#anyways i'll keep y'all updated i guess
sherlock-is-ace · 1 year
starting gomens s2 with the fam tomorrow... my mom is unpredictable when it comes to reacting to queer rep so i'm hoping for the best but ready for some shitty comments...
anyways if i come here to complain in a bad mood tomorrow you know why lol
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ttulipwritezz · 4 months
King Of My Heart (Body And Soul)~ R. Lupin.
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Chapter 4 - Kings And Queens 
Ootp! Remus Lupin x Sirius's sister!Reader
Synopsis: When James and Lily died, and your brother was sent to Azkaban, Remus was the only person you had left. Until he left too. What happens when he returns after the events of Sirius's escape, only to find out you have a son? A son that's his.
WC: 2k
 Warnings: lots of italics, probably grammatical mistakes, kiss(es), might be ooc idk, child (?), fem reader, italics are flashbacks ( idk), love (ew), Sirius is back, mentions of torture, abuse, walburga black, abandonment, mentions Of attempts to suicide, mental health issues, young parents.
A/n: So.....I'm updating after two months... nice. anyway, thanks sm for all the love and support y'all gave on this series, i promise i'll update sooner now lol. I put in lotta effort into this chapter, so i hope you enjoy. If you like this, please reblog and comment! <3 (p.s. the series isn't over lol it has a few more to go.)
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A gasp echoes through the empty corridor.
Not yours…
"He is my father?"
The words escape him with such hatred 
"Dove i-"
Remus's eyes widened at the endearment. 
"Professor Lupin is my father? Why didn't you ever tell me!?"
You can hear the anger in his voice. It makes you question yourself again. 
Why does everyone think it’s your fault?
Regulus glances between you and Remus. You’re certain you see tears prick in the corners of his eyes. His face is red, much like his fathers.
While you collect your thoughts, he takes a deep breath. Closing his eyes abruptly, he repeats.
“Why didn’t you-” 
His voice seems to choke up towards the end.
 "I didn't deem it necessary Reg-"
Attempting to keep a level head you tried to explain yourself before your son cut you off.
Now he’s done it.
"Regulus! You will not raise your voice at your mother!" 
Your eyes go wide, you say the words with a booming voice. 
The whole house seems to quake. You couldn't help the parts of your mother, walburga, that seeped into you. You were her daughter after all. 
Regulus let out a sound close to a scoff and seemed to seethe with fury as he made his way up the stairs, his door made a creaking sound as if pushed by enormous force, pausing before lightly closing with click, as though he had stopped it before the slam came.
Realising that Remus was still in the room, you sighed before lifting your gaze up to meet his.
You open your mouth a couple times but no words seem to come out. You drop your gaze again.
Luckily for you, your name tumbles out of Remus's mouth before he asks a question.
“He…he doesn’t know?” 
His voice was filled with hesitation. You could see his hand lift up towards you in your peripherals. He hesitated. Of course he did.
“I didn’t tell him. I couldn’t.”
Ironic huh? Your husband returns after fourteen years and all you’ve done today is try to explain yourself.
It’s all too overwhelming. You need to get away.
Before Remus could respond to you, your feet seemed to lead you back to the stairs. 
You turn around once you hear your name again. He calls you that a lot…
“I could…talk to him, you know?”
His eyebrows are raised in what you can guess as hope, and his voice sounds scratchy.
Contemplating for a moment, you respond.
“Do what you please Lupin, I don’t care.”
A shake of your accompanies the words.
You tried to make yourself seem stern. But you aren’t.
And he knows that. He knows you better than you know yourself.
You feel a tug on your arm. Looking down at him from the stairs, a wave of nostalgia hits you. His hand feels warm on your arm. You can hear the wind blowing outside. 
It feels…the same.
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You walk in the great hall and make your way towards your friends. not before sparing a glance and smile towards the marauders, mainly remus.
Remus's mouth quirks up at the corner as he gives you a lopsided grin, his crooked teeth showing through.
This doesn't go unnoticed by Sirius, his brows furrow and he lets out a noise somewhat similar to a scoff
"My sister moony? really?" he drawls, turning his eyes to his plate, attention still on Remus, who startles and looks back to deny his proclamations.
"what? I just gave her a smile." His confusion makes the other two marauders burst out in laughter. Their boisterous laugh echoes through the great hall, drawing your attention.
 With a glance shared with Remus, you let them be.
"I see how you look at her, it's obvious mate" Sirius grabs his attention again and begins to prepare to leave for his class.
"I don't know what you're talking about"
"you very well do" A bored expression adorns Sirius's face.
Remus furrows his brows before your retreating figure catches his attention.
Noticing his distraction, Sirius rolls his eyes and turns around to leave.
“Talk to her.” He mutters to Remus before he’s gone.
Much to Peter and James’s surprise Remus does indeed listen.
He follows you out of the Great hall, looks right and left before spotting you towards the stairs.
Taking long strides he makes his way over to you.
You hear your name once. It’s Remus.
His eyebrows are raised in what you can guess as hope.
You feel a tug on your arm. Your eyes meet his, that look right behind you at something.
Before you can form a word, he pulls you hard towards his chest.
A group of third years pass by, hitting your shoulder as they pass by, no doubt in a hurry to reach their first class.
Your face is hidden in Remus's chest long after you can no longer hear them.
As he opens his mouth to say something, a smile breaks out on your face, easing his nerves.
That was the best laugh you two had had all week.
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Remus wordlessly pulls you into his chest.
Your arms automatically go to wrap around his middle. No matter how much you hate him right now, you can’t deny the comfort his warmth brings you.
You’ll worry later. That night you cry in his chest, for the first time in fourteen years.
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Three knocks on Regulus’s door pulled him out of his trance, as he was busy Staring at the ceiling.
He glanced over at the door in anticipation.
“Can I come in?” Remus's voice echoes through the mostly empty room.
Most of regulus's belongings seemed to have not made their way into this house. Remus understands why.
With hesitation, Regulus nods His head once and Remus lets himself in.
“Can we talk…?”  Remus was unsure, that much was evident.
Regulus nodded once more and moved his gaze across the room. Avoiding his fathers eyes Like the plague.
Remus cleared his throat before sitting down on the bed.
His throat bobbed up and down, As did the mattress. It made a squeaking noise, Filling in the silence that enveloped the room.
“We need to talk…” Uncertainty lingered in his voice.
With silence as Regulus’s only response, He continued.
a sigh followed his pause 
“I- uh- when you were little…welp- Not born yet. Heck I had no clue you were going to be born. I-” 
Remus's throat felt dry, he was stammering, his words were jumbled. He had no idea what to say. 
He only just got to know the kid.
So he started with the obvious.
“I…am your father-”
That earned him a snort of laughter from Regulus.
“Yeah, no shit.”
At Least He was making progress…?
“But I made a mistake, I left your mother when we were both at our worst, I can never forgive myself for that. And I don't expect her to either.”
Remus paused again. His Brows furrowed and eyes squinted as if he was choosing His next words carefully.
Regulus's feet tapped on the floor, impatience, Remus recognised that trait, must've gotten it from his mother.
Taking this as a sign to go on, he continued.
"I love her, kid....she's my everything "....
"Then why'd you leave her?" 
Regulus spoke very little, but when he did, it was hard to miss.
"I didn't know she had you, my boy...if i'd known i wouldn't leave-" 
Remus's words halted, his brows furrowed in obvious confusion.
“ I asked why you left her... not me. Merlin! You say you love her but left her alone. Didn't You?"
"i was scared and foolish a-and young-"
Remus tried to explain himself, to justify himself.
With each word he spoke, Regulus's blood seemed to boil.
"Do you have any idea how much pain you've caused her!? Mum wanted to kill herself, professor. She didn't want to live."
There was an urgency in Regulus's voice, like Remus would disappear again the moment he stopped talking.
You'd remember that night like it was yesterday. The stars were gleaming, the moon was full. 
It made you want to give up. You were on the ledge when a small voice inside your head called out "stop, he needs you. regulus needs you" so you got down, and took a step back, your heart racing and thumping against your chest.
You remember, the bigger voice that screamed at you to let go "Godric! you coward. You coward. Do it. Just. Do. It." It said.
You backed off and fell to your knees, sobbing when the reality of it came crashing down. 
You were twenty eight. Regulus was six. Only six.
And he was standing behind the balcony door, scared, nervous and relieved at the same time. He didn't want you gone, but he didn't want you to suffer.
He was just a boy. And he was hurt. 
He was torn and you didn't know.
"I saw her, she wanted to give up. A part of me wanted her to give up, be free, I thought. Hell, I was just a kid. I didn't know anything"
Hot tears escaped Regulus's eyes, his hands going up to frantically wipe them away. When he failed, he just pressed his palms into them to try and stop the flood of oncoming tears.
Both shocked and ashamed by Regulus's words, Remus's first instinct was to cradle his son, comfort him, but Regulus Pushed his hands away and looked straight at him through red eyes.
"I hope you're better now...and I'll not hesitate to say this- she deserves better." 
A few tears gathered on Remus's lash line, he blinked them away.
He had gotten good at that huh?
His mouth opened yet no words came out.
“You should go…” 
Regulus said, at last, sensing Remus's speechlessness.
The bed creaked as he got up, taking slow and unsteady steps towards The door.
The doorknob felt cold in his hands, he thought.
"Hey, professor..." 
Remus looked back.
"take care of mum...she's been through a lot"
With a nod, Remus exited the room. Leaving Regulus to go back to staring at his ceiling.
As he enters the hallway, his eyes fall onto a vase.
A vase with a singular flower in it, no doubt enchanted to stay fresh.
It looked familiar....too familiar.
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Sitting on a picnic blanket, at a time you're certain is past your curfew, is less than ideal on a cold winter night.
But laying here with remus makes it all, so, very worth it.
Your attention from the stars is taken away for a moment as you feel a tug on your fingers.
Remus takes your hand into his, intertwines your fingers and gently places it above his chest, the place where you'd think his heart is.
"You know... you're the queen of my heart"
You just about melt into a puddle at the way he says it.
“And my body...and my soul" he adds. 
You let out an airy chuckle before responding.
"You cheeky poet."
"Tortured poet." Remus attempts to correct you with faux irritation.
This is accompanied by another snicker. 
"I'm serious!" Remus says, though he does mirror your smile.
You feign confusion as you reply.
“but you're Remus."
Remus just about whines at your pathetic joke with your brother's name as he leans back pushing one leg up and resting his free hand on it, before kissing the back of your intertwined fingers. 
You stare up at him as he watches the sun set. 
As you tighten your grip and lay your head on his shoulder, you think...
‘You too are the king of my heart, body, and soul.’
And that night you remember till today.
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You picked that flower that night, he remembers.
And if you still have the flower, then he has hope.
He'll make it up to you, he thinks.
No matter how long it takes.
He knows he will.
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Series taglist: @twilightlover2007 @idli-dosa @lovesanimals0000 @deathbyramennoodles @deadgirlsrunning @lovelyypythoness @corvinalitbitina @joeytribbiani18 @mayusaatma @csifandom @kissmeunicornbaobei @takem3tothelakes @loser-with-wifi @roraxruw @empress-simps @callsignwidow @geeksareunique @0strawberrysorbet0 @deamus-liv General taglist: @desikudisworld @iamgayforyourmom1510
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mentally-a-slut · 5 months
Three Days (Arthur Morgan x Fem! Reader) (SMUT)
Anddddd here we are! Part two of 'Staring Problem'! This can be read as a stand alone, but if you want a suggestive lead up, then go read part one! I tried my best with this one, but I haven't written explicit smut like this in a long time, so go easy on me! Writing this also reminded me that I loathe writing in second person, so from here on out I think I'll either do first or third. I won't bore you with details here, but I'll put up a separate post updating y'all on some stuff. Anyway, enjoy, and please leave feedback! Silent readers are appreciated but leaving comments helps me get motivated to continue! Even just a one word comment or an emoji helps! - Azi >:)
Summary: Arthur's been gone on a job for three days, which isn't a new development. However, a new development in your relationship just before he left leave you wanting. But fear not, as your troubles will be soon solved!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: unprotected PinV sex, smut, oral (f receiving), overall filth, reader is female, unedited (sorry), probably OOC Arthur but we're here for dick not character analysis!
You had always hated when Arthur went away on jobs, but ever since he left you hanging, your distaste for his long absences had grown.
You hadn't seen the man in three days, only getting a parting kiss and a heavy, heated promise as a farewell. The first day he was gone, you were mostly in awe of what had happened, wistfully going about your day and daydreaming of things to come.
The second day left you a little frustrated, the ache for him only growing with his absence. The other girls had noticed too, only making you more irritable as they teased you relentlessly for your obvious attitude change.
The third day was when you started to get worried. He'd been gone on longer jobs than this before, but you still couldn't help the nervous bouncing of your leg as you sat across from Tilly, trying to busy yourself with patching up some clothes.
"I'm sure he's fine. He's been gone much longer than this before."
Your lips contorted into a line, eyebrows knitted as you shook off the pain of the needle piercing the soft pad of your thumb. "I know. Just miss him, I guess."
Tilly just smiled and let you work in silence alongside her.
Arthur had gone to rob some stagecoach close to Emerald Ranch, along with Javier and Micah. You trusted Javier to help bring him back safely, but the addition of Micah made you nervous. He had a reputation of losing his cool and endangering the lives of everyone in a five mile radius.
Abigail had been very helpful the last couple of days. She understood every minor shift in your demeanor in the time he was gone. John was no stranger to long jobs, so Abigail knew exactly how it felt to sit idle while the men were out in danger.
John tried to be helpful, saying things about how Arthur had been bled half to death before and still made it back alive, but that only made things worse. You appreciated the effort, though.
It was getting close to evening now, the light of the sun slowly disappearing behind the horizon. You tried not to feel disappointed, knowing that if they were on the way back, they would likely stop and make camp for another night before arriving. Riding at night was never good unless they were on the way to a job. Riding back during the day was safer, and helped them keep an eye out for any witnesses or general hinderances along the way.
Just as you were about to resign yourself to your lonely bedroll for the night, the sound of rumbling hooves shook the ground under your feet.
You whipped your head around to see three healthy horses slowing to a walk near the hitch posts, each one carrying an upright, unharmed figure. You silently cursed the fact that Micah had made it back alive, but figured it was too much to hope that you'd get Arthur back and get rid of Micah in one day.
You didn't care what it looked like to the others, throwing all cares out as you rushed over to greet the man that had been haunting your thoughts for the last three days. He was just finishing up tying his big black shire to the post, taking the weight off his horse for the night, when you tackled him into a hug.
He stumbled slightly, your arms wrapping tightly around his waist as he snaked an arm around yours to steady himself. His breath tickled the top of your head as he chuckled. "Miss me?"
You scoffed and pulled your head from his chest, still gripping the sides of his jacket as you looked up at him. "You were gone three days!"
He smiled down at you and pulled you back against him, settling his other hand to cradle your head against his chest. "I missed you too, sweetheart."
All of a sudden, he withdrew, his eyes landing on the man a few feet away that was tending to his horse. "Javier!"
He turned. "Yeah, Arthur?"
"Tell Dutch me and my lady are goin' on a little vacation for a while, will ya?"
Javier nodded with a smirk, and you shrieked as Arthur lifted you onto his horse without warning. He followed shortly after, kicking his horse into a fast walk as a few wolf whistles resounded from camp.
You held onto his waist tightly as he sped up. "Where are we goin'?"
"Just into town."
"What are we gonna do there so late at night?"
You felt more than heard his responding chuckle. "Get a room."
"Oh. Oh."
The excitement that tingled through your body was electric, buzzing the whole ride there.
You would have flustered at the knowing look on the hotel receptionist's face if you had been at all aware of anything but Arthur.
Arthur thanked the man before leading you up the stairs to the room, his large hand gripping yours the whole way there. You expected him to jump straight into action the second the door closed behind you, but instead his strong arms pulled you into a hug.
His arms encircled you and pressed you against him as he nestled his face into your neck. The vibration of his words against your neck sent sparks through your body straight to your core. "Thought about you the whole time."
You sighed into him, holding onto his as if he would disintegrate upon letting go. He only pulled back to gently tilt your chin up, pressing a sweet kiss against your lips.
The kiss was so soft, so filled with emotion, his fingers brushing lovingly across your cheek as your lips molded together. You were the one to lean into it, chapped lips parting and teeth nipping lightly at him.
The responding noise from him fueled your desire more, the desperate groan making your whole body ache for his touch. His hands moved from your waist to your hips, fingers bunching up in the fabric of your shirt as he fought your tongue with his.
When his rough fingers brushed against the bare skin of your waist, you whined into the kiss, arching into him. He chuckled against your lips, brushing his hands even further up your shirt and coming to a stop just under your tits.
You broke the kiss just for a moment to lift your shirt over your head, discarding it wildly behind you. You yelped as he lifted you and spun you around, walking you backwards towards the bed. You tugged him down on top of you, slipping a hand under his shirt to feel to ripples of muscle on his chest and stomach.
"Arthur," you whined, tugging at his shirt. He got the hint, discarding his shirt before meeting your lips again. His kiss was rougher this time, wet and messy as he took in the feeling of your body against his. You brought your legs up to circle around his waist, and you whimpered when he pressed his hips forward against yours, his hardened cock straining against his pants.
You tangled your hands in his hair, tugging lightly. He squeezed your hips in response, kissing down your neck and nipping at the skin on your chest.
His hands snaked around your back, undoing your bra without even pausing. He broke the kiss only when he pulled the straps down, revealing your chest to the open air. Your first instinct was to cover yourself, but he didn't even give you the chance.
You didn't have the brain capacity to be embarrassed at the sound that came out of you when he took a nipple into his mouth, gripping the other with his large hand. He groaned against you, his erection brushing against you. He was growing harder by the second, the mere sight of you arousing him intensely.
His unoccupied hand stroked down your stomach, slipping two fingers in the waistband of your pants. You nodded and begged desperately, writhing against him. "Please! Please, Arthur..."
He moved his lips to your other nipple, quickly unbuttoning your pants and ridding you of both them and your panties in one movement. His lips separated from your chest as he moved up to you, staring into your eyes with intense lust. "I'm gonna get you ready, baby, that okay?"
Your heart swelled with emotion, only intensifying your desire. Even when he was desperate with lust, he looks at you with such caring, always making sure your okay. "Yes, yes, please!"
He smiled at you before kissing you sweetly, slowly kissing down your body. You whined as his hot breath brushed your core, your head tilting up to look at him between your legs.
His eyes glittered with amusement as they met yours, a teasing finger brushing your inner thigh. It was so close to where you needed it, but so far. "You're a tease."
He chuckled, "Can't help it when you look so pretty beggin' for me."
You threw your head back and groaned, half in frustration and half in arousal. Your noise quickly shifted to a whine when he suddenly slid a finger across you folds, head fuzzy with pleasure. "So wet already. All for me, sweetheart?"
You groaned and nodded, hips shifting towards him in an attempt to get him to do it again. "Ah, use your words."
Your words were half whimpered. "Yes! All for you, only for you, please!"
"Good girl."
He swiped his finger through your folds again, this time teasing his fingertip around your aching entrance. You bucked against him when his thumb brushed against your clit, breathing coming out in short, whiny sighs. "Please."
"Whatever you say, baby."
You moaned as a finger slid into you, his thumb pressing harder against your clit. Before you could complain at the lose of stimulation when he removed his thumb, his lips connected and sucked harshly. Your moans were surely loud enough to be heard, but the pleasure that wracked your body was so overwhelming you couldn't bring yourself to care.
His finger slowly moved in and out, brushing against your sensitive walls as his tongue assaulted your clit. You tangled a hand in his hair, tugging harder than you intended. He groaned against you, making a jolt of pleasure shoot through you.
The stretch of another finger was added, making you cry out. It wasn't enough to be painful, just enough to make you stretch around him so deliciously. He pulled his lips off of you and looked down at you, eyes hungrily watching as your cunt swallowed up his fingers. You looked down at him, lips parted with pleasure as he worked his fingers inside you. "More."
He glanced up at you with a smirk, slipping in a third finger. It sent a small jolt of discomfort through you, but it was quickly overwhelmed with pleasure as the third finger pressed against the most sensitive parts of your walls. "Oh, fuck, Arthur!"
"Feel good, huh?"
"Yes! Please, please, I'm gonna cum!"
He sped up, his fingers pumping in and out of your relentlessly. He leaned back in to swirl his tongue against your clit, which made you walls start spasming around him. Your thighs tensed, threatening to close around him, but he pulled back and held your legs open.
"Go on, baby, I wanna see your pretty face when you cum."
You couldn't form any words as his fingertips curled inside you and prodded against you in a way that made you see stars. His encouraging words only pushed you closer and closer.
"Good girl, doin' so good for me." You moaned and clenched around his fingers, muscles spasming as the dam broke. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you came, short, whiny moans escaping your lips as he fingered you through it.
With a gentle kiss against your clit that made you twitch, he pulled his fingers out of you and rose to look at you. You forced your eyes open, smiling breathlessly up at him. "You okay?"
You couldn't help but laugh, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. "More than okay. That was amazing."
He smiled and kissed you again, slow and loving. You knew you could tell him you were done for the night and he would agree in a heartbeat, not even caring about his own unresolved desires. But his sweet kiss only fueled another spark, already tingling through your body. His moaned against your lips as you arched against him, legs moving to wrap around his waist and pull him against you.
He pulled away with a raised eyebrow. "You're a needy one, aren't you?"
"Only for you."
You pulled him back down, kissing him roughly and pressing your hands all over his bare skin. His hips bucked forward when you tugged at his waistband, his desperation shining through even when he tried to stifle it.
You pushed him back, catching him off guard and shoving him onto the bed. He chuckled and shifted further back, letting you swing your leg across his hips and straddle him. You leaned down to kiss down his neck, smiling at the soft murmurs of content as you nipped at his collarbone.
You reached between the two of you, unbuttoning his jeans and shoving them down. He helped you and kicked them the rest of the way off, leaving him in only his boxers. You stared down at the bulge that strained against the white fabric, a wet spot of pre cum soaking a part of it. You looked down at him with a proud smile. "I do that to you?"
His hands slid up your thighs and caressed you hips. "You do so much to me. More than you could ever imagine."
You leaned down to kiss him, pouring all your emotions of admiration and lust into it. His hands moved to your ass, squeezing as he groaned against your lips. Your hips pressed down against his. sending a shock of pleasure through you as your clit brushed against his clothed bulge.
He would have been content to kiss you like that forever, but you were growing more and more desperate with each touch. You slid your fingers into his boxers without breaking the kiss, gently stroking his cock. His reaction spurred you on, and you pushed his boxer down to release him.
You marveled at his size as he helped you discard his underwear, leaving him fully bare underneath you. He was thick, and longer than anyone else you'd ever had. Your hand continued to slowly stroke up and down his shaft, thumb smearing the beads of precum around him. You were transfixed on him, lost in the feeling of his soft skin against your palm.
"Fuck, baby, as pretty as you look doin' that, I don't wanna cum just yet."
You slowed your movements to a stop and looked up at him with a soft smile. The admiration you felt for the man beneath you was overwhelming, and you didn't know if you could ever truly explain to him how much he meant to you.
You slowly moved to kiss him again, soft and sweet. You let your hips relax against his, smirking as his hips shifted under you to gain friction. You moved your hips against his shaft, your cunt dragging against him. You continued grinding on him, breathing growing heavier as the tip of his cock teased at your entrance with each movement.
After a few more seconds of torturing him, you lifted your hips and gripped his cock, prodding him against you entrance. Before you moved, you pulled away from his kiss, sitting up and placing a hand on his chest for balance. He groaned as he looked up at you, poised above his cock, cunt dripping with anticipation.
Emotion shone in his eyes, gaze still so loving even when clouded with lust. With a sigh, you lowered yourself slightly, taking his tip inside. You knew it was going to be a stretch, so you had to restrain yourself and take it slow.
He groaned at the sight of your cunt swallowing him, even just the tip of him. You held his gaze as you lowered another two inches, fingers gripping his chest at the slight stretch. Soon, his hands gripped your hips tightly as he helped you sink down all the way, clit brushing against him as you were finally fully seated against his pelvis.
Your eyes were dark with lust, cunt clenching around his cock as you adjusted. His eyes flickered over you, rapidly moving between your joined bodies, your heaving chest, and your face. "So perfect. Take me so well."
His words spurred you to move, lifting your hips slightly and moaning sweetly as you sank back down. The pain of the stretch had completely disappeared, replaced with a blinding pleasure. You rolled your hips a few more times before rising further, speeding up.
His hands held your hips tightly, his thighs tensing as he tried to hold himself back. "Fuck, sweetheart, look at you. Swallowing me up like that."
His words only increased your desire, your hips rising and falling faster, legs lifting you further off his cock. His moaned as he stuttered out praises, hands tightening on your hips as you rose fully off him and slammed back down again. Your pace increased, his length filling you up perfectly and brushing against the sensitive spots within you.
You struggled to hold yourself as you got closer and closer, pace faltering. You whined, every breath coming out as a soft moan. "You're doin' so good baby, want me to take over?"
You managed a messy nod, and his hips immediately rose up to meet yours, hands moving your hips up and down on him. You threw your head back as your cunt spasmed, orgasm coming down hard and fast. "I'm- fuck! Gonna cum!"
"Go 'head baby, I've got you."
With his words, you moaned with your release, his cock still pounding into you as you rode it out. Your senses were fuzzy, everything covered in a blanket of pleasure. You didn't even realize he had flipped you over, your head against the soft pillow. As your vision cleared, you looked up at him, blissful smile on your face.
"You did so good, honey, think you can gimme another?"
You nodded blearily, spreading your legs further as he continued thrusting into at a ruthless pace. You were building up to another one fast, barely even recovered from your previous one. His hand rested against your throat, grounding you but not squeezing. "So gorgeous, my pretty girl. Look so good stuffed full of my cock."
You moaned pathetically, hands going up to hold his face and grip his hair. "You feel so good, Arthur, I- I love how you make me feel."
He groaned in response, slamming into your cunt even faster. "So tight for me, gonna make me cum. Where d'ya want me?" He struggled to get the question out, his voice stammering through moans.
"Inside. Fill me up, Arthur."
His hand tightened around your throat for a moment at your words, and he moaned loudly. "Fuck, you're gonna kill me."
His movements grew sloppier, fingers pressing against your throat as he pressed his lips to yours in a messy kiss. With a few more thrusts, your own orgasm came to a head, only slightly preceding his.
His groaned against your lips and your walls clenched around him, his cum painting your insides as you milked him. He fucked you through it, kiss growing softer as he slowed to a stop. He stilled inside you, pulling back to look in your eyes.
You looked back at him, lips curled into a soft smile as he rested his forehead against yours. He pulled out carefully, planting a sweet kiss on your lips to distract you from any discomfort.
He shifted to lay next to you, turning his head to look at you. "You okay?"
You smiled and looked at him. "With you? Always."
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fuckyeahmhawkefenris · 4 months
MAJOR update
So I don't know if anyone else even cares about this stuff, but I made some huge progress with tagging/retagging things here. For some time I haven't been tagging any posts at all lacking motivation because, seriously, does anyone even look at tags these days?
Still, my love for this ship keeps me going. Maker, I'd forgotten how therapeutic the process is. For a few days I almost stopped dwelling on my own personal issues.
Allow me to remind y'all that this blog has a list of TAGS, a rather extensive one. I shudder to think how much time I spent compiling it all, but it does make me happier somehow
We have an impressive collection of fanart, so many comic bits they had to be separated into their own category to make it possible to navigate through all the artwork, writings that I don't think can be found anywhere else. In the beginning this fandom also used to produce a lot of memes and jokes, not so much of it now, but we don't forget our history! There is so much to uncover and rediscover.
I guess that canoodling/hugging/cuddling/snuggling tags are still a mess (always have been) despite my best efforts, but I genuinely tried to make it make sense somewhat. Having 8000+ pieces of art for your ship gets you there. Hard to believe it used to be almost nonexisistent in the beginning. It was so easy to navigate in 2012...
I didn't even try to sort out the comics, and fiction is not tagged either, except for the most basic basics.
Well, if anyone has any better ideas/suggestions don't be shy about @ ing me. Hell, if you can think of any new tags worth adding, let me know. And if you could reply to the relevant posts with it, it'd be fantastic.
If you're bored and don't mind spending some time with Fenris and Hawke, observing them love each other, please take a look at the list. There are also separate pages for the people who make fanart and write stuff for us, so you can always find more of their works by looking up the artists name in the tags. Though this page is forever in progress.
There's always room for improvement, so if you have anything to say, PLEASE SAY IT.
Also, the pornstash is up again, and now there is some semblance of a system.
It is a members-only blog, since almost all of its content is flagged and can only be viewed by members. So you need to become one. Everyone is welcome to join, but please don't follow it. All you need to do is like this post. I'll see your username and send you an invite. After that you'll need to check your e-mail (NOT tumblr inbox!) and follow the link you'll find there. And please read the post i linked carefully, there's vital information in it.
I'm just really tired
I'd really like to sort this place out completely so that when I retire, and someone is willing to take it off my hands, I could be at peace.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 6 months
Stickbug AU
Just so y'all can get an idea of what I'm yapping about, I'm gonna spill everything I have planned for this AU so far on this post. I'll try to update it as I come up with more ideas.
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So this AU takes place around 50 years after the canon events of Bug Fables, and I'll explain as I go along so you won't need to know the events of the game.
Some needed information is that Humans are heavily implied to have disappeared/died, and some species of bugs have gained sapience in the "Day of Awakening," though some species remained feral with a few individuals gaining sapience far after the Day of Awakening.
The Hollows Creation
Alan is still in this AU, and in a way he is still the Hollows "creator." In this AU, he's a creature called a "Deadlander Omega" found in the Giant's Lair/Deadlands. Basic information is that they're colossal bird-like Deadlanders which are so big only their claws and eyes have ever been seen. In game they like to drop other Deadlanders onto the player which triggers a fight. Alan is a more aware Omega. He likes to collect whatever piques his interest, normally anything that shines due to the lack of sunlight in the Lair. However after a while of dropping Deadlanders onto the few passing bugs, he got more curious by bugs.
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So what did he do? Sneak out of the Giant's Lair. Used the overgrown weeds to his advantage and would look around. Found out about larva and got fascinated by the fact bugs came from that. So whatever larva he could find he'd take back-- which wasn't often since most people wouldn't just leave their larva/eggs lying around.
Anyway he'd bring them home. The Deadlanders wouldn't register the larva/eggs as bugs or alive so they could just crawl around and munch on the grass until they eventually grew up. Alan started realizing "oh shit grow your own entertainment" when his first little stolen egg grew to a bug, a grasshopper (victim). Alan would basically use a jar to keep Victim from running off, would drop Deadlanders on him to watch the fights even if Victim sucked at fighting.
Now even if Alan doesn't recognize the bugs as living and thinking things, he isn't stupid. He notices how they use the shiny crystals he likes to collect to heal. So when he sees Victim nearly getting killed in one of the fights he puts two and two together and "gives" Victim the crystal. AKA impales him and literally kills Victim. When he notices Victim stops moving, throws him away and tries again.
He finds a hornet larva. Decides to try something different. Bugs use the crystals for health, so as the larva crawls around and eats he crushes up one of his crystals and mixes it into areas they know they like to eat in. Because of the magic in the crystals, whatever sticks in their bodies results in the larva becoming strong, healthy, and extremely powerful sorcerers.
Chosen fights-- both the Deadlanders and Alan-- but can't win. He tries running, but Alan rips off a wing and puts him in the jar. Eventually Alan gets lucky and finds a wasp larva, and unfortunately for Chosen, this one doesn't seem to understand anything other than following Alan. Of course y'all can guess what happens from here: Alan pits the two against eachother, Chosen tells Dark they can team up to fight Alan, and end up doing a lot of damage to him before running. It takes a long while for Alan to rebuild his health before he tries again. This time a lot more careful with a little bumblebee larva (Second). He keeps a very close eye on it to make sure it doesn't hurt him, and an even closer eye to make sure it doesn't get away.
Red's a ladybug, Green's a grasshopper, Blue's a firefly, and Yellow's a caddisfly. While Bugaria takes place in the Giant's Lair (AKA a abandoned human home)'s backyard, the color gang are from the front yard. They each have their own reasons to travel to Bugaria: Yellow has heard about Roach technology and really wants to see how it works for himself, Red wants to join the Explorer's Association and fill out his bestiary along the way, Blue wants to visit the Harvest Festival and give an offering for the goddess of Harvest, Venus' approval, and Green just wants to stick with his friends.
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However getting to Bugaria is difficult. While before most people would take the swamp, the only thing that resulted in was a lot of tension and frustration since they couldn't communicate with the Leafbugs living there and would only result in a lot of deaths on both sides. The swamp got closed off, and as a result, left two main paths. The Caravan is the most popular for good reason: it is an extremely long road usually consisting of many bugs, although because the trip normally takes around a month, it is not safe from bandits nor the weather. A lot of injuries tend to happen and many come out malnourished. The other option takes a day. Just follow the path through the Giant's Lair. There won't be many Deadlanders, but if there are, only large enough groups of bugs or explorer teams can go through to ensure safety.
Since they're a group of four impatient, naive, younger bugs, the Color Gang goes through the Deadlands. It isn't that bad actually, until a little bumblebee catches Red's eye, and an glint of Blue catches Yellow's. Each go off path, Red finding a very excited and nervous Second Coming, and Yellow finding a half of the Roach's ancient Key.
And This catches Alan's attention, because that bee and that key are both of his things. They get to see Alan's spooky ass eye, and Second urges them to run, but before they can the Color Gang gets squished by Alan's claw and Second and the key get picked up. Second isn't happy, stings Alan right in the eye, and gets dropped right next to his friends. He tries helping them up so they can leave, but they're still struggling. He takes too long and Second and his friends get a jar slammed over them.
Alan keeps watch of them, now mostly curious because that's a LOT of bugs in one jar. He's expecting them to fight or do something, but instead... they just sit together. They just chat and sit against the glass, and what really shocks Alan is when they pull out food and start sharing it. I think this is the moment it clicks for Alan that there's something more to them. Alan leaves, and when he comes back he brings back two things. A good pile of food for them, and one of his crystals. He places them on the ground and lifts the jar before perching to see what they do. They're too injured to leave even with the crystal's healing, but Alan is just fascinated with this new discovery. That they're complicated, that they think. For as long as they stay in the Deadlands, which is only a few days, he tries making it as comfortable as possible to see what they like. Tries modeling after what he's seen other bugs do and live in.
They leave of course, taking Second and the key half with them. Alan doesn't like it, but he lets them. Now he's curious on if they'll come back, and now just has a lot to think about now that he's realized they can think and feel.
Chosen & Dark
After everything with Alan, the only thing Dark and Chosen knew was the other, so they clung. Dark itched for a fight, and Chosen was more curious about the outside world. Eventually this lead to the two becoming an explorer team.
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It wasn't bad at first, but Dark of course gravitated to the shadier areas. Dark THRIVED in bounties and fights, meanwhile Chosen started second guessing whether or not he liked being an explorer. Every time they had to leave a kingdom or village, he'd always just felt disappointed. But Dark wanted to keep going, so he followed.
Eventually they started to get a reputation. They would do any quest, no matter the morals, and they wouldn't sell you out. They would get worse and worse clients, and were quickly teetering on the line of hitmen, and Chosen eventually had enough. He didn't see the point in it anymore, he liked the slow moments. Dark meanwhile thrived in a fight, because it was the only thing hes ever known.
This led to a fight between them. A bad one. Dark had been experimenting with Roach crystals to boost his own abilities, and somehow, Chosen ended up accidentally dragging Second and the Color Gang into it. There was a lot of collateral damage and Dark showed off how he was not above killing people, by targeting Second's friends. They died, and that mixture of sheer rage and grief was what triggered Second's skill in magic. Y'all know how this goes, Second beats the shit out of Dark Lord, revives his friends, but before he can land the killing blow, Chosen stops him.
Chosen doesn't want Dark to die, but he can't be with him anymore. So he rats on Dark. Gets him thrown in Rubber Prison, and Dark takes this as a betrayal. They depend on each other, and Chosen wouldn't even defend him and never visited him. Chosen regrets this decision every day and before he can get arrested too, he hides and is labeled as missing.
Anim VS Minecraft
This stumped me at first because how the hell do you mix bug fables and Minecraft but NO WORRIES I FOUND A WAY
After the Deadlands, first thing Color Gang does is sign up for the Explorer's Association. Unfortunately there can't be teams of 5, so they split into two teams: Blue and Yellow form Team Sunset, and Second, Red, and Green form Team Second. They do quests for a while, Yellow spends a lot of time focusing on the key half, and eventually they team up for a pretty important quest!
Not sure what this quest would be exactly, but basically they get lured into a cave and when they get into it Red starts acting weird. And then he starts attacking them and going for the key and yep if you've realized it WE FOUND A WAY TO ADD HEROBRINE FUCK YOU MINECRAFT CREEPYPASTA BUGSONA
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Art once again by @tatos-stick-pile
Herobrine is a recently awakened Golden Orb Weaver spider who uses his silk to puppet Red around. This silk is SHARP too. He tries going for the key because he's heard of the artifact and its power and he really wants it to expand his territory. He gets his ass kicked when they figure out whats going on and he escapes.
Afterwards Yellow decides to be more secretive about the key half. They don't figure this out for a while though, but the entire reason Herobrine was expanding his territory is because he looks after lesser bugs ESPECIALLY ones that have recently awakened. He just hates regular bugs.
And I lied to start with Purple I have to start with an Explorer Team y'all should be familiar with-- unless youre coming from the bug fables fandom and to that i say hello how do you like the shitstorm so far. Anyway one Explorer Team, Team Orchid. It consists of an orchid mantis named Orchid and another mantis named Navy.
Orchid is an explorer for the sightseeing and to help people. Navy doesn't exactly care about that, he's mostly around to make sure she doesn't get herself killed. Eventually he gets an idea that they can get a pet for some extra defense. Orchid LOVES the idea, and so Navy drags her to the Forsaken Lands to find something strong enough.
Orchid falls in love with a mothfly and won't settle for anything else. That mothfly is Purple, a recently awakened mothfly who is extremely confused because he's only been around feral mothflies and its his instinct to stick with them. Anyway y'all know how this goes, Navy "trains" (aka beats) Purple, who can't fight back and goes to Orchid for comfort. Purple causes a massive rift in their relationship and its not even their fault. Orchid wanted a pet to dote on and Navy wanted something to train. But Orchid isn't stupid-- even if Purple is a mothfly and can't talk she starts recognizing he's awakened. He's a child. She starts treating him as such despite how much Navy HATES it and Purple of course starts seeing them as their parents and really looks up to them.
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And one day Navy is sick of it. Takes Purple by the arm and drags him back to the Forsaken Lands and far from Orchid. Purple is nervous but still trusts him, thinks its for training. Navy drags him all the way to the abandoned Ant Settlement and tells him to stay there. To prove his training he needs to protect that settlement until he comes back to get them. Purple of course is "okay ❤️ yay❤️."
He doesn't come back. Neither does Purple. But Purple sticks to the settlement and protects it-- getting a little overly defensive of it. Overtime more mothflies are drawn to the area and of course they form little hivemind clusters and whoops! False Monarch 2. But since Purple is awakened and actually intelligent he has a lot more control over the mothfly clusters-- or False Citizens-- and they act more as an extension of him. Purple forms his own little cluster too-- and hates being separated from it and DESPISES being acknowledged as "just a mothfly" so he dresses with a mask and cloak to be a better bug. He gets a bit of a superiority complex as well due to just being surrounded by nothing but feral bugs that he can control.
Anyway the sudden re-population of this abandoned settlement with False Citizens does not go unnoticed. Especially because whenever one wanders close, Purple tends to have a citizen stalk and lurk around the edge until it creeps the bug out enough for them to leave. So a bounty is made once again for the False Monarch.
Blue and Green see it. They think it would be SO fun to lean into their competitive sides and see if whoever got the killing blow on the bounty would finally prove their team as better. So they go to the settlement, see the citizens staring and stalking them and ignore it. They aren't attacking them, after all. They're just being creepy.
They end up finding Purple who is NOT happy and is immediately defensive. But he's not attacking them. He's just kinda throwing a fit and making himself look bigger. Which is weird because bounties are usually extremely dangerous and hostile, but this one is just... throwing a fit. They end up just nearly dodging a fight when some of the citizens start grabbing Green and Blue to throw them out and Blue blurts out they don't want to fight. Turns out Purple does understand Bugnish, but can't speak it.
Great! So they don't have to kill the pretty chill bounty. But others don't know that, and they need to bring back proof they killed Purple to get the bounty taken down. They bring it up to Purple and after vague translations, they make a deal. Purple's been having trouble with a strong enemy near the settlement, so he gives them their mask and helps them defeat the enemy.
And its a big fucking spider, but thankfully they have Purple's range to help in the fight, and while its going smooth at first-- Purple ends up bailing. He's spent too long away from the settlement and figures since Blue and Green are strong enough that they'll be fine. They aren't. Because they needed Purple's range. Purple almost ends up getting them killed, the only reason they survived is because their friends realized they were gone for a long time and come just in time.
Green and Blue afterwards take the mask and leave. They're pissed at Purple but they can confront him another time, they mostly just want to be away from him at the moment.
Time for King! Y'all know King's deal. He has a child he loves with all his heart. In this AU he is a Violin Mantis and his little Goldie is a mantis nymph. King personally isn't an explorer, but Gold REALLY wants to be once and he always finds it difficult to say no to Gold.
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Anyway Gold hears wind of a tourist thing. They're doing this mini-tour of the Deadlands in a 100% totally nothing will ever go wrong encased area. Its gonna focus on theories on the Deadlands and what Gold is more interested in-- how Explorers made it safer and how they traverse it.
King doesn't like it. Its called the Deadlands for a reason. But Gold really wants to and is begging him and is doing all his chores and being the most perfect little nymph so he can go. And they claim its safe. King finally caves and takes Gold, and y'all can guess what happens. Deadlander breaks through and kills his son right in front of him before the Explorer escorts can kill it.
So like any regular parent experiencing grief King vows to fucking blow up the Deadlands and everything in it. Not like anybody cares about that fucking place and is widely considered a No Man's Land. He ends up getting his hands on the other half to the Key and is obsessed with finding the other half.
AVM Season 3
While going towards the Termite Kingdom to hopefully find some clues on where the other key half is, King gets lost along the way and finds the abandoned Ant Settlement. False citizens are of course not happy and watch him, but he ignores them. He might as well search the place while he's here. He ends up finding Purple, whose not happy and already a little on edge because Blue and Green haven't come back despite promising they will.
King notices the bounty paper Green and Blue drop and promptly manipulates Purple. Tells them that they probably won't be coming back. But I imagine Green and Blue were yapping to Purple, mentioning the key half because both dont take it that seriously, and Purple sees King's key half and mentions it through a drawing.
King turns up the manipulation to 100. convinces Purple to take his citizens with them (wants to use them as a deadlander bait). If they get the key they'll be strong enough for their village. He just has to get the key from his friends and bring it to King.
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Very cute doodle once again from @tatos-stick-pile
Purple does. A while after he's ditched the village to be with King, they run into Color Gang again. They're chatting and having fun and eventually Purple just... dissapears along with the key. Y'all should know what happens, the chase happens, Purple brings the key to King, he combines them and gets really strong and starts destroying shit. Big fight starts up, King focuses on superpowered Second, the color gang go after Purple, who isn't really that strong. He tries getting help from King, but King ignores him. Leaves him for dead.
This fucks up Purple. Because King introduced that fear and realization of abandonment in Purple. And Purple not only realizes how many mistakes he's made, but also realizes he's in fact a lesser bug. That's why nobody wants him. And people don't hesitate to kill lesser bugs when they're in their way. Purple gets both super emotional and terrified for his life, and is forced to abandon his beloved cloak and mask to make a run for it. Green pursues him, everything else happens.
Not sure how everyone splitting up would work so far, but Red somehow gets Herobrine and some of the bugs he watches involved in the fight. Green convinces Purple to go after King, and the bigger fight starts. King uses the Key to attack anyone and hes close enough to his goal hes gotten a lot more brutal. Will just hold whoevers nearest and shoot them point blank with it. Y'all know that scene. The scene where King is nearly killing Purple and goes through that flashback and is slapped in the face with the realization he sees Purple as his own son. That still happens, King gives up, helps Purple and Purple still sticks to him.
Victim & the Mercenaries
Shortly after being discarded by Alan, a cordyceps fungus found and started growing in the grasshopper's body. He is EXTREMELY lucky, because the tiniest crumbs of magic crystal left in his body was just enough magic to balance out the fungus sticking to him and passing on its memory without completely overloading it and turning him into a zombie. But its not perfect, and it still shows in the mini holes in his body. He also woke up fucking PISSED enough to turn him into a Locust
I'm gonna keep this section extremely vague since we still don't know what happened to Victim in AvA canon. Just know he built a massive "charity" corporation in the Termite Kingdom that claims its going to find a way to turn the Deadlands useful. AKA he wants an excuse to have enough money to research a way into killing Alan.
This involves hiring explorer teams, leading him to the Mercenaries: Hazard, Ballista, Primal, and Agent. They are explorers who work in the shadier areas of the Association and are EXTREMELY difficult to hire as they only accept high rewards up-front.
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Some concepts for Victim and Agent since I haven't settled on a design for them...
Chosen and Dark catch Victim's eye, since they're rumored to have attacked an Omega and lived. However since Chosen is missing, Victim and the Mercenaries stop by Rubber Prison to visit Dark. Now Dark and the Mercenaries were very well known in the same area, so they know each other. Doesn't mean Dark likes them.
They convince Dark to help them with the promise of his bands back and a dead Omega. Dark thinks Chosen would absolutely love a dead Omega, and so he doesn't hesitate.
Shit happens. Chosen and Second get captured by the mercenaries and Chosen is PISSED at Dark despite all the regret. They're both mad at each other but Dark's doesn't last long when Victim starts torturing Chosen for information. He's mad at Chosen but he doesn't want that.
He blows up at Victim a little at it, so to get Dark to listen, Victim rips off a good chunk of Chosen's remaining wing. That makes Dark stand down, and now Dark doesn't know what to do. Chosen feels too guilty about everything to say anything, and Dark is too prideful to apologize. More shit happens-- Victim has the gem of Hoaxe's crown. Long story short it can brainwash Hornets, which Victim starts using when Chosen keeps refusing. That pushes Dark more off of Victim but he can't do anything lest Victim directs it all back on Chosen tenfold.
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More vague shit. Mr alan becker i need the next part of episode six soon please. Anyway big fight in the Deadlands. Everyone's in there and Victim wants Alan DEAD. But Victim is getting progressively more and more pissed off because despite being attacked Alan is being as gentle as he can. He's going the extra mile to make sure he doesn't kill them. Anyway Dark ends up snapping Chosen's antennae to break him out of the brainwashing and Victim gets cooked.
Chosen decides to not murder Victim-- mostly because clearly that's not permanent and its too good for him. Victim is extremely upset about this because the fact nobody is killing him and just being weirdly merciful and the fact hes lost all control has sent him into a breakdown. Its challenging all the rules hes lived by and how he thought the world worked. Hes screaming and shouting at them.
Which attracts the attention of another Omega. Now the thing about Omegas is because they're pretty fragile due to being mostly bones, it means they need to build armor to survive. And they're territorial. Usually if an Omega picks a fight the one with the better armor survives.
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Once again-- art provided by @tatos-stick-pile THEY ARE COOKING
And to protect the bug he KNOWS he hurt and was alive-- Alan attacks the other Omega despite already being extremely injured and losing most his armor. The others dont have a choice but to hide out of sight, and eventually the other Omega wins and kills Alan. Tries looking around for the interesting thing that was shouting but finds nothing and fucks off along with a few undamaged parts of Alan's armor.
Everyone except for Second and the Color Gang decide to take their leave. I imagine throughout the story theres a lot of moments where Alan works on making it up to Second and just truely shows he cares and is regretful. So Second tries reviving him, but the problem is that Alan is just... fuckin' massive. Even when they're dead or asleep they're so big their bodies get mistaken for terrain.
It doesn't work at first. Until Yellow finds the gem Victim left behind that he used to control Chosen, and he learned that this can boost magic. He gives it to Second and he completely exhausts himself and they revive Alan. Yipee!! Everyone is saved happy ending go home its over
After Everything
Chalk my liar count to 2 y'all
Purple lives with King, and King has officially adopted him. They still have their own issues they're working towards, but they're slowly getting there together.
Dark and Chosen don't know what to do at first. Chosen wants a chill and peaceful life, but Dark directly contrasts that. He's much more well known and hated than Chosen. Just by being with him, he ruins Chosen's happiness, but he just wants to stay with him. Chosen wants to stay with Dark as well. Thankfully, one of the mercenaries pops up. They're pissed at first, but all they do is mention a town.
Looking into it, after the attempted takeover half a century ago, the bandit leader Astotheles got inspired by the celebration. He wanted a home, a nation for his people, so he left Bugaria because it obviously wasn't gonna happen there. Outside the nation's borders, he established his own village. Where bugs who are abandoned or discarded can come to start anew.
Chosen and Dark decide to move to there, leaving behind and finally moving on from everything that happened to them.
Victim on the other hand went missing. He took that loss HARD. Agent thinks he has an idea on where he went, but needs extra help, so he puts up a request. He's not bringing the other mercs because they don't know about the cordyceps thing and Victim prefers to keep it hidden.
Color Gang ends up taking it up. They are low on berries and its the only request on the board. Nobody is happy about this. Agent makes sure to go with them, and he leads them all to Snakemouth Den. In the den there's a lot of spores and magic in the air, and it gets worse the deeper you go in because in that cave is an ancient Roach laboratory where experimented on cordyceps and magic in an attempt to recreate the immortality of the Everlasting Sapling (that thing is long dead it doesnt matter).
Anyway Victim went here for a power boost. Thinks he just needs to try again and he'll have more control and he'll win. Now he aint thinkin' clearly because the magic that is so goddamn potent in this cave is messin with the fungus. And y'all remember what i said?
"He is EXTREMELY lucky, because the tiniest crumbs of magic crystal left in his body was just enough magic to balance out the fungus sticking to him and passing on its memory without completely overloading it and turning him into a zombie."
Yeah. Ends up shanking himself with the crystals to try and force more magic in him and it makes the fungus go stupid crazy and completely overgrow out and through his exoskeleton and whoops! say goodbye to your sentience. Control freak loses everything even the control over himself. Fun little boss fight I also imagine he has a poison thing going on.
Anyway they end up knocking him down and restraining him, Agent rips out all the crystals. Victim isn't dead yet but he's in awful shape, and congrats you earned Second's pity. Second heals him and Agent pays them a shit ton for that and brings Victim home to help him recover.
Anyway thats it for the AU so far holy god that was so much longer than I expected if you made it here we should go on a date to texas roadhouse together
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eusuntgratie · 9 days
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wip wednesday on thursday bc i do what i want 😘
haven't shared in a while bc i haven't had time to write but i appreciate all the tags so i'm gonna share a few little snippets of a few things i'm working on. tags below the cut!
guess who tripped and fell into a new fandom? oops. y'all gotta scroll past some 🏳️‍🌈👽 before you get to any rwrb-adjacent words 😏
malex bartender au (roswell new mexico) - hopefully posting soon!
Alex is covering the bar for Maria when he gets stuck, bottle of tequila hovering in between the bar and the glass he’s supposed to be pouring it in. He works hard not to notice people, notice men, but the most beautiful man he’s ever seen is walking into the bar and it's impossible to look away.
malexa 2x06 canon divergence, starting with maria waking up the next morning
Maria wakes up with a crick in her neck. One of her arms is asleep and she’s got a pleasant ache in her thighs.  She's warm, and the bone-deep fear that's been trying to suffocate her for weeks has abated. She takes a deep breath and keeps her eyes squeezed shut when she remembers why.
me? already writing rpf from my new fandom? GASP! please pretend to be shocked - vlamburn + a third i can't decide if i want to keep mysterious or not bc everyone who reads them would know who she is anyway i think?
“Kiss him,” she tells Michael, who finally tears his gaze from Tyler’s face to ask, “why?”.  “Because I wanna see.”  She nods and smiles when Tyler searches her face, looking a little panicked. But then Michael is leaning in close, wrapping his big hand around Tyler’s pretty neck and pulling him in and kissing him like he’s starving for it. Tyler moans and she’s so fucking wet she could shove Tyler out of the way and sit on Michael’s dick right here in front of him, but she keeps still, and watches. The way Michael pulls him closer, the way Tyler’s fingers twitch near his waist.
a little cuck fic update (sensing a pattern? don't worry about it) - taynick, disaster verse
Nick catches himself leaning forward, trying to chase Taylor’s mouth and his touch. He hears a sharp, “stay,” that rocks all the way through him and he slams himself back in the chair. He gets a barely perceptible nod for his efforts. He tries not to think about what he could do to elicit a bigger reaction. He drags in a breath and refocuses on Taylor. At a small gesture Nick barely notices, Taylor bends over the bed again. He is so fucking beautiful. Nick’s not sure he’s ever had the chance to just take him in like this. He’s always so desperate to get his hands on him when they’re alone.
alright that's enough snippets... hopefully i'll be able to get some things finished in the next few months! i miss writing! let me know what you think; i need all the motivation i can get.
thank you for the tags sunday and wednesday!
@catdadacd @firstprincehornyramblings @thesleepyskipper @basil-bird @sparklepocalypse
@thinkof-england @taste-thewaste
tagging @lostcol @bigassbowlingballhead @onward--upward for alien reasons 😘🛸
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standardfarelife · 4 months
Hi, I guess I'm making a pinned post! I'll edit in a picture of my mezuzah once I finish moving (literally and figuratively lol) so y'all can kiss it when you visit me 🤗
I don't do dni's or post my age- use your best judgement to follow me; I do not promise not to be horny or post other 'adult' topics on here. In fact, I promise the exact opposite. There will be drinks and joy here, when I can.
✨ Interjection related to current events ✨
Keep sending me your go fund me's, guys! I love going through all of your blogs and reporting every post for spam. Which is what they are; since y'all are scammers taking advantage of people.
✨ You may now resume your scheduled reading ✨
Anyways- I'm StandardFareLife, you can call me by my URL or Yael (יעל , pronounced ya-EL). I'm a sephardic diaspora Jew reconnecting with Judaism after not practicing since I was a child (and even then it was not a 'great' practice) so I'm still getting the hang of things. My shul and Rabbi are amazing, but I want more of an online community as well.
To that effect, I made this blog. I'll be posting mostly about Judaism; mainly my own reconnection and practice. I'll also be posting about my own life, I'm queer and getting married soon (!!!) and so I'll occasionally post updates about transition stuff or marriage (or kids, maybe). I'm also currently learning Hebrew and Spanish, and then I'll be learning Ladino.
The majority of stuff on here will probably be just something I thought was neat and reblogged it. I'm not very good at knowing what to tag stuff, so if you need something tagged please ask and I'll try my best.
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funnyboxman · 1 month
I said I would, so here it is! For the create-an-abno thing. You don't have to do all three by any means, so if you only wanna do one then I'll just suggest The Wedding Tree. Thank you for doing this!
The Unfinished Painting
"I really loved you, you know... but I guess yours was a ruse." If you don't know what this is for, please check out my account for info on my Lobotomy Corporation TTRPG!
Whoo! First fan submitted abnormality! (You can tell it's submitted 'cuz I put an 'S-' in front of the abnormality classification.) As the FIRST member of the discord server, I had to give some kindness to this person's abnormality. I'm probably gonna do the other two at a later date, I still have some great ideas for the other cool submissions I've been sent. Anyways, meet The Unfinished Painting! As the second non-breaching abnormality in our list of creatures, this lil' tree trunk will murder you with your own hands. Not a typo. The story itself is MOSTLY the same as the original, just typed out slightly differently 'cuz I like writing :3 Guh... The third Raven is next, and its story/EGO is already complete, so I just gotta do battle stuff. Then, Eternity shall unfold. Eternity. ɆVɆⱤ₥ØⱤɆ. ₣ØⱤɆVɆⱤ₥ØⱤɆ. QɄØ₮Ⱨ Ʉ₴ Ɽ₳VɆ₦₴, ₦ɆVɆⱤ₥ØⱤɆ. Anyways, see y'all later! I'm still taking stuff for the create-an-abno, so keep giving me ideas! Please!! I'm running out of my original abnormalities I made before I updated the system and sent it on Tumblr!!!! I'm very desperate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kangshxrtie · 2 years
ch. 2 ⤍ collab?
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you started your stream, posted about it on socials, and waited for a decent number of people to be on it before putting your face cam on and speaking.
"alright so update. i know i said y'all would never see me again if y'all clipped it but people lie and i am a liar"
user1 we knew
user2 you could never ditch us, we pay your bills
user3 i clipped it and have no regrets
"i will be honest after stream i did follow kazuha, and she did follow me back. my biggest flex at the moment"
user4 that should've been me
"but other than that i will be ignoring the fact that yesterday even happened" you shook your head in approval at your thoughts, "so there should be no reason to mention it anymore"
"plus she only knows me because of that one clip. she'll never wanna really meet me"
"she said what! y'all we need to make this happen!" you shouted excitedly once you read the comment forgetting about everything you said earlier.
naoi.rei actually down bad
"i mean... i guess we could collab. i'll probably dm her after stream or something" you said awkwardly.
_yujin_an Y/N CAN PULL?
"of course i can yujin" you rolled your eyes at her comment.
_yujin_an y/n gets no bitches
"what did i ever do to you?"
naoi.rei no rizz 😭
"why are y'all both attacking me right now" you exclaimed, "you know what i'm banning both of y'all from the stream"
you proceeded to ban both of them making a mental note to unban them later so it wasn't permanent. you should've known that it wouldn't help anything because yujin came into your room like she owned the place or something.
"hey chat. it's y/n's favorite roommate" yujin greeted the stream as she grabbed a random chair in your room to sit down on.
"least favorite" you corrected, "wonyoung's my favorite"
"i changed myself to number one on the list though"
"that doesn't matter. you haven't done anything to be my favorite"
"i bought you food!" she exclaimed.
"you did... but you're still annoying"
"you're annoying" she retorted.
user6 the yujin & y/n beef will never end
"but anyways i came in here to ask if y'all wanna see a y/n x kazuha collab?" yujin asked your chat.
you stayed silent, not wanting to show how happy you were at the possibility.
user8 collab of the year????
"she's on the same team as sakura and chaewon. we can make this happen" yujin said.
"and you didn't tell me sooner" i gasped, "fake friend"
"do you not keep up with what they do" yujin gasped, "fake friend"
"this isn't about me this is about you not telling me sooner" you tried to deter the conversation.
"well i'm telling you now. so is the y/n x kazuha collab happening or not" yujin held her phone up as a fake mic to your mouth.
"i mean if kazuha's down i'm down" you shrugged not being able to decline it on stream.
"let's go! we did it chat" yujin cheered before taking her exit.
you continued to stream for a couple more hours, just playing some chill games and talking to chat.
once you ended stream you checked twitter to see if people were hyped about the possibility of the collab, only to see kazuha's direct response.
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askmadcomcrew · 8 months
Howdy everyone! It's me again Zep, back with another update. Hope the new Year has been treating you guys well. Can you believe that January is already almost over? I sure can't.
And speaking of time, this blog will be a year old in April. A whole year! Absolutely crazy to think about. I'll try to drum up something special for the one year anniversary. This blog deserves it.
But, as you all have probably noticed (those of you who have stuck around that is. Thank you for that, by the way.) this blog has been... Quieter. Long gaps of time between posts (I think the longest was nearly a week?) And generally much less activity overall. This is mostly because incoming asks have slown down to a crawl of sorts. Most recent one was four days ago as of writing this.
At this blogs peak I was waking up to sometimes 20 or more asks in the box. Now I'm maybe getting four or five a week, on a good week. It's unfortunate, but ultimately something I expected back when I started this blog.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I never expected this blog to last more than a week. Now it's made it to almost a year. We're almost at 2,000 asks answered at the time of writing this. That is something to be proud of.
Thank you all for sticking around and engaging with the blog as much as you have. Without you, this blog would have actually died in a week. It survives entirely off of you and your submissions.
But with that being said, I don't really see things picking up again anytime soon. Madness Combat simply ain't as popular as it once was on Tumblr. Can you believe the tricky mod for Friday night Funkin was 3 years ago now? It's amazing that hype train has lasted as long as it has, but of course things are getting quieter again.
But don't worry, this blog ain't going anywhere. I'm not deactivating or moving on. The ask box will remain open and I'll answer them still when I can get around to them. Things might be slow, but we ain't dead. This blog will remain up for as long as Tumblr does, and I will have archives of the blog downloaded on my PC in case I do decide to close up shop.
But I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you. Thank you for keeping the fire lit for as long as you have. This blog is always open to you, come by, sit down, ask a few questions, scroll for a while. We'll be here for you to answer whatever you give us, and we're thankful for any likes or reblogs you'll give us.
If you wanna see more of this blog though, please consider sharing it with your friends and other communities. I'm always happy to answer more asks. This is the most fun I've had on Tumblr in a long time.
Anyway, this post has gone on long enough. Just giving y'all a little status report.
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allieebobo · 1 year
A note on asks
Hi all!
First off, I've absolutely LOVED receiving all of your asks. My interactions with you guys are honestly what makes writing IFs so fulfilling and wonderful for me. I couldn't do what I do without all the messages y'all send in. (If only people sent me messages praising what I do at my day job! Like, "love the row of trees you just planted here" or "knowing I'll have housing when I'm 60 makes me cry tears of happy joy")
Anyway. Because it's been asked before, and the numbers in my inbox keep ticking up and I know I won't be able to get to everyone, here's a bit of a low-down on how my approach on answering asks :)
I'll dedicate one weekday evening a week to answering at least 8(?) asks.
I'll eventually get to every ask that's asked off anon.
Other than that, I'll try my best to answer everything, but if I don't, do know that I still LOVED receiving it, so thank you for reaching out.
As a writer, I still want to prioritize writing! So, if I'm particularly active on tumblr, or the forums, it's 'cause I'm resting from a big update—and when I'm quiet, it's actually 'cause I'm being really productive! So, pros and cons I guess :)
Lastly, your support truly makes my heart feel warm and fuzzy. So thank you. Love you all.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 months
Writing update for Enchanted:
Apologies for Chapter 8 taking so long to come out 🥴 this has been a trickier chapter to write so far, and I was busy the last two weeks counseling at camp and didn't have much time at all to write. Unfortunately I can't promise it'll be out soon (ish), but I'm still hoping to have it out sometime this month (August)! Fingers crossed!
Don't worry about me losing inspiration or motivation - that's not it at all! 😜💙🩷 (This hyperfixation has been going strong for four months now 🤣) This is just ... a more delicate and crucial chapter in relation to the future of the story, and I want to get it just right. I'm still in the beginning scene, which admittedly is rather large will be at least a good chunk of it. I've already had to rewrite the first few paragraphs once, and there are some things I need to tidy up and figure out.
Not to mention, another large aspect of the story has manifested itself and I'm currently struggling to make sense of it. Another character is coming and will play a significant role of sorts - any guesses? 😈 But anyway, the intro and story of that character needs to be added soon in order for the pacing to work well, and I need to get it figured out at least MOSTLY beforehand. That'll probably be part of Chapter 9. 🤩
Once again, thank you to everyone who's been reading and leaving such lovely comments! They're always such an encouragement and make my day, and they're bonus motivation to keep working on it! 💙🩷🥰 Much love to y'all!!
P.S. I've been formulating a playlist for this AU. 😜🤩🎵 It's currently about a half hour long with nine songs - about ALL the aspects of the AU, not just the romance. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love for you to let me know! 🥰 Once it's longer, I'll make it public and post a link. 😘
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simlicious · 5 months
Personal update 😃
I have not done a personal update for quite some time, so here it is! Today, I dreamed that it was suddenly the 1st of December and I had nothing prepared for my advent calendar yet and was feeling in over my head and thinking "Do I really want to do this again?!" Maybe my brain telling me to actually prepare patterns ahead of time this year and to start early? 🤔 I'll keep that in the back of my mind. I actually finally got Sims 4 running (let's see how long until the next patch breaks everything, maybe I have a few days left). I only want to play with tons of mods, which break all the time and are a pain to update, so I only do that procedure once or twice a year. When I actually get to play, I really like to immerse myself for a while until it is all over again. The funny thing is that I actually have fun playing because so many aspects are new to me (having fun in TS4 is almost unheard of, but apparently it can really happen 😆). Building and CAS are so much fun too! I'm not exactly a gameplay blog and not sure how many of you want to see TS4 on here anyway, so I doubt there will be many pics. I get super frustrated whenever I try to make sims in TS3 CAS, I guess I do not have some of y'all skills or the right CC at times (or do not know how to use it properly). In Sims 4, everything can be solved with a few skin overlays and I feel the weird head shape proportion thing that is so off in Sims 3 does not apply there, which makes everything easier. I do miss patterns though 🥲 I have been pretty preoccupied with other hobbies lately, I've been on a serious style rediscovery with my best friend, we discovered this style system called the Style Key and it is all about giving yourself permission to try out new things and your personal needs when choosing styles, which is really refreshing to all the systems that tell you "you cannot wear that with your body type!" So I've been trying things I did not actually dare to wear, like cute/playful outfits in pastel shades. I may wear the styles now that teenage me was too shy to wear and it feels great! I do not care anymore what other people may think about it. I recently discovered those colorful chunky plastic rings which surprisingly look good on me. I always felt like I could never really make jewelry work on me, and tried the tiniest minimalist pieces because everything felt "too much", but I have never tried the other extreme, the big chunky stuff because I told myself "that could never work". Turns out that trying out stuff instead of limiting myself feels really great and yields surprising results! And I feel more confident too because my outfits are fun and make me happy, and I am more relaxed if I feel happy too. In the Style Key system, I think I'm a Ruby (left-down quadrant) and I think the archetype "Spicy Girl Next Door" fits pretty nicely for me. The biggest takeaway for me is the realization that outfits have to "feel right" for me, not for anybody else and I do not dress to please anyone, but to help me feel good in my own skin and take into account my comfort needs and feelings on that day when I choose what to wear. The Style Key is not a system that tells you exactly what to wear, but it helps you figure out what you need your style to do for you and go from there. It's a bit daunting to get into because it is really so different from other systems and includes rather abstract theory/unusual concepts that are not really that intuitive, but the videos on the youtube channel really help to explain those concepts.
I also still work on some Python projects, but they're still a long way off from amounting to anything. But it's where I can use my problem-solving skills and just tinker around. I just really need something to bite my teeth into every now and then and that is perfect for it. 😊
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kermitbread · 1 year
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hi. guess what.
ask box is open again (because im lonely. just kidding... or was I)
well... with a slight, teeny tiny catch. from my rule page. yes i have one, mobile users. it's here. i changed it again lol (only works on desktop)
in addition. i added a page for my important links and stuff right here. and new to the blog, a faq page! (only works on desktop)
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well, anyways, it's there. go ahead and ask me stuff. byeeee
UPDATE: I will be VERRYYYY slow answering my inbox now because of super important school things I need to get done... y'all can still keep sending me asks. I promise I'll answer them, it just might take a while. maybe around two or four days. I will answer them as soon as I remember I have tumblr installed on my phone (it does not help i have very poor memory and attention span so im sorry)
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pekoeboo · 10 months
hm;; i'm kind of at the point right now where I'm not sure if i'll end up actually continuing/finishing the Journal?? I've had a basic outline written out for the entire rest of the story in one of my notebooks, so I know exactly what happens from the point I left off... but actually writing it hasn't exactly worked out very well for the past several months or so. >n<;; there's also a lot of new lore changes that have taken place and i'm ?? kind of not sure how to implement them into what i've already written without rewriting a bunch of stuff as well;;
idk if anyone's even still interested in the story anyway so it probably doesn't matter if I don't update it again. I just wish there were a way for me to still share what happens for anyone who is still curious, but writing new entries just isn't in the cards for me right now. maybe sometime in the future I'll get hit with the inspiration to continue with it? but as of now, probably not.
I guess I'm cool with spoiling the rest of it tho if anyone wants to know what happens - just send me an ask regarding the story and I'm more than willing to share that info :0 don't think i'll be able to really draw much art to explain stuff either so asks are probably the best way for y'all to figure out what happens. if not, then i'll likely just keep a lot of that to myself since i have no idea how else to share it.
anyway, it is what it is I suppose. these things happen with long-form creative projects, and I'm not the kind of person who is really good at keeping up on stuff like this for extended periods of time, unfortunately. hope that's ok tho;;
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illegalmushrooms · 3 months
shrooooms, the kids miss uu where art thou 😭
... hey!
(incoming yap session, beware)
This is a little awkward. I haven't touched my Tumblr in like, apparently three years. There's some questions in my inbox, but they're so old it feels a bit strange to answer them now, right? 😭
Anyway. It's nice to see you! Whoever you may be! (Are the kids OK?)
Last week, for god knows what reason, I re-donned my mushroom hat (humor me for a moment and imagine a Mario Toad-style monstrosity) and published a new (old) chapter of Don't Leave! (y'all remember that? Does anyone reading this right now remember or know who I am??).
Laying off the parentheses now--I explained in the chapter a bit of the future of the story and what was happening with me. Oh my gosh, is that a conveniently-placed link to the chapter down below?
As I mentioned somewhere in that conveniently-placed link, I'm mostly fine, and there's nothing else I have written for Don't Leave! so far.
Okay, so that's a complete and utter lie. I do have something written. But I'm afraid it's not very useful.
I actually wrote... a complete, very dramatic ending to the story. It's an interesting ending, to say the least, but of course, the story is nowhere near that point. I'd have to write another thirty-forty-who knows more chapters or something to even reach this supposed ending, and by then I might not even like the idea I have there.
I guess that's not relevant. I suppose the point I'm trying to make is that I never, ever, forgot about Don't Leave! I've thought about it a lot, even when I haven't been writing a single word. I've been reading every comment and message I received across the different platforms, and you know, smiling stupidly at my phone every time. I've totally missed the world of fanfiction! I've missed Bella, the ridiculous character I conjured up within the depths of pandemic-era isolation! I've missed sitting down at my laptop and tap-tapping away and sinking into this wonderful world Togashi made!
So here's what I'm going to say about the story. (This post just gets longer and longer, doesn't it? Sorry!)
As of right now, there is no next chapter.
I can't say when there might be a next chapter.
I can say that maybe, life-permitting, I'll post something in the fall, if I can squeeze in some time to rewatch HxH. I've just... forgotten a lot of the go story's intricacies that an author has to keep in mind to write a comprehensible fic.
That's what I have to say about Don't Leave! .
(and, to anyone who might be thinking of those other fics I wrote, which I highly doubt anyone is... I actually have a few chapters of them simmering in my docs somewhere. But I'm a bit embarrassed about it, so let's consider them dead for the moment, alright?)
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Now that I've cleared that up, and some of my conscience along with it, I suppose I'll drop in a tiny life update for any curious souls. I've never disclosed much about myself and I'd like to consider myself awful cool and mysterious, but can I speed run certain vague life events from my past three years?
I... survived a car crash, travelled to new countries and places, moved, wrote a ton (fanfic and general fiction, all of it kind of ass), survived a fire, worked and toiled to the capitalist machine, had a couple mental breakdowns, conquered the mental health, lost it again, conquered again...
...and so on...
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What's next for me?
I am hesitant of publishing anything else at the moment. I have a lot of fics I'd written just sitting in my files; everything from miscellaneous anime stuff to Harry Potter to this one reallllly odd story about isekai-ing into Minecraft, of all things. (I actually kind of like that one. Don't know if there's an audience for that kind of thing, though). My writing has absolutely improved since those admittedly rough early chapters of DL (I am ASTOUNDED it ever gained the little audience that it did) but there's still an anxiety I have about sharing my work. Silly, yes, but that's that.
For right now, I have the new DL chapter, I have this long-ass update post, and I have my genuine appreciation.
Much love to anyone who might still care. <3
Until next time?
Illegal Mushrooms
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