#apollo is a dork
disintegratingnoodles · 11 months
if ToA gets a Show
im currently reading trials of apollo the dark oracle and i was just thinking that if it (ToA) gets a show i need the subtitles to be as sassy and apollo-like as they can like-
*apollo sings opening chorus to song* (which i did beautifully)
i dont know if i can really explain it but i hope you understand my vision.
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Ashes Remain - Chapter Eight - Together and Stronger
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It was Professor Means. It had always been Professor Means.
He took the bribes.
He encouraged the forged evidence.
He murdered Professor Courte.
It was all him. 
He’d gone after her too. Had Apollo not been on the ball, had the Themis seniors not been willing, he would have won. 
It wasn’t his final casualty though. She was hit once more while leaving the courtroom. A loyalist student of his went after her. At first it was just verbal, hurling insults about her hypocritical actions, how dare she as a psychopath deem anyone else unfit for the legal world.
Simon had tried to defend her, but Fulbright electrocuted her beloved uncle to keep him in line. 
When the loyalist began showing signs that physical harm might come to Athena, Apollo socked her in the jaw. The bailiff allowed it. 
Before the threat could stand back up, Apollo escorted Athena out of the courtroom with the help of two bailiffs from adjoining courtrooms. She was frightened, but not a hair on her had been harmed.
Trucy thought Apollo decking someone was the coolest thing ever. Apollo was remiss about it, correcting in that ‘let’s not discuss this further’ tone of his that it was only done in defense and he’d weighed all other options before raising his fist. Much later on, Prosecutor Blackquill would commend him for not being afraid to defend her from violence, but the prosecutor was already back in his cell for the day. 
Apollo hadn’t let go of her until she was back on her air mattress in the extra room of the Wright Anything Agency. Normally, the office door was unlocked during business hours. After Athena was nearly assaulted in the courthouse; however, the door was instantly locked after the party returned. 
It was honestly a miracle they still attended the last night of the festival.  
“T-Thena! You came!”
“Of course, Junie! I wouldn’t miss your performance for the world!”
“But the attack earlier-!”
“ ¡No hay problema! One freak accident is nothing.” She flashed a peace sign. “Tonight is being held in Professor Courte’s memory, so I suspect no rabid crazies!” 
Apollo shot her an exasperated look. “Today was more than ‘one freak accident,’ Athena. You could have died. How can you seriously go on like nothing happened?”
Of course, he knew the likely answer for his question. 
“Hey, it’s the heroic psycho. You really are crazy, to return here knowing there could be people out for your head.”
Robin ran up and smacked her blue-clad companion. “Hugh! Rude! We’re glad you’re here, Athena. And that you’re okay! Same to you, Apollo!”
“As we saw today, there are some who took Professor Means’ teachings to heart. Just because he is no longer in the classroom does not mean his ideology dies overnight. I hope you’ll join us in continuing to fight that darkness, Thena.”
“You really mean it, Junie?”
“Of course.” The metal on Athena’s shoulder seemed dimmer under Junie’s smile. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I should go get ready.” 
“Knock ‘em dead, Junie!”
“We’ll be cheering, Juniper.” Apollo flashed a huge grin.
“Yeaaahh!! C’mon, Hugh, let’s go!” 
“Looks like it’s just us. At least until Trucy decides she wants to boardwalk.”
“Heh, looks like it.”
“Are you okay? After… you know everything that happened today. So much of it was an attack on you specifically.” 
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m just fine!”
“You’re hiding something, Thena.”
“Oh, okay fi-” She blinked twice before staring at him and smirking. “Did you just call me Thena?”
“Oh! Did it? My bad.”
Oh, gosh, he was blushing. As endearing as a blush typically is, it was remarkably funny. He was so adorable! He- ….uh oh. 
“Athena? Are you sure you’re okay? You just stopped.” 
“I, uh,”
“Polly! Yay, we found Polly! And Athena!”
“Good work, Fraulein Wright!” 
Ah yes, just the two people Apollo was expecting to show up at some point in the night.
“Ah, pardon us, Herr Forehead, for interrupting your alone time with Fraulein Cykes.”
“A-Alone time?! What do you mean by that?”
Klavier practically erupted into laughter. “Why, Herr Forehead, you and the fraulein are simply overtaken by the most passionate blush! You should see your faces right now.”
“I-It’s an adrenaline response, Prosecutor Gavin…” 
Wow. Her face was red. Almost redder than her hair. But that didn’t mean Gavin was correct. Some people just blush easily. Athena with her more expressive personality seemed to be one of them. 
And what he was suggesting! A scandal with his co-worker?! Who wouldn’t blush at that?
Well, Prosecutor Blackquill probably, but he's beside the point. 
“And what about you, Herr Forehead? Surely you’re not going to suggest a mere adrenaline response are you, ja ?”
No. Not in the way Athena was experiencing anyway. 
“Don’t you have a concert, Gavin?”
 “Ah, haven’t you learned anything from court? Forcing a premature end to discussion only makes another more suspicious!” 
“Come on, Polly. There’s nothing to be scared of. Prosecutor Gavin’s just having some fun with you and Athena.” 
“He really does seem uncomfortable though.” Athena took a few steps towards Gavin and stared up into his eyes. 
“Ah, Fraulein , how in tune you are with him.” 
“I-It’s not that. I can hear his inner voice. Much like I hear yours. For bearing no ill will against him, why do you badger Apollo with almost malicious intent?”
“Polly almost blew him up during a trial last year. Gavin makes fun of him as payback.” 
“You are just as perceptive as Blackquill said. He spoke with an utter fondness of you, one I’ve never seen in such black of a heart.”
She finally had to look away, if only to hide her own heart crying out loud enough for anyone to hear. “We… share a history.” 
“Ah. You both seem… touchy about questioning.”
“I’ll leave it be.”
“Thank you, Gavin.” 
“Athena! Did you see the game where you whack giant frogs?! It’s so cool!” 
“I haven’t. But I’d guess you want to show me, huh?”
“How about you, Apollo? Are you coming to see the whack-a-frog?”
He chuckled and flashed that big grin. “Sure. I could use a few good wacks to clear the day out.”
Trucy pounded her fists and leaned closer to him, grinning expectedly. “Better than socking meanies, Polly?!” 
“I thought we agreed not to talk about that.”
“What? The ever-small Herr Forehead threw punches? I think I need to hear this story.”
“No. No you don’t.”
“Oh, yes. Yes, he does! It was just after the trial! This lady who was super loyal to Professor Means-”
The crowd was now gathering around the stage in anticipation for the concert. Mr. Wright had joined them at the whack-a-frog while Hugh and Robin had only recently returned to the party. 
Gavin and Juniper were on stage, her dressed as Lamiroir for the second-ever performance of The Guitar’s Serenade . 
He remembered the only other performance of the song well. Gavin’s guitar combusted, an Interpol agent was shot by a band member… It was a very very big mess that took a very very long time to clean up. That trial was when his career finally took a turn for the better, and he kept the song as his work ringtone to remind him of that fact. 
He hoped today would be Athena’s Turnabout Serenade, but just based on the day alone it seemed she was just as lost and frightened as he was when Kristoph was arrested. It would be a long time before she would ever feel free… if freedom was even available for her.
She wasn’t in a cell, no, waiting for her hanging day alongside Prosecutor Blackquill. However, this seemed almost worse. She was humiliated every single second she walked anywhere with those cuffs on her arm. She was on her own kind of death row, one that no one seemed to understand. He didn’t know how much longer she had, that was her secret to keep if she wanted, but if she already knew her injury was fatal… she likely had been given an estimate.
Yet here she stood: that happy, bouncy Athena who tilted shimmering eyes to the stage as Juniper sent a warm glance over them. Tensing in childlike excitement at the first notes of guitar, then closing her eyes to breathe in the melody. She's not wasting away in prison or losing her breaths at the hospital. She's here and, for this moment, she's okay. Better than okay. She's Athena Cykes, and she's fine! 
Sugar, Sugar…
O that night, in your embrace
He saw it in her. She was no longer afraid of her ears. She was no longer afraid of those cuffs made from re-fired bullets.
When you stole away the keys
my heart held on to so tight.
She was beautiful, and life was just as it should be for her. It couldn’t last, but at least she has a moment. 
Pleasure, Pleasure…
But a fleeting melody  
He’d looked for too long, her eyes fluttered back open in confusion, then looked up at him. Their eyes locked, which he didn’t expect, and he realized just how deep hers were now that he perceived them and them alone.  
It wraps itself around me,
And now through the air I fly.
She raised a hand to her hair and began to fiddle with it, breaking their eye contact before smiling and looking back into his.
Woh… Woh… 
His Chords of Steel dried up the longer he looked at her, until he was certain they’d snap from becoming too dry.
Burning on in my heart. Fire.  
Her eyes showed the same. Good, this was shared. 
Burn my love away. All away.
She took a few steps closer, then leaned into his chest. Her eyes were twitching, growing ever tense as she registered whatever this was. 
Like a bullet of love. Fire. 
Without thinking, he brushed his hand through her hair for her. Just above her ear she side-hopped onto his foot and squeaked. It must be her injury.
Take my life away. All away. 
He slipped his hand down to the hair past her head and twirled his fingers there, he felt her hand gently against his chest. 
 Guitar, Guitar…
He felt her lips for just a wisp of time.
Up together to the sky.
Now, it was just her smiling softly. Her cheeks were a precious rose. And that’s when he realized. “Athena…” He pressed his nose against hers.
“Call me ‘Thena,’ please.”
“Did what I think happened really happen?” They were at Eldoon’s now, just the two of them. He was pressing his finger so hard into his head, it might have left a bruise.
“We kissed… at a high school festival…”
“Yep, that’s what I thought.” 
“Yeah… well… It’s-uh-nice to know you feel the same way about me.” He was scrubbing the back of his neck again. For a person who’s power lied in sight, why was he so bad with his own tells.
Widget flashed yellow under the stars. “I-Well-R-Really?” Her index finger was in his face. “A-Apollo Justice! How long have you felt this way about me?”
“I…I really couldn’t tell you that.” 
“Ah… well I guess it doesn’t matter too much… Here we are.” 
“Yeah, here we are…”
“So… what are we going to do… with-” She spun her hand between the both of them.
“Well, we are coworkers… so I think we need to discuss this with Mr. Wright tomorrow…”
“Yes… that will give me some time to ask Simon…”
“Simon?” She still hadn’t given his Chords of Steel back. “As in, Blackquill?”
“Yes. I… know I don’t look it but… I’m a Blackquill. His niece.”
“Ah. That actually makes a lot of sense.” 
“It does?”
“His bird doesn’t hurt you. Even when he’s pretending to attack us, the bird never gets as close to you as it does to Mr. Wright or I. That alone would suggest you’re important to Prosecutor Blackquill.” 
“Mama disowned me after I came back. He’s… all I have.”
“Wow… I’m so sorry…”
“No one’s been the same since Simon went to jail…” 
“You… want a hug?” Almost instantly, he had her curled up against his shoulder.
“Plus… Taka isn’t stupid. He’s not going to bite a food source.”
“Ah, you have bird bribes.”
“By express permission. Not everyone gets to feed him, you know.” 
“Of course…” Scrubbing the neck again… “So, uh, little obvious at this point but…” 
“Of course, I want you, Apollo. If Mr. Wright and Simon approve.” She started doing that ‘gimme gimme’ wave of hers. “Now, c’mere you!” 
And so went his real first kiss with Athena. He was expecting some elder citizen to jeer for them to find privacy as soon as she clambered onto him. Thankfully for the mood, People Park was silent. 
This one’s mine! Widget declared with a big fat grin on his little robot face instantly after Athena pulled away and flopped triumphantly on his lap. 
He gently curled her head closer against his chest. “I’m yours, tiger.”  
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u3pxx · 1 year
I dare you to make Klapollo Good Omens
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anon you're opening a dangerous box , you're lucky i'm tired enough to not draw more of this otherwise i would've exploded DFGHD
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almalex24 · 4 days
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3 days until the anniversary! get his ass
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kazekage-libra · 3 months
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This meme but with Hermes and Apollo. Roles are interchangeable.
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glibussy · 1 year
Welcome to d&dorks, where we trans genders and ace sexualities!
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sunflowersolace · 6 months
i feel like we as a fandom tend to either over uwuify klapollo or over stoicify them and this is by no means a real character analysis or genuine conversation because it is 4am for me and i’m not very good at articulating myself i don’t actually care that much i’m in fandom spaces i’m used to mischaracterising bullshit but
why does it seem to be the only options are “apollo is an actual child and klavier is sexy and suave” or “apollo doesn’t experience emotions and klavier is a cringefail babygirl”. like genuinely can they not both be people.
i feel like a lot of the infantilisng apollo stuff is partially the usual fandom short man = yaoi bottom shit but i’m not gonna sit here and pretend it isn’t also bc of the transmasc apollo headcanon. like it can’t be a coincidence that the most infantilised grown man in the game is also the one that’s most widely headcanoned as ftm. like it feels like a lot of it is your typical uwu short trans uke baby x big strong suave tall hot cis seme and i’m used to that but man it sucks to see people making weird shit about Flustered Virgin apollo getting his first ever kiss from Playboy klavier and. y’all know he’s 25 right? not 15?
there’s also the other side of things where people make klavier into this cringefail babygirl boyfailure who’s hopelessly in love with apollo and spends every waking moment thinking about apollo and can’t do anything without relating it to apollo and apollo just fucking does not like him. and that’s almost worse because at least the first kind of mischaracterisation still feels like a ship. why are we pretending apollo doesn’t care about klavier. he doesn’t like his boy band music but it’s not personal. he still likes klavier.
and then there’s the ones who take one half of the mischaracterising and applies it to both characters. apollo is an uwu baby and klavier is a soyboy and they can’t spend a second apart because they’re so in love. OR they’re both robots who might as well not even be dating with how little they speak to each other.
y’all know you can make them act normal, right? they can be in love with each other and silly about it and also be serious characters? apollo is a dork ass who cracks jokes and is bitchy but he’s also a genuinely smart guy like he’s a lawyer he’s a politician he’s helping rebuild a whole country’s legal system from the ground up and he’s still a bitch and a loser. klavier is ALSO a bitch and a loser and a smart guy. he’s kind, but he’s not a wimp. he’s bitchy but he’s not insufferable. he’s passionate about music and law and everything he talks about. and he says corny shit and openly flirts with apollo but he’s also a damn good prosecutor and id argue he’s the only one who actually understands his job without the defense having to Fix Him tm. and they can both love each other and be all these things.
for a lot of y’all there’s only two options: klavier has trauma (excruciating) (all encompassing) or klavier is silly :3. and like. he can do both. you can acknowledge his trauma and also acknowledge he’s a dumbass who air guitars during court. human beings are multifaceted and fictional characters should reflect that. you gotta make the people you’re writing feel like people yes even the japanese visual novel people.
back to the living each other thing. klavier can openly flirt with apollo and also actually like him. apollo can ignore klavier’s first flirts and still actually like him. maybe he doesn’t wanna get it with the brother of his murderous boss while investigating a crime scene i think that’s reasonable of him. but he also clearly likes and cares about klavier as a person (“i have to pull the darkness out of him” or whatever he says) so just because he didn’t immediately throw himself at klavier the second he hit him with the never felt this way with a man doesn’t mean he’s annoyed by klavier’s flirting it just means it wasn’t the right time. apollo can hate the gavineers shitty music and still love the man who sung it. he can think klavier’s office is ugly and still love him. i don’t love every single thing about the people i love but i still love them. if my qpp made a dog shit song i hated i would tell him bc he and i understand each other.
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fandomaddict505 · 8 months
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Oh my god i love him
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off-brand-afterfire · 2 years
My Percy Jackson head cannons:
-The Burning Maze spoilers-
Annabeth and Percy are switches, it depends on their mood.
Hazel is asexual.
Frank respects that.
Leo absolutely listens to classical music while he's working, but he will change the music channel to like pop or rock or something if someone walks in. Nobody may know.
Hazel knows.
Percy, Leo, Annabeth, and Piper absolutely have the Wii Sports theme stuck in their heads at all times.
Piper is definitely a she/they.
If Percy wasn't in his very comfortable relationship with Annabeth, he'd have made a pack with Jason (and then Piper after he oofed) that if they weren't married by the time they were 30 they would get married, platonically ofc.
Piper has a slight crush on Annabeth but will absolutely deny it until the end of time.
People see Frank and automatically assume he shouldn't be messed with, but he is absolutely a people pleaser. Hazel is the one who shouldn't be messed with.
Frank likes to surprise Hazel with flowers at least once a week.
His love language is gift giving/acts of loves.
Hazel's is personal touch.
Jason's near-sightednsss is from the amount of head thonks he got on the quests.
Reyna still has a slight grudge on Percy and Annabeth for Circe's Island that even she doesn't know.
Leo eventually grows out his hair so he can wear it in a ponytail and gets an undercut.
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apollodalizard · 2 months
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Wyd when my gang pull up⁉️⁉️
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dark-nimbus · 1 year
They got some ✨issues✨ to sort out
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number1iowan · 1 year
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If you've ever been on TikTok, you've probably heard at least one of Naethan Apollo's songs. You know "I wanna feel handsome, I wanna feel pretty"? That's him. He's also a regular on d&dorks, where he plays characters such as Mr. Goodbid the half elf bard.
The Cherry Sisters were a notorious vaudeville act in the 19th century. Their act, Something Good, Something Sad, was apparently so bad that the sisters tried to sue the Des Moines Leader over a review they printed of it. The court sided with the newspaper, establishing the legal precedent of fair comment. So technically they were INVOLVED in upholding freedom of the press.
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apollowatchesmovies · 5 months
May 2
Movie 27
The Fall Guy
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characteroulette · 11 months
Like Vines, We Intertwine (Apolluke fluff!!)
After their wedding, Apollo and Luke have a relaxing night.
so I didn't write the wedding, but the aftermath because it was the scene strongest in my head lol.
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glibussy · 2 years
Hey! D&Dorks fandom! Yeah all 10 of you!
Come join the fandom discord! Its a lovely place to share art and fics, make friends, and just goof around! We'd love for more people to come in and hang around!
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newweaponx22 · 1 year
The Golden Touch
Depictions of cursing and violence
(2242 words)
God of Wealth, what a fucking joke. I’m the god of wealth, but I’ve still gotta pay the price. If you’d told me 80 years ago what I was getting into, I honestly would have done it again, but I was a fucking idiot.
Goodbid rolls out of his bed landing face-first on the floor. The lines of age are etched into his face, and the bags under his eyes are more prominent than ever. His beard has grown in as he hasn’t shaven in months. The years have clearly not been kind to him, as the smile is wiped from his face. He starts to have a coughing fit on the floor. You can almost hear the cancer in his lungs.
He reaches up to support himself as he stands up. As his hand touches the bedspread a gold shine slowly creeps along it. His closet slides open to reveal a black suit with golden pinstripes; he only bothers to put on the undershirt and pants. Before he closes the closet, he lingers on a framed picture of him and his party, his family. He reaches for his cigarette box only to find it empty, so he walks over to his wall, pressing a button, and, with a woosh, the wall slides back to reveal the bustling cityscape of Backspace.
As he climbs down the fire escape-like structure leading down the building, he looks back up at his almost vending machine-like residence. Each occupant has their own designated boxes. Goodbid stands in the middle of the bustling crowd as a figure with a gruff voice approaches him. As he sees who the figure is, his heart skips a beat.
Elias:“Morning, Golden Boy, how’d ya sleep?”
Goodbid:“I told you not to call me that.” Goodbid tries to hide the fact that he loves it. He's always loved Elias, but he won't let anyone get hurt again. “And you know I don't sleep.”
Elias:“Whatever ya say, Golden Boy.”
Elias claps him on the back, Goodbid winces at the touch before remembering it's only skin contact that's dangerous.
They walk through the crowd, and they come upon a stone building very reminiscent of Franklin castle from the main timeline, Elias walks through the front while Goodbid waits outside. He walks over to lean against the wall, his heart speeds up at the thought of him and with this sudden rush of emotion, one of the stones on the building turns to gold.
Elias tosses him a pack of cigarettes, Goodbid catches it, but it turns to gold.
Elias:“Damn it, Goodbid, do you have any idea how hard it is to get those?”
Goodbid:“Hey! You know I can't control this shit!”
Elias:“Nah, your powers only act up when you’re nervous or something. Do I get your heart racin’ Golden-Boy?”
Goodbid:“Shut up” Goodbid cracks a faint smile for the first time in a long time.
Elias walks over next to Goodbid offering him a second pack of cigarettes, but first, he takes one for himself. Goodbid takes out his solid gold cigarette holder, placing a cigarette on the end and lighting it. The two lean against the wall, smoking together.
Elias:“Ya know, you could do a lot to help out around here”
Goodbid:“Yeah? How so?”
Elias:“Well, not everyone has unlimited resources, people need money.”
Goodbid:“That's not how the economy works; if I just make more money, the value depreciates.”
Elias:“C’mon if you keep worryin’ about the economy, you’re never gonna have any fun.”
Goodbid:“The answer is no Elias, I can't control this shit.” Goodbid starts to walk away.
Elias:“Well, at least let me buy ya a drink.” He turns back to face Elias with a knowing smile.
A few hours later
Elias buys Goodbid his third drink of the night
Elias:“Ok so lemme get this straight; if you make more money, the value of money goes down?”
Elias:“That makes no fucking sense.”
Goodbid:“It makes perfect sense.”
Elias:“Whatever, no more work talk, tell me about you.”
Goodbid:“Not much to tell.”
Elias:“C’mon, tell me about the Goodbid who never smiles?”
Goodbid:“Is that what they call me?”
Elias:“Yeah, everyone talks about you. I mean all Goodbids smile, what happened to you? What makes you special?”
Goodbid:“I lost my party, after SG died Glib tried to attack the blank and it got him too.”
Elias:“Shit, man, I’m sorry, I didn't know.”
Goodbid:“It's alright. I mean, it's been 80 years. I should be over it by now.”
Elias:“Hey, as a soldier, lemme tell ya, it's okay to still feel shitty about that, watching your friends get killed right in front of you is never easy, but ya just gotta remember that they wouldn’t want you to sulk for the rest of your life.”
Goodbid:“Well, enough about me, what about you, what's your reality like?”
Elias:“I mean we were friends in my reality, we took a few jobs together, and eventually we started working together till…”
Goodbid:“Till what?”
Elias:“You died, and I should’ve been there to stop it. I got called away for a job and your stubborn ass decided to go do a job on your own and got yourself killed.” Elias’ eyes start to swell with tears.
Goodbid:“Ya know, it was kinda like that in my reality, but we were more rivals than anything, but, for what it's worth, ya seem all right ta me.”
Elias:“I think that's the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
The pair gaze into each other's eyes for a moment then Elias leans in for a kiss. As their lips are about to meet Goodbid pulls back, afraid that he might turn the last person he cares about to gold. He puts some golden coins on the table as he rushes out the door. Elias follows him outside, but Goodbid has disappeared into the night.
A few months later
Goodbid wakes up in his bed next to Elias to an alarm going off, he's clearly much more put together, and his room is furnished now. Elias wakes up and shaves Goodbids beard down to a mustache.
Elias“We got new arrivals to greet this morning.”
Goodbid:“Well, let's get to work then,” Goodbid says with a smile, but it's not the cheesy grin the other Goodbids wear.
The couple walks to the docking area where they greet new arrivals, meeting the main party. Glib's eyes are glowing red and he is seething with rage.
Goodbid(main): Glib, I'm gonna need ya ta take a breath.
Goodbid: Good morning everyone, welcome to Backspace. I'm here to get yall set up if you would just follow me.
Glib: I am not going anywhere with you until you tell me where they are!
Doc: *Doc starts to rattle off questions*
Goodbid: If you just follow me to the D.J.E.C. all will be revealed and everything will be sorted out.
The group begins to follow the couple, and they approach a building with the letters D.J.E.C. brandished across the front.
Goodbid: Mornin’ Doc we got some new arrivals for ya.
Callisto: What the fu…
The party enters a large chamber and sees the council of Docs
Doc Prime: Welcome all to Doctor Johanesses Expanded Council.
Callisto: Why the hell are you in charge?!
Doc 2: Ah, I remember my Callisto, you’ve all got that spirit.
Glib: Someone tell me where Emmi is.
Doc Prime: Emmi is being held in a special containment center which we do not have access to.
Glib: Are you not in charge here?!
Doc Prime: Yes I'm in charge here but Emmi isn't here.
Glib simmers with rage.
Doc: This is so intriguing, how did you all form this council?
Doc Prime: That is a story for another time, but right now, Goodbid 718 will get you set up with your monetary value and housing.
Goodbid(main): Does that mean me?
Goodbid: No, that means me. You’re Goodbid 846.
Bello: Mister Doc man, are these your siblings?
Doc: No, Bello, but we'll talk about that later.
Mercury: I appreciate the housing but, I’ve got my trusty Time Skimmer for a home.
Doc Prime: Ah, yes, your ship is going to be dismantled for parts. We require all the resources we can get in backspace.
Mercury: What, you can't dismantle her, she's alive!
Doc Prime: I’m afraid it has to be done.
Goodbid: Alright everyone, follow me. I’ll get ya set up in your apartment.
Sticks: What's an apartment?
Elias: Boy you’re in for a fun time, see ya at home.
Elias plants a kiss on Goodbids cheek before he splits off from the group. Goodbid leads the party to their building, and it is much like his own. It has the same vending machine-like structure except it only has two floors, a floor is added whenever it is required to house new occupants. Goodbid is getting Glib set-up in his apartment, and he is about to leave when Glib finally says something.
Glib: What am I supposed to do, just sit on my ass until I just fucking die?
Goodbid: Listen, Glib, I used to be like that. Guys like us, we’ve gone through so much, but we just gotta keep goin’. If we let this control us, their sacrifice is for nothing, they wouldn't want you to just sulk for the rest of your life.
Glib just sits there saying nothing, he is smoldering with rage. Goodbid gets up and walks across the room to the door, just before he steps through, he turns back to Glib and says,
“Welcome to Backspace, Glib.”
Goodbid goes home to wait for Elias to get home. He waits for an hour, but nothing. Two hours, still nothing. His heart starts racing. Elias should have been home by now, something’s wrong. He pulls on his coat and races outside to find his boyfriend. He makes it to Franklin Castle and sees tire tracks leading away from Elias’ guard post and his shotgun is on the ground. He kneels down to the tracks and under his breath, he mutters,
He runs off past Franklin Castle into the wildlands of Backspace. He comes upon the camp of the Cyber-Cephalyn and he sees Elias tied up, he sneaks into the camp and unties his beloved. As they are about to escape a crowd of the Cyber-Cephalyn forms around him. (They are the kraken robot species.)
The crowd parts as one larger Cyber-Cephalyn rolls through it. It has a crown on its dome and a spear in one hand.
Goodbid:“Blob, we don't have to do this, just let us go.”
Warlord Blob:“Well, Goodbid, unfortunately, I can't do that.”
Warlord Blob:“Ya see, I need you. If I remove you from the equation, the whole economy of Backspace crumbles, and that is exactly what I want. Kill him, boys.”
A fight ensues and Goodbid is separated from Elias in the chaos of the struggle. They begin to overwhelm Goodbid, pinning him down to the ground until bang!
Elias reveals a spare gun from his holster and shoots the Cyber-Cephalyn pinning Goodbid down. The two of them are fighting as a unit working with each other to fend off the rest. After the fight is done, Goodbid is leaned up against a wall, panting.
Goodbid:“Elias, you okay?”
Elias:“Johnny.” There is a somber tone to his voice.
Goodbid looks over at his love and there is a golden handprint on his chest and it's spreading. Goodbid crawls over to his dying lover as he slowly turns to gold.
Goodbid:“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
Elias:“It's okay,”
Elias, places his hand on Goodbids cheek as it slowly turns to gold.
Tears begin to well in Goodbid’s eyes as the gold crawls up Elias’ neck and face.
With all of Goodbids heart, he tells Elias “I love you.” But it is too late, his lover is gone, replaced by a golden statue.
Six years later
Goodbid is lying in bed when there is a knock on his door. The familiar voice of Glib is heard from the other side of the door.
Goodbid:“Go away.”
Glib:“Goodbid, I gotta talk to you.”
The door slides open.
Goodbid:“The hell do you want?”
Glib enters the room as Goodbid pours himself a drink.
Glib:“I know you’ve been going through it, but I need you to snap out of it because I need your help.”
Goodbid:“Why the fuck do you need my help?”
Glib:“I need a Goodbid, and you’re the meanest son of a bitch I know.”
Glib:“What do ya mean no?”
Glib:“You haven't even heard the offer yet.”
Goodbid:“Still no.”
Glib:“Listen, I'm gonna tell you something you told me when I first got here, if we don't move on and live our lives their sacrifice was all for nothing, we gotta keep on going through life even if it hurts because they wouldn't want you to just sulk for the rest of your life.”
Goodbid says nothing. Glib walks to the door disappointed and just before he leaves Goodbid asks,
Goodbid:“What's the job?”
A smirk crosses Glib’s face as he turns around to face Goodbid.
The End
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