#anyway i wish he wasnt so ugly
insanelysanes · 5 months
hee hee hee, you're jealous!
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i put a ribbon on my freak bootleg flowey plush, because the alarm clock dialogue told me to
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chiquilines · 3 days
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Guess who finally got her stupid fucking visa!!! Celebratory satoshisu scribbles incoming
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bunnihearted · 2 years
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lovecrazedpup · 9 months
do you ever find yourself over analysing a comment he made off handedly
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starunits · 2 years
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cursedzucchini · 1 year
Well fuck me, i just spend an hour looking through my liked posts, to find that one angst Damian and Danny twins. Still didn't find it. Imma describe it lil more bellow, but if anyone knows what prompt I'm talking Abt pls tell me, imma tag it in the morning.
Prompt: Danny and Damian twins, but they hate each other. I think in the og post there were two versions, like Danny hoping Damian likes him now, but Damian tries to stab him, or both of them hating each other. I didn't take any route, i just wrote this prologue thingie. I think i might continue this, but if anyone gets inspired, feel free to add anything?
Something Abt Danny and Damian hating each other (or Damian hates Danny, Danny... Tried to survive, and later Damian regrets everything and Danny is bitter/scared of Damian) just scratches this part of my brain. Anyway yee that's all
Danyal al Ghul was gone.
His body was left to rot in some abandoded bunker. His grave empty, because Damian never bothered to bring his body back. His name deleted from every record, no failure has place between the best.
Damian didn't remember much about him. He knew his brother looked similar to him, they were twins after all. He was also pretty sure the younger one was shorter than him, though that couldn't be correct. There weren't any memories of Danyal being sick, so how could he be shorter than Damian? There was also the distinct impression of an awkward smile, but he might've mixed the memories up. Why would his twin wear such an unsure (pathetic) expression (grimace)? He was also the son of the demon, even if he was a failure. There is no such a place for weakness.
No, it must have been someone else. Damian had another clearer memory where his face was perfectly neutral. There is no reason to make such a face, if you are able to hide it.
Though that... Wasnt correct either?
Richard had recently taken to try and explain more about how their family functions. He reasoned that surely the League and Batman work diffefently, giving Damian many sound arguments. Yet he was sure the real reason for these... Lessons, was to explain more about the mundane side of things.
In one of the evenings spend arguing with the older man over the most idiotic things (if Drake was acting stupid, obviously he deserved a knife thrown at him), Damian somehow found himself talking about his annoyance, with his family uselessly emoting. How is Damian supposed to know, when they are truly proud of him, when they are truly disappointed, when they always show all of their emotions? How is he supposed to see which one is just them being weak, and which one is true?
His brother looked at him. There was pity in his eyes. And guilt. And pain. Damian wished Richard wasn't his brother.
Richard explained it. He spoke of emotions, and how they are natural, and none of them are false.
Damian didn't understand. He's not sure if understabds them now. But. If no emotions are false. And none of them make him weak. [Than why did mother taught them]
He doesn't like thinking about it.
But he hates thinking about Danyal more.
All his supposedly true emotions don't make sense. He... He feels his chest fill up with warmth when he thinks of him. He feels similar pain as when he is hungry in his chest. A strange mist falls and chokes his mind, whenever he is even reminded of his younger twin.
And there is bead of pure hatred inside his lungs, hating his crooked smile, detesting his small hands and despising his bright eyes.
[Wishing death on himself for not remembering their color. How could he forget his own twins eye color? Why does he only remembers the disgusting lightness making his stomach churn, their ugly staring at all his faults, wishing him fail]
Damian is quite sure Richard lied. There is no way all these foolish emotions are true. They don't make sense by themselves, how can they make sense mixed together? And after all they aren't strong enough to overcome hus brilliant self control, so they cannot be that true.
Or they weren't, until he caught the eye of a stranger.
A stranger with bright eyes.
With an awkward crooked smile, but other wise empty face.
A stranger with their hands playing with their shirt in obvious show of nerves
A little shorted than himself and...
A face almost the same as Damian's.
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secxxvxx · 1 year
Story type: Fred Weasley x fem*reader enemies to lovers
Summary: Fred is always being mean to
y/n. At the ed it is a love story looool.
Warnings: SMUT / NSFW, swearing, shouting,harm, bullieng, homophopia, selfharm, depressions
Word count: around 2470
"Y/n, darling, how ya doing?" Ask's the Redhead fred. A short "Shut it weasley" leaves your mouth while walking over to the coutch of the griffendor common room. You sit down beside the other twin. George. He has been you best friend since the first year. "Whats up pretty women?" He ask's. A big smile spreads over your face.
"Nothing" you awnser shortly. "How has your date been yesterday? Did cedric treat you well, hun?" He wonders. Fred looks over to you both. "It was grea-" as you were about to tell george, how it went, the onther twins shouts from the other side of the room. "A date? Who would date an ugly brat as you?" He laughs while looking at you. "I- i think i'll leave now.... we'll talk later george" you stood up and left in silence.
George looks at fred with angry eyes. "Really? You are such an idiot" he shouts while fred leaves with a smirk on his face.
As youre sitting in class, the pretty boy from yesterday appears behind you. "Hey pretty lady" he whispers into your ear as he sits down beside you. You feel your cheeks warm up and a smile spreads over you face. "Hey pretty boy" you say happily.
A few minutes after the class has started, you feel that something has been thrown at the back of your head. A paperknoil. You picked it up. It seem lile someone had wrote somthing onto it. "Mh.." you whisper as you unfold it. ~pretty girl? Never. He'll use you anyways.~
Your heart stops. This made you feel so bad. You turn around just to see him amirking at you. Fred. It was fred. You wish you could just kick that smirk out of his face. You feel tears building up in your eyes. Without asking you storm out of the classroom. You didnt care about anyone, not even cedric.
"Y/n, darling, wait." you hear cedric shouting. You wait. Not facing him. He hugs you from behind. "i read it. Dont care about them. You are the prettiest girl on earth." He smiles. You turn around. Facing him. He wipes away ypur tears.
One week went flying. After class cedring asks you to study with him in the hufflepuff common room and you agreed.
He smiles. "See you at 5?" He asks again. You agreed and went to the griffendor tower. "What is that smile for?" The fat lady asks. "There is that one boy-" you tried to explain and she starts talking. "Ahh... young love... anyways. Come in." There she goes. Opening the etrace to the griffendor tower.
A few hours later you are walking down the stairs. "How do i look georgie?" You ask happily. " what ist that a pj? Your going on a date in pj's or what?" Fred laughs at you. "I didnt ask you about you opinion!" You storm off into your droom. "Great." George replies. Before heading into you room, grabbing your favorite sweatshirt and you fav jeans and handing them to you.
Studing with cedric was great. He insisted to bring you back to the griffendor tower, but you shook it off, it wasnt far. "Good night then, pretty girl" he says, kissing your cheek. "Good night" a little smile leaves you face. As you were waling through the coridors you saw daniel and his "friends", stupid motherfuckers, picking on george.
Since george came out as bi-sexuel, the slytherin boys kept picking on him. "HEY MOTHERFUCKERS!" You ran over to geroge. "stupid mudblood!" Daniel grabed you by your arm and pushed you to the ground. You tried to defend your self, but he was to strong. You were looking over do george, who was held by two boys, and one punching george. "George!" You screamed, not caring about your own pain.
Suddently you felt someone pulling daniel off of you. It was fred. You ran over, helping george while fred was punching daniel. The boys ran away. "Fred stop! Thats enough!" You screamed. Fred let go of daniel and he quickly ran away, gollowing those pussys of friends.
You are sitting on the ground. Sobbing. Holding georges face. "Y-you take his arms, i take his legs" you said crying. As you both dragged george into his and fred droom, you started taking care about georges wounds. "I-it was my f-fault."
You said quietly. "It's not all about you y/n! You are so selfcentered!" Fred shouted. "Fuck you!" You stood up wanting to leave. "could you atleast take care about my hands?" You sat down, taking his and in yours, wiping his bloody hand with alcohol wipes.
"Quiet." You say. "Make sure georgie takes those pills when he wakes up. They'll help him heal faster." You stood up and left. Three weeks passed and cedric asked you to become his girlfriend. You said yes. It was all perfect. The last tuniere came and cedric had to stay one hour under water. You met his father. Time was ticking. The onlyones who were left were cedric and harry. A few minutes passed till you saw harry dragging cedrics dead body out of the water. You and his father ran over to him. You held him. Screaming. Crying. Sobbing. George came and pulled you away.
He took you to your room, letting you place your head on his lap. Crying. Fred entered the room. "You werent at dinner... i safed you some of your favorites." He placed some food y/f/f and some tea on the nightstand next to your bed and stood in you room silent.
(Y/f/f= your favorite food)
"Gosh, y/n stop crying already! He is dead, wow! Shit happens! A lot of people die, sometimes you know and love them, sometimes you dont!" You looked at fred, stood up and slapped him right through his face. You stormed off. You went for a walk. You sat down near by the forbidden woods. Suddetly you felt someone grabbing you. Placing one hand on your mouth and pulling you into the woods.
You were screaming. You never felt that kind of pain. No one heard you. You saw daniel and his group, A knife and a lot of blood. Your arm hurt. Your back hurt. And your stomache hurt. Blood. Everywhere. They left. Left you alone. Dying. Or some kind of shit.
Two day passed and no one heard of you. The corridors where filled with studens, when hagrid carried a half dead body through the people. Right to the hospital wing. Mrs. Pomfrey took care of you. Soon you'll be fine. When you woke up, you said nothing, just laying there and staring at the ceiling. Still traumatized. George sitting next to you, holding your hand. "It hurts..." you whispered. "I know." George said. A few day later you left the hospital wing.
Dubledore expelled the boys from school. You still felt unsfe. You have spend a lot of time with george. But you haven't smiled since that one day. Two weeks till the school year ends. "You wanna spend the time at our place again?" George asked. "Mhm.." you noded, leaning against george. " how do you feel georgie?" You ask quietly. "Good... how do you feel my love?" He ask. "Better..." you said. Fred sat across the room, Watching you both. "I want to be happy again. I want to live my life." You said and you voice cracked. George nods.
"Its time for bed now... i'll bring you to bed." You both stood up and left. "Good night fred..." you said. He didn't reply. George headed back into his and freds droom. Both of the boys were laying in their beds.
"Freddie..." george broke the silence.
"George..." fred said. "The things they have done to her..." he swallowed. "Mudblood-" he swallowed again. "-And die... kill... all over her body... she will keep those scars forever..." fred sat up. "What do you mean?" Fred ask. "they carved it into her body." George said. "W-what?" Fred replied. " she hates her self even more than she did before..." george said. "She hated herself because of me." Fred said. "Yes." Said george.
The next day, the boys entered the common room to find y/n sitting on the couch. Fred immediately went over to the couch. Hugging you. You did nothing. "I am sorry y/n/n" he whispers. "I know..." you say. George sat down on the other side. "I'm sorry too fred-" befor you could finish, He replied with a "i know".
"Georgie, could you leave us alone for a sec?" Fred ask. George noded and left.
"I want to explain..." he said. You nod. "I am so sorry.. i didnt mean to say all those thing to you. I just could stand you crying over other boys. I could stand you laughing at other boys jokes. I couldnt stand seeing you lauging with other boys, because they werent me."
You looked at him. "You are in love with me, arent you?" He is just nodding. He looks down to the ground. "Always been" he admit. "I never hated you either." You said. " i really liked you..." you admit. "Mhm... me too... but you dont like me anymore, right?". He ask. You shrug. "well... lets find out." He suddently pressed his lips onto yours. You didnt pull back. It was incedible. His lips were soft and his kiss was full of energy and adrenaline.
After minutes of kissing you break the kiss.
"WOHAAA FRED!" George shouted. Fred started to blush while you were giggeling. Laughing for the first time. The two boy were looking at you. Both huged you tightly.
The last two weeks flew by and you guys finally reached the home of the weasleys. Molly weasley was more than happy to see you again. She hugged you tightly.
That one day, everyone but you and fred, left for a trip. You and fred were cuddeling and kissing till something happened. You both wanted more, but as soon as fred wanted to pull your t-shirt over your head you pulled back. "S-sorry... i-i cant..." you said looking away. Not facing fred. "Its okay darling... george told me about it. I know what you are thinking of yourself, but you are the prettiest girl i have ever seen. You are more than perfect. Even if you gave scars, i dont care, if you want, i'll kiss every single on of them. Those scars are empty words. You are the prettiest human. I love you y/n!"
You looked at him. Shocked. Tears filled you eyes. You hugged him tight. Not letting go of him. "Thank you freddie..." you kissed his cheek. "Now stop crying my love" he kisses your forhead.
Suddently you pull up your shirt. Revealing your black bra. Fred couldnt stop staring." Dear merlin, i hope that is a set!" He pulled of his shirt as well. Unbuttoning your jeans and pulling them down. "No way my dreams are comming true!" He stares at you black string and then looking up again. Seeing, or better hearing you giggle made him feel happy too. You felt comforttable now. He pulled down his jeans as well.
You inhale deep as he unclips your bra.
"Fuck... so pretty" he said. As he told you so, he kissed every single scar. Whe he reached the bottom. Where you string starts, he looked up to you, to make sure, that he is allowed to. As you nod, he pulls your string aside. Kissing your hot spot, then slowly licking over your slit. As you let out a moan, he looks up to you. "Fuck. This is going to be fun." He chuckled cause of your giggle and continiued licking and teasing you. As he felt you getting close, hes stops.
Your breathing was heavily already. "Come on man!" You said frustrated. "Shhh. I want you to cum all over my cock" he said with a smirk on his face, pulling down his boxers.
He slides of your string and throws it across the room. He pulls you down to the edge of the bed. "Fuck." You whispered at the moment you saw his length. "You like it, huh?" He asks. You nod. He starts pushing the tip into you. Teasing you to let out a soft moan. Then he sholves his whole length into your hot spot. You feel the heat comming up.
"Faster!" You scream, scratching his back. He does as he was told. "Freddie!" As soon as you screamed his name, he let go a loud growl. "Merlin! I'm gonna cum fred!" You screamed as he slamms his length into you. "Wait my love.." he pulls out and turns you around, that you are laying on your stomache now, before sliding in again.
"Oh god! FREDDIE!" You are cumming hard and rough. Fred followed you. He pulled you and slid of the condom full of his hot, sticky juce. "Gosh y/n!" He kisses you.
You kiss him back, you keep grinding against his body, kissing his neck and chest. Youre kissing his whole body, stopping before you reached the place he wanted your kisses the most. "By merlins beard, y/n!". He takes a deep breath. You start sucking on his hard cock. "Could you take it all?" He ask moaning. You try your best, but fail. "Let me help you... first relex." You relex. "Good girl. Now open your mouth..." you do so. He slowly grinds his hip forward. "Good girl. Halfway in." He continiues doing it. Your eyes are shut.
"Just a bit... yeah... yeah...." he groans loudly. his full lenght in your mouth now. A tear escaping your eyes. His balls pressed against your lips. He slowly pulls out, but emediantly slamming back inside. Feeling you gag on his dick made him moan. He repeats a few times before pulling out. Cumming in your mouth. "Good girl." You both were out of breath. He pulls you up, kissing you. He is hugging you tight, looking at you, strocking your arm.
A few hours after, the weasley came back and you all had dinner. Everything was perfect. You and fred. Everything. You had a family now. You loved everyone.
This is my first story on tumblr. And english is not my mother language.... i hope you liked it :)
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soo0mi · 1 year
🫂 。゚⊹ you’ve built a home in my heart — 10. drunk confessions
:: u got up at 2 am to get some snacks at the convenience store down the street. for your inconvenience, you quietly opened the door to meet a peculiar sight, someone trying to sleep on the floor across the hallway because their roommate has their gf over .. ?
warnings ⚠️ none
word count ‼️1,043 / 1k wrds !!
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yunjins apartment, 09:47 pm
the rest of the day was boring. from seven am till now, nothing eventful as happened, hyunjin wasnt even home so you decided to visit yunjin. honestly, you forgot about drinking till you saw rikis twt
“oh” how thoughtful it was for him to remind you,
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10:06 pm — drinking w yunjin
“yunjiiinnnn, this isnt faiirr!!” you sulk, face is hot and sweaty from the soju. “that shouldve been meeee..”
“ynnn, what if shes his sister or something??” yunjin pats your hair, “its okay baby, we’ll ask him tomorrow”
“but i wanna talk to him now, we havent talked since yesterday” you can’t believe youre acting so soft for a Man..
“no ml, uve already had too much to drink” she snatched your phone out of your hands, and damn you wish you hadnt been so stubborn that night
quickly, you took your phone back from her grasps and opened imessage,,
🔍 search : my loser baby 🙈🙈 🎙️
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riki didnt even realize he dropped everything he was doing just to come and take care of you,
“im so doomed..”
1:38 am
ding dong, the doorbell rang and yunjin went running to it
“thank god youre here, just go straight n take a right and she should be over there”
“alright, thank you.” he bowed as a sign of respect, “im riki, btw” reaching his hand out to the brown haired girl in front of him
“yunjin” they shake hands
whys he so sweaty… - yunjin
“ugh hes so pretty its so annoying.” you yelled from the room you were in, not realizing you were shouting “i cant keep pretending like i dont wanna kiss his plump ass lips when i see him..” you cried out, tears falling down your cheeks
“youre so dramatic, yn!” yunjin made sure u heard her, “why are you crying!?”
whos she talking abt ..? — riki
suddenly, you felt a hand lift your chin up, forcing you look up to riki with teary eyes. the sight tugged his heart strings, he cant bear to look at you like this. he took a seat beside u, and with a gentle touch, he reached out and wiped away the tears from your cheeks, his fingers lingering for a moment longer than usual, a flicker of romantic tension between you two
“stop crying, u look so ugly”
“why were u crying anyways”
“cause i fuckign hate you”
“wtf did i do”
“i hate you so much, u do all of this just to get my hopes up” you punch his chest
“what..?” rikis heart skipped a beat
“i dont even know how i liked you in the first place, youre such an ass to me.” what a blatant lie you just told, even he treated you better than most of your exes
“you make me jealous even though you arent mine,,”
“yn, youre drunk go home” yunjin cuts you off but was too late to save you from the embarrassment in the morning.
rikis car, 2:22 am
riki watched as you stumbled out of yunjins apartment, steps unsteady and words slurred. concerned, he approached you with caution
“yn, are you alright?” riki asked
you looked up at him, eyes glassy and cheeks flushed. you giggled, swaying slightly as you tried to maintain your balance
“riki!” you exclaimed, voice overly enthusiastic. “i have something important to tell you!” the anger from earlier left your body
“yn, maybe its best if we wait until youre sober,” riki suggested gently, his voice filled with concern and nervousness
you pouted, your expression morphing from excitement to disappointment. you leaned closer to him, he can smell the alcohol from your breath
“why do u have to be so cute..” — riki
he sighed as his heartbeat raised, “lets get you home, and we can talk about this when you’re feeling better, alr?”
you nodded, eyes still filled with a mix of nothing and everything at the same time. riki guided you gently, supporting you as you walked into his car. the silence between you two felt heavy with tension, both aware of the awkwardness that hung in the air
your apartment, 2:48am
upon reaching your doorstep, riki helped u unlock the door. you stepped inside, and flopped down on the couch, head spinning from the alcohol
“hyunjin??” riki looked around the apartment for him, looking for someone to take care of you when he leaves, but he wasnt there “ig ill do it..” his ears turned red
riki gently led u to the bathroom to help u freshen up. with a warm washcloth, he began wiping away the remnants of the night, gently dabbing at your flushed cheeks and smoothing ur disheveled hair (niki husband material era😍)
with u cleaned up, he led u to the bedroom. he helped you settle under the covers, making sure you were comfortable. as he turned to leave, your hand shot out, gripping his tightly
“dont go,” you pleaded, voice vulnerable. “stay..”
riki paused, his heart fluttered at your touch and your words. he could sense the sincerity in your plea but he also knew you were drunk. like yunjin said, u werent able to think on your own yet
“i dont want to take advantage of you, yn” riki replied, his voice filled w concern. “youve had a lot to drink, ill be back in the morning dw”
your grip on his hand tightened, your eyes pleading him not to leave
“i know im drunk, riki,” she admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability. “i have known ever since you washed my face. i dont want you to go, i need you here with me, please”
riki looked into your eyes, searching for sincerity and clarity amidst the haze of alcohol. in exchange, he saw the raw honesty and the fear of losing his presence.
“alr then,” riki conceded softly. “ill stay with you but we need to promise each other that we’ll talk abt this conversation when ure fully sober”
you nodded, relief washing over your features
as your breathing steadied, riki stayed by your side, hands intertwined. he watched over you, his presence offering solace in the midst of your vulnerability
“goodnight, yn” he whispered gently as he thought about everything
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did u guys miss me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🩷🤍🩷
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papakhan · 4 months
i think you misunderstood me. i wasn't trying to say you were misinterpreting the character, just that you approach him somewhat differently than i do, in some significant ways, and maybe not even him per se, just "what comes next", so to speak.
i also wasn't saying that boone shouldn't feel remorse about what hes done, because, like, yeah, he really damn should. and unfortunately the bias against the great khans that permeate the games writing rears its ugly head again--i mean, some of the fan favorites call them dirty people who need to be chased out of the mojave, and while that in itself isnt bad writing (characters can be bigoted and biased), it feels like the player is given very little in terms of retaliating against those statements and the games assumed status quo that the ncr supposedly has more legitimacy in its presence than the khans do. i was more getting at where that remorse would take him, because as you said, his storyline is largely concerned with his own feelings while the game gives you no real way to make him snap the hell out of it, stop justifying the atrocities he was a part of as some inevitability he sadly has to bear, and overall stop making it about himself and open his tiny eyes to whats actually happening and what can be done. like, yeah, he could go from suicidal gestures to groveling, and again to be clear he should feel sorry, but i feel like thats still centering his emotional journey.
as for defending bitter springs, like. yes, the refugee camp at bitter springs is in itself an ugly truth of an image of the ncr, revealing it as a force that tramples over people and commits atrocities and then names itself protectors of whats left. terrible protectors too, seeing how poor and understaffed the refugee camp is. i wish that in itself couldve had some sort of impact on the man as well. still, in terms of material consequences, boone protected the refugees, and while once again that doesnt Repay for anything or Make Up for anything, i dont think it was necessarily the ultimate point of the quest. as you pointed out, it wasnt great khans he protected from the legion, it was refugees from arizona and the handful of ncr staff. theres not any kinda neat bow put on it, there's no coming full circle. being denied a selfish "heroic" death in favor of, like, protecting some people he doesnt know, i think its interesting and could serve as a way to pull him out of this spiral. maybe its wishful thinking on my part, but the difference between novac boone and post-independent boone IS that ncr has completely withdrawn from the area and boone took part in the actions that lead to that. but i could just be wishing things had been written differently. oh! and you brought up giving him up to the great khans to judge, its something ive thought about before, and i wish it was something you could do in the game.
anyway... im sorry if i came off as confrontational in my first anon, i saw that you were answering asks about it and i wanted to offer my own perspective. none of it was said to undermine yours.
well first of all I'd like to say I'm sorry for being hostile, it's difficult for me to interpret tone at the best of times and even worse over text so I appreciate you telling me that didnt mean to sound confrontational and i'm sorry for taking it that way
i think its just frustrating to me that like. idk the Joshua Graham dickriding has died down a bit recently because people have finally figured out that despite the game framing him as the good guy hes actually still a terrible person and the writers were wrong for what they did (the racism most of all) but then people still lick Boones/the NCR's boots
but your perspective is refreshing i think youre right yeah, Boone shouldn't really be the centre of the "victims of the bitter springs massacre" because. he's not a victim. he is a perpetrator. on that you have made me realise that yeah even if hes begging for forgiveness even then its still bad for it to centre him at all
And the Khans being one of the power houses of Vegas pre-NCR is woefully underexplored but tbh given how the rest of the Khans are handled I don't even think its a time constrains thing its just a writers thing. i've complained enough about how the Followers treat the Khans in game not really lining up with how they used to work together / can work together in the future but that's a whole other thing
i still think the fight for bitter springs is still the climax of the I Forgot to Remember to Forget questline, its supposed to be what snaps boone out of it and lets the player come to some kind of resolution with him. They're not exactly good or helpful resolutions, because as I have said before he still doesn't respect the Khans and as you have also said this is a problem with the game as a whole. and he's still protecting people he doesnt know for ultimately selfish reasons. It's a step. I guess. and yknow its a video game with only two conclusions for a quest, the rest of those steps are kind of up to interpretation.
its the beauty of fanworks and what have you. like I said my perspective is more one of frustration. Me liking the Khans so much and examining the game from their POV when the game kinda hates them and that feeds into the fanart/writing and looking at Boone is just. I'm just tired
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rating all of the 3d zim models on the modelers resource
(mostly copypasted from my priv twitter lol)
Nickelodeon Party Blast (2002), Nintendo GameCube, Xbox, PC
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this one is my favorite i think. hes so fucking cute. he looks so stupid. hes small. his head and eyes (his most defining features) look good. probably the only 3d zim model that accurately captures his Essence. 10/10 love this guy
SpongeBob SquarePants featuring Nicktoons: Globs of Doom (2008), Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS
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ugly. hideous. hate this fucking thing. burn it. his head and mouth look weird and his eyes dont match his outfit. 0/10
Nicktoons MLB (2011), Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS
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honestly not bad. i like his little smile. hes stylized in a way that feels natural. my only nitpick is that he looks too tall. i like the party blast one better but thats just a personal preference. 8/10
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl (2021), Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
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why the fuck is he shiny. its rly distracting me. i feel like i would like this model a lot more if not for that. also is it just me or does his top lip look weird. ALSO also ik this is bc of the way models r saved in the T pose (or the A pose in this case) but i do think its funny how huge his pak legs are LOLLL
on the bright side however, gir and minimoose r there too!! gir looks great and minimoose looks very silly and orb shaped. i may not be entirely fond of zims look here but im including gir and minimoose as part of the ranking and i do like them. i just wish zim looked better. oh well. 6/10
BONUS: Nicktoons Nitro (2008), arcade
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this one wasnt on the modelers resource but i felt i had to include it anyway bc it is a core memory from my childhood and one of my first exposures to invader zim. honestly hes kinda terrifying but in a funny way?? like.....i wouldnt let him near me but he is kinda cute and fucked up. 3/10 for the narm charm
anyway thats it hope u enjoyed my autistic rambling. have a trophy :)
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wishchthumblr · 4 months
ive made a lot of self-inserty ocs in my time, and if you'd look at them all you'll see most of the time theyre the child/little sister of one of the characters. one of the characters who is kind. who cares. who loves. who wont leave her or hurt her or lie to her or hate her. who is stong and will protect her. im realizing all those inserts are just because the connections and relationships i give to her is what i desperately wish for.
i just want someone to see my pain and take me into their arms and let me crawl onto their lap and hide in the crook of their neck. i want someone to gently pet my hair and let me cry on their shoulders. i want someone to see me, all of me, all my flaws and cuts and marks and failures and faults and all my ugliness and mistakes and all the mean things ive done, and i want them to say that its ok. that they love me anyway and that im only human and that its ok to hurt sometimes. i want someone to see my cuts and my bruises and hold me gently anyway, i want someone who'll get a warm towel and clean my wounds and tell me im still beautiful. that im not ruined. that i still have worth.
i want to be able to put down the masks and the pretend in front of another person and still feel safe. i dont want to feel like i have to run away whenever the tears come because im scared they'll see me as weak and useless and pathetic and dumb and annoying and a waste.
i want someone i can trust to tell the truth tell me im pretty, and that despite how much ive been hurt i can still be kind, and that im still loved and that its not to late for me to be a better person, that im not already a horrible person. that im just a kid who made a lot of mistakes. i want someone to hold me and let me cry and tell me that it wasnt my fault, that i was just a child and that it shouldn't have been my responsibility in the first place.
i just want to able to be the small one, the young one, the one who is comforted instead of always having to comfort others. i just want a family where i can act like the youngest, because thats what i am, instead of being forced to be the adult.
i just want a father who cares about me, that i dont have to constantly fear is going to come back into my life and hurt me again, that didnt tell me how awful and ugly and pathetic i am over and over and over and over until i had no choice but to believe him, that didnt hate me. that didnt leave me. that didnt make it very clear that he would always put the needs and wants of himself and his girlfriend before the needs of his child. i wish i didnt know what being unwanted felt like at 7 years old.
i want a mother who that i can cry on without having to be aware of how she's feeling, that i can talk to without feeling like i have to constantly censor myself to not give away just how much she messed me up, that i can hug and be comforted by instead of feeling like my skin is burning every time she touches me. i dont want to be forced to be a therapist to my own mother, hearing all the things i have in common with my father and how all those qualities make a person terrible. i wish i didnt know how to stop crying on command, how to be numb and empty at 12 years old.
i want a big brother who will protect me instead of hurt me, i want to be able to look at my brother and know he'll chase all the monsters away instead of being the monster. i wish i wasnt forced to have this specific room because its the only room where the door opens in, so that he cant open it if he wants to hurt me. i dont want to have to think about what i'd do if he stops pulling his punches one day and kills my mother. or if he kills my dog. or if he kills me. I dont want to be forced to hide all the fragile things because he might break them. i dont want to live in a house where we have to hide the knives because you never know what he'll do. i wish i didnt know how to quickly hide the fragile and valuable things and how to take the hits and hide the pain and hide the fear at seeing my mother on the floor after being beaten by my big brother at 10 years old.
i wish i lived a life where im not scared that everyone i love will hurt me. i wish i had a family who are the reason i wake up in the morning instead of being the reason i want to go back to sleep.
i wish i had a family i could look at and honestly and truthfully say, "i know they would mourn me if i killed myself."
but i cant say that. because i genuinely dont know if they would.
and i think the most terrible thing of all, is that i dont know if i would mourn them either
and that thought is terrifying to me
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Some ghost of tsushima self ship art.
(Tbh i know this game isn't accurate historically much. And honestly as long as people dont use these inaccuracies(the samurai code shown in the game wasnt actually truly developed historically till waaaaaay later and was heavily romanticized in the game. Shimura especially, however it was for plot. Sadly. Same with jin. Ugh. Poor jin suffered from protag problems. And yuna,never called out in the narrative for her problems and honestly celebrated because she's diet ninja lady. Masako,norio,and ishikawa are the only support characters that actually got development, called out and resolve truly. I dont feel the others got resolve and closure as much. And taka was wasted. Ryuzo too. The iki island was to add more enemies and get people into the game. But nobody played it enough to truly care. And thats because it suffered from trying to hard to be fantastical and romantic and not actually talk about japanese history and culture in a way that feels actually deep. Through their eyes not a western lense. Now im not saying it wont sell if you do. Im saying it suffers in art because of that. To ignore that is foolish. It could have been waaaay better but its marketing sucked. 🤷‍♀️ . It got wrongfully overshadowed by other games. But regardless despite its flaws,its a good game.) in arguments in a dumb way (as in trying to say one way is the best or right way when nobody was right or wrong truly in the story as its war and war is ugly. And unfortunately people tend to fall in that black n white view of it. Sure they made dumb decisions that i personally think is ridiculous but thats not the point. The point was. War is bad,here's why.) they already have fantasy elements in the game so they already threw out historical events(tho i wish they didn't) out the window. So i say self ship,accuracy be damned at this point. If nobody's caring neither do i)
Anyways. Enough rambling,srry bout that. We didn't come for opinions and analysis of the game. We came for self shipping,good feels,and canon be damned.
Art below cut because booty warning 🍑💖
New Shimura self ship tag:
❤⛩a warrior's heart⛩❤
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Enjoy lord shimura self ship art.
My au. Where all the characters actually are at peace. Finally.
Me and lord shimura enjoy a peaceful moment together. Embracing. He has now found peace. Reconciled with jin and himself. No more mongol warriors. No more war. Tsushima is at peace.
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deathweak · 11 months
my review (ish) of whole cake island saga/one piece until chapter 902 (obv spoilers until then)
originally my fav arc was alabasta. then water seven/enies lobby. then it was impel down. then it was punk hazard/dressrosa. but then...whole cake island... actual emotional rollercoaster
the best part of this arc was definitely how human some of big moms kids were. my fav new characters introduced in this arc were pudding, chiffon, brulee and katakuri. i wish that big moms kids will all escape from her.. oda writes abusive families a lot, even the 'good' parents will beat their kids in one piece, i guess thats just the world they live in... but when it's a bad parent... oh man.
i managed to somehow not get spoiled about sanjis family at all, i was pretty shocked abt the reveal. i love reiju, even tho she was complicit in/a bystander to a lot of the abuse sanji suffered, i dont think there was anything more she couldve done. she saved his life multiple times over. i really hope we get to see her again.
but the best character in this arc was pudding. her mood swings/evil personality/tsundere gag wasnt the funniest ever but she was genuinely so human.. the way i kept going back and forth like.. is she just pretending to be evil? is she pretending to be in love with him? is she gonna betray him?? AND THE KISS... i actually ship sanji and pudding just a little ..
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like i actually cried here. her arc was just chefs kiss(lol) amazing.
my other favourite antagonists were brulee and katakuri. at first i didnt like either of them, but after how much the gang bullied brulee i started to feel sorry for her and grew fond of her. i also always end up having a soft spot for odas 'ugly' female characters since it's just such a breathe of fresh air inbetween all the uncomfortable fan service (honestly the fan service kinda ruins a lot of scenes)
i didnt think there would be any deeper connection between brulee and katakuri until the very last moment, and this scene is one of my favourites in the whole series
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like. brulees SMILE. the scar. katakuri was just defending his sister.. also the way flampe thought she was the favourite sister. nah!! thats brulee!!! i fucking ended up really loving her. i mean without her powers being abused by straw hats they wouldve all died. sorry brulee, you didnt deserve that... i hope mama didnt punish her after. also the way that katakuri was glad luffy got away!! he gained so much respect for luffy during their fight. Also i love how hes lowkey a jojo reference (and your next line will be...)
the way that a lot of big moms kids think theyre monsters is so sad.. but these three are just my favourites. i honestly love them. this arc is really about family bonds.. blood family and found family especially.
like sanji calling zeff his father multiple times and denouncing judge, but still hes such a kind person he had to save his blood family anyway. SANJIIiii. man. the way he really is. truly. KIND. i hate whenever hes being a complete pervert, sometimes its funny when hes in the respect women mode but when hes just being a creep i hate him. but this arc made me appreciate him a lot more, and i can kinda forget abt all the weird stuff.
when he was crying in the rain, lost all hope, and luffy gives him the light again..
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i like that men are allowed to cry in one piece. like kyros cried all the time after being turned human again, and sanji cried multiple times in this arc. i cried at this scene as well.. luffy really out here saving the lives/souls of his whole crew. hes such a pure bright star..
lastly this scene!! CORAZOOOOONNNN!!! luffy didnt even know about that..the way he held his mouth shut and forced a smile to make sure his crew wouldnt be worried.
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if i didnt know that he was gonna survive i might have actually thought he was gonna die
the annoying part about one piece for me is the plot armor tbh. theres no stakes, bc i know none of the straw hats can die. idk if id want one of them to die but it would bring some real shock to the readers. like the gang will pretty much always win by some trick in the end, sometimes its funny like how usopp defeated sugar, but sometimes it feels like a bit of a cop out. but i think luffy and katakuris fight was believable, the only gripe i have with it is that it was dragged out a biiit too long. this arc couldve been a good 5-10 chapters shorter if oda hadnt dwelled so long on things.
also i love love love how lola became relevant again and chiffon wanted to repay the debt of nami saving her twin sister, also mamas vivre card coming in clutch lmao. nami was epic in this arc, she went up against big mom without losing her shit too badly. i love her sadistic streak lolll. cant forget brook in this either, he was hilarious.
finally. RIP pound. a great father. also RIP pedro. two good guy casualties in one arc, is oda finally permakilling people?
overall id say this arc was a 9/10. -1 point for being a bit dragged out and the fan service with reiju.
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arillusionist · 11 months
s&b season2ep4 reaction!! book update: i finished seige and storm. it was lwk boring and im literally so mad bc alina deserves SO much better than mal hes such a hoe. anyways
help whats going on i kinda forgot what happened in the last episode
time to go read my own reaction
HELL NAH ITS BEEN A WHOLE WEEK SINCE I WATCHED THIS SHOW?? anyways i kinda remember the last ep now but my reaction is mostly crows stuff so it wasnt That helpful
even though mal is muchhhhhh better in the show i like the direction theyre taking with alina actually marrying nikolai
then again i havent read the kos duology (yet) so i dont know anything abt his real romance story so thats probably why i dont mind
stop mal telling alina shes his nation is so cute unlike in the books
and the way they actually do have some chemistry?? im sorry for ever hating you show malina 😔😔
is that the brother i cant tell
why does baghra lwk piss me off ...i cant tell if its because she wont stfu or because shes js boring
GENYA ☹️☹️
"it'll give me some comfort to know you're with me" ohhhdhfmyygodddd and then her smile ahhhh
i cant tell if inej is mistaking kaz telling her to leave the city as him wanting her gone, when in reality hes js tryna protect her
or if shes just not promising it because she cant
theyre so complicated they make me sick (i love them 😭😭😭)
AWW THE I LIKE YOUR STUPID FACE LINE its different but whatever
no cuz i actually thought kaz was gnna punch him or something but thats nice
no mourners no funerals 🙏🙏
Dont take this as me disliking kaz btw hes my 2nd favorite character i js need to see him being put in his place
i have the most out of pocket thing to say but im not gnna say it
there are two heartrenders right there why dont they just check his pulse to see if hes lying
oh now they do it
i feel like maybe this is how they incorporate the crows into alina's plot - they'll ask them to find the sword since theyre criminals and know more than just the "wider black market"
they cant just show kaz and nina for two seconds and then cut to another scene hello
OH NVM its an inej scene 🙏🙏
its so dark i can barely tell whats happening
oh they did the pox thing too they really taking half of crooked kingdom's plot huh
yeah now they decide to explain the plan
kaz is actually being so much like book kaz in this scene
"the trick is not to love anything" YEAH YOU KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT... and with nina in the background too?? i wish inej was here tho like in the books
i think shes busy saving those randos
"something you'd sacrifice everything for and it makes you weak" stop projecting
see inej really needs to be here now nina and jesper kinda know his backstory but she doesnt
then again its more meaningful if he tells her on his own time
"im begging you" "are you?" hes not begging but i can
HIM ASKING FOR THE QUITCLAIM DEED FOR INEJ 🥺🥺 him liquifying everything he owns in the books is still better tho
THE LOOK IS HIS EYES - this is not freddy carter acting as kaz this is LITERALLY kaz
lmfaoo the offended look on toyla's face
WHYD THAT ACTUALLY SCARE ME (the guy sneaking up behind mal)
ok so i have a class so i'll watch the rest later
im backkk
seeing that vasily guys face after a few hours is such a jumpscare like why is he so ugly
bruh i jus realized theyre not gonna do the thing where inej cuts a line above pekkas heart 😐another kanej moment wasted
hjdkfk wylan hiding under the table when jesper asks him out
this conversation is so awkward i keep pausing it 😭
its cute tho
omg just kiss already the tension is getting to me
finally!!! 🙏🙏
im not really liking how they did wesper anyways.... with the whole one night stand thing... 😐
ok. yeah. wow. go from super cute fluffy wesper to kanej angst. yeah. remind me of what i dont have.
kaz saying that theres a weak link in the crew and inej thinks it means her but hes actually talking ab HIMSELF because shes his weakness and shes the person he would sacrifice everything for and AUGHHH
the difference between the show and the books when kaz gives her the paper is crazy
wish they had kept the book's scene fr
waittt is nikolai adopted??
oh he is
tamar and nadia definitely have something going on its already canon that nadia is into girls so!!
did the vasily guy die i hope he did 🙏🙏
why didn't baghra just. do that before. yk BEFORE she got her damn finger cut off
"your obsession with the fold is naive" is bro talking about alina or himself
and thats it watch me wait another week again before watching the next episode 💀
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pikbro · 1 year
tell me about ur fnac oc I already love them
putting it under a read more bc i dont wanna clog peoples dashes with this long ass oc post LOLL
uhh ok so. her name is ivory (obviously) and shes from the fnac 2 era so shes lived in the gross ugly abandoned factory her whole life lol
her parents (cindy and blank) built her out of whatever they could find in the factory so shes kind of an amalgam of various parts from different generations of candys. thats not reflected very well in the way i draw her but trust me. it definitely was not something i thought of after i had already redesigned her
its also why shes missing an eye + the suit part(???) on one arm, they jsut couldnt find anything lmaoo. shes technically unfinished but shes Functional so whatever
shes also missing the suit part on her shins similar 2 withered blank so she covers that up with the leg warmer thingies i guess
i wish i wasnt too stupid to learn 3d modeling so i could better explain what i mean + make her real but alas. my brain is so tiny
also shes like. idk. almost as tall as blank maybe. abt the same height as the rat i guess
like assuming the thank u image is height accurate this is what i mean
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shes a tad insecure abt her height bc she towers over like. every single other animatronic except for her dad LMAO
i like to imagine she was present during fnac 2 and she was jsut hiding on another floor or somethijng. secret ivory easter egg
that also means she burned along with her parents at the end of the game this is so sad
unsure if shes killed people. thatd be funny tho
i imagine shed be kinda scared of humans after being told abt what happened to blank in the first game. so idk
idk if i wanna make this littel fucker canon to her lore but i like their dynamic. so maybe. all i know rn is he jsut shows up outta nowhere and theyre somewhat close bc she sucks at socializing with literally anyone outside of immediate family
if its not obvious im jsut pulling stuff outta my ass + listing off whatever i can remember comign up with whilst walking around my house to music like an insane person
ivory is the result of 12 year old me liking the worst ship ever and then stealing someones oc so shes not meant to be taken that seriously. coherent character traits/lore/whatever is not my main priority LMAOO
anyways thajnk u for asking abt her and giving me an excuse to ramble abt my beloved creature bye
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
I’ve been waiting for 2x04 bc it’s one of my faves so i should say this ep was watched after his check up where he told a nurse about it and the nurse told him he actually watched it when it aired. To which my brother went ‘well watch it again bc I have to talk to someone about it man, she *points to me* is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.’ Anyway: ‘oh it’s pride weekend? Wait WEEKEND? Don’t you fuckers get a whole month? *points at me* dont start, that was meant lovingly’.. ‘so Godiva is like the Trixie of Libery Avenue? That reminds me i gotta watch her new youtube video..’ ‘maybe.. the reason your drink isn’t selling is that hair, sir that is outrageous!..why is he helping a homophobe. Although he’s just an employee so i get it, ill allow it one time Bri Bri’ ‘oh she has a motorcycle? I do too! Maybe this is how i start to like Mel..but mine is broken bc i fell..*he is currently sad over the motorcycle*’ at this point he was so angry at Mikeys coworkers that he paused the ep, went outside for a smoke, came back looked at the tv and went ‘not cool guys, that’s just tacky’ ‘who’s godiva again?! THE LIBERTY VERSION OF TRIXIE IS GONE?! OH NO POOR TRIX- i mean godiva’ ‘OKAAAY TED GET YOURSELF SOME DICK! Good for you! Maybe less talking bc it doesn’t seem to be your thing’… ‘is he making the drink gay? well that’s- WHY DID HE PUT ON THE GOOGLES TO SUCK HIS DICK? SIR YOU WILL CHOK- well i guess that the point’ he got very sad at the scene of Justin painting the sign. He forgot Justin was an artist and now he’s sad bc he can’t do it anymore..’ITS JEN! AT PFLAG! I knew i could count on you! She reminds me of our mom (cut to me saying our mom is a black woman) well..i didn’t specify HOW she reminds me-you know what? Leave me alone, I’m clearly going through something..oh god the shirt. I’m happy for her but Michael would not make me proud…unless he changes like 60 things about himself overnight’ btw he is feeling so proud of himself rn bc he swears that he is “chill” all while bouncing his leg so much my house is shaking. ‘IS THAT THAT BAT FUCKER?!! AT A GAY HOSPICE?! IS THIS SOME KIND OF A FUCKING JOKE?! HE DID NOT JUST WISH AIDS ON HIM AND DURING PRIDE?! oh kid i am your biggest fucking enemy right now, i hope you have an explosive diarrhea’ ‘okay so Mel used to be fun? What happened? Where did she go wrong?…A PITY FUCK?! TED DESERVES BETTER! WHAT KIND OF FUCKED UP JOKE IS THIS! That guy wasnt even that pretty so don’t worry Ted’ he got mad again here but less mad then before so no smoke break! ‘Oh he sobered up fast when he realized it wasnt a dream. Bri bri we need to talk about how youre in love. I swear I won’t tell anyone! OH FINALLY I AGREE WITH MIKE, IT WAS A SICK JOKE! Oh..i just know if that fucker did anything, Brian would be fighting right now..now i want to see Brian throw a punch, do you think he knows how to?..OH NO JUSTY, WE ARE GOING TO PRIDE! You are supposed to be proud of..wait what is he supposed to be proud of? Dick sucking skills? *looks at me genuinely* id be proud of that if i was him’ ‘oh my god! The ugly hair homophobe! NOW WHY DID HE SAY THE F WORD?! HE ISNT ALLOWED TO SAY THAT WHAT THE HELL! AND DURING PRIDE?! FUCK YOU!’ And we are back outside for a smoke break.. not to make my brother a liar from the last ep but he is NOT calm. ‘Okay im cool again..as long as no hetero pisses me off anymore. I love that big flag! Do you think they filmed this during actual pride?..WE ARE NOT LETTING BAT FUCKER WIN! Okay seriously now, how bad is Brians mom because he keeps making people march with their moms.. is that bc she wouldn’t do it if she kne- oh god i am now sad for Brian wanting to march with his mom but cant. This is too much for me to handle on a random Friday!..oh brian knew about that fucker? You know what? Hes a little rude but he keeps wanting everyone to just be them. I fuck with that! I shall do that too! But after i get back to my normal life bc this *waves hands* is not it’ 1/2 of 2x04
Your brother being pissed about Brian working for a homophobe... wait until he gets to Stockwell arc.
Does your brother watch...drag race? Is he a Trixie Mattel fan? I am seriously dying over this. Comparing Godiva to Trixie... bless. I don't know how accurate I feel that comparison is but I would need to sit with it to think of a better comparison. I take my drag race comparisons seriously.
Mel used to be cool... what happened? Lindsay! LOL
And that bat fucker! I love it. He's so protective over Justin and Brian. He's so worried about what Joan did to Brian and your brother is in for a sad sad shock.
And his take on Brian and Ted - "He keeps wanting everyone to just be them" is so so so accurate.
Your brother may be high off his butt on painkillers but he's very accurate in his takes.
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