#anyway sorry for not elaborating more on the plot of the au but i have SO much reading left to do
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katie your lawyer au tags have me on my knees I never thought guys in suits doing stuff would seem interesting but wow…wow. your mind
Thank u Anon this AU is incredibly indulgent for me.......... ok time 4 more world-building.
I think @heynhay's original idea of Keith & Lance working together at the same firm is best. For both plot reasons but also for my own morale LOL
So everyone works at a fairly large private firm that splits its practice and has some of its associates doing profit-driven law (i.e. corporate or finance) which subsidizes the public interest/service work that the other associates do.
The firm is like "Altea & Daibazaal LLP" or something. Yes I am implying that the firm was started by Alfor and Zarkon. Yes I am implying that Allura and Lotor are nepo babies.
I know I originally said that Keith and Lance were law school rivals but I've changed my mind... (RIP to the law school rivalry dynamics
Instead I'm making it so that Keith and Lance are the same age but Lance has been practicing longer because he went straight into law school after college. Whereas Keith started working after college and got like a Master's degree in Social Work or something before deciding on law school at 26. (I just think Keith is the kind of person who goes to law school later in life.)
Okay onto the specific Klance dynamics... Keith and Lance are both pushing 30 and are also literally lawyers so they are professional and serious about their work... But there is wiggle room for them to still be rivals :p
Lance and Keith are both junior associates at the firm. Lance has seniority because he's been at the firm longer but he's still a year or so away from formally becoming a senior associate.
Lance really, REALLY wants to make partner and he sees Keith as his biggest threat/rival because Keith is Shiro's little brother, and Shiro recently made partner at the firm, so Lance thinks Keith might be a nepo hire. Also some of the senior associates recently left the firm so now Lance is stuck showing Keith the ropes and he's lowkey super bitter about it.
Basically TLDR Lance starts off Not Liking Keith at all for various real or imagined reasons and begins a work rivalry with him. Keith doesn't actually GAF about making partner because he's only planning on working at the firm for a few years to help pay off his student loans, but Lance doesn't know that. However, Keith is a naturally very competitive person, and he also likes having Lance's attention, so Keith immediately goes all in on the rivalry.
Lance, internally: "This Fucking Guy."
Keith, internally: "I am so good at flirting."
The first few months are rough between them. However both are also incredibly productive in their work.
The romcom part of the AU kicks in once the two of them have to start working together on a huge high stakes civil case and they're both like wow.... *twirls hair* he's so competent.............. <3
Anyway misc. things:
TBH I have no idea what kind of law Keith and Lance might private practice... I'm also really torn on what Shiro, Allura, and Hunk would practice hdjsksdhedf
Pidge is hired on a fellowship for either environmental law or data security/privacy law.
Coran does employment law.
Keith went into law school planning on going into public interest/not-for-profit legal aid and swore he would never, ever do corporate law but then he saw his student loans and was like. Hm. Okay maybe some Biglaw is okay. And that's how he ended up at the firm.

#lawyer au#voltron#klance#keith#lance#otp: we are a good team#ask#anonymous#katiecanons#the thing is is that like. i want to write them as public interest lawyers soooo bad because that's what i plan on doing.#but the reality is that public interest work is incredibly stressful and depressing and time-consuming#and i genuinely cannot imagine klance having the time/energy to start a relationship if they were both doing civil legal aid#like ngl. i am feeling very discouraged after my first month of law school. i feel very disillusioned by the whole process and the field.#hopefully it's just because i'm stressed and burned out right now and things will become more manageable soon#anyway sorry for not elaborating more on the plot of the au but i have SO much reading left to do
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Finally, my shaylahh!! TT^TT Shadow
So...I'm really excited to share this one specifically, and it's been hard, because Shadow's hcs in particular contain more information about the sort-of plot for this AU. As well as why it is called the Porcelain AU in the first place. So i'm so glad it's finally time to post this. ^^
I will say that there sort of is some need for warning for this one since it does have some heavy/sad/darker themes compared to the other, which...sorry? To be fair it might not be that bad, but I'd rather warn, just in case. I'll try to add the CW in bold in front of the specific parts that applies to the warning.
Anyway, as always....HCs/Trivia below the line~!
CW: Dark themes, death (canonical Shadow death ofc), kind of suicidal ideation? (sorry in advance?).
And remember this... "All things come with a price."
To start off! Our boy Shadow is a Taurus! On the cusp, so he was almost an Aries. April 20th ^^
He is the second shortest of the bunch at 5'5". Like Blue, it doesn't bother him, plus I mean...he can float? He can be at eye-level anytime.
Living with him is like living with a cat almost, *cough*black cat*cough*, he is mostly chill but he has bouts of sudden zoomies and mischievous behaviour. But for the most part his personality is a bit more relaxed than before.
He is very loyal, and though he is mischievous and sometimes taunts others, he is kind and well meaning. He does have some insecurity about himself and his ability to be good but is making good progress with the help of the others and is quickly gaining his confidence back, which is great to see.
Shadow doesn't really weigh too much at all, like Green, but it's more to do with his species/race than his abilities. Shadow doesn't really have all the internal organs, etc that hylians or humans have, because he is made of magic essentially. Sort of a magic construct in a way? He is a "Living shadow" afterall. Plus it makes sense for the others when they connect the things they've seen him do with his body before, i.e. like spinning his head/body round full circle, etc.
It's worth noting, because it will come up, I like to generally keep relationships sort of ambiguous or open to interpretation, mainly because I actually don't mind any of the ships between any or multiple of the gang, but I will say that Vidow is an established/endgame ship in this AU. I have a soft spot for the ship as it was one of my first ships when I was younger that I was in love with basically lol. Anyway.
Shadow tends to steal or run off with items belonging to the others, can sometimes devolve into a keep away game of chase he finds so fun lol. He can get pouty if there's no chase and they give up too easily, but will return the items, especially if the person is genuinely upset and wants it back. This has happened a few times, but he has been reassured that as long as he gives it back when they're serious that it's ok and to not feel guilty.
Stealing Vio's reading glasses to wear is one of his favourites though! No chase needed. Vio thinks it's adorable.
Shadow is very like ethereally beautiful, Link was pretty but Shadow is like unnaturally pretty. When I say them I mean like beyond human ability, kind of like the fae if that makes sense? I can elaborate on that if needed lol.
He is naturally curious but due to the trauma of dying, being separated from the boys, etc, he is kind of clingy. Doesn't really like to be alone for too long. Usually hangs around Vio and Blue the most though, but he doesn't avoid any of them, he just tends to go to Vio and Blue more often than the others.
Also worth noting in case it wasn't noticed, but I've decided to change the age they were on their adventure from 12 to 15. Mainly because I kind of wanted it so that they were at an age where falling in love would be more reasonable? If this makes sense. Like not really puppy dog eyes but more like I am in love and want to marry this person possibly in the future. It's mainly because I wanted it to be more believable that it was a factor in Vio wanting to bring him back. A strong motivation basically, and I didn't really think being in love was super realistic at like 12, sorry just my experience lol.
I think Shadow likely has major abandonment issues so that is something he struggles with, as well as some social and general anxiety. Depression too, to complete the trifecta lol. Am I projection? No you are lol. But has some self-worth issues, he's working through it though with the other's help! ^^
Shadow's feelings are pretty complicated when it comes to Vio mainly, at least definitely in the beginning of this AU. I mean, he made his first friends and fell in what he determined was love (though it wasn't confessed), then got betrayed by the only person he let in, then got killed by the gang via sword blasts.
He was at a low point when he crawled back through the mirror before Zelda confronted and comforted him. He thought 'fuck what everyone believes I am...I want to be good...someone worth staying for." (sad I know, sorry it's gonna get kind of worse ^^;).
CW - Suicide Ideation (sort of). When he met up with the others, he never really got the chance to speak with Vio so many things were left unsaid. And then his sacrifice....I feel like with his mental state at the time he might have been desperate to prove himself and maybe even a part of him thought it was inevitable? The gang was losing, they needed to shatter the mirror to actually end Vaati. So Shadow shattered the mirror himself, partly because he wanted those idiots to live, partly because he wanted to prove to them and himself that he was good, but also something he wouldn't admit easily is that he felt that they were going to shatter it themselves so he just beat them to the punch. He would rather it was himself who did it basically.
CW - Death. Shadow's last memory of this moment after shattering to moment was pain, then slowly fading away while the others surrounded him. In the moment he couldn't really hear them, which later is brought up sort of. Basically they were all saying some stuff, Vio may have confessed, but ofc Shadow's basically in overwhelming pain and his hearing is cut out so when he gets brought back and doesn't mention it at all, Vio sort of assumes that his feeling aren't returned for a bit.
His memories of being dead are kind of blank, at best he can describe it as being in an endless black void where time was uncertain. Somehow feeling like it took eternity and yet like no time at all.
CW - Dark themes. His resurrection was messy to put it simply. Everything has a price. Vio had been too confident. They were all there (the gang plus Zelda) when he had to be dragged from the newly constructed dark mirror. Death and the void are not simple things, and they don't like when others try to take away what is theirs. So it was basically tug of war almost, he was being dragged back to the mirror, and it took three of them to drag him from it enough to get him out. Zelda and Vio were preforming the binding spell that would keep him in the living realm, using Vio as the anchor. Unfortunately, while they were ultimately successful in the end and were able to shatter the mirror to stop it from reclaiming Shadow...he didn't come out of it unscathed. He lost one of his eyes (Left one in the picture above), as well as his feet/legs (left one slightly above the ankle, and right at mid-calf).
He has scars that resemble the shattered mirror, they glow in the dark lol. But most importantly you'll notice the starburst shaped scar in the middle of his torso/chest. It along with the shatter scars aren't textured like real skin or scar tissue, more like ceramic or something similar. Especially the one at his chest, that one is incredibly sensitive and also feels a bit fragile even though it is as tough at the rest of him. This was Zelda's doing, it is crystalized light force basically. He has a heart (which he didn't have before) constructed of light force.
Due to this, his powers aren't as powerful and he doesn't have the endless well of magic he used to. He can do all the things he could before, though he doesn't have endless energy so he needs to take breaks and consume magic energy & items to refill. It can be refilled with rest but eating magic makes it refill faster.
Example, floating/flying takes barely and energy but he cannot be doing it constantly without pause. They tested it, he was able to go without a break for almost 2 days. but this was without him using any other abilities, just floating/flying.
Another major example is his shapeshifting ability. He still can but the shape has to be of equal mass as him or smaller. When he used to shift to something bigger than him he would gather more darkness around him to pack onto himself kind of like playdough. But due to his new lightforce in him, he cannot take on additional darkness so he is stuck with the darkness he already has (himself).
The no feet thing doesn't bother him too much now, granted it did in the beginning when he was getting used to being alive and he was wary of the others. But he gets by fine usually by floating like he originally did. He does have some prosthetics that were made for him but he only really uses them when he doesn't have any other choice, he doesn't like how they feel and are a bit of a reminder of what he lost.
On that note. He doesn't like being picked up. Especially without permission, he finds it a bit insulting/demeaning. Sometimes when he's feeling especially clingy and doesn't have the energy to float and doesn't want to wear the prosthetics (Or has forgotten them. Which he does sometimes, somewhat purposefully because he struggles with his inability to walk on his on now. Don't worry Vio always has a set on him, man is prepared for everything), he'll let Vio or Blue carry him. Mainly those too, leaning more towards Vio when their relationship progresses. Definite sign of trust.
If this happens and no one is around that he trusts, he tends to just sit for a bit, snack on some magic, or if he needs to really like escape he can shapeshift into something small. This is a good option for him because it will allow him to refill him magic while not using much because his body is now smaller so his wellspring seems bigger because of it. I can explain this more in detail at a later date if anyone wishes. ^^
His left eye is gone entirely (which is why his eyes in the picture look different lol). He wears a false eye. His first was actually made by Vio! ^^ This was the moment he really started to reconcile and open up to Vio again after his betrayal. The others will make some and paint them themselves and he cherishes every one of them.
He's definitely helped Red sneak animals into the house before, he thinks it's hilarious.
Design wise, I gave him wider eyes with mad eyelash game, mainly to show that while he is a spicy little gremlin, he is surprisingly innocent since he doesn't really have a lot of experience in the outside world. I gave him a lip piercing because projection lmao, also because I think he'd really enjoy the ability to express himself however he wants too, freedom basically. ^^
His hair is more wavy-curly, hairstyle being somewhat similar to Red's (Red helped him cut it and they share hair tips), but while Red's ends a little past his shoulders, Shadow's hair goes a bit past his butt. He can change the look and style of course with his shapeshifting ofc but this is the look he likes most as of now. Still purple, but I went for the more grey toned purple I prefer to use for like all versions of shadow I draw, mainly so it won't be overwhelming and it makes his eyes stand out a bit more. I went for a pale skin tone with more of a brown toned grey undertone so he didn't look too much like a vampire lol. And freckles! love to add freckles to Shadow. Adds flavour.
I gave him more downturned ears, somewhat to display his uncertain nature and latent anxiety/guilt, but also to differentiate with the others. Also his shatter-scars are pretty pronounced and obvious to the general public, he can't easily hide it, takes up too much energy. You can see where it goes over his missing eye, which somewhat is where the path of destruction way. Basically the lightforce filled in the cracks like kintsugi. You'll see in future drawings and sketches, but Shadow's legs/feet weren't clean cut, think more of Wisp from Warframe, it looks more like hers do, and the stump/inside part it the same gold-white of the scars. Kind of reminds me of geodes now that I think of it, huh.
He tends to wear tops that are more loose fitting or are open chest, he likes to fluster the others, but it's actually because the scar at the centre of his chest/torso is sensitive and tends to sting and hurt more when rough fabric is rubbing against it. He doesn't like to touch it and doesn't let the others, bar Vio. (I'll explain why in Vio's post ^^).
#digital art#four swords#four swords au#legend of zelda#lu shadow#four swords adventures#four swords porcelain au#four swords shadow link#shadow link#shadow#loz shadow#legend of zelda four swords#fs au#AU#Four Swords Porcelain AU#vidow#vio x shadow#vio link x shadow link
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I'm still curious and as far as I can see no one else has asked about these yet, so please tell me more about the Woordlands Hybrid AU and the Mermaid AU?? *big pleading eyes*
I so sorry, this is an awfully late answer! I got too busy with too many stuff anf time ran away without telling me >:(
So the Woodlands hybrid au!
It's a Pit Babe au focusing on AlanJeff (with occasional cameo of other pairings) where Jeff is a bunny hybrid living all alone at the edge of the forest and Alan is a wolf hybrid living with a pack in the forest. With Winter approaching, Jeff goes into the forest to forage the last of whatever nuts and berries he can find ton top off his winter stores, and stumbles across Alan.
Now hybrids don't prey on each other if they can help it, but wolf hybrids make others nervous just with their presence. Alan, who is one of the gentlest creatures in the entre forest, tries to make himself small and harmless looking when he suddenly sees the bun hybrid to not frighten them.
Except Jeff's lived alone for a long, long time and is accustomed to taking care of himself. And he's stumbled across plenty of big bad wolves over the years. He snarls and attacks Alan with his knife, injuring him and running away himself.
Alan nurses his injury over the winter, and come spring Jeff learns that his adopted brother Charlie has mated a wolf called Babe from the forest pack and will be holding the ceremony soon.
Jeff is sure Charlie's gone mad, but he has to there to support his brother, and help him escape if he comes to his senses at the last minute. And when he goes there for helping out at the ceremony, well, guess who's the pack leader of the wolf pack?
Mermaid AU
This is a KimKenta cetric fic with NorthSonic as side couple.
It's got quite a complicated plot to explain (and my hands are in pain from how much I've typed today T^T), but basically, Kenta's the (neglected) son of Tony, the village head of a seaside village.
The village has fallen on hard times, and Tony, to keep the support of villagers on him despite failed harvests and sea storms, proposes the wonderful idea to sacrfice his own son to the sea to appease the sea spirit (a la andromeda).
So they tie Kenta to a rock by the sea and leave him there for the sea to take him.
Kenta's sure he's gonna die, but then a siren, the one who lures sailors to death and eats their flesh, takes him away. Kenta's sure that he's still dying, but the siren, Kim, gives him fish to eat and takes him to a small cove in a tiny island and basically lets him be.
Anyway they fall for each other and upon advice of the neighbouring siren couple (aka northsonic), kim decides to court kenta.
But siren courting rituals are complicated, and just gitfs won't do (tho Kim gifts plenty of seashells and pearls and treasures from ships he's suck to Kenta)—there's a final gift, an eternal declaration of love that makes up the final step of siren courting rituals—the gift of a human heart.
Now, Kim has heard how harshly Kenta's father has treated him over the years, and decides the best gift for Kenta would be Tony's heart.
It ends with Kenta embracing the siren life (tho how a human becomes a siren is quite uhhhh.... let's say it'll have dead dove tags in ao3 so i'll not elaborate it here, th you're welcome to send me an ask or dm me about it if you want. be warned that it might be triggering-it involves cannibalism)
That's it for the aus! They are all over the place but I love them still XD
#thanks for the ask!#ask game#wip game#pit babe the series#pit babe fanfic#alanjeff#charliebabe#kentakim#kimkenta#northsonic#sonicnorth#miu's pb aus
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uhhh screw it
y'all know those genderbend aus? what do y'all think of them, and how would you feel about being a different gender? I just have to ask since normally I get obsessed with them like halfway through my time in every fandom. Idk I just like seeing if it'd affect the plot and imagine a universe where the AU was canon. Multiple realities baaaaby~
Author themselves is not that exactly a big fan of genderbend au's tbh, but they will read about it in every occasion :]
"Being a different gender?? No thanks, I'm a blender."
"Charlie stop being rude!"
"Shut up."
"I know ghosts aren't supposed to get tired but GOD I feel like sh*t.*
"Yeah yeah..."
"I'm not sure if I would like changing gender, am I even capable of it??" "I mean, what gender are you—"
"I heard we're talking about being the opposite of our gender here?~"
"Aaannd the peace is ruined."
"Well someone died with a stick up their *ss."
"Anyway! I think I might like being a male, more muscle for me to flex off! Though I'd probably wouldn't like losing my feminine hair and look..."
A thinking cap was mentally placed on top of River's head.
"I changed my mind, I don't want to be a different gender."
"God I heard the word gender enough here..."
"I see everyone is having fun." "Yeah and now you also came to ruin the mood as well." "Yes, It is one of my favorite activity." "Was— was that sarcasm I hear?—"
"Boss! We were just talking about how we'd feel if we become our opposing gender!" "Really?" "Yeah! How would you feel about being a female?"
"...I have mixed feelings with that."
A moment of silence came as everyone expectantly waited for Boss to elaborate, which was never.
"That's it?" "I'd rather not discuss it.""Psssh, boring..."
"I'm gonna ask my friends later...I kinda wanna hear their thoughts about it..."
"Did Hayden hear friends?"
"Hayden stop running around so much! You oughta give this poor woman a second heart attack..."
"Sorry Joan!" "Oh hey Hayden. Question, how would you feel about being a girl instead of a boy?"
"Ehhh, Hayden doesn't really care!"
"Saw that coming...Joan?"
"I'd probably be some stereotypical grandpa going through war flashbacks, so I prefer the way I am now. Gotta be grateful."
"And that's everyone's opinion!" "FINALLY. I'm going to sleep." "But ghosts don't— she's not even listening to me anymore..."
Being a gender sucks, why have to go through the society's standard of what should a man or woman be? I'd rather be a PLUSHIE.
Eugene: This...
Boss: This.
River: This!!
Hayden: This!
Joan: This.
Charlie: ...This or whatever.
#underworld office#underworld office fan account#Ask about Uwo workers#Uwo workers answers#Charlie answers#Eugene answers#River answers#Boss answers#Hayden answers#Joan answers#eugene uwo#eugene ciu#boss uwo#boss ciu#river uwo#river ciu#hayden uwo#joan uwo#joan ciu#charlie uwo#charlie ciu#charlie in underworld#rp ask uwo#rp ask ciu#Ask about Eugene#Ask about Boss#Ask about River#Ask about Hayden#Ask about Joan#Ask about Charlie
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Knowing how much Ahsoka struggled to be Sabine's master --- would she get advice from Kanan when she visits Lothal? Most likely giant wolf to giant wolf??
Wellll see I kinda ditched the entire Jedi!Sabine narrative. Listen if they HAD to go that direction, I believe they could have done it well but they really did not (to put it generously), and while I've considered trying to do it better myself, at the end of the day I wish they just hadn't done that at all.
Tldr: Ahsoka and Kanan probably will have a giant wolf to giant wolf conversation but idk if it'll be about looking out for Sabine or searching for Ezra or what
So this is my tentative and unrefined interpretation of Ahsoka and Sabine's relationship for SWW Ahsoka, aka roughly how I imagined it would be like before that damn show ever came out (sorry in advance this spiraled all over the place. I meant to elaborate a little bit and then I couldn't stop. I tried to keep it concise but. There's a lot to unpack that I didn't expect to have to unpack in order to get to the point lol)
First and foremost Sabine isn't fucking Force-sensitive. Ahsoka teaches her a lot about the Jedi, and continues her lightsaber training, and I think Jedi teachings and excercises can have a lot of value to ordinary people! But she's not trying to be a Jedi. Ahsoka does feel mentorly instincts towards Sabine, partly bc she knows what she's going through as a very young veteren and genocide survivor. Partly bc she does feel the need to pass her knowledge on to someone. Partly bc deep down Ahsoka is pretty damn lonely too, and Sabine is very family-shaped. And also because wolfwalkers stick together.
They call her Ahsoka's 'practice padawan' as a joke. Huyang is like. You really ought to find a Padawan one of these days. And Ahsoka's like. Why would I need a Padawan I have Sabine. And Huyang is like. Listen I'm very happy to have Sabine with us but you ought to get a real Padawan.
But how could Ahsoka ever take on a student while she's still wrangling with whether or not she wants to be a Jedi? Which, they never actually show her making a decision on that. Or rather there's really no transition between "I am no Jedi" and whatever she's got going on in the show which. Long story short, I hated it. Ass writing. In my personal opinion.
I think I’m just gonna lean into the idea that she feels like she can't truly be a Jedi whether she wants to or not bc she was trained to be a soldier instead, combined with the fear of Anakin's darkness manifesting in herself, distrust of his training, etc. Up until the point where she decides to put Anakin behind her for good and trust in her own experiences, during her WBW adventure (which goes way differently in my head but I will elaborate on that later. Maybe.) But for the purposes of this au, she doesn't even commit to being a Jedi again until dying for the 3rd(?) time and honestly maybe she still doesn't. Maybe it takes all the way to wet puppy Shin dropping in her lap that she sees her path as a Jedi path. Idk.
Ahsoka's arc is not an aspect of the story I expected to address in depth myself so idk how much I'm gonna get into it within the comic itself. It's hard to go over every issue bc lothwolfwalkers is just an anthology series adapting small chunks of the timeline that I find work well with the wolfwalking, and I'm trying not to make more work for myself than I have to, bc I already have plenty. Rewrite is maybe a strong word, when I'm just cherry picking what I liked from the ahsoka show and adjusting what I didn't like in a way that keeps the overall plot intact for simplicity sake. I will eventually write an official detailed ahsoka-from-my-head post, but the comics will just be little scenes based on that.
Regarding Sabine and Ahsoka's falling out. It doesn’t happen. In fact I think Ahsoka will take Sabine under her wing after the fall of Mandalore and they just immediately start looking for Ezra in the unknown regions, bc Sabine is like hey I have nothing left here can we go look for my brother now. They don't find anything. Eventually Ahsoka gets wrapped up in other business and Sabine ends up back on Lothal depressed as fuck (despite Kanan, Hera, and Zeb's best efforts to be there for her, infinitely more than what is depicted in the show) until Ahsoka finds the map and shows up for round 2. Or smth like that.
Side note: I am going to declare the Wrens MIA not dead. Because I hate hate hate that they were unceremoniously killed off screen and wasted the way they were. I guess I could just unkill them completely but well I am a sucker for that angst and something about the devastation of that reveal seared it so deep in my head that I can't imagine the story without it now (thanks for that Dave. Fuck you Dave.) So uh, they're trapped on Mandalore with those other survivors from Mando S3. After Sabine's already left for Peridea they manage to finally get off Mandalore due to S3 events and track down Hera and are like WHERE IS SABINE. Cue Clan Wren Ghost Crew team up to get their fucking kids back. Though everyone will probably make it back on their own before they figure out a way to hop galaxies.
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author of butterfly here: i am very flattered you liked it so much! life is too busy to watch much tennis at the moment but djokoraz regency au has captivated me w/ its ridiculousness.
obviously charly is sad because jannik just gave in to heterosexuality and got engaged, novak just came back from a long trip abroad for ~mysterious reasons~ and is now doing things like gatecrashing balls at roger's house, and holger is, well, colin bridgerton (he's always telling charly how great it is that they're both still single and trying to persuade him to tour india together) and serena is the queen of england. anyway no promises but i might write it 😜 or some canon era let's see
wait. holy shit. ok first of all i am looking at my bookmarks and i think i was actually referring to chrysalis (there was a name change at some point, right?) and second. this is how i discovered there's a sequel. could have sworn i was subscribed to the series but i guess not, this is karma for never leaving a comment. —ok started to read got to jannik's dream sequence and lfjdalf i have to answer this ask first or i will FULLY lose the plot and forget who novak djokovic is. haha just kidding i wrote that and then immediately read the whole thing, past me was right this IS one of my favorites, even more so than its predecessor. jesus christ.
sorry to liveblog my journey of discovery. for everyone else this is the series, although you've probably read it already: un bel dì, vedremo
ok back on track. really shot myself in the foot there. YO if you decided to actually run with this concept i would simply expire?? i can immediately see gatecrashing balls at roger's like i am watching in 4K HD, my god. after all what is a regency au but a mile-long record of minute yet fraught conflicts shadowing every single present interaction, and what are the big four if not…
(…keep trying to comment on other aspects of this concept—queen serena!!!! carlos and holger racing their rickety little gigs through hyde park!!—but mysteriously all efforts keeps turning into the elaborate and tortured backstory for carlos' guardian that popped into my head .01 seconds after typing the words "regency au." well. at least i know how to stay on brand.)
having said all that i am ngl, based on the mildly psychotic eroticism of being sports rivals etc i would LOVE to read your take on canonverse djokoraz. possibly even more than an au. but really wherever the keyboard takes youuuuu, i am LISTENING. and hoping that life allows for more tennis soon!!
(eta: also, goes without saying but whenever part 3 of the sincaraz series drops i am in the front fucking row.)
#fic rec#the lesson i'm taking away from this is that if i yell loudly and obnoxiously enough the message WILL reach its intended recipient#so. get ready for a lot of yelling :)#(btw re comments i have at least half a dozen open tabs dating back to august with fics i mean to comment on. i haven't given up yet...)#ask#regency au#djokoraz#sincaraz
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The Best Trope Ever Showdown: Round 1, Side A
Friends to Lovers
Because anything you write with this isn’t gonna make the characters OOC :) believable storytelling, and maybe mutual pining? The TROUBLES. It’s more realistic to me I love
the tension, the will-they-won't-they, the (seemingly) unreqruited love, the pining, the slow-burn, the 'i can't lose them as a friend so i'll just get over it' (and they never get over it), the touches that suddenly become meaningful... and then finally THE moment when they can't contain it no more. it's so chef's kiss.
idk there's smth abt growing up together, being there for each other through better and for worse (but sometimes not! and that can be interesting to), seeing and helping each other evolve and finding each other at the end of it all. Ough. It's abt the growth of the relationship, sometimes not exactly sure how you feel abt each other but you know you love them and they'll love you back however they choose to. It's the inherent Demi vibes of the whole thing. It's just so good, I am a huge fan
oh god ok so. i might just be aro here but friendships are like the Most Important Thing Ever to me in media. they genuinely enjoy each other's company and they love each other and they dont always have to be dating!!! in a friends-to-lovers scenario they are though so this might not be the best example. to elaborate, im in a fandom that has two characters that have been friends for a very very long time. also they're in love with each other. and i read AUs sometimes where they didn't meet all those years ago but they still fall in love with each other anyways. and to me it just feels so radically different to me because they don't have that same history, yknow? they don't know each other as well. friends to lovers builds on love that's already there, and the love they had already isn't any less meaningful. the lovers part is just a bonus. this is rlly long sorry
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still haunted by the ask you sent @aroacehanzawa the other day it has not given me peace and I have been thinking about Milgram characters as classic literature ever since.
anyways I think Mikoto is very Gregor Samsa. Will happily elaborate if need be.
Fahrenheit 451 is a bit too modern to fit with the other stories, but Fuuta could be Guy Montag. The book’s themes of censorship and the fire symbolism fit him pretty well. Mahiru reminds me a little of Jane Eyre, though it’s not a perfect comparison.
And something about Es reminds me of The Pit and the Pendulum short story— the amnesia, the lack of control, the fact it is much more about the story than it is the character telling it.
HELLO!!! I haven't read any of the books you're mentioning except The Metamorphosis (and I agree Mikoto is so Gregor we're together in this) but I sorta know the plot of Fahrenheit 451 and I'm trusting you on this
You know I've actually made an attempt of a milgram gothlit au with a friend and there was a list of songs and characters. yeah i saved it on skype don't even ask. i changed some because I've thought so much about it jenny if you see this im sorry

i haven't read the invisible man or phantom of the opera so maybe im just saying bs but whatever lmk your thoughts 😭 also yeah mikoto samsa 100% and i should read Fahrenheit 451 & Jane Eyre aghhh
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Trick or treat? 🩷🫶🏼🫂
I shake up my treat bag of writing goodies, reach inside, and pull out your random prize . . . behind-the-scenes of a fic or series! Congrats, trick-or-treater!
Hmm . . . let's go to my Star Wars AU for this one! All about how it was created, my reasoning for certain lore and narrative choices, and how some of my ideas are panning out:
When I say that the idea for this AU grabbed me out of nowhere and started running, I am not exaggerating. I was literally watching the sequel trilogy one weekend, and it happened to be a race weekend too, so F1 was on my mind already. I think I thought something like, "Man, imagine the skill needed to pilot an X-wing properly. And to do it without dying in battle, too!" And then all of a sudden, I was also thinking about how much skill it takes to drive an F1 car without crashing it (because I think we can all agree that most of us wouldn't last five seconds behind the wheel of a racecar. If their necks have to be THAT muscular just to withstand the g-forces, then clearly I don't stand a chance). One thing led to another and now here I am.
I knew from the beginning that I was making this AU in the Rebels vs. Empire era. The prequels are fine, but I wasn't about to make everyone Jedi or something when I knew Order 66 was on the horizon. Plus, the original trilogy era is just generally more exciting to me. And I ruled out the sequel trilogy era immediately. After that train wreck of a trilogy, I would rather stay away from it. (To be fair, I do enjoy watching the sequels. They're entertaining at the very least, and do have genuinely good moments in them. But if you focus on the story too much, you start to notice the plot holes, confusing story directions, and aggravating character choices. Why is The Force Awakens just Episode IV all over again? Why couldn't Holdo tell Poe her plan in The Last Jedi, exactly? Who the heck was Snoke?? How did Luke and Leia know that Rey was a Palpatine but she didn't?? HOW DID PALPATINE COME BACK IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?)
(*deep breath* Phew, sorry about that! Got a little carried away. Anyway:)
The decision to make Lando Force-sensitive was an easy one. My favorite Star Wars show is Star Wars Rebels, and one of the main characters, Ezra Bridger, is a kid who doesn't realize he can use the Force until he happens to run into a rebel group that includes a former Jedi, which eventually leads to him getting hunted down by an Inquisitor, one of the Empire's official Jedi hunters. Lando's story is similar in a way: he joins the Rebellion, eventually realizes "wait a minute, do I have the Force?" and then has to deal with an Inquisitor on his tail when he accidentally reveals too much of his abilities. He's not super strong in the Force, because I didn't want to make him too over-powered, but he can sense things before they happen, move a bit faster than others, sense the emotions and intentions of people around him, and, his most special power, he can use the Force to heal others. Now this last power, I will admit, is actually inspired by the sequel trilogy. By certain scenes from The Rise of Skywalker, in fact. If you're familiar with the movie, then I think you can venture a guess at what might happen to Lando and/or someone he cares about at some point in the story. (no, I'm not elaborating further. You'll find out more when I get around to publishing it! ;) )
Writing this AU has been happening in short bursts. I have about half of the main story loosely outlined and a few of the major scenes written out, but I still have to figure out how to start the story. I also have ideas for side stories and sequels as well, but I haven't started writing most of those yet. I mostly just submit to the whim of my muse when I sit down to write, so if I sit down planning to work on one fic but my mind says I should work on something else, I listen to what my impulses are telling me. I find that I tend to write better (and write more) that way. In fact, I'm actually just coming out of a dry spell for this AU. I opened up the document again the other day and now I'm feeling motivated to write in it again. Hence why I picked it for this ask, it was on my mind already!
To the surprise of absolutely no one, this is mainly a Norrix AU. However, other ships and dynamics will appear too, sometimes just in the background, other times in their own installments in the series. I already know for sure that I want to include Brocedes (though the jury is still out on whether it'll be platonic or romantic in the end). I'm sure we're all familiar with how their drama went down in real life. And in Star Wars, what could be more dramatic than two friends torn apart because one joined the Rebellion and the other joined the Empire? Oh yeah, it's that kind of drama for Lewis and Nico! Will we see an Imperial defect to the Rebellion and fight alongside his childhood best friend again, or will we see them permanently torn apart by intergalactic war? Who knows!
Other relationships that may appear are Loscar and maybe Bearnelli. I have fic ideas involving both but we'll see if I actually get around to writing them.
One more thing about this AU is that I decided pretty early on that if I was gonna write about war, then I wasn't going to shy away from the bad parts. I'm not gonna just torture all of the characters for no reason, but if the plot demands it, let's just say that someone might end up in the med bay for a long while. I'm preemptively apologizing for what I have in mind for Oscar in the main story. And uh, maybe Ollie too, if I do end up writing that side story. They'll both be fine, don't worry!
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i already know about it but ill ask if you wanna talk abt it so bad SMH (I ALSO WANNA TALK ABOUT IT)
FIIINE if im FORCED to talk about it i guess ill see what I can do
for the everyone who doesn't know it already I have this liiiiittle project that has been killlingggg me known as the dead demian au which is like a Came Back Wrong sorta thing. Every other week I revise the level of Weirdness I want it to be and feel compelled to completely redo the actual plot events but that's not important what is important is the stuff that's sticking around. under the cut because this is like so long because I care too much about them.
Demian has died and with him so has all of Sinclair's will to live. He loses an unknown amount of time to a depressive state and only after a very odd dream that is so weird and real that even Sinclair is forced to realize there was something unnatural about it does he start to get back to being alive if only barely. and not long after this Demian is back ! Just like Sinclair has been able to claw his way out of the grave that was his lil mental breakdown era it appears that Demian has been able to do the same, quite literally
and oh how easy would it be to give in and pretend like nothing is wrong, maybe everything in these months including the death were all a dream or delusion and nothing bad every happened to begin with ! but of course he can't actually do that. can he even be sure that this thing is his friend who he loved (and dear god had he barely begun to accept how much the unspoken love between them Fucked Him Up in his grief how can he not let that regret weigh him down) because if it Isn't him then what is this thing? and god if it gives him Demian back does he care if it's wrong?
anyways things happen which include but are not limited to A LOT of weird Emil dreams centered around wellll uuuh let's say it's safe to assume they're about death and corpses and being in love with your best friend, the epic return of Demian's "let's kill this guy <3!" suggestions, the incredibly rare instance of me bothering to include Kromer in one of my fics, tons of truly great Sinclair insane logic to justify his really stupid actions, a lot of weird pretentious Demian rants about the meaning of life and free will and the nature of love, and the best part. lots and lots of truly insane Demian characterization I get to make that I don't get to do in most of my other things becaaaause (drum roll)
this fic and au is just a really elaborate exploration of all of my favorite little non human Demian moments. like sorry who is up thinking about his weird little self wanting to be human because he Loves them and loves to understand them and the first time he really feels like he's really managing to forget that he's something inhuman is with Sinclair and his complete adoration of him because it stems from such obviously human emotions. the love is there. the love was always there. you know? anyways he is my star (semi literal).... and dear god is he so lonely. he is so so lonely, my star in the sky who is waiting for someone on earth to love him so much maybe he can pretend to be human for a while. Frau Eva's story about the star who went back to space after the human who loved her could not make the leap of faith and Sinclair being made to decide if Demian, who helped him discover the truth of humanity, not being human is something that he cares about or if he'll be too scared to commit. the STARS !
And then there's the other inspo of course you know her you love her it's the little prince abno! Yay!! the simplest way to explain this part of it is like okaaaay let's rot together ^^ become one in body and soul and the #symbolism of the way Sinclair views himself as an extension of Demian more than as his own person sometimes (and esp in the aftermath of the not quite a death) and yet Demian wants nothing like that because Demian loves Sinclair for everything unique about him that makes him stand as his own person. Aaand yeah I think I covered everything important. Oh also despite what this paragraph would have you believe it's way more of a book fic than a game one personality wise, this is like modern setting none of the other game characters exist in this world it's just my guys
anyways I've written like TWO scenes in this AU that I actually like and it will never be truly 'written' so it will simply exist in my head forever but I do at least loooove the one where Emil's in his depression coma like that is early writing I still am in love with. i should probably actually try writing something for it soon but sadly it is impossible.... i think of them and go too crazy when it comes to this one
in conclusion the dead demian au has made me worse in so many ways and I've barely even gotten any good writing out of it making it the bane of my existence. I hate this thing and it is also my favorite child.
#kris answers#... not going to think about this showing up in search results#ill just delete this thing at the end of the day its fine
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I am very very VERY interested in whatever that fantasy au you posted about is did you have any more ideas on that :O ??? ur art is so cute and pretty btw!!
Hello!! (Sorry this is super late i got very distracted and i am very sick (so if im incoherent, that's why)) I uhhhhh do have a lot of thoughts but it's really hard to write it all down 😭😭. But I can try!
So, in this au, pokemon are a lot more ferocious and more like dangerous fantasy creatures that you'd normally see in a jrpg or smth (in simple terms) so people don't really befriend them or anything (basically legends arceus but people have a worse relationship with them).
And as for the people.... humans are basically *explosions* dead (Ethan is one of the few), the biggest race are the elves (Kris is one... but i have yet to illustrate her (i have a sketch tho (high school is kicking my ass)), and almost every race you'd see in DnD is here too...
But nothing here is super rustic or medieval... aside from smaller towns. Big cities and such are much more developed and are closer to our modern day (with fantasy twists).
Anyway, as for the plot, Ethan basically wakes up one day and sees that his entire town is destroyed (he has been asleep for several years (no, i will not elaborate (that's for another time)). He runs into Silver who was "investigating" the ruins *cough* he's looking for valuables *cough* and Silver is immediately hostile towards him (here, demons and humans have a VERY rocky history).
Silver disappears after attacking him (he only backed off upon seeing how utterly defenseless and incapable Ethan was) and Ethan tries to find an inn to ask for information.
GUESS WHAT!! The nurses are now bartenders. They provide travelers with information and maps and even a place to stay if they're willing to pay. Ethan orders an applejuice and experiences a fuck ton of denial when he's told about the genocide of humankind. And after experiencing severe mental and emotional pain, Ethan gets redirected to a nearby city that can help him find a new home (he's an orphan now (help him)).
On the way, he meets Lyra. I have... many silly ideas with her. She is a folklore-obsessed bard on the hunt for her fellow (feral (not... cat people...)) cats. And as Ethan tags along with her, they look for them. Something something once she finds all the cats she will be able to revert back to her "twu fowrm" something something.
And they eventually meet Kris; an esteemed mage who is a master at ice magic and knowledged about magical artifacts. She only comes with Ethan and Lyra because she has nobody else to help her with her fieldwork. Also, she's just genuinely curious about a living human being walking around town like it's nothing.
I.... never explained Ethan's power.... back to the pokemon thing: legendaries are more like gods that people genuinely fear (and thus, respect). The people who lived in Ethan's town worshiped Lugia in this universe. Thus, many of them were blessed with intelligence and a very small portion recieved some sort of power. Ethan was one of them and he is able to turn his compassion (haha spirit... or uh... soul... haha *gets pulverized*) into literal healing magic... but if he's feeling overwhelmed, the opposite will happen.
Oh and the other characters are here too... they're just considerably different... (esp Lance and anyone associated with team rocket (tr doesn't exist here, its just a family of silly demons (and a moody silver that loves his alone time and independence)) like, Lance is still a dragon master, it's just people think that dragon masters don't exist and they're just a fairytale (Also, Lance is just more reserved and isolated since he's not someone of high status (a champion... you get it))
There's more but damn this is getting a bit long and I'd rather show most of this rather than tell.... but uh... yeah.
#shut up vizzie#fantasy au... ig!#fantasy Ethan#fantasy lyra#fantasy silver#fantasy kris#i am not tagging the rest (<- lazy ass)#long post#i am so sorry i rambled... you just unleashed smth that has been kept up in my head for MONTHS anon. (its a breath of air#dear god i hate tagging on mobile#i will not fix that (<- pathetic)#omfg stfu vizzie
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Kamal writes bad fanfiction Kamal writes the WORST most CLICHE RIDDEN most SELF INDULGENT MEANDERING RIDICULOUSLY ELABORATE METAPHORS and he will Never Stop ( If you troll him he will cry). He's not super confident about them either but the love of the game keeps him coming back and he's been doing fic for a LONG time.
He uses events from his own life as fuel sometimes so he's on the edge of his seat when a friend or um HUSBAND 🥸( silly disguise emoji with big moustache and glasses ) is "proofreading"" through them
I was gonna post angst because I had a worse day but instead have some affectionate Kamal slander /lh
Uhhh for an example IDK have this thing I wrote that he would write about Habby PROBABLY when he's like. younger ( it's an AU!!):
"I woke up, batting my sunstone orbs, the sun shining on my wicked cute face while I ran a hand through my waves of candy donuts before I got up and walked out for work
On the way a small mysterious goblin suddenly appeared beside me at the doorframe. I was late already and had to munch the nutella bread in my mouth extra fast but I gave him a little kiss on the head before I started jumping on top of cars as fast as I could, cant be late to my first day of work OMFG !!!! "
[ GIF ID: Sailor Moon from the anime Sailor Moon is running to school with bread in her mouth, looking so worried and jumping in long strides. The BG is overlaid with pink sparkles and circles. The artist is 'rtil'. End ID]
Little did he know the small mysterious goblin was going to be of paramount importance to the plot as a shameless author self insert /hj
HERES one more of the stuff I think he'd write/wrote( style evolves!!) like but from my own Dark Wattpad Repetoire only for your petty amusement/lh
(Plain text: Im sorry Trey Smith I had to kill you to characterize another guy /lh)
' Kamal Bora walked.
The almost ancient sidewalk of the presently lone and desolate streets was unforgiving, making the intrepid man's every determined footstep to it have an especially unpleasant meeting with the cold, unwelcoming exterior of its boringly dull and long-since worn tiles even more excruciatingly difficult.
Often his avoidance of the troubling situations at his hands were accompanied by a great big sigh of relief and more senses of alertness for any more dangerously deceiving footing steps, but even then the mischevious sidewalk had him tricked once again, as a rickety tile fell off dangerously close to the one on which he was currently standing on. " DAMMIT!!!" An annoyed voice tore it's way to the dull night sky, yelling curses at the trickery of the streets-- In fact, it was exactly the type of voice you'd hear from someone who was really pissed off because they were walking in an abandoned Hell of a street all alone with only the much undesired company of some son of a bish-- In Kamal's case, the tiles.'
HWGSHJ Idk if I'll do more of it this "excerpt" was Just a Joek but maybe ANYWAY IM SO TIRED GN
Fun character exercise even if I had to pull out my old unholy writing LOL
#kamal bora#headcanons#roseverse#au#sooo tired...#txt#gif#my headcanons#all /lh guys i wrote badfic too HAJJSS#fanfic#badfic#habismal
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6, 8, 30 for the fic writing ask? :)
Hi! Thanks for the questions! I am late! But I always am, so okay! I said I would get back to writing the day I reblogged that ask meme and that was… more than a week ago. I didn’t write in between because I accidentally got addicted to knitting, what can I do (socks). Now, seriously I already told you privately, but let me tell the world as well: trying to rest and recover healthily is actually not as easy? I am chilling all day but that doesn’t feel good after a short while? I want to do things but things are tiresome and I want to do nothing but I have time! I can do things! But I don’t feel like I can! I don’t even know what things are! What do I even like! Writing! Rationally I know that I like writing and that I usually felt better after I took time to do so! But now everything is weird! But I want to, but it doesn’t always work because it reminds me too much of actual work but I am trying right now so after this elaborate introduction you will now get answers to these writing questions:
They were from this ask meme. (And I‘m still open to more questions -- maybe even quicker this time)
6) the word that appears the most in your current draft: which draft…?
I have one untitled AU that has 3% „Myka“ and „one“, 2% „Captain" and „could“ and if I say the 1%s as well that would give everything away. But it is from Myka’s POV.
There is the one titled *Cacao*, which is from Helena’s POV, but also has Myka on top, with a 5%, next up are the 2%s which are „When“, „one“, „never“, „sometimes“ and „hair“. 1% have „even“, „all“, „just“, and „time“. Time… an interesting one (no it isn’t traveled through here).
The next chapter of *Jump* is finished just needs some more looking through and posting… but I’ll get to that when I get to it. It also has 5% „Myka“, the others are boring, except maybe for 2% „water“.
One for another fandom, it’s called *Springball*, and the fandom will be obvious in a second. But you know this one already, Lilo! (thank you for the beta read! Hopefully I’ll find a moment for this fic soon!). We have 6% of Nerys. Yes, it’s a Kira POV! 4% Jadzia, yes that’s the second character in this little story. 2% „liked“, because *Nerys liked Jadzia*. This is what that is about.
Oh I found more! How about a 2% "Nyneave“? A Nyn POV? Who’d have thought? Not me! We also have 2% „just“, „little“, „poke“ and 1% „Semirhage“ Yessss my ultimate evil blorbo! Sorry for the name-spoiler, this is where I’ll stop associating words to it ;) (the other 1%s are boring either way)
And 5% Moiraine; 2% „about“, „just“, „seal“; 1% „waves“, „all“, „Damodred“, „head“, „still“ and „eyes“… this one sounds like a fun guessing game...
Oh wow I found even more, how many WiPs are there? I thought I didn’t start most of my ideas for fear of not finishing them. O-kay then. I’ll just list the interesting words: Myka, Pete, Books, Worried, Read, First. (Yes, it’s about books)
It starts to make sense now that my muscle memory always types „Myka“ when I try to say „Maybe“, I do seem to like her name. Anyway, next question!
8) A sequel! To a fic of mine, let’s see! I said I wanted to write spin-offs to Laundry Day when I finished it, one about going to the botanical gardens and Helena talking about algae and kelp (but I didn’t read the book I got on those yet) and one about Shelley, the Jelly — I forgot the plot of that one unfortunately and if I am honest I’m not sure how serious that ever was.
In a way I would always want to finish Yellow, because I ended that one in chapter 8 when I had notes and scenes, a life for them, until chapter 15 with a time jump, with things coming full circle. But I will not any time soon and that is good that way, the ending works imo and working on that story would not be good for me at this point.
There is also Fly Me To The Moon which would be fun to do the smutty sequel to but since I can’t/won’t write smut I will not. But it is one that would be fun and that would very fitting to have one!
30) share a fic you’re especially proud of:
I think Laundry Day as well. In a way it was one of the easiest to write because it was so *fun*. Obviously most fics I write are fun or I wouldn‘t write them, but this one flew, no swam from my brain and I rode the wave. I also wrote it during an interesting time of my life, both more bound and more free than in a long time, kind of fitting for the fic. I still love the idea, I like how I did the outline, and how I followed it, improving it and seeing it through. It has obvious flaws, in sentence structure for example, but, and that I haven‘t gotten done as much in others, was mostly on purpose.
I think it‘s also easier to mention a younger fic here because my writing is a constant work in progress and improving. Though my newest WiP I feel is not up to the standards I had in the beginning of last year. I don‘t know, in a way I am the kind of person who will criticize her own work to death on the other hand I had fun with most of them and am proud of the vibes I created, when that worked (Pretty Picture, Dreaming of waves) and that I did write them at all, how much of a world or dynamic I created (Yellow).
Thank you for the questions! And for answering some in return as well! Talking about fic is fun!
#ask game#fanfic#I wrote this yesterday and it feels so ironic to post now bc I’m in a self loathing phase rn so yeah I would not have managed to say these#things about my own writing rn but I’m just hitting post without verschlimmbesser-eien. okay bye
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AHSHSHA everyone getting their turn to be dragged around by otoya so real wait imagine when otoya drags Karasu and they come back and readers like “you left???” Karasu falls to his knees like “BRO I PLANNED YOUR FUNERAL AND WROTE YOUR EULOGY AND YOU DIDNT EVEN KNOW I WAS GONE??? Fake ass friends” LMAOOOO
Ok this looks like a good length for a merger pursuit continuation here
FRRR no because i definitely thought “awwww family moment” too it just hit me a minute after like “NOOOO LAST FAMILY MOMENT EVER” but yeah anyways
LAAOAPA not aiku aikuing maybe he can just travel through dimensions and crawled through via oaeu, hence why he needed pursuit nikos help LMAO but that’s so funny reos mawile just absolutely smoking abomasnow right after they had (what zantetsu would dub) their super cool mega evolution transformation
OOOH actually lowk I think that pacing good? Gives reader the chance to develop a working team slightly earlier on I think having three kinda ready to go is nice (I know Karasu and Tullia are decked out in teams already but i mean if I were in her position I feel like there’s a good number where I know I won’t die if I’m left alone LMAOO) so i think you should be good in terms of pacing!
Guys we’ve been talking to a ghost type this entire time no wonder why you have all these plots and fics ready to go but I’m crying Nagi fr would not bother to say shit about it to chigiri and Reo so when the time comes and he SEES aegislash again he loses his mind this is so funny
BAAHAHAH no he would!!! Give her a cute little bow and a bath after her wound heals fr (UHHDHHSH BAROUUUUUUU) I was actually going to mention that! Ik in game you’re limited to one mega per battle and I’ve never seen multiple in the show (usually on the premise of having only a special bond with one pokemon) but I never actually knew if you could have multiple in the universe like that? Maybe like the games where multiple pokemon can hit you can only mega evolve one at a time that would fr be cool though is gyarados could mega evolve too!
AUDBSK yeah it’s too cringey for me like nooooooooo please stop (same goes for mommy like sorry bro) I can only handle the memes
LMAO NO be proud of the memes trust it’s just evidence of your well rounded genius dw
We’ve come a long way though omg I remember when the tag was just pokemon au and now it’s full on pursuit!!!
- Karasu anon
HELP karasu would actually be the one to be so offended because he absolutely loses it every time reader almost dies meanwhile he is SUFFERING at this mf chris prince meet and greet and she didn’t even realize he was gone?? he is so heartbroken (meanwhile otoya thinks it’s because reader trusts him so much…she actually does not she just thought he was off doing some ninja bs somewhere or smth)
DWW i’m sure there will be more flashbacks so not exactly the LAST family moment plus we have their sweet reunion to look forward to :)))) can’t wait for them to meet again!!
you can take aiku out of the oaeu but you CANNOT take the oaeu out of aiku it’s inevitable he will a) end up wingmanning and b) end up needing niko to help him out SDKJGSD please i bet zantetsu’s keystone is located in his glasses (kinda like maxie in omega ruby) and he does this entire elaborate posing performance in order to mega evolve and reo just stands there and lets it happen because he’s just confused tbh?? like wtf is bro doing…and then abomasnow mega evolves and zantetsu’s like “good luck trying to beat me and my super awesome strong pokémon now” one fire blast later and abomasnow is out for the count LMAOAOA okay wait another side story is otoya and zantetsu somehow meeting up??? idk if they’ve ever even interacted in canon but in PURSUIT canon i think they would have such a funny dynamic 😭 idiot x idiot chemical reaction…bonus points karasu and reo end up having to rescue them from some mishap meanwhile reader and nagi are having some weird rivalry moment and chigiri and tullia are just gossiping HAHA
agreed i think she def needs to start building the team earlier on especially because all of them but aegislash will need to evolve so there needs to be time in the story for that yk?? but i also don’t want her to have one pokémon while karasu has four and tullia has six because it’ll feel unbalanced…my thought process is that she and otoya catch pokémon at a pretty similar rate since they’re the two who start out with only one party member each and then karasu just has his birds evolving because he only has two pokémon he needs to catch and tullia’s pretty static in terms of team development!!
YOU GOT ME i’ve fr been possessed by a ghost type this entire time #baroukin LMAOAO no nagi does not say a WORD to them tbh i bet they wouldn’t even have worried if he hadn’t left ALL of his pokémon behind they probably would’ve been “oh yeah he’s just with his not-girlfriend it’s whatever” HAHA nagi seeing aegislash is def a top ten pursuit scene because the way reader doesn’t even think about it/hesitate before throwing aegislash into battle and nagi’s just like 😱 becuase until that point he just thought he had had a really good nap or smth and that’s why he came up with that crazy ass plot for a “dream” 😭
honestly i think it would make sense if reader could mega evolve both because she does have very close bonds with both of them??? like houndoom is her starter obviously but then she literally almost dies saving gyarados i think maybe if i decide to allow gyarados to mega evolve (maybe aiku gives her the mega stone for it in a rizz attempt) there’ll be some canon explanation of it being super taxing on the keystone so it’s only really feasible once per battle…not sure yet though because honestly reader’s gyarados is already terrifying enough in-verse idk if it needs the mega evolution buff i think the team x grunts might piss themselves 😩 they’re just lucky hydreigon can’t mega evolve that would be their final straw
NO YOU’RE SO REAL i can only see it used ironically (then i laugh) otherwise it’s just like oh…is this who we are…not trying to shame anyone who does enjoy it!! it’s just not for me (i also don’t like smut in general so that’s probably a contributing factor) also LMAOOO i love my silly memes i think posting my thoughts for bllk tumblr to see is one of my top hobbies i’m so unserious with it ngl
yesss once i actually post a story i try to tag anything related to it with the story title!! so now that pursuit is officially out all of the asks related to it get the pursuit tag (although our general pokémon discussions just get the pokémon au tag so that someone who’s looking specifically for pursuit content doesn’t get confused)
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Thinking about my totally awesome and not unnecessarily complex song fic/animatic idea involving my au and Lear but not my amazing cool Hoopa!Lear just a normal one and this thing will probably never be made because it is so insanely spoilery for the end of my first au fic which will take forever to finish but at the same time
Great angst potential on every front regarding the sequel especially Hoopa!Lear so info dump under the cut maybe I'll try to storyboard a bit of it soon
Laying the ground rules for the au here- pokemon hybrids, multiverse, 10,000 year time skip after the (very different) events of diamond and pearl, this is 3 months after the conclusion of that au in which an organization referred to as the U.P.A. (Universal Protection Agency) has been enstated with the goal of preventing reality from ever getting that fucked again (it was bad)
The song itself is Dead! by MCR which...no twists here you know someone's gonna die, the fic focuses on the protagonist of my au (my beautiful bird boy Akagi, who's named after Cyrus but isn't him and but is kind of his son but also isn't) who's been tasked with assassinating a version of Lear that didn't die when he was supposed to (very bad for Reality she doesn't like that)
But uh oh! Young Prince? Assassination? That's really familiar! Akagi doesn't have the balls to kill a guy in the same way he himself died, uh oh spoilers for that plot point good thing it's chapter 1 and said chapter should be posted to ao3 as soon as this heatwave stops and I can fucking think again and finish the second
He tries to do it anyways, given a 2 week time period before someone else has to step in, but uh oh again! Akagi's getting attached! Now it's even harder to kill this guy
Too bad so sad has to happen BUT what matters most is the angst potential
Because Hoopa!Lear was one of many people who saw Akagi get assassinated (and also missed the entire plot so will be very confused to see him alive and well in the sequel) so that can be revealed and then Akagi with his shit social skills would be like 'That's so funny I just failed at killing a version of you' and because this isn't normal at all it can create issues I can elaborate on severely
This is outside of song fic territory but it ties in both to the sequel plot and my horrific cringe oc x canon side plot sorry it's a legal requirement for people to have to slog through my self fan service for my definitely amazing writing that's why there's 3 versions of Cyrus in the first fic and also why I rewrote the entire lore leading up to the first to include more Volkner, sorry again, if I don't throw everything I have at the wall some poor sap will have to personally listen to me infodump please I love talking to people so much please I promise I'm not cringe
I'm gonna go finish my preobligations and then go draw something totally really good
#ess au#this is technically about lear so#prince lear#i apologize so much for oc x canon because i personally find it meaningless unless im invested in the oc#so please immediately become invested in my ocs#im joking of course#sorry lear fans y'all are my besties now but this is what you get until I have time to draw him again#also i don't tag my ocs because i don't love them and this isn't about them#death mention tw#its a given with this au half the cast is dead(!)
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Hi, I just wanted to say Nhthcth is my favorite TMA fic ever.(sorry this is so long)
The different ways it’s written is so cool and fun, I especially like the bit in the theater with Grimaldi. The characterization is amazing - I love your Jon so much, he’s been through so much, but is still trying to help everyone in anyway he can(just like in the podcast), not to mention you’ve somehow made a character that literally never shows up in the podcast be so fun and enthralling (I can’t imagine Danny in any other way now)
I know there are a billion AU TMA fics out there, but so many of them are time-travel fix-it (which is fine, some of them are really cool) But I really like what-if type fanfics, and yours is, in my opinion, one of the best out there.
I could literally go on about it for days, it’s so good! Once I get an ao3 account, I will probably comment on like every chapter, picking out the bits I really like; if you don’t mind that is, I don’t want to spam you with comments on old chapters. (Sorry if this is weird or creepy, I just really like your fic)
y'all are sooo kind thank you so much you guys make my day
the theatre bit with Grimaldi i feel actually ended up being pivotal to how nhthcth ended up being written. I remember that when I first tried writing that chapter, I struggled a bit with how to best convey the stranger, and I ended up experimenting with the theatre script format and it just clicked. then, danny and jon were trying to outrun a REALLY fucked up clown and danny was catching jon when he was jumping and kicking grimaldi in the face and i was like "oh this is fun. this is so much fun" and it kind of gave the license lean into more experimental formatting and a little bit of slapstick. that chapter/scene really changed a lot of how i approached nhthcth for the better.
Danny is one of my FAVORITE characters in nhthcth and he actually isn't fully from nhthcth. I have this really elaborate, ridiculously long story plotted out that I affectionally call the himbois AU starring Gerry, Jon, and Danny. the idea is that Jon has a run-in with Agnes Montague while he's still at university and finds himself free of strings that Mother would really rather he kept in, and somehow spiraled into Jon, Gerry, and an amnesiac Danny Stoker running a ghost hunting youtube channel as a cover for supernatural shenanigans that accidentally blew up and became famous. it's basically just buzzed unsolved and famous for the air of skepticism they bring to supernatural investigations--because jon and gerry could NOT take some old houses with bad insulation seriously when they were on the run from the spider that tried to eat jon in childhood.
i actually got back into fanfiction because of it--i wasn't publishing anything for years, just writing it for myself, and then i started explaining this story to a friend who was really into it, and especially danny's character. when i decided to start putting my stuff out there, I already had nhthcth planned and decided to try for that one. danny stoker was already in the plans for, but he wasn't anywhere close to the danny that ended up in the final product of nhthcth. i ended up adapting the danny from the himbois AU for my friend who loved him so much, and he's much better for it.
i think i'll always be partial to himbois!Danny as like, my favorite mental version of danny stoker, but nhthcth!danny is extremely important to me too. i'm really thrilled that so many other people have found him to be important to them too
#nhthcth#the himbois au is so near and dear to my heart#god they were so chaotic and good#we were sooo far off the beaten path with that one too#like we started with 'agnes montague frees jon from the web pre canon'#and somehow ended up at 'everyone thinks international astronaut jan kilbride had a breakdown involving some YouTubers b/c they showed up#at his apocalyptic sacrifice by old lady like 'haha you're trying to stop the buried? us too! we were going to throw this vast Leitner in#the big hole and just sort of see what happened what were. what were you going to do. do we. do we want to try our thing first.' and now#he insists they actually hunt ghosts' anyway it's fun it's a fun time
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