crisiscutie · 1 year
Real life problem starring me: being 22 and having people think I'm 17-18 🙃 Which isn't that bad but people literally think I'm not old enough to drink 😂 And so I fantasize, Sephiroth's darling who looks much younger than she actually is. Would anyone think ill of him, thinking his darling is under age? How would he address those problems and comfort his darling if it made her feel insecure?
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I'm quite familiar with this problem, though it's not as bad for me. There's a handful of people who do take me seriously when I assert my age. But my childish voice doesn't do me any favors other times. 😭😭😭 But anyways, to the Sephy headcanons~!
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Despite enjoying the massive size difference between her and Sephiroth, the darling felt awkward when strangers would gawk and whisper comments about them.
Yes, she heard it all: It's totally unexpected that the legendary Sephiroth is in a relationship with someone you'd least expect it.
Of course, no one is going to be foolish enough to bring it up to Sephiroth's face, or honestly, his darling's as well, since she is his.
The only ones who would outright comment on it is Genesis and Angeal.
With Genesis being the first to break the ice about it. After Sephiroth and his darling explains it, he wouldn't care much about it, other than crack a few (good-natured) jokes occasionally about the darling's height.
The darling would try her best to ignore the comments and rumors, but eventually, it will get to her.
Every time Sephiroth tried to talk to her, she felt her heart race and she began to search for an excuse to not hang out with him.
Their conversations would become oddly brief as she claims something came up.
She will start to think... Maybe it's time for her to break up with him? This just keeps happening over and over...
Sephiroth's heart sank, as he noticed the new strange mannerisms of his darling.
He quickly considered if his own actions had triggered his darling's distant behavior towards him. Regardless, he will set out to confront her.
He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he walked up to her apartment in Midgar.
Instead of his darling reaching out to him like usual, he was the one who was doing it now. He knocked on her door, his gaze burning into it.
When she opened the door, he spoke with an urgent, pleading tone, asking her if he could come in.
His darling hesitatingly agreed, her footsteps are soft as she walked to the couch, him trailing behind her.
Without hesitation, he asked her in an almost desperate voice: Why is she avoiding him?
She then spoke bluntly to him: while she loved him deeply, the malicious, sly talk of her childish appearance and their relationship was starting to affect her.
He could feel his anger rise, and he was tempted to ask his darling who was at fault, yet his composed nature held him back as he continued to listen to her.
He'd pull her into his embrace, a silent but powerful gesture of his unwavering commitment to her, no matter what others might think.
He'll tell her that her avoidant behavior was excruciating for him to bear. He never wants to stop feeling her invigorating energy or hearing her angelic voice.
His darling melted into his embrace, her tears wetting his strapped chest.
Afterward, Sephiroth became more relaxed when it came to his no PDA rule.
He would defiantly touch, hug, and sometimes even princess carry his darling as a show of strength against those who questioned their relationship.
And his darling would delightfully flip off anyone who shot her a dirty look and would often exclaim to Sephiroth if they should share a lovely cocktail later.
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Sephiroth is a determined and loving man. No ONE will push his darling from him. He's like a swan, dedicated and loyal to his chosen mate for life.
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holyshit · 2 years
a thought came to mind..."i wonder if there are any tumblr blogs called holyshit"... of course i knew the answer would be yes, but imagine my amazement when i searched the account and found out it was ran by a 1D fan! you have my respect and my follow 🫡
anyway how about your top 5 songs this year + #100?
sdfkjsdk thank youuu <3 i know in the past people who wanted my url sent me angry messages about being a 1d blog and i'm like. calm down sir lmao.
my top 5 is... incredibly predictable...
bigger than me - louis tomlinson
lights up - harry styles
as it was - harry styles
out of my system - louis tomlinson
music for a sushi restaurant - harry styles
and 100. remember - seinabo sey & jacob banks
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akashi-tetsuki · 1 year
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Hypnosis Mic|| Phone Wallpaper 1080 x 2400 ↳ requested by JOPHINABEAN thank you for this request!!
“Do not forget” • like or reblog always appreciated ♡ • If you share out of tumblr give credits♡ • You can not re-edit my work  ♡ • Follow me in Pinterest
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pandanscafanfiction · 2 months
☕️ hot drink 🧃cold drink 🐈‍⬛animal 🌻flower 📚 book 🎶 musical artist
Oh wow! I got an ask! Lol alright then, lemme answer!! 😲🌸❤️
My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate!!
And my favorite cold drink is (though it is served hot, I take mine with a shit ton of ice) sweet tea! I live in the south so that stuff basically replaces water for us lmaoooo
My favorite animal (aside from cats, because come on cats just rock) is penguins!!! They're so so cute!! For my birthday recently my friend gifted me a meet amd greet with a penguin at the aquarium!! I got to pet it and it was sooooooo soft 🥺❤️❤️
My favorite flower is wisteria! It was all over my yard where I grew up and it smells so heavenly. I love this flower so much I have it tattooed on my body!
Hmmmmm.... a fandom fav book? Tbh I don't think I've ever read a book that had a fandom! 😅 oops! I read a lot of books as a kid growing up, but once I hit high school it's pretty much been exclusively fanfiction lmaoooo. If I have to pick a book series from a fandom without reading it though, let's go with The Lord Of The Rings!!
And a fandom musical artist?? Huh.... Maybe I'm looking into this category too hard and this isn't really nessassarily about fandoms... lol. But!! In any case!! Literally anything Final Fantasy. The music is always so good!!! ❤️😩👍
Thank you so much for the ask, @jophinabean !! It was fun ❤️❤️❤️😘
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sleepylixie · 3 years
You let out a laugh bordering on hysterical, reveling in the way the attention once speared on Hongjoong now shifted to you, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
Send me a 🌟 and i'll respond with a sentence from my WIPs!
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buckybarnesstar · 7 years
Hello! Could I please be added to your tag list! Thank you ❤
I’ll add you to the list! ❤️
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jobeana · 3 years
Main blog for animes, games, & more: jophinabean
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tarotdeckshuffle · 4 years
I read all of your posts and I love them!! Your blog helped me fill the hole in my heart after finishing FFXV 😭😭 I didn’t have any requests in mind until I had to work a 16 hours shift then woke up early the next day for work again. If you don’t mind writing something with the boys and their s/o being very grumpy to have to wake up very early in the morning and how they deal with the consequences of being the one to wake them up. It can be hcs or a scenario whichever you like! Thank you! 😊🌸
Thank you so much!! 😁 I’m so glad you like everything! And I hope that if anyone is in quarantine right now, this at least fills a few minutes for them!
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
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Is scared but isn’t going to back down!
Wakes you up quickly then warps away. 
Somehow you still hit him across the room with a pillow. 
He keeps repeating those words, 
Trying to get your attention. 
When you grumble as you stir,
He screams and runs away. 
“Darling, it’s time for work…” 
His voice is sweet and soft as he perches on the edge of the bed. 
Fresh coffee in hand ready to greet you. 
You grumble awake, cursing everything from the old gods to the existential. 
“Now, now, don’t be like that…” 
He pushes the coffee into your hands and plants a kiss on your lips. 
Is absolutely terrified of your grumpy self. 
“Babe?” he quietly calls from the doorway. 
When that doesn’t work, he gently lobs stuffed animals at you.
Until one comes flying back at him. 
Forces you back into bed. 
Someone with that much rage in them is sexy to him. 
Sets three alarms for you to wake up to,
But is too chicken to be near. 
To be fair, he’s in the kitchen getting breakfast ready. 
Is still asleep when the alarm goes off
And is also extremely grumpy now. 
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Hello 👋🏻 I was wondering if I could add on to Sephiroth's darling being Angeal's sister? When/how did they meet? Where is Sephiroth's favorite place to sneak away his darling and what changes after their relationship is known?
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Hi, sure! I think this is a pretty interesting prompt. Featuring Mr. Hewley, Mr. Rhapsodos, and Mr. Deusericus.
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༻❁༺ Sephiroth meeting his darling.
Sephiroth met Angeal's sister at Shinra HQ, when she briefed him on a mission. She (seemingly) wasn't cut out for SOLDIER like her big brother was, despite Shinra keeping a close eye on her during her current (late) teen years.
Only time will tell what effects, if any, Project G has had on her.
She might just have special abilities like her brother. Who knows? But even if she is normal, she still carries the ability to pass the Jenova cells from her mother as a recessive trait (This is just meta info, none of the actual character know this yet ofc)
To keep her close, Shinra had her ascend the ranks of SOLDIER's administration swiftly. She eventually became Lazard's executive assistant.
One time, the darling briefed Sephiroth for his mission to Wutai while Lazard was away in a meeting with other Shinra higher ups.
Sephiroth thought little of her at first during the briefing. He noticed the young woman shared some resemblance with Angeal, but thought he may've been over-analyzing her appearance.
It was until she exhibited some of Angeal's mannerisms that he started to connect more dots.
Because of her slight resemblance and aura similar to Angeal, this will allow Sephiroth's cold heart to defrost, with time.
He's not too surprised to learn that she is Angeal's sister later when his friend brought her up during a sparring session.
He observed her presence at briefings and debriefs more and more, helping Lazard to clarify important information.
She took an interest in Sephiroth, and prodded more about him. From asking him how his day was, to later inquiring about his hobbies.
༻❁༺ How their bond blossomed.
Sephiroth took a liking to her. Angeal's sister was the first one to make a move. He knew he shouldn't start a relationship with someone like her, but something within him gave into it.
The desire to be intimately close to someone, but he didn't know that.
He often liked to sneak his darling into niche training rooms, one that neither 2nd/3rd class SOLIDERS and his friends use. (Not for dirty stuff because it's too early for that and both Angeal and Genesis will have to kick his ass, not that they'll win haha)
Sometimes they would secretly meet up somewhere in Midgar, at the darling's apartment so they can read books together or take a relaxing walk at night where it is significantly less busy.
They kept their relationship under the wraps for a long time, much to Sephiroth's and his darling's surprise.
It wasn't until a member of Keepers of Honor and a member of the Silver Elite caught the two sneaking into the niche training room. From there on, news circulated about their relationship.
Angeal found out around the same time as everyone else.
Genesis told him in private that if Sephiroth was secretly hanging around his sister, he would not be happy and he should have a stern conversation with him.
Eventually, Genesis insisted on joining the talk with Sephiroth the more he confided in Angeal.
Angeal's sister was an honorary younger sister to Genesis while growing up, so he can't help but feel some of his big brother instincts trigger.
Angeal's words hung in the air as he commanded Genesis to stay out of it, his stern gaze never leaving him. He knew things could get heated with Genesis' heightened emotions. Besides, the darling is his sister.
After Angeal's nurturing talk with him, Sephiroth and his darling still kept their relationship as private as they could.
Though the darling's work environment remained unstable and somewhat hostile.
Within SOLDIER, no one dared to say anything to Sephiroth about it besides his friends, so nothing much changed for him, outwardly.
The Silver Elite and Keepers of Honor had to abide by firm boundaries, and any deviation was treated seriously from now on.
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༻❁༺ The darling's exit from Shinra.
The darling began having doubts about her future at Shinra since the revelation of her relationship with Sephiroth to everyone.
Lazard debated her about this. He was completely supportive of her relationship with Sephiroth but also acknowledged the complications it brought SOLIDIER and Shinra overall.
But it also worried him how her departure could disrupt Sephiroth's performance in missions, and Angeal and Genesis's, albeit to a lesser extent.
The darling, feeling a deep sadness, made the difficult decision to end her tenure as Lazard's assistant, of her own accord.
Lazard accepted her resignation, telling her she was free to visit anytime. He's going to miss her. Even though he had dark intentions against the company, his time with her always been terrific.
Shinra was oddly quiet about this big news. Not saying or doing anything as they observed the situation as it unfolded.
Angeal was the second person to find out about it. He was shocked and approached his sister about it.
The darling will tell him the whispers and gossip made it impossible to work and the atmosphere in the workplace had become oppressive. But she planned on staying close, to visit him, Genesis and Sephiroth often.
Sephiroth felt a deep sadness as he heard the news, as if his darling had just abandoned him.
His darling would hug him tight and assure him it wasn't a breakup. She will remain in Midgar, so she can see his face and feel his touch.
Sephiroth will eventually feel waves of relief the more his darling discussed it with him. It means more chances to take a break from Shinra's harsh environment and find peace.
Sephiroth's separation anxiety would still be high, but the darling tempers it by visiting when she can.
Sephiroth and his darling enjoyed more activities together and more freely as she took him away from the HQ, but there was always a certain group of people watching them from afar...
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I like this AU, I wouldn't mind writing this occasionally, like I am with Project Valkyrie, where Angeal will also play a significant role in. I'm always free to discuss this AU! And man, I wish Angeal got some more prominence in the fandom. He's such a great character!
Also, this is officially now one of the few ways I can see Sephiroth developing a relationship with someone outside of his four main bonds.
I will point out that this darling is technically Angeal's half sister through his stepfather, because I can't see Gillian ever getting with Hollander again, especially when she moved back to Banora to get away from him and Shinra. In speaking of poor Gillian, imagine what she felt when her baby girl started working for them like Angeal...
Lastly, thanks for this ask! Cookies to anyone who can guess why Shinra allowed Sephiroth and his darling to continue their relationship, haha.
These headcanons are lowkey an analysis too now that I realized
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crisiscutie · 1 year
What if Sephiroth and his angel got married? I can see just an intimate wedding and Angeal walking her down the aisle! He would definitely shed some tears! Ugh my heart 💕 I've heard about sharing your vows privately before the wedding and I think Seph would much prefer that. He's already a private guy (especially with his angel) so to have that moment with her beforehand, to be completely honest and loving, would be ideal for him!
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As you said, Sephiroth is a private man and his angel (the darling), being Angeal's little sister, certainly came from a household of modesty. So, for sure, they will share those vows in privacy and have a low profile wedding. Very few would be allowed to attend. I could only imagine the Silver Elite, Keepers of Honors and the Red Leather, trying their best to sneak in to get pictures of Sephiroth, Angeal and Genesis in tuxedos. Zack and Genesis would be sitting together, supporting the two. I think Shinra would commercialize the wedding somewhat, releasing some pictures of it to use for propaganda, but the rest of it won't be released to the public, of course.
Genesis: Is there a special reason why I have to sit with Zack at the wedding and the reception???
Oh, but imagine: Sephiroth will feel his heart pound as he watched his angel slowly walk down the aisle, her pristine beauty creating a halo around her. But with Angeal carrying her off, the nervousness would be offset by a nurtured lecture by his best friend playing in his head, accompanied by Angeal's reassuring smile at him as he hands his sister off to him. The lecture in Sephiroth's head urged him to take his angel's hands and look deeply into her eyes, filled with love and devotion, as he embraced his dreams.
Apart from that, while an invitation to the wedding has no doubt been extended to Gillian, I'm wondering what her thoughts are about the engagement in general. I mean, yes, her baby girl is getting married. But she's getting married to the embodiment of a company her mother wants NOTHING to do with. Not to mention, she would know Sephiroth is a product of the JENOVA project. That her own daughter, who could potentially be another victim of Project G, like her mother, her brother and Genesis were, is marrying Sephiroth, is something that will not set well. I can see this being a strong point of contention for Sephiroth and his darling as they will notice Gillian's missing presence at the wedding. Sephiroth's darling would confront her later, putting her anger aside to spend time with her beloved...
Angeal himself would not understand why his mother was so opposed to the engagement until she finally opened up and explained the issue... And well, Crisis Core happens here again. With Angeal taking the lead this time. As I echoed in another post, the downfalls of the First Class Trios are linked to each other. If one falls, so will the others... I wonder if Angeal will tell his sister about his origins and perhaps her own?
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tarotdeckshuffle · 4 years
hi tarooo may i request a chocobros, nyx, ravus reaction when someone throws their s/o to a body of water even when they know the reader can’t swim please?
Omg everyone, guess who got the day off! Welcome to the far north and snow days! We’re not actually off because of the snow itself, rather, it knocked out our servers, so we have no internet at work and so almost no work can be done lol. But who cares! I got to sleep in!
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
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Initial reaction is to panic.
Yells at whoever pushed them in,
Then dives in to save them,
Even though he can’t swim well, either. 
Laughs because the Bros do this all the time,
Then realizes that they can’t swim!
He is throwing things into the water and holding out sticks to try to save them. 
Pulls them to the shore and holds them while glaring at whoever pushed them in. 
No hesitation. 
Dives in to save his beloved. 
Gets them out of the water and warms them up.
Taking care of their every need. 
The pusher will receive harsh punishment later. 
Also immediately in the water, but far less graceful than Ignis. 
Can touch the bottom so he walks back,
Cradling his S/O the whole way. 
As soon as he’s back, he gently sets his S/O down
And wraps them up in a warm towel.
Before punching whoever pushed them in in the face. 
A split second moment of amusement,
Before he remembers that they can’t swim. 
Immediately warps in to rescue them. 
Swimming back to the shore with them,
And comforting them. 
He won’t beat up the pusher…
Not right now.
But they will need to watch their back from here on out. 
Is shocked that someone pushed his S/O into the water!
And angry…
Is panicked as to what to do first:
Save them or kill the person who pushed them in. 
Jumps in to save his S/O,
But he can’t swim well either. 
It’s a struggle back to the shore. 
And he immediately murders all who laugh. 
Summons the Titan to bring them back to shore. 
Then he squishes whoever pushed them.
Immediately in the water to save them.
Graceful dive! 10/10!
Then lectures whoever pushed them. 
Murders the pusher first,
Then rescues his S/O.
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tarotdeckshuffle · 4 years
what song do you think each of the boys(and girls if you’re feeling up to it) make them think of their s/o
I wanted to make a playlist for this request…but there’s just too many songs to choose from. Link playlists in the comments for FFXV x reader love songs if you got them!
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
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He will never admit it, but that boy band song that talks about how beautiful you are and how well he’s going to treat you. 
Every single love song on the radio. 
A song you danced to together.
Any song that you sing along to on the radio. 
Very isolated as far as music goes,
So any song that you introduce him to makes him think of you. 
A jazzy love song that played in the diner when she fell in love with you. 
All the songs at the end of chick flicks that you “make” him watch with you. 
Colbie Caillat is his favorite. 
An old love song he sings on his guitar. Every time he hears those chords, he thinks of you. 
A song from very long ago that used to be a courtship dance. 
You’re never sure why he hums that weird tune. 
The first song you sang together at drunken karaoke. 
Knows every word to the raunchiest rap songs going and teases you with them,
But sings classic rock love ballads to herself when she thinks of you. 
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tarotdeckshuffle · 4 years
How would the chocobros react when they accidentally find out that their SO is sensitive when they play with thier hair? Unleashing an un-involentary spasm, shiver or moan?
He...hewwo? Taro? Are you still alive?
I think I suffered from some burnout there and wasn’t writing as much. But I’m trying to push through it. My wonderful spouse bought me a whole new computer setup for my birthday and today I’m testing it out! So I think I’m going to do a warm up, maybe work on an Arcana fic ( ͝סּ ͜ʖ͡סּ), and then do some work on a zine piece before testing out this new setup with some Fallout 4. 
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
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Smiles because he knows he can tease you now. 
Giggles because it’s adorable.
Works to elicit the greatest reaction from you. This is a challenge and an experiment now!
Is so damned turned on to hear you make those sounds. 
Giggles because you’re adorable but she WILL.NOT.RELENT. Now. 
Tries to stifle a smile. How can something be so funny yet so incredibly hot at the same time?
This is all a game to him now to see how far he can drive you. 
This is more than a game, this is another way he can test your limits...in a loving way, of course. 
Simply laughs. “Oh? You like that?” He growls in your ear. 
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tarotdeckshuffle · 4 years
Chocobros with an s/o who's super self conscious of her metal prosthetics
Hi...yes. I’m not proofreading. Today we go down with our first drafts like men. 
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
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Always holds their prosthetic hand. 
Tries his hardest not to make a big deal out of it. 
Simply shrugs when others mention it. 
Kisses it when you’re alone. 
Keeps telling you how cool it is. 
Wants you to think it’s awesome, too. 
Is starry eyed whenever you use it. 
Wants you to punch everything it. 
Assures you, when you’re alone, that “It’s an addition to you...not a subtraction.”
Sweet, but makes little sense. 
Is thrilled that you don’t have to go through life without a limb,
Reminds you of how useful it is:
You can take hot dishes out of the oven without a glove,
You can punch people without worry,
You can change out tattoos when you change prosthetics, 
And so forth. 
He knows how sensitive you are to it and he tries to help. 
Kisses up and down your arm when you’re alone. 
To him, it is a creative solution to an otherwise tragic event. 
Gets every prosthetic you own tattooed. 
They’re all different and amazing. 
Designs every tattoo himself. 
And oversees their layout. 
Some are scenes of classic paintings,
Others are colorful depictions of places you’ve been. 
But each one is unique and incredible. 
Helps you train with it and become stronger. 
Holds you when the pain gets too great. 
To him, this is simply another opportunity to express yourself
And grow stronger. 
You’re his everything,
Regardless of what you’re made of. 
You grow closer over both of you having prosthetics. 
End up with a prosthetic high five!
It’s a power move and a playful jest. 
Both of you know what it means to have this,
And the pain it brings you.
But together…
Each day is a little easier. 
Numbs any pain the device may bring you. 
Is happy that there’s a way to make you “whole”. 
But understands if you want to go without it. 
“Sometimes, the things we miss cannot be replaced. And perhaps...they needn't be.” 
You are still her dearest, regardless of your choices. 
Wants you to punch him/kick him with your prosthetic…
Simply holds you when you need him. 
Keeps getting you better prosthetic to help you feel better.
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tarotdeckshuffle · 4 years
I know requests are super backed up so pardon me for adding to it haha, but I can’t help being curious about the Bro’s reactions to seeing their s/o naked for the first time? Like maybe it’s even an accident and they walk in on them changing or something but how do they react to finally getting to all All That?
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
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Noctis: Stutters an apology before slowly backing out of the room, but he secretly remembers every detail. 
Prompto: Turns tomato red and stands frozen in time for what feels like an eternity, stunned, before screaming and slamming the door in his own face. Kicks himself for not remembering more details later.
Ignis: “Pardon...ME!” and he slams the door, but remembers every detail, every curve, every dimple, for...future reference. 
Gladio: Checks you out before plastering a carnal grin on his face. “Well...if we’re here…”
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tarotdeckshuffle · 4 years
I have some particularly surreal and not so pleasant dreams (where I fade in and out of sleep) and during that I can vocalize by grunting, toss and turn, and flail around for a few and usually before I wake up so can I have hcs of ignis, ravus, and ardyn and they would handle it? Oddly specific but I know I am not alone in this I just how often it occurs
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
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I’m not sure why, but I feel that each of them would be similar in this situation. They’d each stroke your hair and try to calm you, having woken up next to you. They’d be groggy but jump into action at seeing you having such bad dreams. 
Ignis may try to hum to sooth you. 
Ravus may try the hardest to wake you from your dreams. 
Ardyn would simply pull you into his arms while you were still sleeping, as he is the most familiar with having horrendous dreams. 
Imagine just being wrapped up in each man’s arms, their concerned eyes focused on you. Each would be relieved when you finally woke up. Each would let you talk about the dream, if you wanted, but none would push too hard. 
Ignis would try his hardest to find a way so that you don’t have to experience those dreams again. 
Ravus would vow to be with you through all of them.
And Ardyn would simply hold you, knowing that they will come back eventually. 
To some, what you go through would simply be a bad dream and a lack of sleep, but these three men would understand that dreams reflect our mental state and would take this far more seriously than most. 
They would hold you, their forehead pressed to yours, until you finally fell back asleep. Then, each would vow to watch over you and give you the best life they could. 
Hope you like this!
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