#anyway my mum is right there with me on the 'oh my GOD leave your shitty husband' train. her kids would've been better off!!
ninadove · 2 days
Nina reads Dracula 🦇
September 17th
Lucy Westenra's Diary.
Nevermind that. Guess I’ll have to do it all over again.
Four days and nights of peace. I am getting so strong again that I hardly know myself. It is as if I had passed through some long nightmare, and had just awakened to see the beautiful sunshine and feel the fresh air of the morning around me. I have a dim half-remembrance of long, anxious times of waiting and fearing; darkness in which there was not even the pain of hope to make present distress more poignant: and then long spells of oblivion, and the rising back to life as a diver coming up through a great press of water.
The pain of hope alright…
To-night Dr. Van Helsing is going away, as he has to be for a day in Amsterdam. But I need not be watched; I am well enough to be left alone.
‘Cause here we go, go, go again 🎶
Thank God for mother's sake, and dear Arthur's, and for all our friends who have been so kind! I shall not even feel the change, for last night Dr. Van Helsing slept in his chair a lot of the time. I found him asleep twice when I awoke; but I did not fear to go to sleep again, although the boughs or bats or something napped almost angrily against the window-panes.
Suddenly the door was burst open, and in rushed my patient, with his face distorted with passion. I was thunderstruck, for such a thing as a patient getting of his own accord into the Superintendent's study is almost unknown.
Right. But he did escape the facility itself twice, including once with your complicity. So maybe the safety protocols need a liiittle bit of reassessing here.
Without an instant's pause he made straight at me. He had a dinner-knife in his hand, and, as I saw he was dangerous, I tried to keep the table between us. He was too quick and too strong for me, however; for before I could get my balance he had struck at me and cut my left wrist rather severely.
FIGHT!!!!! FIGHT!!!!! FIGHT!!!!! FIGHT!!!!
He was lying on his belly on the floor licking up, like a dog, the blood which had fallen from my wounded wrist. He was easily secured, and, to my surprise, went with the attendants quite placidly, simply repeating over and over again: "The blood is the life! The blood is the life!"
Renfield’s DYI Guide to Vampirism: now available in a bookstore near you!
I cannot afford to lose blood just at present;
This is a terrifying and strangely sweet thought and I will be reusing this turn of phrase.
Happily Van Helsing has not summoned me, so I need not forego my sleep; to-night I could not well do without it.
Telegram, Van Helsing, Antwerp, to Seward, Carfax. Do not fail to be at Hillingham to-night.
Now that’s what I call comedic timing.
Anyways back to… Lucy again… Oh…
I write this and leave it to be seen, so that no one may by any chance get into trouble through me. This is an exact record of what took place to-night. I feel I am dying of weakness, and have barely strength to write, but it must be done if I die in the doing.
Talk about an emotional roller-coaster.
Presently the door opened, and mother looked in; seeing by my moving that I was not asleep, came in, and sat by me. She said to me even more sweetly and softly than her wont:—
"I was uneasy about you, darling, and came in to see that you were all right."
I feared she might catch cold sitting there, and asked her to come in and sleep with me, so she came into bed, and lay down beside me;
SEE WHAT I MEANT LAST TIME. Yes Ms Westenra is dying but she still wants to watch over her little girl! Yes Lucy is a grown adult but she still needs her mum! It’s all about love
After a while there was the low howl again out in the shrubbery, and shortly after there was a crash at the window, and a lot of broken glass was hurled on the floor. The window blind blew back with the wind that rushed in, and in the aperture of the broken panes there was the head of a great, gaunt grey wolf. Mother cried out in a fright, and struggled up into a sitting posture, and clutched wildly at anything that would help her. Amongst other things, she clutched the wreath of flowers that Dr. Van Helsing insisted on my wearing round my neck, and tore it away from me. For a second or two she sat up, pointing at the wolf, and there was a strange and horrible gurgling in her throat; then she fell over—as if struck with lightning, and her head hit my forehead and made me dizzy for a moment or two. The room and all round seemed to spin round. I kept my eyes fixed on the window, but the wolf drew his head back, and a whole myriad of little specks seemed to come blowing in through the broken window, and wheeling and circling round like the pillar of dust that travellers describe when there is a simoon in the desert.
OK OK not to (surprisingly) turn into your local Mrs Westenra Defender™ but. But. If this exact ordeal happened to you and you did not have the benefit of knowing the lore, would your natural conclusion not be that the flowers attracted the wolf? Because that sure as Hell would be mine.
I tried to stir, but there was some spell upon me, and dear mother's poor body, which seemed to grow cold already—for her dear heart had ceased to beat—weighed me down; and I remembered no more for a while.
The maids shrieked, and then went in a body to the dining-room; and I laid what flowers I had on my dear mother's breast. When they were there I remembered what Dr. Van Helsing had told me, but I didn't like to remove them, and, besides, I would have some of the servants to sit up with me now.
My heart sank when I saw what had happened. They all four lay helpless on the floor, breathing heavily. The decanter of sherry was on the table half full, but there was a queer, acrid smell about. I was suspicious, and examined the decanter. It smelt of laudanum, and looking on the sideboard, I found that the bottle which mother's doctor uses for her—oh! did use—was empty. What am I to do? what am I to do? I am back in the room with mother. I cannot leave her, and I am alone, save for the sleeping servants, whom some one has drugged. Alone with the dead! I dare not go out, for I can hear the low howl of the wolf through the broken window.
The air seems full of specks, floating and circling in the draught from the window, and the lights burn blue and dim. What am I to do? God shield me from harm this night! I shall hide this paper in my breast, where they shall find it when they come to lay me out. My dear mother gone! It is time that I go too. Good-bye, dear Arthur, if I should not survive this night. God keep you, dear, and God help me!
Letter, Mina Harker to Lucy Westenra (Unopened by her.)
My dearest Lucy,—It seems an age since I heard from you, or indeed since I wrote. You will pardon me, I know, for all my faults when you have read all my budget of news.
Why don’t you twist the knife even deeper Bram.
Well, I got my husband back all right;
A little bit of light in this God-forsaken world
'My dears, I want to drink your health and prosperity; and may every blessing attend you both. I know you both from children, and have, with love and pride, seen you grow up. Now I want you to make your home here with me. I have left to me neither chick nor child; all are gone, and in my will I have left you everything.' I cried, Lucy dear, as Jonathan and the old man clasped hands. Our evening was a very, very happy one.
And twist the knife deeper he did.
So here we are, installed in this beautiful old house, and from both my bedroom and the drawing-room I can see the great elms of the cathedral close, with their great black stems standing out against the old yellow stone of the cathedral and I can hear the rooks overhead cawing and cawing and chattering and gossiping all day, after the manner of rooks—and humans.
Windows! Parallels and contrasts!! Something monstrous VS something divine and most of all human!!! I’m fine this is fine we’re all fine —
How is your dear mother getting on?
and Jonathan wants looking after still.
🥺🥹 (<- Hanging on by a thread)
And now I have told you my news, let me ask yours. When are you to be married, and where, and who is to perform the ceremony, and what are you to wear, and is it to be a public or a private wedding? Tell me all about it, dear; tell me all about everything, for there is nothing which interests you which will not be dear to me. Jonathan asks me to send his 'respectful duty,' but I do not think that is good enough from the junior partner of the important firm Hawkins & Harker; and so, as you love me, and he loves me, and I love you with all the moods and tenses of the verb, I send you simply his 'love' instead. Good-bye, my dearest Lucy, and all blessings on you.
(Thread snapped)
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batsplat · 29 days
okay what’s up with the good wife out of all the media you reblog this is the most random one ?
it's not RANDOM omg that is a top three rewatch show to me... I love my silly little lawyers.... perfect mix of fun week to week cases, excellent side characters, interpersonal mess between the main cast, plus all the ways they'd imaginatively tackle Current Events. the good fight had a similar appeal - minus the focus on week to week cases and plus far more explicit politics. didn't always work, but it's one of those shows where I just kind of appreciated how willing they were to take a swing at it and get a bit weird about it. even in the good wife, they had so many Good Bits... the nsa agents who were super invested in the main cast's relationships, the liberal judge with all his Causes, the wife killer, LOUIS CANNING!! obviously, the 'in your opinion' lady, the google guy... also this is from the good fight but the federal investigator lady who always had the birds fly against her office window was a+ plus, it's such a dumb bit but it got me every time as a great appreciator of dumb bits. such a corny pair of shows that are very much like,, About Liberalism and a reckoning with that entire era of american life from an unabashedly liberal perspective, with all the inherent pitfalls and shortcomings of that pov... but does consistently manage to do interesting stuff with that starting point. a lawyer show that's also a bit of an autopsy of a mostly dead vision of america, kinda all you need sometimes
and I love alicia and will, my tragic heterosexuals!! the forbidden love of it all!! I love how cruel and selfish alicia was a lot of the time and how she's mostly in control of that relationship even though will SHOULD be the one in the position of power, how she's constantly using him and then pushing him away while will is so obviously besotted, how she simply keeps finding excuses to stop herself from being happy... does she even love him at all or does she just like him in theory, does she just want to be desired... how they always have 'bad timing' and just cannot figure their shit out... "it's romantic because it didn't happen".... "my plan is I love you" the unapologetic melodrama of it all!! the deleted voice message is?? crazy?? (eli goated character btw, the cheese lobby episode is still one of my favourite episodes of anything ever.) that lift scene is peak romance... when she leaves the firm and he feels so betrayed... his tantrum!! "I took you in when nobody wanted you"!! "you were POISON"!! "you're awful and you don't even know how awful you are"!! he's so pathetic and angry for half a season that he's resorting to just arguing with her in his head!!! always with their failed communications via phone and lift doors and loaded gazes across office spaces and delicate finger touches... the romance of it all, how they really could have worked but it's also so glaringly obvious why they kept falling apart... in the end all these repressed losers create their own misery... elite
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dolldefiler · 19 days
[These best friend ones were floating in the backlog so I figured you may as well see them]
Hey, bestie! How was your—oh god, are you crying? What happened, baby? You got stood up? He didn't even text you to let you know? I'm so sorry that happened to you, muffin. He's not just a jerk, he's a blind one at that. How could anyone even think of ghosting such a pretty, charming woman like you?
Mhm? Y-yeah? Of course I think you're gorgeous. God... don't get me started on how I—anyway, this is about you, not me. Let me turn on the kettle, and—... you want me to continue? But... I'm your friend... your best friend. I can't... I shouldn't... Fuck...
I mean you can probably feel it every time I hug you, can't you? Every time I press up against your back as I wrap my arms around you, watching you play video games. You can feel how hard your perfect body and your pretty face make me.
You know every time I leave your room and go back to mine, I spend the night jerking off, thinking about your body beneath mine. Moaning. Writhing. Twisting in pleasure as I make you mine. I've tried so hard to stop these thoughts. That's why I've encouraged you to go on dates.
Fuck... that's a good girl. Take my cock out. Your best friend's cock. Your mum probably thinks we're up here playing games or talking shit. She probably has no idea that her daughter's jerking my cock like the very good, good girl she is. Because you are.
You're such good girl.
And I want you to be mine. I'll still be your best friend. But I want to taste your lips. I want to feel you under me. I want to see the faces you make when you cum. I want to watch your eyes when you feel me inside you, acknowledging me as more than a friend. As your man.
Fuck... Fuckk.... Oh fuck, you're so good at this. You're the best. You're so—agh—SO fucking perfect. FUCK. Oh fuck... God, I came so much. You know it's only because of you, right? No one else. I've been into you since forever.
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canirove · 2 months
The invinsible princess | Chapter 1
"Champions of Europe"
Index | Chapter 2 (coming out next Friday - September 20)
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“C’mom, go talk to her. Look at how miserable she looks.”
“Why don't you go talk to her?”
“Because she doesn't fancy me, Gavi” Ferran smirks.
“That's something the press made out.”
“Or not” Ferran shrugs. 
“If you don't go talk to her, I will.”
“Fermín, don't you have a girlfriend?” Gavi says.
“Yeah. And?”
“You can't go talk to the princess. That's cheating.”
“It's just talking, Gavi. Relax” he chuckles.
“Unless the press sees you and then boom! Fermín the Prince” Ferran laughs. 
“Fermín I of Spain. Sounds cool, I like it. What do you think, Pedri? Pedri?” he says, looking around for his teammate.
“Where is he going?” Ferran asks.
“He’s… Oh my God, he's walking towards the princess!” Gavi gasps.
“There he goes. Pedro I of Spain” Fermín chuckles
“And then it all had been a mistake!”
“That is so funny” my dad laughs. “Isn't it, Sofía?”
“So funny” I say with my best fake smile. 
Why am I stuck with a bunch of old men? This is a party to celebrate that Spain just won the Euros. I should be out there mingling with the young people, talking with the players and their families, getting to know them all a bit and properly congratulate them. But no. I'm stuck with a man telling us about his latest golfing trip to Scotland. 
“Something similar happened to me last time we went to Mallorca” my dad says, making me already disconnect from the conversation. I know which anecdote he is about to share. I probably already know it by heart just from hearing him telling about it to everyone he's met lately. So instead of listening to him, I start looking around.
There are some players dancing with their partners, others playing with their kids (which is the cutest thing ever), others are just chilling… And then, there is someone wearing red and a medal around his neck walking towards me. Or trying to. 
“Right, Sofía?” my dad says again.
“Yeah, yeah” I nod. 
One of the good things about him having told this anecdote so many times is that, by now, I also know when he asks for my support and how I have to react to it, what I have to say. Which comes very handy when your eyes are stuck on the guy smiling and standing in front of you, and who is currently moving his head to one side to make you follow him somewhere. 
“Dad, do you mind if I go get myself a refill?” I ask him.
“Yes, sure. But just beer.”
“Just beer, I promise” I smile before finally leaving the group of men and following Pedri. 
Oh, yes. Because the guy who had been smiling at me and asking me to follow him, was freaking Pedri González. 
“Ma’am” my bodyguard says behind me. “Are you going somewhere?”
Shit. Fuck. I had forgotten about him.
“I'm just going out to get some fresh air. I'm feeling a bit dizzy” I say with a nervous laugh.
“Alone?” he says, looking at the glass door that leads outside the room, Pedri waiting on the other side.
“I… Ummm… It'll be just five minutes.”
“Five minutes, Carlos. It's not like he can kidnap me or something with his leg like that” I chuckle. 
“He cannot, no. But what about others? You are Spain's Princess.”
“But not the heir. No one cares about me.”
“Don't say that, ma'am.”
“It's the truth” I shrug. “Anyway, can I go outside for five minutes? Please? He may just want a photo for his mum.”
“Ok, fine” Carlos sighs. “But don't leave the building.”
“I won't, I promise” I smile before basically running towards the door. He may still regret letting me go.
Once outside, it takes me a moment to find Pedri. When I spot him, he is resting against one of the huge windows, checking the brace he has to wear on his knee. 
“Is it too uncomfortable?” I ask him as I walk towards him.
“Uh?” he says, looking up. And maybe, just maybe… I gasped when the lights from outside illuminated his face in all the right places.
“The brace. Is it uncomfortable?”
“A bit, yeah” he smiles. 
“I'm sorry about what happened.”
“Thank you” Pedri smiles again. “Though everything worked out in the end” he says, touching his medal. “Do you want to try it?”
“Oh, I, ummm…”
“Here” he says, taking it off before walking towards me and putting it around my neck, carefully untucking my hair so it doesn't get tangled with the strap. “Perfect. How does it feel?”
“Heavier than I expected” I chuckle.
“It can't be heavier than a crown” he laughs.
“I don't know. I've never tried on one.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah. It's not like I'm gonna be the one who is gonna have to wear it. That's my sister, the heir.”
“But you still are a princess, aren't you? Don't all princesses wear crowns?”
“Nope. I may get to wear a tiara one day if I'm invited to a big event like a royal wedding or a reception for someone important, but other than that…”
“I'm sorry.”
“Oh, don't be. Sometimes being the second born that everyone forgets about actually comes with its perks. Like being here today, for example.”
“I thought it was because you liked football.”
“That too” I chuckle.
“And football players?” Pedri asks me. “Do you also like them?”
“My friends were talking about you fancying Gavi.”
“That's my sister, not me.”
“Ha! I knew it! I knew it was her and not you. But they were so convinced they didn't want to listen to me.”
“I'm used to people mixing us, don't worry” I say while playing with the medal. “And I actually am more into dark haired guys than brunettes like him.”
“Are you?”
“Yeah” I shrug, still focused on the medal. 
“Anything else you like in your men?” 
“Why are you interested?” I ask him, looking up and at his face, a little smirk on his lips. 
“Just curious about how the future Prince of Spain could look like” he shrugs.
“Well… I like men with interesting noses.”
“What?” he laughs.
“Yeah… I don't know how to explain it. But if you look at the list of men I'm attracted to, famous or not, they all have that in common. Yours would actually make the cut.”
“My nose?” he laughs again.
“I… It is too weird, isn't it? Urgh” I say, covering my face with my hands. And that, my friends, is how you ruin things with the guy you are trying to flirt with. 
“No, no. Not at all. Is just that no one had complimented my nose before. Most girls talk about my lips.”
“Your lips?” 
“They say they were made to kiss and be kissed. What do you think?”
“What?” I say, still covering my face.
“Are my lips kissable or not, your royal highness?” Pedri says, his hands suddenly on mine, moving them away to rest at my sides. But he doesn't let go once they get there. He keeps holding them, his fingers playing with mine, his thumbs sometimes caressing my knuckles or the inside of my wrist and sending waves of heat all the way up my arms. 
“They are ok” I manage to say.
“Just ok? I think I'm gonna have to move closer so you can see them better” he says, closing the space between us a bit more. 
“They just look like lips” I shrug. But that's a lie. Because his lips do look made to kiss and be kissed.
“Maybe if we moved towards the light…” he says, his hands suddenly on my waist, moving me until my back is against the big window, the light once again hitting his face in all the right places. 
I knew Pedri was handsome, but this handsome? Wow.
“Better now?”
“Let me see…” I say as I move forward a little bit, the medal doing it with me and hitting his chest. We are so close right now… “Nothing. Just lips.”
“Well, if you can't see anything, I'll guess we'll have to try with a different sense. Like touch, for example.”
“How does this feel, your royal highness?” he says, gently taking one of my hands and kissing it, the other still resting on my waist.
“You can start calling me ma'am now. Royal highness is just for the first time you address me.” And how I've managed to give him a protocol lesson while feeling my skin burn on the spot where his lips have been, will forever be a mystery.
“Ma'am sounds like something for someone old. What about my lady?”
“You could also call me by my name” I shrug. 
“We just met, my lady. Aren't you going too fast?” Pedri smirks.
“Me? Who is the one looking for a way to kiss me?” I smirk back.
“Busted” he laughs. 
“Though if you want to kiss me, you just have to ask.”
“Ok, then. May I kiss you… my lady?”
“You may” I whisper. 
“Thank you” he smiles. “But…” he says, stopping just as his lips brush against mine. “After I've done it, will you tell if my lips are made to kiss and be kissed?” 
“I will.”
“A princess must keep her promises.”
“I will, I promise. Now are you going to kiss me or not?”
“As my lady commands” he smirks before finally doing it and kissing me. Pedri… the Pedri… is kissing me. And it is… wow. Just wow. “And?” he whispers against my lips.
“I haven't told you to stop.”
“So bossy” he chuckes.
“Well, I am your princess, am I not?”
“You are, yes.”
“Then as your princess, I'm telling you, Pedri González, to keep kissing me.”
“With my lips made to kiss and be kissed?” 
“With your lips made to kiss and be kissed, yes” I say, making him smile before kissing me again and… Oh, my God.
I thought winning the Euros earlier had felt amazing, but I was wrong. Being kissed by him, and in the way he is right now, is what truly feels amazing. 
“I think this is yours” I say, giving Pedri his medal back.
“It looks better on you, tho.”
“Oh, stop it” I laugh, putting it around his neck, the place where my hands were resting not that long ago.
“It's the truth” he shrugs. “And do we seriously have to go back in there?” he says, nodding towards the party.
“We do, yes” I sigh. “But, we are meeting again tomorrow.”
“We are, yes. And you've promised me a tour of the palace. And a princess…”
“Keeps her promises” I smile.
“Exactly” Pedri smiles back. And we stay like that, just smiling like two idiots, until someone clears his throat behind us. Carlos, my bodyguard. “I think that's our cue to go inside.”
“I think it is, yes.”
“Do you think he will send the secret service after me if I kiss you one last time?” he whispers.
“There is nothing like trying” I shrug.
“Ok, then. Bro, look the other way!” he says to Carlos while I just laugh, his hands suddenly cupping my face before kissing me one last time. “No secret service?” he whispers, opening one eye. 
“No secret service.”
“Thank God” he sighs, making me laugh again. “Anyway… I should probably go in first, shouldn't I? Distract everyone with my limping so they won't look at you.”
“Oh, don't worry. No one looks at me, I'm the invisible princess.”
“Only someone blind would not look at you, my lady.”
“Thank you” I say, feeling my cheeks getting warm. We've been kissing and flirting, and him saying that is what finally makes me go shy. “But like I told you, I don't mind being invisible sometimes. This” I say, playing with the strap of his medal. “Would have not been possible if I was the heir. And the secret service would have definitely jumped at you the moment you got too close.”
“Lucky me, then” Pedri smiles.
“Lucky us” I smile back. “Now go. I can see Carlos getting impatient.”
“Urgh, fine… See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow.”
“Ok. Good night, my lady” he says, kissing my cheek.
“Good night, sir” I giggle as I watch him walk back into the party, laughing one more time when he turns around to look at me and blows me a kiss.
“Feeling better, ma'am?” Carlos says behind me.
“Much better” I smile. 
“Then I'm sorry about what I'm about to tell you, ma'am.”
“What?” I say, turning around to look at him.
“It's about him, about Pedri. Something I heard his friends talking about when I went back inside to give you some… privacy.”
“Carlos, you are starting to worry me.”
“I… I'm sorry, ma'am.”
The next day…
“My lady.”
“I wasn't expecting to be offered croquetas at the royal palace” he chuckles, nodding at the table in front of us.
“Yeah, well.”
“When we met earlier it was kind of awkward, wasn't it? Shaking hands with your parents and your sister, acting as if we didn't know each other and nothing had happened last night…”
“Did something happen last night?” I ask, eating an olive and finally looking at him. “Besides you winning the Euros, I mean.”
“We… you… what?” he says with a confused look.
“I don't remember anything important happening” I shrug.
“You don't… Oh. Oh, I get it. You are teasing me because out here someone could hear us” Pedri says, looking around at his teammates. After meeting the whole team inside the palace, we are now in the gardens, everyone chatting, having a drink and relaxing before they have to go to Cibeles to celebrate.
“I'm not teasing you, Pedri. I don't remember anything” I shrug again. “Wait, no. I do remember one thing” I say, moving forward. “That you are a dick” I whisper in his ear before walking away.
“That I'm what? What are you talking about?” he says before following me. 
“Is your hearing also injured?”
“My hearing is perfect, my lady” he says, struggling to keep up with me. “What I don't understand is why.”
“Why what?” I say, suddenly stopping. We've walked away from where everyone else is, kind of hidden behind some bushes.
“Why are you calling me a dick? What did I do?”
“Do you seriously have to ask?” I laugh.
“I can't believe it” I laugh again. “You fucking used me, Pedri!”
“You used me to have a laugh with your friends! You made a bet with them to see who could get a kiss from me first!”
“What?” he says again, looking more and more confused by the second.
“Carlos heard them talking about it, so don't you dare try to deny it. I'm sure you all had a laugh this morning when you told them everything that happened between us.”
“We don't… I…”
“I was an easy target, wasn't I? The poor princess that no one looks at, the one who always is in the shadow of her sister, who always is the second option. I'm sure you felt so proud when you told them how easily I fell for your charms, how stupid I was. But not anymore, you hear me. Not anymore.”
“That's not what happened” Pedri says, grabbing me by the arm when I try to walk away, earning himself a even more deadly look than the ones I was already giving him. “Sorry. I'm sorry” he says, letting go. “But please let me explain myself.”
“Why? Why would I do that? You manipulated me once, you could do it again. I am that stupid.”
“You aren't stupid, and I didn't manipulate you. I…” he says, running a hand through his hair. “The boys were talking about who could get you out of your misery, that's true. We were watching you talking with your dad and those men, and you looked so… Bored. Like you wished to be anywhere but there. But I wasn't part of it, I swear. I actually was getting mad while listening to them and the way they were talking about you. So before any of them found the guts to go talk to you just for fun, I did it myself. Not the go talking with you for fun part. The one about finding the guts to go talk to you. Because I… I have a bit of a crush on you.”
“What?” I laugh.
“Yeah” he says, nervously touching his cheek. A cheek that had turned almost as red as his Spain's shirt. “Here, look” he says, taking his phone out of his pocket. “I have proof.”
“Proof of what? You being an idiot?”
“An idiot for you, yes” he says, showing me what he had been looking for on his phone. “It's a WhatsApp conversation I had with my brother yesterday before the game when it was announced that you were attending. You can check the date and the time, it isn't fake.”
Your girlfriend is gonna be at the game tonight 🤭 If you win she may give you a kiss 😚 Instead of Casillas and Sara Carbonero, Pedri and the princess ⚽👸🏻👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 
“This… This means nothing” I say, giving him his phone back. 
“I can show you more messages from him teasing me about it. Look.”
People are shipping Gavi with the princess after the game 😂 Maybe he could introduce you to her little sister 😏 Gavi king and you prince 😂
“I… Pedri…”
“Everything that happened last night was real. I swear it” he says. “I didn't kiss you because of a bet with my friends. I kissed you because I wanted to. Because I like you.”
“You don't know me. Like, you barely know anything about me, only what the press publishes.”
“I know enough. Because to me” he says, taking one of my hands on his, his thumb caressing my knuckles like he had last night. “To me you aren't invisible or someone's shadow. To me, you shine brighter than anyone else. King, queen, heir to the throne or whatever.”
“That's so cheesy” I chuckle.
“But the truth.”
“Pedri, I…” I say, meeting his eyes. He isn't lying. Everything he's said about kissing me because he wanted to and not because of a bet, about liking me, about me not being the invisible princess I always believe myself to be… All that is true. I can see it in his face, on his blushed cheeks, in his eyes. He is being honest about it all. “I believe you.”
“You… You do?”
“I do” I nod.
“Thank God” he sighs. “I thought any moment now you would call the secret service and they would send me to… Where do they send people when they arrest them?”
“Can't tell you. It is the secret service for a reason” I wink.
“Makes sense” he chuckles. “But does this mean that I am not a dick anymore or…?” he says, closing the space between us a bit.
“Well… There is something you could do to make me completely forget about it” I say, also moving closer towards him.
“Something like what?” he asks, his other hand finding mine, now both his thumb caressing my skin, bringing back the waves of heat I felt last night. 
“You could kiss me with those lips of yours” I smirk.
“Here?” he says, looking around. “What if someone comes this way and sees us? Like someone from the team, your dad or… your mum. Your mum is quite scary, you know?”
“Oh, I know” I laugh. “But if we move over here…” I say, walking us behind a big tree, my back against it. “No one will see us. We'll be… invisible” I smile.
“You are anything but invisible, my lady” Pedri smiles back, his hands letting go of mine and moving to rest on my waist.
“Then show me” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. 
“Will you then give me a tour of the palace? You promised it last night, and a princess…”
“Keps her promises, I know.”
“Exactly” he smirks.
“First we kiss, then we do the tour. But just so you know, Carlos will probably join us.”
“Wait, is he here?” Pedri says, looking around, his eyes wide.
“He may be hiding behind a bush, yes” I laugh.
“Shit. If he sees together after what he heard last night…”
“I'll explain everything to him, don't worry. But if you are being serious about getting to know me…”
“Then you better start getting used to his presence.”
“I think I can do that. Because you” he says, brushing his nose against mine and making me giggle. “Are worth it, my lady. So worth it” Pedri says before finally kissing me again, making me feel what he has been telling me since we met: that I'm not just someone's shadow, a second option. That I am not the invisible princess anymore. 
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pitchsidestories · 11 months
Pumpkins & Picnics II Laura Wienroither x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1771
Your girlfriend Laura and you were already about to leave Beth and Vivianne’s home which you visited earlier in the day when the Dutch woman put on a serious face: “Wait a second. Bring her home safely, okay?” “Of course, Viv.”, you reassured the older teammate not without a little eye roll at her direction. Home was not their place anymore for the Austrian home was the appartement you shared together. Smiling Beth scolded the dark-haired forward: “Viv leave the children alone.” “Sorry, Viv can be such a dad.”, Laura apologized.
But you just waved it off with a small grin on your lips: “It’s fine, I’m used to it by now.” “They’re really just looking out for me.”, the defender told you. With a sigh you admitted: “That’s in equal parts adorable and annoying because they should trust me by now.” “They do. Really.”, your girlfriend told you in a comforting tone which put your mind at ease.  
“Girls, you almost forgot your coats. You’ll need them for your outdoor picnic!”, Beth said making both of your heads turn as she handed you the coats.  “It’s not even that cold Beth. You’re such a mum.”, Laura laughed but the way she looked at the older forward was full of love. Nonchalantly the blonde shrugged her shoulders: “I don’t want you two to get sick that’s all, she stopped for a second before adding with a wink, Besides Arsenal needs your girlfriend let.” “Yes, yes I know.”, the Austrian mumbled.
Softly you tapped your girlfriend on her shoulder: “Come on, let’s go, Lau.” “Coming.”, she replied. Beaming you waved at the older couple: “Goodbye, Viv and Beth.” “Have fun, girls.”, the English national team player hummed.
It was a beautiful autumn day outside. The leaves were turning into all shades of yellow, orange and were softly falling from the trees. The lake to which you went was mirroring the colourful trees. “I think we can do our picnic here.”, you pointed to a place from where you had a perfect view at the water. While Laura and you were unpacking your things the Austrian whispered:” That’s beautiful.” “It really is, do you want a hot drink now?”, you asked her cheerfully. Excited your girlfriend nodded: “Yes, please. What have you got? Tea? Hot chocolate?” “Actually both.”, you confessed. The smile which appeared on her face warmed your heart as she stated: “Oh my god, you’re the best.”
“Only the best for you, Lau.”, you grinned as you handed her a cup of hot chocolate. The defender took it with both hands and breathed in the steam with closed eyes; “If I weren’t in love with you already, I’d be right now.” You fondly rolled your eyes as you poured yourself some hot chocolate; “Cheers.” Carefully, Laura clinked her cup against yours before taking the first sip; “It’s delicious.“ A comfortable silence settled in while you enjoyed the view with your hot drinks.
You quietly cleared your throat to draw your girlfriends attention back to you; “Lau? I’m so proud of your first run yesterday.” Her excited smile was the same as yesterday when she took her first steps out of the gym; “Thank you. It felt great to be back on the grass.” “I can imagine…”, you replied quietly, your gaze subconsciously shifting towards your own knee. One hand was tracing circles on your jeans in the places where your own knee surgery had left scars. “I can’t wait to play again.”, Laura went on, the longing for the football pitch now overshadowing the pride for her achievements. You nodded slowly; “Me neither. Something’s missing when you’re not on the field.“
With a mix of genuine light-heartedness and self-deprecation, she laughed; “I didn’t play that much anyway.“ “Right before your injury you did.“, you corrected her, biting your lip for bringing up the other injuries in the squad. Laura patted your knee; “Don’t worry, I’m okay. The ACL Squad is taking good care of me.“ “I’m glad they do. Because I can’t always be there like they can…“, you could not avoid the slight hint of sadness in your voice. At the same time you loved the team for it. Beth and Vivianne let Laura stay with them whenever she wanted and Leah was always in the gym when Laura was, celebrating every small progress. “I know.“, Laura answered with a soft voice. “Sorry.“ “It’s okay. Really.“
You could feel the mood shift and didn’t want it to affect your date, so you started to unwrap freshly baked cinnamon buns and offered them to your girlfriend; “Cinnamon bun?“ Lauras eyes went wide as soon as the smell of cinnamon and butter met her nose. Delighted, she took one; “Sure, thank you.“ “You’re welcome, love.“, you smiled warmly and took one for yourself. Laura took the first bite and hummed happily; “They’re so good.“ “Yes, I made them with the other Swedish Girls.“, you explained, satisfied with how much your girlfriend enjoyed the taste.The Austrian’s beamed: “Nothing better than real Swedish cinnamon buns.” “Agreed.”, you winked at her. Sheepishly smiling Laura admitted: “I could eat all of them.” “Seems like we need to make some more before Jonas team meeting.”, you observed amused your girlfriend’s hunger for the Scandinavian treat. The taste and scent of cinnamon buns always put a smile on your face because it reminded you of your home country.
The blonde could not help but to tease you: “Are you trying to convince him to let you start?” “Rude!”, you playfully slapped her upper arm. Innocently she smiled back: “What? It was just a question.” “Maybe I should them to Lina.”, you thought out loud. Your teammate really shined in recent national team games so it would have been only fair for her to get more game time in the club aswell. Confusion was in Lauras voice as she asked: “What?” “So, she is able to start?”, you explained. Determined the defender shook her head, holding the baked goods close to her chest:” You keep those delicious cinnamon buns right here.” “Okay, got it, Lau.”, you giggled. Pleased about your answer your girlfriend replied: “Thanks.”
A leaf slowly fell from the branch on to your light hair.: “Huch.”  “Oh wait. Let me get this one out of your hair.”, Laura offered while carefully removing the leaf from the top of your head. It was those small gestures that made you fall more in love with her everyday: “Thanks, Lau.” “Cute.”, she remarked. Grinning you suggested: “Maybe we should take that leave with us as decoration?” “To put it in your hair?”, the defender joked. You could not help but laugh: “No for our appartement.” “Oh. Right.”, Laura blushed.
Curiously you watched her walking around your blanket:” What are you doing?” “Picking up more leaves?”, the Austrian replied with an adorable smile. Immediately you stood up from your cozy place:“Wait, let me help you.” “Lia would be proud of us.”, she exclaimed delighted by that task which was something different to her monotone rehab days. You had to agree with your girlfriend’s observation: “Yes, except she wouldn’t let us take the leaves inside a house.” The Swiss woman was known in your team for always cleaning of her front porch as she did not like them there. Still, she was one of your closest teammates despite her peculiarities because let's be real everyone has them.
“I guess that’s true.“, Laura nodded thoughtfully. “She’s missing out on that though.“, you laughed. You looked up as your girlfriend didn’t answer. She was looking up at the exceptionally blue sky and the colourful trees, breathing in the crisp air. “It’s such a nice autumn day too. What’s more autumnal than colourful leaves?“, she finally said. “Very true.“, you agreed. “Oh, I know something.“, the Austrian answered her own question all of a sudden.
You cocked your head in surprise, waiting for her to go on; “Yes?“ “Pumpkins would be perfect right now.“, she beamed at you. Your jaw dropped; “Oh my god. Yes.“ Nothing screamed autumn quite like pumpkins did. “We could carve them. Or make pumpkin soup.“, Laura suggested, her eyes bright with excitement. “Or both. What do you think about that?“ Eagerly, your girlfriend nodded; “I’m in.“ “So, time to get a pumpkin.“, you said, starting to pack up your picnic. ���Or two.“, Laura grinned while folding the blanket. “Right. One for carving and one for the soup.“
Holding hands, you left the lake side and made your way to a farmers market. Laura let out a squeal of delight when she saw a pile of pumpkins displayed. Carefully, she touched the smooth, round surface of one. You knew she had already decided to take this specific pumpkin home. “Maybe Viv and Beth want to carve a pumpkin too. What if we do an Arsenal themed one?“, you asked. “We should!“, she agreed. Together, you picked out some pumpkins. They were probably more than you would need but Laura was convinced to take them home.
At Beths and Viviannes house, you dropped off the pumpkins. Vivianne was eyeing the amount of vegetables on her kitchen tables while Laura and Beth immediately got to work to cook a pumpkin soup. The soup was slowly simmering on the stove, filling the kitchen with a delicious smell. Beth looked at the left over pumpkins on the table and grabbed a knife for carving; “So, Arsenal themed, huh?“ “Yeah, why?“, Laura asked innocently. Beth turned the pumpkin, trying to find the perfect side to work with; “Should it be the Club’s Logo?“ Amused, Laura shrugged and gave the older player a challenging look; “If you’re artistic enough for that.“
“Do we have something easier?“, Vivianne asked, not convinced that any of them would be able to reproduce the intricate details on a pumpkin. “We could do Win, the dog.“, Beth suggested. She and Laura had taken a particular liking to the team dog, so Laura nodded; “Oh yes!“ “As if that’s easier.“, Viv rolled her eyes but finally gave in. Happy with the outcome, you took out your phone and snapped a picture of the dog-themed pumpkin; “We finally made the pumpkin! Let me send this into the team group chat.“ “It looks like a cat though.“, Vivianne criticized with a smile. Beth nudged her; “Oh shush. The pumpkin soup is ready too.“
The sun was setting and your carved pumpkin illuminated the kitchen while you were crowded around the table enjoying the warm, comforting taste of the soup. You smiled to yourself. It was the perfect cozy autumn night to end the day.
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wreckedandpolemic · 5 months
white gold pregnancy scare blurb? 😍
your first pregnancy scare (i say first because let’s be real the two of you fuck raw and like rabbits) happens when you’ve been together about a year, not living together per se, but something close to it. you’re up to your neck in final deadlines for uni, and the last thing you need is your parents breathing down your neck for an entire month.
when your period is late, you aren’t that worried about it at first; you’re stressed, not sleeping super well, it happens. but then it gets to two weeks, and you start to panic, and random, freak sickness throws your world completely off-kilter. matty wakes to find you crying on the bathroom floor, in a total, uncontrolled downward spiral.
“oh, darling,” he murmurs, approaching you cautiously. “what is it? what’s wrong?”
you choke on a sob. “i think i might be pregnant,” you say quietly, deliberately staring at the floor and avoiding matty’s eyes as he wraps an arm around your trembling shoulders.
“okay,” he says after a beat. “are you sure?”
you shake your head. “no. i can’t— i don’t— i can’t be a mum. not right now, anyway. but i— i know you want kids, and it’s,” you pause, biting your lip even as you press into the soothing heat of his body. “i don’t want you to think i’m scared because of you.”
he kisses the side of your head. “we’re in this together, love. you and me, yeah? whatever you want to do, i’m right there with you, okay?” you nod tearfully, overwhelmed in gratitude for his calm, soothing presence. he coaxes you back into the bedroom, lays you down on the bed and holds you, soothes you softly. the pair of you lie in quiet, resting against his chest and clinging to his arms until your cheeks have dried and your breathing evens out. “you gonna be alright if i run out and get you a test, darling?”
you try not to spiral while he’s gone. it’s not like you’ve never thought about having kids with him; most days the thought of him cradling a sweet, squishy little baby is enough to have you in floods of tears. but in those visions you aren’t twenty-two with a dissertation due in two weeks, and it all feels too fucking real.
matty’s back shockingly fast, though. he must’ve driven at least the speed limit to have been there and back in this time. especially because he’s carrying more than just a pregnancy test, arms laden with flowers and chocolates, bubble bath and face masks. he smiles, the simple action infinitely reassuring. “called off work on the way there. whatever it says, i wanna be here for my girl.” you just melt. god, you’re so fucking lucky. “wasn’t sure which one to get, so i just got ‘em all,” he says sheepishly, producing a comically large stack of pregnancy tests, the sight shocking a giggle out of you. he looks relieved, the first time you’ve laughed all morning.
you end up taking three, leaving them face down on the counter while you wait, unable to bear the tension. matty holds your hand the whole time, kisses you, murmurs reassurances against your skin. when your timer goes off, you bury your face in his shoulder. “you look. i can’t do it,” you mumble.
you watch his face as he turns over each test one by one. he’s smiling, but that doesn’t tell you anything, because he’s infuriatingly calm in situations like this. “you’re not pregnant, darling,” he says, and you crumple in relief.
“thank fucking god,” you gasp, unable to stop yourself, and he chuckles.
“alright, angel. you can stop stressin’ so much, now. i’m gonna take care of you.”
matty runs you a bath, the water silky and scented like roses, massaging the tension out of your shoulders. “you know, i do wanna have kids. with you. one day,” you add hastily.
he smiles into the skin of your neck. “gonna be the best mum, darling. when you’re ready.”
“how about we just practice making them for now?” you tease, tipping your head back so you can look in his eyes, wide with adoration.
“i like the sound of that.”
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its-time-to-write · 10 months
i hold it like a grudge - ch. 3
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I don’t know why I’m awake and still editing 😭 I have to go to work tomorrow morning. It’s not even the weekend yet and I’m acting like it is but it’s ok, right? Right.
table of contents watch me fall
Five hours later, Keeley is scrolling through pictures of you and Jamie on your phone. 
“Oh my god, you’re both so tiny!” she crows. She can hold her alcohol much better than you would have expected, but by this point, she’s definitely far gone.
You can’t bring yourself to have more than two drinks. Everything leaves behind an acrid taste, so you switched to water a while ago. That means you’re completely fucking sober as Keeley swipes through your entire friendship with Jamie.
“Wow, you two were like, attached at the hip,” she comments. “Is this your mums?”
It’s a picture of two women about the same age, looking at the camera with strained smiles. You remember that day. Your mum had slipped you and Jamie money to get ice cream with the condition that you’d eat it at the shop and not bring it home. She’d looked right into your eyes as she said it, conveying a message beyond her words. You were maybe ten years old and not sure exactly what she meant, but you nodded seriously and ran to drag Jamie down the street.
You and Jamie had come back, hours later with ice cream drips on your shirts, none the wiser to what had transpired in your absence.
“I remember that picture,” you say aloud. “Jamie’s dad took it, the piece of shit. He dropped ‘round and was a happy drunk until he wasn’t. Mum threatened to call the police, but Georgie still came away with a black eye. They thought me and Jaim didn’t know, but,” you shrug. “You know how it is when you’re ten. You know fucking everything.”
Keeley nods, and you take it as an invitation to keep talking. “We used to share a brain, basically. Hardly ever seen without each other. You know we didn’t even date till I was in secondary? Mum was so surprised we weren’t already sneaking around behind her back. Guess she and Georgie used to talk about it a lot. Jamie was home four hours after she died. Not even sure how, really, he was out of town. I asked him about it once and he wouldn’t tell me, the little shit. That night… I couldn’t sleep. It was awful. I sneaked out of my room and down the hall to her bed, because it still smelled like her, you know? I had this dream that she was still there with me and when I woke up it felt like I had lost her all over again. I had to remember that she wasn’t just downstairs making breakfast.”
You pause. It’s all coming out so matter-of-factly, like it happened to someone else.
“Anyway, I just laid there and cried. The first tear had barely fallen when Jamie just came in and got in bed next to me. I think he had just woken up, but he… he held me so fucking tight and whispered, ‘I felt you crying. I can be here as long as you want,’ and then we just stayed there. We were there for fucking…hours. He just let me cry and didn’t say anything, just kissed the tears off my face and handed me tissues. The next couple days he moved all my things from the house to a room at Georgie’s. She had this like, office thing upstairs that was basically a closet, but it was the same layout for mine and theirs so it was familiar if that makes sense? Like they were mirrored, so her room was the same as mum’s and Jamie’s was the same as mine, then a third little bedroom that had room for a bed and that’s pretty much it. Jamie offered his room, but I didn’t want it. It felt wrong, somehow. And I couldn’t bring myself to get out of bed to do any of it but he did everything. I think Georgie probably helped, but when it was all done, he brought me over and he’d decorated it just how I would’ve. Except he made a copy of his Roy Kent poster and stuck it on my wall, right next to one of his dumb headshots he liked so much. He slept in that little bed with me every night until he went back. We were nineteen at the time, right before he got signed for City. We loved that team. Used to watch it every time it was on the telly, and he always told me he’d play for them some day and take me to every match, even the away games.”
You trail off. You’ve run out of steam, back in the present reality. This is the first time you’ve allowed yourself to look back fondly, to wonder how Georgie and Simon are.
Meanwhile, Keeley’s staring at you, openmouthed.
“Shit, babe,” she says.
“Shit,” you agree.
“How the fuck did he know you were crying?”
You wiggle your head back and forth. “Like I said, he said he felt it. I mean… sounds strange, but we used to be able to feel when things were wrong with each other. Even if we were in different places. We used to text and be like, ‘oi, you good?’ and every time, the answer was no. It’s like a nauseous feeling, you know?”
“No,” Keeley shakes her head. “I don’t fucking know.”
“Right,” you say, “I’m done being sober. Give me the fucking bottle.”
Keeley cheers and passes it your way. You take a swig and make a face. It still tastes like shit, but it’s better than trying to figure out the implications of Keeley’s five little words.
No. I don’t fucking know.
The next week, you’re slipping charms on a necklace for someone name Ashley, part of a set for a wedding party. You’ve had a steady stream of customers this weekend, many tourists from out of town passing through on their way to the heart of London. You check instagram in between sales and see that your location is getting tagged in stories and public posts, and you smile. 
The day passes by smoothly and by the time you lock up, it’s drizzling ever so slightly. You grin and step out the door, turning the lock then back around to head up the street. You run smack into someone and say, “Shit, sorry,” before realizing it’s fucking Jamie. You scoff and go to step around him but he puts himself in your path.
“I’m going back to Manchester,” he tells you without preamble.
“Gaffer sent me back. Thought you might want to know.”
“Okay,” you reply lightly, as if to a stranger, then duck past him again. You hurry away and risk a glance back. He’s still standing in the rain by your store, watching you walk away.
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9th doctor x reader - oblivious, stupid, and in love
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Travelling with the doctor was fun at first, you loved it.
Who wouldn’t?
The planets, being in the stars, seeing the past, the future, what was really just outside the grasp of humanity in the present time you were in.
You loved every single moment of it.
But even something as amazing as that would get tiring after a while, and as much as you enjoyed travelling with the doctor and Rose, you felt like you didn’t have as good as connection with the doctor unlike Rose.
Their timelines were intertwined with one another, and it began to feel like you were there just for the ride.
Rose didn’t do anything with anyone anymore, not like she used to you, even with you right with her, and the doctor seemed to only think of what Rose would want to see.
And you wondered if this is how Mickey was feeling, so, you decided while the Rose and the doctor were off gallivanting somewhere you’d ask him.
So you went to his flat and knocked on his door.
“Don’t usually get you around here.”
He stepped aside to let you in.
“Yeah please, I actually wanted to talk to you.”
“About what?”
You followed your friend through to the kitchen and leant in the doorway as you sighed a little bit.
“Rose and the doctor.”
Mickey glanced at you and nodded his head, gesturing for you to wait as he made your drinks and took you to the living room.
“Thought you liked travelling with them and all that lot.” He said.
“I do, well… I did… it’s just…”
You sighed and you tried your best to explain everything to him, and he nodded along and waited for you to finished.
“She’s been doing the same to everyone including me and Jackie, at the end of the day I guess we should just leave her to it, she ain’t going to listen to us anyways.”
“Yeah… I guess you’re right.”
“That’s not the whole thing?”
You shook your head and looked at him as you laid down on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling.
“I just don’t get why she gets to have everything you know? She had a good relationship, brilliant mum, and she threw it all away, now she gets to go running off round the universe and all that.”
“Come on, you got one hell of a good job here, and you don’t need a relationship just to be happy.”
“Mickey I literally work in construction because my best friends dad runs the company and I need the work.”
“Yeah but come on, you love it really, I seen you climbing those wooden structures sometimes.”
You grinned a little and nodded your head.
“Yeah it’s fun.”
“You get real good money, and you live on your own, what more could you want?”
“To actually be able to do what Rose does…” you grumbled.
“Oh I get it your jealous.”
“So are you.”
“I’m not jealous she’s running off with the doctor though.”
You looked at your friend and smirked a little bit.
“Nah you’re just jealous you ain’t him.”
Mickey tossed a cushion at you and you laughed as it hit you in the face.
“You’re seriously jealous she spends time with the doctor?”
“You can’t tell me you’re not.”
“Not for the same reason, I want to actually spend time with my girlfriend, so why are you jealous?”
You huffed and laid with the cushion on your face as you said nothing.
“Oh my god…”
You quickly sat up.
“Don’t say it.”
“Okay I’m going now by Mickey!”
You quickly got up and left his flat, settling for wondering a little bit to clear your head.
Your phone went off and you looked at the photo Rose had sent you from somewhere in the universe and you decided to ignore it.
And that’s what you began to do instead.
You started ignoring her, all her texts and calls, throwing yourself into your work and the life you wanted on Earth instead.
And it was good for the most part.
Sitting in the scaffolding, you felt your phone go off as you pulled it out your pocket to read the text.
Rose: can we talk?
“You shouldn’t be on your phone.”
You slapped your friends leg and looked at him as you put your phone away.
“Shut it Luke, you’ve been sat there for an hour on call to your mate.”
He grinned a little bit and you both looked at the slightly cloudy sky.
“Think it’s gonna rain?” He asked.
“You wish, I got money to earn so you stay there and act like the princess you are.”
He stuck his middle finger up at you and you smirked as you got up and made your way onto the Newley built floor of the building you were working on.
“Shouldn’t you be an office worker or something?” He called.
“Shouldn’t you be in the sewers you rat?” You called back.
“Ouch, damn okay.”
He got up and trialed after you, taking the tape measure from your hands and you pulled another one out from your pocket.
“Stole yours hours ago.”
“Was looking for that.”
You shrugged a little and carried on with your work, measuring and marking what had to be done next.
It took a few hours to do, and then you made your way back outside and saw your friends dad waving you down, as you began your descent back to the bottom.
Jumping on the ground, you walked over and he took you to one of the cars and handed you some papers.
“Tell me idiot son if we ever want to finish this office building he actually needs to take the papers with him.”
You snickered a little bit and picked them up.
“He’s never going to remember Henry, you know that, it’s why you hired me.”
“I know, at least one of yous is smart.”
You grinned a little bit and leant back on the car as you looked through them.
“Thought it was an open plan style office? They said they was bringing in everything else.”
“Yeah they changed their minds, now they want office rooms and all that crap. We get paid more for the changes so more profit for you.”
You shrugged a little bit and picked up your bag, putting the papers in it as you set it on the ground again.
“How much longer you reckon?” Henry asked.
“Well, we still need to run the electrics through the top floor, then windows finished, if we’re adding all of this as well, given they stick to just a few offices on each floor with glass instead of normal walls, I’d say another month or so.”
“Not bad, I told them about two months given the weather.”
You smiled a little and looked up at him.
“Am learning.”
Henry nodded his head in agreement, and pointed to the entrance to the site.
“And being watched. You know him?”
You looked to where he was pointing and you sighed.
“Yeah, don’t want to talk to him though whatever documentation he shows you it’s fake.”
With that, you grabbed your bag and you went to go find Luke again to discuss the new changes and to see if they were actually possible or not.
You carried on working throughout the rest of the day, and you forgot about the man outside until you went to walked over to your car parked down the street.
“We can get him gone you know.” Luke whispered.
“Leave it, he ain’t worth it.”
You made your way over and turned down the street to make your way to your car.
“You told them my papers were fake.”
“They are fake, I know they’re fake doctor.”
“They didn’t need to know that. I just wanted a look around.”
You stopped and looked at him.
“Right, I get everything is all fun and games to you yeah, but that’s a construction site, so I don’t need you in there messing about with ought. We’ve been working on it for months and we don’t need you putting us behind.” You snapped.
The doctor blinked and looked at you in shock.
You carried on walking, and he called out your name but you ignored him.
“Hey stop for a minute!” He called.
He jogged in front of you and blocked your path and you sighed.
“Are you alright?”
“In case you can’t tell doctor, I’m covered in dust and dirt, I want to go home, so leave me be. Go find Rose or something if you want to travel.”
You pushed past him and the doctor watched you get in your car with a frown.
He waited every day at the site for you to try talk to you, and you eventually started parking on site just to avoid him even more.
And you thought it was working, because you stopped seeing him there for a week, and you heard from Mickey Rose was still in London.
So maybe the doctor was sulking, you weren’t sure.
As you were sitting in the park on the weekend, just relaxing from a long week, you saw him walking over the grass and you sighed heavily.
“What now? I’m trying to sit peacefully.”
The doctor stood in front of you and stared at you for a minute.
“I don’t understand why you’re acting like this.”
“Look, I’m tired okay. Tired and want to relax so go do something else.”
You got up and before you could walk away he took your hand and made you stop.
“Did I upset or offend you somehow?” He asked confused.
“I just want to be left alone.” You snapped at him.
He shook his head.
“Not until we sort this out, one minute you were fine and smiling when I dropped you off, now I can hardly get two minute to even talk to you, you’re ignoring Rose and not talking to her either.”
You heard your phone chime and you looked at him raising a brow, but he still held your hand.
You pulled your hand and he let it go.
Taking your phone out your pocket you read the message and you groaned as you stuffed your phone away.
You left the park and went to your flat and got in your car, heading over ti the construction site to see Luke grinned sheepishly.
“I think I fucked up.”
“Oh you did big time, what the hell did you do?”
After helping him fix the mess he had made while ordering supplies for the following week, you went back home and you stopped as you stared into your living room.
The doctor was there watching TV, sprawled out on your sofa.
“I’m not going until we talk this out. I’ll stay here all night if I have to.” He beamed.
You ignored him and went into the kitchen and you grabbed a drink out the fridge as you opened it and began to looked through some takeaway menus.
Picking one, you walked into the living room and wrote down what you wanted and you tossed it at him with the notepad and pen.
You spent as much time as you could ignoring him.
“I will really just stay here all night you know, I’ve nowhere else to be.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say doctor, I’ve been working, I’ve been busy.”
“It’s not that, I know you. I know there’s more to it then that.”
The doctor sat up and he looked at you.
“So just tell me, I don’t understand what’s so bad you can’t tell me about it, or at least tell Rose. You two are supposed to be friends, right?”
You shrugged a little bit.
“What’s going on? Just tell me, I’m sure it can’t be that bad.”
“I’m going to bed, leave, stay, I don’t care.”
With that you left him there and he frowned as he tried to figure out what was going on.
And that’s what he spent all night doing, and when you woke up he wasn’t there, but a few hours later he came waltzing through your front door, screwdriver in his hand.
You were getting ready to go to the shop, so you stood and you looked at him.
“I talked to Rickey.”
“Same person, I talked to him.”
The doctor closed your front door and he pointed the screwdriver at you.
“He said you’re jealous.”
“Did you talk to him or scare him into talking?”
“Not relevant. Is this what all this is about?”
“It doesn’t matter doctor, can you move because I need to go to the shop.”
“Nope, we’re going clear up whatever this is right now. Why are you jealous?”
“I’m not and it doesn’t matter.”
The doctor narrowed his eyes a little bit and he sighed softly.
“I want you to come somewhere with me.”
“Doctor I can’t, I have worked, commitments. I get you can run around whatever you want, so can Rose. But I can’t.”
“Just come with me.”
“I can’t.”
He sighed and he put the screwdriver in his pocket.
“You were having so much fun, travelling, seeing the universe, doing things that humans won’t do until well into your future. Then you just decide one day that you’re not going to come with us anymore? I know there is something else, something that is making you feel like you can’t come with us anymore, and it’s not work, because you said it yourself, this is a job you can come and go as you please.”
“What’s the point doctor? I go with you and Rose, I see things, but am I really there?” You asked.
He looked at you confused.
“You and Rose understand each other on a level I could never possibly reach, you two just seem to share the same wavelength and I can’t do that. What’s the point of me being there, I can’t help you like she can, I’m nothing but a second thought really, just a remembrance that I’m there. That I happen to be there. Is that what you want to hear?” You asked.
You took your jacket off and you tossed it on to the cabinet in front of the doctor.
“Do you want me to tell you how I feel like an after thought? Maybe some people have what it takes to be a time traveller, I’m not one of them. Why waste my time?”
“You loved it.”
“At the start yeah sure it was great. But I’d rather just work, get some money behind me, maybe travel the world in a few years or something, at least here, at work, I know I’m important. I know who I am.”
“(Y/N) you are important, my god you are so important.” The doctor said.
You scoffed and shook your head.
“Not out there I’m not, I’m just another little human running around where they shouldn’t be.”
The doctor looked sad, and a little unsure.
“I… I made you feel like this?” He asked.
“You’re not to blame fully, you’ve known Rose longer, get it. You two are better off travelling just the two of you, I’m better here building things, that’s all there is to it. I don’t have to compete, or worry, or nothing like that.”
“Who says you have to compete? Compete for what?”
You shook your head and you picked your jacket up again, pulling it on and you gestured for him to move.
“Just forget yeah? I’m fine here.”
“But are you happy?”
“I’m content.”
“That’s not the same as happy.”
You shrugged a little bit and took a step backwards again.
“It’s all we can ask for though right? Just to be content. Now can you move?”
He opened the door and followed you outside.
“So if you’re only content here, what would make you happy?”
“Honestly I just want what Rose has, I want what she has with Mickey, even if she’s screwing it all up and constitutionally leaving him behind, there was a time they were well happy.”
The doctor walked in front of you to make you stop walking.
“Why can’t you have what she has? Earth isn’t short of people.”
You smiled a little and shook your head.
“It don’t work like that doctor, you need to have feelings for someone, or love them. You know how relationships work right?”
“I have an idea yes.”
He furrowed his brows a little bit.
“Then why can’t you have that?”
“Because the man I love is either incredibly stupid, oblivious, or in love with someone else, I’m not sure.”
You stepped around him and carried on working.
“Then why don’t you just ask him?”
“Because I don’t know if my friend likes him, and if she does I don’t want to get in the way, I wouldn’t stand a chance.”
“Well, whatever man doesn’t choose you is pretty stupid if you ask me.” The doctor smiled.
You laughed a little and stopped walking again.
“You can’t say that.”
“Well why not? It’s true, you’re a wonderful human, absolutely fantastic!”
“That ain’t true.”
“Why? Why do you believe so much that you cannot have such a brilliant thing?” He asked.
You sighed and you ran a hand down your face.
“Wow, you really are just oblivious aren’t you? I just can’t okay, I can’t tell the guy, and I can’t ask my friend how she feels, and I need to go because the shops going to close, so bye.”
With that you walked away and the doctor stood there confused.
When he tried to follow you he realised he no idea which direction you went in, so he wondered back to the TARDIS to think.
He decided to do some small fixes, but he was still vexed by his conversation with you.
Suddenly he stopped, and he blinked.
“Oh doctor you bloody idiot..” he whispered.
Setting everything down, he ran out of the TARDIS and back to your flat, knocking frantically on the door.
You didn’t answer fast enough for his liking so he unlocked it himself and slammed it shut behind him.
“Who were you talking about when you said you didn’t know if the man you loved was in love with someone else?” He asked.
“Why? What’s it to you?”
He took a deep breath.
“Because I think I know who you meant, and I really don’t want to be wrong about this.”
You shrugged a little bit.
“Oh bloody hell (Y/N).”
He walked over and he leant down, gently pressing his lips to yours before he pulled away.
“He isn’t in love with someone else, he’s just incredibly stupid and hopes you actually were talking about him…” he grinned sheepishly.
The doctor stepped forward and took your face between his hands, and he leant down, kissing your forehead.
“I need to know if what I think is true, is actually true.”
“It is…”
He smiled brightly at you.
“I’m such an idiot…” he whispered.
He sighed a little bit.
“I never said anything to you because I thought it would be simpler for you to have a life here on earth, with a man from here who would stay here. I never realised that I was subconsciously pushing you away and making you feel unwanted I’m so sorry, I’ve been an idiot. I’ve been oblivious, stupid, and in love with you all at the same time.”
“Yeah… but you’re a loveable idiot though.”
He grinned a little bit at you.
“So does this mean you’ll come with me now?”
“I still have work doctor.”
He frowned a little.
“Look, I finished the project next month, ask me again then.”
He nodded and he grinned at you before laughing, wrapping you up in his arms, picking you up and spinning you around and you laughed a little as you hugged him back.
So maybe he wasn’t a human, but was that really so bad? You were just happy to find out that he actually felt the same, you didn’t care he was an alien, he was your alien
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Attention seekers (Pedri x Reader)
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**I got this request and my writer’s block suddenly disappeared. Funny that, right? 👀🤷 Anyways, the story is set in lockdown-ish times but that isn’t the plot but what kickstarts the plot. Hope you guys enjoy it!! ❤️❤️ **
Word count: 3115
“So it’s cancelled? Yeah, I get it. Hopefully, you won’t feel too bad. See you soon”.
You hung up the phone feeling so annoyed by the change of plans. After all the months of lockdown, it was possible to travel again and you had planned a trip with your uni friends. But now one of them tested positive and both she and all the others had to stay home. You didn’t see them since your exams were done, so you knew you were fine but…what were you going to do for your holidays now? Your family was going on a cruise with some friends of the family and you couldn’t think of a more boring plan.
“What’s wrong, princess? You look sad”, said your dad when he saw you sitting down, phone still in your hand.
“My holidays have been cancelled because all my friends have to quarantine. I guess I’ll stay here. There are worse places to be”.
“Come with us. There’s room for one more”.
“I don’t like cruises, dad. Besides, you’re travelling with people I don’t even know”.
“Nonsense”, he said, and you could tell he was not going to change his mind. “You know them. We used to be with them all the time”.
“Yes, when I was a baby. I don’t remember any of it”.
“Well, they are great so why don’t you come with us to Barcelona to see them and then if you don’t want to go on the cruise, you can come back here and be all alone. But give it a try”.
“Ok”, you said, rolling your eyes. It wasn't as if you had better plans.
A lot of the stricter restrictions had been lifted, but you still needed to quarantine before travelling abroad. So the families’ plan was to stay at the house of one of the kids in Barcelona since that’s where the cruise will be leaving from. It was apparently big enough for all of you because he was a rich football player now. You couldn’t care less about those things.
“I can’t believe you don’t remember Pedri”, said your mum.
“I do”, laughed your sister.
“Well, you’re older…”.
“Yes, and I also remember because you two were so funny together. You were either throwing things at him or trying to kiss him”.
“Don’t say that in front of him”, you told her but her smirk told you she was going to tell him the moment she could bring it up.
“I’m sure you’ll get on well, honey. He’s a great kid and so is his brother”.
You nodded at your dad’s words, already bored of hearing so much about Perfect Pedri. It was going to be a long trip for sure.
When you got to his house you couldn’t lie and pretend you weren’t impressed. He really was doing well. And also, a big house meant it was easier to avoid people you didn’t want to see so it worked for you.
After all the greetings and all the “oh my God! I can’t believe how tall and pretty you are!” comments, you excused yourself to your room. People never realised how shy you actually were and being surrounded by strangers, even if they weren’t completely strangers, wasn’t so easy for you. Plus the heartbreak of missing out on your dream holidays with your friends was still too recent.
After a little nap, you decided to head to the kitchen to ask when dinner was going to be ready and if they needed any help. But the moment you left the room, you bumped into a body and your phone fell to the floor.
“Sorry”, said Pedri, reaching for your phone and taking a quick look at the screen before giving it back to you. “Carlos? Is that your boyfriend?”
“No. Give that back”.
“Sure. I was sent to tell you dinner will be ready soon”.
“Ok, thanks”.
You tried to move but he got in your way. What was his problem?
“I remember you”.
“I don’t remember you”, you said back, trying to walk again but he was still blocking the way.
“Our parents got the photo album out. You would like to see some of the photos. There are a lot of just you and me. It looked like we were good friends and seeing them made me remind you”.
“Great! I guess my sister already told you about me hitting and kissing you. Glad I wasn’t there to be embarrassed”.
“Kissing me?”
“Let’s go eat”.
You managed to leave that uncomfortable conversation and made your way downstairs, trying to remember the way to the kitchen. The last thing you needed was to get lost.
“You were nicer in my memories”.
Being stuck at home was a familiar feeling for everyone now but when it was someone else's house…
"We could go read in the garden", offered your sister.
"Sure, let me pick up my Kindle".
Everyone else was also in the garden, of course. You walked past Pedri and Fer and saw they were playing football.
"Doesn't he get bored of kicking a ball all the time?", you asked your sister but it was Pedri who answered.
"No, I don't. Do you want to play with us?"
You looked away, shaking your head and heading to the chairs where you could do some reading.
"It's like a reversal of what used to happen", said Fer, laughing at his brother's expression.
"What do you mean?"
"As kids. She was always following you around and trying to get your attention. Now it's you doing that".
"I'm not doing anything. Just trying to make her feel welcome".
"I saw your face when she got here yesterday. You didn't believe me when I told you how pretty she was…but now you do and want some of her attention".
"Whatever. Besides, she has a boyfriend".
"She does? Her parents said she didn't".
Pedri thought about the messages he saw on your phone when he picked it up. Whoever Carlos was, he was definitely flirting with you and you were flirting back. So boyfriend or not, you had your eyes on someone.
"I thought we were going to read".
"You're glued to your phone. Who are you talking with?"
"No one", you said. Because you weren't, really. You were just checking if Carlos had answered any of your messages but he hadn't.
He had tested negative and you offered to go back to Castellón to be with him but ever since you said that…silence.
"Is it Carlos?"
"Just leave it! Stop getting in my business!"
You didn't want to raise your voice but your sister was always trying to get you to talk about everything. And you didn't like that. The more people tried to pry into your life, the less you wanted to share any details with anyone. Why couldn't they understand you would talk when you felt comfortable?
When you got to the kitchen, you bumped into Pedri again.
"Are you following me or something?"
"What? I was getting an ice cream from the kitchen. Do you want one? It's getting really hot".
You shook your head, walking into the kitchen when you noticed him grabbing your arm to stop you.
"You don't have to run away from me. I don't bite".
"I guess you are used to the fangirls following you everywhere but I'm not doing anything because of you. I just want to be alone".
Pedri was getting annoyed by the way you treated him.
"Have you seen my sister?"
"Yes, she went inside after letting me know again how much she dislikes me".
"Why would she dislike you?", asked your sister, surprised he was saying that.
"She barely looks at me when I speak to her, always being so…I don't know, arrogant and cold".
"Don't take it personally. She's really shy and struggles with new people".
Pedri nodded. He guessed that made sense.
"And…she wasn't supposed to be here. She was going on a trip with her friends but one is sick and the rest are quarantining. And the guy she likes is a dick".
That caught his attention. "Is he?"
"Yes. He's always leading her on and then stops talking to her for weeks. Until he's bored again and wants some attention. But if I try to tell her she gets mad at me. Like she's right now. And also, she had a bad experience with a football player".
"When? What happened?"
Your sister laughed again, remembering how mad you had been. "She's studying to be a journalist in Castellón and got to do an interview with a Villarreal player for an assignment. He was…well, asshole doesn't begin to cover how he was. So her opinion of you guys is a bit tainted".
Pedri nodded, noticing his ice cream was starting to melt and used that as an excuse to go back to the garden.
He didn't expect you to be so complex. Thinking you were just being bitchy to him for no reason was easier but now he was intrigued. And not just because you were pretty like his brother said.
[You]: do you know if you're going back to Castellón or not yet?
You didn't expect an answer from Carlos, seeing the last 5 texts in the conversation all came from you and he had left you on read all 5 times.
[Carlos]: can you Facetime?
[You]: yes!!
You ran to the bathroom quickly to check how you looked before running back to the bed to answer his call.
"Hey! How are you?"
"Been busy. You?"
"Bored", you laughed. "Can you save me from going on this boring cruise, please?"
Carlos didn't have time to say more before you heard a knock on your door.
"We are going shopping", said Pedri. "Do you need anything from the supermarket?"
"I don't know. I'm busy now …".
"We are leaving now. Don't complain later about us getting the wrong milk or whatever".
"Who's that?", asked Carlos.
"The guy who owns this house, he…", another knock. "Pedri! I'm on the phone. Leave me alone!"
"Pedri? Like the Barça player".
"Not like", you said, rolling your eyes. "The Barça player".
Carlos' face annoyed you. He was looking at the screen as if you were stupid.
"Sure. You know famous players and stay in their houses. Right".
You got up and walked to the door, opening it and finding Pedri there, waiting.
"Look", you said, pointing the camera at him.
"Who's that?", tried to ask Pedri before Carlos lost it.
"Oh my God! It's really you. I'm a big fan, man. Can you sign a shirt for me?"
He guessed that was Carlos and between what your sister told him and the way he heard him talk to you, he was already bored of seeing his stupid face.
"I don't have any shirts here. Sorry", he said, tone dry.
"I could send one. Or I can go visit you guys in Barcelona if you are friends".
Pedri's response was to move your phone away from his face and look at your surprised face.
"Do you want something or not? We can't be here all day waiting for you to be done talking to your boyfriend".
"He's not my boyfriend".
"Good. You deserve better", he said, loud enough for Carlos to hear.
When he left, you closed the door and went back to your bed.
"Well, he's a dick".
"I have to go, Carlos".
"Are you coming to Castellón then? I'm bored. No one is here".
Yes. You deserved better.
"No. I'll stay with my family".
You picked up your mask and ran downstairs, hoping they hadn't left yet.
"Can I go with you?", you asked Pedri and his mum, who were on their way out.
"If you want to go, I'll stay. I'm really tired", said his mum, leaving you two alone.
"Are you driving?"
He nodded and you followed him to his car.
"I'm sorry about Carlos. He's…well, he …".
"He's an asshole".
"Yeah", you said, looking away.
"I'm sure you can do better than someone like him".
"You're more optimistic than me, then", you said, laughing sadly.
"Why do you say that?"
"The last months have been tough".
"You could say", he said, making you laugh.
"I mean, apart from that. I'm shy and meeting new people drains my energy. So going to a new uni, and meeting new people, …it was hard enough before lockdowns and all that. And I guess I've been guilty of just settling for the first person who is nice to me a few times".
"It can happen to anyone".
You looked at him and saw no judgment in his face.
"How was it for you? Moving to Barcelona, I mean. Leaving your teammates to meet new ones. I guess it's a bit similar to changing schools".
"It was hard at the beginning. I can be shy too but it's better now. The squad is really nice. I got lucky".
"That's good to hear".
You kept driving to the supermarket in silence but thankfully it was a short drive.
"I have a list", said Pedri showing you his phone, "but get whatever you want".
It was your first time shopping there so you just followed him and kept putting things you liked in the trolley. Then you noticed him moving and hiding behind you.
"What? Did you see an ex or something?", you asked, trying not to laugh.
"Worse, a group of kids with Barça shirts. I don't mind them asking for photos but you are here too".
"I don't mind either…".
"They'll say I was with my girlfriend if they see us together".
"Oh…right. Keep hiding then".
You couldn't help but laugh seeing him scan the aisles before walking.
"Pe…", you started to say his name but were freaked out like him, so you grabbed his arm instead. "Sorry for being so rude to you. I…it's no excuse but I don't know how to interact with people sometimes and get all snappy".
"It's ok. Your sister told me".
She did?
"I'm sorry anyway".
You couldn't see his mouth because of the mask, but the way his eyes wrinkled told you he was smiling and that made you smile back.
Maybe the holidays weren't going to be that bad.
The days after your trip to the supermarket were pretty uneventful. You still had to stay home and spent most of the time in the garden but the tension you felt staying at Pedri's surrounded by people you didn't know disappeared. Your parents were happy to see you were being more confident and just the normal you they knew and loved.
"Now that we have sunscreen there is no excuse. We're working on our tan, little sis".
Yeah, well…that was an excuse because you didn't want to wear a tiny bikini in front of everyone. The beach was one thing but the garden? It felt weird. But only to you because everyone else had been just wearing swimwear all day. Everyone but you.
"I don't know…".
"The green one", she said, ignoring you while she looked into your suitcase. "It looks so good on you".
Tired of the comments about how you were boiling under the clothes, you took the bikini from her hands and put it on.
You wrapped a towel around your body and followed your sister to the garden. Pedri and Fer were in the kitchen making some drinks for everyone. You put the towel on the grass while they were carrying the trays out and if it wasn't for Pedri's dad's good reflexes, the tray his youngest son was holding would have ended up on the floor.
"Sorry", he said, looking away from where you stood, applying sun cream to your body.
Fer noticed the reason for the near accident and chuckled.
"Ask her if she needs help applying cream on her back".
"Shut up".
But no matter how much he pretended to not be affected by your presence, everyone noticed. And after many whispers that confused you, they managed to find a way to leave you two alone in the garden.
"And then there were two", you joked.
"Yeah", now it was his turn to act shy.
"Am I going to have to throw things at you like when I was a kid? To get your attention?"
"I'd prefer if you tried to kiss me again”, he muttered.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing. I'm just distracted, I guess".
"I think I get now why people get annoyed when I don't look at them while I speak. It's pretty unnerving when you do it".
He took a deep breath and turned to look at you.
"It's hard to look at you right now".
"Am I that ugly? Really?", you joked but he didn't laugh.
He shook his head and you noticed him looking at you. Really looking at you. His eyes going from your head to your toes and then back to your head again.
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable when you notice you're almost making me drool".
"Am I?"
Now he nodded, looking at your face to try and see your reaction.
"I'm not uncomfortable. You can keep looking".
He nodded again. "You can look too".
That made you laugh. "I've been looking for a couple of days. Keep working on the gym. The results aren't half bad".
After your little confession, Pedri put a towel next to yours to lie down. And you both talked about the most random things. Just entertaining each other. His company felt nice. Way nicer than Carlos' ever felt and that only showed you how much you were wasting your time trying to impress him.
"Dinner is almost ready, kids", said your mum. "Why don't you get ready? We're watching a movie afterwards if you want to join us".
Pedri got up and offered you a hand to do the same, which you took. Wrapping your towel around your body again, you followed him inside the house.
It was back to walking in silence until you got to your room.
"See you in a bit", he said when you opened the door. But instead of getting inside and closing it, you grabbed his arm to pull him inside with you. "What …".
"I wanted your attention so I thought, should I throw something at him again? But then I realized it would be rude to do that in your own house and I'm rambling again because being shy sucks".
He was biting his lip, trying not to laugh.
"So anyways, I'll do this instead", you finished saying before kissing him.
"I don't think you have my full attention, sorry. Maybe try again?"
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raffe156 · 2 years
Breakaway state Part 1
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Pairing - Price X Female OC “Tank”
Summary - The 141 is formed, Price and Tank can't get their shit together, bad timing, things go pop and we all hate the Dr.
A/N - Shorter but wanted to get something out, this arch is gonna hit hard (at least I hope)
Warnings - Angst. Language, Age gap Price (39) reader (25) Violence, Weapons war/fighting stuff basically injury, pregnancy mentions, medical stuff
I really appreciate all the recent feedback and asks! Please keep em coming! It only spurs me on haha 
Tags:  @irnbru32 @shuttlelauncher81  @mildlyhopeless @mentallynot-here​ @deadbranch @soapyghost @fluffysmiko @bangirl134 @mortallyscrumptiousmilkshake @boomtowngirl
If I've missed anyone, please let me know ​
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Call of duty characters - Only Tank, Luke, Dredd and Mckinley
Masterlist link here
Kyle had belled your phone out for 2 days straight, but you didn’t know what to say to him. What could you say to him? You eventually had to answer him when his last voicemail threatened a call to your mum. Low blow Kyle.
“Care to explain yourself?”
“What do you mean what? Why did you leave? What the hell happened Tank?”
“Nothing Kyle, I just needed to head home early”
“Bullshit! I wake up Price looks like shit and I know he didn’t drink that much and your gone?Never seen Price look like that….he looked done in…what happened Tank?”
Price looked done in? He caused this, he made the call to stop whatever this was! You could feel your skin prickling now, you were getting angry.
“Kyle honestly nothing happened”
“Why are you lying to me? Was it to do with that Luke guy? Seen Price talking to him the morning you left, he didn’t look happy, he seemed a bit off with him in the pub too”
Oh god what had he said to Luke? You felt sick.
“Do you know what they were talking about?”
“Nahh couldn’t hear them…so it was to do with Luke?”
“No…well yeh Price took the funnies, saying he doesn’t know how it will work with me and him..”
“You and who? PRICE!? What?”
“Noooo me and Luke! He doesn’t know how it will work between me and him, Luke thinks PRice is a Truck driver and I work in Logistics at the depot”
“Ohh right…oh I get what you mean now, thought you meant you and Price…”
You could hear the insinuation in his voice, Kyle wasn’t daft, but he played along for your sake.
“Anyway Ill see you soon…”
“Oh ok, il see you at base yeh?”
“Yeh, Thanks Kyle by the way don’t threaten me with calls to my mum you forget I have your mum’s number too”
“I wouldn’t have to make threats if you answers your dam phone! But you should call my mum she likes you better than me.”
It had been 2 weeks since the weekend away an 1 week at base. You had to get it together as your little squad of three now had two new members and the base was flooded with rookies from other teams. You recognised Simon or Ghost as he went by from years back when you were still a rookie yourself that and the obvious skull mask he wore. Johnny or ‘Soap’, however was a new face to you, not a bad looking one at that but you had a feeling he knew he was good-looking. He had watched you walk in with Kyle as if weighing you up and down. You could feel his eyes on you.
You had seen little of Price mainly because you were avoiding him. But that morning you had a training exercise an easy smash and grab two teams. You and a hand full of rookies had been paired with Ghost. Soap and Kyle the same.
Price shuffled a few papers about giving a quick glance round the room avoiding your line of sight. Kyle gave you a quick look he knew something still wasn’t right.
“Today is just a simple training exercise, so we can get a feel for each other's skill set see where we are at etc. A smash an grab job I’m sure your all familiar, so let’s not waste any time and gear up any questions?” He made his way out the door, not waiting for anyone to ask any.
You all exchanged looks an followed to the gear room.
Ghost helped you with your tact vest, checking you over.
“All sorted kid” He slapped you on the back, nearly throwing your forward. You half smiled at Kyle, who was holding in a laugh, but then you noticed his eyes flick to something behind you and his expression changed. He rolled his eyes, that wasn’t like Kyle? You turned around. You wish you hadn’t instantly. Why? Why was she here? Why had he let her come here? Price was stood with Dr O’Brian, Helen. Was he taking the piss?
He had his hand on her cheek, giving her that eye-crinkling smile that would make any woman weak.
“John…enough Ill see you later tonight for dinner”
“No worries love, I'll see you then”
He placed a kiss on her other cheek, making her blush.
“Stop it you!” She faked a slap to his chest. The Rookies all burst out into wolf whistles and cheering. You stood still, your mouth dry, heart racing, anger crawling over your body, your jaw set tight, blood rushing in your ears, were you going red? Fuck.
Ghost brought you back down to earth.
“Tank? Are you ready?”
“Ye….yes…Yes Lieutenant!” You barked, taking him by surprise. You couldn’t look at Kyle, but you knew he was looking at you. You wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
The Training session started, but your mind was a storm cloud. He really hadn’t waited long had he? Bet she was round the next day! He probably didn’t even mean what he had said “It didn’t mean anything,it was a one-time thing!” One time thing my arse! Dickhead! You were raging, Soaps rookies didn’t stand a chance against you. They were simply in your way, God knows where Kyle was. Ghost was egging you on in your ear he was impressed, he hadn’t expected anything less from you however, he knew what you were capable of. You ploughed through them taking each room by storm your rookies struggling to keep up. As you came to the target room you headed in taking out two more rookies instructing yours to grab the main target.
“Slow down Tank, your getting too cocksure of yourself” Price had tuned into your channel. His voice an even tone.
Fuck you, you thought.
“With all due respect Captain, I know what I’m doing done enough smash an grabs to last me a lifetime”, you almost spat down the line, you caught a rookie looking at you as if you had gone mad.
No reply back. Just silence. Good. you thought that shut him up.
As you made sure the rookies had done their part, you made for the open window of the training house it was a 2 story abseil down. Easy you had done it hundreds of times. You wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. You motioned to go first attaching yourself to the line, but as you got about 8ft from the ground the line came away causing you to plummet the rest of the drop. The white-hot pain flooded your system. The wind knocked out of you you tried to claw your way onto your front, but your right shoulder wouldn’t support you, in fact it wouldn’t even move, you glanced over only to see it hanging down level with your chest, it had been dislocated. The pain was blinding, Ghost voice was in an out of your ear.
“Tank? What the fuck happened? Did you check the line before going down it?”
The line? The Line? As if you hadn’t checked the line, Price was going to love this. Fuck.
Kyle came into view as you felt yourself being scooped up from the floor mats.
“Kyle, slowly put her arm across her waist…eyes on me love” Ghost manoeuvred you so Kyle could do as instructed, as he did you let out a gut-churning scream. You would of rather taken a bullet again than this.
“Fuck sake Kyle!!!” You could feel the slight sting of tears. How pathetic you must of looked, cradled up crying in your Leuitants arms. Through your blurry vision, you spotted Price looking almost worried, but it must of been for only a split second as when your tears fell, clearing your sight he went back to looking pissed off. It took everything in Price not to take over you were in pain, he should be the one carrying you, consoling you not Ghost, but he had to take a backseat.
“Take her to see Dr.O’Brian…” He motioned Ghost to follow him.
No anything but that, you would rather Ghost try to pop it back in, shit you would rather be shot than see her, but you were in too much pain to even speak and as Ghost carried you to the med bay you wished you had just checked the line.
“Oh deary me…what’s the matter with you?” Dr. O’Brian was rolling her eyes at you like you had scrapped your knee not pulled your shoulder out of its socket completely. Ghost answered for you like it was an actual question.
“Fell out a window, well abseiled down without checking the rig line…shoulders gone POP!” He even made a hand gesture.
“What you like? Not the first time you haven’t checked the rig, is it? John told me he always has to check your strapped in right” She glanced over at Price who was standing at the foot of the cot arms folded face stern. She was still talking to you like a child, you hated her sing-song voice. John told her? You wondered what else John had told her? Or better yet what he hadn’t told her…
“Anywho going to have to ask you a few routine questions before I can administer any strong pain relief I'm afraid, Keep on the gas and air while I do then we can give you the strong stuff”
You glupped on the air, taking it deep into your lungs and nodded.
“Okie dokie…On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being low 10 being extreme how would you rate your pain?”
You flared your nostrils was she being serious? Ghost answered for you again.
“Im gonna says she at a 10 Doc”
“Very well, are you taking any other medications?”
You shook your head.
“Any antidepressants or other pain relief?”
You took another deep drag of the gas and air shaking you head again.
“Any allergies?”
“Surely this in on file, Helen?” Price sighed he knew this was being dragged out, but he didnt know for who’s benefit.
“Let me check…. oh yeh it is, ok last few questions Tank…Are you Sexually active?” The room went silent, had she really just asked that? The bitch. You quickly glanced over at Price, who was looking at the ground. She had clocked it.
“Yes” you mumbled teeth clenched around the mouthpiece.
“Ok when was the last time you had sex?” Her face was like stone now, she was fishing for something, and you knew exactly what. So fuck it you thought, you’ll bite. You pretended to count in your head. Prices ear pricked up.
“A few weeks ago, maybe 3….” you took another big gulp of air as her eyes flashed she was doing the math in her head. She knew you were at Prices 3 weeks ago. Plenty of opportunities for you and him to go at it.
Price looked at you he knew you didn't mean him, so amused you meant Luke. Which was also not true. He looked slightly affected. Good. Let him think about that. Helen was writing down some notes on your chart, probably SLAG in big red letters!
“Ok last question, any chance you could be pregnant? Need to know before we give decide on what to give you” She had scrunched her face up into a fake smile, it was hideous.
“Nope, not pregnant, so can we get my shoulder popped back in and get me some strong pain relief?” You were getting lightheaded on the gas and air now and it was becoming harder to control your temper.
“Ok If you're sure you're not pregnant, we can give you some morphine, but you're going to have to go to the adjoining base as we don't have the supplies to pop it back in.”
Your eyes widened. She really was playing you now. Even Price was looking at her in disbelief.
“Fuckin hell Doc! All that an she still has to wait for transfer? Fuck that ere I'll pop it back in myself! Price hold her legs down” Ghost moved round to your shoulder as Helen jumped up.
“DON'T YOU DARE! I won't allow that! Not in my med bay you can drag her out and pop it back in elsewhere, but not in here!”
She had stepped in front of Ghost but had her eyes on Price, he was dead if he touched you. You and Ghost exchanged looks nodding in agreement. He stepped around her, leaning forward for you to place your good arm over his shoulder.
“Easy does it love, I'll carry you over my shoulder so you can dangle your arm, might be more comfortable, I'll get this popped back in no time.”
You took one last big drag of the gas and air, it had taken full effect now, you were still in pain, but your mind was swimming as Ghost lifted you over his shoulder, the tight grip of his huge hand on your inner thigh sent a shiver up your spine. He would destroy you, the guy was a mountain, but the thought still did laps in your brain. You let out a little giggle.
“You good love?” Ghost patted your backside with his other hand. It sent a shock through your system causing another chuckle you felt tipsy.
“Ready when you are L.T.” you were still giggling to yourself. O’Brian was in utter shock. Price was pinching the bright of his nose.
“Ghost, put her down…your not popping anything back in, she's going to the main wing, I'll call for transport…” He hadn’t even looked up. He couldn’t, seeing Ghost handling you like that wound him up, but he would never admit that.
“Noooooo fuck that Ghost don't you dare put me down, I want you…no in fact I demand you to pop it back in, let's do this battlefield style!” You were getting giddy now the gas and air making you a bit loopy. Ghost chuckled, patting your backside again. He could see the anger in Price’s eyes, he was still his Captain.
“Easy Love, think we are going to have to listen to the Captain on this one, but if we are ever out on the job and it happens again I’ll gladly sort you out” His words caused a little flurry in your stomach. What the hell?
“You can wait outside, take the Gas and air with you…” Helen was fuming she slammed the canister into Price.
“Wont she be better off lay down Helen while we wait?” Price was looking at her confused. She whipped her head back round.
“John she can lay, hang, sit, god she can even dangle from anywhere else other than in here I don't care…get the transport called for her to go to the other base” she handed him your tact vest an walked off. You were still on Ghost's shoulder, but could see him looking after her his brow furrowed, his lips slightly downturned. You felt a pang of guilt, deep down you still cared for him and your being here was making things difficult for both of you. You would never be able to go back to normal as it wasn’t even normal to begin with.
“I'll see you when your back love” Ghost gave your leg a quick squeeze as they loaded you into the truck.
You knew he wouldn’t, you weren't coming back. It was a shame, Kyle would be fine…eventually, but you needed a change, you couldn't keep this up. You looked to Price, your eyes only meeting for a second, but it was enough, enough to cement your decision. You had both been kidding yourselves thinking this would work you were only hurting each other so you had to be the one to cut the rope that had you both hanging.
Price watched as they hooked you up to an IV, he had so many things he had wanted to say to you, one of them being sorry.
He decided he was going to have a talk with you when you got back, he wanted you to be happy he really did, but his pride had been hurt that night he saw you with Luke and he had turned to Helen to try and get you out of his head, but it had only buried you deeper.
There had been some truth in your words ‘how would it work between you and him?’ He reminded himself he was 15 years older and maybe you were better of with Luke he was closer in age to you at 32 and Helen to him at 38, but he didn't want to accept that and you needed to talk properly. Speaking of Helen he had seen a different side to her today and it didn't sit right with him, but maybe that was because of her attitude towards you. He couldn't help it, no matter how much you appeared to hate him he still wanted you by his side…it was where you belonged. As the van pulled away, he made his plan and you made yours.
“Well I look forward to you joining us Tank, Squad 8 needs someone with your skill set and Dredd has told me your one of the best”
“Thank you Sir, I look forward to meeting the rest of the squad, it will be nice to work with Dredd again me and her go way back”
“I must say it was a surprise your transfer request coming across my desk? Straight from the top didnt even need approving from Price? Im sure the 141 will be losing a valuable asset…which im more than happy to take” Captain Mckinley winked as he reached over his desk to shake your hand.
“You sure Price won't miss you?”
“No…I'm sure he’ll manage Sir”
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
Ruins au again but imagine matty has to leave for a couple weeks while rg is pregnant with baby 2 and she overhears matty having a full chat with gigi about how she has to be good and take care of her mum while he’s gone 😭
so fucking cute omg.
i think when this happens you are maybe not even twelve weeks pregnant yet and super super sick with it. but you also havent told anyone, except the guys and a few other close friends and family, and matty has to go to new york for a week. you were both supposed to go with him but the idea of flying makes you want to throw up, so it is decided that you will stay back with gigi. he would take her, but he needs to be working when he is there. denise is going to come check in whenever you need it and look after you and take gigi to hers if needed.
but matty is packing, you're on the sofa with a wet flannel on your head, and he thinks you are sleeping but you can hear them, messing around and chatting and gigi is trying to get in matty's suitcase so he tickles her until she gets out. you smile under your wash cloth.
"i wanna go to new york," gigi grumbles.
"i know baby," matty says, blowing a raspberry on her tummy and making her squeal. "plenty of time though. you'll be able to come soon."
"i wanna go to the m&m store," gigi says.
"oh god i've raised you basic," matty says, "what about the architecture august healy? what about the met?"
"you can get me m&ms with my name on, right?"
"okay, fine," matty says, "but next time you come to new york we're doing a serious cultural education."
gigi goes quiet for a bit and you can hear matty packing and suddenly she pipes up, "mummy is poorly,"
"yeah," matty says, "you worried about her?"
you dont hear anything but you assume gigi nods because matty then says, "oh baby, it's okay, come here a sec."
there is rustling while she climbs on to his lap.
"mummy feels poorly but she isn't sick okay? she's not in danger or anything like that. its just some times... something mummies sometimes go through okay? like when she gets her period every month and has a headache and yells at daddy?"
"yeah," gigi giggles.
"well it's like that but just a little bit worse this time okay, so she feels poorly, but it's natural. like when she gets her period."
"oh okay," gigi says, wiggling down from him, "that's okay then"
"ah but it doesnt mean you can be running around her all loud and bothering her okay. daddy isn't going to be here to take care of her."
"i will!" gigi says.
"well it isn't your job too, baby, but you can help. nana is going to come. like we said yeah?"
"i'll help nana," gigi says.
"exactly baby," matty says, "you just have to be extra good for me okay? no whining. go to bed on time. eat what mummy or nana makes you?"
"what if its all gross?"
"august," matty says, "promise me?"
"what?" gigi laughs, messing with him.
"promise me you'll be good for mummy and nana. i know you're a good girl anyway. but extra good okay? be kind to mummy and nana."
"promise..." gigi says, "...if you promise to get me my m&ms?"
matty laughs, "fine. you drive a hard bargain girl. raised you well."
you drift off back to sleep, heart warm, hand on your stomach, knowing that you have the best little family in the world.
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canirove · 7 days
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 28
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“And what did you say people call this?” my mum asks.
“Babymoon. It's like a honeymoon but for parents, and it is a trip where you get to relax and spend some time alone before the baby comes” I explain.
“Then why are you going with Kennedy? I'm sure she went with James to hers.”
“Because I have no one else to go with and she is the one gifting me this trip.”
“What about Alex?”
“Mum” I sigh. “How many times do I have to tell you that I want nothing from Alex? That I'm done with him after everything he's done?”
“But Olivia, he is your baby's father!”
“No!” I yell. “He…”
“Everything ok, darling?” my dad says, suddenly showing up at my room's door and interrupting me before I say something that I shouldn't. “James is downstairs waiting for you.”
“Thank you, dad. Would you mind carrying my luggage?”
“Of course, darling” he smiles, looking at my mum before leaving.
“Olivia…” she says behind me. “Whatever has happened, you know you can tell me, right? That you can trust me.”
“I know, mum.”
“Then why don't you tell me?”
“Because it is… complicated. And I don't have time to explain it right now.”
“What if we have a date just the two of us when you come back, uh? We can go shopping, have lunch… Whatever you are in the mood for. But in one condition” she says. “That you must tell me what is going on.”
“I… Ok, mum.”
“Thank you, Olivia” she says before hugging me. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“What took you so long?” Declan says while Madders helps me get out of the car.
“Traffic, bro” he says. Because my babymoon isn't with Kennedy as my parents think. It's with Declan.
He had suggested the idea after Aaron had told him that he and Georgina had had one and really enjoyed it, and since he was suspended due to yellow cards, he organized us a little trip to the countryside to one of those super posh and super private hotels where famous people go to not get bothered.
“You could have texted me or something.”
“Sorry” I smile. “We got a bit carried away with our singing contest.”
“Oh, so that's why those black clouds were following you, uh?” Declan smirks.
“At least we don't sing “Rice, Rice, baby” in front of the whole country and make a fool of ourselves.”
“Oh, that's low, Liv” he laughs. 
“Oh my God!” Madders suddenly says. “How have I been so stupid?”
“What?” Declan and I say, looking at him.
“Rice, Rice, baby! The nickname was right there in front of me and I didn't use it!”
“The… what are you talking about, James?” I ask him.
“The baby's nickname, Liv! We could have been calling him Rice, Rice, baby and singing the song and we've basically missed the chance!”
“Thank God.”
“So rude, Olivia. So rude” Declan laughs again. “But maybe it was for the better, so don't start now, Madders.”
“No” I say, threatening him with my finger. “Now if you'll excuse me, our babymoon awaits.”
“Yes, of course, of course. Enjoy” he winks, making me roll my eyes. “Take care of them, Dec.”
“Always” he says before putting my luggage inside the car and joining me. “I made you something for the trip.”
“Please tell me you didn't try to bake me something.”
“As if you hadn't eaten all the cookies I made the last time” he says, rolling his eyes.
“I ate them because I was hungry, nothing else.”
“Yeah, sure. But it isn't something you can eat. It is something you have to listen to.”
“I made you a playlist” Declan says with a shy smile. ”It's just a bunch of songs I know you like, some that we've both enjoyed listening to together, and a few that remind me of you.”
“There are songs that remind you of me?” I ask, trying really hard not to cry. Because that is the cutest thing someone has ever done for me.
“Yep” he smiles. And call me crazy, but I could swear he is blushing. Declan Rice… is blushing. Oh my God. “Anyway, should we get going? I want to be out of the city before rush hour.”
“Yes, of course.”
“Do you want to listen to it now?”
“Please” I nod.
“Here we go” he smiles again as he starts the car, the screen on the dashboard showing that the playlist is called “Liv ❤” and that the first song is…
“No way!” I laugh.
“You were a One Direction girl, weren't you?” Declan smirks.
“I was and I am.”
“Then this song had to be there…” he winks as Niall Horan sings “Oh, I love you, I love you, I love, I love, I love Olivia.”
“I can't believe we just crossed paths with Richard Madden!”
“Who?” Declan says, looking for our rooms. 
“Richard Madden! Robb Stark!”
“I don't know who that is.”
“How can you not know who Robb Stark is? Didn't you watch “Game of Thrones”?"
“What?” he chuckles.
“I can't believe you haven't watched one of the best shows of the last decade. It is Mason's favourite!”
“How do you know that?” 
“He said it during an interview.”
“Now you watch Mason's interviews?” he asks, arching an eyebrow. 
“No, I… I mean…”
“Oh my God, Liv! Do you fancy Mason?” he laughs.
“Of course not!”
“Then why are you blushing?” 
“I'm not blushing, Declan” I say, hitting him with my bag.
“The mother of my son fancies my best friend. Unbelievable.”
“I don't fancy him!” I say, hitting him again while he just laughs. “At least not anymore.”
“So you did fancy him!”
“I had a little crush years ago, ok?” I confess, my face burning. “Now, have you found our rooms or not? I could do with a nap.”
“I think they are the ones over there” he says, pointing towards a big cabin at the end of the path we had been following. “We are next to the lake and have a little outside area that looks at it and from where I thought we could have breakfast tomorrow morning. Maybe sit down at night wrapped up in a blanket and look at the stars.”
“So romantic, Declan” I chuckle, speaking before thinking.
“I am very romantic” he smiles, making my heart skip a beat. Or two. We are off to a great start.
“I could get used to being rich, you know?”
“What?” Declan laughs.
“Coming here at least once a month and getting all pampered is the best plan ever. A massage in the morning, spa in the afternoon, some beauty treatments here and there, breakfast in bed…” That was what we had actually been doing since arriving the day before: be treated like royalty. 
“I can do the breakfast in bed.”
“But can you massage my legs and feet the way Patricia did?”
“I can try” he shrugs before tapping his hand on his thigh. “C'mon.”
“Put your legs here, let me try.”
“Are you serious?”
“I am. C'mon, Liv. I've been having massages on my legs for years, I think I know a thing or two about how it is done.”
“Ok…” I say, slowly moving on the sofa until I'm lying down and my legs are on his lap, tightening my dressing gown around my body to not show him anything. I'm wearing a swimsuit and he's seen everything that there is to see, but…
“Try to relax, ok?”
“Easier said than done.”
“I'm not going to injure you, Liv” he chuckles.
“Yeah…” I say, biting my lip to stop me from gasping as his hands move up my legs, massaging them but not making me feel the same as Patricia had managed to. With her I felt myself relaxing, almost falling asleep. With Declan, all my senses are alert, my body temperature going up by the second. Because he is turning me on. And badly. 
“How does it feel?”
“The massage, Liv. Is it good?” he asks, his hands moving up on my thighs and getting dangerously close to where I would not mind having him massaging me. 
“Yes, yes. But my feet need it more than my thighs” I manage to say.
“Feet it is, then” Declan says as he focuses on them while I let out a big breath I hope he hasn't heard. 
“When people do this in movies they never tell you how boring it is.”
“Liv!” Declan laughs.
“You know I'm right. Like, yeah, the sky is pretty and all that. But after five minutes you've seen it all” I shrug. “And my neck is starting to hurt.”
“Come here, then” he says, gesturing me to move closer to him. It is the last night of our babymoon and we are sitting outside our cabin, wrapped up in blankets and looking at the night sky as he had suggested we should do. “You can rest your head on my shoulder. If I recall correctly, you used to say it is very comfortable.”
“It surprisingly is, yes” I chuckle, sitting next to him and doing as he has suggested while he puts his arm around me, pulling me even closer. 
“I've missed this” Declan says after a few seconds in silence, his eyes still fixed in the sky.
“Me too” I whisper.
“I'm sorry, Liv.”
“What?” I say, moving to look at him.
“I'm sorry about what happened last summer. About the way I treated you, about how I behaved. I was a dick” he says, still looking up. How can he have such a perfect profile? It's not just his nose. It's his jawline, the shape of his Adam's apple, his lips, his eyelashes… Everything. And then you add the way the moonlight is lighting up all the right places and… “I'm sorry, Liv” he says, finally looking down at me. And when our eyes meet, I can't help but gasp. He is simply gorgeous. 
“It's ok” I whisper, still trying to process that this is real. Him, and this place, and everything I'm feeling.
“You didn't deserve that” Declan says while caressing my cheek, the noise that leaves my mouth being closer to a moan than a gasp. “I should have… I… Urgh” he groans, looking up again. 
“It's ok” I repeat, resting my hand on top of his, on the one that still is on my face. “It's ok, Declan.”
“No, it isn't, Liv” he says, looking down at me again. “Because I… I… Liv, I…”
“It's ok” I repeat once again before leaning forward and kissing him. 
At first he doesn't do anything, I've definitely caught him off guard. But when he finally reacts and kisses me back… Dear God. That probably is the best kiss of my entire life. 
“Liv” he whispers against my lips. “Liv, this…”
“Please don't talk.”
“But I need to, Liv. There are things I need to tell you, things that have been eating me alive for months, things you need to know.”
“You can't tell me tomorrow.”
“But Liv…”
“Tomorrow” I say before kissing him again. I will worry about what this means and what he has to tell me tomorrow. Right now, all I want to do is enjoy this moment, savour every second of it. 
Right now, I just want him.
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sidemenxyn · 1 year
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Fellas podcast
Calfreezy x Y/n (afab) (reader grew up with Ethan and reader is apart of the sidemen)
Tw: mentions of drinking, language, mentions of inappropriate drugs (weed), you all being a bunch of hooligans, mentions of harassment,
Y/n is normal text, Chip is bold, Calfreezy is italic and Proddy is bold and italic
“Welcome back to the fellas podcast, hope you are comfy and ready to listen to some juicy gossip. as today me and Chip will be talking my one and only girlfriend!” Calfreezy presents.
You smiled and waved towards the many cameras in front of you “hey, guys!” Chip firstly asked “would you like a beverage? Y/n?” You smiled “eh, yeah please.” Cal asked “do you want a Stella or some gin?” You asked “you have gin? If so then yes please.” He nodded and started pouring you a drink.
Chip spoke “Y/n can you do a little introduction on yourself, for those who may not know you.” You smiled “of course, I’m Y/n, you may know me from either the sidemen or being with Cal. I’m a YouTuber and streamer.” The boys nodded. Chip announced “todays podcast we decided to shake things up a little. As we have asked some fans on your instagram account what they’d like to know about you and us.” You nodded.
Cal was handed the phone and quickly scrolled for a question. He read “ok, how did Y/n become a sidewoman?” You answered “so I grew up with Ethan, his mum and my mum also grew up together. I supported him into doing YouTube and then I met all the boys and they thought I’d be a good person to add to the group. So yeah! Grew up with behz.” Chip asked “does both mothers stay in contact?” You nodded “yeah, I mean they support each other through every step in their lives. That’s why I truly believe that if you find the right friend they can grow old with you.” The two boys nodded.
It was now Chip’s turn, he asked “this is for Y/n, what’s it like going on a lads holiday?.” You smiled already thinking about the memories “it’s amazing, sometimes I even forget I’m the only girl if it’s a sidemen holiday or just a ‘lads holiday’. Like most girls probably wouldn’t even think of being the only girl. But because I grew up with you all I’m able to say ‘fuck it’ and go on a lads holiday.” Cal chirped in “yeah, even before we dated it was as if you were ‘one of the lads’ like sometimes me and Harry would be doing drinking challenges or shot together and by the end of the night we’d all be shit faced.” You gasped “oh I have a story! From a lads holiday.” Everyone chuckled at the way you seemed to be so happy to tell your story.
“Right, so this was in Mykonos back in like 2019. So we were all out clubbing as usual, this night I wore my first like nice dress. Cause you know me I’m not the one to wear dresses casually or anything. So anyways, I was dancing and I could feel someone behind me right? So I moved out the way thinking they wanted to pass by, but the placed a hand on my hip.” “What?!” “No way” “yeah! So I looked around and saw Ethan and Tobi at the bar, so I headed over there. And the guy followed me. Cause he stood next to me by the bar. Ethan saw I was a bit annoyed and taken back so he asked ‘you alright?’ And I tilted my head towards the guy and mouthed ‘creep’. So you know Ethan he became protective.” “Oh god!” “As he should” “so he asked like ‘are you with her’ to see what he’d say and of course he said ‘yeah, she’s my girl’.” “Ew what the fuck!” “Nah that’s actually vile!”
“Yeah! Anyways, so cause you all know I don’t take shit from no one so I said ‘no I’m not, I don’t even fucking know you.’ Then he got a bit angry and Ethan said ‘mate she’s with me so if your bothering her, leave her alone’ and then I felt his hand on my waist again so I shoved his hand off and told him ‘get the fuck off of me’ and then out of no wear he slapped me in the face!” “Fuck off, he didn’t?” “Shit really?” You nodded “yeah, so you know what I did?” “What?” “Are we gonna have a girl boss moment?” You smirked and nodded “yeah, I fucking punched him in the face then kicked him in the crouch.” The boys mouths dropped to the floor, shocked by your reply. You continued “yeah, then he tried slapping my me but Ethan managed to stop it and Tobi pulled me away.” The boys were gobsmacked. “Mad right?” “Yeah!” “What happened after that?” “Me and Tobi went back to the hotel cause I don’t know why that guys hand was so heavy but it made my nose bleed. So we went back cause Tobi didn’t want to stay long as it was quite far into the night, well early morning. So we chilled at the hotel.”
After your story, Cal picked up the phone again “right! This person wants to know how Y/n and myself got together.” You smiled “Cal do you wanna tell your side?” He nodded “well, right, so basically as you know I’m close friends with Ethan so that meant I’m also close friends with Y/n. Like she came withe the package sorta deal. But we got along really well, and after moving out of the second house me and Bog offered her to move in with Harry, Lux and I. And obviously she said yes and then I grew feeling for her, in 2018 we went on our first date and then things escalated and now we are dating.” You smiled and said “yeah, so when I moved in a had down the same thing, the longer I stayed the more I grew closer to Cal and grew more feelings. Before we were even dating I’d say like a few months before dating we’d do the like kissing on the forehead and a hug. Like yeah I’d hug all the boys but these were the hugs like you’d do with your partner. We’d also like do what we’d loosely call ‘dates’ where if Harry and Lux were out I’d make him wear face masks and we’d cuddle and watch a movie type of thing.” Chip said “so what did all the boys think of it all?” You answered “honestly I’m pretty sure Harry and Lux had placed bets on who’s ask out who and what month we’d end up dating.” Chip and the boys were laughing. Cal mentioned “pretty sure Harry won too! Like only for the asking who out though.” You laughed.
Proddy asked “are you two living together now still?” You nodded and Cal spoke “yeah, it’s still Y/n, Harry and myself.” You giggled “Harry is like our non-biological child. He’s always pointing out that he’s a third wheel constantly, but he’ll deny moving out so.. yeah.” You all had a laugh.
Chip read “Do Y/n and Cal have any plans about having babies and if so how many?” You smiled “yes, just not yet.” Cal nodded “yeah, we’ve agreed either two or three. Depends on how Y/n feels.” Chip awed at the small comment. Proddy asked “what gender do you wish the children would be?” Cal spoke first “I honestly wouldn’t mind as long as they have a close bond and look out for each other. Also if I have a girl I want them to be like Y/n when their older, like they’re able to defend for themselves if needed. Like I’d like them to have someone there for them but like..” “like if they need to they can fight back or speak their mind.” “Yeah exactly.” “Yeah, I’d personally would like to to be boy, girl then boy. But I too honestly couldn’t care for gender like I grew up with what? Four brothers. That’s how I learnt to fend for myself. Bro the amount of batery I’ve been through.” You all laugh “like it was play fighting obviously but the constant need to know what I was doing. Like Eli the middle brother, constantly knocking on my door just wanting to chill or like Jack my youngest brother. He constantly wanted to go out in my car and get maccies.” “I can vouch for Y/n, her household is never quiet. Like bro when we’d go visit, or even for the holidays. Cause we were dating especially from Jack Y/n would just always got the ‘YouTube couple, omg I ship!’.” You were laughing constantly at the memories, Cal was the best with your brothers it was as if they’d known him their whole lives.
Chip had the phone in his hand and asked “when do you think Cal and Y/n will get married?” You smirked “soon I hope!” Cal smiled “yeah soon, waiting for the perfect time.” Chip said “who’s your best men and bridesmaids gonna be?” The boys looked at your first “well, obviously Faith I grew up with her she’ll probably be my maid of honour. Then it will be Talia, Y/f/n, Y/f/n and Freya.” The boys listened as you said everyone’s names then Cal spoke “I’ll, have Chip, Harry, uh Ethan, Lux.”
You asked “can I pick a question??” The boys nodded and Chip handed the phone over to you. As you scrolled one caught your eye “any drama from when you’d used to go to school? Like drama you were involved in?” you and the boys got excited to explain your stories. Chip spoke “Y/n you look like you’ve got a bunch.” You laughed “I very much do, me and Faith were the ones who knew everyone’s drama!” You added “ok what do you want to know?” Proddy asked “everything!” “I’ve heard some of them and they are wild!!” “Oh lord we are in for a good one!” You clears your throat “ok, firstly I want to say I won’t be using their real names, I’ll use fruit as their names” you chuckled “ok, so let’s say? Strawberry right, strawberry was the same age as me and we were 15 when this happened it was the thing of the year. Well she got pregnant but didn’t know who the dad was!” “No way?!?” “Omg!!”. You added “also this girl orange, well orange and I had a fight! Like full of fist fight!” “Who won?” “Me, not being full of myself but she did not stand a chance!” “Was that when you were professionally boxing?” “You did boxing?” “Yeah, I still do! Grew up on the sport.” “Trust me you don’t want to mess with her!” Chip asked “what happened after?” “Well, she tried going for another round, like this time I just knew she would try ragging on my hair cause she did it last time. So I just put her in a head lock.” “A proper head lock?” “Nah just one so she could get me as much cause I knew I’d probably get kicked out if I did do a proper head lock.”
You listen to the rest of the stories the boys told you and the listeners. After a while it was the end of the podcast, you sign off “thank you for listen to our stories and gossip, if you enjoyed make sure to follow and share. Have a good day!”
Later that day, Cal was on his computer as you laid in your shears bed. Huddled up on the bed wearing his hoodie and your favourite type of joggers aka Callum’s joggers.
You turned over facing him as he sat at his desk, you asked “how long will you be?” He turned to you “just finishing this bit and I’m done.” You smiled as he finished up whatever he seemed to be doing on the computer. Once he turn off his computer screen, he crawled into bed with you and pulled you into him. He turned the tv on as you snuggled into your loving boyfriend. Cal asked “what we watching love?” You hummed “maybe we could watch the new Brassic?” He smiled “yeah, I enjoyed that.” You commented “yeah, honestly the boys remind me of brassic besides the crime and weed.” “Yeah I get you like the personalities.” “Yeah!” So that was the plan. You two cuddled together and watched Brassic all night long. Later after you were done watching the show you both went to sleep holding each other closely.
If you’d like to see more you can follow or heart my posts if you’d like! If you’d like me to crest something you’d like me to write then ask away! I’m more than happy to make stories you guys ask me! So if you’d like ask and hopefully I can get it up quick for you guys to read! Have a good day/night! 🫶
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silentiumdelirium · 8 months
Part 1 | Part 2
It‘s Dustin. Of course it is. This kid has been cockblocking him since he met him. Although Dustin hadn‘t really cockedblocked him right now had he? I mean Steve didn‘t want to go any further with Eddie, the kiss was just an experiment right? And well the feeling he just had was proof to his theorey, that it doesn‘t matter who‘s gender it is, kissing is kissing. And Steve likes kissing so of course it also felt good with Eddie. He apparently also likes when someone grabs his ass which he hadn‘t know until yet. No girl has ever done that. Also if Dustins knocking hadn‘t interrupted him he would‘ve kept kissing Eddie. But that doesn‘t mean anything it just proofs that Eddie is a good kisser and his mouth is like any mouth right? Oh god why has Steve done this? He feels like he hadn‘t proofed anything to Robin but maybe she has to him?
‚Steve?‘ He lifts his head from his hand and looks up to see Dustin‘s excited face. ‚Oh my god you guys keep hanging out without me! I told you you have to invite me next time‘ Dustin screams and Steve rolls his eyes. He has been a bit clingy since the whole upside down thing happenend again which is probably fair because Eddie almost died in his arms.
‚Nightmare 3 is finally out on video so we‘re gonna make a horror movie night! And i‘m just here to invite Eddie and oh Steve can we use your house? You‘re obviously also invited!‘
‚Oh thank you what an honor to be invited to a movie night which also happens at my house. I guess I also have to provide the movies since I work at the video store?‘
‚Yes exactly thank you‘ Dustins grins ignoring Steve‘s sarcastic tone.
Eddie grins as well. ‚well thank you for inviting me kid! I would be honored to join.‘
Steve rolls his eyes and puts his hand to his hips in the typical babysitter (or mum like Max always says) way.
‚But I‘m not gonna give them to you if they‘re too dark okay? You lot already have enough stuff to fill your nightmares with we don‘t have to add more!‘
Dustin groans and says: ,Relax Steve it‘s not that dark it‘s funny and we‘re sixteen now so we are legally allowed to watch it!‘
Right Steve forgot that they are already fucking sixteen now! Soon they‘re gonna go to party, drink, smoke weed…wait maybe they already doing that? Oh my god what if Eddie and the whole hellfire club is bad influence? I mean Eddie sells drugs so what if he also solds to Dustin and the others? He had to ask Eddie as soon as they were alone again. But as long as they are doing stuff at Steve‘s house he could at least watch them not do anything too stupid.
‚Alright alright you can do your stupid horrormovie night at my house but you have to provide the snacks and everything, I will only provide the videos.‘
‚Yes!‘ Dustins screams triumphant and high fives Eddie. ‚Can you also drive me to Mike now Steve? I mean you have to drive to work anyway right?‘ Dustin asks and Steve looks at his watch. Right work he had to go now so he wouldn‘t be late. He sighs ‚Jesus alright but hurry up don‘t want to be late again!‘ Dustin is already half out the door when Steve looks to Eddie who is standing at the kitchen counter again. Right where they were kissing just minutes ago. ‚Right so I see you tomorrow?‘ Steve asks suddenly very uncomfortable with the whole sitaution. Eddie smiles nervously and avoids looking at him. ‚Sure man see ya.‘ Steve grabs his jackets and moves to the door with one final glance to Eddie who is fidgeting with his rings. Steve tries not to think about how those hands with the rings had felt on his ass and quickly leaves out the door. He definitely has to discuss what just happenend with Robin!
Yay managed to write a next part so now you know who‘s at the door @stevesbipanic also you‘re username fits very well here because Steve Bi panic is incoming!!!
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mountschelsea · 2 years
Enough is Enough [1/2]
Requests are open 
not proofread 
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-not my gif-
Request- Something with mason where he stops being the hands on dad that you are used to and going out with his friends whenever he is free. You try talk to him about it and it ends in a fight. You need help so you go stay at your parents for a couple of weeks leaving mason to reflect and realise what an idiot he is. He comes to see you and sort things out and the baby is really happy to see him. Happy ending please xxx
You and Mason were perfect. 
You were high school sweethearts, you had dated for five years before he asked you to marry him. People called you guys crazy for getting married so young. 
“You've barely seen the world and you're all ready settling down.” Your Dad scolded you and Mason. 
Your Mum send him a warning look before continuing “Look y/n I just think what your dad and I are trying to say is that there are better options out there for you” 
You held tightly onto Mason’s hand before talking, “Mason and I are getting married. I love him and he loves me. if you guys can't be supportive of this then I think it's best you stay out of mine and my soon to be husbands life.”
You and Mason left shortly after this and you had no idea if your parents would ever speak to you again. 
“I mean I knew they didn't like you that much but they're being crazy, they were talking about you as if you weren't sat two feet away hearing everything. I just can't deal with them right now.” you breathed out a heavy sigh clearly annoyed at the whole situation. 
“I know I know baby. I mean maybe they'll come around. They didn't like it when we started dating but the got used to that.” Mason softly spoke. 
“That's the thing Mase they shouldn't have to get used to it, they should support my decisions in who I love. Plus I had to talk about you as if you were god to get them to even admit I was dating you” You laughed at the last bit as you said it.
Mason looked over from the drivers seat raising one eyebrow, “As if I was God? You were screaming oh God the other day babe. I’m pretty sure I am.” 
“Ew gross Mase i’m not even sure I want to marry you now.” 
“Mhm sure baby” He giggled out.  
Fast forward 3 years 
You and Mase got married that summer. You invited you parents and when they didn't come you were devastated. You spent half your wedding night crying into Mason’s shoulder asking him why they couldn't accept your decision. Mase comforted you stroking your hair, rubbing small circles on your arm or just touching you in anyway he could. 
A week after your wedding you were ill. Mason would leave you in bed when he left for training and when he came back you were still there. He was growing more and more worried about you. 
“When will you let me call the doctor?” 
Just as you went to answer it clicked, the nausea, the fatigue, the thought of certain foods making you vomit.
“Mason what day is it?”,You asked in an urgent tone. 
“Erm Thursday?”,he answered looking confused as to why you were so desperate to know. 
“Thursday the what?!” 
“The tenth. Why?” Growing more concerned as to why you needed to know so badly. 
“FUCK FUCK FUCK!” You stormed out of the bedroom into the bathroom.
Mason quickly followed and just as he got to the bathroom the door slammed in  his face. 
“Baby? Everything okay in there?”
Slowly the door creeped open.
“Masey I need you to go to the shops.”
“Um yeah okay. What do you need?” He said still wondering what your little outburst was about.
“A test” 
He looked at you confused for a second. 
“A pregnancy test Mase” 
“You’re um you're pregnant?”
“Well I don't know yet that's why I need the test” Getting annoyed at the fact he was still stood in front of you not pulling out the driveway yet. 
“Right.. yeah I'm going.” 
Fast forward 2 years 
You had just celebrated your little girls first birthday. Mason was the best dad anyone could ask for. He went to every doctor appointments. He held your hand through out it all. He tucked little Eva in every night. Until he didn’t.
He started going out every night. Stopped coming home for dinner. He wasn’t there when you went to sleep and he wasn’t there when you woke up. You had tried to talk to him but every time you brought it up he would jump the gun and get all defensive. 
You had finally had enough. You were leaving and you were so as soon as you could.
This is my first time writing so no hate. Hope you guys enjoy and part 2 should be out soon!
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uramilf · 1 year
can you write a ross x singer reader where the reader is pregnant and they have been keeping their relationship on the low so when they make it official their fans are completely shocked
A/N: Yes this is actually adorable
Ross came into your shared bedroom and lay down on the bed beside you. You groaned as he woke you up; you already weren't getting enough sleep with the baby on the way, nausea waking you up at least twice every night. He had been playing a show at a venue that wasn't too far away, so he was able to come straight home to you. "Sorry, babe, I didn't mean to wake you," he whispered. "It's ok, love. How was the show?" "Good. Really great, actually. The boys want to know how you're feeling." "Like I'm growing a human inside of me," you grinned. "So not fabulous." Ross smiled sympathetically. "I know it's tough, darling, but the sickness will be over soon and-" "And then the extreme back pain and the kicking and the constant intense pressure on my bladder will start," you interrupted him with a laugh. "God, it's really a joyful experience, isn't it?" Ross rubbed a hand over your stomach and kissed you. "I know darling. You're so brave, you know that?" "It'll all be worth it anyway when little baby Macdonald gets here, right?" Ross agreed and kissed you again, before asking how your day had been. "Oh, it was alright. I went down to Costa earlier for a coffee and when I got back there was some paparazzi photos online - and get this; my baby bump was totally showing and nobody's even noticed yet." "Really? I thought The Sun would be all over you the second you started showing." "I know. I have to say, people are gonna lose their minds when they eventually find out." Just then, Ross's phone rang. "Oh, it's Matty. Must've forgot something in my car." But Matty's voice sounded panicked. "Y/n, have you been on Twitter recently?" he blurted out. "No, why? Matty? What's happened?" "Fuck. I'm sorry guys, I know you wanted to keep your relationship and the baby a secret for a while longer, but some photos have come out of the two of you leaving my house on Sunday. Everyone knows." You thanked Matty for letting you know and hung up the phone. Ross was already scrolling through the photos on Twitter, but to your surprise, he wasn't annoyed. He was smiling. "Oh, babe, all your fans are so excited for you, look at these comments!" he beamed. You had a look through the photos yourself now. There was one of Matty with a hand on your stomach, saying bye to his future niece or nephew, and one of George doing the same. There was one of Ross placing a kiss on your head with an arm around your waist, and one of him helping you into the car, where your slight baby bump was visible. You scrolled through some comments and smiled as widely as Ross had.
"Oh my god! I can't believe two of my favourite people in the world are literally having a baby together!! I've shipped them ever since that photo of them dancing together at a Taylor Swift concert came out."
"Look at Y/n's little baby bump, she's actually fucking glowing."
"AWWW another '75 baby! I hope they're best friends with Adam and Carly's kid. Y/n and Ross make such a gorgeous couple."
The comments made your eyes fill with tears when you realised that both your fans and Ross's were over the moon for you. It wasn't long until the calls came flooding in, from your friends who weren't aware of your pregnancy yet, Matty's mum, even Carly who already knew but wanted to let you know she was always there for you for some mum-to-mum advice. You looked at Ross with a big smile on your face before you went back to sleep that night. "Can you believe we're gonna be parents?" "No, darling, I can't. You're gonna be the best mum." "I love you, Ross." "I love you too. So, so much."
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