#anyway. this one is so pretty and yet so fucking devastating
hopeinthebox · 2 years
But also curious what your top song is so #1 lol
of course!! genuinely wasn't expecting this one to take the top spot but my god.. i had a moment and a half with her this summer. fuck
1. July - Noah Cyrus, Leon Bridges
send me numbers 1-101 and i'll share the song from my top songs of 2022 💜
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murdoc · 6 months
before taking my road test i did genuinely think everyone who said some of them will try to trip you up or be overly harsh were just sorta stretching the truth, but after how stupid my test was i understand.
i ended up autofailing bcz it was a two lane (same direction) parking lot where there were signs and cones saying one side was for the road test & one was for regular vechicles EXCEPT FOR ONE VERY SMALL AREA ONLY AT THE BEGINNING. but then she proceeded to make me continue on and do a parallel park, making me assume i didnt do anything wrong, and then have me circle back to the beginning and THEN fail me.
not only that, but she.. lied? about me not using my blinker when either going in or leaving the park????? which i straight up did do????? 🥲
#i think id have been less devastated by the fail if the just immediately told me to turn back around bcz i failed at the bad signage#i genuinely think that if anyone else saw that signage theyd be confused too. in fact im pretty sure my instructor didnt even know#bcz we needed to turn right but instead of going over to that tiny area that clips into the road test section#we went the long way around so we didnt go in that lane#the lesson i went to before my test was two hours and heavily inconvenient for my sponsor so to go through all of that and autofail..#odds are w her id have failed anyway. i genuinely dont see why she lied about the blinkers but AT LEAST if i went through the whole test &#failed it wouldve hurt but at least i could walk away knowing it wasnt as stupid as it was#now i have to renew my id bcz i wont have a license. and renew my permit. and pay $200+ for another test bcz i dont have#a car that can be used for the regular rmv. and now im paying rent for a place i cant even go to yet bcz the next rmv appt is in MID MAY#(the rent thing is normal and i did plan for it. but if you havent experienced rmvs 'post' covid.. you dont even do the test there.#you 'check in' and leave to do it at your house.)#i may try to beg my ride that i now 100% need to drive me to a further out one but. sighs. who knows#i ❤️ lifeeee#diary#sorry this is so long lol. im not as inconsolable as yesterday but now im just annoyed#i also wish to stress that while i love my car i fucking hate driving#my reward for getting my license is high car insurance and paying a ton for gas? YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!#AUUGGHHHHHHHHH 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
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cyranonic · 14 days
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I feel like one of the exchanges in S2 that fucks me up the most is this one between Louis and Madeleine that is so pivotal and yet happens basically in the background. It just says so much about who Louis is at this point in his life and why his relationship with Armand is so essentially tragic for them both.
For Armand, the ship has already sailed on betraying Louis and Claudia. He is seconds away from letting the coven ritually murder them and so NATURALLY that is the moment when Madeleine finally confirms the thing that he could never be certain of, the love that he wanted and yet could not quite trust was real. We see that in his face; the misery of that realization.
For Louis, it just devastates me to think about how much of his life has been about hiding his true self, afraid to reveal his softer feelings. In the first episode of the show, he tells Daniel that before Lestat he had never allowed himself to emotionally connect to another man. A big part of this is probably the homophobia of the time period when he was raised. Lestat seems to recognize this when he turns Louis, offering him the chance to be true to himself.
But even after Lestat, we see that Louis still struggles with this. He can allow himself to feel connected to Claudia because she is his child and then his sister. In his mortal life, Louis took on the role of provider for his family, allowing himself to show affection to his mother and sister through his role as a caretaker. Even with Paul, he is both brother and father, caring for him due to his mental illness. Becoming a vampire separated him from familial love, leading him to beg Lestat to turn Claudia so that he can yet again have that love that he connects to being a caretaker.
With Armand, Louis expresses sexual interest, but never emotional closeness. Their dynamic falls into the pattern of dominant and submissive, but without the openly expressed care and security needed to make that relationship work. Just as with Lestat, Louis has a pattern of withholding affection as a form of self-protection. He doesn't want to be vulnerable. He can laugh and joke about the sexual appeal of his partner, but is immediately uncomfortable when Madeleine brings up his deeper feelings.
I think a part of this is derived not just from Louis' queerness and his response to a homophobic society, but also his blackness. In New Orleans, he is constantly emasculated and infantilized by white men. Being called "boy" or being praised for "doing a good job" is a tactic that white supremacists use to remind Louis that he is vulnerable. And after that, combined with the trauma he experienced during his relationship with Lestat, Louis is sick of being vulnerable. So even when he is falling in love, even when his partner is a POC, Louis can't share those feelings. Louis' final words, "he knows," indicate that his withholding isn't malicious or manipulative. It's a hopeful rather than true statement. Louis wants Armand to know, but he shies away from actually having the conversation.
Anyways it's such a gut-punch moment to me that foreshadows how Louis and Armand's relationship had some potential for genuine love within it, but it was also pretty doomed from the start.
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141 & Rabbit Headcanons [IKYLHT]
Series Masterlist | Prev: Personnel Files | Next: Chapter One
Please Note: This is my attempt at a spoiler-free introduction to the characters and their dynamics. This is meant to be read before the first chapter, and thus must be vague at points. THIS DOES CONTAIN SOME MW3 SPOILERS
141 + Rabbit Dynamics:
Rabbit's ride or die right here, twin flame type of energy
First person she actually enjoyed the company of at the UK base while on assignment alongside the rest of the Demon Dogs
Subsequently the first to worm his way into her heart- sinks his hooks into her side and refuses to leave (not to worry, you'd have to pry her off of him, anyways)
Runs into her coming out of the mess hall, sees 'Highwater' stitched into her uniform and realizes this was the soldier Sparks had told him about
Oh yeah, that month long prank war with Shane 'Shitbag' Sparks (yes, she'd come up with that one herself) that the rest of the Demon Dogs decided to join in on? He made sure to tell Soap, because why not recruit the demolitions expert in his task of torturing his sister-in-arms?
Soap immediately decides on implementing her rename. 'Oh, you already have a callsign that half the base refers to you by? One that acknowledges your military expertise and the nine grueling years you've dedicated to the service? That's weird, cuz your name is Rabbit now and that's that' type mentality
She knew the reference immediately, hands twitching with the urge to unsheathe her spare knife because there was only one person that'd broadcast the story
Goddammit, Sparks, I will shiv you
"Excuse me? Where'd you hear that from, Sergeant?"
"A good friend never tells. I could always think of calling you somethin' worse?"
"Call me something worse and I'll have you written up for disrespecting a superior officer"
"Understood, Rabbit" said with a fucking grin
Despite being the one to rename her, literally never uses her callsign once he declares them best friends
Calls her Bunny or Bun, which surprisingly did help his efforts in gaining her [platonic] love and affection
Spent damn near every waking moment with her, which unsurprisingly did help his efforts in gaining her [romantic] love and affection
Sparring? Let me wrap your hands
Going out? Here, I'll zip your coat
Smoking? C'mon Bun, tell me what's bothering you, I can help
It was the little, everyday acts of love kindness from Soap that had her hooked on the feeling of being in his presence
So you can imagine how devastating it'd felt for the both of them when the special unit had been called back to the states
Even with promises to call and text and facetime, the feeling of his heart sinking to his stomach made him realize there were feelings he harbored towards Rabbit that went beyond the typical bond between soldiers
But orders are orders, and he'd been sure to give her a chaste kiss on the cheek before ushering her up the ramp and onto the heli waiting to rip her away from him
Not that either admitted it to the other at the time, but they'd both been teased to no end about their 'special friendship' by the rest of their units, cheeks warming yet refusing to deny the accusations
Like true friends, though, they did kept their promise
If it wasn't hours of texting it was calls, only skipping days when on mission but always sure to inform the other of their departure beforehand
It was hard most days. Seeing the other come back from days or even weeks of no-contact with new cuts and bruises
It was especially hard, though, after Verdansk
Soap had beaten himself up pretty hard after the whole ordeal with Makarov- the guilt of not being able to save those people in the airport, the shame of losing his cool in front of his superiors, the regret of not just avenging those people by shooting the man and facing the consequences later- he'd talked through his entire range of emotions with her despite the distance
Then, because the universe always yearned for cruelty, she got the assignment
Covert operation
Ciudad Victoria
Two days, wheels up at 0400
Now her home base had been Pendleton since basic, and if there's one thing the San Diego base requires, it's soldiers willing to cross the border and sweat their asses off for hours on end scouting some target for shit pay and no reward
She'd done it before, six months turned into twelve turned into eighteen until eventually she'd been volunteering to go, years under her belt and quickly moving up the ranks, Mexico now a second home in her mind. Anything to get away from that place
But Victoria? That was a city she'd only seen on mission reports, only heard of by way of interrogation
But orders are orders, and he'd been sure to tell her he'd miss her before ushering her to dump her phone in her locker and get onto the heli waiting to rip her away from him again
Soap didn't get a call for quite a while after that
His first contact, actually, hadn't even been Rabbit
It was Sparks
Locker pried open with permission from Griggs (not that he waited even a second to be granted it), he'd charged her phone and called the one person he thought deserved to know
"MacTavish? It's Sparks. Highwater, she's... she's MIA. Entire task force was found slaughtered. An ambush, I think. We don't- we're not entirely sure yet. Griggs can't get a straight answer. The whole things fucked, we can't- the area's got it's own governing body. They haven't... they've searched but they haven't found a body. We're not calling it until they do. I'm sorry, kid."
Two months
Two months Soap cried until his lungs spasmed
Two months Soap cried until his head ached and eyes burned
Two months Soap cried to his mother about the woman he loved
Two months until he got the call that damn near restarted his heart
"Soap? Soap, we found her. We have her, she's being taken to medical. We found her, kid."
Johnny's not sure he remembers a time he'd cried harder. He'd like to say it was when Sparks had first called him, but even then, he held onto some hope she'd made it out 'like you always do'
That'd been their promise to each other, and he vividly recalls telling Price that as he sobbed over the man's shoulder in relief
She'd been put on medical leave, forced to wave goodbye to her family as they flew off to Urzikstan without her
It was at that point- hearing her cry over the phone about how useless she'd felt being left behind, how she'd failed the only family that had ever truly cared about her- that he realized a trip to the states was in dire need
Entered the U.S. friends, exited the U.S. partners
Johnny's a man that focuses on the positives
He doesn't talk about those two months. Not to his therapist, not to his ma, not to Price
He focuses on the fact that his torment is over, he focuses on the woman laying her head on his shoulder and tapping her boot against his on the shaky helicarrier
Because that's all that matters to him. The little moments between missions where they can focus on something other than saving the world for a moment
It's a type of love, a type of dynamic the man had never experienced before
'Intimate' is the best word to describe it
Will 'accidentally' detonate an old grenade taken into the training grounds to 'see if it still worked', just to see the other's eyes light up in a sort of pyromaniac excitement
Will also take up an entire couch quietly lounging, arms wrapped around each other under a shared blanket because 'it's a low energy type of day'
It's all or nothing- completely feral, unhinged 'I'll request the jailcell across from you' behavior or soft, domestic bliss
No words need be exchanged for that energy to shift- just a subtle glance and soft smile, a type of telepathy easily mastered after four years of being together
And Johnny wouldn't have it any other way
Initially doesn't even want to address her by Rabbit
He couldn't take the callsign seriously, especially after realizing this was the woman Soap had been babbling about in Verdansk
He knew more about her personal life than he did her military career, and he'd read her file back to front twice. Well, what hadn't been redacted, anyways
Decides he'll stick to Gun, as requested, but only when necessary. Better than Rabbit, at least
But after Soap's little confession while her comms are down in Las Almas? Now Gun just won't do. Decides to stick with Darling until he's figured out a better one. Knows she won't mind, anyways
Calls her Lovie a small handful of times, blink and you'll miss it, and it's only in a NSFW context ;) soft!dom Ghost supremacy
Settles on Tapeti once the dust settles and he knows he's wormed his way into her heart the same way Soap had
They're close in a way he can't say about anyone else
Does he love his team? Of course
Would he lay his life down for any one of them the second the opportunity presented itself? Also yes
But there's something about shared trauma that bonds the soul
Neither talk about it much
It's honestly easier to use Soap as the go-between on a lot of things
She's already told him, already bared her soul for him to see in that deserted apartment, and Simon's grateful Johnny omits certain heart wrenching details when he runs his hands over her scarred back, runs his hands over the raised tattoos that cover the remnants of Victoria
He doesn't yearn to know the specifics, most days he's not sure he wants to know at all
He'd made peace with his demons a long time ago, had to in order to survive, but he knew it wouldn't be so easy forgiving what'd been done to her
It wasn't hard to infer, anyway
They have a calendar, a pocket sized one with a little magnet attached that hangs on their fridge
It was Ghost's idea, after one of those days when the shakes were debilitating and she couldn't keep her food down
He'd set the container of soup from the deli across their flat on the counter, pulling Soap away from her curled up side and showing him the dollar store purchase
He didn't explain, just scribbled out a few dates and passed the calendar over
So Johnny took the pen and started scratching out days
He didn't explain all of them, only murmured the easy ones like 'her mother's birthday' or 'her comrades death date' or 'Victoria'
There's a deeper understanding there, between the three of them, and if there's one thing Simon can attest to while stomping out the butt of his cigarette onto Grave's false tombstone, it's his appreciation for the man's betrayal in Las Almas that lead him into the couple's outstretched arms
Best boy, here
The baby of the group, a few years younger than Rabbit who shares a birthyear with Soap
Uses that to his advantage
Calls her Officer Hopps on more than one occasion, not afraid to more commonly shorten it down to just 'Hopps'
Always in a playful loving manner, not that it matters when Rabbit's glare quickly follows
Also thinks it's funny to call her 'Gunnery Hopps' when in the presence of other soldiers, tries to play it off as a genuine tongue slip despite his wide grin proving otherwise
Again, uses his baby privilege to his advantage, whipping out the puppy eyes and small kisses that has Rabbit's glare melting into a soft smile
Typically sticks with Love- partially because he's a true Birmingham boy and the term of endearment comes naturally to him- mainly because it keeps her wound around his finger
Starts a fight by betting Price 20 quid he could cut a chunk out of Soap's mohawk? He's running to hide behind her, basking in her warmth and sticking a tongue out at Johnny over her shoulder
Smug as all hell, knows he's been deemed the favorite and is sure to remind the other men of it constantly
He'll tell them it's 'just because she loves me more, mate' but they all know the real reason
It's his calm, level-headed personality and natural ability to lead that endears him to her so easily
She never questions his judgement because what he lacks in years he makes up for in everything else by tenfold
And he looks up to Rabbit immensely- he may not initially know the finer details of her military experience, just general war stories Sparks and the rest of the Demon Dogs had told him in Urzikstan when she'd been out on medical leave, but he does know what being a 0251 MOS entails, knows he'll never come across a better Gunnery Sergeant even if he retires at 80
Aims to become a GySgt after seeing her serve as their unit's operations chief, working with superior officers on training, operations, and tactical advising
Asks a million questions and- though he'd never admit it- keeps a log of their answers in his notes app. He's just organized like that
She noticed anyways, what with his trusting nature and big heart (he gladly passed over his phone passcode within the first week of them being official), and it was actually that notes app list of all the little throw away tidbits about her role on the team that led her to write his letter of recommendation
That’s just the dynamic they have, they bring out the best in each other in every way, even when they don’t think it’s possible given the circumstances
He's only two years younger, and yet he feels so lacking in experience when they're thrown into red-stained chairs with threadbare bags over their heads
"You been tortured before, Gaz?"
"That's good. Let's keep it that way. Stay quiet and keep your eyes forward."
He remembers blanching at her nonchalant tone, the way she talked as if she'd done this a hundred times before.
She has, he realizes, and he feels a sort of naive embarrassment wash over him when he really thinks about it
Interrogation and Debrief Specialist, he thought, you don't earn that title by just sitting and reading about it
He didn't have much time to sit and process that thought before the men were reentering the dark room
He's unable to fathom how she'd kept her breathing so calm, refrained from letting out a single yell or grunt or sniffle until the men had slammed the metal door on their exit
It was hard for him, returning to base after what had transpired
It didn't sit right with him- the fact that he'd allowed himself to sit there and let the woman he'd been falling in love with be beaten within an inch of her life
But she'd comforted him, face swollen and leg wrapped, knocking her boot into his with a smile
He'd knocked his boot back into hers, and decided from there on out she'd know exactly how much she meant to him
The only member of the 141 to actually refer to her by her callsign. Captain's professionalism and all that.
Throws it out the window the second he deems necessary- which is quite often- resorts to Sweetheart
He knows more about her than anyone else, Johnny the only exception, and that isn't something he takes lightly
He'd read the reports. The redacted ones. He knew what happened after Victoria, he'd been the one to okay her transfer, to accept doing a favor for the Demon Dogs after their good work in Urzikstan and promising he'd 'keep an eye on her'
He understands the vulnerability in that fact, and is sure to do everything in his power to prove to her he's someone she can trust, even after she's told him time and time again he's done more than enough to prove his loyalty
Fortunately, years of hearing about each other via Soap and the Demon Dogs proved useful once they'd finally met at the top of that wall guarding Alejandro's base, easily falling into a sort of mutual understanding of each other
It helped that he was a natural patriarch, the glue holding the team together, ensuring they worked as a well oiled machine both on and off base
Soap vouched for Price and that was all the convincing Rabbit needed. So when Price vouched for Ghost and Gaz? It felt instinctual to trust the men wholeheartedly
Scary as it was initially, Price just knew. Simple as that, he knew what the team needed and exactly how to go about it, and she trusted that
He was arguably the most experienced in navigating trauma, and that definitely lent a hand to the comfortability of the team
He’s perfected the art of understanding each of the members of the task force and it’s something Rabbit didn’t realize she yearned for until she had it
He’s become the physical embodiment of her safe space in a way she never thought was possible. She breathes easier when he’s in eyesight, the tension drops from her shoulders when he’s near
Despite being one who only rarely accepted physical affection from anyone other than Soap, Rabbit named Price 'Seat of the Year', and that's meant quite literally
Cuddles are mandatory team bonding. He doesn't make the rules (yes he does)
Arguably the most giving partner on the face of the planet
Is happy to lean back in his chair and cut off the blood supply to his legs if it means Rabbit is soothed by the way his hands run over her arms and scratch at her scalp, perched on his lap and quickly drifting off to sleep as he presses light kisses onto the junction between her neck and shoulder
His brain is constantly alerting his body of his need to protect and provide. It'd still happen even if he'd never approved her transfer, that's just the kind of man he is, but he wouldn't have been nearly as emboldened without her there
Gaz yawns in the midst of completing a mission report? He's already tossing the man over his shoulder and forcing him to rest for once
Soap lets out the quietest sigh of pain when that one muscle in his shoulder starts twinging again? He's already pushing the man to sit and rounding the couch to dig his strong hands into the stubborn muscle
Ghost's stomach lets out singular growl? Guess that stack of paperwork can be finished tomorrow, it's now his personal mission to ensure the man has eaten a nutritious meal that checks off every micro and macro nutrient possibly needed to ensure health and prosperity in that beefy body
Perfectly content to love and love and love for absolutely nothing in return besides seeing his team happy and healthy
Unbeknownst to him, he very quickly charms his way into her heart with his thick thighs caring nature, dilf energy warm smiles, and ofc the boonie hat
General Character Headcanons:
-As mentioned in the Personnel Files, Rabbit is a Gunnery Sergeant and a 0251 MOS [Interrogator/Debrief Specialist]
-Gunnery Sergeant is her rank- serving as her unit's operations chief, working with superior officers on training, operations, and tactical advising
-0251 is her job code [MOS]. 0251 specifically means being an Interrogator/Debriefer in the US Marine Corps. This job involves collecting information/intelligence from human sources by means of interrogation, debriefing, and screening. Typical duties are the screening and interrogation of enemy POWs, line crossers, refugees, and other displaced persons, exploiting foreign language documents, and participating in noncombatant evacuation operations
-A common requirement for this job is being at the very least bilingual, and it's canon here that Rabbit speaks Spanish alongside English. With that said, many apologies to those reading this that speak Spanish because I'm using translation websites (yes I disappoint my Mexican grandparents every day)
-Rabbit is a Demon Dog, but was not in Urzikstan due to medical leave. She has direct permission from the US Marine Corps, SAS, and Price to be stationed in the UK base 'on loan' as a Demon Dog since they are part of the Coalition, led by the CIA's best Station Chief Kate Laswell :D
-Again, as shown in the Personnel Files, Rabbit does not have many character descriptors listed. I'm trying my best to make her as inclusive as I possibly can while still flushing out her character. I don't like the self-insert '[h/c] [e/c]' format, so I just avoid it all together
-Rabbit is an only child
-Also it's not really about Rabbit per say but in my story Griggs is a Captain. He leads the Demon Dogs and therefore holds a higher rank that Rabbit. It makes sense to me in this story that he'd be of similar age and rank as Price
-I’ve seen a few people say based on his accent Soap is likely from Glasgow but unfortunately I’ve only been to Edinburgh so we’re using our creative liberty here and saying that's where he's from plz and thank u <3
-Johnny is the baby of the family with 3 older sisters. His poor mother was pregnant for damn near four years straight
-He's close with his entire family, but especially his mother and youngest sister
-Also I'm not killing him in this story. I wrote a good portion of it pre-MW3 and that campaign sucked so I'm ignoring it :)
-Simon is from Manchester. Yeah yeah yeah ik there’s a whole thing ab his accent and yada ya but my first London pub-watch rugby game was Leeds vs Wigan, so we’re sticking with canon here
-Wigan is in Greater Manchester so I like the headcanon that Ghost’s father was a ManUnited football fan so teen!Simon said ‘oh fuck that’ and instead chose to take the 45 minute train to go watch rugby in another city
-I'm basing a lot of his character off of both the comics and game, however there is one thing to note. In the comics, 'Sparks' is one of the soldiers that assists in getting Simon's family killed. This is not the same Sparks I refer to in this story. Shane Sparks is a Demon Dog, and I'm writing in his character for specific plot devices. He'll likely be completely OC since I just grabbed his basic profile off the character wiki.
-Haven’t heard any confirmation on where Gaz is from but my love Elliot Knight is from Birmingham so ding ding ding, we have a winner
-Only child, the absolute pride and joy of his parent's life. He's a total mama's boy and it was largely her good morals and outlook on life that steered him in the direction of wanting to better the world
-Liverpool. Again, I’m not sure if there’s confirmation as to where Price is from but my love ( yes I can have two >:| ) Barry Sloane is from Livahpewl soooooo
-Semi-sad headcanon for Price here. Idk why but I feel a strong pull to the idea that his parents have passed, despite him only being 36 in my story, putting them somewhere in their 60's
-On a happier note, I also like the idea that John is an older brother, so we're going with that
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str8rat · 1 month
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(edit: if you saw this being posted twice no you didnt i fucked something up)
OHHH MY GODD YES PLEASE?? YES?? PRETTY PLEASE?? I'd love to talk about and theorize about this AU ;w; I'm super open to more suggestions and ideas!!!
Also.. i've done a little thing.. so this ask really got me into the AU atm.. WHICH I SHOULDN'T BE FOCUSING ON CUZ I NEED TO FINISH THE ANIMATIC BEFORE SUMMERBREAK but it really got me motivated to write. And so i did, I wrote SO FUCKING MUCH about the Change God of this au, as well as the fucked up cults it has, and a bit about the Universe as a diety too. Won't be sharing it yet tho!! this post would be too fucking long ._. and this pocket cat thing which is called Chat de Poche in this AU. anyways, enjoy the lore of this harmless uwu kitty below;
~ ~ ~
Chat de Poche – This AU’s version of Pocket Cat, is a sinister figure rumored to steal naughty children from their parents, never to be seen again. On the first floor of the House, the party encounters this seemingly harmless Sadness. Upon interaction, Chat de Poche offers the party a chilling proposition: if they sell Bonnie to it, they will receive a weapon that "will ensure their victory against the King."
The party is horrified by the mere suggestion of sacrificing their lovable little Chef Cooker. But to their shock, Bonnie, swallowing down their fear, bravely insists that they aren’t scared and implies they might agree to the deal. After all, that would prove them to be useful for once, wouldn't it..? The party, however, refuses outright.
Mirabelle, overcome with emotion, breaks down in tears, apologizing to Bonnie for ever making them feel like they weren’t doing enough, and for feeling they needed to sacrifice themselves to be valued. Bonnie, moved to tears, hugs Mirabelle tightly, asking her not to cry. Isabeau quickly joins the embrace, forming a comforting cuddle pile. While this unfolds, Odile turns her attention to Chat de Poche, her expression unreadable.
In a flash, she unleashes a devastating Paper Craft Attack, slicing the entity in half. The room falls silent as the party watches Odile, getting rid of Chat de Poche with one swift attack, leaving behind only a puddle of dark, lifeless goo, like any defeated Sadness. Odile, her face still inscrutable, then turns to Bonnie and gives them a soft head pat before calmly suggesting they move on.
The moment is both chilling and awe-inspiring, solidifying Odile’s position as a powerful, yet ruthless force within the party. Especially towards those that dare to land a hand on her family.
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buckera · 5 months
Fuck It Friday 💌
Okay, I gotta be honest I feel like there is still something missing for this fic, but it's already at 3k and I have hopes of finding that little spark I'm looking for in the upcoming days.
Anyway, until then, here's Buck working himself into a tizzy.
Buck was trying his level best to not act like a petulant child about this, but with his history, it genuinely felt like a challenge.
“Three weeks?” He pouted as he stuffed the last of his clothes into his duffel bag — he didn’t have a shift until the next morning, but he needed something to do to channel all the nervous energy. In contrast, Tommy just stood by the fridge, his arms crossed across his chest with a patient but resigned expression on his face; still as stone.
“Only three weeks. I’ll be back before you know it.”
But that was just the thing, wasn’t it? Buck didn’t know it. Okay, so he did, logically speaking, understand that three weeks was not enough time to tilt the world off its axis and that for Tommy it was essentially just a one bag trip. Yet he couldn’t help but be reminded of all the times people left — and how not all of them returned.
He held it together pretty well throughout the week, since Tommy first told him about his training in Arizona, but as the days leading up to his departure decreased, so did Buck’s composure. He felt bad about it, truly, but there was no helping it.
Everything between them still felt new and delicate and Buck worried that three weeks might just be what Tommy needed to realize that this wasn’t really what he wanted — and that was a devastating thought of its own, but mixed with the fact that somewhere along the line Buck stopped falling and has fallen for Tommy, it was a downright terrifying prospect.
✨I have been tagged by and am tagging the ever so lovely @sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz @jeeyuns @exhuastedpigeon @nmcggg @bidisasterevankinard @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @honestlydarkprincess @watchyourbuck @actualalligator @bucksbignaturals and anyone who feels like sharing mwuahhh 💛
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sinner-sunflower · 6 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 15/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
hooo weee this is a long one. A reaction chapter part 1
A few things to clear up:
Sir Pentious is in Heaven
They do not know that yet.
He'll have a part in the sequel!
Charlie is beyond worried.
She and the entirety of Pride sat in anticipation as Hell's highest powers perform the ritual again. Her dad disappeared a month ago and in his absence, she thinks she had handled Pride rather well. Vaggie and her friends were a big help though, as well as her uncles and aunts if they could.
Charlie has not missed once broadcast ever since it aired. Every time she looks for her dad among the demons and every time she's disappointed.
She keeps watching anyway in support- no matter how busy she was. The hotel residents do the same, dropping what they were doing to all sit in the couch together and watch this 'til it ended. The first time it aired created a mass panic that Charlie had to induce a Hellshake to placate her people. It somehow worked.
After the panic, it became the biggest hit "show" in Pride, resulting in the production of legit merch and even a few parodies- like it's just a game, like this can't kill them all.
That craze lasted almost 2 weeks but even the fanatics stopped watching when it was apparent that this wasn't a quick fix. Panic again then calm then panic- over and over and over again.
Vaggie: Babe?
Charlie: Hey, Vaggie.
Charlie tried to give her lover her usual smiles but she thinks she haven't given one ever since her dad left. Worry and guilt are eating her whole and she's just trying to stay afloat.
Vaggie: Hey, come on. What's going on in that pretty head of yours?
Charlie: Flatterer.
Vaggie: Not wrong though. But don't try to change the subject. .. Is it about your dad?
Charlie: I don't think I remember a time in a hundred years when it wasn't. When did it go so wrong, Vaggie? We were so happy when I was a kid..
Something inside the princess whispered her mother's name. She shakes off that thought because there's no way. Her mom and dad loved each other.
'But then why did they split? Why did your mom leave? Why did your dad fall in love with someone again?'
The voices are making a point but there's no chance her dad was going to tell her everything and it's not like her mom is even an option.
When Vaggie told her that Alastor and her dad were something, she tried to think of every moment she saw of her dad and the radio demon together after the hotel was rebuilt. The princess of Hell trusts Alastor but she doesn't know if she can trust him with her dad.
Charlie: Dad is happier.
Vaggie: Huh?
Charlie: Sorry. Was thinking of him and how Alastor is probably helping him come out more than I am.
Vaggie: Hey hey. I know your dad would be devastated if he knew you were thinking that. He loves you and you love him, right?
Charlie: More than anything.
Vaggie: That's my girl. Now why don't we-
Cherri: Holy shit! Guys! The broadcast turned on again!
All of them rushed to the lobby upon hearing the cyclops yell. They thought it was over 30 minutes ago when the nth overlord and Goetia fainted. Guess Vox was a bit afraid he would be next and turned it off to save face.
Angel: Holy shit!
Holy shit indeed. The one on the screen is none other than her dad! And a beautiful lady in white?
Husk: Who the fuck is that?
Nifty: She looks so clean! I wanna know what products she use.
Vaggie: Do you know who that is?
Charlie: Probably who dad was looking for.
Goodie: Such words! Angel, was self-preservation not included when you gave them the fruit of knowledge? Lucifer: Apparently not.
Okay, they clearly missed out on some context because her dad just arrived and he's mad. They watch as Lucifer grabs Velvette's face hard enough to bleed. Everyone is kneeling and seem to be locked in place. Husk eyes Alastor's monstrous form in the background warily.
Husk: Something happened.
Lucifer: I can't blame you. I was not the most present ruler, after all. But I thought I made something very clear when I dealt with that moth man.... I guess one example isn't enough.
One moment Velvette was struggle and the next her fucking jaw is gone!
Angel: Holy shit!
Husk: Ugh! You keep saying that. Don't you have any other words than holy shit?
Angel: 'M sorry, Huskie. But what else am I supposed to say to that huh??
Charlie's winces but her eyes are still glued to the screen as her dad summons his flaming sword and brings it down to the pink demon.
Lucifer: So, let me keep it simple. I'm Lucifer Morningstar. The creator of the first sin. The angel that damned humanity. Í̷̫̈́́͂̒̚̕͝͝͝'̶̨̛̺̤̿̀͒͛̂̿͋̄̑͆́͘͠͝M̴̝̯̖̦͍̽̎̏͆̔ ̴̛̛̄̋̈̑̓̀̓̃̄͐͗ͅŸ̷͇̙̟͈̭̥̬̻̙͔̠̱́̽̊̊ͅÔ̵̤͙͈̬̫̪͕̼͍͌̀̔͜U̴͈̼͖̯̤͌̀̀̓̾̔͆̈́̊͑͗̕͠͝R̵̨̹͍̦͒͌̋͒͆͌̄͛̓͑̔́͜ ̸̝͑̐̀̉̃͠͝F̵̞͖̮̗̗̜̯̯͔̮͒̊͒̈́̈́́̽́̂̂͑̎͝U̵̟̙̱̙̯̤̼̙͈̳̘̫͊̈̀C̷̙̞̔̅̊͌͋K̷̖͙̼̪̠̾̄̅̾͘I̵̛̩̘̜͖̩̙̿̐̽́͊́̒͆̆̎̑͗N̴̤̏̂͝G̸͋̋̍ͅ ̵̡͈̩̹̗̹̝̻̬͍̗̬̲̳̟̍͋̽͛̒̉̍͊͑̑̋̅̽Ḳ̷̡̬͔̞̱̤̬̮͉̙͇̪͛̅͊̚I̵̤͙̪̞̝͔̱͎̜̩̖̺̟͔̙͊Ṉ̵͈̤̘͚̻̙̼̓͂̌͋́̎͜ͅĢ̸̭͔͇̹̹̳̭͋̓̒͗̈́̉̈́̂̚.
They all had to avert their eyes as a giant ball of flame came down to finish Velvette off.
Lucifer: Û̶̪̌͐́̂̆͠͠n̸̛̟͕̱͍̫̘̻̣̱͈͈͇̱̜͛̓͗̏̅̇͋̒͆͊̓͗̚͠d̷̢̢̨̼̙͈̞͈͓͈͙̂̌͋̔̂̉̍̈́͆̿̈́̕͘͜͠e̵̛͍̯̫̼̫̐͛̊̒̆̉̓̊̽̓̒̒̚͘ŗ̶̨̢̧̮̜͙̪̹̯̙̪̤̠̝̓́̒̋͆̆̓̿͐̄̓̕̚̕ş̷̛̮͖̰̝̟͇͕̟̞̳̟̪̥̂̀̈́̈͗́̿̐̔̎̕̕͠t̶̮̖̭̹͓͉̪̣̦͙̖͍́͐͂̑͒̑͂̑̾̓̍̊͝ô̵̥͓̥͐̄̏̀̾̀̽̆ò̴̜͇̣̣̳͖̗̹̟̇̓͑͝ͅd̸̨̨͈͓̠͑͑̒̎̈́͘͠?̸̟̎̈
Even the sinners in the safety of the hotel nodded in fear. Lucifer made a delighted noise and with a clap, Velvette is back in one piece, albeit trembling in Vox's arms.
Lucifer: What? Do you really think I killed her? Sounds counterproductive. We still have a situation at hand and you are no use to me dead. Goodie: Up now! My sister is becoming restless.
Everyone let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. Angel collapsed to Husk's side, when did he even stand up? Nifty didn't move a muscle but her maniacal smile is gone. Cherri started fiddling with an ignited bomb out of nowhere which Angel had to move to throw.
Goodie: Remember, angel, if this fails, you must do what I have told you. Lucifer: Let's start.
Angel: Holy shit.
Holy shit indeed.
Part 16 will be the 2nd part of the reaction before Lucifer goes in!
Dk if I will post on Wednesday as it will be my birthday! yayy
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stevieschrodinger · 1 year
Wayne's been watching this shit show unfold for over a week now. Watching Steve Harrington stroke Eddie's hair back, hold his hand, call him 'sweetheart.'
Rush in with snacks and cups of ice chips and, sometimes, reading to Eddie. He's slow and trips over his words sometimes, but he isn't shy over that and definitely doesn't let it stop him.
He's so committed to the act that, honestly, Wayne would be fooled.
But he isn't fooled. He knows that Eddie's had a crush on that boy for literally years and absolutely nothing has ever come of it. Christ, Wayne once forked over real, cold hard cash, so that Eddie could get a year book one year just to have a picture of Steve. So Wayne knows exactly how bad Eddie had it.
Even if Steve Harrington, up to this point, had been a grade A Asshole.
Wayne has to put a stop to this now. They were talking about discharging Eddie. Speaking practically. He's going to need space. He probably won't be making it up any steps any time soon. He's going to need a practical place to get discharged too, somewhere where there will be someone to keep an eye on him most of the time.
The place they are describing is very much not the trailer.
And Steve had immediately volunteered. No hesitation whatsoever with that boy. His dedication to the lie is...pretty mind-blowing.
So now, now is the moment Wayne has to interfere, because this is a step too far.
He hasn't spoken to Steve much yet, and he hasn't spent any time alone with the kid, but he ups and follows when Wayne nods his head to the doorway and asks for a word. They move off together, finding a quieter bit of hallway.
'Steve, look, this is too much-'
'No, it's fine, honestly, I've got a downstairs room Eddie can use, and the bathroom-'
'I know this whole thing is a lie.'
Steve visibly crumbles for a second before getting back into character, 'Mr. Munson-'
'Mr. Wayne Munson-'
Wayne shakes his head, 'Jesus Christ, /just/ Wayne kid.'
'Right, yeah, but Eddie can come and stay with me, it's fine, definitely not a lie-'
'I meant you being his boyfriend. That lie.'
The kid scrambles and Wayne genuinely doesn't know how anyone is falling for this, the kid wears every emotion and thought so openly, 'no,no, we were just keeping it quiet l, it's -'
'Son,' and Wayne hates to be stern about this but he really really needs to, 'I found scraps of paper with Edward Harrington scribbled on them, like Eddie was practicing his signature. I found them /four/ years ago. What is your plan here? What do you think is going to happen when you rip the plaster off? He's going to be devastated. Or worse, what if he remembers on his own and you've been lying to him? To everyone?'
'I-' Steve starts but then clearly has no where to go with that because, as Wayne is fully aware, there is no plan, 'I can't do anything about it if he remembers, just hope that he forgives me. But otherwise, I was just thinking the plaster could just...stay on. There's no reason to remove the plaster-'
'Kid, I hate to tell you this, but you've got a bit of a reputation. Eddie was in a foul mood for nearly a fortnight when you started going steady with that Nancy girl, honestly, he was going through the stages of grief-'
'And that's exactly why we're not going to tell him. Eddie deserves to be happy and I'm...not like that. Anymore.'
Wayne rubs the bridge of his nose, 'I don't even know where to start with this. You- He- I mean. This is such a bad idea.'
Steve nods, fully committed, 'I know. I'm doing it anyway.'
Wayne gives up.
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chirpycloudyrobin · 3 months
Previous || Masterlist || START || Next
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it's in the dead of night when wei wuxian meets hua cheng and xie lian again right in the middle of the jingshi
to wwx, hua cheng was. hm. how shld wwx describe him ?
",,, dad ,,,?"
"... do i LOOK—"
okay but in all seriousness wwx never wouldve fully pieced his soul together back in the burial mounds in the amount of time he did without hua cheng and xie lians help. so hua cheng is kind of like wwx's ghost dad ? maybe ? and xie lian's his ghost/god mom who gently coaxed his soul pieces back together while hua cheng glared at him for stressing his husband out
wwx gets scolded pretty badly for immediately jumping into shenanigans not even a day after his emergence from the kiln. hell, his injuries from the decade-long brawl probably havent even healed yet and does he even have a decent grasp on his new devastation ghost abilities yet ?
the scene in the jingshi truly looked like two parents scolding their unruly child for scampering off at the first opportunity despite being barely an adult in age
wwx is not three this time around, thank u very much !!
they talk abt the demonic left arm from mo village and how it has garnered the attention of the heavenly capital because apparently it belonged to someone who was supposed to ascend to the upper courts but their soul was chopped up before they could get their heavenly calamity.
huh, wwx thinks. what the fuck happened while i was in mt tonglu
hua cheng warns wwx to be careful bc the heavenly capital is sending two local deities to investigate the demonic left arm on the non-mortal side of things and he doenst want xie lian to be worried for wwx
(hua cheng is absolutely worried for him too, wwx is very sure)
"pls dont get urself punted into jail ur gnna stress out gege and if u stress out gege ill-" "ill be fine ! ive got thee hanguang-jun w me lol !" hua cheng raises an eyebrow at the thought of a mortal cultivator guarding a ghost king. one of the best of his generation, sure, but still a mortal. wwx pouts at him, "u cant judge me ur protecting a whole thrice-ascended god"
after all the serious talk was done (and insane inspection of wwx's [surprisingly perfect] human disguise), hua cheng hangs around to watch wwx make a fool of himself.
his pseudo-dad is enjoying his torment apparently. he'll tattle on him to xie lian later for sure.
but for now wwx focuses on getting out of there !! and mxy too !! he wonders if the kid is doing okay in the guest quarters. he hopes hes not bored
wwx's attempts to get himself and mxy kicked out of the cloud recesses by scandalizing the shit out of lwj fails spectacularly (what the fuck lwj is EVEN MORE RIPPED than the last time he saw him what the-) and he spends the night in a body-bind spell on lwj's body and he ??? cannot make sense of the entire thing
he can still hear hua cheng's cackles into the next morning
but thats fine because a while later the mingshi is going crazy with resentful energy and wwx's ghost instincts are like "FINALLY SOME GOOD FUCKING FOOD (literal) (hes been craving to eat resentful energy)" and he barges into the room, plops his ass down, and does an impromptu duet w lwj
the arm is subdued. wwx was able to feed without drawing anyone's suspicions. the mystery is getting uncovered bit by bit because the hand is pointing to their next destination
wwx leaves mxy in the care of the lan sect while he and lwj go out and solve this murder mystery
absolutely nothing is going to go wrong ! :D
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tteodoroki · 2 years
power [creator!reader]
cw: slight angst, self blame, not beta-read we die like La Signoria
note: I haven’t written anything in a hot fucking minute but I’ve been so obsessed with the sagau concept lately and the harbingers and wanted to just write down a little piece of a scene i’ve been imagining for a while and it’s pretty half assed so my bad.
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Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That’s how the saying goes, anyway.
You witnessed firsthand how power corrupts the mortals of Teyvat. From the beginning, when the land had yet to be divided into the seven nations, you had the misfortune of witnessing the people of this world give into the corruption. Brother betraying brother. The rise and fall of an entire civilization. Even the Archons themselves were not immune to man’s folly. The seven gods that you so carefully crafted with love and a mere breath would come to indulge in their darker desires just as the mortals of Teyvat do.
What a shame. If you knew then that the world that you would create would become so divided and corrupt, maybe you would have never created it to begin with. It was a rather dark thought, but it was one that has been plaguing you since you’ve descended Teyvat.
“You look like you have eaten a bad sweet flower, your grace.” Pantalone mused, mirth dancing in his spectacle covered eyes as you blinked, snapping out of your train of thought.
“My apologies, Pantalone, my mind seems to be elsewhere recently.” You sighed, offering the man a sincere apology. You knew how valuable his time was as a Harbinger and business man.
Pantalone shakes his head, dismissing your apology. Despite your humble and gentle nature, Pantalone (and the rest of the Harbingers) still couldn’t accept any form of apology or admission of wrongdoing from you. You were their creator, the one above any Archon, the being that was revered even among godless nations. To him and his colleagues, you never had to seek forgiveness for anything. If anyone incurred your disappointment or anger, it was for a good reason.
“What seems to be troubling you?” Pantalone inquires gently.
“The state of Teyvat, it is not what I remember.” You frown, glancing around at the familiar interior of his office. It was dark and minimalistic in nature, but exuded wealth and status. A perfect reflection of its owner.
“It has been over a millennia since you last walked among the seven nations.” Pantalone pointed out. Sure, things were different compared to when you last walked the land, and you still loved your creations just the same, but there was a sadness that sat deep in your chest, almost like you were mourning what once was.
“I blame myself for the current state of Teyvat. From the Cataclysm and the extinction of Khaenri'ah, to the death of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, even the Vision Hunt Decree in Inazuma. So many tragedies, so much senseless violence.” You closed your eyes, picturing the many atrocities that happened. Devastation and ruin that you could have stopped if it weren’t for your naivety as a young God. If only you intervened earlier, maybe things would be different. It broke your heart knowing that the world that you created turned into something so dark and twisted. You could feel the withering in Sumeru’s forests and the torrential storms that clouded Inazuma’s islands. Famine, disaster, war, loss; you never imagined this is what would become of your precious Teyvat.
“What is it that you propose?” Pantalone asks. Out of all of the Harbingers, Pantalone was the most realistic and honest. While he did yearn for your attention and happiness just like his colleagues, he was not only someone you could confide in, but also someone that you sought out for further advice. Despite being Teyvat’s creator, you were not all knowing. Pantalone once asked why it was his advice you seeked, and your answer was clear; he was honest. Yes, speaking with the Tsaritsa or any of the Archons was strongly encouraged, but they all wanted to appease you. None of them were honest with their thoughts and advice if it was at the expense of your happiness. No, Pantalone was always honest with you, which you were grateful for. So, in exchange, you were always honest with him. Even if he failed to understand your plight, he was at least someone that you could trust.
“The rebirth of Teyvat.”
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puckpocketed · 4 months
UPON FURTHER RESEARCH i may have found the unluckiest girl in the world, Canadiens edition. this is old news to a lot of people but its news to ME!!!!! David Reinbacher uou have been throuhg the trenches hello take my fin GET BEHIND ME
drafted in Bedards draft year but also the next 3 guys are Carlsson-Fantilli-Smith . and everyone and their mother was wondering who was gonna get Michkov. what an act to follow RIP
CAREY PRICE BLUE SCREENED WHILE CALLING OUT HIS NAME. CAN'T MAKE THIS UP!! "Bonsoir, Les Canadiens de Montreal are proud to select, David….........." HELPPPPPP???
to make things worse people sent him thousands of awful messages. AS THOUGH IT WAS HIS FAULT HE GOT DRAFTED INSTEAD OF THE OTHER KID. the messages included death threats and comparisons to hitler (he is austrian. and me. well. I am lighting them all on fire ! <3 )
so the Habs send him back to the NL to let him develop without the pressure of this accursed fucking market right. that should be fine. right.
BOOM !INJURY!!! TWO INJURIES!! im wailing... sobbing... when will it end
His team, Kloten, acquired a new GM the year before. whats the worst that could happen?
Kloten were sort of average the year before but this year its flop city. 17-29-6 ahaha <3
god . their system is. not good. per this article -> "Gerry Fleming, named this summer and who was coaching at the opening of the season, is responsible for turning a fairly interesting 22-23 team into a very bad one, including making them defend man on man all over the defensive zone."
and reinbacher saw the most use of all the defensemen in rotation for yet another season. helo .
most difficult match ups. second worst team in the league. so of course he sees a regression in production from his draft year, and during what was supposed to be a season for development this is.Not Good!!!
gonna just. leave some of thee most devastating/endearing quotes from this article below:
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like even the nicest fans are sort of holding their noses about him at the time. like oh. him? not an exciting pick at all, according to many. not what the Habs need, in a draft year stacked with offensive talent. not flashy. unsexy, well-rounded hockey. consensus best defenseman on draft day but that's still not good enough !!
weight of the world type beat…gotta prove you're worth that high draft pick. gotta show them they shouldn't have sent you back. they saw there was a mote of excellence in you once and surely if you try to do everything on your own they'll see it again right? <3 ahahahaha.... !
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and finally their season ends and the habs reassign him to the AHL. christ alive!!!!!!
he makes his AHL debut with the Laval Rocket and does pretty well!! scores his first goal !!
here's something that made me scream. what are u doing to him, montreal...................
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Anyway. the boys in Laval call him Rhino (alt spelling: Reino?) and thats ADORABLE and hes going right beside all the other dmen in my heart .tucking him in carefully!!!!
whatever the hell is goin on with him and Lane Hutson.... i love when two players are bonded cats at the shelter. cosmically fated to be each other's d-pair? hello <3
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what if we were prospects and everyone thought we fit together perfectly. what then.
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feeling very hinged and regular. hello. unluckiest girl in the world David Reinbacher . <3
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Special angst. Featuring touch-starved Special, homemade quintessence fuckery and lore, basically Special can't touch anyone or they die, Omega and Delta try to help.
CW : Angst, like pretty heavy angst I think, Hurt/comfort, talk of death
Ghouls are social creatures. Not all to the same extend, not all in the same way, but the fact remains : ghouls thrive in eachother's company, in the knowledge that someone, somewhere, is waiting for them, ready to welcome them.
And, ghouls are physically affectionate, as a result of this need to be close and feel surrounded by loved ones. Of course, it's a generic rule, and it doesn't applie the same way to each individuals, but, most of the time, ghouls live off of casual touch, hand holding, hugs, cuddles, clasps on the shoulders, arms slung around waists, tails intertwining.
It's Satan's best joke, really, that Special can't even have that.
That he's so fucked up that not only no one bears to be in his presence, but he could also kill the poor ghoul who'd pity him enough to try and give him a hug.
Because Special's elements are all pulling him in different direction, trying to evade the too tight confine of his body, weak fire sorrowfuly begging to be smothered out, destructive quintessence furiously grasping at every bits of vital energy it can find, literaly sucking the life out of anyone stupid enough to have any kind of skin-to-skin contact with Special.
At least it's vaguely less awfull now that he managed to contain the devastating effect of his quintessence to his body - the screams of agony of the people who tried to approach him after his summoning, Omega's pained grunts as he backed away, the soft blanket he had held out for Special falling at his feet, the sheer terror on the ancient ghoul's face as he watched the humans unfortunate enough to be in Special's quintessence's range dropping like fly, oh, Special remembers it all so well.
Six Siblings died that way, simply because they were standing too close to him. Omega was, too, and is only alive because of his highly resistant nature, allowing him to stumble back in time.
It took weeks of sitting across from Omega, safe distance between them, training relentlessly to try and tame his quintessence, before Special could evolve around people without draining them. But it worked.
Provided he stays dressed head to toe, not a silver of skin showing, of course.
Special could, theoretically, be on the recieving end of ghoul's typical affection, the soft nudges, pats and caresses rythming their lives, long as no one makes contact with his skin, long as all those displays take place through a layer of clothing.
But then again, Special can't blame them for being wary, and prefering to stay away altogether. They're right, after all. You never know what might happen, if Special won't suddenly lose control and kill everyone in a three meters radius just by existing.
Special hasn't see anyone in days. Omega said he'd come by, but he hasn't yet. Special vaguely remembers something about Delta the...water ghoul, right ? Well, one of them anyway. There's a lot of those around, Special keeps forgetting who's who, doesn't see them enough to properly remember. He sticks to the dark corners, only goes out in the dead of the night, only watches the other ghouls from afar, except maybe for Omega.
But Omega's not here, hasn't been here for too long, busy taking care of Delta, whatever that means. Special wonders if he'll come back. Special wonders why he needs Omega to come to his room, why he can't bring himself to get up and go find the quint by himself. It's not like it's forbidden or anything. He just can't do it, the thought of opening his bedroom door in the middle of the day strictly unfathomable.
No, Special, at least during the day, needs someone to open it, someone to drag him outside if he really is needed, like for interviews, because apparently he's the only fucker who agreed to do them when neither Papa nor Omega are free.
A third choice, that would probably be even further down the list of candidates if it wasn't for his uncanny ability to entertain humans, with jokes and crudes, snarky remarks masking the cracks of his shattered soul.
So Special waits, sitting motionless in the middle of his bed. He hasn't seen anyone in days. He hasn't been touched since forever. No, that's not true. Omega cupped the back of his head the last time he was here, protected by the mask and balaclava Special always has to wears, and pressed a kiss to the metal covering his forehead.
It had nearly unraveld him.
Special doesn't know why Omega still bothers with him, what sick sense of responsability pushes the quint to visit Special as often as he can bear, why he insist on being so patient, so gentle, smiling with sadness in his eyes.
Special doesn't want pity. But he could never tell Omega not to come back.
His hair is getting too long. It's itchy in the back of his neck, keeps getting stuck in folds of fabric. Special shifts uncomfortably, thinking about stealing a pair of scissors and chopping it off himself. It's always a delicate task, cutting his hair : he's not good at it himself, but whenever Omega's doing it, he has to be extra cautious, avoiding any contact with Special's scalp, not even able to properly run his fingers through it. Special's hair is never perfect, always a bit messy, as a result, but now it's even worse.
He really needs Omega to come back.
It hits Special like a freight train.
He needs Omega to come back. He needs to hear his voice, to see the lines and creases on his face, the tired slope of his broad shoulders, the softness of his eyes. Special needs his tentative, fleeting touches, needs to talk to him, needs to be carefully held, even if it's all tainted with Omega's guilt, obligation and pity.
He needs to know Omega hasn't moved on, hasn't chalked him up as a lost cause, that Special hasn't lost the only comfort life ever granted him.
A knock startles him out of his thoughts, his whole being shaking with relief at the familiar pattern.
"Spesh ? Can I come in ?"
Special nearly sobs. His voice scratches in his throat.
Omega slips in the room. He's maskless, and Special drinks him in like a ghoul starved. He looks tired, like he hasn't slept in days, but. He's smiling. Omega is smiling, wide an bright, eyes gleaming. It makes Special's own lips pull in an unfamiliar direction, up up up, until concealed under the mask, his mouth weakly mimics Omega's.
"I have good news for you, Spesh. Really good news. Would you let me bring someone else in here ?"
Special visibly flinches, though still half frozen, cossed-legged on the bed. Omega's face softens in that way Special yearns for.
"It's okay, it'll be fine. I promise. Do you trust me ?"
Special doesn't need to think about the answer, nodding with more conviction than he ever displayed before. It gets a soft chuff out of Omega.
The quint moves with a grace Special envies, reaching for the door and opening it like it's the easiest thing in the world. Maybe, to him, it is.
The ghoul that steps in looks just as tired as Omega, if not more, but is also sporting a smile, hair an absolute mess, looking like it got chopped with absolutely no regard for the aesthetical result, as uneven as it is unruly.
"Spesh, this is Delta, remember ? Delta, this is Special."
Special blinks, unmoving as a statue, as he often is. Sometimes, he thinks that if he keeps perfectly still, the universe will forget that he is supposed to be, and simply let him stop existing.
Delta. Yes Special remembers. He doesn't smell like most water ghouls, though, it's quite disarming.
"Hello, Special," Delta breathes, barely above a whisper, "it's nice to officially meet you."
Unsure of what to do with that soft tone, with how genuine Delta apparently is, Special looks toward Omega, silently begging for guidance. The quint goes to sit next to him, one hand brushing his back ever so slightly. Special has to bite his tongue to contain a relieved whimper.
"He's here because we discovered something, and I have a theory," Omega explains.
Delta is standing straight, hands folded behind his back, withstanding Special's wary scrunity with an easy smile. Something about him is...off, Special notes. It's not necessarily bad, but it intrigues him.
Delta looks like a water ghoul. Blueish tint to his grey skin, gills, needle sharp fangs, webbed fingers, a few fish-like scales visible on his forearms. And yet...
Special doesn't realize he's leaning forward until Delta tilts his head in amusement. He leans back immediately, clasping his gloved hands tighter on his lap.
"I think," Omega goes on, "that he might be able to touch you without consequences."
It's instinctive, the way Special stiffens, shaking his head desperately at Omega, clearing his throat to find his voice again.
"No, no, no, Megs, it'll end up badly-"
"Listen- listen to me, Spesh, listen," Omega interrupts his panicked babbling, craddling his masked face between two big hands, "i'm not pulling this out of my ass, okay ? Delta here, well, we needed a new quintessence ghoul, at least for a little while, until we could summon a new one, and...Delta volunteer for an...elemental transition of some kind."
Special blinks, shaking in Omega's grip. Well, that explains the funny feeling, the strange scent.
"But...Delta's still water," Special rasps. Omega hums, nodding.
"Yes, but not exclusively. He's not...quintessence either. It's more like...he became a vessel quintessence can pass through. He can channel it from the outside, dig it from the source rather than something within him like us quintessence ghoul do, quite literaly pull it from thin air, let it flow through him, and release it."
Special frowns, trying to wrap his mind around all this.
"But...raw quintessence, the one that is everywhere, is impossible to access to unless you are a quint, because your quintessence connects you to it, opens you a door. Right ?"
It's more words than he's spoken in weeks outside of interviews, but excitement suddenly buzzes in his body, brain finally feeded something to think about, to analyse, to study. Special is a cerebral creature, no matter what people might thing, and such an incredible discovery makes him feel almost alive.
Omega laughs, a breathless, amazed little thing.
"I know. But, apparently, we managed to crack that door open for Delta. He doesn't have much control over the quintessence he releases, but it's enough for the Clergy, for now."
Special glances toward Delta from the corner of his eyes.
"That's...you wrote it down, right ? Records of this could be incredibly useful-"
The smile he gets makes Special's heart miss a beat. Omega looks so fond, so full of love, it's almost painful.
"I did. I'll hand you my notes. But, back to you. What your quintessence does, is devouring energy out of living things-"
Special hangs his head down, shame creeping up his spine, wrapping around his throat.
"Hey, none of that, Spesh," Omega soothes, pulling his head up by the metal point of the mask's chin, "let me finish. What if someone was full of an energy they can fully dispose of ? If someone could let your quintessence take without it harming them, that means they could touch you. Delta could touch you."
Special blinks.
"But...you can't touch me."
"Because your quintessence takes the one at my core - drains me dry of a source of power so entangled in my being that losing it would mean losing me. But Delta's quintessence doesn't come from him."
Slowly, Delta comes closer, kneeling by the bed, offering his bare hand to Special, smiling, and Special- can't understand why. Why anyone would willingly take such risks - first the attempted elemental transition, now this.
Omega brushes Special's shoulder.
"Please, try it. I know...how hard isolation is for you. Please, sparkle, try. If anything goes wrong i'll pull Delta away before any real damages can be done, I promise."
The coppery taste of blood hits Special's tongue, and it's the only reason he's aware he's biting his lip. Then Delta talks.
"I volunteered, Special. I know this is going to work. I trust Omega's theory, and. I think I can trust you, too."
This time Special does sob.
"If I hurt you..."
"You won't. Give me your hand, Special, it'll be okay."
And Special is terrified. Terrified that it won't work, that he'll hurt Delta, who seems the nicest ghoul you could ever wish for. Terrified that it'll work, that the one time he manages to touch someone without killing them will kill him, that all it would take would be a brush of skin against his own to destroy him.
Despite all that, Special slowly, oh so slowly takes one glove off, revealing too-pale skin and twitchy fingers. Delta' smile widens, then the air shifts a bit, starts blurring around him. One of his eyes turns purple, his skin shimering slightly.
"It's a bit like holding my breath," the water (?) ghoul explains, "i can't keep it for too long, maybe a couple of minutes, after, i have to release it. Open the valves, kind of. But, if I just keep them open, just let quintessence flow in and out freely, like this-"
Another shift in the air. The shimer on Delta's skin dims, his features relaxing.
"Then I can keep it that way as long as i like, effortlessly for the most part. That's how we can touch. I'm ready when you are."
He's going to do this. Special is going to do this. His hand is shaky when he wraps it loosely around Delta's - ready to pull away at any moment - but the second their skin makes contact, he gasps and can't help tightening it.
Delta doesn't flinch. His skin glints a bit more, but that's it. Special's quintessence is hungrily drinking in the one flowing though Delta, but he doesn't need it. He can let Special take it.
Salt. Salt on his tongue, now. Special is crying. Holding onto Delta's hand for dear life, shoulders shaking, Special is crying, the water ghoul shushing him softly, thumb drawing circles on the back of his hand.
Omega helps unclasping the mask, watching with tears of his own as Special takes it off, throws it somewhere, who cares, where the balaclava and second glove quickly follow.
Delta opens his arm, still not letting go. Special sobs so hard he's sure it's going to turn him inside out, slidding off the bed and into Delta's firm, tender embrace, burrying his face in the water ghoul's neck, finally able to touch, to feel, truly feel.
He can't see it, but Omega's crying in earnest now, Delta fighting tears as well.
Special isn't okay. Special might never be okay, Delta might be the only person he'll ever get to touch, it might stop working at some point, there might be a catch, but oh, Special doesn't care.
He'd trade his infernal eterinity for this moment in time, folded in arms that hold him like something precious.
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Liveblog - Dofus, livre 1 : Julith [PART 14]
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Joris's face here goes hard. His lifelong streak of being disappointed in everything begins here.
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I genuinely have no comment beyond wanting to hug him. And also the fact that the way he says "LEGENDARY BUT DEAD FATHER (derogatory)" is so fucking iconic.
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They're a lot alike. No matter how she feels about Joris, or her issues, she's not a fail-aunt.... shes the aunt that Stepped Up. She understands. As she understands, they both lost someone to Julith, and that unites them.
I like to think that, while their relationship post-movie is would probably be turbulent at times, — because they're similar, and hate themselves for similar things, but have different ways of processing these things, — that they were close.
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He put on a brave face. But Bakara knows him too well.
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I really doubt that Jahash and Kerubim had a close co-working relationship like Julith and Atcham seem to have.
Here's some conjecture/headcanons: I think that Bakara and Jahash's father has passed away at this point, which is why Joris was given to Kerubim. Kerubim was probably summoned to Bonta/went there to help people of his own volition, despite already being retired. Jahash just had no one else to entrust Joris to, — other than the kind, elderly man who always told stories as they walked to the battlefield during the war.
It's kind of sad.
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I wonder what Jahash asked of him. "Find him a loving family"? "Take care of him"? "Keep him safe"? Or was he completely silent?
No matter what he said, or didn't say, Kerubim has always wanted to be a father. Even if, in his old age, he has long accepted that it simply wasn't his fate.
I bet it felt like the world was making a cruel joke on all of their expenses.
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Kerubim knows what is going to happen to her, going forward.
Do you ever think about the fact that this was the last time Jahash could ever hold her?
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He was probably just as outwardly serene, yet utterly devastated, when she was a child, and he could do nothing but watch, as their father saved her from drowning.
As he said in the Julith et Jahash comic: It's why he learned how to help people.
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"Bakara, for her part, needed much more... with Jahash's departure, her world collapsed."
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He was so scared he couldn't even move. He could only clutch this child closer.
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I think it's easy for him to compartmentalize what happened to Kerubim, while realizing that Lilotte's life is at stake. It's not the time to be emotional. And, he and Bakara have a shared enemy, who killed people they love dearly.
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Another plea from Bakara as a person who is quite sure she was personally orphaned by Julith, to Joris as someone who was literally orphaned by Julith.
And a not-so-subtle implication of "and you have to be one too, this time," is here too, I suppose.
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If papycha was in this situation, he would have been brave too. There will be time to be sad, but not now.
When the push really comes to shove, he's pretty good at suppressing his sadness. We've seen this from his meltdown during the argument with Kerubim, and some select moments of Aux Tresors.
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Anyway, do you think Kerubim went back for his stupid hole armour when he could finally form conscious thoughts, and brought it back to Joris's horror, — or do you think that by that time, random other demigods have stolen it, and he had to go on a wild goosechase to retrieve it (so he could keep using it) (while not fixing the FUCKING HOLE IN THE CHEST!!!)?
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His 22 sons and NONE of his daughters. #misogyny
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Someone loved Kerubim as much as Joris does.
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spacemonkeysalsa · 5 months
Somebody (okay like a lot of people) said being attracted to a character makes it hard to be objective about them. So, for science (eh, for fun) I have interviewed a lesbian with nearly 3000 hours in Baldur's Gate 3 with questions about Astarion:
Q: Hi. I know you are a lesbian, but that doesn't preclude being attracted to Astarion, so let's also establish objectivity according to the experts. Are you attracted to Astarion at all?
A: No. It's kind of devastating to me because I love vampires. But apparently they do have to be lady vampires.
Q: Perfect. Have you ever tried to romance him anyway?
A: I started a couple of games with the intention of romancing him. It never worked out. I always end up with Shadowheart. Or Lae'zel.
Q: Do you like him, as a character?
A: Yeah. He's great.
Q: Ever kill him in any of your playthroughs?
A: Only to resurrect him, to see his lines. But I've never permanently killed him.
Q: Why not?
A: Because I like his story. I don't always enjoy talking to him about his story, because he's a bit much. But I want him to have that development and see it through. Be happy and free! Fuck Cazador. What a bitch.
Q: Is he an asshole?
A: Yes, but he's a lovable asshole. As much any of the others. Well, some of the others. Let's be fair.
Q: What's his alignment like?
A: I don't understand DnD alignment.
Q: For the record, have you played DnD?
A: Yes. I still don't get it. I have played for years now and this is all I know: lawful tends to equal "the worst in your group." There are exceptions though, like obviously I love Shadowheart, even though she starts off pretty strictly obeying Sharran dogma. Chaotic means "fun." Most party members in any given campaign say they are one thing but then act as true neutrals. And if you participate in a torture session with a DM controlled NPC and you forget to ask any questions, then your alignment will get shifted mid campaign. I learned that recently.
Q: I have no comment on that besides that maybe you should have listened to the bard in your party telling you this was stupid and pointless?
A: I wasn't running the torture session, I just held her still! I'm an accessory. I'm a barbarian, I can't be expected to think shit through or pay any attention to you when you speak.
Q: ...So can Astarion fall in love?
A: He's perfectly capable of that.
Q: If you had to guess his sperm count...?
A: Why would anyone ever care about that? Even if he were a real person? Why would anyone give a shit? Is this really a talking point? Fuck. I hate you guys. Just play the game.
Q: Whose your favorite companion?
A: Shadowheart.
Q: Tell me what you like about her?
A: The process of getting to know her, delving underneath that shell of secrets. She's so strong and sweet even through she can't easily show it right away because of all the bullshit she's been taught. In early access, when I couldn't get her out of the pod, either because that wasn't an option in the game yet, or I was too stupid, I've never figured it out, I was devastated. I didn't even know her yet, but I was so in love from the very beginning.
Q: Aww, that's really nice. What character do you think you are most like?
A: Karlach and Lae'zel. Maybe more Karlach, but definitely both. Not that Karlach isn't great, but I wish I was more like Lae'zel.
Q: And I should probably end on an Astarion question again since that was kind of the point. What about him do you find relatable, assuming that's anything?
A: I totally relate to wanting to put up a front to protect yourself. Can't relate to the method at all but the motivation is solid. Also, even though I have never romanced him, I have seen his DTR dialogue, and I really love it. I love how honest he is about his feelings. It's not romantic to be uncertain, but he doesn't care about that anymore, because he's just being totally transparent. It might seem weird that I would say that while being down bad for the least transparent character in the game, but that's a trait I personally value in myself more than a partner. Don't get me wrong, it would be nice, but for me I really try to be honest about what I am feeling. You can't DTR with Shadowheart really, the equivalent would be the stupid "you've never been in a relationship like this have you?" dialogue option which is never what I would say irl, but it's all I get in the game, and I think she's telling the truth when you have that conversation. With Astarion, it's so obvious. He's so obvious. I'm like that. I think it's very cool that you see that development in him, going from lying to survive to just being totally readable. Whether you're romancing him or not, by act three you know exactly what he's really about. Or if you don't, you haven't been talking to him, or like failed all your insight checks or something.
Q: Thanks! You were great. Anything to add?
A: Shadowzel forever.
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I'm just over here muttering to myself "I will not fall in love with König, I will not fall in love with König..." lol send help!!
But I'm super curious about something - do you think if König fully decided on an Engel being the only one for him, but then found out she was happy in a committed relationship (like there is no ~lover sneaking into her room, there's a straight-up other dude living in the house) does he try and get her to cheat? And when that doesn't work is it just straight to 'oh no, your husband's missing?? well he seemed pretty awful anyway, here let me cheer you up with some superior dick!'
Ohh I think there’s only one way this would go… (I’m so sorry everyone i should be caged)
Now. König gets absolutely torn apart inside because marriage is sacred and this woman is not his possession… And the only way to make her his is to get rid of the one who “owns” her. But how could he ever live with himself after that? It would be hell.
So at first, he does nothing. He even tries to leave her alone, leave them alone.
König bites his nails in the shadows and suffers in silence, heart aching and dick hard, raging on missions like an angered bear, trying to get over the one woman who he has in his delusional mind deemed to be the One and Only for him. In his heart he knows they belong together.
And any blind man can see that she's not truly happy with this man. So wouldn't it be a kindness and a grace to set her free...?
Engel is of course devastated, perhaps the marriage wasn’t exactly everything she has ever hoped for and the man was far too normal and lukewarm for her taste, but she was happy in her own way. His death ignites an even stronger love, now born of sorrow: every injustice in the world makes her heart big and heavy from bittersweet compassion, and she mourns his dead husband, gone far too soon, visits the fresh grave every day and cries without knowing that there is a man in the woods, watching her intently.
In the end, the selfish greed and what König calls love (c’mon man you haven’t even talked to this girl yet...) wins the battle of good and evil in his heart, and he does indeed get rid of the husband, as cleanly as possible. It’s his most merciful kill: no pain at all, just a few seconds before it’s over. He treats the corpse with the utmost respect and knows that from this day forward, he’s not only a monster; he’s pure evil.
Then he starts the hunt for his beloved… because if he can’t have her, then it has all been for nothing.
König sees what a devoted, sweet little widow Engel is, mourning her late husband as a good wife should. Her value only soars to the highest heights in his eyes, and when he finally approaches her in the graveyard, saying he likes long walks and sometimes wanders to this graveyard because it’s a pretty, quiet little place, his heart is already full of painful love for her.
One day she breaks into tears in front of him, and that’s his chance: he takes a step and closes her in a sturdy hug. Her big, wet eyes and helpless looks have already made his savior instinct go haywire, but as she quivers and cries there in his embrace, trying to hold on to him like she’s drowning in a sea of sorrow, it’s insanely challenging not to get a demanding erection that leaves him bloodless and faint in the head.
All he wants to do in this life is console her...
“My place is not far,” he offers her while stroking her hair gently, and she goes tense in his arms – a woman turned prey, sensing she’s in grave danger.
No no no, she’s getting away…
“It’s not good for you to be alone,” he adds, knowing he has blown it already with his enthusiasm.
“I… I don’t know…” the widow in his arms mutters through sniffles and tears. Then she tries to withdraw. “Is that… Do you have a knife in your pocket…?”
Think of something. Anything.
“Ja… I always carry a knife. It’s a, uh, big Austrian one. Would you like to see it?”
Scheisse… Women don’t want to see knives, you idiot—
“Um, yes... Yes I would. This may sound odd but... I love knives,” she withdraws, but only to look up at him with yearning and curiosity. Her soft little hands are still around him, and her eyes are sparkling… and this time not from tears.
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oneluckygoose · 2 months
O'Knutzy Week Day 5
Yooo, we've made it to the end!! (Of creating at least, still two more days left but I didn't have time to make anything. Also still written in advance to the actual week.)
Anyway, I figured for the last day I would share the songs on my O'Knutzy playlist I listened to while writing my stories (+ the characters they remind me of and why they did)
Credit of this beautiful thing we call Logan Tremblay, Finn O'Hara, and Leo Knut to @lumosinlove , and thanks to @oknutzy-week-2024 for also just being amazing.
Anyway songs under cut :)
shhh its a shit ton of Hozier
Line Without a Hook, Rick Montgomery - Ok look at me and tell me this isn't Harvard Era Finnlo. "You can hold my hand if no ones there" LOGAN! "All my emotions feel like explosions when you're around" FINN! Nuff' said.
Wish You Were Sober, Conan Gray - I only need one word to explain this one. Harvard. Next!
Sun, Two Door Cinema Club - Mainly reminds me of Finn, especially when he's in Gryfindor and Logan's still at Harvard. But also like listen to it, literally the entire song is just them.
Young In America, Barnes Courtney - Just gives me that Harvard vibe yk, Finn and Logan being best friends and then being drawn apart, it just fits them Imo. ALSO THAT LAST FUCKING VERSE IS SO UGH FINNLO (Also happens to be my favorite song rn so that may be part of it but like it's still them)
Running In Circles, Dead Poet Society - LOGAN. Specifically Logan his last year of college without Finn and him being in pain. Him having to hide it as well, and pretending he's not completely fucking devastated without Finn. Just the angst.
Atlantis, Seafret - Makes me think of Logan being scared and constantly telling Finn they can't and pretty much everything after the night Finn leaves Harvard. The feeling of helpless and inevitable heartbreak is very in line with that period of time.
Mind Over Matter, Young The Giant - Very Logan coded. Kinda how I imagined him with Leo and Finn before they got together. Also, "Cause' I'm a young man built to fall" is just something I think Logan would have told himself on why he couldn't tell Finn or Leo.
To Someone From A Warm Climate, Hozier - Also very Logan coded, I imagine him just quietly singing this into Leo's ear in the dark of a winter night, which are cold in Gryfindor which Leo is NOT used to.
Francesca, Hozier - Ahem, "the entire fucking song". Finn. This song = Finn. More exactly reflecting back on all of the hurt he and Logan went through together and knowing he would do it again. And again. And again. Especially when he's a Lion and O'Knutzy isn't a thing yet.
Home, Good Neighbours - Leo's homesickness, Logan missing Gryfindor in NY, Finn wanting to go back to Logan at Harvard. All of it. Though it did mainly make me think of Leo going home for a little bit after the Rangers knocked the Lions out of the playoffs in Vaincre.
TIMEZONE, Maneskin - Let me take you back to a lovely place called Logan fully ditching all-stars to see Leo and Finn in Vaincre. If this isn't the most Logan song I've ever heard, I don't even know. Also could be Logan in NY, or even Finn in Gryf while Logan's at Harvard.
Heaven Must Have Sent You, The Elgins - Leo. Just the way Leo tends to think about Finn and Logan, and he's definitely played this while dinner was cooking and the three of them danced in the kitchen.
Can't Take My Eye's Off You, Frankie Valli - Leo sings this at karaoke night constantly and you cannot tell me otherwise. Anyway, self explanatory, moving on.
Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene, Hozier - Finn and the way he thinks of Leo and Logan. I think that's enough.
From Eden, Hozier - Yk, I don't actually have a clear explination for this one, it just gives me those O'Knutzy vibes.
Somewhere Only We Know, Keane - Reminds me of Harvard and the Roof, but also just a very O'Knutzy and FinLo song that makes me want to reread Coast to Coast.
Ditmas, Mumford and Sons - FinLo falling apart after Finn graduates. The angst is very appropriate and obviously it doesn't last but this is how I imagine it was back then.
i wanna be your girlfriend, girl in red - Very self explanatory, we don't need to dwell on it.
Figure You Out, VOILA - Hey remember when Logan freaked out when he though Finn got a girlfriend? This, it's this. Every time one little romantic interest and Logan just turns into the embodiment of this song.
Mercy, Shawn Mendes - Ok yes Ik it's basic but this is totally how Finn felt when him and Logan were doing their little dance around each other and it was absolutely Killing Finn.
Thinking Out Loud, Ed Sheeran - OK I GET IT ALSO BASIC but it does genuinely make me think of an older O'Knutzy, one that will love each other for a very long time and will love each other no matter what happens and how they change.
High, Stephen Sanchez - Sorry this song is so Finn being fucking horny over Logan in college and thinking about all the things he would do to him given the chance.
Beautiful Things, Benson Boone - SHUT UP I KNOW BASIC, but anyway this is Logan thinking over the last few years and how things have gotten so much better but also being so so so scared he could lose it all in a moment. His beautiful things are Finn and Leo.
Supernatural, Barnes Courtney - Finn constantly at Harvard. Logan and him are dancing around each other and Logan keeps fucking touching him and being so close and it drives him insane. And just a very Harvard Era song.
Like Real People Do, Hozier - Not Finn saying "can we for once not kiss while we're both crying" and that's literally just this song in different words, ok?
If She's Anything Like Me, MALINDA - Logan with every single girl Finn talks about or even looks at. Finn is genuinely the most perfect and lovable person in his eyes, so why wouldn't everyone else love him, too? And just because he doesn't have the guts to say it, that doesn't mean they won't.
Heat Waves, Glass Animals - Ok ok ok ok ok hear me out..... Actually I don't have much to defend this so Ig it's just all of them staying up late at night just thinking about each other.
Home, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - A very FinLo coded song, especially with the "Jade...Alexander....I was falling deep deep deeply in love with you," part because tell me that didn't happen. Also Leo works in here too because home is with his boys and their home will always be with him, too.
When He Sees Me, Kimiko Glenn & co - Definitely what Leo came into his Rookie season thinking. Especially once he met Finn and Logan knowing he'd be head over heels if he wasn't careful. Just very Leo as well because ofc he's fucking defensive of his heart right after Jack bitchass Archer.
She, Foxy Venus - Guess, take a wild guess. Did you guess Harvard Era Finlo because yeah, that's it. More specifically I think Finn and trying to get Logan out of his mind and move on and that not working whatsoever.
Can't Help Falling in Love, Elvis Presley - This took me an embarrassingly long time to add but yeah Very much Leo with his boys and then Logan and Finn with Leo.
Can't Pretend, Tom Odell - Also took me an embarrassingly long time to add considering it HAS THE SAME TITLE AS ONE OF MY FUCKING WORKS but we don't need to dwell on it. Anyway, FinLo again, especially canonically when they have their little talks about loving each other and not admitting it.
This playlist will probably grow but y'all ain't getting my Spotify so it's just a list rn, might add onto it, idk. Anyway, hope this was suitable for a final O'Knutzy week post and figured it be fun to show you what I was listening to while writing all this. Genuinely I had To Someone From A Warm Climate on repeat while writing the first half of With a Straight Face because if y'all we're confused about the vibe, it's that (especially the beginning). Also Supernatural was on repeat for the first part of When We Can't Pretend (Oh and High was on repeat during the Kiss in the second half, lol).
Ok peace I genuinely can't wait to see everything when I get back in August!
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