#another big essay
wesleysniperking · 3 months
Usopp and Yasopp: Guardians of Syrup Village – A Legacy of Protection and Skill (tl;dr)
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Imagine growing up in a quiet village, where the only excitement comes from your own imagination. Now, picture yourself honing a unique skill, not just for fun, but to protect your home from unseen threats. This is the untold story of Usopp and his father Yasopp, and their hidden legacy as the silent protectors of Syrup Village.
Usopp's Representation in the One Piece Narrative
I've been thinking a lot about Usopp and what he represents in the One Piece narrative. There's so much to explore beyond his psyche and future role in the final saga. The possibilities are endless. Usopp's character is a profound representation of African culture, but his traits also resonate with other cultures, especially those that value storytelling and tactical prowess in battle, such as Indigenous cultures.
Yasopp and Usopp: A Connection
I made a connection between Usopp and Yasopp. Historically, Native Americans protected their homes from enemy forces using stealth, guerrilla tactics, and homemade melee weapons. They hid in the woods and forests, in tune with nature. I consider Native Americans and their Canadian counterparts the first American snipers. What if Yasopp and Usopp played a similar protector role for Syrup Village?
Yasopp: The Early Protector of Syrup Village
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Before Yasopp joined Red-Haired Shanks' crew, he was an inhabitant of Syrup Village and a phenomenal shooter. Many people criticize Usopp for not having a proper mentor like the rest of his crewmates. But what if Yasopp spent his time in Syrup Village honing his skills through endless practice?
Before joining Shanks' crew, Yasopp was a typical country boy from Syrup Village. The village was quiet, which likely bored Yasopp. To pass the time, he played outside and practiced his shooting skills for hours. He familiarized himself with every nook and cranny of the village. This practice made him a master sniper. Yasopp used his skills to protect the village. When potential threats approached, Yasopp would hide and take them out with precision, preventing them from reaching the villagers.
No one in the village knew Yasopp was behind the mysterious defenses. Strangers and pirates who tried to invade Syrup Village would suddenly find themselves under fire from an unseen assailant. They didn't know who he was, what he looked like, or even his name. They only knew they were being chased away by a relentless sniper. This earned Yasopp the nickname "Chaser," a testament to his ability to strike fear into intruders without ever being seen.
Yasopp's actions remained unknown to the villagers, who never realized they had a silent protector. Word spread among pirates about an unseen sharpshooter in Syrup Village, attracting Shanks' attention. In One Piece Strong World Film Episode 0, Yasopp is shown on a cliff watching the ocean, a testament to his vigilance. Shanks, impressed by Yasopp's skills, invited him to join his crew.
Usopp: Following in His Father's Footsteps
Banchina, Usopp's mother, called her husband a brave warrior because she knew he protected the village. Although Usopp didn't know this, he aspired to be a brave warrior like his father. After his mother's death, Usopp practiced sniping with his trusty brown slingshot. He spent a decade perfecting his skills, from the age of seven to seventeen, before Luffy recruited him. Usopp trained by shooting at various targets and learning stealth skills. He became familiar with Syrup Village and its surroundings, which is why he is so closely associated with nature.
Usopp's connection with nature was further strengthened when Kuma sent him to Boin Archipelago, a man-eating island, to perfect his link with nature, stealth, and sniping. This training was akin to Indigenous cultures' walkabouts and vision quests.
The Value of Self-Teaching
Neither Yasopp nor Usopp had mentors, but this lack of formal training is not a disadvantage. The dedication and strenuous nature of self-teaching is invaluable and notable. Yasopp and Usopp exemplify how relentless practice and an unwavering commitment to self-improvement can forge extraordinary skills. They didn't rely on external guidance; instead, they carved their own paths, honing their abilities through sheer determination and countless hours of practice.
The 10,000-Hour Rule and Usopp's Mastery
Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000-hour rule states that it takes around 10,000 hours of deliberate practice (a decade) to become an expert in a field. Usopp, practicing from age seven to seventeen, certainly met this criterion. Yasopp likely did the same, which explains their exceptional skills.
Syrup Village: Sniper Island
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Based on this theory, Syrup Village and the Gecko Islands could very well be considered Sniper Island. The landscape and disposition of Syrup Village are perfect for snipers. The village's quiet, rural setting provided Yasopp and Usopp with the ideal environment to practice their shooting skills without distractions. The natural terrain, with its hills, forests, and cliffs, offered numerous vantage points and hiding spots, crucial for mastering the art of sniping.
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The strategic advantage of Syrup Village's landscape is evident. Yasopp and Usopp could observe incoming threats from a distance, using the elevated terrain to their advantage. The dense forests provided cover and concealment, allowing them to take out enemies with precision while remaining hidden. This mastery of their environment made them formidable protectors of their village, embodying the essence of what it means to be a sniper.
Usopp: Protector of Syrup Village
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Usopp, like his father, played the role of protector for Syrup Village. He kept an eye on the ocean for strangers and unknown people approaching the village. Usopp's practice of yelling about pirate arrivals, though often seen as mere entertainment, actually taught him valuable skills. He learned to run and hide, essential abilities for a sniper. This experience helped him hide from Chew during the Arlong Park arc and shoot the fish-man to save Genzo.
Usopp's actions as a protector were similar to his father's. Both were the "silent enemies" to those who encroached upon Syrup Village, safeguarding their beloved hometown in secrecy.
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Yasopp’s role as a protector of Syrup Village is highly believable and consistent with the One Piece canon. Yasopp’s actions and reputation support the idea that he was a vigilant guardian of his village, a legacy that Usopp inherits and continues. This thematic consistency adds depth to both characters and enriches the narrative of One Piece, making their story one of profound legacy and enduring protection.
By exploring this connection, we can appreciate the layers of storytelling that Oda weaves into his world, making each character's journey not only a personal quest but also a continuation of a legacy that shapes their identity and purpose. Usopp’s skills and his role as a protector are a testament to the influence of his father and the cultural heritage they both represent. This theory not only aligns with the established canon but also enhances our understanding of the characters and their significance in the One Piece universe.
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So next time someone doubts Usopp's training or his place in the crew, remember the legacy of Yasopp and the hidden guardianship of Syrup Village. It’s a story of dedication, protection, and the silent, unseen heroes who shape the world from the shadows. Let’s give Usopp the credit he deserves.
Did you know?
In the military Snipers are sometimes considered and referred to as cowards because they “shoot people that can’t shoot back” and enemy snipers are a hindrance to soldiers because they’re an added variable in battle that can’t be ignored but it makes things harder since Snipers can’t be seen or easily dealt with. Snipers can “turn tail” and run away from there spot before anyone gets to them.
(Argument here and here if we apply snipers in One Piece to something in the real world. I might be taking it too seriously).
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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Meng Yao: I'm your brother. Happy birthday! 🥰
Jin Zixuan: There can only be one. YEET
I am truly sad he didn't; think of the 'No Doubles' memes that we could have had...
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commsroom · 2 years
the "big picture" - whether that refers to some detached, calculated greater good; ruthless ambition and progress for the sake of progress; or even the dear listeners' cosmic indifference - as an antagonistic force in wolf 359 is so fascinating to me because of the way eiffel as a protagonist is set up to oppose it, just by nature of who he is. eiffel retains his humanity even under the most inhumane circumstances. his strength is in connection, and with that he's able to reach others who share his core values, but he's operating under a fundamentally different framework from the show's antagonists. he can never understand where they're coming from or be swayed by their points of view because, for better or worse, he can only see the world through a close personal lens.
it's an ideological conflict he has with all of them, but notably with hilbert: "you talk about helping people, but what about the real, live people around you? [...] that's your problem. you're so zoomed out." eiffel will never, ever see that "big picture" because he is so zoomed in. at his best, he puts things into perspective and grounds the people around him. at his worst, his perspective narrows so drastically inwards that he becomes blind to everyone and everything else. his failings are deeply, tragically human - they're personal, they're impulsive, they're self-destructive. they're selfish. no matter how much he might try to narrativize or escape from himself, he's still left with doug eiffel: "it's taken me this long to realize that running from everyone else means that you're alone with yourself." eiffel could never be convinced to harm others on purpose, but he has hurt people, and it's never been because he didn't care. the very fact that he cares so much, that he's incapable of reconciling the hurt he's caused with the things he values, is what keeps him from real growth for so long. where many of the other characters in wolf 359 will justify their cruelty in service of something they consider more important, eiffel is so caught up in vilifying himself and the fear that he's always going to harm the people he cares for without meaning to that he shuts himself off from the people who care about him and perpetuates his own self-fulfilling prophecy.
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incesthemes · 7 months
it's so significant to me that do you believe in miracles paralleled all hell breaks loose specifically. because ahbl is the first time dean violates sam's autonomy to bring him back to life. it shows the extreme lengths that dean will go to protect sam, and despite all the other times dean has ignored sam's personhood in his pursuit to keep him alive, this is the moment in the show that fully exemplifies just how codependent these two really are, because there's an entire season dedicated to the consequences of that codependency.
so for dybim to take that imagery and scenario and reverse the roles means that this is supposed to be just as indicative of their codependence. it's a threshold that will have major consequences because sam crossed over the point of no return. there's no going back from choosing unhealthy codependency with your brother, the show is signaling. dean is sam's ultimate decision—he doesn't choose himself, he doesn't choose independence, he chooses dean, and all that that entails. he probably only realizes that all of his posturing about autonomy was a lie at the very moment he says it out loud, but once he's finally honest with himself it's a done deal. just like dean can never go back from his deal for sam's life, sam can never return to any point before this moment. he's in this relationship for good, and he wants to be codependent with dean; that's his decision.
and this is why soul survivor hurts so bad. because dean, like sam in season 9, declares that they're not family, not brothers. the role reversal continues, and sam is now suffering all of the pains he unwittingly put dean through by trying to maintain boundaries between them. now that he's realized he can't handle having those boundaries, any distance between him and dean is too much. here sam is, violating dean's autonomy and saving him against his will, just like dean has done to him so many times before. here he is, listening to dean reject him over and over again, like a parody of all sam's attempts to extricate himself from dean. he's on the other side now, staring down his brother and seeing his past self within him.
9.23 to 10.03 is just a speedrun of the previous 8 seasons but in reverse, with sam enduring the suffering of being in dean's position. and how tragic is it for sam to finally commit to his codependent relationship with dean, only for dean to leave him the moment it happens? how must that feel, for him to finally return his brother's feelings in all their toxic and fucked up glory, only to lose him in the worst way? to have all of his own words shouted back at him with the cruel intent to hurt—jesus christ. how am i supposed to cope with this in any normal way?
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janpawlak · 2 years
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Nach meinem Dafürhalten war diese ... diese Sache zwischen [dir und Maik] damals nicht gesund.
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aq2003 · 9 months
got around to reading that article about queerness in mulan (the one that james somerton plagiarized from, lmao) and i am once again reminded of how formative this movie was for me. yeah guys the protagonist doesn't fit into either traditional male or female gender roles. the protagonist looks at her reflection and wonders whether if it will ever reflect who she is on the inside, because if that true self is shown to the world it would disappoint her whole family. the protagonist fails at the being-a-wife test. that's SO CRAZY
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shadowqnights · 10 months
idk i urge you all to please please be kinder to yourself and your brain and your interests idk. i know that in this day and age we have to be critical of our interests but you can Do that and still be able to admit that You think this thing is fun and cool. maybe its got some writing issues or maybe its got a funky fresh different format or media type, maybe its a youtube series or a podcast or whatever that isnt your typical netflix tv show or book but its still Your thing and if you love it then no amount of like . societal pressure should be allowed to rob you of that enjoyment or make you feel ashamed to have an interest that isnt a Common or Typical fandom because there is a very very broad wide world of content out there. you shouldnt have to like open every conversation about your special interest/interest with 'this is the worst piece of media alive i hate that im into it please never watch the things i enjoy because you'll fucking hate it' (in a deadly serious way not like the silly way)
idk . what happened to whimsy. what happened to sillyfun. what happened to showing people that you're excited about things. maybe its not for them, maybe it Is badly written. but thats still Your thing and the more you tell other people that its dumb and horrible the more you condition yourself that you have to feel ashamed that your brain has latched onto it and wont let go. you condition yourself that you need to isolate yourself in your passion and that no one else is ever going to share it because you like something Horrible and grueling and frustrating and you have to tell everyone that. disclaimer, you say: this is the worst thing ever even though i love it so you shouldnt put yourself through it. because i just know you're going to hate it and you're going to think im cringe and stupid for still kind of liking it. but they might love it, or at least give it a try Just for you. Thats Love.
the more you ridicule your brain for latching onto the 'dumb' stuff and being genuinely interested in it .. the more you feel ashamed that you want to infodump about it and in the same breath feel like you have to warn people to never touch your interest with a ten foot pole. maybe they Want to indulge maybe they want to understand what you talk about. maybe they will Agree with you over those Plot Holes and Writing Things and you can talk about it idk. be nicer to your brain. let yourself have a Thing that you feel ecstatic to talk about and analyse and make art about. tell your friends you're having fun. doesnt matter if its silly or theres errors. sure you might be cringe but you are free.
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djsangos · 21 days
//also i love that salmon run, in universe, is unquestionably a terrible job and highly unethical from like. every single standpoint. in terms of employee safety and also what the employees are DOING
but all these inkfish still flock to grizzco anyway because mr. grizz makes it a game in which he rewards us with fun little gacha capsules and fresh new drip and prizes and we all just eat it up and go into salmonid territory to lay waste to them all and steal their eggs with no questions
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fragrantpines · 10 months
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But what about… kissing more food men
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Before you can even get close to Xifeng Wine, his hand grabs onto your shoulder with a surprising amount of force, forcing you to stand as still as a statue while his sharp eyes inspect you from head to toe.
In the blink of an eye, he spins you around so that your back faces him. His hand moves from the top of your shoulder to the back of your neck, exerting little force to his fingertips that press dangerously against the side of your neck.
“Are you trying to trick me again, general?”
His voice whispers lowly against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You weren't sure if the shivers were caused by his thumb pressing dangerously close to your pulse point, or the compromising position he had placed you in– move too far back and your back would be lying against his chest; move too far forward and he might take that as a sign that you were trying to run away and knock you unconscious just like the last time. The option left (the only safe option really) is to continue standing like a frozen statue until he no longer asserts you as a threat, when his eyes no longer see you as the General of the Qin and begins to recognise you as the young master of Kongsang.
However, just as you start getting used to this awkward position, his other hand pushes your face to the side, tilting your head upwards until your lips perfectly align with his, stealing away any words that had formed in your head along with your breath.
By the time he pulls away, both of your faces hold a similar shade of blush, his looking much more prominent as if he had just taken a sip of the strongest wine known to man while drinking you in.
He doesn't say a word before burying his head into the crook of your neck, arms wrapping loosely around your waist while muttering.
“Stay…. Don't leave me again….”
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“You know, trying to distract your opponent during an ongoing game of chess is an illegal move.”
Chuyi Flower Cake lifts his head from the chessboard and smiles at you kindly, his expression unreadable with the blindfold tightly wrapped around his head.
Without looking back down, he moves a piece on the far left of the board and declares, “Checkmate.”
Instantly, your smile fades as your attention snaps back onto the chessboard, refusing to believe that he had already checkmated your king in such a short amount of time. However, as soon as your eyes took a quick scan over the board, you were forced to admit defeat with a heavy sigh, waving an invisible white flag over your head.
“I thought you said that you've never played Western chess before!”
“I haven't, but the strategies and pieces are similar to the chess I am familiar with.”
Frustrated, you slam your head against the table with a loud groan, refusing to believe that you have just lost your 10th game in a row.
“You could've at least looked a little surprised when I tried to distract you,” you mutter softly.
For a split second, a look of shock flashes across Chuyi's face, slowly being replaced by widening eyes and a blush as the realisation of what “distraction” you were referring to slowly dawns on him. Unconsciously, he lifts a hand up to cover the lower half of his face, hoping that his reddening face doesn't slip through the gaps of his fingers while his eyes dart away from your figure for a moment to regain his composure.
Eventually, he manages to pick up the courage to extend an arm over the table and slowly pat the top of your head, whispering softly. “Focus on improving your insight instead of relying on such unreliable tricks. Next time, if you wish to partake in an act of intimacy, any time outside of a chess game is suitable.”
Instantly, you shoot your head up with a smile. “Does that mean Mister Chuyi will kiss me if I kiss him to?!”
For a moment, Chuyi looks taken aback before he dissolves into laughter. In a heartbeat, he bends over the table and presses a small kiss on the top of your forehead, fondly gazing down at you from behind the blindfold.
“For you, always.”
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mini-uzzy · 29 days
#officially done watching QSMP!!#I watched mainly Fit's POV bc he speaks English and has the most hours on qsmp#i would have watched Philza's but his vods included his hardcore world and made his vods much longer and also spending less time on qsmp#i have watched all of Slime's POV and since he rarely logs on and he cuts his vods it was easy to finish#for non-English speakers i have watched Maxo and Pierre's bc they are the most lore heavy apparently-#and their qsmp povs comes in episodes!! very easy to binge#lore-wise it was great!! sad qsmp was cut short bc of management issues but im glad at least Fit made an effort to make a great ending#as for everyone else's lore ive been relying on clips and compilations#my favorite event is definitely cellbit and roier's wedding bc it was so fuckin funny - i have rewatched certain parts multiples times#my favorite lore would be aypierre's bc his felt more complete and cohesive... maxo is close second... these two are good roleplayers...#Purgatory is another BIG favorite event purely bc of BOLAS ROJAS 😂 the first day was the funniest shit I've seen acted on Minecraft#favorite pair is definitely Deathduo... one bc Philza did a great representation (on purpose or not) of an aromantic character -#two because found family... im a huge sucker for found family stories... Deathduo isn't as rich in fanservice but it's part of why i like it#rare but GOLD - augh their first day with Chayanne and the whole prison arc thing 😂😂 everytime Phil catches Missa up on the lore 😂#another favorite pair is Misclickduo - if the latter was a nice story this one's on the complete fucKING OPPOSITE#everything about this family is fucked in every single angle 😂 but it has good lore esp Slime's POV with Juanaflippa#favorite eggs definitely Ramon and Juanaflippa... since I watched Fit the most it made sense Ramon is my favorite#but Juanaflippa is my favorite lore-wise bc of how tragic she is...#essay over :3 im going to sleep crying i hate Fit's ending so much BYEEEE#qsmpcroof
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terrazooid · 10 months
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Guy blob
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what are your thoughts on samruby?
thank you for sending this! and OH BOY i wrote a lot. i'm so sorry. i'm putting it under a cut for everyone's sanity.
see, the thing about samruby to me is the religiosity of it all. it's about a victim unknowingly initiated into a cult. it's about a holy lamb being raised for slaughter.
firstly i can't discuss it without spilling my guts over ruby as a character!! i saw a meta the other day (and i wish i'd reblogged it bc i can't find it again) calling ruby the most devout character in supernatural. and they're right! she is! her arc is about devotion and keeping faith. she's a direct narrative foil to cas, who falls down the path of doubt and experiences a crisis of faith. For ruby, her god is lucifer, and she'll accept all persecution and undergo every trial she has to in order to fulfil her mission as his servant. and she does! she succeeds up to her death! (whereas cas fails, and lives)
she doesn't see grooming and manipulating sam as an act of corruption. it's about purification. (and we all know how sam feels about purity, aha) for ruby, the demon blood drinking is a matter of cleansing sam of human imperfection, for the purposes of presenting lucifer his ideal vessel. because the thing about sam is that he's a liminal figure. he's as human as he is monstrous - and from a demonic perspective, wouldn't his humanness be considered the infection?
the way ruby preys on sam also has a definite maternal tilt to it. from as early as s3 (like the way she says 'that's my boy!' to him in 3x04? like dean does in 1x11?). she calls him 'sammy' in a way that mirrors dean, but also evokes maternal warmth. just as dean in season 1 functions as a protector and guide for sam when he brings him back into the hunting fold, ruby does so for sam in dean's absence. sam's grief and vulnerability presents her an opportunity to take on the role of carer and mentor. she'll teach him how to use his powers! she'll guide him in what he needs to do, while he's so lost in his own suffering. sure she provides warmth and affection - but more importantly, she directs sam towards a mission, a cause for good.
she's an incredible character to pair off with sam, a character full of hope and belief that his faith might amount to something (i'm thinking of the start of s11 here - sam desperate to believe his prayers are being answered by god. only to discover it was lucifer all along) he wants to be like joan of arc - he wants the voice of heaven commanding and guiding him along a path of heroism. it's his hope and faith that make him vulnerable.
ruby takes on sam like she's a cult recruiter preying on a victim! like if you go through the stages of cult indoctrination: deception (check! she tricks him into breaking the final seal by killing lilith!), isolation (check! sam having to keep his activities w ruby a secret, driving a wedge between him and dean, eventuating in their separation), induced dependency (check! a blood addiction!). by the end of it, he's left abandoned by his loved ones, alone and entirely reliant on her and the purpose she's given him.
but luckily - sam is a character who hates being controlled above all else, so he does not have his Midsommar (2019) May Queen moment. even when he does let lucifer in, he does so as a sleeper agent. he holds onto his independent spirit to the end :")
tldr; ruby loves sam as a devotee loves their holy mission. sam begrudgingly accepts ruby, not as the divine guidance he wants, but the only one that'll speak to him.
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fluxweeed · 4 months
hey. hope this message doesn't bother you. I love you. I love your work. you are one of my favorite fic authors, I am absolutely obsessed with everything you write. reread everything ten times over, drarry or not, fluffy or angsty - even when it absolutely shatters my heart (e.g. for lack of wanting, SUCH a great fic btw i'm so obsessed with it). the four doors? life changing. two to lie and one to listen? engraved into my brain for eternity. what's mine is yours? what a ride holy shit, im VERY normal about it. wrapped? my comfort read. and so it goes.
if I could aggressively smother you with kudos and love I WOULD!!!
awhile ago you said that there's no such thing as "big deals" in fandom and I 100% agree but at the same time you are a big deal TO ME!!! not in the sense of any kind of hierarchy but purely based on the fact that I think you are such a cool person and your writing is amazing and poignant and your presence in fandom makes it so much better. it's been a pleasure following you here on tumblr and just reading your tags and posts.
idk I just think you rule. that's it. thank you for hanging with us. MWAH 💛
ahhhh anon sorry for leaving this message sitting in my inbox for a couple of days but !! i have zero idea how to react to this!! you're so kind!! thank you!! please discard any and all inclinations u have that i am a cool person bc i can assure you i am NOT!!
#tumblr tag essay time? tumblr tag essay time#why can't i do this in the main body of a post u ask? pure obnoxiousness ig idk#scarier when it's not greyed out and in a little whisper innit#1) anon i love and appreciate you + your kind words so so much but i rly cannot stress enough that literally nobody here is a big deal 😭#like i know u don't mean it in That Way but even so!!!#this is a hill i could write another 1k words about before i die on it again but i will spare u 😅#2) ur also v v kind to say the thing abt my presence in fandom#but unfortunately i'm coming to terms with the fact that my presence in fandom is v much on the sidelines#a non-presence#i'm embracing my role as the crotchety old hag who does not attend the functions#i have a hut in the woods and u can find me there (here in tumblr tags) muttering to myself#occasionally i'll wander into the town square (ao3) and present an unnerving thing i made from mud and twigs (a fic) and then i'll fuck off#that's about all i can handle in terms of group settings i think 😅#but the door to my hut (my DMs) is always open if u want to stop by!#3) i can't even begin to acknowledge all the nice things u said about my fics kjhsdf you are truly too generous 😭#let me smother YOU with love!!! cmere!!!#4) this is the second nice anon message i've had in the last couple weeks which is !!!!#anon(s) i'm kissing you wherever u consent to be kissed!!!#but ofc now i'm paranoid ppl will think i'm sending these to myself skdljf#can't stress enough how open my DMs are on here/twt/discord if ever u wanna chat in a way that i don't have to post publicly to reply to 😅#5) i'm soooo sorry about these tags#could have just said “thanks!” couldn't i#please put me right in the bin#anyway sorry again thank you again ilu very much ❤️
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