#anyway got this off of my chest
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berrrydameyve · 6 months ago
If I'M gonna get "lol that fandom joke was a month ago go fucking download tiktok" or "you're so funny these are so old" I'm not sharing anything to my friend group anymoreAND THE FANDOM CONTENT IS LIKE 2 WEEKS OLD OR SO???? LIKE HELLO?? THATS NOT OLD AT ALL??? ARE YOU GUYS OKAY I THINK YOU SHOULD GET YOUR HEAD TOGETHER
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peachdues · 6 months ago
Sanemi prefers it when you ride him, but it’s because he’s obsessed with watching himself fuck you. He might be the one pinned down to the bed, but it’s his hands that grip under your thighs, that hold you up so he can watch himself thrust up into the eden of your body. And the moment he sees the creamy ring of your pleasure forming around the thick girth of him, Sanemi knows he’s a goner. It’s then that he plants his feet flat against the bed and bucks up into you without rhythm, faster and faster until his body seizes, his eyes rolling back as he comes and comes —
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strawglicks · 4 months ago
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community service for his reckless driving
(this is a remake of old art, old is under the cut)
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myenterpriseisparked · 7 months ago
Okay, okay. I've seen several very anti-Threshold-Day takes floating around in the last year and I'm kinda getting sick of it.
Regardless of how you feel about Threshold as an episode - be that the quality of the ep, the storyline, the themes, whatever - Threshold Day isn't really about Threshold itself. I mean, yes, it is a day celebrating that episode, but the actual point of Threshold Day is community. It's a day where people band together to make memes and tell jokes and overall have fun. It's a day where you send random salamanders to your friends and go "omg tommy p???" It's a day where you appreciate the cool art and fics people make and leave encouraging comments. It's a day for Fun. Everyone gets to be in on a giant inside joke and enjoy that feeling. Everyone gets to commit to the bit. Not to sound all "here's the real meaning of Christmas, Charlie Brown," but, in a very serious and literal sense, that's what Threshold Day is really about. Community.
And it's okay not to enjoy the episode! It's okay not to want to participate in the fun! Seriously, it's OKAY. You don't have to join in! But when you sit there and go "I cannot fathom how all these people like this episode and they're all wrong to be making memes and celebrating" you're missing the point and you start to ruin the very harmless fun everyone else is having. You are not on a moral high-ground for not enjoying a meme or a dumb internet holiday. You are *especially* not on a moral high-ground when you try to make other people feel bad for enjoying something that, again, is so incredibly harmless and ultimately about having fun as a community.
Again: it is fine to not enjoy Threshold. But I see so many posts throughout the year where people seem to be flaunting the fact that they are not like everyone else and hate the episode, the holiday, whatever. I see people talking about how much they wish Threshold Day would go away and it's really, really not cool. Your horse is not higher than mine for not being down to clown with your mutuals, your friends, about a silly Star Trek episode.
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realchemistry · 9 months ago
About Maddie's reaction to ~the incident
One of the things I think is important to point out, because I haven't seen or read anyone talking about it, is Maddie's reaction when Buck told her the truth about the basketball incident. When Buck first arrived, she was all smiles, probably happy to have Buck there. Then she asked about how Eddie was doing and Buck said he hadn't talked to him because what happened on the basketball court was not an accident.
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Buck confessed that he might have meant to hurt Eddie because he was pissed, felt left out, and he guessed he was trying to get Eddie's attention (I’m not gonna go Buddie here, but he legit literally said exactly this which !!!).
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Her face started to morph, the change in her whole demeanor, the horror of it all... she was really really mad. I don't think JLH got the proper credit for it. It's truly remarkable, her face spoke volumes about everything that was going through her head at the moment. You could see Maddie thinking about her past, about Doug, about how he hurt her and the terrible ways in which he justified that behavior as she was telling Buck that you do not hurt people to get their attention and not to do it again.
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The episode didn't make that connection explicit (they had her babbling about Sarahs instead, more on that in the last paragraph), and I KNOW that if roles were reversed, part of the fandom would've lost their mind, since they love to portray Eddie as violent and abusive towards Buck when there's nothing in canon to back that up, quite the opposite as of this episode actually. Since Eddie was the one who got hurt, it was no big deal, it was pretty much forgotten immediately after. I thought it was a huge deal, I thought tptb didn't really address how problematic that was. I thought the only one who reflected the gravity of the situation was Jen, maybe thanks to her character's past.
BTW, I don't think it's in character for Buck to do this, I think he does know better, and he really isn't and hasn't ever been the type to resort to violence. Having said that, that's what tptb decided to do on screen, maybe as a way to show he was struggling with his identity... But that’s kinda terrible, like, he’s confused at this point about his feelings so his first instinct is to harm his friend out of jealousy? Also, we didn't get to see anything else on the matter after. It was such an odd choice, tbh, cause yes, Buck and Eddie probably talked about it for a second and then made up offscreen, but to have a character be violent towards his friend just to push a storyline forward, a storyline about bisexuality of all things, disregarding everything about said character and then not acknowledging it... Some very bad choices were made. Once again, I think tptb prioritized moving the plot forward over making sense and that's just something I truly hate with my whole heart.
Characters cannot have their choices and actions dictated by the plot or, at least, it can't feel that way to the audience. That's just bad writing through and through. Tptb did this a lot this season, and I understand that time was pressing because of the strike and all, but they need to do better. They are professionals getting paid to do a job, the least they can do is actually make it all make sense for the fans and stay away from toxic portrayals of LGBTQ+ characters (Hen cheating, anyone?).
The whole story about the Sarahs was really kinda ridiculous, honestly, I think they just had to give Jen more to do but a follow up without it would've been much better. Of course, seeing as their intention was to completely ignore the gravity of the situation, they simply couldn't mention Doug at all cause that would've required Buck and Eddie discuss this seriously instead of completely forgetting about it.
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radioisntdead · 3 months ago
I have the worst luck with nail salons dear grace, what I wanted vs what I got
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leenfiend · 2 years ago
A broody gay half human and a fun loving goofy bisexual are traveling through space slowly falling in love as they learn to put aside their differences and realize they actually make the perfect team who am i talking about
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sttoru · 9 months ago
hey. (sorry for my broken english by the way. i didn't intend to be rude in any of this, so read it all gently, just the way i wrote it.)
please don't take this as hate, because i'd never hate you or your blog. but i'd like to say that things have changed a lot from how they were before and, right now, i don't feel like this blog feels like you anymore...
it's probably just me seeing things, but i feel like your blog used to be filled with only the best and most original, brilliant ideas, a lot of personality and meaningful asks between you and your anons.
and now i feel like you've been putting those original and brilliant ideas aside to make way for requests that seem kinda basic and trendy (i dunno how to put this...), receiving shallow asks and all of this makes me feel like I'm seeing the blog of any generic jjk writer, not yours.
your blog used to feel unique and like a happy place, you know? now it looks like people only come here to either thirst or request something...
i miss how it used to be much more than that. i've been here since the barbie movie era and i miss those days.
this is just my personal opinion and being a trendy blog isn't bad, it's just not my cup of tea because preferred to chat with you when there weren't so many eyes reading my asks as well. when there weren't this many people around.
i'm very happy for you and i'll always support you.
i know this is all exaggerated and it probably doesn't even make sense, but i'm not in the right mindset these days and wanted to send this one last vent message to you, in case something happens to me.
one of your followers (again, i'm sorry)
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kevin-draws · 1 year ago
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///////////// FOLLOW ME /////////////
itch.io (My games!)
Tumblr (you're here!)
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weepynymph · 2 years ago
i know i shouldn't have done it i knew this would happen but i clicked on the official atla youtube channel's 'rating avatar ships' video and ten seconds in my blood was boiling at how they talk about zutara as if its some kind of deviant unhealthy ship that only young girls ship before they 'grow up' and realise how 'toxic' it is
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lanternlightss · 3 months ago
actually i want to talk about my fic to cradle your heart for a moment because !!! there is a very significant importance about the ending of it, when venti was blinded.
one.) is that he notes his friend leaving first—venti was fully, one hundred percent, half-assing this fight. he could have finished that fight as quickly as it started, but what would that have done? what message would that send? his friend knows he is going against a god, one that used to be his friend, one that he is scrambled to keep hating. and the god the bard knew before Loomed, venti wants to be on the same leveling with the bard. venti is more so focused on the bard’s well being than his own at this point—besides, anything will simply regenerate itself, so there is not much to worry about anyway! (and. well. how that worked out.)
two.) the braids being cut off? that was a calculated move on the bard’s part. such an important and integral part of both their designs, this was bard’s attempts at rejecting venti’s gentle words and offerings. this was him saying, “there will only be one of us to do this, and it will not be you.” this was him lighting and adding to the fire to burn the bridge between them.
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willkimurashat · 2 years ago
Rant? (potential spoilers?)
Alright, don't hate me for this, but I actually feel bad for Amelia. Firstly, no one's interested in her romantically (story of my life, and let me tell you, that really does your head in sometimes). Secondly, she's been put in the middle of drama multiple times now, for the sake of drama and/or for shaking her already somewhat shady/unsteady relationship with her twin. Thirdly, the guy that is supposedly head over heels with mc (in my game it was Roberto) goes on to kiss Amelia and then she has to act like nothing happened because she doesn't want to cause more drama for her sister, plus, he still acts all pouty around mc and looks disappointed when she doesn't pick him at the recoupling. Who's to say that Zeph didn't actually pine for Amelia the whole time he's been in a relationship with mc, and Amelia just had to watch that with pain all these years?? And now she has to see everyone in the villa swoon over mc, while she is, again, left in the shadow. I meannn, if I were Amelia, I'd probably cry all day or walk, ngl. So no, I don't want to be her enemy, we're siblings and I want us to be on the same team - I don't want any discourse between us, I just want to forget the past and for her to be happy in a couple with someone who genuinely cares for her.
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alxclaremont · 8 months ago
had an absolute shit day at work, got off of work, remembered lando and oscar’s beef, almost started crying, went on twitter, saw that they ate mcdonalds and played monopoly on the plane back to monaco, almost started crying again, no longer feel like shit thank you and goodnight
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marinerainbow · 8 months ago
🍷 Oh I'm so intrigued XD Can I uhhhhh request Moony? ♡♡♡ XD
... 😏😏😏😏
"God, why do these shirts feel so stuffy???" Moony huffed under his breath, having hidden away behind a wall to adjust the collar of his white button-up, and doing his best not to growl in frustration. Poppy had made adjustments to his work uniform to fit his large frame already (before, it felt like the buttons were ready to burst just by his ribs. Forget buttoning up his chest), but it still felt so hot and clamy. And he couldn't even bring his little Cake with him to work because of the restaurant policy... This was gonna be a long shift.
"Moony, I just sat you! Just a party of one."
"Shi- Ok, got it!" The wolf gave a nervous smile before quickly, but carefully, running off to grab a water. How his coworkers could easily slip between all the tables and each other, he had no clue. Fortunately, he didn't knock anything over and swiftly made it to your table.
He was still getting the hang of this new job, and looked a little awkward. Especially with his attempt to look less intimidating by slouching just enough where he didn't tower over you. He didn't flash his pearly whites at you like other servers, and you could tell in the slight strain he felt very out of his element. Though he was clearly trying his best with the warmth behind his smile and the careful way he sat your glass down and folded his paws in front of him, "Hello, miss. I'll be your server today. My name is Moony. Can I get you anything while you're looming through the menu?"
Thank you for sending this in! I hope you enjoy reading this ^^
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mjtheartist04 · 1 year ago
*sigh*….today was not my day
It was a long tiring day and work for the past few days was…something💀 people just know how to make you feel like crap sometimes.
But I am home now and ya know what makes me feel better???…
Drinking hot cocoa and Drawing my blorbo :]
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shalpilot · 8 months ago
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see it’s hard to title this because it’s about forgiveness but that has A Different Meaning in ShB lmao. but anyways…. them..!!!!
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