#he and Lucifer are just trying to out-sincere each other here
allastoredeer · 4 months
I agree with your whole take on Lucifer being a complicated, multi-faceted, ego-driven character that would be the top in a relationship with Alastor.
One aspect I love about their dueling egos is that Alastor is used to being the one charming others, or antagonizing. Lucifer in top form is perfectly capable of both and in antagonism I think they match up well (That whole Looney-Tunes Dad Beat Dad show for example).
But Lucifer has millennia of experience charming people, original tempter for lord's sake, and I believe Alastor would balk at sincerity. Especially, since he's used to smarmy manipulations and fake charisma.
Lucifer is many things, but fake is not one of them. Like Alastor he is very sure of who he is, he doesn't have to project a fake persona, he just code-switches like everyone else based on who he's interacting with. IF he felt inclined to compliment Alastor, it would be sincere.
And that would put Alastor on the back foot, in a good way.
All this to say, Lucifer could play Alastor like a fiddle and do so without making him feel like he's being personally attacked, after enough time at least. Alastor would have a helluva time trying to do the same because he loves needling others and would be terrified to let his guard down enough for that kind of openness.
I love all the analysis this fandom has on Hazbin's characters.
Sometimes, it's so easy to forget just how ancient Lucifer is. That guy witnessed the birth of the Earth. He was there when humanity was first created. He has been alive for a loooooong time, and it's fun to consider the experiences he's had in comparison to the other characters in the show.
And yeah, I agree about Lucifer being a charmer, cuz, like you said, he was the original tempter. And I also agree that he's not very fake. Or, at least, he's not very good at trying to be fake. It was very, very obvious how he felt about the hotel when he was first looking at it XD
Alastor would 100% balk at sincerity and I think once Lucifer realizes that, he'd be one-upping Alastor on a daily basis. Arguing and getting defensive is exactly the outcome Alastor is expecting (the outcome he wants). He's not used to someone responding to his jabs/needling with sincerity. What's he supposed to do with that? He's not going to be genuine back, that's wacky nonsense.
LOL it'd leave him fumbling so bad.
And, just to make it extra fun, I don't think Lucifer expects Alastor to be sincere in return, so when Alastor realizes he can level the playing field by using Lucifer's own trick against him, you bet your bonnet he's going to do it. Anything to have the last laugh, however hard it is for him to pry an honest answer from his teeth.
This is to say, Alastor opening up and building an honest and sincere relationship with someone out of pettiness and spite is the most Alastor way to form a connection, and I'm so here for it.
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lxkeee · 8 months
pairing: Lucifer x fem! reader
fandom: hazbin hotel
genre: fanfiction
notes: Imaoo sorry it took awhileee I'm actually a very busy college student while simultaneously having so much brainrot for this man so... Be patient omfg, I just posted part one a two days ago also, don't mind the warnings too much as it doesn't specifically for this specific chapter but it can be future parts of the story. So yes, hand holding before marriage will happen between Lucifer and [y/n]
warnings: none except hand holding before marriage Imao.
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Lucifer paced back and forth in his room, worried. Walking around the large master's bedroom, passing by many piles of rubber ducks he made.
“She should be back by now.” Lucifer murmured to himself, sighing.
His eyes landed on to the framed pictures decorating his walls.
He prayed that Charlie met [y/n] up there, the one angel he trusts. Though, it has been eons since he's last seen her, he wonders if [y/n] changed after all these years, especially after he had fallen from grace.
Did she hate him? Did she miss him like how he misses her?
As he sat on his arm chair, a gold sealed white envelope manifested on top of the coffee table in front of him, pink glittery smoke surrounding the letter.
“...What the...?” Lucifer murmurs, hesitant and cautious, eyeing the envelope. What if it's a trap?
Suddenly his phone buzzed, he immediately checked it to see it was a text message from Charlie.
“I just left a letter on your table, it's from someone you know. I'll tell you everything that happened in heaven but I'll rest for a bit. Love you dad!”
Lucifer smiled though a tad bit worried, he can tell that the meeting didn't go as his daughter hoped. He can only give her time.
Lucifer then now turned his eyes back on the neat envelope, sparkling a little. He turned the letter around to see it was specifically addressed to him, written in an oh so familiar handwriting to him. Unknowingly, just by seeing the handwriting was enough for his eyes to tear up a little.
“[y/n]....” He murmurs, finally opening the letter. Using his sharp nails to scrape off the wax without breaking it or tearing the envelope. Taking out the carefully folded light yellow paper, unfolding it to reveal her letter to him.
My Dearest Lucifer
His cheeks flushed slightly, with a comma after dearest. My Dearest, Lucifer
“Oh [y/n], this will keep me up at night.” Lucifer murmurs with a small dorky smile on his face, his sharp teeth shining against the light, eyes watering.
My Dearest, Lucifer
       It has been awhile hasn't it? A couple of eons since we've last seen each other. You have no idea how excited I was when I heard your daughter would be coming here in hell. I made sure to write a letter in advance a day before her arrival. I have a lot to tell you, first and foremost, I truly missed you. You sly man, you really got married without inviting me. How's your time down there? I hope hell is treating you right, I really hope I'll get a chance to see you again. I hope we'll get a proper chance to talk, I want to personally hear you how you've been doing. I hope you'll get the chance to see the good of humans after giving them free will, I promise to find a way for you to leave and visit earth. I am running out of paper to right on but I promise to help your daughter up here and lastly, I want you to remember that I adore you always.
“Sincerely yours, [y/n] [l/n]” Lucifer softly reads out, voice shaking. It felt like he could hear her as he read the letter. The same kind [y/n] who always believed in him. His heart swells knowing that she's still trying to help in any way she can despite their distance. She never stopped believing in him despite him leaving without notice (not that he had the chance to).
“If only you knew how much I adore you too, [y/n]...” Lucifer murmurs softly, his finger tracing the outline of the paper ever so gently.
“I want to see you again, I have so many things to say to you... So many unsaid words I wanted to say... I wanted to tell you that I love...” Lucifer's eyes widened ever so slightly, cheeks turning red. He knows he loves her and he still does but he also loves his ex-wife, Lilith. Does he? Or is he just holding into something that no longer exists as it was something he had for a long time and now it's gone?
Everything in his life changed, Lilith's love for him changed, he changed.
Despite all of this, [y/n] remained unchanging inside his heart. Sure, Lilith held the majority of his heart but now? He is not sure but he is 100% sure [y/n] never left, he still has affections for the angel.
How can he not? She's the only one who believed in him when he was up in heaven? She comforted him whenever the elders said hurtful things to his ideas.
But now...
Her letter gave him a sense of hope that his decision of giving mankind free will might not be useless after all.
Lucifer closes the letter, gently folding it back on how it was folded before he opened it. Bringing the piece of paper to his nose, smelling the faint scent of her perfume. It brought back memories of his time with her in heaven.
“I'll ask Charlie about what happened up there later but for now, I'll take a moment to process this.” He says with a small sigh. Slipping the folded paper back into the envelope.
Lucifer sighs as he gently places the envelope back on his table, walking to his balcony. Eyes staring up into the smoky red skies of hell, devoid of any moon and stars.
He used to stargaze with her when he was still in heaven.
[y/n] was his moon, who shines during his darkest days.
Waving his finger in the air, specks of golden dust flickers out of his fingers. Forming a crescent moon.
Lucifer leans into the railings, eyes staring at the faux moon he created.
“Moon, tell me if I could...” Lucifer softly sang, eyes tired but hopeful. “Send up my heart to you...?” he asked softly, unfortunately no one answered.
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A bit of a timeskip....
It has been a few months since Charlie's visit here in heaven and the next extermination is getting closer by the day. Emily and I are still trying to look for ways to help Charlie.
Sera adores Emily, I am sure that she wouldn't get punished. I on the other hand, Sera has been keeping a close eye on me. Criticizing me. Lute being tasked to watch my every move.
“Sera, this is utterly ridiculous! We should give those poor souls a second chance.” [Y/n] says, clenching her fists as she looked at Sera who was sitting on her chair inside the Seraphim office.
“That is enough, [y/n]. You keep this up and you'll end up fallen like Lucifer.” Sera said sternly, eyes glaring at the [y/n]. “You barely managed to escape that fate before, you could've fallen the same time as Lucifer but thankfully your actions weren't as severe as his.”
[y/n] slammed her fists against the table, angel eyes appearing on her wings with fury, “We aren't God, Sera! Who gave you the right to judge those sinners and claim they don't deserve a second chance?” she exclaimed.
Sera stood up from her seat, anger evident on her face. “Don't you dare raise your voice at me! You're on thin ice, [y/n]!”
[y/n] rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over chest, “What are you going to do? Huh? Kick me out of heaven?”
Sera's glare sharpened, patience running thin. “Keep that attitude up and you just might.”
“Lucifer doesn't deserve this treatment! You cursed him to not see the good of people! You cursed the people who have a chance to redeem themselves by taking their life! How does it feel that so much blood is spilled because of your decision?!” [y/n] asked angrily, tears running down her cheeks.
“We have our own souls to protect! This decision wasn't easy to make!” Sera remarked angrily, her wings spread out intimidatingly.
“Protect them from what?! As far as I know, it's only us angels who are a threat to them? If they do something that doesn't fit your standards or the elder's standards they are bound to fall from grace!” [y/n] says mockingly, rage and annoyance evident on both women's eyes.
“That's it, you've crossed the line!”
“You don't want to admit that I am right, angels are such selfish, greedy, and filthy creatures. I cannot believe I am associated with beings whose hands are stained with blood.”
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You know, falling doesn't seem so bad.
Strong and harsh winds are blowing against my back, thankfully I still have my wings. It is currently useless, unfortunately. I don't have the energy to flap them to save myself from the approaching pain.
After that argument with Sera, the higher seraphim thought I was already way out of line and disrespectful. I was placed on trial, handcuffed with the type of handcuffs that prevents me from using my angelic powers while it simultaneously sucked the energy out of me.
I was deemed guilty, shameful, and ungrateful and a threat to the order of heaven.
Tossed out of the pearly gates of heaven by none other than Adam, that asshole really grabbed me by the hair.
[y/n] sighs softly, vision blurring. Trying to focus it as she falls from grace. The skies looked so beautiful.
Lucifer would've loved these skies, we've stargazed during the night before. When he was still in heaven with me.
Lucifer, I can see Ursa Major tonight. Someday, I'll bring you back here on the surface and stargaze like we've always do. No matter how many stars are in the sky, you always take my attention. You're like my star, you shine so bright and so pure.
I'll join you in the pits of hell, I hope you didn't forget about me.
I should be happy that I'm finally leaving that god awful place.
Why am I so scared of falling to my demise?
For a moment, I can see a glimpse of how Lucifer felt when he fell from grace.
[Y/n] closes her eyes as she finally goes past the Earth's crust. Ichor flowing out of her hands from the handcuffs she had to wear.
“I am not allowed to die, I still need to see him.” [y/n] murmurs before eventually crashing into the fiery grounds of hell, she fortunately crashed somewhere where there weren't any people, a wide space of nothing but dead trees, a hotel can be seen in the distance.
Pain, pain shot everywhere her body. She let out a sharp scream of pure pain. Blood spilled everywhere before she eventually passed out.
It didn't matter, the pain didn't matter. She's here now. She'll look for him or Charlie.
She doesn't know Charlie would find her first.
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@n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @luleck @adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya (I can't tag you </3) @many-fandoms-lover
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The Dangers of Hope Ch. 10
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Series Summary: When Y/N shows up at Camp Chitaqua with her little girl in tow, her bloodshot eyes leave no doubt that she's infected. Or is she? Everything Dean has come to know for certain over the last five hellish years, is about to be challenged.
Pairings/Characters in the series: Endverse!Dean x Reader, Emma (OFC), Castiel, Sam Winchester, Lucifer, Michael, Zachariah, Risa, Johnston (OMC), Patrick (OMC), Theresa (OFC), other survivors and soldiers.
Series Explicit 18 +/Warnings: Show level violence, some gore, angst, smut, fluff all the usual for a series of mine. ❤️ Endverse!Dean (that's a warning for his anger and callousness as well as his extreme hotness. 😁) Each chapter will have their own specific warnings.
Chapter Warnings: Angst, show level violence
Word Count: 7,447
A/N: So, I've had this idea for quite a while. Basically since I watched The Last of Us. I loved Pedro in the role of Joel, but I kept thinking how incredible Jensen would have been. Which then made me think of how amazing he was as Endverse!Dean which then led me to this idea. Lol! I've stolen the premise of Ellie's storyline from TLOU, but made her a grown up, a reader insert, and a love interest for Dean.
If you've never seen TLOU, don't worry - you don't need to have seen it to understand this story. 😊
I've taken some liberties with the Endverse in my story, changed a few things from canon, but kept lots of things too.
I sincerely hope you enjoy the story. It will be ten chapters and I will do my very best to post one chapter every weekend. ❤️
A/N 2: Sorry again that this chapter got postponed a day. But here is the conclusion of the series. (Except for the epilogue coming next Saturday - or maybe a little earlier. 😉) I've absolutely loved writing this series. Loved living in the Endverse for a while, so thank you so much to everyone who came along with me. And an extra, super-duper thank you to everyone who commented and reblogged their thoughts about the story as we went along. Kind words fuel authors. ❤️ And oh yeah, this chapter's a bit long. Sorry! 😊
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Y/N didn’t want to look away, she wanted to keep her eyes on Dean. But the white light was absolutely blinding and she eventually had no choice but to turn away from it. The rush of white noise was almost deafening before becoming suddenly silent. 
There was only darkness behind her eyelids now so Y/N opened her eyes and stood up straight, looking at Dean where he still stood, halfway between her and Zachariah. His back was to her and she took a step towards him.
“Dean?” She questioned quietly.
He turned slightly so he could see her over his shoulder. He peered at her for a moment, almost scientifically, before he gave his head a brief shake.
Y/N would never be able to explain it, but somehow it was Dean’s face, Dean's voice, and yet it wasn’t him. Something was missing from his sparkling, jewel green eyes.
This was Michael. Dean was gone.
Without a moment’s pause, the archangel strode towards the other angels and in the span of a breath they were all gone, leaving behind only the sound of fluttering wings. 
Y/N stood stock still, staring at the empty, open field where Dean had stood less than a minute before. Around her chaos began to spread. The people who’d been putting out the fire were rushing towards them now, trying to find out what was going on. Screams echoed as people saw Johnston lying dead on the ground.
Everyone was asking her questions, but she had no answers, she had no words. She just stood, as people rushed around her, feeling as though she’d wake up at any moment. She’d wake up and Dean’s arms would be around her and when he woke she’d tell him about the horrible dream and how scary it had been and he’d hold her gently and tell her it was all just a nightmare.
“...I have my arms wrapped tightly around you and we’re both safe…Close your eyes and stay there, in that moment.”
Dean’s soft words whispered their way into her mind and she shivered. This couldn’t be happening.
Without warning her knees buckled and she fell to the muddy, wet ground, her muscles simply going limp. She covered her face as more tears began to fall. She felt the weight of all her tears gathering in her chest, threatening to crush her, when suddenly she heard Risa calling her name.
When she looked up the soldier was standing over her, still holding Emma in her arms. 
“Y/N, you can’t. You just can’t right now. Emma needs you, and I’ve got to… “ She waved an arm towards the people who were panicking all around them.
Y/N felt her mind rebelling, all she wanted was to sit there in the mud and let the cool night air numb her to the all-consuming ache spreading throughout her body. 
But she looked up into Emma’s little, terrified face, and forced herself to really hear the horror and confusion all around her; she knew she couldn’t just fall apart. 
She nodded at Risa and pushed herself to her feet. She took Emma from her and the other woman gave her a nod and moved into action, working with Cas and her fellow soldiers to start organizing the chaos, trying to get campers back to their tents. They also started debating how best to deal with the burnt out cabin and Johnston’s lifeless body
For her part, Y/N simply turned away from the cacophony and walked slowly back to the red tent. Emma was sobbing on her shoulder and Y/N gathered every ounce of her exhausted strength to try and console her little girl.
When they reached the tent Y/N set Emma down on her cot and wrapped a warm blanket around her while she went to light the stove and warm up the tent. After standing out in the cool night air for so long with no jackets, getting them warm was the first order of business.
Before long the little stove was chugging out ample heat, and she went back over to Emma and snuggled her daughter into her lap. After a while the little girl’s tears subsided into deep, shuddering breaths. Her voice was tiny and quiet when she spoke.
“Dean is gone.”
Y/N felt the whispered words pierce her heart. “Yeah, baby.”
“Will he come back?”
“Yes.” Y/N said it without thinking, her soul making the decision. But she didn’t want to lie to her child either, so she amended her comment. “I’m sure he’s going to try really hard to come back.”
Emma seemed to accept that and was quiet for a little while. Then she spoke again, her soft words tinged with fear. 
“Did the bad man kill Eric?”
Y/N squeezed her tighter and nodded against the top of her head. “Yes, baby, because he’s a very bad man.”
“Will he come back to kill us?”
Y/N felt her stomach plummet with fear and heartbreak that her daughter’s mind was so clouded with terror.
Y/N shook her head. “No, baby. He won’t come back now.” She hoped she wasn’t lying.
“Because Dean saved us?”
Y/N felt as though her heart was being crushed. “Yeah, sweet pea, because Dean saved us.”
The next few days passed in a haze for Y/N. She was trying desperately to keep it together for Emma’s sake. Her daughter was having nightmares every night and the last thing she needed was her mother crumbling on her. But Y/N was barely sleeping, no more than a couple of hours a night. Every ounce of her being felt exhausted - worn out beyond measure. 
There were no classes to teach, thank goodness; the camp was still disorganized and a bit scattered. A dozen or so campers had left, afraid of more angel retaliation. The campers left behind were trying to salvage what they could from the big cabin, and deal with the rest of the burnt out building. 
Three days after Dean had gone, Cas came to their tent in the evening, carrying extra wood and asking Y/N if she needed anything.
“No, Cas, we’re good. You don’t have to worry about us.” She said with a forced smile.
“I told Dean I would take care of you.” He said with conviction. “It’s still cold at night, hence the wood. What else do you need?”
Y/N shook her head. “Nothing, Cas. Really.”
He lifted his chin towards Emma who was sleeping on her cot. “How is she?”
Y/N gave a small shrug. “She's trying to cope, like all of us.” 
He nodded and then headed out. As he lifted the tent flap, Y/N called him back. When he turned his bright blue gaze on her she hesitated before asking the question that wouldn't leave her mind.
“Can we get him back? Somehow?”
Cas stared at her intensely for a moment before his eyes softened slightly; his deep voice was gentle as he spoke. 
“We can hope.”
Y/N closed her eyes. “Yes. Hope.”
When she opened her eyes again, the angel was gone.
A week after Dean left they still hadn't figured out any way to get him back, or even how to find him. Cas had begun to hear angel radio again, but the angels were being very quiet. Just the odd remark here and there that made Cas believe that they were still in Kansas, but he couldn't be sure.
The camp had gone back to functioning - mostly. But people kept saying things like, “We’ll run it by the Boss and see what he says.” before realizing that was impossible. The soldiers were trying to run things smoothly between them, and Brandy was helping to keep things as organized as possible. 
But Dean was very missed.
A full eight days after losing him, Y/N sat up at the table one night, desperately trying to think up a way to get Dean back to her. Her eyes were scratchy and red-rimmed as she let her head fall into her hands.
She may have fallen asleep right there if there hadn't been a sudden burst of white light. It lit up the tent, blinding her. As it faded slightly, she could just make out a man's shape. Her heart leapt for a moment before realizing this man was much too small to be Dean. 
A deep booming voice spoke and shook the ground around them. 
“Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. Fear not, Y/N: for thou hast - Ow! Son of a bitch!” 
The angel cut off his proclamation and held up his hands as Y/N smacked him repeatedly with a broom. The last of his angelic light went out like a candle and he grabbed the broom away from Y/N and snapped it with incredible ease. 
“What the hell, lady?” He rubbed the side of his head where she'd walloped him. “You know that worked great with Mary. SHE knew how to be ‘sore afraid’.”
Y/N went to Emma's cot where her daughter was crying silently, obviously horrified to see another angel, inside their tent this time. 
“Get out!” Y/N said with as much strength as she could muster.
“You really don't want that, trust me.” The angel said, his hazel eyes twinkling, a smirk on his thin lips.
“Who are you; what do you want?”
He gave a little bow. “Name’s Gabriel, but I prefer Loki.”
The tent flap opened and suddenly Cas was there with Risa and Patrick flanking him. But Cas pulled up short when he saw the other angel.
“Hey, bro!” Gabriel said cheerfully.
Cas looked to the two soldiers on either side of him. “I'm fine here. You should patrol the area. Look for anything amiss or out of place. But don't approach it without me.”
Both soldiers gave a curt nod and left.
Cas came fully into the tent and his face was very wary. “Gabriel, what are you doing here? Where have you been for the last thousand Millenia or so? Most of us thought you were dead.”
“Nope.” Gabriel's voice was still nonchalant and cheery. “Just in a sort of witness relocation. Got sick to death of Daddy's beefs and Lucifer and Michael's petty squabbling. So, I took a little time off. Sailed around, saw the world, got myself a brand new face.” 
He framed his face with his two hands. “Cute, right?”
Cas just frowned at him and Gabriel rolled his eyes. “You have never known how to have fun Castiel.”
Cas raised an eyebrow. “Well, these humans are under my protection, so I'll save the fun until after you tell me what you're doing here.”
Gabriel lost his smirk and he crossed his arms. “Isn't it obvious? I'm here to save the day, as always.”
Cas scoffed. “Not likely. You tend to sew chaos.”
Gabriel shrugged. “What can I say, it's a talent.” He moved back to lean against the table. 
“But seriously, I'm so over this apocalypse. As soon as Lucy dumped his little virus on this world, I was outta here. No fun to be had with a bunch of humans barely clinging to life. So, I traveled near and far, all over the galaxy and a little bit further. It's been sort of fun. But let me tell you, there are only so many green-skinned, six-legged chicks you can bang before you start pining for home, you know?”
He gave his head a shake. “Don't know how Captain Kirk did it.”
“Get to the point, brother.” Cas said, annoyance lacing his tone.
“I'm here to help.”
“So you said. How?” Cas asked harshly.
Gabriel shrugged again. “I have a way to shove Lucifer and Michael into the cage.”
From his pocket he pulled out an oddly shaped object. It was an X made up of four circles, four rings, by the looks of it.
He held it up. “Borrowed these from the horsemen. Well,” he shrugged, “to be fair, only Death was willing to part with his, the others didn't wanna give ‘em up easily. But, you know, archangel trumps most. I was glad Death was so cooperative though, he woulda been a tough one to beat.”
Cas stepped up to him and held out his hand. Gabriel dropped the cross into it and Cas peered at it closely.
“The horsemen’s rings. What will this do?”
Gabriel's voice was quiet. “Keys to the cage, brother.”
Cas’ eyes widened. “Lucifer’s cage?”
Gabriel nodded. “And Michael’s too.” He paused for a beat. “And mine.”
Cas frowned. “Yours? Why would you throw yourself into the cage?”
Gabriel shrugged, but Y/N could see a flicker of some deep emotion pass over his mobile features. 
“Someone’s gotta pull those two down there. And I’d say after millions of years, and untold damage to the world, me and my brothers could use some time alone and family therapy.”
He allowed a smile to turn up the corner of his mouth.”From what I understand old Raffy’s taken up as a god on some distant planet. He always did like to be worshiped.” He shrugged again, his smirk firmly back in place. “So, it’s just the three of us.”
Cas shook his head. “Why are you doing all of this, Gabriel?”
The archangel took back the key to the cage and slipped it into his pocket. “Told ya, got sick of banging green chicks on Mars.”
“No. That's…there are no green women on Mars.” Cas said, looking at Y/N as though to reassure her. 
Y/N stood up and walked the few steps to where Gabriel stood, looking him straight in the eye. “Can you bring Dean back?”
Gabriel contemplated her for a moment and then shook his head. “No.” 
Y/N felt her stomach lurch, and she opened her mouth to shout at him, but Gabriel held up a hand, patting his pocket with the other. “With this I can open the cage, and I can pull my brothers down with me to be locked away. But if you want Dean back, you’ve gotta get him to toss Michael first. Otherwise, his body and soul come down too.”
Y/N began to panic. “What are you talking about? You are not dragging Dean down to hell, no matter what!” She shouted, her fists balled. “I will not let you.”
Gabriel’s smile looked genuine for the first time as he looked at Y/N fuming in front of him before turning to Cas. “She’s feisty! Dean knows how to pick ‘em!”
He looked back at Y/N and held both his hands up in surrender. “Look, I can’t extract Michael from Dean’s body, it doesn’t work that way; Dean has to be the one to throw him out. And there’s nothing I could say to give him that kind of strength.” He tilted his head slightly. “But you might be able to. You’re our best shot.”
He looked to Cas. “If she can get Dean to toss Michael, I’ll grab on to him. I’ll be able to hold him for a little while. Hopefully long enough to get to Lucifer and try to get Sam Winchester to eject him.” 
He shook his head. “That one’s gonna be a lot harder, and I’m not gonna lie, I don’t hold out very much hope. I also don’t know what kind of shape Sam’s gonna be in even if he can get him out. He’s held Lucifer for five years now, he might be too far gone.”
Cas nodded. “If we can get Dean, he can get Sam. Or, he’ll be the best chance anyway. And if Sam manages to eject Lucifer, Dean won’t care what condition he’s in, he’ll fix him.”
Gabriel gave a nod. “We’ll see, I suppose. But we gotta start with Dean so…” He looked at Y/N. “What do you say, beautiful?”
Y/N contemplated him for a moment before looking at Cas. “Do you trust him?”
Cas was quiet for a long time, looking Gabriel over, the debate clear in his expression. 
The archangel rolled his eyes. “Thanks, bro.”
Finally Cas nodded. “Yes, I believe we can trust him.”
Y/N took a deep breath, hope and fear spreading throughout her body in equal measure. “Okay, then let’s go save the Winchesters.”
Their traveling party was prepared and ready to go in very little time, most of which was spent explaining to Emma why she couldn’t come. 
Y/N knew how terrified her little girl must be, thinking she was losing her mother now too. Eventually though, her tears subsided and her little face became resolved to what was happening. It broke Y/N’s heart to see that resolve, to know that her daughter’s soft heart was getting tougher. 
Y/N swore to herself that she was going to bring Dean home, and they would live happily ever after, spoiling Emma and letting her go soft once again.
Before they left, Y/N gave Monique a hug and thanked her again. She’d pulled her friend aside earlier and spoken quietly with her, asking her to take care of Emma if anything should happen to her. Tears had welled up in Monique’s beautiful amber eyes but she’d clasped Y/N’s hands tightly. 
“I will always look after Emma as my very own.” She shook her head and dashed away her tears. “But you’ll be back in no time, I’m sure. So, I’ll see you soon.”
The soldiers, Brandy and Monique had all checked privately with Y/N about whether or not she was really okay to set off with two angels. Y/N reassured them that she trusted Cas completely and he trusted Gabriel. So she did too. Besides, she’d reasoned, if this was their only possibility to save Dean, she had to take it. 
Gabriel said he knew just where Michael was staying, so she held Cas’ hand as the archangel tapped his brother’s shoulder and in a blink they were suddenly standing just outside a rundown Victorian house. 
The springtime sun was just beginning to lighten the sky in the East as they popped into existence on the sidewalk outside the house.
She hadn’t even had time to wave goodbye.
The three of them walked slowly up the front stairs and through the door. As they entered the house they heard a voice call from the back. 
“The polite thing to do would have been to call first, you know.”
Y/N felt her heart leap. She recognized Dean’s voice, but it sounded different. The consonants were more clipped, the words more even in tone, almost bland, bored. His voice had none of Dean’s rough, expressive way of speaking.
The dissonance continued as they walked into the sitting room and found Dean. He held himself ramrod straight, and when he turned towards them, his face held none of Dean’s stony anger, or joyful exuberance. It too was bland, cold, his normally shining, emerald eyes looked almost empty.
Looking at this version of Dean was very difficult. Somehow being in front of this non-Dean made Y/N miss him even more. 
But he never spared her a glance. All his attention was on his brothers. “Castiel, it’s been a long time. And Gabriel,” he looked him up and down, “it’s been even longer. Millions of years, in fact. I almost didn’t recognize you in this vessel.”
“Yeah, got this one custom made by a good friend of mine.” He ran a hand across his chest. “I’ve grown quite fond of my earthly form, so I’m happy I don’t have to share it with a human, and I don’t ever have to turn into a bright white mist, cause there's no human inside to reject me. This beautiful face is mine all mine.”
He smiled wide, but Michael just frowned. “That’s sacrilege, brother. Our angelic form is greater than any human disguise.”
Gabriel shrugged. “But they sure come in handy don’t they. If you wanna get anything done on earth, they really are a necessity.” He raised a hand towards him. “Hence all your trouble to get this one.” 
Gabriel's tone became grandiose and overwrought. “For here is your sword, your one true vessel. Destined for eons to be the one human whose bones you were the most eager to jump.”
Michael stared at him soundlessly for a moment and then spoke in the same even, emotionless tone. “Why are you here, Gabriel? And why have you brought this human?” He pointed at Y/N, but still didn’t look at her.
Gabriel paused a beat before answering. “Well, we have a bone to pick with you.” 
That was the signal to spur Cas into action. A white light shot out from Gabriel’s hands, connecting him to Michael. As the two archangels fought, Michael trying desperately to break the hold Gabriel had on him, Cas ran in front of him, drawing a straight line from wall to wall in holy oil and then dropping a lit match, trapping Michael behind the line of flame. 
Gabriel let his brother go, grunting with effort as the connection broke. Michael’s borrowed face was no longer emotionless, it was furious and bubbling with hate. 
“How dare you!” He shouted at Gabriel. “How dare you try to interfere with my destiny. This fight has been postponed for five long years while Lucifer ran amok. It is my duty to fight him and end him!”
Gabriel was scowling at his big brother a moment before a wide grin spread across his face. “You said doody.”
Everyone paused to look at him askance, and he shrugged. “What? That’s funny! Nobody has a sense of humor these days.” 
He shook his finger at Michael. “You know who would have laughed at that, the man you’re possessing. He would have thought it was hilarious. Or at least, he would have before the apocalypse struck. Been a bit down in the mouth since Lucifer possessed his brother and ended the world.”
Michael was still livid and he spoke through gritted teeth. “We tried to tell Dean that I needed my sword, that I needed my vessel to fight Lucifer, but he wouldn’t listen. He brought this on humanity.”
“Bullshit!” Gabriel called out and all traces of his humor were gone. “You could have used another vessel, you could have made due as Lucifer did before Sam. But no, you wanted THIS vessel.” He pointed at Dean. “And you were pissed you couldn’t have him, so you threw a hissy fit and left the world to burn.”
Silence reigned for a moment before Gabriel spoke again, quiet now. “And I left with you. I cashed in my chips and walked away from the table. But I kept an eye on humanity while I was galivanting around the universe. Kind of an old habit, and what I saw shocked me. The world was over, civilization destroyed, and yet - on they all trudged. These people. These humans. They kept on fighting. These flawed broken toys we all mocked and looked down on, they fought, they loved, they helped each other, they won and lost, but no matter what, they just kept going.”
Michael was motionless as Gabriel continued, pointing towards Y/N. “And just as there was a possibility of hope, just as they found a way they might be able to win, might be able to restart the world, here you come again, army in tow, ready to level the planet all over. And for what? So you can fight some ancient grudge match with our brother?” He shook his head. “What is the bloody point?”
Dean’s jaw ticked with Michael’s annoyance. “It’s my destiny. It’s what I was created to do.”
Gabriel looked sad as he glanced over at Y/N. “Well, not if she can help it.”
Y/N knew this was her time, it was on her now to help Dean find strength enough to eject the possessing angel. Michael’s cold eyes looked at her through Dean’s sparkling jade and she closed her own for a moment, imagining the warmth in Dean’s expression before she opened her eyes and smiled at him.
“Dean, can you hear me? I need you to listen, I need you to trust me. Throw him out. I’ll be safe, Emma and I will both be safe now. But I need you to come back home.”
“Dean isn’t available at the moment.” Michael said darkly. But she could see him squinting, almost as though he was in pain and Y/N chose to believe that Dean was fighting him from the inside. 
She kept talking as though Michael hadn't spoken.
“I have so many plans for us. Once we’ve made the cure possible, and the world is able to begin again, I really want us to go back home, back to Chitaqua. I wanna build a cabin there. Nothing fancy, you know, just something a bit bigger than the tent, but still cozy - with a bedroom door that locks.” She finished with a wide grin.
She stepped a little closer to him, careful to avoid the flame. “And, of course, I think we’re gonna have to get Emma that dog she asked for. And we can celebrate birthdays and holidays with all of our friends and family. We’ll keep them all close, and safe.”
Michael was stepping back from her, looking away and shaking his head as though he was dizzy. 
“Dean, I love you so much. All I want is to spend my life with you. Please kick him out. I know how strong you are, I know you can do it.”
“I’ll kill her!” Michael screamed out suddenly, as though his inner thoughts weren’t loud enough for Dean to hear. “You understand me? If you want her to live, want to keep her safe, stop fighting me. Now!”
Michael was breathing hard, but a joyless smile was spreading across Dean's beautiful face; the archangel was obviously pleased. 
“That's better.” He whispered, still slightly out of breath.
They were losing Dean, she could see it. Michael was terrorizing him again with threats against her. So, acting purely on instinct, Y/N made one last attempt, one huge Hail Mary. 
She took a deep breath and leapt over the fire, throwing her arms around Dean’s neck. She pulled his mouth down to hers and kissed him with every ounce of love and passion she could muster. 
She put everything into the kiss, every moment she’d loved him, and every promise she was making him were all there, tied up with all the hope in her heart. 
She felt a tingling against her lips that started to burn as she pulled away. She jumped back and fell to the ground as Dean let out a roar, and his mouth opened wide. The blinding white light that had consumed him was being forced back out of him, in an incredible light show that ended abruptly as Gabriel reached out and pulled the light into himself.
The darkness was complete for a moment before Y/N’s eyes could adjust. As the world came into focus, she could see Gabriel on the other side of the flame, breathing hard and fast. Cas walked to his side and poured some of his own white light into Gabriel, which seemed to stabilize him slightly. 
But his voice was still wobbly when he spoke. “We gotta go. I don’t know how long I can hold him in here with me.”
Y/N nodded and crawled over to where Dean had fallen to the floor. She turned his face towards her just as his eyes fluttered open. 
“Y/N?” He whispered and she nodded at him with tears flowing.
“Yeah, I’m here, I’m safe. We’re all safe.”
Dean shook his head. “But how…” He sat up slowly and looked towards where Cas and Gabriel stood. He squinted and shook his head in confusion. “The Trickster’s an angel?”
Cas’ eyes widened as he looked at Gabriel. “You were the Trickster the boys went up against? Twice?” 
Dean’s voice was slightly annoyed. “Yeah, he killed me like a million times.”
Y/N felt her stomach lurch, but Gabriel just waved it away as nothing. “I was trying to teach you boys something; wasn’t my finest moment maybe, but you gotta admit, the tacos were funny.”
“Not to me, asshole.” Dean grumbled. Y/N was very confused and about to ask for clarification when Gabriel bent double.
“Ugh!” He groaned. “Okay, could you postpone my spanking for that very hilarious prank until after I’ve saved you all?”
Y/N nodded and helped Dean to his feet. Gabriel looked at him. “Okay, pal, this one’s on you. We’re gonna go get Lucifer so I can toss all of us into the cage. We can try to get Sam to chuck him first. We’ll need you for that. But if you can’t get him, and it seems like Lucifer might get away, I’ll grab Sam as is and jump into the cage.”
Dean stormed up to him. “You are not taking my brother to hell, you understand me?” 
Gabriel just shrugged. “Then I guess you better reach him before it’s too late.”
He groaned again as he fought his brother internally, closing his eyes and putting a hand to his head. Without saying any more, they all got into position so Gabriel could zap them to Lucifer’s location. 
Just before he could manage it however, there was a bellow of rage from behind them, making them all turn. From the doorway, Zachariah charged forward, angel blade bared and aimed for Dean’s jugular. 
Dean shoved Y/N out of the way as the angel charged them like a bull. But when he was just a couple feet from Dean, Cas stuck his foot out, sending the furious angel spilling to the ground in a comical looking pratfall. 
He fell onto the still burning holy fire and screamed in pain, rolling around, trying to escape the flames. Before he could pull himself free, however, Dean grabbed onto the silver blade the angel had dropped. He raised it high, and then plunged it deep into his throat, forever freezing the angel's sadistic face in agony. 
More blinding white lights burst out of the dying angel, forcing Y/N to once again cover her head and shield her eyes. When she reopened them, she could see the angel’s blackened wings, as his empty vessel was slowly consumed in the flame. 
Dean stood up and then helped Y/N to her feet. After giving her a once over to determine she was alright, he turned to Cas. 
“Nice job, buddy. Very Keystone Cops.”
Cas frowned. “I don’t know an officer by that name.”
Dean just smiled and then slipped the blade into his pocket as he looked down at the dead angel. 
“Good riddance.” He said under his breath before a panting Gabriel yanked him back into position and zapped them all away.
Suddenly, in another heartbeat, they were all standing in a bombed out street; the buildings around them were crumbling and burnt. It was all that was left after some of the original fighting between the army and the Croats five years before. The bombings hadn’t worked. 
As they stood looking around, a man caught their eye. He was strolling out of one of the buildings less than twenty feet away; he was very tall and had long brown hair and an easy stride. 
Y/N could hear Dean gasp slightly beside her and she took his hand. The man, who could only be Lucifer, slowed down as he approached them. His smile was soft and patronizing.
“Well, well. This is a surprise. What a merry little band of rebels you’ve all turned into.” 
He nodded at Gabriel. “Our brothers and sisters all thought you must have been killed somewhere, but I knew better.” He studied him for a minute before smirking. “And I see he got hold of you, Mikey!” He said loudly. He chuckled. “He always was a cuck.”
He frowned slightly as he spared barely a glance for the rest of them. “But Gabe, buddy if you’re here to try and put me back in that cage?” He raised his hand and closed it into a fist and Gabriel began coughing as though he was choking. “Well, that simply isn’t going to happen.” 
Cas ran forward to help, but Lucifer tossed him aside with a sweep of his hand. Dean pushed Y/N to crouch behind an upside down car. “Stay here.” He warned, before turning back towards his brother.
“Sammy?” He called tentatively. Lucifer looked over at him and dropped Gabriel to the ground as he let him go. He faced Dean and shook his head. 
“You.” The devil said, his voice menacing. “You have no idea how sick I am of you. Do you know how many times I’ve had to listen to Sammy bellyaching about how he was letting you down? Do you know how ANNOYING it is to execute a perfect reign of terror just to have this boy,” he banged his chest, “weeping in my head instead of truly reveling in it with me?”
He shook his head. “It’s only been quiet in here since I threatened to find you and end you. See that’s how I got Sammy’s cooperation in the first place. I promised that if he said yes I wouldn’t snap your neck like kindling.” 
He waved towards Dean dismissively. “You were sound asleep at the time, you wouldn’t remember this. But Sam finally said yes, as I always knew he would, and in return I promised that you could keep on living. So when Sam wouldn’t shut up and stop whining, a simple threat to revoke our original deal was enough to silence him.”
He smiled, and Y/N thought it was pure sin for such a sweet, dimpled smile to sit on the face of evil. Lucifer tilted his head slightly as though he was listening to something. 
“But now…hey Sammy.” He said in a silky tone. “Been quiet so long, I'd actually started to miss you.”
Dean took a step closer. “Sammy, can you hear me? I’m here. I’m here and I’m so sorry, more than I can ever say. I never should’ve walked away from you. We should have fought these assholes together. I should have known that we’re stronger together than apart.”
He swallowed. “But you’ve gotta chuck him. We’ve got a plan, little brother, we can win. Believe me.”
Lucifer rolled Sam’s bright, hazel eyes just before he slammed his fist into Dean’s face, almost knocking him to the ground. 
Gabriel shot light at his brother, but it was much weaker than what he’d thrown at Michael; so much of his strength was being used to keep Michael locked inside himself. Cas added his strength, but Lucifer quickly pushed them both away, severing their hold on him. 
Blood gushed from Dean’s lip, his jaw already swollen and purple, as he started forward again. 
“Sammy, I need you to force him out. I know how strong you are. I know you can do it. I never should have doubted it, never should have believed they could defeat us. We are Winchesters and we never-” 
He broke off as Lucifer landed two more swift blows to his face, causing a sickening crack as Dean’s nose shattered and he crashed to the ground.
Y/N gasped and jumped up, running forward even though there was nothing she could possibly do. Gabriel and Cas fought him again, forcing Lucifer to stumble back slightly. But he found his footing quickly and severed the hold as he had before, this time sending both angels sailing through the air. 
Lucifer stared at Dean, hatred spreading across Sam's handsome features. "I am done with you." He shouted. "You are not worth my time."
Looking as though it was a struggle, as though the body he was possessing was fighting back, Lucifer raised his arm, his fingers poised to snap. Y/N screamed, memories bursting in her mind of the swiftness with which Zachariah had ended Johnston’s life with a mere snap.
But before he could manage it, Lucifer once again stumbled backwards. This time, however, Cas and Gabriel had barely risen from the ground and were just walking back towards them. 
Lucifer dropped his arm and fell suddenly to his knees. “No.” He whispered, shock suffusing the word, and then he screamed. “No!” The ground shook and rumbled, knocking all of them down.
Suddenly a burst of white light erupted from Sam’s mouth, and as he had before, Gabriel reached forward with his own light to trap his brother. 
The light suffused the archangel-turned-Trickster; it was no longer being wholly contained within himself, but spilling out of him as he tried to hold on to all of their angelic forms within his one custom-made vessel. 
Jerkily he reached into his pocket and threw the key at Cas. “Now, brother!” 
Cas tossed it to the ground and began chanting. As the chant ended, a wide hole began to crack open in the street.
Gabriel pitched forward towards the hole, but his body seemed to be disobeying his commands - his brothers were fighting against him with all their strength. The light emanating from Gabriel seemed to be splitting, as though the other two archangels were separating from him.
With one last surge of strength, Gabriel leapt forward and dove headfirst into the hole in front of him. There were deafening sounds of furious screaming that were quickly swallowed up as the ground closed around them.
There was only silence for a long time, as they all struggled to get their bearings, to reconcile what had just happened. 
Y/N was the first to move, running to Dean just as he stood up, and then collapsing in his arms. Dean held her tightly, kissing the top of her head and then cupping her cheeks to kiss her mouth, hard and fast. He pulled away and smiled.
Cas stepped forward to tap his fingers to Dean's forehead, instantly clearing the blood and bruises. 
Dean nodded and smiled at him gratefully. “Thanks, Cas.”
He looked back at Y/N and his beautiful eyes and mobile, expressive face were once again his own and Y/N rejoiced.
Dean turned them both to face Sam where he still knelt on the ground. With a quick squeeze, Dean stepped away from her to reach out a hand to his little brother.
Sam hesitated only a moment before he took it and let Dean pull him to his feet. The two men stared at each other for a minute before Dean yanked Sam towards him to wrap the taller man up in a bear hug, his arms wrapping over Sam’s shoulders and clinging tightly. 
Sam’s face crumpled slightly and he crushed his brother’s ribs as he hugged him back. “I’m so sorry, Dean. I didn’t know what else to do, I didn’t…” He trailed off, but Dean was shaking his head. 
“No, Sam, no.” He pulled back to clap his hand against the side of Sam’s neck. “This isn’t on you.” Sam gave him a look and Dean shook his head. “Well, it’s certainly not all on you. We both fucked up, but we have a chance to fix things now.”
He turned back to Y/N and held his arm out towards her. She stepped forward to take his hand. Dean was beaming as he made the introductions.
“Sam, Y/N, Y/N, Sam.” Sam raised an eyebrow and Dean grinned. “Meet my wife.”
Sam’s eyes widened and Y/N gasped. “What?” She squeaked. 
Dean shrugged. “Well okay, maybe there’s still the formalities to go through, like the wedding ceremony.”
“And a proposal!” Y/N said, laughing from sheer joy, utter exhaustion and the madness of their new reality.
Dean grinned at her. “You saying you don’t wanna?”
Y/N beamed up at him. “Definitely not saying that.”
Cas interrupted. “Before you start planning the wedding, can we go home?”
Sam looked dazed and spoke softly as though trying to decide if it was all just a dream. “Where is home?”
Dean clapped him on the back. “Camp Chitaqua. You’re gonna love it, Sammy! Trust me. It’s paradise.”
“With outhouses.” Y/N said with a snort.
Sam’s smile was soft, and it suited his kind, handsome face much more than it had ever fit the devil.
“Sounds perfect. Let’s go home.”
Cas stepped forward and in a blink they were back in the field where the spring vegetables were just sprouting - where they could hear the voices of their friends and neighbors, and smell the thick scent of pine and new earth.
There was a cry of shock as the campers saw them all suddenly standing there. Shouts conveyed the message quickly throughout the camp and everyone came running to see their return. 
Y/N let out a cry of happiness as she saw Emma racing towards her, her little legs eating up the distance surprisingly fast. As she reached them, Dean scooped her up and pulled Y/N into the circle of his embrace so that the three of them hugged each other tightly. 
The rest of the day was spent celebrating and rejoicing, hours of storytelling, and off-key singing around campfires, food shared and enjoyed by everyone. 
Eventually, Dean, Y/N and Emma broke away to bring Sam to Dean’s old tent. They lit a lamp and Dean gave Sam the grand tour, pointing the way to the outhouses from there, and assuring him the cot was more comfortable than it looked. 
Sam nodded, still looking as though he couldn’t take it all in. Seeing his confusion, Y/N kissed Dean on the cheek and picked up Emma’s hand. 
“You boys have so much to catch up on. You should take some time together.”
Sam shook his head. “No, you’ve been away from each other long enough. This reunion should be yours.” He said, nodding at Y/N and Dean. Throughout the day he’d been caught up on how everything went down with Michael and Zachariah. 
But Y/N shook her head. “We’ve been apart a week, you’ve been apart for years. You need this time.”
Dean looked down at her, love shining in his gaze, before tossing his brother a smile. “Don’t bother arguing, Sammy, she always wins.”
He bent down and kissed Y/N deeply, making Emma curl her lip.
“Ew.” She said succinctly, and Y/N laughed as she pulled out of the kiss. 
She looked at Sam and then moved in for a hug. Sam hugged her back and she beamed up at him. 
“I'm so glad to know you, Sam Winchester. Welcome home.”
With that she pulled Emma out of the tent to let the brothers get to know each other again.
Hours and hours later, the camp was finally quiet. A lamp glowed here and there as people slowly settled into their tents for the night. A happy peace settled over the camp, blanketing it in coziness and calm.
Y/N had sung Emma to sleep an hour before and was now stretched out on her own cot. She was planning on waiting for Dean to come back from visiting with his brother. But almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, her absolute exhaustion hit her and she was out immediately.
She woke with a start some time later, and then sighed deeply as she felt Dean’s arms tighten around her. Across the room she could hear Emma’s soft snores and her eyes filled with tears as the reality hit her anew that they were all truly together again, safe and sound. She turned in Dean’s arms so she could face him.
“Dean.” She whispered. 
He smiled a sleepy smile and kissed her softly. “You were sleeping so soundly when I got home, I didn’t want to disturb you.” He whispered back, voice craggy with sleep.
“How is Sam?” She asked.
Dean sighed. “He’s okay. Gonna take time for him to be a hundred percent, you know. But he’s here, and he’s smiling, and he’s...Sammy.” He shrugged slightly. “So, that’s enough for now.”
Y/N nodded and wiped away a tear, finally making Dean notice them in the dark. His voice sounded slightly worried as he cupped her cheek and thumbed away the wetness. “Sweetheart, you're crying. Why?”
Y/N shook her head. “Because all my hopes and dreams have come true. We’re together, we’re safe, the camp is safe, the devil’s gone, and we actually have a real chance of remaking the world.”
Dean’s voice voice was a bit choked up too as he responded, grinning. “Yeah, but I don't plan on forgetting that promise you made me. When the world is fixed, we’re coming back here to live out our days in a big log cabin with locking doors and indoor plumbing, right?”
Y/N giggled. “I’m not sure about the indoor plumbing, but everything else is definitely in the cards, I hope.”
Dean pulled her close and tucked her head beneath his chin. “Well, we’re in the business of hope, so I think our chances are good.”
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @alwaystiredandconfused @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma
Dean Fics Only: @roonthelittlespoon920 @slamminmine @zepskies @safiyas-world
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @hobby27 @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @deangirl96
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felice-jaganshi · 6 months
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 6
You moved into hell, giving your friend Zariah a heads-up, and swearing her to secrecy. The next few weeks were a blur of fun as you got to re-meet all the Sins and visit their rings in more depth. Each of them seemed intent on trying to help you and Lucifer get closer, except for Mammon. But the more you got to know of that guy, the more you hated him, so that didn't bother you really. 
A few months later, you were about to enter his workshop when you heard him talking to himself again.
“Daughter calling?! She hasn't called you in months! This has to be perfect…”
You decided to just wait outside and listen… and wow was he struggling. But in the end-
“My daughter wants to see me~~ take THAT depression!” It seemed it worked out after all. Good, you were happy for him. And maybe this meant you could finally meet her too! You knock on the door and he answers,
“Becca! You won't believe what just happened!” He's grinning ear to ear.
You smile and humor him, “What is it?”
“My daughter called! She wants to see me!” He's bouncing in place, and you laugh.
“That's wonderful Luci goosey!”
He blushes at the nickname, “Will you come with me? I… I'm afraid I'll fuck it up if i go alone.” 
“Of course, I'd love to. I said before I'll always stand by your side. I meant it.” You smile warmly, internally screaming your victory. His eyes light up and he screams his victory externally.
You go with him to the hotel, and oh wow is it crazy and colorful! He introduces you to Charlie right after practically crushing Vaggie in a hug.
“Oh, that reminds me, Charlie, meet my new friend, Becca! She's been keeping me company the last few months.” He motions to you, and you wave politely, feeling a little nervous.
“Hi Charlie, it's nice to finally meet you. He's told me alot about you.” 
Charlie immediately looks you over with big shocked eyes. “New ‘friend’ huh? It's nice to meet you.” She offers you a handshake, but you can tell she's unsure how to feel about you. 
You shake her hand, “Yes, friend. And I'm hoping you and I will be friends too. I have something I'd like to talk to you about in private later if we can?” 
“Uh, sure. Let me finish introducing everyone now.”
The duet the two shared was so sweet, it made you tear up and cry a little. After, Charlie pulled you aside, “Hey, so… You and my dad… are you really just friends?” shit, here we go!
“Well, yes but… I really like him alot… is that okay?” You're nervous, she's literally his everything! Whether she likes you or not is the make or break of your relationship. 
“I see… Do you treat him right? He needs a lot of attention.”
You nod, “Absolutely! I really love him, Charlie. I want him to be happy… I don't want to replace your mom, but I hope I can get your blessing to try dating him, and maybe you and I can be friends?” You put all your sincerity into those words, hoping she can see you for who you really are.
She gives you a once over, silently thinking… before pulling you into a tight hug. “Okay… I'll have a talk with him about mom. You have my blessing.” she then pulls back, holding your shoulders. “You came to me with respect, honesty, and genuine love. Just don't hurt my dad, ever. Don't make me regret trusting you.” She looked serious. 
“I'd never hurt him on purpose. He's the best thing to happen to me since I died.” Tears start to fall from your eyes.
Charlie tries to wipe them away with a soft smile, “I believe you.”
She gives you another, softer hug. “Alright, I'm going to talk to dad about this. You just sit tight.”
You know you shouldn't eavesdrop, it's rude… but it has to do with you, so maybe you have a right to know? That's what you tell yourself anyways. And on the other side of that door, Charlie is trying to convince her dad that Lilith isn't coming back. You hear yelling, and crying from both of them, and you feel terrible. You're not really able to make out any of the words for the most part, as you're still trying to keep enough distance to not get caught.
Eventually the door opens and you're ducking round the corner. “Alright… if that's what you think… I'll consider your words. Now I need to go ring up your uncle Michael. Or Gabriel might be better, they're more likely to actually answer… either way…” He didn't sound thrilled about that talk.
He then went looking for you, “Becca! Where'd you run off to? It's time to go home!”
You decided to sneak back to the lobby and hang out with that pink spider at the bar till Lucifer is close enough to find you, to pretend that's where you were this whole time.
The bartender raises an eyebrow, “So, what's a noble like you usually drink?”
“Huh? Oh no. I'm not a noble, I just kinda crashed into his garden and he decided to keep me.” You chuckle lightly.
“Crashed into my garden and nearly took out my rosebush!” Lucifer said, suddenly throwing an arm around your shoulders. “I've been looking everywhere for you. Are you ready to head out, or still making friends?”
You blush a little at the casual touch. He must be feeling bad, you discovered he gets more touchy and cuddly when his depression starts to creep up on him. So you place a hand on the one around your shoulder and hold it as you smile at him, “We can head out now if you've had enough.”
He smiles warmly at you, appreciating your acknowledgement of his lack of social energy. And with that, you both head home to rest and cuddle, as friends.
For now…
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janiehellion · 2 months
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Of Curves & Seraphim
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Finally finding peace in your new home away from Los Angeles, you thought you had left the hurtful memories behind. But when Lucifer returns, his remorse and desire for redemption open up old and new wounds. Can the Devil himself heal the pain and help you understand what it means to fall and rise up again?
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: FLUFF / HURT / COMFORT
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 3.309
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You were home. Your new home.
It was quiet there, like a sanctuary that kept you away from the harsh world outside. You felt safe here, wrapped in a cocoon of loneliness, far from the eyes of hate and whispers that had hunted you, far away from that city that haunted you: Los Angeles.
Your body, which was a battleground for your insecurities, now seemed to have found peace in the silence of this new place. It had taken you months to build this safe haven and to find comfort in yourself, despite the scars of self-hatred that still came out every now and then when you looked into the mirror. The loneliness had weighed heavily on you, but you learned to accustom yourself to it and to live with it, and frankly, in a weird kind of way, you started to love it.
But tonight was different. Tonight, the silence was broken by a voice from the past.
"May I come in, please?"
Lucifer stood at your doorstep, his usual confidence sincere and vulnerable. It had been months since you'd last seen him; since you'd fled the city, you'd fled from memories of him. He was a part of your life then, a part of the pain, someone standing in shadows.
He was very different now from what he used to be. Where was that Devil you had come to know, the one full of power and charm? His eyes were looking into yours, not with their usual confidence but instead with a rather sincere and vulnerable look, and it was impossible to ignore.
"Why are you here? After all this time?" Your voice was neutral, but your heart was racing in your chest.
"I needed to see you," he said softly, his eyes locking onto yours with a look that was almost pleading.
A bitter laugh escaped you. "I didn’t think I’d ever hear you say that... I mean, it’s clear that you're standing here because of me, but... you know?"
"I don’t think I understand, my dear," he replied with confusion in his voice.
You took a deep breath, struggling to keep your emotions in check. "You never liked me, Lucifer. Why... why do you want to see me now? Out of nowhere?"
He seemed to be searching for the right words. "You’re wrong. The moment you left the LUX and Los Angeles, I realized and saw you for who you really are, and I regret pushing you away. I was blind."
Your eyes searched his face, trying to find the devilish charm you remembered. But instead, you saw a man stripped of any arrogance.
"That night... that last night," he continued, "when we held each other close, half-drunk, and when we were laughing without any care in the world, I saw something in you that I wanted to get to know better and feel closer to me."
He took a step closer, his hand reaching out to gently touch your cheek. "Do you remember that night? The night where you suddenly took my hand and held it? I felt a connection that I had been too proud to even acknowledge."
You nodded, the memory coming back to you. "I didn’t want to remember it. I guess I was just very upset in the end, after all."
"Upset?" He repeated the word with confusion and disbelief. "Darling, you were more than upset. You were breaking apart inside, heart and soul, and I couldn’t even see it. I didn't even notice..."
He stepped closer again, his hand moving to stroke your arm gently.
"Why are you here?" You asked again, your voice trembling with hope and fear at the same time.
"Because of the last event at the LUX," he said, his eyes searching yours for understanding. "I saw you there, and thinking back, it made me realize how much I had lost. I saw the pain in your eyes that night—the way you tried to hide from me and from everyone in shame. And I knew I had to do something. It made me think..."
You struggled to understand his words; your heart was torn between the past hurt and the present yearning. "But you didn't do anything, Lucifer."
He sighed deeply. "Listen... That night? Everything was perfect from the outside, but there was no soul, no fire. It was as if the whole night was fake, and I had missed the chance to actually get to know you and understand you."
Silence fell between you, now only filled by your little and almost quiet sobs.
"You understand me truly," he said, his voice almost a whisper. "No one else ever really has. You saw right through my mask and understood the devil behind the charm. So, let me at least ask you: How did you do it?"
You eyed him as you were looking at the man with a face pitied through all times, hiding behind masks and illusions. "I spent time with you, trying to see beyond your devilish façade. I saw the darkness you hide, and not only the anger, but more the pain you carry within."
He reached out to take your hand, his touch gentle yet insistent. “I have spent so many nights regretting my decisions, wishing I had taken the chance when I had it. But now... now I want to make something right."
He had taken your hand and pressed a soft kiss against your skin. "I want to show you how much you mean to me and how much I have come to desire you."
"What do you want from me, Lucifer?"
He took a deep breath, his eyes meeting yours. "I want you to see yourself the way that I see you."
At that, he pulled you closer, and his lips brushed against yours in a soft, hesitant kiss. You felt the heat of his mouth and the tenderness of his touch as he pulled you near, to which you answered with your own lips parting so that his tongue could press against yours.
"You were so beautiful that night," he murmured against your lips once he pulled away a little bit.
You smiled softly, a smile that was half-joyful and half-sad. "No, please don't say that. I... I don't know about that, really."
"No. It was me. I didn’t know," he admitted, his fingers gently stroking your cheek. "But I do now. I want to show you that you are beautiful and that you are worth loving."
His hands moved to your waist, pushing you inside your home, and he soon made you sit down gently on the couch in your living room, his fingers grabbing the edges of your clothing and slowly removing them with care.
When you were finally naked before him, he took a moment to appreciate the sight of your body. "You are perfect," he whispered. "More than I'd ever deserve."
He got down, his lips trailing kisses along your neck, your shoulders, and your breasts. His touch was light but filled with a certain hunger that made you shiver.
"I want to show you how much I need you," he whispered against your skin, his voice a low growl.
Without breaking eye contact, he pushed you back onto the couch and quickly moved between your legs, his eyes wandering over your body, before he leaned in and began to tease you. His tongue licked your clit, and his fingers gently explored your pussy soon after. And he took his time, watching every reaction and every moan that escaped your mouth.
"Are you feeling okay?" He whispered. "Tell me if there’s anything you need. I want this to be perfect for you."
You swallowed hard, and the lump in your throat was almost too big to ignore. "I think... I think I just need you to be here," you whispered back. "To hold me, to show me that I’m not just a burden, that I’m worth something."
He nodded slowly with a small, but somewhat sad, smile. "Darling, I’m here because I want to be here. I want to be the one to show you how much you mean to me and how much you are worth."
His fingers followed the curves of your waist, the curves of your hips, and the softness of your thighs.
"You’re so beautiful," he murmured, his lips brushing against your ear. "Every inch of you is perfect, just the way you are."
You shivered at his words, him being so close and sending a thrill through you. "Do you actually really mean that?" you asked, your voice trembling.
"I do," he said, pulling you closer to him. "You are everything I’ve ever wanted. I see you, not just your body but your heart and soul."
He kissed you again, and his hand cupped your face, his thumbs brushing away the tears that had started to fall from your eyes.
"I’ve missed you so much," he whispered against your lips. "I’ve missed you more than anything."
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. "I’ve missed you too," you admitted, your voice sounding muffled against his skin. "I’ve felt so lost without you."
Lucifer began to kiss you again, his lips now going down your neck, across your collarbone, and to your breasts.
"You’re so lovely," he murmured between kisses. "Every part of you is perfect. I want to worship you."
He continued his slow exploration of your body, his hands moving to your stomach, your hips, and your thighs, before he gently moved between your legs again, his hands parting your legs again.
"I can’t get enough of you." He leaned in, his lips brushing against your inner thigh, before he soon enough pushed two fingers inside of you. "You feel so good."
You sighed in pleasure, your body moving in rhythm with his. "You make me feel so beautiful right now," you moaned. "I never knew I could feel like this."
His eyes softened, and he leaned in to kiss you gently on the lips. "I’m glad," he said, his lips brushing against yours. "You deserve to feel loved."
As the time went on, your own movements became slightly more urgent, your body tensing up. Lucifer saw that you were getting close, but he held back from fingering you faster, making sure that your own pace was his main focus.
"Are you close?" he asked softly.
"Yes," you whispered back, your body trembling slightly. "I’m so close."
"Let go," he urged you gently. "Let yourself feel it."
And you did, allowing your orgasm to happen as you clung to him, your body clenching around his fingers that were still deep inside of you while his other hand held you close.
"Just like that," he murmured. "Let it all out."
You gasped, your body arching against him as the feeling overtook you, but as soon as your orgasm slowly ended, you found yourself wrapped in Lucifer’s arms, your body resting against his and out of breath.
"That... That felt incredible," you whispered, your hands stroking his back. "Thank you for making me feel this way."
Lucifer smiled down at you. "Let me take care of you some more then."
He carefully got up from the couch after he pushed himself away from you. "Come with me," he said, extending his hand to you.
You took his hand, allowing him to guide you to the bathroom.
"How about you enjoy a bath?" Lucifer asked.
You nodded, and soon enough, he helped you into a hot bath, the warm water relaxing your body.
"I want you to relax," he said, his voice gentle as he ran his fingers through your hair before he sat on the edge of the tub, his hands gently massaging your shoulders. "You deserve to feel this way," he said. "You’ve been through so much, and you need to know that you’re loved."
His hands moved carefully, not wanting to hurt you, kneading away the knots and tension in your muscles, and his fingers were applying just the right amount of pressure to make you feel calmer and cared for.
"You’re so strong," he murmured. "I know you’ve had to deal with a lot, but you’ve come through it all with such grace, you know?"
You sighed, your eyes opening up to meet his gaze as you looked over your shoulder at him. "It hasn’t always been easy," you admitted. "But having you here by my side again makes everything better right now."
Lucifer smiled, reached for a washcloth, and gently began to wash your body, making sure every touch was soft and comfortable on your skin. "I want you to know that every part and every inch of your body is perfect to me."
Once he had finished washing you, he took a dry towel and carefully patted your skin dry after guiding you out of the bathtub. He took your hand and guided you back to your couch in the living room.
"Let me quickly get something from your kitchen. I’ll be right back," he said, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before leaving the room.
He returned a few minutes later with a tray of treats: fresh fruit, chocolate, and a cup of warm tea, setting it down beside you on the coffee table.
"I thought you might enjoy a little snack, so I robbed your fridge," he said with a laugh. "And don't you dare to refuse the chocolate."
As you reached for a piece of chocolate, you couldn't help but listen to the thoughts that were coming back to your mind.
"I shouldn't be eating this," you mumbled, staring at the chocolate in your hand. "It's no wonder I look the way I do. Disgusting."
Lucifer's eyes suddenly snapped to yours, showing a hint of anger. "Don't say that."
But you ignored him, unable to stop. "Look at me, Lucifer. I'm not like those perfect women you see every day. I'm... I'm fat. Ugly. Who would even want this?" You gestured at your body with disgust.
His jaw tightened, and he sat down on the couch as well. "Stop it."
But you couldn't simply stop. All the self-hatred you had kept hidden away came out. "No! I hate my body! I hate the way my stomach looks when I sit down. I hate my thighs, my arms, and my face. I hate the way clothes fit me or don't fit me. I'll never be good enough, whether I lose weight or not. I'll always be the fat girl that people look at with pity or disgust. The doctors? They tell me I'm all healthy, sure, but others? They don't! They judge me beforehand, and you know what? They're right!"
Lucifer's expression darkened, and he gripped your shoulders tightly to make you look at him. "Listen. You are not disgusting. You are not ugly. And you are not unworthy of love."
You let out a bitter laugh, and the tears are now rolling down and over your face. "And how can I see anything good when all I see is failure? Imperfection? Worthlessness?"
Lucifer's grip tightened even more, just slightly, his eyes burning. "You are human. You have imperfections, but those are what make you human, what make you... you! And I love you for all of it. Every single inch of your body."
"Stop it! You don't love it! I hate my stomach. I hate how it folds and feels. I hate how it looks when I sit down and how it spills over my jeans. I hate my thighs—how they touch and rub together, how they look when I walk. I hate my arms—how flabby and big they are; how I can't wear sleeveless tops without feeling like everyone is staring at them, laughing their asses off!"
You inhaled and exhaled deeply, but the words kept coming. "I hate my face—how round it is, how I have this damn double chin that never goes away no matter how much weight I lose! I hate my stretch marks, my cellulite, and all these fucking things that remind me every single day that I'm not good enough! I hate that when I look in the mirror, all I see is someone who doesn't deserve to be loved! Someone who's only ever been judged and hated because of how they look! And I deserve it!"
Lucifer's eyes narrowed, but he didn't interrupt you yet. He let you get everything out, his hands still holding you by your shoulders.
"And you know what else?" You continued, your voice rising. "I hate that I'm constantly comparing myself to others. I hate that I'm always thinking about my weight, about calories, and about how many I'm actually eating, even though I know that a piece of chocolate won't do me any damn harm! I hate that I can't just enjoy any kind of food without feeling guilty about it! I hate that no matter how hard I try, I always end up back here, hating myself!"
Tears streamed down your face now, and your voice broke. "I hate that I'm trapped in this body. I hate that I can't escape it, that I can't just rip it off and be someone else. I hate that every time I look at myself, I see failure. A worthless fucking loser. Someone who's not worthy of love, happiness, or anything that's good. I hate that I'm always going to be the fat pig. The pig everyone looks at with hate and disgust. Do you know what it’s like to hate every inch of your own body? Of yourself?" You continued while you still held the piece of chocolate in your hand that was slowly melting already. "To look in the mirror and despise the reflection that's staring back at you? You know... worthlessness? It’s not just a feeling; it’s a daily reality to me."
"Stop," Lucifer commanded, but you were too far gone to even listen to him anymore.
"No, you need to understand, Lucifer! I’ve spent my whole life being told I’m not good enough because of how I look! I’m too fat, too ugly, and too much of everything that no one likes! And I can’t escape it."
Lucifer finally let go of your shoulders and clenched his fists, his frustration now boiling over and his true self showing through.
"Enough!" he yelled, the living room seeming to darken due to his anger. "Do you think you’re the only one who knows what self-hatred feels like? Do you think I’ve never looked in the mirror and despised the creature that's staring back at me? The Devil, condemned to eternal damnation, hated by everyone, including myself!"
His sudden angry outburst shocked you into silence, your sobs stopping slowly as you looked at him a bit in fear. And you knew that you truly looked at the Devil for the first time at that moment.
"For millennia, I’ve been the symbol of sin, the embodiment of everything vile! I’ve carried the weight of my Father’s rejection and of my own choices, and it’s left scars deeper than Hell itself!"
He roughly cupped your face. "You need to understand. You’re not alone in this. Your pain, your self-hatred—I get it! I understand it! I’ve lived it, and I still do. And it’s why I can tell you with absolute certainty that you’re worth so much more than you believe!"
You shook your head, still feeling trapped in your despair. "How can you even say that?"
"Because I see you," he whispered, finally calming down again. "And I feel you."
He kissed your forehead, holding you closer now.
"And you know," Lucifer said, "sometimes it takes the Devil to understand what it means to struggle with one’s own nature. Sometimes, it’s the fallen who see the truth of what it means to rise again."
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Ahhh, I hope angel can pull through his emotions the baby isn't Val she's so small and helpless my heart hurts 😭😭
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Angel retreats to one of the empty rooms, shutting the door behind him. He collapses onto the bed, curling up into a tight ball as his mind races. The panic hasn’t fully subsided, and he feels like he’s suffocating under the weight of it all. His breathing is shallow, his body trembling with each shaky breath. Everything feels wrong—too wrong to handle. The image of the moth demon girl haunts him, reminding him of Valentino, of everything he’s been trying to forget.
After what feels like an eternity, there’s a soft knock on the door. Angel ignores it, hoping whoever it is will go away. But the knock comes again, more insistent this time.
Lucifer: *gently from the other side of the door* Angel, it’s me, Lucifer. Can I come in?
Angel doesn’t respond, but after a few moments, the door creaks open, and Lucifer steps inside. He closes the door behind him, taking in the sight of Angel huddled on the bed, looking smaller and more fragile than he’s ever seen him.
Lucifer: *softly* Angel… I’m worried about you. Can we talk?
Angel remains silent, his back still to him. Lucifer approaches the bed slowly, sitting down at the edge, careful not to invade his space. He waits, giving Angel time to process his presence.
Lucifer: *after a pause* I heard what happened. I know you’re scared. I can’t imagine how hard this is for you. But you’re not alone, Angel. You don’t have to go through this by yourself.
Angel’s shoulders shake with silent sobs, but he still doesn’t look at him. Lucifer takes a deep breath, knowing he needs to tread carefully.
Lucifer: *gently* I know that baby reminds you of Valentino. I know he hurt you, in ways that no one should ever be hurt. And seeing her, it’s like all those memories are flooding back, isn’t it?
At this, Angel finally reacts, his grip on the sheets tightening as a fresh wave of tears spill down his face.
Lucifer: *continuing* But she’s not Valentino, Angel. She’s just a baby—a baby who needs love and care. And I know it’s terrifying to think of being a parent, especially when you didn’t ask for this. But you have so much love to give, and that baby is a part of you too.
Angel finally turns to face him, his eyes red and swollen from crying. His voice is small, broken.
Angel: *whispering* I’m so scared, Lucifer… I don’t know if I can do this. Every time I look at her, all I see is him. I don’t want to hurt her, but I don’t know how to be what she needs…
Lucifer’s heart aches for Angel. He scoots closer, reaching out to take Angel’s hand in his.
Lucifer: Angel, what you’re feeling is valid. You’ve been through so much, and it’s okay to be scared. But you’re stronger than you think. You’ve survived things that would have broken most people. And I believe that you can be the parent that baby needs—you just have to give yourself a chance.
Angel squeezes his hand, trying to steady his breathing. Lucifer’s words bring a small measure of comfort, but the fear is still there, gnawing at him.
Angel: *voice trembling* What if I mess up? What if I can’t love her the way she deserves?
Lucifer: *gently* You’re already worried about doing right by her, which shows how much you care. Love doesn’t always come easy, especially when there’s trauma involved. But you can take it one step at a time. You don’t have to be perfect; you just have to be there.
Angel nods slowly, trying to take his words to heart. The terror hasn’t completely gone away, but he feels a little less alone in facing it.
Lucifer: *softly* You don’t have to do this alone, Angel. We’re all here for you—for both of you. And if it gets too hard, if you need help, just ask. There’s no shame in that.
Angel looks at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. It’s enough to make him believe, just a little, that maybe he can do this.
Angel: *whispering* I’ll try… I don’t know how, but I’ll try.
Lucifer: *smiling softly* That’s all anyone can ask for, Angel. And I know you’ll do your best.
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nicosraf · 2 years
I loved your book! Where and how do you get the idea of writing a queer retelling of the fall of Satan? And is there any particular reason that out of all angels it is Michael that Lucifer fell for?
Hello! Thank you so much for reading! I'm happy you enjoyed :] <333
I wrote a long post about why I wrote the book and where it came from but TLDR: I have a lot of trauma regarding my gender/sexuality and Catholicism from growing up in a very Catholic Mexican community and from the couple months in a Christian conversion therapy situation. Queerness was forcibly associated with the devil in my brain, which I still have trouble shaking off, and I basically said, "Ok, let's say Satan is queer then–"
(I should also mention I was really amused by how queer a lot of angel-related texts were – Paradise Lost Book 8, for example, implying all angels are male-ish but have weird sex with each other.)
I'm not sure if you're asking why Lucifer fell for Michael in the story or why I decided to make Michael the love interest. If you're interested in why I choose Michael, I briefly talk about that here!
As for why Lucifer fell for Michael? Well, Lucifer obsesses and loves a lot of things in ABM - God, Earth, Michael (and all those things are a lot more similar than you might think). Michael was a lot to Lucifer – not just the person who told him to love himself but also a representation of a thousand things – power, leadership, strength, confidence and even god-ness.
Lucifer lied to himself a lot – ("He was happy, happy, happy. What else could an angel be but happy?") – and so you have to ask yourself how much of Lucifer's nature in Part 1 was genuine, how much of his want to submit ever was. (This isn't to say Lucifer was wickedly tricking the reader, just that he was insecure, he didn't know what he wanted. He was young.) Lucifer was ashamed of himself. It's said over and over, and surely it's true because he cries so much about it. But didn't he secretly want to be seen too, particularly as he aged? He dressed up for the feast at the gallery and painted his lips with pomegranate. He said he was happy serving God, but then he climbed trees and stared upward, waiting for Michael to return with a universe on his back.
Then Michael did return, and he pampered Lucifer and inflated the ego that maybe always wanted to be just a little bigger, wanted to be guided there. Plus, Michael is really hot. I'm serious. And it goes both ways. Michael fell in love with Lucifer instantly when he saw him from afar because of his beauty. They're both a bit self-absorbed for this: Lucifer wanted the strongest angel to love him, and Michael wanted the most beautiful.
But Lucifer loved Michael's pride, that he did more than just desire him, shyly, from afar: "But [Michael] looked at [Lucifer] differently, calling for him always differently, uttering his name fearlessly, taking and grabbing Lucifer in a way no other angel had the pride to do... 'You do not desire me.' ... 'Because you know I'm already yours." They're both full of themselves, really, but they like it in each other.
And, lastly, "Michael" derives from the Hebrew for "who is like God?". On one hand, Lucifer falling so fast and hard for Michael is just a continuation of his adoration of God (and a much better fit, because Lucifer can speak to Michael like an equal, he can relate to him, he can love him sincerely). And there's something really poetic, too, about Lucifer kissing and embracing and wanting to intermingle with this question of who is God. It's like he's answering it, like he's trying to say, "Me. It's Me."
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sassykattery · 2 years
The Royal Standard, Pt. 4
The moment you've been waiting for.
CW: MC is afab, uses she/her pronouns. MC is a demon, is poly.
Themes: Romance. DiavoloxMC
Characters: Diavolo, MC="you", Barbatos, mention Lucifer
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
Enjoy the show.
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Sitting on the stool in your palace en-suite bathroom, you stared at yourself. The last time you had done so, it was the night you became a demon and embraced immortality. You were now completely ready for tonight. Barbatos had helped you again, zipping you up into your dress and arranging your hair into another spectacular updo. He also helped you with heels and putting on your jewelry, the makeup of course too.
In the mirror, you looked radiant. Though you knew how beautiful you were, sometimes you still caught yourself off-guard when you got so dressed up. It was becoming more common now with the prince and the social events you attended with him, but it was completely opposite to how you lived in the human world. The glamor and glitz, the aristocracy, balls and galas, meeting diplomats and other government officials, it was all stuff you saw in movies, and you never imagined it happening to you.
Barbatos came back, knocking at the bathroom door. You turned to look at him, and he smiled sincerely. "I believe my master is ready, allow me to take you to him," he said, formal as ever. You smiled and nodded, rising to your feet and then walking over to take his arm.
He led you through the halls, but he took you to the hallway that led you to the stairs that descended into the ballroom. "I believe the young lord wants you to enter through the stairs here," Barbatos explained.
You looked horrified, "I'm not going to walk in and see half the Devildom down there, am I?!" you asked. Barbatos chuckled quietly and shook his head but said no more, leaving you there.
With a nervous sigh, you stepped out and stopped at the top of the stairs. At the bottom, you could see Diavolo. He was waiting for you, trying to make sure his clothes were perfectly straight. You took a step, and that's when he heard your heel click, so he looked up. Both your hearts skipped a beat, seeing each other like this. He was in all white suit, black undershirt, with a gold tie to match the detailing buttons and embellisnments on it. It complimented his skin so well, and it made his hair and eyes stand out beautifully.
Slowly, you made your way down the steps, getting closer to your lover. His eyes raked you over endlessly. You looked flawless from head to toe, and he couldn't wait to hold you.
Finally reaching the last step, Diavolo slightly bowed at the hip to you, "My love," he said. You gave him a sweet smile and reciprocated, with "My dear."
Not being able to resist, he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into him swiftly, and he stared into your loving eyes. "I don't know how you manage to do it, but you look more and more beautiful each time I see you," he stated.
"You just saw me a couple hours ago," you teased. "But, thank you. I do believe this is a good suit choice for you, you know. White looks good," you continued.
Diavolo planted a chaste kiss on your lips and smiled more. "Kind as ever. Shall we?" You weren't sure what you two were about to do, but you nodded anyway.
Your lover held out his arm and you hooked yours in it, allowing him to escort you to the doors that lead to the palace gardens, the very ones where you died and became a demon. He pulled his arm out of yours and opened the doors for you. You gasped and took in the sight before you.
There in the middle, a four-corner tent had been erected, with lit lanterns leading the way to it. The tent was decorated with your favorite flowers all the way around, with cascades of ivy trickling down the posts. The underside of the top of the tent was lit with string lights. Underneath, there was a table with two chairs, and what looked to be covered plates of food on it, two champagne flutes, and bottles of Demonus.
You looked at Diavolo, clearly starry-eyed, and covered your mouth with your hand. He smiled and held his arm out for you again. Taking it, you looked around as you two walked, and all of the gardens were lit as well, highlighting the array of colors of all the florals. It was also a clear night, quite literally just perfectly set for you two.
Once at the table, Diavolo pulled your chair and had you sit first. He sat himself on the other side, and once settled he finally spoke. "I arranged for us to have dinner out here, and I wanted to make it a little more special for you."
"Diavolo..." you said, in awe, "This is more than a little special. It's amazing."
"I'm glad you like it then. Shall we eat?" he offered, gesturing toward the plates. You nodded and he uncovered everything, and it was both your favorite dishes that Barbatos made. He also poured Demonus for you, and after he poured himself a glass, he held his up to you.
You reciprocated his toast, and he whispered, "To us." You nodded and repeated, clinking the glass with his before taking a sip. Dinner went on, and you two talked about the chess game you had, discussing strategies and comparing ideas. Then conversations turned to talking about politics, some of the issues Diavolo had encountered recently, and then switched back to you talking about pranks the brothers had pulled recently.
It seemed like hours had gone by, but really it had only been a little over one, and you both finished your meals. Finally, Diavolo asked, "Shall we take a walk around the gardens?" You nodded, and both of you went on your way.
The air was cool and refreshing, perfect for a post-dinner walk. You couldn't help but feel dreamy. There was a comfortable silence between you two, and you didn't mind just strolling with him. By the time you arrived back at where you had dinner, the scene had changed. The tent remained, but the table and chairs had been removed, and in its place was a red and gold sofa, one that matched the interior decor of the castle. You looked up at Diavolo, and he held his hand out to it.
Both of you sat down, but Diavolo remained on the edge of the seat, with his body angled toward yours. He took one of your hands and placed it in his lap.
"Have you enjoyed our date?" he asked, voice soft.
"I have, Diavolo, every minute of it," you replied, equally soft, with a smile.
He briefly smiled back, looking down at your hands. "That makes me happy to hear." He ran his thumbs up and down your knuckles, as though he were in thought. He stayed silent for a minute.
"There's something I'd like to talk to you about," he finally said. He finally looked back up at you, and you could see the nervousness and seriousness in his eyes.
Sitting forward in the sofa, on the edge, you replied, "Go ahead."
"I have given this a heavy amount of consideration," he started. He paused again, trying to pick the right words. "And I want to remind you, I will be okay with any answer you give me, and I will answer any questions you have before you give me an answer. There's something I'd like to ask."
Your heart started racing, and your own anxiety started to rise very quickly at his words, unsure of what he was about to ask.
Gently squeezing your hand, he finally said, "Would you want to rule over the Devildom, with me, as my queen?"
Your eyes went as wide as saucers, and your lips parted only slightly, as though you wanted to reply, but nothing came out. You could feel your heartbeat in your throat, and you tried to swallow the feeling down, but it wouldn't go. Your temples even throbbed as your heart thundered inside of you.
"Wh-what?" you stammered. "You... you want me to be your queen?" your voice was breathless and barely there.
"Yes," he said confidently.
A million things started running through your head. It was dizzying, and you instantly felt the urge to run away, but you needed to be brave.
"I... I have some questions," you replied.
"Go ahead, I imagined you would" Diavolo said.
"Are you... asking me to marry you?" you asked, slightly confused.
"Well, it's interesting you ask that. If I'm being honest, I was actually going to propose marriage to you, but after more consideration, what I'm really asking here is for you to rule with me, but you don't have to marry me, if you don't want to. I'm offering you the title, position, and power that comes along with it."
His words rang around in your head. "You were going to ask me to marry you? Do... you want to marry me?"
"Indeed, I do, but I realized that maybe something you didn't want, so as I said, you don't have to," he answered.
"Okay. I have another question... um..." your cheeks started to burn, thinking about what you had to ask next. You didn't want to ask it, but you knew before going any further that this would be the biggest deterrent to the entire arrangement. You hated having this conversation, it wasn't any easier with Lucifer, and it was especially hard now.
"I promise I won't judge or get mad, I'm here to tell you everything you need to know," Diavolo encouraged.
"It's about... children. Aren't you required to have... an heir?" you barely got out, your voice tensing up as you spoke.
He was silent, looking into your eyes, but he saw how uneasy you looked, so he spoke up, "Do you... want children?"
Tearfully, you turned your head away and softly bounced your leg with nervousness. Your heart was already breaking, knowing what was coming next. Long ago, you had settled with the fact that if he did, things would never work.
"Please, be honest with me," Diavolo pleaded. But you still remained silent.
Diavolo's eyes shifted away from you. "If I'm being honest, I spoke with Lucifer before I arranged all this, because I wanted his opinion on the whole arrangement. He alluded to... that you would not want children but wouldn't say why. He said I needed to ask you myself."
Tears started to trickle down your face, and Diavolo immediately reached up to your face, turning it back towards him to wipe them away with his thumbs. "Darling, why are you crying?"
"Lucifer is correct, I don't," you rasped. "But if I'm queen, I'd have to, right?" you started to sob.
Diavolo scooted in closer and took your head in his hands, "No, no, no, my love, you don't have to do anything. If that's not what you want, I wouldn't force you. I never want to force you to do something you don't want to do, especially that."
You couldn't stop the tears, "The-then I can't be your queen."
"MC, shh, please calm down," Diavolo murmured, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping your tears away gently. "Please listen to me for a moment, okay?" You nodded.
"If you don't want children, that's more than okay with me, because I couldn't ask for more than what you already give me. All I truly want is for you to be my side, forever. If I can't have you, then I will simply rule alone, because there will never be anyone else for me," he explained. "It's you, or no one at all," he reaffirmed.
You stared at him, doe-eyed. The tears had stopped, but your breath would still hitch every so often.
"Wh-what about a successor?" you asked.
"I can always name one, they don't have to be biologically mine," he whispered. "But we will live a very long time before that decision would need to be made."
Unfortunately, your tears started flowing again, and Diavolo was just torn up to see you so distraught. "Sweetness..."
"Can I tell you a story?" you suddenly said.
"Go ahead," Diavolo replied.
You explained in-between sobs, "When I was human, I decided a very long time ago being a parent was something I didn't want, so I had a procedure done in which that I would never bare any children. Before you brought me in as an exchange student, there was a man in my life. I thought he was "the one," as it were, and he said he was fine with never having children. But, he changed his mind, and when I couldn't give him what he wanted, it ended up splitting us apart." You stopped, having needed to take a breath and re-center yourself. "I don't... want to go through that again."
"I see... you think I'll change my mind?"
Your silence was telling of your answer.
"As I said, it's you, or no one at all. None of this could keep me from you. I still want you to be my queen. It was because of that man's foolish actions that has landed the most wonderful person into my life, and I will always be glad that you ended up here, with me."
It was hard to negotiate everything, and truly you just felt sick. This was a heavy conversation to have, one you weren't sure when you would have with him, but it was bound to come up eventually. Then the thought of Lucifer came up, since Diavolo mentioned talking with him.
"Okay... what about Lucifer? If I'm queen, what happens to him?"
"Well, he and I agreed that you can be offered the title, and nothing has to change in your relationships with us. But he did express interest in marrying you too, and we talked about the possibility of you marrying us both if that's something you wanted. It's not impossible, per se, it's just messy in terms of legality," he replied.
"I see..." you said, trailing off and biting your lip.
Diavolo sighed, "I know this is a lot to think about, and I'm sorry I upset you this much. I understand if you want to go home or–"
"I want to be your queen," you blurted out, staring at his hands in his lap.
"I-I... You do?" he asked stunned. Your eyes flickered up to his again.
"I'm upset because I want to be your queen, I just don't want to fail you, the Devildom, everyone else. I'm terrified you will change your mind eventually, and I'll play second fiddle to another woman–"
"Do not say that, please," Diavolo said, half-warning but mostly distressed. You jumped a little at his tone, it's one he's never used with you before, but you took him seriously. "Please, believe me when I say, there is no one else for me but you, there will never be anyone else but you."
You nodded solemnly, not meaning to upset the prince. He softened, "You... you want to be my queen?" he asked again.
"I do. I... I want to be by your side, forever, in all ways," you replied. "I just... I had thought about the aspect of marriage, but I've been content to keep things the way they are for the sake of not complicating anything. I want to be fair to both of you."
"We can worry about the logistics later, my love, but are you in fact sure? You want to be the next Demon Queen of the Devildom?" he pressed one more time.
"Diavolo..." you said with more confidence, taking his hand in yours and keeping your eyes steady on his, "I would love nothing more than to be the next Demon Queen, by your side, for eternity."
He was silent, searching your eyes for any hesitancy, any doubt, only to find none. A smile threatened to appear on his lips, but he seemed mostly shocked. Then he jumped suddenly, "Oh, right! I have something for you. I like the theatrics of doing this, so please just indulge me for a moment, if you would," he explained. He sank down to the ground on one knee and pulled a black velvet box from his pocket. He cleared his throat and opened the box, to reveal the most beautiful ring you've ever seen. "I want you to have this, it is... it was my mother's wedding ring," he stated.
Your jaw fully dropped, and you were now stunned by the prince. "I-I don't think... I should, Diavolo. That seems rather important– wait. I thought you said this wasn't a proposal?" you asked.
Diavolo chuckled, "Indeed, it's technically not one for marriage, but it is one to be my queen, and I think my queen should have this ring. I do ask that you take good care of it," he replied.
You were starting to feel even more overwhelmed with everything. Robotically, you put your left hand out, and Diavolo carefully placed the ring on your ring finger. Tilting your hand around to look at the glittering stones, you were speechless. It was almost humorous to think, you were going to cancel this date earlier that morning, and then a half day later, you're set to become the next queen of the Devildom.
"What are you thinking?" Diavolo pried.
"I-I... this is a lot to take in," you admitted, looking up at him from your hand.
Diavolo nodded. "I understand, and I hope if you have more questions that you won't hesitate to ask. I will show you nothing but honesty, I don't want you to go into anything blind." He paused for a moment, and his shoulders slumped. "I expected this to go... differently."
"You mean something like where I didn't cry and almost run away?" you muttered.
"Indeed, I want to feel overjoyed for the fantastic news but... I feel like I deeply upset you," he explained.
"Diavolo," you whispered. He looked to you again, waiting for you to speak. "Let's go celebrate in your room."
He looked you up and down, and you nodded. In a flash, he picked you up bridal style and whisked you away to his room.
Barbatos chuckled as the prince whirled by. "Must have gone well, then," the butler muttered to himself.
Thank you for reading~<3
Post made by sassykattery. Do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
Tags: @delphi-dreamin @leavesandflowers @the-ghost-of-panda @itsmeninerz @obeymediasimp @frozengoldie @flemmingbamse @ladyofthemorningstar
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gerogerigaogaigar · 1 year
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Dolly Parton - Coat Of Many Colors
The 70s weren't particularly kind to country music, but Dolly Parton stands out as a shining beacon amidst a fog of mediocrity. The title track is a beautiful story about a mother's love that is apparently a true story from Parton's childhood. From there we immediately get a song where the singer's mother steals her boyfriend. It kinda goes like that, either beautiful sincere tracks like Coat Of Many Colors and Here I Am, or unrelenting savagery like in Traveling Man and If I Lose My Mind. I would never have it any other way. Go off queen.
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Tracy Chapman - s/t
Ready for some emotional devastation? This album comes out the gate swinging and doesn't let up. This album's theme is feeling helpless to change your circumstances. Fast Cars is about trying to run away from a toxic environment only to recreate it. Behind The Walls is about being unable to stop domestic abuse even when you know it's happening. Mountains Of Things is about being trapped by commodity fetishism despite knowing it won't help you. In all these songs systems prevent individuals from improving their lives. The message is nothing without the actual substance of the music though, so it's fortunate that Chapman has one of the best and richest voices I've ever heard. And her brand of folk rock is beautifully complimentary. Lefty music doesn't get much better than this.
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Bob Dylan - Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
It may be his second album, but this is his real debut. Bob Dylan proved that you could be a shitty singer, mediocre guitarist, and atrocious harmonica player, but if put together the right way then the sum of the parts is worth so much more. Dylan's combination of traditional folksy numbers like Girl From North Country and Don't Think Twice It's All Right are matched with the political statements that made him a counterculture icon. Masters Of War may seem blunt and obvious by today's standards, but it's stark condemnation of war mongering politicians is still pretty brutal. And A Hard Rains A-Gonna Fall is proof of his ability to write lyrics that express abstract feelings rather than direct thoughts.
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Herbie Hancock - Head Hunters
I feel like when people think of jazz they don't tend to think of catchy toe tappers. There's an expectation for it to be a fairly serious genre that is hard to "get". Herbie Hancock threw that idea right out the window when he made Head Hunters the most fun jazz album of all time. The funk influences are extremely apparent with each track featuring an extremely punchy drum beat and juicy fucking bass lines that will get permanently stuck in your head. Everyone is nailing it here but obviously Hancock himself is the star player with his electric piano and clavinet solos having the brightest and bubbliest tone I've ever heard and it just cuts through the mix and delivers pure joy to your ears. Without a doubt one of my favorite albums of all time.
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Pink Floyd - Piper At The Gates Of Dawn
When I was in high school one of my friends just fucking loved the song Bike and sometimes we would just burst into it whenever or wherever. Like all of walking somewhere and we'd just start up like "IVE GOT A BIKE YOU CAN RIDE IT IF YOU LIKE!" full fucking volume like a bunch of animals. Anyway this album is fanciful as all hell. Gnomes, scarecrows, bikes, kitty cats named Lucifer Sam, and bedtime stories. This album is delightful. It exudes innocent joy like no other album. Songs like Astronomy Domine and Interstellar Overdrive sound spacey not because they sound peaceful like floating in space but explosive like a rocket taking off. Other tracks will sound like campfire songs. It's beautiful. The end of Bike where the album closes out on a disjointed series of cacophonous clanking was my first introduction to noise as music so that song probably ruined me permanently.
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Devo - Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!
One of the original punk bands even if you wouldn't normally think of them as such. Devo did everything in their power to be weird little freaks. Jerky, stuttery guitars and rigid drum beats all designed to sound as mechanical as possible. It an amazing achievement that is perfectly exemplified by their awkward but brilliant cover of the Rolling Stones' Satisfaction. There's a general sense of 50s rock and roll filtered through the 'came back wrong' trope. The album lumbers along like it's made of de evolved rock music.
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Elton John - Honky Château
This is probably Elton John's most cohesive album. The country rock of Tumbleweed Connection meets the dramatic arrangements of Madman Across The Water. John's songwriting partner Bernie Taupin is also at the top of his game on this one. Obviously everyone loves Rocket Man, it's iconic for a reason, by good god is the song I Think I'm Going To Kill Myself funny. I'm serious, this tongue and cheek song about teenage angst is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. I'm kinda blown away at how good Elton John, a British man, is at doing honky tonk and country music too. Too talented of a guy really. Love this album.
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koogl001 · 2 years
Wrong Target
Requested by: ❤️ @oyasumimosura ❤️ May I please request some Stolas x wife! Reader? An Au where Stolas got into a healthy relationship with someone who loves him for who he is. Perhaps the reader rescued Stolas when they were little since she’s more athletic and catches him before he could hit the ground, they both didn’t know that they will soon be married. While (y/n)’s sister which is Stella doesn’t like Stolas that much and even abuses him whenever she’s away. That one time when they were adults when she caught Stella about to slap Stolas she was very angry with Stella that she banned her from coming into her home. In the end, Stella did hire Striker who ended up killing (y/n) while she was protecting Octavia. Like I need some angst where Stolas came home and looked so happy but to find the house was messy. He finds Octavia crying and beside her was (y/n)’s lifeless body.
One-Shots and Headcanons Masterlist
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“Oh dear, you should have seen him. Stolas of the Ars Goetia, the Great Prince of Hell, stuck in a tree not knowing how to get down. He was gripping it as if it was his life line. I thought at the time that he was the biggest drama queen I have ever seen, and look at him now, I was so right!”  
Octavia heartily laughed with me as I draped the covers over her and with a quick kiss on the forehead, I bid her sweet dreams. I joined Stolas at the balcony with a blanket and tea to relax.  
“So my dear, what were you telling our little owlet that made your laughter carry all the way here?” 
We snuggled under the blanket, enjoying the peacefulness of each other's company. Being a parent was harder than you could have imagined, but the best thing that ever happened in your life. Your side of the family was not ideal, with an overly dramatic and cold older brother and an aggressive and jealous twin sister.  
“I was just telling our little princess how we first met, love.”  
I caressed my husband's cheek, closely inspecting it and finding a red handprint on it.  
“Dear Lucifer, whatever happened to you?”  
“Nothing my Calytrix, you needn't worry about me.” 
His eyes avoided mine and from the tone of his voice, I could tell he was not sincere with me. Yet pushing him would make him even more uncomfortable, which you didn’t want. With worry still evident in your eyes, you rested your head on his shoulder, slowly falling into dream land.  
You shouted, catching Stella’s hand as it was about to connect with the already reddened cheek of your husband. You always knew your sister was a confrontational person, but to resort to violence, much less trying to hurt her own brother-in-law was outrageous. You certainly didn’t expect to see the two fighting when you returned from your play-date with Octavia and Charlie.  
“I will not tolerate violence in this household! Leave, and never come back!”  
I sent Stella a deadly glare as she smashed the door behind her strongly enough it almost came out of its hinges. Oh, how blind you were. Suddenly all those marks and occasional bruises Stolas sported made so much sense.  
“Come love, I need to tend to your wounds.”  
Gently grabbing his hand, I led Stolas to our bedroom. As I wept, begging for forgiveness for being so naïve and blind to the situation, we spent the rest of the day in each other's embrace.  
“I don’t care who you have to go thru, make it happen!” 
Stella shouted at the phone. Her sister dared to go against her, which was a grave mistake. She would not have her killed, no. She would have her suffer seeing the deaths of all those she held close, starting with her husband and her own child. A fate worse than death.  
“Starfire, Starflower, wherever are you hiding?” 
Stolas exclaimed, walking into his home. In order to have a relaxing afternoon with his family after what happened, he personaly went and booked the Loo Loo Land for a whole day only for his two darlings. They could enjoy the rides without having to wait in lines, win prizes, watch a private clown show and eat as many sweets as they would like.  
He continued walking towards Octavia’s room, hearing slight noises emerging from within. As he carefully opened the door, his heart stopped. His little princess was crying hunched over a body. Your body.  
Your cold corpse sprawled on the floor, a massive wound right through the heart, blood everywhere. This is wrong. This can’t be. This is not REAL! Stolas fell on his knees next to his daughter, screaming with all his power.  
He took Octavia into his arms, taking her out of the room.  
“I failed to kill the right target. It won’t happen again.” 
A pale imp reported to his employer without a care in the world.  
“It better not...” 
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
I Burn For You
***So THIS has been stuck in my head all day and I just- I love it. I love it so much. And it reminded me...So you guys all know how I hate/love Lucifer...it gave me those vibes. So........... Well I haven't written anything actually relevant to The Facade of the Suitor or anything else that I've been procrastinating, I have been able to push out this little short inspired by this beauty of a duet that is EVERYTHING to me. -B***
Summary: Since MC's arrival, Lucifer and them have never fully gotten along. There was always a large, unknown and undiscussed tension between them and they were fine to keep it that way. But when MC's security in the Devildom is threatened by both the angels and the nobility of the Devildom itself, everything changes. As a ruse to persuade the celestial realm, MC and Lucifer wed. After the ceremony, they finally talk about the unacknowledged feelings burning inside of both of them.
MC x Lucifer
The air hung heavy and thick like the gold bands that now decorated both of your fingers.
You and Lucifer stood on opposite sides of the room, your backs facing one another with nothing but silence between you.
You couldn't help but reminisce on how you got here, on your supposed 'honeymoon' married to none other but the prideful, arrogant, avatar of sin, Lucifer Morningstar himself.
Diavolo had burst into the House of Lamentation an entire month ago. He desperately explained how the angels had received word about you through the fond, innocent-intending, stories of Luke and we're demanding that you be 'released' from your 'imprisonment in the infernal Devildom and that they wished to cleanse you of the 'hellish corruption' the demons had 'forced upon you' through your pacts. Wanting to avoid yet another Celestial War, even on a small scale, the noble court had wanted to agree and simply hand you over to them, cut your pacts, and banish you from returning as an act of agreement and co-operation with the angels.
Obviously, this didn't sit well with you or any of the brothers.
You had all tried to come up with a number of plans, but they all promised retaliation from the angels.
Eventually, it was Lucifer himself who begrudgingly came up with the final plan. The angels wouldn't believe you if you simply told them that you liked it here and wanted to stay. They'd think you were charmed or manipulated. However, if the two of you worked together, and pretended to be in a relationship, convince the angels of your 'genuine' feelings and prove to them that you were in love, and finalize this by marrying Lucifer, it just might work.
First of all, love was something that had sparked war in the past, that both sides had learned from and had grown to deeply treasure and value. Secondly, Micheal, head Archangel of the Celestial Realm, trusted Lucifer the most of all the brothers. The two of you could take advantage of that use it to convince him that you were actually safer in the Devildom by Lucifer's side. And finally, if you were willingly bound by marriage, there was very little that the Celestial Realm could do to force you to leave.
The plan wasn't terrible, but there was one thing about it that caused you to clench your fists and grind your teeth: it was with Lucifer.
Lucifer who constantly teased you and pushed your buttons in a way that he knew would cause you to either give in to him or snap.
Lucifer who was cruel and sadistic and did nothing unless there was some personal gain or it was under the demand of his precious Diavolo.
Lucifer who never ever put anything before his own stupid pride.
Though you were normally a calm and positive person, there was just something about Lucifer that had always caused an inferno of anger and rebellion to burn within you. You felt this strong need to constantly prove him wrong and to defy him.
As a result, the two of you consistently butted heads, arguing about Lucifer's treatment of his brothers and your recklessness on an almost weekly basis.
The idea of being chained to this...this demon for the rest of your mortal life caused your stomach to twist tightly into knots. Though, if it ensured you'd be able to stay with the rest of your found family? You'd make the necessary sacrifice.
So the two of you did the whole show. You went on dates, smiled and laughed together as though you were the lead roles in a Hallmark Christmas movie, and played every card in the book to convince the angels that you were safe and happy under the kind watch of your lover.
Those weeks had started off painful, as you pushed back all feelings of disdain for the eldest brother to play the role of the perfect partner. But as time passed, you hadn't noticed that it had become easier and easier to stay by his side. The smiles you gave him were no longer forced, but sincere ones that brought joy. The lines between what was real and what was fake began to blur.
You sealed the deal with your wedding only a few hours ago.
The vows Lucifer had spoken...promising to watch and protect you even as your skin wrinkled and your hair grew grey. To hold your hand and aid you when you no longer had the strength. To shower you in love and devotion even in your final hours.
They had been spoken with such passion and raw emotion that you didn't dare think too deeply about. It had caused your breath to catch in your throat, and you had to remind yourself that this was all an act. Soon the curtain would close, and Lucifer would return to the cold-hearted monster that you knew.
Yet even now, hours after the ceremony had finished, you couldn't get that intense gaze, and the sparks that exploded under your fingertips as his hands gently squeezed yours, out of your head.
Lucifer sighed from the other side of the room and glanced over at you. "Are we just going to continue ignoring each other?"
You scoffed and turned your head further away; ignoring the loud pounding of your heart and instead focusing on the flickers of frustration licking up your gut. "What else are we supposed to do? There's no one else around. The act is over."
You whirled around at his sarcasm and could practically feel the wrath blazing behind your eyes. "Sorry, my Lord, if I'm not exactly giddy about the fact that I just signed myself to the likes of you just for the approval of some fluffy winged assholes!"
You could practically hear Lucifer roll his eyes as he walked over to the liquor cart and poured himself a drink. "Right. So you just plan to spend the entirety of the weekend that Micheal paid for us brooding in a corner? How mature of you."
Lucifer, the fucker, had the gull to act unphased and casually swirled his drink in his hand. "It could be much, much worse," he took a sip of the amber liquid before staring down in his glass. "It's not as though you didn't agree to this."
"Only because I didn't want to be kicked out of the Devildom and never allowed to see your brothers again!" You growled. Your anger only grew as you noticed him clench his fingers tighter around the glass. You groaned and ran a hand through your hair. "This was a stupid plan! You probably just invented this entire ruse as yet another way to get under my skin. Well congratulations, Lucifer. You win!"
You refused to look at him, as you turned your heated gaze out the window.
You didn't see the flash of hurt that washed over his expression, nor hear the way his breath caught in his throat. "Is being married to me truly that awful? Are you honestly telling me that you haven't enjoyed even a single second of this past month?"
You tensed and crossed your arms over your chest, as you continued to avoid looking at him. "What kind of question is that? You're a demon who cares about nothing but himself," you pursed your lips and mentally tried to deny just how wrong those words felt on your tongue.
"I wouldn't say that's true. Believe it or not, I do care for my brothers." There was a shaky breath, one so uncharacteristic for the confident Morningstar, before he continued. "And you. I did promise to love you until your final breath after all, and I do not break my promises."
There was silence once again. Though this quiet seemed to crackle with the anticipation for something, though neither of you quite knew what.
You closed your eyes, refusing to acknowledge the flutter in your heart at his words. "Those vows were only part of the act. They weren't real."
"Perhaps not for you," your eyes snapped open at the response. You looked back at the demon. Lucifer stood leaning against the wall, drink still in hand, as he stared intensely at the floor. "This may have all been an act for you, MC, but it stopped being a ruse for me mere hours after we began."
You felt yourself frown as you stared at him. Your traitor heart dared to grow warm with hope, only adding fuel to the growing frustration inside you. "You're lying. You're just trying to get me worked up again."
"Actually, I'm not," his eyes met yours and it felt as though time froze. His expression was so unguarded, so honest. For once, you looked into his eyes and you could see every emotion that he wore openly before you. You could see the hurt, the certainty, and most of all the same passionate love that shone so brightly in them throughout the ceremony. "From the moment I met you, you caused a fire to ignite in my heart. I was determined to control you and to make you be the human representative for Diavolo. But then, you acted against me, and that changed. I still wanted to make sure that you fulfilling your purpose in the exchange program, but I took on the challenge of finally having you respect and listen to me. You were stubborn and fierce, yet so beautifully driven and I admired that." your eyes widened at the admission. "It wasn't until I was forced to look at you in a romantic light for this scheme that I understood the true nature of these feelings. It wasn't that I wanted to control you, or break you, or shape you into what I needed. It was so much deeper, so much more dangerous than that. I wanted to have you fall in love for me, as I had fallen for you, and make you mine."
He sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. "I know you don't feel the same. I've accepted that. But I...I'm done with acting like this isn't real for me. I refuse to pretend that there's nothing there between us any longer."
He finally broke eye contact, looking back at his now empty glass as you practically gaped at him. Love. Lucifer...loved you? You gulped and took a step towards him, "Lucifer..."
The fire burning within you consumed you as your face heated up. "You...You love me? You actually love me?"
You flinched as he glared sharply at you. "Don't rub it in."
You didn't know what to make of that. You weren't sure what to make of any of this. Your feelings towards Lucifer had changed over the past month, but you had assumed that was simply part of the act. But if everything he had done and said as you two were pretending to be a couple was real, then what did that mean for you?
What did that mean for the way the sight of him caused your heart to skip? Or the way his rare smiles never failed to make you smile back? Or the unwavering sense of comfort and security that he provided?
What did that mean for the ruthless, scalding fire that he had always caused to rage inside you? You always assumed it was anger, but what if...
You gasped in realization. "I burn for you."
The demon tensed as he blinked in confusion. "You...I'm sorry, you what?"
You moved closer to him, each step more certain than the last, as you shakily spoke the words that rang through you. "I burn for you, Lucifer. I don't know entirely what it means myself, but ever since we met you've caused this irrational passion and drive to sear inside of me. I-I had always assumed it was hatred. You're so infuriating. Every word you speak does nothing but cause that fire to flare brighter within in. Every action leaves me filled with sparks of restless energy that won't be satiated until I combust at you," as you now stood nearly toe to toe with him, you grabbed his hand and placed it over your roaring heart. Hope flickered like a candle in the darkness of his black eyes. "I had thought that this couldn't be anything other than anger and hatred. I refused to believe even the possibility that it could be anything else. But this past month you...you were honest and almost kind and vulnerable. Your teasing didn't make me want to punch you, but rather made me laugh. You showed me a side of you that I didn't even know existed. I...I think-"
You were cut off by a finger on your lips. Lucifer looked down at you with a stern, cold expression. The action paired with that face would've caused you to become infuriated by his audacity and superiority complex in the past. But now you could see past it, and could see it for what it truly was: a carefully crafted barrier that hid his most vulnerable feelings and protected him. "If you do not mean the words you were about to say, if you are pitying me, I must demand that you stop here. Do not say those words unless you truly mean them," his deep voice was tinged with distrust and caution.
You held his gaze as you kissed the pad of the finger against your lips and whispered gently, "Lucifer, I think that I love you."
Suddenly your lips were captured in his as he pulled you close and ever so adoringly cupped your face. For the first time since meeting him, the flames inside you were extinguished by the cold touch of his hands on your face and the surprising gentleness of his affection.
His hand slid from your face and came to rest on your shoulder as his eyes widened. His gaze scanned your expression for any traces of falsehood or insincerity. You could hear the breath leave his lungs as he found none.
He softly kissed his temple, effectively hiding his face as it grew redder and whispered, "Of course, beloved."
Lucifer laughed as he pulled away, his thumb caressing your cheek, as he smiled. "To think it only took us getting married to realize it," you laughed as you felt happy tears prick the corners of your eyes. Lucifer sighed in content as rested his forehead against yours. "Remind me to send a thank you to, Micheal."
You hummed and nuzzled closer to him as you rested your head on his shoulder. "Forget Micheal. He's still an asshole as far as I'm concerned. Instead, focus on me. On us. I want to learn everything about you, about the real you," you smiled as he looked down at you with flushed cheeks. "My husband, Lucifer Morningstar."
You couldn't help but wonder how you had been so oblivious to your true feelings as a shiver ran down your spine and warmth spread throughout your chest simultaneously.
This honest and pure love between the two of you, was new, yet it felt so familiar, and it was abundantly clear to both of you that the depth of those feelings would only become clearer and clearer in time as the fires of your love only grew.
***Gasp. I actually finished something. Would you look at that. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this little fic! Thank you so much for your support during my hiatus and for being so understanding. I love you guys! Thanks again for reading!***
Taglist: @thegrimgrinningghost @henry-and-the-seven-lords @satans-beloved-riv @cosmixbun @sufzku @lovelymushi @victoireshaven @obey-mes-treasure @kissed-by-a-dementor @yukihaie @justtiarra @mammoneybb @obeys-world @poly-bi-mf @armycandy10 @burrixino
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rcksmith · 4 years
Heaven — Five Hargreeves
Request: “Can I get 53, 31, 48 from fluff and 28 and 29 and 68 with heavy smut? Where Five is an emotionless Assassin from the commission and does his job without remorse or mercy until he meets the reader and he will do anything to make her his? And will kill anyone who gets in his way between him and the reader? If your okay with this!”
Fluff prompts:
31. “I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you.”
48. “nothing else matters except for you.”
53. “There are no limits when it comes to you. I’ll do anything to keep you safe.”
Smut prompts:
28. “Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
29. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
68. “Say my name over and over again and, once you think you’ve said it loud enough, scream it. I want the whole neighborhood to know who’s making you feel good.“
A/N: We not tolerate any pedophilia here !!
I write about Five with their 20s. I write the same about the characters of Harry Potter.
My God, I loved it so much!! Thank you so much for request, I loved writing it!💖💖 I hope you like!
Guys, I really understand who doesn’t feel comfortable reading or writing Five’s smut. But I always say that I only write with him (any genre: romance, fluff or angst) with the notion that Five is 20 years old here. All of my fanfics mention swearing or sex, even if it is a memory or something shallow, but as I am writing with Five as an adult, it is consistent that the fic has aspects of an adult life.//
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
Couple: Five Hargreeves / Fem! Reader.
Warnings: SMUT, SMUT, bad words, blood, murder, mention of death (and sooo explicit heavy smut), fluff too.
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He was not a saint.
The trail of blood, bodies and the smell of death he had left behind could terrify even the strongest mind. He could get the devil to run.
He has already broken many bones, but none of them were his own. Once, there was an army, he was alone, and he broke many bones.
He was not a saint.
If there was a note for death and danger, it would be his symphony of life. Echoing and constant whenever the viscous and metallic liquid stained him white shirt.
Five Hargreeves did not consider himself a good person. But he didn't think he was bad too. He was just minding his own business. Even if it meant killing the innocent people that the Commission was ordering.
It was ironic. Five had been raised by Reginald to be a hero, to save people, and what he was doing was just the opposite. Was Needed cold blood, a focused mind, an objective.
Five had a closed and serious countenance. And in his case, the book could very well be judged by the cover, because Five it was also closed and serious inside. He It had the typical soul of a storm and a rough sea, where the wind blew with fury and the rain punished, while the sea was brutal and with aggressive waves capable of swallowing up a city in its entirety.
Anyone could see the warning sign hanging from his chest: "GIVE UP ALL THE HOPE IF YOU ENTER HERE." He was advancing with heavy artillery. Five was heavy artillery. The Commission considered he best of the best.
Five Hargreeves could get the devil to run. Nobody couldn't fool him, hook him, he wasn't a trout. He was a shark, dangerous and big. With a sharp and cruelly intelligent mind. Working in an equally sharp and cruelly intelligent environment.
But none of that bothered him. Five did not fear the fury of the Commission or its representatives. Machiavelli said that: you can only insult the other if you are not afraid of his retaliation. And Five feared no one. When angry, he had the same caustic look that Lucifer threw around shortly after The Fall. And it was a surprise that that look did not leave a trail of rubble wherever it passed.
Five did not liked what he job did, but it did not affect that he was very good at it. He had been anesthetized for years. Submerged in an inertia of emotions that not even the largest number of victims could tremble. He was already convinced that his furthermore emotions were buried as deep as possible in his soul of the troubled sea, lost. Such as Atlantida. Perhaps, like Atlandida, his emotions were a myth.
And Five had already accepted that. Even he sets eyes on you.
It was another routine day of that profane work: finding the target, shooting down, not leaving witnesses and leaving. And that was exactly what would be done. If it was not you.
Five was seated at one of the tables at a local Irish bar, the glass filled with cold beer set in front of him. The rays of the sun, from a year that he did not even care to know more about, were entering inside the large windows that overlooked the busy streets. People's humorous conversations filled that place with bright, welcoming walls, but Five felt none of it. Anesthetized.
But for some reason, when the door bell rang when someone came in, he raised his face towards the door and... his breath was gone.
The moment you walked through that door, Five knew it was hopeless for him. Your beauty was blinding. Sublime. Impressive. He felt as if his whole life had been wandering in the desert and finally found his oasis. Lepid, fierce heat swept Five's body from the top of his head with night-black hair to the tip of his feet.
You wandered your eyes around the place, and you seemed to find what you wanted because your eyes softened and you went towards your goal.
But just as Five was oblivious to the world because of you, so were you oblivious to the world, but for something else. And it was like this, oblivious, that you hit your waist on the front end of Five's table, causing his glass to swing and fall on the table, pouring all the beer on the floor. Five stood up quickly to keep from getting wet, but a few splashes of the cold drink had hit his suit.
“Oh my God, I'm so sorry!”
You said promptly, trembling hands quickly lifting the glass from the table, your voice nervous and embarrassed. You righted his table while the waitress came to clean up the spilled liquid.
“I wet your suit, god, I'm so sorry.” And when Five noticed,your hands were drying the beer droplets with a napkin.
That was when the two of you looked at each other for the first time. The heat immediately gave way to a cold sweat.
Something inside him stirred and woke up, something that had been dormant for years. Sensations that had never before appeared now snaked through his body, waiting for the best time to hang him. Even with a layer of clothing and a napkin, Five felt the warmth of you touch, and he wondered if you had been forged in the sun.
Dangerous. The sensations you aroused in him were dangerous. And therefore, you were dangerous.
“It's all right.”
If it had been anyone else, Five would have burst. His moods were not one of the best and he felt that anything could set him on fire.
But apparently, not for you.
That afternoon, Five convinced you to join him, saying, whit charming, he would forget about the incident if you sat with him.
He tried to convince himself not to do that, that he should just give a mocking smile and leave. He had done this millions of times, and he knew it was one of the best ways to avoid headaches. Even so, the smile didn't come and he couldn't turn his back on you.
The sensations you stirred up in him were addictive, and Five was lost in a hurricane, trying to understand what was happening to him. But he couldn't let you go. Not without knowing his name.
But it took on proportions that he never considered. You were funny, witty, with an intelligent, warm gleam in your eyes. At that moment, while Five found himself really enjoying someone's company instead of just tolerating it, he felt out of his own body.
God, he was losing track of reality.
He had a job to do, a person to finish. The list was full but... but his body didn't order any muscles to move. It was like... while you were talking to him, with an extraordinary friendliness and ease of making friends, he felt alive for the first time.
Five had been alive for 25 years. But only now did he feel his own heart beat.
But when your time inevitably came, and you said goodbye and thanked you for the lunch that Five and you had — he didn't even remember how the situation got there. Since when did he have lunch with someone? — As soon as you left for that door, it took with you all the new feelings that were aroused within him.
Executing the target that day was weird, going to Motel's room was weird, and cleaning the blood was weird. There was something different, a shortness of breath, an itch in the palm of his hand, his body desperate for something he didn't know what it was.
Five Hargreeves stayed in that martyrdom for days, weeks. He was trying to understand his own body, his own mind. He felt he was losing his sanity and that the body, now that he experienced what it was like to be alive, repudiated the feeling of feeling dead.
He was trapped in some damn spell that you had cast on him. If Five looked in the mirror at the place of the chest you touched over his shirt, he could feel his skin tingle.
Fuck, he was losing his sanity!
The situation was stupid, he didn't need anyone, he didn't depend on anyone. But after the second week Five found himself returning to that bar again, feeling completely stupid to be looking for someone he barely knew.
What a stupid thing. He said to himself as soon as entered that place.
But that's when he saw you. With the bar uniform on, you hair tied up in a ponytail with a few strands dangling from your face, your chest slightly heaving, a pad of paper with a pen in hands. His heart skipped a beat, as if he found something he didn't even know was lost.
Five felt lost amidst a jumble of thoughts and reactions. But as soon as you saw him, with a smile was purely sincere and happy appearing on you lips and went towards him, the answers to all the questions that plagued him for weeks flashed in his mind like neon lights:
I want her.
He wanted you since the day he saw you. You were beautiful, with a maddening body, a sublime smile and the heat of a thousand suns. Now Five realized that had never wanted anything so desperately in his life.
Five thought he understood the desire: an attraction, a magnetic current between two people. He thought he knew what lust was: an intense hunger, a strong yearning. And he found out that he didn't understand anything.
For when you embraced him and greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, the desire was a hot, black whirlwind that ripped you from end to end, with dizzying speed, and dragged you towards perdition, below any intellect. Five thought he was going crazy when he felt your heart beat next to his, in the same frantic rhythm. The same compass needed.
But Five was not going crazy. He wasn’t crazy when he saw your cheeks flush when he looked at you more carefully, he wasn’t crazy when he noticed your hands trembling slightly with his presence.
Were you feeling the same things?
Yes. And he found that out when first kissed you. It had been a few weeks since he had used, for himself, the excuse that he was going to that bar just to drink something and not to see you again.
But that was not how you two met that day
Five had just finished a job that did not end soo much great. A fight had taken place, and a bullet had grazed his left shoulder, tearing through the flesh. His clothes were flooded with red, thick, metallic liquid. His muscles ached and the wound stung like hell.
He was on his way back when the car popped loudly, the car stalled in place and smoke began to rise from the bikes.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me!” Five punched the steering wheel, cursed the Commission for making such a damn fuck thing available.
He had just gotten out of the car when a car passed by and stopped.
“Five?” This time, his body throbbed for something else instead of pain.
He saw you get out of the car, your eyes shocked, the livid concern on your face, your hands shaking.
“My god, are you okay?!”
Five hated to appear that he was not able to deal with anything, but there was no plausible and peaceful lie to what you were seeing. You didn't let him make any decisions at that moment, you just stuck him in you own car, and when the chance of taking Five to the hospital had been vehemently denied by him, you ran the car to you own apartment.
“Oh my god, oh my god.”
You whispered to yourself, now at in your bed, closing the cut on Five's shoulder after he took a shower.
“I can do this.” He repeated it for the ninth time, but you shook your head.
But, while for you the situation was only for first aid, for Five it was torture in a very different sense.
Your touch was addictive, hot and fiery. Five didn't want to want you, but he did. He wanted you to beg for it too, so that Five could pretend to be in control. He wanted you to burn for him, just as he always burned when he was near you.
Under a light gauze, you covered the bruise on his shoulder, letting out a loud sigh that went to another very specific spot on Five's body. You asked for an explanation and he said that he had been mugged and reacted, but that the bandits had received what they deserved. He had to lie. At least for now. At least while he wanted you so much to touch him.
Perhaps this madness would pass.
But it didn't pass, your hands were still on Five's warm skin and he felt his heart pounding in his chest.
He wanted you. Holy Mother of God, he wanted you so fuck much! The knuckles of his fingers were whitened, the strength with which he clenched his fists.
But you whispered his name under your breath, as if you too were trapped in that cloud of lust and passion. So it was the end. Five kissed you, hungry, desperate, as if he wasn't going to have a tomorrow. He pulled you around the waist so you could sit on his lap, his hands roaming your body, squeezing all the flesh he could touch.
“I was asking how much more time was take to you to kiss me.”
You whispered against his lips, with a mischievous smile on your face, your hands roaming through his hair as you held a sigh when he adjusted your hips under you. God only knows how long you've been dreaming about this guy.
“Such a needy little thing, aren't you?” Five barely recognized his own voice.
This time, you who kissed him, your body burning in suppressed passion and desire, burning under the intense touch of Five. You hardly saw it when your shirt left, nor when you skirt went up until it was exposed to him. You whimpered, your lips going down to his neck and hiding your face there, squirming when his hand went up from your thigh to its pulsating center.
“Your skin is so hot. You were wishing for that, weren't you?” Five whispered, his voice hoarse.
You heart was beating fast in chest, cheeks were flushed, and Five brought your face up to look at him, lust bubbling in her eyes. You frantically agreed, rummaging you hips in him when you gasped. He curled his mouth over your left breast, groaning against your skin as you tightened your fingers on the back of his neck.
“F-five!” The liquid dripped from inside you to your thighs, and Five let out a loud moan of satisfaction when he saw it.
He raised his mouth to you, and, without kissing you, he sighed maliciously on yours lips: “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
After that point, everything became more crude. Five's touch on your waist gained pressure, marking your skin with purple marks on his fingers, his mouth bit and sucked on your breast, like a hungry man, and you were being driven crazy.
That's when two of his fingers entered you, deep, strong, opening your walls.
"Five!" You moaned loudly, your body hot under his lap, at the mercy of lustful desires.
“Shit! You are so tight!” His moan transcended between painful and angry, as if you were pushing him to the limit. “How are you going to put up with my dick, doll? You almost can't take my fingers!”
Five jerked his fingers inside you and hit rock bottom. You screamed, tears welling up in your eyes, the walls throbbing on his dick.
“Answer me!” His free hand came down on your thigh, and you bit your lip to keep from moaning loudly again.
“II am going to put up with you-everything.” You whined.
“How much?!” Five pulled your chin up to look at him, the hunger overwhelming his eyes, he's holding on as much as possible so he doesn't deal too badly with you.
Not yet.
“An-Anything as you give it to me.” You purred like a kitten "Fuck me hard, Five."
Oh you didn't say that.
His hand came down on your left cheek, letting out a soft slap and pulled your chin back at him, he jaw clenched by the effort he made to keep from fucking and hitting you so hard.
“Do you want it hard?! I will leave you without walking for days!” Five got up with you on his lap, threw you on the bed and slapped your thigh.
“Turn around!” He ordered in a snarl, removing his own pants, and as soon as you positioned yourself with your hips up and your face on the mattress, a hard, brutal slap made you moan loudly, squeezing your hands on the pillow.
The right hand wrapped around your hair, pulling your face off the pillow as Five positioned itself behind you.
“What you want?” He growled.
“I whant You fuck me hard!” God, you were begging, you needed him so much, you wanted him so much.
“How much hard?”
“Much! I want you to fuck me until I can't stay…”
Five came inside you brutally, pushing your body onto the mattress, making you moan loudly. He didn't let you finish, it barely gave you time to moan. As soon as he started to move, his rhythm became relentless, coarse, rude, forcing himself deeper inside you with each thrust.
Tears stung your face, you pussy throbbed in excitement, so fucking good that you felt like you were in heaven.
“What is it, lillet slut?” He pushed deeper, his voice arrogant and condescending, “Am I too big for you? For that tight pussy?” A slap went down your ass again, the other hand never coming out of your hair.
“F-fi-five! Please, I need this so much!”
The desperation in your voice did things to him, further igniting Five's desire to fuck you until he broke you.
“You were so tight! So. fucking. tight!” And you moaned and pushed him hips at him like you couldn't live without what he gave you. “Fuck, this is what you wanted, isn't it? You wanted me to broke you!”
“Yes!” You screamed as he keeping fuck you deeper and deeper “Pl-please!”
Your voice was too much for him! Five's hunger snarled and roared like a beast, increasing the desire to get you so badly. He hit your ass hard, letting go of your hair and sticking both hands on your waist, pulling you violently to his dick.
“Say my name over and over again! And, once you think you’ve said it loud enough, scream it. I want the whole neighborhood to know who’s making you feel good! ” Five combined a deep thrust with the tug on his waist, making his dick reach your unimaginable corners.
“Higher!” A slap.
“Five!” One more slap.
“Higher!” Another slap.
His mouth went to your shoulder, his lips tightening there as he pushed himself deep inside you. You were very close, super stimulated, your legs were shaking, your heart was pounding.
Five was fucking you so hard that you could barely groan, giving you sensations that you never felt before. You came with a loud groan, trembling on his dick, losing your breath when Five sank to the bottom of the well and came there, filling you with his hot cum.
Five Hargreeves thought that after that he would be free of your effects, freed from that desperation that was always wanting to be with you.
But then again, he was deeply mistaken.
Everything only increased in unimaginable proportions. Jealousy came, the overwhelming sense of protection, the need to be with you. Now he not only fucked you hard, but he made a point of leaving you at work and picking you up at night.
And that's when you said you loved him. And his world has turned inside out once again. Five didn't respond right away, he was dumbfounded and bewildered, and you said he only had to speak when he was ready.
He love you? That question hung around his mind for days.
Five felt at peace with you company, relaxed with your touch, happy whenever he heard your voice. You were the only place he thought about going back after a hard job, after the day had gotten the best of him.
He love you?
That was when The Handler told him, in one day, that it was good that his new “pet” did not make him deviate from the Commission's objectives.
Five has never felt so furious in his life. He came as close to her as possible, making her look death in the eye, and said that if any hair disappeared from your pretty head, he would stop everything and kill everyone on that commission. And The Handler knew that Five was not bluffing.
That's when he found out that he loved you. That the idea of ​​seeing you hurt, even if it was a scratch, was unacceptable. And that's when Five realized that his world only revolved when you were with him.
“I love you.” He released that night, you were lying on his chest, watching some series on TV when Five cut off the characters' lines.
You looked at him in bewilderment, propping yourself up on your elbow to see him better.
Five looked him in the eye, and in the most sincere and truthful way, he said: "nothing else matters except for you."
Your eyes filled with tears, and you kissed him as if Five were your whole world. In fact, he certainly were your world. But it was at that moment that he said he had to talk to you, and that's when he told you the whole truth.
Shocked would be an understatement to say what you felt at that moment.
It took a few days for you to digest the whole truth and several conversations with Five to understand what was really going on. You saw his powers, his briefcase, his life story. And Five knew, when the dust settled and you said that none of that mattered, that you really loved him.
“I just can't have anything with someone who hides things from me.” You said “ I understand the reasons why you didn't tell me before, but now I don't want any more lies between us.”
“None.” He smiled, and looked at you as if he finally understood that you loved him.
And it is logical that you noticed.
“ I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you." You laughed.
And in that moment, in that fraction of a second, Five realized that he would never be able to live without you.
“I'm just afraid of your job. Whether you get hurt or they want to hurt you coming after me and…”
Five didn't let you finish. He held you in his hands, your cheeks in his palms, and whispered, “There are no limits when it comes to you. I'll do anything to keep you safe. ”
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The Dangers of Hope Ch. 2
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Series Summary: When Y/N shows up at Camp Chitaqua with her little girl in tow, her bloodshot eyes leave no doubt that she's infected. Or is she? Everything Dean has come to know for certain over the last five hellish years, is about to be challenged.
Pairings/Characters in the series: Endverse!Dean x Reader, Emma (OFC), Castiel, Sam Winchester, Lucifer, Michael, Zachariah, Risa, Johnston (OMC), Patrick (OMC), Theresa (OFC),other survivors and soldiers.
Series Explicit 18 +/Warnings: Show level violence, some gore, angst, smut, fluff all the usual for a series of mine. ❤️ Endverse!Dean (that's a warning for his anger and callousness as well as his extreme hotness. 😁) Each chapter will have their own specific warnings.
Chapter Warnings: Not too much. A mention of recurring nightmares, some talk of fears.
Word Count: 4,240
A/N: So, I've had this idea for quite a while. Basically since I watched The Last of Us. I loved Pedro in the role of Joel, but I kept thinking how incredible Jensen would have been. Which then made me think of how amazing he was as Endverse!Dean which then led me to this idea. Lol! I've stolen the premise of Ellie's storyline from TLOU, but made her a grown up, a reader insert, and a love interest for Dean.
If you've never seen TLOU, don't worry - you don't need to have seen it to understand this story. 😊
I've taken some liberties with the Endverse in my story, changed a few things from canon, but kept lots of things too.
I sincerely hope you enjoy the story. It will be ten chapters and I will do my very best to post one chapter every weekend. ❤️
A/N 2: Thank you SO much to everyone who was so kind and gave such a lovely reception to the first chapter of the series. I hope you enjoy this new chapter too! ❤️
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The dividers used here were created by @saradika .
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The big, wide log cabin seemed so completely empty after Dean Winchester left, as though his presence alone was what had filled it.
The blue-eyed man - Castiel - ran after him quickly, shouting an order to a guard outside to let no one go in. 
So Y/N sat completely still, listening to the muffled sounds of camp life happening on the other side of the pine walls. Her exhausted brain was trying to comprehend what had happened, trying to piece it all together.
The first person she'd encountered had been the woman, Risa. She and another soldier had been guarding the border of the camp when Y/N and Emma finally stumbled out of the forest.
Y/N was fairly certain she would have been shot on site if Emma hadn't been there. Instead, their hesitation gave her the chance to swear up and down that, despite appearances, she wasn't a Croat.
The two soldiers had eye-balled each other and Risa had finally told the other guard to stay at the outpost. 
“The Boss is still out on the raid. I'm taking them to Castiel.”
She'd pulled the heavy chains and manacles out of the guard post shack, and brought Y/N, cuffed and bound, to see Castiel. She’d met with him in the big cabin, tying Y/N to the table and then explaining things to him. He'd seemed a bit out of it at first, but then seemed to sober up quickly when Risa explained the situation to him a second time. Then he examined Y/N and made her tell him the story again. His face got progressively more dumbstruck as she spoke.
When he was informed that the Boss was back, he'd told Risa to take Emma away somewhere safe while they all talked.
Now, in the big, lonely cabin Y/N had to shake her head. She’d been so certain, in the end, that she was going to die. But Dean had walked away and left her breathing.
Just another miracle that somehow kept her alive for one more day.
The evening wore on and the light began to disappear, leaving only a dusky blue twilight inside the cabin. She didn't like the night time and the dark. It was a fear that had started with the poltergeist when she was sixteen - when every time she turned off the light and closed her eyes, something evil emerged to cause her pain and terrorize her in the dark.
Before long, the very last of the twilight left the room, and unknown, unkind darkness loomed all around her, and she began to feel the panic rising. But suddenly, just before it could take hold completely, Dean strode through the door, carrying a bright lantern that banished the dark. She breathed a sigh of relief, thankful to see him in spite of everything.
He moved to stand directly in front of her, almost exactly where he stood when he’d elected not to shoot her. She looked up at him and gave a slight smile, not knowing what else she could do. Then she thought to ask the question foremost on her mind.
“Can I see Emma? I'd like her to know I'm safe.”
“No.” He said, shooting down the request without hesitation. He moved over to a metal folding chair that sat at the end of one of the tables and pointed at it.
“I'm gonna sit right here, all night, not sleeping. And if you so much as twitch? I promise I'll put you down.”
Y/N still couldn't help but appreciate the light he'd brought in for her, and the fact that she was still breathing, so she gave another half smile. “Okey dokey.”
He looked briefly taken aback by her response before his scowl returned. He plunked himself down on the chair and folded his arms across his chest, sitting up ramrod straight. It didn't look very comfortable.
But then, her spot on the hard floor, chained to the table, wasn't all that comfy either. But she decided she was grateful that the length of the chain allowed her to comfortably move her arms around. That was something.
She leaned back against the wide metal leg of the table and tried to relax. But soon her active mind was wandering and she stole a glance at Dean, wondering about how very different he was now. Of course twelve years was a long time in the best of circumstances. Twelve years spent fighting monsters and battling through an apocalypse was bound to change a person. 
As she stared at him he turned his head and caught her at it outright. She blushed slightly and decided to cover with a question. “Can I see Emma tomorrow?”
“No.” Dean said before going back to staring at the far wall.
His outright refusal was frustrating. But she worried that arguing with him might be considered “twitching”, so she kept her mouth closed.
The silence stretched out again and made Y/N antsy. She was used to Emma’s little-girl-babbling, her singing, and just her general five-year-old noisiness. The camp was mostly silent on the other side of the wall as well, only the crickets could be heard, playing their creaky songs.
Her eyes once again settled on the only interesting thing in the room, Dean. She tried to be less obvious about staring this time, but realized she’d failed when he spoke harshly without looking in her direction.
“Why are you staring at me?” His voice was full of annoyance.
“I’m not.” She said quickly and unconvincingly.
He finally looked at her and his face was cold and angry. She remembered that he used to have a really bright, beautiful smile. 
“Why can’t I see Emma?” She asked, aware she was probably pushing buttons she shouldn't.
Dean ignored her and slowly looked away again. Y/N huffed out an angry puff of air and despite her worries about riling him, decided to argue. “She’s my daughter. I just want to make sure she’s okay, and let her know that I’m okay too.”
He remained silent and Y/N’s voice became desperate. “Please!”
Dean swung his head back to look at her angrily. “Look, I’m probably going to end up shooting you. When that happens, do you want her to have to go through all of it again? Or worse, have her sitting in the room when you turn and I have to take you out?”
Y/N felt a lump form in her throat, but she shook her head. “No.” She said softly.
Dean lifted his hand and then dropped it, looking away again. “So okay. Then shut up about it.”
Y/N was only a little offended and sighed slowly. After being quiet for a minute she spoke with another frustrated sigh. 
“Okay, but do we just have to sit here? This is boring.” Her eyes lit up slightly. “We could play twenty questions.”
Dean looked back at her and his expression was finally registering as something other than angry or blank. He obviously thought she was nuts. 
She shrugged. “Just to pass the time.” When he just continued to stare, she shook her head. “No? How ‘bout the alphabet game?”
Dean’s perplexed expression fell back into his usual scowl but Y/N trudged on anyway. “The alphabet game is where you pick a subject, like countries of the world, or 80s action movies or something, and then go back and forth, each having to come up with something that matches the next letter. Like if I said ‘Action Jackson’, you’d say…’Beverly Hills Cop’, then I’d say-”
“Shut. Up.” Dean said succinctly. His mossy green eyes were dark, and quiet frustration oozed out of him.
Y/N slumped back against the table leg. “Sorry. I talk when I'm nervous, and when I’m bored. So, it’s a double whammy here. Hence the motor mouth.”
“Go to sleep.” Dean said in a clipped tone.
“I have too much adrenaline for sleep. I WAS almost shot today, after all.”
Dean’s jaw clenched before he looked away from her again and leaned back slightly in the chair. “If you don’t shut up and go to sleep I may change my mind about the ‘almost’ part.” 
Y/N bit her lip trying to suppress a giggle as exhaustion and adrenaline combined with her twisted sense of humor. The result was a loud snort that had Dean once again looking at her like she was nuts.
She smiled at him, wishing he’d smile back, and shared the movie quote that was tickling her funny bone. 
“Good night, Westley. Good work, sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.”
When Dean just stared at her silently, she shook her head. “Princess Bride? No? It’s a classic.” 
She swore she saw his hand move towards the holster on his thigh and she raised her hands in surrender. “Okay. Sorry. I’ll be quiet now.”
Dean stared a while longer at her and she wondered if he really was contemplating shooting her, until he finally looked away and settled himself more comfortably in the chair.
She sighed. It was gonna be a long night.
Y/N was floating down a river in a little canoe. Emma was sitting across from her and talking to her, though she was still a baby. 
“We’re lost, Mommy.” She said and Y/N shook her head. She had to keep her baby safe and that included keeping her safe from the truth.
“No we’re okay, baby.” Y/N said as the river got choppy and sharp rocks jutted out, waiting for them around every bend. They careened straight towards one, and Y/N could do nothing to steer the canoe around it; the one oar she had was mostly turning her in circles. They smashed into the rocks and the boat began filling with water.
“Mommy, the water is coming up.” Said Baby Emma. “We’re gonna drown.”
“No, we won’t baby. I won’t let us.”
Y/N tried to scoop the water out with her hands, but it was just too fast. They were sinking. Y/N grabbed for Emma but the baby began to float away. 
“Emma!” Y/N called out to her daughter as she floated farther and farther away. But even though she was almost a mile away, Y/N could still hear her little voice right in her ear.
“You lost me, mommy. I can’t come back, I’m lost.”
“No! I didn’t!” Y/N cried out, jerking awake.
The cabin had sunshine pouring in through the east-facing windows. It was morning, she was alive, and so was Emma, she reassured herself, she was just out somewhere in the camp. Her recurring nightmare could be left in the shadows. She took a deep breath and looked over at Dean. He was staring intensely at her. She raised her hands.
“Sorry, not ‘twitching’, just a bad dream.”
Dean still didn’t blink. It was unnerving. “Did you really not sleep at all?” Y/N asked.
“Said I wouldn’t.”
Y/N took in his posture in the chair, straight and alert; he’d barely moved an inch all night. It made her smile and shake her head.
Dean’s scowl was firmly in place. “What?” He questioned.
Y/N shrugged. “No, nothing. It’s just good to see that things haven’t changed much, after all.”
Dean scoffed. “Woman, everything in the world has changed.” He looked away from her. “And it just keeps changing every day.”
“Maybe,” Y/N conceded. “But yet here you are, all these years later, and you’re still protecting people.” 
His head swung back towards her and he seemed offended. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Y/N lifted a manacled wrist and gestured beyond the cabin. “You sat up all night, in what I can only assume to be the world’s most uncomfortable chair, to make sure that everyone in the camp was safe from a potential monster.” She shrugged again. “Because you’re still protecting people.”
“That is not what this is.” Dean said angrily, and Y/N raised an eyebrow.
“No.” Dean reiterated. “I am the leader of this camp, and leaders do their own dirty work. If you turn, I’m gonna be the one to shoot you.”
“To save your soldiers having to do it.” Y/N said with a nod. 
“No!” Dean barked. It surprised her that he was so angry about what she was saying. It was obvious to her. The hunter she’d known may have turned into a soldier, may have gotten a little harder, but from everything she’d seen, he was still Dean Winchester underneath.
His face was a snarl now, though. “Look, I don’t want you thinking I’m some kind of benevolent nursemaid here.” Dean tried to explain. “Everyone in camp has jobs, has their roles. It’s how we’ve all survived so far. My role is to keep the camp guarded. And I do that so everyone else can perform their roles. It’s simply a matter of survival. If you turn into a Croat and start killing folks, that lowers our numbers, makes us all more vulnerable. That’s all this is. So don’t go thinking I’m some kind of bleeding heart. When the time comes, I will take you down.”
Y/N nodded slowly. “Okay.” She said calmly. She didn’t really believe a word of it. But she wouldn’t argue with his need to make her see him as deadly. 
“I mean it. I won’t hesitate.” Dean said coldly.
“But,” Y/N looked at him and gave a small smile, “you already did. Hesitate, I mean.”
Dean’s jaw ticked. “Are you taunting me?” His voice was low and very menacing. 
Y/N raised her hands, making the chains rattle. “No!” She denied vehemently. “I’m not taunting you, I’m thanking you. That hesitation saved my life.”
Dean’s glare was hot and angry. “Well, like I told you, things change real quick these days, so don’t tempt me.”
He turned away from her again and Y/N lowered her hands. His attitude was not what she’d expected. He honestly seemed insulted that she’d implied that he was a good man who made it his mission to keep people safe.
Silence descended again, until Y/N began shifting around, noisily rattling her chains. 
“Stay still.” Dean barked without looking at her.
“I can’t.” Y/N said, slightly embarrassed. “I…I have to…pee.”
Dean turned to look at her for a moment and then shrugged. “Go ahead.” 
Y/N’s face scrunched up in disgust. “Ew.” When Dean made no move to rectify the situation, she let out an annoyed huff. “Do you at least have a bucket?”
Dean continued to stare at her for a long time, before calling out. “Johnston!”
A thin man holding a rifle stepped in the door. He’d clearly been standing just outside. “Yes sir?”
“I need your help with the latrine.”
“Sir?” The young man’s face was confused and Y/N snorted out a laugh. 
Dean shot her a dirty look. “Shut up.” He ordered. She bit her lip to stifle her smile. 
He turned back to the soldier. “With her, Johnston.” He said, pointing at Y/N. “I need help taking her to the latrines. I’m gonna hold her chains, so I need you to keep a gun on her.”
“Oh!” The man was clearly very relieved. “Yes sir.”
Dean stood up and took a key from the inside pocket of his green canvas jacket, bending to unlock the padlock that kept Y/N attached to the table. He pulled her to her feet and she stumbled into him, her legs being slightly wobbly and asleep from her uncomfortable position.
“Sorry.” She said, suddenly shy as she stood so near him. She looked up into his face and was slightly mesmerized by his shining emerald eyes and the dusting of freckles on his cheeks. He really was remarkably beautiful, moreso today than when he’d come to save her all those years ago.
Dean just grunted and stepped back, holding her thick chains in his big hand easily. He took the lead, his long strides forcing her to jog along behind him or risk being dragged all the way.
The camp was still just waking up and she could smell coffee brewing around the campfires where people sat sleepily rubbing their eyes and then popping them wide open as the strange procession passed by them. She tried to smile at them, but the fear on their faces made her remember her bloodshot eyes, and she lowered her head. They probably thought their leader had gone crazy, dragging a Croat around on a leash.
After a few minutes of walking they reached a row of outhouses, plain but well built. Dean pointed to the one on the end of the row and Y/N went in. She stopped just inside the door, looking back at Dean.
“Are you going to let go of the chain?”
She frowned and waved her hand at the wooden door. “I can’t close the door if the chain is in the way.”
Dean just shrugged in answer.
Y/N’s face was imploring. “Come on.”
Dean said nothing.
Y/N gritted her teeth. “Well could you at least look the other way?”
Y/N rolled her eyes and let out a little growl of frustration. “For pete’s sake, I am in chains, and you’re holding on to them! Where the hell am I gonna go if you look away for a minute?”
Dean stared at her a moment longer before finally, begrudgingly, turning his head. 
“Thanks.” Y/N mumbled, trying to pull the door over as far as it would go with the chain stopping it. 
When she was finished, she came out with pink cheeks. There was no way both men hadn’t heard her peeing. There were definitely some real indignities involved in people thinking you were a monster.
When they got back to the cabin, Dean was locking Y/N back up to the table, crouched down beside her, when her stomach rumbled from hunger. He ignored it, double checking her manacles before walking out and leaving Johnston watching over her with his rifle.
A few minutes later though, a young girl, probably no more than thirteen, came in with a bowl of oatmeal and some canned oranges. She also had a cold glass of water on the tray and Y/N groaned out loud. She hadn’t realized how thirsty she was until she saw it there. Her groan seemed to startle the girl who was approaching Y/N with considerable trepidation.
Y/N tried smiling again, knowing there was nothing she could do to change her bloodshot eyes, but hoping she could still show kindness in them. 
“Hi.” She said softly. “My name is Y/N, what’s yours?”
“Theresa.” The girl said, as she came a little closer. “Boss told mom to make you some breakfast and she sent me to bring it.”
Y/N nodded. “Thank you so much. It smells delicious. Tell your mother I said thank you as well.”
Theresa nodded back and finally came up beside her to set the tray within reach on the floor. Then she scuttled away quickly and Y/N tucked into the food. The oatmeal was slightly stale and plain with nothing to go in it, but it was warm and filling and the oranges were sweet and juicy despite their slightly tinny taste. It was the best meal she’d had in well over a week and she was grateful to Dean, the man who didn’t care about anyone, for providing it for her.
She hoped Emma was eating well this morning too, and that she was somehow coping with everything. She closed her eyes and tried to send her daughter strength.
The next few days passed much in the same way. Dean would watch her every night, assuring her that he was watching for any signs she was turning. But a couple days in, she woke up in the night to see his head slumped onto his chest, exhaustion finally winning out over any remaining fears he had of her changing.
On her fifth morning, Dean was locking her back up to the table after a visit to the latrines (during which he now allowed her to take the chain in with her and shut the door), when he swore and grabbed onto her right hand. He pushed the manacle up further on her arm and examined her wrist where it had been rubbed raw on the underside.
“What the fuck? Why didn’t you tell me you were hurt?”
Y/N shrugged. “Didn’t hurt that much, and I figured you wouldn’t care, you know, if you were still figuring on shooting me.” She said with a teasing smile.
Dean gave her his usual dirty look. “Yeah well, I wouldn’t want you to die of sepsis before I get the chance.”
He called to Patrick whose turn it was to guard the cabin for that morning. When the red-headed man stepped inside, Dean told him to bring a first aid kit from the medical tent. When Patrick left, Dean pulled another key from inside his jacket and unlocked the manacle on Y/N’s right hand.
Her arm felt strange without the extra weight of the manacle and chain. Dean checked her other wrist, satisfied that she only had the one wound. When Patrick returned with the first aid kit, Dean began cleaning the raw spot on Y/N’s grubby skin. 
As he worked, Theresa came in with Y/N’s breakfast. She pulled up short when she saw Dean there, since he was usually gone by the time she came in. Y/N tried to encourage her forward. 
“Thank you, Theresa. Don’t worry, your boss is just fixing up a scratch on my wrist. You can still bring breakfast over.”
The girl hesitated before moving over to Y/N and setting the tray on the floor. “Have you seen Emma today?” Y/N asked. 
Most of the time, she tried desperately not to think about what her daughter was going through. If she were to dwell on it too long it would drive her mad. As it was, the nightmare of watching Emma float away from her, was coming two or three times a night now.
The girl looked afraid to answer with Dean there and kept glancing over at him, clearly nervous. “It’s okay.” Y/N reassured her again. “Please, how is she?” Y/N asked, aware that desperation laced her voice.
Theresa looked up at Y/N, her big brown eyes far too wise for a thirteen year old girl.
“Sad.” She said simply before standing and scurrying out of the room.
Y/N felt like a knife was twisting in her gut. She closed her eyes and tried to stop her tears from falling, but simply couldn’t. Two fat tears fell down her cheeks as she stared into her lap. Without saying anything, Dean tied a bandage around her injured wrist before tying more gauze around her uninjured left wrist, protecting it from the rough metal.
He cleaned up the first aid kit and left without a word. It was a few minutes before Y/N realized he hadn’t re-manacled her right wrist.
All that day it felt as though a heavy stone sat in her stomach. She barely touched her breakfast (an egg and some sliced fried potatoes) and didn’t have a bite of lunch. She felt terrible wasting the food and insisted Patrick eat it. It tasted like ash to her and she simply couldn’t swallow. All she could think about was Emma and how she was hurting.
Her ability to compartmentalize her pain and fear was breaking down as worry and heartbreak took over everything. 
That evening, Dean showed up earlier than usual. He walked right up to her and, kneeling beside her, unlocked her other manacle so that she was free of the chains at last. She gave him a quizzical look.
“What are you doing?”
Dean shrugged. “It’s been nearly a week that you’ve been here and almost two weeks since you got bit.” His usual scowl was highlighted by confusion in his green gaze. “I don’t know what the hell is going on here, but it seems increasingly unlikely that you’re gonna start foaming at the mouth any time soon, so…”
He stood up and moved away, nodding to someone outside. Risa stepped through the door and behind her, holding her hand, was Emma.
Y/N gave out a loud cry of surprise, too many emotions flooding her at once to articulate any actual words. She tried to leap to her feet, but ended up stumbling back to her knees as Emma launched herself at her.
“Mommy!” Emma’s tears and sobs soon choked anymore words out of her as well. 
Y/N wrapped her daughter up tightly in her arms. “Oh, baby, baby!” She buried her face in her daughter's long hair, squeezing her too hard, she knew, but she couldn’t help it. She’d been so terrified she’d never get a chance to hold her again, so she savored the moment briefly before turning her head to where Dean was standing by the door.
Her throat was choked, but she pushed the words out. “Thank you. Thank you.” It was all she could say.
Dean didn’t respond and just walked out the door.
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @akshi8278 @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma
Dean Fics Only: @roonthelittlespoon920 @slamminmine @zepskies @deangirl96
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Hello, I have a request. How would the brothers react to an Mc that has feelings for them but doesn't want them to notice, yet she is so painfully obvious with her feeling that they already now about it.
THE BROTHERS reacting to MC trying to have a secret crush on them but being painfully obvious. 
It’s so painfully obvious that he can’t help but play along and make it even worse. You’re already a blushing and stuttering mess when you stand in front of him for any reason, imagine the sight he gets to see when he invites you to his room to ‘discuss important matters’. Homie doesn’t hold back at all. He’s actively flirting, soft touches that could be written off as accidents by you but he knows they’re not. He’ll be close, closer than any normal person should be in your opinion, making you even more nervous. Will he make you confess? Hint at the fact that he may return those feelings? Tune in for next week’s episode to find out more. 
Okay so here’s the issue: even if you’re painfully obvious, it can and will (at least for a while) blow over his head. He just thinks that it’s natural for you to want to hang out with him because why wouldn’t you? He IS the Great Mammon after all. You might as well wear a t-shirt with ‘I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU’ on it and he’d be like “What’s that supposed to mean MC?” But after a serious talk (more like slap upside the head) from Satan, he’s going to be so smug about it. Wraps his arm around you, probably starts hugging you (although he is blushing too while doing that), and overall just a massive tease.
PFFFTT He doesn’t care how obvious it is, he will be in DENIAL. Years of body insecurity and mental negativity tell him that you’re just messing around, playing a stupid game. How would he know that you’re actually sincere about this? He can’t! At some point his brothers probably played a prank on him where they paid someone to pretend that they like him and it’s been ruined for him ever since. He needs time with this one… although he does think it’s so adorable how obvious you are… He’d probably be the same way.
Hahahahaharunhahahaplzrunhahaha.  Oh he’s almost as bad as Lucifer, but he’s also soooo painfully obvious himself. He’s blushing, too, best believe it, but none of that keeps him from scooting a bit closer, or inviting you on outings that are just you and him for some ~privacy~. Nothing is keeping him from citing his favorite poems or lines to you because they remind him of you… nothing is keeping him from planning a romantic dinner, either. Honestly he’s going to take action if he returns those feelings because he knows you won’t lol
Of course he knows! Although for the longest time he just categorizes you with the rest aka ‘everyone has a crush on me!’ group, until he realizes how serious it is with you. I mean, you’re absolutely smitten with the guy! And seriously, how could you not be? He’s super understanding and fun to be around. Honestly, he won’t change much, except that more of his attention will now be on you and he’ll definitely spend more time with you in hopes that something happens, although he won’t necessarily push it. 
He’s kind of there with Mammon in the sense that it takes him a while to notice. He probably thinks you’re just like the ~bestest~ of friends for the longest time until he realizes that most best friends don’t hold hands… or kiss each other’s cheeks all the time… or chase each other, literally, while laughing… or blush/get nervous when they’re around each other…. Aaaannddd there it is! The realization that you have feelings for him and he… actually returns them. Honestly now that he had that emotional light bulb go off, he’ll probably want you to be his sooner than later, no matter how much you try to deny it. 
Although not as mean as some of his brothers, he’s also aware of this. But honestly? He loves watching you suffer and try to hide your feelings more than actually showing he feels the same lol. Will not change much at all, except all of a sudden you find him in your bed a lot more often, or he may even kidnap you to the attic to ‘watch the stars’ but it’s really just an excuse to lay his head on your shoulder. He shows he returns it by being around you, all while getting a kick out of your thumb twiddling, stuttering, tense-body having mess lol  
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 4 years
And here's a thought! Lucifer and Belphegor pining after the same F!reader. A fic or headcanons, whichever is easier for you. How would they go about wooing her? What are their flirting techniques? Who's more touchy feely and who drowns her in words? I want that good, kind of filthy because we know they dont play fair, brotherly competition
Your favorite aka the Queen of Smut @diavolosthots
Lucifer and Belphegor Pining Over The Same F!MC Headcanons
did I get carried away with this? Yes. Did it go from Headcanons to like ... headcanony fic? Yes. Do I Hope it’s still good? Also yes.
This isn’t friendly competition, not at all. As soon as they realized that they liked the same girl, it was like a race to see who could get to her first, who could win her over first. They are out to spoil each other's plans, no matter what it takes.
Lucifer would take you out on little lunch dates or grand dinner dates, it just depends on how busy he is, but he does enjoy smaller lunch dates since the restaurants aren’t packed during the day, but the dates were always under the guise of a friendly lunch or a generous dinner for helping around the house. His pride made it hard for him to handle any type of rejection, so he never told you that it was a date, just in case you didn’t like it.
Belphie, if he found out about the reservation that Lucifer had made, would always attempt to hold everything up. The dishwasher just so happened to start leaking bubbles from the bottom as soon as you and Lucifer were about to leave, or all the lights in the house somehow went out while you were getting ready. Strange things, but they were also normal things that could happen in a normal household. You were none the wiser to what was going on, but Lucifer knew, and he could play just as hard at that game.
Belphie wasn’t one to take you out of the house, he didn’t see the point in doing it. He could have a normal date with you up in the attic, and that’s exactly what he does. Snacks lined up next to the beanbags that he has placed in front of the television. Just a simple movie night, and the best part is that, this was one of the things that he and you did before he even realized that he had feelings for you, so you wouldn’t think any different of it, but this was his way of getting closer to you.
Lucifer hated it, he hated how simple it seemed to be for Belphie. He was lazy, so he didn’t have to try as hard to impress you. Him just getting out of bed was a means for a round of applause from you. He wasn’t one to spoil things the way Belphie did, but he would text you occasionally during your movie, just to make sure that you were still capable of texting back. Sometimes, if you didn’t text him back within ten minutes, he’d go up to the attic himself and inform you that it was time for dinner, or that he needed your help with something.
It started out as somewhat normal brotherly competition, but once one of them started getting handsy, that’s when the other ramped it up. Lucifer was definitely more handsy, although he’d play it off quite well. Pulling you into his lap in his office while he worked, and when you’d question it, his excuse was that you kept him from getting up and getting distracted. Now, he and you both knew that he wasn’t the kind of person to get distracted, but he also did seem to work much faster with you on his lap. That, and the fact that his arms were on either side of you so you couldn’t really move, and his chin was resting on your shoulder. What better way to get closer to someone than to actually have them close like that? That was Lucifer's way of thinking, and Belphie didn’t like it one bit.
Belphie was too awkward to do stuff like that, not that he didn’t hold onto you during the naps that the two of you took together, but that was normal to him, and it was normal to you as well. Any other kind of physical affection though… he couldn’t do that. What if you pulled away from him? What if you didn’t like it? That was scary to him.
Belphie liked to use words, and while he wasn’t the best at telling you how he felt, it seemed way better than just pulling you onto his lap and staying silent. That just seemed awkward. His “words” were usually just off handed compliments, things that wouldn’t make you feel uncomfortable, and things that he found easier to get out. He wouldn’t stumble over his words when he told you that your hair looked nice, and he wouldn’t turn into a blushing mess when he complimented your outfit or your shoes. It was easy, and you would always smile and thank him when he said those things. Your reactions alone made him feel like he was winning, and they made Lucifer more irritated because you didn’t smile and thank him when he held you on his lap. What did he have to do to receive the same gratitude?
Soon though, they got tired of basically beating around the bush. You were either clueless to their advances, or just didn’t like either of them. No matter what, they had to find out, and they were going to try twice as hard. The bad part is just that though… they were both trying, and that was a recipe for disaster.
Lucifer is used to getting what he wants, when he wants, no matter what it is. His best friend is the king dammit, and he isn’t going to give up. If he has to bring Lord Diavolo into this, he will. Don’t doubt him.
Belphie on the other hand, he’s not used to getting what he wants at all, but he feels like he at least deserves to have you considering you’re the reason he got locked away in the attic in the first place and he still wants to be with you. That should amount to something in your eyes, right? Can’t we just get over the fact that he killed you once and then attempted to do it again?
Lucifer started bringing random gifts and flower bouquets to your room. Stuffed teddy bears, and random pieces of jewelry that “caught his eye” and “made him think of you”. Everything that he got you was exquisitely beautiful, and probably worth more than everything you owned combined.
While he had the upper hand monetarily, Belphie had the upper hand in the fact that he was easier to get along with, and those kinds of things weren’t really expected of him. Sure, he had money, but unlike Lucifer he didn’t spend it on grand things to try to buy you over with.
Now, every time Lucifer even comes to your bedroom with gifts, Belphie is in there with you, and that in itself was his gift. He was staying awake, for you. That’s not to say that he didn’t get you things though, but they weren’t as marvelous as the gifts that Lucifer got you, but they had more meaning than a silly little bracelet or multiple vases filled with flowers.
Belphie had gotten you a little cow plushie, and it had a simple note attached to it that said “When you can’t be with me, you can still cuddle with a little piece of me.” And now you brought it with you everywhere, even into Lucifer’s office.
If gifts didn’t work, well… then they’d just go at it full force. Lucifer would put some of his pride aside, and Belphie would let his hatred for Lucifer really shine as they both tried to win you over.
Lucifer would lock Belphie up in the attic for an entire and if you asked where he was he would lie and say he went out with someone else, hoping that it would make you not want to see him anymore. Then he’d take you out on a date, only to find that his credit card isn’t in his wallet and you end up having to pay for the meal.
Yes, Belphie stole Lucifer’s credit card, and the guy should be happy that he just hid it in the attic instead of giving it to Mammon.
Whenever Belphie tried to hang out with you, Lucifer would miraculously claim that it’s room inspection day, which only seemed to begin just recently, and the attic always seemed to need to be cleaned, and so did your room… although Lucifer would always offer to help you with your room when it needed to be cleaned.
If Lucifer had you in the office with him while he was working, Belphie would text Lord Diavolo and tell him that Lucifer wanted to hang out today and he was just too prideful to ask. He knows all too well that Lucifer can’t say no to Lord Diavolo.
That, in turn, had Lucifer using the same trick against Belphie with Beel though. He’d tell Beel that Belphie wanted to work out at the gym with him and was just too embarrassed to ask since he was so scrawny and weak.
It was a constant tit for tat, back and forth with the two of them, and finally they wouldn’t be able to handle it anymore. They’d sit you down at the table, and even though they’re kicking each other under the table, they’re smiling at you.
“I like you, Y/N… so… who are you going to choose?”
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sleepy-belphie · 4 years
I have a request if you’re up for it. An MC who just arrived in the Devildom who’s lover just dumped them the day prior. The bros know MC isn’t emotionally or romantically available at the time but the bros still fall in love regardless. How will the bros handle the situation? Thank you! 🙏💗
Hi! I sort of took this idea and ran with it and wrote basically a headcanon short story for each bro lmao. Sorry I got a bit carried away but I hope you like this and it satisfies you! :) 
Also thank you so much @midnight-dome for the help with Asmo, you’re a lifesaver
Tags: @kawaiiblack
The success of the program depends on your wellbeing
So he checks in on you every other day like clockwork 
“Is there anything you need to make your stay more comfortable?”
You always say no
At first, he’s glad you’re staying in 
Because it means less trouble for him
But when you skip all of your classes one day, he comes to your room ready to give you a firm reminder of your tasks here
He’s about to knock when he hears you sob 
Now, Lucifer has heard a lot of crying in his life
But he’s never heard someone sound so completely broken
He shocks himself when he turns on his heels and walks away
He shocks himself even more when he texts the group chat and demands everyone leaves you alone for the day
That evening he comes into your room with a small plate of food
By then you were are least on top of your sheets
You knew he was gonna ask the same question as always
But this time, his words were different
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
He simply nods
And though he didn’t outright say what he meant by help, you knew
“I...don’t know?”
“Hm, okay. I’m going to listen to some music in my study. The door will be unlocked should you wish to join me.”
Then he’s gone
The few precious moments Lucifer isn’t working, he prefers to not be disturbed
So why on earth did he invite you to join him in his study?
He doesn’t have time to ponder it because the door opens and you come in with a blanket wrapped around you
The first night you both listen in comfortable silence
A few nights in, you start asking Lucifer about the records he puts on and he has no qualms educating you on it
On night 10 you tell him about the breakup
Once you’re done he, again, asks the same question
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
‘You’ve done more than enough to help me Lucifer, thank you.”
He finds himself blushing from the sincerity in your eyes and the warmth in your smile
That night you fall asleep before the record finishes
Surely you’d wake up aching if he left you in a chair
So he picks you up, carries you to your room, and tucks you into bed carefully
He tells himself he’s doing it for Diavolo
It’s for the program, this is his job
He’s gonna need time to accept his own feelings before he can tell you anything
For now, he’ll keep doing his “job” and spending evenings with you
He didn’t want to be your babysitter
He was a busy guy! He had stuff to do, money to make, things to steal
Some days he gets Beelzebub to keep an eye on you so he can do what he wants
One night in particular he heads to your room to make sure you won’t interfere with his plans
“Yo! The Great Mammon has things to do so don’t-”
He pauses when he sees you sitting on your bed with your headphones plugged into your laptop
He would have assumed you were just watching a sad movie by the tears streaks on your face
But the pain in your eyes…
He’s seen that look before
His brothers held that same look the day they fell from Heaven and lost Lilith
Mammon sits on the bed and you jump, finally noticing him
You expected him to make fun of you but instead, he grabs the tissue box on your bedside table and hands it to you
He glances at your laptop to see what you were watching and sees a paused video of you and someone else
You tell him about the breakup and Mammon listens closely
“What a jerk! Ya deserve better than that! I’d teach ‘em a lesson if they ever showed their face around here!”
You smile for the first time since he came in the room and he feels like he’s done something right
“How about we get some late-night food? I know a 24-hour restaurant with the best baked newt ever. Your treat.”
He’s shocked when you agree
He makes a point to hang out with you more often
He can’t recall exactly when you went from “a human” to “his human” 
Maybe it was when you held his hand while you erased all your photos and videos of your ex from your computer
Or when you texted him at 3am because you couldn’t sleep and before he could even think about it he was up and on his way to your room
Or when he spotted you in one of his jackets while walking home from RAD
But his greed was kicking in and he wanted you to be his and only his
However, much like he puts himself first, he knows you need to do the same
So though his nature and mind wants to kiss you silly and have you for himself
Part of him knows he’ll ruin things if he lets his greed take over
So he’ll fight his nature and try his best to be patient
He had been playing one of his games online
He’s on a big winning streak and feeling a bit cocky
He sees he’s been matched with someone else so he gets into gamer mode 
Then he loses the first round
He’s a bit shocked and pissed that his streak was now broken but he has to prove his superiority to whoever this opponent was
So he rematches them
And loses again
And again
He loses 7 rounds in a row
By this point he is fuming
So like any salty gamer he sends a very lengthy, angry message to their inbox
Accusing them of using cheats and hacks because there was no way anyone was more skilled than him at this game
He gets a reply a few minutes later
“Um.....is this Leviathan? Avatar of Envy? It’s MC…”
You knew it was Levi because his username is the same across all his social media platforms
Cue Levi barreling into your room a minute later
“How are you so good!? You’re cheating, aren’t you!? You cheater!’
You weren’t cheating, you just had been playing games day in and day out to distract yourself so you got really good at it
Levi all but demands you to come to his room and show him what you know
You were already playing all night anyway so why not play with someone? 
Initially, Levi would have you come over just to show him your tactics 
(Also to get some team wins on his stats because he never has anyone to play with)
But you were actually pretty chill for a normie
Maybe if he exposed you to his otaku ways you would take to them and he wouldn’t be the only one in the house anymore!
You don’t become an otaku but you do get invested in almost every anime he shows you
He starts inviting you over for midnight premieres of new episodes
He starts buying extra merch because what if you wanted one?
He was used to disproving looks from his brothers when he mass buys stuff from Akuzon
But you only smile and listen when he tells you about his new special edition item
You never once judged him and his unconventional ways
This epiphany makes him extra nervous for your weekly hangouts
It was only a matter of time before you came across a break up in an anime
When the episode ended you told him about your break up and how the protagonist reminded you of yourself because they also were taking a break from love
Levi has seen this anime before actually
He remembers how the protagonist reacted to a side character confessing to them and it went bad
So while he knows he likes you, he holds off on saying anything because the last thing he wants is to be a bad story arc in your life
Lucky for him he’s always a flustered blushing mess so you shouldn’t suspect a thing
He is the Avatar of Wrath so whenever there is rage, he is aware
He feels anger radiating through the house one day and thinks his brothers are just fighting again
Imagine his surprise when he realizes the source of the anger is coming from your room
He walks in and sees you throwing things around and screaming, your room was destroyed
He sees you’re about to step on some glass and instantly swoops in and picks you up so you don’t hurt yourself
But then you curl up against him and burst into tears
He stands there, not quite sure what to do 
He ends up sitting on the bed and letting you cry for a while
You word vomit about your break up and he listens carefully and notes the anger welling up inside you as you speak
He knows all too well what anger can do to someone and a fragile human shouldn’t have to go through that
“Would you like some tea?”
He can spare 30 minutes for some small talk with the human if it meant that you wouldn’t be left in your thoughts
You look at him like he has three heads but agree because your room is a mess and you don’t wanna deal with it right now
Tea time becomes a daily occurrence and soon enough it escalates to full-on hangouts
Going to the bookstore, going to cat cafes, going wherever you wanted to really
One time you both took a day trip to the human world
Lucifer wasn’t happy to find out his brother and you were gone for an entire day but he lets it go when he sees that you’re smiling genuinely for the first time in weeks
What Satan didn’t expect was how these outings made him feel
He finds himself distracted from his books because he can’t stop thinking about how cute you looked holding that black cat at the cafe
Or how happy you looked when you took him to that ice cream shop in your hometown that you really love
He wakes up and you’re the first thing to pop into his mind
He’s not dumb, he knows he’s fallen in love
But he also knows this isn’t the right time, you aren’t ready
So he’ll keep being there for you as a friend
And if you ever want him to be there as something more, he’ll happily oblige
There was a movie night at the House of Lamentation
Today’s movie was an action movie, courtesy of Mammon
Amidst all the face punching and explosions, there was a budding romance between the main characters
After the third obnoxious makeout scene, you leave the room claiming you need to go to the restroom
But you leave just a *little* too fast and Asmo can feel something is up
And he thrives on gossip so he intends to find out what is it
He leaves the room a few minutes later and catches you in the hallway, determined to get you to spill the tea
You tell him about the breakup
He wasn’t prepared for the tea to be so bitter
“Oh. Well, you know what’s good for that? Face masks!” 
He had to save face somehow and beauty was his default
He’s a bit shocked when you agree but you both ditch movie night to do face masks and talk a bit
He decides to share a couple of bad date experiences he’s had to make you feel better
“Trust me, you haven’t felt embarrassment until you have someone vomit Enfield brains on your new pants and shoes while at one of the hottest clubs in the Devildom.”
You spent the entire night giggling and listening to his stories
Devildom products are surprisingly effective on your skin so you keep asking Asmo to show you new products
Plus his company is nice
Self-care days become a common occurrence
Then those self-care days become self-care sleepovers
He starts intentionally waiting to try anything new because he wants you to be there when he does
He buys more of those scented candles you told him smelled nice
A few weeks later you’re having a self-care sleepover again and you have this really cute focused look on your face while painting your nails
He knows he likes you, but this was different than his usual attraction
He didn’t want to fuck you
Well he did but not just fuck you
He wouldn’t mind if there was something more
But you routinely ended your self-care nights by yelling ‘Fuck love!’ at the top of your lungs and laughing
So he knows now isn’t the time and he’s actually okay with that
You were a sight to behold regardless of his relationship status with you
But he hopes you’ll indulge in him one day
Mammon keeps pushing his human watching duties on Beel
But he doesn’t really care because he’s being paid in cheesecake
After his third day of keeping an eye on you, he notices you aren’t eating much
Being the Avatar of Gluttony, this is basically a crime
He starts bringing extra snacks with him when he hangs out with you
“I think the chocolate flavor is better than the vanilla. What do you think?”
He actually doesn’t have a preference 
He just wants to know which snacks you like more so he can bring more of them
He makes a game out of it so you don’t think about how much you’re eating
“It motivates me to work out longer when I get a snack, could you help me?”
You sit on his back and after every pushup, you both eat a bit of whatever snack he has
He keeps going until he thinks you’ve eaten a decent amount
Or you say you’re getting full
Belphie notices that Beel is refilling his snack stash more often but he doesn’t say anything
Beel feels an immense sense of accomplishment when you finish your plate at dinner a few days later
Soon after you tell him about the breakup
“It hit me hard but you made it easier to cope, Beel. These hangouts are the highlight of my day so thank you.”
There’s a certain pang Beel gets in his stomach when he’s really hungry
Somehow your words made that pang happen in his chest
But this didn’t hurt him, quite the opposite actually
He felt good, he felt happy
It was strange for his stomach to be the quiet one while his heart went wild
But this wasn’t a change he minded too much
He wasn’t sure what to make of it but he knows he wants to figure it out with you
And he’ll take his time doing so because he liked how things were now
He’s intrigued by you after the first week of your stay
He’s never seen a human who slept as much as he did
Frankly, he was impressed
Until Lucifer informed everyone about your recent breakup and made it clear to not upset you
That’s when Belphie realized these were not the leisurely naps he takes, but depression naps
One day he sees you sleeping in the living room and you looked so distressed
Sleeping was meant to be a peaceful state but you looked so unhappy
So he wakes you up
“You’re in my sleeping spot.”
You weren’t in his sleeping spot.
“Oh sorry, I’ll move-”
“You’re already here. We can both fit.” 
Before you can protest he’s all comfy next to you and falling back asleep
Having another person next to you was kind of comforting so you let it go and go back to sleep
What you didn’t know was Belphie could partially influence your dreams
He can make them more pleasant but he can’t control what you dream about
He knows it works when he wakes up and you have a relaxed expression on your sleeping face
You wake up soon after looking confused
“Good dream?”
“I think? I had a dream I rode a unicorn to the moon then carved my initials into it?”
Napping together in the living room becomes a routine
And every time you woke up you told him about the dream you had with a small smile
A few weeks later he notices he no longer has to influence your dreams for them to be good
So he leaves you be and instead curls up in the attic for his afternoon nap
He wakes up a bit when he feels someone lay down next to him
It’s probably Beel
“Why didn’t you tell me you moved napping spots?”
His eyes open and he looks over to see you pouting at him
“I just sorta ended up here.”
“Well, I can’t nap without my cuddle buddy now can I?”
You’re teasing him and he should be annoyed
But he’s blushing
He spoons you to hide that fact, resting his forehead on your shoulder
But while your dreams were getting better, it didn’t mean you were ready to move on
So he just enjoys his intimate cuddling sessions with you and tries not to think too hard about the fact that he really likes how your body fits against his
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