#anyway it’s longer than expected
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a hanahaki piece from mephistopheles’ point of view. i’m using my thought template (? is that what you’d call it?) which can be found here.
if you’d like a more classic piece using the version everyone knows, i can publish something like that too! just let me know!
this was based on a poll; if you’d like spoilers for the type of ending, you can see the results here.
word count: 2.7k+
when he walks into the house of lamentation, he finds it absolutely trashed. dirt looks like it’s piling up in the corners and the few plants you look after are either overgrown or on the brink of death.
there are holes in the walls. he can only assume these are the result of fits of rage, probably from satan, but mephistopheles has no idea what could’ve pushed him over the edge. sobbing echoes from up the stairs. the exact brother that those tears belong to remains a mystery to him.
he’s been on a trip away with nobles. honestly, it was rather boring- and he’d still be on it, were it not for the summoning from diavolo.
goodness. they call you the devilsitter, but you’re not doing a very good job at it. how could you have let the place get into such a state? what, have you gone up to the human world or something? but then he would have been notified. wouldn’t you have… wouldn’t you have told him?
you would’ve told him, right? you wouldn’t have left him in the dark. no, not him. you couldn’t bear not letting him know. as he picks his way through the dirt and trash and debris, he obsesses over this idea for a while, only getting it together when he lies his eyes on diavolo.
“diavolo, you wanted me for something?”
beyond diavolo, he spots lucifer next. the man looks exhausted, and his eyes are red. his movements are sluggish and he has a pile of paperwork in one hand and what looks like coffee in the other, like he’s trying to distract himself from something.
“why is mephisto here?” mammon asks from the couch. “does he even like MC?”
stupid question. he doesn’t grace it with an answer.
thirteen appears next, and mephistopheles suddenly gets a bad feeling. in a wrecked house with similar inhabitants, having a reaper here can only be bad. who is she here to reap?
“i’m sorry, mephistopheles. thirteen thought you might be helpful. i’m sure she’ll fill you in on the way there.”
if not for the fact that death and its subsequent mourning feels like it’s about to engulf the entirety of the house of lamentation, he might’ve turned around and walked out of the house. here at the whim of someone else? really?
he numbly follows thirteen down the hall instead.
she delivers the awful news he expects. it’s you. of course it’s you. human lives are so fleeting, and their bodies aren’t quite as robust as their celestial counterparts. a good chunk of them can’t even use magic. you couldn’t use magic when you arrived!
knowing all this doesn’t stop his heart from cracking when she says your name. doesn’t stop his stomach from twisting. in a most un-noble way, it doesn’t stop him from throwing up in the hall. she looks at him with pity.
no, don’t pity him. he doesn’t need or want that.
with a quick chant, the vomit is gone, and mephistopheles continues on to your room, his stride just a little faster.
she explains to him that it’s hanahaki, a human world disease that stems from unrequited love. this information came from satan rather than solomon, surprisingly. when he asks what that has to do with him, she says that if the person you love confesses to you, the disease will disappear on its own.
she says that everyone has already confessed. everyone except for him.
i don’t have feelings for them. it’s what he wants to say, but the words get stuck in his throat. he’s always aimed to share the truth; have all those years of denying what he really feels now caught up to him? or maybe it’s because he risks bringing your death faster. you know, if the target of your affections is him.
but also, why would it be him? you don’t see him enough. shouldn’t you have fallen for one of the brothers instead? is there a secret one that hasn’t confessed yet? mammon’s always denying his obvious feelings for you. maybe he’s lied about confessing to you. maybe he hasn’t confessed at all. or, or, there could be a secret eighth brother!
thirteen opens the door to your room and ushers him in.
she explained it all on the way here, but it doesn’t prepare him for the sight. even if he had all the time in the world, mephistopheles doubts that he could ever be prepared for something like this.
your chest heaves, and what follows is a violent cough that grates against his ears. after a few moments of silence, the sound of your breathing returns, shallow and raspy. aside from your breathing and coughing, your body is completely still. it’s like you’re already dead.
“how long do they have left?” he asks. she has access to the candles. she should know.
“that would ruin the fun, wouldn’t it?” a dark joke that’s obviously an attempt to comfort herself, judging by the tears in her eyes. not long. maybe it’s worse for her, knowing when your time is supposed to come. she could always pour more wax on your candle, extending your life- but also prolonging your suffering. stuck between a rock and a hard place, he doesn’t envy her.
the most noticeable feature you have is the bunch of flowers sprouting from your face. deep purple petals with a green pistil in the middle. he knows that shade of green too well. he sees it whenever he looks in the mirror. his breath hitches.
“everyone has confessed,” thirteen whispers. “except for you.”
and with that, she leaves, closing the door behind her.
you start coughing again, and mephistopheles feels tears beginning to prick his own eyes. suddenly feeling quite lost, he drops to his knees and takes your hand. it’s cold. stiff. he’s amazed that you’re still here, even as you roleplay a corpse. is this the indomitable human will…?
“MC,” he begins, but doesn’t quite know where to go from there. another flower blooms. they cover your face completely, a little like a veil. he wonders if your eyes are glassy beneath it, lacking the sparkle that they normally hold. he wonders, if the flowers weren’t there, you’d be able to see anything at all.
he decides to stop wondering.
“MC,” he tries again. “i know we didn’t see each other a lot, but-”
his words fail again and he watches his hands shake. he’s probably just imagining it, but it seems like your fingers tighten just a little around his hand. the indomitable human will. a cliche where love conquers all. he presses your hand against his forehead and quietly breaks into sobs.
it’s not fair.
it’s not fair.
it’s not fair that his noble status means that he’s expected to marry someone of equal “value”, and it’s not fair that he doesn’t get to see you that often, his time taken up by schoolwork and newspaper club duties and noble duties and then someone is always hoarding your time anyway, and it’s not fair that he’s already being pushed away and it’s not fair that diavolo is obviously crushing on you and your love being requited, if it really is him, would just end up with him being pushed away more.
it’s probably more acceptable for you to be with an angel than with him.
he wonders what it was like for the others when it came to falling for you. maybe the realisation was soft. fluffy. like falling onto a bed of feathers, a warm fuzzy feeling flooding their brain. what is it like, being allowed to fall in love with you? is it as beautiful as he imagines it to be?
the realisation hit him when he was taking a photo of you for the school newspaper. though the lighting was terrible and the backdrop was even worse, you still looked gorgeous. ethereal. perfect. if it were anyone else, he never would've entertained the idea- but because it was you, he'd snapped a picture, and showed it to you, saying that he'd like to make it the front page photo. you’d laughed, saying you looked awful and to take a better one. put those centuries of photography expertise to good use!
it was like hitting concrete after a long fall. it felt like being torn apart and set alight and ripped to shreds all at once. he resigned himself to being unhappy forever, because you’d surely take to someone that you see far more often than him, and he’d be stuck on the sidelines watching it all happen. he tried to distance himself, but it didn’t work and how could it when you kept making excuses to see him?
he admires the flowers. limited time has cursed them. your short lifespan, his lack of free hours from duties and responsibilities and extra work, kindly piled on by lucifer, and now the clock is ticking away on him yet again because he can’t spit the fucking words out.
at least if you die, the flowers will stay. an eternal reminder of you, and what he couldn’t have. how ironic.
ah. he should be used to it by now. aside from the money and the title, which are only more chains, he has nothing. his little brother is a small comfort. he can’t keep his childhood friend, he can’t keep his position, he can’t even keep you, and you want to be kept.
mephistopheles sucks in a breath, desperate to gain some semblance of stability, but it doesn’t work. his parents will be disappointed, and everyone else will hate him, with the exception of perhaps luke and his lovely little brother. diavolo won’t ever look at him again, probably completely disgusted, and then he’d be completely lost. tears are streaming down his face.
he’s so pathetic.
that’s not an exaggeration. you’re on death’s door, and he has the power to save you, and he can’t because he’s afraid. he doesn’t deserve someone like you. you, who goes above and beyond when it’s needed. you, who wasn’t immediately turned off by his attitude. you, whom he loves.
he recalls something that you said to him when you were telling him about your plan to massively prank lucifer. he remembers asking you if you’re not afraid of the consequences- you’d laughed at him, but not cruelly.
the only thing to fear is fear itself!
all that time he spent talking down on you and humans. through his heartbreak, he lets out a gentle sigh, resigning himself to the future.
maybe it won’t be as bad as it seems. maybe you’ll make the consequences lighter. maybe with your presence, he can hallucinate his life getting better. maybe, maybe, maybe. maybe he could learn to hope again, instead of uselessly grasping at straws. he chokes out the words, pressing your cold, stiff hand to his forehead. your breathing has slowed. your coughing has stopped.
like it could ever be that easy.
maybe he’s too late.
mephistopheles feels like he's watching what’s probably the last of your candle burn out, his heart threatening to shatter. your chest heaves again, and he prepares himself, ready for the horrible hacking noise that’ll follow.
but it never comes.
instead, he feels your grip on his fingers tighten. it’s only a little, but it’s there. he didn’t imagine it. that was real. he’s too young and it’s too early to be hallucinating you doing things, so that was definitely absolutely real.
there’s a soft exhale that he barely hears, and he watches the flowers begin to wither and decay. his heartbroken and absolutely pitiful tears turn into happier ones as warmth returns to your hand and life begins to flood back into your body.
he doesn’t move from your side, amazed at how quickly you’re recovering. it’s your breathing that he finds he’s most excited about, the hoarseness quickly disappearing.
you turn your head to him. even with the flowers gone, you look absolutely exhausted. perhaps that’s to be expected.
“say that again.”
it comes a lot easier the second time.
“i love you, MC. to the moon and back.”
a smile tugs at your lips. “i love you too.”
it takes him a while to come out of the room. you want to come with him, and are too stubborn to stay on your bed, complaining that it’s boring and you’ve already been there for days. unfortunately, you’re too weak to stand on your own (not that he’s particularly surprised), so you end up leaning quite heavily on him instead.
very slowly, you make it out of the room. thirteen’s outside, probably waiting for the bad news.
“sorry, thirteen.” you grin weakly. “i’m still alive.”
still alive and walking, which he’ll probably get told off for letting you do. he thinks about it briefly and instead lifts you up so that he can walk faster he’s supporting your legs with one arm and your back with the other. the reaper purses her lips as her tears finally spill over.
“this makes it quite difficult to hug them, you realise.”
“they’re too weak for hugging.”
“i could probably manage a little hug-”
“you’re too weak for hugging.”
you huff out a laugh. “whatever you say...”
you don’t comment on the state of the house as he carries you to the common room, thirteen animatedly talking beside him. mephistopheles tries hard not to look down; he knows you’ll be staring at him adoringly, finally free to.
the only people still in the common room are mammon, diavolo, and barbatos. lucifer must’ve gone to his office to drown himself in paperwork. thankfully, mammon’s scream (thirteen held her hands over your ears, but he’s not sure it did much) alerts everyone in the house. one after the other, people appear in the doorway, their eyes wide and red.
levi looks like he’s cried so much that he can’t cry anymore, and yet he still manages to summon some tears as he sees you flowerless.
“you can all go back to school now. isn’t that exciting?” you laugh, and belphie looks at you dryly, obviously unimpressed by the idea.
“ha. you’re so funny, MC.”
mephisto looks down to see a weak smile gracing your face. then something shifts in you and you start complaining.
“i feel like a newborn baby, being stared at like this.”
“i can set you down, if you like,” he offers, and you shake your head, snuggling further into his chest. he wonders if you can hear his heart pounding.
“no thank you. i like being in your arms. by the way, this hold is called the bridal style carry in the human world.”
mephistopheles very nearly drops you at that.
and much later on, after many games of rock paper scissors and many ties between thirteen and satan when it came to feeding you (you probably could’ve done it yourself), diavolo pulls him aside for a walk.
here it comes. the rejection.
mephisto braces himself.
“you know, i think they’ll be good for you.”
he laughs. “what, did you think i was going to punish you, or something? it’s not like it’s something you can control, falling in love.” there’s a pause. “i hope you didn’t beat yourself up too badly before you confessed.”
ah. so he went through something similar. perhaps there’s a shared understanding between demons of higher rank that he’d previously overlooked.
“also-” the prince musters up a grin. “they’d be pretty damn annoyed to know if you did.”
as he returns from his walk, he sees you leaning on satan, waiting for his return. except you only look at him once, mouth “watch this”, and focus your gaze entirely on diavolo.
mephistopheles wonders if he should be worried.
given that it’s you, the answer is probably a resounding yes.
“diavolo,” you begin, fidgeting. “i was wondering if i could maybe get a present? you know, since i nearly died.”
diavolo’s eyes light up. “absolutely! anything you want, it’s yours!”
your eyes gleam with cunning. he wonders if maybe he should stop you from taking advantage of the literal ruler of devildom, but you did just come back from playing a dead body, so…
“then, could you make mephisto the president of the newspaper club again?”
the temperature of the room gets several degrees colder as lucifer glowers from the corner. diavolo only laughs before granting your request and whispering to him:
“see? good for you.”
mephistopheles watches you smile triumphantly.
maybe everything really will be okay after all.
#uwu#i had to fit in the happily ever after part in too#anyway it’s longer than expected#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me swd#obey me mc#obey me mephisto#obey me mephistopheles#obey me mephistopheles x reader#obey me mephisto x reader#mephistopheles x reader#mephisto x reader#hanahaki#i need him to be dateable NOW#birthday event for mephistopheles and it’s just him being dateable
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Collective meow
#♡#artists on tumblr#fanart#genshin impact#原神#Lyney#Lynette#Freminet#This took me longer than expected#School really be making all be harder#anyway#hope y'all enjoying fontaine#im sure am. It's very fun.#My only complain would be that i cant take a otter to my teapot
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[right to left]
finally finished This Wip from Ever ago and so now i ask you ever look into another dudes eyes and suddenly want to do whatever he wants
#xmen#xmen comics#cherik#professor x#magneto#charles xavier#erik lehnsherr#erik magnus lehnsherr#the kids are here too but i aint taggin them vaeLKEVJKLJ#snap sketches#posting this now and not obsessing over the details i need to SLEEP#please click/tap and zoom to read anything im sorry theres so much dialogue#i thought i was gonna finish this sooner but i went grocery shopping with my bro today and that took longer than expected !!!!#ALSO CHAT. if youre up to date on My Lore via my tags ... my prof's lettin me submit my assignment ... life's so good...#speaking of life being good i was giggling like stupid while drawing this . i named it 'this is stupid' and i stand by that#this is so unserious im gonna make myself throw up ITS SO CORNY i make myself sick with what i draw <- will continue to do this#only god knows if this is even how that power of his works i just saw an opportunity and ran with it#the trick here is he doesnt even have to use any 'power' he can just do that to charles by default#however im making them be obnoxious about it. i am making them obnoxious over dramatic grandpas because i can#my only crime is loving the utter cheese and corniness of the 60s comics like God. anyways bye !!!!!!!#maybe one day ill finish that other comic i sketched for this weekend but i fear i wont have time to so next weekend me thinks ....#for now i hope you all enjoy this. goofy as hell nonsense jLAKJVEKLVJ
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“Pain is hilarious!”
C’mon guys he had to learn that his eye regenerates somehow!
So fun fact! You know that thing people, perhaps parents tell you? That if you smile it tricks your brain into being happy? Well don’t do that in traumatic moments! Because if you do, your brain mixes wires on how to process shit and when you’re under mental turmoil you might start laughing maniacally! I may or may not know from experience!!! 😃
#gravity falls#bill cipher#bill ciphers parents#what are their names?#euclid cipher#scalene cipher#btw I headcanon the meds gave bill visual snow#because I like projecting lol#also this is angst obviously#uh#eye trauma warning#tw eye trauma#I don’t like making angst#because it’s usually cringe#and this is pretty cringe lol#but it took way longer than I expected to make#and now I’m forcing myself to post it anyway#deal with it#sometimes things are cringe
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i'll see you on the moon
art trade with @bluestarlett !!! fbfjfjjfjd seraph is SO PRETTY I AM SO HAPPY I ACTUALLY GOT TO DRAW HIM :D !!!!!! DHDNFJFJF this is . rendering wise it's kinda ass but yeah I drew him !! thanks for drawing my guy again this was really fun to do :3333
lineart :3
#...kinito for scale#tag time aughdhfbcj#chonny jash#chonny jash fanart#chonny's charming chaos compendium#chonny jash heart#cj heart#chonny's charming cosmic confluence#ok so the thing is i had the jashzine art and that took wayyyyy longer than expected#and yeah that's part of the reason why it took this long anyways dhfhfj i'm still so sorry 😭😭😭#god i think between the thdph pieces and this my eyesight has been irreversiblely fucked#managed to push this out RIGHT before chaos week. it's better this way lmao#oughhhhhhhh cotard's art next if all goes well#anyways. sorry for the metric fuckton of tags how . how we doin today chat
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Happy (belated) New Year 2024!
#svsss#scum villian self saving system#scumbag system#scum villain#ren zha fanpai zijiu xitong#bingqiu#shen qingqiu#luo binghe#myart#this took me longer than I expected... and I probably should have expected it given that dragon#I'm super proud of it though look at my dragon! it looks super cool! I want to draw more dragons!#overall I'm super satisfied with this it's a good way to start the new year#it seems I draw a lot of soft bingqiu but honestly I love them being soft#anyway happy new year 2024!
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something something immediate follow up to this
#my art#dragon age#dragon age the veilguard#datv#veilguard#calien de riva#rook de riva#lucanis dellamorte#lucanis x rook#rookanis#<- me when i discover this is also a tag#anyway hiiiii finishing this took me longer than i expected and than what id have liked but hey!!! its done!#also in other news i cracked and finally got monhun wilds. so ill get to have my violence between doodles#(im also replaying datv but taking it slow to draw/maybe write as i go)#next up im doing some Silly Things with calien (ill probably spend aaages on it)#anyway please enjoy 2 crows and their little victory smooch
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you know I just realized that Philza isn't necessarily being excessively lore avoidant on the realm. because when the server first began, Phil said he was open to starting something if an idea came to mind. It's that the main server lore right now heavily involves factions, and have continued to heavily involve the tension between factions. which uhhh, yeah no shit Phil is going to avoid that shit like the plague.
#realm smp#philza#i've seen ppl be like 'omg is phil never gonna do lore on the realm?' bc of this recent noticeable aversion#and it's like. i wouldn't go that far; it's just not during this arc since it's a definite no-no for phil#anyway when are factions gonna end i feel like they've been going on... far longer than I expected
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“I’m terrified of trying those hitachi wands,” you offhandedly mention one night in a quiet laugh, while laying in bed beside Bakugou. you’re both on your phones, one last scroll before bed, even though he’s actually playing one of those old people games. he looks over, hair pushed back by a clip he stole from you.
“Why would you be scared?” he asks you, completes the last two moves of the game before he closes his phone and sets it on the table beside the bed. he turns all of his attention on you then, rolling over to his side to face you, and you do the same.
“Because those things are damn near weapons with how they render people useless for like, twenty minutes after they cum.” you snicker, thinking back on the video you had seen earlier in the day. the lady damn near ruined her phone with the wetness, and could hardly move for a good minute after.
Bakugou only stares at you, doesn’t say anything for a long while, but he has this look on his face. he’s thinking about something, but doesn’t open his mouth until he’s whispering,
“That’s crazy,” he kisses your forehead and mumbles an I love you before he rolls over and pulls the covers to his head. you only blink in confusion before you chalk it up to him being the shy little prude he’s always been, and lay down yourself.
the conversation goes forgotten as the weeks pass on, something you don’t dwell on much afterwards. but obviously, it hasn’t passed Bakugou’s mind at all.
“I got it in pink.” he tells you one night after he’s wined and dined you. that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for him, but what was weird was how jittery he had been the entire time. this was why, surely, when he leads you to the bedroom and opens a neat little box with one of those wands you had completely forgotten about sitting prettily in front of you.
“Katsuki!” you laugh, hands covering your mouth before they cover your eyes in a mix of shame and shyness. “Why do you wanna see me laid out and twitching after using that thing?” you softly punch his shoulder, looking between his reddened cheeks and the wand he holds in front of you like an engagement ring.
“It’ll be hot.” he shrugs, mouth twisting this way and that in uncertainty, before he looks at you from under his lashes. “Wanna try it out?”
“Of course I do.” you answer back just as quickly, stripping from your clothes even quicker. it makes Bakugou laugh, taking his shirt off and his pants too, just to be safe in case you become a slash zone.
he tries it first with him sitting between your legs, just holding the wand there. he looks between your legs and then to your eyes, starting on a low setting and watches how you twist and thrive in the silken sheets. and when you cum, he thinks he can push you a little further.
he ups the vibrations, adds two of his fingers inside of you, crooking them until he finds that soft spot inside of you that makes you absolutely sob. you squirt all over him and he wonders if he should take his boxers off too (he doesn’t though; the thought of finding them tomorrow stained in you makes him damn near burst in his pants).
the next position is in front of your mirror on the closet, with your legs spread over his. Bakugou hooks his chin over your shoulder, holds your twitching thighs open as he keeps turning the vibrations up to the highest settings. you’re squirming and whining and whimpering for mercy, even though you cry even more whenever he stops.
the next time and the next time and the next, he’s got more fingers inside of you, his cock, another one of your favorite toys. he sets you in doggy style, even though he doesn’t fuck you, but keeps the wand between your legs. he likes the way your entire body shakes beneath him, collapsing, trapped between his weight and the strong vibrations that send you into another dimension.
the next day, you can barely feel between your legs, shaky and unstable for the whole day. but Bakugou makes up for it; he always does.
#this got longer than I expected sorry#anyway I need a break from everything ever#for a very very very long time#bc I’m over having to do Life. very draining#sorry to be a downer in the tags LMFAO the vibe switch is crazy#I’m just hungry and these sleep meds r taking me down#bright side is I’m getting donuts tomorrow 😝#bakugou treats! 🍬#—new treat in the streets! 🍫
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the REAL reason why bill wants to leave the nightmare realm: pollution
okay I know I said I wasn't going to upload full chapters here often but LISTEN these first ones are short. and I love being inconsistent. but do check out these pages on Ad Astra Per Aspera's neocities page if you want to see these formatted the way I intended!
#gravity falls#comics#stanford pines#lab creations#i know updates dragged a little longer than expected with this one but if you do the math it's the same exact length of time#anyway. next time: northwest troubles
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Ray of sunshine
(pre-launch page for their comic)
#I can not wait to make this comic#I have to stop thinking about it or else I cant focus#every time I start thinking about it I get all jittery. I wanna make it so fucking bad its unreal#hope to GOD I can do it full time omfg#I'll need like 500 people on my patreon paying to read ahead. ish. minimum. which is scary ahgkjsahgkjagh#but! I'll be able to put that on patreon! I cant do that right now. so thats cool!!!#just a lot of people AJGLKJGLKJASLKGGA#like it has to do well or I'm gonna have to get a different job#cause. I am NOT working for webtoon again#I cant do it they are killing me#and I'm not getting paid enough for it#I pitched this comic btw and they said they liked it but they wanted me to simplify the plot.#cause it was 'too complicated'#its literally just like. a murder mystery + a romance + a fetch quest#like its extremely not that complicated lmfao#they thought that people wouldnt be able to follow cause theres too much going on.#and I am not interested in simplifying my stories to this extent. I respect my readers and I trust they can follow plots#just. omfg I'm doing it again!!!#I cant start talking about webtoon without going off again!!!#they PISH ME OFF ! HAHAHAHAH#okay. anyways. I have to get back to work now this took me longer than I expected#like 4 hours#I'm enjoying this new illustration style I've been doing though. its fun.#its like 1 layer and then a ton of effects HAHAHAH#we were legion#zagan and luciel#zagan#luciel#how did I make zagan so hot... I'm a genius...#if he isnt hot then no one would put up with his behavior at the start of the ccomic HAHAHAHA
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the art of staying calm (until you're not)
#seventeen#svt#woozi#lee jihoon#svtsource#svtcreations#svtgifs#homerunj#heymax#userzaynab#usermery#maddieblr#melontrack#heyginkgo#alitracks#userngocchi#noablr#wzfct.gif#once he starts laughing he has such a hard time stopping#and his face turns so red i just wanna smush him#cuteness aggression x10000#anyway i think this little doodle effect came out cute!! i'm a very slow giffer though and it took me longer than i expected LOL
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ONEUS "IKUK" || Seoho 🥀
#seoho#foroneus#ultkpop#malesgroupnet#kpopccc#idolnexusedit#cheytermelon#lucieblr#foraddy#rintag#useranusia#rhitag#usermairin#tuserchrissy#eyestrain#kngld.edits#this took me longer than i expected#i will try to gif more of the mv later on#as i have my studies soon so :_)#BUT ANYWAYS I AM SO SO EXCITED
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A silly little idea I had
#my art#homicipher#mr gap#plus my mc Lemon#my oc#This took way longer than I thought it would to conplete but I did it#anyways I really love mr gap#Like I didn't expect him to be my favorite but the more I played the more he grew on me#Most of it was cause of loss of motivation and another part was cause I got sick and felt to fuzzy to color
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I’ve been wanting to develop my art style since my original style was realism, so decided to use my fave to practice on 🦦
This is actually a cropped version, idk if I’m gonna finish the whole piece but I’m thinking about doing similar portraits for the rest of the company, or maybe just a big piece with all of them 👀
#anyway this took longer than I was expecting#I’ve been so mentally and physically drained#the hobbit#my art#phrogposting#the hobbit the desolation of smaug#the hobbit battle of the five armies#the hobbit botfa#the hobbit dos#hobbit#bofur#bifur#bomber#the company of thorin oakenshield#thorin oakenshield#bilbo baggins#the company#ur brothers#kili#fili#dwalin#balin#nori#dori#ori#dwarf#dwarves#Tolkien#jrr tolkien#tolkien dwarves
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who up pruing they mano rn (x)
#prumano#hws romano#hws prussia#aph romano#lovino vargas#aph prussia#gilbert beilschmidt#hetalia world series#hetalia#hetalia fanart#my art#hws#anyways you should read the fic in linked in the caption if you haven't already <3#chapter 3 is taking longer than expected since the semester started up again n we've been busyyyyy#i gotta prioritize grad school over gay fictional men or whatever#hetalia meme redraw#i say prumano but it's all lovino#gil cameo#if u saw me post & delete the first time no u didn't#aph south italy#hws south italy
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