#anti clown prince of crime
i must remind myself of my mission lest i fall prey to the spells of kermit the frog once again.
kermit and miss piggy need to be abandoned by all, left to reflect on their poor life choices and then to rot together for all eternity. only then will the world be saved.
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I miss some good old-fashion Joker X Harley.
Finding some good fic/fanart/thoughts or rants is like finding a needle in the haystack.
I'm tired just give me my puddin' and Harls back.
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the-muppet-joker · 6 months
Oh, look who's a fucking comedian? Did you see that, everyone? The funny muppet guy is traumatized by horses. Let's all fucking remind him of it and harass him because it's so funny! I'm laughing so hard! Everyone is laughing... wait. What's that? No one thinks it's fucking funny? You're all alone, up there onstage? Jingle your bells, little jester. Without an audience to care about you, it's the closest you'll get to hearing applause.
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3-heartstyle · 3 months
The Clown Prince of Crime!
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Doflamingo is the Joker baby! Lol
(don't mind this @corafest )
Driven mad after killing his parents, he ran off and found company with the criminals of Gotham.
And while it's expected to have the Donquixote brothers have this sworn enemies dynamic, Doffy is not the only villain I made for this au!
With Batman having a tiny sidekick, why can't Joker have a little assistance.
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No romantic feelings whatsoever, so keep that in mind. Like the original story, Doffy takes Baby 5 in as a kid and trains her to be a weapons expert.
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Bringing in Law's origin story, Dr. Trafalgar was using his funds to find a cure for his dying family. When finding a solution he only managed to save Law before someone's goons sabotaged the lab, nearly killing everyone. With his wife frozen and children taken away, he'll do anything to have them back.
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During the attack on her father's lab, a mixture of chemicals altered her body and mind. She's currently under the care of Donquixote Inc. in the hospital.
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Smoker is a long time friend of Rosinante. Such a shame this detective snooped into something he shouldn't. Now having a deeply scarred face and a split psyche. He's more of an anti-hero than a villain.
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I know we can't have two clowns in this city but you have to admit that Caesar and Scarecrow are practically the same person.
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Last but not least, we have a two-for-one! Crocodile has a popular casino in Gotham and is involved with underground deals. But with a name like Sir Crocodile how can I not make him into Killer Croc. The power is transformative and is in this form every time he deals with shady customers.
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therealmuppetjoker · 3 months
No, that can't be right. That sounds so... obsolete. Let's try this again, shall we?
Welcome to my blog. I go by many names, including Kermit, Mr. Kermit, The Joker, The Muppet Joker, The Croaker, The Clown Prince of Crime, Dark Muppet, Mr. The Frog, and The Real Muppet Joker.
I am a Muppet Joker kintype. All of his kins have been inherited as my own sub-kins, and these include:
Main: Kermit and the Joker (obviously)
Secondary: Bro Strider from Homestuck and Adam from the Bible
I DO NOT KIN VRISKA SERKET FROM HOMESTUCK. Unlike my, shall we say, "predecessor," I have read Homestuck all the way through without sullying my moral values. I would never kin a woman.
I am also aware (spoilers incoming) that Dirk Strider is a h*rse lover. I choose to believe that Bro would never fucking associate with those things and saw the error of his ways early in his mental development, which is why I kin Bro and not Dirk.
Now... where were we? Heh.
Are you the original Muppet Joker?
No. I am a Muppet Joker kintype. My history begins to differ from the "original" Muppet Joker's when he starts kinning Vriska Serket. Since that point in our history, I have developed separately as a distinct entity.
What makes you the "real" Muppet Joker?
Because I am superior to the original one. I have read all the way through Homestuck, but I did not become a feminist. This gives me all rights to The Muppet Joker identity.
Are you single?
No. I am in a closed Relationship with Kermit and the Joker.
Why are you an anti-feminist?
If you don't know why, you might as well leave right now. This blog is not for Outsiders of the Men's Rights Movement.
Other Kermit/Joker kintypes
Other Muppet Joker kintypes
South Park fans
All females/girls/women
Anyone who uses Biblical imagery in non-Biblical fandom content, or anyone who talks about "Biblically accurate angels" as a meme. My past/culture is NOT your aesthetic.
Shifting antis
Equine furries/otherkin. It reminds me of my kin trauma.
Sans Undertale (including AU's) kintypes - also kin trauma.
People who use the rainbow flag. The rainbow is ONLY for God and Kermit the Frog. (I myself use the MLM flag, which is blue and green.)
People who don't think we need stricter gun safety laws
People who identify with the color royal purple. It's MINE.
If you have ever been on the Bachelor
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madam-o · 1 year
Why So Serious, Buggy?
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What's so interesting and wild about Jeff Ward's portrayal of Buggy is that he doesn't play him at all like Buggy from the manga/anime, or even like any of the other villains in OPLA. His character feels closest to Luffy or Garp, in that he's giving a surprisingly nuanced and three-dimensional performance of a character who you absolutely didn't expect to feel like a real person.
I also see a lot of comparisons of Jeff's Buggy to the Joker, which is funny because he's actually more like the anti-Joker. The Joker would maniacally laugh and smile and terrorize his captive audience just like Buggy does, but he would never drop character and talk like a regular guy like Buggy constantly does in Episode 2.
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The Joker is always On, and he's always dressed sharp. He's very much a showbiz professional. Buggy, otoh, feels messy and grubby like pirates do, and he's constantly stopping the show to bitch about the insufficient production value provided by his crew. His circus isn't particularly spectacular and he truly feels like the small-time criminal he's starting off as.
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In his spotlight episode, Buggy's more pissed off at the world than anything else, and he's serious about getting information out of Luffy. The Joker would intricately design a game show or something for his victim to participate in, but Buggy doesn't have the patience for that. He just tortures, interrogates, and belittles Luffy, then tries to drown him when none of that works. He just feels so bitter and angry, like being a clown is the only thing he can do because it's his lot in life and not what he chose for himself. The Joker acts like becoming the clown prince of crime was his great destiny, while Buggy's more like, "Fuck you, I'm a pirate clown. Now laugh or you're dead."
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Then he loses almost everything and finds himself in trouble with Arlong, and his reaction to that is to ramp up the annoying, foul-mouthed clown shtick. It's his defense mechanism to appear harmless and ridiculous. The minute he's safe and by himself, out comes that seething rage and bitterness again.
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So basically, Buggy's the Joker, except if he was sane and hated absolutely everyone. Which, honestly, I need a LOT more of.
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tachvintlogic · 1 year
I want the Joker to die
And I don't want Batman to kill him. Or any of the bats. Or for any superhero or vigilante to do it. If someone does it, it should be someone ordinary.
I want his death to be pathetic. Mundane. Anti-climatic. Seemingly banal for a character as popular and ubiquitous as the Joker. I want his death to be a joke, a mockery of the Joker as a character.
I want the Joker to hate the way he dies, because it turns him into the butt of a joke.
I want his death to make people look at each other and go "wait, that's it? That's all it took?" The Joker in-universe and out is so larger-than-life, more force of nature than man, and I want his death to be a stark reminder that he's just a guy with all the weaknesses of a mortal man.
I want Batman to think it can't possibly be the real deal, even after he sees the body. It's just too easy. Too simple. Not grand enough for the Clown Prince of Crime.
But it is.
I want something like... his henchmen are done with his shit.
Goon: So I built the elaborate death trap for Batman you wanted, now pay me.
Goon: Fine then *pulls out a gun and shoots him in the face*
The goons are surprised that kills him instead of injuring him or just making him madder.
I want a random group of delinquents who want to avenge their friends and family to see the Joker walking down the street and they figure he can't kill them all and beat him with baseball bats. They're surprised that only the Joker is dead.
I want someone who's not paying attention to the road to accidentally run over the Joker while he's jaywalking. They go "Oh God! I hit someone!" and then they see who it is and go "Oh God! I hit the Joker!" Everyone around them is just staring because someone should probably call an ambulance, but no one wants to call an ambulance for the Joker.
I want him to just keel over and die randomly, and then during the autopsy we find out he had cancer that went untreated.
I want him to suddenly trip down the stairs for no reason and bust his head open.
I want him to get pneumonia.
I want him to choke on food and no one helps him.
I want him to just croak and the autopsy declares it could be any number of things that killed him.
I want it to feel unsatisfying.
I want everyone to think this can't be the end. He can't just be dead. Not like that.
And then it is. That's what sticks.
Because wouldn't that be hilarious?
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Do you have any headcanon's for any heroic character on Earth 3?
The big two--World's Finest, if you will--are Captain Alexander Luthor of the Imperial Amerikan Marines and Jack "Jokester" Dent, Clown Prince of Justice.
Alex, despite this family's immense wealth, grew up in the shadow of his foster brother, Clark, through to their adulthood and the day Colonel Kent left for the stars and returned as Earth's new self-proclaimed ruler, Kil-Vex the Ultraman (no relation, obvs). Alex had risen to Captain under the Wilson Regime and personally requested point on the anti-Ultraman offensive. President Wilson's denial of that request and subsequent deal with Kil-Vex led Alex to defect, quickly burning through his personal wealth to build up an Anti-Ultraman Army. It was a disaster. Luthor's personal tragedies continued from there, as his wife, his sister, and eventually his own child all betrayed him for the Crime Syndicate. As his family collapsed, Luthor fully committed himself to his Legion of Justice, even as they were demoralized by defeat after defeat. In a moment of weakness, he tried to even the playing field by stealing geriatric villain Will Batson's dark lightning of MAZAHS, but the cursed magic erased his consciousness and replaced with a warped personality similar to his multiversal counterparts. He was eventually freed from the Curse of Mazahs, his belief in justice strengthened by the shame of the hunger for power he now knew slept deep within his very being.
Jack came from much less auspicious beginnings, a struggling actor and comedian whose act got him the wrong kind of attention of Owlman and his Talons. Viciously beaten and scarred, Jack took to wearing clown make-up and joined up with his ex-wife Evelyn Gold's Justice Underground. As Jokester and Three-Face, they worked with a loose network of other costumed heroes--Quizmaster, King Croc, Tick-Tockman, Mister Moth, Red Hood, and Jack and Evelyn's daughter Duela--to wage an asymmetrical war with Owlman and the fascist Council of Owls that had ruled Gotham for centuries. After killing one of the Talons in self-defense and attempting to return the body to Owlman, Jack was promptly executed, making the return of the Jokester not long after something of a personal annoyance to the Owl. As for Jack himself, even he couldn't explain why he was alive again...but then he always preferred multi-choice questions.
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la-pheacienne · 2 years
For real, idiots keep bitching about Blood & Cheese but in response to the people of Bitterbridge brutally murdering his toddler nephew, Daeron had the town sacked, much of its populace slaughtered, and then burned the rest with Tessarion. Lady Caswell (whose husband had earlier been executed by Aegon II for supporting Rhaenyra) ordered the hangings of three of people implicated in the death Maelor, offered to capitulate in exchange for a safe conduct for her and her family, but Daeron still wipe out the city.
Daeron literally destroyed a whole TOWN, when the people that were accused of Maelor's murder were already punished. Imagine throwing a fit like that as a prince.
Daeron Targaryen was a psycho, along with his brother Aemond and his brother Aegon. All three encapsulate the absolute WORST of House Targaryen, the madness, the cruelty, the inhumanity, the narcissism and the sadism that all antis associate with Targaryens. The same antis who stan these particular Targaryens out of spite. They fucking hate Rhaegar Targaryen of all Targaryens, he's the devil reincarnated, RHAEGAR, who's biggest crime was that he ABANDONED HIS FAMILY, and then they go and stan THESE CHARACTERS, I repeat. How does it feel being such a clown my god
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badguysgalore · 1 year
My Two Cents on the Joker: My Love/Hate relationship with the Clown Prince of Crime
I think something we tend to forget in fandom is that you can like or dislike a character without liking or disliking everything about them. Before anything else said, I want to make this clear as crystal. This is my opinion. I am not saying it is right or that you have to agree. No one has to agree with me. All I ask is that you hear me out, acknowledge my opinion, and if you don't like it, agree to disagree. I fully respect the opinions of those who dislike/hate this character. Okay, let's talk about this frikkin' clown.
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It is absolutely no surprise, to me or to anyone, that a lot of people LOATHE the Joker. And with good reason. He is a monster. In nearly every continuity he's in, he's done terrible things. He killed Jason Todd, paralyzed Barbara Gordon, abused and manipulated Harley, tormented and experimented on Tim Drake, turned Superman into a dictator, the list goes on. I understand why people hate him. Their reasons are valid, especially if they relate to his victims.
I myself have a love/hate relationship with the Joker.
Here's what I love about the Joker:
I love that he's Batman's opposite, a bright, loud, colorful clown.
I love that when written right, he can be scary AND funny.
I love his overall classic design. Purple suit, bow-tie, green hair, red lips, etc.
I love that he's deadly, as any Batman villain ought to be.
I love his genius-level intellect. Though, arguably, all the great Batman villains have that.
I love his weapons. Joker venom, acid-squirting flowers, ninja-star playing cards, etc.
I love the whole "Joker card as a calling card" shtick. To me, that never gets old.
I love how ruthless he is. Some of the best villains are ruthless.
I love his whole "agent of chaos" shtick.
I love the idea that he's a deadly maniac hiding behind the humorous image of a clown.
I love the fact that he's anti-nazi. Good to see he has some sort of standards, at least in one or two continuities.
I love his obsession with Batman and their rivalry.
Now here's what I hate about the Joker.
I hate that he has zero respect for anyone other than himself, or even if he does respect them, it's only as a means to an end. At the very least, he ought to have more respect for his allies.
I hate how he serves as a bad representation of mental health. I will not sugarcoat it or give it a pass. I have my own share of mental illnesses, so him serving as an example of the mentally ill? Terrible.
I hate the whole "Life's a Joke and only I know the punchline" shtick.
I hate the way he treated Harley. It was wrong then and it's wrong now. There's no hiding it, or excusing it.
I hate the growing amount of "edginess" the character has been given. He's a clown villain. At least half of his crimes should be nonsensical fun.
I hate how he treats the younger members of the Bat-Family. I know they're his enemies, but still.
I will never condone the Joker's actions, nor the actions of any villain. And again, I fully understand and acknowledge that my enjoyment of the Joker as a villain is unpopular. But I feel like I should be honest. At the end of the day, the Joker is one of my favorite villains. Do I like everything about him? No. But I don't have to.
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skylerscull1 · 2 years
Gotham Jeremiah Valeska - Music Headcanons
When I think of Jeremiah Valeska and Music, usually one of the first things to come to mind is songs from Halsey, she’s talented and I think some of the songs she’s made fit Jeremiah’s decent into not-so-sane-land pretty well. From the very first episode including Jeremiah we can tell that he’s an alcoholic, he has a glass of alcohol on him pretty damn often and he comes off as calculating yet awkward. You can tell something’s off with him but you can’t put your figer on it. So let me present you with "Control" and “Gasoline” both songs by Halsey
"Control" by Halsey From the very beginning we can see how lowly Jeremiah thinks of his brother. Miah is paranoid, he hates being compared to his brother, he isolated himself from society and built himself a bunker to protect himself from Jerome, who he knew would do anything to find him. The truth though is that Jeremiah isn’t that different from his brother after-all, the only difference is that he held himself back, played the innocent fawn, the victim, and he played it well. He thinks himself as above and better than his brother, but the mere mention of being anything like him brings him off the rails. He’s the good twin. It’s insecurity, that’s why he takes it so badly when someone other then Jerome compares him to Jerome, his entire life Jeremiah’s been in his brothers shadow. Who is the one truly in control?
2. "Gasoline" by Halsey
This is self-explanatory, Jeremiah is an alcoholic and this song reminds me of him. He’s playing a part, and he knows it but he just doesn’t want to admit it. There’s something wrong with Jeremiah, the exact same thing that is wrong with Jerome, the only difference is that Jerome gave into his inner chaos long ago, Jeremiah never stopped fighting it. It’s still inside him though, waiting to be let free. There’s a flaw in his code - something he can’t escape, he and his brother share the same dna after-all.
4. "Blood // Water" by grandson Jeremiah had created the monster that Jerome is today, it was the price that Miah had to pay to get out of the circus, his lies and stories had turned everyone Jerome ever loved against him. Jeremiah was Jerome’s “One Bad Day”. That was the price of Jeremiah’s actions, a river of blood and the beginning of a legacy full of death and madness. In a way, I wouldn’t be surprised if Jeremiah even blamed himself for some of Jerome’s actions. Either way, that dynamic between the two of them, Jeremiah being Jerome’s One Bad Day that drove him to lunacy and vice versa - that dynamic reminds me of this song. There’s always a price to pay.
5. "Angels" by Vicetone feat. Ket Nestel I feel like this is fairly self-explanatory. Jeremiah seems innocent, just another victim of his brother, he’s awkward and anti-social, quiet and nervous. He has a brilliant mind too. He seems like the angel to Jerome’s demon, but then he turns out to be just as bad as Jerome, if not more so. He deceived everyone, he’s the punchline to Jerome’s joke. For such a brilliant boy, he too has a darkness that he shields from view. Just like the Joker, The Clown Prince of Crime himself, Jeremiah knows how to put on a mask of Sanity, he knows how to weave stories and lies together, how to gain sympathy, and he knows how to blend into society when it’s most convenient for him. 
6. "COPYCAT" by Billie Eilish
Jeremiah, in a way, is his brother's copycat, he took his brothers plans and found a way to twist them into something a little less mad, and a little more sane. Miah is Jerome’s legacy, what was it that Jerome told him? “I’m gonna drive you mad.” “Oh but you will live on for me. Burn it down, brother. Burn it all down!” Jerome had his finger on the trigger, only the trigger finger was Jeremiah’s in the end.
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should we like. bring meat to the astral realm altar or something. or bugs????
i miss picking on kj :(
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leafbracer98 · 1 year
A while ago I came up with an idea to cross over Dead By Daylight and DC comics, with Joker (specifically looking like he does in Serious House) as the killer, and Jason Todd as the survivor. The stage would be Arkham Asylum, also looking more like it does in Serious House. I kinda wanted to write a fic, but kinda fell out of DBD before I could figure out what I wanted it to be, (plus what I was thinking of was ending way too happy for DBD, and it was coming off very crack-y) but I did write DBD-style character backstories/summaries for them, and even if I wrote a fic I couldn’t find a way to get them into the story anyway, and I really like them so here you go:
Killer: The Joker
No one knows the Joker’s backstory, least of all him. Famously the biggest thorn in Batman’s side, the most infamous rouge.the infamous clown prince of crime has done too many wrongs to count, taken countless lives in a twisted dance with Batman. A game that the Joker seems to want to win, by either killing Batman, or getting the famous anti-killing Bat to kill him, it’d be hilarious. A particularly infamous crime was his murder of the second Robin, which led to Batman almost killing him.
Recently, Joker was able to get his hands on the current Robin. It almost worked before, right? He had the bird, a crowbar, a bomb, a warehouse, and a plan. This would be it! He let out more twisted laughter over Robin’s stolen comm. the bird wasn’t crying, that would change. He closed his eyes in bliss, raised the crowbar…
And suddenly wasn’t in the warehouse, and the bird boy was gone.
He was in a strange forest.
Weapons: crowbar and knife
Survivor: Jason Todd
Born to An abusive father and drug addict mother in Gotham, Jason found himself homeless before he turned 13. He was picked up by Batman in Crime Alley when he tried to steal the Tires of The Batmobile. Batman adopted him and he became the second Robin, a role he would tragically lose his life to in a warehouse in Ethiopia. He died a hero. He came back changed. Now the Red Hood cleans up Gotham the way he wants, and after some scuffles with the Batfamily; was welcomed back to the fold. He was happy, until…
The Joker escaped Arkham and had taken Robin. He was taunting them, taunting Jason. Jason made it to the warehouse first Despite their differences, Jason wasn’t letting another Robin die to that damn clown. He went into the warehouse, and didn’t come back out. Robin was found later that night by Nightwing. Nightwing called in the rest of the family. The strangest thing was The Signal telling them that both hero and clown disappeared into a strange thick fog, and then vanished. Batman called in a few friends and the warehouse was searched, top to bottom for both their missing brother and the clown, or even a trace of the strange fog, the vigilantes of Gotham and the Justice League searched for ages. Batman is still looking into other dimensions.
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the-muppet-joker · 7 months
Greetings, homosapiens.
My name is Kermit. I also respond to The Joker, The Croaker, the Clown Prince of Crime, Dark Muppet, and Mr. The Frog. Pronouns are self explanatory.
I am a Kermit and Joker combined kintype with kin memories. I also ship Kermit with the Joker and am in a romantic relationship with both of them.
♤ ♡ ◇ ♧
Other Kermit/Joker Kintypes
People who post about wearing felt (the matierial I am made of as Kermit)
Batman Kintypes, fuck you Batsy
Marvel fans (self explanitory)
Reylo shippers-- disgusting.
Hank Green apologists
Minors or people over 30, just a preference
People who use AI-- support independent artists!
Vivziepop antis (see above)
Pokemon fans. Animal cruelty is disgusting.
People who don't support the men's rights movement. Fuck you.
Women. Females. Get off my blog foids.
Those of you on the WRONG side of ace discourse. You know who you are.
Hazbin hotel/Steven Universe fans, y'all are annoying.
No Sans/ AU Sans kins, especially Error!Sans. Was traumatized by a sans kinnie, if youre reading this, fuck you Error.
People who are afraid of seeing what darkness and depravity look like. Heh, run while you can.
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ciphenwriter21 · 2 years
Arkham Echo Team Sparrow Bat-Computer Files #1 - Erica Davis/Sparrow
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Real Name: Erica Ronda Davis
Occupation: Registered Delinquent (formerly), Gotham’s Grim Reaper (Vigilante)
Based in: Gotham City
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5 ft 8 in
Weight: 125 lbs
First Appearance: Batman: Arkham Echo Prologue, The Black Phoenix
-Expert hacking and programming skills, as well as electronic repair and building, along with auto repair
-Avid and self-taught in various forms of fighting, including martial arts, boxing and street fighting, along with hand-to-hand combat
-Proficient in firearms and blades, especially concerning military, navy and martial weaponry
-Well-versed in Latin, Portuguese, Chinese and Military Phonetics
-Self-taught in First-Aid and medicine, as well as toxicology and forensics
-Mysteriously well-trained in deter and misdirect, as well as interrogation and investigation skills
-Skilled in espionage and evasion, being able to stay out of sight
-A formidable interrogator, using death threats in order to gain the information or things she needs
Psy. Eval.
-Suffers from a prolonged anxiety disorder, most likely a generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD or C-PTSD
-A personality disorder is a possible and likely diagnosis, but unconfirmed or unlikely
-Prone to anxiety attacks, mood swings and violent outbursts
-Anti-social for the most time, unless she is around her roommates or those she trusts
-Believes that any criminal, petty or super, willing to kill or hurt someone in an inhumane manner should be put down
-Has a long-standing fascination and obsession with avenging Jason Todd and her blood-related family
-Also has an obsessive compulsion to kill the Joker and any who hope to succeed him
-Chosen alias likely a link or homage to the late Robin
-Refuses to let anyone call her 'Eri' or 'E', due to its association with the most recently deceased
-Holds a burning hatred towards the Joker and Harley Quinn due to the prolonged torture and mistreatment they subjected her and Jason to for a year
Erica was the only daughter and youngest child to achieved and decorated Gotham City doctor, Steven Martin Davis. One night, a hit and run killed the doctor, his wife, Sarah, and eldest and only son, Erica's older brother, Brady. Ten-year-old Erica’s body was never found; however, in actuality, she had survived the incident and was picked up by the Clown Prince of Crime himself, the Joker. Since then, Joker forced Erica to hide her identity by dyeing her hair, wearing a specially-engineered gas mask (made to filter out toxins, debris and unclean air, including Joker's own toxins) and the like. She went by the codename, Spades and became a bit of an anamoly in and around Gotham. This went on for five years until she gave her true identity to the second Robin, Jason Todd.
Jason and Erica became fast friends and would continously meet up at random locations. Jason even revealed his true identity to her and unmasked in front of her. Erica promised not to reveal this information to anyone, even Joker, and kept that promise well. Their friendship then continued, with Erica becoming increasingly attached to him. Unfortunately, it didn't save Jason from his fate at Joker’s hand at Ma-Gunn.
Erica disappeared a month after Jason was taken. Both of them were exposed and subjected to unfathomable tortures and horrors by Joker and some of his other accomplices and even his enemies. After hearing the gunshot that killed Jason, Erica passed out and was rescued by a talented witch, Kiera Thorn. Erica then awoke, now with her own renewed sense of justice and only one mission --- kill the Joker, whom she was wanted, dead or alive, by…
She hid under the false name, 'Eri Davids', the name being an homage to her deceased friend. She then took work at the local grocery store as a service manager and front-end supervisor. She hid in plain sight in order to avoid being found by Joker or anyone else in association. That was, until, an old cold case was reopened...
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The Iconic Characters That Catapulted DC to Fame
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DC Comics has long been celebrated for its rich and diverse roster of characters, each bringing their unique charisma and stories to the comic book universe. In this article, we will explore the extraordinary characters that have played pivotal roles in propelling DC to fame and capturing the hearts of fans worldwide. - Superman: The Man of Steel: Superman, the epitome of strength and virtue, is undoubtedly one of the most iconic characters in the DC universe. His superhuman abilities, unwavering moral compass, and relatable alter ego, Clark Kent, have made him a symbol of hope and justice. The Man of Steel continues to inspire generations of readers and stands as DC's emblematic superhero. - Batman: The Dark Knight: With his brooding presence and unwavering commitment to justice, Batman has become a pop culture icon. The Caped Crusader's dark and complex persona, coupled with his detective skills and impressive gadgets, have resonated with audiences worldwide. Batman's emergence as a symbol of fearlessness and determination has solidified his status as one of DC's most beloved characters. - Wonder Woman: The Amazonian Princess: Wonder Woman, the Amazonian warrior princess, has shattered stereotypes and empowered countless individuals. With her strength, compassion, and unwavering belief in justice, she has become a feminist icon. Wonder Woman's resilience and leadership have paved the way for strong female superheroes, making her an integral part of DC's success. - The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive: The Flash's lightning-fast speed and witty personality have endeared him to fans. Barry Allen's journey as the Scarlet Speedster, along with his compelling storylines and dynamic relationships, has captivated audiences for decades. The Flash's ability to traverse dimensions and time has added an exhilarating dimension to the DC universe. - Green Lantern: The Galactic Guardian: The Green Lantern Corps, an intergalactic peacekeeping force, has introduced a host of compelling characters to the DC universe. Hal Jordan, one of the most prominent Green Lanterns, embodies the Corps' spirit of willpower and fearlessness. His cosmic adventures and the diverse nature of the Green Lantern Corps have contributed to DC's expansive world-building. - Aquaman: King of Atlantis: Aquaman, the Atlantean monarch, has undergone a remarkable transformation from a lesser-known hero to a global sensation. With his ability to communicate with marine life and command the oceans, Aquaman's adventures have taken readers on incredible underwater journeys. The character's recent big-screen success has further boosted DC's popularity. - Joker: The Clown Prince of Crime: No discussion about DC's fame would be complete without mentioning the Joker. Batman's arch-nemesis, the Joker, has become an icon of chaos and unpredictability. His menacing presence, combined with his maniacal laughter and twisted sense of humor, has made him one of the most memorable villains in comic book history. - Harley Quinn: The Mischievous Anti-Heroine: Harley Quinn, originally introduced as the Joker's sidekick, has risen to become a beloved anti-heroine in her own right. Her playful yet unpredictable nature and tragic backstory have resonated with fans. Harley Quinn's popularity has soared, making her a prominent character in both comics and movies. - Shazam: The Power of Gods: Shazam, formerly known as Captain Marvel, embodies the power of multiple mythical figures. The character's youthful exuberance, along with his transformation from an ordinary boy to a superhero, has garnered a dedicated following. Shazam's lighthearted adventures and his connection to magic have brought a unique flavor to the DC universe. - Supergirl: The Maid of Might: Supergirl, the cousin of Superman, has become an integral part of DC's superhero lineup. With her incredible powers and determination, Supergirl has carved her own path as a symbol of strength and resilience. Her presence in the DC universe has inspired young readers and added a refreshing dynamic to the world of superheroes. - Green Arrow: The Archer with a Cause: Green Arrow, also known as Oliver Queen, stands out as a grounded and socially conscious character in the DC universe. With his exceptional archery skills and unwavering commitment to fighting for justice, Green Arrow has amassed a devoted following. His stories often tackle real-world issues, making him a relatable and relevant character. - Martian Manhunter: The Alien Sentinel: Martian Manhunter, also known as J'onn J'onzz, is a Martian refugee and a powerful superhero in the DC universe. His shape-shifting abilities, telepathy, and immense strength make him a formidable ally against evil. Martian Manhunter's unique extraterrestrial origins and his role as a guardian of Earth have made him a fan favorite. - Batgirl: The Guardian of Gotham: Batgirl, the female counterpart to Batman, has made significant contributions to the DC universe. With her intelligence, combat skills, and unwavering dedication to justice, Batgirl has proven herself as a capable crime-fighter. Her presence has expanded the Batman family and brought a new dimension to the streets of Gotham City. - Nightwing: The Former Boy Wonder: Nightwing, also known as Dick Grayson, is a beloved character who evolved from his role as Batman's first sidekick, Robin. As Nightwing, Dick Grayson brings his acrobatic skills, detective abilities, and leadership to the forefront. His transition from Robin to Nightwing symbolizes growth and independence, making him a fan-favorite character. The fame of DC Comics can be attributed to the incredible characters that have graced its pages. From the iconic Superman and Batman to the captivating Wonder Woman and Joker, each character brings their own unique charm and storyline to the DC universe. These characters have not only captured the imaginations of fans but have also inspired generations with their virtues, struggles, and triumphs. Whether it's the heroes, villains, or anti-heroes, DC's character roster continues to evolve and enthrall readers, ensuring the enduring popularity of the comic book franchise. Read the full article
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