#anyways back to monty
ratatatastic · 3 months
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pretty boy spotted in dania beach alert pretty boy spotted in dania beach alert!
6.29.24 (x)
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ruubesz-draws · 1 year
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Monty would be the feral uncle
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many-gay-magpies · 3 months
seeing all these posts talking about payneland as if its some tragic unrequited love drives me insane ngl. or i guess not TRAGIC but the posts that are like "man edwin really got every boy except the one he wanted" HE ALREADY HAD HIM. HE ALREADY FUCKING HAD HIM ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?? MAYBE NOT ROMANTICALLY BUT GOD HE HAD HIM. AND HE STILL HAS HIM.
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tagidearte-spam-sb · 3 months
I find it funny how the fandom (or, at least, a part of the fandom I see a lot) has latched onto the "Moon is obsessed with rules" headcanon. True, he's the one that comes after Gregory for "punishment time", but...
Sun is the one calling the player a rulebreaker and kicking a literal kid straight into the less-than-friendly Glamrocks' waiting arms (for accidentally turning the lights off. As if Gregory would know touching a Freddy shaped security box would do that. If it even was Gregory and, idk, ""someone"" disabling the power in the daycare on purpose). Sun is the one nearly popping his circuits if you don't follow his instructions. Sun is the one threatening to release Moon on you if you so much as colour a page wrong. Sun is the one getting frustrated with Cassie if she screws up somehow (haven't played Ruin in a while, but I do think he freaks out if you approach him in the VR world after only disabling one - or zero - generators).
Moon on the other hand? Moon is fizzyfazzing vibing (well, not in Ruin for obvious reasons). Fulfilling his task and getting the kid? Sure sure, let him just jump from leg to leg first, and walk in a goofy way at an extremely slow pace (even Monty with no legs balancing himself on crutches would probably move faster), while giggling and alerting the entirety of the daycare to his precise jingly location. He only starts taking it seriously and entering the structures when you get some generators on, and even then he's still messing around. The robot cares more about his jester theatrics than his goddamn job. If Moon really does security patrols like many people believe he does, half of them are (or were, prior to the virus) probably him tormenting a poor overworked security guard (rip Vanessa, if you're out there...).
Don't take me wrong. I love a Moon who follows the rules to a malicious degree as much as the next person. And he does seem set on putting Gregory down to sleep and punishing him. He does seem intent on harming you in HW2. But let's be real, Moon doesn't give a shit about his job half the time - doing a goofy walk, riding a carousel... those are much better. If he gets to scare someone while doing it, jackpot for him. We only really see him struggle in Ruin, as far as I recall. Sun is the one running around like a bossy headless chicken trying to get everything in order.
I think it's because Moon is the one who directly says "you must be punished" and harms you? But even then my man jumps on the table, does a goofy move, and flies off to give Gregory some time to hide for their little hide and seek game. Sun is the one getting freaked out and throwing you out without any preamble after the lights turn on.
Again, not shitting on anyone. I just think it's so funny. I legitimately cannot imagine Moon being that serious unless 1) a real intruder is at the pizzaplex, not some snotty kid; 2) Vanny tells him to; 3) something actually dangerous is happening and he's not high on whatever virus is going around.
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darkxsoulzyx · 2 years
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Semi-call back to this post XDDDDD
They got their revenge :)
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glamrock-freddy · 10 months
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Hmgnhm coughing up an au. Have some undercooked doodles
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socksandbuttons · 10 months
In the "a day in the life of eclipse" it wasn't the first time Solar's Moon treated him badly. Remember when Lunar first showed up in Solar's dimension, Solar told Moon that there's a dimensional traveler and he'll deal with it. And his Moon responded with "good because I don't care!" it looks like his Moon has been aggressive/treated him badly to him from the start. Sorry, I just didn't understand what you meant by you ignoring the lore from a day in the life of eclipse because it is part of the lore now
You're new on my blog which i frequently ignore things in my headcanons from time to time. And that canon changes from how its interpreted. Anyway, stems from Solar's explaining his moons situation. The lore SLIGHTLY changed. In terms of Moon, being slightly Glitched due to killcodes removal/memory loss. He never mentioned Moon being mean before that (at least not on the terms before he left his dimension). Not unlike things to be slightly aggressive from Moon tho, just it wasnt PERCIEVED moon was a jerk to Solar UNTIL Solar reveals this later on (after Lunars death). They didn't really develop his story until later a little more. So I'm sticking to my previous headcanon of Moon having a glitch, which is canon to s degree? SOLAR himself has mentioned he wanted to fix his MOON AND SUN. Which was forgotten/changed and turned into just sun then into Solar leaving forever.
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epicfroggz · 1 year
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my design for Glamrock Spring Bonnie ✨ finished it just in time for Ruin heck yes
Faz Engineer: “Sir, we may have accidentally revived William Afton…”
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monty-glasses-roxy · 10 months
Also went looking for something through my notes and remembered that Roxy's entire existence before Ruin was just a huge middle finger to Fazbear Ent. I should bring that energy back lmao she wasn't always trapped in a pit of MXES network flavoured angst.
#the specific note was about her being programmed for acoustic and drums#and management saying to the band 'yeah yeah just incorporate the new member into the set however the preprogramming should sort it'#and then she shows up with a fucking keytar she found in the basement and spray painted green.#being told to put it down and go back to her normal instruments shes SUPPOSED to have where did she even get that from#and she concedes like fine fine whatever#then rocks up on stage with it anyway and her debut show is a huge fucking hit for it#cause she quite literally stole the show with it#literally she fit into what the band was doing yeah but at some point when it came to her official intro#she just fucking went for it#all improv baby she had a blast out of spite!!!#literally steamrolled at least one entire song to fuck around and find out and everyone had to improvise around her#freddy offered backup vocals but literally sang 'i dont have an instrument' at some point#to kind of clue her in that he doesn't know what the fuck she's expecting#and she just 'well thats a shame not my problem' in perfect tune right back at him lmao#then carried on like it never happened!!#freddy chica and monty wanted to fucking throttle her for this. the FUCK is she doing?!#but they expected management to do it enough for all of them... then they just didn't.#she got a slap on the wrist because the audience had loved it#like a very half-assed lecture and she very clearly didn't care#and they're so fucking mad about it dndnkd#that was the notes! roxy is an asshole and gets away with it! and when she doesn't it doesn't stop her anyway!#and it drives the others nuts for ages!#for good reason of course#but yeah that's that lmao
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bitchfitch · 1 year
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I'm not going to post about it a lot until the zine is out, but I'm really excited about the piece I'm getting to do for this one ^^ partially bc of how nice this glass is behaving so far (<this jinxes it)
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surrealisticduvet · 1 year
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planetsparalysis · 1 year
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header update :3
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shibaraki · 2 years
unfortunately for you all I am still alive
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fenixburned · 1 year
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hello I've come back to scream loudly 🥰🥰🥰
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socksandbuttons · 11 months
I feel like such, and I mean SUCH a wasted opportunity and potential for KC as a character. Multiple times where I felt like it just so off about how he’s been handle and how it ended. You mean to tell me, this man right here has just gotten his redemption to being good, gone for a few months away from us to see how he’s doing only for us to see one last time before he got straight kill by his own Bloody Son? I mean yeah sure, Im driven for angst but the way they did it for his death just felt not earn, i dont know how to explain it. Im glad that KC at least acknowledge about Bloodmoon’s whole issue but to just die afterwards?? And that’s it?? Yeah ok, he’s a pacifist now and a good guy, but he’s still can defend himself. Maybe came out injured from the fight but still alive. But no…. He just die. Thats it
I cant help but feel like they have been just like, throwing KC’s character around. They either dont know what to do or have other plans for him, but just the way it’s been handle it just. I dont know I gotten a whole rant about this.
I remember when they said that Moon will give KC a proper body but apparently Moon never made that happen. Now, I wanna give the showrunner the benefit of a doubt and cut them some slack cuz Im sure they have other things to do beside the show to even remember that
Idk what else to say. I know for sure there are a lot more in my mind abt this but I cant type it all out atm so take it as you will
Oh yeah no I do feel they didn't know what to do with him other than have him come in once a while and felt the death necessary rather than use him more. (The two voice actors for Sun and Moon have like three channels.) I do feel they haven't been too consistent anyway with KC (the rush of a redemption, no seeming closure for somethings, etc. I could be missing something but yeah) They could've had him for the current astral plot (Given he has star knowledge and *harnessing its power*) PLUS Earth's situation about her feelings about the Creator (I'll keep bringing it up, but Deliberately MADE to be a killing machine is right in her face. I know she has Forgor but once again her whole Need to know and uncomfortable with being out of loop. Her entire encounter with KC would be such a haze to her it'd definitely bother her enough.) KC isn't the first example of not using a character to its full (Solar Flare and Even first Bloodmoon. Literally... literally was taught magic and thats never brought up again). It's also just how numbers work on the channel too. They take most review from youtube and discord from what I understand and from what I see there is a difference with majority and what we're saying most of the time. Lunar was brought back cause he was rather popular already (also he wasn't fully killed either in the same episode).
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good afternoon. my brother just sent me an image of trigun funko pops
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