#antonio bravo
mtg-cards-hourly · 2 years
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Dawnhart Wardens
Artist: Antonio Bravo TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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inspjavert · 27 days
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 months
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The Skeleton of Mrs. Morales (El esqueleto de la señora Morales) (Skeleton of Mrs. Morales) (1960) Rogelio A. González
July 20th 2024
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ulrichgebert · 7 months
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Der mexikanische Film der Woche, und endlich wieder mörderische Tierpräparatoren. Als Señora Morales zusätzlich zu ihrem ohnehin unerträglich frömmlerischen, verleumderischen, heuchlerischen und allgemein missmutigen Umgang mit dem an sich reizenden Gatten seinen mühsam ersparten neuen Photoapparat kaputtmacht, reißt ihm die Hutschnur. Praktischerweise richtet er in seiner Werkstatt auch Skelette für die Medizinstudenten her. So begeht er fast das perfekte Verbrechen.
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whumpdaydreamerx · 1 year
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Matador 1x04 | Tony Bravo’s Nightmare
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spawn-universe · 8 months
Spawnuary Covers
Cover By Antonio Lucchi
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Cover By Aurelio Mazzara
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Cover By Beny Maulana
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Cover By Bravo's Artwork
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Cover By Bryan SilverBax
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Cover By Garrie Gastonny
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Cover By Luciano Fleitas
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Cover By Niezam Comic
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Cover By Prabath Wijayantha
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Cover By Roland Amago
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Cover By Santa Fung
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Cover By Xerx G. Javier
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Cover By Tobe Max Jaeger Ezeogu
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unanchored-ship · 4 days
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eroserotique · 8 months
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Naked Artistic
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lemuseum · 2 years
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Dimartino in Cara Maestra Abbiamo Perso che dice “cara maestra (...) voglio che rimani ancora qui con me stanotte / ho bisogno di sentirti ancora mia / anche se non guido come l'altro / se non fumo come l'altro /voglio farti compagnia” 
e poi “e avevo perso la mia anima / la mia anima a noleggio / su un bancone della carne / o tra le gambe di una ragazza, il giorno della festa”
e ancora “mi hai detto: / ‘tu non capisci la poesia / sei fatto solo per scopare’ “
he’s so slutty and for what
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wisegardenbluebird · 9 months
EUFEMÉRIDES El noi de Poble Sec cumple 80 años Francisco R. Pastoriza          En aquella España de principios de los sesenta el panorama nacional de la música estaba monopolizado por las líneas que marcaban el pop de Los Brincos y Los Pekenikes, los alegres temas de Karina y las tonadillas de Raphael, que a su vez habían sustituido a las de Concha Piquer, a las baladas de José Guardiola, a…
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thebigshotman · 9 months
. * The mushling has returned with vengeance . Beady eyes squinting as she waddles closer to the Addison that towers over her . . . . * A low growl , followed by Spud launching herself and attacking poor Spaul like one of those facehuggers . A shrill war cry to retaliate her attempt at ripping his glasses off .
If Spaul didn’t tower over Spud before he certainly does now, a whole 7 inches being restored when he was turned back into an Addison; he’s now a solid 5 feet tall.
He hears the sound of something approaching and immediately turns towards the source of the sound, his eyes doing something that’s a cross between an eye pop and an eye roll when he sees who it is. At least his ads aren’t around when he’s like this to potentially startle her and make her angry. He spreads out his arms with a small smile, hoping to start off with a small greeting.
*Hey h-hey, Spud! It’s me, S-
He can barely get his name out before the mushroom attacks. Latching onto his face with such suddenness and such force that he goes barreling to the ground, although he lags for several frames before doing so. He continues to lag physically as Spud growls at him, trying to destroy his glasses or at the very least rip them off his face. He doesn’t have his word bullet attack in this form-in fact, he doesn’t have anything aside from his F1 Angel and his two bare hands.
*Spud!! Calm down!! I’m not gonna hurt Eileen, I’ve told-I’ve told-told you that however many times before!!
She succeeds in tossing his glasses aside, and now there’s nothing between her and him. Suddenly, with almost no options to attack with, the renewed Addison is now very, very afraid. He still moves to try to pry her off of him, however.
*What…do I have to do…to get you to like me?!
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sociedadnoticias · 1 year
Opinión | En Corto | Mexicana, el nuevo capricho presidencial
Opinión | En Corto | Mexicana, el nuevo capricho presidencial #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #Mexicana #SAT #4t #AMLO #TUA #BectonDickinson #EnCorto #Tijuana @GobiernoMX @lopezobrador_ @araujogar @PartidoMorenaMx
El gobierno federal, lejos de apoyar a la industria de la aviación en México, está utilizando todo el poder del Estado para debilitarla, golpeando a las empresas de este sector con los caprichos presidenciales, como ya es costumbre en este sexenio. Por Raúl García Araujo                                             El gobierno federal, lejos de apoyar a la industria de la aviación en México,…
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cristinabcn · 1 year
ANTONIO PIPPO PEDRAGOSA Periodista Editorialista – Columnista Si hay un hombre que representa el origen compadrito, marginal y aventurero del tango, es Ernesto Ponzio, “El pibe”, violinista y compositor de la Guardia Vieja, recordado sobre todo por su primer tango, Don Juan, compuesto a los trece años. Porteño, nació el 10 de julio de 1885 en un barrio que ya no existe –Tierra del Fuego, que…
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flashfuckingflesh · 2 years
Forcing Conformity on EVIL is a Violent Cause. "Murder in a Blue World" reviewed! (Cauldron Films / Blu-ray)
“Murder in a Blue World” now available on Blu-ray!  Purchase a Copy Here at Amazon.com! Nurse Ana Vernia lives in an authoritarian, dystopian world where she just received a commendation for her work, but beneath the archetype of a scrutinizing society seeking to acculturate deviants by way of involuntary electroshock treatments, Ana moonlights in her own violent behavior as an act of mercy.…
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
Morales tomó juramento a un recambio de funcionarios
#Jujuy #GobiernoProvincial #Política | #GerardoMorales tomó juramento a un recambio de funcionarios
El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Moarles, tomó juramento a un puñado de funcionarios que recambió de puestos, que cumplirán funciones en secretarías, sub secretarías y direcciones, áreas que dependen de distintos ministerios del gabinete provincial. Morales procedió a la toma de juramento para los cargos en las secretarías; de seguridad pública, Diego Rotela; de Desarrollo Humano y Gestión…
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