#anti Esme Cullen
restinslices · 8 months
(I swear to y’all, imma go back to Mortal Kombat. But I have to rant. Imma pretend it’s the early 2000s and rant about Twilight. If you’re pro any of the Cullens, don’t even read this)
I’m not saying Jacob should’ve kissed Bella, but my thing is this; Jacob kisses you and you call him a dog and say you hope Edward kills him. Edward has done foul shit the ENTIRE SERIES and you let him slide repeatedly. There’s this part where Bella gets mad and says something like “at least Edward an act like an adult”. Bitch. He IS AN ADULT. What do you mean? Bella is way more harsh when it comes to Jacob and I don’t get why she holds so much anger towards this child and holds him to this high standard but has none of these feelings when it comes to the old ass adult she’s with. Since I’m typing, Stephanie Myers is weird and idc what y’all say. I remember Bella described Leah as beautiful in an EXOTIC way. MA’AM? It feels like she realized how asshole-ish the Cullens are and tried to make the wolves seem worse but all I’m thinking is “they’re definitely in the right when it comes to not liking the Cullens”.
The wolves don’t like vampires because they’re a safety risk. The Cullens being there (keep in mind, they’re rich enough to leave and never come back) is triggering these young ass people to turn into wolves. The Cullens don’t like the wolves because?? They have no valid reason. Edward constantly says the wolves are dangerous and yeah, they’re not the safest to be around but compared to vampires they’re a lot safer. Bella has only been harmed by vampires and only the vampires have tried to end her life. James, Laurent, Jasper, Victoria, the new born army that’s forming, the Volturi. She’s only been in danger because of the wolves once. Like, I don’t get how Stephanie expects us to agree with Edward when there’s proof that the wolves are way safer. Not 100% safe but better than vampires. And while I love Seth, I swear Seth is the “you’re not like the others” character. They only like Seth because he doesn’t hold animosity towards them as if that animosity isn’t valid. It’s giving “you’re not like other blacks, you talk proper” (ik he’s not black, it’s an example). I’m finishing the books because I’m too deep to quit but I wish they let Victoria finish the job.
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
Twilight next generation: Bella x Edward version
Elizabeth Rosaleise Swan Cullen
Faceclaim: Katie Douglas
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Oldest daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan and the firstborn triplet
Elizabeth is a vampire human hybrid, otherwise known as a Dhampir in her family
She looks more like her mother with a bit of her father
Elizabeth prefers to be called Liz, Lizzy, Elly, or Eliza for shirt
Like most of her family, she is gifted with the ability of mind control
Elizabeth and her siblings were born in Forks Washington, but as soon as they were born, her family immediately packed up and made their way straight to Alaska with the help of Jacob and his pack
Liz has a love for dancing, and her family comes all to her dance shows. Her favorite is ballet, the waltz, and also playing "Just Dance"
Has more control over her thirst for blood than her siblings
She's not really close with her parents but feels more close with the rest of her family.
She always wanted to meet her mom's parents. After they moved back to Forks, she developed a very great relationship with her grandfather Charlie Swan and his new wife, Sue Clearwater
Feels closer with her aunt Rosalie and her Uncle Emmett.
She always challenges her uncle Emmett to a dance off (which she always wins)
Loves her sister Renesmee
She is a bookworm like her dad and also has a major collection of music records
Loves her family very much
She often dances in private to let off a little steam or when she needs to clear her head
Has a great sense of fashion (thanks to her aunt Alice)
She's a loner like her dad and prefers her solitude, but there are times when she loves the comfort of her family
Is also a lover of yoga
E.J (Edward Jr.) Masen Swan Cullen
Faceclaim: Timothée Chalamet
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E.J. is the second born triplet and firstborn son of Edward Anthony Masen Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan
Like his sisters, he is also a Dhampir
He is called Eddie, Ed, mini Ed, or mini Edward by his family (mostly by his uncle Emmett)
He has a gift as well, which is telekinesis (moving things with his mind)
When E.J. shared his mother's womb with his sisters, the three of them could communicate with each other through their minds
E.J. and his sister's still have psychic conversations with each other in case they don't want their parents hearing them
E.J. takes after his father in appearance but has his mother's awkward introverted personality
E.J. is an artistic soul and loves painting, drawing and sketching.
He is a big loner.
Prefers silence but loves hearing his younger sister Nessie play piano
Loves playing chess with Edward
He often sketches his family or anything he sees
Loves training with his uncle Jasper
He is a little gentleman and modern feminist
A big bookworm
He is Esme's favorite (don't tell anyone🤫)
He is closer with his dad and often seeks him out for advice along with his uncle Jasper and Grandfather Carlisle
He is a baseball champion and one of the fastest runners in the Cullen clan
Renesmee Carlie Swan Cullen
Faceclaim: Mackenzie Foy
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Renesmee is the youngest child of Edward and Bella Cullen and the third triplet out of her siblings
She is a mommy's girl
Takes after both her parents but has her father's beauty in Bella's opinion
Also a Dhampir
Unlike her older siblings, she is actually very social and loves interacting with her family and making new friends
She loves playing piano and is a piano protege
She is very close with almost all her family
She is called Nessie, Ren, Nes and Beautiful by her family
She and her siblings grew up in Alaska, but when the triplets became teens, Bella wanted to go back to Forks and managed to convince everyone to join her
Renesmee has a bit of difficulty controlling her thirst and can sometimes go into a spiral, which is a risk to her family.
When Ness and her family moved to Forks, it wasn't an easy adjustment, but they soon grew comfortable. At least until the wolf shifter and Volturi drama happened.
Renesmee writes her own music and original pieces. She also plays music for Lizzie to dance to.
She hates seeing her family argue with each other or see her parents fight
Her gift is shield penetration and thought transmission. She can also have psychic conversations.
Renesmee tries to see the bright side of things and tries to make everyone happy.
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Renée turned Bella's bedroom into a yoga studio as soon as Bella was gone.
Esme, not a fighter and knowing Bella for less than a day, was ready to protect Bella with her life.
Renée and Esme are at opposite ends of a spectrum.
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Could you do The Cullens x Reader! Who is just a very happy and cheerful person, pretty small, and then they just get sad or teary eyed when someone calls them childish, what would be their reaction?
The Cullens with a very happy but sensitive reader
I can definitely relate to the sensitive part, but I am rather large so we'll see how good I am at portraying that
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy
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He doesn’t mind that you’re smaller than him
He actually kinda likes it
And he loves your personality
It’s so bright and nice
It’s a good change of pace to hear kind and clear thoughts as opposed to mean and rude ones
Now as far as when he hears people insulting you
He doesn’t let that shit fly
Especially when you come up to him later with tears in your eyes
He is anti-bully and pro-you
He will knock a bitch out
And he does his best to reassure you that he loves you for you and that he never wants you to change ever
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All things considered, you are like her clone
Small, cheerful, peppy
Only difference is that what other people say still gets to you
Granted, she’s had over 100 years to become desensitized
But she knows the feeling
Those people calling you childish have called her that too
She tells them to back off and watch themselves
As for you, she never wants you to change
You are so vibrant and lively and fun
And if those people ever got to you and you felt that you needed to try to change yourself, she shuts that down instantly
No changing yourself to fit into society for her
One order of being your own person please
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He loves your personality so much
It’s canon that he tends to gravitate towards people who have a positive mind because it makes him feel better
And what better person than sunlight embodied
But when you come to the lunch table one day and you look like you’re about to cry, he is ready to fight
He doesn’t actually fight tho
He knows he won’t be able to hold back and he will end up killing someone
He loves you, but not enough to blow their whole cover and to reset all of his progress
He reassures you that he doesn’t think you’re childish
If anything, everybody else is just miserable
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Grumpy and sunshine relationship dynamic?
She likes to give you a hard time sometimes, pretending to be annoyed at how energetic you are
But in reality she loves it
She’s so used to Edward being miserable and everyone at school being miserable that she loves your personality
And she does fight someone
When you come over after school and look like you’re about to cry, she instantly takes her earrings out
She finds whoever said it and beats their ass
She will not let anyone upset you like that ever again
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Your personality is a nice change from Rosalie’s
Not that he would admit that
But it’s nice to have someone who actually acts happy all the time
You’re his little ray of sunshine and he loves you
And when you come up to him about to cry, he gets ready to kill someone
And then he actually does
The guy deserved it idk
They can’t trace it back to him so it’s all ok
He reassures you as much as you need that he loves you and that he never wants you to change
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Another ray of sunshine
She’s so inviting and kind, you two match each other perfectly
Only she’s never really had to deal with anyone calling her childish
She’s of course had the random soccer mom asking her if she’s really qualified to be caring for a bunch of teenagers, but that’s it
So when you come home crying, she’s not too sure of what to do
She does her best to comfort you
Cue your favorite food, movie, and blanket
She spends the whole night cuddling with you and telling you that you are perfect exactly as you are
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He appreciates a nice, positive person
He deals with a lot of rude people at work, so it’s good to unwind
He has never once thought of you as childish in any way
One day you’re visiting him in the clinic and a random man says that you’re far too childish to be dating the doctor
He’s shocked
And you’re upset
He takes you back to his office to calm down and pages the secretary to kick that guy out
Reassures you that you are not childish and that he never wants you to change
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Vampire! Bella:
She’s been around sunshine people for a long time
Her mom, Alice, Esme, and Edward when he gets what he wants
So your presence is nothing new
But she appreciates it nonetheless
She loves how you can find the good in everything
It balances out her bleak mindset
So when she sees someone insult you, she’s irate
She goes over to them and like stomps on their foot or something
And then tells them to never even look at you again
Ultimate bodyguard
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loveswrites · 2 months
How are you? You haven't written in a long time. Btw, i really like your fics.
I was wondering if you could maybe write a poly!cullen x reader fic?
If you don't like it, you don't have to, of course🫶🏻
So I'm Tasty? Poly Cullens X Reader
Time it took me: 1 hour
Word count: 624 words
To Anon: Hey love! I'm doing lovely! Thank you for read my writing! I love when you guys tell me how much you like what I create! I wrote this one just for you. It might be a little short but I heard you guys miss me?
Love <3
“I’m better when I’m with you.” Jasper said, holding your hand as the two of you strolled through the woods. Well the eight of you. You and Jasper just separated yourselves from the group a little. 
“What do you mean?” You questioned looking up at him.
You were the one that had suggested that you guys go for a walk. You were feeling stuck in cluttered sitting inside of your own house all day. You much more preferred sitting in the Cullen's house rather than your own. 
“My thirst for human blood is easier to tame when I’m with you.” Jasper said, keeping his eyes front as you stepped on the wet wooded area.
“So what you're saying is I don’t smell good enough? I’m not intoxicating? I’m offended.” You pouted, crossing your arms. Hearing laughter next to you and a few laughs and snickers behind you made you turn around stopping in your tracks. 
“And why are you laughing?” You yelled slightly offended.
“You feel the same-” 
“Yes.” You were cut off as you continued.
“You think I wouldn't taste good!” You said pointing to each individual Cullen who each had a slight smile on their face. Their golden eyes look at you with so much amusement. 
“I actually think the opposite.” Emmett said, raising his hand.
“Me too, You humble our desire for you a little too much sweetheart.” Esme said, also raising her hand causing Carlisle to laugh a little.
“You were the first human in a long time. I didn't think I would be able to resist.” Rose said, raising her hand as well.
“You think this type of resistance is just here and easy?” Alice said, holding her hand high. 
“Though I would never ‘eat’ you, I’ve seen it.” She smiled. You shook your head as you smiled Alice always uses her powers to see a little further into the future to calm your nerves rather it’s because of a test or if a plane was going to blow up tomorrow. 
“You already know how I feel.” Edward said, raising his hand with a slight smirk on his face.
“I think what we meant was we also feel the same as in your presence. Your presence is so calming and relaxing to us that the urge to ‘Eat you’ As you say is buried deep inside.” Carlisle said, smiling at you. It’s like his Golden eyes shimmered every time you looked at him.
“But trust me it’s still there.” Jasper added, making you laugh immediately. Because as much as he loves you and you knew that for a fact. There are still some times when you can’t be around Jasper Because he hasn’t eaten for a few days.  
The rest of the Cullens nod in agreement to Jasper's words.
“So I am Tasty?” You questioned just wanting to confirm.
“Yes darling. Now let’s go.” Jasper said, throwing his arm around your waist guiding you to start back walking. The sun was creeping back down and with Vampires or not you never liked to just sit in the woods at night. 
“So hypothetically if I were to bake a cherry pie with just a little bit of blood you think you guys would notice?” You questioned walking with Jasper.
“Don’t do that.” 
“A cherry pie sounds good actually.”
“That doesn’t look like a good decision, please don’t make that.”
“I don’t think it counts as biting a human right?”
“That would break my no blood streak sadly.”
“You guys are no fun.” You pouted still thinking about it.
“Don’t make it!” Alice yelled.
“Why not!” You yelled back starting a bickering war all the way to the Cullens house.
 Something you loved to do with your anti blood lovers.
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wastheheart · 4 months
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A study in immortality, love, found family and motherhood. the constant changing of womanhood throughout the ages and what it means to be the matriarch.
independent, selective esme cullen from twilight. anti-meyer & heavily headcanon based
-> carrd.
loved by lychee (she/they) | 25+ | minors dni, personals do not reblog.
PSD #52 by RavenOrlov
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darkdoverpseeker · 11 months
seeking writing partners!
i wish i had the attention span to keep up with tumblr, but i don't - so i'm looking for writing partners on discord! my name is brandy, i'm 30, and i've been writing/rping for about sixteen years on and off. i've written for numerous fandoms, but the characters below are the ones i'm writing currently. bolded are ones i really want to write most. i would love to join in on either 1x1 or some small group rps on discord. if anyone's interested in interactions with the below characters, slide on in to my inbox/DMs!
star trek - beverly crusher, kathryn janeway, deanna troi
doctor who - 13th doctor, missy, river song
literature - mina murray (dracula), queen titania (midsummer night's dream)
mythology - persephone (hadestown based, but open to other interpretations)
twilight - esme cullen
harry potter (anti jkr) - nymphadora tonks, hermione granger
game of thrones - sansa stark
misc. muses - evelyn carnahan (the mummy), sarah williams (labyrinth), odette (swan princess), mia thermopolis (princess diaries), helen magnus (sanctuary), juliet burke (lost), charlotte lewis (lost), beatrice baudelaire (series of unfortunate events).
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panlight · 2 years
Who is each Cullen’s favorite superhero? +Bella and Jacob
With the caveat that I'm not super involved in superhero fandom so the pool I can pull from are going to be pretty Mainstream.
I feel like Carlisle has enough moral gray area in his existence as a vampire, he doesn't need that in his superheroes. He likes the aspirational and inspiring goodness of someone like Superman. Someone using their powers to help others because they can.
Likewise I think Esme might go for the Classic do-gooder types, your Wonder Woman types. Your Super Girls.
I could see Rosalie relating more to some of the villains or anti-heroes like Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy and Catwoman. They are more complicated than a lot of the heroes and I think Rose could relate to them. Maybe someone like Black Widow, too.
Emmett loves them all? Marvel and DC and anything else. I could see him loving the Hulk for his strength but doesn't relate to Bruce Banner at all. Loving Thor for this strength and his energy. Loving Spider-Man for his youthfulness. I could see him really loving the humor of the more recent Thor movies too.
Who has the best costume/super suit? That might factor into Alice's decision. I think she leans more into the X-Men types than the more Classic Superman stuff though. Maybe Scarlet Witch?
IDK about Jasper. He's always the one I feel is the least connected to human pop culture. Like he's aware of it because of Alice and Emmett but he doesn't like, care all that much. Just sort of passively absorbs it. But I guess he'd gravitate toward those characters who maybe start out on the villain side and then slowly switch over to the heroes.
I feel like Jacob is a Marvel type rather than DC too. Obviously hates Batman. Too much vampire imagery. The bats. The black cape. Not the vibes. I guess maybe he'd relate to the Hulk in the sense that strong emotions can trigger a phase? But again I don't know that he'd see a whole lot of himself in Bruce Banner as like, a scientist and all that.
Bella seems well-versed in superheroes (probably because SM has said she liked them), referencing radioactive spiders and saying she doesn't want to always be Lois Lane, that she wants to be Superman too. I guess maybe her favorite used to be Superman because of the comparisons between Lois/Clark and Bella/Edward.
Edward's is Batman, obviously.
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Twilight Is So Straight, It’s Gay: An Exploration of Camp and the Unintended Queerness of Twilight
Camp aesthetic is a visual movement that communicates appeal through what would be considered tacky iconography, prescribing value (whether good or bad) through the irony of ugliness or gaudiness.  It is theatrical, over-the-top, and dramatic. Campiness has long been tied inextricably to queer culture. Queer films little known to heteronormative society such as Debs, and, But I’m a Cheerleader, or even ubiquitous cult classics to the tune of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and, Hedwig and the Angry Inch are undeniably campy. Within these works, the performance of heterosexuality is unsettling and seems unnatural due to the theatricality of the relationships (one only has to see But I’m a Cheerleader’s Natasha Lyonne drowning in the mouth of her character’s football playing boyfriend during a make-out session to see what I mean here). This type of camp is intentional and pointed. However, the performance of heteronormativity can easily fall into the realm of camp without intending to.
Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight Saga is never intentionally Queer; in fact, there’s not even a whiff of overt gayness to be found in the behemoth four book teen melodrama. Edward Cullen and the rest of his vampire family, as well as the rest of the town of Forks seem to be one hundred percent heterosexual. But since its release in 2008, and especially since the 2020 Twilight “renaissance”, Twilight has accumulated a steadfast and growing queer following, leading to packed midnight showings of the films, memes, fan art, and more. Twilight’s over-performance of heterosexuality whilst simultaneously destabilizing aesthetic gender constructs places the series firmly, if unintentionally, within the campy queer classics canon.
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            Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble states,
“heterosexuality offers normative sexual positions that are intrinsically impossible to embody… both a compulsory system and an intrinsic comedy, a constant parody of itself…” (155).
Heterosexuality that does not have reproduction as a teleological goal is by nature not heterosexual, if society were to agree with the purpose of sexual desire as defined by anti-gay movements. In Twilight, the vampires are considered to be extremely sexually attractive, but in their current form, they cannot reproduce sexually. The relationships between vampires Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett, and, Carlisle and Esme, are now queer, because they are
“contesting the categories of sex or, at least, not in compliance with the normative presuppositions and purposes of that set of categories” (156).  
However, that’s not to say that sexual anatomy and reproduction defines gender or sexuality. For Butler, the performance of gender in queer relationships has to do with the destabilization of perceived gender constructs as they come into “erotic interplay” (157). A femme lesbian being sexually attracted to only cis-gendered women, but also being aroused by a butch lesbian’s performance of masculinity, is an example of that erotic interplay.  This becomes even more expansive in contemporary queer discourse, as we start to understand the performance of gender beyond the binary of men and women. Edward and Bella embody this destabilization through each of their gender crossing attributes. When Bella first witnesses Edward’s vampiric skin when it interacts with sunlight, she narrates,
“his skin, white despite the faint flush from yesterday’s hunting trip, literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface…his shirt open over his incandescent chest, his scintillating arms bare.” (Meyer 260).
Bella later goes on to say, “I would have liked to lie back, as he did, and let the sun warm my face. But I stayed curled up, my chin resting on my knees unwilling to take my eyes off of him” (260).
Edward becomes the object of sexual desire for Bella, subverting the narrative convention of the female being the focus of male desire.  
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Masculine presenting people wearing glitter and being desired sexually is an intersection of the erotic interplay of gender performances. Edward is meant to be at his most beautiful when he’s in the sun. Meyer’s reasoning for his beauty is that it makes him, according to Edward himself, a perfect predator. He says,
“Everything about me invites you in – my voice, my face, even my smell” (263).
Meyer’s vampires use the erotic interplay of masculinity embodying elements of feminine presentation as an example of the ideal form of sexual desire, and therefore are able to seduce their prey before killing them. It is reminiscent, in some ways, of the seduction of Janet and Brad by Dr. Frank N. Furter, whose own drag aesthetic is considered to be erotic to all of the characters in The Rocky Horror Picture Show at one point or another.  
Edward and Bella are also transgressive due to the differences in their species. Edward states many times throughout their will-they or won’t-they courtship that their being together is a bad idea. In fact, he likens it to a predator falling in love with its prey; in the same scene where Bella sees his sparkly skin for the first time. He says,
“And so the lion fell in love with the lamb” (273),
noting the innate perverseness of their love. Vampire stories have been linked to queerness for nearly two centuries. Dracula leads the way with the homoerotic subtext between The Count and Jonathan Harker in Bram Stokers 1897 novel, something that is essentially canonized in the BBC adaptation from 2020. In the series, Sister Agatha Van Helsing asks Harker if he had “sexual intercourse with Count Dracula” and he remembers back to a dream he had at the castle where his sexual fantasies of Mina shift into a sexual fantasy of Dracula. The series ends with Van Helsing and Dracula together in their own sexual fantasy, which shows the way transgressive sexuality is eroticized in the vampire plot. Van Helsing hates Dracula for his cruelty, but is still attracted to him. Edward lacks Dracula’s cruelty, but his monstrous status has in actuality turned him into an ideal beauty. Bella is attracted to him in part because of his inhumanity, describing his face as angelic or godlike (Meyer 262). Her attraction to Edward is transgressive in a similar way Agatha Van Helsing’s obsession with Dracula is transgressive.
            In a pivotal scene in both the book and the later 2008 adaptation starring Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, the vampire family plays a game of baseball together. The Cullen family can only play baseball during a thunderstorm, due to their super vampire strength (apparently they can hit a baseball hard enough to be mistaken for a crack of thunder, but yet the ball remains completely intact). Baseball seems to be a fairly all American, wholesome, straightforward activity. However, the way the Cullen family plays is decidedly theatrical. Everything they do is over the top and extra, from their vehicles;
“They circled around Rosalie’s red convertible, unmistakable lust in their eyes” (Meyer 222),
to Edward’s piano playing, to baseball. Everything is designed to make them stand out, and apart from the rest of the town. They are the monstrous other, even if they never actually drink human blood. Their everyday activities are performance.
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            The Cullen family is theatrical in all things, but especially in romantic partnerships. The first night Bella and Edward ever spend together, she tells him that she loves him. He responds with,
“‘You are my life now’” (314),
which is an intense confession to make after one kiss and a sleepover. Throughout the rest of the novels, Edward and Bella remain obsessed with each other to the point of suicide. In the second installment, New Moon Edward believes Bella has died, and tries to kill himself. He says to Bella,
“I wasn’t going to live without you,” (Meyer 263).
In the last installment, Breaking Dawn, when Bella almost dies (again), he forms a suicide pact with Jacob where he wishes for Jacob to kill him if Bella doesn’t survive. He tells Jacob,
“the moment Bella’s heart stops beating, I’ll be begging you to kill me” (Meyer 70).
The theatricality of their relationship, along with the transgressive nature of the vampire plot, turns displays of heterosexuality into unintentional camp. This, paired with the erotic interplay of gender performances, shows us that Twilight is so straight, it’s gay.
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drcrushers · 1 year
seeking writing partners!
i wish i had the attention span to keep up with tumblr, but i don't - so i'm looking for writing partners on discord! my name is brandy, i'm 21+, and i've been writing/rping for about sixteen years on and off. i've written for numerous fandoms, but the characters below are the ones i'm writing currently. bolded are ones i really want to write most. i would love to join in on either 1x1 or some small group rps on discord. if anyone's interested in interactions with the below characters, slide on in to my inbox/DMs!
star trek - beverly crusher, kathryn janeway, deanna troi
doctor who - 13th doctor, missy, river song
literature - mina murray (dracula), queen titania (midsummer night's dream)
mythology - persephone (hadestown based, but open to other interpretations)
twilight - esme cullen
harry potter (anti jkr) - nymphadora tonks, hermione granger
game of thrones - sansa stark
misc. muses - evelyn carnahan (the mummy), sarah williams (labyrinth), odette (swan princess), mia thermopolis (princess diaries), helen magnus (sanctuary), juliet burke (lost), charlotte lewis (lost), beatrice baudelaire (series of unfortunate events).
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felixschokehold · 2 years
Disclaimer: List is due to change over time as new things are learned about each character.
Ultimate Bias: Felix of the Volturi
He is TALL.
He has very little scenes in the books/movies but the back story I’ve given him and literally just my own story of him has made me very attached to him.
I also love Daniel Cudmore as Felix and I am perpetually Dead^TM.
Cannot help but to love fictional homicidal men.
Edward Cullen
Edward (and Bella) call to my BPD/bipolar so fucking hard. I understand the obsession. The mania. The self hatred. The lack of confidence in someone loving you because you don’t feel “good enough”.  
Love the vigilante vampire side story. Homicidal? Check. Justified killings? Double check. Love it. Living for it.
Leah Clearwater
An absolute badass.
She deserved much better.
Demetri of the Volturi
In the books he’s also Tall. 
In the movies he’s very charming and funny (i.e. shoving Felix to hoard food).
I feel very sorry for him since Aro literally kidnapped him from Amun’s coven.
Emmett Cullen
Everyone’s fave himbo. 
Felt very protective of Bella as a brother very early on (Midnight Sun describes this during driving away from the baseball scene). 
Marcus of the Volturi
His entire life was ruined by Aro and I feel so sorry for him.
He had the greatest love of all time and it was ripped from him. 
Is absolutely done with everything and is ready to die at any moment. Mood. 
Jane and Alec
Literally just two innocent children. 
Aro also basically ruined their life and turned them without their consent (afaik). 
Forcefully bound and kept content by Aro. 
So much pity for them. My children.
Anger issues. Same. 
Have you seen him?
Alice Cullen
Continuously and borderline obnoxiously tries to force Bella into her own picture of femininity.
Literally is okay with loving a non-repentant Confederate soldier.
She is nice but just kind of rubs me the wrong way ig.
Carlisle Cullen
Created his own “family” without any consent from them as they lay dying. 
Sam Uley
Seems like a hardass, but was probs just trying to be a leader and do what was best. 
Esme Cullen 
She is wholesome but not my cup of tea. 
Some motherly figures make me feel weird because mine is dead lmao.
The Pack
Unnamed members above and below go here, just no reason to like or dislike them.
The Denali Coven
I understand where Irina comes from. Kate is pretty cool ig. Tanya is alright. Eleazar and Carmen are hot af. I just don’t feel any certain way for the whole clan.
Anti|Non Favorites
Ultimate Anti: Jacob Black
Imprinting on a child; Smeyers writing imprinting as how wolves “find their mate”, and the “future” Alice saw in the movie of them acting kind of romantic to each other has made me have a very vile taste for Jacob Black. Pre-wolf Jacob? Totally cool. Post-wolf Jacob? Absolute fucking incel. 
Aro of the Volturi
Aro doesn’t “recruit”, he straight up kidnaps. He uses Chelsea and Corin’s powers to remove vampires he wants from covens they’re in and ties them to him for ultimate loyalty. He killed his own sister, Didyme, because he didn’t want Marcus to leave as he and Didyme were mated and wanted to dip from the Volturi. Aro is enslaving and kidnapping vampires on the reg.
Caius of the Volturi
He is the only member of the Volturi that Aro has not forced to stay. Caius stays on his own, he only uses Corin’s ability to cure his boredom when he isn’t committing mass murder or punishing lawbreakers. 
Rosalie Cullen (Hale) 
Supreme Bitch for literally no reason. 
Treats Bella like absolute garbage and almost gets her own brother killed because “Bella I eNvY yOu”
Was never a real mother to Bella, Bella had to mother her. 
Just annoying and a terrible person lol.
Charlie Swan 
Didn’t do anything in the movie when Jacob kissed Bella without consent. In the book, he praised Jacob for kissing Bella.
Jasper Cullen (Hale) 
I only put him here because he’s a Confederate soldier with no remorse. 
Probably a racist.
Also imprinted on a child.
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What if Bella was just a hallucination Edward was having but she didn't exist to anyone else?
Beautiful, anon, beautiful.
There's No New Girl in Forks
Midnight Sun starts a slight bit differently.
The Cullens are eating lunch as usual, Edward's bemoaning that he's in an endless purgatory of teenage filth (that he himself chose to frequent, Edward) and Edward vaguely notes the new girl that doesn't exist.
He's mildly surprised no one else seems to care about the new girl, she's good looking enough, he guesses, but it seems the denziens of Forks don't give a flying fuck.
He does get mildly annoyed when he sees that Jessica, Lauren, Mike, etc. are completely ignoring the girl at lunch. He knew Jessica was vain and self-centered, but this really goes beyond the pale. Wow, Forks sucks a lot.
Edward, however, doesn't comment on this to his family as it's just boring normal Forks behavior to him. He feels no need to acknowledge it's even happening and thinks his family's doing a great job being above it all (they're not as this girl doesn't actually exist).
Then Biology happens.
Edward Nearly Eats the Girl Who Doesn't Exist
Edward doesn't explain much of anything to the family.
He tells Carlisle he nearly ate someone (Bella Swan, Edward says, and Carlisle has a brief moment of 'who' but figures it's not worth focusing on when Edward seems to need to desperately leave the area) and then he's gone.
The Cullens try to puzzle out who it is/why Edward would react like that.
Someone must have had a nosebleed in Biology, they eventually figure, and like canon Alice feels terrible for missing it by focusing so much on what could happen to Jasper.
Edward comes back not long after and puts on a very brave face. The family's not as concerned this time around as they don't think it's a specific person's scent, all the same people are there after all, it must have just been a bad day/nose bleed. The likelihood of nosebleed happening again is probably pretty miniscule.
Carlisle gently reminds Edward that they tend to do blood testing in Biology and he may uh want to skip that day. Edward privately agrees but is mortified Carlisle says as much.
Edward Starts Talking to an Empty Seat
Edward interrogates the empty seat, determined to discover whether or not she's realized Edward is strange (the entire class now has as Edward's conversing with an empty chair, it's fucking weird, they figure he's role playing or something).
Edward finds himself intrigued, she gives answers he never would have suspected (almost as if she's not really a person).
This is terrible because the next day she's nearly hit by a van. Edward miraculously saves her in time.
His family wonders why the fuck Edward darted across the parking lot to save Jessica Stanley's front bumper.
"The rest of the car is totaled anyway" Emmett notes, Edward didn't even save the fucking car. And it's a really shitty car!
There's no vote that evening (despite Edward being shocked that there isn't one) as no one saw Edward's mad dash across the parking lot to not save Jessica's car.
Rosalie gives him hell for this, Edward thinks she's being callous dismissing Bella's life so easily and he points out that Bella could have died.
Rosalie thinks "Bella" is a hypothetical high school student who, in theory, could have been standing right there. She can't even.
Edward Starts Creeping in an Empty Room
Edward, unable to deny himself any longer, starts running out of the house to spy on the sleeping Bella in Charlie Swan's empty office that he thinks is a bedroom.
He asks himself why he saved her from the van and if she hasn't been sent here to torment him.
50/50 he eats Bella then and hides for several weeks from his family/potentially forever out of shame and the family has no idea what's happened to him and why the other 50 is he decides he must be in love.
Edward is in Love
Canon proceeds as Edward bails on his family to have lunch with an empty chair.
They feel vaguely insulted and very confused when Edward... starts talking to it about... theories.
"The fuck is he doing?" Rosalie asks, but then decides Edward's being a nerd or something. If she asks, Edward will just pretend Rosalie's the one being stupid and she won't fall for this obvious bait.
There's no Port Angeles as Alice doesn't have the vision that Bella's in danger (as Bella doesn't exist). Instead, eventually, Bella confesses that she discovered Edward's a vampire (how, unexplained, as she never went to La Push as I don't think Edward would make that connection)
"This woman is a saint" Edward breathes as she professes to love him anyway despite his vampirism. He takes her to the meadow and nearly eats her. What he's really doing, of course, is frolicking around by himself in the sunlight with a blouse on.
Edward has a great time.
Then comes the moment.
Edward invites Bella over to meet his family.
The Family Feels Very Taken Aback
"What?" they all ask, "Who?"
This is even worse than canon, where Bella Swan at least existed, and they saw Edward have conversations with her/nearly eat her. This is coming completely out of left field.
They don't even know a Bella! Where the fuck is she from?
"Oh, you're hilarious," Edward responds, laughing, thinking Carlisle's making a joke about how small of a town Forks is and how unlikely it is Edward would find his soulmate right here in high school.
Carlisle's not joking.
The family has an emergency meeting trying to figure out what anyone knows about this. Alice has seen nothing, she hasn't even seen this girl come over, there's a giant blank space.
Edward postulates that she's also immune to Alice's gift. It explains a lot, there's a lot that Alice should have been picking up on and since she's immune to Edward as well it would make sense.
"Uh, sure" Alice says, not sure how to feel about this at all or that a complete stranger is about to enter her life and might become a sister.
(She puts on a very brave face.)
Rosalie thinks this is a horrible idea. Edward, this girl has no reason to get involved. You've potentially ruined her life for no reason, behind everyone's back, what the fuck.
Edward tells her she wouldn't understand and likely makes a crack about Emmett.
Regardless, it's made clear, the girl's coming over in a few hours.
Rosalie bolts, she can't do this. She will not be a part of this, she needs to process and she is out! Emmett goes with her.
This leaves the rest of them. They hold their breath...
The Emperor Has No Clothes
Edward opens the door for nobody.
He talks to thin air, as if there's a person there, and looks at them as if expecting them to react. They have 0.005 seconds.
Esme recovers first and greets Bella with a warm smile. She punches Carlisle in the stomach, "Play along, dear!" as she assumes Edward's playing a game of some sort and this is some kind of hilarious (but not really) joke.
"Welcome to our house... Bella..." Carlisle somehow manages.
Alice and Jasper quickly disappear, they want no part in this.
Edward gives the thin air a tour of the house getting into a weird amount of Carlisle's personal history with it (Carlisle really really really doesn't feel comfortable about this).
Esme decides she should make pasta. Her name's "Bella" right? Isn't that Italian?
":/" - Carlisle Cullen
Eventually, Bella leaves, and Edward informs the family they did a marvelous job "EXCEPT FOR YOU, ROSALIE".
The family just kind of smiles awkwardly and laughs, waiting for Edward to drop the punch line of it all being a joke.
He doesn't.
The family has an emergency meeting.
Is Edward Fucking with Us?
There's heated debate while Edward's out creeping on Bella for the night as the family sees a few options.
One is that Bella exists but can be neither seen, nor heard, nor smelled. This is Esme's theory. It's... politely dropped.
Another is that Edward believes Bella exists and has gone completely mad. This is also moved past. It's a theory, and Edward has been acting a bit erratic (especially when Peter and Charlotte were visiting) but he's very consistent and this is also the first they've really heard of this.
A third is that Edward's getting passive aggressive bizarre revenge for the unspoken desire for him to get a girlfriend already. Nobody's said anything, nobody thought it was that big of a deal, but Edward must have been chafing at always being the odd man out and being pitied that this is his way of finally having enough.
This last is what they eventually settle on.
Rosalie still can't even.
"Well, what are we going to do about it?"
Alice sees confronting Edward going very bad places. Very... argumentative places, Edward apparently won't be breaking character until after the DVD commentary.
The best thing they can do, she informs them, is go along with it until Edward gets bored and realizes this is silly and nobody cares that he's single.
They all acknowledge that, as it's Edward and he's very stubborn, that could take a while...
Bella's Invited to a Baseball Game
Alice notes that it's a great day to play baseball! Oh, oh, Bella's coming too? Oh. Great.
Edward notes his family's lack of enthusiasm and informs them that they're being awful (ESPECIALLY YOU, ROSALIE) Think about it from Bella's perspective who has been so accepting of their nature. And here they are, acting like she's dirt beneath their feet.
"Alright, fine," Rosalie says, "I'll be the nicest person ever."
Edward watches in horror and embarrassment as Rosalie proceeds to be almost saccharine sweet to Bella (Bella of course is very flustered by the attention but is too naive to realize Rosalie's not being sincere at all).
The baseball game goes ahead as schelduled then to Edward's horror other vampires show up.
The Cullens... pause. Are they going to stop pretending now? Edward? Edward? Please? This will get very weird very fast and potentially dangeorus. Edward?!
Edward doesn't say anything but he starts acting really shifty, as if he's trying to hide someone from James, Victoria, and Laurent. He's also snarling.
"This is Edward," Carlisle introduces lamely.
As there's no tasty human to goad the Cullens with, while James is intrigued by Alice, I imagine he's actually too weirded out to do anything. They go on their way.
Edward is tormented he put Bella's life in such danger and vows to never do so again.
"... I think that's entirely possible" Carlisle notes, as Bella doesn't exist to be out in danger.
They Throw Bella a Birthday Party
Summer approaches and Bella is now invited to the house every day. The family vacates any room Edward's in as they don't want to be forced to talk to "Bella". Esme keeps making her cupcakes.
They frequently ask Alice how to make it stop or else when it will stop but so far as she can tell Edward will never decide to stop doing this so...
"For the foreseeable future" is what Alice notes much to the collective "ugh" of the family.
Emmett's just mildly disturbed by how in character Edward's getting. Though he does think Edward's waxing poetry about Bella is fucking hilarious (he doesn't know how he feels given that Edward's now funnier than him).
"Rock on, Edward" Emmett says.
Edward makes Alice throw Bella a birthday party.
Alice really doesn't want to. At all. She feels like Edward's just mocking her at this point. Even she's wondering when this will end.
Regardless, a birthday party is had and Alice is dismayed to learn that "Bella" didn't even want one. The girl is apparently too shy for parties or presents. Edward made her do this for nothing.
"Alice loves parties" - Edward to Bella
Jasper doesn't eat Bella because she doesn't exist. A very awkward party is had by all.
Things Continue
Things continue up until graduation at which point Edward professes he intends to leave Bella to live her human life for good.
("Thank fucking god" Rosalie says, it's a dumb conclusion to this dumb debacle but at least it's fucking over.)
They all conclude it's over and done with and gleefully plan the next move.
Except Edward ups and leaves.
He doesn't go to Rio, as there's no Victoria to chase, but he notes he needs some time to process his time away from Bella.
"... Sure, you do that" they all say, not sure what this is about but figuring Edward needs his space.
Edward leaves and... drops off the map. He stops calling, doesn't respond to them, and they start to get very worried. What the hell is going on with him?
Alice warns that any attempt at an intervention will lead to disaster. Just... let Edward get over this.
Edward likely goes to Dartmouth where the Bella in his head has gone to college. He watches her from afar, despairing when she gets a wonderful, intellectual, human boyfriend.
Edward sooner or later caves and decides to live apart from his family for the duration of Bella Swan's human life.
Eventually, We Reach Volterra
Edward goes to Volterra to kill himself when Bella dies.
Aro is greeted with this story (which from Edward's perspective is very real). "Oh, what a tragic story!" Aro notes, but as in canon notes he's not killing Edward over this.
Edward walks in the sun, there's no Bella to stop him.
Upon meeting the rest of the Cullens in the aftermath... Aro awkwardly learns there was no Bella.
He decides not to tell them that uh Edward wasn't joking.
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cto10121 · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking about a Twilight AU where Bella meets Jacob before Edward and falls in love with him…because all of it only just exacerbates the problems, if not downright impossibility, of a Bella/Jacob endgame.
So let’s say that Renée decides to dump Bella in Forks 1-2 years before canon to go on a trip with her latest boy toy. 15-year-old Bella sulks but then is greatly cheered by Jacob, old friend of the family, who is cheerful, carefree, and immature in ways a parentified Bella appreciates. They hang out and Bella is relieved to have a friend she can relate to and hey, there are romantic feels there. Wonderful. Their courtship is brief but pretty much without drama. Bella may even meet the other Quileutes, such as Sam and his beautiful fiancée, Leah, who remind her of her own relationship with Jacob. All is well, and Bella elects to stay in Forks for Jacob—although miffed that she would no longer see him as regularly, as she would be starting Forks High and Jacob would go to school on the rez. They promise to see each other as often as they can.
Then the Cullens arrive.
Immediately they’re the talk of the town for obvious reasons. Bella may even spot one—Esme?—around town as part of their cover and is immediately intrigued. When she returns to school, she meets the Cullen children and pretty much the same happens as canon re: Edward…except Bella has Jacob to confide in. At first he dismisses the rez’s superstitions about the Cullens, but Strange Things(tm) begin to happen, especially with Sam and the others (Sam has broken up with Leah??? To date her cousin??? Talk about drama). Billy’s and Charlie’s friendship begins to strain as Billy warns he and Bella not to get too friendly with the Cullens. And then Bella becomes obsessed with one Cullen in particular.
Bella is stubbornly loyal, however. At this point she knows Billy fairly well, probably knows about the legends either through Jacob or the Quileutes. So it’s obvious to her the Cullens are something more, especially after Edward’s saving her from the van. So it should be a no-brainer to stay away from Edward if these legends are true, right? And even if they are true, it wouldn’t hurt to investigate further to see if they are, right? Right?
Of course she is also in denial over her feelings towards Edward. She calls their relationship a friendship and like a good anti tells herself she is only interested in the ~mystery of Edward. She dismisses Jacob’s legitimate worry/growing jealousy and dismisses hers and Edward’s growing fuckiness as just Investigation(tm) things and then later just Friendship(tm) things. The denial is shallow and tenuous, however, more so than hers for Jacob in canon, and Bella becomes wracked with guilt regardless—wasn’t this still cheating? How could she do this to poor Jacob??? Except Jacob is becoming not-so Jacob-y as of late…especially after the Incident.
So in this AU Bella’s getting hunted by James and protected by Edward and his family develops differently than canon. Perhaps James’ coven happen to come upon her in the woods, necessitating a rescue and intervention of the Cullens. Either way, her injuries are immediately called into question by the Quileutes. Jacob finds himself believing more and more in the old legends, as nothing else seems to add up. The fact that Edward’s involved is also telling. Also, thanks to all of this drama his werewolf gene is triggered much sooner; he starts getting symptoms. So Bella returns to Forks to find a more jerkish Jacob, and all the little flaws in their relationship become all the more glaring. Bella dislikes this new Jacob as in canon, but it doesn’t make what she must do any easier. By this time she knows her feelings towards Edward aren’t at all platonic. Edward has successfully sucked out the poison without killing her and wants to leave her and let her be with Jacob so that she can remain human. This only makes Bella not only realize she loves him but makes her love him even more.
So Bella breaks up with Jacob or he with her and it hurts…but honestly she is just relieved she isn’t lying to herself anymore. In doing so, however, she necessarily aligns herself with the vampires. And once Jacob becomes a werewolf in on the secret, he becomes hers as well. Cue AU!Eclipse drama and Bedward endgame.
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Fuck Renée. Give Bella the mother she deserves.
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therosary · 1 year
independent and selective multi muse blog. written by bella (22, she/her). same rules apply! muses below.
cleo sertori, h20.
davina claire, the vampire diaries universe.
elijah mikaelson, the vampire diaries universe. canon divergent.
hayley marshall, the vampire diaries universe. canon divergent.
josie saltzman, the vampire diaries universe. canon divergent.
peyton halliwell, charmed.
adaline bowman, the age of adaline.
casey becker, scream.
sally owens, practical magic.
alex thorne, the hunger games oc.
carlisle cullen, twilight. anti-smeyer.
cecilia, the hunger games.
chelsea, twilight. anti smeyer.
elain, a court of thornes and roses.
emmett cullen, twilight. anti-smeyer.
evelyn hugo, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo.
heidi, twilight. anti-smeyer.
johanna mason, the hunger games.
katarína denali, twilight. anti-smeyer.
maggie, twilight. anti-smeyer.
nesta, a court of thorns and roses.
primrose everdeen, the hunger games.
delphine rousseau, vampire oc.
bellaswane : blogwide.
womaniz : blogwide.
womaniz : carlisle cullen for esme cullen.
womaniz : josie saltzman for lizzie saltzman.
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wastheheart · 2 months
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A study in immortality, love, forged family and motherhood. the constant changing of womanhood throughout the eras and what it means to be the matriarch.
independent, selective esme cullen from twilight. anti-meyer & heavily headcanon based
-> carrd.
loved by lychee (she/they) | 25+ | minors dni, personals do not reblog.
PSD is Candygram by Kittenkaiju on Deviant Art
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