face a bit red. Bringing yourself closer to him you lay your head on his chest, allowing you to hear his fast beating heart. 
“I think I’ll take tomorrow off.” you chuckle. Looking up you give him a suggestive look, he seems to blush but it's hard to tell as his face is all a pinkish red. 
yeah maybe you should.” He slides his hand down the back of your hair as he speaks, while trying to avoid eye contact. 
“You're cute.”
“And you're perfect.”
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kittyadore · 2 years ago
Hi Hi đŸ‘‹đŸŒ can you please do an earth 42 miles x reader when it's Halloween and they go out trick or treating together 💟
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â€”đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜­đ˜­đ˜°đ˜žđ˜Šđ˜Šđ˜Ż 𝘾đ˜Șđ˜”đ˜© 𝘩!42 𝘼đ˜Ș𝘭𝘩𝘮
â€”đ˜§đ˜­đ˜¶đ˜§đ˜§, 𝘮𝘭đ˜Șđ˜šđ˜©đ˜” đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜šđ˜Žđ˜”
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—𝘱/𝘯; hi lovelies, thank u so much for the request !! i had fun writing this, i really think e!42 miles is a cutie. sum e!1610 miles coming soon hopefully, please leave requests so i know what you guys want to read. also thank u so much for the 140 (i think) likes under my previous post, as its my first ever, it means a lot to me💝💝
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As October descended upon Brooklyn, whispers of Halloween's approach filled the air. Your eyes sparkled with anticipation, and you couldn't contain your excitement for the upcoming festivities. But Miles, with a furrowed brow, scoffed at the idea, preferring solitude over celebrations.
Undeterred by Miles' grumpiness, you decided to transform his home into a magical realm of Halloween delight. His mother approved of your brilliant ideas, so the boys' opinion couldn't change anything. Armed with a vivid imagination and an overflowing box of decorations, you set out to infuse the flat with the spirit of the season.
While you took your time adorning his bedroom with ghostly figures, cobwebs, and some pumpkins, your boyfriend observed you from a distance, a skeptical expression etched on his face. Despite his reservations, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity as your enthusiasm filled the air.
Subsequently, you transformed the living room into a haunted haven. With Rio's help, you strung orange and black streamers, hung paper bats from the ceiling, and carefully arranged a display of glowing jack-o'-lanterns. Miles' grumpiness wavered as he watched your infectious excitement, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
As the evening came, you turned your attention to cute couple Halloween costumes. You spent hours crafting intricate outfits-a brooding vampire for Miles and a whimsical fairy costume for yourself. Miles grumbled about the discomfort of wearing a costume, but deep down, he couldn't deny the sparkle in your eyes, even though he tried to fight it.
"You're trippin, ma." The boy intervened firmly as he shook his head in disbelief. "I am not wearing that, no way." The sharp tone of his voice struck through your heart, slowly breaking it into pieces. You knew he wasn't the type to participate in adorable couple activities, but you didn't understand why couldn't he spend his time with you, at least during such fascinating time.
"Oh come on, Miles, why not?" You pouted, crossing your arms as you looked at him with a disapproving gaze. You were sure of his opinion, but deep down, you still had some hope, that the captivating season could soften his heart, even the tiniest bit. "It's like you don't love me anymore, Miles. You never do anything fun with me, we barely even spend time together. You're always out doing your 'important work', putting off our plans" You snapped at him, with slight wrath audible in your voice
"I get it, you might not be a fan of all those 'cringy' couple activities, but please, can't you enjoy your time with me for once?" You continued, your gaze shifting from his face to his torso. You could notice the confusion on his face, as you weren't the type to talk to him like this. "But alright, if you don't want to, I can just go out with someone else. You have fun here"
Miles made his way up to his bed, sitting down beside you, letting out a sigh, as he entwined his hands with yours. Staring into his eyes, you could see them filling up with agony, clearly hurt after hearing your truthful speech.
"Look, mami. I'm sorry I haven't given you enough time lately, you know, I just cant explain it. I want to keep you safe" Your boyfriend started the same answer you hear every time you would bring up his job. It was different though, he never really genuinely apologized to you. Sure, a quick 'my bad' or 'i'll do better' usually left his mouth, but you've never heard him say 'i'm sorry'. He put his head down as he continued.
"I'm sorry that you feel that way, you know I'm not happy about me canceling our dates either. I can dress up and go trick-or-treating with you, ma. I hate seeing you like this, I'll do better, princessa."
Miles stole a quick kiss on your lips, then on your forehead as he got up from the bed, reaching over to your Halloween costumes. His lips shifted into a soft smile as he felt a wave of warmth strike through his heart.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, you two emerged from his house, you adorned in vibrant fairy costume that shimmered under the moonlight. You fluttered your wings, casting a spell of enchantment that swirled around Miles.
Miles, reluctantly participating, donned a simple costume, a bloodthirsty vampire. Deep down, he couldn't resist your excitement, and a flicker of curiosity ignited within him, as you took the lead.
Hand in hand, you set off into the moonlit streets, where houses were adorned with cobwebs, glowing pumpkins, and haunting decorations. Children, disguised as witches, superheroes, and ghosts, giggled and chattered as they darted from door to door.
You, with your infectious laughter, skipped ahead, your voice like a melody in the night. Miles trailed behind, his grumpy attitude slowly giving way to the passion he hadn't felt in years.
At each house, children eagerly showcased their costumes, their eyes shining with anticipation. Your eyes danced with delight, and your laughter filled the crisp autumn air. Miles, though initially skeptical, found himself chuckling at your excitement, realizing that Halloween held a joy he had long forgotten.
As you continued your journey collecting candy, you arrived at a house unlike any other. It's porch was adorned with shimmering lights, and a melodious tune drifted through the air. You approached, your hand entwined with your boyfriends' and your eyes wide with wonder, and rang the doorbell.
The door creaked open, revealing an elderly man dressed as a magician. With a flourish of his wand, he produced a basket overflowing with candy. As he handed you a treat, he leaned in and whispered, "May the magic of this night bring joy to even the coldest of hearts."
Miles was taken aback by the man's words. Perhaps there was more to Halloween than he had ever realized. A seed of enchantment had been planted within him, sprouting into a newfound appreciation for the night's festivities.
Eager to share this newfound delight, Miles' coldness dissipated like mist in the morning sun. He engaged in playful banter with fellow trick-or-treaters, admiring their costumes and sharing in the joy of the evening.
As the moon reached its zenith, you approached the final house on your route. The porch was transformed into a whimsical wonderland, complete with floating candles and mystical creatures. Your eyes sparkled, and Miles' heart swelled with anticipation.
You knocked on the door, and it swung open to reveal a woman dressed as a fortune teller. Her voice was soft and melodious as she greeted you. Miles exchanged glances with you, feeling as though you had stumbled into a magical realm.
The fortune teller handed you each a small, golden envelope. "Open these when the clock strikes midnight," she whispered, her eyes twinkling with mystery.
With a sense of wonder pulsing through your veins, you and your boyfriend bid the fortune teller farewell. You made your way back home, your pumpkin buckets filled to the brim with sweet treasures.
As the clock neared midnight, you sat on the couch, in the decorated living room. With a hushed countdown, you opened your golden envelopes in unison.
Inside, you discovered handwritten notes, each containing a heartfelt message from the other. Words of love, appreciation, and gratitude spilled from the pages, filling your hearts with warmth.
You and Miles exchanged smiles, your souls intertwined in a magical moment. You realized that the true enchantment of Halloween was not just in the costumes or treats, but in the bonds that were strengthened and the love that was kindled.
As the clock struck midnight, Miles took your hand in his and whispered, "Thank you for showing me the magic of this night, ma. I'm sorry for being so harsh with you and canceling our dates so often. If they are as amazing as this one, it will never happen again." Your eyes shimmered with happiness and you let out a quiet laugh at his words.
Under the moonlit sky, the two of you shared a tender kiss, the magic of the night enveloping you. In that moment, you knew that love, laughter, and the spirit of Halloween would forever illuminate your lives, casting away any shadows of coldness that may try to linger.
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heaven-s-black-box · 9 months ago
Not so Subtle- Aomine x fem!Reader
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Recovery date: April 8th, 2024
Description: Hiii omg could you write something for Aomine Daiki? Female reader, tall, large chest and midsize pretty please đŸ™đŸœ Ok, so it would take place after Seirin's win of the Winter Cup (so he's less of an asshole, but still yk). New girl student, settling in really good, she's pretty, funny, confident and witty. So he can only like, like her. They banter a lot and get friends really fast, fall in love, yadayada. Summed up: friends to lover, female/tall/witty/large chest/midsize reader OH! Bonus if you can make a scene with Kagami showing some interest in her.
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with an anonymous researcher, we thank them for their contribution. I had a ton of fun writing this! The reader's physical appearance doesn't come up much, but as I was writing i considered her to be around 5'10" so she was slightly taller than Momoi and slightly shorter than Aomine. Also, reader's conversation with Kagami can be interpreted as having visited or being from America.
Word count: 1 923
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Starting at a new school halfway through the year is a terrible experience. The easiest way to make new friends is to bond over being in a new environment, having few to no friends, and the stress of exams. Showing up in January skips over all of that and leaves you to make new friends with your own social skills.
“Hi! I’m L/n Y/n, can I join you guys for lunch?”
“Hi! I’m L/n Y/n, can I be on your team today?”
“Oh, hey, you walk home this way too? I’m L/n Y/n.”
Y/n has no idea why her parents were so worried about starting her in a new school so late in the year. This was easy. Sure not everyone she talked with ended up being her friend, but she’d somehow ended up involved with the basketball team.
Scratch that, she knew exactly how she’d wound up as one of the basketball team’s managers.
“Y/n-chan!” Momoi squeals, through herself at the other woman’s back.
Momoi’s arms wrap around Y/n’s shoulders and the woman leans forward so that Momoi is laying on her back as they both laugh. When Y/n stands back up Momoi carefully drops back to the floor and links their arms together.
“Sa-chan, welcome back. Over your cold?”
The two continued over to the gym. Momoi was practically leaning against Y/n with her head on the taller woman’s shoulder as she complained about the last few days.
“Dai-chan didn’t even visit me! Let’s see how he likes it when I don’t visit him next time he’s sick. He probably wasn’t even practicing,” she grumbled.
“Hate to break it to you but he was.”
“Of course he was, seriously, I thought losing to Seirin-”
“No, I mean he was practicing.”
Momoi stopped, hand outstretched to the gym door, and turned to face Y/n. The annoyed pout she’d been sporting during her rant morphed into a wide smile.
“Really?! I’m so glad.”
Y/n laughed, reaching past Momoi and opening the door.
“I mean, I had to hunt him down yesterday because he skipped class and fell asleep, but ya he's been-”
The squeaking sound of shoes on the gym floor, followed by a dunk and yelling cut her off. The managers looked over to the hoop on the far end of the court and found Aomine being chewed out by Wakamatsu. Aomine’s attention, however, was drawn towards the women as the sound of the door closing echoed through the gym. He waved, turning Wakamatsu’s attention away from him and allowing him to slip away to the stage.
“Momoi, welcome back, are you feeling better?”
“Much, thank you!”
“Aomine!” Y/n yelled, stopping the forward half way across the gym. “Apologize.”
“I didn’t do shit!”
“That’s the problem!” Wakamatsu complained. “You absolutely could have stopped that dunk.”
“I wouldn’t worry about it.” All eyes turned to Y/n who’d taken a seat on the stage. “I mean, I’m sure that red haired dude from Seirin would love to get some dunks past him, Aomine’s just being considerate.”
The rest of the team turned away, covering their mouths, to stifle their laughter as Aomine’s face visibly twitched in annoyance. Momoi cleared her throat and took a deep breath.
“Dai-chan, practice seriously. Seirin will be here soon.”
It was still weird for the team to see Aomine listen to people. Sure he dragged his feet plenty, in this case literally as he made his way back to Wakamatsu and the rest of the team, but since the Winter cup he was seemingly more open to suggestions. And when suggestions didn’t work, the new manager seemed adept at getting under his skin enough to make him want to do whatever it was he needed to.
Momoi joined Y/n on the stage and pulled her clipboard out of her bag.
“He likes you,” Momoi whispered as she flipped through papers to find her notes on Seirin.
“Not this again.”
“He listens to you, he doesn’t even listen to me!”
“He listens to you.”
“Only if he already wants to do whatever it is, remember last week when we were studying? He tried to take a nap and he only went back to studying after you asked.”
“Okay, he likes me
 as a friend that he acknowledges won’t deal with his bullshit.”
Momoi rolls her eyes and hands Y/n the clipboard before resting her chin on her shoulder to see the paper.
“I’ll prove it to you,” Momoi muttered. “Alright, so
As the team got some last minute practice in, Momoi gave Y/n a last minute crash course on Seirin.
Just as they were getting to the bench players, Momoi’s phone rang.
“Tetsu!” She squealed as she accepted the call and slid off the stage. The team stopped practicing and Wakamatsu got everyone to start cleaning up. “How did you guys get lost?”
“Yo.” Y/n looked to her right to find Aomine leaning against the stage. He slid a piece of paper over to her feet, the number 74 was written and circled in red marker. “Thanks.”
“Seventy-four, nice.” She picked up the test and gave it a quick once over. “Impressive, you didn’t get a zero on any of the questions.”
“Ya, well I had an okay teacher.”
“Sa-chan got a ninety and I got a ninety-eight, so you own us ice-cream today.”
Rolling his eyes, Aomine snatched back his test and stuffed it in his bag. 
“Sorry we’re late!” A chorus of voices called out.
The two first years turned to find the Seirin basketball team, being led in by Momoi, taking their shoes off. Momoi skipped over to her friends and grabbed Y/n’s hands, pulling her from the stage.
“Come on, there’s someone you need to meet!”
“Alright, I’m coming. We’ll talk more after the game, Aomine!”
Tƍƍ won, ending twenty points ahead of Seirin. Not unexpectedly as Kuroko’s misdirection was completely useless and Kiyoshi was gone. What was unexpected was the way Aomine seemed to be targeting Kagami, whether that be scoring through Seirin’s ace or shutting down as many of his scoring attempts as possible. During the break after the first half, Wakamtsu had chewed the ace out for showing off.
“We’re winning, aren’t we?”
“This isn’t about winning, it’s about getting better!”
Aomine had just shrugged.
“I think he’s jealous,” Momoi whispered after the players had left at the end of the break.
“We’re in the middle of a game.”
“I think it’s because you were talking with Kagami.”
“You were the one who said I should meet him,” Y/n huffed.
“I had to test a theory.”
“What theory?”
Momoi glanced over at Y/n, but was cut off by the coach clearing his throat.
Seirin headed out almost immediately after the game, while the Tƍƍ players cleaned the gym. This time, Y/n walked them back to the bus stop so that they wouldn't get lost again. When she got back, she found Aomine sitting on the steps with her bag.
“Where’s Sa-chan?”
“She left, said she was feeling kind of tired and wanted a rain check on her ice-cream.”
Aomine handed Y/n her bag, and the two made their way to the school entrance.
“No post-match debriefing today?”
“I have no idea, everyone was being weird as fuck.”
Y/n nodded slowly. It was a logical conclusion that Momoi had introduced her to Kagami to make Aomine jealous, and that she’d convinced the team to clear out before she got back so that they’d be alone. Skipping ahead, Y/n turned around to face Aomine and kept walking backwards. It didn’t seem like they were being watched.
“Speaking of weird as fuck-oof.”
“Fuck you,” Y/n grumbled, making Aomine laugh as she stepped around the wall and on to the sidewalk. “What was up during today’s game?”
“What about it?”
“Sa-chan thinks you’re jealous.”
“Tch, jealous of what?”
Y/n shrugged. “Race you to the convenience store!”
Obviously Y/n didn’t plan to win. Aomine pulled ahead of her almost immediately, once he recovered from the surprise, and maintained a decent lead to arrive at the store just before her without leaving her completely in the dust. He laughed as she finally arrived and immediately collapsed against the side of the building, trying to catch her breath.
“So, what’s my prize?” He grins, bracing an arm above her and leaning in so they were eye level.
She raised her index finger to his face.
“Would you like to cash your prize in now or save up?”
“Why did Satsuki say I was jealous?”
“That’s what you want your prize to be?”
Y/n straightened up and joined Aomine in leaning sideways against the wall.
“Answer the question or you’re buying ice-cream.”
Pushing off the wall, Y/n grabbed the front of Aomine’s shirt and pulled him into the store after her. The two made a B-line for the frozen section at the back.
“She thought you’d be jealous I was talking with Kagami,” Y/n shrugged, picking up Aomine’s favorite popsicle and her own.
The sound of the freezer closing filled the store, and the buzzing of the lights seemed incredibly loud in the silence that followed. Y/n looked over at Aomine to find him staring at her. She held out his popsicle, waving in front of his face when he didn’t immediately take it.
“What were you two talking about?”
“You and Kagami. Why was he blushing?”
“Oh my god you’re jealous,” Y/n mumbled.
Aomine grabbed his popsicle and pushed the back of her head as he walked towards the counter. A wide grin spread across Y/n’s face as she chased after him, setting her treat next to his.
“We were talking about America and he was blushing because I said it was cute that he and his brother have matching rings.”
“Don’t call him cute.”
“I didn’t call him cute, I called the idea of having matching rings cute.”
“I could get us matching rings,” Aomine muttered.
The sound of the convenience store bell nearly drowned his voice out as they left the store, but Y/n was right on his heels and barely caught it.
“Sa-chan also said you like me.”
Y/n ran right into Aomine’s back when he stopped suddenly. She watched the back of his head as she unwrapped her treat and started eating.
“I think it’s funny that everyone thinks I haven’t figured it out.” Aomine’s shoulders tense up. “I mean, I wouldn’t say you’re subtle when you look at my boobs.” 
Y/n gently kicks the back of Aomine’s heel, urging him to keep walking. When he didn’t move she sidestepped him and started walking in front of him.
When he didn’t keep walking with her, she turned around.
He didn’t look stunned, definitely flushed, but he looked impatient– like he’d been waiting for her to turn around. Y/n inclined her head.
“You could’ve said something.”
“I could’ve,” Y/n shrugged as she walked back up to Aomine. “But I wanted to see the great Aomine grovel, just a bit.”
He frowned.
“What does that mean?”
“It means you need to ask me out.”
“Go out with me.”
Y/n sighed. “That wasn’t a question.”
“Nope, now let’s go get burgers.”
Aomine opened his popsicle and wrapped his free arm around Y/n’s shoulder as the two headed down the street.
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