#antenna mast
sw5w · 9 months
A Vergence, You Say?
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:25:08
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trucenz · 2 years
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Are EMF’s safe? (come, child, ruin your night)
y’all ready for this? I’m not anti-5G, btw turn your wifi off before bed and maybe stop keepin’ ya phone so close all the time
But like... why, though?
I've had my suspicions about cell towers being hazardous to health for a few years now and felt convinced enough to not bother researchin' it for confirmation. Now that I'm blah blah blah, I decided to actually bother. Since it got kinda heavy, I had to ask myself if I should put in hella more effort creatin' a damn research report of sorts for y'all asses present the info for others like it's a damn PSA. And my conscious won. T~T
But like... what, though?
A base station (aka: cell phone tower) is that shit you see everywhere but never notice. It's usually tall af and has panel antennas on it. It's "used for the transmission and reception of the radio signals between the mobile phones and the network." The problem with 'em is the electromagnetic field (EMF) their equipment can give off... for half a mile. 😐
In short, they've been found to cause health problems. Like cancer. 🤷🏿‍♂️
Fun fact, panel antennas can be installed on the roof/side of buildings that may be directly across the street from someone's workplace... with the antenna at their elevation. 🤷🏿‍♀️
Real Quick
For those who don’t trust EMF-Portal, it (sometimes) has links to the study/article. Full-text PDF can be requested directly from the authors on ResearchGate.net’s article for the study. Full-text PDF can (usually) be found online in English and German with the right search.
5 Studies
V/m = volts per meter 7191 cancer deaths were selected according to the above mentioned criterias out of a total of 22,493 cancer deaths. The most significant causes were lung cancer (19.6 %), stomach cancer (14.1 %), prostate cancer (12.6 %), and breast cancer (11.5 %). The mean electric field intensity of the measurements in 2008 was 7.32 V/m, varying from 0.4 to 12.4 V/m. At a distance of up to 100 m [328.08 ft], the absolute number of deaths was 3569, (49.6 % of all deaths), the mortality rate was 43.4 persons per 10,000 [0.43%] and the relative risk was 1.35 in relation to the mortality rate of 32.1 per 10,000 [0.32%] inhabitants of the entire Belo Horizonte municipality [in Minas Gerais, Brazil]. A mortality rate of 34.8 per 10,000 [0.35%] inhabitants was observed for the residents living within 500 m [1,640.42 ft] of the base stations; this rate decreased for residents living farther from the base stations.
—Mortality by neoplasia and cellular telephone base stations in the Belo Horizonte municipality, Minas Gerais state, Brazil; Science of The Total Environment (2011); EMF-Portal
ResearchGate.net’s article
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The result of the study [of 967 permanent residents] shows that the proportion of newly developing cancer cases was significantly higher among those [320] patients who had lived during the past ten years at a distance of up to 400 metres [1,312.34 ft] from the cellular transmitter site, which has been in operation since 1993, compared to those patients living further away, and that the patients fell ill on average 8 years earlier. In the years 1999-2004, ie after five years' operation of the transmitting installation, the relative risk of getting cancer had trebled for the residents of the area in the proximity of the installation compared to the inhabitants of Naila[,Germany,] outside the area.
—The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer (original title: ‘Einfluss der räumlichen Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen auf die Krebsinzidenz’); Umwelt · Medizin · Gesellschaft (2004); ResearchGate.net
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9 cancer cases were observed in the first period 2000 - 2004 and 14 cases in the period 2005 - June 2007 among [1,283] residents living within a radius of 400 m [1,312.34 ft] to a mobile phone base station [in Germany (Hennen, suburb of Iserlohn, Westfalia)]. The mean age of disease onset was 59.2 years in the first period and 59.3 years in the second period in comparison to the expected value of 66.4 years evaluated from the Saarland Cancer Registry. The authors concluded, that a statistically significant increase of cancer incidence was observed 5 years after the base station has been started operating.
—[Incidence of cancer adjacent to a mobile telephone basis station in Westfalia] (original title: Krebsinzidenz von Anwohnern im Umkreis einer Mobilfunksendeanlage in Westfalen - Interview-basierte Piloterhebung und Risikoschätzung); Umwelt · Medizin · Gesellschaft (2009); EMF-Portal
Area A: ≤ 350 m / 1148.3 ft from base station Area B: > 350 m / 1148.3 ft from base station Of the 622 people of area A, 8 cases of different kinds of cancer were diagnosed in a period of one year (from July 1997 - June 1998). The cancer incidence rate was 129 cases per 10,000 [1.29%] persons per year in area A compared to 16/10,000 [0.16%] in area B and 31/10,000 [0.31%] in the town of Netanya [in Israel]. Relative cancer rates for females were 10.5 for area A, 0.6 for area B and 1 for Netanya. The authors conclude that the study indicates an association between increased incidence of cancer and living in proximity to a mobile phone base station.
—Increased incidence of cancer near a cell-phone transmitter station; International Journal of Cancer Prevention (2004); EMF-Portal
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Took forever to get this damn infographic just right. >.>
A long-term study was conducted in Germany to investigate the influence of a mobile phone base station on neurotransmitters under true-to-life conditions. µW/m² = microWatts per square meter 24 out of 60 participants were exposed to a power density of < 60 µW/m², 20 participants to 60 - 100 µW/m², and 16 participants to more than 100 µW/m² . The values of the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline grew significantly during the first 6 months after starting the GSM base station; the values of the precursor substance dopamine substantially decreased in this time period. The initial condition was not restored even after 1.5 years. Due to the not regulable chronic difficulties of the stress balance, the phenylethylamine levels dropped until the end of the investigation period. The effects show a dose-effect relationship and are situated far under the valid limit values.
—[Modification of clinically important neurotransmitters under the influence of modulated high-frequency fields - A long-term study under true-to-life conditions] (original title: Veränderung klinisch bedeutsamer Neurotransmitter unter dem Einfluss modulierter hochfrequenter Felder - Eine Langzeiterhebung unter lebensnahen Bedingungen); Umwelt · Medizin · Gesellschaft (2011); EMF-Portal
ResearchGate.net’s German article EMF:data page (German)
While I did find 17 different figures for it, I’mma save myself the bother of describin’ dat noise and not include ‘em thanks~.
But what does the FCC say?
FCC.gov’s conclusion seems to be that they’re generally safe for civilian life as long as you don’t get close and aren’t directly in front of the antenna’s trajectory (don’t climb a fuckin’ tower or enter those rooms/buildings). A very “it’s fine” set of conclusions tbh. Hella contrasted by other sources.
Nonetheless… below is the index...
FCC’s RF Safety FAQ Index:
What is "radiofrequency" and microwave radiation?
What is non-ionizing radiation?
How is radiofrequency energy used?
How is radiofrequency radiation measured?
What biological effects can be caused by RF energy?
Can people be exposed to levels of radiofrequency radiation and microwaves that could be harmful?
Can radiofrequency radiation cause cancer?
What research is being done on RF biological effects?
What levels are safe for exposure to RF energy?
Why has the FCC adopted guidelines for RF exposure?
How safe are mobile phones? Can they cause cancer?
How can I obtain the specific absorption rate (SAR) value for my mobile phone?
Do "hands-free" ear pieces for mobile phones reduce exposure to RF emissions?   What about mobile phone accessories that claim to shield the head from RF radiation?
Can mobile phones be used safely in hospitals and near medical telemetry equipment?
Are wireless and PCS towers and antennas safe?
Are cellular and other radio towers located near homes or schools safe for residents and students?
Are emissions from radio and television antennas safe?
How safe are radio antennas used for paging and "two-way" communications?   What about "push-to-talk" radios such as "walkie-talkies?"
How safe are microwave and satellite antennas?
Are RF emissions from amateur radio stations harmful?
What is the FCC's policy on radiofrequency warning signs?  For example, when should signs be posted, where should they be located and what should they say?
Can implanted electronic cardiac pacemakers be affected by nearby RF devices such as microwave ovens or cellular telephones?
Does the FCC regulate exposure to radiation from microwave ovens, television sets and computer monitors?
Does the FCC routinely monitor radiofrequency radiation from antennas?
Does the FCC maintain a database that includes information on the location and technical parameters of all the towers and antennas it regulates?
Which other federal agencies have responsibilities related to potential RF health effects?
Can local and state governmental bodies establish limits for RF exposure?
Where can I obtain more information on potential health effects of radiofrequency energy?
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) prepared a [2012] report of its investigation into safety concerns related to mobile phones.  The report concluded that further research is needed to confirm whether mobile phones are completely safe for the user, and the report recommended that the FDA take the lead in monitoring the latest research results.
Professional Opinion...
Safe Distance from Cell Towers…
It is also difficult to predict a safe distance from cell towers.  For example, cell towers are designed to transmit most of their radio frequency (RF) energy horizontally.  Some areas below the tower may have lower levels than locations farther away that are more in line with the vertical height of the antennas. The exposure from a cell tower will depend on the type of antennas, the number of antennas, how much the antennas are actually being used, the time of day, etc.  The distance needed to reduce exposures down to the General Public Precautionary Level of 100 microwatts per meter squared (μW/m²) is often around a quarter of a mile (1320 feet) or more.  Due to the uncertainty, on-site testing with a broadband RF test meter is strongly recommended. A German study reported that people living within 400 meters (1312 feet) of cell towers had over 3 times the normal rate for new cancers (City of Naila 2004).  In an Israeli study, the relative risk for cancer was about 4 times greater within 350 meters (1148 feet) of the cell tower (Wolf et al. 1997).  Based on findings like these, a minimum safety distance of 1/4 mile (1320 feet) might be considered prudent. (...) The suggestions for safety distances in this chart are generally based on Michael Neuert’s [engineer, licensed electrician, and health educator] professional on-site testing of the various EMF sources in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1992.
—What Distance is Safe? By Michael R Neuert, MA, BSME, ©2023
helpful table if you want all that info: What EMF Level is Safe? By Michael R Neuert, MA, BSME, ©2023
i know what i said
Based on the accumulated evidence, we recommend that IARC [the International Agency for Research on Cancer] re-evaluate its 2011 classification of the human carcinogenicity of RFR [radio-frequency radiation], and that WHO [the World Health Organization] complete a systematic review of multiple other health effects such as sperm damage. In the interim, current knowledge provides justification for governments, public health authorities, and physicians/allied health professionals to warn the population that having a cell phone next to the body is harmful, and to support measures to reduce all exposures to RFR.
—Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices; Front Public Health (2019 Aug 13); NCBI
Lookup (or pull out) your cellphone’s manual and search for the sections on “radio frequency exposure” and “Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information” to see how close the phone can safely be kept near your body… and that it should be kept away from “the bellies of pregnant women and for teenagers, away from the lower abdomen.” 😐
For an informative giggle, here’s the “Harmful Cell Phones” segment from season 7 of The Colbert Report.
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thesquelch · 2 years
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Welcome to my blog on my radio journey. A bit of back story, I’m already an intermediate license holder and have various bits of kit, for more info on this check me out on QRZ
So let us begin, above is the start of the new location for my mast. I started with a 16mm masonry drill only to find out I need larger drill bits.
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The fence posts are reinforced but with luck the drill went straight through missing the steel bars.
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The holes are for these, called a super tie E clamp. I’d seen them on a building site and have been looking for them for some time. This means I’ll be able to bring the mast down a lot easier down the side of the fence.
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This has been the weapon of choice for drilling. It’s an absolute beast. It even has a chisel action.
So. Things I learned while ‘slowly’ drilling reinforced concrete posts - the reinforced bars are only 20mm apart, this, when wanting a 22mm hole isn’t good.
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This meant I needed another plan and after some searching I bought some 16mm threaded bars and the nuts and penny washers to match. I removed the existing washer off the super tie and removed the bolt, replacing it with the new ironmongery.
The result is that I have is a very sturdy base mast that can be lowered and changed very easily.
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The next post will be about me installing a Yaesu atas 120a vertical screw hf antenna.
73’s for now.
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emvisual · 1 year
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El mástil de la KVLY-TV fue la estructura más alta del mundo hasta que la climatología acabo con ella. Medía 529 m (2.063 ft). Se construyó en 1963 en DaKota del Norte. Hay una película tremenda sobre 2 chicas que la escalan. (Terror)
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spookysaladchaos · 4 months
Global Top 7 Companies Accounted for 53% of total Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna market (QYResearch, 2021)
A submarine is a naval platform that can stay underwater for an extended period to carry out missions, both offensive and defensive. It is a complex platform that includes multiple components. As radio waves cannot propagate in water, communication with submarines is difficult. To overcome this issue, submarines are being installed with antennas that can be raised above the water surface level, and employ ordinary radio transmissions for communication.
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According to the new market research report “Global Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna market size is projected to reach USD 0.7 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna Top 7 Players Ranking and Market Share (Ranking is based on the revenue of 2022, continually updated)
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The global key manufacturers of Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna include Thales, L3Harris Technologies, Safran, Hensoldt, Comrod Communication AS, etc. In 2021, the global top four players had a share approximately 53.0% in terms of revenue.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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rfantennaindia · 8 months
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2.4GHz Fiberglass Antenna With N Male St. Connector
A 2.4GHz #fiberglassantenna refers to an antenna designed to operate in the 2.4 gigahertz (GHz) frequency range. This frequency range is commonly used for various wireless communication applications, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and some remote control systems.
Fiberglass antennas are popular for #outdoor applications due to their durability and resistance to weather conditions. The fiberglass material used in the antenna construction provides protection against environmental factors such as rain, sunlight, and wind.
Know More At - Contact Us - 8889017888 📞 👉Website - https://eteily.com/3-rf-antenna
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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100 Most Fascinating Facts About the Empire State Building
The Empire State Building, located in the heart of Manhattan, New York City, is an iconic skyscraper and one of the most famous landmarks in the world.
Construction of the Empire State Building began on March 17, 1930, and was completed in just 410 days, opening its doors to the public on May 1, 1931.
Standing at a staggering height of 1,454 feet (443.2 meters), including its antenna, the Empire State Building was the tallest building in the world when it was completed. It held this title for nearly 40 years until the completion of the World Trade Center's North Tower in 1970.
The Empire State Building has 102 floors, with 86 of them being used for office space, and it houses numerous businesses and organizations.
The building was designed by architect William F. Lamb, who worked for the architectural firm Shreve, Lamb & Harmon Associates. The design was inspired by the Art Deco style, which was prevalent in the 1930s.
It cost approximately $40 million to build the Empire State Building, which would be equivalent to over $700 million in today's money when adjusted for inflation.
The building's construction was completed during the Great Depression, and it was often referred to as the "Empty State Building" during its early years due to the difficulty of finding tenants for the office spaces.
To finance the construction, the Empire State Building was funded by a group of wealthy investors, including John J. Raskob, a financier and businessman.
The building's exterior is clad in Indiana limestone and granite, giving it a distinctive and elegant appearance.
The Empire State Building's famous Art Deco spire was originally intended to serve as a mooring mast for dirigibles, but the idea was quickly abandoned due to safety concerns and strong winds at such heights.
The building's construction progressed at a remarkable rate of four and a half stories per week, an unprecedented speed for that time.
During the construction, five workers tragically lost their lives, and they are honored with a memorial plaque inside the building.
The Empire State Building has a total of 73 elevators, including service elevators, and it takes just 45 seconds to reach the 86th-floor observatory from the ground floor.
The building's 86th-floor observatory offers breathtaking panoramic views of New York City and has been visited by millions of tourists from around the world.
Notable visitors to the Empire State Building include several world leaders, celebrities, and even fictional characters like King Kong in the classic 1933 film.
The Empire State Building was the location of several daredevil stunts and record-breaking feats, including the famous race to the top between a man and an elevator.
The building's official lighting system can be programmed to display various colors and patterns during different events and celebrations, making it a striking presence in the New York City skyline.
Every year, on Independence Day, the Empire State Building participates in the Macy's Fourth of July Fireworks display, illuminating the night sky with a colorful show.
In 1964, the Empire State Building was designated as a National Historic Landmark, recognizing its cultural and historical significance.
The building's observatories are open to the public year-round, and they are especially popular during the annual Empire State Building Run-Up event, where participants race up the stairs to the 86th floor.
The iconic scene from the movie "Sleepless in Seattle," where Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan meet on the observation deck, has become a quintessential romantic movie moment.
The Empire State Building has been featured in numerous movies, TV shows, and music videos, cementing its status as a symbol of New York City and an emblem of urban life.
On a clear day, visitors to the observatory can see up to five states: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.
The building has experienced several incidents of lightning strikes, but its construction materials safely disperse the electrical charge, keeping it relatively safe during storms.
The Empire State Building's Art Deco lobby is adorned with beautiful murals and decorative elements, transporting visitors back to the glamour of the 1930s.
A famous photograph called "Lunch Atop a Skyscraper" was taken during the construction of the building, showing construction workers casually sitting on a steel beam high above the city.
The Empire State Building has appeared in various video games, becoming a recognizable virtual landmark in games set in New York City.
The building's famous spire has undergone several alterations and changes over the years, including the addition of a television broadcasting antenna.
An observation deck is located on the 102nd floor, offering an even higher vantage point for those willing to climb a few more flights of stairs.
During the annual Empire State Building Run-Up, the fastest recorded time for ascending to the 86th floor is just under 10 minutes.
The building's exterior lights are often coordinated to support important causes, such as lighting up in specific colors to raise awareness for charitable events and holidays.
The Empire State Building's lobby houses a scale model of the building, offering visitors a close-up look at its architectural features and design.
The Empire State Building's design and construction techniques were considered innovative for their time, and many of its principles have influenced the development of future skyscrapers.
The building's façade features intricate stone carvings, depicting various animals and mythological creatures, adding a touch of artistry to its exterior.
The Empire State Building was the first building to have more than 100 floors, making it a true marvel of engineering and architectural achievement.
The building's steel frame weighs around 57,000 tons, and the total weight of the building, including its contents, is estimated to be over 365,000 tons.
In 1945, a B-25 bomber crashed into the Empire State Building's 79th floor in dense fog, resulting in 14 fatalities and significant damage to the building.
The Empire State Building's architecture has served as inspiration for various skyscrapers and buildings around the world.
The building's height, including its antenna, is precisely 1,454 feet and 8 9/16 inches (443.2 meters), making it an engineering marvel to achieve such precision during the 1930s.
The Empire State Building has been featured in numerous songs, poems, and works of literature, cementing its status as a symbol of ambition, progress, and the American Dream.
The building's main lobby features a stunning ceiling mural titled "American Progress" by artist Roy Sparkia, depicting the rise of New York City.
A bronze plaque on the ground floor commemorates the visit of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who turned on the building's lights with a push of a button on May 1, 1931.
The Empire State Building was the location of a unique event in 1951 when Kathryn Johnston became the first woman to be married on the building's observatory.
In 1980, the exterior of the Empire State Building was designated as a city landmark, ensuring its preservation for future generations.
The Empire State Building's prominence as a symbol of American industrial prowess and architectural excellence was further solidified by its inclusion in the Great Seal of New York City.
The building has been featured on several postage stamps issued by the United States Postal Service, further showcasing its iconic status.
The Empire State Building played a significant role in numerous movie plots, and its imposing presence has served as a backdrop for memorable cinematic moments.
The building's immense height allows it to be visible from various points across New York City, making it a guiding landmark for many residents and tourists.
The Empire State Building was depicted in the 1983 video game "King Kong," where players climbed the building to rescue the titular character.
The building's observation decks have hosted numerous special events, including weddings, proposals, and even a high-wire walk by daredevil Philippe Petit in 1974.
The Empire State Building is an energy-efficient building, and it has earned a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification for its sustainability practices.
The annual Empire State Building Run-Up attracts participants from around the world, with many athletes and fitness enthusiasts challenging themselves to conquer the stairs.
The building's 86th-floor outdoor observatory has been featured in movies like "An Affair to Remember" and "Sleepless in Seattle" as a place where couples can share special moments and breathtaking views.
The building's observation decks have been the setting for several world records, including the highest concert and the highest-flying paper airplane launch.
On a windy day, the Empire State Building sways gently, and the topmost floors can sway up to several feet due to its flexibility and structural design.
The Empire State Building has appeared in numerous comic books and graphic novels, often serving as a backdrop for superhero battles and epic showdowns.
The building's observatories are equipped with high-powered binoculars to allow visitors to get a closer look at various landmarks and attractions across the city.
The Empire State Building has been featured in various virtual reality experiences, allowing people from around the world to explore its heights without leaving their homes.
The Empire State Building's façade lighting is often used to commemorate special occasions, such as holidays, national events, and philanthropic initiatives.
During the Christmas season, the Empire State Building is illuminated with festive colors, and a large Christmas tree is displayed in the lobby.
The building's observatories are open until midnight, offering visitors a chance to experience the stunning nighttime views of the city that never sleeps.
The Empire State Building's central location in Midtown Manhattan makes it a convenient starting point for tourists exploring the city's many attractions.
The Empire State Building has been featured in video games like "Grand Theft Auto IV" and "Crysis 2," allowing gamers to interact with a virtual representation of the iconic structure.
On a clear night, the Empire State Building's lights can be seen from miles away, creating a mesmerizing sight in the New York City skyline.
The building's annual lighting of the tower in blue on April 15th marks the start of Autism Awareness Month, showing its support for autism-related initiatives.
The Empire State Building has been depicted in countless postcards, souvenirs, and artworks, becoming an emblem of New York City's skyline.
The building's iconic mast and tower were originally intended to serve as docking points for airships, but advancements in aviation technology rendered this idea impractical.
In 1947, a United States Army Air Force B-25 Mitchell bomber successfully made a round-trip flight between New York City and Bermuda, proving the feasibility of commercial transatlantic flights.
The Empire State Building was featured in the climactic battle scene of the 2012 film "The Avengers," where the superheroes fought off an alien invasion from the top of the building.
The Empire State Building has appeared in numerous disaster movies, where it is often destroyed or damaged by earthquakes, tidal waves, and alien invasions.
The building's observatories offer a clear view of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Central Park, and other iconic New York City landmarks.
The Empire State Building's interior spaces have been used as sets for various film and TV productions, including commercials, documentaries, and music videos.
On special occasions, the Empire State Building's lights synchronize with music, creating stunning light shows visible from various vantage points around the city.
The building has served as a popular backdrop for fashion shoots, with models posing on its observation decks or in front of its grand entrance.
The Empire State Building was the tallest building in the world when it was featured in the classic 1933 film "King Kong," where the giant ape climbed to the top.
The building's annual Empire State Building Run-Up attracts participants from various backgrounds, including professional athletes, firefighters, and fitness enthusiasts.
The Empire State Building has been a popular destination for marriage proposals, with its breathtaking views providing a romantic setting for couples in love.
The building's observation decks have hosted a variety of events, including live music performances, book signings, and art exhibitions.
The Empire State Building's design incorporates setbacks, creating a distinctive and recognizable silhouette on the Manhattan skyline.
The Empire State Building has been featured in numerous post-apocalyptic movies, symbolizing the endurance of human architecture in the face of catastrophe.
The building's height makes it an ideal location for various telecommunication antennas, broadcasting radio, television, and mobile signals to the city.
The Empire State Building is lit up in blue and white in honor of the annual International Day of Peace on September 21st, promoting global harmony.
The building's interior lobby and halls have appeared in several period dramas and historical movies, evoking the elegance of the Art Deco era.
In 1994, a Norwegian base jumper successfully parachuted from the top of the building, landing safely on the streets of Manhattan.
The Empire State Building has served as a focal point in various New Year's Eve celebrations, with its lighting being an integral part of the festivities.
The Empire State Building has been used in art installations and performance pieces, exploring themes of urbanization, identity, and human experience.
The building's observation decks have been visited by numerous celebrities and dignitaries, from movie stars to political leaders from around the world.
The Empire State Building's Art Deco style has inspired interior designs, fashion trends, and architectural elements in buildings worldwide.
The Empire State Building has been depicted in animated movies and TV shows, capturing the imaginations of younger generations.
The building's grand entrance features exquisite decorative bronze doors, with intricate reliefs and ornamental details.
The Empire State Building has been featured in numerous books and documentaries that explore its history, engineering, and cultural significance.
The building has been the subject of various art projects, including paintings, sculptures, and installations, showcasing its allure as an artistic muse.
The Empire State Building has served as a symbol of resilience, representing New York City's ability to recover and rebuild after the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
The building's observatories have been visited by prominent figures in history, including Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Diana, and the astronaut Neil Armstrong.
The Empire State Building's annual Halloween lighting event sees the top of the building bathed in orange and other eerie colors, adding a spooky touch to the city's skyline.
The building's observatories have been used to conduct scientific research, such as atmospheric studies and meteorological observations.
The Empire State Building was featured in the 2005 film "King Kong," where the giant ape climbed to the top once again in a modern retelling of the classic story.
The building's exterior and observatories have been a popular filming location for various TV shows, commercials, and music videos.
The Empire State Building has been featured in the backdrop of countless wedding photographs, becoming an iconic symbol of love and commitment.
As one of the most recognizable buildings in the world, the Empire State Building continues to be a symbol of human achievement, architectural excellence, and the spirit of New York City. Its enduring appeal and timeless beauty ensure its place in history for generations to come.
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lonestarbattleship · 1 month
July 10, 2024 Update from the Battleship Texas Foundation
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Battleship Texas in Galveston, Texas, undergoing repairs.
The ship is currently moored at Pier D in Gulf Copper Shipyard where it will continue to undergo repairs and preparations to become a museum ship once again.
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Navy Blue 5-N has been applied to the forward sections of the ship.
STEEL DECK REPAIRS: The ship’s steel deck has been sandblasted and primed while repairs are ongoing.
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Looking down on the bow of Battleship Texas. Steel deck repairs are ongoing while workers prepare the area for a new pine deck.
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Comparison of Navy Blue 5-N (top) and Deck Blue 20-B (bottom). The ship's pine deck will be painted Deck Blue 20-B.
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The ship is being painted Navy Blue 5-N.
PINE DECK REPAIRS: Workers have already begun fitting the margin planks to the ship’s deck. These planks are cut to length, fitted to the area of the deck they are going, and primed.
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New deck studs (for holding the deck planking down) is being installed on the ship's bow.
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A fresh coat of Navy Blue 5-N has been applied around the ship's superstructure deck and signal bridge.
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Pictured is the Signal Records Room.
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Pictured is the Navigation Office.
For more history on the deck of Battleship Texas visit: link
MAIN MAST: The ship's main mast continues to be blasted and primed following repairs. The radar top mast, along with its SG and SK, will be reinstalled.
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The ship's main mast is being sandblasted and primed before a coat of Navy Blue 5-N is applied.
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IFF antennas await installation on both the fore and main masts.
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The ship's main mast is being sandblasted and primed before a coat of Navy Blue 5-N is applied.
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The ship's main mast is being sandblasted and primed before a coat of Navy Blue 5-N is applied.
BARREL STORAGE TUBES: Storage tubes that once held spare barrels for the ship’s 20mm anti-aircraft guns have been fabricated and reinstalled. Not every tube will be installed at this time, but it is one more step to presenting the ship in its 1945 appearance.
FLOATER NET BASKETS: Several floater net baskets have been added in a few areas aboard. These baskets held nets which were designed to free float if a ship were to sink and provide sailors something to hold on to until they were rescued.
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Antenna mounts have been fabricated and installed. Small details like these help bring the ship back into its 1945 appearance.
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Ladders are being installed into the correct positions on a clipping room. Small details like these help bring the ship back into its 1945 appearance.
July 20, 2024 - Join us for a ceremony to welcome the return of the Battleship Texas steel that was flown over France during the 80th Anniversary of D-Day! The Battleship Texas Foundation would like to welcome you to join us on this special occasion. For more information visit: battleshiptexas.org/return-ceremony
WHAT’S NEXT? - Battleship Texas will remain at Gulf Copper Shipyard while the ship’s new home in Galveston, Texas, is prepared. Additional steel work, replacement of the ship’s deck, further restoration, and painting will be done during this time.
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Structural repairs are being made to the ship's cranes.
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Brackets are installed which will hold the ship's siren and whistle. Both will be made to work again.
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Workers lift parts of the ship's siren for a test fit of the newly installed brackets.
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The ship's siren is being fitted to the smokestack.
TOURING? - The Battleship Texas Foundation will be offering touring options while the ship is in the shipyard. Participants will be able to view ongoing work and restoration or learn all about how the ship operated during its service career. An announcement will be made once touring options become available.
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Looking forward from underneath the main mast aboard Battleship Texas.
REOPENING? - There is a lot to be done before the ship is ready for touring at its new home in Galveston, Texas. Reopening is projected to happen in the later half of 2025.
MISSING GUNS? - The ship's anti-aircraft guns are currently undergoing restoration. The guns and gun directors will be replaced once their restoration is complete.
Come on Texas!
To donate to the preservation and operation of Battleship Texas, please visit: battleshiptexas.org/
Support Battleship Texas by making a purchase through the ship's store: https://store.battleshiptexas.org"
Posted on the Battleship Texas Foundation Facebook page: link
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sw5w · 9 months
With Your Permission, My Master...
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:25:00
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Look at my zine, boy!
[ID: An 8 page printed greyscale zine, with photos posted page by page as well as the full sheet. All pages are illustrations. Cover: 4 drawn radio towers behind the title "A Brief Introduction To Telecom/Radio Towers" with the words "Choral Architecture" in smaller font. Pages 1+2: Two radio towers in a sunny field, one at a distance and one right up by the camera, with the sun shining through it. Text reads "By the 1930's, the mast radiator was popularized. / The entire metal structure functions as an antenna for broadcasting or telecommunications. / Towers can be made of many materials, but steel tube latticework is the most common." Across one of the bars of the tower, white text reads "(Like Woven Fingers!)" Pages 3+4: On the left, a bolt of electricity surrounded by butterflies. On the right, a dark sky with three radio towers lit up with four-pointed-star shaped lights. Text reads "Mast radiators have a high voltage at their base, dangerously electrocuting anyone who touches it directly". White staggered text reads "(shivers!)". The normal text continues "The FCC requires any structure, including towers, above 200ft have aircraft warning lights / they can fade on and off slowly." White text to the side reads "(Like Kind And Inviting Eyes)". Page 5: A view of 4 radio towers at night seen from a road looking out at a forest horizon. White text reads "(They Say: Please Don't Leave Home) (You'd Miss Us If You Did)". Page 6: A car on a white background with two people sat inside. A speech bubble from one reads "They're most often red LEDs. The other common type of warning light is the white xenon flash lamp, but they're less distinct". A bubble from the other reads "You're such a fucking nerd". Back: Text reading "By and for the airwave signal kids". A link to saturnisfallingdown.tumblr.com is written in at the bottom.
End ID]
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usafphantom2 · 19 days
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2nd September 1937. First flight of the Grumman XF4F fighter, which would become known as the Wildcat. Its performance was initially inferior to the rival Brewster Buffalo, and the aircraft required an extensive redesign before being put into production. Despite this unpromising beginning, the Wildcat would prove crucial in the early stages of the Pacific war. Though less manoeuvrable than the Japanese Zero, it was well armed, rugged and a capable adversary in the hands of a skilled pilot.
The Wildcat’s first combat sorties were actually flown by the Royal Navy’s Fleet Air Arm. Named Martlet in British use until 1944, the type’s first victory was a Junkers 88 over Scapa Flow on Christmas Day 1940. Martlets went on to serve successfully on the first Royal Navy escort carrier, HMS Audacity, in 1941. They continued in this role until the end of the war, scoring their final victories in Fleet Air Arm service by shooting down four Bf 109s in March 1945.
Wildcats first flew in combat against the Japanese during the attempt to take Wake Island in early December 1941. Four Marine F4Fs mounted a heroic defence, breaking up several air attacks as well as sinking a destroyer and submarine with 100lb bombs before the island finally fell on 23rd December. Wildcats served in all the key early engagements of the Pacific war, including Coral Sea, Midway and the defence of Guadalcanal.
Wildcats quickly established a reputation for toughness, able to absorb far more punishment than their Japanese opponents, and had an impressive kill/loss ratio. Wildcats were credited with destroying over 1,000 Japanese aircraft for 178 aerial losses, 24 to anti-aircraft fire, and 49 to operational causes. One Navy and seven Marine Corps pilots would earn the Medal of Honor in Wildcats.
In early 1943, Wildcat production was taken over by General Motors under the designation FM-1 and later the improved FM-2. Though replaced by the more powerful Hellcat on American fleet carriers during that year, the Wildcat’s small size and light weight made it ideal for use on escort and light carriers. With the addition of folding wings, they were well suited to the limited hangar and deck space available.
As in Royal Naval service, they remained in use until the end of the war. For example, during the battle of Leyte Gulf in October 1944, Wildcats mounted strafing runs against Japanese warships, helping to buy time for their parent escort carriers to escape.
1) First prototype Grumman XF4F-2 in flight. Note the cowling machine guns, forward radio antenna mast and telescopic gunsight, none of which featured on production models.
📷 thisdayinaviation.com
2) Grumman Martlet of 888 Squadron NAS warming up on board HMS Formidable prior to takeoff.
📷 IWM (A 11640)
3) Wrecked Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat fighters of Marine Fighting Squadron 211 (VMF-211), photographed by by the Wake airstrip sometime after the Japanese captured the island on 23rd December 1941. The plane in the foreground, 211-F-11, was flown by Captain Henry T. Elrod during the 11th December attacks that sank the Japanese destroyer Kisaragi. Damaged beyond repair at that time, 211-F-11 was subsequently used as a source of parts to keep other planes operational. Elrod received a posthumous Medal of Honor after leading a beach defence unit during the final Japanese assault.
📷 NHHC 80-G-179006
4) FM-2 Wildcat over the escort carrier USS Santee during the Leyte landings on 20th October. Santee would survive a kamikaze attack and a torpedo hit from a Japanese submarine 5 days later.
📷 NHHC 80-G-287594
@JamieMctrusty via X
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yuri-badiner · 8 months
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The Apollo LRV
My MOC Lunar Rover, inspired by the real-life “The Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle”. This is an electric vehicle designed to operate in low lunar gravity. Yes, some people had a chance to drive electric cars long before it became mainstream.
Four lunar rovers were built by Boeing in the early 70’s, one each for Apollos 15, 16, and 17, and one that was used for spare parts after the cancellation of further Apollo missions.
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The Lunar Roving Vehicle had a mass of 210 kg and was designed to hold a payload of an additional 490 kg on the lunar surface. A large mesh dish antenna was mounted on a mast on the front center of the rover. Power was provided by two 36-volt silver-zinc potassium hydroxide non-rechargeable batteries with a capacity of 121 amp-hr.
Harrison Schmitt of Apollo 17 said, "....the Lunar Rover proved to be the reliable, safe and flexible lunar exploration vehicle we expected it to be. Without it, the major scientific discoveries would not have been possible; and our current understanding of lunar evolution would not have been possible."
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I never got around to taking any kind of artistic photo of this rover (apart from the title photo); it still lies in a container called “Maybe later.”
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anemonet · 9 months
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oh my god thats so sweet of you!!!! thank you :DD also super sorry for deleting your ask btw
To get down to business well uh iterators huh, so I can tell you have read some of my ramblings before (very fun) and I will say in general I stand by those ideas - model differences and stuff - with some smaller changes here and there, for instance I made pebbles antennas stupidly long cause I think it looks funny - plus tons of tiny refinements, but generally I dont have too much to add unless theres something specific your wondering about - so I wont focus to much on that. Instead I'm gonna chat a bit about the other stuff you mentioned (NSH and wire headwear) ^-^ so heres the guys! (I'm gonna expand a bit on their design designs)
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Ok so you have actully managed to point out something I really hoped no one would notice, which is that I never draw No Significant Harrasment (NSH) - who I hope you meant when you asked about sig, if not then dont look at me - and that is because I despise him with my whole heart. Or well, his design, the character is fine but I cannot draw this guy, I hate his colour scheme and his stupid little cape and why is his head symbols green on green - who allowed this - and in general we are not friends, which is a pity because I have alot of headcanons about him. But as you can see above I have semi settled on a design for him (note the semi, I am not super happy about it) and I do have some toughts and explanations.
So first of, I put NSH as being from the same model generation as suns - so predecessing moon and pebs by a bit - with older designs that have a larger focus on "religious stuff" combined with the anchients overall bonkers fashion sense - more is more - if you wanna read more about that its in this post about suns.
- I would also, this is a side note btw, like to mention I think having them being older models gives room to have some key differences between the oldies (NSH and suns) and the youngsters-ish (moon and pebs) in that one, they have older machinery and also early machinery which means both rougher quality and more wear and tear - which I like to think give them both the idea of slugcats as messangers earlier than most, as they knew their easily damaged functions (broadcast masts for example) would not last forever, which gives them a reason to want to solve it (by breeding scugs I guess) and added onto that I - and this is pure headcanon and speculation - like to imagine a lot of the "taboos" that pebbles and moon have - or well that I speculate they have, the no killing yourself or harming citizens taboo is confirmed canon, but I dont think its farfetched to asume they have other restrictions programmed - something that would most likely be added in later modles, but would be absent in the earlier ones like suns and NSH (not the earliest models but early) which theoreticly would give them a bit more leeway and "creative freedom", which ok why am I talking about this back to why NSH looks like that. -
Back to that, so suns and NSH will share design similarities: lack of face (to represent a lack of ego), lots of robes and layers, which leads us into the slightly more relevant sidenote of iterator clotheing:
So fashion comes and goes in cycles, your mom rebeled against her grandmothers clothing choises and is horrified when that fashion comes back via her daughter who think it looks cool again (20 year old rule or whatever) and that also applies to iterator design (look at that old suns ask for more info on this). So while I have talked about general trends a little, now I wanna talk about waistlines - in robes, because I have wanted an exscuse to talk about it, I be brief promise!
: so like you probably havent noticed all my iterators have different waistlines, or at least the ones from different generations - ignore moon, I'm a no robe for moon beliver, I like to draw joints and wires to much to give her robes - and I will sadly report I have not looked to closely at actual anchient fashion for the choises I made, but well cant have everything. So the most notable is probably pebbles, where I, ok Imostly fell for temptation of a modern highwaist cut, which while moslty being about my own tatse, also is an atempt to convey some form of "modernity" because while its a bright orange robe on a robot, it has a similar cut to highwaisted jeans. Which gives the silhoute from a couple years ago with a big bulky upper body and stick legs. But pebbles isnt intresting in that way, no its because every other design is a resistence against that.
And this again leads into the cycles of fashion. Because we know iterators were built under many cycles - however long those are - so we can asume it will be kinda like how fashion has changed from the 11th centrury to now. Which gives to reason that iterators have been dressed differently too. This added with that - from what I understood - different iterator cities (colonies) had different cultures (boradcast, red, in sky islands) all this then makes me kinda figure that the iterators should have different robes. Yes that was a long winded way to say that characters look different.
So back to waistlines and how their all anti pebbles robes - the most notable difference is of course suns, who has no waistline. They are not only without to create a bigger difference between them and pebbles, but to also lean a bit on - and this might not be the same for every culture - but on the general idea that older clothes were more "modest" or in this case, there are more layers and any hints of there being a body under there is desperatly covered. and that "modern clothes" have less layers and have show more skin - not that pebble is showing skin, but hes wearing one robe instead of seven. So with that the idea that suns is older is conveyed a little bit at least, and the same then applies to NSH. NSH while also having lots of layers, is different from suns by having an empire waistline, mostly because I think their cute and need them to look different, but also to give a hint that they have different city fashion cultures and also because when I see empire waists i think old paintins and old paintings=old.
-also while I'm on the subject of cultural differences between iterator facilities. Can we talk about how we only really get to see anchient society as its presented in moon and pebbles (shared?) facility. So really its very possible the whole aestetic is complelty different like five local groups away. Food for thought. -
So faceless and robe-rich is a similarity between suns and NSH, and I could mention many more, but I'm gonna restrain myself and only talk about headphones. As you can tell I - and most fanartist here - like to draw their antennas differently for all of them! which is also canon, but I also ignored canon so were gonna talk about it. Mostly the antennas give room for some fun mini details, like how moons look like wings or fins while suns are just sunbeams.
Anyhow so most people make NSH bald, me included, mostly because the super cool official art of him gives him no antennas (sad). I asume that means he works via bluetooth.
(I was about to start speculating about their headphones but that got to boring even for me so sorry if your super intrested in why iterators probably have headphones)
But I had a ulterior motive with bringing up the headphones - and not only to be able to point out moons antenna, which I delight in drawing - but also so that I can transition into the second part of this way to long response! itertors hairdos... wire-dos? basicly this \/
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(im reusing my wip because these are a pain to draw so we use what we have - I coloured them in a bit for better oversight.)
(also I was gonna start talking about if iterators would actully do personalisations like this - as we can argue about if they concepulize themself as their puppets and see a meaning to decorating them - I would argue yes but also its complicated- and also explain how iterators have different prefernces, which I realised most people probably already asume so I didnt need to explain that - anyhow so that got to long so I'm not gonna get into it. Instead were gonna go into this section with the assumptions that they do fun things with their wires. and also that the wires connect to their nape and backhead instead of their back or spine.)
So to me th biggest thing to remember when we talk about potetial wire headwear is that:
- iterators live 24/7 without gravity and because of that cannot be bothered by to heavy headwear, therefore theres rooms for them and anchients (and me) to get funky with it without having to concider gravity.
-anchients wore absurdly many decorations - and while giving iterators flashy decorations does take away from my earlier statement that they were based on more humble monk stuff, we are going to asume they used the fancy headwear for cermonies and festivals (which we also know anchients did) and that it was used for showcasing and fun. If some iterators preffered to keep them afterwards is another query.
So with that in mind lets break these headwear thingies down!! :D
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so as you can (hopefully) tell there three components in the headwear. The headphones that are different depending on iterator and are not removable (or as unremovable a computer part can be). Then theres the actual headpieces that keeps the wires togheter. These can be switched out and changed depending on whats preffered - also I drew them in gold but any material works, if were being closer to canon they would probably be made of some purposed organism and maybe be neon pink - theres also pearls dangling from them because its a perfect opertunity. Third theres probably the part I think is the most fun which is the actual wires. They obviously go through the headpieces and then are set free via wiretassles (that also comes in different forms) and after that is where my own speculations about wires comes in. Which is really simple in that iterators can most probably move the wires at will - they can control their arm thing, pearls and other objects in their chambers, reasonably they can move the wires - and I think its fun if different iterators move them differently. Like suns keeps them straight and neat, or pebbles moves them in syncronized formations or moon who just lets them hang, so many oppertunities ok ( you can see the general idea in the drawing). The wires then connect to their movement arms and connect to the mainframe.
And thats kinda about it? I dont have like anything super intresting to say about just the hairdos other than that I think its very fun and also that everyone is sleeping on wire customizations I am obbsessed with the idea send help.
Ok I think I'm done chatting!! Hope your still here and that this wasnt insufferable to read. Uh, thanks for the ask :D
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(NSH for your enjoyment)
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exymybeloved · 1 month
Cock penis dick shlong balls
member phallus weenie light saber pecker peter prick putz shaft tool johnson manhood schlong willy wood cum shooter 3000 erection bulge length rooster lil' Billy octagon lil' Stevie snake python cobra One eyed monster Trouser snake Tramp killer Slut slayer Lil' Buddy Lil' Friend Halfmast Drill Hammer Screwdriver Screw Nail Joystick Elevator Floppy Drive Hard Drive Hardware Gearshift The worm Bookworm Basalisk Wand Sword Boomerang Hot pocket Cyclops Knight Weiner Hot dog Popsicle Lollipop Kielbalsa Stick Ice Cream Cone Morning Wood The Colonel The Lieutenant The Tank The Battleship The land mine The assault rifle the grenade the machete The water gun Gun Banana Carrot Zuchini Cucumber Pickle The Major The seaman The key My asian buddy The shotgun Water hose Twix Snickers bar Bag of tricks Nuclear missile Hollow point The member Chairman Mao Mallet Pyramid Elephant Fuck Truck The mustang Cane Rod Staff Plug Cigar Nebraska State Capitol Turtle Head Undercover Brother Katana Sniper Rifle The sticky grenade Straw Remote Control The silver bullet Drumstick Bone Mast The machine The goods The hardware Junk The sequoia Bushwhacker The lawnmower Hoover tower The Washington monument The Lincoln memorial The pocket monster The pocket rocket The mongoose The ground squirrel The trombone Dong Torpedo Sausage Philly Cheesesteak The pendulum Babymaker Toy soldier Antenna The titanic Zeus Ares
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rfantennaindia · 1 year
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GSM 18dbi Fiberglass Antenna Manufacturers
A fiberglass antenna refers to an antenna element or structure that is made primarily from fiberglass material. Fiberglass is a type of reinforced plastic that is composed of glass fibers embedded in a resin matrix. It's known for its lightweight, durable, and non-conductive properties, which make it suitable for various applications, including antenna construction.
Fiberglass antennas are often used in radio communication, wireless networking, and other applications where an antenna's performance and durability are important. Some key points about fiberglass antennas include:
Non-Conductive: Fiberglass is non-metallic and non-conductive, meaning it doesn't interfere with the electromagnetic signals passing through the antenna. This property can be advantageous in applications where metal antennas might interact with the signals they are transmitting or receiving.
Weather Resistance: Fiberglass is resistant to environmental factors such as rain, sunlight, and temperature variations. This makes fiberglass antennas suitable for outdoor installations where they are exposed to the elements.
Lightweight: Fiberglass is lightweight compared to many other materials used in antenna construction. This can simplify the installation process and reduce the structural load on supporting structures.
Customizable: Fiberglass can be easily molded into different shapes and sizes, allowing for the design of antennas optimized for specific frequency bands and radiation patterns.
Broadband Performance: Depending on the design and construction, fiberglass antennas can be engineered to cover a broad range of frequencies, making them versatile for different communication standards.
Dipole Antennas: One common type of fiberglass antenna is the dipole antenna, which consists of two conductive elements extending in opposite directions from a central feed point. The dipole elements are often made from wire and are supported by a fiberglass structure.
Base Station Antennas: Fiberglass antennas are commonly used in base stations for wireless communication networks, such as cellular networks and Wi-Fi networks. They can provide good signal coverage while being lightweight and unobtrusive.
Radio Amateur (Ham) Antennas: Fiberglass antennas are also popular among amateur radio operators due to their ease of installation, customization, and performance characteristics.
It's important to note that while fiberglass itself doesn't conduct electricity, the conductive elements (such as wires or metal elements) attached to or embedded within the fiberglass structure are responsible for transmitting or receiving the electromagnetic signals. The fiberglass material primarily serves as a supportive and protective structure for these conductive elements.
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