#Sonamy enchanted au
sparkles-rule-4eva · 6 days
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Bingo! The official cover for my Sonamy Enchanted AU is HERE!!! Click for higher quality, as always 😜💙🩷
(it only took, like, 17 hours total to make 🥴 AND I WASN'T EVEN TRYING TO MAKE IT DETAILED WHAT THE HECK) and on that note, I'm never drawing Robotnik again ^-^
If you haven't read or wanna maybe read, here's the link again!
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Okay every Sonamy fan needs to go read @sparkles-rule-4eva 's "Enchanted" fic. I read the most recent chapter and I was screeching and grinning so hard 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I've been so obsessed with the last chapter I had to draw a scene from it so here ya go
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neon-night · 1 year
ShadAmy Week 2023 - Day 7: What If?
Ft. My ShadAmy Enchanted AU, that I haven't made new content for until now.
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essycogany · 2 months
Amy’s Singing Voice 🎶
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Short random headcanon time! Lizz Robinett’s beautiful singing voice in “Renai Circulation” sounds so much like Amy Rose. I could imagine her voice being exactly like this. The song itself fits Amy as well. Her softness, silliness, glimpse of hope, and overall passion is heard in this song.
I also know her VA from Sonic Prime who sings as Pinkie Pie in My Little Pony Shannon Chan Kent, works perfectly too.
Here’s a demo of just her singing and it sounds eerily similar to Amy. The energy and sweetness. Everything you’d expect Amy to sound when singing is ALL here.
Both are how I’d imagine she’d sound in the Enchanted Sonamy AU fanfic by @sparkles-rule-4eva and in general. Now I can’t unhear it. 🩷
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 12 days
Imma do a "WIP Wednesday" on Monday because since when do I follow rules
Cover for Enchanted in progress!
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And some doodles I made today based off a scene from the latest chapter :3
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Also, even though it's still not quite as long as I wanted it to be before sharing it, here's the link to the playlist! It has songs for all aspects of the AU, not just the romance, so there are songs just for Amy or just for the boys or other dynamics, but yeah. If anyone has any suggestions, again, feel free to send them to me! 💙🩷
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 19 days
"Enchanted" readers, I have good news and bad news!
(Don't worry it's not as bad as you're probably thinking. Bad news has nothing to do with the story itself 😉)
Good news: I will more than likely finish Chapter 8 tonight! I'm currently just a few paragraphs away and I know what's happening :D
Bad news: AO3 is currently down for maintenance, I'm not sure for how long, so it will probably not be able to be posted tonight. 🥲
So basically, as soon as the Archive is back up and running, and as soon as I have time to post it, you'll get the update! I'm PSYCHED to share this chapter! 🤩🩷💙✨
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 21 days
Writing Enchanted chapter 8 tonight be like
"It's not a date," he says. "I'm just going to meet with my new friend" he says
Me: *squints suspiciously at said meeting*
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 3 months
I finished your AU as far as it is now and I want to say that you helped me appreciate Sonamy in a brand new way. I like that’s Sonic has more of his introverted eastern personality. While Amy is a mixture of her energy and mature nature. The way you put the story together is all so beautiful and I enjoyed every single second of reading it. The subtlety of their bond is what I liked the most. Sonamy, no matter what version has a subtleness I believe more people could appreciate by reading your AU. Keep at it. You do a fantastic job! 💙🩷
My only question is if you were to write your own songs for both of them, what would it be?
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Okay first of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND FOR YOUR KIND WORDS AND FEEDBACK!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 It made my day!!! 😭😭💙💙💙
Secondly, yes!!! The subtlety of their relationship is something I LOVE so much about them in canon. I am planning on exploring it a little more deeply in this AU, but since I tagged it "slow burn" and want to stick to that, I want to drag it out as realistically as possible. 💙🩷 As I was "warning" @number-one-shadisper-shipper yesterday, I'm cooking up some angst for later in the story... 🫠 (more like the angst broke down the door and started chasing me around with a hammer) so that'll provide some opportunities to dive into some more of the depth there will be. But at the end of the day, yes, I want to stick to that lovely subtlety of their relationship, and how it will certainly be no traditional relationship! 🤣💙🩷
As for if I were to write my own songs for both of them... Hm. If you mean in universe, like what kind of songs they would be performing, then... Well, I've had ideas, some of which I more described in the narrative. I know Amy likes to write songs straight from her own life and feelings, and she likes to use metaphors. I've done similar (sorta) things myself, although I have zero talent when it comes to writing songs and music 🥲 I've definitely thought about at least writing out the lyrics to a song that one or both of them would write, since I won't have to assign a tune to it, and songs don't have to have perfect rhythm... 🤔
I snuck in the actual song "Reach for the Stars" for the Sunset Squad already, as I'm sure people noticed 🤭🤣 but honestly a lot of Sonic and gang's current music is more or less wishful thinking. They write about dreams and aspirations in a way that makes them feel real and in the NOW. I could definitely see about writing out something more direct like that for them, especially since I myself can relate to their dilemma; specifically Sonic's. 🥴 I'll sure keep the thoughts in mind as I go about this! 🤩💙🩷
Thanks so much for the ask! 🥰💙💙💙
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 4 months
"Enchanted" (Sonamy AU)
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First four chapters are up! Go go go read and send me some feedback! 💙🩷
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 4 months
New chapter of Enchanted is out!! :)))
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 5 months
Update on the Enchanted AU: I've gotten halfway/three quarters through chapter 3, things are coming together, we're at about 3.5K words, and Sonic's band name is the Sunset Squad. 😜 Yes, obviously I stole the name from the fandom, but I think it fits our trio just as well with their coloring 🥰💙💛❤️
So excited to share it!
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 months
New chapter of Enchanted is OUT!!!
Funny, I was intending to work on it today but I didn't expect to be able to finish it, but I had a lot of chill time at work so I just finished it there, then did the rest of the editing after I got home and etc. 😀💙🩷
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 months
Writing update for Enchanted:
Apologies for Chapter 8 taking so long to come out 🥴 this has been a trickier chapter to write so far, and I was busy the last two weeks counseling at camp and didn't have much time at all to write. Unfortunately I can't promise it'll be out soon (ish), but I'm still hoping to have it out sometime this month (August)! Fingers crossed!
Don't worry about me losing inspiration or motivation - that's not it at all! 😜💙🩷 (This hyperfixation has been going strong for four months now 🤣) This is just ... a more delicate and crucial chapter in relation to the future of the story, and I want to get it just right. I'm still in the beginning scene, which admittedly is rather large will be at least a good chunk of it. I've already had to rewrite the first few paragraphs once, and there are some things I need to tidy up and figure out.
Not to mention, another large aspect of the story has manifested itself and I'm currently struggling to make sense of it. Another character is coming and will play a significant role of sorts - any guesses? 😈 But anyway, the intro and story of that character needs to be added soon in order for the pacing to work well, and I need to get it figured out at least MOSTLY beforehand. That'll probably be part of Chapter 9. 🤩
Once again, thank you to everyone who's been reading and leaving such lovely comments! They're always such an encouragement and make my day, and they're bonus motivation to keep working on it! 💙🩷🥰 Much love to y'all!!
P.S. I've been formulating a playlist for this AU. 😜🤩🎵 It's currently about a half hour long with nine songs - about ALL the aspects of the AU, not just the romance. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love for you to let me know! 🥰 Once it's longer, I'll make it public and post a link. 😘
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 months
🤭 of course I'm picking Enchanted 💙🩷
Amy took a long, deep breath, forcing herself to reply before Sonic could look any more concerned than he already did.
*runs away*
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 3 months
Chapter 6 of Enchanted is OUT!!!
This one's over 4K, but I had such a fun time writing it. Made myself fangirl some. 🤣 I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing!! 💙🩷
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 3 months
Update on the Sonamy Enchanted AU; Chapter 6 is currently over 4K words, although I'm nearing the end of it. 🤭 The story word count in total is now about 13.5K. I've been getting bits of writing in almost every night with no sign of slowing down 🤩 instead, I just keep getting excited about it! Especially since several people have left me longer, more detailed comments lately that definitely helped keep me going!
This chapter is so packed full of sweetness and I keep squealing at it, my own writing, my own indulgence 🤣 yeah you guessed it, they're finally gonna meet in this chapter. But the details, I ain't sharin' 😜 YET!!
It should be done within a couple days!! Looking forward to sharing! 💙🩷
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