#Augusto Benedico
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'El ángel exterminador': La gran joya de Luis Buñuel
La Cineteca Nacional continua con su homenaje a Silvia Pinal y hoy es el turno de ‘El ángel exterminador’, otra de las grandes películas del cine mexicano, quizás la más recordada de Luis Buñuel y una de las grandes joyas en la carrera de Silvia Pinal. Reseña | ‘El ángel exterminador’ Estrenada en 1962, ‘El ángel exterminador’ es quizás la película más reconocida del director español Luis Buñuel…
#1962#Antonio Bravo#Augusto Benedico#Burguesía#Claudio Brook#Crítica#El Ángel exterminador#Enrique Rambal#Francisco Franco#Gabriel Figueroa#Jacqueline Andere#José Baviera#Luis Beristáin#Luis Buñuel#Salvador Dalí#Silvia Pinal#Surreal#Surrealismo#Suspenso#Terror#Viridiana
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Still de El ángel exterminador, película dirigida por Luis Buñuel, de cuyo elenco formaron parte los actores Silvia Pinal, Enrique Rambal, Jacqueline Andere, Augusto Benedico, Lucy Gallardo y Claudio Brook, México, 1962.
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Augusto Benedico and Bertha Moss in El Angel Exterminador (1962)
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The Exterminating Angel (Luis Buñuel, 1962)
Cast: Silvia Pinal, Enrique Rambal, Claudio Brook, José Baviera, Augusto Benedico, Antonio Bravo, Jacqueline Andere, César de Campo, Rosa Elena Durgel, Lucy Gallardo, Enrique García Álvarez. Ofelia Guilmáin, Nadia Haro Oliva, Tito Junco, Xavier Loyà, Xavier Massé, Ofelia Montesco, Luis Beristáin, Patricia Morán, Patricia de Morelos, Bertha Moss. Screenplay: Luis Buñuel, Luis Alcoriza. Cinematography: Gabriel Figueroa. Production design: Jesús Bracho. Film editing: Carlos Savage. Music: Raúl Lavista. The Exterminating Angel teeters occasionally on the brink of heavy-handed satire – the sheep entering the now-blocked church at the film’s end, for example – but somehow Luis Buñuel always recovers his balance. I think it’s because he knows that surrealism – the movement which gave him birth – must always be underpinned by a dutiful semi-documentary realism, that we must never be entirely sure whether the improbable characters we’re encountering and the unlikely events we’re witnessing are external to us or are products of our own unstable minds. Take the déjà vu effect near the beginning of the film, when we witness the guests arriving at the mansion of the Nobiles and ascending the staircase only to watch the same scene repeated almost immediately from a somewhat different angle. For a moment we wonder if the projectionist has put on the wrong reel or the film editor has forgotten to excise the repeated scene. Or perhaps we wonder if we dozed off for a second and missed something that would explain the repetition. But no, the director must be playing with us, we conclude. That, or we’re trapped in his own world, just as he is to trap the guests inside a room later, never bothering to provide an explanation of the force that keeps them there. It’s one of those tricks that can only work in the movies, where we, like the house guests, have gathered and found ourselves unable to escape. We can choose to escape from the experience The Exterminating Angel presents to us – nothing prevents us from leaving the theater or turning off the video – but we don’t. So there’s much to be said for the observation that the house guests are us, that Buñuel’s point is not just that the Spanish bourgeoisie of the Franco years were seething in their own corruption and inertia, but also that we are all trapped by something in our psyches and/or societies that limits and lames us.
EL ÁNGEL EXTERMINADOR (dir. Luis Buñuel, 1962)
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Quesito Rev. padre, da tempo mi tormenta il dubbio sulla vera entità della Vergine Maria, madre terrena di Gesù Cristo. Nei 4 vangeli ufficiali non ho trovato un solo passo nel quale Gesù la chiama Madre o Mamma ma, soltanto, Donna, come quando era in croce od appellativi poco rispettosi come nelle nozze di Cana, nelle fughe al Tempio, ecc… Come va interpretato tutto ciò, visto che la Madonna ci viene ormai detto che è l'ultima speranza per i peccatori davanti al giudizio ed all'ira divina? Grazie per l’eventuale risposta, molto importante per il sottoscritto e, forse, non solo per me! Risposta del sacerdote Carissimo, 1. per noi chiamare la propria mamma con l’appellativo donna è come porre delle distanze. È una parola che non evoca alcun affetto. 2. Ma non era così per gli antichi. Scrive il biblista Giuseppe Ricciotti: “Gesù dice: che c'è tra me e te, o donna? Non è ancora giunta la mia ora” (Gv 2,4). Gesù pronunciò queste parole in aramaico e secondo questa lingua vanno interpretate. In primo luogo, donna era un appellativo di rispetto, circa come l'appellativo (ma)donna del trecento italiano. Un figlio chiamava ordinariamente madre la donna che l'aveva generato, ma in circostanze particolari poteva chiamarla per maggior riverenza donna. E donna chiamerà nuovamente Gesù sua madre dall'alto della croce (Gv 19,26); ma anche prima, secondo un aneddoto rabbinico, un mendicante giudeo aveva chiamato donna la moglie del grande Hillel, come Augusto aveva chiamato donna Cleopatra" (Cassio Dione, LI,12), e così in altri casi” (G. Ricciotti, Vita di Gesù Cristo, § 283). 3. Secondo alcuni teologi questo modo particolare di Gesù di chiamare sua madre rimanda a colei che per prima è stata chiamata donna, vale a dire Eva. Eva infatti significa donna, come Adamo significa uomo. 4. Alle nozze di Cana Gesù aveva detto: “Non è ancora giunta la mia ora” (Gv 2,4). Ebbene, proprio queste parole ci indicano l'orizzonte da tenere presente per comprendere il motivo per cui Gesù chiami donna sua madre. In quel momento Gesù è il nuovo Adamo e Maria è la nuova Eva. Scrive Pier Carlo Landucci: “L’appellativo di eccezione (invece dell’ordinario: madre) con cui Gesù le risponde: "donna" che risuonerà un'altra volta dall'alto della croce nel momento supremo richiama appunto tali grandi orizzonti. Come l'antica Eva sospinse Adamo nel cammino della perdizione, così la nuova Eva sospinge in certo modo il nuovo Adamo nel cammino della redenzione. Nei tre supremi momenti, l'incarnazione, l'inizio della vita pubblica, la croce, è sempre Maria, la nuova Eva, che sta accanto a Gesù, novello Adamo, a lui congiunta nella salvifica azione” (Pier Carlo Landucci, Maria Santissima nel Vangelo, p. 234). 5. In questa linea si è espresso anche Giovanni Paolo II: “Con l'espressione: «Che ho da fare con te, o donna?», Gesù intende porre la cooperazione di Maria sul piano della salvezza che, impegnando la sua fede e la sua speranza, chiede il superamento del suo ruolo naturale di madre” (catechesi 26 febbraio 1997). Che l'augurio che la Madonna spinga Gesù ad esserti sempre propizio, ti benedico e ti ricordo nella preghiera. Padre Angelo
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Analysis of 'The Exterminating Angel'
The Exterminating Angel (El ángel exterminador) is a 1962 Mexican surrealist film written and directed by Luis Buñuel. It stars Silvia Pinal, who also starred in Buñuel’s Viridiana; other actors in the cast include Augusto Benedico, Claudio Brook, Lucy Gallardo, Xavier Loyá, and Enrique Rambal. The Exterminating Angel was on The New York Times 2004 list of “The Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made.” It…
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The Exterminating Angel
directed by Luis Buñuel, 1962
#The Exterminating Angel#El ángel exterminador#Luis Buñuel#movie mosaics#Silvia Pinal#Enrique García Álvarez#Jacqueline Andere#César del Campo#Nadia Haro Oliva#Ofelia Montesco#Patricia de Morelos#Augusto Benedico#Luis Beristáin#Enrique Rambal#Xavier Massé#Xavier Loyá#Ofelia Guilmáin#Claudio Brook#José Baviera#Bertha Moss#Lucy Gallardo#Tito Junco#Patricia Morán#Antonio Bravo#Rosa Elena Durgel
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El ángel exterminador (1962)
#el ángel exterminador#el angel exterminador#the exterminating angel#dr. carlos conde#augusto benedico#luis buñuel#gifs: londonjets#gif warning#movieedit#filmedit#60s movies#horroredit#horror movies#i mean ehhh on the genre#but surrealist satirical drama edit doesn't work as well#i love claustrophobic films#fyeahmotionpictures#fyeahmovies
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#letterboxd#film#watched#the exterminating angel#luis buñuel#silvia pinal#jacqueline andere#jose baviera#augusto benedico#claudio brook
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El Ángel Exterminador (1962).
Edmundo Nóbile y su esposa Lucía son los anfitriones de una muy formal cena. Inexplicablemente, sus empleados tienen bastante prisa por irse, mientras que los invitados parecen tener muchas ganas de quedarse. Luego de la cena, todos pasan hasta uno de los salones de estar que hay en la mansión. Da la medianoche, la 1, las 2, las tres de la madrugada y nadie se va. Los invitados se quedan a dormir. Al día siguiente, se les ofrece café antes de irse; todos lo aceptan, pero siguen sin moverse. El grupo está metido en esa sala sin poder salir, sin explicación alguna. Pasan días, semanas y nadie sabe por qué no pueden salir de la mansión.
Hasta el día de hoy no sé por qué cresta nadie se iba. Sólo sé que no es una película para ver en cuarentena.
#1962#'60#Cine mexicano#Surrealismo#Luis Buñuel#Silvia Pinal#Jacqueline Andere#José Baviera#Augusto Benedico#Luis Beristáin#Claudio Brook#César del Campo#Rosa Elena Durgel#Lucy Gallardo#Ofelia Guilmáin#Nadia Haro Oliva
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1962: El ángel exterminador - Dir. Luis Buñuel
#El ángel exterminador#Luis Buñuel#Silvia Pinal#Enrique Rambal#Claudio Brook#José Baviera#Augusto Benedico#Luis Beristáin#Antonio Bravo#Jacqueline Andere#César del Campo#Rosa Elena Durgel#Lucy Gallardo#Enrique García Álvarez#Ofelia Gulmáin#Nadia Haro Oliva#Tito Junco#Xavier Loyá#Xavier Massé#Rita Macedo#Gabriel Figueroa#cine mexicano
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Silvia Pinal and Augusto Benedico in The Exterminating Angel (1962)
Direction: Luis Buñuel
Costumes: Georgette Somohano
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The Exterminating Angel (Luis Buñuel, 1962)
Cast: Silvia Pinal, Enrique Rambal, Claudio Brook, José Baviera, Augusto Benedico, Antonio Bravo, Jacqueline Andere, César de Campo, Rosa Elena Durgel, Lucy Gallardo, Enrique García Álvarez. Ofelia Guilmáin, Nadia Haro Oliva, Tito Junco, Xavier Loyà, Xavier Massé, Ofelia Montesco, Luis Beristáin, Patricia Morán, Patricia de Morelos, Bertha Moss. Screenplay: Luis Buñuel, Luis Alcoriza. Cinematography: Gabriel Figueroa. Production design: Jesús Bracho. Film editing: Carlos Savage. Music: Raúl Lavista. The Exterminating Angel teeters occasionally on the brink of heavy-handed satire -- the sheep entering the now-blocked church at the film's end, for example -- but somehow Luis Buñuel always recovers his balance. I think it's because he knows that surrealism -- the movement which gave him birth -- must always be underpinned by a dutiful semi-documentary realism, that we must never be entirely sure whether the improbable characters we're encountering and the unlikely events we're witnessing are external to us or are products of our own unstable minds. Take the déjà vu effect near the beginning of the film, when we witness the guests arriving at the mansion of the Nobiles and ascending the staircase only to watch the same scene repeated almost immediately from a somewhat different angle. For a moment we wonder if the projectionist has put on the wrong reel or the film editor has forgotten to excise the repeated scene. Or perhaps we wonder if we dozed off for a second and missed something that would explain the repetition. But no, the director must be playing with us, we conclude. That, or we're trapped in his own world, just as he is to trap the guests inside a room later, never bothering to provide an explanation of the force that keeps them there. It's one of those tricks that can only work in the movies, where we, like the house guests, have gathered and found themselves unable to escape. We can choose to escape from the experience The Exterminating Angel presents to us -- nothing prevents us from leaving the theater or turning off the video -- but we don't. So there's much to be said for the observation that the house guests are us, that Buñuel's point is not just that the Spanish bourgeoisie of the Franco years were seething in their own corruption and inertia, but also that we are all trapped by something in our psyches and/or societies that limits and lames us.
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“L'Ange Exterminateur” de Luis Buñuel (1962) avec Silvia Pinal, Enrique Rambal, Claudio Brook, José Baviera, Augusto Benedico, Luis Beristáin, Antonio Bravo et Jacqueline Andere, octobre 2021.
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Airport (1970) de George Seaton avec Burt Lancaster, Dean Martin, Jean Seberg, Jacqueline Bisset, George Kennedy, Helen Hayes et Van Heflin
L'Homme qui murmurait à l'oreille des chevaux (The Horse Whisperer) (1998) de Robert Redford avec Scarlett Johansson, Robert Redford, Kristin Scott Thomas, Sam Neill et Dianne Wiest
Boulevard du crépuscule (Sunset Boulevard) de Billy Wilder avec William Holden, Gloria Swanson, Erich von Stroheim, Nancy Olson, Fred Clark et Lloyd Gough
Écrit sur du vent (Written on the Wind) (1956) de Douglas Sirk avec Rock Hudson, Lauren Bacall, Robert Stack, Dorothy Malone, Robert Keith et Grant Williams
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (1949) de Busby Berkeley avec Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra, Esther Williams, Betty Garrett et Edward Arnold
Les Tontons flingueurs (1963) de Georges Lautner avec Lino Ventura, Bernard Blier, Jean Lefebvre, Francis Blanche, Venantino Venantini, Robert Dalban, Sabine Sinjen et Claude Rich
Un air de famille (1996) de Cédric Klapisch avec Jean-Pierre Bacri, Wladimir Yordanoff, Catherine Frot, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Claire Maurier et Agnès Jaoui
Le Rapace (1968) de José Giovanni avec Lino Ventura, Rosa Furman, Xavier Marc, Aurora Clavel, Augusto Benedico et Marco Antonio Arzate
Aimez-vous Brahms… (Goodbye Again) (1961) d'Anatole Litvak avec Ingrid Bergman, Anthony Perkins, Yves Montand, Jessie Royce Landis, Pierre Dux, Jackie Lane et Michèle Mercier
Par-dessus les moulins (La bella mugnaia) (1955) de Mario Camerini avec Vittorio De Sica, Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Paolo Stoppa et Yvonne Sanson
Y a-t-il enfin un pilote dans l'avion ? (Airplane II: The Sequel) (1983) de Ken Finkleman avec Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty, Lloyd Bridges, Chad Everett, William Shatner, Sonny Bono et Chuck Connors
Pouic-Pouic (1963) de Jean Girault avec Mireille Darc, Louis de Funès, Roger Dumas, Jacqueline Maillan, Christian Marin, Philippe Nicaud, Guy Tréjan et Daniel Ceccaldi
Papy fait de la résistance (1983) de Jean-Marie Poiré avec Christian Clavier, Michel Galabru, Roland Giraud, Gérard Jugnot, Martin Lamotte, Dominique Lavanant, Jacqueline Maillan, Jacques Villeret, Julien Guiomar et Jacques François
Votez McKay (The Candidate) (1972) de Michael Ritchie avec Robert Redford, Peter Boyle, Don Porter, Allen Garfield, Karen Carlson et Michael Lerner
American Graffiti (1973) de George Lucas avec Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard, Paul Le Mat, Charles Martin Smith, Candy Clark, Mackenzie Phillips, Cindy Williams, Wolfman Jack, Bo Hopkins et Harrison Ford
Duel (1972) de Steven Spielberg avec Dennis Weaver, Jacqueline Scott, Eddie Firestone, Lou Frizzell, Gene Dynarski, Lucille Benson et Tim Herbert
Le jour se lève (1939) de Marcel Carné avec Jean Gabin, Jules Berry, Jacqueline Laurent, Arletty, Arthur Devère, Jacques Baumer, Mady Berry et Bernard Blier
Le Grand Alibi (Stage Fright) (1950) d'Alfred Hitchcock avec Jane Wyman, Marlène Dietrich, Michael Wilding, Richard Todd, Alastair Sim et Sybil Thorndike
Capitaine sans peur (Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N.) (1951) de Raoul Walsh avec Gregory Peck, Virginia Mayo, Robert Beatty, James Robertson Justice, Denis O'Dea, Moultrie Kelsall et Stanley Baker
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) d'Edward Zwick avec Tom Cruise, Cobie Smulders, Danika Yarosh, Jessica Stroup, Aldis Hodge et Patrick Heusinger
Confidences sur l'oreiller (Pillow Talk) (1959) de Michael Gordon avec Rock Hudson, Doris Day, Tony Randall, Thelma Ritter, Nick Adams et Julia Meade
Fanfan la Tulipe (1952) de Christian-Jaque avec Gérard Philipe, Gina Lollobrigida, Noël Roquevert, Olivier Hussenot, Marcel Herrand, Geneviève Page et Sylvie Pelayo
Les Sentiments (2003) de Noémie Lvovsky avec Nathalie Baye, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Isabelle Carré, Melvil Poupaud, Agathe Bonitzer : Sonia et Virgile Grünberg
Moby Dick (1956) de John Huston avec Gregory Peck, Richard Basehart, Leo Genn, Orson Welles, Harry Andrews et James Robertson Justice
Tueurs de dames (The Ladykillers) (1955) de Alexander Mackendrick avec Katie Johnson, Alec Guinness, Cecil Parker, Herbert Lom, Peter Sellers et Danny Green
Kaamelott Livre IV, I
Tous les matins du monde : 1re partie - Tous les matins du monde : 2e partie - Raison et Sentiments - Les Tartes aux fraises - Le Dédale - Les Pisteurs - Le Traître - La Faute : 1re partie - La Faute : 2e partie - L’Ascension du Lion - Enluminures - Les nouveaux frères - La jupe de Calogrenant - La dent de requin
Friends Saison 3, 4, 5
Celui qui était laissé pour compte - Celui qui s'auto-hypnotisait - Celui qui avait un tee-shirt trop petit - Celui qui courait deux lièvres - Celui qui avait un poussin - Celui qui s'énervait - Celui qui avait un truc dans le dos - Celui qui voulait être ultime champion - Celui qui allait à la plage - Celui qui soignait les piqûres de méduses - Celui qui ne voyait qu'un chat - Celui qui avait des menottes - Celui qui apprenait à danser - Celui qui avait une nouvelle copine - Celui qui fréquentait une souillon - Celui qui poussait le bouchon - Celui qui était dans la caisse - Celui qui savait faire la fête - Celui qui draguait au large - Celui qui posait une question embarrassante - Celui qui gagnait les paris - Celui qui se gourait du tout au tout - Celui qui n'avait pas le moral - Celui qui jouait au rugby - Celui qui participait à une fête bidon - Celui qui avait la chaîne porno - Celui qui cherche un prénom - Celui qui faisait de grands projets - Celui qui va se marier - Celui qui envoie l'invitation - Celui qui était le pire témoin du monde - Celui qui se marie : première partie - Celui qui se marie : deuxième partie - Celui qui avait dit Rachel
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 1, 2, 3
Meurtres à Badger's Drift - Écrit dans le sang - Mort d'un pantin - Fidèle jusqu'à la mort - Le Masque de la mort - L'Ombre de la mort - Le Bois de l'étrangleur - Le Terrain de la mort - Et le sang coulera - Mort d'un vagabond - Angoisse dans la nuit - Le Jour du jugement - Le Mystère de la tombe
Coffre à catch
#96 : Bonne année + Kelly Kelly + LA SURPRISE ! - #97 : L'enclumette à la ECW !! - #98 : Kofi Kingston est-t-il invincible? - #99 : Avec le Big Show, c'est Mieux! - #100 : Avec Sturry, la ECW reste forte !
Columbo Saison 3
En toute amitié
Affaires Sensibles
Le bal tragique de Saint-Laurent-du-Pont - "Soleil Vert" : un mirage écologique à Hollywood - Le calvaire de Scorsese - L'aventure Canal Plus - Les dents de la mer - Redoine Faïd : le braqueur aux multiples visages - 4 août 1962, chute et mort de la femme éternelle - Los Angeles, les émeutes de 1992 : chronique d’un drame annoncé - O.J. Simpson, une histoire américaine - 17 avril 1961 : La baie des cochons - Lockerbie, 1988. La mort tombe du ciel
Doctor Who
Le Pouvoir du Docteur
L'Agence tous risques Saison 1
Les gladiateurs - Enlèvement à Las Vegas - Bagarre à Bad Rock - Racket - Bataille rangée - Et c'est reparti - Pour le meilleur et pour le pire
Le Voyageur Saison 2
Le roi nu - Au bout de la nuit
Concert du Nouvel An en direct du Musikverein, à Vienne (2023)
Le Mari, la Femme et la Mort (1970) d'André Roussin avec Bernard Blier, Jacqueline Gauthier, Denise Grey, Claude Nicot et Harry-Max
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Luis Buñuel's 'The Exterminating Angel': Eradicating the Rich and Religion [Horror En Español]
The film showcases extreme poverty and violence among children from ... of that time such as Claudio Brooks, Silvia Pinal, and Augusto Benedico.
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