#anyways. i imagine this happens pre-romantic relationship
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reds-skull · 1 year ago
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I really should draw Soap more with his red mask, as you all can tell I love it
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lexirosewrites · 2 months ago
Happy slick Sunday! Dear God do I need it this week. Anyway in the spirit of making the Omegaverse even more queer, I have some headcanons about Alpha/Alpha relationships and a silly Steddie prompt. SO!
First up, the idea of A/A mating bonds. This is an idea that I had a while ago, but in some time periods (especially pre-modern, think ancient Greek to early medieval) Alpha warriors would form a mating bond between themselves and a fellow soldier, as the instinctual drive to protect ones mate made them better and more efficient warriors together! The bond was considered honorable, so long as both alphas took omega partners as well, and most Alphas maintained the bond throughout their lives. This practice is referred to as "Battle Brothers" or sometimes "Bond Brothers" and there are also cases of omega/omega pairs doing the same, in more of a childcare capacity.
So now the prompt: imagine if you will, a society that is familiar with these practices and are generally accepting of them, and Steve coming in as an outsider Alpha. Eddie likes him immediately and starts courting him to be his Bond Brother, but Steve has no clue that's what's happening. Cue about 10k of misunderstanding and romantic comedy hijinks, with the two of them eventually managing to bite each other ;)
I know you said this would be a comedy with hijinks, but all I can think is how Steve might think he's being courted romantically at first and accepting it, then being heartbroken when someone explains that it's a platonic warrior thing😭 hopefully by then Eddie has feelings too and they can be happy, but my brain jumped to the big sad
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azaharinflames · 5 months ago
Okay but like-
The wildest takes I've seen in this episode—negative takes at that—are so laughable, I'm sorry.
Of course, these criticisms come from that side of the fandom, which we had been expecting anyway, so it's not like it surprises me. I fully expected them to hate this episode once they saw GayEddie wasn't happening, and neither was Buddie.
But the criticisms are getting to me, to the point where I find them funny.
-'Why are Tommy and Eddie acting like they're friends?' / 'Why were they 'teaming up'?'- because they are, babes. That was established as early as 704, pre-BuckTommy going canon. They get along. They have a sort of similar humor and the same skepticism. And this is good, because for the first time we have a romantic partner of Buck's getting along with his best friend and seamlessly fitting into his world. But you hate that idea, sorry, I forgot.
-'For a moment I thought it was gonna be revealed Tommy was cheating on Buck with Eddie' / 'This is foreshadowing on Buck finding out Tommy first fell for Eddie'- based on what, exactly? I'm sorry, do you think your partner getting along with your friends means they are cheating on you? My God what an insanely toxic mindset. Imagine your boyfriend teasing you with your best friend, what a crime. And also, again with the whole 'Tommy couldn't get Eddie, so he settled for Buck' - dude. dude. Tommy slept on a couch to be close to Buck in case he needed it. He listened to him and took him as seriously as possible without enabling him when Eddie couldn't have cared less. Hell, Tommy dressed up for a mummy's funeral. You don't do that for someone you're 'settling for'. Wtf.
-'Tommy and Eddie were getting along better than Tommy and Buck' - I am sensing a pattern, and it is already exhausting. But also- no. They were not 'getting better'. They were the realists opposite Buck's more dreamer personality. They are skeptical people who were trying to find the logical explanation for what was happening to him - to make him feel better and not as worried. But to say they have a better relationship than Buck and Tommy based on that is wild. Especially after the end monologue.
-'Episode was overhyped and not all that' - well, I'm sorry you hate fun (sans Denny's accident, because 911 will not let the Wilsons breathe, it seems). 805 was a genuinely great episode, and honestly, the kind of episode 911 had been missing for a long time, yet exactly what they needed.
And last, and my favorite I gotta say:
-'The characters felt ooc' - they did not. They were very much themselves in canon. But this is what happens when you watch the show through shipper-goggles and refuse to see it for what it is. But this is our canon Eddie, not the eternal savior fanon version of him that you created. This is our canon Buck, not the dumb fanon version of him. And this is our canon Tommy, not the monster fanon that you've grossly created. It's so funny to me because in this ep everyone felt so much like themself, yet they claim that isn't the case just because Eddie wasn't defending Buck (against Tommy, apparently, but for no real reason), Buck was involving Tommy in his spiraling rather than Eddie, and Tommy was being the supportive partner Buck has deserved all along.
Long story short: the episode fucking slapped. And it's a shame that some people won't let themselves enjoy it for what it is.
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memory-of-idle-musings · 28 days ago
Hi! May I request headcanons of: Since recently has been valentione's day event in ffxiv, how would G'raha tia, Erenville, Koana, Hades, Hythdolaues and Hermes react reader doing that "bouquet" emote where they kneel and offer bouquet of roses to them? (sorry if too many characters, wasn't sure what the limit was).
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Wish granted!
Hello and thank you for being my first request here!!! The moment they added the bouquet emote to the game, my first thought was to immediately go play with it in gpose and give it to all the characters xD. So I feel you completely and I really enjoyed writing this. Anyway, here are some late Valentione's day headcanons. Hope you enjoy it!
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⋆.˚┆Giving them a bouquet of roses reactions .
﹒✶ | Summary:
How the characters would react to you kneeling down in front of them and giving them a bouquet of roses.
﹒✶ | Characters:
G'raha Tia, Erenville, Hades, Hythlodaeus
﹒✶ | Tags:
fluff, romance, slightly off-canon, gn!reader, pre-established romantic relationships, headcanons
﹒✶ | Trigger warnings:
None really! It's all mostly fluff and sweetness, with some mentions of insecurity and dismissal.
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↪ ❥ G'raha tia:
I think that there's hardly any doubt that G'raha tia is not a sweet boy, a sweet friend and a sweet lover.
He cares very deeply for those closest to him, always trying his hardest to stay attuned to all of their wants, emotions and needs. Ready to lend a hand, to comfort and cover your back anytime the need may arise.
He's not perfect, of course, not that any of us are. But G'raha always makes sure to put a little extra care and affection into everything he does for you regardless. And contrary to most others, he does so without having any expectations, or asking for anything back in return.
So you can imagine his surprise when, one day, he sees you get down on one knee before him, and pull out a large, beautiful bouquet of blood-red roses.
The instant he realizes what is happening, his ears perk up, hands coming up to cover his mouth as a gasp escapes his open lips. The blush that appears on his face colors his cheeks almost as red as the bouquet of roses that he can't tear his gaze away from.
It would be an understatement to say that the poor boy had just exploded out of happiness.
The next breath he takes is quick, followed by a nervous laugh. And you had better make sure that he keeps on breathing deeply, otherwise you might have a passed-out catboy in your hands.
"M-my dear, what is the occasion that would make you give me this? O-oh? You just wanted to surprise me? I-"
His ears begin to wiggle as he sheepishly rubs his hands together in that typical G'raha manner that you have come to love.
Flowers? For him? Just out of sheer love and appreciation and gratitude? He struggles to comprehend why exactly he is worthy of such an adoring gesture from you, but that does not make him appreciate it any less.
Again, while he showers you with his undying love and affection regularly, he never asks for anything in return. And although he's glad that you would do the same for him, every gesture that you make to show him how much you care about him only makes him love and adore you more. If it's even possible at this point...
It takes a few minutes before his excitement levels calm down enough for him to be able to speak again. But once he does, he accepts the bouquet with repeated words of gratitude, wrapping his arms around you in a hug with a soft smile on his face.
He assures you that although he appreciates the kind gesture (and shall treasure it like his very life depends on it), you do not need to spoil, or go out of your way for him like this.
However, the soft smile on his face, the happy glimmer in his eyes and the remaining touch of pink color on his cheeks tells you that it was very much worth it.
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↪ ❥ Erenville:
Your favorite gleaner was just getting done with his regular duties around Labyrinthos, unbothered by anything not related to documenting the new species that had been recently discovered and brought to Labyrinthos for further research and observation just today.
It was then that he noticed your familiar figure, leaning against a nearby pillar in the background, observing his movements like a silent guardian. He's not exactly surprised to see you appear here, as used as he is to you paying him these random visits. But he always feels glad when you do.
He begins walking toward you, eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly when he notices you fiddling with something in your hands right behind your back. And he knows that whatever it is that you are hiding, mischief awaits.
"Y/n? Tis' good to see you here. What do you-"
He doesn't get to mutter another word before you get down on your knees, wiping out a bouquet of roses from behind you.
He stops dead in his tracks, surprise flashing across his features as his eyes fall on the bouquet. He remains stunned for a moment, gaze slowly straying toward your face as he signs, coming to understand what you were plotting earlier.
"Are these... For me?" he asks, his voice revealing some hints of disbelief, still unsure whether he truly understands what is happening correctly. He extends his hands, as if to reach for the flowers, but he doesn't actually take them until you nod, reassuring him that they indeed, are a gift for him.
Erenville may not look the part, but he is not exactly unused to receiving gifts, having been given many trinkets and obscure, albeit useful gadgets (and quite spoiled by his mother as a child) by his friends and acquaintances.
From you, however? This kind, lovely gesture takes on a whole new meaning.
He carefully takes the bouquet in his hands, observing the roses with a keen eye, as if searching for something in their midst. A mix of surprise and confusion still apparent on his face.
"These are Azeyma roses..." He remarks, eyes widening in what could only be described as unexpected wonder. "They are said to be the favorite flowers of the goddess, Azeyma. And they are only grown under very specific conditions, although they are often kept in residential districts for decoration."
He looks to you, eyes meeting as you approach him. "Quite an expensive matter to get your hands on. Are you certain these are for me?"
After you reassure him once more, his uncertain expression slowly relaxes, a smile appearing on his lips as it does.
It is not that he doesn't appreciate the gesture, quite the opposite, in fact—it makes his heart soar more than he thought possible, reluctant though he is to show it.
You feel a gentle touch of a hand on your arm, barely present, but impossible to ignore. When he leans in to press a long, warm kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you."
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↪ ❥ Hades:
Ever an unapproachable loner, Emet-Selch, in those days still known as Hades, was a man that would not often place much importance on such surface-level gestures and acts of appreciation as gifting flowers was.
No, to him, such sentiments would take a better form in more intricate, more meaningful acts of service. More consistent showings of care and appreciation—and, true to his nature, more subtle, yet no less intense confessions of love.
It is not that he necessarily looked down on what could be considered more common, traditional expressions of affection. But it would be a lie to claim that his pride did not stand in the way of him being more open towards them. Distasteful and sappy, as he found them to be.
And I'm pretty sure that unexpected surprises were even more scorned by him than all the things I previously mentioned.
Still, you did not allow any of it to dissuade you, as you found yourself kneeling down in front of him, a bouquet of what could only be gorgeous roses held in your hands.
He managed to register what you were trying to do rather quickly, and although his face remained mostly motionless, it was hard—even for him—to mask the slight hint of surprise and confusion that had momentarily crossed his features.
His gaze kept jumping between you and the bouquet of roses in your hands. After a few quiet moments passed, he raised his brow and crossed his arms, all with an expression on his face that told you nothing of what he felt about any of this.
Then out of nowhere, there came a deep sigh and his hand came up to meet his forehead as he shook his head.
"Ah yes, a bouquet of roses... How utterly romantical," he says, his tone stern, yet not in any way condescending. "An expression of the love one holds in their heart for another in the form of a gift, plain, direct and mostly effortless, yet transient in nature. I had thought you above them..."
No matter your next reaction to his words, he uncrosses his arms and the corners of his mouth curl up into a slight, barely visible smile. "Then again, perhaps I should have foreseen this. How very like you, something so sentimental."
He doesn't show you, but—in his own way—he does appreciate the roses. But your actions leave him with questions he had not foreseen coming up until this point.
Why did you find it necessary to give him this? Did you think he did not know the extent of your feelings for him? That you were somehow lacking in showing him how much he truly mattered to you?
Would you wish he would do the same for you?
I like to think that Hades was often a difficult man to read, and an even more difficult man to please. But he also genuinely and deeply cared about those close to him and wouldn't allow them to be hurt by his words or, in this case, preferences, without a very good reason.
He takes the bouquet from you, only giving you a nod as a sign of his gratitude as you rise up to stand in front of him.
After a brief moment, his eyes search for yours, and when they finally meet, you notice within them a softness that was never there before.
The way he gazes into your eyes so deeply, the features on his face yielding entirely to the warmth in his heart, much more apparent than even you get to usually see.
He gazes at you with love.
"You do know that I adore you, do you not?"
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↪ ❥ Hythlodaeus
While he can often seem rather casual and easy-going, I believe that Hythlodaeus is a rather troubled soul. He might not say it outright, but if you pay enough attention, you'll often find or see glimpses of this facade of his slipping.
Mentions of feelings of uselessness, being inadequate and not feeling confident enough in his abilities are all something that you know he feels deep down, no matter how well he manages to hide it most of the time.
Comfort him about them as you may, you will never manage to snuff out the whispers of doubt in his mind entirely. But you sure can dissuade them from plaguing him more than is already necessary, and showing him just how much you love him and how much joy his existence brings you is a great way to do just that!
So this smug, lovable and humble sweetheart appreciates any gestures or affections that you show him with the upmost gratefulness!
And the day you get down on one knee in front of him with a bouquet of roses in your hands is the day you sniff out many of these doubts.
Like the other three, his initial reaction is surprise; widened eyes, raised brows, silence interrupted only by a single gasp and an unstable posture as he leans forward and down to look at the roses more closely.
"Y/n? Are these for me? Aww, my sweet love, you did not have to..."
A smile spreads across his face of the kind which you don't see as often. An honest smile, of genuine love and admiration.
After mumbling a thank you, he took the bouquet from you with a smile, and you could swear you saw his cheeks flush, a faint, barely visible color, which he would never show you in fear of being poked fun at.
He does feel the urge to tease you, however. But he is simply much too touched by your actions to act on it.
"My, these are quite the specimens. You really went out of your way for me, did you not?" He chuckles, teasing you slightly. "But truly, thank you. The roses are a beautiful sight, yet they only pale in comparison to you."
He truly is grateful, truly humbled by your kindness and the fondness which you show him. He would do anything if it meant he gets to receive more of such affections from you, that he gets to stay by your side for now, and for forever.
And he shall treasure these flowers exactly how much he treasures you as well.
He leans in, planting a quick, yet passionate kiss to your lips. His hand comes up to gently cup your cheek, and when your lips part, the expression he gives you makes you feel like you just fell in love with him all over again.
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sameschmidtdiffname · 1 year ago
I’m so fond of Soft for her Loved Ones Katniss and a Peeta who knows his grumpy wife is the soft one. I think that he always knew she was soft since he saw her with Prim, and that was part of him realizing she loved him. “She lets me get away with murder and my smile and baby blues get me anything”.
On a serious note, I do feel like during their growing back together period, Katniss is just so incredibly gentle and careful with Peeta when she can be. Like when they get close enough they're back to spending every day (every hour, every minute) together again Peeta has to barely suggest something before Katniss is up and running to get it for him. He nics himself once with an exacto knife during a project and Katniss is suddenly all "Doctor Everdeen" again and Peeta 'never had genuine care and affection growing up' Mellark, who somewhat remembers how she used to care for him pre-hijacking, is just slowly melting at every fret and touch, just watching her care with the biggest, lovesick puppy eyes he's ever had because it was tortured out of him to remember how nice it feels to be genuinely cared for.
I feel like this is even more exaggerated by the fact that after Mockingjay Katniss and Peeta I think switch some aspects of their personality. Like I would imagine Peeta is more akin to Katniss at the beginning of the series with falling in love now because he's very skeptical even though he can now remember how he used to feel, but that's like a completely different person in his head almost, so it's more a theory than a memory. So everytime Katniss is kind or loving to him at first he's nice about everything while internally semi distrustful of the whole thing, and definitely not fond of the idea of allowing himself to be vulnerable. Meanwhile Katniss has switched to needing validation and affection so bad it hurts, but knowing she can't demand it because that's not fair to Peeta so she just pours as much love as she feels she's allowed into all of her actions without trying to reveal her state of longing for him because she's just glad he's returned to her period. It doesn't have to be romantic.
I also feel like this would apply to when Katniss has nightmares and Peeta eventually begins comforting her via physical touch. I think it would be extremely obvious how touch starved Katniss is post-Mockingjay even though she tries to hide it for Peetas sake, and eventually Peeta just can't handle not doing whatever he can to help ease her mind, even if it's just holding her hand (which helps a lot) until all the subdued feelings just come pouring out that night they finally confess while tangled in their bedsheets.
Once they're well settled into their relationship? Peeta is 1000% abusing his husband privileges. One time he's three days into a painting project, there's acrylics all over the floor and Katniss tries to clean up but Peeta is insistent that it's fine because once they dry he can just scrape them off the floor with a washcloth. No, really honey, I used to do this all the time, as he pushes her quickly out the door of his study because he's way too invested to chit-chat and wants her to be surprised by the work anyways (he likes the praise from her seeing it go from a rough sketch to a full blown painting, especially since it's turned into a where's Waldo situation of her looking for themselves in his paintings.) And then he goes to clean up the paint himself only to realize this is really nice paint that has stained really nice Capitol-grade imported wood and it is not coming out. Katniss is fully aware of what happened the minute Peeta comes home rambling quickly about these "wonderful rugs Effie had" and "I just had to get one for the house" because "It's good luck" and he'll tell her about it some other time, he's gotta get this rug upstairs. Ignore any bumps you hear! (She does not. The bump is Peeta falling down the stairs cuz his prosthetic glitched and between the giant woven rug and his natural clumsiness that fucker went down.) But she doesn't say anything because he has this stupid smile as he presents her with three paintings and a basket of cheese rolls because he just loves her so much, that's all.
Then there's one time a load of laundry goes missing and Peeta is just insistent that the clothes must be in some odd corner unwashed, even though she could've sworn she put that load in the wash. So for two weeks straight she's just constantly thinking about this load, sometimes getting out of bed in the midst of the night when she can't sleep anyways to look for the damn clothes because they're obviously somewhere. Clothes don't move. But then her husband starts asking her to give up, they'll pop up sooner or later, and she's starting to wonder why he's baking so much bread. Like, lots of bread. Bread with cheese, or honey, or nuts. Just constantly kneading dough in their kitchen while chewing on his bottom lip, lost in thought. And at first she's convinced she's actually losing it. Maybe she's starting to have black out episodes. Is that even possible? To do something and just have absolutely no memory of the event at all? What if she starts hurting people during these episodes? What if she's already hurting people while she's in these episodes?? And that's why Peeta is so nervous now???
She's got an appointment with Dr. Aurelius next week, she'll bring it up to him. Peeta is definitely hiding something from her. But then one day after she comes home from her hunting trip, longing for her favorite sweater instead of the one she's wearing today, Peeta is beaming in the kitchen saying he found the load and it's all washed and hung up in the closet. "Oh, it was just behind the washer! Who knows how it got there."
Except Katniss knows she checked behind the washer. Three times, actually. And Peeta doesn't smile like that naturally. So she's not crazy, and Peeta has got something going on. So, when they go to bed that night, Katniss waits for three hours before she finally slips out of bed, knowing he's too konked out at this point to notice her missing and sneaks into his study to see what all could be in there. And after an hour of looking, she doesn't find anything, and now she feels bad for suspecting something and going through her husband's things. She's about to click off the light when she notices a bottle of oil paint missing in a set she'd bought for Peeta a little while ago for his birthday. And things start clicking together. Because first off, he doesn't go through paints that fast. Second off, even if he does, he never throws away the bottles. Like, ever. There is an entire drawer filled with empty bottles and such of paint and other supplies partially because Peeta needs to remember the names or brands, and partially because Peeta hates the idea of potentially wasting something unless he is fully convinced it's done. Which he never is.
It takes one day before he confesses, and when he does it's because Katniss casually mentions how her favorite sweater doesn't seem to have an old snag from when her ring caught on the yarn and nearly ripped a hole in the arm. And that's how she finds out Peeta accidently left a poorly closed bottle of azure blue paint in his pants pocket and not even Effie had been able to save the load, so she helped him reorder everything. Thus why he's been stress baking. And Katniss is way too entertained to be mad because at this point, there's no better reprimand than the one Peeta has given himself.
But idk tho. I don't think about them much :)
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forgottenarias · 15 days ago
ooc | more aria thought rambles ;)
so obviously being locked up in stafford, aria doesn't know EXACTLY what was happening w/ the varmont bros @ malconaire, but i think after Amira's Terrible Tea Party, she started to get a bit of an idea! i def think she'd heard/figured out from someone that they'd been going to malconaire and when she showed up at a tea with eithne and the main topic of conversation from Amira seemed to be arthur, she put two and two together!
also our girl has a LOT of time on her hands so when arthur was suddenly being kinda weird and closed off (... i'm kinda just assuming there was a change in his behavior, even for a short while, after eithne broke the news of her engagement but @forgottenarthur please correct me if you think otherwise!) and not long after it became public knowledge eithne was marrying cassimir... i think she maybe connected the two?
so she knows but its not confirmed but also its basically confirmed in her mind that arthur had ~something going on with eithne! and i think part of aria might believe 'oh well obviously he had his lady he'd go see in the country and then i guess i'm just the lady in the castle to entertain him while he's stuck here!' but things have gotten more intense with them so she's not sure that's really true?
anyway, i do think there is some jealously/insecurity for aria knowing arthur had ~something going on with eithne! i sort of had this idea in my head that, pre-roderick, Eilia & Eithne & Eabha were representations of this 'idealistic' Astairan lady who was going to be the heir and a lady but were also kind and generous and beloved by their people! And then we know eithne is obviously known for her beauty and, at least at malconaire, had these young men who were infatuated with her and a lot of that Aria just doesn't feel she could compete against? (if this was a competition and she doesn't consider it that!) i think (probably that secret romantic side of her coming out) she envisions eithne as the sort of lady men want to make pledges to and save from terrible fates and fall in love with! And she doesn't view HERSELF in that way at all. at least w/ him she's been a bit standoffish and she pushes him and can be contrary and doesn't let her emotions show! so in that kind of crazy thought process i've imagined comes from her being alone with her thoughts a lot, Aria has cast herself as NOT the lady knights are charge off to rescue or woo or whatever from her stories-- eithne is that sort of lady.
but all that being said aria is extremely rational, right? so this whole line of thinking is absurd to her because she KNOWS that there's no way she OR eithne end up with arthur-- neither of them are acceptable in roderick's eyes so what's the point of even having these feelings? but they're still there. and i DO think that even if/when arthur + aria manage to communicate their feelings to each other aria still might have that nagging thought in the back of her head like 'what if eithne comes to him and does the same thing? does he pick her?' from time to time! but tbh i think that all really depends on where those two are at if/when they express ~emotions haha! like i think if its smth like arthur finds out abt aria's powers and is all 'idc i still love you' then she's honestly pr not really going to consider eithne into it at all at that point since she's literally the thing he's been taught to destroy and he just doesn't care! and also just everything that is happening w/ them is so! intense! i think the whole concept of eithne as her romantic rival (that sounds more intense that i feel like it needs to be haha) is just that little voice in the back of her head that pops up from time to time!
AND not that it really matters i do think if she hadn't been locked up at stafford and could have seen the eithne/arthur relationship in action versus whats going on w/ she and arthur... she would realize its diffierent. honestly probably would've put things in perspective for her about him?? but that's not a think so like i said its really not important ahahaha
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emelinstriker · 2 years ago
Macaque ♡ Private Play
I can't help but imagine Macaque using his Shadow Play skills to get money- now imagine the reader, his lovely spouse, being a regular of his shows and boom :D
Pre-Shadow Play episode btw cuz he do kinda be needing that lamp still
The pain of having to write this level of wholesome fluff when you've never been in an actual romantic relationship yourself- So I had a lot more fun telling the tale at the end and making it all more dramatic- omegalul
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♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
It was yet another night at the theater, and a certain shadow monkey was doing his usual routine of retelling tales that he knew of from his own perspective and memories. Nothing out of the ordinary happened of course. He didn't get many people to see his performance, as usual, due to his plays' times and because of people not usually being interested in the concept of shadow plays as they preferred movies.
Such a shame, really, they were missing out on a great show! At least that's what you thought everytime you would see only a portion of the audience seats having been filled. Your husband did such an amazing show and you would be awestruck each and every time at the visuals he was able to create. Not to mention, his soothing voice was a nice bonus no matter which tale he told. He even used his powers to spice up your private wedding a few years back, using his shadows to calm you down from your nervous high, as well as putting on a shadow play for the few guests you had.
Once the play you were currently watching was over, you and the other people in the audience clapped, delighted at the performance. Some even stood up while the demon man on the stage bowed at the applause.
It didn't take long for the last people to leave the room while you simply sat in your reserved VIP seat as usual. And it didn't take long for your shadow to become a portal for the hooded monkey either as he emerged from it, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
"Hey there, sugarplum, how was work?", he said while nuzzling the crook of your neck. He was still in his human disguise, so unfortunately you were unable to appreciate his fluffy fur. But that didn't make you appreciate him any less as you leaned back into his hold.
You actually showed him your workplace before, which is a rather small thrift shop. Macaque needed some human clothing because the red and black cloak he's using during his plays would not suffice in certain areas of the city. Him in a hooded cloak, being all dark and mysterious, would most certainly garner unwanted attention from demons and humans alike. That's when you showed him some stylization options. Everything you showed him was extremely casual and he loved it.
"It was alright. Not much happened today, besides one customer who didn't understand how a warranty works", you muttered. The monkey let out a low chuckle as you could feel his chest's vibration on your back, leaning further into you. "Anyway, once you're free we can go take a stroll. There's this new 24-hour shop we haven't been to yet." Finally, you decided to turn a bit to give him a quick peck on the lips, making him smirk.
"Well, you're in luck. This one just so happened to be my last play for the night. Just gotta clockout at the counter and we're off", he said as he removed his disguise with his ability, revealing his demon form. He was still wearing his hooded cloak however, nuzzling you with his fur now.
And as he said, he clocked out at the counter... Or rather a shadow clone did while he himself carried you bridal-style outside the theater and onto the dark streets. He didn't let go of you until you were in the darkness of an alleyway, embraced by the shadows. You knew he specifically did this to make you feel safer. Because something he told you early on into your relationship: 'You're a lot safer in the shadows. So don't be afraid of them, especially when I'm here.'
The two of you walked hand-in-hand down the alley, talking about whatever else happened at each of your respective workplaces. Apparently the theater had a major fangirl come in who couldn't stop squealing at Macaque's voice, overall mysterious demeanor, as well as shadow abilities.
You laughed a bit at the image of a random girl in the back of the audience having a fangirl meltdown. "She did stay behind after the play to ask me for my number. Of course I said no and showed her my ring, but can you believe that?" He rolled his eyes at the memory.
"Yes, I can believe that would've happened eventually. After all," you started as you made your shoulder bump into his in an affectionate manner, "you do have an irresistible charm on the character you're putting up while in disguise."
You could've sworn his tail wagged underneath his cloak from the faint movement of fabric your eyes were able to catch behind him, giving you an amused smile. He pouted at your word choice.
"Just while in disguise? Damn, guess I'll need to step up my game as amazing husband to top that character", he chuckled before pulling down his hood. "How about I top the 'mysterious storyteller' right now with a tale I know you'll love?"
You simply stared at him in awe before excitedly nodding your head to give him the 'go'. In response, he let go of your hand and pulled out his lantern from underneath his cloak, twirling it in a fluent motion before it abruptly stopped and lit up in all its purple glory. He then winked as he handed it to you for safekeeping before taking a few steps back towards the opposing wall.
Macaque used both his hands and body to make the shadows behind him move in the usual shadow play fashion you knew from his public plays. Despite being fully aware of his abilities, knowing he doesn't need to do such thing to create those visuals, you appreciated his need to be a bit more dramatic than necessary. It simply added a bit more flare to the experience and made it a lot more enjoyable. But this time he actually incorporated his tail into the play too.
He started out with his eyes closed and his hands behind his back, using his smooth voice to his advantage, "Welcome my loveliest viewer, to a shadow play. The likes of which have never been seen." The simian's eyes opened as he threw a loving glance at you before raising his hand to the night sky. His arm's shadow formed a monkey man behind him. You knew that was him from his previous plays.
"The tale follows up on a warrior's story told not so long ago... There was a lonely warrior, wandering the most darkest corners of an unknown town. Cast aside by his former source of light, the hero, he sought out to find another source to feel whole once more", he started as his shadow now depicted himself and Sun Wukong. The Monkey King seemed to vanish as if turned to dust before being blown away by the wind. Macaque's expression held a sliver of hatred, but was quickly replaced with a gentle smile as another memory resurfaced.
"One day while roaming the town in the dead of night, a thunderstorm approached. Desperate to find shelter, he came across a different kind of light. A light so powerful, its source did not seem to mind sharing it with everyone they met." His eyes dilated a bit as he turned to face you, seeing you hold onto his lantern with extra care, making sure not to block its light. You didn't even notice your own lovestruck smile until he smiled back. "That light was a generous and kind mortal human, who offered him their home to shield him from the cold and damp. They even offered him silent comfort from the sounds outside as lightning continued to strike."
The shadows now depicted a human holding their hands over the warrior's ears, making both gaze at one another in close proximity. Then it switched to a scene with both holding hands while looking at what could only be described as sunrise.
"As the storm faded into the night, so did the moon. The sun started to awaken as its rays made the warrior realize that this human was his new source of light. And yet he told himself he had to leave, for he did not feel worthy of their compassion." The shadow of the warrior let go of the light's hands, but then was quickly stopped by the light refusing to let go of one hand, lightly tugging him back towards them.
"However, the light proved him otherwise. They did not agree with his mindset and instead asked him to stay longer." The human now pulled the warrior closer to them before giving him a hug. Macaque couldn't help but let out a little chuckle as he recalled the memory. "And eventually, the warrior seemed to have been put under a spell so strong it sent him into a spiraling trance. One that would bind him to the light for the future to come." Your husband then slightly leaned closer in your direction with his signature grin. "It was a spell of love."
The scene shifted once more to show both of them kissing while sitting on a bench under a tree, one familiar one you recognized with ease. "Over the coming months, their love for one another grew, and so did the shadow's courage to propose marriage to his beloved light. He came up with a plan to meet up under the tree's branches once again, and he expressed his devotion to the loving light of his life..."
Suddenly, the lantern became dimmer by the second as he approached your now blushing form with his arms crossed, clearly hearing your heartbeat. "I believe you already know how this story ends."
And as the lantern's light faded away, you launched yourself forward to capture him in your embrace, giving him a passionate kiss on the lips. You were still holding onto the lantern with one hand behind his back. He wrapped his arms around you in return and leaned more into you. Once you pulled away for air, you gave him a bright smile as a few tears formed in your eyes from the joy you felt. Despite the dark that surrounded you two, the simian was able to see your happy response to his small, private play. Macaque knew how to pick his words far too well.
"You dork... I love you, Mac", your mumbled voice said as you nuzzled your face into his chest. His lips made contact with the top of your head as he pulled you closer to him, letting out what sounded like a low purr.
"I love you too, sugarplum."
> Link to Masterlist <
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cal-daisies-and-briars · 5 months ago
🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞 dude I am going absolutely insane over this story (Chris is home!!! family drama!!!! uh oh!!!!!)
THANK YOU!!!! Final chapter writing is IN PROGRESS.
144 or 1k - whatever comes first!
The family. The partner. The sense of absolute belonging. Something he built for himself, and something he hopes, and believes, he’ll get to keep. 
Buck was right about him and Eddie. They are great. They slip into the romantic parts of a relationship fairly easily. Like it was a switch they had both been fighting not to turn on anyway. It just seems like a small step from where they already were. Just a new level of a pre-existing affection. 
Well, not entirely.
Sex is tricky. Not because they’re incompatible or anything like that. There’s a hell of an attraction and desire to take things further, even if there’s a bit of a learning curve for Eddie. One Buck is obviously familiar with. No, the problem is actually opportunity. Between work and kids, there’s not actually a lot of open moments. 
They each have a two bedroom house. Their kids are way too different ages to have sleepovers together. So sleepovers for Buck and Eddie are a limited thing. Especially since they live so close together. Eddie does invest in a pullout couch for Dove to crash on, which makes Carla watching both kids easier. And they do have those post-shift, still during the school day moments to themselves. But most of those moments end with a joint nap. 
Whatever. They’re working through it. Maddie has offered to take Dove for a sleepover anytime.That’ll help. 
It’s kind of a busy time for them to get together. Christmas, then New Years, then Dove’s seventh birthday. It all happens in a whirlwind. Like a blur of holiday colors, big meals, and baked goods. Despite all that, they manage to give Dove two birthday parties. One with her friends from school and one with the whole 118 family. Considering she’s never had one before, two feels like the least Buck could do. And he thinks he’s right. It’s the perfect way to kick off the year. 
Half a year ago, he’d met her for the second time as a scared, lonely six year-old. Now, she’s a bright, chatty seven year-old, who knows her place in the world, too. She has a whole family looking out for her, celebrating her. He thinks she doesn’t feel alone anymore, and that the fear of losing what she’s gained is getting less and less potent every day.
The Wilsons’ adoption of Mara goes through in mid-February. Which, of course, means there’s another big party. One that everyone is overjoyed to attend. Not the least of them, Buck.
“This will be you soon,” he whispers to Dove as Karen cuts Mara’s cake. He kisses her cheek and she grins at him. He has his court date with the judge. He’s confident it’s going to happen. It doesn’t feel like a maybe anymore, or a hopefully. It feels like a soon. 
“What are you most excited for, Mara? Now that you’re adopted?” Athena asks her at one point during the party.
“Hmm,” Mara thinks. “Well, I’m really excited that I can write Mara Wilson on all my school assignments now. And all the teachers will know I’m Denny’s sister!”
“Careful,” Chim says, winking at Denny. “That might get you in trouble.”
“Hey!” Denny laughs. “No way!” 
It’s a sweet moment. A happy one. Buck doesn’t think too much more about it until later, on the drive home, when Dove brings it up again. 
“Dad?” She asks from the backseat, voice adopting that quiet little tone when she gets when she’s curious but nervous of her question. He thinks, at some point, someone must have shot her curiosity down in the past. He understands that feeling and he hates it for her. It’s getting better though.
“Yes?” He replies.
“When you adopt me, will I get to use your last name at school?” She asks. 
Buck smiles, pleased with the question.
“Absolutely,” he answers. “If that’s what you want to do.”
She has no attachment to Florek. He can’t imagine she’d want to keep it. If she wanted to, she could. But he’s absolutely changing Baby Girl Florek to a real name, the second he can. 
“Yes, please,” she says. “I want to.”
“Then you can,” he confirms. “We need to pick a middle name for you, too. You don’t have one.”
“What’s your middle name?” She asks.
“Phillip,” he answers. “It’s just my dad’s name. My parents weren’t feeling, uh, creative…. When I was born.”
“What will my middle name be?” She asks.
“I don’t know yet,” he admits. “We have to choose one that you like. And we’ll get rid of the Baby Girl part, too, okay? No one will ever call you that again.”
“So my whole name will be new?” She asks.
“Kind of, yeah,” he says. “You’ll be Dove Middle Name Buckley.”
She giggles. “My middle name can’t be Middle Name.” 
“I know,” he chuckles. “We’ll find something.” 
Dove thinks for a second. “Is Mara’s whole name going to be new, too?”
“No, honey,” he answers. “They’re just changing her last name to Wilson.”
“Why not?”
“Well, because Mara’s situation is a bit different,” Buck says. “She has a first and middle name that her birth parents picked and I think she wants to keep those.”
“But my birth parents didn’t pick anything for me,” Dove says quietly. 
Buck’s heart twists. 
“No, sweetie,” Buck answers. “But that’s because it was a hard situation, okay? Not because of anything about you.”
“Maybe…” She starts, then trails off. 
“Maybe what?” Buck asks. 
“Maybe you can pick a new one for me,” she says in a very tiny voice.
“A new… A new name?” Buck asks, not sure he’s following. 
“Mhm,” she confirms. 
“Like your middle name?” Buck asks. “You want me to pick it.”
“No,” she whispers. “The other one.”
“You want me to pick a new first name for you?” Buck asks.
“Can you do that?” 
Buck is a little thrown off. He doesn’t know what to think. He’s driving. He can’t exactly turn around and look at her. So he needs to process this without her facial expressions.
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polyarmy · 1 month ago
I could while away the hours, consulting with the flowers - by Anonymous Summary:
Galinda shook a hand at her, dismissing the protestations. “Surely, as your social capital grows, you too will be asked on many a whirlwind, romantical picnic! It might not be with someone as handsome as Fiyero, of course, but.” She sat up to give Elphaba a smile and then tossed her head to make her hair cascade around her in a soft flounce. “I can only imagine that you too will have your pick among… hmm, a whole dozen of suitors.” “And… not only is this desirable, according to you, but watching you and Fiyero eat various cakes or finger sandwiches or fruits is somehow supposed to help me with all these suitors?” “Exactly!” “Hmm.” Galinda clasped her hands under the chin, sitting up straight on her bed, every line of her body held with breathless anticipation. She took in a breath and held it, biting at her bottom lip.
Elphaba adjusted her glasses. “Still not interested.” And Galinda deflated like a balloon. --------------------------------- Sorry for the wonky formatting but the editor seems on the fritz. I read this beautiful Gliyeraba fic and wanted to rec it, because the author is anonymous and the stupid thing happened where it gets listed as its upload date rather than its publish date, so that means that the fic got pushed down and that makes it a lot harder for it to get discovered by readers. Anyway GO READ THIS ADORABLE SMUTTY PRE-RELATIONSHIP THROPPLE FIC!!! I REALLY LOVED IT!
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shoot-i-messed-up · 2 days ago
Do you mind if I share a headcanon with you?
I love SuperLantern and so excited that you do too, so I just wanted to share this with someone who cares about them :)
Anyway, I love the idea of a lot of the younger heroes like Wally & Roy calling Hal, 'Uncle Hal'. Cue Jon & Kon doing so as well, which Hal & Clark find pretty normal, as Jon & Kon both get along well with Hal and aren't the first to call him that.
At some point, Hal comes back from space and visits them when either Kon or Jon call him 'dad' for the first time. Hal & Clark aren't in a romantic relationship yet, so both are just internally panicking, wondering what to do/how to react.
Not sure what would happen next (my imagination hasn't gotten that far yet), but just love the idea of wholesome SuperLantern family vibes.
Hope you have a great day/night <3
Hi, I don’t mind at all, in fact, I welcome u to send in headcanons, especially superlantern ones!
I think, personally for me, doing any headcanons around the superkids would be tough because iirc Hal became Parallax pretty quickly after Kon came into existence (because of the whole, yk, Cyborg Superman thing) and apparently Hal was going to maybe mentor Greta/Suzie/Secret in the YJ98 run, but that didn’t really pan out. And then Jon apparently first appeared in July 2015 (hey they should do something with his 10yr anniversary of existence in this year’s Summer of Superman!) so even just doing Jon and Kon together in one unified timeline would make my head spin (I have seen others do it very well in fics, but I am not that knowledgeable about either of them. Probs have read only about a dozen issues of each of them. Superboy 94 has been on the TBR for a while, and then I was going to finally actually read main universe Superman comics.) and adding that onto Hal’s very complex timeline of GL -> Parallax -> dead -> Spectre -> GL? That’s. Well. I’m sure someone who has a better knowledge of comics timelines than I could do it.
Anyway. I think I could see Jon calling Hal “Uncle Hal” if this was an AU where Jon existed as a kid before Hal did the whole Parallax thing. I’m still not sure what’s going on with Kon and Clark’s relationship because I’ve seen a lot of really different but really interesting takes on it (NOT looking at you, YJA), but I don’t think I see Kon calling Hal “uncle” unless it was because Hal does end up mentoring Secret and maybe adopting her (that’s been a plot bunny in my head for a little bit: Hal being the girldad of Helen and Secret at the same time) and the rest of Young Just Us calling Hal “uncle” as an extension of that relationship, rather than an extension one Hal has with Clark. I don’t know if I could see even Jon calling Hal “dad” whether on purpose or by slipping up unless Hal becomes Clois’ third.
Which honestly, I would not put past him. Hal and Lois would get along like a house on fire. I think it could be pretty interesting if Hal is Clois’ third and is very careful about not overstepping his role in the family, but then Jon calls Hal “dad” instead of “uncle,” and Hal just panics. I think Clark would be mildly shocked but find the whole thing amusing.
In my yet-unpublished chapters of Do I Look Like Him? (spoilers lol), Hal basically becomes Clois’ platonic third because Clark and Lois become fairly involved with helping raise Jill, since in that universe, they can’t have kids. And then the whole Death of Superman arc is gonna happen, and Hal is going to comfort Lois through that…yeah. If Hal was going to be Clois’ third pre-Parallax, then he would lose a lover and his hometown during the Death of Superman arc. But he also would have that support system with Lois and Ma and Pa Kent and maybe even Lana, so…I don’t know. Maybe he wouldn’t become Parallax?
I probably have a bad habit of being a little too canon compliant when it comes to headcanons, so thanks for bearing my rambling. There are…so many logistics to think abt to a superlantern family.
(Fun fact, iirc when Kon does meet Hal for the first time in the Death of Superman arc, Hal had just gotten into a fight with either Mongul or Cyborg Superman, and Kon says some cheesy shit like “Wow Green Lantern looks so bad, I’m gonna hurl!” Thanks buddy. Hal just lost his entire hometown of 7 million people.)
If there was a superkid who I think is the most likely to see Hal as an uncle or even dad figure, I think it would be Kara. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again that Hal should interact more with the alien superheroes in DC, not just the other alien GLs. Plus, Kara’s been a Red Lantern, and Guy had to babysit her for a while. There’s something there, I think!
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smytherines · 11 months ago
do you have any hcs for precanon curtwen? how they got together, what they were like etc
Oh for sure I do!
I think they were probably paired up together for missions over the span of a couple of years, and had all this romantic & sexual tension that they convinced themselves was all in their heads, before they actually got together. They had long enough to build a friendship, a partnership, and they're both afraid enough of the consequences (both personally and professionally) that they don't want to even consider making a move.
I always imagine it as something goes wrong on a mission, someone gets hurt, or maybe they have a spectacular success and are high on adrenaline, and Curt impulsively kisses Owen because hey, this guy is attractive and Curt has a crush. Owen is just kinda stunned by it, and Curt pulls away like "oh shit he's gonna kill me," but really Owen has been infatuated with Curt for ages and just assumed Curt wasn't interested.
I could see Owen having an inkling that Curt is into men, but assuming that if someone as cocky and confident as Curt hasn't made a move, it must mean he isn't interested. So Owen has just been pathetically pining for him. I think Curt has been pining too, but because he just kind of assumes in that young closeted queer way that nobody else is "sick" like him, that confiding in anyone will get him in trouble. And in my headcanon, Owen is bisexual, so perhaps he's had affairs with women and Curt assumes that means he isn't interested in men.
Anyways, I love thinking about them in a relationship, even though it breaks my heart. Because realistically Curt and Owen probably only saw each other a handful of times per year, so everything they manage to build together is based on these little stolen moments. I think they start casually hooking up, killing time on missions, but it very quickly becomes something more. It almost has to. You don't get a lot of time to date as a spy, and even less as a gay spy. So even just the act of repeatedly hooking up by default sorta makes them the most important relationship in each other's lives- especially because they were such good friends first.
I personally don't think pre-fall curtwen were as toxic as a lot of people think. I don't really see any evidence of that in A1P1. I mean they both seem to be little freaks who get off on danger and violence, and I'm sure constant distance and secrecy and danger took their toll, but for me A1P1 shows two men who love and respect each other, even if they bicker and mess with each other.
One thought I keep coming back to is that they sneak off for movie dates, mostly because I love classic films and get really into imagining them reacting to the many gay subtext films of the early 50s. I think they sit in the darkest part of the theater and only their legs are touching, and maybe if there's nobody there one of them will put his hand on the other's thigh and it's almost a real date.
I think they'll go to bars- not underground gay bars specifically, but bars where a lot of queer people just happen to congregate, and sit at a booth or a table, and drink together and find little ways to be discreetly affectionate.
I think Curt thinks it's adorable that Owen is a kind of a nerd, and tries his best to pay attention when Owen goes on a ramble or a rant about boring tech stuff (but gets bored and starts trying to make out with him instead). I think Owen is fascinated with how Curt's mind works, how he's seemingly so chaotic and disorganized, but in a crisis he is absolutely cool and calm and comes up with clever, creative solutions for problems.
I think they loved each other, they knew each other so well that one could barely finish a sentence before the other picked it up. I think they were a bit codependent, and the distance started to gnaw away at them towards the end, but they were each other's favorite person in the world. They trusted each other more than anyone else on Earth. They missed each other desperately, but tried their best to put on a brave face every time they had to part. I think they sent each other coded love notes and presents and found excuses to request each other on missions. I think some of their pillow talk included imagining little scenarios where they could run off together and never have to be apart again, and it starts as a fun thing but gradually gets sadder and sadder for them as they realize how impossible that would be.
(That's all I have time for right now but I might pick this back up later)
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verdemoun · 10 months ago
Wait wait wait please tell me more about Kieran and Javier timewarp plsplspls do they go on manfailure dates. Will they go on fishing trips. Does the timewarp vdl gang own a shitty little kayak like they deserve? Need to see Kieran and Javier being losers in love traversing modern times
THEY ARE MY ENDGAME because this is johnigail charthur era but i need my boys to find happiness.
kieran having been in modern era for 12 years when javier gets there. he may be a loser and also neurodivergent but he's so much more relaxed and confident than the gang ever got to see him be. grew his hair longer learned what a razor is and keeps his beard more even length even if his moustache is never more than like kitten whispers. healthy weight functional muscle from walking (drunk sprinting) and gardening like he's thriving
and javier's like having a rough time y'know he just wants to be around the gang all the time. he has felt so alone pretty much since the gang broke up and he's really ashamed of the fact he gave up his/Dutch's ideals and started working for the government for the sake of saving his own skin. and the general learning modern era stuff. most of the gang are busy with their lives though so kieran is accidentally the one who has to show him around?
javier has a type. and kieran very confidently taking his hand with a smile and saying they had to hold hands crossing the road? tall pasty manfailure with ratty dark hair? javier is panicked he is screaming oh no he's hot. it's a constant game of 'is he flirting or is he being socially dense' and javier is about to rip his hair out which kieran finds hilarious and adorable. its completely intentional. kieran is very honest, will fall in love with anyone he finds beautiful and thinks dad bod timewarped rdr1 javier is every bit as damned fine as rdr2 javier.
look they are disasters okay they're disasters in queer genderless human forms. javier went from still holding onto an on-and-off relationship with john pre-1899 that relied on codes and discretion not for being gay but because john was still trying to work things out with abigail (javier was so in love he just accepted being treated like that!!) to blushing at spontaneous pda because kieran glanced over and remembered how handsome his boyfriend is. getting told i love you seventeen times a day. doing something stupidly mundane only to hear 'pretty' from across the room and kieran just watching with the goofiest in love smile on his face. not only how flustered javier gets but also has he ever been in a relationship where he was loved as much as he loved someone? trying not to cry as he catches his semi-verbal boyfriend practising spanish so they can talk in javier's first language because NO ONE IN THE GANG EVER TRIED TO LEARN SPANISH EVEN THOUGH HE DIDN'T SPEAK A WORD OF ENGLISH WHEN HE MET THEM
javier's loyalty also meaning he is the biggest advocate for anything kieran needs to support his neurodivergency?? using the famous 'make grown men piss themselves' glare before staff can even comment on kieran bringing his snacks to a fancy tapas place on date night. also knowing exactly what makes safe foods safe and being able to offer mouthfuls of new foods that kieran might like or very honestly say 'do not touch you will be physically disgusted by this'. both considering a perfect romantic evening fishing. just quietly fishing lost in sharing tips and bait and the total bliss of one another's company. couple pic looks like american gothic with both of them completely blank and holding fish. nestled on the couch watching tv in spanish because kieran has his headphones on and doesn't listen anyway but really enjoys it. javier replacing the weighted blanket. kieran being taller and just picking javier up if something his brain detects as a threat happens because protect loved one comes first and javier trying trying to assure him the small yappy dog is not a threat to their lives but also almost tearing up because imagine someone loving him enough to actively try and keep him safe
it started ironic but their song is literally fish by craig campbell and javier will sing it while playing guitar despite neither one of them particularly enjoying country music but loving that song. the gang are mortified and see kieran as an innocent soft bean of purity who doesn't understand the song is not about fishing. not only is he fully aware but that is exactly why it is their song. trust they have the best sex life in timewarp. just losers with trauma and seperation anxiety who are completely devoted to each other, actually listen to one another so sincerely and never have to be worried about being left behind or forgotten again
to the second point annabelle being the big cheese wealthy woman of the group bought hosea a very modest aluminum boat with a low power engine because he's getting too old for rowing and she knows he does enjoy fishing. john will not touch it with a 10 foot pole he is convinced it is going to sink at any second when someone is reeling in a fish all other passengers have to move to the other side for balance and despite opportunities to buy significant better ocean vessels hosea loves the ss old girl. they can pry his shitty boat from his cold dead hands. so many happy, good, new memories he's formed with the gang in post time-warp.
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panlight · 1 year ago
Hi! I love your blog and your opinions so i've been thinking about some stuff. I don't know if you received this already and i'm sorry if you did. Ive been reading some fics, post BD canon, and thought about some stufff. Especially about nessie/jacob. I have no ideia how this will play out. Do you think the cullens will have to leave the town by the time nessie reach maturity? i think so, considering theyve been there for 8 years and carlisle will have to be what, 33?
If so, what will happen to jacob? he will tag along with nessie, of course, but what about his alpha duties? he will be far from his family for the next 80 years? that sounds so fucked up. i simply cannot imagine how stephanie thinks this is a good thing. nessie cant have children once she reaches maturity (even tho i DOUBT smeyer will leave her without children) so her child will have to turn into a vampire later? she wouldnt make ness/jacob lose their child. or shell make ness pregnant before she turns seven?
Anyways, another question: how do you think Edward (and bella and the cullens) will react to jacob/ness wedding and pregnancy? Some fics show edward pissed the fuck off but some hes just okay, having accepted the fate (he had 7 years to get over it). Also, i'm pretty sure he'll flip on jacob if they have sex before marriage and the thought of nessie being married at 7 years old terrifies me. i doubt they'd wait until marriage, tho. they are young and non mormon i mean, i'm sure smeyer will make them wait for marriage and have renesmee married AND knocked up before she reaches full maturity. but realistically, they wouldnt wait till marriage and i hope they wait long before marrying. what are your thoughts? how would edward, especially, react to marriage/pregnancy and pre marital sex? sorry for the long ask. i've been spiriling around twilight after some years hehe
The whole thing is just such a nightmare that I have to hope she "did not think it through" because the idea that she DID think it through and thought "yes this is great!" is even worse.
She HAS said that "the lovely thing about Jacob and Nessie relationship is that as long as he keeps phasing, he won't age." Which implies to me that a) she does intend for them to be a romantic couple in the future and b) she does intend for them both to be immortal.
The full maturity at 7 years feels so much like a "ugh I don't want to have to wait to write about her as a grown up so let's just skip ahead" sort of cheat to me, but again . . . did she think that through? The logic I've seen some fans apply is basically like, well different species reach maturity at different ages. A cat is an adult after about one year, while we think of humans becoming adults at around 18 years. Renesmee's not human, she's a hybrid and for her species adulthood is reached in 7 years so there's nothing 'bad' about it. But like . .. the optics? Terrible. And she's only been alive/on earth for seven years. She's only had seven years of life experience. That's . . . that's REALLY uncomfortable to think about. Physically she might be an adult, maybe even mentally in terms of brain development, but emotionally? Socially? Especially compared to Jacob's 20+ years of life experience at that point.
And given SM's questionable relationship with science and biology, I honestly kind of expect that she'll let Renesmee have children even after the seven years. I think that's the reason that female hybrids aren't venomous. That she's set THAT up to be like "oh they're not venomous . . . so they can get pregnant!" and Renesmee will be fertile until her eggs run out. But that's assuming that her reproductive system is anything like a human's and SM could fully just be like "oh it's not!!! she is fertile every 7 years and will always have twins" or whatever she invents (I think they will have twins because twins run in Jacob's family and while that's Not How That Works it seems like a set-up for super-amazing wolfpire hybrid twins who save the world).
In canon, Edward and Bella will probably be fine with it? SM sees this as a happy ending for Jacob (he gets his predestined soulmate) and a happy ending for Bella (she gets to keep her best friend around forever . . . as a son-in-law???) so I don't think she'll have them feel anything but normal parental feelings about seeing their little girl grow up and get married. She'll write something about Edward seeing the love in Jacob and Renesmee's minds and while Bella might be lowkey a little jealous she'll tell herself she's happy for them blah blah blah.
The headcanons of Renesmee rebelling or becoming evil or breaking the imprint are probably all more REALISTIC to what someone growing up in that nightmare of a situation would do, but I don't think that's what SM is imagining here at all. I think it will be about a girl who doesn't feel like she fits in, oh woe is me, a lonely hybrid. Nahuel will come back and there will be a love triangle with him and Jacob, because Nahuel is like her and understands, is the only male of her species and she's the only female who isn't his sister. But in the end she picks Jacob because "he's always been there for me . . . since the moment I was born" (BLECH) and they'll have amazing twins with powers that will somehow be able to stop the Volturi when they come back.
And yeah Jacob will be stuck living with the Cullens, or at least with Nessie, for the rest of forever. Maybe once Nessie's an adult they'll travel independently, but they are immortal and don't age, they can't stay in one place forever. Maaaaaybe in La Push if everyone's in on the secret, but canonically not everyone is. And how IS he supposed to be a good leader for his community if his #1 priority is being whatever Nessie, a half-vampire, needs? It's a huge conflict of interest and super unfair to him.
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dearweirdme · 7 months ago
Who would tip of something like this? I mean, it has to be inside information, right? Then, it has to have been intentional, right? They wanted to be caught on camera. I guess it was good being dressed head to toe in the fashion lines they're promoting, but like why else would they want to leak something like this? Basically create their own scandal? I mean, other than mediaplay? This whole ordeal is insane to me. I'm trying to think of other explanations. Did they want to reveal their relationship? I mean, fine, but then they "broke up" not a year after... I imagine there would be easier ways of doing that anyways. I always thought there is the possibility that they just wanted to take a romantic stroll and both have sort of IDGAF-attitudes so they didn't care about who saw it and they were also abroad (if i ignore how unnatural the walk looked and how low tae seemed, not super romantic). But why would they tip off a pap and most likely pay him. To launch their relationship that had just randomly been earlier faked with CLEARLY edited pics (I don't even give a fuck about analyzing about this pics, they are fake as hell and i know because i have eyes, I don't know what kind of privacy invasion it took to create them and I don't want to know). Like maybe they bonded over this privacy invasion or something. But must feel bad to break up so soon after such a risky reveal. Yeah I don't get it. Why they put Taehyung through this I don't understand either. This whole thing is odd and crazy to me. On one hand I almost want to just believe what I saw with my own eyes and not think anymore about it. But there is so much that I just don't understand about it. I don't know what I'm asking because I already know your thoughts on this stunt. I guess I'm trying to come with this thought, that if you look at this isolated and ignore everything TK, how could you possibly make sense of it. x
Hi anon!
Tips can come from many sides. Paps might have connections with restaurant personnel for instance, sometimes a fan will share a pic on their socials and paps happen to catch it, and it can also be from a celeb themselves or someone in their team. I always find this article very interesting
Media and the way celebs are being portrayed is ever changing. These last couple of years you can tell by accounts like Deuxmoi how much is actually seeded by artists and their teams themselves. A smart pr team will take notice of how fandom spaces move and use everything to their advantage.
If Tae and Jennie meant to reveal their relationship, they very quickly decided to climb back in their shells. From a ‘it’s real’ perspective it looks very weird.
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sugarcryztal · 7 months ago
Hello I was wondering if I can request a romantic matchup for mha please? And I also request some nsfw headcanons as well? :)
I’m a 25 year old woman and my pronouns are she/her. I am bi, but I do have a preference for men. I’m 5’4 with a curvy/chubby body type, which I’m very insecure about. I have wavy dark blue hair that’s just passed my shoulders as well. I have many piercings (ears, nose and lips) and I have a tattoo on my left thigh as well. I also have big tree eyes and I wear glasses.
I’m shy and awkward around new people. But once I feel comfortable enough to break out of my shell I’m much more talkative, bubbly, playful, giggly, sarcastic, sweet and a bit moody/sensitive at times. I do have a spicy side where I can be super sarcastic and petty. But that only happened when I’m upset. I prefer to stay home than going out, even though I enjoy traveling. I love to help others out and make them feel welcomed and included. My sense of humor is often dry, awkward and a tad bit dark. So most of the time it’s just me laughing at my jokes lol. I suffer from mental health issues and need someone who can be patient and understanding of that. I can be social when I want to, but I’d rather be more reserved and observant of my surroundings during social settings.
Sexually, I’m much more submissive and I’d rather have my partner be the more dominant one. But I can be a bit bratty as well. My kinks are light choking and spanking, dirt talk, brat taming and restraints 😅.
I enjoy reading, traveling, makeup, fashion and shopping, playing instruments, singing, anything spooky and paranormal, tarot readings, food lol, going on walks, nature and napping! I can literally sleep for hours on end. I love animals and kids as well. I have two cats of my own and would like to have kids in the future. I also hate spiders, crowds, loud abrupt noises, being belittled, and rude/inconsiderate people.
I do enjoy teasing and banter though, so I need someone who can dish it out as well lol. I’m not much of a touchy person as being randomly touched by people triggers my anxiety. But I can be very cuddly and clingy with my partner.
Thank you so much and I hope you have a good day/night~!
Your MHA match is . . .
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Oh boy where do I even start? Pre-relationship? Pre-relationship.
- Before you and Hawks officially got together I feel like you guys would, for lack of a better term, friends with benefits that definitely had some romantic tension. He definitely thought you were a baddie. 🙏
- Bonus: When he had a crush on you he was probably kind of scared because he didn’t wanna lose because what would he do without your shy and snappy personality!
- Even though he seems like a pretty outgoing dude, he’s also pretty content with staying at home with you! He says he doesn’t need to go to parties because he’d rather be with you anyway. (I imagine him having a bit of separation anxiety.)
- When it comes to your mental health challenges I can imagine he is willing to overcome them with you. Though he may not get it sometimes, he plans to make you his wife someday. And happy wife or no life!
- If you are prone to anxiety attacks and touch is a specific trigger, he is literally body shielding you from everyone. He doesn’t like watching people touch what’s his anyway.
- If you do break down every so often, he is always there to pick you up. Well, not always because of his job, but he tries his best. When he is home he will lend his shoulder to cry and lean on as you talk about what happened. After all of that he likes to treat you as comfort! Snacks, movies, games, manga, whatever you would like you shall have!
- If you guys wanna go travel I can imagine you just hopping onto his back and using h wings to fly to your destination LMAO
- Don’t worry too much about if you’re heavy or not, he reassures and proceeds to pick you up bridal style to prove his strength. He loves carrying you because he can hold you as close as he wants!
- Wants to do ALL of your hobbies with you.
- He learns how to play an instrument, he lets you practice make up on him or he practices on you, you guys host mini fashion shows for each other to decide what to wear on dates, if you did a tarot card reading on him he will be slightly freaked at the accuracy, but overall support you, watching horror movies with you, and, his personal favorite, taking naps with you. He loves spooning you and stuffing his face into your hair.
- Will tease you, but never with things you’re insecure about. You guys made this board where if someone successfully teased the other and flustered them that would give them a point and whoever has the most by the end of the week gets one favor from the loser.
-When he heard you wanted cats he was like “omg same!” and then you guys got a tuxedo cat he WANTED to name Nuclear Missle, but you protested and settled on the name Tux instead.
- Tux hates him by the way. Whenever Hawks tries to play with Tux he always comes back covered in scratches, but if you play with him you’re just fine! Favoritism smh.
It was a quiet afternoon in your and Hawk’s apartment. The sun outside was slowly setting with each minute passed. It was tranquil and calm as you read a new novel you got into by the window.
That was until you heard the loud shattering sounds of a vase and hissing noises. You quickly got up and rushed to the living room and lo and behold, your boyfriend was holding your cat as it scratched at him while hissing.
You sighed deeply and gently took your cat from him, setting him down before tending to the scratches on Hawk’s face. He whined, “Babe, it’s just a scratch! Now come on, give me a kiss!”
You huffed a stern no at him and he whined more. He was your boyfriend, didn’t he deserve a bit of affection?
“You’re a fool, you know that?” You mumbled at him.
“Hmm. Yeah. But at least I’m your fool~” He replied in a teasing tone. He gently swatted your hand away from his face as he cupped your cheek and dragged you into a slow and passionate kiss.
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- When you guys are in bed, he loves pressing his face against your stomach or into your boobs and thighs. You can whine all you want, he’ll still do it.
- LOVES using his quirk to pin you down to the bed so you can’t move while he ruts into you! Also loves tying you up in ropes or handcuffing you to the bed.
- Oh, and don’t even think of mentioning insecurity to him. Because he will fuck you so hard that you forget everything about it.
- Either loves missionary or prone boning you. Prone boning especially if you were being bratty earlier.
If you’re to fucked out to speak: “Oh? What’s wrong baby bird? Getting dumb on my cock? Yeah that’s what I thought. Too rough? Should’ve listened to me before then.” He wraps a hand around your neck from behind, lightly squeezing your throat just enough to produce tears and have you begging for more.
If you still decide to be a brat: “You wanna be like that, brat? Ass up. I’m not going easy on you now.” And proceeds to spank your ass until it’s a little red, not enough to do serious damage though.
- Don’t listen to him when he says he’ll be gentle. 9/10 times he’s lying. It’s really not his fault! You’re just so warm and soft!
- You said you wanted kids? Oh he will definitely give you kids. If he pulls out and sees any of his seed leaking out, he scoops it onto his fingers and pushes it inside of you.
- And you guys aren’t stopping until he knows you’re pregnant!
- Aftercare? Aftercare!!!!!
- After letting you rest a bit, he’ll get up and prepare things like your favorite food and/or drink. A nice bath for you both to soothe any achy muscles, and matching pajamas for a movie marathon!
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Thank you so much for requesting!
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mouthwashingconfessionsblog · 2 months ago
Jimcurly makes me so physically uncomfortable. It truly feels like one again, the female-attracted male abuser character is just reduced into a fetishised toxic yaoi stereotype. Most of these people don’t even characterise him right like 😭 he would not fucking say that.
It makes me so unhappy. Fandom misogyny keeps ruining every interesting m/f dynamic (not even in a ship way, Anya and Jimmys whole thing is just genuinely interesting. Most fandom Jim curly stuff I see is so ooc anyway lolol).
I don’t believe Jimmy had romantic feelings for curly. He is the draining toxic friend a lot of guys end up having because you are too NICE, rather than kind. If curly was truly kind he would’ve done more for Anya, but ‘keeping the peace’ is easier for everyone.
Jimmy took his anger out on Anya sexually because he (as stated in the game) enjoys being in a position of power, having control. He low-key sexually harasses her pre-crash, and imo his jealousy of curly extended to his success with women. Curly lightly flirted with Anya and she had a positive relationship with him. Jimmy is uncomfortable to be around, he makes weird sexual comments when they’re alone together. He has obsessive resentment of Curly and forced himself onto the one woman on the ship, the woman Curly was seemingly attracted to and seemed to respect Curly a LOT, out of resentment and jealousy towards them both. And then as the captain, she has to walk on eggshells around him. The scene where he carries Curly’s body and hallucinates everyone praising him, he imagines Anya praising him too. And this part is projection from me but I honestly felt like his lack of hallucinating Anya was more pushing down his guilt. It’s easier to think about his lifelong friend who also made mistakes, apologise for crashing the ship and ‘I had issues, I can work through it’ rather than have to face that you forced yourself onto someone because that is never justifiable (neither is attempting to kill everyone but Jimmy is Jimmy). He doesn’t even acknowledge it in his mind because he’s rather pretend it didn’t happen (hiding it from the player), he can’t justify it. It would be better if she just liked him from the start, and respected him like she respected Curly. Then he wouldn’t have ‘had’ to force it. But that’s personal opinion. At least I have reason to believe it rather than just ‘I want this ship to be canon cuz I get off to mlm stuff and see women as getting in the way’. But idk maybe that’s because I’ve dealt with so many men just like Jimmy in my life who blame women for why they can’t get laid. I’m the woman who has been catcalled and harassed by weird older men, and have had actual incels argue with me in public just for wearing a crop top. And I’ve been in Anya’s almost exact position before, so obviously I have a lot of personal connection with her and Jimmy.
I just wish, as a SA survivor, that the one piece of media I’ve seen where the female SA survivor isn’t sexualised mindlessly and the scene isn’t shown, that the fandom would also appreciate that and maybe think twice before completely ignoring the obvious implications of both Jimmy and Curly’s relationship to Anya. Reducing them into gay toxic yaoi shit and then hating on Curly x Anya or ‘headcanoning’ Jimmy as exclusively MLM is fucking weird imo. Like yeah ok let’s just keep ignoring female victims and the only fucking representation of them that isn’t just male gaze abuse fantasy fanservice
I have feelings on this 👍
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