#anyway please enjoy the picture ☺️
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another-day-another-giyuu · 3 months ago
Hellooo! I was wondering if you had a photo of Giyuu from the intermission art book without the button icons at the bottom right?? It’s alright if you don’t!!
Here you go🙈
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goingsunnythousandmerry · 9 months ago
Hi there! I really like your writing! ☺️ I have a request can I get a Sabo x Strawhat pirate reader please? Thank you! 😊❤️
Sabo X Strawhat Reader @ Dressrosa Fluff and NSFW w/ Sex Pollen
Authors Note: SO… not much in actual canon to set this up, so I struggled a bit. Anyways, here is the Sabo x Reader meeting at Dressrosa. Wasn’t sure if we wanted  Fluff or smut, so figured why not both? Smut is labeled as such. Enjoy. 
Warnings: FLUFF, MDNI, NSFW, Fingering, public sex, p in v sex, finishing inside reader, i don’t own these characters, glove kink
You exited Kyros’ cabin to get some air. The excitement of the past 24 hours on Dressrosa was overwhelming. You were exhausted and yet, the continuing adrenaline prevented you from sleeping.The world outside the cabin was quiet and still. The voices inside the cabin echoed from within the walls, reminiscing about the events of the day. A breeze blew past your face, catching in your hair as it lay behind your shoulders. The air was cool, but comforting. Wanting a break from the voices, you slowly wandered your way up the hill from the cabin towards a large tree surrounded by wildflowers. 
You stopped at the base of the tree and admired the flowers at your feet. Shades of pinks, yellow, oranges and red surround you. The air smelled of a floral sweetness, with a hint of dust from the destruction in the village, just beyond where you stood. A deep orange flower with gold tips caught your attention. You knelt down to pick it up, smoothing your light blue sundress as you did. You brought the petals to your nose and breathed in a sweet honey scent with a touch of vanilla.
Its scent transports you back to a moment at sea with your crew. Sanji had picked flowers from an island you stopped on for supplies. Robin had set them on the table as a centerpiece. Sanji made a big dinner for you all and you gathered at the table for the meal. Luffy, Usop, and Chopper were all doing something silly that made you laugh. Sanji and Zoro argued about gentlemanly behaviors. Nami had to stop their argument by hitting them over the head with her fists, for fear they were going to knock over the table. Franky told you about an invention he was working on that made Usop, Luffy, and Chopper swoon. Brook sipped on some tea and told you about a new melody he had been working on before cracking a bone joke. Robin made a cynical joke in response to Brook’s bone joke, then softly chuckled as Usop screamed in terror. It was the first time you had realized how at home you felt with the crew. Smelling the wildflower, you missed the Sunny. You missed being with your whole crew. You missed home.
You were awoken from your flashback by the snapping of a twig behind you. You quickly stood up and turned to face the cause of the disturbance with a gasp. Before you, stood a tall man with blonde hair and a top hat. He was dressed in vintage clothing. You tensed as your eyes met his. You had seen his picture in the paper and recognized him from Doflamingo’s bounty presentation earlier in the day. However, you were unsure as to whether he was friend or foe  as you knew little beyond his name and occupation. Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, was standing before you, but why, you did not know. You took a deep breath and relaxed your muscles as he smiled sweetly at you.
“Hey. Sorry to scare you. I’m Sabo, I recognized you from your wanted poster. I was just here to see Luffy, but then I saw you here.” Sabo said as he took off his hat and repositioned it under his left arm.
Your body stiffened at the name of your captain coming out his mouth. Your breath caught in your throat as you raced through scenarios. You had read about Sabo, you knew he was tough. You weren’t sure why he wanted Luffy, but you knew he was in no state to fight, frankly none of you were. It was your duty to protect your captain. You clenched your fists and took a deep breath as Sabo fumbled at his gloves.
“What do you want with Luffy?” You asked as you took a step towards the man.
“Luffy?” He said with hesitancy as he studied you. “Luffy is my brother. I’m here to see if he’s alright.” He added.
You gasped at his announcement. Your breath caught in your chest as your mind raced through every story Luffy ever told you. Within them you searched for mention of a brother besides Ace and found nothing. Your eyebrows furrowed as you stared at the kind face of the man before you. 
“What are you talking about? Luffy never mentioned another brother. I met Ace, you’re not him.” You harshly responded with a raised voice as you took another step towards the man.
“He’s dead.” He replied calmly as he replaced his hat atop his head. “Luffy never mentioned me because he thought I was dead. Frankly, I forgot all about him until… Ace…” He paused as his gaze left yours for a moment to stare at the ground before you. “Sorry, I had just got done explaining this to your crewmates. Then I walked out of the cabin and saw you here.” Sabo smiled as his eyes flickered back up to meet yours.
You swallowed hard as the breeze blew your hair into your face. Sabo took a step closer to you and laughed softly. You looked at him through furrowed brows as you tucked your hair behind your ear.
“Luffy always planned to have a tough and loyal crew. I’m glad he found you, Y/N. I’m only sorry I couldn’t have recruited you to join the Revolutionary Army effort first.” He said with a disappointed tilt of his head.
“Me? The Revolutionary Army? How do you know anything about me? How do I know you’re really Luffy and Ace’s brother?” 
Sabo just laughed.
“If I wanted to hurt Luffy, I would've done it already. But, Luffy named his first move gum-gum pistol because he thought his punches were as strong as pistols. He wants to be King of the Pirates so he can be freer than anyone else.” Sabo said as you gasped.
“You on the other hand. I’ve read about you in the paper and heard stories. You saved your country with Luffy’s help. You motivated your people to seek the change they deserved. You have been through the hardships of revolution and come out on top. The Revolutionary Army seeks people like you who are willing to take a stand for their countries. You did it without our help and by doing so, you would’ve been quite the asset to us.”
Sabo stepped closer, now inches from you. He looked down into your eyes. You breathed in deeply, catching his scent as you did. He smelled of ash, vanilla, and pen ink. You broke your gaze from his and looked at his chest. Your hands relaxed from their clenched position and the wildflower you forgot you were holding fell from your grasp.
Pen Ink. You thought to yourself.
You lifted your chin up, so your eyes met his onyx ones. He smiled at you. You laughed as the memory of a conversation you once had with Luffy flooded your mind.
“He did mention you.” You said as you tucked your hair behind your ears and smiled. “He told me I reminded him of his brother once. I thought he meant Ace, but then I meant Ace and well, now knowing he had another. It makes sense now.”
“What did he mean by that?”
“I think because I never understood royalty or the celestial dragons, he said you passionately spoke of the same hatred at a young age. That and I want to travel the world and write stories about my adventures and the world’s beauty. He said you wanted to do the same.” 
Sabo nodded at this and chuckled to himself. 
“Luffy always did have a good way of making people remember and realize their dreams.”
“That he does.” You replied with a nod.
Your eyes returned to lock onto his. His scent was intoxicating. He was handsome in a way you hadn’t seen before. He had scars visible on the outside and one he tried to hide within. His vulnerability about his brother’s made that evident. He was kind and yet incredibly strong, you had seen the damage he inflicted at the stadium. He saw in you something only Luffy before him had seen. You felt as if something within the two of you was pulling you closer together. You couldn’t help, but want to be closer to him. You stepped forward, standing only an arms length apart from him.
“Y/N, Keep him safe for me will you?” He asked as the gloved fingers of his right hand lightly wrapped around your forearm. 
His expression was soft, a small smile of support rested on his face. Behind his eyes, you could see the pain of losing Ace as he spoke of Luffy. The pain of forgetting his family. You lifted your hands and rested them on his chest, his hand fell from your forearm to his side as you moved. His eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat in response.
“Sabo, Luffy has a loyal crew, nothing is going to happen to him. We won't let it.”
“Thanks. If he’s ever in trouble. I won’t be far away. You just have to keep him out of trouble until I get there.” He said as his hands gently fell to your waist. “In the meantime, you think of joining the Revolutionary Army. Why did you join up with Luffy anyway?” He said with a laugh.
His hands pulled you closer to him. He was a stranger just moments ago and yet your love for Luffy and for helping others, made it feel like you had known him your whole life. You felt safe in his arms, you never wanted the moment to end. Your nose wrinkled as you laughed in response to his question.
“Good try. You know Luffy, he has a way of being convincing and now I’m not going anywhere. At least, not until my king says he no longer needs me. Until he helps me see my dream out.” You smirked at him as you replied.
Your expression fell blank as you watched his eyes studying your face. One of his hands raised to your cheek and you lifted one of yours to meet it. Your lips separated as you tucked your cheek deeper into his palm. You licked your lips as your gaze fell from his onyx eyes, to his lips, then returned to meet his gaze. 
You wanted this to happen and yet, his actions surprised you. Your body tensed as he pulled you into his chest and pressed his soft lips to yours. Your hand fell from his arm to his chest. You melted against the warm feeling of his lips and his embrace. You didn’t kiss back at first, too distracted by the sensation of him. A man you met only five minutes ago and yet, nothing had ever felt as right as being with him. The scent of the wildflower you smelled earlier felt like home with your crew. A home full of laughter and adventure.  Sabo’s lips felt like a home of love you’d never known before and you couldn’t wait to experience more of. 
Sabo must have noticed your stiffness because he pulled his lips from yours. His hands fell from your cheek and waist and he took a step back from you. Panting, he raised an arm to rub the back of his neck. He shook his head and tried to laugh it off casually. You stood still staring at him, mouth slightly agape.
“I’m sorry. I got carried away, lost in the moment. We hardly know each other.” Sabo nervously spoke.
“Sabo. You have nothing to apologize for.” You whispered as you stepped towards him.
You raised your hands into the blonde curls at the back of his neck and pulled his lips deep into another kiss. His gloved hands found and tightened around your waist. He pulled your chest flush with his. He nibbled at your lower lip as the passion grew within your interlocking lips. You opened your mouth wider allowing his tongue to enter. It found yours and danced with it. His hands explored your waist and lower torso as you backed your intertwined bodies against a nearby tree. 
“Brrrring. Brrrring.” The sound of a transponder snail ringing resonated from within Sabo’s chest pocket. 
He separated his lips from yours and stared deeply into your eyes, letting the snail ring a moment. Panting from the heat of the kiss, he removed the snail from his pocket. He kissed your forehead and answered the call.
“Click.” The snail said.
“Sabo. Where are you? It’s time to go!” Koala yelled through the speaker of the snail.
“I’ll be right there.” Sabo replied as he hung up the transponder snail and shoved it back in his pocket.
His nose fell to rest flush with yours. He kissed you softly, then took a step back from you. His hands remained on your waist. His expression fell from a soft smile to one of sorrow and longing. Your hands fell to his chest and your fingers curled in his white shirt and vest.
“Guess, I have to go.” He said. “It’s been fun, sorry it was so short.” Sabo said with a chuckle.
Your hand raised to his cheek and he turned his head into the warmth of your palm. His eyes met yours. A smile grew across your cheeks as you looked at him before you.
“I’ll take good care of Luffy for you. Just promise me… Promise me we'll meet again.”
“We will. I’ll make sure of it.”
Sabo leaned forward and kissed your cheek. His hands fell from your waist as he stepped away from you. As he walked away from the tree and the cabin, you wrapped your arms around yourself, missing the warmth of his embrace. Up the hill from you he turned and looked at you over his shoulder. He tipped his hat and a wide smile grew across his face as he nodded his head at you. Then, he walked beyond your view. You took a deep breath and gazed at the moon and wildflower field beyond you. You smiled as you headed back to rejoin your found family in the cabin.
You exited Kyros’ cabin to get some air. The excitement of the past 24 hours on Dressrosa was overwhelming. You were exhausted and yet, the continuing adrenaline prevented you from sleeping.The world outside the cabin was quiet and still. The voices inside echoed from within the walls, reminiscing about the events of the day. A breeze blew past your face, catching in your hair as it lay behind your shoulders. The air was cool, but comforting. Wanting a break from the voices, you slowly wandered your way up the hill from the cabin towards a large tree surrounded by wildflowers. 
You stopped at the base of the tree and admired the flowers at your feet. Shades of pinks, yellow, oranges and red surrounded you. The air smelled of a floral sweetness, with a hint of dust from the destruction in the village, just beyond where you stood. A bright pink flower with dark red tips caught your attention as it was the only one you could see of its kind among the sea of colorful petals. You knelt down to pick it up, smoothing your black skirt as you stood up. Another breeze blew through the collar of your white button up shirt. You brought the petals to your nose and breathed in sweet honey with a touch of vanilla and a hint of spice.
The scent of the flower suddenly made you feel very warm. You felt a bit out of it for a moment, but were brought back to by the snapping of a twig behind you. You quickly stood up and turned to face the cause of the disturbance with a gasp. Before you stood a tall man with blonde hair and a top hat. He was dressed in vintage clothing. You tensed as your eyes met his. You had seen his picture in the paper and recognized him from Doflamingo’s bounty presentation earlier in the day. You were unsure as to whether he was friend or fore as you knew little beyond his name and occupation. Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, was standing before you, but why, you did not know. You took a deep breath and relaxed your muscles as he smiled sweetly at you.
“Hey. Sorry to scare you. I’m Sabo, I recognized you from your wanted poster. I just came by looking for Luffy.” Sabo said as he took off his hat and repositioned it under his left arm.
Your body stiffened at the name of your captain coming out his mouth. A bead of sweat rolled down your forehead. You wiped it away. Your breath caught in your throat as you raced through scenarios. You had read about Sabo, you knew he was tough. You weren’t sure why he wanted Luffy, but you knew he was in no state to fight, frankly none of you were. It was your duty to protect your captain. You clenched your fists and took a deep breath as Sabo fumbled with his gloves. Your body felt off, sniffing that flower was a bad idea. Something was wrong with it. You felt hot and restless, but you had to make sure this man wasn’t here to hurt your captain.
“What do you want with Luffy?” You asked as you shakily took a step towards the man.
“Luffy?” He said with hesitancy as he studied you. “Luffy is my brother. I came to see that he was alright.” He added.
You gasped at his announcement. Your breath caught in your chest as your mind raced through every story Luffy ever told you. Within them you searched for mention of a brother besides Ace and found nothing. Your eyebrows furrowed as you stared at the kind face of the man before you. You bit your lip as you felt the heat continue to build within you. You weren’t sure what the scent of that flower had done to you, but you had a need and you weren’t sure how to get the ravenous feeling within you to calm down. 
“What are you talking about? Luffy never mentioned another brother. I met Ace, you’re not him.” You harshly responded as you took another step towards the man.
“He’s dead.” He replied calmly as he replaced his hat atop his head. “Luffy never mentioned me because he thought I was dead. Frankly, I forgot all about him until… Ace.” He paused for a moment, breaking his gaze from yours. “Sorry, I had just got done explaining this to your crewmates. When I walked out of the cabin and saw you here, I wanted to meet you.” Sabo said as his eyes glanced to the ground in front of him then back up to meet yours.
You swallowed hard as the breeze blew your hair into your face. Sabo took a step closer to you and laughed softly. You looked at him through furrowed brows as you tucked your hair behind your ear. You closed your eyes and swallowed hard.
“Luffy always planned to have a tough and loyal crew. I’m glad he found you, Y/N. I’m only sorry I couldn’t have recruited you to join the Revolutionary Army effort first.” He said with a disappointed tilt of his head.
Your knees began to buckle and you stumbled where you stood. Sabo ran to you and caught you before you could fall. You blinked your eyes as you raised your head to look up at the man before you. His arms wrapped tenderly around you. His touch felt wonderful, but it wasn’t enough to cure you of this odd sensation building with you. Your lips fell apart and you began to pant.
“Y/N. Are you okay?” He asked as he studied you and held you against his chest.
“I’m fine. Just feeling a little off.” You replied. “Me? The Revolutionary Army? How do you know anything about me?”
Sabo just laughed as he tucked your hair behind your ear. A slight moan left your lips as his fingertips brushed down your neck. You slammed a hand over your mouth and your eyes widened at the sound that had just escaped your lips. His eyebrows raised and he tilted his head as he looked down at your flushed cheeks. His expression softened as he stared into your eyes.
“I’ve read about you in the paper and heard stories. You saved your country with Luffy’s help. You motivated your people to seek the change they deserved. You have been through the hardships of revolution and come out on top.You would’ve been quite the asset to us. Now, Y/N. Tell me what’s wrong. You can hardly stand, you're flushed, is it your injuries?”
Sabo raised his gloved hand to your forehead. You tucked your head deeper into the gloved back of his hand. His gaze met yours again. You breathed in deeply, catching his scent as you did. He smelled of ash, vanilla, and pen ink. You blinked half-lidded as you looked at him. The heat was now between your legs. His scent clicked. Luffy had talked of him before. His scent, you knew what you needed to feel better. You knew what that flower was.
Pen Ink. You thought to yourself.
“He did mention you.” You said as you exhaled. “He told me I reminded him of his brother once. I thought he meant Ace, but then I meant Ace and well. Now knowing he had another. It makes sense now.” You replied as you swallowed hard. 
“What did he mean by that?” Sabo asked as his hands wrapped tighter around your waist. You continued to pant as his eyebrows furrowed.
“I want to travel the world and write stories about my adventures and the world’s beauty. He said you wanted to do the same.” You said as your lips grew into a soft smile.
Sabo nodded at this and chuckled to himself. Your hands fell from around his neck to your chest where they tried to open your shirt wider. Your breathing grew more ragged. You bit hard on your lips trying to distract yourself from the need growing within you.
“Y/N. What is going on? Do you need a doctor?” Sabo asked.
“I’m fine. Just… Did something stupid and now paying the consequences.”
“What do you mean?
“I sniffed a pretty flower… and well… turns out it was full of sex pollen.”
“Sex pollen?” Sabo’s eyes widened and his jaw clenched. “You… you…”
“I feel like I’m going to die unless I do something… So it’s been nice meeting you and all, but I can’t take this anymore. I need to go get some relief.” You replied trying to pull yourself from his embrace.
“How?” He asked, gripping you tighter. 
“I don’t know. I’ll have to use my fingers. I don't know. Sorry. You didn’t need to know.” You replied as a pink hue fell across your cheeks.
“I’ve heard about sex pollen… Is that going to be enough? You look terrible. I mean you’re beautiful, but you look. I’m worried about you.” He responded with a hard swallow. 
You laughed as you squeezed your legs closed beneath you. You licked your lips and tried to breath through the need growing in your core. You looked down at his chest as his eyes continued to stare into you with concern.
“It’s all I have, so it’s going to have to be… unless.” You said as you lifted your eyes to meet his.
Sabo swallowed hard again as he forgot how to breath. He exhaled quickly as you licked your lips and pulled yourself deeper into his chest by gripping tightly onto his shirt. Sabo took a deep breath as you began unbuttoning your shirt. Your eyes kept darting between his onyx orbs and his sweet pink lips.
“Sabo. Please. Help me. Fuck me. I can’t take this.”
“Are you sure?” Sabo questioned, with widening eyes and a head tilt as his mouth hung agape.
He licked his lips and looked up and down your body. You nodded as you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck. His eyes met yours and he tucked a stray hair behind your ear. His hand caressed your cheek as he gently pressed his soft pink lips to yours without wasting another second. His kiss deepened and he pulled you closer to him with a tight grip around your waist. He bit your lower lip as your fingers entangled in his hair. You opened your lips allowing his tongue to intertwine with yours. His hand on your cheek fell to your waist. As the two of your lips continued to intermingle, Sabo slowly walked forward, still kissing you, until your back was flush with a nearby tree.
One of Sabo’s gloved hands fell from your waist and began stroking up your outer thigh, stopping at the hem of your skirt. From there, his gloved fingers danced across your skin at the hem of your skirt until they found your inner thigh. His lips parted from yours and nestled against your jaw bone. You panted and moaned as his lips nibbled down your jaw and neck. One of your hands left his neck. You placed your hand on your chest near your collarbone where your finger trailed down your cleavage until they reached the buttons of your blouse. One handed, you began unbuttoning your top as Sabo’s hand traveled further up your skirt. 
As you exposed your chest, your breast still held inside by a black lacy bra, Sabo’s teeth found your collarbone, causing you to moan out his name. His gloved hand from your waist found yours and brought it to his chest. Wet kisses sloppily painted your chest until Sabo released your breasts from the fabric cups they were held in. Sabo’s lips backed away from your chest as his eyes met your hard buds in awe. His eyes glanced back up to meet yours. A smile grew across his face as his hand beneath your skirt found your clothed, wet core. Your breath caught in your throat as he teased you through the cloth between your legs. You swallowed hard as you stared at the man before you with need.
“Sabooo.” You moaned. “Please.” You begged.
Sabo chuckled softly, then pulled back the fabric between your legs. His fingers traced up and down your slick several times before stopping at your bundle of nerves. His middle and third finger played with your clit as his lips crashed against yours, to suppress your moan. Heat built in your stomach as his fingers ran different shapes across your clit. Sabo’s lips left yours. His wet tongue began lapping at your hardened nipple as his hand between your legs returned to intensely tracing your slick folds. Without a warning, his middle and third finger entered you. They scissored in and out of your entrance as his teeth met your nipple. Your head fell back against the tree and you moaned as he continued to play with you. Your grip tightened in his hair and his clothed chest. Sabo’s gloved fingers curled within your core and found your g-spot as his tongue flicked your nipple.
“SABO. Yes. That’s it. Don’t stop.” You moaned.
Sabo’s lips pressed against your hard bud sweetly and his fingers left your entrance. He stood tall and his eyes met yours. Your eyes widened as you raised your head from the tree to meet his gaze. The two of you panted looking at one another. A smirk grew across his face.
“Why did you stop?” You desperately begged.
“Thought you wanted me to fuck you? You said your fingers wouldn't be enough? May I?” He asked with an eyebrow raise.
You nodded and bit your lip. You breathed raggedly as you watched the man before you undo his belt buckle and unzip his pants. He dropped his pants and briefs to his ankles, causing his length to spring out against your exposed abdomen. Your tongue lathered your lips as you, drunk with need, stared at his large girthy cock. His length was dripping with pre-cum. As you watched, panting in need, he pumped up and down his veiny length a few times, spreading the substance down his shaft. His eyes raised and met yours. 
While staring at you, he used a gloved hand to spread your legs further apart and pull down your panties. He reached for your right calf and raised it up to his waist, so your leg was bent against his side. As he held your leg against himself, his other hand grabbed his length and brought it to trace the lines of your slick. Your eyes shut and you moaned as his tip teased your clit. Your fingers danced up his clothed chest until they found his neck. You pulled him towards you until his lips were passionately locked against yours. Sabo lined himself up with your entrance and slowly dipped his tip in, causing you to moan. Your head fell to his shoulder as he pushed himself in slowly, inch by inch. Sabo moaned as you clenched around him.The two of you paused to catch your breaths and stood still a moment allowing your bodies to adjust to their newfound intimacy.
“You fill me so well, Sabo.” You moaned.
“You’re so tight for me, Y/N. Are you ready for more?” 
You nodded and bit your lip as Sabo’s length backed out of your entrance. His grip on your leg and waist adjusted. His lips rested in front of yours, but didn’t touch. You moaned as his length slammed back inside of you. He pumped in and out of you, gripping your leg tighter and wider to get deeper in you as he entered in and out of you. His length perfectly hit your g-spot as he pounded you against the tree trunk. The heat built in your core again as a breeze blew past you hitting your exposed nipple. You moaned. Sabo tucked his head into your shoulder and clenched his teeth. He thrusted in and out of you more fervently, balls slapping your ass.
“Yes. Sabo. YES!” You screamed as your head fell back against the tree.
Your hands clawed at his clothed back as he raised your leg higher and wider allowing his length to slam against your cervix. Tears welled up in your eyes and drool dripped down your chin as Sabo slammed in and out of you harder and faster. His hot breath hit your nipples as he panted against your chest.
“Almost there, Y/N. Finish with me.” 
You nodded against him, unable to form words as the heat within you grew and grew. Your eyes rolled back in your head as his length continued to pound against your cervix. He thrusted into you again causing you to clench around his length. His length twitched within you, sending you over the edge. Sabo moaned against your collarbone as you felt warmth fill your entrance. Your legs shook against his body as your juices mixed with his between your legs.
“SABO.” You moaned as your eyes rolled back.
Sabo and you stayed interconnected for a few moments, just trying to catch your breaths and process the rush of the last few minutes. You petted the back of his head as he laid against you. As his head rose from your chest, he kissed you and pulled his length from between your wet entrance. You smiled against his lips as his hand caressed your cheek.
“Feel better?” He asked as his lips left yours.
“Much. Can I ask for a repeat?”
“Brrrring. Brrrring.” The sound of a transponder snail ringing resonated from within Sabo’s chest pocket. 
“Shit.” He muttered. 
One of his hands returned to your waist as his other removed the snail from his pocket. He kissed your forehead and answered the call. You stared at him, still trying to catch your breath. 
“Click.” The snail said.
“Sabo. Where are you? It’s time to go!” Koala yelled through the speaker of the snail.
“I’ll be right there.” Sabo replied as he hung up the transponder snail and shoved it back in his pocket.
 Your hands lifted to his chest as he redressed himself and buckled his pants. You stared at him with longing as his head turned for his eyes to meet yours. You had just met Luffy’s long lost brother, but you knew after this, you’d never forget him. You were already looking forward to your next meeting.
“Guess, I have to go.” He said. “It’s been fun, sorry it was so short.” Sabo said with a chuckle.
Your hand raised to his cheek and he turned his head into the warmth of your palm. His eyes met yours. A smile grew across your cheeks as he buttoned your top and fixed your skirt and panties. He gently pressed his lips against yours and tucked a few flyaway strands of hair behind your ear.
“I’ll take good care of Luffy for you.”
“I know you will, and in return, I’ll give you a repeat next time we meet.” He replied with a wink.
Sabo leaned forward and kissed your cheek. His hands fell from your waist as he stepped away from your embrace. He turned and walked away from the tree and the cabin. You wrapped your arms around yourself, missing the warmth of his embrace. Up the hill from you he turned and looked at you over his shoulder. He tipped his hat and a wide smile formed across his face. He nodded his head at you and walked beyond view. You took a deep breath and gazed at the moon and wildflower field beyond you before heading back to rejoin your found family in the cabin.
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cyb3rsku1l · 5 months ago
Hey there fellow true creature of the night have followed your blog for a while now i absolutely love and enjoy your work so much especially Undertaker since I an a huge big fan of the Undertaker as he is forever my all time most favourite wrestler one of my many comfort characters as well
Anyways I was wondering if you could possibly do a Ministry Taker x Reader fanfic or like a one shot where Taker kidnaps the reader and wants to make them their eternal bride of darkness and the Reader gladly accepts since they have been madly in love with Taker since the beginning of his career and I basically just want lots of fluff love and attention between the reader and ministry taker and you can even add a little bit of smut to it if your comfortable and completely okay with that but as long as there plenty of love attention kisses and fluff in it then I am happy anyways thank you for taking the time to read my request and please take your time with it as there’s no rush at all thank you and keep up the amazing wonderful beautiful incredible work my friend
HELLO ALL. I apologize for the huge delay in my posting. I've been under the weather lately and am trying to find motivation to write. Rn it's about 3am and I scrolled through my asks and suddenly gained some motivation to write after an argument on Reddit. 👍😍 ANYWAYS- don't think y'all care too much with what I've been doing lately so enjoy! 😊💞
Stupidly in love.
Ministry of darkness undertaker x F!Reader
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Stupid, stupid, Stupid...
You strolled through the famous death Valley grave yard. Your friends dared you to go into the supposed haunted grave yard and see if all the rumors of the ministry of darkness were true. Of course you didn't believe them, the pictures of the supposed leader however were a staple in your mind that you thought about 24/7. You couldn't deny that you haven't fallen for the creature of the night that supposedly ruled over death Valley. You've only seen the pictures of the deadman sightings and damn you'd be lying if you didn't think he was one fine man. Or lack of really.
You strolled past the graves. Careful to not step on any parts of which the caskets would be laying below to give the people who have passed some respect. You sigh and glance back to try and see your friends at the gates. You've been walking for a good 20 minutes. But when your eyes snapped to what you hoped would be the gate in the distance. All you saw was the deep thick fog that had not been there just a few seconds ago. "The hell?" You whispered to yourself as you looked back in front of you only to see a tall hooded man in front of you. You froze looking up into the hood and your blood ran cold...the rumors were true. Too bad you wouldn't be able to tell anyone. In a flash the man quickly but gently placed a hand over your mouth. You had no time to struggle nor process the man's power as you slowly drifted into an unconscious state. All you heard was a few soft words uttered from his lips as you felt a cold hand pull you into his embrace. "Hush my dove...relax I have you."
You awoke in an unfamiliar bed. Your hands felt the silky smoothness of deep purple sheets as you came to. "What happened?" You thought to yourself as you sat up. Your head was pounding. You pressed your palms into your eyes to ease the pain as you looked up to the click of the door. In walked none other than the undertaker. Your thoughts were interrupted by his deep voice. "So you've awoken I see." The undertaker walked to your side pulling down his hood letting his beautiful black locks fall over his shoulders. You could feel your cheeks heat up, pulling the comforter up and tighter around your form you were dumbfounded as you stared up at him. Ogling at his beautiful features. A chuckle snapped you from your school girl level of silent fangirling. "Oh my...how interesting..." He purred, taking your chin in his hand. "Seems you are rather silent aren't you? Is it fear? Or... something more...lewd hm?" You felt your face flush more as you averted your eyes. "Sorry..." You whispered. "Don't be dove. I find it... interesting. Most would be cowering, begging to be set free...but you? You're gazing upon me like I'm the love of your life. Guess we can skip the convincing hm? Seems I've got you wrapped around my finger." The undertaker purred, emphasizing his point by gripping your chin tighter. "What?...what do you mean?" You asked curiously. The undertaker laughed. "Don't you get it? I've been watching you dove. I've taken a liking to you. I don't know why...but you interest me doll. You seem perfect for me. For my ministry. You seem perfect for the role of the queen of darkness. How does that sound to you?" You mind raced. "Me? Why? Out of all people why me? His queen!?" Your face flushed even more as you thought through a million possibilities. "Why me...?" You muttered as you looked into the deadman's eyes. He chuckled in response. "Because. You intrigue me my love. Your not...fearful of me or the rumors about my ministry. Your curious. And not just about the rumors. I think it would be fair to say you "love" me hmm?" He smirked down at you as you trembled in everything other than fear. "I mean...I just..." You stuttered. "God did he have this effect on everyone???" You thought as you looked away. The Deadman chuckled and sat next to you on the bed. "So my love what do you say?" You pondered and thought until you came to a conclusion. "Yes. I would love that." You whispered as you looked over at the undertaker.
That's how you got here. Perched upon his lap as he conducted a meeting with his followers months later. Takers hand rubbed your thigh that was covered by black fishnets. You were dressed in a beautiful black silk dress he picked out for you that morning. Taker dispersed the meeting. Once the final follower had left, he hummed softly into your ear as he gently rested his face in your hair, inhaling your scent. "You're simply divine you know my love?" He murmured as he messaged your thighs. "You've mentioned it." You chuckled before leaning back onto his shoulder looking over at him as his deep green eyes bore into yours. "How can I not? I'm only preaching to my queen what is true." Taker smirked as he kissed you deeply. Guess being stupidly in love with the Deadman wasn't so bad.
MY FINGERS ARE NUMB. Ty for reading!!! Much love. Good morning good evening or goodnight! 😘💖
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roselyn-writing · 3 months ago
Worldbuilding: The Sa’Hahir (السحاحير)
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A/n: I saw a picture of a grey monster, it resembled a female one, and oddly enough. I literally said to myself this is the perfect look for the Sa’Hahir. I don’t know who is the owner of the pic. It doesn’t belong to me but I found it on Pinterest.
Divider by @firefly-graphics ✨
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As a big fan of Monster mythology; I deeply enjoy any monster mythologies of each country, and culture of the world. It is just my cuppa of tea ✨.
Anyway, in this post; I’m focusing on one of my favourite monster mythologies from: Sudan. In summary, It talks about a Nubian village named ‘Nawa’ in the northern state on the eastern bank of the Nile river.
The locals interacted many times with humanoid beings: The Sa’Hahir, but sometimes they showed unhuman features: like a long tail similar to a kangaroo’s. They feast on humans, and they show a big distaste for milk or diary products.
In all honesty, I don’t know why they dislike milk or diary products, but please if any Sudanese man or woman may read my post; tell me if you know why. Otherwise, I’d put my own reasoning and my own twist to the story, because: Worldbulding duh 😒
Anyway. Turns out, the Sa’Hahir are cannibalistic beings; resembling huge-ass grey-skinned Reptilian creatures (my Hc). They solely live on human flesh. And for some reason, They like to burn places? (I read a few articles about the Sa’Hahir; They like to burn places)
So yeah, they like to burn places of their would-be victims. They’d always interact with locals; disguising as humans, venders, and peddlers.
My Hc, the reasoning for their distaste for milk or dairy products, Because it is easily would reveal them; by affecting their shapeshifting skills; they’d flicker, and glitch between their human disguise and their true Reptilian selves.
What do they look like? In all honesty, the Sudanese folklore wasn’t specific in their descriptions of the Sa’Hahir. So my HC for then goes like this:
Standing at 7 feet tall, grey-skinned reptilians with rippling muscles and sharp claws, mouths filled with razor-sharp teeth that could easily rip through flesh and muscles. A thick eyelids specialised for protection in the sunlight, and seeing in the darkness of the night. They have high hearing, and can easily detect and identify the sounds of humans and animals alike.
And yes, They literally resembled some monsters in sci-fi movies if that helps. That is all for today’s worldbuilding session ☺️.
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makedatmoneymayne · 9 months ago
✨✨Welcome to The Boys✨✨
--Y/N(I might give her a name later) is a store owner who loves what she does,BAKING. Ever since a young child she enjoyed it. Later on in her baking career, she started catering for shows like Supernatural, Dexter, and Grey's Anatomy. Now she's gotten a call from the one and only Eric Kripke to cater for the cast and crew of The Boys--
Y/N is a BLACK woman.☺️
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Owner of the shop
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Bestie/Co-Owner of the store
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Best Frenn/Co-Owner (technically)
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Lovely Day✨
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You and the girls, well more like just the girls you were terrified of riding bikes on hills. They decided that it was a perfect morning to get some air and ride y'all bikes to work for the day. Julaya swerves whilst Kapoia does wheelies trying to get you to join in. "Y/N do some tricks or sumn, you lookin like you being made to do this with how hard you're grippin the handles." Kapoia yells zooming off with Julaya laughing their asses off at you. "Girl hush, you know I'm scared of riding on these hills. I see the shop right up ahead lemme speed up."
You all slowly come to a slight stop as yall see a man laying on the bench right outside your shop reading a newspaper.
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As yall inch closer you notice his face immediately. "Omg heyyyy Eric!" You scream running up to him for a hug. "Hey honey!" He catches you and lifts you up. You look over his shoulder and notice Julaya and Kapoia giving you a look of confusion. "IS THAT YO NIGGA Y/N!" Julaya yells still confused. Eric dies of laughter, "No dumbass, this was the first director of a tv show I catered for. Yall know the show Supernatural?" The girls start screaming and rambling, "come on inside please you're like a legend." You just shake your head walking into the shop right after Eric.
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The Shop✨
"So why are you here anyways E?" You ask confused by his presence. "Awww what happen to the nick name Eric pooh" Eric pouts at you "Chile that was a long time ago, things change" You say walking behind the counter already smelling the fresh coffee and pastries. "Anyway, I'm here to ask you to cater for my cast and crew again." "Oh reallyyy what's the show called?" You raised your eyebrow slightly seeing Julaya and Kapoia out your peripheral, listening in while still setting up. "Have you heard of a show called the boys?" The girls start screaming again nonstop. "Wait y'all what is it." They collectively gasp and Kapoia starts actin up. "Girl what the fuck what do you watch Virgin River or some shit?" She looks at you waiting for an answer and as you didn't answer she already knew. Julaya snickers and mumbles under her breath, "Aw hell naw". "Don't answer that, it's about these FINE ASS superheroes that are highkey corrupt." Kapoia says with heavy emphasis shoving a picture of the superheroes in question in front of your face out of their costumes.
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"OH MY FUCKIN GOSH IS THAT JENSEN!?" Y/N yells loosing her mind. "Yeah I know right he got old on us, ladies still adore him though even labeled him "zaddy" ." Kapoia laughed so hard she started coughing before sayin, "I know thass right, alright I'm gonna leave my phone with you babe so I can keep baking for Eric" Eric always asks for 4 boxes of anything that's delicious. "Who's that fine ass man in the back middle" you ask. "Lemme see, oh that's Antony Starr. He's a cool guy kind of quiet , but cool." Eric says shrugging his shoulders walking out the door heading back to his car to go arrive on set. "Alright honey I got to go back to set before everyone shows up. Just bring it by 4pm." He yells walking out on his phone to warn his boys about you showing up with pastries showing pictures of you all.
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3:00pm hits as you and the girls hop in the delivery truck getting on the road. You're blasting System of a Down - B.Y.O.B, windows rolled down. "STILL YOU FEED US LIES FROM THE TABLECLOTH" You all scream in unison. A big black Suv pulls up next to you guys at red light but you pay it no mind. Their windows are rolled down waiting to surprise you guys with the next lyrics to the song. Jensen and Jack yell in unison with you guys, "Lalalalalalalalalala Ouuuu!" You snap your neck over aggressively trying to roll your window up from Jack and Jensen who were laughing hysterically. "Oh my gooossshhh roll up pleasseeee!" "JACK WE LOVE YOUUU AND ANTONY, Y/N THINKS YOUR SEXY" Julaya says from the passenger. You zoom off deciding to taking the long way to drop off the pastries.
On Set✨
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You walk through the trailers trying to get to the main room. A trailer door opens aggressively, Antony and Chace walk out laughing. You drag the two girls away quickly not wanting Antony to see you girls after Julaya's outburst. "Girl what the fuck you draggin us for they still saw yo foine ass. Had em droolin." Kapoia laughs. "Wait for real wait is the dress cute? Is the makeup eating?" "BREATHE GIRL we aint even delivery the food yet come on you look sexy." Julaya mentions walking away with the boxes. "Heyyyyy honey it smells so good and fresh." Eric says giving a tight hug like yall didn't just see each other 5 hours ago. "Alright alright let gooo and eat it let me know how it tastes, text me alright?" You turn around walking noticing Julaya and Kapoia has wandered off. "I told them they can chill before you walked up to us." You turn, "Aww how nice I'll text them to not take too much of those actors' time." You begin to text while walking away zoned in on your phone. Walking through the trailers you crash into a hard body head first. You grip your head immediately snapping back into reality, "Oh shit i'm so sorry." Looking up you make eye contact with Antony mother fucking Starr. "It's okay darling." He bites his lip not hiding him scanning her curvy body. You stare back him in the eyes noticing them glance down to your the lip you're now biting seductively. Snapping out of it, make the most random excuse which was, "Oh well um hi I've gotta go back to my shop." Looking over you see your girls. "YALL COME ON WE GOTTA BUSINESS TO RUN!" Once you see your girls jogging over to the car, you start up the car. "The fuck you in such a rush for? We own the fuckin place, we can open later." Kapoia says upsettingly putting her seatbelt on. Ignoring Kapoia you notice Julaya in the back lipstick smudge like hell. "GIRL WHO THE FUCK YOU MAKE OUT WITH" You ask looking in the rearview at her. "Huh what Jessie girl he was so fine in them pictures I couldn't help myself." Shaking your head you turn up your radio, blasting Frank Ocean - Solo with Antony on the brain.
End of chapter one❤️💗💙
~~If anyone wants more let me knoww~~
~~i lowkey got bored and noticed barely anyone wrote Antony Starr/Homelander fics for black women so uh here~~
--If i messed up my bad im not really proof reading--
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barclaysangel · 11 months ago
I’m so tired still (f you to my teacher who decided to cancel our last class in the middle of the night so I woke up early for no reason and couldn’t fall back asleep, jfc she sucks) but it was a great show!
I’m gonna share quote a few pics I took but first, here are some meh photos I took of the bracelets and necklaces I made (tagging @nicascurls for this post ☺️)
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I gave out all of them! Sooooo if anyone recognizes these and wants to reach out to me with a pic of the bracelet or necklace I gave them, please do! I’d love to talk with ya!
And here are the two bracelets I got in return!
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These were so cute! I didn’t expect to get bracelets and I’m so happy I did! Whoever made these, they’re fucking great and I love you!
Now here is the shirt my dad bought for me during the concert!
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Obsessed with this shirt! Probably gonna have to wait until it’s cold for me to wear it but I’m still excited for when that time comes anyway!
And now I’m gonna photo dump down below soooooo enjoy and if anyone was at last night’s show, hmu!
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The bear at the end has a heart that says “GTFO”, the lighting just didn’t show it when I took the picture XD
Idk if I’ll post the videos because I’d have to do that one at a time on here and that’s soooooo annoying. But if you guys really want me to, let me know and I might :)
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idolish7imagines · 2 years ago
Can I request idolish7 and trigger reaction to overhearing their s/o staring at herself in the bathroom mirror thinking she’s alone and saying sadly “I wish I was beautiful”? (Even though she is very beautiful☺️)
IDOLiSH7 Reacting to their S/O Saying They Aren't Beautiful
A/N: doing both groups wouldve been a lot but i hope you enjoy regardless!
Iori Izumi
"Whats wrong?"
Iori walks over when he hears that come out of your mouth, concern evident in his tone. He was already passing by the hallway bathroom, but that had made him stop.
Whether you tell him or decide not to, he comes forward, cupping one of your cheeks in his hand.
"Conventionally beautiful or not, I'd still choose you as my significant other. So please, don't worry about your appearance."
Yamato Nikaido
Yamato had just made it home and was heading into your shared room looking for you. His brows knit together with worry when he overhears you muttering to yourself, standing just a few steps away from the bathroom before his presence was made known.
"Hey there beautiful~"
He comes closer and wraps his arms around your waist with a grin, playing it off as if he never heard what you'd said prior.
Mitsuki Izumi
"Yeah, good thing you are, right?"
You could've nearly jumped at how sudden Mitsuki's appearance behind you was. He was wearing a fairly innocent smile, arms folding and chuckling a little.
"Like seriously, I think the other actors and idols I've met would cry if I showed you a picture of you." Mitsuki tries to lighten the situation with humor. He has his own share of insecurities, so he'll do his best to reassure you when you need.
Tamaki Yotsuba
"(N/n) is pretty though. Like, a lot."
Tamaki was sitting on the bed casually playing video games while making the comment. He didn't seem to take what you said too seriously since he thought you were kidding because you obviously are attractive.
He won't take no ifs, ands or buts about it (they might result in an argument anyway)
Sogo Osaka
"...(Y/N)?" Sogo frowns. walking by the bathroom.
"Please don't say such things about yourself..is there something I can do to make you feel prettier?" His expression spells worry, hands hovering just above your shoulders as if he's debating comforting you by touching you or if you wanted to be left alone.
You kinda can't get rid of hm now that he's concerned, but rest assured he's willing to do just about anything for you to feel better about yourself.
Nagi Rokuya
"My darling is very beautiful!" Nagi is immediately at your side, hands on your shoulders looking at the both of you in the mirror now.
He couldn't help but notice the tone you had, so you wouldn't be able to play it off even if you wanted to. He turns your head to the mirror instead of him.
"Now, look at what a dashing couple we make! First you, then me, then you, then back to me-"
A rather silly way to get you to see his point, but Nagi was still serious about you recognizing your own beauty.
Riku Nanase
"Why would you wish for something you already have?" Riku chuckles, having walked back in the room to get something when hearing you say that.
It seems like he didn't think you were serious, but slowly frowns once he realizes it doesn't seem like that was the case
"Oh, sorry, Is that something you're insecure about? I'll tell you you're beautiful everyday if thatll help!" He quickly offers.
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joemama-2 · 2 months ago
Just read backstage pass, queen omg 😩 the way you wrote Satoru there was sooooo😩😩😩😏😏😏😏😈😈😈😈😈😈🤭🤭🤭
Just know, I grew a dick and jorked it😈
Anyways what was the age difference for it? When reading it I pictured the reader like 20? And Satoru seemed older like 27-29. Just based off some of of the descriptions and stuff, reader being fresh new young face, and satoru asking if she was a virgin.
Also Vocal Men>>>
When they ask what we like, and if we've done things >>>>
He's so hot for asking 😩🤭
Please tell me he got her number and took her out on dates 🤭🙏
the recorder….hmmm 🤭🤭🤭
gojo is a mannnnnn, the age difference is a few years. reader is pretty younger and gojo is teetering the edge of 35 lol. so ofc he went above and beyond and got her number 🥰🥰🥰
im sooo glad u enjoyed it ☺️ i felt a little self conscious of the smut but hopefully i can get back into the groove of things heh 😈
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scarfacemarston · 1 year ago
For the winter otp questions, could you do Yelena? I thought of her when I saw them. Don't know who to pair her with though! ☺️ Just pictured her all wintered up. Maybe some gen with Natasha? All the numbers if that's not too much? 👉👈 They're all so cute.
Is it this one that you're talking about? I have two Christmas prompts. I can't help in terms of shipping, but I was thinking Natasha and Yelena as sisters. This is in a verse where Natasha lives, because she deserved better.
Holly: Will you include the mistletoe tradition in your works? Do your characters participate? Have you ever celebrated this tradition in your own home? Yelena and Natasha refuse to do mistletoe in their own homes. The Avengers compound had one, but it caused too much controversy. Tony insists they stay at his parties, though. Melina and Alexei have one in the threshold of their bedroom where the girls will absolutely not go in and Melina and Alexei get their kisses anyway. If Natasha is dating someone, she MIGHT tolerate a mistletoe. Yelena will not.
Peppermint: Thoughts and opinions on ugly Christmas sweaters? Yelena: It takes some time because Yelena finds they clash with her fashion style - she's the more fashion conscious between her and Nat, but later on? Yelena LOVES them and can't get enough of them. She just had to find the right one to be interested. Natasha: Natasha might find an ironic one or one that is more of a meme. Not like a cat pics meme but a meme of the avengers that she's decided to adopt as her own. However, there is nothing too crazy with her. It's not her thing.
Chocolate: Reaction to the first snow of the year. It's meh for them. They grew up in Russia. They acknowledge it can sometimes be beautiful, but Natasha thinks of all the sludge that comes with it. Yelena finds it more beautiful that Nat, but only when it's the big fluffy snow which she does not see very often.
Tree: Who convinces who to get a real tree this year? Natasha is the one who convinces Yelena. Yelena is very environmentally conscious, while Nat is as well, Yelena tends to take it more seriously. They debate what is truly more "Green" (get it?)However, after rock, paper, scissors, Natasha wins and they find a real tree - which Tony volunteers to laser cut it while Steve volunteered to cut for them. They politely refused.
Apple: Something you’re characters like to do as a couple/group. Yelena likes selfies/family pictures. She can't help it. She wants to make up for lost time and make as many memories as she can. The pictures make these memories more tangible and despite the pictures of the past being fake, she still enjoyed the memories of taking those pictures. She also loves playing tourist and taking Natasha or Kate with her. Natasha loves trying new cafes and restaurants, but also cooking for others. She has a special fondness for domesticity. She's not entirely sure why, but she thinks it's because it can be a form of peace from her busy hectic life. Melina approves because, "Cooking is just chemistry". Gift: Who has been waiting all year to give their gift to another person? How long have they planned it? Both girls do. Natasha is a strategist and planner. She naturally and selflessly has always put a lot of time and effort into caring for others and finding out what they truly enjoy. Natasha is the type of girl who finds the most obscure thing on Ebay and gifts it to you...but she'd rather hunt it down for herself like a scavenger hunt. The more obscure, the better. Yelena WANTS to do the same, but realizes she's not as good at it or patient as Natasha. She tries to make something instead...only for it to go wrong. Knitting goes wrong, crotchet goes wrong...but metal working? Goes quite well and she will make either a weapon, something useful, or a decorative sculpture. (Please let me have welder or blacksmith Yelena.)
Cinnamon: Favorite festive drink. Natasha: Mulled Wine Yelena: Hot chocolate with vodka and cinnamon to spice it up. Mug: Do they have a cheesy cup they use specifically for the holidays? Natasha: Yes, actually. Clint's kids gave her a mug in the shape of a snowman. Yelena does not have one...yet. Kate is on a secret mission to find the perfect one for Yelena.
Cider: Something they’re worried about during this time of the year. Natasha worries about Steve. She knows she shouldn't. She knows he's an adult, but she still knows what it means to be alone. Luckily, Bucky is with him this Christmas and she worries a little less. She also hopes that things stay quiet for once in her life. Yelena is worried about what sort of memories she'll unlock if she visits Melina and Alexei. She had some pleasant memories during her time in Ohio, but sometimes, remembering these memories can be painful for her.
Eggnog: Favorite winter activity. Natasha: Ice skating and sitting by the yule log. She loved athletics and then warming up all nice and cozy warming up with hot tea. Yelena: Snow sledding! The girl is chaotic energy and loves having fun. She has to release that energy somehow. She doesn't mind getting messy, either. If she can trip Natasha or Kate to fall into the sled, even better.
Turkey: How are they coping this year? Is this time of the year hard for them? I hc that Natasha has S.A.D. disorder, sometimes. I also believe it's possible for the Widows to be especially busy around Christmas as with so many formal events, it would be the perfect time to eliminate certain marks. Sometimes, she broods - with good reason. Yelena didn't remember her past Christmases to know to miss it. She vaguely remembers the ones in Ohio and those were happy times for her. Other than that, no.
Fuzzy socks: Favorite chill hangout activity (OTP or group activity)? Natasha loves movies while Yelena loves board games. She fully takes advantage of game nights whether it's with Melina and Alexei, Kate and Clint's family, or with the Avengers. She swears she doesn't cheat. As you can imagine, this does not stay a "chill" activity for long.
Blankets: Do they prefer to leave the house or stay inside during the winter. Both women were trained to tolerate the weather no matter what. The cold doesn't bother them so much. Nat is always working so she hardly thinks about the cold. However, she does enjoy her time alone indoors. Yelena loves being outside, but sometimes, there is such a thing as being too cold.
Christmas lights: How much do they decorate the house? Yelena loves to raid Target and especially loves the Featherly Friends bird collection as well as knit blankets, twinkling lights and candles with just a hint of tinsel. She learned the hard way that it gets EVERYWHERE. Natasha doesn't really decorate. She still has the mentality that she shouldn't become accustomed to living in one place for too long. However, Steve has painted her a winter scene, The Barton children have gifted her crafts, which she has displayed on her fridge as well as a few gifts from Tony, Thor, Bruce and Wanda over the years. However, she still keeps it minimal.
Family: Do they have family they’re going to see? It depends, sometimes it's the Avengers - with Natasha being closer to some more than others. Sometimes, it's Yelena visiting Kate before she and Natasha have a quiet Christmas together. Sometimes, it's Natasha with the Bartons, or it's with Melina and Alexei
Snow: What are they naming their first snowman of the year? Natasha thinks it's stupid and won't do it. Okay, fine, she'll do it for Clint's children. They name it Fred. Yelena names hers Rodney.
Tradition: What are their yearly traditions? Natasha remembers watching the Nutcracker ballet on tape or if they were especially fortunate, seeing it in person. She has a complicated history with ballet, but she's always loved the Nutcracker. Yelena, meanwhile, wants to eat Russian teacake cookies. Notice I said eat, not bake.
Pine Needle: What are they doing on Christmas Eve? Well, Hawkeye showed that it could be better. However, this is a "She lives" Au. Usually, they are with the Avengers, their "parents", hanging with each other, or Yelena will make a point to visit Kate. Honestly, Yelena makes it a tradition to visit or leave some sort of hidden message or note for Kate each year in remembrance of their first meeting. Yelena wants to go out and see the lights whereas Nat has to be dragged out. Once she's in her comfy PJ's and bathrobe - there is no moving. Sorry, Yelena, those puppy eyes won't work.
Ornament: What are they doing on Christmas Morning? Natasha would like to sleep in, but she knows that her body isn't going to let her. Too many years of training, regulation and routine. Yelena is in the same position, but she will take back her sleep schedule, thank you very much. Then the girls have pancakes, before going to Melina and Alexei's house if they were not sleeping over already. There, Melina makes a huge traditional Russian feast which she most certainly expects the girls to assist...Alexei goes and naps. Then they open gifts, Alexei sings songs and tell stories before Yelena insists they watch an American Christmas movie because she finds them hilarious. However, Natasha also loves spending time with the Avengers, especially Steve since he doesn't have family at this time. Sometimes, if she's in the States, she'll have a small family dinner with Steve, Clint, and some years Wanda while they show Steve It's A Wonderful Life. He, in turn, wants to watch Christmas films from his era including The Shop Around the Corner and Holiday Inn.
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dandrew-stuff · 2 years ago
when you say pr stunt do you mean the alleged affair they were having that forced him to quit the show and go home to fix things with his wife or these new bts date night photos that Andy doesn't seem into?
Hi, hope you're doing well @dontgothere2 ☺️.
Firstly, I don't really know what you're talking about as I don't recall mentioning “pr stunt” in any of my posts. You've probably got me confused with someone else🤷🏽‍♀️.
And secondly, you have an information that I didn't know about😏. I'm new to Tumblr and the fandom in general, so I've never heard of “the alleged affair that forced him to quit the show”. Maybe you could tell me more about it via DM😏 if you want to, of course(tell me please🥲).
Sorry about that but i didn’t get what do you mean when you say “Andy doesn't seem into”. Do you mean that he doesn't seem to enjoy being there, having fun with Danai or that he doesn't seem to enjoy being interrupted/filmed by fans🤔?
Anyway,each to their own interpretation of course, but what I saw when I looked at those pictures was two people enjoying each other's company over a candlelit dinner (the candles on the table🤭). Danai is smiling in the photo and Andrew looks a little bit awkward with his sideway glance😅. I think it's all so cute and I hope they're still enjoying each other's company now that they’re in the same country again because they seem happy around each other🥰.
Ps: sorry if I didn’t give you the answer that you were looking for here,i’m just confused about your ask to tell the truth. Hope this answer will be fine with you🙂
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etes-secrecy-post · 2 years ago
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Take a Taste: with La Prato Stakehouse [Recorded: Apr 10th, 2023]
Hello! It’s time for another “Take a Taste”! The series is about delicious food with my two paper dolls.
And today, I’m reviewing another restaurant that we went to on Monday for my father's advanced birthday! 🥳🎉👨 An affordable steakhouse resto called "Beef Plate"! Mmmmm... 😋🥩🍴 But, how’s it taste? Let’s find out! 🤔
If you haven’t seen my previous episode, then please [CLICK ME!].
So, without further ado, let’s get started:
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• We're kicking this off with the outside & inside of the resto! Decent urban-style restaurant w/ the tree in the middle if not unique, but hey, it's a good place to eat (I suppose). 🙂👌
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7th & 8th Image(s): ↑
• After we order, a waiter offer us a free broth soup & a plastic cup of water. 🥣🥛 My paper dolls love soup, so I let them taste it, and it's pretty good. *sipping with a broth soup* Yeah, I could agree more. 🤤🥣👌 However, what I don't like is serving a plastic cup of water instead of the glass format for the customers. 😕🥛❓ Are they rang out of glass (or aluminum) formats or something? Who knows? It's strange, that they used wasted cup ware for consumers at this establishment. I mean, when is the last time we've encountered this? I don't know, but I can't explain though.
BTW: I forgot to picture their menu... Oops. 😅 But don't worry, because there's an online menu was uploaded on their official page → [CLICK ME!]. 🙂🌐🧾
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9th to 11th Image(s): ↑
• Anyways, let's move on to the main meals! This is what I ordered, a sizzling porterhouse stake w/ gravy & garlic rice! Yum-yum! (Price: ₱149) My paper dolls wants to taste it, too! Heck yeah, go ahead! 🥩🍚😋🍴
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12th to 17th Image(s): ↑
• [12th to 15th Images] Now, time to set things up before we open our months. Mmmmm, delicious! 🤤
• [16th & 17th Images] Other meals that we've tried is this Beef Mushroom w/ Bone Marrow (mom's meal) (₱ 199). We've already tried the beef bits, and its delicious, too. 🤤 Except the bone marrow (because of colesterol reasons). 😅
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18th to 21st Image(s): ↑
• [18th & 19th Images] You know, a single garlic rice wasn't enough, so we ordered another round of garlic rice to satisfy our tastebuds. 🍚🍚😁🍴 If only they include "unlimited white rice" on their menu, then we'll be more satisfied. ➕🍚🙂
• [20th & 21st Images] Another delicious meal that we've tried is the T-Bone steak (₱ 129). Here, you two, have some! 🤤
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22nd & 23rd Image(s): ↑
• Ahh... Our plates we're empty 😋🍽️, with only cup of water left to quench my throat! *cheers* 🥛☺️ Our stomachs are fulled. ☺️
• It was a decent place to go night dinner at this restaurant for my father's advanced birthday (Happy Birthday, papa! We love you, by the way. 🥳🎁🎉👨❤️🥰). However, a few tweaks like improving their urban atmosphere & switching their wasting plastic cups to washable glass or metallic cup ware for restaurant standards. The meals, on the other hand, I'm enjoying, but quite decent taste, to be honest. And, I understand with their normal signature taste, but they also offered a premium steak at their reason (fair expensive) price. So, I suppose we want a try their premium steaks, too, someday. So, is it worth it? A decently "Yes". We would love to eat again at this cheap steakhouse establishment. 😊👌🥩🏠🍴
Well, that’s all for now, If you haven’t seen my previous episodes, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
Take a Taste:
○ 2021 Food Reviews: ○
• Popeyes U.S. Spicy Chicken Sandwich [Dec 6, 2021]
• Jollibee Chick'nwich & Crisscut Fries [Dec 21, 2021]: Part 1 [CLICK ME! #1], Part 2 [CLICK ME! #2]
○ 2022 Food Reviews: ○
• Mini Stop Chicken Fillet XL Sandwich [Feb 7, 2022]
• Minute Burger Cheese Burger(s) [Mar 1, 2022]
• Pepper Lunch Teriyaki Beef Pepper Rice w/ Egg (& Honey Brown Sauce) [Mar 5, 2022]
• Bacsilog’s Sulit Combo Bacon-Tocino & Samgyup Day’s Pork Herbs [Mar 12, 2022]
• Burger King Whopper w/ Sides & Drink [May 6, 2022]
• Marshmello’s Limited Edition Coca-Cola Zero [Aug 26, 2022]
• Cheesy Burger McDo with Lettuce & Tomatoes Meal [Recorded: Sept 16, 2022]
• Mcdonald’s PH McSpicy & Apple Pie (featuring their World Famous Fries) [Nov 14, 2022]
• Mcdonald’s McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich [Dec 31st, 2022]
○ 2023 Food Reviews: ○
• Foods from Delicious Restaurant & 1919 Grand Cafe [Jan 8th, 2023]
• Homemade Churros by my lil’ bro [Feb 12th, 2023]
• Lugaw Sisig from Mang Boy Alfredo Lugawan Restaurant [Recorded: Feb 18th, 2023]
Tagged: @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant
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kinnie-central · 9 months ago
Pinned Post!!
helloooo! Welcome to Kinnie Central. My name is Artie. I make kinnie bingos. For you. For everyone. For the world 👁️👁️
Requests: Open!!! :D
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My main account is here @did-someone-say-aliens! I only post kinnie bingos on there occasionally.
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I’ll make a kinnie bingo of any character you want! It may take me a little bit to reply, but i promise i always do ☺️Don’t worry about me not knowing the character. Because I know all. I am the ceaseless watcher. You can request in my inbox, comments, reblogs, or dms!! :]
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HOWEVER. I do have some limits my guys :( I will NOT make kinnie bingos of any characters from these fandoms (may be subject to change):
Boyfriends webtoon
P0rn games
real people (actors, musicians, serial killers. I’m not joking. I’ve gotten one for Ted Bundy. Unless its sanders sides or something like that.)
otherwise, go wild.
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PLEASE be specific in your requests. PLEASE. I need specific instructions to make your kinnie bingo.
If it’s a background character with no personality, or very little personality, I’ll probably just delete the ask. Sorry!!!
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I’ll make kinnie bingo’s of your OCs too! Just DM me or tell me in a comment or ask their traits, maybe mbti, and maybe a picture of them! i’ll try my best but i don’t guarantee satisfaction!
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Anyways, thats it for now. Enjoy your stay!
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ducknotinarow · 2 years ago
2k7 Summer Ariel - #
|send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including
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"Hmm I dunno if I 'ike ya snooping in my phone more 'ike this. BUT whatever I guess."
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
'Ari.' "Nothin' special I guess pretty much everyone uses 'his nickname for my sister like Pops and Uncle Mikey. I guess Ariel's kind of hard ta make a nickname outta less I start call her El? which I might jus' do mostly ta annoy her cause I think she be generally annoyed if I jus' randomly call her El with explation and act 'ike I didn' do it just cause I can." Summer thinks a moment "Yeah I think I will do that do actually. "But I couldn' say Ariel as a kid so callin' her Ari was the closest for me. So I been callin' her Ari ever since." - what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
[image description] Ariel poking out from the water, with Summer looking down from the dock she was sitting on. Acting as look out mostly. So Ariel could swim around more openly with out a worry. Every so often Ariel would pop back up with something she found or somthin' Ariel threw in. It was a game for them. Summer ended up snapping a photo when Ariel popped up because she just likes how happy her sister seems to be just getting to swim with out having to worry about humans well also having fun with Summer.
"Funny 'nough cause of my pop's i'm not the best swimmer. So I tend to jus' hang on the shore or the end of the docks when I go to the beach with Ari. I do love the ocean though, i 'ike that salty smell and splashing my feet in the water. But I know my sister loves it! an' I know if I go wit' her then no one can bug her an' it's not like when an adult gose cause she ain't being watched were jus' hanin' out 'hat different. Sides i'd be willing to bust my bass over some dicks head for tryin' to hurt my sister anyway. Why I 'ike this photo I 'ike 'hat she jus' able to chill and enjoy her so so much."
 - what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone    
I Believe in What You Are by Nekokat
Running low, you're nickeling and diming Don't you know there's silver in the lining? The same old bars and beat up car, does it get mundane?
"I feel there might be better part of the song ta use but I got a reason here see. I ain't sayin' we got it the same I know i got freedoms she can' have for reasons that are dumb. But, we do got 'hings in common that I feel we both got lives 'hat aren' always gonna be smooth. We do both struggle wit' shit. Sure I know she looked forward to grow up to earn some more freedom too an' I worry she sometimes feels burden by just bein' a mutant. An' well I 'ike this song for her cause I dunno I jus' want Ari to see she ain't some mutant freak. I just want her to believe in herself so yeah I push her at times to do 'hings but cause I already do."
 - my muse’s last text to your muse
[text]😑 nah class is lame [text] 🥱🥱 [text] whatcha doin?? ☺️
[text] Ari I bored 😣 heeeeelp me please! [text] I think imma grab Dad's 🏒 dunno what i'll do wit it tho 😕😕 [text] OH! Maybe i can find that human that threw a can at you 😈
[text] Ariel? [text] Whats the better buy? 💸💸 [text] jus getti one monster 👹 or the 3 for 5 😕😕 [text] OH THEY GOT HALF PRICED DONUTS!!! [text] 🍩🍩🍩🍩 [text] i'll get ya 1!!!!
[text] Ari if 🥛 is more hydrating han 🌊 han should I mix my ⚡electric ⚡powder (electrolytes powder) in my 🥛 instead???
[text] Guess what I found ☺️ [image attached] of a jersey with Jaromir Jagr number and name on it
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kenlvry · 2 years ago
Hey mootie could I request Kenny, Kyle, stan, and Craig with a fem s/o who just basically lays her head on their lap when stressed?
reader who lays her head on their lap
an, HEYYYY 🤞😝😝 okay boo hope you like this. ALSO THIS WAS SOOO RUSHED LIKE UNDER 30 MINUTES
kenny entered your house expecting a warm welcome from you but was greeted with you pacing around the living room
"are you okay?, you wanna talk abt it?" he said sitting down the couch "KEN I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO" you approached him laying down on the couch and layed your head on him.
he was like woah 🤭 "well damn if you wanted to relieve it on me its my pleasure" readjusting his sitting position smirking.
"dont make me bite your dick off" he immediately apologises.
its become a habit of yours, you'd text him to come over and lay your head on his lap while rambling about the thing your so stressed about. he loves it sm, he listens to whatever your saying not even paying attention because he was looking at you the whole time.
he'd definitely think you wanted to do something else iykyk but you just make a disgusted face to him.
sometimes you just lay there not talking about anything just enjoying the moment,sometimes youd fall asleep and kenny is having major cramps but he couldn't move for the sake you.
okay when you first did this to him he may or not have stood up and pushed you down
i mean he also thought you were gonna something else.,, he was too shocked to say anything.
when you explained he just groans in embarrassment. anyways he loves it, he would stare at you for so long while you just kick your feet repeatedly bc of something cursing the living hell of that someone, you'd have to bring him back to reality alot of times.
he can tell when your stressed and would immediately get in to position, your face looks like your about to drop the most shocking news ever? his lap is empty and is ready.
one time you slept and so did he, when he woke up he completely forgot you were there and stood up making you fall.
you didn't lay on his lap for a long time after that...
he sometimes takes pics of you sleeping which is kinda creepy but he swears its not 🤷
loves this, its one of the things he loves about you. the way you just lay your head on his lap rambling or just laying there stressed not talking about it until ur ready
he strokes your hair when you do this and just nods and smiles when you ask if he agrees on something
also takes your pics, he either uses it as his profile picture or his background no inbetween
TBH I THINK HE'D LAY ON YOUR LAP TOO YK?? i mean you dont mind you love it so winwin
he doesn't say nun but inside he is kicking his feet covering his face rolling around screaming and jumping around
subconsciously strokes your hair and when he realizes it he pulls away
"YEAH AND IDK WHAT TO DO ITS JUST SO FRUSTRATING" you cover your face and groan "yep true ☺️" while stroking your hair
sometimes you catch him staring at you just staring, no emotions not even a smile no thoughts just 😐 inside hes like "her eyes are so pretty" "please dont get up" "stay here longer please"
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awda · 3 years ago
Mars in Composite part one
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(Not my pictures or gifs)
all rights reserved
Link to my Etsy shop for personal Composite chart readings 🖤
Hi muerte babys <333
I’m actually loving this whole planet composite observation thing-
At first I was skeptical of it because I didn’t wanna be stuck on one topic but I’m actually loving this idea :-)) I hope ya are too
I was hoping to make this all into one part but I got a little carried away 🥲 Anyways enjoy ☺️
I wasn’t planning to include songs but like I said I got carried away bro LMAO LEAVE ME ALONE 😭
Oh and Happy New Years :D
Reblog with your Mars sign in composite if this resonates ♥︎
Aries Mars in composite makes the couple very goal determined. Honestly this is a marriage placement tbh. This couple gets shit done. The interest for each other shows very clearly, and this placement can also indicate that before the relationship started, whoever encouraged the relationship with the other person ,knew the person were in a relationship or situationship already and still chose to fw them. The relationship pushes both to get their shit done. They’ve stuck with eachother through thick and thin. They most likely argue frequently about dumb shit too, but they get over it quickly. I don’t think the sex is too desirable with Aries Mars tho.. correct me if I’m wrong but is just a lot of fantasies within the sex life of this couple. Like there’s never enough sexually with this couple, there’s more fantasies than actually acting the fantasy out. Aries Mars can tend to create a couple with sex issues, maybe the S/O just doesn’t know how to please the partner good enough. Aries Mars can create a unfaithful relationship too. The pleasure isn’t there, as much as fire signs hype up their sexual acts .. I’m disappointed in you Aries 😟🙁🙁 I also feel like Aries Mars can create a very childish couple, they may not be entirely childish but just have childish tendencies. Annoying asf. I’m getting upset writing this LMFAO
Taurus Mars in composite are a very blunt couple. They keep it real with each other and they’re a very serious couple. Usually if you have Taurus Mars w someone in composite, is a indication that you or the other person takes the connection very seriously. This couple rarely gets angry with each other but when they do- just know the argument is serious and very heated. This couple pushes each other to better themselves and they’re constantly on each other’s necks about small details. Taurus Mars in composite makes the couple care about what outsiders think about how the connection appears. They’re patient with each other and care about each other’s wellbeing, when they’re by theirselves with each other, they’re very comfortable. They feel like they can be themselves towards each other. Usually a long term relationship indication. This couple gets shit done. They make their goals & dreams come true together. They’re both each other’s hype-man. Speaking sexually, Taurus Mars in composite creates a couple that will make sure both is pleased during any sexual acts and if you have a Taurus Mars with someone that you’re romantically talking to, you will never have to worry being unsatisfied, or not being able to orgasm. Taurus Mars creates a couple that actually cares about each other’s pleasure naturally. Song(s):
Gemini Mars in composite indicates a very fast past relationship. Time doesn’t exist within this couple. Most likely the relationship/connection evolved vastly. Within this couple it feels like, time is a illusion, like I said time doesn’t exist in this relationship, is like a dream world. This couple can talk for HOURSSSS about all of their passions and nobody else will understand but both of them. Their passions in the relationship are mutual. Both understand each other’s dreams and goals and work together for internal peace. Personally I love this placement sm, so dreammyyyyyy. Imagine having someone who understands your fantasies that nobody else seems to get? Honestly whoever is dating someone w this placement, you’re so lucky, cherish this connection fr. As far as sexual wise, I feel like Gemini Mars in composite can create a couple that is very versatile with kinks, or sexual positions. Song(s):
Cancer Mars in composite indicates a couple that has a tough romance together. They give touch love to each other because they want the best out of each other. Cancer Mars in composite causes a couple that sees only the best side of their partner that society doesn’t usually see out of the person. So they’ll be pushy with each other to get the best out of them in everything. Possibly can be clingy too depending on the degree & decan. Cancer Mars in composite makes the couple very blunt towards each other, like how I was talking about tough love? Yeah. That’s what I mean. They’re very blunt towards each other so if one does something out of their character, trust and believe the other will be honest with them. Cancer Mars are like the type of couple that’ll be talking about nothing and just randomly look at each other and smile 🥺 So cute fr 🙏🏼🙁 I feel like Cancer Mars in composite can cause a very overprotective couple too, hence Cancer ruling home & family. So it’ll make the couple very protective & pushy over each other, like if one goes out to a party at night with their friends, the other will be calling them every 5 minutes checking up on them. They’re also very comfortable with each other too. Idk why I just thought of Cancer Mars making a couple open to licking/sucking each other’s toes LMFAOAOAOAOA 😭 Cancer Mars can cause a very kinky couple too.. into weird ass kinks, that they most likely never even heard off before they started getting sexual together. I feel like Cancer Mars can be most seen in a couple that took each other’s virginity, idk why. Cancer Mars in composite pulls out the kinky sexual side of them. Cancer Mars in composite can indicate a relationship with a person you’ll never sexually forget. A sexual relationship that is rare. Swear Cancer Mars makes pornstar couples 🙁💀
Leo Mars in composite creates a very active couple. Idk why but when I started writing this observation for Leo Mars I immediately thought of a image of someone running. Leo Mars creates a very clingy couple, is like the couple can’t keep their hands off each other. Can’t even be around a Leo Mars couple because you’d feel like you’re third-wheeling 😭🙏🏼 Like with Cancer Mars, Leo Mars in composite brings out the kinkier/hornier side of them. Swear.. once you meet someone romantically that you have a Leo Mars with, you’ll find yourself doing things you never even seen or thought of before. Makes you question yourself 😭 Romance comes naturally to these couples. Flirtatious acts flows naturally too. I notice majority of people you’ve been into romantically, has the same mars sign as you. Now personally, I am a Leo Mars, and majority of my exes are Leo Mars, about at the same degree and decan of mine too. Most of my romances with my exes have been very fast paced. So maybe with Leo Mars in composite can cause the couple to move vastly together. Wanting to do bigger steps in the connection even if they just met a week ago. I feel like Leo Mars in composite are mainly seen when the couple is both hopeless romantics, longing for a romance that seems impossible or a “rare find”. Song(s):
Virgo Mars in composite creates a very self aware couple. A couple that helps each other out of struggles. Builds foundation together. Possibly a placement that indicates one person in the connection has addiction(s), and this connection can encourage them to release. Virgo Mars in composite is such a dreamy placement because it naturally helps you both see through each other’s issues and find the good in each other. A very supportive couple, could also be more financial stable together than without each other. Sexually speaking, Virgo Mars indicates a very touchy couple. Idk if this resonates to any Virgo Mars out there but I was listening to this while writing this so maybe this relates to any couple with Virgo Mars out there:
This song could possibly relate because the first lyric of the song is “Ay mira que perfecta estas” and I literally just said how Virgo Mars in composite can indicate a couple who isn’t perfect, but sees the good in each other. Song(s):
Libra Mars in composite is such a romantic placement tbh LMFAO not even that Libra is ruled by Venus but just how literally all Libra placements have similar traits 💀 All Libras have romantic ways, Libra Mars in composite is a dreamy placement because Libra Mars in composite indicates a couple that knows each other’s weak spots, and are each other’s soft spot. Sexually speaking Libra Mars couples has very slow-passionate sex, none of that rough stuff, they’re very gentle to each other. Always making sure one another is pleased within anything. Will go an extra mile to make sure their partner is okay emotionally, a very caring couple indication. Libra Mars couples are softies for each other. I feel like this placement would be seen in a first love or highschool sweetheart connection, or a connection that evolves slowly.
This song is very nostalgic to me. It reminds me of the time era when I was stuck on my ex and reconnecting with my roots. I feel like Libra Mars couples could relate to this because Libra Mars in composite can indicate a child-like, honeymoon typa love. A connection that is hard to get over emotionally, constantly reconnecting and forgiving each other for the smallest things. I feel like Libra Mars in composite couples mainly are Water dom relationships 😭 Just because Libra Mars in composite gives off such Taurus/Water venus vibes. Taurus too, since this couple is very sensitive & can be jealous at times for the smallest things about the other person doing something. Feeling like you both are meant to be, like you both were looking for each other in this lifetime all long, ALSO YOU COULD HAVE A LIBRA MARS W SOMEONE YOU’RE TALKING TO ROMANTICALLY IF YOU’VE BEEN SINGLE FOR A LONG TIME AND DESIRING LOVE !!! Like you both longing for a connection like this and finally having it. An “caught off guard” relationship. You could be talking to someone you have a Libra Mars w rn and not even expect it, but that’s how Cupid works, Until then 😉…Song(s):
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lxlsposts · 3 years ago
Hey I was wondering if you could write like a headcanon on how hunter would take care of you while you’re sick ☺️💕 please and thank you
Of course, thank you for the request :) I hope you like it and received what you wanted <3
-Hunter would know instantly that something was different about you even without asking, most of the time he would think that you were angry/upset with him. This would send him into panic mode which would always lead to him bombarding you with questions. When he figures out that you are not mad or upset with him a weight is lifted off his shoulders again. But when he figures out that you are sick he falls back into panic mode.
-It doesn't matter whether you are bed-bound sick or just a little sore throat or a headache, Hunter would be there and go above and beyond.
-Anything you wanted he would give to you, he hates seeing you sick.
-If you had to take a day or two off school Hunter would barely get any work done, he sends the days without you just thinking about you.
-And sometimes if you had to stay off school he would leave school at lunch time, skipping the rest of the day just to come see you.
I feel like he would google what to do when your significant other is sick and he would honest take notes.
-He didn't care that you were sick, he still would come over or drag you to his house to cuddle with you. He would even try to kiss you [ "Hunter, I'm sick you can't kiss me," you say pulling away. "Whyyy?" He says craving your lips. "Because it's gross and you may get sick", you say giggling at his little tantrum. He cups the side of your face before saying " I don't care"].
-I feel like he would play music for you, obviously not too loud as you are sick, but he would definitely play.
-He would sing you to sleep, a quiet lullaby that only you would ever be able to here.
-He would run you a nice bath with your favourite bubbles in it, and for when you get out he would have your favourite type of soup ready for you to enjoy in his warm cosy bed with him by your side.
-He hates and I mean hates people touching his hair, but he knows that you are obsessed with it. So one time when you were sick he let you braid it to make you feel better and laugh. He hated it being in braids so after a few pictures and videos he took them out. However, he continues to let you play with his hair whenever you want. He would never admit it, but he loves it when you play with his hair now. He will moan about it when you ask him but is secretly begging for it.
-When Hunter feels bad about something (especially when you guys fight) Hunter would go out and buy you something. It isn't that much of a healthy habit, but he does it out of love to show you that he is sorry for what happened and that he does care about you. So when you are quite ill he will sometimes go out and buy you something to cheer you up. You tell him not to but when he is out if he sees something that you would love nothing is stopping him from buying it for you. He just feels bad that you are sick, and you really do appreciate his gifts.
-One time when you were sick he let you force him into a spa/pamper night. Which eventually leads to you trying to convince him to let you do his makeup. He tells you no but you had already made up your mind. He tried to run away but you pinned him down to the bed so you could do his make-up. Usually, Hunter could easily just throw you off of him he wouldn't even be in a situation where he was pinned down by you since he was a lot stronger than you. However, since you were sick you were already weaker than usual and Hunter noticed this. So he just let you pin him down, he didn't want to hurt you and he thought he would just let it happen anyway since it made you happy and kind of distract you from your illness.
-Watching Disney films and cartoons is a must, you guys did this every so often anyways and he knows that you love them. So he figured he would turn it up a notch and watch a lot of them back to back.
-He would 1000% force you to wear his clothes, he wants you to wear them 24/7 however when you are sick he wants you to wear them even more. I think it's like a safety thing like he thinks that nothing could hurt you since you are wearing his clothes. He always protects you and always will, so he feels like wearing his clothes is just another layer of his protection for you.
-He worries, like a lot, even if it is just a little headache he hates to see it. He loves you, more than anything even his hair. So seeing you ill or in pain hurts him more than you think. He would do anything to make you feel better. Such a sweetheart <3
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