#anyone can be top and bottom
ibahibut · 7 hours
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🦅 🐦‍⬛ 💀
I did try.. welp! Love wins yeah! No worries, i still love all of the Veilguard's companions. I wish i can play & love em all! Based on The Breaking Ice poster. Looks cosy & calm movie, me likey especially its ot3 👀.
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muttmedley · 2 years
eating someone out just softly and slowly enough that they can't quite cum from it but they do get increasingly more desperate until they're crying and begging for some relief
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
jin guangshan and lan qiren yaoi perhaps? since their shapes create a perfect balance?
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Two old men perform worlds first successful 96.
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 months
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non-un-topo · 1 year
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My Neekeys over the last two-odd years. I was curious to see the changes 🤔
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mx-myth · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 莲花楼 | Mysterious Lotus Casebook (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Di Feisheng & Fang Duobing, Di Feisheng & Wu Yan, Fang Duobing & Wu Yan, Di Feisheng & Fang Duobing & Wu Yan, Di Feisheng/Fang Duobing, Di Feisheng/Wu Yan, Di Feisheng/Fang Duobing/Wu Yan, Di Feisheng & Huli Jing, Fang Duobing & Huli Jing Characters: Di Feisheng, Fang Duobing, Wu Yan (Mysterious Lotus Casebook), Huli Jing (Mysterious Lotus Casebook), He Xiaohui, He Xiaofeng, Zhan Yunfei Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Amnesia, Pre-Relationship, Pre-Slash, Grief/Mourning, Slow Burn, llh is haunting the narrative but not like actively, jlq is mentioned, Found Family, Trauma, idk about wuxia historical details. sorry if there's inaccuracies, Literal Sleeping Together, an appearance of two oc lesbian npcs I had to make up, Getting to Know Each Other, Intimacy, Trust, Domestic, Soft, Caretaking, How Do I Tag, Love, Food as a Metaphor for Love, everything as a metaphor for love honestly, everything is a metaphor, Travel, su xiaoyong is mentioned, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Light Angst, Self-Discovery, what then., Devotion, what happens if you lose yourself and discover how loved you were (are) in the meantime
When he wakes he is cold. The wind is howling and the clothes he’s wearing are all damp. The ground is lumpy and hard beneath him, and for a moment or two he just lays there.
When he holds his palm up he discovers cuts, scabbed over but reopened, sluggishly bleeding. There are characters carved into the skin - find Fang Duobing. The blood leaks down his palm, blurring the lines.
Or, an amnesia story.
(The dfs amnesia au I’ve been talking about since forever is finally posted. Sorry again that the title is so danmei. It is what it is.)
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judasisgayriot · 6 months
sorry but I bravely refuse to pick a side in the worlds dumbest rpf slapfight, i am a top patrick AND bottom patrick enjoyer and i won't be swayed
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httpiastri · 1 year
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hehe 🫶🫶
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allastoredeer · 17 days
Have you read Ruination of Lucifer by Syaunei (incredibly vivid and Al’s characterization is on point; words cannot express how beautiful this one is) or Stolen Moments by MothballMilkshake (her dialogue is incredible and my fav depiction of Lucifer ever)?
Ive seen it around but I haven’t read it yet. I thought I saw the top!Alastor and bottom!Lucifer tag on it a while, which is probs why I haven’t read it, but I checked the fic recently and I didn’t see those tags so idk maybe I’ll give it a look. I’ve seen a lot of fan art of it going around 👀 it looks interesting.
Also, I saw this in the authors notes “P.S. Alastor is well and truly an absolute psychopath in this one. He's still the most entertaining person in the room (damn him).” And if there is anything that’s going to get me to read a fic, ITS GOING TO BE THAT 😂😍
I haven’t read “Stolen Moment” yet but someone recc’ed it earlier so it’s in my “marked for later” tab.
Honestly, I’ve been in a RadioStatic kick recently, and I’ve been reading fics mostly involving them XD
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muttmedley · 2 years
the gasp they make when you first touch them and the moan they let out when you finally slip inside >>>
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amaimint · 4 months
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i found like 1yr+ old k project doodles from my instagram stories (which is why there is text pls ignore it haha)... a lil apology for vanishing for a few days and probably a few more after this bc i have been unexpectedly busy. sorry it's blurry btw
i have 3 requests left to complete on here so i'm almost caught up 🔥🔥🔥 feel free to send more k project requests if u want but idk when i'll get to them bc i'm also working on instagram requests.
also for reference since someone asked me about this, i prefer to keep this acc k project specific but i can do other requests on instagram when i open them. my handle is almost the same as here (a.maimi.nt) ok bye
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hotasfahrenheit · 11 months
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i've been meaning to post something about this since the first episode last week but shout out to wardrobe on Last Twilight for one of the best fake ear plugs i've seen in a show! it's hard to get the fake ones to give the right impression in the lobe since they're a front piece and a back piece that sit on top of the skin to simulate the jewelry that goes through the stretched hole but they've managed it well enough that i've been staring at various gifs and screenshots all week trying to decide if i thought they actually stretched Jimmy's lobe for this or not 🤣
but yeah they've put the pieces of this together tight enough to give a subtle little indent in the skin around the front, which simulates the way that a stretched hole is shaped as opposed to a regular piercing hole which tends to leave the lobe relatively flat, with any jewelry in it not impacting the surface of the skin much if at all.
besides photos of him taken since filming where he has nothing in his ear, the main tell that it IS fake is the fact that the shape of the lobe is still matching his other ear. being at the gauge he would need for a piece of jewelry that size would be probably either a 0 or 00 (8mm-9mm) and it would cause the edge of his lobe to change shape slightly, which it hasn't.
i know this is a weird detail to pay attention to but as a person with stretched lobes it caught my eye and it's nice to see someone get it right for once!
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moeblob · 10 months
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sorry for ocs two days in a row have some babies from an adult's life time ago (aka 2005 I believe? is when I made them?)
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purplink8 · 3 months
Top/Bottom discourse is HILARIOUS to me because I literally do not care lol. I'm always like: both? both? both is good. (read: they're switches)
THAT being said, Light Yagami is a pillow princess, sorry, I don't make the rules.
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winterwandersland · 3 months
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heroswine · 1 year
ok so i hadn’t been watching hermitcraft for a while & i’m getting caught up so i’ve only just now watched the bot battle and…. the rendoc sniffer costume………… i can’t
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