#oh you thought i didn’t like his hands?
shawtuzi · 3 days
this video got me thinking….its kinda giving choso so walk with me real quick besties
“fuckkkk,” the back of choso’s head knocked against the headboard, his chest heaving with a thin sheen of sweat covering it. the poor boy couldn’t form a single thought—the only thing swirling around in his empty mind is that he needed more.
his breath hitched when he felt your tongue wrap around his nipple once more, flicking the sensitive bud with your tongue. you didn’t bother saying much to him, it’d be pointless being the only word he could respond with was a breathy ‘fuck’.
“i’m ’bout to—hmph! nut again, it’s coming baby,” his head lolled onto his shoulder, his hips now bucking up to create a rhythm with your hand. you hummed around his nipple, squeezing his angry red tip, the clear pearls of precum leaking from his tip had you dying for a taste. “be louder…w’nna hear you cho,” you whispered in his ear, licking at the shell of it.
choso shuddered rather violently at the feeling, but nonetheless he got louder for you—a tad bit louder than you had expected. choso’s mouth dropped opened, a symphony of whiny moans following right after.
if he had any energy he’d fuck your fist himself, but alas after 3 consecutive orgasms all he could do was pathetically roll his hips. “so fuckin’ close, cmon baby make me cum,” choso nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt your soft hands begin to play his balls, squeezing them ever so softly.
choso’s entire body went limp as his orgasm hit, moan after pornographic moan spilling past his kiss bitten lips. the first shot of cum landed on his chest, some getting on his chin, which you greedily licked at a second later. his thighs shook in overstimulation, nearly closing because now it was really starting to become too much.
“baby baby baby wait—hah! you’re gonna f-fuckin’ kill me,” his larger hand wrapped weakly around your wrist, but it stopped nothing. you kissed you way up his chest to his neck, sloppily kissing, licking, and sucking any bit you could get. he just smelled so good—like vanilla and cinnamon, you just wanted to eat him up.
you brushed his hair out his face with your free hand. you looked into his tired, yet oh so lustful eyes, “you good?” you asked, halting your hand’s movements. choso sniffled and gave you a weak nod, “want you to drain me dry angel, even if i start crying.” it’s funny because just as choso finished his sentence a stray tear slipped from his eye, landing on his already messy abdomen.
choso stuck out his tongue making you giggle. you knew exactly what he wanted. you leant over, wasting no time shoving your tongue in his mouth, swallowing up his whiny moans. you resumed your hand’s movements, squealing when you felt choso’s teeth sink into your bottom lip.
he truly didn’t know if he had another orgasm in him but he didn’t care, even if he blacked out. why do you ask?? because soon he’ll be receiving the best aftercare known to man. cuddles, kisses, BACK SCRATCHES!!! he was as content as could be.
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sluts4stsg · 2 days
ft. gojō satoru, getō suguru, female reader
contains: noncon, father/daughter incest, drugging, somnophilia, manipulation, voyeurism, vaginal sex, loss of virginity, and suguru just being the worst person ever.
word count: ~1.7k
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“i don’t know what came over me, but i… i actually, like… touched her last week, suguru…”
satoru thought he could confide in his friend about this; i mean, he has before when his actions were just intrusive thoughts, and suguru always told him the same thing: “but you know that you’ll never act on those thoughts, right? so don’t worry too much about them—just jerk off if you have to.”
but now suguru’s not telling him anything. 
no, suguru is perfectly silent as he opens the door to satoru’s daughter’s room, not even thirty minutes after you said you were feeling sleepy downstairs, and a chill goes up his spine at how suguru beckons him into the dark room with the smile of a buddha. 
satoru knows his friend, how fucked up and dark his thoughts can be, but nothing could have prepared for the first words to finally come out of suguru’s mouth; “well, she’s all yours.”
his eyes widen, eyebrows furrow, jaw drops at the clear implication of suguru’s words, leaving satoru staring at him in shock. his heart is like a drum in his chest, almost causing a ringing in his ears, as he tries to comprehend the situation at hand. “s… suguru, what do you…” he can't even finish his sentence, his breaths becoming shorter and shorter.
“oh, come on now, you know what i mean,” suguru playfully chides him as he snakes behind satoru, placing his hands on his shoulders and giving them an encouraging squeeze, “and you and i both know that you want to do it. why else would i set this up for you?”
the dryness in his throat becomes all the more noticeable at his words; he should’ve known something was wrong the minute suguru handed you a drink earlier. satoru knows his daughter, knows she doesn’t like carbonated drinks, and yet he didn’t say anything when he saw you gulping down the fizzy juice suguru poured for you. he thought you would have noticed and refused to drink it, but instead, you did and he let you.
even if he wanted to deny it, satoru knew his friend slipped something into your drink, and he relied on you to not fall victim because he couldn’t bring himself to say anything. because, deep down, he wanted something like this to happen.
ever since he caved and touched you in your sleep last week, he hasn’t stopped thinking about going further than just a touch. he wants you so, so bad it drives him insane, but he’s looking for any excuse not to become a monster right now. “suguru, she… she’s my daughter, i-i can’t… do that to her… i can’t hurt her…” 
but leave it to suguru to see through such a lousy excuse. “you’ve already started though, haven’t you? why not take this perfect opportunity to go further?” his voice is barely above a whisper, lips against the cusp of his ear. his broad chest pressed against satoru’s back, his arms wrapping around his waist to reach for his belt. “she won’t know, satoru, and besides, you love her more than anything else in the world—there’s no way you can hurt her.”
satoru knows that’s not true. he knows anyone is capable of hurting the ones they love, intentionally or not, and he’s sure that you will know what he did eventually; once he gets a taste, he knows he won’t be able to stop. 
but suguru’s words are a siren’s call, and as his friend pulls his belt out of the loops, satoru finds himself being drawn in, his body trembling as he climbs onto his daughter’s bed. he looks down at your unconscious body, the rise and fall of your chest, your peaceful face so blissfully unaware of what is about to happen, and his heart hammers with guilt as he feels his cock throb at the sight.
how can he be so turned on with the knowledge that he’s about to violate his own daughter?
the question rings in his ears, but the sound grows quieter as he watches suguru take a seat beside your pillow, his hand coming to wipe the drool threatening to dribble from your lips. “precious, isn’t she?” he laughs as he licks your spit from his thumb, and satoru can feel his breath get shallow from the action.
“yeah… she is…” he mumbles, almost in a trance, as he too brings his hand towards your mouth, fingers ghosting over your lips. such soft, delicate lips that he wants to devour with his own, his face leaning closer down towards yours.
fuck, why can’t he stop?
his fingers move to your cheek, cupping it while his free hand does the same for the other, and he presses his lips against yours, letting out a strangled moan as he finally takes what he wants. “there you go…” suguru praises him, leaning back as he takes in the sight of a father committing possibly the worst sin against his daughter, and he loves it.
it’s impossible to put into words how much he enjoys watching satoru force his tongue into his own daughter’s mouth, the sheer amount of gratification he gets from watching his best friend’s hand sneak under your shirt to grope you. of course, suguru’s aroused by the show, evident by the bulge in his sweatpants, but chalking up everything he’s feeling in this moment to arousal would be incorrect.
it’s only clicks with him what he’s truly feeling when satoru pulls his mouth off of yours and turns to him, his hands moving from under your shirt to your waistband. “suguru, please… please tell me to stop…” he begs between pants, out of breath—the desperation on his face palpable.
suguru feels powerful. he feels in control. “now, why would i do that?” the smile on his face is relaxed, the tone of his voice calm as his hand overlaps one of satoru’s, “you deserve this, satoru. go for it.”
and at those words, satoru breaks, yanking your shorts and underwear off your legs on one fell swoop, and his mouth goes dry as he gazes upon your slit. “fuck, suguru… she… she’s beautiful…” he whispered, voice strained, and he can’t help tracing a finger between your folds, shivering at the faint moistness that coats the digit. there is nothing he can do to stop his tongue from darting out to lick the slick you left on him, but the guilt weighs heavier on him when he involuntarily moans at the taste. “jesus christ, i’m a monster…” he mutters, palming his face with both of his hands as if to hide his shame.
but with the power he feels at this moment, suguru can’t help but push him deeper into this. “no, i’m the monster, satoru,” he reassures his friend, pulling satoru’s hands from his face so he could look him in the eye, “i’m the one who drugged her. i’m the one telling you to do this. it’s not your fault that you love your daughter this much, so don’t blame yourself. blame me, satoru.”
he looks at suguru with his widest eyes yet, astonished by his best friend’s insistence. “suguru, i… i…” he doesn’t understand why he’s doing this for him, but as satoru’s eye shifts between his best friend and his now bottomless daughter, he can only shake his head, “okay.”
there’s no way he can resist any longer. he can’t let his guilt hold him back from what he so desperately needs.
satoru shrugs his pants and boxers down his thighs, letting his painfully hard cock spring free, and doesn’t waste a second settling between your legs. “i’m sorry, baby…” he whispers to you as if you could actually hear him, pressing a kiss to your forehead with the tenderness of a good father, “...this is suguru’s fault, though.”
and with that declaration, he steels his resolve and pushes into you, his eyes rolling back immediately at the tightness; he only managed to get his tip inside, and already he’s struggling not to bust. “h-holy shit…” he practically whimpers as he forces himself deeper and deeper inside you, until his balls are flush against your ass. he doesn’t even want to move as he bottoms out, desiring to savor the sensation, but like a man possessed, his hips move on their own, fucking into his sleeping beauty with reckless abandon.
suguru is almost taken aback at how aggressive satoru immediately got, assuming that his friend’s guilty conscience would make him go easier on his daughter, but he’s not against it in the slightest. in fact, he can feel his own erection throbbing harder at the way you squirm in your drugged sleep, the way satoru moans so loud and uncontrollably like he’s in a bad porno, and he can feel his precum soaking into his briefs when he notices the slightest sheen of your virginal blood coating satoru’s cock as he drives it into you. fuck, does the sight make him want to blow his own load as well.
however, this is satoru’s moment—he’s not going to jerk off as his best friend finally takes everything he’s ever wanted. suguru wants him to savor this moment, and so the most he does is rest his hand over his massive bulge as leans against your headboard, occasionally rubbing it to soothe the ache. 
it’s like he’s viewing daytime television with casually how he continues to watch satoru’s frenzied, insatiable pace as he rapes his daughter, and he’s silent the whole time, even as his best friend buries himself deep inside you and cries out while unloading his balls. 
he was a director watching the final cut of his own creation, even clapping as satoru collapses on top of you. “excellent. i’m proud of you, satoru,” is all he comments before getting up off the bed, leaving the room. leaving him to deal with the aftermath on his own.
and while the guilt returns once suguru leaves, it’s only fleeting because now satoru knows that, if he ever gets this urge again, his best friend will take the blame for it.
he looks down at you, his beautiful and defiled daughter, as he finally pulls out. a pink mix of blood and semen leaks out of you, and satoru smiles at the sight, knowing that it’s suguru who did this to you—not him.
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itneverendshere · 2 days
the aftermath of sex with rafe and you’re about to roll out to leave and he’s like “what’s going on” and you’re like “oh you want me to stay?”
decided to use this request for bitchy!pogue!reader, bc i love their dynamic in my last drabble for them and wanted to see their relationship develop!! hope that's okay and thank you for the request!!🫶🏼🫶🏼
said it a million times, only stay with you one more night - r.c drabble
pairing: bitchy!pogue!reader x rafe
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your breath was still shaky as you lay in rafe’s bed, staring up at the ceiling. the room smelled like sex and bad decisions—the same old combination every time you found yourself tangled up with him.
what the fuck had you done? again.
you groaned internally, rolling to the side and blinking at the mess of clothes on the floor. your clothes. you needed to get out of here, like you always did after. this was a routine by now—fuck rafe, get dressed, leave before shit got weird.
but, of course, it was always weird with rafe.
he was your worst mistake on repeat, the asshole kook you swore you hated but couldn’t seem to stop ending up in bed with. and you weren’t entirely wrong. he was an asshole. that perfect jawline of his clenched every time he looked at you, like he wanted to snap or—snap you in half, depending on the day. he acted like he couldn’t stand you most of the time, and you loved it.
especially when you knew exactly where that frustration would end up: right between your legs.
you knew the deal. this thing with rafe was nothing but sex. pure tension. you loved driving him insane, loved the way his face would twist, how his hands would grip your hips with just a little too much pressure, like he had something to prove. but the second it was over, he always turned cold. he’d stare at you with that same look—disgusted, maybe even regretful—like he couldn’t believe he’d let himself touch you.
and you weren’t about to stick around for that bullshit.
with a sigh, you pushed the covers back and swung your legs out of the bed, standing up with a wince as your body reminded you just how hard he'd fucked you. the soreness in your thighs was a not-so-subtle reminder of how you ended up here, naked, in his bed again when you swore to yourself that the last time was really the last time.
you didn’t even bother looking at him as you reached for your jeans on the floor, pulling them on quickly. you needed to get out of here before he started up with that whole “i don’t even know why i did this” attitude, like you were the problem.
 “where are you going?”
you didn’t even look back at him as you yanked your top over your head. “leaving. what’s it look like?”
the bed creaked as he sat up, and you could practically feel his eyes burning into your back. “what the fuck is going on?”
you paused, one arm halfway through your top, rolling your eyes at his tone. now he wanted to act like something was different? “what do you mean, what’s going on?” you shot back, sarcasm dripping from every word. “’m leaving. you know, like i always do after we fuck.”
rafe didn’t answer right away, and for a second, you thought maybe he’d just let it go. but then he surprised you.
“you don’t have to go.”
you turned around slowly, narrowing your eyes at him. “what? you want me to stay now?” he never asked you to stay. hell, he was usually halfway out the door emotionally before you even got your clothes back on.
his face hardened at your reaction, that familiar pissed-off look settling into his features. “yeah, i don’t know, maybe i do.”
you laughed, genuinely surprised. “since when? you want me to hang around and play house after?”
“do you always have to make everything so fucking complicated?”
you raised an unimpressed brow, “okay, i think you hit your head on the bedframe earlier.”
“shut the fuck up and get in bed.”
you froze, mid-laugh, because—wait—what? rafe cameron, the king of "get out before i pretend you don’t exist," actually wanted you to stay.
“excuse me?” you blinked at him, fully expecting him to break character any second
he was unpredictable like that. one minute, he was treating you like you’re beneath him—like you were the dirty secret he couldn't believe he kept hooking up with—and the next? he was saying stuff that made your heart do this stupid thing it had no business doing.
“get back in bed,” he demanded, like he actually expected you to listen.
“why? so you can flip back to being a fucking asshole in the morning?”
he rolled his eyes and groaned like you were the exhausting one here, “can you just—” he hesitated, clearly fighting with whatever stupid thoughts were bouncing around that kook head of his. “just come back to bed.”
and oh god, why did he have to sound almost...vulnerable?
you stared at him, fully aware this was a bad idea. the two of you didn’t “do” feelings. shit, he barely “did” conversation after sex. this wasn’t just out of character for him; it was out of this planet.
so you crossed your arms and tilted your head, leaning against his dresser like you had all the time in the world. “are you serious right now, cameron? you actually want me to stay? for what, a cuddle session? netflix?”
he gave you that trademark irritated look, tongue poking his cheek. “you’re so fucking difficult.”
“yeah, well, you’re not exactly easy, baby.”
you smirked, half expecting him to snap again. but instead, he did something you never saw coming. he ran a hand through his messy hair—full-on frustrated—and sighed. a real sigh. and then, in this quiet voice that was so unlike him, he said, “maybe i just don’t want you to leave.”
you felt your stomach flip. no no no. this wasn’t part of the deal. you two weren’t supposed to catch feelings. but the way he was looking at you, all raw and real for once, made your brain go foggy. you could leave right now. walk out, just like you always did, like a smart girl.
but something in his voice was pulling you back, like maybe this time was different. “rafe…” 
“just stay,” he murmured, eyes locked on yours, and for the first time since you started this whole messed-up dance with him, you saw something in his face that wasn’t anger or lust or annoyance.
it almost looked like...he cared. maybe you’d stay, just to see what this was about.
you weren’t about to let your guard down completely. you weren’t some naive kook princess. you knew how to protect yourself—especially from guys like him, because let’s be honest, rafe was a certified disaster in human form. and you weren’t any better.
you sighed, running a hand through your hair. “if i stay, you’re not gonna pull some ‘i don’t know why i did this’ bullshit tomorrow, right? ‘cause ’m not dealing with that again, cameron.”
he huffed, but there was this softness to it. “can you just stay without turning everything into a fight?”
“turning it into a fight?” you raised a brow, incredulous. “that’s literally your specialty.”
rafe’s jaw tightened—again—but instead of snapping back like usual, he just stared at you. “’m not asking for forever, alrigh’? just one night. jesus.”
one night.
you could do one night, right?
you climbed back onto the bed, settling into the sheets next to him. it felt...weird. not in a bad way, just different. usually, you’d be out of here by now, shorts half-buttoned, sneaking out like some guilty secret. but this? lying next to him, clothes still off, in his bed, with his scent all around you? it felt more intimate than any of the wild, angry sex you’d had with him before.
“happy now?” you muttered, glancing over at him.
rafe didn’t say anything for a second. he just looked at you, like he wasn’t sure how to act either. “yeah. maybe i am.”
it was bizarre, how different this felt from all the other times. there was no rush to leave, no awkward scramble to avoid the inevitable “i shouldn’t have done that” speech. just the two of you, lying there in silence. you felt his hand brush against yours under the covers. it wasn’t a big, dramatic move, just his fingers lightly grazing your skin.
it was such a small thing, but somehow, it felt... huge. rafe was the last guy on earth you ever expected to be soft, especially with you. but here he was, in this tiny, almost awkward moment, doing something that felt closer to intimacy than anything else you’d ever shared. what the hell was happening?
“you’re acting like a human being. it’s weirding me out.”
he smirked, but it didn’t have the usual arrogance behind it. “maybe 'm just tired of being an asshole.”
you chuckled, shaking your head. “that would be a first.”
he didn’t fight back like you expected. instead, his hand moved a little under the covers, and suddenly, his fingers were really holding yours, not just grazing but actually intertwining with your own. you blinked down at your joined hands, feeling your heart flip-flop in a way that annoyed you. this wasn’t what you signed up for, not even close.
but then again, when had anything with him ever gone according to plan.
“why are you doing this?” you asked quietly, trying to ignore how fast your pulse was beating.
rafe’s jaw clenched—again, with the jaw clenching—but this time, it didn’t feel like frustration. he was thinking, actually thinking about what to say, and that alone was enough to make you nervous.
“i don’t know,” he admitted, “i just—” He stopped himself, taking a deep breath like the words were hard for him to get out. “maybe i don’t hate you as much as i thought i did.”
that threw you for a loop. he was never this honest. you stared at him, eyes wide, waiting for the punchline, but there wasn’t one. he wasn’t smirking, wasn’t trying to act like he didn’t care. he just... said it. like it was the most normal thing in the world to admit feelings when feelings weren’t even on the table.
“Wow,” you breathed, genuinely shocked. “you really hit your head earlier.”
he snickered, but it sounded different—soft, even. “Yeah, maybe I did.”
“should i call for a doctor?”
it was unsettling seeing him like this, not lashing out or shutting you down with a snide comment. 
“you don’t always have to make everything a joke.”
your eyebrows shot up at that, the surprise clear on your face. “excuse me? that’s literally what we do—” you gestured vaguely between the two of you. “that’s our thing.”
he just sighed, shaking his head like he was genuinely exasperated with you. before you could throw out another sarcastic remark, he grabbed you by the back of your neck, pulling you into a kiss.
his hand gripped the back of your neck with just enough pressure to hold you in place, but there was a tenderness in the way his fingers tangled in your hair. his lips met yours gently at first as if testing the waters, and the softness of it scared you. you were so used to him being all teeth, nipping, and biting, that this moment of quiet, hesitant intimacy caught you off guard. he kissed you like he was savoring it—like this was something he wanted to remember.
his thumb brushed lightly along your jawline, as the kiss deepened, his lips pressing a little harder against yours, but it still lacked the aggression you’d come to expect from him. there was no desperation here. his tongue flicked against your bottom lip, gentle but insistent, and without thinking, you parted your lips, letting him in. your bodies stayed close, but it wasn’t the usul closeness that came from lust. the slow, languid rhythm of his mouth against yours was intimate in a way that felt too personal.
rafe was kissing you like you were someone he cared about, like you were more than just another way to burn off steam. this wasn’t what you two did. you weren’t supposed to share soft touches and slow kisses. you were supposed to fight, tear each other apart, then fuck like it was the only thing holding you together.
when the kiss finally broke, you felt dazed, staring at him like you didn’t recognize the person in front of you. rafe, however, didn’t seem fazed. he just looked at you with those piercing blue eyes, still holding the back of your neck like he was afraid you’d bolt the second he let go.
“i meant it,” he said quietly, his voice a low, “i don’t want you to leave.”
“i don’t do this,” you muttered, shaking your head. “we don’t do this.”
rafe’s grip on your neck loosened, but his hand didn’t move. “i know. just tonight.”
you closed your eyes, breathing him in. he smelled like sweat and sex and something that made your entire body hurt in a way you hadn’t expected. maybe he wasn’t asking for forever, but staying here with him felt like it could change everything.
one night and you’d worry about tomorrow when it came.
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chris-prank · 3 days
A desperate yandere in your area
Chapter 1 : Something warm
Sub pathetic yandere x GN reader
CW: NSFW, pet play?, praise kink, masturbation, humping, porn with plot, yandere behavior, mention of stalking and use of y/n
Word count: Over 3K
The winter cold had arrived in town, but you had underestimated it. You could clearly see the vapor escape your mouth as you breathed on your palms to warm them up. It was lunch break, so you had decided to treat yourself with a hot drink at the local coffee shop. They had a large variety of food and drinks, which was always nice when in a rush.  It was really close to the place you worked at, so the perfect opportunity to get some fresh air in your system. 
I wonder if Jacce is going to be there today, you ask yourself while rubbing your hands together and placing them in your pockets. He was one of the baristas. He always took the time to make little doodles on your cup to go or make foam art if you stayed for longer. You never really had a deep conversation, but you often thought it would be nice to get to know him. 
You arrived in front of the open sign and swiftly pushed the door to take shelter from the cold. Jacce seemed to cheer up as he noticed you. He made his way to the counter, a small smile gracing his lips while he adjusted his apron. Despite his tall figure, Jacce’s hunched over pose almost made him eye to eye with you. Emphasis on almost, he was still way taller.
“Welcome back! Wh-what can I get you today?” 
You told him you wanted a chicken soup with your hot drink, since you had the time to stay a bit longer today. While ordering, you noticed little button pins on his neck strap. One was definitely the pansexual flag and the other was the band Ghost’s logo. 
“I like your button pins!” You commented while handing him the right amount of money, your fingers brushing lightly against his palm. 
“O-oh! Thanks! you're the first client to notice them… well to say something about it at least.”
He started fidgeting with them and gave you a sheepish grin. You swore his face had gotten more flushed than before, but not thinking much of it you made your way to a nearby table. Soon, Jacce arrived with your food ready in hand. You took the tray and admired his work of art. It was a cute Shiba Inu made of foam milk coming out of the mug. He really made it impressively detailed. You took a glance at the soup and the croissant next to it… A croissant? Your neurons finally made the connections that you didn’t order this, after a good second of zoning out. You looked up at Jacce, but he simply glanced away. Oh, it was on purpose. 
“Aw! You didn’t have to!” 
“It’s nothing really…You are m— our favorite regular after all, I need to treat you from time to time.” He pouted, as if it was an insult not to give you special attention. His comment turned your cheeks slightly red. You didn’t know at all that the people working here liked you this much. 
Jacce stayed in place despite already giving you your order. It seemed like the barista wanted to chat longer, but another customer was waiting, so he left reluctantly. 
“The art is really cute by the way!” You shouted from your seat. You saw Jacce lit up with a giddy smile, but in a matter of seconds he returned to his neutral face when addressing the man at the counter. 
You took out your phone to take a picture of the little foam dog before it disappeared into the warm liquid. After that you decided to attack the croissant first, not wanting to give your tongue a second degree burn with the chicken soup or the drink. You took a huge bite, crumbs falling on your laps despite your best efforts. They really had amazing pastry here. The price reflected that, and your wallet definitely knew it well. You were so wrapped in your own little world that your brain blocked out everything going on around you, until an angry voice disturbed your peace. 
“DON’T try to give excuses!”
“S-sir, p-please…”
A man, probably in his fifties, was menacingly pointing his finger at Jacce. He anxiously ran a hand through his mud brown hair, looking everywhere except in the clients eyes. Your heartbeat picked up in pace as you watched the scene unfold, you didn’t want to imagine how the poor barista felt. 
“I don’t have any music playing, I swear! It’s just to take out surrendering noises when I’m —”
“Your generation are such snowflakes! I want to talk to your manager!” 
Jacce let out an anxious laugh before answering.
“I a-am actually the… manager, but I’m als–”
“FOR GOD SAKE! Proof that this place is run by idiots!”
Ok, this guy is seriously going overboard. You looked around to watch the reaction of the other customers. They were understandably all silent, almost frozen in their seats. Seeing no one ready to advocate for the poor guy caused your protective side to kick in. 
“How is it even a problem if he can hear you perfectly?”
The man turned to you with a surprise expression, not expecting anyone to intervene, but soon enough he gave you the same angry stare Jacce had received.  
“It’s a matter of respect.”
“Well you're not being really respectful right now.”
“Are you fricking— You know what? You just lost a valuable customer.” He spat out at the barista and stormed off, but not before knocking over a stand of straws. 
Jacce was visibly affected by this whole encounter. He almost looked like he was going to have an anxiety attack, because of the way he was gripping his shirt. You quickly went up to the counter and kneeled down to clean up the mess. 
“I am so sorry for you, people can be so rude! That’s why I prefer a job without any social interaction, a pure paradise I tell you!” you joked, trying to soothe him. “I hope it didn’t ruin your day…”
Your attention wandered away as you picked off the ground the reusable straws. You could hear Jacce say something, but only for it to be mixed with the background noises. 
“Mm what did you say?”
“Oh em— I just said that it won’t affect the rest of my day, don't worry.”
Jacce’s hand reached up and it looked like he was scratching his neck. He seemed to have calmed down which made you a bit relieved. After all that, you went back to your table and finished your food and drink. You told Jacce goodbye before going back to your own job. 
The rest of your day went normally, but it was still pretty intense. You were at least glad that you didn’t have to deal with angry clients unlike a certain someone. On that note your mind wandered back to Jacce. Next time you should try to get to know him better. He seemed to be eager for it as well. 
I hope they’ll come by today,  Jacce whined internally as he tried to search out the window for a glimpse of his beloved. It has been two days since the last time he officially saw them, two days too much in his opinion. He did follow them after work, but it wasn’t the same. The barista wanted to talk to them, even if it was just for a second. 
Jacce mindlessly twisted the sleeve of his forest green turtleneck between his fingers. He had a huge collection of thrifted knitted turtleneck sweater, but this one was definitely his favorite since it was the softest on his skin. 
After one more hour of torture, waiting for a certain someone, they finally pushed open the door of the coffee shop. It took merely a second for Jacce to notice them. He wanted to run to the counter to make sure his coworkers didn't steal this moment from him, but it would have looked suspicious. Luckily, everyone else was too busy to take care of it.
“Welcome back! Wh-what can I get for you today?” The question was more a force of habits than an honest one. Jacce knew perfectly their favorite drink and how they wanted it to be prepared. Just like he expected, y/n ordered the same thing as usual, but with chicken soup. That’s a good sign, he thought; they always order something to eat when they are planning on staying. 
Jacce told them the price and took the chance to admire their complexion while they were busy searching in their wallet. He really loved everything about his darling, from head to toe. As they paid, he felt the tip of y/n finger brush against his palm, shooting heat to his face and somewhere else. 
“I like your button pins!”
The sudden compliment caught him off guard. He was already overjoyed by the touch of his favorite client, but this was definitely making his face burn ten times more. He awkwardly thanked them, but thankfully they didn’t seem to notice his intense reaction, instead leaving to take a seat soon after their interaction. 
Jacce calmed himself down as he brainstormed what he could possibly make in milk foam this time. He ended up with the idea of a cute dog. Everyone likes dogs, right? He sure hoped they did. Furthermore, he took the opportunity to add a croissant next to the bowl of soup. It was a slow day anyway and it's not like it was making the business lose a lot of money. The barista carefully took the tray and brought it to their table. Normally they would just call people at the counter to get their order, but he seriously wasn’t going to bother y/n for such a silly thing. 
Jacce was so proud at the stunned look on his the customers face when they saw the little Shiba Inu made out of foam milk and the free croissant. He couldn’t help but sweat as they looked up at him. 
“Aw Jacce! You didn’t have to!” 
“It’s nothing really…You are m— our favorite regular after all, I need to treat you from time to time.” He pouted. 
He soon noticed that they were blushing. Fuck! I made them blush! That’s what he wanted more than anything, to make them love him just as much as he loved them. This definitely was a good sign.  If only he could stay longer to admire them from up close, but no. Another customer had to enter and ruin the only good moment of his day. 
“The art is really cute by the way!” He heard them shout from their table as he left. Jacce lit up with a giddy smile, but in a matter of seconds he returned to his neutral face when addressing the man at the counter. 
“What can I get you sir?” He asks with a monotone voice while gently tugging at his only dark strand of hair. 
“I’ll get a black cof– are you listening to music, young man?” 
Jacce looked up at the client that had noticed his earbuds.
“No sir, I can assure you I’m not.”
“DON’T lie to me!”
“S-sir, p-please…”
The man, probably in his fifties, menacingly pointed his finger at him. Jacce anxiously ran a hand through his mud brown hair, looking everywhere except in the clients eyes. This was going worse than he expected. He could feel himself sweating profusely. 
“I don’t have a-any music playing, I swear! It’s just to take out surrendering noises when I’m —”
“Your generation are such snowflakes! I want to talk to your manager!” 
Jacce let out an anxious laugh before answering.
“I a-am actually the… manager, but I’m als–”
“FOR GOD SAKE! Proof that this place is run by idiots!”
A worker named Pierre opened his mouth to intervene, but he was not quick enough it seemed.  
“How is it even a problem sir if he can hear you perfectly?”
Jacce had to hold himself back to not cry from happiness. There they were, his precious love standing up for him. 
The man turned to them with a surprise expression, not expecting anyone to speak up, but soon enough gave y/n an angry stare. Jacce couldn’t let that slide. This man was definitely banned from the shop.   
“It’s a matter of respect.”
“Well you're not being really respectful right now.”
“Are you fricking— You know what? You just lost a valuable customer.” He spat out in Jacce’s way and stormed off, but not before knocking over a stand of straws. 
Jacce could never get used to situations like this, it always affected him. Still, he tried his best to regulate his breathing as he gripped his shirt. Y/n quickly went up to the counter and kneeled down out of view. The barista leaned against the counter to look at what they were doing. His darling was cleaning up the mess the waste of air had just caused. 
“I am so sorry for you, people can be so rude! That’s why I prefer a job without any social interaction, a pure paradise I tell you!” They joked, “I hope it didn’t ruin your day…”
It was so sweet of them, not only did they advocate on his behalf but they were thoughtful enough to lift his spirit too. Jacce really couldn’t wait to be theirs and repay them for all their kindness. 
“No need to worry about that, you made it perfect already.”
“Mm what did you say?”
“Oh em— I just said that it won’t affect the rest of my day, don’t worry.”
The man could feel his erection pressing painfully against the restraint of his pants. Instinctively, he reached up to the collar hidden under his clothes to brush it with his fingers. It had a tag with Jacce engraved on the front. On the backside it said “property of” followed by y/n and their phone number. He clenched his fist, he really couldn’t wait to get home.
When they left, the rest of Jacce’s day consisted of him daydreaming about the chivalry of his sweetheart. Once he arrived at his house, it was a matter of seconds before his pants were taken off. He didn’t even wait to be in his room, instead opting for the cold tile floor of his bathroom. He took out of one of the cabinets a small bottle of lotion, opened it with his left hand and generously poured the content on the other. He had these bottles scattered all around his home, including the bag that he brought with him everywhere he went. Biting his bottom lips, he ran his hand down his happy trail, where it connected to the base of his shaft. A doggy-like whine escaped his lips as he began to wrap his finger around it and slowly moved up.
“S-shit Mmfff! Please…A-aahh use me master.”
Wet noises soon started echoing around the room and the hallway, accompanying the incessant buzzing of electricity. It was a true miracle that Jacce never got a noise complaint since he moved into this house. His neighbor could definitely hear his nightly worshiping session if they went out into their backyard. It's not like he was loud on purpose, but when it came to the object of his affection he just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. It made him wonder on some occasions if he didn’t end up in a neighborhood full of perverts that loved listening to his lewd activities. At this point, his legs had started shaking violently from how sensitive he was, making him lean more against the wall for support.
“I’m just a dumb little puppy for y-you, t-touching my-myself everyday …Nnhg.”
He arched his back as his hand stroked his cock at a higher speed, crying out for them desperately. His imagination couldn’t settle on one vision. He kept switching from images of them bouncing on his cock to them bobbing their head up and down on it and even having them fuck his little ass raw. He only slowed down his movements to run his thumb under the foreskin of its head, filling his brain with an other wave of pleasure. 
“I’m a… greedy little mutt, so Uugh so greedy.” 
He cursed at himself under his breath for having such lewd fantasies about the person he loved, which turned him on even more. Precum was abundantly leaking out of the tip of his dick now, resembling pearly water drops. Wanting more, he used his free hand to reach under his turtleneck and pinched at his nipples. Jacce bullied the poor thing by twisting it between is fingers. He couldn’t help but shiver from the stimulation he was giving himself. 
“I j-just Unnf want to b-be yours.”
He sincerely wanted them to use him, ravage him even, but he also yearned for the sensations his darling would give his body. They would be so good for him just like he would be for them. 
Despite the fact that he wanted to continue more than anything, it had to last longer. As he felt his climax approaching, Jacce loosened his grip on his shaft. A pathetic whine escaped his lips while he tried to keep himself from cumming. He staggered to his feet, gripping the sink for support. He felt so weak, his legs hardly supporting his weight anymore. Every friction his dick received made him fold in half, prolonging even more his travel to his room. As he continued his journey, a long string of precum was left behind him. He will have clean it later, but for now he didn’t care if he made a mess. In a way, it was part of the fun.
He finally crawled onto the bed, lazily placing a pillow between his legs. It was wrapped with one of y/n stolen hoodies, in other words, his most prized possessions. Jacce winced when the fabric made direct contact with his glistening cock. He closed his eyes, trying to picture them under him, praising him for being able to hold his orgasm. He was being such a good boy for y/n, why couldn’t they see? 
He started humping that thing like the horny mutt he was. His ass wiggling cutely from the incessant movement. Jacce wanted them to see him like this so badly. A pure mess that couldn’t help but make high pitched whines at every trust. 
“I j–just want to cum for you, all f–for you.” He mumbled, while tears rolled down his face, cheek flushed. 
His cock was so sensitive, giving him the perfect mixture of pain and pleasure. He wasn’t capable of closing his mouth anymore, drool leaking out of it like a waterfall. Jacce tried to keep up the speed as he chased his inevitable climax.
“Master, I'm c-cumming, A-ah… I'm cumming! I… l-love you!” He cried out while thrusting his hips forward uncontrollably, shooting hot ropes of cum all over the pillow. 
After falling face first onto the bed, he pulled it up to his chest, cradling the dirty hoodie as if it was really them, but ultimately it wasn’t enough. He was just too impatient to tease himself for an extended period of time. In addition, the desire to cum and becoming dumb for a few seconds was way too alluring. Jacce was sure that if he was with y/n, they would edge him way longer than what he could ever do. 
He knew for a fact that's what they would do, since, one time at the cafe, he had the chance to watch them enter the code on their computer. With that crucial information he was able to open it when he broke into their house came unannounced. He was stunned when he saw the tags of the spicy fanfiction his precious darling reads. They both had the same taste in terms of kinky sex. Another proof to fill his delusion that he was destined to be theirs. 
As he laid there, tired and dazed, he thought about how nice it would be to be enveloped by their smell. He took a big breath into the hoodie. Yay it lost the particular scent he was looking for. He knew it was wrong, but maybe he could pay them a “visit”…just to feel a bit closer. Jacce looked at the clock. He still had time to do it before they arrived at their apartment. 
Even if I only post it now, this was actually the first yandere story I ever wrote, back in september of 2023, so the writing maybe be less good than my other stuff!
This story will also be posted on my ao3 account
Plus an old drawing I made back then for this chapter
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davinawritings · 17 hours
A Knotty Discovery
Pairing: Male Werewolf X Fem Chubby Human Reader
Warnings: Smut, Penetration, Knotting, Sex toys, Ruined Orgasm, Creampie
Summary: You come home to find that your extremely attractive Werewolf roommate has found your collection of knotted dildos.
When you walked into your apartment, you were surprised not to see your roommate sitting on the couch in the living room. It was Sunday night, which was your traditional movie night together. Both of you worked but always ensured you were home by five on Sundays. Since you both had Mondays off, you made Sunday your weekly pizza and movie night, staying up late and enjoying each other’s presence.
Decker and you have lived together for over a year now, and honestly, you love it. The only problem was your small, well maybe not so small, crush on him. You couldn’t help it, though; he is just so amazing. He is the exact opposite of you. You are human, and he is a werewolf. While you are short and chubby, he is massively tall and made of muscle. You are soft and gentle, while he is hard and strong.
You cherish movie nights where he wraps an arm around you and pulls you close. You love leaning against his large body and nuzzling into his soft fur. He always manages to brighten your day and make you laugh. He takes care of you and makes you feel love. Unfortunately, he has never expressed any romantic interest in you, so you try to be content with having him as a friend.
It’s already past five, and Decker is usually getting everything set up for movie night by now. You set the pizza you brought home on the counter, thinking he must be running late. You head for your bedroom and decide to take the extra time to put on your cute pajamas.
You certainly had not been expecting to walk in and see Decker kneeling on the floor in front of your closet, your box of vibrators and dildos open in front of him. There are several knotted dildos on the floor beside him, and the largest one is gripped in his clawed hand. Your face heats up immediately, and you accidentally let out a small gasp at the sight.
The noise catches his attention, and his eyes immediately meet your own. You quickly look to the floor in embarrassment at his intense gaze. “Oh, no, pretty girl. Eyes on me. How long have you been hiding this? Hmm?”. You can’t seem to push any words out of your mouth, and you hear him moving because of your lack of response. You stand entirely frozen as he stops before you, using one hand to guide your eyes up to his.
“All these months, you have never shown any interest in monsters. The only male you went on a few dates with, being that loser human, and now I find all this. My adorable little human likes monster cock, well, werewolf cock specifically”, he says with a smirk. You try to pull away, your mortification at an all-time high at his words, but he doesn’t let you budge.
“Sweetheart, I don’t think you realize how much I have been holding myself back, thinking you had no interest in a werewolf like me. From the moment I met you, I wanted you sitting on my knot. I wanted to hold your plush body in my claws and never let you go, but I thought you wanted a human male. I had to keep myself from ripping your clothes off every fucking day”. You let out a needy whimper at his words, and a smirk appeared on his face once again.
“Baby, when you wear those little pajama shorts, and I can see your thick thighs, all I can think about is holding them in my hands as I thrust my cock inside you over and over. And last Sunday, when you wore that cute little nighty for our movie night, I swear I was hard all night. All I wanted to do was bend you over the side of the couch and knot you all night long. Your body looks so fucking breedable, baby, and I just want to fill you every moment of every day” he finishes his last statement with a low growl, and it goes straight to your panties.
You wet your lips and reply, “I.. I have always wanted you, Decker. I just didn’t think you were interested in me, so I never said anything”. He shakes his head and says, “Baby, how could I not want you? Everything about you makes me want to claim you, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing, but first, you are going to show me exactly what you do with those toys over there.
You feel a twinge of embarrassment at the thought, but it is quickly overpowered by arousal and lust at the thought of him watching you. He gives you a quick pat as you make your way over to the toys and reach for your medium-sized dildo.
“The big one, sweetheart. I must ensure you are nice and stretched out when I take you. I’m a lot bigger than your little toys over there”, he tells you, his voice a low purr. You almost moan at his words, the excitement of being so filled making you crave him even more.
You slowly take off your clothing, wanting to tease him a bit. As your panties hit the floor, you see Decker take a big inhale and moan. You blush under his gaze, and he gives you his signature wolfish grin.
You place the large dildo on the floor, the suction cup base holding it in place. You kneel over it, lining its tip up with your wet entrance. You look at him as you slowly let your weight push you down on the thick dildo. His eyes don’t leave your slick cunt as he moves one of his hands to squeeze his cock over his pants. You felt your mouth salivating at the sight.
You reach halfway down when you rise up again, leaving just the tip inside you before dropping back down. You continue this until the knot presses against your entrance on each downward stroke. You moan as you watch his eyes bounce all around your body. The dildo feels so good, but his eyes on you feel even better. You release soft whimpers and moans, and you work your body up and down.
“That’s it, baby. Keep riding. Fuck I love the sight of your greedy cunt swallowing that dildo. You look so fucking beautiful, baby. There you go. Go a little faster, baby. I wanna see those perfect tits bounce faster, little one. Fuck princess, I can’t wait to fill you with my cock. I wanna see you take that knot, baby. I wanna see your greedy little pussy stretch around it”, he growls out, lust lacing his voice.
You spread your legs wider and drop your pussy down lower. You move one of your fingers down to your swollen clit and rub tight circles on it. Pleasure slams through your body, and the knot fully pops inside your tight cunt. “Fu-Fuck Decker. I’m cumming. Fuck I’m cumming”, you cry out.
Just as your cunt clenches down at the beginning of probably the best orgasm of your life, Decker wraps his claws around your arms and pulls you up and off the dildo, the suction cup keeping it secured to the floor. You cry out at the ruined orgasm, your cunt trying to clench around nothing, and your clit pulsing in need of stimulation. Tears spring to your eyes as your thighs clench together, trying to get any stimulation at all. Decker is quick to reach one hand down and separate your legs, stopping any stimulation and ruining your orgasm completely.
You look at him in confusion and a hint of betrayal as tears stream down your face. He licks up the tears from your cheeks before saying, “Sorry, sweetheart, but I’ve decided that the first time we fuck, the only knot you are going to cum on is mine.” With that, he pushes you back to lie on the bed as he starts stripping his clothes.
You stare at every glorious inch of his body that gets exposed. Your need for him increases with each second. As his cock is revealed, you audibly gasp. He wasn’t lying when he said he was bigger than your toys. His cock is so giant that even fully hard, it hangs down towards the floor, too heavy to stand upright. The knot at the base is larger than your fist, and your nipples harden even more at the thought of him forcing it inside you.
“Tell me you want it, princess. I need you to tell me now because once I start, I won’t be able to stop. I’ve thought about this for far too long to be able to hold back once I finally have you,” he says, giving you one last chance to back out.
You spread your legs wide, making sure your dripping pussy is entirely on display, and reply, “Please, Decker. Please, I want this, I need this, I need you. Please fill me. Make me yours”. He is on you before you even finish. He pushes your legs up and over his shoulders, his cock resting over your pussy and your lower belly. He thrusts his cock back and forth but holds back from entering you, just working on covering himself in your slick juices.
“Mmmm, I love how soft your body is, baby. So fucking perfect in every way. Drives me fucking mad”, he growls out. Each brush of his cock rubs your pulsing clit, and all you want is for him to push inside you. You are just about to start begging when he finally lines himself up with your needy hole and pushes in. He only goes about halfway, but you are already crying out at the feeling.
He moans your name and keeps thrusting, moving deeper and deeper with each stroke. He watches your body open up for him, mumbling the word perfect under his breath. On his next thrust, his knot hits your entrance, and he seems to lose all control. He grabs onto your love handles and starts fucking you like an animal.
You cry out in ecstasy at feeling so full, his cock slamming into your g-spot brutally on every thrust. Your hands grip his forearms, needing to hold on and ground yourself as he fucks you like he owns you. “Fuck Decker… you feel so good. Don-don’t stop. Please don’t stop. Please”.
He moans at your begging, leaning forward to cover your body with his own. Your knees are pushed up towards your shoulders, and his body keeps you in place, unable to move. You cum with a cry of his name, squirting on his cock from the pleasure.
He doesn’t give you any time to recover as he continues using your puffy pussy. You whimper at the overstimulation that sets in, but you don’t want him to stop. You need to feel him knot you. You need to feel him fill you with his cum.
“Your pussy is fucking heaven, baby. I’m never fucking letting you go. Do you hear me? You’re MINE.” he says as his thrusts speed up. His hips slammed against you and pushed you down into the mattress. You only manage to whimper and moan in response, tears streaming down your chubby cheeks in pleasure.
He pulls back almost entirely before slamming his hips down, pressing his knot against your entrance and keeping it there as he tries to push it in. Your entrance puts up a good fight, and he growls, angry at the denial of entry. You start to question whether or not he will be able to fit his knot inside when he shifts his weight so almost all of it is in his hips, pushing his knot harder against your dripping cunt.
Gravity seems to be on his side as his knot is forced into your tight cunt as he drops down against you completely. You scream out his name at the insane stretch, never having been this filled, his tip kissing your womb. Your arms wrap around his back as your nails dig into his fur. He starts his thrusts again, but this time shallow as his knot stays stuck inside of you. Each stroke causes your body to jiggle beneath him, your nipples rubbing against his hairy chest, sending shocks of pleasure to your aching clit.
He pulls his hips back, and his cock pulls your bottom half off the bed by your swollen cunt, before he drops back down. He groans with the motion and continues repeating it. You cry out each time, your pussy overfilled and overwhelmed with the sensation of him.
He slams you down once more, and your legs begin to shake with pleasure. You scream out his name as your cunt once again clamps down on his massive cock, milking him with everything you have. You feel his cock twitching as he lets out a loud growl followed by swears. His cock begins filling you to the brim with his seed. Your already too-full pussy is being filled even more. Your lower stomach bloats and hardens as he cums and cums and cums, his knot not allowing even a single drop of his seed to drip from your cunt.
You cling to him as you both come down, trying to regulate the air in your lungs. He keeps you pressed to him as he rolls onto his back, draping you over his warm chest. You stay like this for a few minutes, just enjoying the feeling of each other’s embrace. As your mind starts returning, you sit up slightly to look at him.
“Why were you going through my closet?” you ask him. He gives you a soft smile and answers, “I was setting up for movie night and wanted to get that fuzzy throw blanket you keep on the couch in the winter. It’s a little cold today, so I thought you might enjoy it. I remember you saying you were putting it in the closet, so I went looking for it.”.
You smile at his thoughtfulness and place a loving peck on his snout. “The throw blanket is in the hallway closet for future reference.” He stares at you for a moment before laughing. His chest rises and falls, causing you to shake up and down. His laughter is quickly interrupted by a moan as your pussy shifts on his cock from the movement.
“Well, we probably have another 30 minutes to rest while my knot goes down, and then we can start movie night. Although I think this time I’ll have you seated on my lap with my cock and knot nice and warm in your perfect little cunt”.
You smile approvingly, moving your head back to snuggle into his warm chest. You never thought you would be thankful that your roommate found your knotted dildos.
Let me know what you think! I hope you enjoyed ❤️❤️❤️
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thelostconsultant · 2 days
Coffee addict
pairing: Max Verstappen x reader
summary: The coffee machine dies late at night. Max (and Daniel) comes to your rescue.
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“No, please, don’t do this to me.”
Max looked up when he heard your voice from the kitchen, and as he moved there to see what was happening, he heard your quiet pleads for something to start working. He couldn’t remember ever hearing you sound like this, so defeated and sad, and it made him wonder what was happening. And when his eyes fell on you as you wept next to the coffee machine, he had a bad feeling that it was related to your favorite item in that kitchen. 
Before he could ask you, though, you noticed him and immediately rushed over to where he was standing to wrap your arms around him, seeking comfort by burying your face into his chest. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked while his hand rubbed your back. 
“It doesn’t work. The screen went dark and I can’t make it work again. I tried everything,” you sobbed. 
Now, here’s the issue. You loved coffee. You were addicted to it. While he chose to drink a Red Bull to stay awake, you made yourself a nice, steaming cup of espresso from your favorite type of coffee beans several times a day. It wasn’t healthy, he knew that, but you were so happy as you sipped your favorite drink that he didn’t have the heart to stop you. Sometimes he managed to convince you to cheat, to drink a decaf coffee, and on days like this, you stuck to normal coffee in the morning and in the evening. 
He gently peeled you off of himself to take a look at the machine, but no matter what button he pressed, it didn’t do anything. With a sigh, he looked over at you. “I’m sorry for your loss.” You nodded as you wiped your tears with the sleeve of your hoodie. “Okay, it’s late, I’m sure I won’t reach a store to buy a new one, but how about going to that coffee shop around the corner? They must be open.”
You glance down at your phone that lies on the kitchen counter. “No, they closed half an hour ago,” you reply sadly. 
“Oh.” Max thought for a second, then raised a finger with a wide smile. “I have an idea. You stay here, I’ll be right back,” he said quickly before pressing a soft kiss on her lips. 
Once he’s sitting in his car with the engine running, he presses a few buttons on the touch screen to start a call. It rings a few times, then a familiar voice cheerfully greets him. “What do I owe the pleasure of getting a phone call so late?” he asked with a laugh. 
“Daniel, I need your coffee machine, I’m on my way to your place,” he states without hesitation. 
“My coffee machine? You know I use that, right?�� 
“Not that one, the backup you kept after switching to the newer model. It’s an emergency, I’ll return it tomorrow once I buy a new one. Please?” he tried. There was a long sigh on the other end of the line, and this made him worry. “What is it?”
“I gave it away since then,” he replied. Max cursed under his breath, fighting the overwhelming need to hit the steering wheel. This was the best idea he had, and even this didn’t work out as planned. His friend let out a thoughtful hum that broke the silence, making him listen once again. “I have a big thermo mug, though. I can fill that for you,” he offered. 
Thanking both the universe and Daniel that there was a solution to the problem, he managed to calm down by the time he parked the car in front of the building the Aussie lived in. When he entered his apartment, he was welcomed with a sympathetic look. “The love of your life is suffering from withdrawal symptoms?” he asked, a barely noticeable smile visible on his lips. 
Nodding, Max followed him to the kitchen, then leaned against a counter with his arms folded over his chest. “She’s quite literally grieving right now. She was crying when it didn’t turn on,” he explained. 
Daniel poured each cup into the mug, but he listened to the story of the broken machine, sometimes coming up with suggestions. He even questioned if it was even plugged in, an idea that made the Dutchman groan. “Yes, I did check if it was plugged in. It was, yet it doesn’t work. I’ll go and buy a new one tomorrow, and I’m genuinely thinking about buying a simpler backup machine.”
Fifteen minutes later he entered his apartment, calling out for you immediately. You padded over to him with a questioning look, and when your eyes fell on the mug, your gaze full of hope and happiness moved over to his face. He nodded with a smile and handed it to you, but you chose to hug him instead. 
“You’re my hero. I love you so much,” you mumbled into his chest. 
He kissed your head, then moved back to once again offer you the mug. “I love you too. Now, drink before it turns cold. And tomorrow morning I’ll go to that coffee shop to get you a cup, okay?”
As you took the precious item from him, you let out a thoughtful hum. “We could have breakfast there,” you suggested. 
“Anything you want. Now, I’m getting into the sim rig for that race. Don’t stay up too late,” he warned you kindly before giving you another kiss.
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1spooky2me · 3 days
I wrote a thing based on the scrunchie comic, I typed this up on my phone I hope it fits in an ask omg:
“I need him…”
“…?” Bill turned slowly, and Ford realized with horror the words had slipped from his mind out of his mouth.
“Who said that,” the men chorus in unison. Ford blinks, fire and sweat on his face, as Bill sports a shit eating grin.
“Oh, well *hello,* Sixer,” the once(?) demon drawls, and Ford quickly tears his gaze from Bill’s neck. “You *like* this?” Raising a greyish hand to the nape of his own neck, Bill’s grin increases appraisingly as Ford flushed further, blush darkening his ears. Cute!
“-Don’t bother lying, you’re terrible at it.” Cutting off Ford’s defiant tone, Bill slinks closer to the slightly slumping man, who stiffens at his approach.
Now in the same small block of space, Bill stares unafraid up into Ford’s narrowed eyes. They shine like constellations, teeming with mysteries Bill wished he still had the power to pluck from his mind. …However, knew he had a power over the man, yet. Time for testing; reaching for one of those large six fingered hands, Bill grasps and pulls it, allowing Ford access to the bared back of his neck. Much to Bill’s delight, Ford’s breath hitches.
“…Really?” Ford won’t meet Bill’s eyes at the question, but he’s not moving his hand away, either. “Sixer~ look at me.” This has the opposite to desired effect, as Ford’s gaze stays stubbornly fixed on the wall. “Ford.” Finally, the man’s surprised eyes widen and he leans down just close enough-
-For Bill to grab his face and kiss him. Ford freezes for but a moment before -yes!- kissing Bill back. Kissing as a human was *different,* and Ford was a better kisser than he knew. Not that Bill would tell him. He’d just enjoy their little secret, as alway- Bill’s blurring thoughts are interrupted by a quiet gasp. He opens his eye to see a blur of Mabel- as Ford breaks their kiss, grabs Bill by the collar, and yanks him into the next room, slamming the door.
“…Oops?” Bill offers, wincing at the pressure of his shirt near his Adam’s apple -human bodies were inconvenient, after all - and Ford drops him, expression pained.
“You can’t- don’t kiss me in front of- *other people,* he whisper-screeches, face red as his sweater, and Bill’s smile drops entirely.
It makes sense. It makes Ford would be ashamed of him- of them. Bill isn’t expecting the hand on his shoulder, turning him briskly back around as he tries to walk away. He wasn’t expecting the look on Sixer’s face. He wasn’t expecting another quick, but passionate, kiss.
“It’s not that,” Ford sighs, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand as Bill’s shoulder’s tense.
“*You* didn’t gain mind reading powers, did you?!” The shrill question is met with a low chuckle.
“Of course not. You’re more expressive, now.” Bill vehemently utters a word that would not have gone past Disney’s sensors, and Ford’s lips tilt up at the corners, before he frowns seriously.
“Bill…it hasn’t been shame. Not for…awhile, now.” Bill’s eye widens comically, and Ford smiles, running his fingers over the exposed nape of Bill’s neck, enjoying the shorter man’s shiver. Then he sighs. “Just…don’t kiss me in front of Mabel. Or Dipper.” Bill’s smile returns, as he extends a hand.
“…It’s a deal.”
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wolvietxt · 3 days
𝗅𝗈𝗀𝖺𝗇’𝗌 𝗎𝗇𝗌𝗎𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉!
pairing : logan howlett x reader warnings : hurt / comfort, light angst, miscommunication, implied mutant reader, anxiety, happy ending, spoiler alert he’s not unsure i was struggling w a title 💔 wc : 1.4k
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the mansion always felt like home, but lately, that warmth was amplified because of logan. you both had slipped into an easy rhythm, keeping your relationship hidden from the other x-men. it was comfortable - just the two of you stealing moments when no one was looking. it felt private, like something untouched by the chaos of the mansion. you cherished the secrecy, the way it allowed the connection between you and logan to grow without any external pressure.
you were in the kitchen, humming softly as you prepared some tea, when you heard bobby’s voice drifting in from the hallway. “hey, is it true? you and logan?” his question made you freeze.
you turned slowly, blinking at him. “what?”
“oh, man. didn’t think you’d keep something like that a secret. everyone knows by now,” bobby chuckled, leaning casually against the doorframe. “jean heard from someone, and now it’s all over the place.”
your stomach dropped. “everyone?” you asked, feeling the anxiety creeping in. the very thing you had hoped to avoid was unraveling right in front of you.
“yep. you guys were cute sneaking around, though,” he said, not even noticing your discomfort.
after bobby left, you stood there, gripping the edge of the counter. everyone knew. it didn’t take long for the feeling of dread to settle deep in your chest. would logan be angry? embarrassed? he had always valued his privacy so much, and you hated the thought of the others invading that. the relationship had been something sacred, just for the two of you. now, it was out in the open.
the door to the kitchen swung open, and logan strode in, his expression tight. just seeing him made your chest tighten with nerves.
“you heard?” you asked quietly, not able to look him in the eye.
he grunted, grabbing a bottle of beer from the fridge. “yeah, i heard.”
you tried to gauge his mood, but his face was unreadable. he popped the cap off the bottle and took a long drink, his jaw clenched.
“logan, i - ”
“why’d it have to get out?” he interrupted, voice gruff, his frustration clear. “we had somethin’ good. just us.”
the hurt hit you like a punch to the gut. so he was ashamed. your throat tightened, and you struggled to keep your emotions in check. “i didn’t say anything… bobby just told me jean heard, and now…”
logan paced the kitchen, the tension rolling off him in waves. he wasn’t even looking at you, which made it worse.
“everyone’s gonna be on my back now. won’t leave us alone.” his voice was low, but the anger was unmistakable.
you swallowed hard, your heart racing. “so… you didn’t want them to know about us? at all?” your voice came out shakier than you intended as you felt your vision blur, the lump in your throat growing.
logan finally looked at you, his brow furrowed. “it ain’t that, it’s - ” he stopped, running a hand through his hair. “dammit.”
but the damage was already done. your thoughts were spiraling, the weight of his words heavy on your chest. he’s ashamed of me, you thought, the anxiety creeping in fast. your fingers trembled slightly as you set down the mug you were holding. you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“right,” you muttered, turning away, not wanting him to see how hurt you were. “i get it.”
“wait - ”
but you were already out the door before he could finish. your vision blurred as you walked down the hall, feeling the eyes of a few passing students. you knew they’d probably already heard the rumors, whispering about how you’d somehow managed to get close to someone like logan.
your chest ached as the thought consumed you. maybe they’re right. you hadn’t even realised you’d made it to your room until you were pushing the door open, the quiet solitude of the space offering no comfort. you sat on the edge of your bed, trying to calm your breathing, but the feeling of being overwhelmed was closing in fast.
there was a knock on the door not long after, and you knew it was him. you stayed quiet, hoping he’d just go away, but instead, the door creaked open, and logan stepped inside.
“can we talk?” his voice was softer now, less angry.
you wiped at your eyes quickly, not wanting him to see that you’d been crying, but your voice betrayed you. “i don’t… i don’t really have anything to say.”
he sighed, walking over slowly. he sat down next to you on the bed, his weight sinking into the mattress. you kept your gaze focused on the floor, unwilling to look at him. the silence between you was heavy.
“why’d you run off like that?” he asked after a moment, his tone laced with confusion, but softer than before.
“why do you think?” you shot back, voice small. “you were pissed. because everyone found out about us.”
he frowned, glancing over at you. “i wasn’t pissed about that. not like you think, anyway.”
you didn’t respond, but the hurt was still etched into your expression.
logan ran a hand through his hair, looking like he was trying to find the right words. “look… ‘m not ashamed of us. not one damn bit. that’s not what this is about.”
the breath you were holding released slightly, but your mind still spun with doubt. “then why were you so angry?”
he sighed, leaning back on the bed, his shoulders tense. “because i finally had somethin’ that was just mine, ya know? just for me. and now it’s out there for everyone to poke at, to ask questions about.” he hesitated, his voice gruff but laced with vulnerability. “we had a good thing goin’. private. didn’t wanna lose that.”
the weight of his words settled in, but you still struggled to wrap your head around it. “so you’re… not upset that people know about us?”
he shook his head. “no, that’s not it. it’s just… i don’t like people buttin’ into my business. always been that way. but us? we’re good. i didn’t want this to make you think anythin’ different.”
you were quiet for a long moment, processing what he’d said. his frustration had nothing to do with being ashamed of you - it was about the loss of the privacy you both had come to value. the realization was slow, sinking in bit by bit, but when it finally hit, the tension you’d been carrying in your chest started to ease.
logan shifted next to you, glancing at you cautiously. “you still mad?”
you let out a breath, feeling some of the anxiety lifting. “i just thought… you didn’t want people to know about us because you were embarrassed. like… like i wasn’t good enough or something.”
his brow furrowed deeply. “what? that’s the last thing i’d ever think. you’re more than good enough, bub.” his voice softened even more. “you’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time.”
the way he said it, so simple and direct, made your heart flutter. the worry that had been gnawing at you began to fade.
logan leaned closer, his hand reaching out to gently tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “sorry if i made you feel like that. didn’t mean to.”
you felt yourself relax for the first time since everything had started unraveling earlier. “it’s okay,” you whispered, glancing up at him. “i just… i didn’t want you to be ashamed of me.”
“never,” he said firmly, his eyes locking onto yours. “not for a damn second.”
his hand lingered against your cheek, and slowly, he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. the gentleness of the gesture made something in you melt, and you found yourself leaning into him. the warmth of his presence, the solid weight of him next to you, was grounding in a way that eased the rest of the lingering anxiety.
he kissed you again, this time softly on your temple, then on your cheek, and again at the corner of your mouth. the tenderness in each kiss was almost overwhelming, a silent apology in every touch.
“you’re mine,” he murmured, his voice rough but full of affection. “and i ain’t lettin’ anyone make you feel less than that.”
you couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at your lips. the worry that had felt all-consuming not too long ago seemed to dissolve under his touch.
“you’re not getting rid of me that easy,” you said quietly, teasing just a bit.
logan chuckled softly, pulling you closer, wrapping his arm around you with a possessive kind of protectiveness. “damn right i’m not.” he muttered, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
and for the first time since the whole mess started, you felt like everything was going to be okay.
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general taglist : @coocoocachewgotscrewed, @k1t-k4ts, @icurushasfallen, @eddxemxnson, @nickiinator
@chamomile-tea420, @rooroen, @spitfy, @cannon-writes, @platinumblondeedition
@cloudcandyala, @v3lv3tf0x, @california-boys-and-sun, @harleyyquinnsgf, @lemoanaid
@notacleangirl, @jabberwokee, @aetherthetrashpanda, @schrodingersjigsaw, @sylaswrites
@t0mmy-th3-gh0st, @correnz, @fvhs-things, @kallmeweirdhprroe, @dugiioh
@thugbiscuits, @rosiahills22, @cassehtwah, @whxtewolf, @mystcrium,
@bluevclvet, @angellreads, @babey-fruit-bat
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reidrum · 2 days
you’ve got a 9 to 5, so i’ll take the night shift
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[ comfortober entry 001 ]
A/N: i posted this yesterday and then deleted it cuz i got self conscious and didn’t know if i liked it but then i remembered its not that deep (it actually is to me but we move) so it’s back again!
summary: spencer is away on a case again and it’s hitting you hard, again
cw: gn!reader, allusions to depressed!reader, hurt/comfort
wc: 1.1k
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The metronomic rhythm of the dial tone is the only thing keeping you present in this moment, in the dead of night where everything is stagnant, the one where he answers the phone.
Click. “Hello?”
You pause, squeezing your eyes shut. His voice reaches out to grasp at your heart but unable to get a bearing. He can’t see you, there’s no possible way for him to know the emotion on your face. But he can feel it.
“Honey? You there?”
You inhale shakily, “Hi, Spence.”
He doesn’t think twice about excusing himself from the office to step outside. “What’s wrong, are you okay?”
Oh, you’ve worried him now. There was no need to do that, it wasn’t a big deal.
He says your name again, firmly this time. “Sweetheart, I know you’re there. What’s wrong, my love?
“N—Nothing. It’s nothing, I just wanted to hear your voice. Hi.”
He huffs, “Hi, honey. Are you okay?” he repeats.
There were a lot of things you didn’t know: quantum physics, criminology, the square root of pi, whether you were okay or not.
There were a lot of things Spencer did know: quantum physics, criminology, the square root of pi, and that you were the farthest thing from okay.
“Yes. No? I don’t know.” You whine.
“Okay, okay. That’s okay, can you tell me what you’re feeling right now?”
It’s weird that you’re only able to think of the things you’re not feeling right now. It seems fitting knowing that your body is able to thrive in the negation of anything you’re capable of feeling.
“Alone.” you manage to breathe out.
His heart clenches. Spencer knew the demands of his job always leeched on every other aspect that provided him solace— his mom, books, you. It was something you both discussed extensively when you started dating, he didn’t want you to be blindsided by anything from his doing.
It didn’t make it any easier in actuality.
Spencer has thought endlessly about how he can lessen the burden on you. He leaves sweaters he knows are your favorite to steal, spraying them with his cologne before hanging it up awaiting your stealthy snatch. When he’s on a case in a state where the timezone is a little forgiving, he’ll doordash food for you both and then you’ll facetime while eating. On days where he just has to go to the office, he always makes sure you know he gave you a kiss and a promise to be home soon, followed by various checkup texts throughout the day.
Needless to say, Spencer is really trying. But to his dismay, he unfortunately cannot predict the inevitable tide of human emotion.
Which leaves you, the occupier of every crevice in his being, feeling alone in his own bed.
“Spence?” you whisper, “You still there?”
He shakes his head back to reality, remembering the phone in his hand, “Yeah, I’m here baby. I’m sorry I’m not there, sweetheart. Did…something happen?” He hates assuming there was a trigger to your emotions, but he feels the need to cover his bases.
You sniffle, “No, no. I’m safe, don’t worry,” he smiles sadly unbeknownst to you, “I just…”
“Just what, angel?”
“… Missed your voice,” He sighs as you continue, “I’m sorry I know it’s a bad time to call—“
“There’s never a bad time for you to call. You should always call me.” He interjects softly.
You roll onto your back and stare up at the ceiling, gravity letting your tears fall to the sides. It’s silent for a few minutes save for the scattered deep breaths that end in shudders. The adrenaline of your previous anxiety washes away and leaves you in the wake of its destruction. A dull and familiar ache overtakes you, like a stain of your previous state reminding you of where you’ve been, and what will always be with you.
“…When are you coming home?” you ask meekly.
Spencer has to look up to the ceiling to prevent the tears forming in his eyes from trailing down, because he can definitely hear the wobble in your voice and he thinks all his blood vessels might seize up soon.
“Soon, baby. Promise.” he gets out, knowing he actually has no clue when this case would be over.
You sniffle, also knowing that he really doesn’t know when he’s going to be done with the case, and you don’t know how much longer you have to feel like this, “O—okay. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, honey.” He says softly.
An idea strikes him and he digs into his pocket to find the airpods you had gifted him a while back under the guise of having better sound quality for his audiobooks, but in all honesty you could see how frustrated he would get having to untangle his wired headphones. He opens them and pops them in his ears, connecting to his phone before speaking again, “Hey, can you hear me?”
“Um, yeah?” you say confused, you were just talking to him.
“I put the airpods in my ears, if you want we can stay on the line together and you can listen to me do my stuff here. I know it’s not the same but—“
“Please, yes. Yeah.” you mumble softly.
The corners of his lips twinge upward, “ Okay, try and sleep please? I’m right here.”
You position the phone next to you on the bed, adjusting the volume and getting settled in the blankets to prepare yourself for slumber.
Before he walks back out to the office Spencer whispers, “I love you. I’ll see you soon, baby.”
“I love you too.” a lone tear falls down but you disregard it listening to Spencer discuss theories and breakthroughs of the case. The weight on your heart lightens a little, enough to bring blood flow and clarity back to your system. Soon enough your eyes are fluttering shut and you slip into a deep sleep, Spencer knowing this from the soft snores he can hear through the airpods. He hopes no one thinks he’s a creep because he’s smiling about you while looking at crime scene photos.
The next evening he slips into your shared apartment quietly, having solved the case way faster than anticipated but he’s not complaining at all. He slowly takes his shoes off and tiptoes into the bedroom to see you sleeping on his side of the bed. Quickly changing his clothes into his comfy pajamas he gently slips in next to you, arm curling around your waist to pull you into the curve of his chest. Your brows are furrowed even in your sleep and he can’t help but press a soft kiss to the crease of your forehead, watching the lines fade like dissipating ripples of water in a pond.
Spencer feels the bittersweet sting of getting to hold you close again knowing how you were feeling not even 24 hours ago, but the moments where he does get to come home to you are more healing than anyone would think. So he’ll settle for those little pockets of joy to soothe his wounds for the time being.
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tswkento · 3 days
author’s notes: as soon as i saw that satoru didn’t like this usami dude i knew i had to write this.
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satoru had a growing suspicion that the usami guy — whom he couldn’t stand by the way — had a crush on you.
it’s so obvious to satoru, his six eyes burn with the assurance; ever since you and usami have been assigned to remaster the archives and check all of the reports since you two were the closest to higher-ups. at first, of course, when gojo heard that you won’t be taking all of the work onto yourself he was very much glad, good for you, but when usami appeared — that sleazy smirk and lazy look on face, the white haired man got kinda tense.
usami acted so different around you it made satoru go crazy whenever he noticed.
the way the tall brunette shamelessly leaned over you by the table as he read into the paper you showed him. the way he sat with his bony knee touching yours and his shoulder bumped into you whenever he passed you, for which he gave you an apologetic smile and patted your arm for too long.
satoru absolutely hated the way usami’s eyes softened whenever he looked at you and the way his voice turned hushed as if you’d be bothered in any way from his usual indifferent tone.
and it felt like that the fucking asshole knew how much it pissed satoru off and continued doing it so shamelessly and calmly just because the higher-ups wouldn’t replace him no matter what. ‘too much of an important asset’ his ass.
his eyes transforming into cold stones laced with triumph over him as he locked his gaze with satoru’s from across the room and whispered something into your ear. or when his thin lips twisted in the ugliest fucking smirk satoru’s ever seen — he truly hated the man.
don’t get him wrong: satoru trusted you wholeheartedly, he just didn’t trust that lapdog. he even complained about it to you, which you dismiss because usami is a great asset when it comes to the history of the whole jujutsu society and the tokyo branch where all of you are settled, he is a walking encyclopaedia and he knows a lot more than everyone because he basically acts like a teacher’s pet to higher-ups.
“i haaate that dude. he used to be mean to ijichi and he wants to steal my girl now? ridiculous!” which was kind of true — usami and ijichu were from the same year, but the latter got scrutinised a lot for choosing the job of an auxiliary manager instead of a sorcerer, needless to say.
you chuckled, not looking away from your papers as you stroked the back of his head, fingers scratching on his undercut, “look at you, defending ijichi when you bully him almost every day. i’m very proud.”
“hey! i’m always just joking around. usami is the real bully here.”
“right.” you nodded dismissively, shutting the manila folder in your hand as you stood up from your chair. satoru patiently waited as you tidied up the desk in the archive room, leaning against the other one, right when the door opened with an ugly squeak and usami came in, holding two identical cups of coffee.
“brought us some coffee— oh.” his eyes scanned satoru’s figure with a disappointed look, not giving him any verbal acknowledgement, before focusing on you, questioning, “i thought you were going to stay with me for the night?”
the choice of words is deliberate, spiteful with the purpose of egging satoru; which did piss him off a little bit, his hand squeezing around your waist in an attempt to ground himself. his mouth was still free though, so he didn’t hold back as his other hand grabbed one of the cups from usami’s hand, taking a big gulp from it and forcing his face not to twist in disgust from it’s taste(it just didn’t have any sugar).
he shrugged his shoulders, faux apology on his face as he smiled down at the brunette, “sorry, man, she’s busy with me.”
the tone of his voice didn’t leave any room for further inquiry so satoru just pulled you in for a quick kiss and guided you to the exit, turning his head to check on usami’s face one last time. the pure disappointment and resentment that covered his features was enough to make satoru smirk, which usami noticed, disdain adding into his expression.
“your coffee’s shit by the way.” satoru said right after letting you out of the room and then followed suit, not interested in usami’s reaction anymore.
“his coffee is good though. it’s from colombia.” you snickered, arm wrapping around satoru’s waist as you both walked through the hallway.
“no drink is good without sugar in it.” he threw the cup into the nearest thrash can and pulled you into his side, finally calm and satisfied with himself again.
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retrosabers · 2 days
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logan howlett x fem! reader
summary: logan’s possessive side makes an appearance after he sees you with a stranger at the bar
contains: smut content below the cut. MINORS DNI. penetration (p in v), hickies (fem receiving), sex in a public place, swearing, a bit of possessive!logan , kinda rushed ending
word count: 1.6k
a/n: my first kinktober post! hopefully i can actually commit to all this writing, hope you enjoy day one! <3
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“logan slow down!” you squeal, trailing behind your boyfriend as he drags you down the hallway to the bathroom. you don’t miss the way wade wiggles his eyebrows at the two of you from the table on the other side of the room, making a rather lewd motion with his hand and mouth.
“grab your vibrators ladies, gents, and gender non conforming sluts,” he whispers to god only knows who. “this is gonna get good.”
you have to wrap your other hand around his bicep to steady yourself, nearly tripping over your own feet as you finally approach the dingy restroom back in the deepest corner of the bar. logan doesn’t spare you a glance over his shoulder as he fumbles with the doorknob, muttering curses under his breath.
another flustered sound leaves your mouth as he ushers you inside, his large hands pushing into your ass with a fervor that you’ve never seen outside of the bedroom.
as soon as the lock clicks behind him, your body gets pressed up against the door, logan crowding your space with dark eyes and bared teeth.
the green eyed monster did always tend to bring out the animal in him.
in an instant, his mouth is on yours. tongue prodding between your lips with such intensity it already has your knees wobbling. he devours your mouth like it’s his god given right, the taste of whiskey and tobacco a familiar flavor that makes your brain feel fuzzy.
he was consuming all your senses. calloused palms rubbing over the expanse of your exposed skin, mouth moving synchronously with your own all the while the only sound in the room was his heavy breathing.
all you could think about was logan, logan, logan. just how he wanted. and he hadn’t even managed to touch you properly yet.
his lips and hands move in tandem as wet sloppy kisses trail down the column of your throat. the breathy “fuck” that you let out only makes his cock strain harder against the tight denim.
“don’t fuckin’ like the way that guy was lookin’ at you,” logan groans between kisses, his voice somehow even deeper than normal. it sends a new wave of excitement down your spine, the dampness between your legs growing at the thought of what was to come.
logan was always insatiable. but when he was jealous, when he was borderline possessive? you could let him have his way with you whenever and wherever he so pleased.
“doesn’t matter,” you counter weakly. “m’yours logan. and he knows that.”
he chuckles darkly against your skin. a sound that has you clenching around nothing.
“oh, but i don’t think he does sweetheart,” logan coos before beginning to suck on your earlobe. the moan you let out feels like music to his ears. and he intends on making sure everyone can hear your sweet symphony.
“think that prick may need a reminder to not touch things that aren’t his.”
this whole ordeal started when an old friend spotted you waiting at the bar for drinks. it was nothing more than casual conversation, a friendly game of catch up that was completely harmless.
until logan saw another man’s hand squeeze your shoulder.
he didn’t need to know what the reason was, even if it was only a polite and fleeting thing. because despite the green he felt inside, all he could see was red.
so he decided instead of breaking out the claws and causing an unwanted scene, he would have to let his anger out in another way instead.
you instinctually spread your legs as logan slots himself between them, the heavy weight of his hard cock maddening against your clothed cunt. a gasp escapes both of you at the contact, the air in the small room growing hotter and heavier as the tension intensified.
logan didn’t need to feel you to know you were dripping. fuck, he could smell it, caught a whiff of your arousal before you probably even knew it was there. but he’s nothing if not cocky when it comes to you, and he traces his rough fingertips up the warm skin of your inner thighs anyway. he stops right at the crease between your pelvis and thigh, dangerously close to where you need him most.
“did he do that?” logan snarls, snaking his thumb under the hem of your panties. he begins rubbing featherlight circles against your clit, satisfied to find you absolutely soaked.
you shake your head briskly, reveling in the small touch. “s’all you logan.”
“damn fuckin’ right it is.”
you whine as he yanks his hand away from you, only to hurriedly unclasp his belt in one swift motion. it sends another wave of heat down to your core, and your hips jerk forward on instinct as he quickly pulls his cock out from the confines of his bottoms.
“m’gonna make sure that motherfucker knows,” he whispers low and throaty in your ear, giving himself a few quick strokes before lining up with your entrance. “y’gonna let me?”
your breathy “please” is permission enough, and logan slams his length inside you without warning. you were so wet already that he didn’t need to take his time prepping you with his mouth or fingers, his domineering nature enough to have you slick and ready for the taking.
logan doesn’t waste any time, already working up to a steady pace as his hands palm at the globes of your ass, guiding you to bounce on his length. it knocks the air out of your lungs, moans and whimpers pouring from your lips at a rather embarrassing volume. but when you try to quiet yourself, logan isn’t having it.
“uh-uh honey,” he growls, his hot breath fanning your cheek. “let me hear you.”
and you were always one to obey his commands.
logan moves you up and down his cock at the same time he cants his hips into you, arching your back at just the right angle that makes you sing with no control. your head is thrown back in ecstasy at the feeling, baring your neck to your boyfriend.
there’s some extra skin exposed tonight. you’re wearing that one low cut top that always drove him crazy, showing off your collarbones and a bit of cleavage. it made you look delectable, even more than normal.
logan’s anger boils once more at the thought of some other guy wanting you like this. thinking he had a fucking sliver of a chance with you. it stirs the primal nature that sits buried inside him, something that only reveals itself in pure lust driven moments like these.
he needs to stake his claim. in any and every way possible.
when logan’s mouth attaches to your jugular, you whine in content. he always knew your sweet spots. how much pressure to apply and where to get you clamping around him in record time. a spark of confusion rises in you as logan slowly drags his teeth up and down the column of your throat, ebbing an all new electricity in your core.
you’re not prepared for the sensations that follow.
the assault logan performs on your neck will likely have you wearing turtlenecks and scarves for at least a week. but it feels so euphoric you can’t be bothered to care. he alternates between harsh suction and gentle caresses of the tongue, almost soothing you from his handiwork. he paints your delicate skin with lilac marks that will soon develop into shades of plum. a masterpiece on his muse.
each graze of his canines against your neck is accompanied with a thrust that hits a spot deep in you. so far in it feels as though he’s in your entire body, completely consuming you from the inside out.
“fuck, logan,” you moan unabashedly, your nails digging harshly into the fabric of his white t-shirt. the sound of his name leaving your lips only spurs him on, angling his hips with a particularly deep stroke that has you seeing stars.
“that’s right,” he sneers smugly. his grip on you tightens as he stares back at the blossoming bruises with satisfaction. “i gotcha.”
you can feel the tension growing in your abdomen. a sign of your approaching release. logan can sense it too, and he’s determined to make you fall apart.
he takes control, smushing your body against the door and pistoning up into your cunt. one hand remains securely around your hip while the other snakes between your legs, his thumb finding your clit with ease.
the pressure of the harsh circles he rubs against you coupled with the pace of his movements bring you dangerously close to the edge, a high pitched mixture of whimpers and logan’s name falling from your lips like a mantra.
he licks a long stripe up your neck, savoring the saltiness of the sweat coating your skin.
“come on sweetheart,” logan murmurs in your ear, a rather sweet contrast to how roughly he’s fucking into you. “cum for me.”
the dichotomy is what makes the tension snap, a loud cry leaving you as your orgasm washes over every inch of your body. you preen in logan’s hold, thankful for the enhanced strength that prevents his motions from faltering.
your warm walls clenching around him felt like heaven, a paradise he never wants to leave. he fucks you through the journey to his own climax, waves of overstimulation pricking at your skin.
“so fuckin’ pretty when you cum,” logan grunts, chasing his high. he punctuates every word with a deep thrust before finally coating your insides with his release.
“and all. fuckin’. mine.”
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thanks for reading! <3
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lidiasloca · 2 days
azriel knows when you need help
azriel x reader
“Enjoying yourself?”
You turn to the raspy voice that’s broken your dancing rhythm. Usually, you would cut them off just as they had your moment, but the male you find when you turn seems rather familiar.
“Markus!” You move to hug your Illyrian friend. It has been years since you last saw him, and he is… changed—far more handsome than the young boy you had met in the Illyrian camps.
“Hello, you,” he smiles, hugging you back. “You are…” he says, taking a step back to look you up and down. “Wow.”
You laugh, conscious of the blush creeping up your cheeks. “How long has it been?” you ask, eager to change the flustering topic.
“Too long,” he responds. “I’m so glad to see you again. I thought I would never get to see my childhood crush again.”
“Oh. Shut up!” you mumble nervously. Yes, you had known about it—it was a rather famous rumor around your group. But it all had been a long time ago. You were another girl, and he was a very different boy from the male you have in front of you. “Well—and what have you been up to these years?”
“Oh. No. Let’s skip those formalities,” he says, as he places a warm hand on your arm.
You don’t really know how to take it, so you try matching his smile with a forced one. “What do you mean? I want to know…” You start growing uncomfortable when he starts stroking your arm up and down and his stare grows sharper, more flirtatious.
“Let’s go somewhere else, y/n.”
Before you can deny him, a furious tug deep inside you calls you. It feels like a punch, or a warning, like a call for help. You take it as a sign to escape this embarrassing situation.
No matter how handsome, you had never liked him back, and definitely, you didn’t now. It was another male you had only had eyes for—Markus knew that, yet he always tried to ignore it.
“I’m really enjoying the party,” you try as an excuse. “Maybe another time we can go for lunch with the group…”
“Oh, y/n, don’t be like this.” He urges you to get closer, forcing your arm towards him. “It’s been so long, you—we’ve changed so much. I’ve changed so much.”
“I—Markus, let go, please,” you say softly, trying to calm him.
“Sorry,” he mutters, his strength faltering, but still not letting go of you. “Y/n,” he tries again. “You cannot be serious. Deny me again? After all these years?”
“You know why, Markus,” you explain gently.
“No.” The male suddenly barks. “Ten fucking years and you’re still after Azriel. For fuck’s sake, get a grip, y/n. He doesn't want you.”
Another tug in your heart, harder and more alarming. But you give no attention to it as your eyes start swelling with tears at his words.
“Let go,” you say again, this time loud and clear, with contained fury. “Let go, I won’t ask you again, Markus.”
“Unbelievable,” he laughs. “You are just as stupid as you were back then.”
Another tug. More intense, as if getting closer.
“Shut up, Markus! And let go! Now!”
“Is everything okay?” a boy at the bar comes to ask, his eyes on Markus' forcing grip.
“Yes. Everything is okay. Leave us alone,” Markus barks, making him storm away without a word.
“Markus. Calm down, you are not in your right mind,” you try saying calmly. “Let go, please.”
“Don’t try that with me. I’m not sixteen anymore, y/n.”
“Let go of her,” a voice behind Markus orders—a voice you could recognize anywhere.
“I told you to leave us,” Markus replies, not even caring to turn to him.
The male walks in front of Markus and orders again: “Let go, now.”
“Azriel,” he says in fear, instantly letting go of you. “I—”
“Get out.”
It takes Markus less than a second to turn and run to the door. The exact time it takes for Azriel to quickly turn to you and assess you. “Are you alright, y/n?”
You can only nod, feeling his hands softly tracing the marks Markus had left from his harsh grip.
“Can I get you to Majda? Just to check you. Please,” he asks, and it sounds like a plead. You have to look somewhere else at the intensity of his worried stare on you.
“Y/n. Please. Say something.”
He smiles softly as if thanking you. “Let me fly you there,” he tells you, offering his hand to accompany you outside the bar.
But you don’t take it. You just stare at him as a question rumbles soundly inside your head.
“What is it?” he asks.
“You—you were on a mission away from the court,” you explain, not really helping clear out his confusion. “Why are you here?”
He stays silent for a second, and you see the doubt in his eyes. “I came to help you,” he replies at last.
“But how did you know I was here? How did you know I needed help?”
“I just knew. I felt it.”
Before you can ask how, there it is again—that feeling.
A tug on your soul.
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-Characters by Sarah J Maas
a/n: lovelies, i would love to talk about anything acotar (or other books) 💓 i would really love it if you sent something to my inbox—it makes tumblr so much more entertaining! 🎀
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darlingdaisyfarm · 1 day
˚⋆。 thinking about Ford who. . .✧˚ (x fem!reader)
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minors don’t interact
Who can’t help himself.
His mind never really stops working, even when he’s inside you, moving so slow that has you writhing beneath him. His cock buried inside you, stretching you out inch by inch, but even now, his thoughts are somewhere between the galaxies and the stars. His cock pulses inside you, making you feel so good, but it’s not enough and yet he's still talking about the fabric of the universe. 
“You know. . . mmm, parallel dimensions have an infinite number of variables, but if you—" his breath hitches as he rolls his hips deeper, forcing your body to arch. “if you narrow them to specific constants you find— hahh, patterns.” little moan escapes your lips, needy, as his cock drags slowly against your walls.
His voice is calm, even steady despite the unhurried, delicious way he's fucking you, but you're barely listening. How could you? Every thrust has your mind blanking, leaving nothing but pleasure pooling low in your belly. Your nails digging into his back, you feel so abandoned each time he pulls out, only to have him slide back in with agonizing precision.
"Forddd. . .” you moan, head falling back into the pillow, begging for more, for faster. But his rhythm is controlled, measured, its like he’s savouring the way your cunt grips him, tight and so damn warm as he’s balls deep inside you.
“Dimensional travel. . . it’s not just theoretical, you see,” Ford’s voice is calm, as if he’s lecturing a class and not thrusting into your slick, dripping pussy, as if you’re not clenching around him so tight it’s driving you both insane. “If we can manipulate space-time— like this. . .” he punctuates his words with a deep thrust, his cock dragging against your soft walls in a way that makes your whole body shake. “we can alter outcomes. Mm, t-that means every choice you make branches into— fuck, you’re tight— into infinite possibilities.”
You can hardly breathe, can barely think because of the pressure building between your legs and he’s still talking. God, he’s still talking. You hear him, even if barely, something about gravitational fields and parallel worlds, but it’s all turning into a blur with your eyes rolling in the back of your head when he hits that sweet spot inside again and again.
“You like it when I explain things to you,” Ford claims. “It turns you on, doesn’t it?”
You can’t even find the words to respond, because yes, you love it and fuck, you hate that you love it. All you can do is mewl and whimper, your hips rolling against him in a futile attempt to make him pick up the pace. He knows, god, he knows exactly what he’s doing to you.
“Ford, please—!” his cock slides deeper, but that serious, calm tone, fuck, it’s driving you wild. You want him to stop talking, to focus, to pound into you like you need, but his voice just keeps spilling from his lips like honey. Your head rolls back, lips parting in pathetic little gasps and moans, tears prickling at the corners of your eyes. You can’t take it anymore, he’s teasing you, playing with you, dragging it out just to see how far he can push you before you break. “please, faster!” you plead, desperate for more, desperate for him to stop talking and just fuck you properly, hard and fast. But he’s still so calm, still so fucking unflappable. 
“Oh? you’re getting impatient?” Ford’s hand slides down your trembling thigh, lifting it higher, opening you up even more to him. “You wanted to learn about interdimensional physics, didn’t you?” he mumbles under his breath as he grinds into you, his cock plunging deeper, completely filling you and it feels like a dream for both of you. “I’m just giving you what you wanted.”
His fingers finds your needy clit, rubbing in torturous circles as he continues that slow rhythm inside you. He’s barely breaking a sweat, his brow furrowed in concentration as if this is just another experiment to him meanwhile you’re such a mess under him. His cock twitches inside you as he changes angle again, deeper now and he takes a sharp breath, but he doesn’t stop talking. 
He doesn’t stop and you hate him.
Ford’s eyes roam over your trembling body, reveling in the sight of you, desperate and needy. Your eyes watery and mouth open in a breathless moan.
“The fascinating thing about dimensional shifts— god, you feel so good,” he trails off for a moment, and you think, finally, he’s losing focus. You roll your hips against his, hoping to break his composure. But instead of faltering, he chuckles, leaning down only to plant a small kiss on your lips. “you’re trying to distract me, aren’t you?”
“Fuck, p-pleasee!” you whine, spreading your legs wider, trying to press up against him, but he pins you down.
“Clever girl,” he mutters, voice rougher now, losing some of that composed edge as he looks at you, the desperate need written all over your cute face. “letting me teach you like this.”
He pulls out, almost completely, leaving you aching, empty, before slamming back into you hard enough to knock the breath out of your lungs. "That’s my girl." his words make you cry out his name over and over again, your nails digging into his back as he starts to fuck you better, properly, his pace quicker, rougher now, the weight of his body pressing you into the mattress.
He’s no longer focused on explaining the mysteries of the universe, he’s focused on you, on how your body responds to him, on how good it feels to have you wrapped around him, hot and wet and perfect, on how your wetness and slick coating his length. The sounds of skin slapping against skin fills the air, mixing with your desperate, needy moans and his groans when he finally fucks you the way you wanted, he ruts into you faster, harder, and it’s everything you needed, everything you craved. 
“Ford— oh fuck,” you cry out, head thrown back and he’s there, finally losing himself in the way your cunt clenching around him, making such wet squelching sounds, he’s lost in the way you’re moaning his name, voice so beautiful. You’re nearly drooling as you give him a silly smile, begging him to finish inside you.
“Cum for me,” he growls, his hand sliding down, thumb finding your clit and pressing down in fast circles what makes your head spin. “I want to feel you— cum for me, now.” you arch your back as the orgasm crashes through you, you walls flutter around him, the sensations are so intense you can’t even scream, only shake and try to cross your legs because pleasure is fucking overwhelming, though Ford never stops thrusting into your wetness. You’re trembling, mind blank as you cling onto him, holding him, feeling him.
Ford groans at the beautiful sight, his clever girl looks so pretty when she’s dumb fucked and cock drunk. However Ford is lost in pleasure too, your pussy feels so warm, so tight and good he just can’t stop fucking you. But he’s damn close. He grits his teeth, taking a deep breath, thrusting into you so hard, burying himself so fucking deep, his cock twitching as he spills into you, filling you up with every last drop. Finally, finally. He’s breathing heavily into your lips, glasses fogged, his chest heaving. You just lay there, taking it like a good girl you are.
Ford can’t stop looking at you, he kisses your forehead, softly and gentle. “Now. . . where were we? Ah, yes. Dimensional theory.”
You can’t help but laugh, head still spinning as he pulls you close, already starting to ramble again about parallel worlds and universal constants, like he wasn’t just inside you, fucking you senseless.
And honestly you wouldn’t have him any other way.
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itneverendshere · 2 days
Bartender!reader reacting to rafes buzz cut for the first time.
made it extra fluffy and flirty bc i've been writing too much angst 😭thank you for the request, hope you like it💗
it's buzzcut season anyway - r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe)
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You were in the middle of counting your tips when the door creaked open again. You didn’t even look up this time. The lunch rush had finally slowed, and you were way too focused on making sure some old man’s cash hadn’t gotten stuck together. 
Your break started in two minutes. Your plan? Grab something to eat with Rafe and maybe—if you were lucky—convince him to give you one of those neck massages he was so good at. You’d earned it after dealing with the entitled club members all morning, and he always liked giving you a hard time about being stressed when he came to visit you at work.
If you could just survive until your break, you could—
“Hey, baby,” a voice drawled, warm and familiar.
Your heart did that stupid little thing it always did when you heard his voice, and you couldn’t help but smile even before you looked up.
“Hey, ba—” Your words caught in your throat the second you actually saw him.
Your hand stilled on the cash. He was standing in the doorway, all long toned limbs and that easy charm you’d fallen for over a year ago. But something was off. You squinted, your brain trying to catch up to what you were seeing. It wasn’t the way he was standing or the fact that he had on a backwards cap—he always did that. It was what wasn’t under the cap. Something was missing.
Your eyes went straight to the top of his head.
“Wait—what the—” You blinked, abandoning the tips on the counter as you stepped around it and walked toward him, your eyes locked on the top of his head, trying to figure out if you were seeing things. “Did you buzz your head?”
He just grinned, casually leaning his shoulder against the doorframe, totally unbothered. “Yeah. What d’ya think?”
You gawked at him. “You shaved your head. You literally shaved your head.”
You stared at him, eyes wide. His cap was covering most of it, but you could see enough—enough to know that his thick, messy hair, the hair you’d spent countless hours running your fingers through, was gone. 
“Oh my God. You buzzed it? For real?”
Rafe straightened up, lifting his cap and running a hand over the buzzed length, showing it off like he was some kind of model. “That’s the second time you’ve said that. You don’t like it?”
Your fingers itched to touch it, but you hesitated. You were trying so hard not to freak out. He’d just gone and buzzed his head without even telling you.
“Like it? I—” You sputtered, waving your hand in the air. “Baby, your hair! You just... did this? No warning? No ‘hey, baby, I’m thinking about going full buzzcut, what do you think?’”
His grin turned cocky as he reached out to pull you into him by the waist. “I thought I’d surprise you. Didn’t expect you to get all worked up over it.”
You gave him a playful shove, but he didn’t budge. “I’m not worked up! I’m just... shocked. I thought I was gonna get to lunch with my boyfriend and his hair, not—” You gestured to his head, still half in disbelief. “—this.”
He chuckled, leaning down so his forehead almost touched yours. “So... you hate it?”
You gave him a look, trying to stay mad or at least a little indignant about the whole thing, but it was impossible with him looking at you like that.
“You thought I’d like you going from ‘beach boy’ to ‘buzzcut’ overnight with no warning?”
“Pretty much.” He leaned in, “You gonna tell me you don’t like it?”
You bit your lip, pretending to think about it.
Truth was, you were already starting to like it. You liked that it was new, that it was him, and that it made him look a little rougher, more rugged. But you weren’t gonna tell him that right away. You hadn’t expected to be into it, not at all. Rafe’s hair had always been one of your favorite things about him—the way it’d curl up when he got all sweaty in the summer or how it’d fall into his eyes when he was being serious.
But... the buzzcut? You weren’t expecting it to be hot. But it was. So hot.
“I didn’t say I hate it...” you said, letting your voice trail off as you finally gave in and ran your fingers over the buzzed hair. It was soft, like velvet, and you couldn’t stop yourself from grinning.
He chuckled, one hand coming up to cup your chin as he tilted your face up toward his. “Knew it.”
“Oh, shut up.”
“See? Told ya,” he teased, his hands still gripping your waist as he watched your reaction. “You can’t keep your hands off me now.”
“I never said I couldn’t,” you shot back, your cheeks heating up. “It’s just... I wasn’t expecting to like it this much.”
“Uh-huh.” His eyes darkened, and he leaned in closer, his breath brushing against your cheek. “Admit it. You think I look hot. You’re lookin’ at me like you can’t wait to get me alone.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks, and you playfully pushed at his chest, trying to cover up how much he was getting to you. “Shut up,” you laughed. “You’re so full of yourself.”
“I know you love it.”
You groaned, finally giving in to a full laugh. “Okay, okay. Fine. You look hot.”
Rafe grinned, clearly pleased with himself. “Knew you couldn’t resist.”
You rolled your eyes, pulling him in for a quick peck, unable to help yourself now. “You owe me lunch for this, though.”
“I brought you lunch,” he said, lifting the bag you hadn’t even noticed in his other hand.
“Oh, did you now?” You raised a brow. “You’re really tryin’ to get on my good side today, huh?”
“I’ll grow it back, don’t worry,” he murmured, leaning down to brush his lips against your neck. “But for now, you’re stuck with this.”
As you both sat down at one of the tables near the back of the bar, you couldn’t stop sneaking glances at his head.
It wasn’t just the look of it that was getting to you—it was the fact that he’d done something so out of the blue, just like that. He always kept you on your toes, never predictable, and surprisingly, you loved that.
He caught you looking for the millionth time and shot you a smug smile. “I can tell you wanna say somethin’. Spill.”
You reached over and ran your fingers through the nonexistent hair again, giggling. 
“I just can’t get over it, baby. You look like a whole new person. A sexy, buzzed-head guy.”
His smile softened, his hand finding yours on the table. “Yeah?”
You nodded, giving his hand a squeeze. “I mean, I miss your old hair, but I’m into this. You look hot.” You bit your lip, your gaze dropping to his mouth.
His eyes darkened a little, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Careful or I’m not gonna let you finish your lunch before I drag you outta here.”
Your heart raced, “Rafe Cameron, if you ruin my lunch break, I swear—”
He cut you off with a low chuckle, leaning across the table to press his lips to yours again, not caring that you were still technically on the clock. You melted into him, all thoughts of food forgotten for a moment. When he pulled away, his forehead rested against yours, both of you breathless.
“I can’t believe you buzzed your head,” you whispered, still grinning.
“I can’t believe you’re this obsessed with it.”
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shrimpybbq · 1 day
rafe experiences the comfort of a mother
synopsis: rafe appears on his girlfriend’s doorstop, badly burnt and in need of care and affection
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Rafe stood in front of the guest room, body stiff and hand frozen against the wooden door. He wanted to knock, he really did, and yet he was hesitant. Only the day before had the couple fought, screaming and shouting until both were out of breath. Rafe had watched his sweet girl leave with teary eyes and he’d felt bad, his heart twisting as she had slammed the door in his face. It was the same door he finally knocked on after realising he’d been motionless for too long. The rap of his knuckles echoed and for a moment, he wondered if she wouldn’t answer the door at all, until a creak sounded. Rafe raised his gaze to see his girlfriend standing in front of him, her fists rubbing the sleep away from her eyes.
“R-rafe? What are yo-”, she began to ask, voice heavy with tiredness, the hour late. It wasn’t until she looked at him properly that she paused, taking in his entire state. Rafe was standing there, clutching his arm to his chest protectively. It wasn’t the childlike pose that caught her eye though, no - it was the way Rafe’s eyes were filled with unshed tears and his bottom lip wobbling ever so subtly.
“Are you ok?” She asked gently, as if she were talking to their son. Rafe could only shake his head side to side, slowly pulling his arm away. At the sight of the red and blistering flesh, she gasped loudly, “Oh my god! What happened?”.
“I-uh, I got into some trouble,” Rafe responded timidly, full of shame and in pain.
“Come here,” his girlfriend said, gently ushering him into the guest room, “sit down. Have you cleaned this?” She asked. Again he shook his head, leading her to hum lowly. “Ok, I’ll need to clean it. Gimme a sec.”
Rafe sat on the bed patiently as he took in the room. He’d never been in there since she began sleeping in there, now taking in all the little trinkets she had lying around. He had been trying to get her to move back into his room but she still refused, and the pair used the nursery as a mutual zone.
His musings were cut off by a gentle voice questioning him.
“What happened Rafe?”
“It’s nothing, just an accident, you know?” Rafe grumbled out as she began to wet antiseptic pads in front of him. She looked up at him, gaze incredulous.
“This is bad, Rafe. You don’t just get something like this accidentally! You said you got into trouble before - what did you mean by that?” She questioned. Rafe sighed, having underestimated just how much she would question him, but he should’ve expected that, he thought to himself. When he didn’t answer, she began to clean his arm.
The sharp stinging sensation that travelled through him as the antiseptic touched his burn made Rafe jump, his voice exclaiming in shock. It was that sudden pain that caused the unshed tears in his eyes to spill over, and it was like once he started he couldn’t stop. All his pain and worries spilled out of him, the tears streaming down his face.
“Oh baby, it’s ok, come here,” he heard her say, cleaning forgotten as she pulled his head into her chest. Whenever she had comforted Rafe in the past, this had been his favourite position, curled up against her chest and having his hair stroked. So she did just that, soothing his heaving sobs with each pass through his hair. “It’s ok Rafe, you’re ok here baby. I’ve got you, ok? Breathe, Rafe.”
He didn’t know how long they stayed like that, his sobs wetting the fabric of the tank top she wore. He’d almost completely exhausted himself by the time his sobs stopped, only able to breathe deeply now. It was then his muffled voice could be heard, “it was Barry.”
He felt her stiffen before she tentatively probed further. “Barry, your dealer?”
At the feeling of him nodding, she pulled him away from her chest. Her voice was stern, as if she was talking to a small child,
“Rafe, why is your dealer burning you? What did you do?”
He looked up at her, eyes wide and rimmed with red. He looked just a like their son, she thought, his features so innocent and needy.
“I-I couldn’t pay him back in time… I tried, I really did, but I had this thing and I couldn’t get it all there in time, and I said- I said to him I would get it bu-but he didn’t care,” Rafe began to ramble, his voice pleading with her to understand him. He had been trying to do better, for her - for his family. He watched her sigh, before she returned to clean his wound in silence. Rafe wanted to speak, to explain himself more but he didn’t know what to say, and the idea of her disappointed gaze upon him once more sealed his lips. The feeling of her fingers smoothing a burn cream over his wound tenderly had him curling back into her chest.
She began to card her fingers back through his blonde locks, feeling Rafe relax against her. When he was upset he would be one of two ways: angry and reactive, or clingy and touch-starved. Today, it was clear he was the latter. She couldn’t bare to leave him alone like this, and so she gently whispered,
“Come here baby, let’s get you into bed, ok?”
Rafe pulled away, his eyes wide as he looked up upon her face.
She nodded and began to pull the covers away, creating a space for him to shuffle in. Rafe allowed himself to be guided under the quilt and he couldn’t help but sigh at the feeling of her fingers tenderly brushing his messed-up strands away from his forehead. As he made space for her beside him, Rafe watched his girlfriend pull away from the bed.
“Nononono-” he began to mutter, only to be cut off. His hand was outstretched pathetically to try and keep her by his side, scared to be alone.
“Hey, hey, it’s ok. I’m just going to the nursery. I thought you’d want him to stay with us tonight,” she soothed, watching surprised as Rafe shook his head in response.
“No, let him sleep. Just c’mere,” he mumbled, dragging her into his side and under the blankets. Within seconds Rafe had found his position for the night, curled up into her side, his head resting on her chest once more. He was so sullen and quiet as he listened to her heartbeat, hands clutching at her waist.
“Goodnight Rafe,” she uttered sleepily, the events of the night catching up to her.
“I love you,” he said quietly, his voice muffled against her chest. He didn’t say it often, preferring to show his love for her through actions, but she always knew it. With a soft kiss against the crown of his head, she echoed those words back to him, before slipping into unconsciousness,
“I love you too, baby.”
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f1gridgirlie · 3 days
Back Home – DR3
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word count: 2.5 k summary: Daniel comes back to Australia after leaving F1. Your years long crush and yearning for him finally gets a release. no use of y/n. warnings: smut, 18+, mdni, age gap (7 years), oral (m and f receiving), p in v, unprotected sex with previous consent (At least talk about it before hitting it raw guys…), cockwarming? Let me know if I forgot something a/n: I don't even know how this happened? I was sad and ovulating i guess. Lemme know what you think ! ____________________________________________________________
„And? Have you seen him yet?”, your mom asks innocently, while handing you a cup of coffee. You sigh. “No, mom. He’s not even back a week.” She looks at you. “Your brother and Daniel go to a Bar tonight, maybe you can come with them?” They WHAT? You shake your head. “No. I don’t wanna be the little sister again.” How could you explain to her, that since you’ve heard the news that Daniel is out of F1 (again), you could barely form a coherent sentence. Yes, you have loved this man for years. You have YEARNED for him almost as long. You don’t even remember the last time you didn’t fantasize about him whenever you pushed your own fingers into your pussy. Yes, he IS significantly older than you, but he’s always been in your life. Your family and his family are close and so your older brother used to hang out with him a lot. You always wanted him, he never knew. Well, up until 2012 that was, when he was off to Europe all curly hair, bright eyes and soon enough some braces. During the break, when it was summer in Australia, he came back. During a particularly bad night out, you, your brother, Daniel and his sister came back to his parents’ place. You were super tipsy and hormonal, so you took his arm and pulled him with you outside. “Are you going to be sick?” he asked mockingly. You sighed and turned around. “No. I’m horny.” you answered with more confidence than you felt. His eyes grew big. “So? What does that have to do with me? You’re a child and I’m an adult, I can’t help you with that.” Ouch. Adult? He’s only seven years older. “Not like it’s illegal.” You mumbled. He laughed. “It’s not like it’s right either. Look, you’re cute and all but you’ll have to find someone else.” You looked up at him. “Even if we wouldn’t go all the way?”  He stepped closer, leaning down “Oh baby, we would go all the way, after a few rounds.” and with that he walked back inside, leaving you at the verge of tears and orgasm.
The rest of the afternoon your thoughts are running wild. You have to see Daniel. He’s finally back home, and with his unknown future you need to seize every opportunity you can get. You told your brother that you would happily drive them both home when the time came. “You’ve always done it for me, now it’s my turn”, you smile at him. Their drinking and going out leaves you plenty of time to get showered, shaved, moisturized and ready for a one-night stand. You needed to show him that you’re a woman now. A hot, experienced woman at that. For the Drive you decide on a Mini-Skirt, a tight T-shirt and some boots. When you meet your brother and Daniel outside the bar, Daniel gives you a hug, before getting in the car. “Thanks for the ride. I’ve not seen you for ages.” You smirk. That was the plan. Your brother was fast asleep after ten Minutes in the car.  “Some things never change”, you say and chuckle. Daniel grins at you. “He still can’t handle alcohol very well. I like knowing what to expect back home.” What DOES he expect? That you’re still in love with him? He’s right about that. “I can imagine. Your working life was tumultuous to say the least.” He shrugs. “Yeah, but so fun. Anyway, how’s life treating you?” You concentrate on the road. “Not too bad. Nothing exciting has been happening.” Daniel raised a brow. “Really? Nothing? Not even a boyfriend or a situationship?” Wait, did he really just ask that? Everything in your body feels liquidy now. He gets it, the plan works. You try to play it cool. “Nope. Nobody seems interesting enough.” You pull into your Driveway and Daniel starts working on waking out brother up. “Do you want to stay over?” you ask him when he has managed to get your brother out of the car. He grins. “Actually, I would prefer my own apartment, if you don’t mind.” Oh. Great. This works out just like last time. “Yeah sure, I’ll get you there.”, you say a little disappointed.
“You wanna see it? It’s pretty neat.”, Daniel says as soon as you passed the many doors to even get to his apartment complex. A small hope starts forming in your stomach. “Sure. I want to see what your huge paycheck can buy.” Daniel laughs at your shitty attempt to play it cool. After he has shown you his impressive apartment, you’re sitting on a bar stool with a glass of Daniels wine in your hand. “So what do you think?” he asks, while also taking a sip of wine himself. He stands behind the bar, looking intensely at you. You smile “The view is great.”, you answer him. He grins. “Of me?” It feels like the whole world starts to fade away at the corners, only leaving him in full focus. God, yes. He looks so good. The tousled hair, his smile, his beard, a tight shirt that hugs every one of his muscles. “Yes, Ricciardo you also look great, is that what you wanted to hear?” you tease him a bit, while your heart starts working overtime and beating out of your chest. He slowly walks around the bar stopping before your crossed legs. “Actually, I kind of wished to hear something along the lines of ‘I’m horny’” He put his glass onto the table and laid a Hand on your thigh. Your mouth almost fell. He still remembered that dreadful night, where you acted like a fool? “Maybe I am. Why? Do you wanna tell me again, how you can’t help me?” You also put your glass down, uncrossing your legs. He smirks. “No. This time I will make your fantasies come true.” And with that he cups your face, leaning down and lays his lips onto yours. Immediately a moan escapes your throat when kissing him back. You hold onto his strong arms when Daniel wraps one arm around your waist and pulls you flush against him as his tongue starts toying with yours. Your brain is now empty of thoughts and witty remarks, all while your body feels electrified by Daniels presence. You put your hands under his shirt, feeling the slender waist and strong back muscles. This is everything you have hoped for in the last ten years. Daniel slowly moves over to his designer couch before he lays you down, with his hands slowly roaming over your stomach and hips. “You’re so beautiful. Your ass and thighs are what dreams are made of.”, he whispers against your lips. The want for him almost makes you go insane. “Danny, please, I need you so much.” You grip his hair to look into his eyes. They are dark with desire. “Babygirl, I have waited so long for this, I will savor every second of it.” And with that he pulls off his shirt and then yours.
With experienced hands he unhooks your bra, making your boobs spill into his open palms. He starts to suck and kiss your nipples while pushing his hairy chest against your stomach. You mewl at the feel of it.  You have never slept with a man that sports this much body hair. Ever hair seems to intensify your need. When his hand is under your skirt, slowly stroking your wet folds through your thin lace panties you almost orgasm on the spot. “Did you put this on in hopes of me seeing it?” Daniel looks at you. You only nod. “Every time I have seen you, I wore these. Got them with you in mind.” You confess. A dark need also takes over him as he pushes the Skirt up to your waist to look at the panties. Blue lace, on the corner a small golden number 3 is dangling against your hip. He leans down and kisses it before pulling the panties down with his teeth. “Fuck, I have seen a ton of horny shit in my life, but this tops everything. Did you wear that back then?” he asks while slowly stroking your clit. You nod: “I wanted you to finger fuck me on that porch so bad.” Thinking about it you feel your pussy clench. How many times have you masturbated to that thought? Daniel puts your leg on his shoulder, holding onto it, while looking at you. “I should have done it, princess. God knew I wanted to.” And with that he pushed his digit into your entrance. You grabbed onto his hair and moaned loudly. Fuck. Daniel chuckled. “I’m not even all the way in there.” But it was just like your fantasy. Better actually. With lazy movements he starts to finger fuck you on his couch. Within a few seconds you hear squelching sounds and can feel yourself basically pouring on Danny’s fingers. “God, you’re so hot when you’re desperate for me.” He mumbles. Then he leans down and sucks your clit into his mouth. The orgasm rips through you violently and you cannot stop yourself from screaming his name. The feeling of his clothed bulge against your tight makes you slowly come back to reality. Danny is busy toying with your boobs and kissing your neck. “Did you just go all fucked out and dumb for me?” he asks grinning widely.
You give him a little nod and start to palm him through his pants. He grunts but doesn’t protest when you start to undo his button and push his jeans and boxers off him. Eagerly he lays on his back to give you full access to his throbbing dick. The tip is already leaking. You try to fully savor the moment and the sight of a turned-on Daniel Ricciardo with your hand wrapped around his length. “Come on, I know you want a taste.” He encourages you to lay your lips onto his tip. You lean down, slowly licking his slit before putting him in your mouth. With one hand you try to pump his impressive length while bobbing your head. You’re so turned on, that moans escape you while your mouth is stuffed with his dick. He grabs onto your hair, giving you some rhythm. “Oh my god, you take my dick so well.” He groans. Even though his dick presses against the back of your throat, you can’t seem to care. His body, his moans and your hormones make you forget about anything other than pleasing this man.  His moans become deeper and his movements sloppier, telling you he’s close. “Fuck, if you don’t want me to cum in your mouth-“You tighten your lips more around his shaft and feel his load on your tongue. You swallow every drop happily, before looking at him again. “Are you ready for more?”, you ask as he pulls you towards him to kiss you again. He smirks. “Babygirl, give me five minutes, alright? I’m not 22 anymore.” Daniel sits up against the Couch and pulls you onto his tattooed thigh. A little shiver runs through you. Why are these Tattoos so fucking hot? You lean onto his big frame and soon he starts making out with you like you both were still teenagers. His hands back on your tits while he presents his neck for you to suck on. Under your lips you can feel every muscle and soon you leave little hickeys. With every one Daniel lets out little moans, which turn you on more. You start grinding on his thigh but within a few seconds Daniels hands on your hips stop you. “I’ve got something better for you to grind on.” He whispers before easily lifting you over onto his lap and hovering over his growing cock. “Do you want to use a condom princess? I have one in my pocket.”, he tells you being serious for once.
You shake your head, your brain still not operating normally. “I’m on birth control. If I get one chance with you, I want it raw.” Daniel grins again and pushes you onto his cock while also slipping his tongue into your mouth again. You can feel your tight pussy fluttering around his length and your clit hitting some of his pubes. You cannot hold back a moan.  “Good god, you’re taking me so well.”, Daniel lets you know also panting slightly. When you want to start bouncing, he holds your hips down. “Not right away, pretty. Try grinding now.” You hold onto his sculpted shoulders and do what he asks. Within seconds you know why he wanted you to do that. It feels incredible. Being stretched out by his cock and getting friction on your clit, he has you orgasming and moaning his name again within seconds. “Eyes on me Babygirl.”, Daniel demands while your brain barely functions. He cannot hold back the cockiest grin you’ve ever seen on that man. You slump against him, completely drained of energy. “Do you want to keep going?” he asks while also running his lips and tongue over your neck. You nod. He grabs your ass and then lays you onto your back without his cock ever leaving you. It all feels like a dream to you, still. With expert movements he starts to slowly fuck in and out of you, letting out little moans with every movement. His moans turn you on just as much as his cock does and soon you start moving your hips in synch with him causing even more wet, slapping sounds. “All this for me, princess?” you nod, not being able to form a sentence. “I want us to cum together, can you do that for me?” You don’t know if you had another orgasm in you, but Daniel would not let you hesitate.  While he still fucks into you, you can feel deliberate circle movements on your clitoris. Your hands fly onto his shoulders as you try to keep eye contact. “Close?” you nod again. Then orgasm hits again and you cry out Danny’s name again while you can also see and feel him cum. Your walls practically leaking with both of your releases. He collapses on top of you leaving you to play with his hair for a bit. “That was incredible. I have not gotten a fuck this great in years… if ever.” You smile. Your brain slowly starts thinking again. “This will give me material for my solo performances for years to come.” You can feel his dick twitch inside of you. Daniel looks at you. “No. No solo performances while I’m here. Call me or come over whenever your pussy needs me.” You smirk. “I’ll stay then.”
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