#anyway gender is weird af
the way i wanna experience mlm gay love so bad like as a nonbinary person i've been in straight relationships i've been in lesbian relationships but i have not been in mlm gay relationships because i don't look manly enough for gay men to even look at me but like. on the inside i Know part of me is a gay man, just like part of me is a lesbian
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amab people with makeup on just. it’s such an unattainable level of “that fucks” for someone who is very clearly afab. Like if you’re amab and you put eyeliner and/or eyeshadow and shit on you’re the hottest person in the room instantly whereas I just look like a woman with makeup on
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hauntsdiscourseblog · 2 years
Well they blocked me so I guess I'll just post this for discussion. Anybody else up to discuss a terf's thoughts? I'm sure any non-terf who takes this seriously is going to be more interesting to talk to anyway lmao
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Amusingly, if I just ignore this the rest of their messages implied that they were perfectly ok with considering gender as different from sex from the get-go provided we work out the kinks. So how about we do that, hmm?
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So it seems like they’re pretty happy with conflating sex roles/expression and gender roles/expression, and they’re pretty happy with conflating sex and gender, but they are NOT happy with conflating gender and gender roles/expression. That’s dumb, but this set of messages is interesting. Looks like they’re saying that a requirement to separate gender and sex is to separate transgender and transsexual. How does the larger population of trans people feel about that? I imagine I’ll hear a lot of concerns about bigotry and/or transsexual being a slur, but are those the only reasons? Is there a reason that people don’t reclaim that word?
For my own stance, I’ll say that they do have a point; it is weird to me that we spend so much time separating gender and sex, but don’t separate transgender and transsexual. Seems like those separations go hand in hand, and it might help to provide a label for people who identify as a different gender from the one they were assigned at birth, but have no interest in transitioning. It would also quell a lot of right-wing/terf concerns that “oh hurr, the best thing about right-wing women is that they don’t have penises” (I saw that via a twitter post on either twitter or facebook the other day), because they have their chance to distinguish those. Idk, it seems like a pretty amicable compromise to me. But I’m not even trans, I’m still just questioning, so idk
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coagulatedink · 2 months
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Attack #7 for @ultrainfinitepit@!! See cut below for my thoughts on it!!
Oh man. OOOOOH man. This sort of stuff I both love and hate bc I allow myself to get creative and try new things and get all abstract but also endlessly annoyed at myself for not adding in more details or colors or whatever I can think of after the fact (even if that would go against my attempt at not spending hours and hours on these). The painting, I guess its more mixed media, was done on cardboard! I used a lot of gouache and watercolors with some colored pencils, markers and pens for lil details. There wasn't much planning, I kinda just had an idea and went for it! Below is how the process panned out and the final version!
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In May of 2024 I made an illustration that payed homage to ultrainfinitepits Pride Angel series. When I saw most of the concept at the time, and the older designs, I had been pretty unfamiliar with many of terms. Curious, I took the time to research each and ever one and suddenly found myself resonating with multiple entries/designs/flags in a very new and eye-opening way. Even though its not the only angel/flag I now carry, the Bigender angel is perhaps one of the most comforting of the designs as it very easily encapsulates my current gender identity. To show this, I painted my sona (his name is Guy) proudly basking/lifting up the angel in gratitude and joy. Guy is the first sona I've ever had thats been fat (I am also fat) and seeing happy, fat, not f3tishised characters/sonas/people who are queer isn't something I often see. When I worked on this I worried he would be too off putting, too weird, too bright- things I worry about myself when I go out into the world. What if someone notices me? What if they make fun of me? What if what if. Eventually it dawned on me that I..really shouldn't care! This was all about trans joy- bi gender pride! Pride in myself, the joy in finding more of me! This is for me- no one else. I am allowed space to feel that joy. I am allowed to share it. I am allowed to exist. ANYWAY!! Thank you for taking that time to read this! I may doodle a few more pride angels going forward (their designs are fun) but I think this will be my last art fight one-- and last deep art fight art for now LOL! If you feel like attacking me, or seeing more of my attacks, I'm Untitled_Grave on AF!! Later!!
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barb-l · 10 months
Isn't a writer question but was curious; How does wenclair different from other ships you've enjoyed?
Is it solely due to having been a lifelong Wednesday Addams fan, or is it specifically the Netflix's Addams world that you find intriguing?
I ask mainly because I recall you once saying that your wenclair comics--specifically the Next Gen Au I believe--are written and made with a lot of intention in regards to dialog and the discussions had between characters.
Is this due to a greater insight into the characters or simply a mark of growth in writing comprehension?
I like to think I put as much thought in all ships I've been hyperfixated on tbh. Wenclair isn't even the one I've been obsessed with the longest. So far it's actually Trimberly, for which and I was hyperfixated with for like 3 years.
But yeah ok I get ur point lol The intensity this time feels different, I suppose.
I think it's a mix of both being a long time Wednesday Addams fan and how cute of a ship Wenclair is both in concept and the canon execution of their dynamics.
As some of you are aware, I've been a fan of The Addams for a while now. All incarnations of them are great in their own way, but one of the many reasons why the animated 2019 movie is my favorite is because it didn't give Wednesday a bland ass male love interest. I don't think the B/W series did it(because Wed was like six in that) but the 90's movies, musical, and netflix series for some reason found it necessary to give Wednesday male love interests so painfully boring and i hate it. This isn't even about making Wednesday attracted to boys. I personally headcanon her bi, as the ol' stereotype that all grumpy/angsty female characters must be lesbian isn't my cup of tea, and also because I like to think all Addamses just don't give a shit about gender when it comes to romance. I woulda been fine with her getting a boyfriend so long as they're not boring af and goddddd canon incarnations still haven't delivered. Joel was sweet but he was too much of a wimp, not even Gomez is that pathetic. Lucas' thing with Wednesday was just portrayed in such an icky way in the musical that I couldn't finish watching by the time their sexually charged duet came on, and don't even get me started on the boys Netflix gave her. I expected better of Gough and Millar...(unless the blandness was on purpose like it was with Lana Lang--)
Anyways, because of all said canon love interests, I've been desperate for Wednesday to have a love interest that is both not painfully het or boring for once. Crossover shipping with Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice the Musical was fun but was ultimately a very niche fandom. I could only draw and write for an audience of twenty or so people for so long. Parker from the animated movie would've been great, but the cop out with her mom dating Fester just made it too weird for me to be fully on board with the ship.
So when Enid Sinclair was introduced as a character I was absolutely ecstatic. On paper alone she already seemed great. She has a very distinct appearance (even if her "design" was inspired by Harlequin and it shows) that goes so well when she stands next to Wednesday, whether it's in the actual show, fan arts, or even in official merch. Her being Wednesday's complete opposite in so many ways makes her being paired with Wednesday so dang interesting too.
And I don't just mean aesthetic or personality wise. I'm talking about how one of Wednesday's struggle stems from having too much smothering love from her family as someone who gets overwhelmed too easily, and Enid's loneliness and insecurity coming from her own family's lack of love and attention where it matters most. Or how Wednesday's just girl who, deep inside worries about being an actual cruel monster like the very bigots she hates, while Enid is a supposed beast who resents herself for only being a scared little girl. Even the fact that Wednesday is an older sister to a soft-hearted younger brother while Enid is the youngest daughter to a bunch of rough-housing older brothers feels very on purpose.
Everything about Enid feels deliberate. Like she IS supposed to be paired with Wednesday, platonically or romantically. She's the best person to stand beside Wednesday as a character because they have enough differences and similarities to have interesting conflicts but also significant character growths sparked by each other. She's not bland or boring like the canon love interests because even without her attachment to Wednesday, Enid is still such a compelling character. The mere fact that she's as popular as she is despite an eight-episode series being her debut in a franchise that's been iconic to generations is already pretty amazing, and only a character as impressive deserves to smooch somebody as iconic as Wednesday Addams.
And their on screen chemistry is just *chef's kiss*
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep2 Musings
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I absolutely adore the title cards; the "fangs" reflecting main locations of the episodes/seasons. GOD this show's attention to detail.
We open with Lou & Claud in Paris bickering about French & money; already shown in the Pix11 preview (I gave my opinions on the full scene, and another post about Claudia specifically.
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Then we get Dubai. O_O Omfg. I made a separate post all about Louis & Loumand, cuz those queens were DIABOLICAL this episode.
Skipping ahead a bit! To the coven/theatre! ^0^
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Ohhhh....that's a Children of Satan/Darkness nod! 👀 Only thing's that the old guard from the CoS/D actually weren't part of the Coven/Theatre anymore by the time Louis & Claudia arrived (Alessandra, Eleni, and the rest of Rhoshamandes' fledglings Santino indoctrinated & had train Armand).
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So Armand is REALLY showing off, tryna impress Louis; cuz none of the members of THAT Theatre troupe are older than Armand, and not even he's as old as Charlemagne. Armand, your yaoi is showing. XD
It's wild how on one hand we have the coven simping over how pretty Louis is (except Santiago, cuz ofc 🙄); while just HATING on Claudia.
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Naw, let her stay! Estelle is THIRSTY and I love her for it, bless! XD
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Santiago, you shady wench, you're already on my hit list, BUFFOON; but THIS striped heifer, Celeste--
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Wench, are all Parisian vampiresses frumpy busted haters like YOU?
Anyways. 🙄 I hate this effing coven already. 😒
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Foreshadowing AF, Mr. I Could Not Prevent It.
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Sure, Jan. 🙄 But not all violence/abuse/trauma is physical/sexual. By allowing the Theatre to put their hands on Claudia, Armand harmed Louis more than anyone ever could. Claudia was the glue keeping Louis together when he was already falling apart, and he hasn't been right ever since. BOTH of these dudes are living in a fantasy, frikkin la-la-land, as they think they're HELPING e/o, going thru all these theatrical acts & performances. But are they REALLY happy? Esp. cuz we know who's endgame for them in the books. It's bittersweet, cuz their affection's REAL. But this weird codependency just isn't healthy or right. U_U
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Eff you, Daniel Hart. tryna make me cry!
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Eff you, Daniel Hart, tryna make me laugh!
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This scene with the naked lady (Annika) was SO GOOD! I'm glad they tastefully didn't fully show her whole body like they did in the film--if we can't see full frontal nudity for the dudes, then I don't wanna see it on the gals either. 😤 Fair's fair!
But WOAH, the sexckshuhality~!
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I don't even have words for this! 😅 Claudia! Let the man win ONCE!?
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But I LOVE how candid this show is about everything from sexuality to race--and ofc discrimination.
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Oh they're cooking. O_O
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Armand gets to lead the coven through meritocracy, not racial privilege. HOWEVER, we've got bleach-blonde Santiago still waiting in the wings, so.... I can't wait to see more of their dynamics.
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We been knew, Louis, it's ok. U_U
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Armand clearly been knew, too! Like: Yeah, I'm not surprised he's cruising all the gay parks--I could tell by the way that American walked! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I KNOW this bish ain't talking, not Mr. Polynesian Marys! Not Mr. I Did What I Had To Do To SCORE. Not Mr. We Met In A GAY Bar. Not Mr. Black Tar And Heroin! Not Mr. Is Alicia Even REAL!? I KNOW he's not tryna shade Louis for cruising, when his closeted arse can't even handle being in a room with Armand making come-hither eyes!
I love Daniel, how he's written & acted, but ISTG I hate his character.
As opposed to Santiago, who is just--BRUH. WERK.
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And this is exactly what Lestat was getting at, too. And why Akasha was wrong when she said men are the problem. Like, don't get me wrong, THEY ARE, but chile, ALL HUMANS are the problem; eff gender. Homegirl sold that old dude down the frikkin river, just to save her own skin, and her family's. COMPLICIT. OFFAL.
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Santiago's disgusted by humanity, and Annika proved his point.
As for Lestat, his cold willful detachment stems from his attitude that humans are just The Meat. This version of Lestat is SO dang jaded, that humans are reduced to mere food--just like he called Miss Lily.
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He doesn't need the Evil Doer creed, if he thinks ALL humans are evil/irredeemable; only worth living if they can sing & make music or something artistic. Otherwise who cares? (Which makes it VERY interesting to see what AMC!Les would say to Memnoch the Devil....)
Speaking of....
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I frikkin knew it. ISTG Lestat must be asleep in 2022--if y'all have him do a Merrick and wake up in the finale, I will pass out and DIE.
The question is: WHAT put him to sleep? Is he just sad & grieving post-trial? WTF is Raglan James doing in 2022? Are we post-Memnoch? Where are TWMBK? I NEED ANSWERS, AMC! 😭
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nivisdreaming · 2 years
Kinks And Cookies
Frustrated by the trials and tribulations of solo BDSM, Y/N comes to their dear friend Eddie Munson for support. Probably shouldn’t have chosen the best friend they’re also in love with for that role, but at least they’ve got cookies as a distraction from the heartache?
Eddie Munson x Sub!Reader
WC: ~800
Tags: Not smut but heavy kink themes, hurt/comfort turned love confession?, self indulgent af, drabble, gender neutral reader, 2nd person POV (you/yours and Y/N use)
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Eddie cocks his eyebrow from where he lounges in a dining room chair, a lit joint hanging from his fingertips as he intently listens to your words. “Wait, so you’ve been doing solo play? As a sub?”
“Yeah, and it’s.. fine. Less than ideal for my style, but I’m a big kid, I can take care of myself. Porn and daydreaming works well enough. It’s good enough. For little while, anyway. But that’s not the issue,” you bite your lip and shuffle in your seat, “The problem is afterwards. Aftercare and that stuff. You know how I am with self care. It’s even worse when I’m…” Your words trail off.
“Fucked dumb?” He finishes for you, a smirk on his face as he clearly tries to suppress laughter.
“Eds! This is serious!” You huff and pull your knees up to your chest, burrowing your warm face and wide eyes away from him. “It’s gotten really bad sometimes, Eds, if I don’t do enough I end up dropping.” You take a shaky breath and try to wipe some of tears collecting on your lash-line on your pants. “That’s really scary alone, Eddie. I hate every second of it, and there’s nothing I can even do but wait it out when all I wanna do is feel good.”
A frown replaces Eddie’s teasing expression. He’s heard about subdrop plenty, helped a few playpartners through it once or twice. He’s even had to deal with topdrop himself after a particularly rough scene. He knows the emotions your trying to articulate. The anxiety that eats away at you, the shame and guilt that overshadows all else, the primal sadness and depression that you just can’t explain because there’s not always a reason beyond the physiological. He’s putting out the joint now, quick to move from his seat to squat next to you. A tentative hand reaches for your knee, and he begins to rub small circles over the soft fabric. “I’m sorry I laughed, Y/N.” He can hear your muffled sniffling from where your face is buried, and it’s really tugging on his heartstrings. “What can I do to help? What’d you want me for?”
“Just, hold me. For a few minutes. Til the bad feelings go away.” You feel Eddies arms move up to wrap around your torso, and you’re carefully shifted into his lap and pressed against his chest, his chin resting atop your head. His hand goes to caress your hair and a sob rips from your throat, stilling his breathing.
“Y/N. Maybe this is a bad time, but could I ask you something?” Eddie’s words come out tentatively. You nod from where you lay, not trusting your voice to hold steady. He mutters close to your ear, “Why don’t you have a dom? If being without one isn’t what you want, why be on your own?”
You feel your breath catch, and he worries you can feel how his heart skips a beat at your reply. “There’s… a guy. Who I want to be my dom, but I’m too scared to ask.” You take a heavy pause. “He barely even knows I exist in that capacity, but being with someone besides him would still feel wrong. I’m waiting to either get over him or work up the courage to ask him out. Both seem impossible.” Your words come out mumbled, but at least the talking is enough over a distraction to get you to stop crying.
Eddie is so glad your head is still buried in his chest. You always had such a way of reading him, like you could see his eyes and how they reflected the light and use it to know exactly how he felt. He didn’t want you seeing that moment the hope turned to jealousy turned to heartbreak. God, this had been a rollercoaster of a conversation, even by the weird standards you two had grown accustomed too.
You both sit in silence for awhile, enjoying each other’s embraces, terrified to be the first to move. It feels like centuries have passed by the time the alarm for the cookies you technically were here to bake in the first place sounds through the trailer, and you have to peel yourself from Eddie’s hold reluctantly. He stays on the floor, but you can feel his gaze on you even as you turn to pull the metal sheet from the oven.
“Whoever he is, tell him. You don’t… you don’t deserve to hurt, Y/N. Not like this.” His sightline doesn’t budge when you turn your head around to look at him. There’s some emotion dripping from everything about him, from the hunched way he sits, to the gruff tone of his voice, to the way he blinks a little too often, like he’s trying to clear something away. For once, you can’t quite determine what it is. It only spurs you on.
“It’s you, Eddie. For fucks sake, it’s always been you.”
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thecryptidgrey · 1 year
As an avid lover of his Dark Materials I have yet to see a BG3 daemons concept and that is a Crime. So here are some Thoughts below the cut :)
(Also something something about the representation of religion in HDM and how it correlates to BG3's depictions of faith and trauma. I have the Idea but I am too tired to do much with it; may return to the thought later.)
Shadowheart- a borzoi. Elegant, spooky looking, dramatic. Borzoi don't make much vocal noise but are very playful- instincts surpressed by Sharrens that thrive with the party (see that very cute night orchid scene specifically). Generally very sweet, loyal animals, like SH when you get to know her. Plus they look amazing.
(Act 3 spoilers- I also appreciate that she'll match it when she dyes her hair. Seems suitable dramatic for her.) Anyways, I also really like borzois and think it's be funny af to see in them trotting around in game like the weird willow tree ghost things they are.
Lae'zel- Githyanki don't have daemons; she finds them baffling. Very impractical to carry one's soul on the exterior, although perhaps an efficient companion in combat to have someone you share instincts with. After much discussion by the others she decides for them if she did have one it would be a red dragon. Nobody argues with that.
(She does decide she'd have to prove herself worthy of such a beast first, and if she trusts Tav admits that maybe she'd like if Vlaakith could give her a daemon bond with her future dragon. Would she get a dragon if she became Vlaakith's chosen? Idk, she would now.)
Karlach- Tieflings also don't have daemons. She wants one wholeheartedly. The party finds her a magic ring that allows her to summon a familiar- she gets a direwolf puppy as enthusiastic and adoring as she is :)
Said ring is obtained somewhere in the Shadowlands after she gets the cooldown upgrade so she can hug it as soon as she has it. Also it grows up absolutely massive. Its paws are the size of its head when it's a puppy. All the better for cuddling with!
Gale- Tara. Wizards, sorcerers, etc, tend to have magical creatures as familiars. This AU he had Tara since the beginning. He still summoned all the other weird shit he did as a kid, just with Tara's help. She is his voice of reason and holder of the braincells; he gets to keep one and it's all about Mystra. She's protecting the rest from its corruption. He gets them back when the party convinces him to tell Mystra to go fuck herself.
(I do chew upon the trans Gale headcanon sometimes. If anyone wishes to muse with me on how daemons, which are typically of the opposite sex to their human, would be incorporated into that, please do.) Edit- pls see comments for very illuminating interpretations of daemons and gender!! Very cool stuff!
Wyll- lanner falcon. Medium sized yet formidable bird of prey, the head of which was often depicted on Egyptian gods like Ra and Horus. Beautiful, noble and nimble creatures (good for a dexterity based build, which I focused on for him alongside charisma).
Mizora's pact significantly lengthened their tether; her devil-form punishment broke it and weakened their bond significantly, much to their distress- they hate to be out of vision of one another as a result. Halsin, Jaheira and especially my Tav Cerewyn helped him adapt to and understand the new tether.
Druids and their daemons are based on the His Dark Materials witches, who have significantly lengthened bonds. Druid bonds are just as strong in markedly different ways; each is more independent and their personalities more distinct. I will definitley expand more on this; I adore Wyll and really want to do his character justice. He's the knight in shining armour but he also made a deal with a devil to be said knight, so, y'know. His daemon should really reflect that complexity.
Astarion- luna moth (changed when he turned- he can't remember what she was before.)
Beautiful in a fragile, showy way. Short-lived. Desperate for the light. A silkmoth; silk for embroidery. He resents her for being such a reflection of the self he tries so desperately to hide yet is fiercely protective of her, so beautiful and soft and hopeful- moths exist to seek light, craving it like he longed for a knight in shining armour, like he yearns for the sun.
Cazador liked to pin her wings.
(I love my sad wet cat very much and so as payback for hurting my soul he is subjected to the tragedy that is my attempting to be poetic :) )
Halsin- bear. Druid daemons reflect their favoured Wild shapes. Strong, steady, reliable, protective. Optimal shape for snuggles, very nice and warm, overall :) vibes to look at and be around. (Bear is not present for That Scene. That Scene and daemons are not up for discussion, you degenerates. Thank you <3)
Jaheira- Eurasian lynx. Struggled a bit on this one- didn't think any of the wild shapes suited her as a daemon- so looked up the national animal of Romania (supposedly Jaheira's accent?) for potential inspiration. Got the lynx, which seems perfect. Medium sized, elegant, very dignifed and deadly hunters who inhabit forests. Notably very quiet and hard to track. Endangered, which resonated with me because of Jaheira's status as one of the last of the Old Guard, so to speak. Nocturnal, which I like because we meet Jaheira in the shadow-cursed lands. Ambush predator, which just goes with my Gloom Stalker build for her. Overall seems perfect for the legendary druid.
Minsc- Boo? Fuck knows man, Minsc gonna Minsc. I spent way too long thinking about Jaheira and now I don't have the energy left. If Gale can have Tara, Minsc can have Boo. I do love Minsc so I will be back to expand on him if the mood strikes me but also I think maybe I don't need to? Daemon Boo just seems Right. Will consult Minsc's backstory and update later if necessary.
Minthara- yet to recruit her so uncertain. Displacer beast seems apt, maybe? Something felinoid would really fit her tbh. Elegant and lethal, very aloof but loyal once you've got her. Input would be appreciated.
My Tav, Cerewyn, just in case ya'll are interested- a raven named Gwyn, short for something I haven't figured out how to spell yet.
Clever, calculating, very blunt and sarcastic to balance out Cere's generally stoic, quite, calm demeanour. Sharp eyed bird for a sharpshooter ranger's daemon. Cere is a beast master ranger/ druid of land multiclass; ravens are summonable both for wild companions and familiars and are a wild shape (Cere's preferred wild shape too).
A common species but not to be underestimated and generally unpredictable, which suits her. She romances Astarion and both she and the raven think he and his luna moth are the prettiest things they've ever seen. They're also very patient and perceptive of trauma due to (Extensive Backstory), so they're more than happy to take their time with earning his trust. Astarion is very appreciative of all the shiny things the raven likes to bring him, and also that it clawed one of Cazador's eyes out for daring to speak to Astarion like That.
CONC.; symbolism is fun and also painful :)
Daemon names are a work in progress; the muses gave me this then said lol nope and fucked off before I could ask them for appropriate names. Might post them with some sketches of the party and daemons together?
(I wrote this in Notes app at an ungodly hour with fuck all editing. It is incoherent, but if anything is genuinely incomprehensible, please tell me so I may at least try to fix it. Much love <3 if you made it this far you get to know I welcome suggestions for NPCs to give daemons next!)
First edit- I misspelled quiet so many times omfg
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l-polarisb-l · 8 months
My Funky Fifth Grade Experience
So basically my 5th grade was pretty normal until some guy showed up mid year and started trying to charm me/“rizz me up”(idk he did it in a weird way that made me think he just wanted to be friends, but had never had a social interaction in his life, even though he made it sound like he was madly in love, which was like ew no I’m in 5th grade) either way it was weird AF, like me and my friends would be playing at a fence near the edge of the playground, just randomly emitting primal screams like the autistic people we were, and this dude just comes strolling on down to talk when there was LITERALLY NO PROMPT TO DO SO, and just start talking to my friends and I(I should add, we weren’t even in any classes together) so I barely knew the guy. Anyway then the lockdown happened and I didn’t see the guy for like 3 years
And when I met him again 3 years later I was now of the same gender that he was and it was awkward af and super funny and we’re now sort of friends
He’s still kind of a rat but a cool rat
Any moots that had their own goofy experiences? @swerve-kinnie @professional-termite @starshipcecil @gatalentagoddess
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maxzinn · 4 months
Damn why is the HSR fandom becoming way worse than genshin? And whenever there is any controversy aventurine is always somehow involved like leave my boy alone 😭
I'm a cis straight woman okay and no matter which fandom i interact with they always look down on me and assume shit about me even though i try to be nothing but understanding I have had so many tell me that I can't like a certain male character romantically because he is only for the boys/gays. Even like when you tell them you like a certain game/franchise/anime/singer or band they're like 'you have to be queer for liking this' and for some reason they try to convince me that I'm queer even though I'm not and they think that me being cis and straight makes me 'basic' and 'boring' I love jjba, Nana, Castlevania, Final Fantasy, Hsr and genshin impact but literally every fandom I've been is filled with a bunch of judgemental pricks which is sad because I was so excited to talk about my interests :( at first i thought they were being like that because I'm asian but then i realised it's because of my 'basic and boring' sexual and gender identity
and for some reason when I tell them that I'm cis straight they immediately assume I'm a white privileged woman (like i said I'm literally Asian) and i haven't struggled a day in my life which isn't true at all it's so ignorant to assume all of this about me just based off my sexual and gender identity and when I try to speak up they tell me that they're just 'giving me the taste of my own medicine' like what??? What does that even mean?? I'm not even homophobic i come from a conservative country and family but I have done proper research and educated myself on this topic and i treat everyone with respect so why can't they also be decent human beings and respect me too? I still try to be understanding but I can't stand the air of superiority among these people and they're usually under the age of 25 too because other queer people I have interacted with who are older than me don't behave pathetically like these people
(sorry this was so long you can ignore it if you want and sorry if my english is bad it's not my first language 😭 anyways I hope you have a good day/afternoon/night)
(This post is also long sorry hehe)
No cuz for real, it’s getting way more annoying in the fandom (no offense) and it’s even worse on twitter and hoyolab.
In my opinion, I think the toxicity mainly starts with people forcing to everybody that every character in hsr is queer coded and all that stuff. I keep seeing all that posts and comments that this certain character is “implied” which is not true??? It makes me wonder if they even know what the word “implied” means, cuz it basically/indirectly means that it’s canon.
I’m so done with those posts that claims “robin is lesbian and girlkisser so gtfo men” like stfu?
If you have seen the replies on tuonto’s twitter post, there’s like a LOT of people saying that. Like, hc her as lesbian if you want but DONT act like it’s canon and stop forcing your hcs on other people pls.
And when others reply to them saying that it isn’t canon and that they shouldn’t force it, they just straight up say that those people are “homophobic and lesphobic”.
I have no problems with gay/lesbian ships cuz I support all ships equally (except the illegal and problematic ones), but these delulu people are ruining it for the fandom tbh.
It’s funny that being straight/cis is seen as basic and boring now. And that part where you’re being forced to be queer is funny af 😭 are they ill?
You can like all the male characters that you like, none of them have canon sexualities and they’re certainly not canonically gay. If some person says that you shouldn’t like a certain male character cuz they’re only for the boys… then they’re ill, don’t listen to those bs.
It’s so weird that people now argue and force a sexuality onto fictional characters and just assume a certain character’s sexuality based on stereotypes (like aventurine for example) then claims that they’re a queer representation when said “representation” is just based on stereotypes.
It’s weird that a character’s sexuality matters so much when it doesn’t even matter that much, just enjoy the game and the plot? Stop projecting yourself onto them, they’re their own person and they have their own personality. They have nothing to do with your sexuality. And most of all… they’re literally PIXELS
And pls, liking a certain franchise doesn’t reflect anything on your sexuality. You can be a straight woman and like drag shows, you can be a straight woman and like BL and GL. Men can be straight and love skincare, men can be straight and like fashion/makeup. ITS NOT THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND?? Just stop stereotyping people 💀
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literaphobe · 2 years
I’ve seen a lot of gender swapped mlb stuff where either one or both of their genders are swapped. How do you think any of those variations would change the love square dynamic or the characters in general, if they would change it all?
GONNA TALK ABOUT WLW LOVE SQUARE. other variations will be elaborated on if u come back and ask my sweet anonie <3
adrienette: i feel like fem adrien would give marinette so many more demons. i could go more in depth about my visions but ifl it would be really funny to see alya try and convince marinette that girl adrien TOTALLY likes her like its SO obvious and marinette is like IT DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING ALYA SHES NICE TO EVERYONE!! plus we dont even know if adrien likes girls!! and adrien walks by only overhearing the last sentence and is like oh! i do like girls :) and then after marinette’s recovered from her heart attack the new meta becomes OKAY BUT WE DONT KNOW IF SHES ATTRACTED TO GIRLS. MAYBE SHE JUST THINKS GIRLS R REALLY FUCKING COOL!! the next day the papers announce that girl adrien is in love w ladybug
ladynoir: chat noir has got the biggest crush on ladybug like she is so seriously gay like if she didnt already know she was gay if she was the most repressed gay girlie in this gay girlie world she would know what she was with ONE look at ladybug. ladybug has no fucking idea chat noir is in love with her. she thinks they are best friends. no one understands this life other than Her. one time some sleazy guy hit on chat and ladybug beat the shit out of him. he just so happened to be akumatized but she was so pissed off and violent about it. the dating rumors and the media are the same about it. aka incredibly invasive and ladybug is just as pissed off that they think they are dating. she gets so aggressive about it to the point where chat noir asks her what she thinks about the lgbt+ community. and chat is like im sorry like im a wlw and if u dont like gay ppl thats okay i just– and then ladybug like kisses her and is like im gay too u idiot its just weird of the media to speculate so harshly and then chat is just like FROZEN and ladybug freaks out shes like IM SO SORRY I SHOULDNT HAVE LIKE I MEAN I SHOULDVE ASKED and chat is like NO ITS OK UVE KISSED ME BEFORE ANYWAY and ladybug is like THATS DIFFERENT I HAD NO CHOICE BUT HERE– and then chat kisses her to calm her down (and shut her up) and pretty much just even the scales in terms of initiated kisses. when news about girl adrien x ladybug breaks out ladybug is like ???!!!!!!!! and chat is like um do u hate that she likes u i mean the news probably waaaayyyy exaggerated what they interrogated out of her and like um so overstretched it probably haha what do u think of blonde models and um adrien i guess like do u hate her do u think shes cool do u think you could fall madly in love with her and spend all your days together
ladrien: ladybug saves girl adriens life and shes like oh thank you ladybug… ur so wonderful 😍 like so clearly into her but ladybug is dense af and also nervous af she doesnt even believe the rumors!! shes like ur welcome girl adrien haha um yeah so um i saw the news but dont worry!!!! i know how the news exaggerates all the time like they always call me and girl chat noir a couple even tho we are not!! and adrien is like oh so like… ud never date chat noir? and ladybug is like uh… we are… friends and partners. do you.. want me to date chat noir? So the news really got it all wrong and you dont like me at all? and adrien is like I DO LIKE YOU… UM WHO WOULDN’T LIKE YOU? <- she has no idea how to save this bc she wants to date ladybug but doesnt know which identity to chase her with best and she thinks ladybug might not like EITHER of her identities so shes like confused at shit but also she very easily gets her hopes up and shes like maybe i should tell her???
marichat: ifl the events of glaciator will always be so inevitable for marichat. like marinette will always look so inviting on that balcony of hers staring off wistfully into the evening air and chat noir will always feel drawn to it when ladybug is nowhere to be found… what would be fun about wlw marichat guys
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sweeetberries · 1 year
𝘿𝙤𝙪𝙜 𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨
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Genre: fluff
Gender neutral pronouns are used
Warning: none
Note: this is my first fic on tumblr so I’m scared 🥶 || this will be divided into to to sections. First one is just regular headcannons (just related to remer) and the second halve is relationship stuff.||
He was definitely the kid in school that would bite other kids, and it would HURT… and then he probably do it again.
He definitely eats ketchup on scrambled eggs (I personally HATE ketchup but he looks like he would eat it)
When he gets sad, he makes the “☹️” face. He can’t help it ☹️☹️
Remer gives ZERO fucks about what other people think and if given the chance, would probably do some uhhh… other things that will not be shall not be said because this is fluff 🥰
I feel like he smells very strongly of old spice shampoo and sweat, and it’s not always the best combo yk
Yk how he says he’s good at cooking? yeah well he’s def mixed up sugar and salt while making cookies. He thought they taste good though and didn’t understand why coop wouldn’t eat them 😔
Bros room is MESSY! I’m talking can’t even take 2 steps without stepping on something.
He talks like a TikTok kid (I do too). But it’s REAL bad. Like an average conversation looks like this
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Relationship Headcannons
This man is head over heals for you and literally won’t shut up about it (in a cute way yk)
He talks about you sm it’s almost scary. Like he would be talk to someone that has no idea about you and then all of a sudden, the know your whole life story.
You literally can’t watch anything with him because he will talk the WHOLE time. So that rules out movie dates.
This is a really weird comparison, but he hugs like how a big dog plays. Does that make sense? Because I KNOW this mf strong af, and just forgets about. Like when he hugs you, he’ll squeeze, and it will feel like your eyes are about to come out of your sockets. And he’ll just look at you like “what babe 🤷”
He is has to literally be touching you at all times. Wherever whenever.
Will spoil you even though he is broke (it’s probably squeaks money 💀)
Why was this so hard 😔
Anyways I hope this wasn’t to bad because looking over this, I’m horrified to post this
Also if y’all wanna request something then… do it
Or don’t idc 🤷
love ya! mwah💋
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poisonedspider · 4 months
I saw in the tags of one of your post, you said your version of angel duat is intersex & has both parts.
(This is not a hate ask btw)
Intersex does not mean "both parts". Intersex people with ambiguous genitalia have a single set that is somewhere between male & female, but they do not have a fully male and a fully female set. Reproductive organs have a lot of homologous features (clitoris/penis, labia/scrotum, teates/ovaries), in general intersex genitalia do not have duplicate features as what would be required to "have both".
This is all just fanfic, but it's important imo because the "both parts" stereotype is really prevalent, and it's very inaccurate and causes us a lot of problems medically and socially. I'm an intersex person with a phallus instead of a clitoris, and labia instead of a scrotum. I personally refer to myself as "between male & female", because it's more accurate. I have no problems with people writing intersex characters in NSFW contexts, just please do so in a way that is respectful to us! If you do want to write a character with a fully male & fully female set of genitalia, I would recommend referring to them as salmacian, and not intersex. Try to avoid the word futa, as this is the shortened version of a slur for us. Same with herm.
Have a nice day!
I want to start this off by saying thank you, immensely, for starting by saying this isn't a hate anon. Based on past fandom trauma, I always panic when I see a big block of text, especially from an anon.
I'm also going to say that I can be really bad with words (I'm also at work right now shhh) so I hope this doesn't come off as bad/attacky either, because it isn't meant to be! I'm just going to kick it off by saying, I'm specifically a gender and sexuality counselor. So I work with all sorts under the sun. And I think that what can be the biggest struggle is that there are different variations of everything (if that makes sense?) A majority of my clients that are intersex do just say 'I have both parts' because I think that's what makes them most comfortable? I can't speak for them. But that's how a lot of them speak. Since I'm personally not intersex, that's just what I know. I do have one friend who is intersex who has completely male genitalia, but female internalized sex organs (ovaries, etc.) I have a client who has, per their very blunt words, 'a dick and a vag' (tmi here but like in place of clit they clearly have full phallus, but then a vaginal hole? slit? I'm so weird with genitals). I should also point out this is very similar to my Angel.
THAT BEING SAID. Again, everyone's experience is very different, and I am incredibly aware that this experience is not mine. I would never want to upset anyone, especially in an area that I don't personally endure. The best thing I can relate this to (and I'm aware this is a terrible comparison) is being trans and how people all view it very differently (I'm loud and proud about being trans, versus my ex refused to let anyone know and thought I was a 'performative trans' person for doing so.) This is definitely something I'm going to keep in mind, because this is really helpful information, and I can't project only the experiences that I have witnessed onto the experience of the whole. So I'll be mindful of that, and thank you for this. <3
Also haaaaa yeah no way would I use those last two words. Fun fact, I punched a kid in high school for using the herm word. I don't tolerate that shit. So don't worry. <3
But I definitely think moving forward I'm going to just say 'both parts' rather than intersex. I was just trying to drive it as straight forward to people in a way I figured they could understand, especially as things are starting to get smutty on this blog. But hey, demon anatomy is weird af, and probably dissimilar to most humans anyways so there's nothing wrong with having to explain it in depth in a way that might confuse people.
I appreciate your kindness about this, and willingness to educate. I know a lot about this stuff due to my job and personal life, but we are all always needing to grow and learn.
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puppypeter · 24 days
(Omega!Roy / Alpha!Jamie anon)
You absolute legend, you've done it again. It's like you have an access point to my brain and can literally transcribe my thoughts!!! EVERY. LAST. TAKE. IS ABSOLUTE PERFECTION‼️‼️‼️💯💯💯💯
My brain is going a hundred miles a minute so buckle up, because this is possibly gonna be the longest ask you'll ever receive:
YES to youth sports culture being WEIRD AF for having an incredibly invasive control over kids' bodily autonomies, ESPECIALLY within an ABO second gender essentialism type way!!
And OOOOHHH Omega Grandpa is absolutely PERFECT!!!! It would set up such a jarring culture shift for Roy when he arrives at Sunderland, to go from a home lead by an Omega patriarch, only to come to a place where Alpha dominance is treated not just as a logical course of action, but as a biological TRUTH.
In my mind, Roy's parents are both emotionally distant but ultimately well meaning betas. Roy's family was implied to be quite poor, so in my mind they both worked, leaving Roy's Grandpa to do the emotional labour of raising Roy, even if Roy's parents were ultimately working to provide for him too. They probably saw Sunderland as Roy's best opportunity: housing, three square meals, access to training that could lead him to an extremely profitable career that they wouldn't be able to provide for him otherwise? It was probably the most practical decision for Roy's future interests, even if it had huge emotional consequences.
This would make it even sadder when Roys grandpa dies, because since both his parents are betas, he had no one to turn to that could understand what he was going through after he presented or show him another path other than the one Sunderland forced him on. And how could he be so ungrateful and go whine to his parents about Sunderland, anyway, when all either of them have ever done is work tirelessly to provide for him and his baby sister?? Thus begins Roy's emotional repression.
I ADORE your take on Roy's time in Sunderland, and I think his presentation would have been even more distressing because every one just ASSUMED that Roy would be an Alpha - since he's such an indisputable prodigy - and when he presented omega, it completely blindsided everyone, a total 'inconvenience', because they had to supply Roy with expensive meds, sort out the even more expensive legal work so the 'big secret' didn't get out, etc. This obviously sets up Roy's internalised idea that his omega needs are a chore and an inconvenience that needs to be catered for.
I also LOVEEEEED your takes on Roy's adult personality, ESPECIALLY about him being touch-starved. SOOO TRUEEEE, that man hasn't had a heat partner in his ENTIRE LIFE!!!! Go through the humiliation of having to rely on someone else??? Roy would literally rather die.
On that note, I think Roy would be both resentful of his own presentation, seeing it as his 'one weakness', but also kind of,,, ashamed? That he so clearly does not fit the typical omega archetype, making him both sneeringly judgemental of 'softer', more stereotypical male omegas and almost,,, jealous of them, of their obvious ease with their instincts and their bodies that Roy has spent an entire LIFETIME battling against.
I think this resentment towards other omegas would, as you say, make him not initially be an advocate for omegas in sports, which is why it'll be SO impactful for Roy personally when he DOES actually step out of the closet and advocate for Omega rights, because it'll be the most obvious sign of how far he's come!!
I also think Phoebe would play a big role in Roy unlearning his instinctive resistance towards his 'omega instincts', because how could loving and caring for and wanting to protect Phoebe ever be a BAD thing, how could it ever make Roy WEAK?
And OMGGGGGG are you a psychic?????? Because Jamie's backstory is absolutely PERFECT!!!! NO NOTES!!!!!! GEORGIES ROLE AND JAMES' INFLUENCE, ITS SO SO BRILLIANTLY EXPLAINED!!!!! 💓💓💓
And speaking of Jamie, an extension of Roy's omegaphobia has TOTALLY gotta be Roy struggling with his attraction to Jamie, at least in the physical sense. And this underlying attraction for one another is DEFINITELY driving up the tension in the hormone addled locker room as you said, lol, and will allllll come to a head when Roy accidentally goes into heat. (The idea of it being kick-started because of all the different medications Roy is on is absolutely BRILLIANT!!)
And OMGGG i didnt even THINK about subliminally bonded RoyJamie!!! That could also be why Roy would latch onto Jamie as a heat partner!!!! YOUR MIIIIINDDD!!!💖💖💖
I also fricking LOVE how this au so perfectly sets up Roy and Jamie as mirrors of each other!!! Because while Jamie struggles with feeling shame over his gentler/softer/more attentive side that is seen as 'not Alpha-like:, ROY struggles with the inverse problem, that his personality is too bossy/dominant/cold to be 'Omega-like'. And OMGGGG could you IMAGINE how cathartic it would be for both of them to realise that they complement each other's internalised issues soo well?? Roy needing a gentler, more submissive Alpha to feel in control and safe, and Jamie needing a more demanding, controlling Omega whose instructions he can follow to feed his attentive instincts and feel like he's providing for them.
Further ABO background: Roy's suppressant heats are short, a day at most, and on a regulated schedule, but they are EXCRUCIATING, cramps and fever and exhaustion and chills and delirium. Basically all the worst parts of a heat with none of the good. So can you IMAGINE how life altering a natural heat with Jamie would be?? Jamie, who would be soo attentive to Roy's pleasure, literally single-mindedly focused on making the experience as good as physically possible for Roy. It would literally blow Roy's MIND, and would most likely be extremely emotional. The idea that his heats can be purely about his PLEASURE? HIS wants, HIS needs? How could he NOT grow attached to Jamie after that???
I think this fic would be fast-burn in terms of Royjamies physical intimacy (because of Roy's heat), but the slow burn comes in with the EMOTIONAL intimacy. Sloooowly coming to terms with the fact that: no, I don't feel this pull towards this person because of simple base instincts like physical desire, it's because I actually LIKE them for who they are as a person, for how they make me laugh, for how they take care of me, for how they understand me more than i ever thought anyone ever could and uh oh im in love.
Thank you thank you THANK YOU for sharing your brilliant thoughts on this au, the effort you put in to responding to all my rambling asks is SO greatly appreciated!! 💖💖💖💖💖✨✨✨✨
I saw your ask earlier and it made me so happy even during this long long crappy day at work!! 🥰🥰🥰 Sorry for only getting to it now, putting it below the cut for the sake of everyone' scrolling but I love long asks!! 💙💙💙
I love how you expanded on the omega grandad thing, like that alone with baby roy could be its own stand alone fic of a series. Like that part of roy being brought up by an omega and two betas is so perfect. I feel like his grandpa would also have been the kind that is clear on what is expected of an omega but also very informed on omega rights, progress and would stand his ground against omega mistreatments by alphas etc which is what makes his grandad driving him to Sunderland even worse!! But maybe they had some connection to there and he initially got placed with a nice older omega lady since he was just a 9 year old, much younger than the other kids and it was expected he be around someone that could "mummy" him.
Maybe there was a change in the club ownership/management in the few years after or maybe when he came back from home at christmas post-grandad's death he was very much acting up, they placed him somewhere else, maybe a host family with other kids? And he was kind of labelled as being angry and mean (he was just grieving the only person who ever cared about him!) and problematic and they constantly reminded him what opportunity they were giving him etc and kind of brainwashed him about how he should be grateful to them and the team, since no one would be taking care of him otherwise.
And it only gets worse once he presents as omega of course. I have many times thought of possible storylines for roy's past and Sunderland as a place that laters gets outed for abuse is definitely on that list (regardless of omega/alpha stuff).
I do like your idea of both beta "well meaning" parents - there's a hell of a lot of emotional neglect that can come from that.
And what you mentioned about him feeling like an inconvenience goes so well with it. Because he would have ended up being super-independant, learning to avoid relying on other people which then applies to Jamie too (but on a slightly different note.. the shame/embarrassment of not really knowing what to do? His grandad would have given him the talk when he presented but he passed too early!!)
He definitely would have very complex feelings around being an omega. For starters, he does not fit the omega beauty standards. He might be leaner than other footballers, but he's not "delicate" or "pretty" (lie!! he's so pretty!!) and his body has also gone through changes due to the medication, like being very hairy (jamie is so horny for it)! And god knows he has not learnt how to take care of himself as a omega either, because he was trying to distance himself to not be found out so he does not know how to make himself pretty for his alpha, dress nicely, etc
I feel like him coming out and advocating for omega rights could be linked to reconnecting to his grandad in some way. Think post-Amsterdam bike ride for example, but perhaps he finds his grandad diaries? or someone finds him while doing a research paper/book on his grandfather contribution to some important policy change 30+ years ago (I'm looking at you Trent Crimm!!)
Something that would bring it full circle, make him realise that his grandad did not really abandon him in some way as he had done anything to ensure better rights for him even when he didn't know he'd be an omega (but grandad knew, he always knew... something something noted in his journal about the way a very very young roy cared for all living creatures, especially the small ones that couldn't defend themselves) >>> present day roy advocating for omega rights in sports, but in particular for the treatment of kids in academies as they are the ones who can't defend themselves. And yes, totally linked to Phoebe too and feeling that need to protect her. Something around meeting Georgie in Manchester and seeing an omega mother be so fiercely protective of her alpha son, making that almost aggressive protection be something to be proud of, something that doesn't make him a bad omega for speaking up and being loud and 'aggressive' towards abusers.
(I won't expand on jamie & georgie simply because he's a mummy's boy in every version ever for me and she's a baddie!!)
"Because while Jamie struggles with feeling shame over his gentler/softer/more attentive side that is seen as 'not Alpha-like:, ROY struggles with the inverse problem, that his personality is too bossy/dominant/cold to be 'Omega-like'." >>> you described it so well!!
I do think Jamie wants to do a very good job for his omega, he wants to dote over him and ensure he has everything he needs and is fed and warm and loved (some stepfather Simon influence there too perhaps)
I love your added angst of roy's suppressant heats being extremely painful (we love giving roy chronic conditions over here so). I do wonder if maybe there's some of this first, before they end up together, that jamie does witness him being in so much pain (lord i love the angst of a character witnessing the other going through hell and unable to do much). Maybe jamie knew already what it was or maybe not, maybe it was before they got closer and roy comes across as very mean and angry when he's just in pain. Maybe the first time they are together roy is so worried because if he normally hurts this much = he thinks the pain he goes through is what a normal heat is meant to feel like, imagine how much worse it will be if he has to put that thing in him (lolz) or have an alpha touch him all over when his entire body hurts.
But I also like the idea of them jumping straight into it physically vs taking their time emotionally! Always love a good slow burn (and hey, that could be part three of the series eheh)
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soubiapologist · 6 months
i think we underestimate the level of lovelessian hell mei is going through like she is just as much of a loveless character as the rest of them like her parents don't give af if she's out late at night with the random adult man she has a precocious crush on and he's completely off his rocker in denial about his gay crush on some serial killer weirdo who bullies you because he's a massive fucking loser
like imagine being like eight years old and having weird gender feelings and having an Object Of Gender Envy to look up to and he's just like well you're not trans and even if you were i'm not gay because we're normal we're so normal. i'm setting a good example we're so fucking normal. anyway help me help my not-boyfriend commit a weird crime. and then he makes you hang out with this weirdo and it's like okay cool another Cool Teen Boy who i can look up to maybe and he's just like calling you names and being rude because he's a huge cunt and going through Teen Boy Shit but you don't know that because you're like 8 and you take it personally and you're like fuck it i'll wear my girl uniform again and your weird babysitter soulmate that you have a baby crush on is like "aww you look adorable" in the most condescending way possible and you want to maul him about it but you don't have the words for why so you call him a slur. because you are eight. and his weird gay friend taught it to you.
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many-gay-magpies · 8 months
She sounds so. So. I beg yuo………..
dude you do not even know I have been trembling like an anxious chihuahua just waiting to be able to go full feral about her to someone. this rocks
OKAY SO. the entire story kind of started because i was listening to a song and i was like you know what this would be great for? being the backing track to a cold open where some girl is running through the woods mid-panic attack after having just killed someone. then it kind of grew a plot from there.
(me, foolishly: oh this will probably not take too long or take up too much space. clearly i forgot just how Able i am to ramble when prompted. put the rest under a cut bc it got LONG)
the cryptid wolf girl herself is named rosalind, or roz for short, or possibly rory for short once she figures out some gender stuff later on... the Central Relationship in the story is between her and her little sister anna. they did... NOT have a great life growing up—dad was an abusive alcoholic, mom was a DEPRESSIVE alcoholic and even when they split up, mom kinda left roz to raise/take care of anna completely on her own... things are better now; mom has cleaned herself up and is trying to be better—but like. that messed roz up lmao. go figure.
so for their whole lives growing up, roz and anna were kind of glued together... ROZ was more of a parent to anna than their own mom, and anna went to her for everything. but in the time of the story, anna's started to Grow Up and Grow OUT of needing her big sister for everything, AND ON TOP OF THAT she's just got herself a boyfriend who fucking sucks and reminds roz WAY too much of their dad... (in my mind I feel like when their parents split and dad left, roz was old enough to actually understand how abusive and shitty he was, but to anna it just seemed like he'd abandoned him, so she's probably a bit stupid about relationships because she's searching for the love she never got from her father/searching for a bandaid to the feeling of abandonment she has from him, but she isn't exactly the healthiest about that and latches onto the first guy that shows her attention, thinking it's Love.)
anyways, this whole deal—anna getting distant, anna being stupid about her bf—makes roz feel Some Type Of Way. she's kind of latched onto her position as anna's pseudo-parent as the crux of her self-worth, so now that anna seems to not NEED her anymore she does not take it well. she wants to protect anna from her toxic bf and from HERSELF, but she can't do a thing and just feels useless because everything she TRIES just ends up pushing anna further away from her. then on her birthday, when she's at her friend's house to celebrate (the best friend she's gay af for, zoe), she makes a wish to be able to protect anna like she used to—aaand the literal moon overhears and basically goes "you have a noble desire, i'll give you my blessing" and turns her into a werewolf (sort of - it's not a whole "turn every full moon" deal, just whenever there's a specific trigger)
anyway like a week after roz's bday when she makes the wish, it's homecoming, and her mom (who is also stupid and just thinks roz hates mark (anna's bf) because she's jealous) has asked her to drive anna to this party mark invited her to... which is in the middle of the woods. with a whole bunch of older high school guys. sure, mom, that's bound to be perfectly safe and legal.
roz has been feeling a little off all week and having weird dreams (unbeknownst to her thanks to her new lunar benefactor). after homecoming, she drives anna to her party... but there is NO FUCKIN WAY she trusts those dudes with her, so she sneaks up to spy on them from the bushes to make sure they're not getting up to any unsavory shit and hurting her little sister. (spoiler alert: they absolutely get up to tons of unsavory shit.) so roz is watching these guys, and it's literally all guys, like anna is the ONLY girl, and they're all older—and they're drinking alcohol, getting progressively more wasted, and anna is refusing but mark keeps pressuring her, and eventually he makes some vague allusions to ah... "loosening her up" with the alcohol so he can have his way with her, while touching her in not-so-great ways... and seeing that triggers roz's first transformation. she just full-on catapults in and tears him to SHREDS, literally. then someone stabs her with a beer bottle and she flees, turns back human, and starts freaking the fuck out because she just killed mark.
okay um. i did not intend to just tell you the entire story up to the point that ive written it. but OH WELL I DID! hope u enjoyed that lmao.
the whole premise of the story is that, despite how much it sucks at first, roz being a werewolf actually kind of brings her, her mom, and her sister closer together... the thing is, the moon, when it heard her wish, it didn't just give her what she asked for—it gave her what she NEEDED. and in general i have lots a feelings about werewolves as the representations of our deepest, most repressed emotions and desires, like if you've seen the whole thing about like "the werewolf is the part of you that LOVES YOU. it is the part of you that is mad at how wrongly you've been treated and wants to PROTECT you." yeah. and i have lots of feelings about the MOON and moon deities as gods of honesty, vulnerability, and seeing the truth of our deepest emotions...
so the wolf is kind of all roz's anger issues just smushed into one big wolfy body. a big theme ive started exploring with the story is that being a werewolf isn't exactly CHANGING roz or making her feel things she's never felt before (like, you know. the murder urges), it's just bringing things she ALWAYS FELT to the forefront and making them unignorable. because above all what roz NEEDS is something to force her to face herself to be able to overcome all the self-hatred she has (because BOY SHIT THERE'S A LOT OF IT). which is also where her relationship with zoe (who ive thought, written, and posted about almost more than the relationship between roz and anna... whoops) comes in.
roz and zoe are best friends. they have been since they were five years old, and zoe has been with roz through like ALLLLL the shit of her seventeen long years. roz is incredibly gay and absolutely in love with zoe, but doesn't realize because she's a fucking dumbass and thinks that's a normal way to feel about her best friend (or, like, maybe she kind of knows something's Different and knows what it IS, but she can't ever let herself realize it fully because ✨internalized homophobia✨).
when the whole wolf thing starts out, roz doesn't tell zoe what's happening, because she's afraid zoe will be afraid of or disgusted by this part of her... which she likes to think is the wolf's doing, but she knows it's really ALWAYS been a part of her. roz keeps the secret from zoe for a WHILE because of this, and keeps pushing her away, but zoe (who Knows roz and loves her back just as intensely) will NOT fucking let her. so there's gonna be like this whole stage of incredibly painful pining, where the moon goddess makes roz realize that she's in love with zoe, but she still hasn't even TOLD zoe about the whole werewolf thing, so there ensue events like: roz in wolf form subconsciously seeking out zoe, breaking out of her house in the middle of the night, going to stand below zoe's window, and then waking up in the morning thinking it was a dream until she sees her window is open and her pajamas are shredded to all hell and goes "shit".
eventually, of course, zoe DOES find out (either by accidentally witnessing a transformation one day or because roz finally caves and tells her, i havent decided yet), and spoiler alert, she isn't disgusted or afraid—she's actually, like, wildly attracted to the feral bloodthirsty vengeful side of roz, because that's the embodiment of roz's deepest, more true self, and zoe has wanted nothing more than to know roz completely—and of course it still takes roz a while to realize zoe's wide-eyed, drop-jawed stares at her are not FEAR but I'M SO GAY IM GONNA OASS OUT HOLY SHIT, because she's fucking stupid.
another honorable mention character: himbo soccer team boy tentatively named matt (gonna change either his or mark's name cuz they're too similar) who witnesses roz partially-transform by accident one day and decides he's going to be absolutely ride-or-die for this tormented lesbian werewolf. he's there for her until she finally gets her shit together and tells zoe what's going on, and long after that. they become a cute little bestie trio and matt ABSOLUTELY realizes how gay roz and zoe are for each other before roz does and he's like JESUS CHRIST JUST KISS ALREADY
(also. most worthy of mention in the yet-to-be-written zoe-and-roz scenes i feel feral about: there's gonna be one after zoe finds out where roz has a really bad transformation, and passes out still wolfed-out in zoe's lap... and she's visibly having a nightmare (plus she's still a wolf which means she's still in crisis mode even though she's sleeping), so zoe starts reading aloud to her while she sleeps until she calms down enough to turn back human... and it starts out as just zoe doing what she's ALWAYS done to comfort and soothe roz, but since roz is ASLEEP it devolves into zoe pouring out her true feelings without roz awake to hear them... then roz wakes up in the middle of zoe reciting shakespeare's sonnet 57 to her and it's like. INSANELY gay. and the whole time matt's off to the side like holy shit.)
ANYWAYS YEAH THAT WAS. A LOT HAHA. I hope u like my feral unhinged asshole werewolf girl :)
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