#another day in the Hazbin Hotel
allastoredeer · 4 months
I agree with your whole take on Lucifer being a complicated, multi-faceted, ego-driven character that would be the top in a relationship with Alastor.
One aspect I love about their dueling egos is that Alastor is used to being the one charming others, or antagonizing. Lucifer in top form is perfectly capable of both and in antagonism I think they match up well (That whole Looney-Tunes Dad Beat Dad show for example).
But Lucifer has millennia of experience charming people, original tempter for lord's sake, and I believe Alastor would balk at sincerity. Especially, since he's used to smarmy manipulations and fake charisma.
Lucifer is many things, but fake is not one of them. Like Alastor he is very sure of who he is, he doesn't have to project a fake persona, he just code-switches like everyone else based on who he's interacting with. IF he felt inclined to compliment Alastor, it would be sincere.
And that would put Alastor on the back foot, in a good way.
All this to say, Lucifer could play Alastor like a fiddle and do so without making him feel like he's being personally attacked, after enough time at least. Alastor would have a helluva time trying to do the same because he loves needling others and would be terrified to let his guard down enough for that kind of openness.
I love all the analysis this fandom has on Hazbin's characters.
Sometimes, it's so easy to forget just how ancient Lucifer is. That guy witnessed the birth of the Earth. He was there when humanity was first created. He has been alive for a loooooong time, and it's fun to consider the experiences he's had in comparison to the other characters in the show.
And yeah, I agree about Lucifer being a charmer, cuz, like you said, he was the original tempter. And I also agree that he's not very fake. Or, at least, he's not very good at trying to be fake. It was very, very obvious how he felt about the hotel when he was first looking at it XD
Alastor would 100% balk at sincerity and I think once Lucifer realizes that, he'd be one-upping Alastor on a daily basis. Arguing and getting defensive is exactly the outcome Alastor is expecting (the outcome he wants). He's not used to someone responding to his jabs/needling with sincerity. What's he supposed to do with that? He's not going to be genuine back, that's wacky nonsense.
LOL it'd leave him fumbling so bad.
And, just to make it extra fun, I don't think Lucifer expects Alastor to be sincere in return, so when Alastor realizes he can level the playing field by using Lucifer's own trick against him, you bet your bonnet he's going to do it. Anything to have the last laugh, however hard it is for him to pry an honest answer from his teeth.
This is to say, Alastor opening up and building an honest and sincere relationship with someone out of pettiness and spite is the most Alastor way to form a connection, and I'm so here for it.
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z-1-wolfe · 1 month
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Early days
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ckducky · 5 months
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Almost found out
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mask131 · 8 months
As someone who is REALLY into the seven deadly sins, I originally had my doubts with the Hellaverse making the Princes of Hell positive versions of their respective sins (except for Mammon, who is the vice of Greed in its most awful glory). I mean, while the positive message and denunciation of religious madness is appreciated and needed (such as Asmodeus representing the modern, positive and non-religious meaning of lust while posing as the religious meaning of "lust"), it kind of removed something from the fact Hell is supposed to be... well Hell, a fucked up, horrible shit-hole where everything keeps going wrong for people.
But now that Hazbin Hotel is out I am at peace with this, because it was all to better make a parallel between the Princes of Hells and the Overlords. The Overlords truly depict the seven deadly sins in what they have of most horrible and evil, and thus make perfect "evil twins" to the Seven Deadly Sins demons. Valentino is the evil lust to Asmodeus positive lust ; Rosie and the cannibals are a dark reflection of Queen Bee's positive vibes ; Vox, Velvet and Alastor are all much more prideful in a negative way than Lucifer himself. In fact, the battle between Alastor and Lucifer in episode 5 truly highlights the "regular" pride of Lucifer, just misguided self-centeredness and deep confidence issues/self-loathing leading to a massive "I'm the best showman" persona ; to the arrogance of Alastor, the manipulative, ambitious demon who is obsessed with being respected and feared, and who keeps trying to take down seen "rivals" even when they are way above him. (There's a whole thing to say about Alastor being just as much of an "attention-whore" than Vox, but in a different - more intelligent and reserved way, like how he was clearly annoyed by Carmilla shooting down any talk about his mysterious disappearance)
This truly drives well the point that the real evil in the world of the Hellaverse comes from humans and humanity, by showing how the "fallen angel" demons are roughly positive, just not conforming Heaven's strict rules ; but the Overlords are truly depraved and vicious. Thus, in a twist, these over-powered Sinners are better at depicting the cardinal vices than the Seven Princes of Hell themselves.
Except for Mammon of course, 'cause nobody can top him as the greediest bastard.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
I remember reading someone say that they hope Seviathan ISN’T a jerk and if/when he comes to the hotel, he actually wants to help Charlie in her mission of redemption…then ends up with a crush on Vaggie, lol.
Mate, how funny would that be? 😂😂😂 You’re here to genuinely help your ex, then end up falling for her girlfriend. While it isn’t socially acceptable or appropriate, I think it’s cute. I guess Vags has that sort of affect on people.
oh man, if we go the absolute CHAD route for Sevi WHILE imagining him getting a crush on Vaggie... like, dude meets scary lady, doesn't notice how scary his EX gets over him staring at HER girlfriend, and maybe it's time for Sev to have some personal epiphanies?
Seviathan: "Knock knock? Yo Charles-a-lot! This really your hotel?"
Angel Dust: "Oh heyyy, look what the undead boy band dragged in..."
Husk: (snorts)
Charlie: "Sev? SEV! Holy shit what are you doing here!?"
Angel Dust: "Wait a sec, Sev? As in-"
Husk: "Oh shit."
Angel Dust: "Ex boyfriend on the hotel premises oh this is gonna get INTERESTIN'. Bet on how quick he gets maimed?"
Husk: "Fuck no. She'd kill us too."
Angel Dust: "Sigh... S'pose so. Spoil sport spear bitch..."
Seviathan: "I heard about your thing! Figured you could use a hand with the whole... uh... Sinner pet project obsession."
Charlie: "But Isn't there a game on right now-"
Seviathan: "Nah, everything's blocked out by replays of your little slap fight with heaven. Which I totally could've helped with too, if you'd given me a heads up first."
Charlie: "I did call? I said goodbye in case I died and-"
Seviathan: "Didn't hear it. You know I don't check voice mail. Everyone's always blowing up my inbox trying to to hit me up."
Angel Dust: "Oh my fucking gay."
Husk: "Would you hit that?"
Angel Dust: "If I did ya'd have to shoot me afterwards."
Seviathan: "Anyway, that's how I found out you'd actually went ahead and tried this thing out for real! And made a real mess of it. You totally cut off the final quarter of the best game of the year with all that live coverage."
Charlie: "Sorry, sorry- we REALLY didn't have say in the timing on that-"
Husk: "No shit."
Seviathan: "Eh. The team's played like shit anyway ever since I left."
Charlie: "Didn't you get kicked off for hogging the ball-"
Angel Dust: "Shocker."
Husk: "Never would have fucking guessed."
Seviathan: "Not dropping the ball isn't the same as hogging it and I never drop the ball on anything. You sure have though!"
Charlie: "I have? Where? Or er with what??"
Seviathan: "This hotel lobby for a start. Where's the billiards table!"
Charlie: "Ohhh. We don't have one."
Seviathan: "Why the hell not???"
Charlie: "No one's asked?"
Seviathan: "Well what the fuck does everyone here DO all day long? You've got actual people staying here, right? You're not still playing pretend hostess to stuffed animals and stuff?"
Angel Dust: "I kinda hope Vaggisaurus kills him."
Husk: "Don't get your hopes up. You know she's whipped and Charlie's a fucking sweetheart."
Angel Dust: "A bestie can dream..."
Charlie: "No I am NOT playing pretend hostess, thanks for mentioning it by the way, in public, in front of my friends- and yes we DO have guests at the hotel! Some of them here of their own free will even!"
Husk: "Not it."
Angel Dust: "Bullshit."
Charlie: "They have lots of fun activity time too! Even when we're not doing talk circles!"
Seviathan: "Uh huh."
Charlie: "Yes! Mostly we all like watching TV- well almost all of us- or listening to the radio to pass the time, or hanging out chatting, or reading-"
Seviathan: "So they're pussies."
Husk: "Hey."
Angel Dust: "Down, pussycat~"
Husk: (HISS)
Charlie: "They are NOT-"
Angel Dust: "Speakin' of pussy...."
Seviathan: "Yeah we're talking about you, what about it? Anyway."
Seviathan: (puts hand on charlie's arm)
Angel Dust: "Here it comes-"
Seviathan: "I've been thinking about us lately, and-" (spear thuds next to his head) "-SHIT!!! HOLY SHIT?!?!"
Husk: "Damn. She missed."
Angel Dust: "Just an openin' shot, Mr. Whiskers." (rubs all four hands together) "Oh this is gonna be goooood~"
Charlie: "Vaggie!" (BEAMING) "I thought we talked about this?"
Vaggie: (swoops down) "He's not a gust yet, babe, so I can greet him spear first if I want to."
Charlie: "Sev's my ex boyfriend though!"
Vaggie: "I know."
Vaggie: (yanks spear out of wall and holds it under his throat) "What the fuck are you doing here."
Seviathan: "I, uhh- is, is that angelic steel..?"
Charlie: (laughing) "Vaggieeee. You're scaring him~"
Angel Dust: "An' turnin' her on."
Husk: (elbows him)
Vaggie: "We said hotel security would be my thing until the threat of random asshole angel attacks went down, remember hun? This is my day job."
Charlie: "I never said I was complaining! Juuuust commentating!"
Vaggie: "Alright then."
Vaggie: (backs Seviathan against wall with her spear)
Vaggie: "Talk. Now."
Seviathan: (swallows hard) "I'm swinging by to help Charlie with the hotel thing-"
Vaggie: "Why."
Seviathan: "She used to be my girl, a guy's got a responsibility-"
Vaggie: "Did she ask you to."
Seviathan: "No? She, she doesn't have to-"
Vaggie: "Did you ask her if you could help."
Seviathan: "It's no trouble, I don't mind a little extra work-"
Vaggie: "Are you here to ask for a room in our hotel."
Seviathan: "In this place? Fuck no, you should see the digs I have, I've got a-"
Vaggie: "So you're trespassing."
Angel Dust: "Ohhh!"
Seviathan: "I'm wha-"
Husk: "Fucking screwed."
Vaggie: "You came here just to swan all over her hard work and stroke your own ego, is what I'm hearing."
Seviathan: "Hey girl, I'm here to he-ULP-!"
Vaggie: "Shut up." (over shoulder) "Charlie?"
Charlie: "Mm....wellllll... Since he's already here, as long he really does help, I'm fine with it. He's harmless. He'd just... um..."
Husk: "A fuckhead."
Angel Dust: "Don't take my fav word in vain, baby."
Charlie: "He's my ex for a reason."
Husk: "Fuck you."
Angel Dust: "Much better."
Vaggie: "He's your ex for an annoying reason, or for being an actual jerk who's earned getting kicked out on his ass for once in his life kinda reason, sweetie?"
Nifty: (popping up from floorboards) "Is he a BAAAAD BOYYYY~?"
Seviathan: "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAt-"
Vaggie: "What part of shut up there's a spear at your throat don't you get."
Seviathan: (jaw clicks shut)
Charlie: "Nope! He's not a boy boy! Just annoying! Mostly."
Nifty: "DAMN IT."
Angel Dust: "How's the huntin' goin' today, Nif?"
Nifty: (pouts) "The last baby bug got away... I hadn't even finished ripping it's little legs off while the mother bug watched it squirm..." (slinks back under floor)
Everyone else: "....."
Charlie: "... so! (claps hands)
Charlie: "Sev, if you really wanna help out that's fine, we're still finishing up the last touches on the new hotel if you feel like doing a little paint work and furniture moving!"
Seviathan: "....."
Charlie: "Sev?"
Seviathan: "..."
Angel Dust: "Think we broke him."
Husk: "I think it's the fucking spear pressed up against his fucking windpipe."
Charlie: "Oh! Whoops. Vaggie, please?"
Vaggie: ".... fiiiine."
Vaggie: (steps back) (wipes spear on nearby curtains) "Answer her."
Seviathan: (staring) "What's your name?"
Vaggie: "Hotel manager. Answer her."
Seviathan: "Charlie-" (still staring at vaggie) "-I would LOVE to help set up your pet sinner terrarium thing!"
Vaggie: "Our WHAT."
Husk & Angel Dust: "Hey!"
Charlie: "It's a hotel, Sev."
Seviathan: "Uh huh yeah sure, that thing!"
Vaggie: (lifts spear)
Charlie: (gently pushes gf spear back down) "Oh I'm going to regret this... ok. Let's, get you some gloves and stuff."
Seviathan: "Alright!" (holds hand up to vaggie) "Give me some skin!"
Vaggie: "...." (lifts spear again)
Charlie: "Excuse us Sev just ONE moment!"
Charlie: (pulls gf safe distance away)
Charlie: "Vaggie..? You okay?"
Vaggie: "Fine."
Charlie: "You're eye's, um. Twitching." (tenderly brushes fringe away from gf's eye) "Are you okay with this? He doesn't have to stay."
Vaggie: "No. It's fine." (sighs) "I want to be okay with it."
Charlie: "It's okay if you're not!"
Vaggie: "I will be, sweetie. Just give me a minute." (leans up for kiss) "But. I need to go do a Niffty and stab something. Really hard. Right now. And if I stay here one minute more, it's gonna be him."
Charlie: "Okay." (giggles) "Have fun stabbing things that aren't my ex?"
Vaggie: "I'll try to."
Seviathan: "Oh hey I'm awesome at stabbing! And the thrusting!"
Angel Dust: "PLEASE stick around, toots."
Husk: (mumbling) "Please fucking stick him."
Seviathan: "Long hard things are totally my thing, I could give you a few pointers on handling them no problem!"
Vaggie: "No."
Seviathan: "Oh come on, how about a hands on demonstration-"
Vaggie: (at charlie) "Keep him away from the kitchen knifes. He looks like he'd stab himself showing off and make a mess."
Charlie: "Heheh~ I'll try to."
Vaggie: "Good luck with that babe." (smooches her) (flies off to go stab)
Seviathan: "...."
Seviathan: "She single?"
Charlie: "She- NO? She is not??"
Angel Dust: (whisper hissing) "Is he blind? Didn't they just kiss???"
Seviathan: "We'll she's gonna be single soon, but not for long."
Husk: "He's dead."
Demon Charlie: "Her girlfriend is ME, Seviathan."
Seviathan: "Girlfriend? So she's-"
Demon Charlie: "VERY VERY GAY and TAKEN, YES."
Seviathan: "Wait, with you? Seriously??"
Demon Charlie: "Yes. Me. For s e v e r a l. Happy. Years."
Husk: (lifts bottle) "Cheers motherfuckers."
Seviathan: "Ohhh, so all that making out with you she did, it wasn't just her flirting with m-"
Angel Dust: "Holy. Fuck."
Seviathan: "I'd let her, to be honest. She's hot."
Husk: "Let her?"
Angel Dust: "Dude."
Husk: "The fuck does he mean, let her? He wouldn't have a fucking choice-"
Demon Charlie: "On second thought maybe you SHOULD'NT help out with the hotel, actually!"
Demon Charlie: (grabbing him by scruff of the neck and marching towards door) "It was VERY nice of you to drop by, PLEASE go have a good rest of your life, you'll probably have a LONGER one if you live it away from here!"
Seviathan: "Aww Charlie, getting nervous over having competition?"
Husk: (spits out drink)
Demon Charlie: "You are SOOOOOO not competition! You might end up being another hotel fatality though!"
Angel Dust: "Bet on which of 'em kills him first?"
Husk: "Shut up I'm trying to listen."
Seviathan: "I just think a woman like that should have her pick from the best hell can offer!"
Demon Charlie: "I'm the princess of hell???"
Seviathan: "Sure, but you hardly ever act like it."
Demon Charlie: "I...! She, she doesn't mind me being like me. She-"
Seviathan: "What, a commanding woman like that is fine with a spineless partner? No offence. But come on."
Angel Dust: "Alright, now I'm gonna kill him."
Husk: "Let her do it herself."
Angel Dust: "Hmph!"
Seviathan: "She's never asked you to try being more of an actual princess sometimes?"
Demon Charlie: "No, she... Not like, not like that..."
Seviathan: "Not like that, huh?"
Demon Charlie: "No." (yanks open door) "And our relationship has NOTHING to do with you."
Seviathan: (grabbing doorframe) "But you know it could."
Demon Charlie: "NO IT WON'T. COULDN'T! WILL NOT, EVER!!!!"
Seviathan: "So why're you throwing me out of your silly hotel thing, then?"
Demon Charlie: "....."
Seviathan: "Scaaaared...?"
Demon Charlie: (drops him) (shuts door) "I trust her."
Seviathan: "Said like no one who ever got dumped so their girl could be with me."
Demon Charlie: "I trust her not to ACTUALLY kill you, I mean."
Seviathan: "Fuck I hope she tries... Maybe I'll let her pin me again."
Husk: (SNORTS) "'Let her'..."
Angel Dust: "He's gonna earn a fucking Darwin award at this rate."
Seviathan: (dusting ash off himself) "Kinda impressed you got all demon-ed so fast for this though. That's new!"
Charlie: "I've told you, it only happens when I'm PISSED. OFF."
Seviathan: "I know but like, it used to take a lot to get you all riled up. I hardly ever got to see you like this in bed even. Maybe if it'd been easier we'd still be a thing?"
Charlie: "You know I realllly really doubt it since I dumped YOU."
Husk: "HA!"
Charlie: "And I dumped you partly BECAUSE you kept trying to 'rile me up' so you could try having sexy scary demon sex with me!"
Angel Dust: "OHHHHH!!!!"
Charlie: "Not that you ever even DID!"
Husk: "Fuck yes."
Charlie: "Because I always had waaaaay more fun sleeping on the COUCH!"
Husk & Angel Dust: (high five)
Seviathan: "...."
Seviathan: "So that's a no to having a threesome with us once I'm dating your soon to be ex girlfriend, huh?"
Demon Charlie: "SEV-"
Charlie: (deep breath)
Charlie: "... why do you even think you like her, Seviathan? You don't know her. She doesn't like you. You don't even know her name."
Seviathan: "She's hot."
Charlie: "Can We Try To Be More Specific, Please."
Seviathan: "I don't know? It was cute how she tried bullying me against a wall like that. All snapping orders like she was some kinda drill sergeant, or like a hot coach lady, treating me like some kinda bug crawling by her shoe- Who doesn't think that's hot?"
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: "Ohhhh."
Angel Dust: "Oh FUCK!"
Husk: (laughing) "The motherfucking alpha man-"
Angel Dust: "He's a fucking sub!!!!"
Seviathan: "What, like the sandwich? Shit. Are my pants fitting too tight again-"
Charlie: "Angel Dust."
Angel Dust: "Yesssss oh fearless leader...?
Charlie: (covers eyes) (turns) (escapes)
Charlie: "He's all yours."
Seviathan: "Whoa wait, where're you going-"
Charlie: "I'm gonna go surprise MY longtime girlfriend with kisses!"
Seviathan: "Hold on don't leave me with these two! Charlie!?"
Charlie: (already gone)
Seviathan: "For fuck's sake then I'm outta here too! I didn't come here to hang out with lame guys-"
Angel Dust: "Oh my little baby boy."
Angel Dust: (grins) (leans in) ".....how's the idea of a woman standin' over you with a whip make ya feel?"
Seviathan: "Good?"
Angel Dust: "Mm-hmm. An' if ya was wearing a collar?"
Seviathan: "..." (takes off hat) (holds it over crotch)
Husk: "Great. Another horrible memory to drown away with booze." (swigs)
Angel Dust: (draping arm around seviathan) "C'mon, let's find ya a dom who WON'T for real rail you with her spear~"
Seviathan: "Oh whoa."
Husk: "Oh fucking save me booze..." (down in one)
Niffty: (sobbing under floorboards)
Husk: "What the fuck? What's wrong with you?"
Niffty: "Th-the bad boys..." (sniffling) "... why are so many of them turning out LAME? Even the king of HELL asked me if I was OKAY when he stepped out his door in his ducky slippers and found me lying in front of it like a rug! WHAT IS WRONG WITH BAD MEN THESE DAYS!?"
Husk: "...."
Husk: "Here."
Husk: (hands down drink)
Niffty: (hands popping out to grabby grabby) "IT'S SO SAAAAAD HUSK!" (snatches) (gulps) (gulps) (faint thump and snoring)
Husk: "I can't fucking believe I risked my fucking life for this place."
Husk: (smiles anyway)
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
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I just want them to be absolutely head over heels with eachother. No one sided simping in my hazbin hotel!
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sickficideas · 8 months
any hcs for alastor?? he's my favorite but i haven't watched it since the pilot
here's some more continued off the last ask !! and omg anon if you enjoyed the pilot you should totally pick up the show 💖💖
- he's so rarely injured but I think when he is, he's very sensitive to the pain and considerably weakened but still very Smile Through The Pain lol
- he's not often made nauseous by things but overly processed foods do the trick lol he absolutely Hates smelling that shit
- super noisy when he's sick. a constant low static buzz but also he's groaning and moaning and grumbling the whoooole time
- his hearing is very sensitive when he's not feeling well and he'll go as far as covering his ears when it's too much
- if he's ever truly very sick or injured and not much is helping him heal or get better, Charlie know now she can enlist Rosie's help, seeing how much Alastor trusts her...and Rosie Alwaysss knows what to do <3
- going off a point on the last ask...Alastor with a high fever mistaking his caretakers for his mother...it's namely Charlie and Angel Dust, and they realize too that during these times Alastor doesn’t understand where he is, and they think he might believe he's back on earth. Talking about New Orleans or his radio show...and interestingly enough, Husk is the only one he names correctly...Angel Dust is very suspicious about this and ends up finding out they knew each other for a while when they were alive 😔😭
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bunnieswithsunglasses · 2 months
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Day 3: Jaws
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miamahli · 2 months
Vox and Velvette don't earn enough for this 🤣
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Have we, collectively, considered the possibility of Vox & Velvette's relationship paralleling Alastor & Vox's relationship? Has that idea been proposed before? Because I do think there's some real potential being slept on there. Al took Vox under his wing and helped him rise to power, they fell apart, and then Vox somewhat payed it foreward by helping Vel. There's a lot to play with there I think.
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whisperingsmile · 4 months
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"Vox...What the fuck is this?"
"Do you like it? :3"
havent had time to draw but wanted to participate in radiostatic week ;;
sooooo heres a (late) sketch for the second day!
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sunlit-mess · 4 months
Do you also watch helluva boss?
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flower-boi16 · 4 months
I find Blitz unbearable sometimes. I know it's only two seasons but throughtout the series he learned so many things yet everything still sets back to zero and he never changed from day one. This miserable man drowned in his past for so long that he can never grow. His trauma is his character. It's so boring man the same shit happened over and over with him crying about his exes, friends and family. I know about his current relasionship with Fizz now but I want this dude to change too not just Fizz.
Personally I dont really hate Blitz as a character. Of all the characters in HB he’s the one that season 2 hasn’t completely ruined. He is actually fairly interesting as a character, but some other people have already talked about the depths of his character so I won’t go into it here.
That being said, I really think the issue with Blitz is less about the character himself and more how the show seems to treat him, mainly in regards to Stolitz. Season 1 directly paints Stolas as the one abusing Blitz in the relationship (as it should), making it seem like the show is taking Blitz’s side here, that he has a right to be mad at Stolas and cut him out.
But then season 2 comes along and suddenly the victim and abuser roles are SWAPPED. Now the show is painting Blitz as the one in the wrong for “not loving Stolas” even though he has every reason to hate him, while Stolas is portrayed as nothing but an UwU soft boy. I’ve talked about this before but the show demonizes all the people that Stolas has hurt in some way, and it does this as an artificial way to make him look more sympathetic but painting the characters calling him out on his shit as in the wrong.
Blitz next to Octavia gets the worst of this, both in the show and the fandom. The Circus directly tries to frame Blitz as in the wrong because he apparently was the one who gave Stolas the wrong idea of the relationship, but that fails because that doesn’t somehow change the fact that Stolas is coercing Blitz into sleeping with him, and Stolas should be the one to accept that his delusions of Blitz loving him aren’t gonna be true.
Plus the line with Stolas saying that Blitz was his “first ever friend” feels like a major case of the writing guilt tripping Blitz into having sex with him for Stolas’s pleasure. Oops then tries further to paint Blitz as in the wrong by gaslighting him by having Fizz say “oh, you just hate him for being a prince”, and by then trying to make Blitz look like an asshole for not loving Stolas because Stolas did “so many nice things for him”…of screen, and “he cares for him!!”
This ALSO fails because just because Stolas did some nice things for Blitz OFF-SCREEN and cares about him doesn't somehow mean that Blitz has no reason to get mad at Stolas for once again, sexually abusing him. And yes, that is what Stolas is doing. Plus, none of these "nice things" lined up with any of their interactions in season 1 COMBINED with them happening off-screen, and it makes it feel like a retcon. They can victimize and UwUify Stolas all they want and portay Blitz as a big meanie UwU but it won't change anything.
Nothing will ever change the fact that Stolas is sexually abusing Blitzo, and Blitz has EVERY REASON to dislike him for doing that, NOT TO MENTION him BELLITTLING Blitz in season 1 constantly. YET the show demonizes him. And guess what? The demonization is only gonna get WORSE based on the trailer, where we litteraly have Stolas singing in front of a sign that says "Blitzo sucks", and the line "do ever feel any kind of remorse for what you do" which is said by Stolas.
It's so funny to me how fans will call US media illiterate for not understanding the "nuances" and "complexities" of this reletionship, yet they demonize Blitz and coddle Stolas, ignoring the things Stolas actually did to Blitz like the fact that he....ya know...constantly bellittles and is sexually abusing him, and getting mad at Blitz for "hurting Stolas' feelings". Meanwhile, we're actually the ones taking note of these things and rightfully pointing out that OBJECTIVELY, Stolas is the abuser here, nothing the show can do can change that and I am SICK of the fandom having this braindead idea that Blitz is somehow in the wrong for not loving Stolas. Because he's not. He's REALLY not. No amount of mental gymnastics can somehow change that.
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enixamyram · 5 months
I'm really sorry but the moment I see you've included the tag "Charlastor", it means I will never take your anti Chaggie post even half seriously.
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Angel died in the 1940s
Valentino died in the 1970s (give or take)
That's like a 30 year difference.
All the fanfic and stuff always start with Angel immediately getting picked up by Valentino the second he falls into hell. But like, Angel was living his afterlife as Anthony 30 years before Val even came into play.
I'm so curious about this honestly. He literally had the potential to meet Charlie, Alastor, Husk, and Nifty years before he even had the opportunity to meet Valentino.
I genuinely wonder what he was up too before he got roped into that contract. Anyone got any theories? cuz I'll eat that shit up!
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Emily: "So the spear is making you feel... jealous?"
Charlie: "I'm not JEALOUS of it! I just feel like Vaggie relies on it more than she does on ME sometimes! That shouldn't be happening? I'm her girlfriend! But it's like they have this whoooooole shared history together-"
Emily: "Which they do."
Charlie: "-something I wasn't part of and could NEVER understand-"
Emily: "Also true. Hopefully. Considering all the murder."
Charlie: "-and it just! Makes me grumpy seeing her cling to a stupid spear when I'm RIGHT HERE!"
Emily: "She does look good holding it though."
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: (GLARES)
Emily: "But she looks better holding your hand! Much better!"
Charlie: "Hmph."
Emily: "Much happier, that's for sure."
Charlie: "I suppose that's true..."
Emily: "She has two hands anyway." (sigh) "Vaggie can hold her spear in one hand and your hand in the other if she wants too."
Charlie: "I guess. Unless... Emily?"
Emily: "Yes?"
Charlie: "You have two hands too, don't you?"
Emily: "Um, yes??"
Charlie: "So you could use one to usurp- I mean, to replace that stupid- to take the place of my girlfriend's beloved spear, right?"
Emily: "ME?"
Charlie: "Well you'd be better to hold onto than some dumb weapon. NOT that I'm JEALOUS of it."
Emily: "Oh Charlie I don't think- me, h-hold hands with Vaggie, I-"
Charlie: "Don't worry! She's not as scary as she looks!"
Emily: "EEee!"
Charlie: "She's actually VERY sweet~"
Emily: "Th-that's what I'm worried about!!!"
Charlie: "Look I'll hold your other hand for morale support, you'll be fiiiine."
Emily: "This is not going to end well-!"
Charlie: "As long as she stops carrying the spear around like a safety blanket I'll call it a win. She literally had Carmilla get her a sheath for the blade so she could snuggle it safely in bed"
Emily: "Oh."
Charlie: "You have no idea what I'm going through. Getting into bed with her these days means getting poked by my girlfriend's stiff shaft-"
Emily: "CHARLIE!"
Charlie: "-and NOT in a good way! It's just her non-fun SPEAR!!!"
Emily: "I don't think I can help with that!"
Charlie: "Sure you can! We have a big bed. You'll fit."
Emily: "I'll WHA-"
Charlie: "Your used to getting feathers in your face aren't you?"
Emily: "Whose-??"
Charlie: "Vaggie's. Her wings always pop out during the night and they're biiiiig and she likes to stretch them."
Emily: "O h my gosh..."
Charlie: "With you, plus her wings, there shouldn't be ANY room left for the spear! It'll just have to watch MISERABLY from the beside table while Vaggie gets PROPPERLY snuggled- AND NOT BY IT!"
Emily: "...."
Charlie: "....I swear I'm not being weird about this. I swear."
Emily: "I didn't say anything."
Charlie: "Say yes to helping me overthrow Vaggie's spear!"
Emily: "Could you make it sound slightly less weird than that???"
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