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mrstellmeafuckingsecret · 2 months ago
hii was just wondering what are your thoughts on the black family dynamics (esp considering your dislike for regulus (valid[i wanna ounch him])). I've always seen hcs where sirius is hated by his family which doesn't make that much sense bc he IS a black he has all skills that they consider valuable (cunning, smarts, charming etc etc) and i just don't think that the second he got sorted into gryffindor they disowned him immediately. Also how does sirius view them? Ilysm
hiii ilym anon ummmm. i okay wait. black family dynamic is just so like. big. i have a couple posts on them (druella and cygnus, sirius and walburga, sirius and orion, + others) but like if you have a specific rsp id loveee to yap abt them <33
the hc where sirius hates his family ,,, i do hc he hates them. like he hates bellatrix and narcissa and their parents entirely because he never saw a soft side of them, he hates orion because orion never stepped up to be a father (he was a coward and i will die on this hill), he hates his mother but like. he loves his mother. theyre rsp is the most complicated and delicious. theyre so similar but theyre opposites. sirius hates her for what she did but he misses her like a little kid !!! big thoughts on them i could mkae this whole post on them but whatever.
oh and also respect. like,,, respect is very important for sirius. he hates bellatrix and narcissa but he respects their power and their ambition. he hates his mother but he respects her accomplishments and apathy. he doesn't respect orion. he doesn't hate regulus, but he has no respect for him. regulus was a coward who couldn't take the path sirius paved for him because he wanted to be his parents' prince. he doesn't love regulus because he doesn't respect him.
sirius is brilliant and perfect but that has nothing to do with being a black, his intelligence and charm are a part of him not of his blood,, sure he catches the similarities between himself and his family but it's not because he's just like them it's because he's hyperfocusing on anything that would remind people from where he's from. idk.
yeah no, i think being sorted in gryffindor was like the equivalent of a scandal. he wasn't disowned he was just a disappointment,, at least until he reported back top grades and glowing reviews from his teachers. if sirius wanted to go the black family route he could've still been a death eater from gryffindor ,, idk i think hp focuses wayy too much on houses like why are these 40yo women crying abt a school house 💀💀 sigh
i think i've explained how sirius feels abt the family pretty well ? i should probably make a post on how he views each char in more detail but like yeah <33
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orfeolookback · 1 year ago
a group of astarions is called a constellation
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astridcookie · 1 year ago
I have been having trouble regressing since the caregiver incident....
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arctic-hands · 2 years ago
Shout out to the one adult in my hometown who tried to protect me from it all: the ER doc who noticed it was the second time I had dangerously severe bronchitis in like two years brought about by my mother constantly smoking around my fragile ass, and threatening to call CPS if she didn't stop and I came back with bronchitis again
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year ago
[ID: Two bunnies cuddled together. One is all while with a black marking lining its visible eye. The other is all black with a pale marking of the same manner. The white one rest its head on the floor, the black one nestling its head on top. Only one eye is visible from each, appearing red due to the light and photography. END ID]
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headslikekites · 4 months ago
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shesmore-shoebill · 2 months ago
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celtrist · 3 months ago
Hazbin & Helluva Vs. Aromanticism
(Aka: I have a problem with the Spindlehorse team about this, not shippers.)
(Also this is mainly about Alastor but can go for Octavia and Mammon too.)
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Alright, so I've cleaned up this uh... rant, to make things a little more clear hopefully. But to summarize here, this is about the team's lack of commitment when every other character is allowed full confirmation of their orientations but these (potentially) aromantic characters aren't.
While I have no beef with shippers (I think you can ship whoever with whoever you want, I ship Alastor too on occasion), there is some conversation about how the fandom might be a bit of a reason WHY they "can't" be confirmed as aro. But again, my main problem is more with the showrunners than the fandom at this point about this.
I'll also be getting into why it's "important" and the double standards against characters being aromantic.
This is not an attack, ship however way you wish (again, I do it myself). My intent isn't really to stop the shipping, that would be ridiculous. But more so to give my thoughts on why it's BS characters like Alastor can't be confirmed as aromantic when other characters are allowed confirmed orientations.
I will start off by saying I don't mind the shipping of Alastor. While it's NOBODY'S business but mine, I suppose it's important to clarify that I'm someone who does currently identify as aroace. I might be wrong but who cares, it's how I think of myself now at least to some degree (I do after all still have fictional crushes. Real-life romance is not an interest for me though, don't like 'em).
I'm gonna get what I don't think people talk about enough on both sides of being for and against shipping Alastor, and then I'll talk about the shippers as they're (I realized) not my main issue at this point.
A little history: So Alastor has been long time confirmed as an ace character. He hasn't been confirmed as being sex-repulsed or anything, but I can personally say I don't mind either flavor of him being repulsed or favorable (though I imagine the series will lean towards the former to counter everyone else's sex-favorable attitude and for jokes). This statement was initially taken VERY poorly by fans who, at the time, were shipping radiodust and radiobelle/charlastor, one more than the other. Care to take a guess which? The answer will not surprise you.
But then people realized "Oh, asexual doesn't mean he COULDN'T get with someone" and people even went further to "Being asexual doesn't mean he CAN'T have sex", both very true statements. So shipping was back on the menus boys! And his asexual was certainly blurred a bit (to the point where it wasn't even him being sex-favorable asexual as much as just not asexual, something that still happens but certainly not as bad). But overall, people were taking his canonicity as asexual with as much grace as a duck.
So here's where MY problem comes in. While I have some gripes with shippers, I had an epiphany that "Oh. It's not really the shippers I have a problem with. It's the people WRITING THE DAMN CHARACTER". Which, might I just say, is so much worst.
The shippers, while they got annoying at some points and certainly can be still, are just having fun. Because shipping just happens to be the way most people like to interact with characters in the media they're into. Hell, I am no different. I just have the misfortune of only really getting into rarepairs most of the time (curse you my bizarre tastes). I've even shipped with Alastor, I like AngelicSmile/radiojoy quite a bit.
Back on track. Now, what do I mean by my main problem being with the writers more than the fans with this? Well, queue this darling of a clip about the topic (this is the only clip I've found of the live stream, feel free to watch the whole video but just wanted the clip here).
This. Single. Clip. Infuriates me.
Vivzi, while I'm sure not meant to, pretty much implied "Alastor being aromantic and 'non-shippable' would ruin people's fun". I'm sure she meant it as a way to keep others from policing shippers (which didn't work, it still happens), it really just reads as "a character being aromantic is not a fun character". Like there's something wrong with being aro.
Not to mention some other things that would contradict this statement:
Viv in the past said "fans are allowed to ship outside character orientations", so... what makes that so different here with confirming Alastor as aromantic?
It being confirmed is not relevant to the plot. Great, so is every other orientation not relevant. Why can't Alastor be confirmed as aromantic but Vaggie can be confirmed as a lesbian or Vox bi? What does Vox being bisexual have to do with the plot? Neither is relevant to the plot, but one can be confirmed but not the other?
People were gonna ship him ANYWAY. Like, there's really no point in pretending. They were going to anyway because of the first point I already mentioned, but also people ship against canon orientations ALL THE TIME. It's just gonna happen and there's nothing wrong with that in of itself.
You've kind of just implied it's canon by not wanting to say specifically him being aromantic is canon or not. If Viv had just said "I don't wanna confirm his romantic orientation because...", then this statement would be fine and fair I suppose. But she had to call out him being aromantic specifically. And I mean, he COULD be something else (he was slated to be a couple with Mimzy originally after all), but the context doesn't seem like that would be the case. Plus, would she really feel the need to hold back from saying "Alastor is homoromantic" or biromantic or heteroroman- actually yes for that last one probably.
So riddle me this, with these points, why the FUCK would it be so wrong to confirm Alastor as a canonically aromantic icon and help get MORE REP for this very very very VERY underrepresented orientation? And I've thought of a few reasons to this, one of which being to avoid the same backlash that they got for Alastor being ace. Which, DID HAPPEN WHEN THE VOICE ACTOR AND SOMEONE ELSE ON THE SHOW CONFIRMED ALASTOR AS AROMANTIC BUT BACKTRACKED ON THE STATEMENT.
To which, fine. THAT'S on the fans (especially as no one would've complained if he was confirmed as homoromantic, which is a double standard VERY PRESENT in this fandom, but also many others quite honestly). But I can see another reason is to avoid others policing shippers about it.
Which, if that's the case, shit luck it's happening anyway.
To cower away from this orientation because of fans being upset says a lot, both about the fans and the creators. There is a whisper of "Alastor isn't allowed to be aromantic". That "being aro isn't allowed or appreciated".
We live in a world that at this point has a lot more lgbtq+ characters than ever before. At this point, there's just a lot of gay/lesbian and bi characters, and that's wonderful. But, there's barely a handful of aroace characters. And when they are, nobody wants to pay attention to that part of the character. So why can't the deer man be aromantic? I would imagine it would honestly make things a little better ship wise because ship wars wouldn't occur seeing as, well, there's no ship to be fought for. None of them could be canon.
So you might see where I'm leading into this, but I can only really think of one real reason Alastor being aromantic just "can't be confirmed" where as everyone else's orientations can be.
His popularity. Like, that's weird but walk with me here. Alastor is the most popular character in the fandom. There's honestly no denying it, he just is. And what do people do with the most popular character?
But wait, if he's aromantic, he can't be on a love boat. THIS IS BS-
And then... the outcry. And we HAVE seen this happen. I mentioned before, he was stated to be aromantic on two occasions by two people who work on the show, one of which is his voice actor (which I'll be fair, I personally don't think VAs always know the characters they play the best, that's the writers). But they had to backpedal because people DID complain. People WERE upset. So it's kind of shown just aromantism isn't really welcomed, at the very least not for a character like Alastor.
And that's the key: "Not for a character like Alastor". But if it were say, Niffty or Mimzy who are either overlooked or just not very popular, THEN it's probably more than okay for a character to be aromantic. Because no one wants to ship with them much, so they can be aromantic all they want.
AKA. The aro community is allowed the scraps but not the dinner.
At this point, you've probably noticed I switched gears from the creators to the fans because I DO think they could be a reason why Alastor "can't" be confirmed as Aromantic. I'll give credit, I'm pretty sure it's mainly on twitter and wouldn't be surprised if it was a "loud minority" thing going on, but the people have spoken. They vehemently cannot STAND the idea of Alastor being aromantic.
But I don't have a problem with these people quite honestly- I mean I kinda do, but my main issue is the lack of commitment when the other characters are allowed confirmed orientations. Why can't aromantic people get confirmed rep? Because "it'll ruin people's fun?" That's such a crappy reason because it's just saying being aro is bad on some level or isn't okay. Why can't the aromantic community get the dinner this ONE TIME? It's one character in a pool of many others that are canonically gay or bi, so why can't the aro community have this ONE popular character?
I'm not even asking for people to stop shipping him, I think that's perfectly FINE. It wouldn't change the canon. I'd appreciate more LOVE given to the aromantic identity (and I'm talking about the far end of it, so absolutely NO interest in romance as many have used aro Alastor but it still comes off as just normal shipping, but that's just me). There's such a double standard to the treatment of aromantic characters to the other characters in these shows (because Octavia and Mammon are in the same boat here), and the reasons given are so crappy that they sound more like off-hand excuses.
Again, I don't MIND people shipping Alastor, or Octavia, or Mammon who is randomly shipped with Adam the most. Let me repeat:
But what I have a problem with is that these characters aren't allowed to be OFFICIALLY aromantic. How would it feel if this was a gay character? That they didn't want to confirm it but there's been indications with past statements and even in-universe stuff indicating so? I WANT Viv and her team to STICK with what route they were gonna go with.
And some might argue "what's so bad with nothing being confirmed?" Other than the fact every other character's orientations are allowed confirmation and Viv's crappy way of putting it in not confirming anything. There's, by all technicalities, nothing wrong.
However, if I may pose a counter, why is it fair for people to demand or ask for gay representation or confirmation but not aromantic? Because it's "not ruining anything"? If that's the case, I'm inclined to say that may be a bit aphobic. Because how is it that a character being aromantic can "ruin" the character or something, but a character being gay DOESN'T "ruin" the character. It's a double standard that I don't think most people realize or want to say because you don't want to be dissing on gay stuff.
But WAKE UP SHEEPLE. The gay stuff has PLENTY of things by this point. Whether through fan works or official media, it is growing and it is growing rapidly. And we should be HAPPY about that. But alternatively, Aromantic (and asexual) rep BARELY gets any attention in either fan works or official media. People would be UPSET if a ship like Angel Dust X Vaggie or Stolas X Verosika got into one of the top most popular ships. But Alastor? Nah, it's fine.
Again, while I don't mind the shipping itself, hopefully, you can understand how it might feel to see one of the most popular ships involve a character that goes against their orientation and it's YOUR orientation. It doesn't. Feel. Great.
And not everyone who ships Alastor even would LIKE him to end up with who they ship. Some people just like it staying in fanon. I have met SO MANY nice people who ship Alastor with characters that I personally don't really like him shipped with. But it's clear that I don't think THEY'D mind if he was confirmed aromantic because it doesn't change their life. They'll still keep shipping him because that's fun for them and that's FINE. People explore themselves through characters with confirmed orientations and they don't always line up with canon, and that's FINE. I don't think people should be policed on shipping with the deer man, they're just having fun. Would I appreciate a little more love for the aro identity? Sure (I mean just look at Alastor's ship weeks activeness vs. his aro week activeness), but if that's not how people have fun they shouldn't be forced to do stuff with it.
But Alastor being seemingly "not allowed" to be confirmed as aro has set a precedent that there's something wrong with being aromantic. And personally, it makes me feel a tad unwelcomed sometimes.
It's the precedents. Again, why is every other character's orientation allowed to be confirmed but Alastor's isn't? What is so wrong with him being aromantic? Hell, he might not even BE aromantic. But at least I'd KNOW instead of floundering around hoping upon a star for some aromantic representation.
A character's worth is in how shippable they are. And if they're aromantic, they're not shippable. And unfortunately, there are just enough people to throw a hissy fit about it that Viv doesn't want to confirm it.
Because apparently being aromantic would "ruin" things.
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jetglider · 9 months ago
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Trainer Blue is calling you ...
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mrstellmeafuckingsecret · 28 days ago
would dating a girl you call your boyfriend be more preferable to you than dating a boy boyfriend
i.ve actually been thinking abt this bc a masc gf sounds sooo hot but but but .. idk ?? idk! !! surely the best way to test this out is a masc girl flirting w me aha. ha/ .
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stargloom · 5 months ago
hiiiii ummm. could you draw saimatsu maybe i think that would be really cool and yuriful. if you dont want to just shuichi would be fine too. okay thanks skitters away 😁
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astridcookie · 1 year ago
gosh I hate putting swimmers on
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artbysarf · 1 year ago
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My take on the whole "That Magic Was Not Yours to Give" trend
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doodles-in-sand · 11 months ago
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half thumbnail redraw 👍 mata areu noori ga mune wo shibaru
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lemongogo · 1 year ago
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waterghostype · 1 year ago
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rlly old monkie kid shitpotht
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