#anyway........ON TO MASS ICONING
sleepdepravity · 2 years
The downside of getting more attention is that now bots can find me easier. I had been able to thin the herd a while back by blocking egregiously, to the point where I was maybe getting a bot follow about once per week at most, but now it’s ramping up again. Though it’s gonna be hard to be merciless this time…now that I have actual #content that I know people actually want to see…the only reason I was able to block egregiously before was because I could easily be like, “ha whatever these people wouldn’t even miss much.” But now…
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ladyseidr · 1 year
okay hello car.rd isn't finished but that's okay, all muses listed on it are still open for business. i also have a new theme and things are feeling! clearer! less overwhelming here now! so uh. hello. shoving my muses at you. comes harass them if you'd like
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candyradium · 2 years
its October which means im breaking my "do not watch horror in the evening" rule but im working my way up slowly. ghost files episode day 1 maybe a horror movie tomorrow who knows
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vitiateoriginator · 2 months
This past week I lost all motivation to draw
But it's cool, its cool. I'm getting back on the horse and sketching some art fight attacks again. I'm still on track to make my personal goal I think. Even if I don't make it I'm still having fun! This year really feels more active and alive on the site than the others I've participated in so far, its great!
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celestialholz · 28 days
Live long and fuck in Hondas (or 'why that Vulcan salute is way more significant than you think it is')
Hey. Hey Holz. Did you know Deadpool and Wolverine fucked in the Odyessy? Did you know that they now live in a one-bed with Blind Al? Did you know that -
Yes, friend. I know all of it. And you're all super fucking valid for pointing it out.
... But maybe all of you aren't seasoned Trekkies like me. Maybe not all of you gorgeous people understand the true significance of this.
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Or maybe you just want a definitive way to win the argument of "are these two fucking?"
But either way, I'm here to help, and to tell you why, amongst all the absurdly homoerotic text of this film, this moment? Might be the gayest of them all.
Now, we must start by saying that although you wouldn't know it from the bullshit Abrams films, these two:
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Are the fathers of gay fanfiction. Spock and Kirk here are the reason you're living in the fantastic timeline where you can write/read men fucking without any other shred of plot and that this is a legitimate and normalised internet experience - everyone say thank you, iconic papas. These guys were so homoerotically coded that even in the 60s, the era of wondrously overdramatic performances of all kinds and fairly prevalent homophobia, The Girlies still took notice, still started mailing each other fics and making zines and being just hugely excited at the thought of these two getting space-married. They are fandom as we know it today's beginning, and seventy years later they're still an enduringly popular ship on AO3. (You should all go and watch Amok Time, by the way. Contains the Honda Odyessy scene of the 60s, except there's weird biology and wrestling and just go and put it on your screens, thank me later. They fucked on that planet.)
Anyway, these two were as close as early colour TV could ever allow two men to be, deepening their *coughs* friendship almost every single episode or film - Trek's creator Gene Roddenberry even gave them a unique word in Spock's Vulcan language, with the meaning of 'friend, brother, lover.' (And if that isn't ringing any Poolverine bells, I'm not actually sure what you want out of this post. Enjoy it anyway, love you.)
... And then we get to 1982's The Wrath of Khan, and to that moment that every iconic screen couple must face - the ol' classic, it's you or me and I won't let it be you.
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Sure, the set-up's a little different here - the chamber Spock's in is filled with radiation, and the scene's quieter, softer. And Kirk isn't a mutant so he can't smash his way in, he can just sit there and inwardly die as his emotional support Vulcan does.
... But you get where I'm coming from here. Ryan Reynolds doesn't take a million other potential love scenes from across the cinematic ages - no, he takes this. What is for many the romantic acknowledgement of a whole generation. The humble and desperately sweet beginning of it everything we fans know and love nowadays. The most ambiguously romantic homosexual relationship in television, directly comparative to what is now arguably the most ambiguously romantic homosexual relationship in cinema. And lest we forget, Wade doesn't believe in a fourth wall - this is a conscious choice, both in canon and in the writer's room.
Oh it's so clever and so beautiful a girl could weep. Ryan just introduced the MCU to the gays, just as Kirk and Spock did all those years ago to the masses of the time.
And then there's what it means.
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This is the Vulcan salute, created to mean either 'live long and prosper' or 'peace and long life' - it's used more or less interchangeably.
But part of that's irrelevant when you're as immortal as these two.
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So we're left with the sentiments of prosperity and peace, given to a man who up to this point can't imagine ever prospering again, is the furthest thing away from being at peace. Wade gives Logan the opportunity to go on, to find the things he's been lacking for so long now - things he has already helped him find. Spock tells Kirk during The Wrath that 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,' and that's exactly what Wade's doing here - sacrificing himself for the greater good of his friends and his newly beloved, however much it will hurt them all.
And that's lovely, and poignant, and character-growing, and I think we all would have been content to leave it at that and have our noble sacrifice, however much we would have wept. Kirk goes on to find the remnants of Spock's soul in the next film in the series, to bring him essentially back from the dead because he felt it was more than his own soul's worth not to have done... which, again, ringing a bell anyone?
Because Logan, in not so many words, tells dear Wade to fuck right off, and we get this.
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What we've got here is a direct translation of one of cinema's gayest moments, made somehow infinitely more gay. A true achievement here - I genuinely think I spontaneously acquired tetanus in the cinema for a good minute, my jaw dropped so hard on seeing this. The pillars are the same colour as Kirk and Spock's original uniforms, for fuck's sake. I'm dying out here.
What we've done here is create narrative equality. The whole film's kinda done that leading up to this anyway - they're both mentally fucked up men who can't die, who are constantly dying anyway, who are evenly-matched in battle and both enjoy Honda fucking, who have forged a real love even as they piss each other off at every turn.
But here, they place one another in narrative equality for the first time. It's not about a sacrifice, not now, even though they're assuming it is one - it's about what should be done. It's about righting wrongs, being heroes, being together because every option other than that is unacceptable, because neither understands quite how to lose anyone else. They've both made the same choice, and that's not to let the other die alone.
It's about holding hands and loving and never letting go, even if it kills them.
... It's just about the most romantic and gorgeous thing I've ever fucking seen.
There are no more instances of masks, once they're done in this station. They don't need them any longer; they will never need them again.
And that's only emphasised by the parting shot we get of this... almost directly after Vanessa and Wade share a final sweet look.
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I don't know, man. It's almost like the true conclusion is hidden behind the acceptable masquerade. Imagine that in the MCU, folks.
They've taken one of the most intimate and sweet moments in screen history, and made even more glorious.
They did The Wrath of Khan better than The Wrath of Khan did it.
And that's... that's gay. That's just about the gayest thing they could ever have done, and I adore it to the smallest pieces.
So remember, the next time your friends disbelieve you... show 'em this. Show them that they redid the very beginnings of slash fandom, and did it better.
(And then you can add on that they now live in a one-bed with their grandma, daughter and dog, and will do for the rest of their lives. Kirk and Spock didn't even get THAT shit.)
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tremendously-crazy · 3 months
i genuinely don't know how to phrase this but like
i need to see more ACD Holmes adaptations. I want to see a series that's huge like how BBC Sherlock was, but one that doesn't mess with the story so much. In my opinion, BBC Sherlock doesn't accurately capture the iconic essence of the original Holmes. It's a decent show in it's own right, but it's just nowhere near as good as the original stories, especially when it comes to representing how Sherlock Holmes actually behaves in the original tales. (Not to mention the obvious queerbaiting).
I want to see the REAL Sherlock Holmes get famous. Yeah, everyone knows who Sherlock Holmes is, but it's usually a very general idea full of stereotypical detectives, huge pipes, and "elementary, my dear Watson!" (which is not an actual line in the original stories, anyway)!!
Like imagine some kind of tv show/movie for the stories. A fully-fleshed visual representation of all the stories. (while fixing problematic parts, obviously, because there are MANY problematic parts) with an actual PLOT to keep the masses entertained, while still showing the original, enthralling character of Sherlock Holmes.
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ecoterrorist-katara · 3 months
The only stereotypically masculine thing about Aang…is his romantic arc
There’s a really popular post on Tumblr called “Avatar Aang, Feminist Icon.” The thesis is basically that Aang, unlike his female teachers and friends, is actually not a badass. He listens, he defers, and he respects women. He seemed to have no problem with Katara’s crush on Jet, despite his own crush on her. He chooses love and kindness and friendship and pacifism. He’s not tall and handsome as hell or buff. He wears flower crowns!
And I agree! This is Aang for most of the series and I love those qualities (though I do think the bar is in hell if those traits make a character a feminist icon, as opposed to a person who simply sees women as human beings). Anyway, I just think there’s a glaring omission. And that’s Aang’s romantic arc in season 3.
Bryke managed to take the worst of both worlds: Aang’s romantic arc retains the male-centricity that make most romances so problematic, while retaining none of the characteristics that make problematic romances compelling to women.
Aang falls in love at first sight with a beautiful girl. For the majority of their friendship, he remains respectful and supportive. As his crush hits an all time high, however, it gets distinctly more stereotypical: he kisses Katara at the invasion, and when she didn’t want to talk about that kiss, he firebends at her (the fact that this comic is canon, and was published years after ATLA’s conclusion, only demonstrates that the creators still don’t understand critiques of their romance). Aang considers Katara “his girl” and becomes furious (“I would be in the Avatar state right now!”) when the actress version of Katara didn’t like him romantically, and then he kisses her again — this time explicitly against her wishes. Throughout the show, people reassure him that she will come around, continuously reinforcing the idea that Katara is “his” and he just has to be patient. And even though Ka/taang is supposed to be endgame, we never hear directly from Katara how she feels, even though we’re no strangers to her opinions and feelings on other topics. It’s almost like the creators wanted Katara’s feelings to be a mystery because we’re meant to resonate with Aang. That’s…a male-centric, action hero romance.
In addition, the friendship dynamics between Katara and Aang feel pretty gendered. The distribution of emotional labour between Aang and Katara is quite skewed: Katara takes care of Aang much more than he takes care of her. She’s the one responsible for calming him down from the Avatar State. She’s the one who cooks for him and performs a whole lot of domestic chores. Post-canon, Katara’s storyline revolves around Aang, and she’s treated as his accessory and the keeper of his legacy instead of her own person, to the degree that she’s not even recognizable in LOK anymore. A beautiful, badass, independent woman who dedicates her energy and intelligence to a man’s needs? Wow, that is definitely something I’ve never seen in media geared towards men!
A lot of gushing about Aang’s lack of stereotypical masculinity seems to also hinge on how Aang is not conventionally attractive, but that’s…not true. Aang may not behave like James Bond, but he has plenty of admirers. Meng and On Ji liked him even without knowing that he’s the Avatar. Post-series, Acolytes descend en masse to steal Katara’s man. And of course he grows into a tall, buff dude. Aang’s romantic arc is not about becoming attractive to women, or finding a woman who loves him despite his looks. His romantic arc is about getting the girl who’s hard to get, because she only sees him as a friend or a little brother / babysitting charge.
Bryke do not deserve the credit for creating a “feminist icon,” not when the only stereotypically masculine traits they gave him are in relation to his romance arc. It honestly feels more insidious this way, because it’s like, “see? You don’t have to be masculine to reap the benefits of performing masculinity” — the benefits being, of course, “getting” the girl you want.
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3liza · 1 year
thank you for speaking rational thought AS AN ARTIST into the ai debate. i get so tired of people over simplifying, generalizing, and parroting how they’ve been told ai works lmao. you’re an icon
some of the worst AI art alarmists are professional artists as well but theyre in very specific fields with very specific work cultures and it would take a long and boring post to explain all the nuance there but i went to the same extremely tiny, hypefocused classic atelier school in San Francisco as Karla Ortiz and am actually acquainted with her irl so i have a different perspective on this particular issue and the people involved than the average fan artist on tumblr. the latter person is also perfectly valid and so is their work, all im saying is that we have different life experiences and my particular one has accidentally placed me in a weird and relevant position to observe what the AI art panic is actually about.
first thing i did when the pearl-clutching about AI art started is go on the Midjourney discord, which is completely public and free, and spent a few burner accounts using free credits to play with the toolset. everyone who has any kind of opinion about AI art should do the same because otherwise you just wont know what youre talking about. my BIGGEST takeaway is that it is currently and likely always will be (because of factors that are sort of hard to explain) extremely difficult to make an AI like Midjourney spit out precisely wht you want UNLESS what you want is the exact kind of hyperreal, hyperpretty Artstation Front Page 4k HDR etc etc style pictures that, coincidentally, artists like Karla Ortiz have devoted their careers to. Midjourney could not, when asked, make a decent Problem Glyph. or even anything approaching one. and probably never will, because there isn't any profit incentive for it to do so and probably not enough images to train a dataset anyway.
the labor issues with AI are real, but they are the result of the managerial class using AI's existence as an excuse to reduce compensation for labor. this happens at every single technological sea change and is unstoppable, and the technology itself is always blamed because that is beneficial to the capitalists who are actually causing the labor crisis each time. if you talk to the artists who are ACTUALLY already being affected, they will tell you what's happening is managers are telling them to insert AI into workflows in ways that make no sense, and that management have fully started an industry-wide to "pivot" to AI production in ways that aren't going to work but WILL result in mass loss of jobs and productivty and introduce a lot of problems which people will then be hired to try to fix, but at greatly-reduced salaries. every script written and every picture generated by an AI, without human intervention/editing/cleanup, is mostly unusable for anything except a few very specific use cases that are very tolerant of generality. i'm seeing it being used for shovelware banner ads, for example, as well as for game assets like "i need some spooky paintings for the wall of a house environment" or "i need some nonspecific movie posters for a character's room" that indie game devs are making really good use of, people who can neither afford to hire an artist to make those assets and cant do them themselves, and if the ai art assets weren't available then that person would just not have those assets in the game at all. i've seen AI art in that context that works great for that purpose and isn't committing any labor crimes.
it is also being used for book covers by large publishing houses already, and it looks bad and resulted directly in the loss of a human job. it is both things. you can also pay your contractor for half as many man hours because he has a nailgun instead of just hammers. you can pay a huge pile of money to someone for an oil portrait or you can take a selfie with your phone. there arent that many oil painters around anymore.
but this is being ignored by people like the guy who just replied and yelled at me for the post they imagined that i wrote defending the impending robot war, who is just feeling very hysterical about existential threat and isn't going to read any posts or actually do any research about it. which is understandable but supremely unhelpful, primarily to themselves but also to me and every other fellow artist who has to pay rent.
one aspect of this that is both unequivocally True AND very mean to point out is that the madder an artist is about AI art, the more their work will resemble the pretty, heavily commercialized stuff the AIs are focused on imitating. the aforementioned Artstation frontpage. this is self-feeding loop of popular work is replicated by human artists because it sells and gets clicks, audience is sensitized to those precise aesthetics by constant exposure and demands more, AI trains on those pictures more than any others because there are more of those pictures and more URLs pointing back to those pictures and the AI learns to expect those shapes and colors and forms more often, mathematically, in its prediction models. i feel bad for these people having their style ganked by robots and they will not be the only victims but it is also true, and has always been true, that the ONLY way to avoid increasing competition in a creative field is to make yourself so difficult to imitate that no one can actually do it. you make a deal with the devil when you focus exclusively on market pleasing skills instead of taking the massive pay cut that comes with being more of a weirdo. theres no right answer to this, nor is either kind of artist better, more ideologically pure, or more talented. my parents wanted me to make safe, marketable, hotel lobby art and never go hungry, but im an idiot. no one could have predicted that my distaste for "hyperreal 4k f cup orc warrior waifu concept art depth of field bokeh national geographic award winning hd beautiful colorful" pictures would suddenly put me in a less precarious position than people who actually work for AAA studios filling beautiful concept art books with the same. i just went to a concept art school full of those people and interned at a AAA studio and spent years in AAA game journalism and decided i would rather rip ass so hard i exploded than try to compete in such an industry.
which brings me to what art AIs are actually "doing"--i'm going to be simple in a way that makes computer experts annoyed here, but to be descriptive about it, they are not "remixing" existing art or "copying" it or carrying around databases of your work and collaging it--they are using mathematical formulae to determine what is most likely to show up in pictures described by certain prompts and then manifesting that visually, based on what they have already seen. they work with the exact same very basic actions as a human observing a bunch of drawings and then trying out their own. this is why they have so much trouble with fingers, it's for the same reason children's drawings also often have more than 5 fingers: because once you start drawing fingers its hard to stop. this is because all fingers are mathematically likely to have another finger next to them. in fact most fingers have another finger on each side. Pinkies Georg, who lives on the end of your limb and only has one neighbor, is an outlier and Midjourney thinks he should not have been counted.
in fact a lot of the current failings by AI models in both visual art and writing are comparable to the behavior of human children in ways i find amusing. human children will also make up stories when asked questions, just to please the adult who asked. a robot is not a child and it does not have actual intentions, feelings or "thoughts" and im not saying they do. its just funny that an AI will make up a story to "Get out of trouble" the same way a 4 year old tends to. its funny that their anatomical errors are the same as the ones in a kindergarten classroom gallery wall. they are not people and should not be personified or thought of as sapient or having agency or intent, they do not.
anyway. TLDR when photography was invented it became MUCH cheaper and MUCH faster to get someone to take your portrait, and this resulted in various things happening that would appear foolish to be mad about in this year of our lord 2023 AD. and yet here we are. if it were me and it was about 1830 and i had spent 30 years learning to paint, i would probably start figuring out how to make wet plate process daguerreotypes too. because i live on earth in a technological capitalist society and there's nothing i can do about it and i like eating food indoors and if i im smart enough to learn how to oil paint i can certainly point a camera at someone for 5 minutes and then bathe the resulting exposure in mercury vapor. i know how to do multiple things at once. but thats me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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you levi stans always believing that levi is still the most popular aot character. bro was surpassed by season 4 eren and now levi is just completely irrelevant. levi isn’t even iconic any longer. the anime just made him a cold badass and took everything that made him special in the manga away. everyone just thinks he is fan service and is annoyed when he appears in anything now (official arts, bad boy). aot may fade away but the one people will remember is eren and it shows. he is the one with constant interactions, likes, and google searches. honestly pretty sure mikasa tops levi in popularity by now too. levi has fallen from his high perch and turned into an irrelevant worthless loser to the masses. it’s honestly what you levi stans deserve for hating on eren all those years before the time skip.
anyways proof below along with the anime corner poll at the end of the year: https://x.com/justmeight/status/1791195643815637415?s=46&t=opIHY9xYZlEjLmRQ4bbogA
hi, i only read the first sentence and would like to let you know that i don’t give a rat’s ass about levi’s popularity and would still fantasize about his cock regardless 👍🏼
also go touch grass 👋🏼
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nightcolorz · 2 months
I know you are not home (home being the internet) but you can answer when you are back
(hey! if you are reading this, welcome back!)
Anyway I've been thinking lately about Marius's handling of Daniel when he was "sick" (crazy) and what it says about him and his core values
Not informing Armand that Daniel was unwell and with him
Not tolerating Daniel's choice of creative outlet fully, namely not letting him use recycling and assorted objects to build his little cities and making him use only mass produced packs
I think both things are very telling of who Marius is as a person, he doesn't see Daniel and Armand's relationship as something valuable, he is blindsided when they get back together (which happens basically the second they are allowed the privacy to have a full conversation) and he doesn't think what Daniel is doing with his models as real art
I can't help but think he made sure Armand and Daniel didn't have contact those years because he knew if they did they would both abandon him, but he told himself (and maybe even believed that he was doing it to protect them both out of love)
He thinks love equals control and that love can not exist without hierarchy and subservience
It took me so long to answer this bcus I have massive thoughts!
I think the way that Marius treats Daniel and Armand when it comes to their creative outlets is rlly interesting and telling and I’m so happy u brought that up. I’ve always gotten the impression that Marius is kind of pretentious about art. He has the whole “control = love” mentality and I think that’s plays into what he thinks art is/means. The way that Marius creates is by making exact replicas of real life or pre existing paintings with his vampire mimicking skills. So his art always comes off as very detailed and fascinating but also impersonal and in some way artificial. When he ends up accidentally inserting parts of himself into his work (like painting pandora into his piece when he’s thinking of her) he considers it in error and erases it. I get the impression that Marius considers art more the act of possessing smth preexisting and making it in his own image, taking control over it by immortalizing it, rather then expressing a part of himself or reflecting on some meaning.
he sort of pushes that perspective onto Daniel when hes under his care by making him use store bought items to create his models instead of letting him delve into his mind to sort through some creativity and make smth of his own. Marius likely thinks that by allowing Daniel to only build things in this specific correct way he is both teaching Daniel how to correctly make art and he is also controlling daniel and any kind of narrative that may be happening by restricting Daniel by exploring any of his self or emotions that Marius doesn’t have a say over. Daniel can’t delve into his “crazy” mind to create if Marius controls what he is creating, and I think Marius sees this as a good thing. The less access Daniel has to his sense of self the less likely he’ll go “mad” (and the less likely Marius won’t be able to keep him docile anymore)
when it comes to Armand, when Armand was a child he was very artistically skilled and inclined. He was so religious and faith meant sm to him that he only drew religious icons, which caused him to be taken advantage of and exploited by figures in his community. When he is sexually assaulted and sold into slavery he represses his childhood memories and his ability to paint. painting becomes traumatically triggering for Armand, and reminds him of how he feels like he’s lost his faith and connection to god bcus of what’s happened to him, and he refuses to do it. Instead of trying to encourage Armand to recontextualize his relationship with art and to use it as an outlet to regain his identity Marius instead takes advantage of the opportunity he sees of Armand being a blank slate and pushes his own views of religion and art onto him as to replace to old ones. I know Marius had good intentions there, and was probably like “by giving Armand a more positive view of this he will be less terrified”, but what he ends up doing is further depriving a slave child from his cultural identity and religious values by teaching him that his faith is the wrong type of faith and he should consume art the way marius does. Marius is once again asserting his control over someone in his care’s capacity for creativity by making sure his perspective is the one that is dominating the creation.
The way I see it, as an artist Marius understands the power of art and creation and knows that to keep his “love = control so these dudes I love need to be under my control” mentality he needs to limit how his loved ones r able to engage with their own creativity so that they aren’t tapping into a level of independence that is beyond Marius’s power.
I think this is also exactly why he limits Armand’s ability to interact with Daniel while he’s “sick”. Armand and daniels relationship is such a hurricane and Marius definitely knows that if he puts those two in the same room they r a force that he can’t push around to his will. But I think Marius is definitely telling himself that he’s separating Armand and Daniel bcus Armand is a mentally ill unstable lunatic who will ruin daniels brain and Daniel is too fragile to deal with that. I also think that since Armand and daniels relationship doesn’t follow this master and apprentice dynamic and is instead this emotional colorful hot mess crazy kid combo who can’t keep there hands off each other and r addicted to each others blood that it’s therefore Bad and Irresponsible (it is but it’s better then whatever Marius thinks is correct 💀) so he needs to be the big parent and protect them from themselves (keep them reliant on him so that they don’t leave him)
thnak u for the ask this is all so interesting !!
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ai-megurine · 3 months
HOTD S2 episode 2 "Rhaenyra the Cruel" reaction
• This OST! Djamin Rawadi is a god
• Can we appreciate Aegon's friends? Staying with him despite the state of madness he's in and closing the door to make sure he has some privacy
• oh so that shot of Aemond was him realising that he was the target!!!!
• I'm sorry I'm not that sympathetic to Alicent's tears? I just wish we could see more of Helaena grieving. I love the dress though
• Otto shut up.
• Get Tom an Emmy, an Oscar and every single award in the world. His "what?" of disbelief to Otto stuck with me, dunno why
• In love with Larys' entrance. No one notices him until he speaks, he's in the background. Perfectly suits him
• "Bitch Queen of bastards" lmfao
• Love that the Council is shutting up and just letting Aegon rant. They're all scared of him in a way
• Who knew I'd ever be happy to see Larys?
• "I'll kill him myself" feed him to Sunfyre pls. Or Shrykos
• Aegon losing it every time Otto speaks is such a mood
• Jasper Wylde has a lign! Who knew.
• "We know our enemy!" with the little hand thingy was funny, I'm sorry
• Tyland!!
• "you're already seen as weak" oh fuck you Otto
• Why would anyone think that Rhaenys committing mass murder means Rhaenyra should be Queen???
• Aegon "my little son's body" broke me.
• Alicent calling Aegon "my darling" was sweeter than I thought.
• oh so Helaena can be a spectacle but not you??
• Oh my lord she's holding Jaehaerys' clothes 😭😭😭
• She's grief personified I can't breathe
• Phia is an angel
• AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH the "I don't want them closer I don't know them" breaks me. She's my angel, I will fight the world for you
• "This is for my boy" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
• The toy horse 😭😭😭😭
• The music is so good
• (when did they have the time to make all the uniforms and banners??? Sewing ladies have been doing overtime)
• Blood IMMEDIATELY giving up all the information was low-key funny but it really showcases who he is. A big bully who uses his strength to hurt people weaker than hip (women and children) but the second he's caught? He folds like a coward.
• Lmfao Larys' face. Even he was like "damn dude I didn't even start"
• Who the fuck is the herald? I thought Otto would be the one doing this
• The little circlet on his bead 😭😭😭😭
• why barn owls on the shroud? I mean it's Helaena and she's flawless so I like it anyway
• So the death of Jaehaerys has FINALLY been acknowledged as kinslaying as well
• Blood's face when he understands that Aegon is coming and that it's going to be painful
• Noooooo, I wanted more pain for Blood
• Oh no my girl being so overwhelmed. She's in pain 😭😭😭
• Oh Rhaenyra's reaction to B&C
• I mean why wouldn't they accuse you? Like? Bestie? Who would it profit to kill Aegon's heir?
• Is Daemon actually smirking???? This man istg
• Rhaenys immediately knew, this woman is too good for these people
• Rhaenyra's realisation
• "Killing it"??? IT???? WOMAN.
• DON'T YOU FUCKING LAUGH. If you felt any ounce of remorse, you would be screaming in rage about it
• JFC the way she reacted when he broke that glass!!! She's obviously scared, it's definitely not the first time.
• Emma the actor that you are. Rhaenyra looks ready to rip Daemon's head with her bare teeth (which she should do, it would be iconic)
• You are a monster dude
• Oooh that silence
• "because of your virtue" hshshsjsj
• Bestie Viserys named Rhaenyra heir out of grief and guilt
• "You're pathetic" is so iconic, love it
• Baela exists! That coat is atrocious though
• So no risking Jace but Baela is fair game huh? Bitch (and I don't even like Baela). Good scene though
• Behold, Daemon runs away from his family
• Oh god her and Aegon. Grieving, broken, but unable to connect. I feel like she wanted to reach out in the stairs, but he runs away because he's on the verge of breaking down and be can't have that in public.
• The nodding???
• I mean, I know it's better but
• Oh god the mattress covered in blood
• The juxtaposition with Rhaenyra being with her son is heartbreaking. The way she realises that this is what Helaena lost, that Jaehaerys was that age
• Also Cole should be guarding Helaena and Jaehaera
• The religious trauma of consensual sex
• I wished the Alicole storyline would take less screen though, I mean good for them but that mess of a relationship shouldn't overshadow Helaegon's doomism and greek tragedy right now
• Cole needs to stop beefing with the rest of the world, Arryk isn't responsible for it
• Love Arryk for calling out Cole
• YOU'RE MAD SER. Love him
• Cole's hypocrisy is a delight. He's a terrible person, but he's so interesting
• Why don't they use poison though
• Laenor being mentioned? Neat. Him teaching the boys about fishing and Sea Shanty is pretty fun
• Damn that scene is actually good!! A shame I couldn't care less about Baela and Rhaena
• Oh so that's the famous brothel scene?
• Aemond's mummy issues on fill display 🙏🏻
• I love the relationship between him and the madame ngl. Like I know he pays her for it but her gentleness with him seems to be at least partially genuine. Her facial expression when he doesn't look at her are pretty telling
• Hugh Hammer the return! Fuck if I care but hey, I'm not against them developing the Dragonseeds. I wish Nettles was around too. I guess Hugh will join TB after his family's death? Or he'll be a spy for TG? Dunno
• So we know Baela ends up with Alyn, and he looks so much bigger and older than her 😭 Like it makes sense but DAMN
• I genuinely cannot begin to care about Corlys to save my life
• Mysaria being a good character wasn't on my bingo card but I don't dislike it
• Seasmoke following Addam around like a lost puppy is so funny to me. Also his sounds are so cute. I guess Laenor died off screen?
• The focus on the smallfolk is great. It reminds me of Varys' quote about the smallfolk always being the one to suffers.
• Cheese didn't suffer enough and I wish that dog a very nice "find a better owner"
• "Oh, I had them hanged" is so fucking funny.
• Otto is right, though. Like, this was a terrible idea.
• Ooooh mentioning Jaehaerys was a dumb move. You should Aegon isn't going to be rational about it
• Aegon, you can show strength by, you know, USING YOUR DRAGON. Honestly a public execution of Blood would have been better
• Otto's "wtf" face is so funny. I love him. Tom and Rhys are carrying this entire episode. Phia too, but she's less present
• Otto, do you REALLY think Aegon gives a single fuck about Viserys???
• Otto being fired for upteenth time is so funny. This man files for unemployment every three weeks
• Otto's last act of defiance was great
• Yeah, Mysaria isn't exiting the show
• Oh, that's how she'll stay
• Elinda Massey exists!
• I'm glad they didn't make Rhaenyra fight Arryk like some believed. It makes much more sense for her to be genuinely scared for her life. Like, Arryk is a grown ass man in armour and literally one of the best knights of his time
• They deserved better
• Otto unknowingly dissing his daughter's bf right in front of her was peak irony.
• FUCK YOU ALICENT. Your son isn't "valuable", he's YOUR SON
• DAERON MENTION!!!!!!!! VICTORY!!!!!!!!
• The generational trauma of zero communication 🙏🏻
• Aegon sobbing and breaking down
• Nooooooooooo
• My love
• Let me hug you
• He's so beautiful
• A fallen angel
Conclusion :
Tom is a god, Phia is an angel, I will start a cult for Ramin Djawadi. The acting in general was top notch, but Tom and Phia have ascended to god-like.
Helaegon's doomism and Greek tragedy will be my death, I love them your honour.
The focus on the smallfolk was very good, and I hope they do it for both sides.
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cleolinda · 1 year
(For our purposes, listen to it without the visuals first.)
I wasn't going to keep posting about Unreal Unearth, but something happened yesterday.
It's been five months since I first heard this song, and I'm still astonished by it. You know the tiktok skit about the Star Wars wedding music, and the guy is grooving along until the Imperial Death March filters in, and then he's kind of alarmed, like, wha—? And then he realizes it slaps anyway and he keeps dancing? That is "Eat Your Young."
It's the morning of March 17th. The EP with the first three singles from the new album has dropped. I've got my phone blasting the song on the bathroom counter, I don't understand half what the man is saying nor did I expect to, I'm cheerfully mumbling along in the shower, grooving along,
wait they did what for a war drum
Get some Pull up the ladder when the flood comes Throw enough rope until the legs have swung Seven new ways that you can eat your young Come and get some Skinning the children for a war drum Putting food on the table selling bombs and guns It's quicker and easier to eat your young
What the fuck, this song goes so hard. That's the chorus. The conceit of the whole album is that it loosely follows Dante's Inferno, so this is the third circle of hell, gluttony. Hozier himself says that he wasn't specifically thinking of Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal—
“I don’t know how intentional the reference to Jonathan Swift was in this. That essay [Swift’s 1729 satirical essay A Modest Proposal in which he suggests the Irish poor sell their children as food] is such a cultural landmark that it’s just hanging in the air. I was more reflecting on what I felt now in this spirit of the times of perpetual short-term gain and a long-term blindness. The increasing levels of precarious living, poverty, job insecurity, rental crisis, property crisis, climate crisis, and a generation that’s inheriting all of that and one generation that’s enjoyed the spoils of it. The lyrics are direct, but the voice is playful. There’s this unreliable narrator who relishes in this thing which was fun to write.” [Apple Music album notes]
—and I believe him. The song's not a suggestion, a proposal; it's an invitation to atrocity in progress. I also believe he probably wasn't thinking of Greta Thunberg's iconic speech at the UN Climate Action Summit, not specifically, but that's what I hear in the song, like the flip side of a coin:
You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you! [...] You say you hear us and that you understand the urgency. But no matter how sad and angry I am, I do not want to believe that. Because if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil.
I feel like on some level, even coincidentally, "Eat Your Young" is the answer to the question, what would you sound like if you were that evil? Who would you be? I can think of a dozen possibilities just off the top of my head or looking around my blog, from something as petty as studio executives mangling trees to deprive striking workers of shade (while hoping they lose their homes), all the way up to the US school-to-prison pipeline. The National Rifle Association keeps politicians in its pocket while the US has more mass shootings than days in a year, Nestlé fucks shit up around the world as a way of life, even ChatGPT sucks up water while threatening jobs—and for what? And yet, I promise you most of these things weren't the inspiration for an Irishman’s song—some of them hadn't even happened yet. There's just that much fresh You Would Be Evil to go around. I am certain that Hozier wrote the song partly about (as one article puts it) "Ireland's housing crisis: Millennials, a generation sacrificed," given that time back in the day when he helped occupy a building—a housing crisis happening in multiple countries. There's so much of the world I'm not touching on. I can stuff a paragraph with links and it's utterly inadequate.
I haven't even mentioned war.
There's an overwhelming sense this decade of the future being fed into a meat grinder. That sense is in this song. What would it sound like to be in the head of someone who didn't give a shit about anything but profit? Well, it might sound like this.
And if you haven't heard it, well—I'm going to sound absolutely out of my mind after saying all that, but "Eat Your Young" has a beat and you can dance to it. It's sexy. And I'm certain that's on purpose. You get seduced into the sound of it, as if by something demonic, something that enjoys sucking down the future and is not going to stop. And the sheer fucking catchiness of the song keeps you listening to it—thinking about it—when maybe you push away the dry headlines we get everyday. If you let this song stay in your head, it becomes a lens. Five months later, I still think about it when I read the news. Maui was on fire and tourists stayed. Within days, the prospect of developers swooping in to buy up land reared its head. If there's something still to take, there is ground to break, whatever's still to come. Get some.
I was born in 1978 —I'm late Gen X. In my forties, I'm young enough to worry about the future still; I’m neither so rich that I can just plan to retire to Mars, nor so old that I can know I'll be safely gone before the world might go up in flames. But I'm also not my nephew, whose school year just started back up, or the neighborhood kids who race him home down the sidewalk in the afternoons. Yesterday, he had his very first mass-shooter lockdown drill. He’s six.
I think music can put the feeling back into numb fingers, and I think that's why "Eat Your Young" works so well—Hozier calls the song fun and playful, and I think you have to have that, something you can live with rather than just switch off for your own mental survival. We need music to feed spirit at protests; we need something to keep our feet moving. Don’t give up, don't close your eyes and slip away. Those kids, they have dreams we could try to steal back for them.
Since I mentioned Maui:
Why Hawaiian sovereignty has undeniable context for the Maui fires
The Climate Crisis and Colonialism Destroyed My Maui Home. Where We Must Go From Here
How You Can Donate and Help Support Maui Communities Right Now
The Maui Strong Fund
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givemea-dam-break · 2 years
hellooo, i really love your fics they’re incredibly well written! could you maybe do #36 from the angst prompt list with lockwood?
a/n: absolutely! i’m so glad you’re enjoying them :) i took a little inspiration from the iconic lockwood patching lucy up scene because oh my god do i love it
warnings: minor injury detail, language prompt: "what's all this blood?" gn reader
Panicking, you tug your jumper over your head, throwing it somewhere on the floor, and search for a clean T-shirt. It's not likely you'll be wearing that jumper ever again, judging from the massive tear in the side and the blood staining it.
You throw open your wardrobe doors hastily, and you want to tear your hair out. All your clean clothes are downstairs. You'd meant to pick them up on your way in, but you'd ended up being too distracted trying to sneak past Lockwood unnoticed.
Looking back down at your jumper, you groan. It's going to hurt putting it back on, and you'll definitely be seen.
The gash on your side stings, and, glancing down at it, you can see the blood making its way down to the waistband of your leggings. Shit, shit, shit.
To top it off, there's a knock at the door.
"You left your washing downstairs." It's Lockwood. Fantastic. "Figured you'd want some clean clothes to change into. I didn't even hear you come in. What's all the swearing about?"
You scramble to grab your jumper, holding it in front of you as the door cracks open, standing like a deer in headlights. Lockwood's looking down at the ground, frowning.
"What's all this blood? Are you -" He looks up, freezing in place. The pile of clothes in his hands topples to the floor as he quickly averts his eyes. His cheeks and ears flush bright red. "Oh, my god. I'm so sorry."
"Throw me a T-shirt!"
Keeping his gaze solely on the floor, he fishes through the mass of clothes on the ground and throws a shirt, which you pull over your head as quickly as humanely possible. Your face feels as if you've stood in front of a bonfire.
"Uh - I - Are you okay? The blood -"
"I'm dressed," you tell him, not able to look at him. "I'm, uh, I'm fine."
"Well, there's a jumper soaked in blood on the floor, and there's some on the floor over here, so you're obviously not..."
He looks back at you, albeit cautiously, scanning you with dark, worried eyes. Seemingly, he notices the uncomfortable way you're standing, trying to hide the wound on your side with the top and your attempt at a natural stance. His eyes dart back down to the jumper.
"You're hurt. Why didn't you tell me you're hurt?"
"I'm fine," you insist, but your face scrunches up as pain flashes in your side. "Everything's good."
Before you can say anything else, he darts out of your room. You can hear his rushed footsteps on the stairs, and the clattering of crockery in the kitchen much further below, before his feet sound on the stairs again, even more rushed.
He appears in the doorway again holding a first aid kit in one hand and a mug of water with a cloth dipped within in the other. Part of his shirt is wet. "Sit down. I'm going to patch you up."
"Lockwood, I'm fine -"
There's no point arguing with him. His mind is already set and, really, you would've had to tend to the wound anyways. You had just hoped that Lucy would've been back from her case in time to do it. That would be much less awkward.
You sit on your bed, hissing at the feeling of the gash rubbing against itself. Lockwood sinks down beside you, placing the mug on the bedside table and fishing through the first aid kit for the supplies he needs, aka, an awfully large plaster, a tube of some sort of cream, and a small sachet of alcohol wipes.
"Can I...?" He eyes you carefully, gesturing to the hem of your T-shirt.
With a wince of pain, you lean slightly to the side and roll up the shirt, holding it out of the way.
Lockwood's eyes look like they're about to bulge out of their sockets. "What on earth happened?" he asks, grabbing the cloth and squeezing excess water out.
"Turned out to be a pretty nasty ghost," you say, tensing in preparation for the cold cloth. "Threw me through the patio door - sliding glass, mind you. Particularly sharp piece got stuck."
With gentle hands, he begins cleaning the blood off your skin. His brows are furrowed in concentration, so he doesn't notice the goosebumps left on your skin from the briefest touch of his fingers. You can't help but smile at the look on his face despite the pain.
"This is going to hurt," he warns, ripping open the sachet and pulling out the alcohol wipe.
As he wipes over the gash, disinfecting it, you swear, rather loudly, and grasp his shirt sleeve tightly without meaning to. He glances up at you, concerned, but you nod, gesturing for him to continue. As much as it hurts, you'd rather it didn't get infected.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks, disposing of the wipe. He grabs the large plaster, smothering it with an absurd amount of cream.
The cream is cold on your skin, and you flinch at the contact. It feels like needles are sticking into the wound, and it hurts to move at all.
"I didn't want to worry you," you say, clenching your teeth. "I was hoping Lucy would be back to do it, you know, to save us any embarrassment."
He's silent at that. His fingers linger on the skin on your side, soft and light in comparison to the raging pain coursing your skin just a few millimetres above. You're still clutching his sleeve, but your grip has loosened slightly.
His eyes meet yours, and it's like the world has melted away so there's nothing left but him. A small smile tugs on his lips - a private one, not the kind he usually dons, but one meant just for you. It feels incredibly intimate, and you become acutely aware of his touch, of the feeling of his pulse in his arm.
"I only ever want to help you," he says. His voice is gentle, quiet, and something about it sends a shiver down your spine. "I don't like seeing you hurt."
You suppress a smile. "Well, you almost didn't see me hurt."
He gives you a look at that, but it's more joking than anything. His eyes still haven't left yours. "You know you can trust me, right?"
"I do trust you," you murmur. When did you get so close? "More than anything, actually. It's quite concerning."
His smile grows, and you swear his gaze momentarily falls to your lips before returning. "I'm not letting you go on another case on your own, now. Seems like you can't keep yourself safe without me."
"Oh, come off it. I'm fine on my own."
"Like hell you are."
Slowly, his hand moves away from your side, gently pulling your T-shirt back down.
"I should probably get back to -"
"Yeah, probably."
He doesn't move. No, he stays rooted to your bed, only moving so that his free hand brushes over yours, still lightly resting on his arm. Sparks fly at his touch. His eyes slip down to your lips again.
"If you want to kiss me," you say quietly, "I'd get on with it. I want to go sleep."
It's not often Anthony Lockwood gets caught off guard, but you've done just that. His eyes widen ever so slightly, and his jaw hangs slack with shock, before morphing into that cocky grin of his.
His hand comes up to cup your cheek, and you lean into it, smiling. It feels like forever before he leans forward, pressing his lips to yours. They taste a little like Digestives, and the fact almost makes you laugh, but you're too wrapped up in the feeling of him. His hand on your face, the other resting on your leg, the skin under his shirt as your hand slowly travels up his arm. His pulse is almost as fast as yours.
You had not expected your night to end with you kissing your boss, the guy you've been pining after for months, but you're not exactly complaining.
"Maybe I should get injured more often," you whisper against his lips.
He laughs, and your heart skips a beat. "I'll kiss you more if you don't."
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akajustmerry · 6 months
rick grimes is literally such a funny guy to me. absolute mad lad. an icon. starts off his contribution to a conversation with a mass murdering megalomaniac like, "jsyk I once tore out a guys throat with my teeth and I feel zero remorse for it because it was to save someone I loved ❤️" and then after said megalomaniac reveals his big bad plan to do genocide, my no1 mad lad rick grimes is like, "okay cool thanks for sharing that. I was thinking about my beautiful wife most of the time you were talking but anyways, I will make a point of running you through with your own sword via your hand like a skewer now. jsyk I love my wife ❤️" Andrew Lincoln as rick grimes, you will always be famous to me!!
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siremasterlawrence · 8 months
Curse Of A Leather Jacket
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Jensen Ackles is on the cusp of something so iconic that he has no idea what is about to happen to him and just am the creator of a brand new clothing brand.I sent him a giant package free of charge to Jensen Ackles landing on his door step and pound the front door as he opens it up arm looks around.
He shrugs his shoulders picking it up as he is leading it back in to his home and places it on the wooden table cutting it open to see this item.The box broken in to reveal an attractive blue and shiny moto leather jacket with a lengthy long letter explaining the situation to him with a caption.
He picks it up slit to the letter to see a letter with golden and bold written letters for him to read and invisible ink to keep it private from any prying eyes.Apparently! He is choosing Jensen to wear his newly exclusive leather jacket for free in an exchange for a promotion and Jensen is all smiles.
He swings the leather jacket to the side shift of air hits the box sending in to the ground it makes impact with Jensen but he kicks it away.He stops in front of the mirror checking his new clothing item, he smirks so brightly slow action and the sleeves ride up till he reaches to his shoulders.
Same to the other side as it settles on to his shoulders carefully wrapping on to his mass muscle body and he has no idea that I can see him through his mirror.The back of the jacket touches his skin soft in its touch, unexpectedly a thin needle pops from within in to his skin and sending a spin tingling jolt.
A current of energy phases from the device into him transferring his item in to him it is amazing and though Jensens mind attempt to fight it.His eyes go dull and like a blank empty full he switches off completely and his mind fell to the back of his brain and something new took over.
“Oooooohhhh! Finally!”
“Fuck yeah! You are hot Jensen”
“Thanks for the purchase”
“Where am I?”
“In the mirror man”
“Don’t get smart”
“Give me my body back”
“Fuck that! You can have my body “
“You work remember anyway “
“You don’t comprehend this well”
“You took the deal “
“Signed the paper work “
“You see this is an exchange “
“I get to sponsor them “
“My reward is a new body “
“Who are you anyway? I am Jensen Ackles”
“No! I am Jensen Ackles! I am Je…Oh My God You Are Jensen Ackles”
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“Mwahahahahaha! I am! “
“It is very nice to meet you “
“Get the fuck out”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“I love this life “
“Time start over “
“I hate this outfit”
“Let me remove this shit”
“What do you have?”
“You have a nice collection “
“This shirt and jeans will do”
“Look so much better “
“I am HOT”
“Hell yyyeeesss!”
“This ass is tight”
“I am going to party tonight
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The end
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