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madeleineengland · 1 year ago
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Munich Residenz, Antiquarium Room, Germany.
This hall is the oldest room in the residence. Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria had it built from 1568 to 1571 for his collection of antique sculptures, hence the name "Antiquarium".
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gwriterhuman-blog · 7 months ago
Does anyone out there listen to the Antiquarium of Sinister Happenings podcast? If so, what do you make of the letters that start being spoken at the ends of the episodes round about lot 42?!?!?!
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lospeakerscorner · 7 months ago
Feriae Augusti al Parco Archeologico
Ferragosto al Parco Archeologico di Ercolano: i percorsi serali del Venerdì, visite al Padiglione della Barca e Antiquarium ERCOLANO | CITTÀ METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI – Il Parco Archeologico nel giorno di Ferragosto e per l’intero mese di agosto con orari estivi (8.30-19.30 ultimo ingresso ore 18) sarà regolarmente aperto. Dopo la recente inaugurazione dell’Antica Spiaggia del sito archeologico, i…
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podcastpeep · 7 months ago
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c4yp71d · 1 year ago
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ollieowo · 3 months ago
Who here on tumblr is also a antiquarium of sinister happenings fan? I’m subscribed to their patreon and I love the twilight zone vibes the anthology series gives.
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habibistamps · 1 year ago
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Misc Fandom stamps! You can use these anywhere on tumblr or elsewhere, but please credit me or my website wherever you post them!
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It took me listening all the way through to the end before I realised why the episode was called Shave and a Haircut....
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katsuko1978 · 1 year ago
Yeah, I think I have a genre here…
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storiearcheostorie · 3 months ago
Ventimiglia, inaugurato il nuovo allestimento dell'Antiquarium di Albintimilium: la città romana rivive e diventa interattiva
ARCHEOLOGIA | Ventimiglia, inaugurato il nuovo allestimento dell'Antiquarium di Albintimilium: la città romana rivive e diventa interattiva Oggi e domani visite guidate gratuite
Redazione È stato inaugurato il nuovo allestimento dell’Antiquarium, lo spazio espositivo dell’Area Archeologica di Nervia a Ventimiglia (Imperia). Il museo è stato protagonista di un importante e lungo restyling, finanziato con fondi PNRR, M1 C3, Investimento 1.2 (destinato alla rimozione delle barriere fisiche e cognitive in musei, biblioteche e archivi per consentire un più ampio accesso e…
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pier-carlo-universe · 4 months ago
Il reperto storico più antico ritrovato a Villa del Foro (Alessandria): tracce dell'età del ferro e della preistoria
Antiche testimonianze della città e del territorio circostante
Antiche testimonianze della città e del territorio circostante Il reperto storico più antico ritrovato nel territorio di Alessandria risale al VI millennio a.C., appartenente alla fase neolitica. Questi ritrovamenti testimoniano le prime forme di popolamento umano nella zona, e sono stati rinvenuti nell’area di Villa del Foro, a pochi chilometri dal centro della città. La frazione, conosciuta…
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ichorspills · 1 year ago
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lmao here's my weirds :')
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the-real-comically-insane · 8 months ago
Not October but it’s spooky summer for me and my personal Recs to add to this (as I listen to and adore all of these) are:
The antiquarium of sinister happenings
The edge of sleep
The scp foundation data base
Lighthouse horror podcast
Otis jireys scary stories to tell in the dark
Tower 4
The storage papers
I’ll make a master post of my favorite podcasts as I listen to more and more as I am now an audio drama addict now
October podcast suggestions
Old Gods of Appalachia
The Magnus Archives
Mayfair Watchers Society
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lospeakerscorner · 1 year ago
Il bello e il lusso di Hercvlaneum
Dalla Villa dei Papiri alla casa sulla bottega: il bello e il lusso tra desiderio e realtà.  All’Antiquarium nuovi reperti presentati al pubblico ERCOLANO | CITTÀ METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI – Da qualche anno il Parco Archeologico di ha lanciato una sperimentazione per rendere più ricca e completa l’esperienza di visita nella prospettiva di un nuovo museo di sito. Dal prossimo 30 ottobre – a partire…
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podcastpeep · 9 months ago
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city-of-ladies · 7 months ago
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"Here’s what we know about Julia Felix: she lived in Pompeii from at least 62 CE. She was possibly illegitimate but was definitely not a member of the social and cultural elite. She worked for a living setting up and running a very interesting business and, by 79 CE, she had planned to shift her focus from managing a business to owning property. We know all these things because twentieth-century excavations at her business uncovered an advert, carved in stone and attached to the external wall of her huge building. It reads:
"To rent for the period of five years from the thirteenth day of next August to the thirteenth day of the sixth August, the Venus Bath fitted for the nogentium, shops with living quarters over the shops, apartments on the second floor located in the building of Julia Felix, daughter of Spurius. At the end of five years, the agreement is terminated."
This find illuminated the building it was attached to, bringing what otherwise looked like a very large anonymous domestic house into dazzling focus. With this description of the purpose of each room written by the owner herself, archaeologists and historians could see the site through a whole new lens and they realised that they had discovered a Roman entertainment space for the working middle classes. It is, so far, a completely unique find and it is magnificent. It offers us, as modern viewers, two amazing things: a little glimpse into the lives of the commercial classes of the Roman Empire who are so often completely and utterly invisible, and a brutal reminder that so much of what we ‘know’ about Roman women in the Roman world comes from rules concerning only the most elite.
We’ll do that second part first, because it’s the least fun. Roman written and legal sources are pretty universal in their agreement that although women could own property, they could not control it; they had no legal rights, could not make contracts and were to be treated as minors by the legal system for their entire lives. In order to buy or sell property women required a male guardian to oversee and sign off on any transactions. This is a basic truism of women in the Roman Empire, repeated ad nauseum by sources both ancient and modern including me, and it is undermined by Julia Felix’s rental notice. 
The rental ad makes it pretty clear that Julia Felix is the owner-operator of a business complex including public baths, shops and apartments (there’s more too, as we’ll see), and she doesn’t seem to require anyone else to help her rent it out. She names her father – sort of; ‘Spurius’ might just mean that she is illegitimate – but this is effectively a surname, a personal identifier to differentiate her from other Julia Felixes in the area. It doesn’t mean her father was involved. Furthermore, the use of her father’s name as an identifier suggests that Julia didn’t have a husband and was either unmarried or widowed in 79 CE. The strong implication of her advert is that Julia Felix was an independent lady, a honey making money and a momma profiting dollars who could truthfully throw her hands up to Destiny’s Child.
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We will never know if Julia escaped the flames and choking ash of 79 CE, fleeing as it swallowed her business and her home, but one discovery, made on 28 January 1952, suggests that she didn’t. The archaeologists, led by Amedeo Maiuri, uncovered on that day the skeleton of a woman who had fallen while running across the garden during the disaster. It’s clear this fallen woman was well off, because she was wearing a lot of gold jewellery. She carried four gold half-hoop earrings and wore four gold rings. Two of these rings were particularly expensive; both contained a red carnelian gem, one carved with a figure of Mercury, the other with an eagle. Around her neck she wore a necklace of gold filigree, dotted with ten pearls and hung with a green pendant. Someone stole both the necklace and earrings from the Pompeii Antiquarium in 1975 and no one, somehow, had ever bothered to photograph them so all we have are descriptions but the rings that survive are fine and expensive. The woman who wore them – was wearing them when she died – had real money to buy these objects and the woman who wore them did'nt leave Pompei in time.
 Moreover, when she was found it was clear that at the moment of her death she was heading not towards the street or towards safety, but towards the shrine to Isis in the garden where all the most valuable possessions were kept. The valuable possessions that Julia Felix grafted for and maybe couldn’t bear to leave behind. There’s no way to tell whether this skeleton is Julia Felix, whether these bones once stood and looked at the plots of land Julia bought and made plans, or whether they belong to a looter or a chancer or someone just caught out. But it’s nice to pretend that Julia Felix, who shaped the city’s roads around her dream and offered respite and luxury to workers and made a tonne of money doing it, died and was buried with the place that still bears her name."
A Rome of One's Own: The Forgotten Women of the Roman Empire, Emma Southon
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