#anti jedi order
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I've spoken about it before but I'm gonna speak about it again, the Jedi being taken as babies and being raised inside the Jedi temple with little connection to the outside world (as in having a relationship with non-Jedi folk) where the only way to leave is to cast aside the Jedi is wild
The only real world comparison you can make is monks, because holy temple full of people specifically dedicated to that religion, trying to live separately from the outside world, but
Monks aren't chosen because of their abilities, they choose to pursue a life of priesthood because of their faith
And sure, the monasteries and convents were a dumping ground for noble family's (extra) children, meaning the child had somewhat of a mixed consent to the process but in this day and age they are just a place where you pursue your faith
But even then the recruitment process was flipped, monks weren't actively recruited by the temple, it was still a life you had to seek out or your parents had to push onto you, it wasn't something you were forced to join from infancy
The places that don't let you choose to leave that give you no other option, that you can be born into and not escape from, without losing everything you have ever known, are what we call cults
#jedi#anti jedi order#jedi order#jedi critical#star wars prequels#star wars tcw#star wars the clone wars#sw tcw#star wars clone wars#star wars discourse
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My favourite is when they argue that the Jedi Order teachings are Buddhism so now you're just calling Buddhism bad, which is wrong
Which it's based on one man's interpretation of Buddhism, which doesn't make it Buddhism especially when he was refracting it through his own western lens
My criticism is focused on the Jedi not on the real world religion so bringing Buddhism in feels like a cheap deflection
But also literally no religion is without criticism, where do you get off
pro jedi fans, genuinely: if you critique the jedi order (a fictional religious order who, in the movies, has mainly white men in key roles, and were created by a white man), you're racist
me: ... I think that's racist, actually
#jedi critical#anti jedi order#anti jedi#jedi order#jedi#star wars the clone wars#star wars prequels#star wars rant#star wars clone wars#star wars tcw#star wars: the prequel trilogy#star wars
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Jedi Antis: The Jedi are too caught up in politics! They have power to change things, they just don't!
Meanwhile, the Jedi:
Every time they argue with a politician, they are shot down.
I wonder what that could mean? That maybe they don't have as much political power as the antis seem to believe? That maybe *gasp* they were meant to be the victims of Palpatine's manipulation the whole time?
[GIFs aren't mine. Credit to @david-talks-sw ]
#pro jedi order#pro jedi#star wars#in defense of the jedi#anti jedi bashing#star wars tcw#clone wars#revenge of the sith#palpatine is a master manipulator#saying that the jedi were at fault for their “downfall” (read: genocide) dismisses how much of a bastard he is#palpatine is a brilliant villain that does nearly EVERYTHING BY HIMSELF. Pawns are useful but ultimately unnecessary in his plans#people are too obsessed with seeing the jedi being at fault that they ignore what's in front of them#and none of this is obscure legends materials that most fans have never heard of#this is TWC and the MOVIES THEMSELVES#aka completely and fully CANON#and I have MORE WHERE THOSE CAME FROM. I JUST RAN OUT OF IMAGE SPACE
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Now that the trailer is out, it's probably best that I get this out of the way before acolyte releases
The Jedi are right about the Force and the dark side
The Jedi did not lose their way
The Jedi were not corrupted
The genocide of the Jedi was not their fault
The Jedi are not wrong for being part of the Republic, it is in fact a good thing
The Jedi are not arrogant for thinking the sith are gone
and while we're at it the sith are evil, always, end of discussion
The Jedi do not steal children
If someone wants to leave the Jedi, that's allowed, no one will stop them
The Jedi are right about attachment
Attachment is not love (SW uses the Buddhist definition because Lucas is a Buddhist and the Jedi are based off Buddhist monks, Buddhism defines attachment as being possessive or unwilling to let go of people or things)
The Jedi do not forbid emotions, they forbid being controlled by your emotions, you must control them
The Jedi are not forbidden from loving people, nor are they celibate, they just can't get married (big whup) because their duties must come first
Being peacekeepers doesn't preclude the Jedi from fighting in war, sometimes to keep the peace you have to fight back, especially when its against tyranny, see WWII (or Ukraine today)
Gray jedi are not a thing
The Jedi are not slavers or complicit in slavery
Oh and of course, the Jedi are not elitists for not training non Force sensitives, (Han voice) that's not how the Force works, dave filoni broke the rules so he could shoehorn sabine into a Jedi (to give the benefit of the doubt, I do believe sabine's role as ahsoka's apprentice was meant for an original character but things got condensed by executives, so maybe filoni isn't entirely to blame here)
The Jedi are not cops
The Jedi are not the government/the rulers of the Republic/galaxy
The Jedi do not persecute other Force groups
Padawans are not child soldiers
Feel free to add anything I forgot
Do not, DO NOT!! add anything Jedi critical, I'm done with it and won't hear it, don't have something nice to say? Then go away, I will block on sight, either reblog without comment (either in the reblog or the notes) or don't interact at all
#wooloo-writes#wooloo writes#star wars#sw#jedi#jedi order#pro jedi#in defense of the jedi#the acolyte critical#the acolyte#sw acolyte#anti the acolyte#anti acolyte#acolyte critical#star wars the acolyte#anti filoni#anti dave filoni#dave filoni critical#the jedi were right#the jedi did nothing wrong#george lucas#anti gray jedi#anti grey jedi#attachment is not love
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One thing I like about the Sith Code is that it reveals a core belief when you contrast it with the Jedi Code, specifically the way it’s written. The Sith codes uses a lot of me’s and my’s, showing that it’s a very selfish ideology. It doesn’t say that “Our Chains Are Broken” and not even “The Chains Are Broken” but “*My* Chains Are Broken”
The Jedi Code, by contrast, doesn’t even use pronouns. Like the Jedi, it’s very focused on something beyond the self. It doesn’t talk about what the speaker gains from their force abilities, but how the force is used to make the galaxy a much safer and more enlightened place.
Edit: typo
#I’m aware that same versions of the Jedi Code use personal pronouns#but the main version that most people know and is commonly recited doesn’t#pro jedi#star wars#jedi#anti sith#jedi order
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Currently recalling someone who claimed that part of the backlash for The Acolyte came from Jedi stans angry that the Jedi weren't depicted as being flawless and perfect. I don't know the extent to which I can speak for anyone else, but I like to think we probably wouldn't be complaining as much if;
Headland didn't act like she was writing the show in accordance with Lucas's original intentions, only to make up flaws for the Jedi that never existed in the stuff he was involved with (seriously, the Jedi of Lucas's works are perfectly allowed to have emotions and feelings, and they DEFINITELY don't persecute other groups of Force-users just for existing).
We hadn't already endured decades of "jedi-critical"/"anti jedi" works by people whose criticisms of the Jedi come largely from them misinterpreting and/or deviating from Lucas's narrative.
The Sequel Trilogy hadn't denied us a Jedi Order rebuilt by Luke for the apparent sake of trying to replicate New Hope.
Personally, I say that by all means, give us Jedi that have flaws and aren't perfect. No-one enters the Jedi Order with the experience and wisdom necessary to be a Jedi Master, after all. But if you're going to claim your work to be a natural extension of Lucas's stuff - as opposed to a deviation from it - those flaws and imperfections have to be consistent with what we see in the latter.
#star wars#the acolyte#jedi#the jedi order#pro jedi#anti acolyte#leslye headland#headland critical#jedi order
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It astounds me how people can hate the jedi council and the jedi code and about anything that make someone a Jedi yet still claim to love Obi-wan. What do you like about him then ?
It also astound me how some people say they actually like the jedi yet still think that they're responsible for Anakin's Fall.
Yes, that's all I wanted to say today.
I just think it's kind of funny.
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it’s really interesting seeing how people are apparently looking at anakin’s rejection to the title of master through his view point. they hate the council for denying him what they—and he—believes is his right. he wants the title without the work. it is already well established that he is an incredibly violate individual. he is consistently scolded and reminded by obi-wan that he does not heed the jedi way, most often when he breaks the rules for his own self-interest. he does not have the emotional maturity, nor the self-restraint literally every person on the jedi council has, to be a proficient jedi master. he wants it, sure, but he has done nothing to earn it. yes, he’s won battles. yes, he has been an immense advantage to the republic. however, physical strength, power and victories in battle do not make someone more deserving for the title. his reaction to being denied shows just how unready he would be. it was exactly why they denied him the title in the first place. no, the jedi didn’t hate him. no, they weren’t out to get him. they were, rightfully, worried and skeptical because of his very explicit attachments to those around him, his recklessness. let’s not this whole thing was a ploy by palpatine to simply alienate anakin even more. instead of getting upset at the jedi council for rightfully not making anakin a jedi master, let’s remember they’re not his enemy. they’re his comrades. they’ve fought beside him, they try to teach him. i would think the man who horrifically groomed anakin, isolated him and used his genuine fears and extreme traumas as a way to serve his own agenda would be seen as the enemy. but, every time i look at a post relating to anakin and the jedi council, they’re the enemies. they denied him. they’re evil. they were holding him back. it’s just very odd.
#star wars#jedi order#jedi council#pro jedi#anakin skywalker#anti anakin skywalker#i guess?#astra.txt
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Anakin and Ahsoka are “pick-me’s.”
Don’t worry, I’ll elaborate.
Anti-Jedi folks will always, always, lift these two assholes up as “better than all the rest of the Jedi.”
They’ll say that they have “empathy,” and “compassion,” and that they “care about the little people and not just the politicians in the Senate”—or whatever the fuck else they wanna say—all because Ahsoka and Anakin “Aren’t Like Other Jedi™️”
Now, theoretically, you could say the same thing about Qui-Gon, Kanan, Cal, etc. except for the fact that they themselves don’t believe that.
They loved being Jedi, they viewed themselves as being Jedi, they loved their fellow Jedi and the Order. They didn’t betray their family, they didn’t blame their family for their own fucking genocide or basically call their practices stupid because “look how much better I am teehee.”
Qui-Gon, Kanan, Cal…they loved the Order and being Jedi in a way that Ahsoka and Anakin didn’t.
Ahsoka’s change is partly Anakin’s fault, since she only changed after being his padawan, but that doesn’t change the fact that now she’s so entrenched in her own ignorance that she truly believes that the Jedi brought on their own genocide because they didn’t train non-Force-sensitives.
So yeah, Anakin and Ahsoka are massive pick-me’s and y’all are too.
#star wars#sw prequels#anti anakin skywalker#anti anakin apologists#anakin skywalker critical#ahsoka tano critical#pro jedi#pro jedi council#pro jedi order#qui gon jinn#kanan jarrus#cal kestis
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I find it a bit concerning how so many people think that Anakin "balanced" Force by killing a majority of the Jedi.... ... cause like that so called "balance" meant plunging the Galaxy into Darkness, there's not a lot of Good in the galaxy at that point, a fascist tyrannical dictatorship rose into power, and was run by two of the worst people ever.... and the defeat of said dictatorship and the two horrible people was seen as a very good thing.
#star wars#pro jedi#pro jedi order#in defense of the jedi#jedi#anti sith#anti empire#anti anakin skywalker#anti palpatine#my posts
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Mandalorians hate Jedi because...
"the Jedi are child stealers" NO
And again I say NO. I saw someone claim this and it absolutely infuriated me.
First point, THE JEDI ARE NOT CHILD STEALERS. That accusation is sithspit anti jedi propaganda. If a parent or guardian told the Jedi no, they didn't want their kid to be a Jedi, the Jedi respected that. They would, however, remove children from danger. But would you call a social worker who took children from environments where they were being molested, starved, beaten, or worse, a child stealer? No? Then don't call the Jedi child stealers for the same actions.
Second point, the average Mandalorian didn't really know or care too much about Jedi. In all honestly, most Mandalorians, like the rest of the galaxy, had no real idea about the difference between Jedi or other force sects like the nightsisters or general darksiders or even the sith except perhaps the color of their lightsabers. Some Mandalorians, like our beloved Din Djarin, knew nothing at all about Jedi and only cared when in became relevant and then did as much research as possible regarding the Jedi. Others, like Jango Fett, had very personal interactions with Jedi and formed their opinions of the Jedi as a whole based on those interactions with no further reason or desire to look further into the Jedi.
Third point, for Mandalorians who studied history or listened to old stories, they knew why the Mandalorians disliked the Jedi and it was for a very simple reason that they liked to avoid actively admitting. That reason? The Jedi kicked the shebs of the Mandalorian armies.
Quite possibly there was another point when the Jedi suppressed the Mandalorian empire but there were two times for certain. Granted, the republic played a large part and the Jedi definitely didn't all interfere in one of those two conflicts, and actually actively avoided one of those two conflicts except in a few cases, and there were definitely some terrible things done, but the fact remains that when the Mandalorian empire attempted to expand and basically take over the galaxy, the Jedi were key to stopping this. And no, the Mandalorian empire was not a good thing. But more importantly, if you thought your ancestors or your cultures' armies were in the right and they were beaten, would you like the descendants of those who beat your side?
Fourth point, would you like the side that beat your side if they refused to give you a proper rematch? The Mandalorians who know anything about Jedi know that Jedi have access to all this power, plus generally have a super cool plasma sword, but the Jedi won't fight or they'll de-escalate or generally indulge in pacifistic behavior and we all know how Mandalorians feel about presumed pacifists, right? A Mandalorian denied a fight is often a frustrated Mandalorian. A Mandalorian who sees someone who has all this strength and power often doesn't understand why that person doesn't use that power, doesn't take revenge or slaughter their enemies or a million other things that they would do with such power. So those that don't understand choose to dislike. Why won't the Jedi fight them?! (please imagine the sentence immediately previous spoken in an extremely whiney tone of voice)
Fifth point, the Mandalorians frequently throughout history worked with the Sith or were on the Sith side of conflicts because of a lack of knowledge about force sects meant the Mandalorians didn't generally realize how absolutely stupid it is to side with the Sith but beyond that the Mandalorians often learned about the Jedi from the Sith. So the Mandalorians got stories from the Sith about the Jedi being weak and cold and blah, blah, blah stupid sith propaganda that I don't want to perpetuate. And those Mandalorians would then think themselves Jedi experts, because hadn't they learned about the Jedi from another Jedi? Granted, a dark Jedi but still a Jedi, right? So they'd tell other Mandalorians the propaganda and so the Mandalorians had that Sith skewed idea of the Jedi perpetuated throughout their history.
So the Mandalorians have their own reasons for not like the Jedi, which have NOTHING to do with child stealing, just as the Jedi have plenty of reasons to want to avoid the Mandalorians. Personally though I'm going to blame a lot of those reasons on both sides on the Sith and be grumpy about the Sith and the effectiveness of their propaganda.
And finally, I'm pretty sure at least a tiny bit of the animosity between Mandalorians and Jedi arose from the Mandalorians being jealous that the Jedi had lightsabers and they didn't. To be fair, I'm a little jealous too. Lightsabers are cool.
#star wars#pro jedi#anti sith#jedi are not child stealers#mandalorians#jango fett#old republic#darth revan#skeevy sheev palpatine#din djarin#jedi are not perfect#but they are not monsters#jedi order deserved better#mandalore#lightsabers are cool#the mandalorians are cool#but they are not perfect#the only perfect being in star wars is arguably R2D2#And BB8#And BD1#And L0-LA59
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Masterlist of all my rants
Star Wars
The Meta:
The divide between Prequels era fans Here
The way you take the story depends on how you look at it Here
The Jedi's downfall is a tragedy and this inevitable and that doesn't mean I support genocide wtf??? Here
The Clone Wars both wants the Jedi to be unquestionably good and be three dimensional and these things conflict Here
The Republic and the Jedi are shown to have fallen in the canon but the audience overlooks it cause the Separatists are the bad guys Here
Why are we treating the massacre of the Tusken Raiders so lightly???? Here
The Jedi being the issue:
The Jedi Order is itself flawed Here
The Jedi's actions are the issue, it doesn't actually matter how they internally handle their emotions in the face of those actions Here
The Jedi encourage emotional repression, thanks Here
My issue with the Jedi's attitude towards attachment Here
The Jedi aren't impartial they just don't care Here
The Jedi having all the force sensitive kids is weird actually Here let's compare that to being a monk Here
The Clone issue:
The clones are slaves and we need to acknowledge that Here
On a similar note, there is no AU where the clones have free will that is consistent with the canon Here
Anakin's fears are valid actually Here
How can Anakin be too old to become a Jedi, how is this not alarming to you Here
The part that made me lose faith in Marvel here
I can't forgive them for Black Widow here
Civil War Discourse
Inciting conflict's which led to the Accords here
Tony Stark being a symbol of terror to entire countries here
Steve being rewarded for his faith in people here
Civil War and Ultron being the consequences of Tony's actions biting him in the ass here
Civil War is more than Steve choosing Bucky here
You can't convince me Steve and Tony where ever truly friends here
Tony and Steve character arcs, over the last few movies, led to them being diametrically opposed over the Accords here
The actual problem with the Accords, as seen through the themes of the MCU here
The treatment of Steve's character writing here
The Untamed
My issue with the first episode of The Untamed here
#star wars prequels#anakin skywalker#star wars discourse#star wars meta#sw prequels#prequel era#vina rants#star wars prequel era#sw tcw#star wars the clone wars#star wars clone wars#anti jedi order#anti jedi#jedi critical#mcu meta#marvel mcu#anti tony stark#anti tony stans
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Ahh, and THERE it is… 🙃🙃
I have kept my opinions mostly to myself about The Acolyte, because I wasn’t planning on watching it until seeing where it went with the Jedi. Almost everything in SW media has an element of Jedi criticism (sadly 🙄), so I knew that would be a given with this show, so I was holding off on any total judgment until the end.
One thing I KNEW I would despise and would make me not ever watch it is if they actually made canon that the Jedi brutally murdered an entire coven of witches and COVERED UP A MASSACRE (wtf on that part, because they would NOT cover it up, even if they’d made a mistake). Apparently, it is not as bad as I feared, and they don’t destroy the Jedi Order’s characterization entirely.
But THIS line. 🥶🤢
With THIS line that is apparently written in the newest episode—that’s it. You’ve lost me.
Because THIS line is just straight up genocide apologia.
Ohhh, of course they don’t come outright and SAY, “Loool, those space wizards deserved what they got! 🤪🤪✊”, but the implication is pretty clear, all the same.
From the very beginning, I knew the showrunner of The Acolyte didn’t like the Jedi or their culture, and said that her show “wouldn’t be kind to them.”
And I could’ve lived with just the stupid vagueness of portraying the Jedi as a pompous bureaucracy (because it’s just an infectious opinion that’s spread through most of the fandom), without FULLY condemning The Acolyte and declaring the show a terrible portrayal of the Jedi and their morality and culture, along with the CANON aspects of the Dark Side being a cancer in The Force that does nothing but make people miserable and cause imbalance in The Force.
But with THIS LINE that is SO clearly a wink and a nudge to the SW fans who believe the Jedi ‘deserved what they got’… 🙄🤢… I’m sorry, but they’ve officially lost me. 😬🤷♀️
There are things that I’d probably like, if I ever can make myself stomach getting through the show: seeing how different cultures view The Force, seeing more of the Jedi Order/culture/Temple/how they teach their students, the characters Sol and Jecki and Yord and Osha—even seeing Jedi fighting style being so different and more defensive while trying to not use their lightsaber unless necessary, since they are in a time of peace.
But for the most part?
With THIS frankly DISGUSTING line, I can say with absolute certainty that The Acolyte is a show that I would never enjoy, and that is frankly not a welcome addition to the SW universe to me.
I appreciate the diversity inclusion, and I find myself relating to that meme that says something like: “When you hate a show, but then realize the other people that hate it are mostly bigots, 🙃🙃” because—unlike THOSE moronic dudebros—my criticism is for the story itself.
It’s a genuine shame. It’s such an interesting premise, getting to see the Jedi in the High Republic Era. But with this… I now know that The Acolyte is a show not worth my—or ANY OTHER pro Jedi fan’s time. 💔😔🤷♀️😬
Only thing I’ll say in defense of it: Mr. Sith (?) IS hot. 🔥❤️🔥
And that’s the only other praise I can give. 🤷♀️
Loool, sorry for the rant. I’m just so pissed off. 😭🤷♀️😂
#star wars#the acolyte#sw the acolyte#star wars the acolyte#the acolyte negativity#the acolyte critical#the acolyte salt#anti the acolyte#in defense of the jedi#pro jedi#pro jedi culture#pro jedi council#pro jedi order#jedi#in defense of the jedi order#star wars meta#sw meta#sw#sw fandom#in defense of the jedi council#anakin skywalker#ahsoka tano#star wars the clone wars#anakin skywalker critical#anti jedi bashing#nothing but love for the jedi#this is a pro jedi blog#pro jedi blog#jedi genocide#order 66
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I am not a Jedi apologist, because the Jedi have nothing to apologize for.
#pro jedi#pro jedi order#in defense of the jedi#jedi positivity#jedi appreciation#nothing but love for the jedi#this is a pro jedi blog#anti jedi bashing#star wars#shitpost
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Even if all the lies and deliberated twisted misrepresentations of Mace Windu and the Jedi for the purpose of blaming them for Anakin were remotely accurate (THEY AREN'T, END OF DISCUSSION), Anakin's turn to the dark side and all his atrocities are still HIS FAULT, no one else's (and yes, that even includes Palpatine) , regardless of what they did
It was his choice
Anakin chose to turn to the dark side
Anakin chose to betray the Jedi and Republic
Anakin chose to overthrow democracy
Anakin chose to support fascism
Anakin chose to murder children en mass
Anakin chose to join a space nazi death cult
Anakin chose to murder Padme
No one made him do anything, no one could, nothing that anyone did(n't do) forced him to be a monster, it was all his choice, because no matter what a person supposedly suffers, they are the one who chooses what they do
And Anakin chose to be evil
#wooloo-writes#wooloo writes#star wars#sw#pro jedi#pro jedi council#pro jedi order#pro mace windu#in defense of mace windu#in defense of the jedi#in defense of the jedi order#in defense of the jedi council#anakin skywalker#anti anakin#anti anakin apologist#anti anakin apologists#anti anakin skywalker#anti anakin skywalker stans#anti anakin stans#anti stanakins
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Okay, I got something to get off my chest here. I do not trust Dave Filoni with Star Wars.
I've seen quite a few things about Filoni that REALLY sour my opinion of him.
But one that stood out was him, and George having CONSTANT disagreements about their vision of Star Wars. George wanted Star Wars to be something for kids, and families to enjoy.
Filoni, on the other hand, wanted Star Wars to be this Uber serious, anti-jedi nonsense, that made me actively facepalm the more I read it.
See, I go by a motto, "If George didn't confirm it, mention it, or consider it canon, it ain't canon/worth anything/mean shit.
So to see people praising Filoni as, "The Messiah of Star Wars", reminds me that this fandom has the intelligence of a Tf2 Scout main. -_-
Kk, that's my Ted talk. Imma head out.
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