#anyway this explains why it burns so bad when my hands are cracked and i put some on
weyrleaders · 2 years
also turns out my lotion does indeed have a scent i just cant smell it
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kestisvrse · 10 months
i just read your harry osborn fic and let me tell you it’s so cute and beautiful!! i was wondering if you can do a fic of him where he breaks the table? and how the reader helps calm him down? thank you sm!! 🫶
my first request??? i’ve made it???
but anyways of course i can thank u sm for requesting 🥹 sorry it’s bad and took so long <3
heart to heart
pairing ⋆ harry osborn (ps5) x gn!superhero!reader. angst.
synopsis ⋆ something isn’t right with harry, and while you can’t fix him you can certainly calm him down.
warnings ⋆ spiderman 2 spoilers, swearing | wc: 782
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peter called you in a panic, demanding you get to his house as fast as possible.
“what’s going on? pete?” you asked, you were on a rooftop in the city when he had called you.
“i can’t explain right now please, just get there. it’s harry.” his voice cracked, and hearing harry’s name woke you up.
“be there soon.” you said hanging up.
despite thinking you would get there first, as you reached to open the front door to aunt mays home, peter swung in landing right next to you. he gave you a nod of acknowledgment and slammed open the door, you took it as a queue to run in behind him.
“MJ! where’s-“ peter yells out as u both run to the dining room, “harry..” he says as you spot harry and mj sitting down having coffee together, mj’s brows furrowed, her body tense.
“oh hey guys.” harry says nonchalantly, “you look tense, coffee?” he says as a black tentacle reaches out of his arm to refill mj’s cup, she looks terrified as you feel your hand heat up. harry smirks at you.
“we need to talk.” peter said, harry retracts the tentacle.
“you two must get so tired making the world a better place, every. single day.” harry sighs, standing up, “but i can help.”
“harry. please let us help you first.” he looked over his shoulder narrowing his eyes at you, a chill ran up your spine.
“this isn’t you” mj cuts in
“wrong.” he glares at her
“harry…please” you pleaded, he looks at you, his expression softening, but disappears in seconds causing your hand to ignite in flames.
“this is the real me.” harry remarked, jaw clenching he walks over behind mj, “i finally have the power to realise our vision, are you giving up on me?”
you tense as he puts his hand on mj’s back while staring directly towards you, mj catches your eye too as she flinches from the touch.
“harry. we need to get that thing off you-“ peter states but is cut off, as harry smashs the table.
“do not. call us. a thing.” harry demands, black tentacles covering his arms.
“oh my god.” you mutter, “what… what if we take it off to make it more powerful harry? don’t you want that?” you say trying to trick him.
“we. are not harry.” he says, tears slip out of your eyes onto your cheeks.
“please listen to me, my voice.” your voice cracks as you plead, recalling the night peter had been infected and the only person to calm harry’s anger was you, why didn’t it work now? your hand was no longer burning, as you focused on harry, “can we please figure out your… power,” you chose your words carefully, “so we- we can fix the world properly.”
the tentacles slowly retracted, as harry looked into your wide eyes.
“-having power like this is to help people yes, but we can hurt peop-“ his jaw clenched at your choice of words, “accidentally! we can hurt people accidentally no matter how good our powers are! we need to figure out yours s-so that doesn’t happen, you only want to help people right?” you stepped closer to him until your hand was over his heart.
he nods at your words, “okay- fuck. fine okay.” harry says, snapping out of a trance he seemed to have been in, peter and mj share a worried look, “we can figure out h-how we got like this.” he seemed to be choosing his words carefully too to not upset the alien on him, you winced at the use of ‘we’
“okay… okay good.” you swallowed as your throat had to began to feel dry, “-this happened to me too okay? when i got my powers, i know you weren’t there but i-i had to get tests too.” you lied to him, but he didn’t seem to pick up on it like he usually could, he brought his hand up to squeeze the one you had over his heart.
he smiles at you as if he hadn’t smashed a table and didn’t have mj and peter holding hands in fear, “lets go to the labs. i want to get this over and done with as soon as possible.” there was a grumble added to his voice as he spoke, you could have started sobbing right then and there at the sight of black veins protruding on his neck. you turned to nod to peter and mj as you exit the house, peter gave you a sad expression.
you were able to stall him being fully taken over by that thing, but you didn’t think it would last long.
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festivalsofmargot · 1 year
hi!!!! i love your writing style, it’s so beautiful! when you have the time, could i request Ominis x reader where they have a really bad fight and Ominis says something really mean like totally out of pocket to where their relationship is cracking so he has to win her forgiveness and love back 😭 i love angst it hurts me so good
The 3 Boys & The Hogwarts Champion
{Garreth Weasley/Ominis Gaunt/Sebastian Sallow x GN!Reader}
Introduction: The TriWizard Tournament was a tournament that promised glory, but also a tournament with a death toll so high, just surviving it would be the accomplishment of a lifetime. Your significant other had begged you not to put your name in the Goblet of Fire. You told him you wouldn’t, but you've done so anyway in secret. These are the reactions of Garreth, Ominis, and Sebastian when they not only realize you put your name in behind their back, but that you’ve also been chosen as the Hogwarts Champion.
Word Count: 
Garreth: ~ 2,200 words
Ominis: ~ 1,700 words
Sebastian: ~ 2,400 words
Warnings: Kissing, Angst
Author’s Note: Thanks for the request, anon! And I'm so happy you enjoy my writing ❤ I hope you don't mind I got Garreth and Sebastian in on your request haha. You can go ahead and jump to reader and Ominis' fight, there aren't any rules here. 😉 Sorry for taking so long on my fanfics! Work has been nuts lately, I've fit in writing whenever I had the drive and wasn't mentally burned out from my job. Hope you enjoy and have fun with it guys, got some good ol' angst written up for ya 😚
Songs (if interested):
Garreth’s song: War of Hearts (Acoustic Version) - Ruelle
Ominis’ song: Granite - Sleep Token
Sebastian’s song: Is It Really You? - Sleep Token, Loathe
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When Garreth heard Headmaster Black announce your name, his blood went cold, the entertained smile vanishing from his face. But - we agreed you wouldn’t… No. No, this isn’t fun anymore. Stop this. Stop all of this now. 
He watched you as you made your way up to stand with the other champions. You were smiling, happy, proud as can be that your name was chosen. But he caught the guilty look in your eye when you glanced his way. You lied to me.
The room seemed to be spinning while he sat still in his seat, looking Headmaster Black’s way but not listening to what he was saying about the tournament. His ears were ringing, he was starting to feel sick.
As soon as everyone was dismissed, Garreth shot up from his seat, wanting to get out of the Great Hall as fast as possible. You wanted to chase after him, explain yourself. But you could only watch Garreth’s form walk away as you were guided with the other champions out to discuss the tournament expectations. 
Garreth had gone numb. The one he loved most had lied to him, deciding some dangerous, unnecessary tournament was worth more than him. Without thinking, he had gone to Professor Sharp’s empty classroom and started brewing whatever came to mind. He wasn’t in the mood for experimenting, he wanted to put together ingredients that made sense, he couldn’t take anymore surprises.
You had been watching him silently from the doorway for a few minutes, trying to think of what you could possibly say to him after what you had done. 
Feeling someone’s presence, he turned to see who it was. He shook his head and scoffed humorlessly seeing it was you, turning back to his potions.
I deserved that welcome. “I -” You began but stopped short, not knowing how to continue.
He took a step back from his potion brew, resting his hands on the table, looking at the ground because he wasn’t quite ready to look at you. “I just want to know why. Why would you look me in the eye, promise me you wouldn’t put your name in the running, and then go off and do exactly that behind my back?” His voice was hard, his words direct. 
You had never heard him be this stern with you. You didn’t think you’d ever heard him this stern with anyone. Way to go, you’ve managed to make the most fun loving, easy going person you know livid. “There’s no good excuse, Gar.”
“Don’t.” He said through gritted teeth. “You are not allowed to call me that.”
Your heart broke, but you knew you brought this on yourself.
He took a steadying breath, trying to push down his temper. “Either tell me why you did it or leave me alone.” His tone sounded like he was already done with you.
You nodded your head, quickly trying to find the words. “I… Natty put her name in.”
Garreth squeezed his eyes shut. He had heard Natty throwing the idea of entering around but he hadn’t realized she’d actually done it. If he had found out before you did, he would have done everything in his power to keep it hidden from you. Although, he didn’t know how successful he’d be when Natty was your best friend. “If she wanted to compete, that's her choice.”
“And this is mine. I’m not letting anything happen to her.”
He stood up straight then, looking at nothing in particular. He shouldn’t have expected anything different. You were the most capable person to compete for Hogwarts, and the only one in ages able to wield ancient magic, you both knew if you entered your name you’d get chosen. He had begged you to promise him you wouldn’t put your name in. But of course, it still ended up like this.
All it would take was one misstep, and you’d be taken from him forever. The thought had brought back the sickening feeling he had earlier. Wishing he had felt numb still, he sighed and rubbed at his brows with his thumb and forefinger. “Why do you have to be the hero every bloody time?” He grumbled, just loud enough for you to hear.
You looked down, feeling horrible seeing him this way. It was a new low knowing you had caused it. Garreth was always bright and full of good humor, and your betrayal seemed to wash that all away like it never existed. “I’m so sorry. I never… never wanted to hurt you.”
He finally turned your way and looked over you solemnly for a moment. You held his gaze as he walked up and cupped your cheek. “I just had to go after you, didn’t I? Why couldn’t I have gone after someone dull? Why’d it have to be you?” He gave a small shake of his head as he mused to himself. “It’s cruel being in love with you.”
It hit you then that you could lose him over this. “I know.” You whispered.
With a disappointed sigh, he released you and went back to his potions station. “You can go now.” He said with no emotion, as if he were dismissing you.
You stared after him a moment longer, then took your leave.
He poured some of the wiggenweld potion he brewed into a flask. Just as he was about to cap it, rage coursed through him and he threw the flask against the wall.
He wasn’t planning on attending any of your challenges, but he found he couldn’t keep away. He needed to keep an eye on you or he’d feel worse than he already did. He remained near the back of the audience, pacing back and forth, anxiously running his hand through his hair throughout the whole thing. The sick, nervous feeling never dissipated, he could have sworn the sensation was burning a hole through his insides.
He nearly collapsed when the challenge was over, breathing easier with so much relief washing over him. He ran down to the champions’ tent to wait for you to leave. He called your name as you walked out and you quickly turned in the direction of his voice, eyes wide that he had not only shown up, but approached you first.
He closed the distance between you two and pulled you into a tight embrace, holding you like he never wanted to let go. You wrapped your arms back around him, nearly crying at the collision. 
He pulled back just enough to cup your cheek and look over your features. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?” His stomach dropped seeing all the gashes and bruises on your face. 
“I’m fine.” You tried to reassure him, but his eyes darting all over you told you your words hadn’t done much reassuring.
He took your hand in his and pulled you urgently along with him. “I’m getting you to the hospital wing, and I’m going to make you some wiggenweld potions.” He stopped briefly to look you dead in the eye, no nonsense. “And you’re going to drink every single one I put in front of you.” He turned and began tugging you along again.
You smiled to yourself, not daring to disagree with him. “Yes, sir.”
On your way to the hospital wing, you walked by the wall where the Room of Requirement would be. It never showed up when you were with someone else, but that day it did. Garreth slowed to a stop, furrowing his brows as he watched the door form before him. 
“What’s happening?” 
“It’s the Room of Requirement. Looks like it believes we both need it now.” You tugged him in with you and his eyes went wide at it all before him.
“You’ve had all this to yourself since fifth year?” He was in awe, how could you ever want to leave this place? As his eyes explored the room, they landed back on you, and he remembered in a panic what he was originally doing. “Sit down.” He commanded. He turned and scanned the room for your potions station. Spotting it, he strode up and began on some wiggenwelds. While those took a moment to brew, he looked around for some bandages, anything to patch you up with.
“Right here.” You held them up as you sat on the couch and began working them onto yourself.
He snatched them from you, sat down, and started doing it for you. You watched him as he fixated on your scrapes and bumps. Being this close again, you wanted to kiss his freckles more than ever before. He had been avoiding you since you last spoke, you were convinced you had lost him. You probably had and this was only a moment of weakness on his part. 
“I love you.” You found yourself saying. “I’d do anything for you, I hope you still know that.”
He seemed unphased by your words as he continued cleaning you up. “You’d do anything but keep your name out of a burning goblet, it seems.” 
You closed your eyes and sighed through your nose. He had you there.
He stopped his movements suddenly and shifted away from you, sighing himself and leaning his elbows on his knees. “You broke my heart, you know.” 
Tears stung at your eyes. But you refused to let them fall, you weren’t the victim here. All you could do was nod your head even though he wasn’t looking at you.
“You promised me you wouldn’t put your name in that damned goblet.” His voice was strained. He went silent for a moment, taking a steadying breath. “You got me thinking about life outside of Hogwarts.” He began again. “It’s only going to get worse once we leave here and we’re out there. You’re going to put yourself in worse and worse situations for others.” He rubbed his hand down his face roughly at the thought and let out a shaky breath. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to bear it.”
You sat up straight, trying to keep your composure as your nerves went into a stomach-turning frenzy. You knew what he was getting at.
“I don’t want to be in love with you… I don’t.” He admitted. He looked up to the potion pots and saw the wiggenwelds were done. He stood to his feet to grab them and bring them over. He knelt before you, holding up one of the flasks. “You’re to drink all three of these.” He looked up at you with a face of you don’t have a say, drink it.
You took the first one from him, downing it, then did the same for the following two. Once you finished he got up and discarded the flasks. He returned to your side on the couch and took your hand in his. He looked down at it in his lap, tracing shapes on your skin lightly with his thumb. “What I do know is that being apart from you feels so much worse. Now that… that I know I can’t bear.” He looked at you then, his face told you he was upset with himself for feeling this way, for choosing to stay by your side.
You had caused this. You had done him wrong. And he was right, things were going to get worse after Hogwarts. You really were a cruel one to love.
“I don’t know how long I'll be furious with you, but I’m thinking it’ll be a while.” He let himself get lost in your eyes for a moment. “Glad you’re okay at least.” He released your hand and got up to leave. 
You were going to let him go, but you stood to your feet and stormed after him. You grabbed at him to face you and then crashed your lips onto his. You cupped his face and he shot his hands to your waist, his fingers digging deep into your sides. 
He pulled away slightly, his eyes narrowed at you and he exhaled, frustrated. He was beyond exasperated with you, but he still craved you like no other. Furrowing his brows, he returned his lips to yours, moving his mouth against yours to satiate said craving. His hands slid up your back as he wrapped his arms around you. 
He hadn’t realized how starved he was for your taste until he had you there in his arms again. He licked at your bottom lip, wanting to get more of you, and you gladly granted him access. Anything he wanted, you’d give it to him. He could feel your compliance, and he was tempted to see just how sorry you were.
But his hands slowly moved up to yours and removed them from his face. He tore his lips from yours and looked over your flushed features, wanting more but not allowing himself more, then he released you. “Nice try.” He turned and made his way out. “Stay sweet and I might let you call me ‘Gar’ again.” He called over his shoulder.
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“You what?!” Ominis was fuming now, you had seen him angry with you before, but never like this.
“I thought,” You exhaled in frustration, “I thought it would help your family approve of me.”
“My family should be none of your concern!”
“I’m not a pure-blood, Ominis, you know they would never approve of me. Being the Hogwarts Champion has to mean something. If they ever find out we’re together, they’d arrange a marriage for you like that.” You said with a snap of your fingers. “This tournament could help prove my worth.”
He shook his head, pacing back and forth. “And you’d think I’d just roll over and let that happen?! This was not the answer, I’ll never understand why you thought it was.” 
“There’s no need to get this upset. I might not even get picked anyway.”
His pacing came to a sudden halt, his eyebrows shot up in incredulity. “Is that supposed to be a joke? Of course your name’s going to get picked!” His fury turned into something with a bit more worry then. “I can’t help you when you're out there, you’re going to have to do all those challenges on your own.”
“Whatever they throw at me, I’ll be able to handle it. I’m sure I’ve already survived through worse than what they’re planning.”
“That’s just it! You had no control over everything that’s happened and you survived through it! This? You’re actively seeking out danger now, it’s pointless! When did you become so dim-witted as to not see that?!” Ominis regretted his words immediately, desperately wanting to take them back but unable to do so.
You were stunned for a moment he had actually spoken to you in such a way. A petty smile formed on your face. “Seems we’re done here.” 
Ominis called your name in a panic as he heard you storm out of the undercroft, but you ignored him. He dug around frantically in his pocket for his wand, holding it up and having it guide him to follow where you had gone. He knew his wand didn’t work as a tracker, but he had the slightest bit of hope that if it sensed how much he needed to get to you it might help him out. But no such luck.
It had been a week since you and Ominis fought and the dreaded day had finally arrived to announce the TriWizard tournament champions. Every now and then his wand would sense you were in the same room as him, but he didn’t need his wand to be able to tell you were keeping your distance. 
How could I have spoken to you the way I had? Every time he thought back to it, he wanted to ask Sebastian to punch him, just bash his face right in.
Even though Ominis knew it was coming, he was still hit with an overwhelming sense of dread when Headmaster Black announced your name. He didn’t clap with everyone else and he hoped you noticed.
He left the Great Hall with everyone else and his wand sensed Poppy was near him. An idea instantly formed in his head. “Excuse me, Poppy?”
Poppy turned her head in surprise hearing Ominis call to her. “Y - Yes, Ominis?”
It was a relief hearing your best friend’s voice still sound so friendly to him. You must not have told anyone about how he spoke to you, which only made him feel worse. He was the villain here. “I need your help with something.”
He was leaning against a tree in the woods behind the beasts class stables, hands in his pockets and tapping his foot anxiously. He heard your footsteps crunching the leaves on your way over. 
“Poppy? Poppy, I’m here with the feed, what’s happened to High Wing?” You asked in a panic. When Poppy didn’t respond, you looked up from the feed in your arms and Ominis stepped forward.
You groaned and turned on your heel to leave. 
“Please - just wait -”
“Want to insult me some more, do you?” You snipped without looking back at him.
“I’m going to have my family speak to Headmaster Black.” Ominis blurted, and you froze. “They’ll get you out of the games.”
He could hear you drop the feed to the ground. “Don’t you dare.” A chill went down his spine at your warning tone but he stood his ground.
“You don’t have a say in the matter. You’re not competing.”
He could hear you stomp up to him, could feel your presence, and you were close. His breath hitched when he realized you were close enough for him to feel your breath against his skin. It had hit him all at once how he hadn’t been able to touch you for a week, and he didn’t know if he was able to keep himself from closing the distance between you two right then and there.
“Back off, Gaunt. How about you sit down and shut up while I show this entire valley what this ‘dim-wit’ can do?” 
Ominis’ lips parted slightly. Oh... 
He fisted the fabric of your shirt and shot his lips in the direction of where he felt your breath and heard your voice. It was all too perfect getting your lips on the first try, especially with you having riled him up, speaking to him as you had.
He nipped at your lip and it drew the softest of moans from you, but he caught it. He always heard every little noise he could get out of you. Your hands went up and ran through his hair, you had missed him too, he could tell. Remembering where the tree he was leaning against was, he walked you back until you were pressed against it. 
He released your shirt and brought his hands to your waist. His kisses turned less ravenous and more apologetic. He slowed and deepened his mouth movements. “I’m sorry.” He whispered against your lips. “I’m so sorry. I had no right speaking to you that way.” He said in between kisses. “There’s no excuse. I’ll do everything in my power to make it up to you.”
“Ominis, stop talking.” You sighed, greedily taking his lips again. Though his body weight was against you, keeping you trapped between him and the tree, he was the compliant one.
Ominis pulled back, as much as he wanted to keep connected to you, you two had unfinished business. “I won’t go to my family… if it’s what you really want.” Ominis said, still a bit breathless from your kiss. “Just… don’t do it for them, I beg of you. They aren't worth it.” Ominis leaned forward to kiss at your neck tenderly as he waited for your answer.
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close. “It’s what I want. If not me, then who?”
His mouth on your neck stilled. As much as he hated to agree with you on this, he did. If he sent his family to speak with Headmaster Black to have another student take your place, he’d practically be sending that student to their death. You were the most capable person he had ever known, and you didn’t even need dark magic to accomplish all that you had. If anyone was going to survive this thing, it was you.
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a loving embrace. He nuzzled his face into your neck and took in your scent, reveling in this moment you had together. He thought he had ruined everything after your fight. 
More than anything, he wanted to go back in time and do everything he could to stop you from ever entering your name into that Goblet. But in the end, it was always your choice, not his.
The days leading up to your first challenge, Ominis kept close to your side, constantly asking you questions on how prepared you were. 
“Did you brew enough wiggenweld potions? How about we start on some thunderbrews for you as well?”
“I know how effective the chomping cabbages are, but let’s get some mandrakes and venomous tentaculas grown to be on the safe side.”
“Were you able to put that enchantment I showed you on your competition robes?”
The day of the challenge, he was able to keep his composure, but only because you asked him to. You were anxious as well, and him being sick with worry for you would only add to the frenzy of nerves within you.
He asked Sebastian to narrate everything that was happening while you were out there. Hearing Sebastian’s depiction and the blasting sounds of spells from the arena unraveled his calm exterior more and more by the second. He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, his head in his hands, leg bouncing up and down rapidly. He didn’t know how he was going to have to sit through two more of these.
Use the Unforgivables if you have to, I don’t care. He found himself thinking. Whatever it takes, just come back to me.
The sound of the crowd cheering and the feel of Sebastian roughly patting his back in excitement told him you had completed the first challenge. He immediately stood to his feet and took out his wand, his legs were jelly but he pushed through and went straight for the champions’ tent. As soon as he arrived you had run up and thrown your arms around him.
He didn’t hesitate to drop his wand to the ground and wrap his arms around you. He closed his eyes, holding you so close to him he had started to lift you off the ground a bit. He was beyond thankful to every little thing in the universe that aligned to help him get back to you.
“If you still believe my family would be able to tear me from you, you might actually be a dim-wit.”
He could feel you chuckle against him. “I’d like to see them try after what I just accomplished back there.”
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Sebastian had let his emotions get the better of him again. It was his fault you had been avoiding him for days now, and he couldn’t bear it any longer. He tried giving you your space but he needed to at least let you know how sorry he was. As soon as the TriWizard champions announcement ceremony was over, he’d find you and apologize. He needed to be better, he knew that.
But then your name was called. 
Wait, that can’t be right. You didn’t even put your name in so how…? His breathing grew a bit heavier. No, no Professor Black read the wrong name. You told each other everything. And he specifically had you promise him you wouldn’t enter. 
He watched for your features to see if you were just as confused as he was, but you weren’t. You were smiling, happily receiving congratulatory pats on the back as you walked up to stand with the champions already chosen, not glancing his way once.
He mentally willed you to look his way as you stood up there. Give me something, give me anything. Tell me with your eyes why you did this. But no use, you were up there looking as if you had no reason not to be.
When everyone was dismissed he stayed back a bit, wanting to go up to you. But you and the other champions were escorted away to discuss what was to be expected going into this tournament.
Sebastian waited outside the Great Hall until you were done. Once he saw you walking out, he pushed up off the wall he was leaning against and came up behind you, calling your name.
“Did you enter because of me? Is this my fault?”
You stopped in place, taking a moment to turn and face him. You had some trouble meeting his gaze. “You weren’t the main reason, but I’d be lying if I said you weren’t a part of it.”
“Then why? Why else would you do this?”
You looked over his dispirited features in silence for a moment. “Since the moment I arrived at Hogwarts, I felt as if I’ve been running around taking care of everyone else. And after our last fight, I… I don’t know. Something in me snapped, Sebastian. Putting my name in that Goblet, it -” You exhaled, feeling like he wouldn’t understand but you decided to tell him anyway, “it was the first time I felt like I was doing something for me.”
Sebastian looked down, it seemed you didn’t tell each other everything like he once believed. How could he have not known you felt this way? He was the one seeing you and he didn’t even realize something had been off with you.
“I know I made a promise not to do it. And for breaking that promise, I apologize. But… I don’t regret doing it.” You were ashamed at the admission, but you wanted him to know.
He realized it then when he met your gaze, he had lost you. You had been slipping away from him for a while, and he had been so blinded by his own issues he hadn’t noticed until it was too late.
A nasty, stomach turning feeling hit him all at once. “Is this… Are you ending things between us?”
His heart constricted painfully when you didn’t answer him right away, didn’t reassure him that he had it all wrong and you would never part from him. You were looking at him like you knew the next thing you were about to say would make him feel terrible. 
“Sebastian, I’ll always be around to help you with Anne -”
He huffed in disbelief and turned on his heel to get out of there, as far away from you as possible. He didn’t want to hear you finish that sentence, how you had started it had already broken him enough.
He fell back onto his bed, throwing an arm over his eyes. He couldn’t stop the tears from stinging at them but he could sure as hell keep them from falling. It hurt more thinking back to the conversation and realizing that not once had you called him ‘Seb’ like you normally did. How long has it been since you had? Even more indication of how far you had drifted away. How did this happen?
When was the last time you asked him to help you with anything? There were a few times in fifth year you had asked for his help getting the triptychs, but those outings had benefited him as well in trying to get a cure for Anne. Was there ever a time he had helped you with anything that was purely for you? He was disgusted with himself, not being able to name a single time. No wonder he lost you.
And now you were going to compete in a tournament famous for being so dangerous, it was common for the participants to die. Throwing yourself into jeopardy like this, you hadn’t asked for his help. No. You had banished him from your side. How could you expect him to keep his distance in circumstances such as these?
The tears were overflowing, escaping out of his shut eyelids and he pressed his arm over them tighter. Just come back. I need you back. I’ll be better, I promise.
Ominis had advised Sebastian to give you your space, if you wanted his help you would ask for it. But all these horrifying scenarios kept popping up in his head, scenarios where you die and he could have done something to prevent it. He didn’t care if you ignored him, didn’t care if you hated him, as long as you were alive, you could feel however you damn well pleased about him.
He had scoured the library for any enchantment you could put on your competition robes, any herbology methods to make your carnivorous plants more vicious, anything to make your potions more effective. 
He lost sleep over it, he didn’t mind. He’d much rather sneak into the restricted section late at night than face those nightmares of your corpse he’d been having the past week. Once he felt he had enough notes written out of all these things that could help you, he decided to find you.
He waited for you to come outside of the Room of Requirement with a notebook of everything he had researched for you. It was late but there was still a good amount of time before curfew. As the halls were getting darker and emptier, he sat on the ground, head back against the wall until you came out. 
He startled a bit when the door finally formed. He sprang to his feet and straightened out his clothes as he watched you walk out. Your eyes met his and it pained him that you looked uneasy to see him.
“I um -” He cleared his throat, a bit unsure of himself now that he had your full attention. “I have something for you.” He held out the notebook to you.
You glanced down at it in his hands, then eyed him as you took it. “What’s this?” 
Sebastian moved himself to your side, looking over your shoulder, opening the notebook as you held it in your hand and gave as brief an explanation as he could. He pointed out where you could find the herbology notes, the enchantment notes, and the potion notes. As he explained, your eyes drifted gradually up from the notebook to his face.
After a moment, he noticed you looking at him and not the notebook. “What?”
“Nothing.” You looked back down at the notebook. “Thank you for this.”
Sebastian didn’t say anything and stayed where he was next to you. You looked back up at him, wondering if there was something else he wanted. He hadn’t been this close to you for weeks. He missed your scent, your warmth, your lips being this close to his. He wanted to claim them again, but he knew he couldn’t. You weren’t his anymore. 
Rather than pulling you close, he kept his hands to himself and gave a single nod of his head to you. Then he turned on his heel and left.
You watched him walk away in silence. You were expecting him to ask for something in return, help with some cave that had some book that mentioned some untapped magic. Just like he had always done. But he had just given you the notebook and left it at that.
Where was this Sebastian before? Truth be told, you always felt like he could walk out on you at any moment. Especially if he ever felt like he no longer had a need for your ancient magic, there were many nights you’d be up wondering if that was the only reason he was with you. This along with the way he would snap at you whenever he was frustrated, taking it out on you. He had gotten better about it since fifth year, but it still occurred.
Whether he was doing this to get you or your ancient magic back, only time would tell.
The day of your first challenge arrived, and Sebastian hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep the night before. He debated not turning up at all, but the idea had made him feel nauseous. He needed to stay close to you throughout this whole thing.
Whether or not he actually watched was still up in the air. He stood behind one of the wooden beams in the audience stands, arms crossed over his chest tightly in hopes of keeping himself from throwing up. When it was announced you were up next, he squeezed his eyes shut and the blood drained from his face. This could be it, these could be your last few moments alive. He could hear you start the challenge below and sweat began to form on his forehead.
“Sebastian, you've got to see this!” Lucan Brattleby shouted to him over the crowd’s cheers.
Sebastian’s head snapped his direction, and he noticed the crowd’s faces. They weren’t biting their nails or covering their eyes in horror, they were ecstatic, brows raised and eyes wide in awe. Sebastian came out from behind the pillar and looked down into the arena below.
A rousing sensation coursed through him as he watched you. You’re glorious. He always knew you were capable and talented. He’d caught glimpses of your skill with a wand when you competed in Crossed Wands or fought side by side on your outings together. But he had never just… watched you. His worry for you in this tournament was fizzling away the more he witnessed you practically dance through this challenge in the arena below. Your footwork was clean, your defensive reflexes quick, and your offensive casts brutal.
He could watch you do this all day.
When the challenge ended, you had placed first with a sweeping victory. He couldn’t help it, he wanted to run to you and congratulate you, tell you how amazing you were himself. Even if you only gave him a fleeting glance, even if you ignored him.
His nerves went into a frenzy seeing you come out of the tent. You had spotted him right away, and you seemed genuinely pleased to see him. He was taken aback and thought his heart would burst out of his chest.
You made your way up to him and he stuttered trying to get his words out. “I - I just wanted to come by and tell you -”
“Come here.” He was silenced when you grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He was stunned but quickly shook himself out of it, wrapping his arms around you to keep you on him like this. 
You were in complete control of this kiss, and Sebastian had no complaints. Your hands moved to cup his jaw, holding him in a way that you could move his head so his mouth was right where you wanted it at all times. His heart was racing in anticipation while yours raced with adrenaline. His body was turning into a furnace for you. He knew this wasn’t a makeup kiss, this was a passionate, emotions are high kind of kiss. But he’d give it to you all the same, anything you wanted, it was yours.
You had never felt so on top of the world in your life. The sound of the crowd cheering you on so loudly the arena began to shake, completing the first challenge like it was nothing, and taking charge of Sebastian Sallow’s lips, it was all unbelievably intoxicating.
“Thank you.” You said breathily, breaking from him. “For that notebook, it helped more than you know, thank you.”
“It’s nothing compared to what you’ve done for me.” He shook his head, then placed his forehead on yours. “You deserve so much more.”
You stroked his cheek with your thumb, taking in his freckles, soaking in this short moment where you two were close again.
“Can you see yourself coming back to me?” He found himself asking.
You took a moment to answer as you kept your hold on each other. “I don’t know… I still love you. I think I always will. But -” You thought on your words carefully and Sebastian stiffened, tightening his hold on you, afraid of letting you slip away again. “I don’t know if I have anything more to give.”
“I’m not asking you to give anything.” He said quickly, voice just above a whisper. “I don’t care if you never help me with finding a cure again. Just… Please, don’t tear yourself away from me.”
You looked into his eyes, not wanting to break this moment, unsure of what was supposed to happen next. “I need more time.”
He closed his eyes briefly at that answer, then gave a small nod. It wasn’t what he wanted you to say, but there was still hope in it. He’d wait, as long as it took. And he’d continue helping you in this tournament whether you liked it or not.
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l0vem41l · 7 months
star stickers and best efforts.
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「 tws + notes: no tws, unedited, hurt/comfort but 100% not at all, reader is mildly mean when nervous LIKE A BAD DOG /ref and most definitely written self-indulgently by accident, sun is mildly condescending, they r each others best supporters, mentions of a customer being rude but rly nothing crazy, sun uh... he's an interesting fella, BIGGG dialogue chunks im sorry im sorry 」
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「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
↳ ft. the daycare attendant/sun/sundrop
author's note: my wip title was literally just "the one where you're yelled at" :p but... hiiii!!! obligatory return to fnaf real quick becuz,,, no, i still havent gotten into the ruin dlc but YES i do love sun's personality in help wanted 2..... if this is ooc u can erm. shove me into wet concrete. (。﹏。) aaannywayz!! missed this!!! missed this so much!!!! ( ╯□╰ ) sorry for not valentine's day posting,,, scandalous ik since im lit rally Called Valentine. but oh well. enjoy! or dont. if you dont im sorry please request fnaf stuff so i can Fix That /srs
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if you weren't relying on this job to put food on your table and a roof on your head, you’d burn the freddy fazbear’s mega pizzaplex to the ground for a piece of pocket lint and a pat on the head.
maybe it’s a bit dramatic to say that— you're paid well, you like your mostly robot coworkers, and most of the time (emphasis on most and not always) the work is manageable enough.
the customers are another story.
sun notices the minute you walk in the daycare. you look like you're a minor inconvenience away from murder— which naturally, makes him feel inclined to prod a little.
“well, someone’s awfully sulky today!”
while you’d typically crack a smile at the upbeat jester animatronic, his enthusiasm in the face of your misery is grating. there’s no energy left in your body to banter with him— you were using most of it to drag your feet over to the shoe caddy, toolbox in hand to fix up its shelf, now hanging askew due to a busted bracket.
“can it, sunny, i don't wanna hear it.” you mutter, more venomous than you intend it to be. he doesn’t even blink at your grumpiness. instead, he happily holds up the shelf while you inspect it and grab a new bracket to secure it.
at least he’s trying to make himself useful. you think to yourself.
his faceplate tilts slightly, staring at you with that ever present grin. his staring isn’t really helping, but you don’t fault him for it. you’ve gotten used to his antics by now. “woke up on the wrong side of the bed?” sun questions.
you shake your head.
“got yelled at by a customer— now, if you could please just drop the topic—” you sigh exasperatedly, not even bothering to finish the sentence as you sit down cross legged in front of the shoe caddy, slumping slightly in defeat.
much too persistent for his own good, sun decides that inquiring even further about the incident that seems to have you beat down is a good idea. “what’d you do?”
you consider feigning offense as he insinuates it’s somehow your fault. but you don’t. you just shrug it off.
“my job.” 
“ah, they do hate it when you do that.” he tuts.
“it wasn’t even that big of a deal,” you mutter, getting the bracket in place and marking it, “this one kid just so happened to walk up to the arcade machine i was putting an out of order sign on. i felt bad, so like, obviously, i hand the kid a few tokens, apologize politely, explain— and you’d think it’s all good right?”
you pause mid-ramble as you fix up the shelf. in all your misery, you forgot that you don’t even know exactly what caused the shelf to collapse like this. you consider asking.
sun leans in just a bit too close, interrupting your train of thought as you stare at the shelf. when you glance at him, he gives you a little nod.
go on, he seems to say wordlessly. he’s waiting silently for you to continue your story. it’s never not unnerving when he’s quiet.
“...anyways, uh... the kid’s dad came by and got mad or something. didn’t understand why i couldn’t just let him play one game since it looked perfectly functional— keep in mind, this is the arcade machine that literally kept eating up tokens only to not function, and shocked kids when it did— so i kept trying to explain why i couldn’t exactly do that. but for some reason, it was such a big fucking deal—”
“language.” he chides.
“...fricking deal. of course, i had to be berated for it. i offered to grab them more faz-tokens as compensation and i thought the problem was solved... and then i checked and saw he still left a bad review. definitely gonna hear about that from management.” sun hands you a tool as you continue to speak.
“but now i’m upset, i’m definitely in trouble, and my face hurts from the whole customer service smile i was holding that entire conversation. like seriously, i don’t know how i’m expected to do that 24/7.” you stop at your last remark and stare at sun and his unchanging expression. “...my bad.”
the awkward silence only lasts for a moment, thankfully. you’ve spoken your piece— sun decides to speak his.
“you did your best.” he says simply, as you finally fix the shelf into place. he pats you on the head and doesn't even hide his amusement when you sulk.
“i know that tone, sunny, you're making fun of me—”
“poor thing.” he continues, grinning brightly as he makes a show of patronizing you. sun’s hand continues to pat the top of your head gently, like he would when consoling a child. or when greeting a dog. has he,,, ever seen a dog before? probably not.
you groan and manage to shove his arm away.
“i do mean it though,” he continues, his tone still lighthearted— but notably more earnest as he notes your expression. sun helps you put your tools away neatly back into the toolbox, even though it really is just a one-man job.
“you tried your best,” sun closes the toolbox with a flourish and a click, “...and for that—!”
with a dramatic flick of his wrist, bells jingling as he does, sun produces a gold star sticker from… somewhere. he holds it up for you to see.
and then gently presses it onto the tip of your nose.
“to my favoritest human employee here! and my bestest of friends!” it’s hard to bite back a smile at those words. even if his little show of empathy and affection is much too theatrical for your current mood.
“whatever.” you shrug a little, unable to stop the corners of your mouth from twitching into a little grin. standing up and grabbing the toolbox, you give him an awkward thumbs up.
“thanks. and uh… sorry. for being mean. i guess.”
sun shakes his head dismissively, bouncy and bright as ever. “oh, don't mention it!”
something about his seeming lack of offense towards your prickliness makes you feel even more guilty. still, he gives you a wave as you head out, “bye-bye”-ing happily as you walk away, sticker stuck to your nose and smile on your face like an idiot.
you decide you’ll find a way to make it up to him later. you figure he deserves that much for putting up with everything.
meanwhile, sun is taking mental notes on more stuff to break of whenever you’ve been away for too long. just in case, of course. maybe you’d have more interesting customer encounters to rant about. and hey, you could use the company, couldn’t you?
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— reblogs always appreciated!
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leoncillo · 1 year
Oh me oh my. I wrote again. What has come over me lately? Tsk tsk
Anyway, reader has chronic pain (namely fibromyalgia and MS), the clone brothers risk it all to help them. I think this one is gender neutral as well? I didn't edit this one either so I might've slipped up and used "she" somewhere. Will probably put this on AO3 too. Reader is Black.
The Hantengu Clones brave the sun to take care of reader
Your eyes slowly cracked open one morning. The light from the sun being extra harsh to you and your aching head. Your throat was bone dry, your body heavy, and you felt pain on every inch of your body. Quickly as you could, you checked the bedside table for your daily meds only to realize you forgot to pick up the refills from the pharmacy.
"Oh... I'm so doomed" you groaned.
You climbed out of bed before the room started spinning and you stumbled a bit, your blood pressure not getting the memo that you're upright. Noticing your boyfriends weren't with you, you decided to find them and try to start your day the best you could.
Sekido, Karaku, Urogi, Aizetsu, and even little Zohakuten were standing around in the kitchen bantering about breakfast that Sekido made before they all turned to your slumped form leaving your room. The men grew completely silent as they watched you walk with a limp to the refrigerator. Your eyes were glossy, but vacant like you were moving on auto pilot. You hair was a mess and if they looked closely they could see you breathing heavily. You wordlessly opened the fridge to grab the carton of orange juice just for it to fall straight out of your hand like butter. It seemed like an eternity had passed before you noticed and looked down at your hand to find you had little feeling in it.
"Y/N, are you okay?" asked Karaku as he stepped towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
You flinched like you just noticed his presence before you started to cry and eventually wail.
"What did you do, asshole?!" shouted Sekido, as he punched Karaku in the chest.
"Y/N, what's wrong? Maybe we can fix it. Don't cry. I get sad when you cry" said Aizetsu, who hovered near you unsure if he could touch you.
You opened your mouth to speak, but everything started spinning again and you felt yourself falling before everything went black.
A few minutes later you found yourself waking up on the couch with five pairs of eyes watching over you.
"Y/N, can you hear me?!" Urogi shouted and you flinched at the noise.
"Not so loud. You're upsetting them. I hate when they're upset" said Zohakuten.
"Ugh I'm up, I'm up" you said in a non convincing voice.
"Why did you faint on us? Don't tell me you've caught a cold! Irresponsible ass humans" said Sekido.
You looked down at your lap, anxiously grabbing the blanket and biting your lower lip. "So there's something I never told you guys about me. You see I have several chronic illnesses and they're all incurable. Some days are better than others and some days are really really bad."
"What illnesses do you have?" said Urogi, leaning in closer in curiosity.
"Well the main ones are fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis" you said, only to look up at them all with their heads tilted in confusion like puppies.
"Fibromyalgia causes me to hurt all over my body. Especially 18 main points like my shoulders. Even this blanket and my clothes kinda hurt. It usually flares up after I do too much in a day."
"Ooh that explains why you started crying. Sorry Y/N!" said Karaku, who went to rub your shoulder before catching himself. "Maybe that's not the best idea right now."
"Okay and what's the muscle cytosis thing?" asked Urogi.
"It's called multiple sclerosis, you dunce!"
"So you guys know about the immune system and everything, right? It's supposed to fight off illnesses and keep the body healthy, but sometimes it gets confused and fights the body instead. With MS, my immune system attacks my brain and spinal cord. Sometimes parts of my body goes numb or burns, like my feet, or my eyesight blurs, if not, goes out altogether. Among other things. That illness will get worse over time, too."
"Why didn't you tell us about something so important? It makes me sad when you hide stuff from us" said Aizetsu, tearing up.
You looked away from them back to your lap. "I'm not used to people sticking around after they know my situation and limitations. And that's just with humans! You guys are like ten humans each. I didn't want y'all to think I was a burden and leave because I can't keep up. Usually I have medicine to help me feel a little better or at least ignore some of it, but I was so busy I forgot to pick up my refills. I can't really move too far like this so I'm kinda screwed."
Zohakuten rushed to you in haste and palmed your face, squishing your cheeks together. "What do you need us to do? How can we help?"
"Well heat 'akes 'ith worse so keepin' me coo', but I nedth my med'cine the most. And a good hea'thy dwink" you said.
You all turned and glanced at the window and the rays of sunshine being blocked out. "I'll go first thing at sunset" said Zohakuten, as he released your cheeks and went to make a list of things to buy.
"He's such a good boy" you said, proudly.
"Let me help! I'm good too!" shouted Urogi.
"We'll all split up and get something from the list. We'll get back faster that way." said Sekido.
They all helped you back to bed and tried to make you as comfortable as possible. It wasn't enough and they all stood on edge as they heard you tossing and thrashing in the other room. The pain driving you up the wall like you were being torn apart limb from limb.
"Oh no!" said Aizetsu, staring at his phone. "It says the pharmacy will close before sunset. It's not like the convenience store will have these kinds of drugs."
"Maybe I can fly really fast and stick to the shadows to-"
"To turn into fried chicken?" said Karaku with a huff.
"I could have my dragons go get it."
"And tear up the whole roadway?" asked Aizetsu.
They all grew quiet in defeat before realizing Sekido was mysteriously silent.
"I might have a solution," he began and pulled out a box from his kimono sleeve.
"Douma recommended these patches of wisteria and spider lily flower. Supposedly, they'll let us go into the daylight without turning to ashes immediately."
"That's great! Y/N will feel better in no time!" said Urogi.
"What's the catch?" said Karaku and Zohakuten in unison.
"The patch does have the wisteria component so our powers, speed, and regeneration will be slowed greatly. We'll be out there longer than we would if it were night and while we won't turn to ash, we'll still feel the pain of burning."
They all fell silent again before they jumped at the sound of a loud crying and sobbing coming from your room.
Before they knew it, they were each putting on a patch and preparing to get whatever you needed.
At some point, you were so tired from the pain that you fell asleep only to jolt awake at the overwhelming smell of burning entering your nostrils.
Springing up out of bed thinking something caught fire, an actual common occurrence in the house, you ran to the kitchen as best you could only to see a pile of smoking bodies twitching and breathing heavily.
Without saying anything, they each sat up, still regenerating, and held out a bag to you. Urogi had your medicine, but was nursing a severely burnt wing and talon. Sekido had tubs of ice cream in one arm, while the other was burned away. Aizetsu had a bouquet of flowers and a severe burn along his torso and back. Karaku had a bunch of differently flavored hydrating sports drinks, but one of his horns, arms, and some of his hair was singed. Lastly, Zohakuten beat a drum and a small dragon held out a bear plushie that was wrapped in bandages that said "Get well soon" while the boy nursed his burned face and burns on his legs and most of his drums.
You lips trembled before you fell to your knees and burst in tears, lunging to wrap your arms around as many of them as you could.
"Did we mess up? A-Are these not your favorite flowers?" asked Aizetsu.
"Do you hate the bear? It's the one I hated the least" asked Zohakuten.
"If you don't like any of these flavors, I don't care. We don't waste food in this house" said Sekido.
"I know you don't like blue flavor, but I wanted to get one of each. I suggest the green one first" said Karaku with a wink and a wince.
"And I have the most important thing! The medicine!" said Urogi, puffing his chest out in pride as whatever feathers he had left turned fluffy and excited.
"Thank you!" you said hugging them tighter and crying harder.
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
Richie Jerimovich — summer prompts 🍋
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A/N: Love that most of y’all are coming around when it comes to Richie but what’s understood doesn’t need to be explained! Anyways after watching this eye-opening season, it was easy to be inspired for this piece so I hope you enjoy this.
SYNOPSIS: Richie’s found his purpose and doesn’t want to reflect on the past (much) but is looking towards a better future…which may include baby steps to outsiders but it means everything to him.
WARNINGS: language ofc it’s the bear & me we’re talking about, mentions of drugs & anxiety, mentions of slight sexual themes, and a little heaviness but mostly two goof balls expressing their love for each together.
Decided to throw a prompt into the mix as well so I’m using: “can we make cookies?” “it is 92 degrees outside, no!” 
*GIF BELONGS TO: @p3iyin9 *
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[July 10th]
[4 months, 14 days later…]
It’s her birthday and she’s here.
She’s not alone and Richie’s half expecting her to be here with some new guy, some guy that’s more around her age and has their shit together. It’s a bitter thought to have but he can’t lie and say that it didn’t occur, the constant insecurity of not being good enough.
He knows it’s his own fault, he’s the one who pushed her away not long after she welcomed him between her thighs during a brutal winter. The details were vivid even with his eyes wide open, burning into space. He wanted to be angry being so intimate with someone else when there was always the thought of his first love on his mind.
His ex-wife.
He was still hurting from being officially divorced for about a year now (separated for three) and she was moving on he learned. It was bound to happen, a woman with a heart like her’s? Richie wasn’t sure why he was still holding on to hope for them to rekindle their relationship. He wanted it to work but he was the constant screw up and Tiffany deserved better…he just didn’t expect it to be with some construction owning guy named Frank.
Richie already didn’t trust him.
It was the common tale of curing a broken heart, trying to get underneath someone else to get over someone, to feel anything else but the continuing ache that sat on the left side of his chest.
Freya Mazari was someone Richie met not long after “the thing with Tiff,” happened, outside of a bar that was famous for bourbon and risqué wall art. He spotted her outside at the start of summer on a surprisingly quiet sidewalk cracking her knuckles—out of a possible bad habit, blue bruise the side of an apple on her cheek, and a unlit spliff tapping against her thigh afterwards as she seemed to be mumbling some lyrics to a Busta Rhymes song.
That was the first thing that had him sold on their soon growing friendship.
Freya’s surrounded by a group of diverse women who are laughing it up over drinks while Freya is standing; embracing Sugar and falling into smile-filled chatter with the blonde. Richie instantly feels a pull to head over there himself but be figures he can just get entail from Sugar later. Carmy’s been over to Freya’s table already, handing out a, “it’s on the house,” birthday special but they still weren’t on the best terms really. It was strictly business now and that was something Richie never wanted to be part of.
A strict relationship with a family member—except for uncle Jimmy of course, he really had no choice with that one. That night back on opening day in May, seemed to be something they couldn’t get pass just yet and that was another hard pill for Richie to swallow.
Carmy messing up something good on the surface level and taking it out on everybody else with his mouth, changed the trajectory of their relationship.
Would it be forever? Richie couldn’t tell you.
Nonetheless he wasn’t here at the bear to talk about need-a-diaper carmy. Right now? He needed to figure out how to handle this…this distance with the woman he considered his close friend.
He’ll deal with that family shit in due time, don’t worry.
“Who are we hiding from?” A familiar voice causes Richie to clench his eyes shut.
He doesn’t have to peer down at the shorter tatted man who’s behind him as he says, “I’m not hiding from nobody.”
“Really? Because it looks like you’re creeping on…Freya! Yeah Freya over there. Do you know it’s her birthday today? We had the best birthday hug, she may even be a better hugger than me.” Fak informs the taller blue eyed tux wearing man.
Richie pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance, “of course I know its her—what did I tell you about touching things that don’t belong to you?”
He battled with himself countless of times this entire morning to call her up but ultimately fought against himself to just do it.
Fak hummed, “hey, she’s my friend too! And doesn’t belong to either of us but we’re included in her life and it’s her birthday! I’m sure she’ll be happy to receive a birthday wish from you too.”
“I can’t say I agree with you on that.”
“Why not? Oh…it’s because you guys did the dance with no pants—
Richie’s hands immediately slaps over the animated man’s mouth and starts talking to him calmly, “what did I say? To not ever mention that shit here at the original bear.”
That’s Richie’s new spin on the restaurant name, yes there are shirts on the way!
Patience is key.
Fak hummed as Richie scolded him. It wasn’t that big of a deal in the first place on Fak’s side of things. He was just thrilled that Richie was involved in being intimate with someone he cared about for once…compared to the others that shall not be named. Fak thought Freya and Richie could be something great but he wasn’t aware what Richie was so scared of.
“Yuck! Did you just lick my hand you—
Richie shook his hand about, halting himself from saying something insulting. Sometimes it just slipped out but he was doing much better and it was usually a place out of love when it came to Fak. He was like a puppy in training, always excited and doing whatever came to mind but most of the time you had to lure him to take a fucking nap.
“Yeah I did! Just go talk to her! Make her dreams come true.”
“Fuck are you talking about? Do I look like Hall & Oates to you? Like I’m her dream guy or somethin’?”
“Hey, I thought we weren’t doing this. I don’t like you talking down on yourself buddy! You need to go into the restroom and give yourself a quick pep talk in the mirror.” Fak ordered, pointing in the direction of the restrooms.
Richie blew out a raspberry at Fak’s encouragement. He didn’t take him serious but once the man started shoving him about, Richie was all elbows flying and slap-fight inflicting between the two.
Sydney calls from the kitchen, “Hey! What’re you two doing? Aren’t you supposed to be up front?”
“Sugar’s up front.” Richie informs with a slight turn to face the braided woman.
Fak immediately straightens up, not providing much answers, “Yes ma’am! I mean chef.”
Sydney blinks at the two, wondering why they’re not moving, leaving Fak to take a few deep breaths before slapping Richie on the chest as he mutters, “Taking one for the team again! You’re welcome and get it together!”
“Don’t tell me what to do, Fak.”
Fak shrugs his shoulders and spins to leave the entry way of the kitchen, while the pace of the kitchen has started to slow down the movements are still precise. It’s late, after ten pm and there’s about three to five parties left, which means closing time should be wrapping up within the next thirty to forty-five minutes.
Business was booming still almost two months later but the rush always seemed to slow down once the late nights arrived. The Bear was formerly known as mainly a lunch or late lunch spot but after this new reno, dinner became much more important.
“Richie,” Sydney steps away from her spot behind the stand, “Everything good?”
Richie exhales as he mutters, “Freya’s out there.”
“I heard.”
He fidgets then.
“Have you talked to her? It’s her birthday.”
“I’m aware, I put in the word for Marcus to give her a little piece of home since I also hear she’s a little homesick. Mkhabez.” Sydney tells Richie, as she eyes the jittery man.
Richie chews on his fingernail in thought, “right that’s some type of cookie. Almond cookie? She told me about how her uh, Jidda used to make them for her as a little girl with her siblings back in Algeria.”
Sydney nodded her head, “yeah…are you okay?”
“Not to be an asshole but you look like you’re gonna pass out or hurl and if you are, please give me a fair warning so you don’t ruin my coat.” Sydney cautiously took a step back as Richie used the back of his hand to wipe at the beads of sweat on his forehead and not because of the heat in the kitchen.
Richie scoffs, “No need to worry, Chef. I’m not gonna empty my belly or pop a smooth criminal lean. I don’t know why I’m feeling this way. I probably need to pop another xan.”
“Uh, that’s probably something you shouldn’t mention to me.”
“Why? You’re not gonna snitch on me, are you?”
“No…but I might snoop through your stuff and fry them all in a pan.” Sydney honestly says while she folds her arms as Richie peers at her.
“You wouldn’t.”
“I could,” Sydney challenged, “if you need a minute take it but you can’t run forever.”
“Who says I’m runnin’?”
“It’s pretty obvious,” Sydney states, “and you just need to rip whatever this is off like a band aid, you’ll feel better afterwards.”
“And what if I don’t?”
Sydney pauses with her arms still folded before she peeks around at the remaining chefs in the kitchen, Carmy not in sight before she whispers back up at him, “then fuck it, at least you tried.”
Richie can’t help but to snort out some laughter before he claps two hands down on Sydney’s shoulders, giving them a squeeze, “Well thanks for that, Syd.”
“Sure, whatever. Now get out of my kitchen.”
“Our!” Richie points.
Sydney nods her head from side to side with a playful roll of her eyes as Richie clicks his tongue at her. Down the hall he goes in search of the bathroom to in fact, give himself a pep talk but most importantly to calm down.
Richie’s disappeared for over half an hour. He didn’t realize it until Carmy barged in to see him sitting on the bathroom sink.
“I said I’m in here!”
“Yeah, with your ass in the sink.” Carmy’s tone is monotone but quick to point out, “which is unsanitary by the way.”
Richie can’t help but to roll his eyes as he hops off then, fixing his tux before he slaps his face, bringing himself out his daze. He spins back around, getting another good look at his reflection for what felt like the thousandth time but he exhales and quietly excuses himself from around Carmy who appears as if he wants to say more.
But he doesn’t.
Richie’s steps echo in his ears as he circles around to the dining area. He hasn’t realized how long he locked himself away until he’s in the room, half of the chairs flipped up onto the tables with lofi music playing through the speakers.
He can only guess who picked this shit.
A blonde pregnant lady probably.
“Damn.” Richie rubs at his mouth in frustration, briefly noticing the booth Freya previously sat in was now empty.
That didn’t lift the weight to now know that she was gone for the night. In fact it made him feel worse, that he didn’t have the nerve to just walk up to her and talk.
You know? like friends were supposed to be able to do.
His skin is red as he pinches at it in aggravation, until he picks up on the sound of heels slowly clacking against the floor. His breathing hitches as he lifts his head to meet Freya’s dark sharp eyes.
“Hey,” Richie chest feels tight but he breathes, “I thought you scrammed outta here with your girls.”
She shakes her head as she keeps some distance between the two, “some of them have early mornings tomorrow and the rest I told to just go home. I was hoping to run into you actually.”
Richie swallows as she steps forward, “why? To smash some cake in my face?”
“Now there’s an idea.” She lightly laughs and it sounds like Christmas bells, “but no, I wanted to see you.”
Richie quirked up a brow as he carefully moved out of the way so Freya could grab her things, “…really?”
“Yeah, we have some things to talk about.” Freya slips her bag over her shoulder, “Like you ghosting me for one.”
Richie rolls his head up to the ceiling, “yeah, about that—
“Let’s go for a late night walk.”
“How about a late night drive since I know your feet are hurting or about to be soon,” Richie looks at Freya’s fit, knowing she wasn’t much of a heels wearing woman (although she wears them very well) preferring sneakers more than anything on her feet.
Freya laughs as she sways a bit, probably a little tipsy, “you’re not wrong about that…so get your keys and take me to yours.”
“Mine,” Richie questions while pointing to himself, “I dunno what kinda guy you take me for—
“Oh Shut up, I’m not giving you any of this birthday cake.” She poses in her fitted dress, “I’m only propositioning a conversation between Richard and the birthday girl.”
“Yeah you giving this a whole title isn’t helping the innuendo, baby.”
“And neither are you in that tux,” Freya smoothes down the arm of it before placing her hands back on the strap of her bag, “Didn’t get the chance to tell you last time face to face but you clean up very nice, Richard.”
Richie gives a grin as he says, “Give me two minutes.”
Which leads to the pair pulling up to Richie’s condo/apartment. It’s normally too quiet at night for his liking, especially when he’s not jamming out with Eva here. After unlocking the front door, he holds his arm out for Freya to lead the way, which she has no issue doing, a natural sway in her steps as she walks down the foyer bare footed now.
“I’ll put the AC on.” Richie rushes out as Freya makes herself at home, placing her shoes against the couch and plopping down on the couch with a sigh.
He messes around with the finicky thermostat until it chokes out some cool air from the vents in the ceiling above, battling against the humidity in his two bedroom home.
“What can I get you? I’ve got beer, Gatorade, tap and—
“Orange juice?” Freya asks as she lays down on the couch, one arm is held up and over her head, eyes closed for a moment.
“Yeah I’ve got that too,” Richie responds from around the corner in his kitchen.
It’s about ten minutes until eleven and Freya is all yawns as Richie arrives back into the living room, holding two red cups, one filled with ice and OJ just how Freya likes it and one just filled with the orange liquid. He sits down beside her as she sits up and moves over to give the man some room in his own house.
She’s gulping the cold juice down and licks at the top of her lip before placing it down on the side table, “you need coasters.”
“Ah, just use some toilet paper.”
Freya crinkles her nose, pressing her fist into the side of her head as she rests back against the couch, just eyeing Richie who is looking forward at everything else but her. The cold air is wheezing but there’s relief filling the room, in contrast to what Richie maybe feeling.
“This silence is killing me, Richard!” Freya pokes his thigh with her seashell painted toe, “just talk to me already, will you?”
“Okay…how’s the birthday going?”
Freya honestly says, “I’m a little sad my mum didn’t call.”
That gets Richie to look at Freya then. Although their friendship was still fairly new, he knew that seemed unlikely for Freya’s mother out in North London to forget her eldest’ birthday. Of course it was possible, Richie didn’t have the best relationship with his own neglectful mother, hasn’t spoken to her in years or knows where she even fucked off to but it seemed like Freya at least communicated with her mother across the ocean on a daily basis.
“Has your brother or sister been in contact with her?”
“Oh yeah, she was in the background on FaceTime with my sister. Not even a hello but it’s probably because I told her I couldn’t send her any money a few weeks ago. Whatever.” Freya shrugs her shoulders.
She was a dental hygienist assistant and didn’t care for her job much but the pay and benefits were decent enough in this economy.
Freya was originally born in Algiers to a father that worked in labor and manufacturing while her mother was a stay at home mom, mostly due to a disability she faced as a child. Money wasn’t the best growing up so it wasn’t until Freya was about twelve when her father moved her, her mother, and her baby sister to London where they stayed with Freya’s maternal aunt for a few months until they got into their own flat. Her brother stayed with her father for awhile until they soon started making their visits.
Eventually her father decided to let the brother stay there while he continued making money and hoping for better work in London. However there were a few opportunities but it seemed like Freya’s father kept turning it down, just to find out he was participating in extramarital affairs behind her mother’s back. Not long after that, her mother stepped up to work with aching joints at a sporting goods store to provide for her three kids.
Freya as the eldest was also used to working underneath the table so it was no different in the UK. She learned quickly how to provide for her family too.
After that they learned her father had fallen ill due to his diabetes and needed his leg amputated. When Freya was twenty-one and living in Toronto with a boyfriend, he was living in London with his sister-in-law and died from congestive heart failure. Freya’s upbringing wasn’t always so cloudy, there were sweet moments with her parents that she liked to hold dear to her heart but the reality is, you’ll always bring something from your childhood into your adulthood good or bad.
“I’m sorry. That sucks ass forreal.” Richie comments and Freya just deeply inhales.
“You know what else sucks?” She exhales, “Not having you around to talk to.”
Richie presses his elbows into his knees in thought, “I uh—I’m sorry about that too. I didn’t mean to, what did you say back at the spot? Ghost you? Yeah. I didn’t mean to do that, I was just dealing with some shit inside that didn’t really have anything to do with you.”
“So the sex wasn’t trash and I didn’t scare you off?”
“What? Are you kidding?!” Richie’s wide-eyed as he quickly looks back at Freya, who’s face is full of a smirk, that it makes the dent on the center of her chin more prominent.
He soon laughs, “you’re fucken annoying you know that?”
“I’m supposed to be. You’ve met your match,” Freya winks.
“It—I’m gonna be real with you. I panicked because it was you on top of—it was you—and not just some random one night stand. With those I never really felt anything unfortunately for me but with you—
“It was like the Fourth of July-ly-ly.”
Richie scoffs and rolls his eyes, “I’m all here for your confidence in my skills truly but shut up.”
Who was being annoying now? She was clearly talking about herself but whatever floats this man’s boat—which she already knew—BUT she’ll save you guys the details.
“I’ve been quiet for months and I’m just trying to help fill in the gaps, sheesh!” Freya flicks her black parted hair back over her shoulders.
Richie shakes his head at the thirty something year old woman who didn’t mind rambling even when she wasn’t tipsy.
“It’s just you know, I didn’t think I would ever feel something again after the d—the thing with tiff.”
Richie still couldn’t say it, although Tiffany was officially steering her life in the direction of a another man. He still couldn’t say “divorce” because then that would mean he would have to start his own healing of a end of a special era with a woman he deeply loved and created a precious life with.
It just fizzled out and damn it hurt.
“And you did with me,” Freya voiced and was understanding, “glad to know that wasn’t only one sided.”
Richie finds himself asking, “Did you tell that no good locked up son of a bitch about it?”
Freya’s ex was some abusive guy that landed himself in jail right after New Years and it wasn’t for him stalking, harassing, or hitting Freya. It was from attempted armed robbery and now he was serving time for it and Freya finally felt like she could breathe for once.
Richie knew the feeling of being held back.
Counting your breaths are actually helpful, shout-out to anger management!
“No. Did you?”
“That jagoff can choke!”
“I mean, did you tell Tiffany?”
“Fuck no! I needed to see how we were feeling about it first and it’s not like she tells me her every move—besides her getting engaged to some other guy.” Richie’s almost glaring now at the fact of the matter before fixing his tone some, “Which I guess she gets points for letting me know and if the bastard is gonna be around my kid full-time.”
Freya spoke, “You just never thought there would be someone else. I get it.”
“Never! For either of us, then you came along and then came Frank and it’s a constant loop of emotions but I’m happy to be in Eva’s life and to feel something other than dread when I step into the original bear.” Richie’s plucking his nail against the plastic cup, slightly anxious at being this vulnerable.
However Freya wasn’t one to judge much, sure she had her opinions and can get loud from time to time when she’s pissed off or passionate but she was usually open to hearing all perspectives before she said her peace. Richie’s view was not one she spoke much on, she listened, really listened like he needed someone to and offered words when it was time for him to hear them.
“That’s something to look forward to.”
“Yeah but I still miss you.” Richie rubbed at his face before saying, “I miss our friendship and I don’t know what to do about us after what we did…yet somethin’ inside is telling me that nows not really the time to be jumping into anything. I’m just figuring things out and I know that’s gotta count for something.”
“Which is fine, richie!” Freya says with a light shove to his shoulder, “I wasn’t chasing you down to force you to be with me or anything! I gave you the space you clearly needed. I know we both got our own shit to deal with but being with you helps put that on pause for awhile …even if it’s as friends. I’m here whenever you need me, you wanna vent and scream about shit, have at it. You don’t wanna talk? Let’s have a dance party instead. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I’ve got two, take your pick!”
Richie snorts at this but he honestly appreciates it. He almost forgot what it felt like to have a friend.
“Just don’t cancel me out for months at a time, and expect things to be normal without a conversation, you hear me you prick? I’m your friend, you can talk to me ya know? I want you to feel safe with me, confide in me.” Freya holds Richie’s navy eyes against her ink colored ones and Richie has to slap a hand over his mouth to hold back a sob.
Richie chokes out, “ugh! Why are you making me feel things?!”
“Because it’s cancer season and I love and respect our friendship. You held me down in my lowest and I’m gonna keep uplifting you during yours and your growth.” Freya places a hand over the one that’s resting on Richie’s own knee.
Freya goes on, “It’s not our time to be romantically involved and I’m quite okay with that but that doesn’t mean I suddenly stop caring for you.”
Richie pressed his chin into his shoulder, staring at her underneath his lashes, “Wow…you sure you don’t wanna make-out just to confirm that?”
“I knew you liked how I look in this dress.” Freya playfully runs her nails through his buzzed hair, “say it back though, tell me you care just as much.”
There’s that “words of affirmation” shit people talk about right? Garrett would probably find this amusing.
He gently rests a rough hand against her cheek, “You know I do but I’m gonna say it anyways since you wanna be mushy as fuck right now. Thanks for everything and coming into my life, I care a lot about you and us. Your heart is beautiful and you’re my friend who also happens to be a total smoke show! I know you must feel amazing in that dress, you wear it well.”
“Thanks, good looking!” She winks.
“Act like you know,” Richie smirks.
“Oh, please!”
Richie hyped himself up with a roll of his shoulders, “Look good, feel good.”
They share a laugh staring at each other with Freya balled up beside him and Richie just enjoying her company. He wasn’t sure what to make of this but he didn’t have to have all the answers tonight. This Freya also confirmed.
He was just happy to be around her again and to have her be part of his journey.
She pops up then, “Can we make cookies?”
“Didn’t you just have some back at the restaurant?” Richie asks before saying, “It’s 92 degrees outside, no!”
“That was much earlier, though.” Freya argues, eyes darting to the side as she thinks about it.
It really was a lovely day to spend her birthday, although she wasn’t on a boat somewhere in Monaco or Miami…it was a somewhat chill day.
“Didn’t you already have some cookies at the restaurant?”
He knew she was a hungry drunk but she was nowhere near drunk, shockingly on her day.
“So? If you don’t know how to make some basic chocolate chip cookies just say that.”
Richie scoffed, “What?! Who said that? I make the best got damn cookies ever, just ask Eva.”
“She’s probably sleeping?”
“…fuck, you’re right.”
He definitely would have called her up if it wasn’t passed her bedtime.
“Well? What’re you waiting for?” She kicks his thigh again.
Richie pressed his forehead against Freya’s as he hollered, “Game on, Queen Elizabeth!”
“Don’t you ever!” She tapped his jaw and pointed at him.
Richie moved his jaw along blinking, “I’m sorry! I forgot.”
Thats how the late night evening included making homemade cookies, with Richie hovering over his phone trying to read off ingredients to Freya as they made a mess of his kitchen.
“Where’s the dark chocolate?” Freya searched Richie’s cabinets and drawers while Richie tried to keep his eyes away from the kitchen door, where he had Freya propped up against with him down on his knees.
“What? I said salt?” Richie’s eyes followed the woman as she moved around the kitchen as if she were being timed, “I dunno where the hell you got dark chocolate from.”
“We can do dark chocolate since it’s superior and a pinch of sea salt?”
Lines appeared against the skin of Richie’s forehead as he raised his brows, “How about hell no, Betty Crocker?”
“Who made you the number one cookie critic?” Freya gibed as she gently closed the drawers shut with her hips.
Richie taunts, “your mother!”
Middle fingers and a sarcastic smile later were handed right over to the 6’1 man, “Piss off, Richard!”
“Well…whadda want to do? Eva and I ate up all the last of the candy I had here. She might be coming to see you soon actually but don’t tell tiff that if you happen to see her, alright?” Richie slaps the palms of his hands against his kitchen counter.
Freya let’s out a dramatic sigh as she begins pacing on her side of the counter. She stops to lean her elbows against the counter and looks at the plastic large bowl in front of richie. Still sighing Freya reaches over to use the smaller spoon that was off to the side to dip into the batter.
Hey, Freya was no baker or chef but she liked looking at the consistency and details of things. Turning it to show to Richie, she takes one finger and flicks the spoon back so the batter can fling forward and stick right on Richie’s nose.
She’s cackling at the image of Richie closing his eyes shut in disbelief. His tongue goes out then to lick some of it off before swiping it away with his fingertips. He stares hard at a laughing Freya, who has her head thrown back, hugging herself while Richie is focused on his next move.
He’s carefully taking his jacket off now, smoothing it down before using his long limbs to toss it over at the dining table top on his right. Freya doesn’t notice this as she’s wiping the corners of her wing-lined eyes, still closed as she’s almost snorting now, skin of her nostrils sinking in a bit, like she’s squidward or some shit as she carries on laughing.
“You think you’re so funny don’t you?” Richie asks with a palm full of flour now.
She’s still laughing as she nods her head, too full of giggles to get any words out.
Instead of Richie sprinkling some salt, he throws flour across the counter right to the side of Freya’s face, “Well I’m funnier, asshole!”
That gets Freya to stop laughing then. She stands up straight and it’s Richie’s turn to fail to cover his own laughter with his fist.
It was on then.
A flour fight began between the two friends, coating most of the kitchen with white powder.
“I think you threw salt in my eye you turd?!” Freya’s holding her eye now, after this has gone on for at least ten minutes.
“Shit, I’m sorry! Everything is starting to look the same.” Richie’s coming to her aide now, fanning the air as he steps to her, hands reaching for her forearms, “let me see.”
Freya fools him, “Gotcha!” Before whacking him in the neck with a whisk.
“Ow! Hey you’re fighting dirty, Frey!” Richie scolds before snatching a wooden spoon making Freya eye him wildly, “uh huh let me see you try to win this battle now.”
“I’m definitely gonna win, whether you like it not, Richy Rich.” Freya got low, ready to aim at Richie’s torso since she had that to her advantage being shorter than him.
Richie blows a raspberry, tapping the wooden spoon against the palm of his hand, “you must not know the strength of a wooden spoon and my wrestling skills, sweetheart. I got the team to championships!”
“When? In 1948?”
Richie tightens his eyes at this before they’re in a fencing match now. Which doesn’t last long as one of the two lost their footing due to the flour covered floor.
“I think I broke my ass.” Richie groans holding his back.
Freya’s laughing again as she’s resting right on top of Richie, “I’m glad I don’t have that problem, flat ass.”
“I don’t appreciate you slandering what I lack, some of us weren’t blessed okay?” Richie sasses as he wraps a hand around Freya’s waist to sit them both up.
Freya cooed at him, pinching his cheeks while Richie rolls his eyes. They sit in silence with freya on his lap as they take in the sight of his kitchen now. Flour on the upper cabinets, flour even on Eva’s personal drawing table, flour of course covering the counter, flour all over the floor, hair, face and their clothes.
“Great…now I gotta clean this up!”
“Eh, maybe later yeah?”
“Later? Well what else do you have in mind since we didn’t actually make those cookies you wanted so bad?” Richie waved his hands about.
Freya makes an explosion in front of Richie’s face, his round eyes following her fingertips for a moment before she says close to his face, “I have a better idea, it’s actually a good one.”
Richie was half expecting Freya to get him to break out into a dance routine like last time to Madonna’s, “Material girl,” but he was sure the man above was probably tired of their shenanigans tonight.
So that’s how he ended up here, covered in flour with him watching as Freya made herself comfortable on his couch again, head pressed against her folded up hands.
One eye pops open almost like a jumpscare, “are you gonna stand there the entire night like a creeper and just watch me sleep or are you going to join me, Richie Lawrence?”
Richie scratches at his head in confusion, “stop with the whole middle-name name drop, you’re making me think of my bastard dad. And I’m not sure what you want me to do here?”
“Make yourself comfortable, it’s your house.”
“There’s a bed on the other side and a shower…”
“So you’re gonna make more suggestions on my birthday but then say respectfully a romantic relationship isn’t what you want out of this on my birthday? It sounds like you want to give me a certain gift on my birthday to end this birthday party.” Freya rambles, now sitting up on her elbow.
Richie squints, “how many times did you just say birthday?”
“Get over here!”
“God, you’re getting bossy in your old age.” Richie jokes as he sits down by Freya’s legs, who swings them to the floor so Richie can scoot in behind her.
He keeps his hands and feet where he can see them, staring at the back of Freya’s head and he can smell her sweet but floral scent. Richie takes the time to digest how this feels, with Freya in front of him radiating off a comforting warmth even when she snatches his arm to rest against her waist.
Richie is just waiting then for the anxiety to kick in but it doesn’t arrive for the rest of the night. Which makes him sink further into the couch, tightening his hold of Freya. His nose then presses down into her bare soft shoulder blade, right where her round mole sits and exhales.
“I’m proud of you.” Freya croaks out, ready for sleep, “and you should be too.”
And that makes Richie’s heart swell. He always wanted to be good at something but wasn’t sure how to make a career out of it. He had to find his footing in this world constantly and slowly he felt like he was beginning to locate it. They say it’s in your daily routine if you’re unsure and engaging with all sorts of people was something richie didn’t mind being part of.
It felt natural to him.
Holding Freya felt just the same but she didn’t need to know that just yet. He loved physical touch whether you were his family or not, it was the best form of love Richie wanted to give and receive.
He didn’t realize he squeezed her tighter against him at her words before he presses a kiss to the back of her head, “Happy birthday.”
A smile graces her lips.
In the early hours of July 11th, the sky a faded dim blue begins to peak through Richie’s living room curtains, revealing that a new day was among them.
Richie’s always been a early riser since sleep hardly existed according to the bags underneath his eyes. It had to be around 5 in the morning and he knew he would be ready for some coffee soon but this time he enjoys the silence. He feels Freya roll back against him, arm looping around his neck as she stretches in her sleep.
“Morning to you too,” Richie greets, “Question for ya, how’s bell-pep the iguana doin’?”
You heard that right, Freya was a “Guana-momma,” who she named after a vegetable specifically and Richie was ready to baby sit the guy at any time—as long as it didn’t freak Eva out too much but he doubted that. She had his blood in her veins.
Freya shushed him straight away, removing her arm from around his neck to curl that same arm to press the back of her fingers against his lips, “When I step up in the place, ayo, I step correct.” She starts before moving those fingers to create a wave up in the air.
It only made sense to Richie for her to be rounding off lyrics early in the morning, especially when he was asking questions and she wasn’t sure if she even knew her name just yet.
“Woo-hah, got them all in check.” Richie proceeds, head lifting a little to see if Freya’s eyes were even open as she rounded off lyrics.
Freya concludes, “Go to sleep.”
Enough said.
“I’ll try.”
The sight of flour sticky limbs entangled between two reconnected friends on another summer’s day went like this: cheek pressed against her’s, his facial hair pricking her skin which she didn’t seem to mind as snores actually escaped Richie’s lips, with his hand gripping Freya’s that was clutched to her own chest as their bodies gently rose in deep slumber.
The cares of the outside world were put on hold once more and Richie envisioned that this must be what heaven felt like. Nothing but a bit of light right in front of his eyes or in his arms to lead the way.
Cheers to some fucking clarity!
Sorry for the foul language dude or person or divine power up there…but Richie was thankful for it all.
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Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
-> Part two!
121 notes · View notes
restinslices · 10 months
Crows As Vampires
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Idk why I chose that gif-. Anyway I have had no inspiration or motivation to do anything. The mental illness is hitting. I am on my knees begging y’all to let me have this😭. No one’s born a vampire cause I don’t think vampires should be able to reproduce and in this universe how you’re changed determines what kind of vampire you are. I’ll explain later.
Kaz Brekker 
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Kaz has screwed over plenty of people in his life. That's how life is as a criminal and he was damn good at it. Almost an expert. 
Almost being the keyword 
Kaz screwed over the wrong person. Unbeknownst to him, this person was actually a witch. The witch cursed him to have these symptoms we would call “vampirism”
Immortality so he would watch everyone he loves die. A lust for blood since he was a leech that led others like a lamb to a slaughter. Burning in the sun so he could stay a rat in the shadows. Ect. Ect. 
This would've been terrible for anyone else, but this is Kaz Brekker we're talking about. 
Also this isn't how nature works. Things can't be only good or only bad so nature gave him a few perks. 
All it took was some practicing and getting used to then boom, he was living his best life. 
He doesn't need the cane anymore, but he keeps it to trick others. 
Genuinely thinks the witch that cursed him is the dumbest person ever because all the weaknesses he can get around. The sun? He doesn't go outside much and can have others do shit for him. Holy water? Does this man look like he goes to church? A wooden stake? What are the chances? Garlic? He prefers onion powder-
He's a traditional vampire so blood tastes good no matter what. I don't know if he'd go hunting himself though. He'd probably have another Crow bring him something, like bringing the homie Wendy's if you just got some. 
Best part of vampirism is probably the animal control. It's the perfect distraction and this man is nuts so he'd probably have a rat jump on somebody with a phobia. 
I'd say hypnosis but I feel like Kaz enjoys the thrill he gets from outsmarting everyone. Hypnosis would be so boring to him. It'd only be used if he absolutely needed to. 
I think the part of vampirism he'd struggle with the most would be the feeding though. Not out of guilt but too many dead bodies make people raise a brow and that would affect business. 
Kaz would prefer feeding on people who don't really have anyone. I know you're thinking “duh! That's so obvious! Who wouldn't?”. Jesper. More on him later though. 
Kaz wants to go after opponents but knows that'll stir too much shit up. 
I wanna say he refuses to feed on kids ‘cause it'd remind him of him and Jordie but this is the same man who threatened a little girl and said he'd kill all her dogs just to make sure she wouldn't snitch. And when Wylan was like “that's not ok” he was like “I could've killed her and made it look like an accident”, so idk. Man is deranged. 
Kaz has red eyes because… uhhh… I want him to. 
I think vampires should have another face when they feed and his gotta be the scariest. This is The Bastard of The Barrel we're talking about here. You gotta feel fear in your veins. 
Overall, he's enjoying vampirism. Big mistake giving this man powers. 
Inej Ghafa
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Inej would get turned when she's at the Menagerie 
One of the regulars came in but he was off. He was way more jumpy and sensitive to things. Inej knocked something over and instead of annoyance, he seemed to be in pain. Like his ears hurt. 
She didn't say anything though. Tante Heleen would kill her. 
Suddenly the man attacked her and bit her. She screamed but he covered her mouth with his hand. Inej did the only thing she could think of and bit his hand hard, drawing blood. The man was in pain and after a short fight, he snapped her neck and killed her. 
Weirdly though, Inej woke up after some time. It made no sense to anyone. Not to the other girls, Tante Heleen, the doctor, anyone. Inej should've been dead. Instead all she did was crack her neck and describe the guy who did it. 
The next day Kaz Brekker came and she introduced herself. The day after that, she no longer worked for Tante Heleen. 
Turns out the vampire who attacked her was a newborn. He had some of the vampire strengths, like advanced speed and strength but he also still had human qualities. Like human skin, instead of the impenetrable skin older vampires have. Kaz was hunting him down because his uncontrolled killings were causing a ruckus, that's when he met Inej and noticed something was off about her. She smelt like death.  
Inej turned instead of dying because when she bit him, it drew blood and she ended up swallowing it. Drinking a vampire's blood then dying was another way to be turned. 
Because she was terrified when it all happened, as a vampire blood tastes better if it's from someone scared. The more scared they are, the better. If she drinks normal blood, it tastes fine but it doesn't make her as strong or taste as good as blood from someone frightened. 
Inej doesn't really like going out of her way to scare the shit outta someone. Don't get me wrong, Inej ain't no punk but she sees it as “I'm scaring people for my own benefit? No thanks”. 
During her newborn stage, Inej was not fucking with it at all. There were benefits but she hated the idea of murder. The only reason she started drinking is because she was starving and Kaz threw a random person in the room. When she snapped out of it, she was horrified and she was angry because Kaz knew what he was doing. 
So she attempted to run away but the problem was the hunger obviously didn't stop. One day she saw a man she knew frequented the Menagerie. A man who was extremely abusive and had cut and injured the girls plenty of times. Again, she got angry. So angry she stalked and killed him. 
A lightbulb went off. She didn't wanna scare innocent people but abusers? They weren't innocent. So that's who she targeted. Oh and obviously she returned to the Crow Club. 
Only problem with abusers is unfortunately they have money and people looking at them so she can't go after a lot of them which leaves her back to drinking regular human blood. Sometimes she drinks from animals or steals blood bags. 
Best part of vampirism is how nimble she is. Sure she was a great acrobat before but her speed and agility change is the best to her. She could do so much more without worrying about forever losing her legs in a stupid accident. 
She's called a spider for a reason. 
I don't even think she'd care for the other powers. Yeah they're there and she'll use them but she's not too concerned. 
Worst part I think is the feeding but not for the same reasons as Kaz. Inej has a guilty conscience and she's also religious. I think the fact that she has to take innocent lives (when she can't get to bad people) would make her feel cursed. Like the Saints were against her or didn't hear her prayers anymore. How could she claim her heart belonged to them when her heart didn't even beat anymore? She was sinning often. It's not like killing on a job, that's when your back's against the wall. She's literally killing for her own selfish needs. 
It'd take her a while to come to terms that she's killing for survival and she never asked to become a vampire in the first place. 
Once she comes to terms with that I honestly don't see her using her powers for straight nonsense. She uses them to get jobs done and feeds when she has to. She's probably the one bringing Kaz take out when he's too lazy. 
Idk why but I feel like she'd have purple eyes. I don't have a reason. Just roll with me. 
Overall, she'd have conflicting feelings. The first couple years would be rough but she'd learn to embrace it. 
Jesper Fahey
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Jesper is my favorite Crow and my favorite in the entire show but my poor babe is not all the way there sometimes. He's not dumb by any means but ya know, sometimes he's in a silly goofy mood. 
Jesper was turned when he was in college. Keep in mind, my boy was only there for what? A WEEK?
He lost at a game of cards and instead of beating him they were like “there's this book that a dead witch supposedly wrote. There's a ritual and everything, you gotta do it or pay me”. 
Jesper was like “bet, I ain't no hoe” (probably not with those words) and did the stupid ritual which consisted of blood, rain water and some chanting and nothing happened, much to the disappointment of his college pals and him. The ritual was supposed to give him powers or something. Too bad. 
Something weird started happening. Jesper was a funny guy and liked socializing but he swore he started feeling more energy course through him when he made everyone laugh. And when he walked outside, the sun burned. It left a mark and everything. 
He started skipping classes to avoid the sun and the kids he knew were too busy to constantly visit him. Since he was alone for a couple days, he felt incredibly hungry. 
One late night he was walking to get food when a lady fell hard. Jesper, being nice, ran over to help. That's when he noticed the smell of blood and it smelt amazing. Long story short, he ended up attacking her. When he realized what happened, he took a closer look at that book. He realized they didn't inform him about the negative side effects. And sure, he somewhat got it. What were the chances of it working? But since they made him do that instead of paying up, they knew there could've been a possibility of everything going left. 
He had no idea what was happening and ended up leaving college. Not only was he out of money (that's why he was so glad he wouldn't have to pay) but he worried about who else he would attack. He ended up working for gangs and as we know, Kaz found him. 
They ended up finding out that Jesper was special. Jesper was always the main focus in a crowd so when he became a vampire, that ability turned him into an emotional vampire. He didn't have to hunt people down and feed the old fashioned way. He could feed on people by absorbing their emotions when they felt a strong emotion, such as happiness. It made him feel amazing but it made them feel drained and depending on how much he took, they could faint. 
Now he could always just bite people but absorbing emotions is bigger. 
Best part of vampirism is hypnosis. If he's well fed and feeling strong, he can just hypnotize his gambling opponent into letting him win. 
Worst part is probably the sunlight. Jesper likes nighttime, don't get me wrong, but the fact that he's limited to only moving around at night is nuts to him. Since he shouldn't be doing it, he wants to do it more.
Jesper has to be reeled in by Kaz when it comes to feeding cause Jesper honestly will go after anyone. The more challenging, the more fun. He has to constantly be reminded that the more challenging, the more chance of being caught.  
He also reminds him that he doesn't have to bite people to feed but Jesper sometimes just likes the rush. 
Probably makes a bunch of vampire puns and Kaz is tired of his shit. 
He'd be even more on edge when it comes to his dad. It'd be even more of a reason to never see him again. He would only think about it when he 100% had his hunger under control. 
Idk what eye color he'd have tbh
Overall likes being a vampire but the side effects are there. 
Nina Zenik
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After Nina took Parem, things didn't look good. It was obvious to everyone that Nina was dying. 
Nina was in the know when it came to vampires. She honestly didn't care and didn't have any interest at first. But as she sat there slowly dying, she wondered what life would've been like if she asked to be bit. 
The Saints seem to be listening because Inej walked in and said she wanted to help her. Nina knew how she'd help. 
Inej was getting closer and Nina couldn't help but feel nervous. Suddenly though, she saw Matthias. Inej simply made her think she was Matthias, but Nina was so delirious that she actually thought it was him. She thought of their life together so far and what they could have in the future. Her thoughts started to slip towards something more lustful and that's when “Matthias” shoved “his” bloodied arm at her. She drank it then her neck was quickly broken. 
She awoke soon after, beginning her new life. 
Nina is a sexual vampire, meaning blood tastes the best when it's someone experiencing feelings of lust or orgasming. 
Matthias experiences lust for Nina and has said she can drink from him but she doesn't trust herself. She's worried she got him out of Hellgate only to kill him later on. 
Instead she flirts with unsuspecting men and women. No sex obviously and they don't taste as good as they could but just that little bit of lust adds something to their blood. 
Best part of vampirism would be immortality. She's living forever with her family and doesn't have to worry about getting sick or dying again. 
Immortality is also the worst part. Matthias has always said he has no interest in being a vampire and the thought of him dying makes her think she should've let herself die on the boat (until she changes him against his will but moving on-)
Probably targets men and women with low level jobs. Like the people who guard doors of some building, rich people go to. Or fishermen. People whose disappearance can just be chalked up to them being irresponsible. 
Being a vampire is kinda in the middle for her. Not great but not terrible. Sometimes she wants to go outside during the day and can't. Sometimes she wants to eat something like garlic bread and can't. Sometimes she wants to wear silver jewelry and can't. It can be a real pain. 
When Matthias is human she treats him like he's delicate, because compared to her, he is. They arm wrestle and he's down for the count. 
The stereotype is that vampires sleep in a coffin but with how big Matthias is? Yeah, no. They'll just sleep in a dark room. 
Nina doesn't exactly want kids, but with Matthias she wouldn't mind them. Now they can't have them at all though and that choice being taken away isn't fun. Honestly any choice now taken away rubs her the wrong way. 
I feel like her eyes would also be red like Kaz. 
Overall is half and half about vampirism. 
Matthias Helvar 
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As we all know, Matthias ends up dying in Crooked Kingdom. He didn't want it to happen, but he accepted it. He knew this would be the end. 
Imagine his surprise when he woke up months later. 
Turns out Nina wanted to turn Matthias into a vampire but acted too late. She ended up finding a witch who was willing to do a ritual to return his spirit to his body. Side effects would be symptoms of vampirism. 
As you can imagine, Matthias was very unhappy. Nina didn't have the excuse of “oh I panicked”. No. She found a witch and instead of asking for her future to be told, she whipped out his corpse. 
As a vampire Matthias is a soul vampire. When he feeds it decreases the lifespan of his victim, sometimes even killing them. As he gets older he learns he doesn't even have to bite his victims, but he does have to be close to them. 
It'd probably take years before he forgave Nina. Matthias, like Inej, is religious and thinks Djel can't hear him anymore because of what's happened. 
For awhile he can't see a positive to this situation. When he comes around to it and starts accepting it though, I think he'd enjoy that he's strong enough to continuously help people. 
Negative is everything for a while. Especially the fact he can't be near any holy items. Also immortality. Human lives are supposed to end, now his can't end without it being extremely painful. 
Feeding wouldn't be easy for him either. Not biting them allows him to disconnect but he still knows what he's doing and that's hard for him.
He eventually would forgive Nina but would never forget what happened. 
His eyes would remain blue but it'd be a lighter and more glowy (?) blue
Doesn't wanna participate in any vampire stereotypes. No coffin, no dark colors, none of that. 
His feeding is the most discrete. Jesper's could be too but we know him. Matthias just kind of hangs around and feeds until he's full enough. 
Matthias also drinks the souls of animals. It doesn't feed him as quickly or make him as strong but he was already a big and strong guy. 
Overall is not having a good time. I think it would take years for him to accept his new life. After that, he's not exactly happy. He's just accepted it is what it is. 
Wylan Van Eck
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Wylan had a terrible relationship with his father, we know that. What everyone didn't know was that the family was holding a huge secret; Jan Van Eck was a vampire. He was turned after Alys became pregnant and thought things were great. Now he could be an asshole forever 
Van Eck noticed how much better he felt so he thought if he bit Wylan, he'd be cursed of his dyslexia and could read. 
He was wrong. Dyslexia isn't a physical injury so nothing happened. This made him angry and ended up leading him to hire people to kill Wylan on the boat to Ketterdam. As we know, Wylan escaped. Van Eck was sure he'd die because of lack of food or be exposed and killed. Either was good to him. 
Wylan didn't die though. Wylan had only been a vampire for a month so his control over his thirst was terrible. He didn't wanna hurt people so he tried to stay away and hunt animals. 
Not hurting people was easier said than done though. Ketterdam is full of people and jobs require you being around people. As you can imagine, there were a few slip ups. 
Kaz recruited him not only to make bombs but also because Inej caught him feeding on someone. He just didn't notice she was there. 
Once Wylan has his thirst under control, he prefers blood bags instead of actually hunting and hurting people. 
He isn't sure what his favorite part of vampirism is since the things he loves doing (chemistry and music) don't require any vampire things. He likes telepathy once he knows how to block his own thoughts from people. It's efficient being able to “whisper” to other people and Wylan is a bit nosey. When you're gonna live forever, you're gonna wanna hear drama. 
I think his least favorite part wouldn't be a specific part of vampirism. He'd just hate how he used to be. Whenever he thinks about how little control he had, it'd scare him. It shows how much of a monster he can be and he doesn't want that. 
I wanna give everyone red eyes but I'll say his are orange or yellow. Why? Idk. 
The type of vampire that legit forgets he's a vampire. Inej is like “want me to bring you back something to eat?” and he's like “oh sure. I heard this new spot just opened-”. 
Probably was gonna walk outside for a casual walk and another Crow had to grab him by the collar and pull him inside. 
“What's wrong?” “Wylan. The sun.” “What about it?.... oh”
This isn't me saying he's dumb, he just genuinely forgets. His mind is on other stuff all the time. 
Vampires become his hyper fixation and he starts saying random ass myths about vampires at all hours 
“Did you know people used to believe that you could trick a vampire by throwing things like rice at it? Supposedly it'd be compelled to count them all” “It’s 2am Wylan. Enough is enough”
Overall I don't think he has a strong opinion on being a vampire. Having his little family makes enjoying this new life easier. 
idk why this in particular finally gave me inspiration, but FINALLY my mind isn’t completely blank.
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Real life problem starring me: being 22 and having people think I'm 17-18 🙃 Which isn't that bad but people literally think I'm not old enough to drink 😂 And so I fantasize, Sephiroth's darling who looks much younger than she actually is. Would anyone think ill of him, thinking his darling is under age? How would he address those problems and comfort his darling if it made her feel insecure?
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I'm quite familiar with this problem, though it's not as bad for me. There's a handful of people who do take me seriously when I assert my age. But my childish voice doesn't do me any favors other times. 😭😭😭 But anyways, to the Sephy headcanons~!
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Despite enjoying the massive size difference between her and Sephiroth, the darling felt awkward when strangers would gawk and whisper comments about them.
Yes, she heard it all: It's totally unexpected that the legendary Sephiroth is in a relationship with someone you'd least expect it.
Of course, no one is going to be foolish enough to bring it up to Sephiroth's face, or honestly, his darling's as well, since she is his.
The only ones who would outright comment on it is Genesis and Angeal.
With Genesis being the first to break the ice about it. After Sephiroth and his darling explains it, he wouldn't care much about it, other than crack a few (good-natured) jokes occasionally about the darling's height.
The darling would try her best to ignore the comments and rumors, but eventually, it will get to her.
Every time Sephiroth tried to talk to her, she felt her heart race and she began to search for an excuse to not hang out with him.
Their conversations would become oddly brief as she claims something came up.
She will start to think... Maybe it's time for her to break up with him? This just keeps happening over and over...
Sephiroth's heart sank, as he noticed the new strange mannerisms of his darling.
He quickly considered if his own actions had triggered his darling's distant behavior towards him. Regardless, he will set out to confront her.
He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he walked up to her apartment in Midgar.
Instead of his darling reaching out to him like usual, he was the one who was doing it now. He knocked on her door, his gaze burning into it.
When she opened the door, he spoke with an urgent, pleading tone, asking her if he could come in.
His darling hesitatingly agreed, her footsteps are soft as she walked to the couch, him trailing behind her.
Without hesitation, he asked her in an almost desperate voice: Why is she avoiding him?
She then spoke bluntly to him: while she loved him deeply, the malicious, sly talk of her childish appearance and their relationship was starting to affect her.
He could feel his anger rise, and he was tempted to ask his darling who was at fault, yet his composed nature held him back as he continued to listen to her.
He'd pull her into his embrace, a silent but powerful gesture of his unwavering commitment to her, no matter what others might think.
He'll tell her that her avoidant behavior was excruciating for him to bear. He never wants to stop feeling her invigorating energy or hearing her angelic voice.
His darling melted into his embrace, her tears wetting his strapped chest.
Afterward, Sephiroth became more relaxed when it came to his no PDA rule.
He would defiantly touch, hug, and sometimes even princess carry his darling as a show of strength against those who questioned their relationship.
And his darling would delightfully flip off anyone who shot her a dirty look and would often exclaim to Sephiroth if they should share a lovely cocktail later.
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Sephiroth is a determined and loving man. No ONE will push his darling from him. He's like a swan, dedicated and loyal to his chosen mate for life.
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Triple Threat (Part 1)
sickie: Han, Suengmin, and Felix
Bang Chan has always been protective of Han and all his other members. Maybe that’s why when 3Racha was gathered in the studio to write lyrics for their next comeback, he quickly noticed something seemed off about him. His energy was no where near its usual level, especially with his birthday being the next day. The boy was relatively quiet, and looked tired and was significantly paler than normal.
Changbin, who was yet to notice the younger boy’s condition was in the middle of suggesting a line when he was interrupted by a worried Chan.
“Hannie, are you alright over there? You’re not looking too hot.”
“Are you calling me ugly?” Han responded, he was trying to divert the conversation by cracking a joke and not really answering. But his delivery was flat, and not convincing to Chan, who saw right through him.
“I mean you seem sick. You’re so quiet over there. Are you feeling okay?”
Han knew he had no chance at getting past Bang Chan on this one. He gave in.
“Stomach hurts.”
He admitted.
“Do you think you’re going to throw up?” A concerned Changbin asked.
Instead of responding, Han slapped his hand over his mouth with a gag. Changbin was quick to grab the bin from under the desk and hold it under Han’s mouth just in time for the boy to loose the first wave of his dinner.He expected Han to take the bin and hold it for himself, but the poor boy instead kept his hands on his stomach, leaving Changbin to hold the trash can for him. But Changbin didn’t mind.
Chan moved to rub Jisung’s back, who pretty much had his head fully ducked down into the bin. When he finally sat up, his appearance was only worse. He was sweaty, his pale face now joined by rosy red cheeks. The poor boy was breathing raggedly from the strain of throwing up. Both of the other 3Racha felt so bad for him.
“Okay. Let’s get you home.”
Chan said, but he had no idea what was waiting for them back at the dorms.
Meanwhile, the rest of the boys had gone back to the dorm for the night after having dinner. Hyunjin tagged along to the other dorm, seeing that the rest of his dorm-mates were in the studio and he didn’t want to be alone. When they arrived home, most of the members retreaded to their rooms, aside from Felix and of course Hyunjin who flopped down onto the couch.
When Felix sat down on the couch, he was exhausted. His limbs felt heavy.His head pounded inside his skull. His whole body ached. He was cuddled against Hyunjin. He felt so awful. There was no way to even explain how miserable he was. He decided that he could at-least try and take some medicine to help with the aches. Standing up from his spot on the couch, he felt his vision swim. He stood unsteadily for a moment before feeling someone guiding him to sit back down.
“Woah. Lixie, are you okay? You looked like you were gonna pass out or something”
Hyunjin asked with a worried expression.
“I’m okay… just a little dizzy.”
Felix said. He was struggling to speak Korean. His whole brain felt so foggy, he was barely able to think straight in English, let alone Korean.
“Are you sure? You look flushed.What were you getting up for anyway?”
“I was gonna get some ibuprofen. My head hurts like hell.” Felix confided in his hyung, slipping into English without even noticing.
Hyunjin semi-understood him and touched his hand to the only slightly younger boy’s forehead and found that he was burning up. 
“Lix, you’re on fire.”
A chill ran through the fevered boy. 
“I’m going to go get you that medicine. And some water. You, stay here okay?”
He nodded and laid down across the couch, falling asleep before Hyunjin had even left the room. 
When Hyunjin returned with the medicine, he saw Felix already was out like a light. He decided to use the opportunity to take his temperature, thankfully it was the kind you swipe across the forehead so it didn’t wake him up. When the thermometer beeped, it read 39.2. That was way too high. He decided the best choice was to wake Felix up and get him to take some medicine.
He said, gently shaking him awake.
“Huh..” He groaned. He had only been asleep for a few minutes, but he somehow felt even worse than before. He was disoriented, light headed, and his whole body ached. 
“Can you sit up and take some medicine for me?”
Instead of sitting up, the boy just looked confused.
“Lix? It will help, you really have to tak it, your fever is too high.”
Soon it became clear that Felix wasn’t really understanding what he was saying. He realized he wouldn’t be able to take care of the boy alone anyway, and decided to go get Seungmin, who is pretty good at English.
“I’ll be right back.”
He said to Felix, hoping he had said it correctly in English.
When he got to Seungmin’s room, he heard loud wet coughing.
“Seungmin? Are you okay?”
“..’m fine..” He rasped once he could finally catch his breath. 
Hyunjin was taken aback by how sickly the singers voice sounded. He sounded really congested and the coughing seemed to have torn up his throat a bit. And Hyunjin was right, it totally did. It made his already sore throat burn even more than it had been all day.
“Whas up?” He tried to asked, although it was barely audible considering how measly his voice was at this point 
Hyunjin walked over and placed his head on Seungmin’s forehead. 
“I think you have a fever too. Not as high as Felix’s though.”
“What do you mean Feli-“ He cut himself off with another coughing fit, and Hyunjin rubbed his back, unsure what to do. It had to be the worst cough that Hyunjin had ever heard, he worried Seungmin wouldn’t get enough air with how much he was wheezing. 
To say Hyunjin was stressed was an understatement. He was on the edge of a panic attack, but had to collect himself for the sake of Seungmin and Felix. He went to get Lee Know, surely he would know what to do with two sick boys.
Lee Know did not know what to do. 
They thought it would be best to move both of the unwell members to the couch where it would be easier to take care of them. But they were not exactly sure what else to do from there. So of course, they called their leader.
“Lee Know! I was just about to call you. Han’s sick. We’re on the way home right now.”
“Shit.” Lee Know said. That wasn’t exactly the response Chan had been expecting, but it fit.
“Yeah. Why did you call anyway?” Chan said, realizing that it was out of character for Minho to interrupt 3Racha while they were at work.
“Felix and Seungmin are sick too.”
“Shit.” Chan now understood Minho’s reasoning.
“We can bring him over there, make it easier to take care of them.”
“I was thinking the same thing.”
“Alright, see you then.”
And with that, their phone call was over.
When they arrived at the dorm, they were met with yet another coughing fit from Seungmin, and Jisung sprinting down the hall to the bathroom to throw up the little he had left in him. There was also a sweaty confused Felix slouched over on the couch, along with a very frustrated Hyunjin.
“Felix, can you please take this medicine? Your fever is way too high to not. It could be dangerous.”
But Hyunjin’s begging went practically unheard by the fevered boy, who was struggling to listen to what the older boy was saying, let alone understand Korean.
“For goodness sake Felix, take the damn medicine!”
Hyunjin yelled. He immediately regretted it when he saw tear well up in Felix’s eyes.
“Lixie please don’t cry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get mad I-“
“Why are you mad at me?” the younger boy said in english.
Hyunjin felt so bad. He hadn’t meant to upset the sick boy. Relief washed over him when he saw Chan had returned with Han who had finished throwing up for the time being.
“What’s the matter?” He said.
“I can’t get Yongbokie to take his medicine. This fever is really messing with him. It’s pretty high and if it gets any higher it could be dangerous.”
Hyunjin had almost entirely forgot about Seungmin, until he reminded them of his presence with a huge sneeze.
“Bless you.” Chan said, before turning to Felix.
“Hey bud. I know you’re not feeling well, but can you take this medicine for us? It will make you feel better.” He said it all in English, hoping it would get through to Felix better. Sure enough, Felix took the pills before lying back down and falling right back to sleep. They decided to take all three of the boys temperature to check how bad each is. Seungmin was at 38.1, Han was as 38.3, and Felix was somehow getting worse, with now 39.4. They brought each of the boys cold wash cloths and medicine to combat their respective symptoms. Once that was all taken care of, the three sick boys cuddled up together on the couch.
“You know it’s interesting that they all got sick with different things at the same time.” Changbin said when things had settled down.
“I don’t think they did. It looks to me like they all have some type of flu, but it’s just attacking their bodies differently. Han in the stomach, Seungmin in his sinuses, and Felix.. well his whole body with a high fever.”
They were going to continue discussing the topic when Jisung jolted awake from the cuddle pile on the couch and grabbed the bucket that has been placed for him beside the couch, somehow still bringing something up. Minho went beside Han, rubbing his back and gently playing with his hair, trying his best to comfort the boy. Seungmin woke up in yet another coughing fit, this time even worse than before, it wracked his whole body, his chest sore and his throat torn. The poor boy could barely catch his breath as wheezed and gasped for air between coughs. Jeongin walked over and held the boy up by his shoulders to steady him, patting his back every once in a while, not really sure what to do when someone is having a coughing fit.
In the commotion, Felix woke up as well. Felix was known to not do well around other people throwing up, especially when he was sick himself. But Felix wasn’t the focus of the other members right now, with two of the other sick boys needing attention, no one thought to help Felix escape the scene and the vomit. He started feeling queasy, and he was already hot and sweaty as is. The sight of Han being sick made him grow nauseous until it finally peaked, and he couldn’t hold it back any longer. Vomit streamed from his mouth and onto his clothes, but it didn’t end there. He heaved up the rest of his dinner onto the floor before leaning back into the couch, too tired to care.
Finally, the chaos calmed down and they were able to clean up a bit. Chan took Felix to change his clothes and take a cool shower to clean off and hopefully help with the fever. Once Felix was out of the shower and in fresh clothes, hey snuggled back in with the other sick boys. The other members of the group got comfortable around them too, they were in for a long couple of days more.
wow that was a long one. i think im going to write a part 2 of this one. i hope to get it out today or tomorrow so i can get to work on other things, but i have some more ideas with this one and thought it would be better as a part two. i hope you guys liked this, sorry for the scare earlier 🤣😮‍💨
part two
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roccosuks · 9 months
*from the distance* Timekeeper, Timekeeper, TimekeepER-
*crash through the wall like kool aid man*
🕒Timekeeper!! I have questions for you. How were you before the parable? What's your loreee?? (sorry if this was explained before, im new here hehe)
(also i really like your Timekeeper design, so freaking cool :])
“Oh! Hello- sorry, you scared me…”
“Before the parable? Well I’m not entirely sure, I don’t remember if there even was a before the parable. But- my lore is… rather unsettling to think about. A lot of stuff has happened to me, before and after I became Timekeeper; it was torture. But, I… suppose being Timekeeper is better than when I was 432. Maybe. I have a lot more problems with my physical form, but I have a lot more freedom to do what I want than before.”
“Also… thank you for visiting me. I don’t get too many visitors and it always makes my day. :)”
(AWW TYSM. The silly guy gets a lot of compliments and I really appreciate that so many awesome people like his design. For his lore- I have a couple paragraphs here for it. So prepare for this massive info dump.)
So, I headcanon that The Narrator created TK/432. So The Narrator is the reason 432 had to suffer so much. And when he turned into Timekeeper, his code was practically getting jumbled up and torn apart; which made him a glitchy painful mess. He also noticed his new form, almost everything was different; and he noticed he didn’t have a mouth anymore. So whenever they were in pain, they couldn’t scream, they just had to suffer in silence where nobody could hear them. But as time goes on, he finds himself becoming more stable. So he only glitches when he’s overwhelmed, upset, furious, just any kind of powerful emotion.
They then find the tape room, where they make their new office. They tried making their own masks so he could talk, but a lot of them were unsuccessful, until he made the one he has now that’s fully functioning (except he doesn’t have an actual mouth and can’t eat or taste anything). He’s also trapped in the tape room now so he can’t really get out.
I’m not entirely finished with this part of his lore, but the screen on his face somehow cracked, and he started bleeding out. It was also so bad that static had started to form on his face with his injury.
Also, static is horrible. If you lightly touch it, it will sting you for a bit then wear off. But, if you keep your hand on it or whatever kind of material, it will start to spread through you and burn you then it will start to deteriorate you as well. Static also makes the object/person glitchy when it spreads, and if you start screaming while static is spreading through you, your voice will turn distorted and glitchy. I think it’s a really cool concept.
Anyway, he was in severe pain, and that’s why he said ‘help’ to the player, and also ‘will you come back to visit me?’.
So, he seems tough when he talks to the player, but that poor man has been through so much that when you get to know him, he’s very emotional.
That’s pretty much all the headcanon lore I have for him so far, but I have some regular headcanons for ya. :)
Timekeeper absolutely loves his hair. He will brag about it wherever he seems it’s appropriate.
He also hates pencils with a burning passion, and he’s also just afraid of them because he feels like they keep mocking him of when he was 432 and he felt useless. So he will actually have a breakdown and start crying.
Timekeeper hasn’t seen Stanley in person, and he’d do anything to see him.
Tk uses a feather to write instead of a pen or pencil (for obvious reasons).
Timekeeper is a really touch-starved and affectionate person. So whenever he receives affection, he cherishes it and he will keep thinking about it for awhile.
Timekeeper hates The Narrator so much that he would actually try to kill him if he could.
Also, TK’s screen was the only way to contact Stanley. So unless he finds a way to get to Stanley, there isn’t any way for him to communicate with him.
GODDAMN THATS A LOT. I hope you like all the juicy lore. You’re also more than welcome to lmk what you think of it. :)
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glossyybabie · 2 years
part 14 || part 15 || part 16
Summary: You know you’ll never be at peace again.
Warnings: Kidnapping. Needles. Bad medicine, because Missy is no doctor. Stockholm Syndrome.
Word count: 485
Notes: My flatmate plays very loud music, so if this is a nonsensical mess in any place, you can absolutely blame him. Just writing that sentence left me with 3 errors to autocorrect. Not slaying as much as I would like to at the moment, I can’t lie.
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"It'll be easier for the both of us if you just tell me these things, poppet."
The pain was searing. Your injuries only ever felt more painful whenever Missy was involved. She treated you with no care, no precision, complete neglect of your sensitive nerves and sore body.
This time you could feel her stitching your abdomen together by hand. The needle punctured carelessly through your skin as thread was woven between the seams of the wound, thread you were fairly certain wasn’t medical grade in any way. It hurt, but it was nothing compared to the kind of pain you were usually put through on a daily basis. Comparatively, this was okay.
“I have so much planned for you,” she continued. “Really, I do. You and I are going to have such a fun time together. Well, I will, anyway.”
You could only nod really. You were tempted to ask about her plans, but even if she did choose to divulge, you weren’t sure if you could handle it. The things she did to you were bad enough, but when you actually gave the atrocious acts she committed a name — torture, kidnapping, stabbing, burning, brainwashing — it all immediately felt so much worse.
Your head rolled to the side. It felt too heavy to hold up. Your eyes were only opened when Missy peeled your eyelids apart with her fingers and shone a white light directly into your pupils.
“Just a mild concussion.” Spots from the light were left in your vision, even against your closed eyelids. “If you’re going to faint, do it properly. Honestly, it’s as if you want to crack your head open like an egg.”
Missy wheeled away on a chair. You were fairly certain you were in a hospital bed again. It was a combination of the overly sanitary smell and the rough abrasive bed sheets that gave it away. It would explain why Missy was constantly moving back and forth, and how she had so much medical equipment immediately to hand.
Your head throbbed, but that was the only sign that you’d fallen in the first place. You’d long since reached the point where you craved death. But Missy knew that. She absolutely did.
That was probably the only reason why she wouldn’t let you die.
“Say something nice.”
She gripped your jaw tightly. Your head held in place, you reluctantly allowed your weary and bloodshot eyes to open.
You didn’t have anything nice to say. You didn’t have anything to say at all. Speaking was often a waste of energy, something you had a certain lack of in the first place. But as your eyes met Missy’s expectant gaze, you gulped and silently cleared your throat. Your words were a hoarse whisper.
“Thank you, Mistress.”
Her mouth stretched into a smile. Her aching hold of your jaw didn’t soften though, not even as she leaned forward and left a gentle kiss on your forehead.
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suck4angststory · 2 years
Top Gun: Maverick
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw X Floyd!Fem!Reader
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Warning: Allusion to sex, heavy makeout session that'll lead to sex, but no smut. PTSD, panic attack. English is my second language. Feel free to give me a comment about my writing and grammars mistakes
Author Note: btw if you want to be tagged just let me know in the comment. I can't reply to any of your comments because is sideblog. But I really thankful for your comments and responds.
Part 2
(Y/N) storm out from the two side door and cross the lobby to walk towards her office at the end of the hallway. Her breathing is uneven, she can hear the distinct sound of guns, bombs, and screams. She burst into her office and walk towards the corner beside her table. She tucks her knees up, closes her eyes and covers her ears with her hands. Her body is shaken uncontrollably and tears stream down her cheeks.
When she opens her eyes, she's not in her office. She's in the open field with many bunkers type of buildings. The building was disintegrating, smokes coming from them.
She looks around and saw many soldiers on the ground, their uniforms are burned and smoke coming from their bodies. She look to her right and saw battered soldiers push to their knees and get shotted by a man behind them with an assault rifle. She sits down and clasps her hand to her mouth to contain her screams. She hid behind the brick wall that was still attached to the ground from the disintegrating buildings. There's the man beside her trying to calm her down.
She then closed her eyes until her eyelids wrinkled with how tight she closed them. When she opens her eyes, she's back in her office. Her body shook, she then crawls to her table, stands on her shaking knee and tries to reach for her phone. When she gets it, she crawls back to the corner where she'd been before.
She sat with her knees up to her chest, she open her phone and find her husband's name in the phone contacts. She tried to call him, but just got greeted by her husband's voicemail.
She begins to sob, tears streaming down her cheeks, she grips her phone tightly until her knuckles are white. She hid her face in her knee and sobbed loudly. Her body shaking from the impact.
After she contained her sobs, she lifted her face from her knee. She saw her fallen tears make dark patches in her khaki uniform. She wiped her cheeks with her sleeve but the tears still spilling down again.
She then opens her phone again and opens a voice messenger. She clicks one of the voice notes with her husband's name on it. Then her husband's voice filled her hearing.
"Hey honey, this is your husband speaking. Bradley Bradshaw or you'll call me Rooster when you want to have sex. But you probably know it's me" he chuckles
She cracked a smile at her husband's monologue. She places her chin on her knees and circles her arms around her calf.
"Anyway, I made this voicemail if your PTSD started to interfere with you. I read on Google that when someone got PTSD, the first thing you do is try to make them calm and relax. Don't trigger them and make them comfortable." Bradley stated
"That's why I make this voicemail because you always said that my voice makes you calm when you have a bad day. So I'll just gonna talk to you through this." There's silence but then Bradley let out a sigh.
"Okay, first of all, I love you and you probably know that, and I miss you, of course I'll always missing you. But now I'm not really missing you because you're here with me now. You're just going out with some friends."
"But I'll always miss you though, especially when we start working again. Which I hate it, but you like your job." He whined in last sentence.
"You are always so passionate when you're talking about your job. Do you remember when you try to explain to me why C4ISR is important for the Navy system for 20 minutes straight? But I didn't understand anything that you just said. You mad at me and pouting. And I have to make it up to you with a promised that I'll give you my infamous massage"
She chuckles at this and sniffed.
"Maybe I'm not really understand about what you said about computer and technology or your brainiac talking about. But it turned me on though when you became a nerd" he chuckle to himself. There's silence again.
"Anyway, I hope my ramble about you is making you calm and relaxed. And just so you know, I love you. Very very much" he said the last sentence slowly. Then there's a shuffling noise and Bradley groans after few seconds filled with a shuffling noise.
"It's too short. It's not even 30 seconds, I should make this a little longer. It can't get (Y/N) relaxed and calm if it is just 30 seconds. What should I talk to you about again" he muttered to himself.
"Oh, I can sing to you. What about Jim Croce, honey? you said my voice sounds like him, right?" he clears his throat and begins to sing A Long Time Ago by Jim Croce.
Seems like such a long time ago
I was walking on a lonely road
Getting tired of dreamin' alone
He then stopped abruptly
"Wait, I should probably add melody in it. We're gonna used the piano" she heard a rumbling noise and his feet pounded to the floor. There's a sound of a door being opened and closed, several seconds later, the sound of the door opening and closed comes back again. She then heard her husband sigh.
"I forgot we're in Oceana now, there's no piano in here. They're in San Diego." He groaned.
"Okay, I'll just gonna sing it without the music" he clears his throat and begins to sing
Seems like such a long time ago
I was walking on a lonely road
Getting tired of dreamin' alone
Like all the lonely people I had known
Seems like such a long time ago
There was no one who would share my song
I was just a boy far from home
But I became a man when you came along
She sobbed again but a smile appeared on her face
We spent the whole night talkin'
You said you'd like to see the sunrise
But in the gold of mornin'
Was nothing I had not seen in your eyes
I was so afraid to touch you
Thought you were too young too know
So I just watched you sleeping
Then you woke and said to me
The night is cold
It frightens me
And I could sleep so easy next to you
It wasn't very long ago
You said that you would like to share my road
Then you started singin' my song
You said so many nights are waiting
Let's not spend a moment wasting time
'Cause we have very far to go
I will go if you will take me
I have never had a lover
I am young
But I am so alone
We spent the whole night talkin'
But in the gold of mornin'
He finished his song.
"Rooster, I'm home" she then heard her fainted voice in the background.
"Oh shit, you're back" he whispered-yelled, a slight panic in his voice. There's a rumbling sound through the voice mail. Rooster clears his throat.
"This voice note is special. you should hear this when your PTSD begin to annoye you. Or when you missing me so much or you can't contact me because of the blocking signal when you're in middle of knowhere"
"And never ever heard it in front of me, or your friends, or even Bob. No. Their not allowed. This is just for your ears only." He talks in a whispered voice
"Rooster you big stud, take me to bed or lose me forever" (Y/N) voice in sing-song can be heard in the background.
"I'm coming honey" he shouts for a response. "I love you." The voicemail ended and she began to sob. She misses her husband, she misses Bradley. She misses his smells, she misses his dorky smile, she misses his sappy jokes, she misses everything from him. She misses her Rooster.
She collapsed to the floor in her front. Her head turned to the side, her phone lay beside her. She pressed play again, and her husband's voices once again filled the room.
"Hey, honey..."
She laying there, unmoving. She stopped crying, Her cheeks is stained with tears. Her eyes is empty, she stared at a blank space. Everything is frozen around her, she can't move. She just stared at the filling cabinet that was mounted to the wall with a blank stare.
When (Y/N) step out of her office, the sky changed into black colours with glowing white stars decorating it. She's driven on her way home. When she arrived at her yard, she open the garage door with the remote in her car and move her car forward to the garage.
She parked her car beside her husband's 1970s baby blue Ford Bronco that was covered in a white sheet to protect it from dust. She collects the food she'd just bought in a local diner on her way home. She open her driver's seat with her free and and climb out from her car. She closed the door and click her car keys, her 2018 deep blue Ford F-150 give out a beeping sound to notify the car is locked.
She twirls her car keys in her finger and begins to walk towards the front door. When she want to entered her key to the front door, she saw the door had already been opened.
She opens her door quietly and walks slowly inside the house stay alerted. She placed her bag of food on the floor and stuck one of her hands in her pocket trouser so she can press an emergency button on her phone when the intruder try something dangerous to her.
When she walked toward her living room, she heard music playing on the phonograph. Don't Stay Away Too Long by Peters & Lee playing on the vinyl record.
She was stunned at first but collected herself and walk towards the sound. She sees through the living room cabinet, there's someone with dark brown curls bent over in the fridge. Their head is swaying following the music beats. The person rummaging through the fridge looking for something.
She let out a shaky breath and walked toward the kitchen. She stopped beside the kitchen Island and stared at the person with glistening eyes. The person still rummaging through the fridge and singing along with the music that plays.
"Bradley..." she breathes out his name.
"Wo-oh, wo-oh Jet plane flying high above me
Don't stay away too long
Come back darling, say you love me
Don't stay away too long
Tell me you'll be think-...." He stopped abruptly when he heard his name.
Bradley then stands up and turns around to face her with a Cocky smirk displayed on his face. He's wearing a long sleeve white Henley shirt and blue jeans. The Henley's not buttoned up so his tanned chest got displayed. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows to showing his tanned muscular arms.
"Hey, Honey..." his voice is deep and smooth.
She then launches herself to him and Bradley caught her in her bottom. His body dips a bit from the impact. He breathed out a laugh and tightened his grip on her. She buries her face in his neck and inhales his scent. Bradley walks them to the kitchen island and places her on the counter. She still clings to him and she begins to cry.
"I miss you..." she tries to contain her cry but her tears just pouring harder. Bradley brought her head from his neck.
There's a stain of her tears on his shirt and neck but he didn't mind. He examined her face that he missed for the past three weeks.
"Don't cry, sweetheart. I'm here now" she sniffed and hiccuped a bit to contain her cry. Bradley wiped her tears with his thumbs.
"I'm sorry, I just miss you so much..." she said in her tears and pouted at him. Bradley wiped her tears again and stroked her cheek with his thumb in circles. He admires her face in his hand and gives her a loving smile.
"I'm here now sweetheart. I'm here now" he murmured to her and place his forehead on her. He then closed his eyes and muttered the same sentence to her.
Bradley open his eyes and stared at her eyes. He shifts his gaze to her lips.
"Can I.." He asked for her permission.
This is one of the many things that make her fall more in love with Bradley Bradshaw. Always ask her concern about everything that'll involve her. For Bradley Bradshaw, Her concern is number one in their relationship. He always asks if something that he'll do will make her comfortable or not. He's always been a gentleman.
Bradley then closed the gap and place his lips on her. They both gasp at the feeling of each other lips after 3 weeks of never being touched. Their kiss is sweet and longing.
After three weeks of never meeting each other, they poured all of them in this kiss.
(Y/N) place her hands in Bradley's hair and tugged at them slightly. Bradley groaned and place one of his hands on the back of her head and loosened her neatly bun hair until it fall loosely. His other hand was placed on her back to make her closer. (Y/N) legs wrapped tightly in Bradley's waist.
Their loving and longing kiss change to desperate and lust. Bradley then lifts her from the kitchen island and walks them toward the living room. He stop in front of the stair and placed her back on the wall beside the stairs.
They break the kiss and breathe heavily. Bradley place her hair behind her ear and stared at her face. Cheeks flushed and lips were swollen. She then places both her hands on his face and begins to trace the scars on his jaw and flushed cheeks.
"Bedroom..?" Bradley's voice is husky with lust. She just nodded and smashed her lips against him. Their kiss now is just teeth and tongue. Poured all of their lust that had been contained for three weeks into the kiss. Bradley carries her to their shared bedroom. He opens the bedroom door and steps inside. He then closed the door with his feet and they pour their missing time into each other embrace all night long.
The ringing of the alarm clock woke (Y/N) up from his slumber. She woke up in her husband's arms. Their naked body was protected from San Diego night with the grey sheets that covered them.
They are up until 3 in the morning. After she was exhausted enough she placed her head on her husband's naked chest. She heard her husband murmur 'I Love You's and kiss her forehead. She begin to drift to sleep, the last thing she heard was her husband's steady heartbeat.
When he see her wife fell asleep already in his arms, Bradley looked at her. He still wants to spend the night with her, but seeing her exhausted face, he can ask her to do it another day. He stared at her sleeping wife in his arm, he place his hand on her naked back and rub it up and down. He shift his gaze and stared at the ceiling. He placed his free hand on the back of his head as a pillow. His mind begins running with questions.
He thought about why he'd got called back to Top Gun, and what kind of mission he'll be doing. The dangerous one that'll cost his life or just another rescue mission that'll take days, weeks, or even months to not meetings his wife. He cannot bear to leave his wife again after their reunion this night. He needs more time with her.
There's the time when he thinks about retiring and changing his job as a Top Gun Instructor so he'll not leave his wife again. He can stay by her side every time without worrying about not coming back or when he'll gonna come back.
But when he uttered his thought to her, she'd yell at him and knock some sense into him. She remains him how hard she tries to get where he's standing now. He even has to get sent off four years too late because certain someone pulls out his application from the naval academy. That the thing makes him try harder to achieve where he is now.
He shift his gaze to his wife and stared at her, she stir a bit when he shift.
'Did (Y/N) now about the mission I'm gonna do?' He asks himself in his thought.
When it comes to the works, they never revealed what mission they're gonna do. Because all the jobs they're doing are confidential, especially (Y/N) jobs. When they're gonna say goodbye for a mission or deployment. They just told each other where they're gonna go and how long they're gonna gone. The details must be left out.
But (Y/N) always now what mission Bradley gonna do because half of the mission or data for Navy she'd got hold of them. Certainly, It's not acceptable, but it is one of her privileges to become one of the higher commands in Naval Information Warfare Systems Command.
Bradley always commented that her division is quite a mouthful and he'll never get to say it correctly.
But after months of trying, he did it. he can pronounce it correctly and even can spell it. He always shows it in front of her brother to show it and get to his skin because her brother cannot spell it so fast like him. All the thoughts that run in his head make him drift to sleep.
When (Y/N) tries to release herself from her husband's grip, Bradley tightens his grip on her hips.
"Bradley I have work to do" She whispered in his naked chest. Her voice croaked. She cleared her throat to make her voice normal again.
"No, you won't " he murmured in her hair and swung his legs to her hips so she was trapped between his body.
"Bradley..." she whined but Bradley closed his eyes and tightened his grip.
"Honey... you want to see my head got hung in front of Fightertown because I'm late for meeting with Admiral Simpson" Bradley shot his eyes open and stared at her. Her finger toyed lazily with his golden cross necklace. She lift his gaze and stared at Bradley's eyes and pouted slightly.
"Why'd you make it sound so scary. Now I'll have to think about that scary movie when the witch got beheaded" he groaned and bury his nose in her hair. His morning voice is husky and her mind begins to think about their last night activities.
"Because I'll get beheaded by him and you'll be forced to see me when I get to execute when you not released me now" she still toying with his necklace. He shift his eyes to meet her and stared at her lovingly.
"I'll just save you then. And killed Admiral Simpson" he stated and she raised her eyebrows at him.
"If you kill Admiral Simpson, one battalion gonna hunt you down and kill you" she pointed at his chest.
"And I'll just have to kill them all" he smiled and shift his body so she was underneath him. He leaned to kiss her. But (Y/N) raised her hand to his mouth to stop him. He raised his eyebrows at her with what she did.
"Morning breath, babe..." she uttered to him. But Bradley removed her hand from his mouth.
"I don't care.." Bradley leaned his head until their forehead touched.
"But I care..." she smiled at him.
"But I don't.." he smirks and kissed her lips. She just smiled and kiss him back. Bradley begins to trail kisses to her jaw, cheeks, and neck. She begins to giggle and squirm because his moustache tickles her neck.
"Bradley.. stop..." she giggles and squirm in his grip but Bradley just keeps kissing her neck and trailing down to her chest. When he begin his way down to kiss her breast she pull his head away and brought it to face her.
"No.." she exclaimed with a shake of her head. Bradley just groaned and bury his face in her neck.
"C'mon you big stud, move your ass" she slaps his arm but Bradley just wiggling his ass. She giggles at his antics.
"That's not what I mean" she let out a sigh. "Cmon babe, I have to visit Bob before I got to work." Bradley lift his head from her neck and looked at her.
"Bob got called too?" He asked her.
"I don't know. He text me last night and said he's already in town. That's why I have to visit him and find out why he's in town" she poke his nose and he crunches it. "Now move your ass before I move it myself"
"Try me..." He smirks at her.
"Bradley..." She groaned and give him her famous stern looked. Her brother and Bradley called it a 'mom's look'. Bradley then giggles and moves to his side of the bed.
She swung her legs to the floor and pull up her body to stand up. But when she stands up her legs are wobbly and she grabs a bedpost to steady herself. Bradley shifted so he laying on one side. He places his fist on his temple with his elbow supporting his head. He watched his naked wife standing beside the bed trying to steady herself because of their last night's activities.
"Oh.. am I wreck you sweetheart" Bradley sneered seeing her state.
"Shut up" she shot him a look and when her legs were steady enough she walked towards the bathroom not caring her naked body got roamed by her husband. She winced slightly when she walks.
"Can I join you, sweetheart.." Bradley called out to her still in his previous positions. His eyes followed her every move until she disappeared to the bathroom.
"No.." She shouts out from the bathroom. When she heard him scurry away from the bed, she lock the bathroom door. Bradley tries to open the door but it's already locked. He let out a groan and walked away from the bathroom.
(Y/N) poured the pancake batter into the hot pan. She shifts her gaze to the other pan and flips the bacon inside of it. The bacon let out a sizzle.
She flip the pancake in the previous pan when the pancake changed colour to dark brown on two sides, she removed it from the pan and place it on the stack of pancakes she make earlier. She poured the pancake batter again into the pan and waited until it cooked.
She flip the bacon again and waited until the bacon reduced its fat.
Bradley steps out of their shared bedroom, he spruces his shirt from the wrinkle on it. He wears an unbuttoned cream Hawaiian shirt with a grey pattern. A white tank top underneath it. He then wears blue jeans to finish his look.
A towel still hanging on his neck, he walks towards the kitchen with his hand still rubbing his wet hair with the towel. He saw his wife cooking and walk towards her.
"Mhmm... smells good in here" he then places a kiss on her cheeks. She blush and smiled at her husband's affection.
Bradley stood beside her and grab two mugs from the cupboard, he filled the mugs with coffees. He grabs the slices of bacon on the plate beside his wife and places them in his mouth. He grab the mug and brought it to the pantry table with a slice of bacon hanging in his mouth. He sits down in the chair and begins to munch the bacon in his mouth.
(Y/N) turn around and just shakes her head seeing his husband's shenanigans in the morning.
She then placed a stack of pancakes with a side of bacon in front of her husband. The pantry table was already filled with cutlery in their box, butter on a wooden plate with a wooden lid, and a bottle of maple syrup. Bradley sips his coffee and eyes the pancakes that slide in front of him with wide eyes.
"You're eyes are gonna pop out, if you keep eyeing them like that babe" she commented at Bradley action.
Bradley placed his coffee in the pantry and grab the cutlery in front of him. He slice the butter and place it in his pancakes, he then poured them with maple syrup. He cut a piece of pancake and spread butter on them. He then picks them up with a fork. He brought the pancake to his mouth and he closed his eyes and moaned with the taste.
"Ohh I miss this thing" his voiced muffled by the pancake in his mouth. He then cut the bacon and place it in his mouth. He moaned again and chew the food in his mouth.
(Y/N) just chuckle seeing her husband, she missed their morning together like this. She saw her husband eating his breakfast with such passion while she sips her coffee. When she finished her coffee, she place her mug in the sink and walked toward her husband and stood beside him. Bradley still hasn't finished his food because when he eats a piece of them he'll moan and chew it slowly.
"I better finished getting ready and visit Bob" she announced to Bradley who still closed his eyes and chew the food. He opens his eyes and swallows the food in his mouth.
He looked at his wife's uniform, her shirt isn't tucked yet into her khaki trouser. Her hair wasn't styled yet in a neat bun.
"Wait, but I've never seen you eat your breakfast" he grab her hand to prevent her from leaving and nodded his head towards his plate.
"I don't feel like eating breakfast now babe" she waved her free hand at him.
"No no. You have to eat first before going to work" he pulls both her hands and places them on his lap.
"But I don't feel like it babe..." she whined at him. Bradley then cut a piece of pancake with bacon and pick them up with a fork.
"No, you have to eat this. Now open" he brought the fork to her mouth but she just shakes her head.
"The jet is coming.." he mimicked the jet sound and make a little wave with his hand towards her mouth. She scoffed but open her mouth to accept the food from Bradley.
"There we go.." she chews the food with smiles forming on her face. When he saw her swallow the food, he brought another one towards her mouth.
"Bradley, I'm gonna be late.." she whined trying to escape his grip. But Bradley just grabbed her hands and place them between his thighs to keep her from running away.
"Just one more. And you can go. My wife made this with love" he reassured her and brought the fork to her mouth. She accepts it and Bradley smiles proudly at her. He wiped the excess maple syrup in the corner of her mouth with his thumb. He brought his thumb to his mouth and suck the maple syrups in it.
"Sweet.." he winks at her. (Y/N) just rolled her eyes at him and swallow her food. When she turn around, Bradley tugged at her wrist and she turn around and raised her eyebrows at him.
"You forget something" She still raised her eyebrows at him waiting for him to elaborate on what she'd forgotten. Bradley just rolled his eyes and tugged her towards him until his face was in front of her. He kissed her lips and (Y/N) kiss him back. She placed her hand on Bradley's chest.
When he tries to deepen the kiss, she pulls away and looks at him with squinted eyes.
"Nice try, Rooster" she patted his chest and give him a peck on the lips.
She turn around and sway her hips when she walked away from him towards their shared bedroom.
Bradley just hung his head in defeat and let out a sigh. He then finished his breakfast that got abandoned because of his encounter with his wife.
When she got to the garage, Bradley is working on his car. His Hawaiian shirt is off and he just wearing a white tank top underneath it. His muscles flexed every time he move his arms. Baby Blue by Badfinger played in portable speakers he placed it on the shelf. Bradley bends over to examine the engine. He sings along with the lyrics.
"The special love I have for you
My baby blue
All those days became so long
Did you think I'd do you wrong?"
"What happen to your baby blue?" she announced her presence in the garage. Bradley shifts his head towards his wife from underneath the car hood.
"She just needs special love from me. Because I've never touch her for a month" he wink at (Y/N) and gave her a cheeky smirk.
She just chuckles at her husband and clicks her car keys. The beeping sound makes Bradley lift his head from a car hood. He smirks and checks out his wife who still rummaging through her bag searching for something. When she pulled out her phone from her bag, she saw Bradley smirking down at her and eyeing her up and down.
"What're you doing there my lovely husband" she purred and gives him a cheeky smirk
"Just checking out my sexy hot wife" He replied with a cheeky smirk too. She just rolled her eyes and open the driver's seat, but Bradley called her.
"Where's my 'start the day' kiss" he pointed out. She stared at him with raised eyebrows and give him a scoff.
"You know, you're a really big stud, Rooster" she smiled and shook her head at him.
"Oh, you've no idea honey. Now come here and give your husband a big kiss" he opens his arm waiting for her to embrace him. She just smiled and walked toward him. She placed her hand on his chest and Bradley leaned down to kiss her. She smiled and kissed him back. They pulled away and Bradley planted a kiss on her forehead and tightened her grip on her.
"I love you" his voice mumbled on her forehead.
"I love you too" she murmured in his chest.
After a few seconds, she pulled away. "Okay, I better get going" she stared at her and give him a peck on his lips. Rooster smacks her butt when she turns around. She gasps and looks from her shoulder to him. Rooster just gives her a cheeky smirk and wink.
She climbed into the driver's seat and started her car. When she pulled away from the garage she stopped at the curb and pulled down her window to send Bradley a goodbye kiss and wave at him. She begins to drive away from her house and gives a honk with a wave when she passes Mrs MccClelland who sits in front of her yard watering her plants.
(Y/N) pull up in one of the Condo in San Diego. The Condo is painted in bright yellow colour. She climb out from the driver's seat and placed her aviator to covered her eyes from the sunlight of San Diego. She examined the Condo and walked towards the front door. She knocks and heard someone call out for her to just get inside the house.
She open the door and heard the noise from the kitchen. She walked toward the kitchen and saw a man younger than her wearing a white undershirt, white aviator glasses, and khaki trousers standing in front of the round table with a box of cereal in his hand.
She removed her aviator and place it in her chest pocket. She stared at him with a stern expression, head tilted down a bit, arms folded in her chest, and eyebrows raised. A 'mom's look' they called it.
"Uh...Hi sis" he stuttered and give her a small wave. She sigh and walked toward him.
" A Cereal Bob? What are you? Seven?" Bob just rolled his eyes and sit down in the chair. Before Bob have a chance to eat his cereal, (Y/N) grab the bowl and poured the cereal into the sink with milk on it.
"That's my breakfast, you birdbrain. Why'd you throw it!" He cried at her and pointed to the sink.
"Because you need real food, fart face. Not that kind of food" she sneered and opens his fridge but found nothing inside of it. Just a cartoon of milk and eggs on the fridge door.
She furrowed her eyebrows saw his fridge stated. She turns to him, the fridge door still open and her hand resting on it.
"Where's your food" she pointed to the fridge. Bob let out a sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose. He let out a breath from her mouth try to calm himself down with his sister demeanour in the morning.
"I just got here last night dumb ask. Of course, I don't have any food" He glared at her. She let out an 'ohh'.
"No need to get rude, Jackass" she rolled her eyes at him
She then grabbed three eggs from the fridge and bring them to his kitchen to make him an omelette.
Bob let out a sigh and sit down in his chair. They always like this when they meet. People maybe know them as the Sweet Bob or Lovely (Y/N), but for Bob, she's a dumb ass and for (Y/N) he's a Jack ass. When they're in the same room, they'll in each other throats one minute they got together. As any Siblings always do, even though they'd always argue and try to kill each other, when they were apart they always ask about each other to their parents or their closest people. Because whatever happens, they'll always become a family.
(Y/N) rummaging through his cupboard and drawer trying to find utensils to make an omelette. But just find a fork and a pan. When she can't find something she asked Bob.
"Where's your bowl," she asked him when he can't find the bowl anywhere.
"Cupboard first shelf on your right " he answered without looking at her. He opened the Cereal box on the table and eat it while he waits for her sister to make him an omelette.
"Don't you have a husband to bother or something?" he asked her with a mouth full of cereal in a slothful tone. He swallowed and shoved another cereal into his mouth.
She turn around and face Bob.
"I already bother him. I even screw him all night" she smirk and wink at him. she then back to her job to cracked the eggs and poured them into the bowl. Bob let out a gagging noise and gives her a disgusted look.
"Don't you have a worked to do?" He asked with raised eyebrows. When she heard a word of worked she freeze. She stopped whipping the eggs and lifted her wrist to see her watch.
Bob still munching his cereal and heard his sister shout.
"Oh shit. Simpson gonna murder me" she washes her hand and kisses Bob on the cheek. She rushed to the front door and begin to run towards her car. Bob was stunned and see behind him the eggs still not cooked yet.
"Hey!! What about my omelette" Bob called out from the kitchen but her sister had already driven away. Bob just let out an annoyed sigh and continue to eat his Cereal from their box.
When she arrived at the Pacific Fleet, she walked directly towards the meetings room. When she arrived, they'll already sit in their Chair. Admiral Simpson sits at the head of the table, Admiral Bates at his right. Thomas waved at her and pointed to the seat beside him that was placed on Admiral Simpson's left. She let out a sigh and walked toward them. When she sat down, Admiral Simpson shot her looked.
"You're late.." he stated
"Sorry sir, I'm overslept" She answered with pursed her lips. When Admiral Simpson wants to comment, a knocking sound on the door. One of the Warrant officers give them a salute before he spoke
"Sir, Captain Mitchell is here" He informed them
"Bring him in" Admiral Simpson nodded and adjust himself in his seat. The officer nodded and give them a salute before he walk away to call the person.
The door then opened and none other than Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell walked in through the room. Maverick looked around the room with a small smile. When his eyes dart to (Y/N) who sat beside Admiral Simpson, his smile dropped and frozes. (Y/N) just stared at him with a clenched jaw and stern look.
Thomas stared at Maverick with a jaw open like a fish. He stared at Maverick. A star-struck planted on his face.
"The living legend" He muttered to himself.
Admiral Simpson then cleared his throat to reduce the tension in the room. (Y/N) move her gaze from Maverick and relaxed her jaw. Thomas tries to collect himself from a star-struck. Maverick clear his throat and give Admiral Simpson a tight-lipped smile.
"Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell" Admiral Simpson opens the conversation. He emphasizes Pete's name. "Your fame precedes you," He said with a nod.
"Thank you, sir. " Maverick shifted a bit with his compliments.
"It wasn't a compliment." Maverick widened his eyes and give him a nod with a small smile.
"I'm Admiral Beau Simpson. I'm the air boss. I believe you know Admiral Bates." He pointed to Admiral Bates beside him.
"Warlock sir" Maverick nodded his head towards Admiral Bates. Bates gives him a stern look.
"This is Captain (Y/N) Floyd from Naval Information Warfare Systems Command. And beside her is Thomas Adderson, Civilian Contractor. He's Captain Floyd's assistant for this mission" Simpson pointed to (Y/N) and Thomas. (Y/N) give Maverick a nod which Maverick replies with a nod and pursed lips.
Thomas gives Maverick a wave, mouth slightly agape. Maverick smiled at him. Mavericks then cleared his throat to lessen the tension in his body.
"Well, I, sir, I must admit I wasn't expecting an invitation back to the base," Maverick declared, stuttering a bit and looking at Bates.
"These are called "orders", Maverick." Bates pointed out with a nod. "You two have something in common. Cyclone here was first in his class back in 88." Bates pointed with his hand to Simpson that sipped his coffee.
"Sir, I finished second, just wanted to manage expectations." Maverick gives them a smirk but faltered when he sees Simpson's tight-lipped smiles at his cocky-ness. (Y/N) just scoffed at Mavericks.
" let's get to The target" Bates clicked the tablet in front of him and an image of the water tank with a radioactive sign appeared on a projector in front of them. Maverick turn around to see the image. All of the eyes in the room begin to change their focus to the projector.
"Is an unsanctioned uranium enrichment plant, built in violation of a multilateral NATO treaty. The uranium produced there represents a direct threat, to our allies in the region. The Pentagon has tasked us with assembling a strike team and taking it out before it becomes fully operational." The image changed to a mountain with a deep valley in the middle.
"The plant sits in an underground bunker at the end of the valley. Said valley is GPS jammed and defended by an extensive surface to our missile array, serving a limited number of fifth-generation fighters. which in turn are backed up by a plentiful reserve of surplus aircraft. even a few old F-14s." Maverick observed the image that appeared
"Seems we're not the only ones holding on to old relics," Simpson commented when he see the F-14 jets begin to be displayed.
"What's your read, Captain?" Bates finished the presentation with a question to Maverick. When (Y/N) want to talk, Simpson raises his hand to tell her to quiet down because he wants to know what Maverick plans and what he'll gonna do to execute the mission. Maverick still doesn't know he'll be a teacher in here, instead of the one who'll gonna fly.
(Y/N) pursed her lips and nodded. She rests her back again on the chair.
"Well, sir, normally, that'd be a cakewalk for the F35 stealth, but the GPS jamming negates that." Maverick pointed to the screen. "the surface area threat necessitates a low-level laser-guided strike, tailor-made for the F18, I figure. Two precision bombs, minimum, make it four aircraft, flying in pairs." Maverick then pointed on a circle around the mountain. Simpson and Bates shared a look at (Y/N) but she just give them a shrug and played with her pen in her hand.
"That is one hell of a steep climbing out there, exposing it all the surfaced air missiles, and if you survive that, it's a dog fight all the way home." He pointed to the side of the mountain with a small shrug like it was something in common with the mission he always does.
"All requirements for which you have real-world experience," Bates stated to Maverick
"Not the same mission, sir. " Maverick commented. "No." He turns around to look at Bates then shifts his gaze back to the screen. "No, someone is not coming back from this." He looked at the screen. Simpson looked at (Y/N).
"40% like I said" she mouthed to Simpson. Simpson shifts his gaze back to Maverick.
"Can it be done or not." He asked Maverick. Maverick looked at him and examined the screen again.
"How soon before the plan becomes operational?" He asked Simpson. But instead of Simpson answering him, another person chimed.
"Aa... Three weeks. Maybe less." Thomas chimed with a small shrug. Maverick looked at him with raised eyebrows. Maverick then turn his gaze towards Simpson for confirmation. Simpson just nodded his head.
"Well, it's been a while since I had flown an F18, and I'm not sure who I trust to fly with But, I'll find a way to make it work." Maverick gives them a small shrug of his shoulder.
"I think you misunderstand, Captain." (Y/N) who was quiet in this entire meeting open her mouth and commented at Maverick. They locked eye contact, but Maverick shifted his gaze to Simpson for clarification.
"Sir?" He asked with raised eyebrows.
"We don't want you to fly. We want you to teach." He stated at Maverick
"To teach?" Maverick asked confused. Simpson turns his gaze to Thomas. Thomas then clicked the tablet in his hand and twelve photos of the Naval Pilot appeared on the screen.
"Uh... We recalled 12 Top Gun graduates, from their squadrons. We want you to narrow that pool down to six. They'll fly the mission." Thomas clarifies to Maverick.
"Is there a problem, Captain?" Simpson asked when he see Maverick widen his eyes at Bradley's photo. Maverick then shift his gaze to (Y/N) looking for confirmation but she just avoided eye contact with him. She looked down at her lap. Maverick then closed his eyes and let out a sigh.
"You know there is. Sir." He uttered at Simpson. Thomas clicked on Bradley's name then his profile appeared on the screen.
"Bradley Bradshaw, aka Rooster. I understand you used to fly with his old man. What was his call sign?" Simpson asked Maverick.
"Goose, sir," Maverick answered still looking at Bradley's profile.
"Tragic what happened. Captain Mitchell was cleared of any wrongdoing. Goose's death was an accident." Bates declared.
"Is that how you see it, Captain? Is that how Goose's son sees it?" Heard what Simpson asked Maverick, (Y/N) shot him a look. When she opened her mouth to comment on what Simpson just said, Bates raised his palm and shakes his head to tell her to quiet. (Y/N) let out a defeated sigh and crossed her arm in her chest. She's fuming at her seat because of what'd just Simpson said about Goose.
Maverick eyed Simpson and looked at him with a clenched jaw. "With all due respect, sir, I'm not a teacher." He said sternly to Simpson.
"You were a Top Gun instructor before," Simpson uttered to him.
"That was almost thirty years ago and I lasted two months. It's not where I belong." Maverick said it firmly.
"Well, let me be perfectly blunt. You were not my first choice. You weren't even on the list. You were here at the request of Admiral Kazansky. Now, Iceman happens to be a man a deeply admire." Simpson leaned slightly to the table. He rests his arms on the table
"He seems to think that you have something left to offer the navy. Well, that's what I can't imagine." He stared at Maverick.
"You don't have to take this job. But let me be clear. This will be your last post, Captain. You fly for Top Gun, or you don't fly for the navy ever again." He stated it firmly to Maverick. Maverick just stared at him deeply in thoughts. He shift his gaze to (Y/N) who still avoided eye contact with him.
After the meeting is over. Simpson dismissed all of them. (Y/N) stand up and storm out of the meetings room with Maverick hot in his trail.
Maverick called out her but she ignored him and walk faster to her office. Maverick caught her wrist and they stopped in the hallway. Maverick turned her body to face him.
"Why did you allow him to join this mission?" Maverick looked into her eyes but (Y/N) just avoided eye contact with him. When she try to escaped Maverick grasp, but Maverick don't budge. She looked at Maverick eyes.
(Y/N) locked eyes with Maverick. She saw the glitz and blink her eyes several times. When she opened her eyes, she and Maverick were no longer at Pacific Fleet. They're in the open field, Maverick have blood trailing down in his temple. Maverick murmurings a reassurance at her. 'We're gonna be okay, 'stay with me' she can hear it in her ears.
"No..." she muttered to herself and blink several times. When she opened her eyes, they were back at Pacific Fleet. Maverick still looking at her waiting for her answer.
"Let me go, Maverick.." she muttered. Maverick saw her breathing heavily and released her wrist.
But when he released it, she walked away from him. Maverick let out groans and followed her. He caught her before she entered her office. (Y/N) shot him glared annoyed.
"Why are you including him in this. You know he's not ready for this (Y/N)" he said sternly. She glared at him and removed his hand from her wrist.
"You think I'll send my husband to his grave, Maverick? You think I want that?" She growled at him. "You think I can just pull him out from this mission and sent him home?"
" I'm not the Almighty Maverick Mitchell that can do whatever the fuck he wants in here" she open his arms and motioned her surrounding. She said it with gritted teeth. "If you want to pull him out from this mission I'll be very grateful you do that" She scoffed and nodded at him.
She saw a stunned looked in Maverick face, she know what she said to Maverick hurt him. But she just can't refrain herself at how Maverick accused her like that.
She then took a deep breath and exhale it from her mouth.
"Nobody is ready for this mission Maverick. Neither am I" she said softly this time with a slight shake of her head. She stared at Maverick one last time and open the glass door, she step inside and closed the door.
She saw Maverick through the glass door. Even when the glass door is blurred with some of the white stickers that'll make you possible to see through the office. she still can make it, that Maverick still standing in front of her office with a resigned face.
Maverick stared at the closed glass door and let out a sigh. He turn around and walked away from her office. He needs to clear his mind from this.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
11 - Stress-relief Weekend
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Part 12
Texas Romance
Noises from the kitchen is what wakes me up early this morning so I throw the covers off wearing a tea shirt and some sleep shorts with my hair a little messy entering Connie's kitchen. I sniffed the air smelling smoke when I came around the corner seeing Georgie beating the toaster with a rag cursing until I called out in curiosity. "Georgie, what are you doin'?" He turned around clearly caught off guard sitting the rag down once he throws out some burnt toast in the trash can. "Oh uh mornin'. I tried to make you toast - but the best I can do is soup."
Wrapping my arms around myself I sit down at the small wooden kitchen table watching him bring some slightly warm bowl of soup over in front of me. "I thought you'd be at work. Does your meemaw know your here?" I asked slowly eating the food he made until he pulled out a chair sitting himself carefully watching me. "I begged her for a spare key and Dale is getting his RV set up before he takes my meemaw on a date." Raising a brow I slurp down the last bit of soup in the bowl about to get up but Georgie beats me to it. "I'll get it-" I cut him off reluctantly handing him the bowl. "Georgie I'm still able to do stuff for myself you know. Besides I thought they broke up."
"Yeah they were but apparently now they're not. Old people are weird. Anyway he's letting us barrow the camper for the weekend." Georgie explains with a nervous smile waiting for my reaction. He had went and talked to Dale before his father and I knew why. He was afraid of his reaction same as I am about my parents. "Why do we need the camper, exactly. Are we running away?" I chuckled trying to lighten the mood of this pregnancy. He shakes his head leaning his elbows on the wooden chair. "No we're not runnin' away, but that might not be a bad idea-" I cut him off slapping my hands on my knees. "Georgie, I'm joking-" He bends his head down talking again. "I was just thinkin' that we take a weekend in the woods and forget for one second the fact we're gonna have a baby."
It was settled and thankfully agreed to by our parents so we packed up the camper heading out. After a few hours drive I jumped down the stairs hitting the ground with the wind blowing through my loose hair. Georgie went and got firewood and comes back as I had finished setting up the tent. "How'd you get that done so fast?" He asked searching for a lighter in his jacket eyeing my direction. "My dad hunts and we went camping when I was little so I learned how to set this up." Georgie finished the fire pulling up two lawn chairs in front of the fire sitting down. I plopped down inside the chair opening the cooler grabbing a Coke, tossing him one as well.
Tilting my head up to the sky I sigh in relief laying back in my chair. Cracking open the pop taking a drink feeling someone staring at me. Turning my head to Georgie he rests his chin in the palm of his hand just staring fondly at me. "You know I don't think I'd want to be havin' a baby with anyone else except you." Resting my other hand over my heart I felt touched, getting to my feet offering him an opened hand. "Awe Georgie...dance with me." His gaze flickered from my eyes to my hands slowly replying. I pulled him to his feet intertwining our hands. My freehand on his shoulder and his on my waist pulling me closer. "We don't have any music though..." Reaching into my pocket I grab my phone clicking on a random song tossing it into my lawn chair. The music starts playing as we spun the other around in front of the light of the burning fire.
He spins me out throwing my hair around as I smiled up at the stars. Twirling back into his chest grinning seeing a grin on Georgie's face. Wrapping my arms around his neck I leaned up kissing him softly through a whisper. "I love you, Georgie Cooper. And I have faith this baby will too." He rests a hand to my cheek closing the gap and kissing me. Laying my head on his chest we just sway to the music in the background hearing him whispering back. "I love you too, Y/n L/n." That moment everything seemed to slow down. We weren't these two seventeen year old high school students about to be parents. About to be called mom and dad. We were just two kids in young love trying to escape their reality.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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tyonfs · 4 years
cat & mouse
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❝ rule number one of bro code states that sisters are completely off-limits, and, y/n, we just pushed that limit. ❞
PAIRING ▸ na jaemin x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, crack, fluff, college au, friends with benefits au
WARNINGS ▸ lots of !! sexual tension !! and jaemin acting like a dick, protective big brother!jaehyun, lots of sneaking around, jaemin calls you princess a lot, teasing, fingering, alcohol consumption, hooking up, thigh riding, smut, oral sex, aftercare
SUMMARY ▸ tired of meaningless hookups and dull parties, na jaemin had always been hesitant to indulge himself. that is, of course, until he met you. however, upon realizing you’re none other than jeong jaehyun’s little sister, jaemin has to keep his relationship with you under wraps to make sure his team captain doesn’t find out. 
PLAYLIST ▸ move! by niki • playinwitme by kyle (feat. kehlani)
WORD COUNT ▸ 17713 words
TAG LIST ▸ @chubsluda​ @celestialchans​ @treasurestay​ @luvlyjaemin​ @lanadreamie​ @kylomeyon​ @taehinsano​ @jenotation​ @ovelha-colorida-v​ @hrjflrt​ @to-blessed-2-be-stressed​ @honeyju​ @chanluster​ @sweetjaemss​ @najaemsenthusiastttt​ @neovrse​ @jjikyuu​ @treasurestay​ @ahgastayzen​ @wcnderlandss​ @jaehy9ngs​ @jaemxins​ @syhznanny​ @lilminyoongles​ @bbnana​
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ thank you so much for all of your love and support !! it’s beyond me & i hope you guys enjoy this ! part of the dunk shot! series but it can be read separately ♡
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In the same vein, he hated basketball to an extent. It wasn’t the sport itself that he despised, it was the commitments that followed it. As a vital player on the team, he was obligated to attend every afterparty despite how much he loathed parties. Yet, what he couldn’t stand was being nagged by his teammates, so Jaemin went to the parties. He went to the parties and drank until he was numb and the party was tolerable.
He didn’t even like drinking that much, but he didn’t have much of a choice when most of the members of the basketball team were his seniors. Jaemin was pretty sure his brain cells depleted one-by-one every time he took a shot, but sometimes he got away with faking his alcohol intake when the others were too drunk to keep track. His best friend, Lee Jeno, on the other hand, lived for parties like this. Jaemin used that to his advantage; Jeno was the perfect target to hand off his unwanted shots to.
“Jaemin!” Jeong Jaehyun, the captain of the basketball team, made his presence known easily. After all, the parties were always hosted at his house. “Let’s do a love shot.”
If it were anyone else, Jaemin would’ve turned them down with some sarcastic, witty comeback. However, Jaehyun was different. Jaemin admired him since they were high schoolers on the basketball team. Jaehyun was two years older but his skills were on another level. Jaemin had always worked to see if he could surpass him but to no avail.
“Sure.” Jaemin got off of the couch, where he was aimlessly scrolling through his social media and observing the party. He followed Jaehyun to the kitchen counter. “You got tequila?”
It was a stupid question. Jaehyun was loaded; his supply of alcohol seemed endless.
“Of course,” Jaehyun replied. He took a red solo cup and measured a shot of tequila. “By the way, why don’t you talk to any of the girls here? You seem tense. You should get laid.”
It wasn’t like Jaemin intentionally avoided the girls. He just had no interest in people who wanted to blindly hook-up and forget about it the next morning. He didn’t completely ignore them either. Jaemin distinctly remembered a pretty blonde passing him her vape pen, which he politely refused. While he didn’t mind destroying his liver, he wanted to keep his lungs intact.
“There’s no one here I want to fuck,” was Jaemin’s impassive response. “Especially not when they’re drunk off their ass.”
“Is that so? How much did you drink tonight?”
“This is my third or fourth shot, I think.”
Jaehyun snorted and held out the red solo cup to him. “Well, here’s to your intact virginity.”
“I’m not a virgin.” Jaemin took the cup and swished its contents around. “Can’t we toast to something more practical? Like basketball?”
A chuckle escaped Jaehyun’s lips, bemused like a father to his son. He eyed Jaemin as he held the red solo cup to his lips. “Ready?”
Jaehyun didn’t wait for Jaemin, though. He tipped his cup up, downing the contents, and Jaemin followed suit as quickly as he could. The tequila was a smooth burn down his throat, but it made Jaemin feel slow and hazy. The fire spread across his chest, spreading to his arms, legs, and then his head. He felt fuzzy and was sure he had hit his limit for the night.
Jaemin took an unstable step forward, and Jaehyun put a firm hand on his shoulder, asking, “You good?” to which Jaemin answered with a dazed nod. With a grin, Jaehyun patted his back firmly. “See you when we’re both conscious again, man.”
The next thirty minutes were a blur. Jaemin found himself at a beer pong table and, in his drunken state, pretended he was practicing his free throws while he relished the crowd cheering him on. He felt a pair of hands on his shoulders, cheering wildly at the side until he got a headache. Eventually, the house felt too stuffy and he decided to go out to the backyard to let his buzz fade out.
Outside wasn’t any better. The cheers were louder outside and the music was still blasting. The fog in Jaemin’s head thickened and he was sure he felt hands trying to guide him to the pool, but he brushed them off. He narrowed his eyes onto a lawn chair and willed himself to walk straight towards it.
Sit, he ordered himself. Do not get in the pool and make a fool out of yourself.
After pushing past a few of his teammates and the girls hovering around them, Jaemin’s knees buckled under him as soon as he got to the lawn chair. It was damp when he sat down, but he was too drunk and dazed to care. Jaemin looked up at the sky, unfocused, and was only pulled from his thoughts when his phone went off.
annoying jeno: where tf did u go? this girl wants me to introduce her to u
It was time for another shot.
Jaemin felt heavy. He sat up, running a hand through his disheveled hair, and spotted a red solo cup on the side table to his right. He reached for it and inspected the contents, sloshing it around sluggishly until he noticed a pair of eyes boring into him.
You were isolating yourself from the rest of the party, just like him. You weren’t giving him the sex eyes like he had expected; you looked more confused. Unlike Jaemin, you looked much more sober and functional. It was painfully obvious by the way Jaemin couldn’t seem to focus on you without seeing double.
He wasn’t sure if it was because of the alcohol in his system, but Jaemin had no idea who you were, but fuck, he wanted to. He pushed it down, though. Hookups were never fulfilling, and Jaemin wasn’t here to let himself go.
“Why are you staring at me?” Jaemin asked in a low voice, trying to speak coherently without slurring his words. He wasn’t sure if it worked, but you seemed to understand.
To his surprise, you fired a question back at him. “What are you doing?”
Jaemin wasn’t sure how to answer that. He was obviously drunk off his ass, so what was he supposed to explain when it was clear as day?
“Waiting for this stupid party to be over,” Jaemin replied. He dropped his gaze back to the cup he held on his lap. “Why are you still staring? I’m not interested.”
“You’re holding my drink.”
Jaemin stilled. He looked between you and the cup for a moment before muttering a pathetic “oh.” He flushed and held the cup out to you. “Sorry.”
You took the cup gingerly and downed your shot before advising him, “You know, you shouldn’t be taking random cups and drinking from them at parties. You never know what they could be laced with.”
Jaemin’s head lolled to the side, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. He didn’t want to join the party, but he didn’t want to sit back and be scolded. He was debating making a run for the fence in Jaehyun’s backyard. His house was only a few blocks away and he was pretty sure he’d be sober enough to make it. Jeno, however, was the obstacle he was worried about. If he ran off without telling Jeno (who was going to disapprove anyway), he was sure to get an earful the next day.
“Also,” you continued, “don’t go around assuming every girl who looks in your general direction wants to fuck you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Jaemin grumbled, too drained to argue back. “Shouldn’t you be partying with everyone? It’s depressing over here.”
“This isn’t my party to celebrate,” you said, biting down on the rim of your cup delicately. “I’m just here for the drinks.”
Jaemin didn’t know what to say to that, so he decided to introduce himself. “I’m Na Jaemin, by the way.”
“Y/N,” you replied. “Pleasure to meet you, Na Jaemin.”
Jaemin’s eyelashes were obscuring his vision as he tried to squint to make you out. He wasn’t sure if it was the drunken stupor, but you were breathtaking. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing that Jaemin was currently seeing double of you. Jaemin wasn’t sure how he had ever missed you at any of the other parties (if you even showed up to those), but he was glad he snuck away to the backyard now.
Jaemin turned back to look at the scene before him, full of shrieks and shouts from partygoers as they danced off-beat to the blasting music. He almost didn’t notice the ultimate bastard, Yuta Nakamoto, walking over with his eyes set on not Jaemin, but you. Yuta only seemed to see Jaemin when he neared the two and, despite the awkward pause in the air, held his hand up to fistbump him. Jaemin lazily returned it, not really processing until seconds later when Yuta had already passed him.
It wasn’t that Yuta and Jaemin had any bad blood between them. Rather, Jaemin found the older boy quite fun to be around, and on top of that, he was a really supportive and caring teammate. However, when it came to parties, Yuta tended to be a lot more high-energy than Jaemin was.
“Hey, Y/N,” Yuta crooned deviously, standing over you with his hands shoved in his pockets. He crouched down so he was at eye-level with you, holding onto the arm of your chair. “Care to dance with me?”
“Yuta Nakamoto,” you drawled, a smile appearing on your lips. “I’m good over here, but you go have fun.”
Yuta stood up again, a cat-like grin spreading from ear-to-ear across his face as he stepped back toward the pool. “You’re gonna miss out, Y/N. You cool with that?”
The smile never left your lips as you rolled your eyes at him. Yuta turned to dive into the pool, making Jaemin’s nose scrunch as the splash was big enough to get water on his clothes. When Yuta surfaced, he smoothed his hair back and wiped the excess water from his face. He caught your eye again, winking before swimming toward Jungwoo and splashing him, leaving you shaking your head and chuckling.
“You two close?” Jaemin asked in a mumble, not quite sure where he was going with the sudden conversation.
You were shocked momentarily, but smiled when you looked over at Jaemin. “Let’s just say he wants to get in my pants but I find the age gap inappropriate.”
Jaemin snorted. “Really? How old are you?”
Jaemin rose a brow. He was just a year older than you but not so far off from Yuta. He hadn’t seen many college students be so conscious of a legal age difference of a year or two. After all, nearly everyone was an adult anyway.
“That’s not so far off from Yuta,” he told you.
You hid a smile, nearly going unnoticed under the dim light, but Jaemin had just caught it in time. “He’s like, my brother’s age,” you replied. “It’s just weird.”
Jaemin didn’t really get it, but he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to. He was an only child so he didn’t really think his opinion was valid anyway. Yet, he must have been looking at you weird because you bit your lip and shrunk under his gaze. Jaemin swallowed and turned back to look down at his feet, trying to get his head out of the clouds, but the buzz was still too strong.
He couldn’t stop himself from blurting out, “What if it was me?”
He wasn’t looking at you but he could feel your gaze boring into him. Jaemin wanted to melt into a puddle then and there. He was never the type to make a move like that, usually expecting girls to approach him, but now that he did, his skin was crawling with shame. Although, he figured it wouldn’t be too bad if he ended the night in bed with you.
Jaemin worked up the courage to turn his gaze to you. “I’m a year older than you. Would you be down if it was me?”
“Yeah,” you admitted bluntly, causing the tips of Jaemin’s ears to go red. “But I don’t know you, so…”
“Do you want to?” he asked, then clarified, “Get to know me, I mean.”
The two of you were silent for a moment, and it was far more deafening than the booming party around them. Jaemin’s gaze dropped from your face to look back at the college students wading around in the pool. Someone must have messed with the pool because it had started to fill up with bubbles, making the crowd cheer louder. Entranced, Jaemin nearly didn’t notice you when you were standing right over him. He arched a brow at you, scooting back a little out of shock.
“Do you want to get out of here then?”
You were smiling coyly and Jaemin didn’t have the willpower to resist anymore. He stood up, looking around for Jeno, before turning to you and nodding. Everyone was so consumed with the pool foaming up that it would be easy for them to escape from the backyard.
“I’m way too drunk to drive, but we can go for a walk,” Jaemin suggested, leading her out through the backyard fence. He had escaped from there countless times, only for Jeno to drag him back, but this time, Jeno was preoccupied.
Yet, something unsettled him about not informing his best friend, so he decided to shoot him a quick text.
jaemin: i’ll see u back home, i’m with a girl lol
annoying jeno: deadass? have fun
Now, at least Jaemin had one thing off his chest.
“So what’s your deal?” Jaemin asked you as he tried to focus on walking in a straight line. “You have guys like Yuta Nakamoto lining up for you and you’re passing up my boy?”
“If he’s your boy then why are you trying to make a pass at me?” you shot back, grabbing his arm to provide leverage when he stumbled.
“Touché,” Jaemin grumbled. “It’s not like he was scoring, so I might as well shoot my shot.”
“Did you score?”
The corner of Jaemin’s mouth twitched. “That’s for you to decide, isn’t it?”
Mutual attraction was such a strange feeling because the sexual tension was there and so loud. Granted, about 90% of it came from Jaemin, but something about the way you were still holding onto his arm and laughing at his stupid jokes made him feel like something was going to happen tonight.
“We should stargaze,” you offered, pointing at a grassy hill behind a park the both of you were passing by. Jaemin nodded in response, so you dragged him by the arm to the chosen location.
Stargazing meant laying down, and laying down meant not having to focus on walking in a straight line anymore, so it sounded absolutely heavenly to Jaemin right now. Somehow, he felt like such an amateur right now. No girl had ever asked him to lay down and stargaze with him; they always just skipped to the bedroom fun.
You let go of Jaemin to lay down on the grass, positioning yourself like a starfish before patting the space next to you and then moving your hands to rest on your stomach. You looked entranced with the stars above you, but the moment Jaemin laid down next to you, you turned to him, catching him off-guard. Jaemin’s eyes flickered from you to the sky above.
“The stars are beautiful,” he said weakly.
He couldn’t even see the fucking stars.
“Damn, I thought you were gonna call me beautiful for a second,” you teased, nudging his shoulder lightly.
“You wish,” Jaemin said with a light snort, swallowing thickly. “There’s no way I’m calling a girl that over my dead body.”
He was a terrible liar. It was clear when Na Jaemin was feeling lustful. His eyes would turn half-lidded and his voice would drop a few octaves. Right now, all of that was happening along with his fingers twitching at his sides. You were looking back up at the sky when he turned his head to look at you, and god, you were so pretty.
“Girls must come running for you,” you told him, “otherwise I really can’t figure out the ego.”
“That’s the problem when you’re a star basketball player and devilishly handsome.” Jaemin grinned, folding his arms behind his head. “You turn out like me.”
“How mortifying.”
“I know, right?” Jaemin turned onto his side for a brief moment to look at you. “How come I’ve never seen you around before. I’m sure I would’ve remembered…”
“Because I’m beautiful?” you offered.
Jaemin groaned, pink dusting his cheeks. “Why are you so fixed on that?”
You laughed in response while Jaemin just stared at the heartstopping curve of your lips. He felt himself grow hot, anticipation mixed with the weight of the situation. He had never been the type to feel so jittery around a girl, but here he was, a touch anxious because he was afraid of doing something wrong.
“That’s Orion’s Belt there,” you pointed out. “Can you see Betelgeuse?”
You turned to look at Jaemin to see if you had his attention, but did a double-take upon realizing that you, in fact, had his full attention. His eyes were directly on you, not the night sky above. The both of you were so painfully close, and Jaemin couldn’t resist when he reached over to brush a few strands of hair behind your ear.
“I can’t see the stars,” he mumbled, his large hand moving to cup your cheek. When your gazes were locked, he caressed your cheek with his thumb gently and leaned in to kiss you.
Well, he was about to kiss you until he felt your finger pressing against his lips.
“I’m down for whatever,” you told him sweetly, “but I don’t kiss on the first date.”
Jaemin wasn’t sure what to make of that. Sure, he found it a little weird, but he could see the reasoning behind it. You were probably one of those people who saved your kisses for something special—whatever that meant. Honestly, Jaemin didn’t really care about the significance, but he did know it would be amplified if he found “the one.”
“So this is a date now?” he asked, amused.
Jaemin huffed lightly and leaned back, letting his hand retract back to his side. “Down for whatever? Even sex?”
You raised a very attractive eyebrow at him, making Jaemin short-circuit for a split second. “If you play your cards right,” you said airily, your voice all light and fluffy.
“Down for whatever but the offer isn’t extended to anyone over the age of twenty-one.”
You punched his shoulder hard this time. “Bite me.”
“Don’t mind if I do.”
Whatever made Jaemin’s confidence swell was taking over fast. In seconds, Jaemin propped himself up with his elbow, using his free hand to brush your hair to the side and tilting your neck so he could have easier access to it.
To test the waters, Jaemin nipped at your supple skin, earning a hitch in your slowed breathing that encouraged him to do more. Jaemin left open-mouthed kisses down your neck, sucking harshly with each one. He licked his lips when he pulled away to look at your neck. You were tough to bruise but he loved a challenge. He maneuvered his body over you so he could indulge himself further, holding himself up with his forearms.
Jaemin dipped under your chin again, ravishing the side of your neck that he targeted. He littered the column of your neck with dark hickeys, smirking against your skin upon the sight. You were a squirming mess under him, tugging at his hair and bucking your hips up against his. Jaemin grunted softly, his hands pushing your hips down so you could no longer tempt him.
You wrapped your hands around him, one hand sliding up the nape of his neck to curl your fingers in his hair. Hands weren’t normally something that made Jaemin weak, but yours were driving him crazy with one in his hair and the other bunching up the fabric of his shirt.
He cupped the apex of your jeans, smug as you whined at his touch, yearning for more. Jaemin’s free hand grazed your waist before he lowered it to your hip. He pulled away from your neck to meet your gaze, biting his lip at your lustful expression.
“Can I?” he asked, pressing down slightly against your apex.
You nodded, about to say something but got cut off when Jaemin moved his hand down and palmed your clothed clit. Jaemin smirked once he heard the soft sigh falling from your lips. His breathing got heavier, mixing with yours as he started fumbling to unbutton your jeans.
You looked up at him through half-lidded eyes. “Jaemin…”
Jaemin swallowed hard and tugged your jeans down your hips a little. He felt like he was losing control with every touch. He just wanted to hold you in his arms and spend the rest of the night with you, and it was impossible to shake off that feeling when you were looking at him like that.
He playfully snapped the waistband of your panties, letting out a chuckle when your face twisted up and you pushed at his chest. Then, you drew him closer again and guided his hand down your pants. Jaemin took a shaky breath when he felt how wet you were. It filled him with pride, of course, but he had suddenly felt so nervous. He had hooked up with girls before, but this felt weird to him. Different, to an extent. They were just going through the motions, but he was struck with some strange feeling that he didn’t want to mess up or do something wrong. It was like his first time all over again when he had no idea what he was doing.
His silent cry for help was answered with rain.
“Jesus, it’s raining now?” Jaemin asked with a disapproving huff, pulling his hand out of your pants. He wondered if the people in Jaehyun’s backyard were going to move back inside or keep partying through rain and storm.
“It is?” You frowned and reached a hand over him to catch some raindrops. “You make a nice umbrella, Na Jaemin.”
“How kind of you,” Jaemin replied, a bit distracted by the rain pelting his back. “Should we make a run back to Jaehyun’s or do you want to, like…”
“Do I want to do it outside in the rain?” you asked, quirking a brow at him. “Absolutely not.”
“Worth a shot.”
Jaemin hauled himself up to his feet, holding a hand out for you so you could stand. You started patting down your clothes and fixing your fly. Jaemin did the same, making sure he looked presentable but he kept quiet about the dark hickey on the side of your neck. He squinted up at the drizzle of rain from the sky.
Cockblock, Jaemin thought bitterly.
Yet another distraction came in the form of a text message. Specifically, a text message from Lee Jeno.
annoying jeno: i’m going back to the apartment and ik ur with a girl but i left the keys at home so pls open the door
“Son of a bitch,” Jaemin grumbled to himself. He shoved his phone back in his pocket and looked at you when he noticed your questioning stare. Jaemin ran his hands down your arms, then held your waist gently. “I have to go.”
“Go?” you asked him, startled.
“Yeah,” Jaemin replied with a sigh, not wanting to divulge how idiotic his roommate was. “Can I get your number?”
This perked you right up, thankfully. Jaemin was satisfied as he watched you enter your phone number in his phone. This almost made him feel better about having to leave you alone to walk back to Jaehyun’s house in the rain.
Scratch that. He still felt like a piece of shit.
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Jaemin slept off the party rather well.
He was in a bit of a mood, however, seeming tired and cranky in the morning. He had nearly thrown his phone at Jeno’s face when his best friend tried to shake him awake in the morning. It was a miracle that he showed up on time for his lecture. Around the afternoon, he received a text from you and was far more awake and alert after that. By the time he got to basketball, though, he was in a much better mood.
That is, until Jaehyun called for a team meeting.
The basketball team members were all sitting on the bleachers, waiting for a pissed-off Jaehyun to speak. Jeno picked at his nails next to Jaemin while YangYang in front of them was fiddling with the basketball. Jaehyun was only ever serious during games, but now his anger showed in a subtle and scary way that even Taeyong was a bit shaken by the change in his mood.
“Now, I’m going to say this once and you all better listen up carefully,” Jaehyun said in a low, dangerous voice. “If anyone—and I mean anyone—lays a hand on my little sister, then I will make sure you look uglier than you already are.”
Taeyong whistled lowly, impressed.
“Yuta,” Jaehyun continued, eyes narrowing at the older boy, “this message was inspired by you.”
“Received, reflecting, and apologizing,” Yuta said, holding his hands up in surrender. “I’ll back off, Captain.”
“Good,” Jaehyun replied curtly as Yuta and Taeyong started to banter playfully over the topic.
Jaemin was unsettled. Jaehyun was upset over someone going after his younger sister? Now, Yuta was a flirt, but he recalled him pining for you last night and there was no way you were Jaehyun’s sister, right?
“Hey, Jeno.” Jaemin nudged the boy with his elbow. “Who exactly is Jaehyun’s sister?”
“Isn’t it Jeong Y/N?” he answered.
Goodbye world, was Jaemin’s first thought.
Yuta was flirting with you last night, but Jaemin straight-up nearly fingered you and—oh god, the hickey. Jaemin was at the end of his line right now, and if you said anything to Jaehyun, he was sure he was going to get his ass beat. He was starting to regret giving up his non-hookup life because of you; the only person Jaemin was flirting with now was Death.
“You good?” Jeno’s brows were knitted in concern.
“Jeno.” Jaemin swallowed down the dry lump in his throat. “Remember how I told you I was with a girl last night?”
“Yeah?” Jeno asked, searching Jaemin’s eyes for an answer. He found it rather quickly, eyes widening and voice dropping to a whisper. “Oh my god.” His gaze flickered from Jaemin to Jaehyun several times. “What are you going to do?”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Jaemin whispered back. “We were both drunk. I’ll just ghost her subtly and she’ll forget about me. Easy.”
Jeno raised a brow at his plan. “Is hooking up with Jaehyun’s little sister worse than breaking her heart?”
“Oh please, it was one night. Give it a day or two. She won’t give a fuck.” Even though I kind of do, he added in his head.
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The next time Jaemin saw you was after practice ended a few days later.
It had to be impossible that you could look any better than you did the last time he saw you, but here you were. It was unfair, really. Jaemin was a college student that was amped up with testosterone and hormones, and now he had no place to channel it. He was a second away from dragging you into an empty room and letting himself go with you, but then he remembered your older brother, and the horny thoughts dissolved into fear and shame.
“Ah, Jaemin,” you greeted with a cheerful smile.
Fuck, why did you have to be so cute?
Jaemin opened his mouth to reply, but quickly closed it and looked away from you. He leaned against the side of the bleachers and sighed while you were puzzled by his behavior. Although he wanted to ignore you, you were right there and the two of you were alone. Jaemin knew that the other guys wouldn’t be out of the locker rooms for another five minutes.
His gaze dropped to your hickey. It was so clear that you didn’t bother trying to cover it up, and the sight made Jaemin feel proud in some twisted way. Instinctively, he reached over and brushed his thumb over the sensitive bruise, smirking when you shivered.
“It looks good on you,” Jaemin complimented.
“Thanks.” You scoffed, then a mischievous glint shone in your eyes. “Maybe you should give me some more then.”
Jaemin stiffened, in a lot more ways than he should’ve. He gritted his teeth, willing the blood not to rush down all at once. He could not get horny at school when Jaehyun could walk out any second. And the older boy did. Jaemin backed away from you instantly, acting as if you were just some stranger passing by.
“I’ll pass,” he muttered under his breath and was sure you heard when he saw your face drop.
Great. Now he felt like an asshole.
“I gotta go,” he mumbled quickly before you could say anything else, moving past you to walk over to Jeno, high-fiving Jaehyun as he did. Jaemin didn’t have time to register your expression, but nevertheless, he felt like shit.
Jeno looked suspicious as Jaemin approached him. “Did you…”
“End it?” Jaemin finished for him. “I think so.”
“Can you just stop being a dick and talk to her?”
Ticked off, Jaemin took a deep breath. “If I talk to her, then one thing will lead to another, and Jaehyun—”
“Jaemin,” Jeno interrupted. “This isn’t about Jaehyun. This is about you and Y/N.”
Jaemin screamed out something incomprehensible and put his hands over his ears. “I can’t hear you, Lee Jeno. Can’t hear you over me getting ready to go to a party and get wasted tonight.”
“Na Jaemin, you’re my best friend but you’re an idiot.”
“I know that.” Jaemin made a face. “But it’s time for me to go and forget that.”
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Jaemin never failed to forget how much he hated parties. He was starting to regret showing up in the first place. One of his teammates, Jungwoo, had let him into his frat party. Normally, guys were selectively chosen because the frat boys wanted more girls, but Jaemin was wasting his opportunity of getting in by doing absolutely nothing.
This was why he didn’t like drinking. He wasn’t even fun when he was drunk; Jeno was a social butterfly, Yuta was a flirt, but Jaemin would just wonder if plants existed and think about you.
“You look pissed off,” Jungwoo observed, holding out a red dixie cup to him. “Are you sure you want to party?”
“Yes,” Jaemin grumbled, taking the cup from him and downing it in seconds. “I need to let go.”
Jaemin patted Jungwoo’s back firmly and moved to the kitchen to pour himself another shot. He didn’t know what he was thinking. He let himself get all worked up over some girl he barely even hooked up with. All he did was kiss your neck and here Jaemin was, looking like some cheap, heartbroken loser.
Oh, Jaemin thought out of the blue. I never told her she was pretty.
Jaemin took another shot, closing his eyes firmly as he thought of laying next to you again under the stars. Your lips looked so soft and kissable, your eyes so curious and alluring. He tried to push it away and focus on the party and getting drunk, but you kept appearing in his head like a mirage.
Let go, Jaemin, he told himself. Indulge yourself.
Jaemin leaned against the counter, bored. He sloshed the contents of his cup around, taking another shot when he felt the buzz start to wear out. A pretty brunette walked past him, flashing a coy smile.
He supposed she was one of the cheerleaders, or maybe she was a sorority girl. Either way, she was attractive and Jaemin could use the physical contact tonight. Part of him felt like it was the wrong thing to do, but all he could think about was how annoying it was to overthink every little thing he did.
Jaemin made his way over to her, tapping people’s shoulders and maneuvering his way through the cramped frat house. Everyone was clustered like schools of fish. Jaemin hated this kind of environment, but nevertheless, he put on a mask and did his best to fit in.
“Hey,” he greeted the girl once he found her. “I’m Na Jaemin.”
She smiled in that pretty way again. “I know you. You’re on the basketball team.” She looked embarrassed for a moment, flushing as she tucked loose strands of hair behind her ear. “I bet you don’t know me, though.”
“I don’t,” Jaemin admitted, “but you have a gorgeous smile.”
She beamed at this. “Hey, could you hold my cup for a second?” she asked, holding out her red dixie cup to him.
You want me to hold your cup when you can barely hold a conversation? Jaemin thought distastefully but took the cup anyway.
He leaned against the kitchen counter and waited for her patiently, and when she came back, Jaemin could tell she had left to touch-up her makeup. He could also detect the faintest spritz of perfume, but he wasn’t exactly sure, so he leaned closer to make sure.
Jaemin wasn’t sure how they ended up making out in one of the empty bedrooms upstairs, but by the time she was taking off her bra, he wanted to leave. He did his best not to look as bored as he felt throughout the heavy petting and removal of clothing, but his biggest fuck-up was worse than he had expected.
Even Jaemin himself felt mortified by what had just escaped his lips. By the disgusted look in the girl’s eyes, he was fairly confident this was going to spread around the school. As Jaemin was trying to conjure up some excuse for his actions, the girl stood up and started gathering her clothes.
“I’m not Y/N,” she muttered and left him alone in the room.
“Well, shit,” Jaemin grumbled, running a hand through his tousled hair after she left. “Should’ve told me your name then.”
Jaemin laid back on the bed, putting his hands over his face. He was royally screwed at this point and wondered if he had a shot at redemption. The fact that you were still on his mind was messing with him. Even now, after totally embarrassing himself, he was still stuck on you. To avoid further embarrassment, he pulled out his phone to deflect whatever impulsive action was creeping up his limbs.
jaemin: ok jeno im texting u instead of drunk texting y/n and confessing how badly i wanna kiss her
y/n: hi this is y/n
Jaemin wondered what sin he committed in his past life to get this unlucky.
jaemin: shit
jaemin: don’t talk to me i’m drunk at a party
y/n: jaemin you texted me first
jaemin: ugh i wanna see u so bad
jaemin: wanna make it up to u
y/n: oh my
y/n: you’re a little too drunk for that
y/n: but send me the address. i’ll come over and take you home
Jaemin was 98.75% sure that this was, by far, the stupidest thing he could do. Nevertheless, he shared his address with you and waited for you to come to get him. He hung out with Jungwoo in the meantime, slinging an arm around the older boy’s shoulder and confessing his embarrassing hookup while Jungwoo was high as a kite.
When you texted Jaemin that you were outside the frat house, he opened the door almost instantly. Jaemin couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across his face when you were standing right in front of him. You opened your mouth to say something, but Jaemin cut you off.
“I might have… might have called out your name during a hookup,” he confessed, slurring his words while he tried to speak coherently.
You looked like you were deciding whether to think it was funny or be suspicious over the fact that he tried to hook up with someone and then texted you afterward. Eventually, you ended up laughing at his story, tutting at his actions. Jaemin walked by your side, hands shoved deep in his pockets. He closed his eyes in an attempt to come back to his senses, only to be dragged back onto the sidewalk by you because he was apparently straying into the road.
“How much did you drink?” was your first question and one that Jaemin wasn’t sure he had an answer for.
“Six? Seven shots?” Jaemin counted but lost track after he held up five fingers. “I haven’t gotten this hammered in a while.”
“You’ve been flighty,” you told him. “I thought I wasn’t going to hear from you again.”
Jaemin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “That was the plan.”
End it now, Jaemin, the devious half of his mind instructed. Break it off before it’s too late.
“I don’t exactly do hookups anymore, Y/N,” he said, which wasn’t exactly a lie, but you happened to break that streak for him. But then came the lie. “I’m not looking for anything serious now either, and I’m sure you aren’t.”
They walked in silence onto the campus grounds, turning into the street where the student apartments were. You looked down at your feet, a little more disappointed than Jaemin had expected. More than that, it looked as though you were embarrassed.
Cue Na Jaemin feeling like a douchebag, which he was.
“Aren’t you the one who asked if I wanted to get to know you?” you asked him, brow arched.
Jaemin panicked, his words trapped in his throat for a second. Well, you got him there. He didn’t have a good excuse that made him sound less of a dick. Although, he was already probably about to be blacklisted from your life pretty soon, so it didn’t really matter.
“I was drunk,” Jaemin said as his brain was trying to throw random words at him. “I didn’t know what I was thinking.”
They made it to Jaemin’s apartment, which was thankfully on the first floor because he didn’t think he could stand an awkward elevator ride with you. You didn’t look at Jaemin once, but it didn’t seem as though you were angry. Rather, you looked confused, but Jaemin swallowed down his guilt and took a step back once they were at his door.
“Besides,” he continued shamelessly to deliver the final blow, “you always have Yuta.”
You rolled your eyes at him and stormed off at once after those words. Jaemin was left alone, still looking down at his feet. He let out a long, dragged-out sigh, hitting his head back against the solid wood of his door.
“Idiot,” he scolded himself.
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It took Jaemin a whole week and a half to get over you.
Even then, he didn’t really get over what happened. He just stopped blaming himself for it in front of Jeno and internalized everything else. Talking to Jeno didn’t really help, anyway, because Jaemin would just be hit with the “I told you so” and then be silently judged by his best friend.
Jeno had gone home for the long weekend, though, so Jaemin could finally mope about his apartment without Jeno smacking him upside the head and calling him a loser. Although Jaemin agreed with that, he was tired of remembering how shitty of a person and it was a constant reminder of how he treated you.
Although, he didn’t expect that reminder to physically manifest when he saw you in the hallway of his apartment on Friday night.
“Y/N?” he blurted out impulsively.
Jaemin had just decided to get something from the vending machine, not expecting to see you when he was standing in front of his doorway in his grey sweatpants and lack of shirt. His hair was bedraggled from staying in bed all day after his morning lecture ended. In short, he wasn’t exactly presentable and this wasn’t the look he wanted you to see.
“Jaemin,” you said softly, looking a bit startled. “I was just leaving my friend’s place.”
“It’s fine, Jaemin.” You managed a small smile for him. “There’s no hard feelings, okay? Water under the bridge.”
“Yeah,” you said, biting your lip afterward. “I just hope you’re not one of those guys who ghosts the girl if they don’t get sex out of it.”
Jaemin could feel the ice in your tone but brushed it off. “Honestly, I don’t care about sex that much.”
“Then what do you care about?”
Jaemin fixed his gaze on you, narrowing his eyes. He should have been grateful that you didn’t take it too personally and had forgiven him, but something was off. He didn’t doubt your reasons for being here, but an undercurrent of desire was definitely still there.
His morals were bouncing around his skull, warring with each other. Jaehyun was yelling at him to stop, but you were also there, and so fucking pretty. You wanted him, and he wanted you—it was almost perfect if it weren’t for your overprotective older brother who Jaemin respected too much. Then again, Jaemin had been shouldering too much guilt over the past week. He was sure he could handle some more.
What Jaehyun didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, right?
The hallway was empty, doused with lingering sleep. The world was dark outside but under the dim, flickering hallway light was you. And Jaemin was at his limit; he couldn’t get enough of you.
“Jaemin?” you asked, and something inside him snapped.
He grabbed your hands first before pushing you up against the wall and sealing his lips over yours. Your face morphed into a shocked expression, only making Jaemin amused as he pinned your hands up and over your head. Your lips were so warm and soft, molding against Jaemin’s lips perfectly. He felt your hands wrap around his neck to draw him closer, inciting a soft groan from the back of his throat. It was kind of pathetic that he was already hard, and he was sure you were aware of it by how he was pressed up against your lower body.
Jaemin picked you up effortlessly, scooping you into his arms by your thighs. You let out a little shriek and grabbed onto his shoulders, wrapping your legs around his torso at his encouragement. Jaemin took you into his room, kicking the door closed with his foot before heading to his room and dropping you on his bed.
He had never actually let a girl into his room, so this was a first. Somehow, seeing you on his own bed was so arousing, and he had half a mind to just take you then and there. Jaemin made you sit at the edge of the bed while he stood between your legs, hands on your thighs. You looked confused for a moment, but let Jaemin run his hands up and down your thighs.
You and Jaemin should not be in bed together. Under no circumstances should the two of you even be acquainted in the slightest. The fact that you two met was all one big, cosmic coincidence, but sometimes the stars loved fucking around with human affairs.
“I told you I had to make it up to you,” Jaemin said in a low voice, running his thumb across your bottom lip. “You don’t have to forgive me but I can’t keep being a coward.”
“A coward? More like a douchebag,” you told him, holding his wrist so you could bite the tip of his finger as you looked up at him through your lashes. “But glad you came to your senses.”
“So you forgive me then?”
You smiled, all innocent and pure, unlike your words. “Not unless you make it up to me.”
Jaemin dropped his gaze down to your shorts, eyeing them for a moment before he started tugging them down. You raised your hips to help him take your shorts off, followed by your panties. Jaemin nearly sighed at the sight of you; you were so gorgeous and so ready for him. He wanted to completely blow your mind.
Then, the nerves got to Jaemin again.
“Y/N,” he started, “we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. We can just cuddle or something.”
“Na Jaemin, if you don’t make me cum, I will scream,” you warned.
“Yeah?” Jaemin chuckled at your reaction. “I think you’re going to scream either way, though.”
“Shut up.”
Jaemin laughed, brushing your hair out of your face. He caressed your cheek, rubbing slow circles with his thumb before he dragged it down to your jawline. A small pout appeared on your lips and he ran his thumb over your bottom lip again as if he could wipe your pout away.
“Tell me if you want to stop,” Jaemin said.
Before you could open your mouth to say something, Jaemin plunged his finger in you, thumb quickly finding purchase on your clit and rubbing in slow, languid circles. He wasn’t very satisfied by your shell-shocked silence, so he added a second finger to get you moaning and squirming at his actions.
You gasped when Jaemin curled his fingers, and he relished the dazed expression on your face. He watched your eyelashes flutter and eyelids droop as he scissored his fingers in you, earning him blissful moans from your pretty lips. One of your hands was gripping the sheets at your side while the other was gripping Jaemin’s shoulder tightly. He knew he was doing a good job by the way your walls clenched around his fingers, and it made him swell with pride.
“You’re such an asshole,” you whimpered out, moaning again as he curled his fingers in you.
“Then why do you still want me?” Jaemin hissed. “You should have just hated me. I would have been fine if you weren’t so fucking perfect.”
You cried out as he plunged another finger in you. “Shit, you’re just—oh god.” Jaemin could tell you were at your peak, so he pulled his fingers out of you immediately, smirking at how distressed you looked.
Jaemin popped his fingers in his mouth, sucking off your juices. “You taste so good, princess.”
You scowled at him. “F-finish me off, at least,” you pleaded.
Jaemin gripped your thighs. “Oh, trust me, I will.”
Jaemin lowered himself and met your eyes before he leaned forward and sealed his lips over your clit, sucking harshly on the ball of nerves. You were so sweet and so wet, but what made Jaemin go crazy was the way the both of you locked eyes while he was between your legs. He let out a groan that vibrated against you.
He licked a strip along your slit, pleased with his reward of pants and moans from you. Your thighs squirmed around him so he gripped them harder and moved his hands up to your hips so he could eat you out with more vigor.
Jaemin snaked his tongue along your folds and you were gone. Already edged from being fingered, you were at your peak already. Back arching off the bed and hips squirming, Jaemin tongued your clit as he coaxed you into your orgasm. By the sound of your moans and cries, he felt like he was going to cum in his pants any second if you didn’t stop. You released over his tongue so easily, and Jaemin lapped it up as you made an effort to catch your breath.
At first, Jaemin was over the moon. He hooked up with you and wanted more. You were so enticing and Jaemin couldn’t get enough of you. Then came the crushing guilt. It registered a bit late, but it was all the more painful. He had just eaten out his friend’s little sister and couldn’t help the fact that he wanted her so badly.
“Not bad, Jaemin,” you breathed out, fixing your hair as your thighs still stiffened and twitched every now and then. “Is this the part where you push me away and ghost me for another week?”
Jaemin ran a hand through his hair, battling frustration and shame. “Look,” he started, “the reason I pushed you away was because you didn’t tell me your brother is Jeong Jaehyun!”
“Oh.” You blinked at him. “Yeah, he’s my brother. Is that a problem?” Jaemin let out a heavy sigh and you raised a brow at him. “You got a crush on him or something?”
Jaemin’s expression soured. “No! He’s my friend and teammate, Y/N. There’s an unspoken bro code between us men.”
You rolled your eyes. “Here we go.”
“Rule number one of bro code states that sisters are completely off-limits,” Jaemin said. “And, Y/N, we just pushed that limit.”
“You know, in girl code, we ask the friend for permission,” you offered.
“Jaehyun rounded us up at practice and told us that if anyone lays a hand on his little sister, he’s going to kill them,” Jaemin said. “I’m too young to die.”
You stood up to push Jaemin down by his shoulders, sitting him on the edge of the bed. Jaemin’s breath got caught in his throat when you sat on his lap, right where his bulge was painfully tented beneath his sweatpants. You traced his v-cut abs, making Jaemin shiver in response. He held your hips and swallowed thickly. He was pretty sure he knew where this was going. If you were about to ride him, he was sure he could die a happy man.
“Jaemin, my brother doesn’t control my life, so he’s not killing you over anything, okay?” you reassured him, then leaned in closer, nibbling on his earlobe. Jaemin shivered at the contact, tightening his grip on you. “But, if you’re so worried about it, then we could sneak around.”
A guttural groan escaped Jaemin when you rolled your hips against his. Were you teasing him? Because it was hard for him to think and this distraction wasn’t helping. Either way, all he could think about was making you cum again and seeing that delicate look on your face as you crumbled in front of him.
“Sneak—sneak around?” Jaemin stammered, mouth going dry when you started taking off your shirt, and fuck, you weren’t wearing a bra. “Huh?”
“Jaemin,” you said slowly, smirking as you traced a finger along his jawline. “If you don’t want Jaehyun to catch us, we can just meet up secretly.”
If this was a game of cat and mouse, there was a clear power difference right now; Jaemin felt more like the mouse while you were the cat.
Jaemin’s eyes darkened a bit. “Fuck yeah,” he mumbled, hand grazing your bare skin. His eyes devoured the way you looked, and you wanted to squirm at the hungry look on his face. It was kind of embarrassing how badly Jaemin wanted to skip this whole conversation and fuck you into oblivion.
“Jaemin,” you called again, noting how his eyes flitted from your lips to your eyes.
He gave up. “I’ll be honest. I have no idea what we’re talking about but if we’re keeping this going between us, I’m all for it.”
“Good answer,” you hummed and pressed your lips to his.
You were a damn good kisser, Jaemin observed. He didn’t notice it before, but you had on some sort of fruity chapstick on that was making his head go fuzzy. The taste was addicting, and thank god you bit down on his lower lip because he wasn’t sure if he could handle another second without his tongue in your mouth.
He pulled away for a moment so he could push you down onto the bed, getting over you. Jaemin sighed deeply as you skimmed your hands down his bare chest, fingers tugging at the waistband of his sweatpants.
“You know, I lied that night,” you told Jaemin, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I’m not usually down for whatever, but I wanted to try my chance with you.”
Jaemin tutted at you, circling a finger around your nipple. “You shouldn’t have lied, Y/N,” he said, making you whimper when he pinched your hard nipple. “Could’ve stroked my ego a little more.”
“Sorry, but I’m not here to stroke your ego, Jaemin,” you simpered, choking over your words when Jaemin pressed open-mouthed kisses to your chest, eventually snaking his hot tongue across your nipple.
“You already are,” Jaemin murmured against your skin, littering hickeys as he kissed your chest. “Your reactions are so cute.”
Jaemin sucked on his fingers for a brief moment to provide some extra lubrication, not that you really needed it. He used his pointer and middle finger to rub against your slit, your whines growing needier as you became more and more aroused. After one more needy mewl from your lips, Jaemin had enough. He tugged his sweatpants and boxers down in one go, his hard cock slapping against his stomach once it was free.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned brokenly, eyeing the length of his cock.
“Such a good girl,” he crooned down at you, teasing his cock against your slit until you were a gasping, moaning mess under him. Then, Jaemin pulled away, clicking his tongue and grinning while you narrowed your eyes at him. “Condom,” he remembered.
Jaemin got off the bed to retrieve the silver packet from his nightstand, tearing it open with his teeth in one go. He caught you staring at how incredibly hung he was, smirking proudly as he slid the condom onto his shaft. He pumped it once for good measure and moved back onto the bed with you.
He stayed on his knees, angling your hips up so that they were positioned with his cock. You looked confused by the awkward position, but Jaemin melted away your worries with a powerful thrust into you. He groaned at how tight you were with your warm, wet walls clenching around him rhythmically.
Jaemin could tell he was hitting all the right spots by the broken moans that were escaping you when he pounded in you. His own growls were low and grating, relishing the way you felt around him. You were clutching his sheets so tight and bucking your hips so often that Jaemin had to use a hand to push your lower abdomen down, smirking as he felt his cock move in and out of you.
“You’re so big,” you gasped out, looking visibly frustrated at how you couldn’t hold onto him.
“Princess, I regret not doing this earlier,” Jaemin admitted with another rough thrust into you, making you sob out some distorted version of his name. “You feel so fucking good.”
“I’m close,” you choked out, and Jaemin kindly aided you by rubbing your clit as he brutally fucked you into the mattress.
You tucked your head into your shoulder, biting back your cries, so Jaemin grabbed your hair in a fistful and tilted it back so he could see your face. A shudder ran down his spine. Your expression was so perfect, so fucked in and glazed over.
“Shit,” he growled, voice raspy from arousal as you came undone in front of him.
His nimble fingers continued to work on your clit as you fell apart, moans ringing in his ears like a song. He followed you into your bliss, unable to hold back. He leaned over you and continued fucking you through your orgasm, holding you and groaning as he, too, released.
Jaemin stopped when he was done and spent. His arms buckled as they struggled to keep himself over you, and he could only pull out and collapse by your side. He muttered out a few curses, struggling to find the right words to say as he stared up at the ceiling. That felt good? No, too dry. I’m the only one who gets to fuck you like that? No, too possessive.
He settled with “you’re amazing” as his chest rose and fell in tune with yours.
“Likewise,” you breathed out and looked over at him. “I have to go home soon.”
Jaemin didn’t know what came over him, but he rolled over and wrapped his arms around you tightly. Normally, he wasn’t one for cuddling or aftercare, but he didn’t want you to go so soon. You relaxed under his touch as Jaemin drew you closer to his body, pulling the sheets over you both.
“Don’t go,” Jaemin whispered, tucking some hair behind your ear.
You turned to look at him, running your finger along his cheek tenderly. “Jaehyun’s gonna ask.”
Jaemin threw the sheets off of you and stood up quickly. “Have a safe trip back.”
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It was the very next day when Jaemin hooked up with you again.
You had sent him a rather suggestive text, stating that you found it strenuous to walk after the previous night. In some sick and twisted way, Jaemin found this extremely hot and invited you over that night. Needless to say, you found it even more difficult to walk afterward.
The next day was the last day of the long weekend, so you spent nearly the entire day at Jaemin’s place before Jeno came home. Sure, you had sex once or twice then, but Jaemin really liked having you around. Even when you both weren’t exactly doing anything, your mere presence was comforting to him. In past hookups with other girls, he would always just get up and leave after the deed was done. However, with you, he was suddenly a sucker for aftercare.
Jaemin still felt like shit for going behind Jaehyun’s back and he was starting to question his stealth when Jeno came back home and discovered your bra on the couch.
“Oh, that’s where it was,” Jaemin said blankly, taking the bra from Jeno. “By the way, how was visiting your family?”
Jeno was still stuck on the bra, however. “Hold on,” he started, “whose bra is that?”
“You wear bras?”
“What? No.” Jaemin made a face. “The fuck?”
“Na Jaemin, did you sleep with a random girl on our couch?”
“First of all, it wasn’t a random girl. It was Y/N,” Jaemin defended. “And secondly, we did it against the wall, actually. The couch was just a poor observer.”
“I don’t know if I should be impressed or disgusted,” Jeno replied, pondering over his best friend’s words. He glanced back at the wall and inched away from it. “Did you figure out what you’re going to do about Jaehyun?”
Jaemin grinned sheepishly. “I mean, what Jaehyun doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?”
“What happened to the Jaemin who was trying to ghost his sister?”
“He got laid.”
“This is so gonna backfire on you,” Jeno replied, shaking his head. “But I kind of want to watch it happen.”
“Dude,” Jaemin whined, rubbing his chin with his hand. “I broke the bro code so hard, but honestly, the sex is too good.”
“Jaemin, I don’t want to hear about your sexcapades, thanks.”
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The next time Jaemin hooked up with you was almost an absolute disaster.
Keyword: almost.
“Jeno,” Jaemin warbled in a desperate cry, “I’m fucked. I’m absolutely fucked.”
“What’s up?” came the disinterested voice of his best friend who was sprawled out on the couch, flipping listlessly through a textbook.
“I need you to help me out,” Jaemin begged. “Y/N wants me to go over to her place but Jaehyun’s home.”
That was how Jaemin ended up behind your house, trying to hoist himself up onto a tree that was close to your window. Jeno was on the phone, keeping a lookout from his car that was parked on the street. This was, quite honestly, probably one of the stupidest things Jaemin had ever done because not only did he have a fear of heights, but he was risking his life just for his friend not to see him walking in the house.
There was something about hanging onto the branch of a tree for dear life that made a man question his pride.
“All this for some pussy,” Jeno tutted through his AirPods.
“Shut up, Jeno,” Jaemin muttered, a flush of heat rising to his cheeks. Truth be told, he just really wanted to see you, not that he would admit that.
He hauled himself onto one of the thicker branches that led to your window and inched his way along it to reach the windowsill. A frown crossed his lips as he reached out to knock on the glass. You told him you’d keep the window open for him, so why was it closed?
The answer was obvious, but it didn’t sink in until Jaehyun opened the window to see Jaemin dangling from a tree branch.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, was all that was running through his mind. His head felt like it was going a thousand miles per second but the rest of his body was short-circuiting.
“Jaemin, what are you doing outside my window?” Jaehyun asked, looking absolutely perturbed.
“I’m, uh…” Jaemin paused to think while he could hear Jeno laughing at him through his AirPods. “Jeno and I wanted to prank you.”
“Jeno? Prank?” Jaehyun questioned. “Are you not here for a study session with Y/N?”
Jaemin stilled. He wasn’t sure he had any classes with you, but surely you must have made up this excuse to Jaehyun so that Jaemin could be in your house freely. Jeno’s laughing intensified as Jaemin blinked at his team captain.
“Right, well—”
“Jaemin, what are you doing there?” your sweet, innocent voice rang from Jaehyun’s door.
There was a mischievous glint in your eyes despite how concerned you tried to look. Jaemin saw right through you, though, and grimaced.
“Just… hanging out,” Jaemin grunted out as he tried to crawl in through Jaehyun’s window.
Jaehyun reached his hand out to help Jaemin and dragged him through the window with ease, so smooth that Jaemin pretended he didn’t hit his head against the side of the frame of the window as he was pulled inside. The tree branch bounced back to its original position, its leaves rustling wildly once Jaemin’s weight was off of them. Jaehyun helped Jaemin dust himself off and grabbed one of his shoulders firmly, using his free hand to pat his back.
“Jaemin,” Jaehyun said slowly, “use the door next time.”
“Got it,” Jaemin croaked out.
“We can go to my room and study, Jaemin,” you piped up, turning on your heel to head back to your room as soon as you were sure you had his attention.
“Right, um… see you, man,” Jaemin told Jaehyun, awkwardly following after you after Jaehyun returned the goodbye.
Jaemin had been to Jaehyun’s house for parties, but being there in the daytime was unnerving. He ended the call with Jeno, quickly texting him that he was safe before stuffing his phone and AirPods in his pockets. Jaemin turned the corner to see you sitting cross-legged on the floor of your room. A loud sigh escaped his lips before he made his way in, closing the door behind him.
“You’re paying for that,” he warned.
“Oh yeah?” you asked, a laugh falling from your lips just before Jaemin strode over, pushing you down onto the floor and hovering over you. You parted your lips to speak but whatever you were going to say died on your tongue as Jaemin swooped in and kissed you.
This is a terrible place to be doing this, the rational side of Jaemin’s brain provided, but then he was kissing you and it didn’t matter anymore.
Jaemin lost himself in the kiss as soon as he was tasting your fruity chapstick. He cupped your jaw, intoxicated by the way your lips felt against his. He was so dazed that he hardly noticed you unzipping his pants, tugging them down by his belt loops.
“Aren’t we studying?” Jaemin teased, brushing his nose against yours. He glanced over at the mess of books and papers at your table.
“Mm, do you want to study instead?” you asked, drawing him closer to you. “Pass up on this and read up on some cell division?”
“Fuck no.” Jaemin scoffed, dragging his nails up your thigh. “Spread those legs for me, angel.”
A mewl escaped your lips when you spread your legs because Jaemin immediately started palming your apex without missing a beat. The burst of pride that followed made him a little braver, a little less worrisome over your older brother.
“Take off your pants,” you breathed out, tugging once more at his waistband.
“No.” Jaemin moved off of you and hauled himself up to sit on your bed. “I want you to ride my thigh.” His eyes practically devoured the way you looked. “And keep the skirt on.”
You stood up, biting your lip as you moved to straddle his right thigh. Jaemin’s hands ran up and down your thighs, moving up to your hips eventually to rub slow circles with his thumb. His lips were attached to your neck almost immediately, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses along the column.
You let a whimper slip from your lips and Jaemin started bouncing his leg steadily, his muscular thigh rubbing against your clit. He guided your movements with his hands as you rolled your hips against him. Jaemin flexed his thigh every once in a while and made sure to pull you down on him whenever he could make use of the friction.
Another moan from you and Jaemin sneered. “You’re getting off so well on my thigh, Y/N. Such a fucking tease but you react so easily.” You whined again and Jaemin shushed you. “Be quiet, princess. We don’t want to be walked in on, right?”
And, because the world hated Jaemin, Jaehyun decided to walk in.
“Y/N, can I come in for a second?” he called from outside the door.
In an instant, you practically flew off of Jaemin’s lap, scrambling back to your table and burying your nose in your biology textbook. There were a few long seconds of Jaemin silently communicating with you out of frustration. You had escaped just fine, but Jaemin just had to get a hard-on, and now that you were off his lap, it was far too obvious through his pants.
But you already told Jaehyun he could come in, so Jaemin put both hands over his crotch in a valiant (but stupid) effort to hide his boner while the door opened.
“I’m going to the store,” Jaehyun said, looking between you and Jaemin from the doorway. “Want anything?”
“No, we’re good,” you replied, but Jaehyun’s eyes were fixed on Jaemin, narrowing slightly.
“I’ll get going then, but are you good?” Jaehyun asked, gesturing at the awkward position Jaemin was in. “The bathroom’s across the hall if you need to go.”
Jaemin’s eyes flitted to yours to see an amused look on your face, and he could practically hear your voice bouncing in his skull: This is fun.
This wasn’t exactly Jaemin’s textbook dictionary definition of fun, however.
“Thanks,” Jaemin croaked out, looking down at his lap in shame. A flush of red crossed his cheeks and you barked out a laugh as soon as Jaehyun was gone. “Not funny,” he grumbled out.
An impish grin crossed your face as you asked, “Need me to take care of your problem?”
“Please,” Jaemin almost begged.
The moment you stood up, Jaemin was quickly trying to tug his pants down, hooking his fingers in the waistband of his boxers to take them off with his pants. This was awful in the absolutely best way possible because Jaemin’s hands felt clammy but then you were kneeling down in front of him, helping him take his pants off. You looked up at Jaemin when his hard cock curved up against his stomach. A breath escaped his lips like it had been punched out of him and he wondered if his eyes were as comically wide as they felt.
When the sound of Jaehyun closing the front door echoed, you grasped Jaemin’s painfully hard cock in your soft hands. Jaemin’s tongue felt like lead in his mouth. He couldn’t even ask you to do anything with all his bravado from earlier suddenly vanishing. So, he curled a hand in your hair, more for his own leverage.
Jaemin’s stomach rearranged itself to feel like some crazed etch-a-sketch rather than the human anatomy when he felt your lips wrap around his cock.
“Shit, that’s it,” he growled when you went down on him. He flushed all over, clear in the way his cock twitched in your mouth, and it made him feel like some silly, lovesick teenager. “Oh god, you feel so good with your mouth wrapped around my cock, princess.”
A sound of approval came from your throat, vibrating against the throbbing vein along Jaemin’s shaft and making him go crazy. You bobbed your head up and down, teasing him by going so slow to the point that it was nearly unbearable for Jaemin. He felt like a coil of fire was tightly woven inside him, ready to snap at any given moment.
“Fuck… don’t tease me—wait, are you asleep?”
Jaemin looked down to see you half-asleep on his cock, lips brushing against the vein along the side. Your eyes weren’t hooded but fluttered shut, head lolling to the side and your tongue grazing the underside of his head. A hiss escaped Jaemin’s lips at your teasing, but he felt more incredulous than turned on.
“I’m tired,” you said, “and you didn’t finish me off, so why should I finish you off?”
“Well, this is just unfair,” Jaemin replied with a frustrated huff as you pulled off of him. His gaze softened when he saw you rub your eyes, though. He fumbled for a moment, pulling his boxers and pants back up and tucking away the frustration of not getting his release. “You’re actually tired?”
“Kind of,” you admitted. “I’ve been studying my ass off all week for midterms.”
“Okay, well…” Jaemin faltered before scooting back on your bed until he was against the wall. “Let’s take a nap then.”
“Nap? Oh, so we—oh, okay,” you mumbled and Jaemin’s heart skipped a few beats when he saw you suck in your lower lip nervously.
You crawled into your bed and laid down, pulling the covers over them after Jaemin moved so he was right next to you. Jaemin had never exactly slept with a girl like this, but with you, his chest felt warm. It felt right. Without a word, he pulled you to his chest so you wouldn’t have to see how nervous you were making him feel, praying you couldn’t hear his heart pounding in his chest.
“You’re warm,” you mumbled to him.
And, because Jaemin was a loser who feared rejection and the reality that he was an actual human who felt real emotions, he pressed his lips to your head and whispered into your hair, “I like you.”
If you heard him or noticed, Jaemin wouldn’t have known because falling asleep was so much easier with you in his arms.
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“You slept with her? Like, without sex?” Jeno asked Jaemin that night, to which he nodded. “You didn’t hook up with her at all?”
“Jaehyun walked in the first time and the second time… let’s not get into that,” Jaemin replied. “The point is, we fucking cuddled, Jeno.”
“That’s kinda weird.”
“Right?” Jaemin tugged a hand through his hair, letting out an aggravated groan. “Maybe I shouldn’t go to Jaehyun’s place on Friday.”
Parties were one thing, but at least once a month, the basketball team would hold bonding events for everyone to unwind and chill. Jaemin usually attended every event since he was close with all of the members, but Jaehyun’s house became dangerous territory now because of you. However, Jaemin was expected to take the place of team captain when Jaehyun graduated, so he knew it would be bad if he didn’t attend all the socials the basketball team held.
“Why? Can’t keep it in your pants?” Jeno teased.
Jaemin threw a pillow at him. “Fuck off.”
“It’s been postponed to the end of the month, anyway,” Jeno assured. “Jaehyun said he had a date this Friday or something.”
“Then I’m safe for now.”
It got silent for a moment before Jeno asked, “Are you catching feelings?”
Did Jaemin like you? Sure, he mumbled it for himself to hear when he was holding you, which was pretty suspicious of him to do that if he didn’t actually have any feelings toward you. He perfectly understood the feeling at an intellectual level, but absorbing it emotionally was beyond his realm of understanding. Plus, there was no point in having feelings for someone if they didn’t reciprocate.
Jaemin only had a few crushes before, and the feelings were so surface-level that he started to wonder how many aspects of life he had missed out on because of his inability to grow close to people. That was why he had confined himself to the hookup culture because the “no strings attached” aspect was so appealing to him, but now it was backfiring because of you. It was so fucked up because Jaemin didn’t even want to fuck around with you anymore. Scratch that. He did, but he also wanted to hold your hand, go on dates, and kiss you until your fruity chapstick made him dizzy again.
You were great in bed, but what got Jaemin’s heart racing was the way you laughed when he made a lame joke and you couldn’t get over how terrible it was; the way you told stories with your hands, and your face would light up because you would get so excited; the way the food you made looked absolutely nauseating but, for whatever reason, it tasted amazing, and Jaemin could go on, but he was afraid he’d start melting in front of Jeno.
“No way,” Jaemin lied. “It’s just for the sex, that’s all.”
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It wasn’t fair that you always showed up at the one place Jaemin was most vulnerable: basketball practice.
Truth be told, you were causing Jaemin problems well before you even arrived. Hell, you had been causing problems for the past three weeks. Not that Jaemin hated it, but he couldn’t keep it in his pants every time you dragged him to a blind spot or invited him to your place. There were also times where Jaemin would just simply walk with you, or talk about your day in bed, or just hold your hand and stroke your hair until you fell asleep.
Pretty weird for fuckbuddies.
Earlier in the day, Jaemin had run into you while he was walking to his biology lecture, and after some light conversation, he had you pinned up against the back of a building. He ended up getting a very noticeable hickey on his neck from you that he didn’t know existed until Jaehyun pointed it out during practice.
“Jaemin.” Jaehyun let out a low whistle and gestured to his neck. “Finally got over your weird celibacy phase?”
“What are you—”
“Nice hickey,” Yuta complimented while he was passing by, “finally got laid, huh?”
Only then did Jaemin realize that you had marked up his neck, and did so proudly. You knew people would see but you still went ahead and did it. Jaemin would’ve been mad but somehow, the thought of showing off something you caused turned him on.
Thankfully, you showed up when practice had ended and the others were heading into the locker room, all sweaty and tired. Absorbed in their own conversations, the rest of Jaemin’s teammates were focused on talking about their last play and looking forward to a cold shower. Jaemin, however, did a double-take when he saw you, nudging Jeno to keep going while he stayed back.
You really had no good reason coming to the basketball courts. It wasn’t like you or your big brother actually wanted to walk home together.
“I’m starting to think you come here to see me,” Jaemin said smugly, making his way over to you.
“Not even,” you replied, although your fazed look said otherwise. “But I appreciate the eye candy.”
Jaemin reached out to take your hands in his and pulled you toward him. You looked down at your feet, right foot circling around one of the stray basketballs that had been left behind during practice. Jaemin, however, had his eyes focused on you. He couldn’t get tired of looking at you, especially when you were wearing that cozy purple sweater that made him want to pull you into his arms.
Jaemin noticed your foot on the basketball and held your hands a little tighter as you put your weight on it to get your other foot on. You were shakily balancing on it, grabbing Jaemin’s hands tightly as a grin slowly spread across your face.
You’re too cute, was what Jaemin wanted to say.
“You’re still shorter than me even when you’re standing on a basketball,” he teased instead, one hand slipping around your waist to keep you steady.
You pouted. “I’m basically the same height as you now.”
“Really?” Jaemin smirked at your expression, moving closer so that his lips were at your forehead. He moved his hands so they were both holding your waist, keeping you planted on the basketball. “I think I still have an inch or two on you.”
“That’s not fair,” you whispered, but Jaemin was tilting your chin up and smiling at how you were visibly growing shy. “Jaemin, my brother might walk out any second.”
“Fuck your brother,” Jaemin murmured and kissed you.
People threw around the term “time slowed down” so casually, that Jaemin believed it was a silly hoax; however, he was starting to understand it. Each kiss he shared with you before felt so rushed, but now, everything around him didn’t matter anymore. It was like every fear, every concern he had was lost as he was lost in the taste of your lips.
Your hands cupped his face, deepening the kiss and making Jaemin nearly forget that you were barely balancing on a basketball. He tightened his hold around you when you pulled a hand away to run through his hair and god, he relished that feeling. When he desperately needed air again, Jaemin pulled away, nipping at your bottom lip cheekily as he did so.
He didn’t want to see your reaction, though, so he pulled you down from the basketball and hugged you, burying his face into the crook of your neck. You were visually overwhelming, anyway, and Jaemin wasn’t too keen on seeing your reaction to his tenderness. Jaemin felt like such a melt for being this affected over a simple kiss, but all he wanted at the moment was to be closer to you.
“Jaemin?” you asked, shocked by his sudden intimacy.
“Shut up,” he murmured into your neck, “I just want to hold you right now.”
Jaemin didn’t process the fact that a third person was in the gym until it registered that the masculine voice couldn’t have been coming from you. On the bright side, the voice came from the one person who knew about whatever was going on between you and Jaemin. He then wondered why he was starting to become an optimist.
You and Jaemin both pulled away quickly like repelling magnets. There was a flicker of panic in your eyes, seeming to cool down when you noticed that Jaemin wasn’t freaking out. It was quite devastating for Jaemin to come to realize that he was the standard for what to worry over.
Jaemin, not sparing you a glance, walked over to where his best friend was standing and shoved him, not straying from his direct route to the locker room.
“You have some explaining to do,” Jeno muttered before Jaemin passed him.
“Fuck off, Jeno.”
Jeno flashed a sheepish grin at you before turning back to follow Jaemin, patting him firmly on the back to tease him. Jaemin, however, was unsettled. Whatever he felt for you was moving past sexual attraction to something much deeper, and he wasn’t sure if he could suppress it any longer.
You truly were the cat, and although Jaemin refused to believe it, you had already caught him.
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Jeno somehow managed to stay quiet about what had happened between you and Jaemin until after they reached their apartment. Jaemin almost believed he was going to pretend like he didn’t see anything, but it would be laughable to think that Lee Jeno wouldn’t mock him about it.
“That’s the thing with fuckbuddies,” Jeno explained as he shrugged off his coat, “someone’s gonna catch feelings eventually.”
“Thanks, Jeno,” Jaemin spat, tone laced with sarcasm. “You never cease to make me feel like shit.”
“So you admit that you caught feelings?”
It was like an arrow through a bullseye, not that Jaemin was going to admit to that, but the thought of him potentially catching feelings for you was terrifying. It was even more frightening because he probably already did. This was supposed to be the time where Jaemin blanched and would become shockingly avoidant around you, but he was waiting for those instincts to kick in rather than the desperate urge to run over and kiss you.
But, moreover, screw Lee Jeno for majoring in neuroscience. His best friend studying the human brain and its cognition was the worst thing that could have ever happened to Jaemin.
Jaemin paused, hesitating before he spoke, “No… I’m just worried that one of us will.”
Jeno raised a brow at him. “Whatever you two were doing was not normal for fuckbuddies.”
“It’s called hugging, Jeno. It’s not my fault you have the emotional range of a teaspoon.”
Jaemin moved to sit on the couch, turning his back to Jeno and hugging a pillow as he shrunk back into the cushion. But Jeno knew that Jaemin always listened to what he had to say. It was a natural instinct by now. Although Jaemin would rather die than say it aloud, his best friend always gave the best advice even though it was probably not what Jaemin wanted to hear.
“Are you okay?” Jeno asked instead.
Jaemin froze. He was never any good at expressing himself. He presented himself as a simple man on the outside, but he was really just layers of multitudes. But, sometimes, your mere attention was like uncut cocaine to him, and then Jaemin would wonder if he really was simple.
“I’m fine,” Jaemin muttered back.
“You’re good at being fine, aren’t you?”
Jeno fastidiously fixed his hair before he retreated to his room. Jaemin was surprised by how he cut the advice session this time and left Jaemin to his own thoughts.
Exhausted, Jaemin stared at his lock screen. It was a picture of you and him at a park. Ducks in the pond. You caught off-guard with hair in your mouth. Jaemin with a smile brighter than the sun. Who the fuck took selfies with girls they fucked on the down-low? And who the fuck set them as their wallpapers? Apparently, Jaemin did.
He was sick.
Maybe Jeno was right, but Jaemin refused to accept that possibility because that would make him even more disgusted with himself.
He could only think of one thing and it was how he was in love with you.
Sex was one thing, but love? The number one rule of best friendship was probably don’t fucking fall in love with your best friend’s sister.
Furthermore, Jaemin didn’t know how to act around you now. In the conspectus of Things That Could Go Wrong in his brain, he hadn’t anticipated actually falling for you. He should’ve taken your godsent looks and heavenly laugh as a red flag that first night because now he was addicted.
It wasn’t like Jaemin had absolutely zero experience with girls, but usually, he just went with it. Being the one chasing after you was mentally taxing and the thought of you possibly not wanting him back was unthinkable. Then again, it was pretty clear that it was mutual between the two of you, but Jaemin was confident that you were a breath away from snapping at him for his inconsistency.
He was the one that pushed you away, after all. A sudden transition from resisting to wanting you completely was sure to freak you out, so Jaemin was stuck at a crossroads.
After a few Google searches of asking the internet if he caught feelings and an episode of self-denial and self-loathing, Jaemin decided it was high time for him to call you and tell you how he felt. That, or he was going to panic and break things off before he got emotionally invested.
Before he could do either, Jeno walked back to the living room, putting his coat back on. He looked dressed up as if he was going out somewhere, and Jaemin’s suspicions were confirmed when he went to get his shoes.
“What’re you all dressed up for?” Jaemin asked, sitting up straight again.
“Jaehyun’s house.” Jeno raised a brow at him. “It’s Friday.”
God, if you’re out there, Jaemin thought, defeated. Screw you and your son. Amen.
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Jaemin had to psych himself into the proper state of mind for tonight.
That all went to shit, however, when he saw you sitting in the living room, laughing at something Yuta had said.
“Oh my god,” Jeno said in a low voice when he saw Jaemin frozen in the doorway. “Tell me you’re not jealous right now.”
“Piss off,” Jaemin spat, kicking off his shoes at the entrance. “It’s nothing like that.”
Except that it was exactly like that. Jaemin wasn’t the jealous type, but right now, his blood was roiling in his gut. Deep inside, he knew it was probably nothing to worry about, but the way you smiled around Yuta was pissing him off. Then, he realized that he had no relationship with you that gave him any right to stop Yuta from flirting with you.
And then, you turned to see Jaemin in the doorway and smiled at him.
Oh no, Jaemin thought in complete devastation. She’s pretty.
“Y/N, tonight’s for the basketball team,” Jaehyun told you from the living room, making a motion with his hands to signal you to leave. “Go to your room.”
“You’re such a nosy older brother,” YangYang chimed in, nudging a chuckle out of Jaehyun. “But yeah, Y/N, Friday nights are for the boys.”
“I know, I know,” you said with a laugh. “I’ll go now. I was just grabbing some water.”
Jaemin was still frozen stiff at the doorway as you grabbed a half-empty bottle of water from the kitchen counter (despite Jeno’s several attempts to get him to move) and then walked to the staircase to Jaemin’s left. But then you grabbed Jaemin by the front of his shirt and started dragging him upstairs with you. He barely registered it all happening in the span of a few seconds, but he was able to catch Jeno saying he’d tell the others that Jaemin was running late.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” Jaemin whispered harshly, although he still followed you into your room and let you lock the door.
This was far too risky. Not only was Jaehyun home, but the entire basketball team was downstairs.
You started tying your hair up and Jaemin gulped, realizing where this was going. “Do you want me to suck you off or not?” you asked, smiling.
“Say no more,” Jaemin breathed out, unzipping his pants hastily.
He sat down on your bed, letting you tug his boxers down, your eyes full of mirth. Jaemin felt so pathetic when his cock twitched as soon as you wrapped a hand around its girth, but he was ready to put his pride to the side for once.
Jaemin was about to rasp out something but then you took his head in your mouth and a sudden wave of heat punched him in the gut. But then you pulled away, lips against the underside of his head, and Jaemin was a second away from just crying.
“You have nice hands,” you complimented with a mischievous smile as Jaemin held the back of your head eagerly. He felt like he was going crazy with the way you were mouthing your words against his cock.
“You have nice lips,” he returned through gritted teeth. “But please shut the fuck up and get to it already.”
Your lips curled slowly. “So impatient,” you cooed, tongue dragging along the underside of his cock. Jaemin bucked his hips forward, trying to chase the sensation, but you were teasing him.
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me, Y/N.”
You smirked up at him, moving your head to lick against the slit before taking his cock in your mouth again. A few laborious seconds passed with Jaemin biting his lip so that he didn’t make any noise, and then you finally started sucking him off. He fought the urge not to groan when your tongue rolled along the vein down his shaft.
You showed Jaemin no mercy, however. It was almost like you wanted everyone downstairs to hear. He gritted his teeth when your teeth grazed his cock, and he wanted more. He gripped your hair for anchorage and fucked into your mouth. The smallest whimper escaped you when Jaemin’s cock hit the back of your throat.
Jaemin let out a strangled groan. “I’m close.”
You took this as your cue to suck him off even harsher, and Jaemin was on the brink of sweet release. A tear escaped your eyes as he fucked into your throat, and Jaemin wiped it with his thumb, drinking in the wrecked sight of you that was bringing him over the edge. You let a broken moan vibrate against Jaemin’s shaft, and he was done for.
Jaemin couldn’t recall being able to cum this fast because of someone’s mouth before, but here he was, groaning as his hot seed shot down your throat. You obediently swallowed it, eyes hazy and tear-soaked from the size of him.
A few moments of silence passed before Jaemin leaned down and pecked your lips, heart fluttering a bit in his chest as he did so. “Good girl.”
He swore he saw you lifting a finger to scratch your cheek lightly, which was a nervous quirk of yours that Jaemin had picked up on, but you turned away quickly to fix your hair while Jaemin was pulling his pants back up. The tension that followed made Jaemin unsure of whether to leave or take you against the wall. He decided against the latter, knowing that Jeno couldn’t stall forever.
“Leaving already?” you asked, reaching for Jaemin’s hand, which he gladly entwined with yours.
“I’m already on thin ice,” Jaemin explained. “I have to go back down there and hope they don’t question me.” You moved closer to him, hands moving down to graze past his waistband. Jaemin hissed slightly under his breath and diverted by rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh, so you and Yuta…”
“You��re still on that?” you asked, pulling your hands back. “I can’t laugh around another guy now?”
“No, no!” Jaemin groaned, tugging a hand through his hair out of frustration. “Nevermind, it’s nothing.”
“Is it not obvious, Jaemin?” you asked him, an edge of desperation to your voice. “You really can’t tell how I feel?”
Jaemin sighed, looking down at his feet. “You can’t tell how I feel either?”
“We’ll talk later. I have to go.”
He turned to go back downstairs, but you grabbed his wrist, saying, “Jaemin, remember that you’re the one who didn’t want anything more out of this.”
Jaemin gave you a puzzled look but before he could ask for clarification, you had pulled away from him and gestured for him to leave. He mumbled a pathetic excuse, spitting out a string of words for a moment before he gave up and snuck downstairs as quietly as he could.
He hated that you were right. Even though you had suggested sneaking around, Jaemin was the one who tried to draw the boundary. He did this to himself.
“Yo, Jaemin,” Yuta called, “when did you get here?”
“Just now,” Jaemin answered, rubbing the back of his neck as he walked into the living room where all the basketball team members were sprawled over the couch. “What’re we watching?”
“Pulp Fiction,” Taeyong answered. “Can you get the ice cream from the kitchen?”
“Sure.” Jaemin opened Jaehyun’s freezer to see two tubs of ice cream nestled in the corner. While he was pondering over whether to grab chocolate or vanilla, he felt a presence behind him and looked over his shoulder. “Did you need—oh my god, go to your room,” he whispered harshly at the sight of you.
“Are you my mom?” You raised a brow at him and reached for an ice cream tub. “Let me help you open them.”
“Fine,” he mumbled, voice fracturing at the end. He watched you move to the kitchen’s island and, carefully eyeing his teammates in the living room, letting his hand graze your thigh and whispering, “Hey, I’m sorry for earlier.”
You stiffened at his touch. “It’s fine,” you whispered back, opening the tubs of ice cream. “You’ve just been acting weird lately.”
“Weird?” Jaemin asked as he opened his tub. The ice cream dripped off the lid and onto Jaemin’s finger. “Ugh. Do you have napkins?”
“You’re so messy, Jaemin.”
“Shut up.”
“Let me help,” you insisted, grabbing his wrist and taking his fingers in your mouth.
Jaemin’s eyes widened by a fraction as your hot tongue circled around his fingers. He fought down the urge to take it further and bit his lip as he watched you. Before he could do anything, however, an awkward laugh and wolf-whistle from the living room made him freeze.
Jaemin’s head shot up to see his teammates staring at him, shell-shocked. Some looked absolutely confused while others looked more proud and impressed. Jaemin wondered if you had no shame because, despite all the eyes on them, you didn’t let go of his hand, your pretty lips still wrapped around his fingers.
“I don’t know why she’s doing that,” Jaemin rambled quickly, and his tone was so frazzled that Jeno had to hide his laugh behind his fist. “Come on, Y/N,” he urged, voice dropping for you to hear. “Let go of my hand.”
It would have been sexy if Jaemin wasn’t absolutely terrified.
Only when Jaemin caught sight of Jaehyun’s expression did you let go, saying, “Thanks for the ice cream.” With a playful smile, you looked up at Jaemin expectantly.
“What the fuck did we just witness?” Jungwoo asked, lit up silly like he had just witnessed the biggest scandal.
“We’re friends,” Jaemin croaked out. “Right, Y/N? Jaehyun? Jeno?”
Jeno ducked his head and Jaemin could tell what exactly he was thinking: I can’t help you out of this one, Jaem.
Jaemin couldn’t exactly read Jaehyun’s expression. It was a mix of emotions so varied that they didn’t make sense to him. He couldn’t even pick out any distinguishable one, but maybe it was better he didn’t know what the captain was feeling.
“I swear, it's not what it looks like,” Jaemin defended.
“So Y/N wasn’t sucking on your fingers?” Taeyong asked, a ghost of a laugh on his lips.
“Okay, so it’s exactly what it looks like,” Jaemin muttered and pursed his lips together. “But it’s—it’s nothing,” he reasoned, and at this point, it seemed like he was trying to convince himself more than them.
Either way, it wasn’t working.
Who was he kidding, anyway? They weren’t stupid, and it was clear as day that Jaemin couldn’t get enough of you. For heaven's sake, he even got jealous over Yuta making you laugh. Before, one would have to pry open the cold, hard jaws of his corpse to get a word out about how he felt, but now Jaemin felt like you had broken down his last line of defense.
Jaemin could already see the consequences that would follow, but he still blurted out, “Fine. You got me. Jaehyun, I’m in love with your sister.”
Jaemin’s neurons were tearing themselves over the fact that Jaemin had just professed his love to you and was now experiencing a state of total humiliation. He was confident he wouldn’t ever live this moment down.
The room went silent. Not only were the boys shocked, but you were, too. Jaemin himself couldn’t believe he let that slip, but there was no going back now. Jeno sat there with his jaw hung open and Jaemin couldn’t blame him. He didn’t even know he was going to drop the love bomb like that out of nowhere. Taeyong looked like he had just witnessed a murder as his eyes kept darting between Jaemin and Jaehyun, Jungwoo looked a little too proud, and Yuta was just washed over with realization.
“Oh.” Jaehyun blinked. “Cool, I guess. Does that mean you’re not joining us for movie night then?”
Jaemin wasn’t sure how obvious the shock showed on his face, but this felt too easy. For a little over a month, Jaemin had been skirting around his relationship with you because of your big brother, and now he was acting scarily nonchalant.
“You’re not mad?” Jaemin asked, wide-eyed.
Jaehyun laughed. “I mean, it’s kinda weird that you’re dating my little sister, but why would I be mad?”
“Maybe it’s because you said ‘if anyone lays a hand on my little sister, then I will make sure you look uglier than you already are,’” Yuta reminded him with Jaemin nodding along at his words. “And that was verbatim.”
“That’s for people hitting on my sister to get laid, not people dating my sister,” Jaehyun corrected. “I don’t control her decisions.”
Jaemin smiled through the internal pain of realizing he did exactly that. If Jaehyun found out he wasn’t dating you, then Jaemin was in for an earful. Thankfully, you were too dazed over Jaemin’s earlier confession to decide to start shit.
“Plus,” Jaehyun continued, “I knew you guys had a thing.”
“What?” Jaemin spluttered, blinking wildly. His tongue was performing acrobatics to formulate words but it wasn’t working.
“I had a suspicion when you climbed up my tree to get into the house,” Jaehyun said. “When I walked into the room later, that just confirmed my suspicions because, you know…”
Jaemin’s cheeks went hot when he realized that Jaehyun had probably caught onto the fact that he had a boner back then. Without a word, you rushed out of the kitchen, gaze averted which was what Jaemin supposed was embarrassment. Jaemin heard the front door open and close. He turned to follow after you, but swallowed thickly and froze in place.
“Go, Jaemin,” Jeno urged him, a tone of seriousness taking over.
“Yeah, don’t sweat it,” YangYang said cooly. “It’s just movie night.”
Jaemin clenched his jaw and nodded, thinking about how shitty it would be if he did all of that just to be rejected. Jaehyun’s house was a warzone and he knew better than to come tonight, but he still did, and he still fucked everything up. If things went wrong with you—
“Jaemin,” Jaehyun cut into his thoughts, “just so you know, I’m cool with you dating my sister.”
It was funny how a few words could make someone’s day, but Jaemin was surprised at the weight those words took off of his shoulders. He contained the joy to a half-smile and left the kitchen and walked out of your house to find you.
You hadn’t gone far at all. You were pacing along the sidewalk looking frazzled, hands lacing together and eyes cast down. Jaemin walked over to you and tried to take your hand but you pulled away.
“Did you mean what you said?” you asked, overcome with raw emotion.
“Yeah,” Jaemin replied, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I know I’m the one who didn’t want to start anything, and I lied about not wanting anything, but… this is how I feel, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I’m not exactly expressive if you haven’t noticed.”
“Oh, trust me, I’ve noticed,” you replied incredulously, lower lip starting to quiver. “I just—I don’t know—I thought I was just going to be an afterthought to you.”
Jaemin froze when he saw tears start to gloss your eyes. He never knew how to deal with people crying, especially when they were girls. He took your face in his hands and wiped your stray tears away with his thumbs, sighing softly.
“Let’s go to my place.”
“What? Why?”
“I need to show you how much I love you,” he replied firmly, taking your hand in his and walking in the direction of his apartment. “It’s kind of funny that you thought that because you’ve been all I could think about for the past month.”
More tears were starting to well up in your eyes, but you blinked them away.
Stay calm, Jaemin’s brain instructed him. Cupid can sense your fear.
“I love you,” he continued. “Should I say it again? I love you, I love you, I love—”
“Alright, Jaemin!” Your face beamed like a Christmas tree but you were still a flustered mess. “God, stop looking at me like that.”
“No,” he said, stopping in his tracks. “I’m going to keep saying it because I don’t think you get it.”
“Jaemin, we’re in the middle of the sidewalk,” you squeaked out as he kissed your cheek.
“I love you.” Kiss. “I love you.” Kiss. “I love you.” Kiss.
“J-Jaemin, I get it,” you whined out, scrunching your nose up at his affection. Jaemin continued, though, and you happened to reach your limit. You gripped his shoulders and held him away from you. “God, Jaemin, I love you, okay? You have to give me a chance to say it back at least.”
This time, Jaemin was the one to get shy. “Huh? You like me back?”
“Jaemin, you idiot, you’re so slow,” you mused, “I’ve liked you this entire time.”
He took your hand, his gaze never leaving yours, and rubbed your palm in circles with his thumb. “I know I’ve been a dick… on multiple occasions,” he admitted, “but I want to be with you.”
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked.
Jaemin wondered how many seconds passed after, but it felt like centuries to him. He didn’t budge, however, because he wanted you more than ever.
“Yes,” you finally confessed, which, in essence, was a fever dream in itself.
Jaemin expected his reaction to be different, but instead, his eyes wandered off, lost in thought. He looked toward the moon overlooking that hill where he nearly hooked up with you on the night of the party. That felt like eons ago despite being not that long ago, but it carried a comforting wave of nostalgia.
“You know, on second thought, we’re gonna stargaze.”
You looked at Jaemin like he was some undiscovered specimen, but you still followed him. He laid on his back, scrunching up his nose when the grass tickled his face, and he held his hand out to you. You took it, crouching down to lay down next to him. This time, Jaemin spread his arm out so that you could lay against his chest.
You cuddled up against his chest and Jaemin thought he could die a happy man.
He looked over at you, heart hammering against his ribcage like he was hopped up on ten energy drinks. The glow of the moon illuminated the gentle curves of your face and Jaemin didn’t realize he was kissing you until he realized he had tilted your face toward him and cupped your soft cheek. His whole body felt fuzzy when your hands rested on his chest, when he could taste your fruity chapstick.
It was kind of embarrassing how nervous Jaemin was getting. His hands were starting to sweat and he was feeling kiss-dazed, smiling like an idiot because your soft lips were everything. When he pulled away, he pecked your lips one last time, his eyes unable to leave your face.
He threw his pride to the wind and confessed, “You’re so beautiful.”
Your expression was priceless. Jaemin indulged in watching you become a stuttering, faltering mess in front of him, struggling for words that could come out coherently.
“I thought you said you wouldn’t call anyone beautiful over your dead body,” you managed.
“Well, you’re not anyone, are you?” Jaemin raised a brow “You’re Y/N.”
“You’re such a smooth talker sometimes,” you acknowledged, “you know, when you’re not completely malfunctioning.”
“Shh.” Jaemin pulled you closer. “Let me enjoy this.”
“Fine, but you’re making it up to me later for playing cat and mouse for a month.”
Jaemin scoffed. “Please, I was the mouse most of the time.”
A bubble of a laugh escaped your lips and you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend. “I’m really happy, you know?” you mumbled into his chest.
Jaemin kissed the top of your head, whispering a “yeah” into your hair. Maybe one day he’d admit that he was just as over-the-moon as you were, and maybe it would be coerced out of him hours later, but right now, under the starry night sky, he could only think about how lucky he was. It was funny, though, because now he could see the stars.
And they were so beautiful.
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unluckilyimnot · 3 years
1 + 24 wakasa angst </33
1 is waka and 24 is the reader!
stay safe always!!
1 "But it's you, you're the one that I want" + 24 "please don't say you love me" - angst with Wakasa
Note: stay safe too and take of yourself and family/friends ! Thank you for asking ! tw: cursing from this
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Wakasa knew he fucked up hard this time, but he really thought that you wouldn't fall. It was just a game between you two, flirting without crossing any lines, just enough to heal his soul 'cause he thought you loved Shinichiro. Playing along just because he was your friend. He never, ever, imagined that you could love him back. But the tears on your cheeks say otherwise. 
"You're a fucking liar," you whispered, completely broken, before running out of the room. You knew that coming to this party was a bad idea and really wished you didn't listen to Shin. But you always do, he's your best friend after all. Stopping in your tracks outside, suffocating thanks to your cry, you called him to pick you up, not wanting to stay here any longer.
To your surprise, your phone was taken away from your hand. Not in the mood to play around at all, you almost slap the guy behind you before you see the white locks of the guy who just broke your heart. As much you wanted to punch his pretty face, you just couldn't move. Stuck in this position with your tears to his display.
"Please don't call him, I can explain," he desperately said, trying to catch your hands. Stepping back to avoid his hands, it was like if he touches you it's gonna burn. You were scared, rethinking everything you did with him, everything you let him do.
"I don't want your explanations, I don't want to see or hear you, leave me alone ! And give me my phone back," you shouted at him. You probably look hysteric to act like this but you don't wanna be near him right now. You couldn't even stop your tears in front of him, feeling as ashamed as being naked in public. Maybe you were taking it too seriously, but seeing him make out with another girl drove you crazy.
"I wasn't lying to you !" Wakasa was really trying to explain himself, his cracking voice betraying his usually calm facade. Despite this, you couldn't listen. Yes you two weren't together, but it was like it for you, kinda. You were planning to confess to him so why does he let you down like this in the end ? You couldn't handle it. You sigh and let your head fall down. You couldn't break out even more at this point and were just tired. 
"Give me my phone back, Wakasa," you quietly say, holding out your hand to him. "I'm just... tired, leave me alone."
"Listen to me first, please," he pleaded, waiting for your answer. His heart beating like he was on the verge to pass away, he just wanted able to let you go like this. But you remained silent, not moving at all or even looking at him, breaking him even more. He still takes this as an opportunity to talk through the incident. "I didn't plan to, she just came to me and I was sure that you loved Shin. So I let her do her things you know, but you're the one that I want. I swear, I love you y/n." 
You chuckle, feeling even more betrayal now. You, loving your best friend ? How could you ever love Shinichiro? You wouldn't have acted like this with Wakasa if it was the case. Anyway, you didn't have the strength to deal with that anymore. At the same time, you hear a familiar engine behind you and know that Shin was there. Taking your phone back, you finally looked at him.
"Please, don't say you love me after this," was your last words before walking to meet your best friend, not really ready to talk about it with him either. But you still want to be taken care of tonight.
"You're okay ?" Ask Shinichiro, worried to see you in tears. Holding his waist closer as you sit behind him, you just shake your head. "Let's go home please," you murmur in his back.
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Am i writing this much when I'm failing my whole school years ? Maybe. Anyway, I'm not so sure but here it is. I hope you liked it !
Omg I forgot all the # I'm fucking dumb
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sora-suna-rin · 3 years
Pepa x wife reader where reader gets hit by one of pepas lightning which leaves a burn ig?
Yes! I love this one a lot, but it was hard. I had one written but I thought it was... Ahem odd
I gave up on trying to rewrite a new story to this one because I spent a lot of time on it
I don't really like the way this one's written but I enjoy it?
I have an original one like this but it's poly with felix because I'm obsessed
Anyways, without further ado, here it is
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The day began as if it never started. The clouds dimmed the usual sunny sky to create a dark contrast, ripples of lightning brewing. Either Pepa was really upset, or it was time to rain. I sighed at the sight of the window covered in gloom. I was hoping to take her out today, but I guess I’d have to change my plans. I rolled over to feel the empty spot on my bed to give me motivation to get up. Sitting up I looked around a bit, with a confused expression. Something was off. The room had the usual decorations, the yellow pattern wallpaper, the chair next to the dresser. It was all in order… So why did it feel so off? I shrugged it off, getting up and putting on my white shirt and yellow skirt. I began putting my hair as it's usual, braiding the side of it, when I heard a faint knock and the door opened.
“Mom?” A small concerning voice spoke. I whipped my head around to see Antonio with the stuffed tiger Mirabel made him. He looked sad, almost. I walked over to him and picked him up.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, gently brushing his curls back with my finger tips.
“Mamí seems upset, and Cami can’t calm her down.” He explained. I sighed and held him tight.
“It’s okay mi corazón, I’ll fix it. You just go on and go play with your friends." I said in a calming tone, kissing his cheek gently. I put him down as he ran out of the room happily to meet his animals In his room. I smiled to myself a bit before sighing. Camilo couldn't even make her feel better? Something was definitely wrong. I exited the room to see it windy and almost snowing. I quickly ran downstairs to see Pepa sitting at the table, gripping her braid muttering to herself. Camilo was next to her, a panicked expression. He glanced up at me, sadness tainted his eyes. I gave him a look, which prompted him to get up, and leave immediately. I slowly walked over to Pepa, making sure not to scare her. From the cloud above her head I could tell she was panicked, like any disturbances could cause her to create a hurricane or worse. "Hey, mi amor? Are you doing okay?" I asked with a soft tone. Her anxious filled eyes picked up and stared into mine. Her grip on the teacup tightened.
"Y/n… you shouldn't be here." She whispered fearfully. I knew that her anxiety got bad, but I've never seen it like this. Shaking my head and wrapping my hands around hers, I took a deep breath. 
"No Pepa, I need to be here. What's bothering you mi vida?" I asked sweetly. She sighed and looked around. 
"The cracks, the faulty magic, Brunos vision, it's all wrong." She cried out softly. "Clear skies, clear skies, clear skies…" Pepa continuously muttered to herself as she rocked back and forth. Everything was definitely going heavy on the family, but with Amla's constant need for Pepa to stay happy all the time, her feelings were definitely overloaded. The storm above her head grew the more she tried to calm herself. Rain falling and thunder clapping heavily as the outside changed with her. 
"Pepa, look at me." I called, bringing her out of her thoughts. "You’re okay, it's all okay. Nothing bad's gonna happen, it's just a vision." I spoke in a calm tone. Pepa nodded, the storm only grew heavier as light footsteps were heard. 
"Pepa, the cloud. You need to calm down." Her mother chimed in, causing her to clutch the cup to its breaking point, which led to her scaring herself more. She jumped, lighting blasting in all different directions before landing on the very person in front of her. I threw my arm up, shielding the rest of myself from her lightning rod. I felt the pain tip into my arm and spread. A small gasp was heard from in front of me as a shaky cry was heard after.
"I-im sorry, mi Vida! I didn't mean to-" Pepa was cut off as I pulled her in, arm still in visible pain.
"It's okay mi corazón, I'm okay." I reassured, but she knew the truth. She cried softly into my shoulder, clutching onto me as the rain poured down harder.
"Y/n, mi Vida, I'm sorry." Her voice broke. I played with her hair as I tried my best to calm her down.
"It's okay mi amor. It's not your fault, we both know that." I whispered to her. The rain lightened as I rubbed her shoulders. 
"... there's a lot going on…" she started softly. I nodded with a hum as she continued. "I just don't know how to handle it." Pepa mumbled. Silence filled the hair as we sat, soaked together with a diminishing cloud above our heads. 
"You know," I cut through the silence. "It's okay to be upset and uncertain about how you feel." Her eyes gazed up at me. "You don't have to be happy all the time. Right now isn't a happy time for our family."
"I…" Pepa's voice trailed off. As before, I continued to brush her hair lightly with my fingertips till her cloud fully diminished. It was quiet in Casita, unusually, but the couple didn't mind. Pepa pushed herself up by placing a hand on my forearm. I winced and she took her hand away. "Oh-..." a cloud began to form again. I stood up and pulled her up with me, dragging her to the kitchen. Julietta stood next to the stove with a fresh batch of arepas made. 
"Hey, Julietta?" I called out. She turned around with a questioning gaze.
"Yes? Is something wrong?" She asked.
"Could I get an arepa? I got hurt a bit." I muttered. She nodded, holding out the plate for me to take one. I grabbed one, looking at my arm as it healed up, only leaving marks of lightning strikes. "See?" I looked at Pepa softly. "Everything's alright."
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