#ant tech
futurebird · 5 months
ant technonogly
The disturbing thing about ant technology is it's all ants.
The fridge? It's an ant. Your tank? It's an ant. Your boat? It's you, and other ants. Your house? The walls are ants. Your weed control for your garden? Tiny ants? Your glue gun? It's an ant (a baby ant!)
So advanced high tech ants would have ant guns, and ant spaceships. Advanced ants would have ant computers for ants, made of ants. Advanced ants would have ants for storing data.
And ant bombs.
Wait! Those already exist!
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dammarchy211 · 7 months
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drawing dump I definitely can’t fit all of them in but here’s most of em lol. Neo Cortez the founder and Head of C.R.I.M.E. Got a complete redo which I actually Like now so’ll probably expand on him more
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jtl07 · 1 month
avatrice soulmate au
omg ant i hope this one actually is okay
it took Beatrice two steps down the stairwell to realize that she wasn't alone.
she takes these stairs everyday, arriving and leaving work, going to lunch as she is now - it's the principle of the thing, she'd explained to Camila, citing that their office was only on the 5th floor, besides, Beatrice wasn't one to pass up extra cardio especially after sitting in front of the computer working through feature specs and telling Crimson no, we will not be adding more custom dev hours to your most important tier 1 client who just happens to be owned by your cousin -
she hears it again: a sob.
it echoes through the stairwell, sad and lonely and broken. Beatrice doesn't know who it might be but the sound pulls at her nonetheless, a weight in her chest that gets heavier as she quietly gets closer.
then she sees her. Ava Silva, sitting on one of the steps, curled into herself, leaning heavily into the wall as she cries. Beatrice hasn't worked with her much - Beatrice tries to keep her interactions with Sales down to a minimum - but she knows of her. her smile, her laugh, her sometimes inappropriate jokes, the ease with which she brings joy into a room, that Beatrice has always felt when passing by her in the office. so to see Ava here, like this, is something of a shock.
Beatrice feels that tug again - knows she can't turn away and leave her alone.
she lets her next step fall heavy and the sound is enough to make Ava lift her head, scrub her face, hastily pull at her clothes. "oh - hey, Beatrice, off to lunch?"
Beatrice nods, hesitant. gestures to the space next Ava. "may I?"
"sure," Ava says, clearing her throat of tears.
Beatrice lowers herself down to sit as well, though she chooses one step behind Ava - enough to see most of her face, enough -hopefully- to give her space. it feels heavier here, though, like a storm attempting to swallow her whole. Beatrice isn't sure what to do in the face of such a feeling, sees it clearly even though Ava seems to be trying hard not to show it. but she has to do something.
she lets the heaviness fill her lungs, then thinks of freedom, thinks of air. speaks into the silence: "did you know this stairwell has access to the roof?"
Ava blinks, the tension in her body releasing at the unexpected question. "no," she answers, and Beatrice gets the pleasure of watching in realtime as the words register. "wait are you telling we could've been having rooftop parties all this time?"
Beatrice allows a smile. "not exactly. the engineers found out a couple months ago. they've been cleaning it up little by little." she glances at Ava. "it's better privacy than a stairwell."
the look Ava gives her is something curious, feels her gaze like a physical thing. Beatrice barely keeps herself from shivering.
"sounds like you're speaking from experience."
Beatrice lets out a soft snort through her nose. "you don't work in tech without at least one breakdown every quarter." Ava's laugh is soft but Beatrice still feels a bit of pride at the tendril of amusement peeking through dark clouds.
in her pocket, Beatrice feels her phone vibrate, a reminder of the limited time she has for her break. normally she rushes through it, but she wants the opposite now, wants to take her time, wants to know Ava more.
"well you can't tell from here," Beatrice says, glancing at the drab gray walls of the stairwell, "but it's a beautiful day outside. join me for lunch?"
Ava's surprise is palpable, burning even and Beatrice backpedals immediately. "only if you want, of course, i simply thought -"
"i'd love to." there's a curious, almost mischievous curve to Ava's smile now, something knowing that flusters Beatrice even more.
"right then," Beatrice mutters, standing up in hopes of controlling the sudden blush on her cheeks. still, she can't help the way her gaze stays on Ava, watches her stand - sees the moment she loses her balance.
Beatrice moves without thinking.
the next thing she knows, Ava's in her arms, heart beating wildly in her chest, eyes wide and Beatrice feels herself riding a rollercoaster of emotions: fear and relief and horny -
she pauses. carefully traces the last feeling to a source outside of herself.
Ava's grin is wider than Beatrice has ever seen it, knowing and joyous. "felt that, huh." Ava doesn't bother posing it as a question, likely already feeling the rush going through Beatrice herself.
"i suppose we'll be feeling each other a lot now." later, Beatrice will swear that she meant it innocently, in terms of the soulmate bond in general, but then she feels Ava's instant mischief, sees her grin turn wicked and she groans. maybe she should have taken the elevator after all...
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virtual-boy · 4 months
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{📞}{📞}{📞} {🕹️}{🕹️}{🕹️} {🛸}{🛸}{🛸}
"This is gonna change our world..."
["This is gonna change our world..."]
spirit phone by lemon demon stimboard with red gifs representing songs from the album!
[requested by anon, ty!!!]
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korpuskat · 3 months
So with Megatron Ramattra that has the potential of g/t if Ramattra has a human partner. Like he’d be able to carry you in 1 hand and you could totally just lay in his scarf while he builds more troops. And him just calling us his “little human” “pet” or if he’s annoyed “pest”
FJDKJFG AAAAH YUES I LOVE IT???? Big huge Ramattra offering you his hand so he can pick you up and carry you with him, having to absolutely trust that he won't drop you.... and yet small enough you could go with him everywhere, perched on his shoulder or carried in his hand....
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littlethingsmart · 1 year
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vampiricgf · 4 months
defending billionaires will always be loser behavior
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antvnger · 7 months
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Shrink discs and grow discs are what we call them. You’re fine, buddy.
I’ve tried and succeeded growing a taco. And an orange. And cake.
Pym particles definitely work on food, and it’s amazing! In fact, Hope’s been using Pym Tech resources to research how our particles can help with world hunger and things like that. It’s incredible. She’s incredible.
Anyway, yeah, this totally works on food.
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in the scarena - iac 2023 day six
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hira492 · 11 months
Thinking about Tech Bad Batch on this day. Forever in my heart, please come home
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So I just clocked why ep 9 was so therapeutic for me yesterday
It actually touched on some topics that were really helpful for me to think about this week. Today could have been kinda rough (1 year anniversary of crappy personal life stuff etcetera etcetera) but episode 9 let me see people dealing with feelings that I needed to work through myself. I got so wrapped up in the episode that I didn't realise that I was actually just giving myself a little therapy session yesterday. 😅
Honestly, this episode connecting to so many people on a personal level makes me so happy. 🥰 This is why animation is a valid form of media, people!
(And side note: to the autistic folks who felt seen by Tech this episode, I'm so glad you're getting the representation you deserve!!! 🩷).
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mudwerks · 2 years
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(via Ant (Camponotus) | 2022 Photomicrography Competition | Nikon’s Small World)
The ant face to rule the world
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anthenasikes · 2 years
in cue to cue for five gazillion hours (actors not in costume today) (we are just sitting around doing work) (they locked all the bathrooms in the entire wing of the school for some reason) (we have to go across to another wing and have some one open the door to this wing back up again bc it locks automatically) (i’m not doing my essay) (my feet hurt) (talked about being trans and apparently one of my crew thought i “just had a trans sticker on my laptop just because” and not because i was actually trans???) (i am wearing the best outfit i’ve ever worn in my life) (we have stuck an unused pad open on the bulletin board)
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softgrungeprophet · 4 months
real talk if anyone on here ever wants to like... buy me a DVD i will totally draw a real quick bust or whatever in exchange, i have a target wishlist registry thing and everything 😂
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Like it says in the note thing on the page, DVD or DVD/Blu-Ray are both fine, regular (not 4k) Blu-Ray is probably fine since my PS4 should be able to play those, but I only have a regular-ass PS4, not a PS5, I cannot play UHD, so if something is 4K UHD please make sure it has either a DVD or a regular Blu-Ray as well...
Anyway it should be set up so you can buy stuff off my registry without me having to blast my address to the world (lol) so if you do this, send me an ask or something off anon (so I can like, contact you) (that or like, send me a message on discord if we're friends, or w/e) and I will def draw you a little drawing as thanks 👍
#nadia rambles#ftr i haven't seen the barbie movie so i don't know if it's actually good. i wanted to see it but had no money at the time.#same for blue beetle but the review i read seemed generally favorable in that it's supposedly like... heartfelt? and not all meme#i do really like the weird tech-organic suit design.#and honestly my tolerance for bad movies is higher than it seems at times— i just dislike the mcu specifically#i generally like a bad movie that has a vision — aesthetic drive etc. — over sanitized and visually bland shit#like at least interesting choreo? even the best choreographed mcu movies i've found to be both slow AND hard to follow#and the lighting and color grading i keep seeing is just fucking awful. like. jesus christ. that's conk creet baby that's CEMENT#i did actually enjoy ant-man and the wasp but i found the romance boring and while i like ghost's whole vibe#the reason her design is good is because it's like... literally a destiny 2 hunter outfit LMAO#i prefer clayton crain's comic art significantly but like. that's. maybe not a practical movie costume.#but fuck would i like to see someone try *that*#anyway all of these others i have seen and 100% want to own physical media for (though i may add some i haven't seen later)#obv furiosa isn't out on physical media yet so that's not on there lol#also haven't added madame web yet but eyeing that steelbook tbqh just wanna make sure it includes regular blu-ray first#idk if anyone will even see this let alone send anything but i figure why not#at the very least i can share with family for holiday gift requests....#i don't understand why like the batman and atsv and john wick all have dvd/blu-ray options#but barbie and madame web and prey don't have that option#it's either blu-ray or dvd or 4k or 4k/blu-ray but not blu-ray dvd :/#which honestly is my preferred vessel cause that way i can have access to either if i need it#i put in blu-ray for barbie and prey and prob will for madame web but really wish it was blu-ray/dvd 😔
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yranigami · 7 months
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Who said you couldn’t skate in the kitchen?
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