#another stupid MF
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emmfairy · 7 months ago
In I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin, Strahd expresses discomfort at the thought of a woman he's speaking to crying in front of him.
I've been thinking about this- because I have nothing better to do, but anyway- I think that the discomfort is less "wow she's crying that's distasteful and embarrassing lol" and more "Oh my god she's crying what the fuck what the fuck? what do I do? how do i respond to that?"
I think Strahd tells himself that people openly weeping is Embarrassing™️, and that He Is Above Such Pathetic Displays of Emotion, but really, I think he's just a loner with 0 emotional intelligence.
(and I mean, same)
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silvertws · 2 months ago
My idea of Odysseus and the Odyssey in general has been now clouded by the musical.
It's cool to know what's gonna happen, love having to study that in elementary.
Hey, Odysseus, when are you going to tell your family you're actually leaving again to die at sea? :D
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do you understand how long I've been waiting for Devan's wedding???!!?!! it has lived in my head rent free for 5 years, I'm fucking HYPED
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constantvariations · 1 year ago
Why Some People Don't Like Jaune Arc
I've seen some folk confused about the dislike towards Jaune, such as @the-sapphic-raven and @foxgirltail so I thought I'd compile all the reasons (that I can remember without a whole-ass rewatch) in a single post. For the most part, it's not the character himself that earns ire but the way he's used
Volume One
All the goodwill Jaune built up by being sweet towards Ruby is immediately soured by his chauvinistic attitude towards Weiss and his dismissal of Pyrrha, a strange choice given this is supposed to be a progressive society/show. And Pyrrha, the prodigy of the entire school, is somehow into being treated like dirt
There's also the matter of his sneaking into a school dedicated to protecting people from man-eating monsters despite the fact that Jaune had negative skills (while somehow being from a long line of warriors). It makes for good story, but it's also an incredibly selfish and dangerous decision that put people, most directly his teammates, at risk due to his inexperience. This would've been smoothed over had he actually been proactive, but instead he sleeps in class and Pyrrha has to take initiative in training him
The biggest problem comes in the "Jaune Arc" where his generic bullying plot not only overshadows the anti-faunus attitude, not only comes before Blake or Yang get an arc, but takes up an entire twenty-five percent of the first season. That was a whole month of Jaune instead of RWBY back in the days of release
Volume Two
Once again, Jaune has a disproportionate amount of time dedicated to him but this time he's joined by Neptune so we can have a love triangle between these two and Weiss. Given that Jaune and Neptune are voiced by Luna and Shawcross, the writers who, yknow, write Weiss's every word and action, this comes off as super creepy. Additionally, he pursues Weiss despite her multiple unambiguous rejections, and the narrative is clearly on his side. And then, after learning that Neptune turned down Weiss - something well within his right to do - Jaune gets pissy and confronts him with language objectifying Weiss as some sort of possession and forces Neptune to reveal something he's obviously very ashamed about
There's also the man-in-a-dress "joke" that shouldn't be considered a joke in a gender-equal society, but that's simply more bad writing choices with Jaune as the victim
Volume Three
There's not as much here since Jaune plays more of a supporting role to Pyrrha, which is where he really shines as a character. There's that bit during the Vytal Festival with the team name shenanigans throwing off the scene's rhythm, but it's more of an annoyance than anything else
But then after Pyrrha sends him away, instead of calling Glynda like he'd been about to do or any authority, he calls Ruby and breaks his phone before calling anyone else. Grief does make people do stupid things, but this is goes beyond that. This was a choice of the writers to refuse Pyrrha backup so she could die, leading into the most consistent complaint of Jaune in all subsequent volumes: trauma hogging
Volume Four
While Ruby, Ren, and Nora get only outfit changes, Jaune gets upgrades to both his armor and weapon using Pyrrha's crown and sash. This is pretty blatant favoritism since Ren and Nora don't get anything of hers to symbolize their connection to Pyrrha despite them also being teammates and friends. This trauma favoritism continues when Ruby wakes from a nightmare about Pyrrha only for the scene to be about Jaune's feelings. We never come back to Ruby's trauma (unless you want to count that one talk with Oscar in V5, which still isn't great) and Ren/Nora are completely passed over
Then in the Nuckleavee fight, instead of Ruby being the one to rescue Qrow from oncoming attack because she's got the speed and that's her uncle, it's Jaune who saves the day. It's Jaune who gets that silent handgrab with Qrow, which means nothing because these two don't really know each other but would mean a wealth of things had it been Ruby instead
Also, the sword sword "upgrade." It's not Jaune's fault that it's poorly designed, I'm just legally obligated to say it sucks every time I talk about this fight
Volume Five
When Qrow and Lionheart talk about Raven, Jaune knows she's Yang’s mom despite the two of them sharing maybe 10 words with each other. Yang didn't even tell Blake, her own partner, much about Raven, but for whatever reason she told Jaune? Sus
The climatic fight nerfed everyone, but Weiss and Cinder got special stupid juice specifically so Jaune could be the main character. Cinder spent the last two seasons building up and reinforcing her hatred of Ruby, even agreeing to Raven's alternative plan just for a stab at the kid. Yet her attention during the big fight is solely on Jaune because...? And he goes toe-to-toe with her! She was trained by a professional huntsman for years as a child while Jaune has, what? Maybe a year of training? And she's a Maiden! The deck is so stacked against Jaune it's not even funny
Then to punish him, instead of attacking Ruby - who's entirely preoccupied by Emerald, his very first friend, and the person he crossed continents to follow - Cinder goes after Weiss. His crush. Who conveniently forgot her sword isn't a wand and her glyphs can do just about anything so her aura could be broken
Weiss got fridged so Jaune could discover his semblance. Female empowerment at its finest
(Before anyone tries it, no, I'm not saying Ruby should've been fridged instead. The situation as written is set up so that somebody HAS to be fridged, which is stupid. This could've been revealed in a million ways that didn't involve girls being maimed)
Volume Six
Getting aggressive with Oscar was out of line. I understand (not condone) Qrow being violent because he's been in the game longer than any of the kids and just watched an entire HD powerpoint of Ozpin's lies. Being Oz's spy was essentially his life
Jaune does not have that same depth of investment. One can argue that he was acting on his grief of Pyrrha, but that falls flat when neither Ren or Nora come even close to the same reaction
Once again, Jaune hogs all the Pyrrha-related trauma, even getting a visit from her mom(?) while looking at a giant statue of her (despite the fact that Pyrrha blatantly said in V2 she didn't like being treated like she's above others)
Volume Seven
Jaune hogs the camera for JNR's new landing strategies, his hair is dumb, and grown women fawning over a teenager is gross, but overall Jaune this volume is fantastic. Super swell in his supporting role here and that bit where he compliments Nora after her failed flirting always makes me giggle
Volume Eight
Imma be honest, I don't remember much of V8 and I do not have the time, will, or energy to rewatch it, so I'll just skip to the biggest thing in the volume: Penny's death.
Jaune did not try hard enough to save her. Whereas any other time this trope of mercy killing during combat has been implemented, it's typically done as a reluctant last resort after every other option has been exhausted. Cinder was still preoccupied with Weiss and Jaune's pretty beefy; he could've made a dash for the exit while still healing her
Instead, he boosts her aura for a whole 2 seconds before agreeing to stab her in the heart.
Another fridge for Jaune's collection
Volume Nine
Everyone's fears of Jaune stealing the spotlight once again get confirmed. He gets a legendary role in a story loved world wide, a pedestal only matched by Ruby's weird deified status in the rtx V9 epilogue, which may or may not be canon
Weiss is into him for "being mature" despite never having shown a preference for older men. Not counting villains we have Ozpin, Oobleck, Port, Klein, Qrow, and Ironwood; all of whom could've been used to establish this trait, yet it only comes out with Jaune? Highly suspicious
His relationship with the paper pleasers is incredibly terrible. He has no respect for their culture and treats them like children despite their obvious intelligence. It rings far too closely to missionaries "saving" people, usually of color, in third world countries
Then, when Ruby finally snapped and is venting her frustrations, Jaune cuts in to take his rage out on her. Jaune, at this point, is at least in his mid thirties, so we get a grown ass man yelling at a seventeen year old girl who then runs away, putting her in a vulnerable position that is immediately taken advantage of. Nobody blames him for being upset, but as an adult he now has a responsibility to take care of how he treats people significantly younger than him
Not even an hour after Ruby drinks the tea right in front of them, the entire group hugs Jaune with big, bright smiles. Ruby not once had someone actually comfort her despite her obvious failing mental health, but Jaune gets comforted by both the team and the narrative
Thanks for surviving this far
Feel free to add on, but I'm tired of this being in my drafts so Jaune be upon ye
If y’all disagree with any of the points, I'd love to hear your view and have a nice discussion
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rinovarka · 2 years ago
been having Skyfire brain rot for the last few days due to That One Comic Variant Cover and rewatching Fire in the Sky on repeat 72/21
Skyfire a dense mf because surely the Decepticons were NOT even hiding their intents about Earth and its people. Bruh said “hmmm the guy calling himself Supreme Leader and saying how they are going to conquer the universe is a nice guy” . Surely Starscream and Skyfire had SOME talking time at least?? 
Skyfire @ Spike and Sparkplug like nooo “Why are you frightened :( ?”  * is literally a giant robot whose first words were YOU MUST BE DESTROYED was just shooting towards them like a minute ago and decided the best thing to do is pick them up many feet off the ground and towards his face*
But also. Ough. Starscream’s voice performance in the episode...Im a SkyStar truther there HAS to be so much more going on there
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furby-organist · 2 months ago
> "When I'm exterminated, I want to be reincarnated as that train in Florida that keeps killing people."
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beeconandeggs · 1 year ago
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some random thing i made JUST in case an official space goofs reboot comes out, i thought it would be called "Recrashed" (meaning they crashed onto earth again), i even got the colors from the original logo right. (btw, my friend on both my accounts even has a reboot made on google docs, go search "kitgoof" up here and look for their post called "Space Goofs reboot" and open the docs lmfao)
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mwagneto · 2 years ago
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unproduciblesmackdown · 1 year ago
spinning off of "winston being fantastically (literally fantastical (literally related to fantasy)) clairvoyant (he is also figuratively clear-sighted / figuratively preternaturally perceptive just like, in the show. which is where this all comes from. plus him calling himself cassandra, always seeing the future. he really has always / continued to be thusly) and taylor literally has a broadsword" type fun and games that are very loosey goosey b/c billions aus go spinning off into their own separate dimensions super easily when billions canon is so rooted in its specific Stage Settings of modern day US law n finance battles in the office, sidewalks, and eateries:
the thought of winston & tuk and winston gets to be a fairy. jokes, please. changelings are right there with the common theory of "was this to explain disabilities & go 'something could go Wrong and the baby's not a Person and get rid of that,' unlike nowadays where people do that but go 'b/c that baby's disabled'" and also one goes Thinking Emoji about how apparently New Mothers and New Brides were susceptible along with New Borns to become swapped out with a fairy and now something's wrong with them and get rid of that. had to be about Something given that people apparently did act on changeling lore and martin luther is taking a stance like yeah another thesis, it's important to kill them And okay to kill them b/c they don't even have a soul anyways. okay thanks martin luther....meanwhile also witchcraft and getting after anybody for that too. and fairies generally as Problems, the etymology going back to [fate], the range like "ooh hehe causing funny little inconveniences just because" to more so "yeah they could cause life-threatening illness for that" and "yeah they'll just kill you"....and i think fairy/fey as respective noun/adj re: being gay is of Unknown Origin, like "gay" also is. and you never know, if being fey is like, well something's not right and it's dangerous, whether this is the inspiration....though by the time this slang starts turning up, and even in the time of prior possible origins / the roots in other usages / potential inspirations, theoretical actual fairies are surely becoming more Fanciful, this being around like, the 18th century, rather than "here's martin luther telling you to immolate! that! baby!"
but that like, you can have it all ways out here. the Always Small fairies i think being a later kind of victorian deal, rather than "fairies are shapeshifters & can become animals e.g. & May have a 'tiny little inches or millimeters high mode' but that's just a mode & the fact that generally though they just look like people, maybe with some stylistic variations and tells, means watch out" and i think wings came up ever, across yknow the various centuries and regions of folklore out here lmao and possible origins / influences yet further across time & regions & cultures, but again "always small and always winged" being a very relatively modern victorian deal. but we can draw on that to be sure when, additionally, a Potential mutual [would prefer to avoid] between fairies and humans (as opposed to "if your house or some shit is on a fairy path bestie just build them another door to walk straight through cuz they're Gonna") becomes "no, fairies mostly avoid humans more than the other way around" type of imbalance of any threat means like, well hey sure, the Real Self could then become a tiny little magical guy having fun with wing designs who is shy and elusive but maybe another fun little guy can accidentally become aware but then have a secret little hidden friendship hmm....
but then also just thinking of the version where you just look exactly like everyone else and live amongst them, changeling style. and potentially don't Know you're different, or at least not Why, b/c this is a "from birth" thing like hmmm ya don't say. and the whole thread where in some folklore fairies Aren't nonhuman, the difference is only about the separate fairy Realm you live in, which is different, with like "yeah sometimes fairies come from people who died." and alongside / overlapping with everything like "yeah you could disappear for a few days to that realm and then be like 'don't wanna / can't talk about it'" and whatever all various like "watch out for the liminal and unknowingly wandering or being taken into the fairy world and Then watch out for communing with them b/c then you could be Permanently affected, or permanently continually affected or vulnerable, or just stuck there. and we wouldn't want that" like well don't let them know your name but maybe try to find out their names b/c you can get at them in turn that way, don't get in on any food, don't get in on any parties. though variations, sometimes people getting whisked away for particular tasks that apparently Only humans can do. or forever potential for helpful / sympathetic fairy interventions in life. like fairies raising humans b/c their human parents were awful
also, that some classic Tests for "is your baby a changeling?" were very like, "well i guess if we drowned or burned that person and they just died about it....our bad," in the way that like apparently the way to go could be "put them in the fire. where they'll either burn or fly out the chimney." or "start going tf beating them with objects. so that they go away" like and they never stop beating winston with hammers out here!! or the classic "idk abandon them in the forest so fairies can take them back" like well they do also like [i prefer to pretend winston doesn't exist / forget that he does] lmao. this isn't really related. just the ol "ballpeen hammers kind of goated when it comes to putting someone in a sack and beating them to death" factor out here for your local changelings
also sure thinking of like ohh watch out for winston and his gayass Realm he exists in which is wrong and not of our own and potentially will forever change you with its gayass ways. uh oh don't get corrupted into a whole other powerful magical mode of existence if you commune with him in some deep fundamental nourishing ways. oh nooo watch ouuuut....one of the "you might be a changeling if" moments being "when they think they're alone do they act up?? dance??" like yeah i'm stimming and bursting into motion and making noises and existing wrong when i think i'm alone. Old Souls (theory as well that newborn changelings were secretly elderly fairies)....existence in the Fey Realm just making you different and out of place huh. and it would just be a guy though like either [undetectable except by already trying to kill them] and/or [actually just a human, fairies are just humans, fairies b/c they're in/from the fairy realm] but uh oh don't let him corrupt you. don't go hanging out with him and talking with him and partaking in his activities and embracing his ways. you'll be changed. you'll never fit in around here and be able to do things right ever again. we'll have to start beating you with hammers. and all for what. your weird gayass little guy and a whole possible other dimension of existence? vs all This? smh
#that fey little mf. all the same glasses hoodies cargo pants winston....#winston billions#you can't go wrong. sort of semi fantastical au. or just modern day ''fairies can even be in your hedge fund office'' magical realism#not even like there's clear Powers lol like what do fairies do? well bit fuzzy on that but one things for sure:#cause problems for US!!!! like wow the way symptoms & definitions of disabilities are approached much?#you might be a fairy if....ouch i'm dead of unclear causes in 1337. Not very 1337....#winston is truly always causing problems. also learned that ''oaf'' (another word i've recently thought like ''i would just not say that''#b/c for some reason the nyt i believe described orville wingate as [still an(?)] Oaf & i was like a) huh b) excuse me) derives from fairy#as it was a term for a changeling specifically :I which juuust so happens to lead to connotations of Stupidity(tm) & Clumsiness(tm)#hmm! you do not say it!#what could changeling winston do? up for grabs. but the point is: change(ling) your life. and other fun things :)#also i think another potential fairy ability was: seeing the future as well lol. it's all coming together#seeing winston with fun bird wings b/c you've communed with him ''too much'' already. not an angel thing. a fairy thing#(sidebar abt how some Lore was that they Are an angel thing. see: influence from whole other traditions lol)#winston Becoming a bird b/c he can do things like that b/c fairies are shapeshifters. he's a pigeon =) you have a nest for him =) cooing#another parallel like ''definitely don't fuck him or you're locked in to his gay autistic realm for sure''#just like how as a theoretically real world autistic person everyone just knows winston isn't allowed to have sex#nowadays how ridiculous to imagine going: we think someone is weird & dislike their vibes; they shouldn't exist. we should ostracize them#we would never be like; some corruption has caused your child to exist wrong. basically taking your Real child away from you#or when they do tragically exist that they should be driven away to any possible extent up to ''just kill them :( sorry for You btw''#with the Possibility fairies could give you your Real Human Child back....#autistic kid? number one recommendation totally isn't ''put them in specialized abuse school where we try to banish the autism for you''
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marcusrobertobaq · 1 year ago
So, lemme screw up with y'all bitch ass NSFW shit again
Androids ain't got saliva.
Unless we're talking about those models, they def got hardware for this specific purpose. Ain't exactly saliva but I bet it's something slippery so, y'know...
But a model that ain't for that? Hah, totally dry. Softness? Doesn't exist. Warm temperature? Pray they're overclocking so we got a heat production. Don't even try sticking with a cylinder inside 'em mouths, especially with those ceramic teeth. If u don't want the bite of 87' to happen, keep cylinders away from these suckas. Also I'm certain they ain't got a throat for anything besides thirium.
Yea, I hate myself too. Be fucking creative, piece of shit. They ain't human and u shouldn't screw with 'em shit only to please humans.
But I'm benevolent and I'll give y'all some tips:
All androids got tongues and animations;
All android got lips and animations;
It's likely the synth skin got an elasticity aspect (the way this material also forms things like nipples etc)
Even if something ain't programmed for X thing, AI can learn;
Deviancy switch all admin controls to the android;
Androids may be Apple level of "don't fucking touch the components" but ain't impossible making mods (don't even think in going the easy way);
I don't think u would fuck an ass without lube, right?
I hope this post was helpful.
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(and plz stop with the blue blush and body flush. What does "shine" is that blue/gray parts when the biocomponent got energy. Making it glowing ain't a problem as long as the skin is off)
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chao-club · 1 year ago
six is just the furry embodiment of the "micheal in the bathroom" song from be more chill
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meatriarchived · 2 years ago
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post 5+ hr power nap thoughts on the What If au :
after recovering in the hospital - weeks being under the care and eyes of the doctors and nurses, rightfully flabbergasted by the wounds throughout her body - maria never shows up on campus again. she's effectively dropped out on her lack of return without notice.
the rumors that go around, the stares at what scars she retains, the questions - she simply cannot handle dealing with it.
she nearly had a collapsed lung ( why she struggled to keep up with the others; once wrong move, another attack and it would've been her end ), multiple fractures and some bones broken. her body is littered by blade scars and gashes; most notably the one at her ribs that just missed her right lung, and the other the layers of skin that Thomas had cut from her when he was beginning to prepare her for food. the scarring on her arm and thigh from that is rather gruesome still, having not properly healed.
due to the conditions of the basement, the tools and knives used on them all, since one of them was so close internally, she had complications while admitted due to constant infections springing up ( the dirt and blood and contamination of even Thomas' sewing up her worse wounds caused her stay to go longer ).
if anyone else but her perished:
she stays holed up in her place for a long while. barely contacting anyone, besides ana's insistence on calling or swinging by as often as possible to check up on her ( if alive ).
the survivors' guilt sits in her gut heavy. she knows its her fault that they got into the mess they did, and then someone else paid for that? unforgivable.
she's scared to see the others. scared to see the remnants of their desperate fights with the family, of how their demeanor and personalities have probably changed; scared that she'd catch a glimpse of blame in their eyes for the loss they suffered ( she's still trying to wipe and scratch the blood off her hands, it won't go away no matter how raw she peels her skin- )
when they do finally meet up all together once again, maria's smile struggles to reflect in her eyes like before. attempts of laughter feel hollow, and she feels so strangely lost - like she isn't meant to be there in that moment.
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eventually, once she knows that ana is secure and set up in a place on her own, that she can manage on her own, maria packs up her apartment late into the night, loads up her car, and disappears.
she leaves a note for ana this time; letting her know that shes fine, that she simply needs a change of environment. that she'll call when she's gotten settled - which she keeps her word to do ( to ensure ana doesn't feel compelled to rally the troops again. )
she could be found far away from texas, up in the pacific north west - in a small home, isolated and deep set just out of town surrounded by trees.
the grounds are surrounded by tall fence and wall, with a heavy, creaking gate that screeches when even the wind blows against it too hard.
she takes in two dogs - large breeds, protection bred deep in their genetics - who wander the property and home. bred to kill if needed.
the bit of woodland she lives in is gloomy and eerie; with thick heavy fogs that roll in daily, with rather consistent rain showers and overcast skies clouding the view of the sun. she remembers once wanting a little cottage somewhere out in the woods; somewhere bright and warm and full of color. ( deep in the back of her mind she feels she doesn't deserve such peace. )
she owns a shotgun and revolver, both kept loaded and hidden but in easy-to-find and get to places. ( she's had to point them at people before; people who tried coming through her gate. the dogs now handle those instances. )
she hasn't picked up a camera in years. and she left all but one of her albums at ana's.
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the below reflects if the group have long since lost contact with one another; effectively, leaving maria on her own.
warning for mentions of m/ental health struggles.
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its easy to lose track of time when half of it is spent staring blankly ahead. days pass maria by with little warning at times, and often does she lose track so badly that a month or two has passed and she cannot recall what happened in the previous weeks.
her sleep paralysis worsens, and she's plagued by shadowed creatures that loom over, embodiments of the horrors she faced, of the guilt she feels; taunting her as her body is incapable of moving, just like she had been all that time ago back on the butcher table in the basement.
the panic as she fights her own body to move, the flashes of recollections of sneers and laughter in her face by the family. when she gets over her bodys' temporary paralysis she is struggling to breath - lungs hitching tightly, unable to catch herself to ease into a sliver of normal rhythm again. and god, shes' exhausted. and just when she feels like she can finally take in a proper gulp of air - she's sobbing and fucking up all that progress again.
maria, over time, simply grows too numb and tired. she's become nothing like how she used to be, she doesn't feel that she could ever come close to that version of her again. and the guilt continues to eat away what little is still left of her.
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eyedruple · 16 days ago
like 80% shore theres more than one guy up in the brain. hold on
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gothamphantomgoat · 22 days ago
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#.°. Gotham Phantom GOAT .•°|•.|.•°AlienHalf|Bouncier°•.|.•|°•. Stupidity's Bankoss MF AIPhanEminatiomG#(•}0{•)•°..•°.•° ..•°°•..°•..•°..•°°•..°•.°•..°•(•}°{•)•°..•°.•° ..•°°•..°•..•°..•°°•..°•.°•..°•(•}0{•) Merlin Koeni#.•°•.\*/.•°M|§§|=°•./*/.•°*0=~|°•./*\.•°•.*.•°.•°AIZeroG°•.°•. (*)Illuminati}AI0G{Minion(*|§*•Fudijar•°§)#X*oeni•°§) XAutodidact+Autodidacticism I See Me! AIZeroGORE'zia = BirdiD>eXa<Didumb You See You#M|§§|=K0=~|(§*•°§)§XAIQCQAAIZeroGDMissieKoeniGPGIA(.•°•.\*/.•°•.°.•°•./*\.•°•.}.•°•.\*/.•°§) JesusPiece#(.•°•.\*/.•°•.Gotham.•°•./*\.•°•.}Missie{•°•.\*/.•°•.Phantom.•°•./*\.•°•.}•AIZeroG.°•X*oeni•°§)|Phantom Inc{#Phantom Magic Circle @ SNFL Featuring Patience & Fortitude .•°.•..°.Gotham Phantom GOAT.*.#Stupidity's ─=≡Σ(§•Fudijar•§)︵┻┻ DeBirdiiaD Bankoss 0nProBounceabID1 .•°.•.Phantom.•.°•.#Movie Footage Document Media Copy AssPlex But 0nProBounceabID1 Will Be Fine (§*•Fudijar•°§) *0=~| #Get At It Gangsta I See Me Coming From The Back Because My Crew Are Illuminati MassHers#But With You It WIll Never Be True (§*•Fudijar•°§) You Can't Step To Me Nor Back Me Down#Which Way You Going To Turn? You Hit The Fork In The Road With No Ill-Organic KickBack (|=m)ion#Studio Box By Missie (°)Illuminati}Fudijar{Minion(*) ?.•°.•.! (§*•°§) De>>X<<aDeXaDe<<X>>aDM|§§|=K.#*0=~|•°§)|Phantom Inc “Danger Zone” °•.•.O.°.0.•.•° Phantom Line M|§§|=K0=~| BirdShot Lick Ya#But Please Be Aware Of My Own Personal Experience Alone In NYC ShowBiz Production Itself #BackStage As A Gangsta Before I Invented Time Itself With A Guy Named Henley When The Mach V #Pulled Up For A New Radio ASIMO Was Driving So I Started Talking Warlord To The Radio #Then A Clothespins Truck Went By With A Monkey Driving And A Hoonigan ParKour Jumper Chasing It #When A Blue Bentley Slammed Into The Mach V Coi Leray Jumps Out Does Some Crack Poodle Move #Joey Dreamt Up @on 59th st Bloomingdale's Nicole & Liana Watch It Grow Embarrassing Paula Abdul#My Crew Know That Already With That Production So All I Have To Do Is My Own Personal BS Story #Make More Damn Sense Than Whatever Your Writers Can Hand You From Overnight#That You Weren't Paying Attention Too Nor The Fans (§*•Fudijar•°§) (§*•°§)~Your Entire Fucking Coi Pond#*0=~|•°§)<Speaking Open Mouth Letteringplex De>>X<<aDeXaDe<<X>>aD DeXaD<>X<>DeXaD#That's My Mach V Story In Full With Growing Details To Come DeXaD<>X<>DeXaD#We Can Photo A Rock On A Another Planet And Yet BigFoot Gets Away Like Batman °•.•.O.°.0.•.•° #Who Do You Think Taught Them Not To Do That In Real Time Live On Stage Before !ARTIST! Blinked#(.•°•.\*/.•°•.°.•°•./*\.•°•.}.•°•.\*/.•°§)De>>X<<aDeXaDe<<X>>aDNewWordsDeXaD<>X<>DeXaDOldWords#Letter In G Plex De>>X<<aDeXaDe<<X>>aD New Words DeXaD<>X<>DeXaD Old Words (§*•Fudijar•°§)
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6mayhem · 3 months ago
many philosophers are posers as fuck they're like ohhh what if. but don't even feel it themselves. unlike me. i feel and truly believe every asinine theory about the world i post on here. aahh. aaaah. aaaaaahhh i'm scared lol
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