#anyway!!! I WANT THEM TO HANG OUT MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tummietown · 2 days
MY GLOB. i still have some more asks but they're fairly old so i don't feel as though it wld be right to answer them . sorry abt that !! Anyway
i want to announce my discord server !! wahoo !!! the link didn't work earlier so we're trying again 👍
it is completely SFW and also 16+ . please do not join if you are under the age of 16 !
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alanaartdream · 3 days
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Adding some more sketches /drawings to my fairly odd parents Jimmy Timmy power hour Nicktoons unite fairy Timmy ideas
Now I love just LOVE everyone else au ideas of what happen to Timmy Turner before Fairly odd parents a wish happened and where he might turn up in a new wish series
So far not many are adding in the Jimmy Tommy power hour series/ episodes and the nicktoons unite games into those au so I’ve been playing that into my au ideas of Fairy Timmy
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(( you can all ask questions about my ideas if you like I don’t mind; I’m just busy with work/ life as well but don’t mind answering questions about this au; I might even draw something if I have the time (can ask about other interests I have I don’t mind that either)
Anyway a lot seem to think Dev is like Timmy and that well Peri could adopt Him like Wanda and Cosmo can with Timmy and well like how butch use to leave a lot of plot holes in the original fairly odd parents series there are a few plot holes I can see with this ( I mean it be great if peri could do that for Dev but well Dev a totally different kid to Timmy) for starters Timmy never ever wanted to rule over everyone at heart Timmy was a kid who just wanted to be loved and liked ( if you wanted to be friends with him and hang out play games/ watch movies and read comics heck even go on world saving adventures with him he’d LoVe that and think you were the coolest just for doing that (heck Timmy would of loved anime manga my hero academia and delicious in dungeon because those 2 have things like adventures heroes and making friends along the way he’s not interested in controlling everyone or having them worship the very grown he walks on nah that’s not what Timmy wants he wants people to appreciate love and want to hang out with him) Timmy would be friends with Hazel in a heart beat; heck man in one of Jimmy Timmy power hour episodes Jimmy was surprised that Timmy was happy to hang out with him even though at the time they were both interested in Cindy even though he finds Jimmy to be a nerd he still likes to honestly hang out with Jimmy ( and even through his friends Chester and AJ ignore him first Timmy still willing to say sorry for ignoring them; heck man Jimmy a better friend to Timmy than AJ and Chester have been like sometimes you wonder why Timmy wants to be friends with them; they’ve jilted him quite a few episodes heck not once did they try to make him feel better over all the crap Cocker or Vicky put him through (they just ignore all of the crap Timmy going through)
Only ones who truly appreciated and loved Timmy are the fairies so I can totally see him siding with fairies over Pixies & anti fairies and it would be so easy for him to let go of his human life because with his parents neglecting him/ the abuse from Vicky cocker and bullying he had to go through annndd his so called friends not really caring what happens to him unless they needed something from him? Yeah can totally see him going to live with the fairies and becoming a fairy for the rest of his life and never going back
Also don’t see Timmy growing up to be mean under his birth parents more like one of those people who cannot help try to people please everyone event though it sometimes hurts him because with friends/ family he had only seem interested in him unless he can do something to please them and the only one who truly liked him was Tootie so probably be married or dating her like he’d see she was only true friend and they both hate Vicky so probably move away from her to get some peace and quiet; toothie would make him get therapy to deal with abuse he suffer as a kid because she’d understand; so she’s likely to work with children and Timmy would likely be a lawyer/ work with children as well
In my au Timmy becomes a fairy and grows up a fairy under Wanda and Cosmo care (as well as all the fairies looking out for him)
He’s been fairy world’s hero from when he was just a godkid; he would help with the Da Rules book but also handle lawyers cases with kids and even keep on saving fairy world and universe with the nicktoons untie gang
Fairy world would trust the nicktoons unite gang for sure
Now dev he wants control he wants people to worship him so he can get his dad’s approval/attention; he doesn’t care who he has to step on to get there as long as he gets what he wants; he doesn’t care about being friends with others as much as Timmy AND Hazel do; it’s not until he realises that he’s never going get his dad’s love that he realises he’s been aweful and that to make friends you cannot step on everyone and force them to worship you to get people to like you
Jimmy and the nicktoons unite gang would be pissed off at this kid while Timmy feels sorry for him
And peri couldn’t adopt Dev though he’s still very inexperienced when dealing with children who need help (dev his first god kid and he’s fresh out fairy god parents training so he’s trying to do everything right by the book because he’s so new at it he’s soo not ready to be a full time father just yet; best he can be for Dev is his babysitter/ godparents)
Wanda & Cosmo have had soo soo many God kids before they got Timmy (and a lot of their past god kids use to abuse their magic to cause a great many wrongs; heck one even started one of the big world wars) love fell in Love with Timmy and just love how creative Timmy’s wishes are and they understood fully that most of the time Timmy’s wishes were a reflection of all the abuse; neglect and abandoning Timmy had to go through; they Had to take over being his parents because his birth parents they killed every plant under their own care (and every time Tommy went to camp and left pets in their care they killed it; also Tommy got gaslighted into saying sorry to all the zombie version of those pets when he wish for everything to live in his parents garden because his parents keep killing the garden when his parents were the ones who killed the pets and said the pets run away)
At this point I think Wanda Cosmo; heck even Jorginho acknowledges to all fairy kind that Timmy’s birth parents are not fit to raise kids (thank goodness they only had one; if they had any others Timmy would’ve had to step in and care for them so his parents wouldn’t end up killing them as well ) also Timmy seeing how sad Wanda and cosmo couldn’t even have a kid of their own thus why they became god parents together in the 1st place wishes Poof/peri into existence for them and how couldn’t they fall even more in love with this kid Timmy for giving them something they never could have before? At that point Timmy was particularly family so yeah they just couldn’t let him keep suffering anymore so would fairy adopt him and take him away
Also to add in some more happiness I believe Jimmy would love Hazel being they both love to study rocks ( fairy Timmy would find that adorable watching them talking about rocks)
The nicktoons unite gang would love her too being as she’s quite a imaginative sweet kid (a bit more mature than Timmy was though so all of them try to let her be a kid around them feeling like she’s probably made to be too grown up around her parents and not let to be just a kid too often)
Also my fairy of Felicity being the as she’s an art fairy would probably love to try to draw paint Hazel being as it’s not often she gets to draw people with curly hair
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lexithwrites · 2 days
I have never seen power bottom Remus. I think it fits him better than other dynamics. Give me your input please.
it would be my honour OKAY so to me, personally, remus is a bit of a late bloomer with relationships and sex. i think he's very shy and awkward and just likes being with his friends more than anything else, so when he gets to the age of starting to explore who he is and his sexuality he kinda hangs back as everyone else dates around or figures out who they are, he stays with them and tries to join in but he isn't too sure what he wants. plus, i love tall remus as a tall person myself, and sometimes its really hard to see yourself as anything but a top dom when you're tall (especially when people put you in that category on height alone, yes this happens irl lmao) and i think remus would have experiances where he's kinda doing stuff he doesnt really enjoy that much to make the other person happy, and eventually it wears him down but ALAS, he meets sirius black who is the best dom in the world and the best top and he wants remus to have fun, to do whatever he wants to do. he doesn't care if remus is triple his height, he wants to take it in the ass? he's getting it anyway he wants. remus stays submissive for a few months into their relationship before he finally starts to come into his own and realise his kinks and his turn ons and one night he shyly asks sirius if he can hold his wrists down when he rides him and remus is SO nervous but sirius soothes him and tells him he'd love that, so when they're in the middle of sex, sirius doesnt ask when hes going to do it, he just lets remus go with the flow, and as he's riding he gently takes sirius' arms and puts them above his head, holding him so softly even though he's about to do what he's gonna do, and he starts riding him harder than ever, panting and moaning and grunting as he fucks himself, almost forgetting sirius is there for a second because he's purely focusing on himself (remus never does this lmao) and sirius is in AWE of this man and the confidence he's gained since they met and does sirius cum so hard his legs shake after? yes, but so does remus, and he realises he's gripping sirius' wrists too tight and starts apologising but sirius kisses him so fucking hard like 'you're so sexy baby, you made me feel so good, did you feel good?' and remus is bright red but nodding and after that remus will sometimes work up the courage to do stuff like that again, like fuck himself back onto sirius' cock from behind, tug at sirius' hair to make him look into his eyes when he's being fucked into the mattress, and when they're having slow sex he runs a hand up to sirius' throat and tHATS a new kink they discover together
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knightyoomyoui · 1 day
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Written by: knightyoomyoui
Commissioned by: @nchris00
Part: CHAPTER 5 | "Ghost Of The Past"
Word Count: 6,300 words
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You and Mina arrived home just as when the sky welcomes the moonlight. From your observation, she seems more active now that it’s dark, which is what the kind of surrounding they supposed to be in. Because of that matter, you don’t even need to shade her off with your umbrella or simply escort her too much.
Upon entering the penthouse, both of you were greeted by the girls who are watching TV, except for Jeongyeon, Momo, Chaeyoung, and Jihyo in which you only found out what she’s doing when you found her in the laundry washing some of her clothes.
Jihyo notices you both and seeing that Mina is still there in a good condition, she rated you with a ‘good job’ smile in which you appreciated. 
After you and Mina drank water and… blood, you haven’t forgot that this lady you’re accompanying is a vampire. You were giving sneak glances at her while she slurps that glass filled with animal blood, a disgust still creeps up inside of you but at the same time, you have also noticed how her side-profile looks enticing.
As she was about to finish, you let go of your eyes from her and you followed her upstairs. Entering her bedroom, Momo wasn’t there surprisingly and the door is closed from the other room, which could only mean that they’re probably out for a while.
“I know you’re also here to… you know, as our escort to the outside, not just mine. So, can you please also mention it to them that we’ll be going out again on Thursday once they asked for you to join them on their errands outside?” Mina said while she removes her jacket, revealing her toned body topped with sleeveless blue shirt.
You looked away sheepishly at the sight of her exposed skin, not wanting to stare too much or else she might caught you being a perv or something. But anyway, it confused you a little bit on why you acting like this if she even let you enter her private room willingly.
“Y-yeah, will do.”
You kept composed as Mina hangs her jacket and takes out the paper that was given to her by that businessman. She laid it off the table. 
“You’re gonna join me returning the money to them. Just felt like… I still need some assistance on this one.” She said as she tapped her finger on it.
“He looks quite intimidating and… strange, I should say.” You commented. “I understand why, Mina.”
“Ofcourse, I do. I’ve never seen Jinyoung looked tense like that.” She said. “That’s why you’re going with me still when we meet him. I’m not scared-”
“You don’t trust anybody, I know.” You completed her words. Mina went speechless and she only nodded in response. Both of you went silent for a second before you cut off the awkwardness. “I’ll be going out now.”
“Sure, Thanks for coming with me today, Jeonghoon.”
“No problem.” And you walked through the door before shutting it off.
As Mina watches you leave, she sat on her gaming setup, grabbing the card and reading what it says before she began typing on her keyboard.
You on the other hand, remained standing still after closing her door. The words of Jinyoung repeated in your mind after what Mina just said.
“.... then you just gonna find out that they trust you.”
The last tip he gave on how to discover if they have completely entrusted you with their sake. Mina agreed that she doesn’t trust anybody, yet you were the chosen one out of all the people in the world out there that she haven’t able to meet yet…
… especially, a fellow human like you.
You glanced at her room and smiled, a new motivation for you to keep moving forward built up inside of you as you went downstairs to join the other girls.
Moving on to another scenario, there was a rapid shots of a forest draped in snow. It was winter season, and there were some images of burning house, screaming men, weapons being raised, and running footsteps.
It then shifted to some close-up look of wailing and shrieking faces of people with fangs, bloodied or not, as they rather crawl back or shielded themselves with their arms before their noises cut short.
A long blade was slashed across them before they become lifeless on the ground. Then, with a swing of the weapon that was used, the perspective pointed into the look of a crying child.
And Hayoung’s eyes sprung up.
He woke up, leaning off from his office chair before he groaned as he stretches his back and massaged his temple. He was aware of the dream he just had. Not a nightmare, when you were the one enjoying what’s occuring inside your head during your sleep.
Hayoung rolled his swivel chair backwards to give him space to peek below his desk. It was an average sized safe vault. He kneeled and pressed the passcode before it opens.
Inside, he reached out with his hands to grab what it keeps. A wooden box appearing in his hold, he untied it and unboxed. There, it reveals an amount of broken fangs, and a set that is tied together with an abaca.
“I hope my instincts are wrong, because if it is… I may be able to return to who I was, and I might not hold back.” He declares while he stares at the object.
The next day, all the ladies in the penthouse were occupied at whatever they’re doing, mostly at their phones. Honestly, witnessing them that this is the only thing they rely on which connects them to what’s happening daily in the outside world saddens you. They’re maybe vampires but from how they live, it was evident that they just wanted to be one like humans.
That’s why, you promised that someday if you’re able to be, you’ll set a time where all of them can go out and experience how is it like to move around freely among humans without any fear inflicted to them.
Out of everyone in this dorm, what piqued your interest was Jeongyeon working something on the kitchen. It is 11AM and the perfect time to start making lunch, since Jeongyeon is the chef around this group and they’re 9 of them… which was now added by your presence here that makes it 10, you felt a bit of pity seeing Jeongyeon cook a large amount of food to satisfy 10 stomachs.
That’s why you got up and joined Jeongyeon in the kitchen, peeking at the food she’s preparing. “Oh, hey Jeong number 2. Hungry?” She asked while not looking at you, instead she was busy chopping some vegetables on the board.
“A little bit. And wow, what did you just called me? Jeong number 2?” You looked at the back of her head with a perplexed expression.
“Yeah. Because I’m the first Jeong in this house. And I will always be the number one.” She said boastfully, dropping her knife just so she can point her thumb at herself and smirk.
“Ain’t gonna argue with that.” You chuckled and shrugged. Jeongyeon laughed afterwards.
“Would you mind letting me help you around?” You asked. 
“Why, you’re bored?” 
“Hmm, or you shy to get along with them?”
“T-that’s not it, I just don’t know any topic to start with them.” You defended. “And just look at them, they seemed very invested on whatever they’re looking at their phones right now.”
“Alright, as you wish. Help me place all of these there on the pan.” She said as she handed you a plate filled with chopped vegetables. 
“Nice.” You accepted and poured it down there where she instructed.
“Hey, noona. Would you mind asking me this? Are you used now on cooking such a large food that is good for 9 people… or guess I could say, 10?”
“9, yes. But 10? Ugh, why did you have to be here. Now you gave me a tougher task to do.” She said, sighing. You gawked at her complain and felt like you stepped back, offended.
“Oh wow. That’s why? Okay, fine I’m heading out-”
“Hahaha just kidding.” She laughed again. Hearing her crack out a laughter is boosting your mood further. “I’m already used to this. I’ve been living with them for 20 decades and more already. I’ve cooked through any methods, any types of stove through every generation and never once I felt tired or forced doing this. Because this is for us. To not get starved. Feeding them is like my responsibility as the second oldest in the group.”
“Yeah you’re right.” The only thing you responded at her accurate answer. “But I just want to… you know, apologize still that now you have another person to feed-”
“Nah, don’t.” Jeongyeon insisted. “Have you forgotten that I’m one of the girls here who voted to keep you here in the house? Why should I be against of including on you the food I prepare everyday? You’re now one of us, so better be also adding you on what we consume just to survive everyday… well except for the blood.” Jeongyeon stated the obvious, bouncing her eyebrows and stretching her lips.
“Well, that’s good to hear. Thanks for that, noona.” You smiled as you monitored the pot she’s cooking.
“Why are you so soft-spoken today? Did Mina do something on you that made you this fluff?” She asked with a playful glare. 
“W-what do you mean? No, nothing.” You answered perplexedly. “What does it have to do with Mina anyway?”
“Well, she’s the softest and kindest member in our group. I just had a thought that hanging around with her… you know, might be making your heart melt. And it results… to how you act with me today.” Jeongyeon says as she twirls the knife as she points it at you.
“She was just thankful that I accompanied her yesterday. Well, especially since the one we met gives off some suspicious aura, I could say.” 
“I thought you and her just went to the orphanage yesterday? Who is the one you are talking about?”
“Well the boss of the loan sharks that the kids got scammed for borrowing money for visited the place yesterday, he apologized for what his men have done so he was the one who came by himself to request… but kindly this time… to pay for the borrowed money. Then, Mina volunteered to be the one to do it.”
“Ahh. I mean even after all these decades we are still not familiar enough to how people act in front of us since we spent most of our lives hiding. I think it’s natural for Mina to act like that… and maybe you, because you’re a scaredy cat.”
“Excuse me?” 
“Hehe joke.” Jeongyeon laughed again. You took a note in your mind that you’ll prepare for some comebacks to tease this woman in revenge. For now, you’ll just allow her to make a trip out of you. “I mean you just had youf alertness intact in case Mina would need it. You probably sensed it too that whoever that person is, acting weirdly in front of Mina, you are just concerned for her.”
“I am. And will always be also for the rest of you.”
Jeongyeon smiled and awwed. She ruffled my hair swept you aside gently to face the food she’s currently cooking. “We’ll be there for you too, my number 2.”
You blushed a little at what she called you. You watched her from behind, your heart suddenly pounding  as you felt flattered. You walked near from her and watched the food she’s mixing from her shoulder.
“Smells good.” You commented. Jeongyeon gulped on the other hand, she knew her back is just inches away from leaning onto your chest. Your face is just beside her head and what you just said had her misintepret if you’re also referring to how she smells.
“T-thanks…” She stammered. 
“For sure there must be someone who helps you still on cooking. Who among here assist you the most?”
“Mostly it’s Jihyo, but currently she’s upstairs busy folding all the clothes she washes yesterday.” She said. “The rest, I don’t want to be harsh but I don’t want our place to be set on fire.”
Both of you laughed a lot. You walked away from her. Jeongyeon was relieved and breathed comfortably again. You cleaned the counter where she prepared the garnishes. “By the way, when can I start working for you?”
“Oh yeah, about that. We’ll do it on Monday.” She said. “You can use the salary I’ll give to you for yourself, since you want to still make a living out of yourself and not just rely on us.”
“Yeah. Thanks, again noona.”
“Okay. The food’s about to be done. Tell the girls to come on the dining table now.” 
“Aye aye.” You replied as you left the kitchen and called the girls for a while before returning to Jeongyeon and help her serve the food.
Meanwhile, Nayeon and Tzuyu went upstairs. Tzuyu joined Nayeon who is the only one supposed to call Jihyo from her room since she has to grab something from her room too.
As they reached the bedroom, the door was slightly ajar. They were about to open it wider when Tzuyu paused Nayeon from doing so, and they both noticed what’s going on inside.
Jihyo was sitting on her bed, folded clothes around her but what captured their eyes more was the familiar black box seated beside her.  Her head was hanging low, as if she’s looking or reading something.
But Tzuyu and Nayeon both know what their leader is holding, and it made them sad just by looking at their friend being like this again.
Tzuyu nodded which gave Nayeon the signal to knock twice. It made Jihyo frantic to return the thing from the box. They were about to speak but the last thing they caught was her hand sweeping on her cheek for a moment there.
“Uhm, Jihyo. The food is ready downstairs. Join us there, okay?” Nayeon said.
“Yeah, I’ll just return all of these back in the closet.” Jihyo responded. As she faced them after standing up from the bed, she saw their concerned faces. 
“Unnie, are you okay?” Her beloved maknae asked her with care. Jihyo’s frown changed into a small smile.
“I am. Thanks, Tzuyu-ah.”
Later that night, Chaeyoung and Momo were eating ice cream in their respective cups as they sit on the stairs together. Them along with Jihyo who is comfortably sleeping on her room and Mina and Tzuyu who are on the other room playing games are the only ones who are seperated from the group gathered in the living room.
Not oblivious to the scene near them, especially when it is the one that attracts their attention the most. They are silently eating as they watch you getting along with Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Dahyun, and Sana as they all watch a horror movie about vampires. You requested for them to criticize how the actors portray them as vampires if its accurate or not.
Chaeyoung and Momo lost count of how many times they’ve laughed and exchanged conversation with one another, and surprisingly only one of them finds this irritating.
“Look at him, he already seems to grow fond with them.” Momo finally spoke and entered a topic for them to discuss. Their eyes are glued at you looking shocked when Nayeon slapped you in the shoulder while she’s laughing out loud. “It’s weird to see the girls this happy with another person around that wasn’t our kind, let alone a male one.”
Chaeyoung remains silent but when Momo heard her groan and hiss her tongue in annoyance of mentioning Jeonghoon, it was clear enough for her that the latter still doesn’t feel the same as what the girls are now developing for the young man.
“That manipulative bitch.” Chaeyoung curses. “I got to give it to him, he’s an expert of controlling others and make like a fool for him. But what irks me is that its my friends he’s been doing that for.”
“You know what, Chaeng.” Momo pauses as she scoops another ice cream and puts it in her mouth. “I ghotva agrhe wh-” 
“Will you please swallow it first before you speak, unnie. I ain’t no listening to your gibberish mouth being full like that.” Chaeyiung rolled her eyes and winces at her.
Momo followed, signalling her to wait before she did what she had told at. “Hehe. Sorry. As I was saying, I think I have to admit that he’s starting to become a part of us.”
“What did you say?”
“It wasn’t that bad of a decision to accept Jeonghoon into our family. There, my point.” Momo reiterates. 
Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows closer. “No way, don’t tell me… you’re also rooting for him now?” She stares at Momo who remains poker face. “I thought you hate her as much as I do.”
“I do. I hate him too, but look at them. Can’t you still hate him when in fact he’s making the girls happy, as much as we want them to be?” Momo replies. “Chaeng, let’s be honest here. We all wanted someone who is willing to accept who we are. A human, I must say. For us to be friends with, and it seems that Jeonghoon might be that person we’re looking for after all these long time.” 
“All of us think one important thing right here, and that is for us to enjoy our lives and be safe. Look at them, have you seen them like that? I mean, we also had a great time together, but wasn’t it that beautiful to see them still being like that… but with somebody who isn’t even one of us.”
“And where are you going with this one?” Chaeyoung asked.
“It wouldn’t hurt for us to create a connection with Jeonghoon. What if… he’s actually not the type of person you think of?” 
Chaeyoung rubs her head stressfully. “I thought this ice cream would hurt my brain but again, it’s about him. Unnie, have you all forgotten that Jeonghoon has been here for only almost a week yet?! You guys already trust him with that short period of time!”
“Don’t spin my words, Chaeng. I didn’t say that we have to trust, we just have to give him a chance.” Momo slightly raised her voice in a whispery tone. 
“But it’s so obvious that you’re going through there!” 
Chaeyoung and Momo stares down at each other, the Japanese woman wearing a defensive expression while the younger Korean plasters a frustrated one.
“I can’t believe we have to argue at something I thought we would both share a similar opinion for.” Chaeyoung expresses her disappointment.
“I’m sorry, Chaeng.” Momo took the last remaining spoonfuls of ice cream in her cup. “I just feel that we’re going to get tired being like this, trying to stop the inevitable of having to get close with Jeonghoon. And if that’s what the girls want for us to do soon, I have no other choice but to oblige.”
Chaeyoung shook her head as they went back on looking at what’s happening in the living room. Dahyun and Sana were trying to scare Jeonghoon as if they’re impersonating how the acting of them as a vampire is being performed on the TV.
“You guys were blinded at the anticipation of having to meet a human who would accept us, that all of you have forgotten the one thing that had kept us together in the first place for over three decades.” Chaeyoung bluntly said.
“And for that to not be wasted like that…” Momo looks at her, both curious and concerned for Chaeyoung. She knows that she understands also Chaeyoung’s argument, it’s just that this girl has been focusing more on the negative side than the positive.
“I will be the one who will volunteer to get rid of Jeonghoon once the times comes that I have to prevent us from suffering.” Chaeyoung then stands up and descends through the steps to bring her used cup to the dishes while Momo just sighs heavily at her hardheaded friend.
Meanwhile, you had to share your focus of watching the horror movie being played on the TV with the two hyperactive individuals sitting beside you. 
A jumpscare was just shown on the TV and it made Nayeon create a defeaning scream that made Jeongyeon cover her ears, while you winced along with Dahyun who contorts her face and Sana who just hid on your shoulder.
“Well, looks like you girls finally encountered an effective one.” You chuckled as you watched all of their shook reactions.
“Meh. I can even do better than that.” Jeongyeon said, remaining calm after the nightmarish scene that was shown in the screen.
“Oh, it didn’t got through noona too, I guess.” You said impressively. “It wasn’t that scary too, my heart rather jumped when Nayeon noona screamed so loud.”
“Yah, you almost broke my eardrums you stupid.” Jeongyeon flicked her finger on Nayeon’s forehead which caused her to exclaim an ‘ouch’.
“Sorry, okay! I thought this film is just going to be hilarious from start to finish.” Nayeon apologizes as she rubs the spot where Jeongyeon’s flick landed.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep peacefully tonight with this.” Dahyun said as she grips your arm tightly with her shivering hands.
“Yeah, me too. I think I need someone to join me on the bed tonight.” Sana agreed. She rubs your other arm and looked at you as she lays her head atop of your shoulder, basically cuddling it at this point. “Can you help me with that, Jeonghoonie?”
“Ah-eh, me?” You asked confusedly, meeting Sana’s puppy eyes. “But-”
“But I need my dongsaeng more! I think he would rather be with me.” Dahyun pouts as she looks at you. “I’m too scared to be alone, Hoonie.”
“Dahyun moves too might when she sleeps, you might get disturbed.” Sana fights back. You have started to notice that the two are exchanging turns to create reasons why they are the deserving ones to claim you for tonight. “Unlike me, I’m a good girl in the bed, Jeonghoonie. Would you like me… to… show it… just how obedient I am?” You felt chills when her fingertips traced along your chest as her gaze changed from cuteness to something… seducive.
“No! I know that look, Sana-unnie. You’ll just gonna do something to him!” Dahyun pulls you close to her. “Unnie is speaking lies, don’t listen to him. Don’t you get bored sleeping here in the couch? You can stay with me for now if you want.”
“I’m not thinking whatever you’re thinking, Dahyun-ah!” Sana retorts. She also pulls your arm, making your body almost bumo back to her. “We’re going to have a good time together, Jeonghoon. What do you say, wanna give it… a try?” She smirks and winks before she glares back at Dahyun who is gasping at her actions.
You gulped at the sudden change of Sana’s aura. Although you don’t want to ignore her, you couldn’t resist her charms, as well as Dahyun’s cuteness, but it seems like this isn’t a good idea at all, since this is now becoming to start into a fight you don’t want to be part of.
“Hoonie wants me!” Dahyun grunts as she pulls you again to her.
“G-girls… calm down-”
“No, he’s mine!” Sana tugs you back.
“Girls wait! Uhh- stop pulling me”
“In your dreams!”
“HEY, BOTH OF YOU QUIT IT!” Jeongyeon scolds the two which immediately made them silent and stop using you as a human tug of war rope. “Jihyo is going to be awake because of your noises. You girls want to feel her wrath when she goes down here?”
“S-sorry unnie.” Both Sana and Dahyun responded, bowing their heads down.
“Now get off from him. Jeez, Jeonghoon may have become dizzy because of shaking him back and forth with your possessive antics!” Nayeon joins the second eldest sister of the group from disciplining these two clingy girls.
She goes near from you and massaged your head. “Are you okay, Jeonghoon?”
“Y-yeah, I’m good. Thanks for the save, noona.” You said. “And to you two, Sana and Dahyun noona. Even if I agree, I don’t think Jihyo would agree with that idea. It’s not good to sleep with a man and a woman together in one bed if they aren’t… close enough.” You tightlipped. “Sorry, noonas.”
“It’s fine, we’re sorry too Hoonie.” Dahyun replied.
“Yeah, you’re right anyway. Don’t worry, sorry also for forcing you Jeonghoon.” Sana smiled. 
“What’s gotten into you girls anyway?” Jeongyeon chuckled. 
“Just sleep together as usual. Leave our poor dongsaeng alone, is that right Jeonghoon?” Nayeon said in a baby-ish tone as she wraps her arms around the your neck and laid her chin on top of your head. To your surprise, you had your hand grasping Nayeon’s wrists as she gently rattles you.
“Y-yeah. It is.” You smiled as Nayeon peeks from your side, awaiting for your reply. Dahyun and Sana spotted that blush you’re having in your cheeks after you felt Nayeon’s contact on you. They both looked at each other, defeatedly at their own dare they have arranged to each other earlier.
“How about this, what if we try to flirt with Jeonghoon, and one of us should get what his heart prefers.” Sana shares her idea.
“What’s with the sudden dare? Do you have a crush with him, unnie?” Dahyun furrowed her eyebrows.
“Huh? N-no, I don’t! I’m just bored, I guess. I want to try if my charms work also on guys like him.” Sana denied.
“So you find him cute?”
“Well yes, but don’t think differently.” Sana admits. “I know you are as well, Dahyun-ah.”
“E-eh? I mean… he’s nice-looking, but like what you said, don’t turn it the other way.” Dahyun also confesses. “Okay, I’m in. And if one of us lose then what do we do?”
“She will reveal our dare before Jeonghoon reaches his first month of staying here. Deal?”
“Challenge accepted.” Dahyun grins as she accepts Sana’s handshake.
Back to the present time, they both sigh and felt hilarious at themselves for both losing. Facing the consequences, they have to do what they agreed on soon.
Watching from the distance, Momo felt a slight pang of jealousy in her heart for her friends already gotten comfortable being around Jeonghoon.
Few more hours have passed, and all of them already felt the call of exhaustion for them to go to sleep on their rooms, except for Mina who stayed up awake still after a long grind of playing her favorite video game on computer.
She switched it off and rearranged the chair back under the desk. She reopened the lights and when she turned around, her large collection of all the souvenirs and displays of her favorite characters from various genre and sources greeted her sight.
Her heart suddenly took the control on her body movements, and she just found herself slowly walking forward through the shelves that covers up the walls of half of her room. 
She looked around, her lips curved into a smile, and a memory played on her head as she reminisce the story behind how she got the most remarkable gift she ever had in her life which none of her self-bought things would compare at its value.
“Look who it is, our penguin has finally woke up~” Her father cooed as he and his wife saw young Mina exit her bedroom, rubbing her eyes and yawning 
“I told you already, sweetheart. Staying up late isn’t good for your age. It’s already 10 in the morning.” Her mother scolded her gently, sipping the coffee on her cup.
“Sorry, mom.”
“Listen to your mother, penguin. We may be vampires but you’re too young. Health is still important, okay?” 
“Yes, papa.” 
“Come here.” Young Mina slowly walked towards her father and he lifted her up to have her sit sideways on his lap. “Do you know what day it is today?”
Her mother contagiously chuckled and Papa Myoui reacted the same way. “Correct, but… what I mean is, well tell me the date today.”
“Papa, cmon I’m just kidding. It’s March 24, and-”
“You silly penguin, how dare you fool your old man!” Papa Myoui tickled Young Mina on her sides, which made the latter elicit laughters. “Happy Birthday, our Minari. You’re growing up very fast.”
“Thank you, papa.”
“And because it’s your special day today, we have a present for you.” Mina looked at her mother who is smirking and bounced her eyebrows at her husband who seems to get her signal. 
Mama Myoui reached below the table and unveiled an average sized rectangular box wrapped in paper. 
“Woah, a gift… and it looks the biggest one I have so far!” Mina said as she gasped at the size of the wrapped gift placed on the table.
“Well go on, sweetheart. Open it up to see what’s inside.”
They let Mina tear apart the wrapping until it slowly unveils of what it seems to be a box containing a figurine of-
Both Mama and Papa Myoui laughed when Mina immediately takes out Astro Boy and hugged him tightly. They both know that their daughter considers Astro Boy as her favorite fictional character. She loves him so much that he is the reason why Mina stays up late at night just to read the volumes of his manga.
“He looks fantastic!” Mina looks at it proudly and then went at her parents. “Thank you so much, mom and dad!”
“Anything for you, penguin. We want this to be the best birthday you’ll ever have.”
The flashback ends and Mina blinks rapidly as she returns back to her senses. She founds herself touching the glass of the shelf containing Astro Boy. Up to this day, March 24, 1963 remains as the best birthday she ever had.
Because not only she received the best gift ever, but it was also given and she celebrated that day with her parents, which unfortunately will never happen again.
Mina felt her chest tighten and gave Astro Boy one last look before she smiles painfully and left her room with a towel. 
She went downstairs, and there she saw you sleeping peacefully in the couch. She head towards the bathroom where she took a quick half bath and some skin care on her face.
As she was about to return back to her room, her curiousity led her again step onto the living area and stand beside on the couch where she views your sleeping posture.
Mina smiles at how cute and comfortable you look while you rest. While she watches, she remembered your conversation with her back at the orphanage, on why she loves children and why she thinks the possibility of having one for herself is impossible.
She expressed her thoughts of insecurity to herself and for other people she might surround herself with. 
She may not say this to you directly, but Mina admits to herself that she is still not 100% ready to meet and get along with humans.
But since meeting and knowing you, through the impression you’ve been giving her so far with your personality, hope arises inside that is persuading her to reconsider the decision and beliefs she already set in life that prevents the possible beautiful changes in her future to happen.
“Guide me as much as I want to follow you, Jeonghoon.” Mina whispers before she leaves you alone again to get some much-needed sleep of her own.
The next day, you and Mina left the penthouse to visit the address of Mr. Jin Hayoung’s whereabouts. Before that, she requested for the both of you to stop first on a bank as she’s has to withdraw all of the money she needs to pay from her account. 
With the payment now prepared, you have arrived at the designated location after following the route to get through there. Mina wore her hoodie jacket as you came out first to shed her under the umbrella. Both of you then looked upstairs to view the towering skyscraper that belongs to that certain businessman they’re about to meet.
“I have an arranged meeting with Mr. Jin Hayoung. Where can I find him?” Mina asked to the help clerk on the booth.
“Give me a second, maam. I’ll just going to inform him. Can you state your name please?” The clerk lady asked politely as she grabbed the telephone.
“Myoui Mina.” 
“Okay, maam.” She dialed the phone and the other one on the end of line picks it up.
“Good morning, boss. Do you have a scheduled meeting today with Ms. Myoui Mina? She says she has to see you for some matter. Y-yes, sir. ” The clerk then nodded afterwards. “Got it, sir. Thank you.”
She dropped the phone and looked back at you and Mina. “You may now go, maam.” 
“But Mr. Hayoung requested that it has to be only you.” 
Mina paused and looked at you who got concerned for a while. The thought of leaving her side as she faces that man alone made you feel uneasy for her. The reason why you joined her is the first place is something that is being restricted right now for the two of you to do.
“Mina, will you be alright?”
“I am. Maybe it’s a personal or a private matter to discuss. You’ll wait outside, okay?” 
“Mr. Hayoung’s office is in 5th floor.”
“Thank you.” Mina bowed before she proceeded to walk through the elevator to bring yourselves up through the mentioned area.
A large door with the namecard of Mr. Jin Hayoung at the end of the hallway stopped your tracks. As she was about to enter, instructed you something to do.
“Give me your phone.”
You handed the new phone that was given to you by Jeongyeon. Mina placed her number and she inputted yours on each other’s contacts. 
“Stay here and keep yourself alert with this. I’m going to call you in case I need help. I’ll hide this on my back pocket.”
“Will you be okay here?”
“Yeah. I can wait for you.” 
Mina smiled and opened the door. A light has greeted her eyes and she squinted at the sight of it. She almost felt nervous having exposed to it but thankfully the room is sealed with window panes, blocking her from the actual source from the sun. 
As the light faded and uncovering her eyes, the figure of Mr. Jin Hayoung appeared in front of her, sitting on his office chair managing some papers.
He sensed a presence from his distance, approaching him. Hayoung discreetly smirked.
“Good morning, thank you for really putting an effort to allow yourself come in my building Miss Mina. Nice to meet you again.” He said with an enthusiastic tone.
“Me too, Mr. Jin.”
“I’m sorry if it brought some hassle of you coming in here,but hey let’s go right ahead. The one we talked about.” 
“It’s here with me.” Mina pulled something from her shoulder bag. It was a pack of cash inside an envelope. “The exact amount. You can give it a double check.”
“It’s not that I don’t trust but I definitely will. We can’t waste a single penny nowadays, am i right? Money is just that too damn important.” Mina hummed and nodded. 
Hayoung grabbed some cutter and halted for a second before proceeding to cut the covered lid. As the tip about to reach the end, he quickly slashed it and accidentally cut his fingertip in the process, causing it to blood enermously.
“Ah shit! Tsk tsk.” Hayoung immediately covered his fingers as it started to release blood that it even crawled through his other hand and drop some on the desk. 
“A-are you okay, Mr. Jin?”
“Y-yeah, I just… had my finger sliced but it’s just a wound that’s all.” Hayoung said.
Mina nodded. However, her eyes are fixated on Hayoung’s bloody finger. She began to smell the aroma of its freshness, causing her to feel her body getting colder and shivering. Her throat is gulping on its own, and her face twitches as she tries to clench her jaw from getting responsive to the blood.
“No, n-not now.” Mina muttered to herself as she remained frozen and staring wide eyed at Hayoung who is now grabbing some first aid from his desk.
“Are you okay there, Mina?” Hayoung asked. She didn’t received no response. Meanwhile, you were standing outside keeping the phone on your ear and noticed that Hayoung is asking if Mina is okay, causing you to get worried a bit.
Hayoung slowly rolled his eyes upward while bowing his head to sneakily observe Mina avoiding the gaze of him getting bloodied. As soon as he heard him elicit loud sniffs as she constantly rubs her nose, his eyes then squinted and straightened his lips.
“There it is.” Hayoung whispered fascinatingly he finally confirmed that Mina is something he curiously wonders about since few days ago when they met for the first time: a possible ghost from the past.
As he was about to touch the button underneath his desk, Mina’s bag fell from her shoulder, she picks it up and while curled into a ball, she said it quick to the phone.
“Get in here, please.”
You heard it and without any hesitation, you sprung out of the door at the same time when Hayoung pressed the button, unbeknownst that it just sent a signal for an impending danger about to strike.
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cerealmonster15 · 2 months
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i want jamiazu + idikei to go on a double date so badly i think the vibes would be So Very Turbulent
#twisted wonderland#twst#jamiazu#idikei#idicay#cereal tries to draw#i love any fanart of board game club and their bitch ass crushes jdslhffkjg teeheehee#cater and jamil can get along fine but board game club is incapable of behaving#they have to drop everything to bully the shit out of each other given the chance!!!#jamil does this with azul also. tbh i think it would be a war immediately and caters like HaHa Oh My GOd. ??!!?#cater actually it's hard to say bc sometimes hes like HUH!!!! CHILL OUT!! but other times hes a shady little freak of a guy and enables#things so like whose to say. maybe if hes in a silly mood he would join idia and jamil and it would be 3v1 rip azul it was nice knowing u#the rng of if they get peacekeeping caycay or mischievous caycay#it feels like it has been a While since ive really sat and drawn them...#i have had a lot going on <///3 and then all draw time is spent on art fight rn but. small break For Them#do u even understand me. do u see my vision. i want to put all four of them in an escape room#bundle them together and observe them under a microscope#god i just LOVE how any time someone in twst talks about another character it's always either like#yes this is a good respectable classmate of mine who i admire. or I HATE THAT BITCH HE FUCKING SUCKS ASS ACTUALLY!!!!#and then the haters are like best friends who hang out always jfdksljflkshg#but theyd rather DIE than ADMIT IT!!!#bitch boys who only respect each other when they dont know each other too well ig fjldksfh#board game club being god tier haters nonstop of each other is so fucking funny im literally obsessed with whatever they have going on#anyway!!! I WANT THEM TO HANG OUT MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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welcometogrouchland · 8 months
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ANOTHER SKETCH DUMP! Featuring more of me playing with lineless art. Batman reborn era trio (dick, damian and steph) I miss you...when will you return from war. Also featuring Steph designs bc I've seen ppl dissatisfied w/ her current look, some good mom Talia, and Jason Todd poetry club. Duke is confused not that Jason would start a poetry club but that he'd have such mid poetry opinions. (ID in Alt)
#dc comics#batfamily#damian wayne#stephanie brown#dick grayson#talia al ghul#duke thomas#cassandra cain#mine#woo new art tag. please god let me keep this up all year#uhh anyway yeah! still a big backlog of sketches but i got burnt out which means i had time to collect some#i feel like my art looks. extremely different w/o lines compared to with? idk i worry that's it weird/off-putting#but hey at the end of the day I'm hardly worrying about my brand integrity on tumblr dot com#duke and cass being at poetry club is based on them canonically being into poetry and for a good while duke and jason got along well#Steph is there for both jason and cass' emotional support (unfortunately there's a design flaw. she can't do both simultaneously)#(which is fine bc cass is fleeing the scene at the idea of having to casually hang out with jason)#(they're the exact amount of similar and more importantly different that it's like putting two firecrackers together. bad)#i really like the steph mask designs... it'd be fun to do something with them but idk what y'know?#I'm just like. if we're assuming that her mask has to be different from both babs and cass then this is what I've got as alternatives#i mostly wanted to practice character interaction with the talia and damian one... and also i love them#looking at james gunns batman movie proposal. you keep your hands OFF HER MR GUNN#please if shes evil in a movie they're never gonna let her be good in the comics again 😭#dc when you inevitably cave and do your next big reboot let the ppl finally have the son of the demon origin (w/ tweaks of course)#idk it's canon in my heart. heartcanon if you will <3#anyway yeah uhhhhhh enjoy?
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r0semultiverse · 2 months
Hey Digital Extremes, why are you limiting our play style to only one romance? Thought this game was about player choice. Let us choose to have the gameplay option of polyamory! 💕
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There should also be a platonic New Years night option too that involves no romance for those not comfortable with it!
#Amir Eleanor Aoi & Lettie are all looking real nice 😻 I need to go to the höllvania central mall more often awooga#I’m super disappointed that you’re asking us to pick only one in a game where we have the freedom of choice at our finger tips#signed a polyamorous tenno who wants some casual polyamory rep in this game plz thanks#no but seriously Digital Extremes I’m begging hands & knees here give us polyam rep NOW#I’m demanding this; monogamy makes me uncomfortable give us the option to choose multiple NOW please#the heteronormativity of only kissing one person on New Years is very disappointing & I mean that genuinely#also they are all flirting with each other anyway as is in the relay (aside from the siblings of course)#so why can’t we flirt with multiple of them too?? it just feels like a waste of an interesting idea kinda also make a aromantic path too#I’m aware Arthur Nightingale & Eleanor are siblings but let us CHOOSE multiple partners to kiss for New Years dang it!#Quincy is also super hot so like having us choose only one feels very limiting & yes I'm being for real asking for this#there is time to improve this feature DE please im being so fr right now#maybe hanging out with the 2 nightingale siblings on new years night can be the aromantic option; im just saying! 💜#new years night with a nonmonogamy & aromantic option please & thank you; not asking for much here; I'm really not#warframe 1999#warframe spoilers#warframe#tennocon 2024#tennocon#the hex#the hex syndicate
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skymagpieart · 4 months
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Making super niche content catering only to me, but I decided to draw the Old Hillsbrad Foothills - Renault Mograine and Sally Whitemane interaction - however put them closer to the ages they have during the same event in "Ashbringer" where I assume Renault is ~15 and so is she. Also baby Darion who is a kid and he was present for the creation of The Ashbringer.
Yes, my math is probably off, I just assume Renault would be a teen here and if not, yeah this is just super self indulgent stuff. I wanted to draw 15-16 year old Renault and Sally and also a baby Darion.
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purpurussy · 1 month
#tw suicide#idk i feel like i am probably gonna kms after TIT#i would do it sooner but i asked one of my friends to come with me and it would suck if i made him go alone#and it is something to look forward to which is helping me hang on i guess#but ughhhh once uni starts again in september i know everything is gonna fall apart.#i already got an extension on my thesis due to being a useless shell of a person who can't motivate themselves to do anything atm#but i was supposed to get some work done over the summer and have so far done nothing#hence why i want to kms before i have to talk to my fucking supervisors again and admit yet again that i simply cannot do this 😭#and it's not just this. my executive dysfunction has been so bad over the past couple of years and it's only getting worse#to the point where i can't imagine being able to work at all. and if i can't work i can't get out of my parents house#and then what the fuck is the point.#every time i see someone on here talking about bonding with their parents over dnp I'm like damn what's it like#to have parents who actually want to talk to you DSFGJJKL i know they let me live in their house at my big age#but that's only bc id literally be homeless otherwise and they're not like evil. they just don't love me#also went through a deeply embarrassing breakup recently#tl;dr ive been in love with this person for over a decade and i thought they were the dan to my phil or vice versa.#then after 10 years they left me and i'll spare the details but it has me wondering if they ever loved me#i thought it was a “let's live together and get a cat one day” relationship#but now i feel like for them. it was just a “sex and video games” type situation#i am trying soooo hard to at least be creative bc that makes me happy sometimes but it's hard to not be overly critical of myself#and now im getting to a point where i can barely even find any joy in this space any more. for a bunch of reasons#most of which revolve around me being extremely sensitive. and this is like my last bastion of dopamine so that fucking sucks#idk i don't see the point in my life any more. a social worker actually told me recently that i should consider euthanasia so.#it's just completely over for me i fear#this is not even mentioning all the damn migraines. and all the other ways in which my body simply doesn't work properly#sorry for this weird ass vent I'm not in therapy any more bc i couldn't find a therapist willing to treat me+all my diagnoses at this point#and im scared my friends will stop wanting to talk to me if i talk to them about this. several of them already have#the 2 friends i have left anyway. that's a whole other thing. when they said it's hard for autistic ppl to make friends i took that persona#so uh at this point it's vent here or develop a substance abuse problem. and im already halfway to having a substance abuse problem#anyway dan and phil for the love of god please fucking post something tonight. unfortunately you are my only hope
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im sure when luz has her inevitable mental breakdown in the next two episodes it will be her mom or eda and king who comforts her and helps her complete her character arc where she realizes Not Everything Is Her Fault, Actually. either that or the entire main cast is going to somehow show luz that she’s been a positive influence in their lives. and luz will be inspired to defeat belos with the power of friendship or whatnot. or amity or hunter will have something to do with it, though if they’re a part of it, the rest of the main cast probably will too bc i don’t see why they would be the only ppl there at the climax of luz’s character arc and not eda, king, and camila.
but what i would have really liked would be if when luz is at her lowest point the person to encourage and inspire her was willow. they haven’t touched on these two’s relationship since season 2 so they probably won’t go this direction but i think narratively it would come circle. willow was the first friend luz ever made. she introduced her to other kids their age and basically kickstarted luz’s relationships with her other peers. without willow, luz never would have gone to hexside and learned about witch society and magic. or at least, she wouldn’t have gotten as much experience with it if she just stayed with eda all the time. without willow, luz definitely wouldn’t have met amity, gus, or even hunter probably. from their adventures with their friends, luz and willow have both matured. and while willow is doing a lot better than how she was at the start of the show (though there are still parts of her character i think they should have explored more in s2), luz is suddenly doing a lot worse.
at the start of the show, luz helped willow gain confidence in herself and discover who she wanted to be. i think at the end of the show, it would be nice if willow helped luz do the same
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myattman · 4 months
Some college girls saw me singing along to a song from so much for stardust and invited me to sit w them so I'm doing that now. They're under 21 and I graduated w their waitress who does not (thankfully) seem to recognise me. Insane fucking things happening to me already tonight and the show still has not started
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forgotten-daydreamer · 3 months
Took twice the max dose of melatonin before the final revision for tomorrow’s exam, I’m shitting my pants and I genuinely don’t know anything as thoroughly as I should but if I sleep less than 4 hrs before it I just know I’m gonna do even worse somehow
#don’t take twice the max dose of anything btw#genuinely don’t do the shit that I do#i only did it bc I know my limits and haven’t had any other substances in over 24 hrs but don’t ever try it#always talk to your gp before taking any meds and supplements at all#anyway psa aside#I want to revise for two hrs so until 1.30am circa but I genuinely hope I pass out sometime in the next hours and a half#godspeed ig#uni#melatonin#I have super high expectations but I genuinely prepared this exam in like 4 days and my brain has been all over the place#haven’t had the chance (economic too so please please consider sparing a couple of bucks for my ko-fi?) to meet my therapist in 2 weeks#been super suicidal super busy dealing with stuff and people and my family and uni and ah oh how I wish I had a brain able to focus#also the ‘visions of horror’ as I call them have lowkey turned into auditory hallucinations that never stop and it’s… tough#genuinely so tired of everything in general#I’d promised to hang with my uni friends after the exam bc I should be done my midday tops but I know im gonna be super sad and underwhelme#so I hope I can be at home by 4 pm tops with one excuse or the other#I love them all so much but I need a break. also bc I got another exam in less than a fucking week and I still haven’t started studying for#it because it’s objectively easier than tomorrow’s and because when was I supposed to study for it#I spent 3 good days working on a paper that isn’t even mine for a subject I don’t even take#a favor for a friend which turned into 3 more friends asking me if I could help them with theirs#and you know me#I never say no. unfortunately. but also I’m super glad they want my help bc they know I can write at least (one good thing)#but. that’s still -3 days available#then. the demons#wasted so many hours just pacing and biting my nails raw and being pathetic#so yeah. in a little under 15 hrs I want to be in bed again. resting until the 19th when the cycle will begin anew#also math ain’t mathing. my exam is in 12 hrs only now 13.
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rainingincale · 4 months
Why is being a living exisiting human being so very confusing 🙃
#my brain is genuinely the worst place on planet earth ahaha!!#anyways the story that is bringing this on is actually nice i suppose but im exhausted so. let me just get into it and perhaps the dilemna#will make itself more aparant.#basically i hate interacting with people. its exhausting. like genuinely just takes so much brain power and social battery from me. even for#simple things. anyways so im telling someone this in my usual jokey way “im being tortured and kept outside of my home where i could be#chilling with a book“ so the other person is like oh you cant stay inside forever and ever. but then goes on to say from interacting with me#theyd never have guessed that i have such a hard time with talking and hanging out with people. that i never make someone feel like im tired#them or dont wanna talk to them etc. and internally im screaming because like. that is something i stress out so much about because i strugg#le so much with my responses and tone etc etc. thats why its so exhausting for me because im just constantly focussed on what im Supposed to#be like. the other part of me was kind of pleased in a way because i feel so painfully awkward that it stresses me out that people can see#right through me and think that i hate them when its not that i just. hate human interaction because its so tiring. so hearing that was like#oh so no one can even tell and i am stressing. for nothing. dw though this info will not help my brain learn to stop stressing out though#lmao. anyways final point i suppose is that the person also says that even if i am 'awkward' i sort of use it to my advantage and it doesnt#come across in an unsavoury way. anyways idk what to do with all this info. because the way i feel on the inside is so. and i worry a lot#about people seeing that on the outside. but part of me sort of wants it too because i just feel like absolutely no one fucking knows me?#and while i guess that was maybe my goal i also hate it? i shall rb a quote after this. anyways. idk what im saying. i dont fucking know. im#just so tired. so fucking tired.#le text post
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
[ almost ] seasonal question; what do you think the arakawa family does for the holidays?
jo bbg answered that for us three seconds into y7 now didnt he
#snap chats#this was the best ask to send rn i gotta wait for the train to go back LOL#BUT NAW IM PLAYIN. kinda. jo is a bitch about holidays tho#when masato was younger and predominantly under his care arakawa For Sure spoiled him rotten with gifts and nice dinners#Its A Special Occasion Lets Splurge etc etc#of course the older masato got the more distant he became until he outright just dodged arakawa entirely#if ichi isnt hounded with work (coughjocough) he’s def hangin with arakawa then. Should He Be Invited Of Course <- he always is#jo’s lame ass is spending his holidays alone even when arakawa insists he can spend it with them#Theres Work To Be Done etc etc SHUT UP also his perpetual guilt prevents him from living a lil#in the event jo isnt being A Salty Bitch tho i reckon arakawa drags him to an outing :) with ichiban.#no its fun its great Holidays With His Boys Haha. Guys Please Stop Fighting—#masato’s just Too Cool to hang out with a bunch of yakuza for the holidays. its not easy getting him a gift either#yk since he can just buy whatever he wants whenever he wants and he isnt exactly the most generous guy towards the arakawa fam#insane to say that like girl HES a part of the arakawa fam… lol… anyway#the tl;dr answer is arakawa’s taking Whoever Is Willing To Spare An Hour out to dinner#perchance a cute lil gift exchange too. you know ichi always stressin what to get arakawa#nothin he can afford is as cool or awesome as he is etc etc <- arakawa’s just happy to have ichi’s company#arakawa learned his lesson with masato. that isnt to say he doesnt give ichi super nice things but. Within Reason. HUMBLE.#pops gettin him whatever game he accidentally started to infodump about durin lunch...#crying i just know ichi's an excited puppy whenever he gets a gift. i just know masato was a bitch when he got somethin#yes ichi is a Grown Man but he actin like the excited kid arakawa never got to see and it makin him tear up JUST A BIT#trying to give jo a gift is like pulling teeth he does that bit where hes all Oh No I Couldnt but he means it#he'll relent tho. he realizes it's more trouble than its worth to refuse#‘snap what happened to mitsu’ fuck man what DID happen to mitsu LMAO#hes prob got his own friends and fam…. he isnt as tight with the arakawas as that quartet is yk…#ily mitsu dont get it twisted….. i just know you got a wife in rggo....#ok i should can it i have to drive now :(((((( byyyyeeee...... after i answer one more ask HANG ON--#send me more holiday related asks for the arakawas..... i love them... AND the holidays..
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stupidnaturals · 1 year
#GAH hate not knowing how ppl feel about me#bc i used to be SUPER close friends w this person like they were ~25% of th reason i came back to my uni town after moving away last summer#and i keep texting them like ' hey we should meet up sometime! ' and they respond ' omg YES 100% i have SO much i need to catch you up on !#unfortunately i am out of town every single day. also so busy. '#and like yeah okay college very busy life very crazy. but how are you out of town every single day and also why have you NEVER reached out#and i saw them in person at target and they seemed genuinely pleased to see me! and also said something like#' we gotta hang out i have so much to tell you!! *ill* message *you* ' in a way that seemed to convey guilt at ^^ all that#but then how in the WORLD do you happen to be driving out of town immediately after the one event i know we'll both be going to???#and also casually gracing over the fact i also mentioned getting dinner beforehand??#also i dont know any reason they wouldnt like me unless its one of those ' im autistic and didnt notice you getting fed up w me '#or if theyre just actually that busy or too anxious to see people or anxious to reach out or fucking whatever#and like even when i saw them at target they told me a bunch of stuff that i dont tthink youd say to a random acquaintance#which if they do still like me makes sense! bc we were super duper close once! but doesnt make sense if they dislike me/want me to go away#like UGH just either ask me to hang out or say yes to a hang out or tell me to fuck off already!!!!#oh and ALSO the one time we DID have plans we didnt set an exact time but they texted me at like 11 and said ok we can hang out now until 2#or they texted me at 11 and said ' i work at 2 but i dont think thats gonna be a problem also are you okay w hanging w my roomies too '#and i know their roomies so thats fine but i was like ??? WHAT shouldnt be an issue? r you gonna call off to hang out for more than 3 hrs?#or are you gonna friend break up w me so it wont take 3 hours#anyway i was like uhhh shit we didnt set a time so im actually at a tattoo place like an hour away w my roomie?#so we rescheduled for the next day when uh oh they hung out w someone who was exposed to covid so had to cancel again!#i cant think of a single reason they wouldnt like me except that they never did but we had an activity together so they were stuck w me#and they seemed genuinely happy to see me and also seem upset declining plans but like if thats true what the FUCK is happening????#anyway this was a mile long if you e read this far i love u if you have tips feel free to reply or dm me
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lovyabug · 3 months
Okay so i think i will keep watching spn but since dean and sams brotherhood has been flopping due to the poor writing of sams character (i dont want him to be evil i need him to be normal i MISS HIM) i will probably skip a bunch of eps.
Honestly im just sticking around now to see where castiels character goes, bc as of s6 he goes back to being...Angel like. I was spoiled that he becomes a hunter in s8, which im very Very much looking forward to.
Even if the show doesnt take his character seriously i do and id like to see how he develops as a person bc i see so many ppl gush abt castiel and i want in on that hype!!
Im also hoping that sams character is fixed for at least a short time so i can enjoy dean and sams fun adventures together :( i miss when they went on hunts together without the looming threat of the world ending or them being used as pawns. When they were both themselves too, and on the same page.
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