#anti narusasunaru
Naruto re-read XXVII
Chapters covered: 218 - 226 Twentyfifth Volume of the manga
Site used: https://manga4life.com/manga/Naruto (VIZ translation of the manga)
Disclaimer: This is intended as a list and simple observations of the topics that particularly interested me in the aforementioned chapters, in that sense, do not expect a linear -or totally deep- analysis.
Tumblr’s update doesn’t allow me to attach more than 10 pictures, therefore, all of them will be LINKED. Apologies.
319) “This time is you, huh?” (x). Sasuke’s question is linked directly to Sakura’s attempt to stop him, which Naruto associates with on his own; furthermore, the more he remembers Sakura’s distress the more upset he gets (x, x), as he remembers their most significant times together. Finally, he remembers Sasuke’s words regarding not wanting to let his precious comrades die (x), which solidifies Naruto’s idea that they all share an emotional bond between them, which Sasuke is willingly leaving behind (x).
320) “Chöji, Neji, Kiba, Shikamaru, and bushy brows… they risked their lives for you…” (x) This is, technically, incorrect, and I’ll allow myself to quote a phrase from a future post I’ll be posting shortly:
Once Sasuke leaves Konoha, he’s “followed” by Shikamaru and his newly formed squad (you can see an analysis about sexism here), and in chapter 202, we find this phrase uttered by the leader: “I should place more value on the lives of my teammates instead of the person abducted by the enemy (...) besides abandoning a teammate to protect yourself? There’s no one in my squad like that.” (x, x). However, Shikamaru is lying, both to himself and Tayuya. Sasuke wasn’t abducted, he left of his own volition (x). Shikamaru isn’t risking his life to save a kidnapped comrade, he’s risking his life so Orochimaru wouldn’t have the last Uchiha descendent by his side, which is proved by the way Tsunade references Sasuke’s deflection and Orochimaru’s “attempt to have the power of the Uchiha” (here); he’s protecting more Konoha’s possession of the last Sharingan user than Sasuke himself. 
Sure, he does have a sense of duty in lieu of Sasuke being a comrade and it wouldn’t be weird for them to think that Sasuke was forced into accepting Orochimaru’s help as Tsunade is incapable of replying to Shikamaru’s question (she isn’t even sure of the answer as nor Kakashi or Jiraiya spoke to her about their suspicions); yet what interests us here is the weight that surrounds the use of the word “save” as it’s likely more for the children’s benefit to put them under a “savior” mindset in order to build their sense of duty and the imperative necessity of bringing Sasuke back; as it’s also likely that they gave sense to Sasuke’s escape by attributing it to kidnapping since they cannot conceive one of them deflecting. Here, the savior complex shifts, as we learn that it isn’t an individualistic ethos that it’s solely linked to Naruto’s character due to his background (it’s simply far more visible in his case), but it’s a learned mindset (un)consciously taught to ensure loyalty and obedience (“I’m not the bad guy, I’m saving you”; “this if for your own good!”; etc); it’s not really different to how real-life soldiers are told to perceive themselves.
321) “Does Konoha mean nothing to you?!” (x)
Peak perfection in the sense of the nationalistic mindset Naruto has been constructing during the whole first portion of the manga, here, Naruto’s sparkles of revolutionary interests are crushed –and I mean, they were never bright to begin with. He never questioned Konoha’s importance but rather Konoha’s structure when it presented challenges or preconceptions of his nature as Jinchuuriki that he needed to overcome or modify, as they did in Wave where he refused to become “just” a tool like Haku was (x), as a tool doesn’t need nor deserves recognition; which he craves. Here, the nationalistic mindset of Kakashi (which I’ll be posting soon I swear), gets reflected upon the student, as Naruto internalized the Will of Fire and exposes it (and rather clearly) here: He’s thinking of Sasuke abandoning him and Team 7, which is the primary fuel in his quest and hurt, he barely mentions the team that Shikamaru gathered (per Tsunade’s orders) to bring him back; these are individuals that put their life on the line to “rescue” him, yet Sasuke cares not. Naruto’s words are not a coincidence, he never states that they’re Sasuke’s friends (they aren’t, they never interacted in a significant way), the only thing they have in common is their village of origin and loyalty. For Naruto, that’s enough for a bond, for Sasuke, it isn’t.
Sasuke himself put no one in danger, as he fought nor hurt anyone, it was Tsunade who sent inexperienced gënin to search Sasuke in order not to give Orochimaru the “Uchiha’s power”, Sasuke deflecting put no one in any immediate danger as he was, at most, to be killed and possessed by Orochimaru (which, alright, can be argued his body might have been used to destroy Konoha later on –despite Orochimaru being quite capable of doing so prior to having Sasuke’s body as well, so him having or not Sasuke isn’t detrimental for possible retaliation from the Sannin) which, as he states, isn’t important (x).
322) Contrary to what people think of me, I do believe that this specific claim: “You think I’m just gonna let you go?!” which is the culmination of Naruto’s speech about how Orochimaru will grant him power in exchange for his life (x) is understandable as Naruto is both hurt by Sasuke abandoning them and scared for his friend’s life (Sasuke is even leaving despite being aware that he’ll be likely killed, which is quite worse as not only Naruto feels pain in lieu of his only friend escaping, but also him leaving to certain death). Naruto’s primary knowledge about Sasuke’s goal (killing Itachi) is that he’s willing to die for it (x) that, in regards to Naruto’s own goal, it’s unfathomable –as death is not one of the lengths Naruto is prepared to go through in order to get the acknowledgment he seeks. Furthermore, Sasuke’s death will automatically jeopardize his own objective, as Sasuke’s recognition is the one Naruto craves the most (here and here Naruto remembers Sasuke denying Naruto the equal status he wants, and Sasuke once again refuses: “Who cares what you want?”). Naruto, however, fails to understand Sasuke’s reasoning, and in doing so -at least by the end of this specific volume, he fails also to ask Sasuke if he can help him to achieve his goal (x), as he’s solely focusing on Sasuke’s current actions (leaving to go to Orochimaru) rather than Sasuke’s true ambition (becoming stronger to defeat Itachi).
323) I’ve spoken about Sasuke’s reasons for deflecting a little bit before, but here’s the gist of it: one and two. Not only do we get insight into how Sasuke considers Konoha’s shinobi to be weak, as Orochimaru (like Naruto states) killed their supposedly most powerful one, but also he found that he acknowledges that his strength dwelled as he formed bonds with those inside Team 7; and since once “accepting” Orochimaru’s seal (in the sense of exploiting its benefits as the Sound Four and not denying it as Anko did, since that seal was forced upon him) he became far stronger than before, being able to punch Naruto quite easily, his decisions get cemented (x).
Jiraiya stands there with a disappointed look, yet neither Kakashi nor he reprimands Naruto as Kakashi reprimanded Sasuke. Naruto’s desire is, first and foremost, to be recognized by Sasuke -which is the reason why he chases him; while Sasuke doesn’t allow himself to recognize Naruto, as in doing so he’ll acknowledge his (self-perceived) failure. What Kakashi doesn’t know -but we do, is that the core of Sasuke’s questioning doesn’t come just from Naruto’s growth, but rather the perception of him being left behind after becoming “too soft”. This is: he was just fine during the first stages of Team 7, excelling in every field, but after his sacrifice to save Naruto back in Wave Arc -and his growing feelings towards his comrades, he started “halting” in his growth, which is why he believes that Itachi’s dogma is correct.
“My dream isn’t in the future, my dream is rooted only in the past.” (x) –and since his dream has nothing to do with his future, he doesn’t care what happens to him after his goal is reached. Since Naruto’s whole dreams rely on him becoming Hokage (future), he can’t die. Here, we have the same dichotomy once again: Future bonds vs. Past bonds – Naruto vs. Sasuke.
Chapter 220 is called “Brothers”, a total of five entire chapters are dedicated to Sasuke and Itachi’s bond and their respective relationships with their father –this holds immense weight in the narrative as it’s made to throw light on which bonds and past Sasuke is choosing above Team 7.
324) Precious small baby (x)
325) “Our ancestors organized and founded the police force.” (x). Either Itachi is lying, or they taught a different story from what actually happened, as it’s canonically mentioned that it was Tobirama who founded the police force and gave it to the Uchiha clan. Furthermore, Sasuke’s first dream was to join the Police Force and be like his father (x) –I personally detest the fandom that paints Fugaku as abusive and evil towards Sasuke as if Sasuke didn’t love him and wanted to get his praise, he loved Itachi, he also admired him, yes; but Sasuke wanted to be like Fugaku, he wanted his father’s recognition (x, x).
I understand why Fugaku not attending Sasuke’s Entrance Ceremony to the Academy is seen as cruel (I mean, to me is far crueler to send twelve-year-olds into war-like scenarios, but who am I to judge?), yet Fugaku isn’t only Sasuke’s father, but also the clan’s leader (x), and since the clan decided the coup already, he had to move in concordance with the people’s wish. Furthermore, if the coup is envisioned enough to put Itachi inside ANBU, then why would Fugaku care for Konoha’s bureaucratic structure (the Academy included) if he deemed all of it to be constructed under a mindset he considered oppressive? (even Mikoto spell this for you lot)
Sasuke is constantly compared to his brother (x), who is deemed a gifted child (x). So much so, that he trains all day until night (x) –he’s naturally gifted, I won’t lie, but he trained hard to achieve praise.
326) Shisui was the best at teleportation (x).
327) It’s hilarious how Itachi accuses the Uchiha of being narcissistic and arrogant when they cling to their clan instead of their nation (and this is a direct continuation of his speech to Sasuke when he said that the strongest are isolated and become arrogant), yet he’s performing the exact same thing, as he too is narcissistic (as he thinks he’s not only physically superior but also smarter as he was able to “free himself from the clan’s chains”) and arrogant, he states that the clan “fears what they don’t understand” as if the bureaucratic system for which they’re considering uprising is not making it apparent their distrust and distaste for Uchiha since the village’s foundation. 
And while this might be an act in order to sell the idea that he became “power hungry” for Sasuke later on (x), it’s never canonically mentioned as such –furthermore, this could’ve been taken as an admission of betrayal (x) while at the same time, is pure idiocy: “Obsessing over wordless things like a clan (…) you can’t achieve real change as long as you’re bound by regulations and restrictions”, he claims, yet he’s bound to Konoha’s regulations and restrictions. If this is Itachi trying to be “smarter” than his peers, then he failed miserably, furthermore, is beyond stupid as he’s contradicting the dogma he actually upholds; one can easily use this same argument to defend their clan rather than Konoha for, as we saw previously (point 321), the only connection Sasuke has with most members of Shikamaru’s squad is that all of them are from Konoha, so why this bunch matters and why Uchiha’s do not?
WoF relies on the notion that their soldiers are expected to die for someone or something they don’t know or don’t especially care for under the premise that they were born and/or inhabit the same geographical space, yet that same mindset (albeit with minor tweaks) when used by a clan is frowned upon (CoH) –as dying in lieu of those born inside the confinements of your family or in lieu of obtaining something that’ll benefit your clan isn’t viewed as positively, somehow. 
What are the parameters to establish one is inherently good and the other one inherently bad? Uchiha detractors keep saying that Uchiha were jeopardizing Konoha’s stability and threatening “innocent lives” yet I can’t imagine something that will put it in such a grand-scale problem as their most powerful clan vanishing from one day to the next, innocent children amongst them. Furthermore, those same people that were killed were the ones that controlled and “monopolized” the Police Force, so not only Konoha had to deal with potential invaders that might consider not having to fight the Sharingan enticing enough to strike (yet somehow didn’t, hilarious, the threat of invasion is always present yet never materializes), but also internal struggles, as there still are, apparently, shinobi that commit crimes (which Itachi claims were so important they put an entire clan to survey them yet the moment Uchiha disappear so does vandalism who would have thought?).
“Those inconsistencies are Kishimoto’s fault!”
No. They’re not, I’m not as good to explain so I shall use @persephone-falling-into-darkness's post in order to convey why the issue isn’t as much Kishimoto’s writing but rather the system on which it is based:
WoF entails bearing hardship through cooperation, right to the bloody end, and quite idiosyncratically for the sake of the village at that. As Hashirama lightly puts it, shinobi are just people who endure to reach an end goal.
This new dogma is based on fascist gnosis and is meant to be syncretistic by definition. In this sense, "Syncretism" isn't to be interpreted as the mere combination of different forms of beliefs or practices; such a combination must tolerate contradictions.
Every Konoha shinobi blessed with the Will of Fire must love, believe, treasure, obey and battle to safeguard the village, as prior generations had done before them. The entire village must be perceived as one, like an extended family that transcends blood and clan…
All these catchphrasey axioms do contain a germ of wisdom, but when they clash with the other facets that permeate Konoha's ideology, producing oxymoronicity, it's only because they all allude, allegorically, to some primitive truth.
It doesn't matter that Leaf's horrific expansionist endeavours sacrifice countless children in the process, despite Tobirama's fervent emphasis on how striplings must be adamantly protected as they're destined to be the successors of WoF, because fascism incorporates incongruous and conflicting edicts by definition!
As a consequence, there can be no advancement nor development in the village's testament. The truth has already been announced once and for all, and shinobi can only continue to interpret its obscure message: with an impoverished vocabulary and limited instruments for complex and critical reasoning, shinobi can never challenge the status quo. There is only one acceptable language, and it's rooted in reverence of the village.
328) In every chapter around Sasuke’s bonds with his family (Itachi, Fugaku, and the clan) there’s a Crescent Moon (symbol of Indra - the Uchiha) x, x, x. Itachi (embracing WoF) killed his clan during a full moon (symbol of Ashura and the Will of Fire) -@fucktobirama made a post about it, I link it here.
329) Didn’t that Itachi Shinden, that awfully written thing say that Fugaku had the Mangekyou? Well, he doesn’t, here.
330) This motherfucker showed a child the death of hundreds (their parents amongst them) and people still use him as a moral parameter, you’re all insane. (x)
Fuck him (x)
331) Can you imagine what would’ve happened if Sasuke actually followed through with this? Even if that child wasn’t, you know, the nine tails jinchuuriki, Sasuke would’ve committed treason still. Why would he say this? Why wouldn’t he challenge Sasuke and go? Why did he have to add this stupid phrase if it put Sasuke in a similar type of danger to the one he was “trying” to get him away from? If he wanted Sasuke to obtain the MS… why did he lie? He knew he didn’t obtain the MS as he claimed he did, so why would he freaking do that? And I mean, Sasuke just saw you massacre his clan, your point about being “bad” and going “crazy” got across just fine already, you don’t have to lie to your brother thinking that he might do the opposite because there’s a fifty-fifty chance he’ll do as you say you stupid fuck! (x, x)
332) Sasuke had to wash his parent’s blood from the floor (x).
333) “In the Nanako shrine’s main hall… under the seventh Tatami mat from the far right, there’s a clan meeting place. There’s a reason why Uchiha have ocular jutsu… the truth is written there.” (x) Itachi is referring to the stone found by Madara (and manipulated by Zetsu, who changed its original meaning).
334) Children, that are shown to have no specific clan, know about the massacre and Sasuke being the only survivor (x); which means that Team 7 in itself (perhaps not Naruto, as he has no way to learn this information unless he hears it from someone else on accident) know about Sasuke being an orphan.
(previous post) - (next post)
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ilbenmalpensanteus · 1 year
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I can’t.
Sas talking with neutral pronouns about the general shitty situation, hinting that without Naruto they can’t win
Naruto using the first person like: “fuck the world, without you I am lost, teme”
Aaaaah this boy is so in love
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0ynes · 10 months
Kishimoto having both Hashirama and Naruto only get married when Madara and Sasuke leave Konoha makes me giggle. We get it, both Hashirama and Naruto were heart broken and settled with women, because they couldn't run from heteronormativity and their one and only left.
The way Mito doesn't show up at all in Hashirama and Madara's backstory. It's not Kishi hate for woman, she just doesn't matter lmaooo. And don't get me started on The Last and the need to make a whole movie to justify naruhina, after Naruto left her on read when she said she loves him.
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shiningstars-world · 8 months
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Sasuke is in love 💓
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mixu · 1 year
Naruto & Sasuke's love story
@ilbenmalpensanteus I couldn't get this out of my mind, so here we are. 😅
Children, if you have never heard of the Honest Trailers (I feel really old rn), this edit was inspired by Screen Junkies videos on the twilight series. Go get a laugh.
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leuces · 4 years
people rlly be like “naruto could’ve gotten with a hundred different guys like gaara, shikamaru, kiba, itachi, etc, but he stayed loyal to sasuke and always chased after him!”  like my dude, naruto chasing after sasuke isn’t really a good thing.  sasuke repeatedly told him to stop, yet naruto kept doing it anyway.  that’s not really okay.
i’m not trying to say that sasuke never hurt naruto, but sasuke never went out of his way to do so, instead he only attacked when provoked.  like there’s literally problematic aspects of their relationship, and you can’t really ignore them (or worse, focus on only sasuke hurting naruto and naruto being the victim/uwu sunshine baby, or vice versa).
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whateverthought · 5 years
Real Talk, SasuSaku and SasuNaru/NaruSasu are the same.
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desi-pluto · 6 years
There are those specific Sasuke fans who needlessly wank Naruto for being the best thing that ever happened for Sasuke, while needlessly bash Sakura for simply loving him and completely nerf her abilities. Sexist much? I'm not surprised that most of these fans are female.
@unassailablewizard Am I right?
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uzukage-naruto · 3 years
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
Heyyy Thank you for taking the time to read my Ask.
I really want to hear your perspective on this.
One perspective i heard dozens of times before. Is Sasuke was incapable of accepting love because of the curse mark and everything afterwards. That's why he rejected Sakura. He came to his senses after Naruto saved him. He then was able to accept his feelings for Sakura. he always had a crush on Sakura but didn't know he did until she hugged him or he always liked her but was repressing it to focus on his goals but still had the time to be playing around with a 'loser' boy?
Have you heard this perspective or something similar?.
But if this is case, why didn't Sasuke interact with Sakura prior to or during being on the same team. Didn't 5 year old (i think) Sasuke spy on Naruto. And even when they were all on the same team... Sasuke was running around the village to find where Naruto was just to do what exactly...look at him..worry about him??? I even remember in an episode, the only time he knocked on Sakura's door was to say Where's Naruto. He didn't even say hi or anything then ran off. (He's too goal oriented too distracted to pursue Sakura but wasn't too busy to pursue Naruto?)
If he was too goal oriented to be romantic with Sakura...why did he have time to mess around with Naruto and his antics??? Why waste his time with 'loser'Naruto? And if he was looking for a sparing buddy to become stronger why not take on a gifted ninja why Naruto and he's barely passing ninja school.
So if he liked her prior to the cursemark and the cursemark changed him why was he only obsessed with Naruto prior? Shouldn't we of seen him admiring her or at the very least trying to spend time with her. Or if not ignoring both of them because he's busy with his killing Itachi goal?
Also Naruto and Sasuke had an ongoing friendship/rivalry/ or whatever that was. Sasuke said Naruto was always pulling pranks on him in the manga even before becoming a team. And even after the pranks instead of avoiding him he would go look for him???(But wait isn't he too busy with his Itachi goal)So clearly they were bestfriends at the very least. It Seems very consensual from both parties..not just Naruto being a bully.
And even when Sakura hugged him to calm him. He responded with don't tell Naruto because he doesn't want to worry him. If they hated each other why would he think Naruto would be worried? And why would he care not to worry Naruto? And why at this time, alone with the love of his life,talk about Naruto's feelings and not his feelings for her?
Also regardless of whether a straight man is goal oriented or not... No matter how distracted they are still gonna find women attractive. Sexuality doesn't just disappear and reappear because he's an "avenger". And women would just throw themselves at him all the time and not even a smile from him and he would fling them off /shoot them a deathglare. But one thing is always consistent with his character is him running around smiling at Naruto and desiring to be in close proximity to Naruto.
And it was really interesting how in the forest of death he knew that that Naruto was a fake without hesitation because he didn't have a faint cut on his cheek and other details. How did he notice that? Did he study the details in Naruto's features ? Isn't that the definition of admiring someone?
He didn't have time for Sakura but despite everything he always had time for Naruto. This is true even as Sasuke is an adult now. And It doesn't make sense.
And even outside Orochimaru's he lunges at Naruto for an embrace. Why not kill from a far much easier. Why not embrace Sakura then go after Naruto? Then he leave without moving his eyes off Naruto? He doesn't have to time to acknowledge Sakura but got time for that ?
Also feel like if his feelings were strong for Sakura shouldn't she have been his aim to get Mangekyou sharingan not Naruto??
Anon, You asked a Question.... But you gave a wonderful answer by yourself better than I ever will be and I don't know what to add here. Your Interrogative answers were so nice to read. ***Chef's Kiss***
Sasuke was incapable of accepting love because of the curse mark and everything afterwards. That's why he rejected Sakura. He came to his senses after Naruto saved him. He then was able to accept his feelings for Sakura. he always had a crush on Sakura but didn't know he did until she hugged him or he always liked her but was repressing it to focus on his goals
It's no more of a perspective, Anon.... This is the USP of SS ship.
Because according to their logic... Sasuke got his cursed seal in what? 49th Chapter!!!! So, if they take 'Cursed Seal' as the reason for their Ship getting negative moments... then, Shouldn't they ignore all the SS moments that happened after 49th Chapter and take only what happened from Chapter 699 onwards????
I remember I made a post about positive SS moments and I listed 5 panels. All of them comes between Chapter 49 and 699... Forest of the Death Back hug, Catching Sakura from Gaara's sand, Saying 'Thank You' in Part 1, their supposed 'Eye-Smex'.... (???)... Will they be generous enough to take away all those scenes and accept that 'It's not SS Moments because Sasuke was in Darkness' ???
Sasuke's Cursed Seal was kind of uncontrollable only at the beginning... namely, in the Forest of the Death. And after that, he got a better grasp at it and able to control it to certain extent... atleast by VoTE1 battle itself.
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This is Sasuke at Cursed Seal - Level 2. Much more advanced than what he had in Forest of the Death. But Look at Sasuke's painful face.
How could he pull this kind of face only for Naruto but not for Sakura????
Especially, Canonically we have this fact established in our faces...
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Here Suigetsu was wondering whether Sasuke will change into such monstrous form???? And as it happens, Sasuke did change into that form moments later.
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"I have to admit, you're something to be able to achieve a 'A Partial Change'... You are good at controlling the 'Cursed Seal'"
Jugo is the source of that Cursed seal and he, himself was acknowledging the fact that Sasuke was adept at controlling that power.
So, despite having the Cursed Seal, that never clouded Sasuke's rationality or Judgement at any point. And that's why he couldn't able to bring himself to kill Naruto in VoTE1. SS peeps' theory don't even make sense in as early as 233rd chapter itself.
Also regardless of whether a straight man is goal oriented or not... No matter how distracted they are still gonna find women attractive. Sexuality doesn't just disappear and reappear because he's an "Avenger". And women would just throw themselves at him all the time and not even a smile from him and he would fling them off /shoot them a Death glare. But one thing is always consistent with his character is him running around smiling at Naruto and desiring to be in close proximity to Naruto.
***Sending you Hugs****
This is very true, Anon. They always pull this card that Trauma will make you incapable of feeling such things... While I agree with that view to certain extent.... My whole point is that Sasuke was not that much traumatized to not feel any basic emotions... I mean, he never became emotionally numb like Sai did.... Sasuke was still Sasuke.
No matter how much a person is Goal Oriented.... They still need a little bit of Warmth to keep going. I repeat, I am saying Warmth... It means just finding Comfort. And Sasuke didn't have to be a Fuckboy to show that he is a Straight person... But atleast he could've thrown a genuine smile at Sakura by looking at her.
Whereas he didn't mind doing all that with Naruto.
He didn't have time for Sakura but despite everything he always had time for Naruto. This is true even as Sasuke is an adult now. And It doesn't make sense.
It will never make sense...
They want to pass their Negative moments under the 'Darkness' or 'Cursed Seal' Rug but retain their Positive moments for themselves.
In Other words, they want to have their cake and eat it too.
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leportraitducadavre · 3 years
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So, I finished readinhg JJK 0 the other day, and I found this panel where Gojo refers to Getou as his best friend, his "one and only". I remember the "one and only" phrase that Sasuke says to Naruto as the "confirmation" of Sasuke being in love with Naruto that many of SNS stans used -and because I don't know much about Japanese language or culture, I wasn't sure why Kishimoto choose those words.
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But now that I see the exact same phrase used by another mangaka, I wonder if the original japanese meaning of such words lack the romantization that the english translation (and western culture) provides.
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ilbenmalpensanteus · 1 year
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I’m dyiiiiing ✨
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mumoloveless · 2 years
So... After Boruto there has been a lot of Fanart and other content were they made NaruSasuNaru pedophilia.
I don't mean the cute, older Naru/Sasu takes care of the little Naru/Sasu, no, I mean the clearly sexual content, or with sexual undertones, were one of them is so much older.
Like why they do that? They have the same age canonically, content creators have no need to do this. Even in a 'back in time' setting they could have made both of them the same age, and made their brains with the same development.
I see those fanarts everywhere and it's so disturbing.
Anti NaruSasuNaru Go Away!! DNI.
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narusasu-on-crack · 4 years
A bitch just spent a whole night thinking about how Narusasu might become canon now that Kishi is back.
Maybe one of them will be inches away from death and the other will confess to them catradora style?
Maybe they’ll win and finally confess to each other?
Maybe they both die and meet in the afterlife, where they kiss and live happily ever after?
Or maybe Bolt will shove Naruto onto Sasuke’s face so they kiss, but this time, they actually properly kiss?
The possibilities are fucking endless?? I mean there’s the possibility that none of this will happen and we’ll get a ss kiss instead but we’re not gonna talk about that
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It does really not fit in my mind how SS fans ALLUDE that Sasuke had been IN LOVE with Sakura THIS WHOLE FREAKING TIME. And state that he loved her since team 7 times.
Referencing, maybe, the iconic hug she gives him on death forest as the ARCHITECT of sasusaku and all of their DEEP???? relationship. For Jesus crucified Christ, I can buy it that THEIR BOND AND POSTERIORI LOVE starts and develops AFTER the 699 ep, but you can not fuckng tell me that Sasuke was in fuckng love with her ALL THIS DAMN TIME
And even now, I can not still believe at all that he loves her in boruto series.
THE FACT that they have a daughter, that she gave him a child - in which I have to say that NETHERLESS NARUTO NOR SASUKE EXPRESSED A DESIRE OF BEING FATHER IN THE WHOLE DAMN MANGA- DOESN'T MEAN that idk true love reign in that home.
I mean I live in Latin America, where a lot of these cases happen and , giving birth to a child doesn't mean the people involved are in love AT ALL.
Anyway, I think he truly am...respected her maybe? Or at least tolerate her, as the kunoichi she was, as a comrade, and as a partner . Worth highlighting tho, that he wasn't a rude person against women at all so, at least in part I on the team 7 times and missions. He wasn't rude, cruel or insulting, so that wasn't just a special treat to her.
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lilyu23 · 4 years
Naruto, on top of Sasuke after doing the deed with a smiling Sasuke underneath: “You know….I know you were told all throughout your lifetime but...you’re so damned beautiful when you smile.”
Sasuke, sobering up, embarrassed: “And?”
Naruto: “And a cocky bastard too. Forget I even said anything.”
Sasuke: “What would you want me to say?”
Naruto: “I don’t know. Be thankful? Say you’ll try to smile more often, maybe?”
Sasuke: “It takes a special brand of idiot to get me to.”
Naruto: “You’re a jerk.”
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