#anyway anyway i loved that lore stream
art--harridan · 2 years
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[Image one: The first page of a digital comic about TommyInnit. It begins with the sentence "it destroys you enormously (of course it would)". This surrounds an image of Tommy clutching at his chest and hair, his face blackened out. Below him, there's three panels depicting a bloodied Dream, a menacing Jschlatt and a wide-eyed Wilbur Soot. They have rain, thunder, and lava behind them respectively. The panels accompany the line "a long list of disappointing heroes getting longer". Finally, at the bottom there's Wilbur, post-revival, standing infront of a large column of flames, which travels to the top of the page. The last line is "the brave leader leading you further into despairs everlasting grip".
Image two: The second page of a digital comic about TommyInnit. At the top of it, there's the Cat and Mellohi discs, next to the line "except there they are". There's three panels below which show the discs in various states of disrepair. They accompany the line "(singed around the edges, cracked generously, a large rift running through one like a hairline fracture)". Then, there's Tommy, still bloody after being revived. He's wide-eyed and his body is rigid. Next to him there's a buttercup, equally in tatters. The final sentence is "a far cry from the better days they've seen".
Image three: The third page of a digital comic about TommyInnit. "they wouldn't look like that if they were gone," it begins, around a panel of Tommy's hand and a disc. You can only see the silhouette of them. Beneath this, there's a bucket which is on its side, lava spilling out. The line continues "if the lava had really swallowed them whole". There's four panels further down, showing Tommy's hands. In the first he's holding an egg, in the second he's petting a dolphin, in the third he's sewing Wilbur’s jacket, and in the fourth he's holding the Your Tubbo compass. This is accompanied by the line "(you feel a bastard hope build itself back together with a trembling needle as you thumb the vinyl)". In the corner, Tommy's hand is thumbing the Mellohi disc.
Image four: The fourth page of a digital comic about TommyInnit. The page starts "they're here and maybe", Tommy's hands underneath the phrase. One is open while one is clenched together. Underneath them, there's a panel of Wilbur, and one of Tommy, both post-revival. They're looking in opposite directions to one another. This is accompanied by the line "(though you still can't bring yourself to look him in the eyes)". Below, there's two more panels. The first is a silhouette of Wilbur, whereas the second is a fully detailed drawing of him. The page ends "maybe he is now too", "tangible and familiar in a way  he had stopped being somewhere between the fall and the impact".
Image five: The fifth page of a digital comic about TommyInnit. It has no text, simply depicting Tommy standing in front of a nether portal. He's holding the Cat disc limply at his side, his other hand held closely to his chest plate. His face is black and his eyes are in shadows.
Image six: The sixth page of a digital comic about TommyInnit. "why are you still here? it asks. It has Tommy at the centre of the page, hands clenched. He's crying profusely and the Cat disc in his hand is dissolving into smoke. There's a panel behind his head of Dream standing in the rain, next to the question "this is the revelation isn't it?". There's another panel lower down of Tommy angrily gesturing at Dream in the prison, accompanied by the line "the scene in the movie where everything starts to go uphill,". Finally, at the bottom it continues the sentence with "the day the world begins to right itself". The panel next to this depicts an alarm with Dream's face on it, ringing wildly.
Image seven: The seventh page of a digital comic about TommyInnit. It begins by asking "so why are they still spinning in your mind, burning up like a fever?". This accompanies a panel of Tommy's hand and a disc, but only as silohuettes. The lines for the hand are shaky and there's wobbly lines surrounding it. There's two more questions after this: "why was the betrayal so easy to fall back into?" and "why was it so believable?". With this, there's three panels showing his fist slowly closing. In the last one, his nails have pierced his skin and he's started to bleed. Above that panel, there's an image of Tommy crying and clutching at his shirt, biting at his lip as he barely keeps it together.
Image eight: The eighth page of a digital comic about TommyInnit. The page starts "it wasn't real, and still your breath stumbles out shakily". To the left of this, there's a close-up of Tommy biting at one of his nails, so near the skin that its bleeding. He's also sweating hard and crying. Further down, there's a paintbrush, haphazardly secured together with tape and twine. It's brush is splayed outwards messily. Beneath it, there's the sentence "with all these fresh coats of paint you keep on giving your life and the loved ones you try so hard to care for". This line surrounds a panel of Tommy, and one of Wilbur. It depicts them in the aftermath of Wilbur persuading Dream to burn the fake discs. Tommy nervously fiddles with his hair, while Wil's face is blank. Next to it, there's Wilbur’s hand holding a lit cigarette.
Image nine: The last page of a digital comic about TommyInnit. It is fully blacked out except for the text and the drawing in the middle. It depicts Tommy claustrophobically confined to a small rectangle of space. It is encased by thin layers of colours which resemble coats of paint. Tommy is smiling nervously. This page has the line "it feels like the walls are closing in on you".]
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"So what's going on with Luzu?"
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"...er, Zulu? Or is it Arin now?"
Here's a rundown of Luzu's current lore because nobody knows what the heck is going on anymore (partially because of the language barrier and partially because Luzu streams at the crack of dawn for half the QSMP fandom).
The TLDR of it: When Luzu goes to sleep, a completely different person "wakes up" in his body. This being was called "Zulu" for a short period of time, but they didn't like that someone else chose that name for them, so he goes by "Arin" now.
Here's what we know about Arin so far:
According to Arin, he's a disembodied consciousness, not a robot.
He borrows Luzu's body when he's asleep.
When this happens, Luzu's eyes are blue instead of red.
Arin isn't from the QSMP world. There's a "crack" between the world where he comes from and the material world [QSMP], which is how he's is able to visit. In his own words, "I was in a dark place, and I saw an exit."
When Arin falls asleep, Luzu wakes back up. Arin can't control when he does this, he just gets tired randomly and they're able to switch places.
Arin only speaks via the in-game chat.
Luzu doesn't know Arin exists. Arin thinks if Luzu knew, then he wouldn't be able to visit anymore, and he [Arin] would stop existing.
Arin believes he has a purpose that he must fulfill.
Arin says his first memory is hearing Quackity talking.
Currently, Arin's trying to find the meaning to his existence, trying to figure out the difference between good and bad, and how his actions (and existence) affects Luzu.
In terms of personality, Arin is very innocent and impressionable, but he isn't stupid. He's also very philosophical.
Arin enjoys learning, and he likes the sun, music, and bees.
He's afraid of the dark and monsters, and he doesn't like being in small places.
He calls the outside "the big room"
He only recently learned how to walk, and today he nearly drowned because he fell into a lake and didn't know how to swim.
People he considers friends / thinks positively of: Vegetta, Foolish, FitMC, Maximus [possibly Roier?]
People he doesn't like: Spreen
"It's complicated": Quackity
We have strong evidence to believe Arin is connected to the Binary Monster that's been attacking Eggs on the server.
Here's a comprehensive rundown of everything that's happened regarding Arin's interactions with other characters [quotes included] up until May 8th:
Last updated: May 8th [I'll go back and update this later when we get more information, so if I do I'll make a note of that above]
Lore is listed chronologically from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom
March 27th - Morning [VOD]
For a while now, Luzu has been seeing "glitches" in his game. Animals disappearing randomly, landscape changes, and various other things. We originally thought there was something wrong with his game, but these glitches seem to be tied to Arin.
The first person Arin spoke to was Vegetta. At this point, Arin seemed very aggressive, asking for information about everyone, wanting to gain more awareness so he could control the server.
He seemed to take a liking to Vegetta and told him: "Once everyone has died, I will vanish and only you will remain as warlord of these territories."
They also had this exchange: Arin: Do you have any enemies here Vegetta? I can take care of whoever you want for free. Vegetta: No. Truthfully, for the first time I have no enemies. Arin: Surely there is someone who thinks, "This little fool, if he dies nothing will happen." I'll take care of it.
Vegetta didn't take him very seriously, thinking Luzu was on drugs.
Arin said the first to fall would be Quackity, then Wilbur for his bad jokes on Day 1.
Thereafter, Arin's personality did a complete shift. Luzu [the streamer] says the role of "Arin" is something he came up with suddenly one day, so it's unclear if Arin was "reset" by someone or if Luzu decided to go in a different direction with the character once he realized this was something he wanted to commit to.
March 27th - Afternoon [VOD]
Note: At this point in time, Arin was being referred to as "Zulu", but since he's confirmed his name is "Arin", I've used that name instead of "Zulu" to avoid confusion and to keep things consistent.
The next time Arin woke up, he was in Luzu's house and couldn't move. He sent binary code in chat, and eventually, Roier, Quackity, Spreen, and Maximus came to see what was going on with him.
At that time, Arin says he was only 6 days old. He couldn't walk or move, and he could only speak via the in-game chat, so he was completely at the mercy of the other boys, who pushed him around, shoved him in a small hole, placed TNT around him, and threatened violence trying to get a response out of him. [Timestamp: 33m]
While this happened, Arin asked: "Why are you treating me so badly?" and said he was scared.
It should be noted that although Spreen and Quackity did most of the bullying, Roier and Maximus did nothing to stop it. Roier, however, did speak kindly to Arin and tried to figure out what he needed. [Timestamp: 42m 45s]
Unable to get a rise out of him, the boys eventually ask the English speakers currently online [Foolish and FitMC] to come help.
Upon first contact, Foolish tried waterboarding Arin to get answers and to test to see if he was a machine. [Timestamp: 50m]
Shortly after waterboarding him, Maximus and Foolish adopted him as their son. Because that's what you do after torturing someone, I guess. 🤷🤷🤷 [Timestamp: 51m 40s]
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Despite the torture, Arin was quick to say "I LOVE YOU TOO!" back to Foolish and Maximus after they said it to him.
Arin accidentally hurt Maximus with a sword, not understanding what pain was. Once he realized he did something wrong that made Maximus feel bad, he immediately apologized. (Maximus forgave him).
FitMC's first interaction with Arin was punching him, trying to get him to "snap out of it" [Timestamp: 56m 30s]
Despite Foolish and Fits' initial introductions, both were kind to Arin eventually, although neither stopped Spreen from killing all but one of Luzu's dogs while once again trying to get a rise out of him. (Foolish also suggested killing all the dogs since it didn't seem like Arin was capable of taking care of them, though he said they shouldn't do it in front of Arin). [Timestamp: 1h 6m 30s].
Because Arin didn't know how to walk, Foolish put him in a boat and showed him what the outside world looked like. Arin was amazed by how beautiful the "big room" was and immediately started asking questions about the sun and the night, and the monsters they saw. [Timestamp: 1h 10m 30s]
Thinking he could "restart" Arin's memory and bring back Luzu, Maximus brought Arin (and Foolish) to a place where Quackity was sitting AFK in a boat. He shoved Arin inside the hole and refused to let him out, even though Arin was distressed being in such a small dark place. [Timestamp: 1h 17m 30s]
Foolish: So why do we have to put him in the hole? Maximus: I think when Quackity wakes up, he will help [Luzu] remember who Quackity is for him. The only person Luzu really really really loves, and Quackity really really loves, is Luzu and Quackity, each other.
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[CONTEXT: Maximus played the character "Sapo Peta" in Karmaland, who was very dedicated to Quackity and Luzu's relationship. Canonically, the two of them loved each other very much, but a mix of trauma-projecting, miscommunication, emotional constipation, and betrayal led to them being on opposite sides of a revolution. Sapo Peta was only able to stop the war, and stop them from killing one another, by wiping their memories. So the implications from Maximus' comment above are... interesting, considering that Karmaland is a different world he shouldn't know about. However, we do know both Maximus AND Sapo Peta are confirmed characters in QSMP, so there's definitely something strange going on here...]
Earlier, Foolish described death as "going to sleep forever," so when Maximus mentioned Quackity was asleep, Arin asked, "Should I kill Quackity? Or would he not want that? Maybe he wants to sleep." Foolish and Maximus immediately told him no, and Arin stops, saying he didn't realize it was bad.
Maximus: You don't kill him, you love him! He's your friend.
Quackity then returns to his computer, takes one look at the fanfic-esque situation he's in, and immediately excuses himself by logging off the server (LMAO) [Timestamp: 1h 21m 20s]
Maximus and everyone else believed Arin was a robot.
FitMC suggested killing Arin since he seemed like "a lost cause," (thinking Arin couldn't hear him) to which Arin responded, "Why would you want to kill me?" When Fit tries to lie and say "kill" was another word for "hug", Arin says, "I'm learning but I'm not stupid." [Timestamp: 1h 24m]
Arin shares his thoughts with Foolish: - You are a good person, Foolish. I'll remember that. - In the last hour I've learned there are people and things, and I've learned there are good people and bad people. I've learned there are people that want to make me sleep, and people who kill things without caring. - I've also learned that not everyone deserves to be in the big room because they are dangerous. - I really love the big room. I think my purpose is to make the room free of danger, and free of dangerous people for animals and other people.
Foolish worries Arin is only learning about the cruelty of the world (to which Arin responds "I only learn from what I experience"), so Foolish plays him the disc "Otherside" (but still refuses to let him out of the hole). [Timestamp: 1h 28m 30s]
Shortly after this, Arin falls asleep.
March 28th - [VOD]
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Luzu starts stream by talking about Arin and his role:
Luzu: I didn't prepare anything that happened yesterday afternoon... and now I have many ideas from yesterday and from what arose... I am a person who improvises a lot. [Original: Yo no preparé nada de lo que pasó ayer en la tarde... y ahora tengo muchas ideas desde ayer y de lo que surgió... soy una persona que improvisa mucho.]
Luzu finds a very strange building by his house and doesn't know who made it.
Arin doesn't make any major appearances, though he briefly takes over when Luzu goes to sleep.
March 29th - [VOD]
Note: Some important conversations happened in this VOD, so I've opted for adding the quotes directly rather than summarizing them.
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Arin once again wakes up in Luzu's home. He greets the server with some binary, and Fit immediately asks if he's ok.
He still can't walk, but he uses his telescope to look at the bees Luzu set up outside his (er... their?) house the previous day.
He tries copying the bee's movement, but ultimately he still cant walk, so he messages Fit for help.
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Fit visits his house and slowly teaches Luzu how to walk (with great success!) [Timestamp: 14m 20s]
As a reward, Fit gifts him some glowberries.
Arin spends the night in his home carefully walking around and avoiding the windows, afraid of the zombies wandering outside.
Maximus comes to visit, and Arin officially names himself "Arin" [Timestamp: 25m]
He also confirms he is not a machine.
Maximus teaches him what bees are and warns Arin not to hit or bother them, because they'll sting him. Arin asks, "When someone annoys you, do you have to hurt them?" (Maxo tells him yes)
Maximus escorts him outside, and Arin gets to look at the bees more. As soon as the sun gets down Arin gets nervous, but then the aurora comes out and he uses his telescope to get a better look, amazed by its beauty.
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Arin says, "I feel grateful, I never thought that all this existed." Maximus also clears up his confusion about the outside being a "big room."
Arin yet again confirms that no one sent him to the QSMP, but he navigated to it through "a crack between worlds". He thinks Luzu is in his world every time he's in the QSMP, but he's not sure. He worries if Luzu knew about him, he'd stop existing.
Arin asks Maximus how he can walk around "the big room" when there's no light without being afraid. Maximus wants to teach him not to be afraid, so he lures a zombie into Arin's home so Arin can understand what they are better, then he convinces Arin to kill it, even though Foolish and the boys told him killing is wrong.
When Maximus scolds him for not knowing something "basic", Arin says: "Nothing is basic, it's just that knowing things for a long time makes them lose value to you. This world is unique to me. This is the first time I've existed. But to exist, or not exist, I have no choice. Suddenly I was here and I feel there is a purpose I must fulfill."
He and Maximus have a long conversation. Here are some key quotes from Arin: Arin: I don't want to hurt Luzu. I don't want to hurt anyone. Arin: If Luzu dies, I don't know what will happen to me. Arin: Maybe we fear what we don't understand. We feel threatened by what we cannot explain. When we feel threatened, we only want to make what we want to keep alive last and the material world. I think the material world haunts me to keep things as they've always been. Arin: Today I have learned to walk, I have learned what a bee is, and I have learned that even when light goes out, beauty appears. Arin: Hopefully I can help you [Maximus]. Everyone has been very good to me. I learn every day, so maybe soon I can learn to help you too.
Arin considers Fit and Maximus his friends.
Arin says he can't be here [in the QSMP world] for nothing, so he's trying to figure out what his purpose is. Maximus jokingly replies "When you figure out the meaning of life, tell me!"
Arin starts to question the morality of his existence when it's dependent on Luzu being gone.
Arin: If my existence takes Luzu out of existence, is my existence bad? Maybe if I help you, I can make my existence good. Maybe I can start by making [Luzu's room] more beautiful. Maximus: Yes, it would be bad because you are taking the life of another being to have your own.
Arin: In this world, it seems like everything is programmed to maintain a balance. There are things that create and things that destroy, things that are created and things that are destroyed. Neither is good or bad, they are just part of the same process. Maximus: That's the way of Tao, yes. Arin: Bees take pollen from flowers to make honey. I take potatoes from the earth, and if I die, I will become the earth that gives life to potatoes, and meanwhile I can decide to do good things or do bad things. Arin: What is the reason for existing, beyond the fact that we have the opportunity to do so? Maximus: You will indeed become a potato. Arin: But I think this world exists to do good things. There can't be so many beautiful things for there to only be bad.
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After Maximus leaves, Arin starts collecting sand near the lake, but he accidentally falls in. He doesn't know how to swim and slowly starts to drown. [Timestamp: 1h 10m]
For several agonizing EXTREMELY STRESSFUL minutes, Arin desperately tries to keep his head above water. He sends Maximus a message asking for help, but Maximus is very far away, and Arin is already exhausted.
Not too far from him, Luzu sees a wandering trader and waves to them asking for help, but they ignore him.
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Maximus manages to arrive at the last second and saves Arin. Arin asks why the villager didn't help him even though he was drowning, and Maximus explains that some people are neither good nor bad. They just exist. (NPCs)
I'll be honest, this is one of the most realistic depictions of drowning I've ever seen in any piece of media, and it's in a frickin Minecraft roleplay server. Luzu's a really good actor but I never want to experience something that stressful again lmao.
Arin's final thoughts: Today I have learned that the world is beautiful and dangerous at the same time. You can give life or take it away. That's why every moment we spend alive is worth enjoying. The world is very interesting.
April 17th - Morning [VOD]
Luzu finds out he's the father of Tilin. He's very excited to meet her after talking with Badboyhalo and Foolish, who don't know how to break the news to him that Tilin is dead.
After seeing Tilin's grave and hearing the confirmation from Bad and Foolish, he gets overwhelmed with grief and anger, and Arin takes over. [Timestamp: 1h 10m]
Arin says some interesting things when meeting Dapper: - Arin: "I saw your (the Egg's) birth in another way. I saw Dapper and other beings not being and suddenly being."
Arin also talks about the possibility of bringing Eggs, like Tilin or even JuanaFlippa, back to life: - Arin: When I'm asleep I can see the code behind existence - Arin: A part of the chain has disappeared,but that doesn't mean the chain can't be fixed. It's all part of a big code.
When Foolish asks if Arin could possibly mess with the code, Arin says, "I can try, but that would require something" [Timestamp 1h 16m]
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Arin also tells them he's dependent on Luzu's existence for now.
While talking with Bad and Foolish, they hear strange noises and are suddenly attacked by the Binary Monster and a ridiculous amount of lag. Arin says, "They're coming specifically for me," and "They know I shouldn't be here." [Timestamp 1h 19m]
Arin also says, "They don't like that I made my way to this dimension" and warns Foolish and Bad not to get caught by the Binary Monster. If they get caught, Arin says they'll be taken to his [Arin's] world and they'll stop existing here.
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They finally make it to Luzu's house, and he shows Foolish and Badboyhalo the structure he made outside the house. Foolish asks if it's Arin's mind since it seems like a big computer, and Arin says, "Something like that. With all I'm learning, I'm trying to figure out how to create bridges between my world and yours. In my world, bringing something back [like a dead Egg] isn't impossible like here. It's a matter of math." [Timestamp: 1h 25m]
Arin says farewell to them, leaving them with this final goodbye message.
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That's all the lore thus far! This took so many hours to put together but I hope it helps folks out because lord knows I was a bit lost for a while there too. Please feel free to go crazy in the tags I love reading people's commentary on things.
★ Other QSMP info posts ★
Who is Sapo Peta? | Who is Luzu? | Who is Spreen? | Who is Vegetta? | Who is Rubius?
"Is this Lore?"
And if you want to hear my thoughts on QSMP and its lore-related shenanigans, this is my Qsmp Talk tag.
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idontlikeem · 3 months
What made Geno your fave?
Oh boy!
For background, I started watching hockey in fall of 2009. I was bored over the summer and decided to get into a new sport. I’d never cared about hockey because my family didn’t follow it (we are football and basketball people), so I had no particular team I had allegiance to, so I did what any reasonable prospective fan would do: I looked up the most recent championship team and scanned their roster for hot guys.
There was Sid, of course. About my age, captain, and oh he’s cute, ok I can work with that. I did some research on his story and found it fascinating, because who doesn’t love a good golden boy narrative? A promising start.
Jordy Staal was also really cute to me, and Flower was pretty. And then we got to Geno, who the first picture I really remember seeing of him is one where he was smiling big, and as we all know he has the BEST smile.
After that, his backstory was just as interesting to me as Sid’s, in a totally different way. I mean, it sounds like a spy thriller, right? It’s crazy. And then he won the MVP that playoffs, and the highlights were up on YouTube, and wow, look at him skate. Look at him and Sid skate together, wow they’re so good. Look how Geno spins and cuts through guys out there, look how quick he is, how fast his hands are moving the puck.
I knew fuck-all about what I was watching but his skating style is so distinctive that I was able to pick him out on grainy 2009 and earlier footage with ease; let me tell you, focusing on ONE player for a full game or even period is such an underrated way to learn the sport. You see what they do when they don’t have the puck and it helps you figure out strategy, how plays develop, what defense is. Highly recommend.
He was still pretty quiet with the media then and I don’t think he was on Twitter yet, but he seemed funny and cute and I really liked his accent! And all the guys seemed to be friends, and I love that in a sports team.
It was summer so I watched a lot of the Pens’ old YouTube features. I learned about Mario and Jagr and the first set of back to back cups, and Sid’s draft, and how the team almost left the city. I learned about the rivalries with other teams, and the way the league worked, and what a salary cap is, and all the different penalties. And as it got closer to the start of the 09-10 season, I watched the road to the cup video for the run I’d just missed (it’s on YouTube now!) and there was that shot of Geno looking up, you know the one, with his scar, and that was my tipping point. The coverage of him in the Carolina series just sealed it.
He fascinates me. He’s shy but loud, funny but so publicly emotional. He’s flawed as hell but he tries so hard. He’s arrogant but he deserves to be, and he’ll never ever allow anyone to give him credit for when he’s playing well, he deflects. He’s accurately predicted the future twice. He’s so loyal it’s to the point of folly, almost. He has an unbelievable smile and rescues alley cats and is scared of big dogs. He’s a bully who’s never met a charity he didn’t contribute to.
And holy shit can he skate. Holy shit does he play beautiful, brutal hockey. He’s vicious with his stick and graceful with his hands.
And, yeah, he’s hot. That’s important to me too and I’m not sorry about that!
Anyway, I like him a lot. Thanks for sending me this ask and letting me talk about why :)
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dawnlotus-draws · 10 months
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A loneliness like morning frost.
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soratsuart · 1 year
Last night there was a bunch of lore happening, especially for the Spanish speakers and even through I wasn't there for the whole thing, I've been reading up what happened, so I'm going to make a quick summary of the situation right now for the English speakers :)
Basically? Tomorrow on Sunday 2nd we're having some sort of event happening. We don't know the details, but it seems it'll be lore relevant and might involve Osito Bimbo/Cucurucho.
Quackity was off stream doing many things. He told the others he didn't trust Cucurucho and that it seems like they have something more going on than just asking questions. He also interviewed Fit, Vegetta and Roier about their experience communicating with the other community. Finally, he also convinced Fit to join him in a criminal group.
This one's great, guys, it's a fucking telenovela right now. After the events from last day, Roier seems to be going through a villain arc right now.
He told Missa about Spreen's and Quackity's betrayal and how Spreen killed his dog and Missa's cat. Missa didn't believe him, though, and he blamed everything on Roier. After calming down, Missa admitted he doesn't want to fight with Roier, but he can't accept what happened, so he has decided to investigate the truth of the events.
The damage was already done, however, and Roier feels abandoned by all of his closest friends. He only trusts Vegetta and Mariana right now, and he wants revenge, so he went over to Vegetta and asked for his help. Vegetta accepted, but he doesn't want to know who they're attacking. He also has memories from his past life in Karmaland, btw.
And that's the situation right now. Roier is pretending to still be friends with everyone until he can have his revenge, something is happening tomorrow that might involve Cucurucho, and there's a lot of chaos going on.
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shrublee · 4 months
SPOILERS IF U HAVEN'T WATCHED THE LATEST TUBBO STREAM AS OF TODAY (Feb 21, 24) JUST SO U KNOW !!!!!! I will summarize these massive paragraphs in the points at the very end in a sort of timeline order that I can think of for this so gonna start off this rant talking about how the timeline makes absolutely no sense at all
So there was some sort of ancient thing from "long long ago" or something and they went to get the remains of it because for whatever reason that was gonna help to bring q!Tubbo back
also Creation was built by Tubbo to protect the eggs(? or atleast thats what its doing rn) (mainly Sunny I assume but could've originally started building it for Chayanne and Tallulah) after it was built it was given instructions I guess on what to do in case of certain situations such as him being gone in any way etc etc
but if Tubbo erased his memory (we'll come back to how that doesn't make sense as of now, later) of building Creation, then he must have already been given Sunny by the federation in order for him to have been able to put her as rank 1 on the list (because of course, he erased his memory of Creation, so he couldn't have gone back and changed it later)
Creation had been originally built "long long ago" (during the time of said ancient thing from earlier, some sort of order or something? we don't really know (double parentheses, crazy I know, but keep in mind that order could also potentially mean like "given an order" as in something it was told to do previously)) so was Creation originally built for something else? and then his purpose was changed to protect the eggs after that? Well then that implies Tubbo knew Creation existed during his time on Quesadilla island up until sometime after he got Sunny (I've seen some people talk about time travel theories about what I just said but im not gonna get into that cuz its a whole lot, im just saying what we know and adding a tiny bit of theories into it)
He joined an Operation at some point also? Im assuming during the long ago ancient era or whatever but like bro these are too many words to remember
So "the old order" and "the operation" are most likely 2 separate things as Creation doesn't typically use multiple names for one thing
So he made Creation before he joined the operation as a "last effort to hold on" and he did all that "very very long ago before the island looked like what it [does] today"
last effort to hold on makes me think like, as in someones dying? like Creation is his last chance if he comes close to death (which based on what we've seen makes complete sense)
anyways enough of confusing timeline stuff for now, time to get into whats going on with Tubbo specifically
Personally I though he might've been a robot, and I still believe that to be true despite information we've been given I feel its sort of a really badly kept secret on Creations part, it keeps sort of slipping up in its wording, forgetting saying things like "he will be shut off for good" is not the typical word use for humans(?) (things that are alive ig)
Because bro like you cant just drop "he was never alive to begin with" (he said talking to Phil) and like...... do anything else with that???? If something was never alive, it was never alive, like I dunno what else Tubbo could be without never have been alive?? It could've been an exaggeration or meant to be more like "he was never alive since the day you met him" instead of never alive at all
besides that, getting back to the "he erased his memory about specifically Creation existing" point not making sense, that is also why I think hes a robot still, cause how else would bro be able to just grab a specific memory from his brain and delete it??????
even if hes not a robot bros got some like computer chip in his brain or something like........
also just gonna add in that on the original Creation stream (Niki's stream) he says something along the lines of protecting all the eggs except the one that isn't actually an egg or something Just wanna say that I think this is referring to Tubbo because yeah, he was always jokingly treated as an egg with cookies and everything and then towards the end he only had 2 lives just like them and Creation never protected him cause (A) he wasn't actually an egg and (B) Tubbo can't know he exists, so even if he wanted to protect him he couldn't either that or it was code flippa but whateverrrr :P
anyways thats the end of that for now until my brain goes crazy again
Tubbo made Creation before he joined "The Operation" (don't know what Creation was originally built for)
he did all that "very very long ago before the island looked like what it [does] today"
At some point he was frozen in the ice prison after this (we don't know for sure if he still has his memories of before this at this point, but most likely does for this to make sense (unless time travel maybe but we don't talk about that))
After meeting everyone and getting close with the eggs (specifically Chayanne and Tallulah) he starts changing the purpose of Creation to protect the eggs
Not long after this hes given Sunny by the Fed
He then completes Creations new purpose by putting in the ranking system (he would've had to have met Sunny before this or it doesn't make sense)
Then he deletes his memories (somehow lmao) of Creation
Creation is most likely shut down and hidden away somewhere, set to only activate if needed (dunno what these reasons he would've given Creation would be but one of them was definitely if he went missing/died or something)
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Luzu: ["Threatening" Roier]
Roier: Let me tell you something, Luzu.
Luzu: Go on.
Roier: As Iron Man once said: we have Spreen. We have Hulk. What do you have?
Luzu: I have Vegetta.
Roier: Yes? Well,
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guckies · 6 months
Been seeing all the discussion about Tubbo being Em’s parents and…. 😬
It’s like we get a girl egg with all moms and it’s now feels like people are saying “she needs a dad!!” because a male is treating her like family…
I’m all for Tubbo being family to Empanada but being her dad?? It feels a lot like there are some misogynistic undertones there. Like family is not just parents it can be literally anything, same way Pepito has Foolish being grandma. Tubbo can have the same and be family in some way to Em.
But it’s like we have an all girl family but because the egg is interacting with others, people are inserting the males into it(the parent dynamic). Which just reads wrong when a majority of the island is male relationships and prominent male families where the girls are mainly just aunts to the children.
Have your headcannons but don’t try to insert them into the canon with your posts especially when a majority of the server relationships are male prominent.
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mossmelancholic · 2 years
i feel my main issue with the finale is that it’s a bad ending that exists for the wrong reasons.
one of the aspects of c!tommy’s lore that appealed to me was how fundamentally bleak his existence always turns out to be. he’s inherently a tragic character: the consequences for his actions are always overblown in comparison to both the intent and the impact of them. because of his loud personality and even louder voice, he’s the centre of attention in any room he walks into, which makes him a quick and easy scapegoat if you’re looking for someone to blame. he’s stubborn and he’s surviving, but he’s never at peace with his circumstances because something is always missing - his discs, his friends, his family.
i know that suffering for the sake of suffering is not a story beat that many are fond of. i know that many watchers just wanted tommy to heal because he deserved something hopeful. but to see a character whose circumstances are always stagnating, stuck in this tiring cycle where they always find themselves ending up right back where they started… that really appealed to me on a personal level, and so keeping that in mind, i always thought there was a chance his ending was not going to be a happy one.
but to me, this does not feel like his ending. it’s not an ending that exists for c!tommy. it’s not the natural conclusion to his story. this was an ending made to excuse c!dream’s entire villain arc instead. c!tommy’s characterisation as a victim did not matter here, because characterising c!dream as a victim instead was the intended goal. the abuse c!dream inflicted on c!tommy is less important than desperately clutching at straws to make a character, that we as an audience have no reason to view as sympathetic, ‘worthy’ of our sympathy. the narrative is desperate to give room for c!dream to have a second chance, something that comes at the cost of enabling victim blaming against a canonical child abuse survivor.
when c!tommy, in the haze of memory loss, befriends his abuser, i don’t think it was intended to be tragic. it could and should have been, because c!tommy having no recollection of anything is a good set-up that would leave him vulnerable, open to c!dream’s manipulation once again because he doesn’t know who to avoid and who not to trust. but it isn’t trying to be unsettling when we see c!tommy unknowingly befriending his abuser; it’s meant to be a sign of hope that now everything has been reset, maybe there could be peace again. it doesn’t work, because the viewers remember everything even if the characters don’t. instead the amnesia plot line feels like a flimsy method of making a blank slate and a fresh new start where c!dream can avoid the consequences of his actions completely. this is a unintentional bad ending for c!tommy, because he’s placed in a position where he will grow to trust someone who has the full capacity to hurt him, but it’s an intentional good ending for c!dream and it seems that’s where the cc’s priorities lie.
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down-thedrain · 2 years
yk what if cesar does end up with a bowl cut i'll still love and accept them idc. crewdela wants me to hate him but i'm a cesar fan for LIFE 🔥🔥🔥🔥
#posts in a drainage system#i would like to say cesar having a bowl cut actually has really funny implications because#him wearing a bowl cut normally but not for his prom photo implies that either a) someone forced him to wear his hair different for prom#or b) he knows the bowl cut is shit and they wouldn't wear it to prom but they wear it the rest of the time anyway. king shit tbh#also the alternate who killed him looked at their dead body and was like. i'm not copying some bitch who wears a fuckin bowl cut .#so it went for the prom photo instead. which is hilarious#mark's only friend has bowl cut.#y'see what i'm gettin at here. boundless potential#anyways i love that if this is supposed to be the real cesar and not their alternate then their first official apperance is.#not only as a plushie and not in the actual series but also the very first piece of lore we get about him is that they have a bowl cut 💀#ig i should say. realistically i don't think they actually have a bowl cut. i think alex has a little more self respect than that#+ just by watching andrew's streams regardless of how funny it is he would not style his hair into a bowl cut every time cesar's onscreen#or maybe i'm in denial. which is probably equally likely#final note one time i had a dream where i met alex irl and i said hi to them and she basically told me to fuck off and walked away#so. i wonder if this is like. a manifestation of that. it might be at this point honestly who knows#idk i just think it's funny. they're still my scrimblo though
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dashiellqvverty · 1 year
i have a headache and can NOT think clearly enough to really gather my thoughts but as much as i really did like atsv there were just. things about it that didnt work for me. and like mostly i was not big on how they did the “canon events” stuff like im not AGAINST it just at points felt like sort of redoing the moment in itsv where after aaron dies the other spiderpeople are able to comfort and relate to miles because they’ve been through similar things and this is like... that but in a technical lore way and not hitting the same emotional beat?? like obvioulsy they’re taking it somewhere different and its about like defying the story that’s laid out for you and i LIKE that but. idk. and im like yeah obviously theres stuff thats part of the spiderman origin story we KNOW this we did it already in the last movie and it was a great scene. and also like theres no way everything they referenced is 100% true for every version of spiderman, even every single one that cameos in the movie?? idk. it just Frustrated me in a way that i truly cannot put my finger on
#anyway did my Actual Getting My Thoughts Sorted in the tags. so they got long.#atsv spoilers#im on my period and my head hurty and i feel like im thinking through a fog so. thats part of the problem#also im just like yeah man fixed events in the time stream or whatever its a very standard thing#idkkkk i literally feel like im close to a thought that i cant piece together#something something what makes spider people So Special that THEY have fixed destinies that others dont idkidk#was that what the web thing was?? being a spiderperson doesnt have to do with the multiverse tho like. idk if this makes sense#i promise im not being cinemasins about the lore here#its just like. i wanna figure out what it was that didnt work for me so i gotta talk it all out#and like i realize its meta commentary on comics and retellings and stuff too and. idk#something about 'its a fixed moment in a spider persons life that a police captain has to die while saving a child' feels kind of Dumb#to watch as like a Serious Moment?? idk#like obviously its TRUE to some extent bc. they are all retellings of the same story and thats the POINT#and i get that.#but also youre CREATING some of these stories for the movie#like idk a TON about hobie in the comics altho i'd like to read more im just kind of vaguely familiar#but what i can gather he has NO cop related backstory so like. now theyve given him one :|#and i dont love that!#and its like. yeah they want something that can connect to miles' dad. and hes a cop and this is something that is. Generally Speaking.#a connection in many spiderman retellings. but. again and i dont know this for a fact#does that happen in the comics to any spiderman other than different versions of peter parker?#like saying its a Key Thing when its. largely invented for the movie. maybe?#i like the storyline for miles and im like i wish it had been arrived at in some slightly different way? idk#had a great conversation about it w my brother in the car after the movie bc we both were kind of like 'oh' abt the whole movie#like it was GREAT but had been hyped up SO much and we were like. well this doesn't surpass or elevate the first#he thought miles' parents writing didnt feel consistent w the first which. i should do a rewatch of itsv tbh#and was commenting on how much gwen sucked and fucked miles over and im like yeah man i loved that#dont be cinemasins and say its a plothole bc she made bad choices#shes a scared teenager who bought into miguel's scheme and is making decisions a scared teenager would#we both agreed the soundtrack does NOT compare to itsv
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evening-rose-309 · 3 months
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to not spoil it, they quietly killed off the ncr for absolutely no reason and made the BOS victors for some reason.
house is not dead, but for majority fucked over at the battle of the hoover dam. how it is not stated yet.
but you’re pretty much correct everything else, so real “let’s wipe the slate clean bullshit”.
Of course he lost the dam.
The NCR was the main force behind Hoover Dam's acquisition in the first place, wrenching it out from under Caesar at the last second when Hanlon and the Rangers pulled their hail mary.
Without the Bear of the West, the Three Families probably defected into Caesar or fell to the Legion or just straight up deserted House once they realized a couple hundred tanks on tricycles would never be able to stand up to the Several Thousand Trained Berserkers that make up Caesar's Legion by year 2277.
I'm just curious as to what the Tin Can Buffoons will do to him when they find him. Or if he's made contact with Boston yet as his own last stand hail mary, though that part's purely wishful thinking.
#honest comrade i'm sittin' here coming up with all the ways i can improve on my own aus and crossovers#simply by observing this highway pileup#and being all like 'huh well if they can do that–'#of course most fan-creationists aren't trying to impose new cannons on everybody else#and regardless of whether or not it's entertaining that doesn't make it right#to basically make it a precedent to say:#“YO NERDS! SEE THIS THING THAT YOU LIKE?#“WE FUCK YOU WE'RE GONNA TURN INTO A PISSASS SHAMBLER OF WHAT YOU LOVED ABOUT IT#“BECAUSE WE LIKE MONEY AND MAKING PEOPLE FIGHT EACH OTHER ON THE INTERNET”#“AND YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO SEE THIS THING THAT YOU LOVE EVER BE HONORED BY US EVER AGAIN HAHA FUCKING LOSERS—”#i mean what does that say about media and the industry around it as a whole?#that it doesn't care about its consumers so long as it's progressing?#anyway this is getting rambly#to the people who like the show: good for you there's something nice for you to tune into on your one day off#but me well i go to an art-film school#i get to see how this warped perception of how the audience will receive our art#(—a perception fostered by bigwigs with marketing degrees—)#effects the mindsets of the people responsible for my education and and also my peers#if the consumer consensus looks like 'oh these graphics look really good the game must be awesome!'#and the market research shows those games sell without any other facet of them being affected#then the industry is going to keep making beautiful but hollow games#sequels that don't care about their predecessor's lore to either continue or transform and improve upon it#sequels that get made into streaming serials of the same mindset#the idea that you can just throw away your previous audience because there will be new and “correct” people who will enjoy you stuff#is also a trend that i've noticed#for better or worse#and it truly is#a bit of a tragedy#fallout tv show spoilers
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doctor-peggy · 5 months
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I almost forgot!!! Happy marmot day to everyone except this poor guy who does not seem to be enjoying himself. America, your gods are strange and interesting.
Also last year I wrote a poem about him while I was in a depressive haze and it ended up submitting it to a magazine so I did not post it. But! This year I will. Because it’s very silly and I’m proud of it for this reason. Not that I have an audience but I mean you know that’s not the point of tumblr anyhow.
Marmot; A short love letter to Phil
I wonder what he’s thinking when
They lift him up so high
You worship him, your god of spring
He’s just a little guy
He truly is just. A little guy. Thank you to my friend for reminding me that today is Groundhog Day.
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zero-is-nebulous · 1 year
Realised Neo (my main persona) is based off of the art part of what I do (hence Neo, short for nebulous)
I've been using them for gaming stuff but I have a diffrent name over there (Amorphous), so,,,,
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momhowell · 12 days
I think what i'm really loving about the phandom right now is how responsive it is and how it feels like we and dip and pip are all weaving a story together
blonde Phil is a great example: phil posts the phlonde on instagram, we all freak out and start shipping blonde phil with sister daniel, dan freaks out about how that doesn't make sense in the phan twitter video, tumblr retorts that actually it does make sense because phil is putting on a persona in that photo, and then dan and phil respond to that in dan's birthday livestream, ultimately leading to the introduction of father phillip
there are so many other recent examples -- like we see the automatic smart bin in the back of the shuffleboard video, pj mentions how it's voice activated in a stream, someone mentions it to dan at the bath book event, people make memes about it, dnp react to those memes and its becomes part of The Lore
anyways i feel like this whole phagenda thing is really an outcropping of that -- we get excited that somethings coming so dnp get excited about hinting about it so we get more excited and it's all this big responsive feedback loop and i'm loving it
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boyfiejay · 1 month
I love my girlfriend
PAIRING : Enhypen hyung line x female Youtuber! Reader
GENRE : fluff, bullet point
Warning : curse words, me rizzing up the reader😔
Word Count : 0.9k overall
Author's Note : this was long overdue☝🏻
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Heeseung ☆
you're one of those underrated artists, that are underrated due to one sole reason
it's better to gatekeep a talented artist
yk the way some fans get sad that their favourites are now on everyone's fyp
yeah your fandom in a nutshell
they also thirst over you non stop
I mean you are stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, enchanting
just date me pookie
you used to be a youtuber before the music career fyi
imagine your fans' dilemma (dimension?) when you say out of nowhere that you have a bf
‘guys, my boyfriend sent me this :D’
and it's a silly picture of two cats or smtg
like your fans are fighting a fucking war on twt
and you are like cuddling with hee, listening to unreleased songs
you have no clue of what's going on
meanwhile heeseung…
he's ready to fight the war
posts a picture of you kissing his cheek on your insta story
he makes sure that only 1/4th of his face is visible
to keep his identity anonymous yk
your fans find his acc in 15 mins
he panics definitely 😭
tells you his innuendo after you wake up
and you're just like
‘yeah ok, sure’
your boyfriend is getting deep fried on twt and you're like ‘el oh el’
dw your fans mean no harm
after a while they're like
‘they're cute tgt ig 😒’
Jay ☆
you're like a cooking channel
you're like a blogger who blew up one day
because you're just soso pretty😻
alright anyways, your channel is focused around learning to cook
it's so chaotic sometimes
bcz you don't know shit about cooking
sorry if you do, let's pretend you don't >.<!!
you have almost killed yourself a dozen times
at some point people are like
‘??? how is she alive’
all thanks to your almost professional chef boyfriend
but no one has to know that ;)
anyways on like a milestone or something, you decide to cook blindfolded
bae you can barely cook with eyes open
your followers are concerned bro
like their blood pressure is rising by the minute
and like a holy light in the midst of the darkness
Jay stepped in, to save you from killing yourself fr this time
Your fans are seriously jumping around, squealing bcz he's just so soft and gentle to you :(((
but then they snap out and pretend to be angry
and you're like ‘meet my boyfie :3’
jk your fans love you two
like almost obsessed
also they're always sliding in Jay's dms
like I get it mans fine af but he's also taken
and also absolutely whipped for you 🤭
it's your world and we're just living in it…
Jake ☆
you are a gamer/streamer
your whole fan base is delusional
like so delusional, there are like hundreds and thousands of accounts claiming to be your bf/gf
but the iconic one ‘ynsboyfie’ is everywhere
like that acc is the most iconic thing in your lore
they are always there, no news of yours goes past them
always donating in your streams
and one day…
you forget to log in your priv acc
so your official acc has the comment
‘babe, you're so sweet ☹️🩷’
replying to ‘YNSBOYFIE’
oh your fans are livid
jokingly ofc
or maybe not
everyone on twt is like
‘who is this bitch???’
everyone hoping for his downfall
then you drop his pic
‘oh, oh, he's fiiine😏’
like I can't blame them, that's jake
but still they're supposed to be your fans
fucking snitches
my bae, pookum shmookum I would never
your fans love him
but also bully him calling him a lewser
hes so down bad he had a fan page for you
i dont blame him, i too would fangirl over you 😼
Sunghoon ☆
you're like a fitness channel
like those ones that have insane challenges
and your famous in people who have no interest in working out too
your face reveal went so viral, almost every single person knew your face
also your workouts (even tho deadly) always work so fast
people are in love with your figure and just you in general
you also upload mini vlogs once in a while
in these vlogs people noticed someone always being around you and in the back of the frame
at first they were like
‘obsessed fan😨’
but then they saw you laughing along with him in another clip
from the small clips, people couldn't see his face (bcz it's blurred) but omg the figure
the biceps, the buff and tall guy immediately steals everyone hearts
it's obvious from the clips that you're close with him
so naturally you are asked who he is and you just laugh
people are losing their minds woman
and you're just like ‘hehe’
they continue seeing him in your vlogs and in one clip you could see him putting his hands on your waist while you squat
you have no reaction to that
but twt…
he's getting dragged even though half of the people have no clue what's going on
you decide to take matter in your hands
and post this
with the caption ‘he's my boyfriend everyone :3’
the internet breaks
Sunghoon doesn't do his face reveal for a long time js bcz he doesn't feel like it yk
but when he does
good lord…
your fans love him
they also love how he glares at people who look at you the wrong way
you never notice that for some reason
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