#RF Safety
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questioningespecialy ¡ 1 year ago
Are EMF’s safe? (come, child, ruin your night)
y’all ready for this? I’m not anti-5G, btw turn your wifi off before bed and maybe stop keepin’ ya phone so close all the time
But like... why, though?
I've had my suspicions about cell towers being hazardous to health for a few years now and felt convinced enough to not bother researchin' it for confirmation. Now that I'm blah blah blah, I decided to actually bother. Since it got kinda heavy, I had to ask myself if I should put in hella more effort creatin' a damn research report of sorts for y'all asses present the info for others like it's a damn PSA. And my conscious won. T~T
But like... what, though?
A base station (aka: cell phone tower) is that shit you see everywhere but never notice. It's usually tall af and has panel antennas on it. It's "used for the transmission and reception of the radio signals between the mobile phones and the network." The problem with 'em is the electromagnetic field (EMF) their equipment can give off... for half a mile. 😐
In short, they've been found to cause health problems. Like cancer. ��🏿‍♂️
Fun fact, panel antennas can be installed on the roof/side of buildings that may be directly across the street from someone's workplace... with the antenna at their elevation. 🤷🏿‍♀️
Real Quick
For those who don’t trust EMF-Portal, it (sometimes) has links to the study/article. Full-text PDF can be requested directly from the authors on ResearchGate.net’s article for the study. Full-text PDF can (usually) be found online in English and German with the right search.
5 Studies
V/m = volts per meter 7191 cancer deaths were selected according to the above mentioned criterias out of a total of 22,493 cancer deaths. The most significant causes were lung cancer (19.6 %), stomach cancer (14.1 %), prostate cancer (12.6 %), and breast cancer (11.5 %). The mean electric field intensity of the measurements in 2008 was 7.32 V/m, varying from 0.4 to 12.4 V/m. At a distance of up to 100 m [328.08 ft], the absolute number of deaths was 3569, (49.6 % of all deaths), the mortality rate was 43.4 persons per 10,000 [0.43%] and the relative risk was 1.35 in relation to the mortality rate of 32.1 per 10,000 [0.32%] inhabitants of the entire Belo Horizonte municipality [in Minas Gerais, Brazil]. A mortality rate of 34.8 per 10,000 [0.35%] inhabitants was observed for the residents living within 500 m [1,640.42 ft] of the base stations; this rate decreased for residents living farther from the base stations.
—Mortality by neoplasia and cellular telephone base stations in the Belo Horizonte municipality, Minas Gerais state, Brazil; Science of The Total Environment (2011); EMF-Portal
ResearchGate.net’s article
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The result of the study [of 967 permanent residents] shows that the proportion of newly developing cancer cases was significantly higher among those [320] patients who had lived during the past ten years at a distance of up to 400 metres [1,312.34 ft] from the cellular transmitter site, which has been in operation since 1993, compared to those patients living further away, and that the patients fell ill on average 8 years earlier. In the years 1999-2004, ie after five years' operation of the transmitting installation, the relative risk of getting cancer had trebled for the residents of the area in the proximity of the installation compared to the inhabitants of Naila[,Germany,] outside the area.
—The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer (original title: ‘Einfluss der räumlichen Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen auf die Krebsinzidenz’); Umwelt · Medizin · Gesellschaft (2004); ResearchGate.net
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9 cancer cases were observed in the first period 2000 - 2004 and 14 cases in the period 2005 - June 2007 among [1,283] residents living within a radius of 400 m [1,312.34 ft] to a mobile phone base station [in Germany (Hennen, suburb of Iserlohn, Westfalia)]. The mean age of disease onset was 59.2 years in the first period and 59.3 years in the second period in comparison to the expected value of 66.4 years evaluated from the Saarland Cancer Registry. The authors concluded, that a statistically significant increase of cancer incidence was observed 5 years after the base station has been started operating.
—[Incidence of cancer adjacent to a mobile telephone basis station in Westfalia] (original title: Krebsinzidenz von Anwohnern im Umkreis einer Mobilfunksendeanlage in Westfalen - Interview-basierte Piloterhebung und Risikoschätzung); Umwelt · Medizin · Gesellschaft (2009); EMF-Portal
Area A: ≤ 350 m / 1148.3 ft from base station Area B: > 350 m / 1148.3 ft from base station Of the 622 people of area A, 8 cases of different kinds of cancer were diagnosed in a period of one year (from July 1997 - June 1998). The cancer incidence rate was 129 cases per 10,000 [1.29%] persons per year in area A compared to 16/10,000 [0.16%] in area B and 31/10,000 [0.31%] in the town of Netanya [in Israel]. Relative cancer rates for females were 10.5 for area A, 0.6 for area B and 1 for Netanya. The authors conclude that the study indicates an association between increased incidence of cancer and living in proximity to a mobile phone base station.
—Increased incidence of cancer near a cell-phone transmitter station; International Journal of Cancer Prevention (2004); EMF-Portal
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Took forever to get this damn infographic just right. >.>
A long-term study was conducted in Germany to investigate the influence of a mobile phone base station on neurotransmitters under true-to-life conditions. ¾W/m² = microWatts per square meter 24 out of 60 participants were exposed to a power density of < 60 ¾W/m², 20 participants to 60 - 100 ¾W/m², and 16 participants to more than 100 ¾W/m² . The values of the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline grew significantly during the first 6 months after starting the GSM base station; the values of the precursor substance dopamine substantially decreased in this time period. The initial condition was not restored even after 1.5 years. Due to the not regulable chronic difficulties of the stress balance, the phenylethylamine levels dropped until the end of the investigation period. The effects show a dose-effect relationship and are situated far under the valid limit values.
—[Modification of clinically important neurotransmitters under the influence of modulated high-frequency fields - A long-term study under true-to-life conditions] (original title: Veränderung klinisch bedeutsamer Neurotransmitter unter dem Einfluss modulierter hochfrequenter Felder - Eine Langzeiterhebung unter lebensnahen Bedingungen); Umwelt · Medizin · Gesellschaft (2011); EMF-Portal
ResearchGate.net’s German article EMF:data page (German)
While I did find 17 different figures for it, I’mma save myself the bother of describin’ dat noise and not include ‘em thanks~.
But what does the FCC say?
FCC.gov’s conclusion seems to be that they’re generally safe for civilian life as long as you don’t get close and aren’t directly in front of the antenna’s trajectory (don’t climb a fuckin’ tower or enter those rooms/buildings). A very “it’s fine” set of conclusions tbh. Hella contrasted by other sources.
Nonetheless… below is the index...
FCC’s RF Safety FAQ Index:
What is "radiofrequency" and microwave radiation?
What is non-ionizing radiation?
How is radiofrequency energy used?
How is radiofrequency radiation measured?
What biological effects can be caused by RF energy?
Can people be exposed to levels of radiofrequency radiation and microwaves that could be harmful?
Can radiofrequency radiation cause cancer?
What research is being done on RF biological effects?
What levels are safe for exposure to RF energy?
Why has the FCC adopted guidelines for RF exposure?
How safe are mobile phones? Can they cause cancer?
How can I obtain the specific absorption rate (SAR) value for my mobile phone?
Do "hands-free" ear pieces for mobile phones reduce exposure to RF emissions?   What about mobile phone accessories that claim to shield the head from RF radiation?
Can mobile phones be used safely in hospitals and near medical telemetry equipment?
Are wireless and PCS towers and antennas safe?
Are cellular and other radio towers located near homes or schools safe for residents and students?
Are emissions from radio and television antennas safe?
How safe are radio antennas used for paging and "two-way" communications?   What about "push-to-talk" radios such as "walkie-talkies?"
How safe are microwave and satellite antennas?
Are RF emissions from amateur radio stations harmful?
What is the FCC's policy on radiofrequency warning signs?  For example, when should signs be posted, where should they be located and what should they say?
Can implanted electronic cardiac pacemakers be affected by nearby RF devices such as microwave ovens or cellular telephones?
Does the FCC regulate exposure to radiation from microwave ovens, television sets and computer monitors?
Does the FCC routinely monitor radiofrequency radiation from antennas?
Does the FCC maintain a database that includes information on the location and technical parameters of all the towers and antennas it regulates?
Which other federal agencies have responsibilities related to potential RF health effects?
Can local and state governmental bodies establish limits for RF exposure?
Where can I obtain more information on potential health effects of radiofrequency energy?
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) prepared a [2012] report of its investigation into safety concerns related to mobile phones.  The report concluded that further research is needed to confirm whether mobile phones are completely safe for the user, and the report recommended that the FDA take the lead in monitoring the latest research results.
Professional Opinion...
Safe Distance from Cell Towers…
It is also difficult to predict a safe distance from cell towers.  For example, cell towers are designed to transmit most of their radio frequency (RF) energy horizontally.  Some areas below the tower may have lower levels than locations farther away that are more in line with the vertical height of the antennas. The exposure from a cell tower will depend on the type of antennas, the number of antennas, how much the antennas are actually being used, the time of day, etc.  The distance needed to reduce exposures down to the General Public Precautionary Level of 100 microwatts per meter squared (μW/m²) is often around a quarter of a mile (1320 feet) or more.  Due to the uncertainty, on-site testing with a broadband RF test meter is strongly recommended. A German study reported that people living within 400 meters (1312 feet) of cell towers had over 3 times the normal rate for new cancers (City of Naila 2004).  In an Israeli study, the relative risk for cancer was about 4 times greater within 350 meters (1148 feet) of the cell tower (Wolf et al. 1997).  Based on findings like these, a minimum safety distance of 1/4 mile (1320 feet) might be considered prudent. (...) The suggestions for safety distances in this chart are generally based on Michael Neuert’s [engineer, licensed electrician, and health educator] professional on-site testing of the various EMF sources in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1992.
—What Distance is Safe? By Michael R Neuert, MA, BSME, ©2023
helpful table if you want all that info: What EMF Level is Safe? By Michael R Neuert, MA, BSME, Š2023
i know what i said
Based on the accumulated evidence, we recommend that IARC [the International Agency for Research on Cancer] re-evaluate its 2011 classification of the human carcinogenicity of RFR [radio-frequency radiation], and that WHO [the World Health Organization] complete a systematic review of multiple other health effects such as sperm damage. In the interim, current knowledge provides justification for governments, public health authorities, and physicians/allied health professionals to warn the population that having a cell phone next to the body is harmful, and to support measures to reduce all exposures to RFR.
—Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices; Front Public Health (2019 Aug 13); NCBI
Lookup (or pull out) your cellphone’s manual and search for the sections on “radio frequency exposure” and “Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information” to see how close the phone can safely be kept near your body… and that it should be kept away from “the bellies of pregnant women and for teenagers, away from the lower abdomen.” 😐
For an informative giggle, here’s the “Harmful Cell Phones” segment from season 7 of The Colbert Report.
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musical-chick-13 ¡ 3 months ago
Genuinely I cannot take the phrase "de-centering men" seriously anymore.
#like. if you take the words individually at their objective meaning then yes. we SHOULD not just Automatically Make Everything About Men#we SHOULD get rid of the expectation of men as the '''default'''#but it seems like everyone I come across who uses this phrase exclusively uses it to be mean to women who are attracted to/date men#like. okay you take a phrase that is MEANT to talk about not only thinking in terms of men and use it to. shit on women.#cool. very feminist of you.#some real Supporting Women Solidarity there#I swear so many of these people do not. actually like women.#they either want to look Radical™ or they just hate men.#and I don't mean that second one in the sense of 'buT tHe mEaN fEmiNiStS!!11 :(((' I mean that in the sense of 'what is the point#of being a feminist if you don't ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT and have sympathy for and actively prioritize rights and self-determination#and safety for women?' like what are you doing. why are you here. what are you hoping to accomplish for the people#who are ACTUALLY AFFECTED BY SOCIETAL AND STRUCTURAL MISOGYNY!!!!#the point I'm trying to make is that hating something doesn't automatically equate to support of something else. and my priority here#IS SUPPORTING THE 'SOMETHING ELSE' IN QUESTION. NAMELY WOMEN'S RIGHTS.#AND YES BECAUSE WE LIVE IN A HELL WORLD WHERE I HAVE TO CLARIFY EVERY TIME LEST THE T/RFS THINK I'M ONE OF THEM:#WHEN I SAY WOMEN I MEAN ALL WOMEN. WHICH OBVIOUSLY INCLUDES TRANS WOMEN. BECAUSE THEY ARE WOMEN.#NOT 'WOMEN LITE' OR 'WOMEN ADJACENT' OR 'WOMEN CONDITIONAL'#WOMEN. PERIOD.
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sukimas ¡ 2 years ago
oh yeah one last note about NMR spectrometers: when i say you don't need to worry about any other metal besides iron, I REALLY mean it. you see, i wear wire-frame glasses.
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sigalrm ¡ 23 days ago
Appendage by Pascal Volk
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sunrentechnical ¡ 2 months ago
Ensuring Safety Through BIS Compliance Testing with Sunren
Sunren specializes in Safety Testing for BIS certification, guaranteeing that your products meet stringent safety and quality standards. With advanced facilities and a team of experts, we provide comprehensive testing solutions for electrical, electronic, and telecom equipment. Trust Sunren's NABL-accredited lab for precise, reliable results, ensuring your products comply with Indian safety regulations and gain market approval efficiently. Whether it’s RF, environmental, or electrical safety, Sunren supports your compliance journey seamlessly.
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svsembedded ¡ 1 year ago
Female Safety bag Using RF With Arduino Based Location Tracking Using GPS
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problematicsashawaybright ¡ 5 months ago
hello everyone! welcome to my blog!
~ Willow/June, white (Dutch/Mexican)
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~ Definitely not new to tumblr, just needed a new blog because I'm no longer that 16 year old who made my original blog (I used to be @detentiontrack)
~ College junior psychology major hoping for a MA or PHD in clinical psychology eventually
~ auDHD, bipolar 1, OSDD
~ Media interests I will post about: amphibia, inside out 2, gravity falls, the magnus archives, the owl house
~ general interests I may post about: general and clinical psychology, neurochemistry, psychopharmacology, writing, baking, sewing, I'm also learning how to crochet :)
~ Fanfiction writer, ao3: springbreaksloose (mostly amphibia & toh currently)
Tagging system
~ Things that make me happy (positivity): joy & whimsy
~ Things that make me laugh out loud: laugh rule
~ Triggers: tw thing (I tag the major common triggers, but if you need something uncommon or specific tagged, let me know! /gen)
~ Anything nsfwish: nsft (I will not post anything graphic or explicit. This is just a tag for mature jokes or brief mentions of anything sexual.)
~ Asks: chatting
~ Anon asks: anon
~ General life things: silly little life
~ Posts about my kitty: the beast
~ Posts about mental health/being a system: the accident factory
~ Posts where i'm just talking: confabbing
~ General writing: writing tag
~ Posts about the podcast i'm writing/my OCs: my pod
Boundries, etc
~ Asks: anon is usually on! Feel free to send me an ask about anything! I love talking. I do have a bad memory and tend to forget things, so if it's been a while since I've responded, please send me a follow up reminder!
~ Messages: same as asks! I love talking so feel free to message me at any time, but I do have a busy life so I might take a bit to respond. You can remind me if it's been a while
~ Tags: I love being tagged in things!
~ Messages/asks/tags/etc regarding potentially triggering topics: I don't have any triggers that can be triggered on social media, so feel free to talk about things uncensored! If it's an ask, I'll tag it appropriately before posting for the safety of others
~ DNI: any kind of bigotry, t*rfs, fake claimers, etc
This is a safe space for everyone! Just be kind :)
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deathmetalunicorn1 ¡ 2 months ago
*oh! Oh! New one!*
A child reader who has insane powers and hid them from the humans and gods
But the readers knows what they are and treats them like they're fragile cause...SPOILERS it's Uber dangerous.
Like Replacement fighter and LA are scared to let her near Thor or Shiva
Demon vessel carries them everywhere.
Queen of the forgotten makes sure they're all bundled up.
(Ypu choose if the kid is okay with it.)
-You weren’t a fragile child, despite how the others always treated you, you were healthy and like any other child, wanting to run around and have fun and play.
-It was the power you housed inside you that made you dangerous, it wasn’t unstable in the way that you couldn’t control them, because you could, but if you were to get injured, your powers would cause a backlash, one that was very devastating.
-You didn’t want to hurt others or cause anyone harm, so you had to be careful, but luckily, your family, ones who knew about your abilities, kept you safe from the gods and humans, who didn’t know about your ability, not wanting anything to happen to you.
-Despite their penchant for fighting, RF and LA always made sure you were extra safe when they brought you around other warriors, like Lu Bu, Thor, and Shiva, not wanting to risk your safety, and they wouldn’t hesitate to threaten them that you weren’t to be harmed in anyway.
-They would never harm you, as you were only a child, but seeing them so protective over you made them curious about what was wrong with you- since they were treating you like glass. Many others started treating you the same way, thinking you were delicate.
-While this wasn’t true, your family was pleased to see that their friends were being careful around you.
-QoF always made sure you were bundled up carefully, to minimize any damage to you- which was less than when she first started, when she literally wrapped you in bubble wrap to keep you safe, but when they all saw you couldn’t move and fell flat, unable to get back up, she went with this approach.
-Medusa and Vessel were also quite cautious with you, carrying you if you had to go long distances, but you enjoyed the ride, getting kisses from Medusa’s snakes and Vessel always told you great stories!
-You knew they were being careful with you because they didn’t want your dangerous power to cause a backlash if you were hurt, you knew it was because they cared, so you didn’t mind it, as it meant you got to spend time with them.
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midwestemokilledmygrandma ¡ 4 months ago
in 2020 i was very pro normalisation of pronouns in bio and thought everyone should do it if they had the safety to do so ... however i am now starting to regret that opinion bcs someone with she/they or he/they in their bio... even some they/thems (which is CRAZY to be transphobic and a they/them) be saying the most heinous transphobic shite online... girl why do u even have ur pronouns in bio if ur gonna sound worse than a t*rf
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raine-kai ¡ 1 month ago
A (Hopefully Entirely Unnecessary) Defense of Babel by RF Kuang
For some reason, I've been coming across Babel a lot lately, on lists of books that are "overrated" or "overhyped" by the internet.
I don't know if this is actually a common opinion, or if I've some how come across several members of a minority with this opinion.
It's happened to me before--I made an entire video essay defending a romantic reading of Remy/Robin because when I wanted to talk about the parallels between the Tollywood action-revenge fantasy RRR and Babel, I felt it was necessary to point out that the relationship between the two central male characters are slightly different in that RRR is written to be a close friendship, while Babel is a romance. Since making that video, I haven't received a single word of opposition; I feel rather silly for having gone out of my way to make that, in fact.
So this time I just want to talk about Babel as a book, as a narrative, and why I call it, not entirely jokingly, "the book love of my life."
I am a mixed-race person who grew up in a third culture. I have no tie to this third culture except my upbringing and my current life, but it is not an "immigrant-friendly" country and I do not qualify for citizenship or permanent residency.
Both of my parents come from the majority cultures in their home countries, and so when I was growing up, they were, in many ways, learning about discrimination and how to deal with it as much as I was. My mother's take was to try to empathize and point out the unfairness, and fight for change. She became a strong voice trying to combat discrimination and advocate for the benefits of diversity in her company; and even then, she was constantly learning about her own blind spots on the subject. My father, meanwhile, who met my mother because he had immigrated into her culture, has a much more laid back approach. His approach seems to fall more along the lines of: the world is what it is, what can you do?
I grew up reading authors who were, for the most part, writing from the perspective of the majority. Whether it was in the country where I grew up, or the country of my birth where my parents met, my childhood lessons amounted to the idea that I must conform, conform, conform.
I have lived in the home countries of my maternal grandmother and my father, but even within my family, I am scoffed at for trying to claim them--above all, because my grasp of either language is shaky at best.
But I did not fail to learn the languages because of a lack of interest. I am better at the language of my grandmother, because she did have an interest in teaching me, but what she taught me was the standard language--not her native dialect, which is so different as to be unintelligible to those who speak the standard tongue. I don't know a single word of her native dialect.
I tried to learn my father's language, especially when we lived in his country. I've had a strong emotional attachment to his culture and his side of the family for as long as I can remember, and I am touched by the number of family members who take the effort to speak to me in English when they could barely do so when I was a child; but my efforts to learn within my own home were met with ridicule and condescension for every mistake, and so it's no wonder that I very quickly stopped trying.
So when I read Babel, I identify with Remy, who loves his country so very much; I wish I could see through the nonsense of the world as clearly as he does. I identify with Robin, whose life is so shaped and so very limited by his father's quiet, implicit violence. I want to be Victoire, who can see the beauty and value in a language that the world tells her is meaningless. I identify with Letty, who has fought like hell for the few privileges the world gives to her, and who would choose the safety of her society over risking everything for a reality her friends share, that she cannot see.
I love Letty, along with Remy, Robin, and Victoire.
Babel hit me in the gut as a story about the ways the more implicit thefts of colonialism are still very real in the damage that they do, yes; but also because when I read it, I felt this was a story about me.
We use the word "violence" to mean physical damage. In-universe, the violent ones are the students of color who rise up in revolution. We, like Lettie, are inclined to look at people enacting violence we do not understand, and condemn them because in our eyes, there were other, more peaceful paths for them to walk.
We cannot see the invisible nooses society ties around the necks of those it seeks to use. Just as Letty cannot see the nooses around the necks of Robin, Remy, and Victoire, many of us cannot see the invisible nooses around the necks of minorities in our own lives--sometimes, we cannot even see the nooses around our own necks. Society tells us we are being ridiculous, that violence is not the way, and we assent, not realizing that the people saying this to us do not have to make the same sacrifices as we do to walk that path; that in telling us so, society is enacting violence against us.
Robin's father raises him, but not as a son--he raises him as a ward, because he intends to use him for his Cantonese. Robin is given very little choice, and while he is closer to white-passing than Remy or Victoire, the cage of white supremacy affects him, too.
Babel is a story about Robin going through the journey of realization that his life is nothing but a sham--he is a tool to be used by his colonialist father, and he is not free. When you are a mixed-race child, especially one who is close to white-passing, the world may tell you lies about your place in it for the comfort of others. That those perspectives are more comfortable to the majority than a more "radical" perspective you might take if you were given a fair, educated choice does not make them more true.
Robin and Letty both act out of some form of love for Remy throughout the book. Both of them start from a place of seeing his perspective as radical and unreasonable; but Robin comes around and joins Remy's side, while Letty turns to the comfortable authorities where she knows she is safe.
I don't think Letty was wrong, from her perspective. For much of the book, the characters of color are careful to keep everything from Letty. In a way, by not trying to make her understand, by give her up as a lost cause until they are forced to fold her into their revolutionary beliefs, they show her how they have always viewed her as other. Why should she risk everything for them, when they have not done the same for her? When she has a relatively safe home to return to, compared to the others?
Letty is, in a lot of ways, the character I identify most with. She wants to be in denial of the horrors of the colonialist world in which she lives until the last shoe drops and she cannot possibly deny it anymore. Forced to make a choice, she chooses the side that means more safety for her, though not for her friends.
I wish I were more like Remy. I wish I were more like Victoire. But I would be more like Letty or Robin—and in a lot of ways, the main difference between them is that despite his white-passing appearance, Robin still does have access to the experience of a person of color, while to Letty, this reality is one she can only experience through the words of others.
Every single one of these four main characters is integral to this one story about the violence of colonialism. I look at every single one of them and see bits of me that have been and that could be. It's a reading experience I've never had before, ever. That this book exists means the world to me.
I haven't reread Babel as much as I wish I had, but only because it hits me so very hard that every time I read it, I cry buckets and take weeks to recover.
I honestly don't know why Babel ends up on lists disparaging its value. Of course, personal taste always varies, but to anyone who read and disliked Babel: I would be interested in a good-faith discussions on the subject. And if anyone has other anti-colonial novels to recommend, I'm definitely interested!
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way-too-cool-skeliton-dude ¡ 8 months ago
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TW: torture, brainwashing, extreme conditions, and murder
D-DIN was a multiverse traveler before landing in RegicideFell
Because the Sans of that world was unavailable, D-DIN was put into the position by King Papyrus. D-DIN had a choice when getting stuck in RF!, assimilate or die. At first he refused, but eventually he was brainwashed into believing he was a Sans. He had his cheek bones drilled down, his eye sockets widened, his scars melted to try to smooth down his face, and parts of his spine were taken out by the Alphys of RF! to make him the same height as the Sans of that world. The original RF! Sans still exists, living with Toriel in the ruins and Papyrus understands that D-DIN isn't Sans, but he's so delusional with his powers as King of the underground that he believes that he created the perfect Sans, a version of his brother that he has full control over.
D-DIN started out as a confident skeleton, he was tall and very intelligent. He traveled the multiverse in order to discover other Outcodes and to help solve problems with certain timelines. D-DIN soon stumbled across RF! and became infatuated with the idea of a continued timeline after the original end of the natural route of the world.
Nowadays, he spends his time as RF! Papyrus's royal advisor, telling him whatever he wants to hear. He has no say in how he's treated and barely remembers who he was before, finding it difficult to talk about his life as D-DIN. When encountering other AUs, he finds himself disgusted with "Un-Sans like" Sanses, in his head it's his sole purpose to play up the Fell Sans stereotypes and be a constant companion to "his Papyrus", even though the actual Sans of that world is leading the fight against the tyrannical King. He was basically forced to become the version of Sans that Papyrus wanted and now he can't separate himself from Papyrus's insecurities around the loss of his actual brother.
"Gill Sans", as he's now referred to, is someone with a complete loss of his original personality. He's now nothing without RF! Papyrus and he constantly suffers from anxiety over the possibility of not being Sans enough. He has a high LOVe due to executing people for the King and experiences extreme side effects of his LV (he's LV 15)
Gill Sans is solely dependent on Papyrus for everything, almost refusing to speak to anyone but him. He's his source of information, food, safety, and everything that's hard to find in this world. Alphys gets freaked out by him because he pretends to be the same Sans she knew all those years ago.
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sigalrm ¡ 8 months ago
A white safety pin on a white thread in front of a white background. by Pascal Volk
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sunrentechnical ¡ 2 months ago
Safety Testing for BIS Certification: Ensuring Product Compliance
Sunren specializes in Safety Testing for BIS certification, guaranteeing that your products meet stringent safety and quality standards. With advanced facilities and a team of experts, we provide comprehensive testing solutions for electrical, electronic, and telecom equipment. Trust Sunren's NABL-accredited lab for precise, reliable results, ensuring your products comply with Indian safety regulations and gain market approval efficiently. Whether it’s RF, environmental, or electrical safety, Sunren supports your compliance journey seamlessly.
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celticcrossanon ¡ 8 months ago
Celta, you're right about Hazbeen. Closer magazine has put out a Harkle puff piece, saying Harry doesn't understand why the Royal Family has cut him off and he believes that if he shows up at Windsor Castle or Buckingham Palace, then the RF will have to talk to him. Apparently, whoever wrote this forgot the Royal Family did not make any time to see Harry the last time he was in London for the IG 10th anniversary. I hope the RF continues to gray rock and ignore Harry for their own well-being.
Jun 27 Ask
Hi Nonny,
I hope the grey rocking continues as well, both for their own mental health and because they can't trust Harry - anything you say in front of him is going to be twisted and reported to the press. There is no safety in having anyone like that aroundyou.
I can't work out if Harry is so stupid that he genuinely believes he has done nothing wrong, or if it is a case of him telling himself that and believing that because he does not want to face the alternative (that he maliciously hurt his family for material gain).
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japanscoffeecup ¡ 1 year ago
“Welcome to the Rainbow Factory, neighbour..”
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So, since Dodo did announce that RF Wally is no longer a Wally nor AU and he got a new design, I’ve decided to bring back the idea of Dashie RF Wally! No, this is not me adopting the AU or smth— I’m kinda just reimagining it or maybe making an adaptation/remake for the fun of it. Now I leaned more to the fact he has a more puppet-like structure, and for the fun of it, I decided his arms, hands and legs are stuffing filled! Everything else is organic. And yes, he does have wings like Rainbow Dash as well as a cutie mark.. and if you payed attention to that weird black vein stuff going on with his wings, then I’ll just say it’s gonna be apart of his lore. Since the AU technically doesn’t exist anymore, as well as the fact that Dodo said not to adopt the AU or smth, I’ll just leave this hanging for a while. I guess you could consider this one of the many revamped versions of RF. And yes, he’s wearing safety gloves.
Alternate versions below!
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tinkerbelldetective ¡ 2 years ago
Iconic and Amusing Victor Moments
Playing an Egyptian(?) board game with Mr. Sweet
His face and reaction and stepping back and "Wha-wha-what?" when Willow hugs him
Including Mick in his disciplinary "get to your rooms" before whipping around confused "Mick Campbell?"
Bursting through the door when Mick and Mara are having their date
Cuddling with Corbiere
He just really likes that raven. Petting it. Talking to it. Thinking about its safety.
Immediately rushing down the ladder when Amber feins fainting and asking if she'd been doing a fad diet
Awkwardly telling off Fabian and Nina when they're having 'a lover's tif' and backing out the door
Slinking back behind the corner during the senet game
Bringing a rose for Sarah.
His license plate
Knocking out Rufus and throwing him in a van
Pinning Rufus against the wall
Going on a tangent about the children (Alfie in particular) and leaving his office
"He's going to regret messing with me."
Having a surprisingly soft tone of voice when he asks Amber, Nina, and Fabian why they were in the cellar in s2
Mildly concerned when he sees the Mark on Nina's arm "For your sake I hope it does [come off]."
Warming up his voice ??? When Fabian covers up Sibuna shenanigans by asking if he would do a voice over
When he's in the tunnels being snarky about RFS like he has a rivalry against him (he literally let you eat at his table with his family, Victor. Chill)
The fact this man did hopscotch (should have made room to show that in the episode)
"Who, me?" Slamming the book shut and saying he was doing light reading when Vera enters his office to see if he was researching a task.
Kissing Vera's forehead all tenderly
His reaction to losing Alfie in the senet game. "Release them!"
Wearing an apron and making breakfast
Alfie pretending to choke and Victor, believing him, slapping him on the back and sending him out to get a glass of water.
Essentially calling Jerome a snitch in front of everyone at Mick and Amber's party: "I know I can count on you, Jerome."
"Alfie Lewis, would you like a slice of chocolate cake?" *whips around*
"I have your father on speed dial."
Reading Amber's diary and the passage about him, slamming the diary shut, and then checking himself in the mirror.
"If those miscreants can do it..." before crossing the crocodile bridge
"Yes, you listen to this old man."
"It is 10 O'clock. You have five minutes precisely, and then I want to hear.. a pin.. drop."
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