#anonymous pred
intestinalemphasis · 4 months
You expected the pred's roommate to have just a little more sympathy for you. You were eaten against your will, after all.
Through the echo of groaning made by your new pink prison, you could hear them, conversing with the pred currently holding you captive. You were sure they were trying to question them, and that the pred was just as likely spinning the story, to seem like you were long gone and turned to soup now, that there was no way that you could be spit up. An excuse to let them keep you for good.
You had to state your disagreement. You protested against their tall tale, pressing and kicking against the walls of their stomach. The pred belched, inadvertently squeezing you tighter in their stomach, until your outline was just visible across their plump midsection for you to wriggle with livelihood. The proof was less in the pudding so much as it was in the pudge.
There was a pause of silence between them both, and you wondered if their roommate was contemplating their decision. It wasn't like you had anything else to tell their emotions by, aside from the muffled conversation.
"They still seem pretty alive, if you ask me."
"I- ...well, I mean, uh..."
"They sure are trying to put up quite a fight in there..."
You couldn't see their faces, but you knew the roommate had bent closer to you, because another pair of hands squished into the sides of your slimy chamber, as their voice rumbled,
"Just the way I like it..."
There was another wet gurgle around you, as the pred burped again. You groaned as you were sloshed against the stomach walls by a pair of hands.
"So feisty and tough...you're a keeper, that's for sure. I'm gonna have so much fun watching them make a meal out of you..."
Hands were poking and prodding and jiggling you around, and you were sure, with a sinking feeling in your chest, that neither one of them had any intention of letting you go...
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nomstellations · 3 months
Mouthplay is so underrated I'm going feral. Prey are everlasting gobstoppers smh.
you're right mouthplay IS underrated, but maybe because it doesn't work well with other sizes?
you're also right abt that. prey don't shrink and disappear when you suck on them or lose their flavor....why NOT hold them in there for a while?
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your-fave-is-a-pred · 3 months
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John Silver from Treasure Planet is a pred!
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necros-writing-stuff · 8 months
(I don’t think this is REALLY a crossover, but if you don’t want to answer you, of course, don’t have to. No pressure!) I was wondering how Darius would react to learning his spouse enjoys games like dol? XD Would he think it’s kinky? Would he be horrified? Confused?
bonus: his response if his spouse explains Eden’s pred-play scene and asks to recreate it “irl” 😆
bonus bonus: his spouse tells him Eden is their fav in-game NPC, and maybe explains the collar and cage scenes lol. 😆
He watches horror core porn, he has no room to talk. But it'll really depend on why you like the game.
If its because of Eden, Doren, Winter, Morgan or Landry he'll approve. Pretty much anyone else and he's side-eying (but especially the school LIs, Harper, anyone to do with gangbangs etc). I'm sorry to announce he'd romance Kylar.
Suggesting the pred/prey thing is kinda meh to him in the way Eden does it. Now, him being the stalker who pulls you into an alley and forces his fingers in your mouth to keep you quiet while he pumps into you? That he wants to do.
Collars are pretty, you can wear them whenever you want. He'll get a special tag for you if you want. The cage though... nah. He'd rather just put you in the basement, doesn't want your back or knees aching.
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hungry-blue-dragon · 11 months
"And how about you, Anon? Would you like to be stuffed before your once-in-a-lifetime trip?"
Y-yes please. You mentioned to a different anon that griffons fill you up nicely and I can't stop thinking about being your stuffed thanksgiving bird now. Talons, paws, beak, and wings bound to make me an easier meal, my belly bulging with warm, thick "stuffing", the kind of meal that would make you want to lay down afterward and bask in the feeling of fullness. At least until you belch out my acid bleached and partially dissolved skull amid a cloud of feathers. And wouldn't you know it, hollow bones make the most satisfying crunching noises beneath the weight of a dragon...
Sounds like a fine plan, little birdy~ I'm sure you'll make some very cute noises while I get ready to stuff you, and maybe if I'm hungry enough, I'll even get your head in my mouth while still on top of you. I'm sure a look into my gullet will help get you off that one last time, too, hmm~?
And yes, let's hope enough of your bones survive a nice, relaxing, post-meal stretch that I can burp some of them up relatively unharmed. I think I'd keep the skull for my hoard, but the others? I'm sure my kobolds would love the shattered remains of griffon bones after I "accidentally" test my weight on them.
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foxxsnacks · 1 year
Getting a hug from a pred in a non-vorish way is honestly the best. You can trust them enough to know that they won't eat you without your permission, their gut is soft and rounded and comfortable on the outside as well as on the inside and their presence is so overwhelmingly powerful and protective. All is nice and well...
Until their stomach lets out a low, hungry growl...
And then u get a... Different kind of hug... ❤️❤️
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gluttonemporium · 2 months
Makoto would probably be unaware that his stomach is filled with several people until he's told it, even as it's sagging on the floor and squirming~
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"Huh? Are you sure?" Makoto tilted his head. "I... think I would remember eating something like that. Are you feeling okay?"
No, he isn't lying - even with the five girls he passed in the hall earlier squirming for their lives inside him! His face is politely confused, like he really has no idea what you're talking about, even when the churns ring out and their terrified voices are clearly visible...
A whole other level of unaware~.
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hungwy · 1 year
bruh why did i just fight actual Optic Dropped in control the whole game
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nomstellations · 9 months
Ooo a Pred who’s shy about their big belly after swallowing a prey, only to see that other preds are so nonchalant about it
Couldn't you have waited for us to get home?
Your movements in my belly have mostly stopped now that you've gotten settled inside. I sigh and rest my hand on you, knowing you had no plans on coming out. Ever since I've gotten more comfortable with this whole "eating people whole" thing, you've taken every chance you could to get swallowed up. I didn't think you'd be bold enough to jump down my throat in public, though...it just started snowing and you're cold?
I glance around the plaza nervously. Thankfully you pulled me to the side first, but now I have to walk around with this big gut...and there's still plenty of shopping to do! There's no possible way for me to hide my stomach, though...it's too obvious I've eaten someone. What if people stare? What if they call attention to it? The very thought of it makes my face burn, I've never been out with prey in my stomach before...I'd hate to bring you up now, but I can't be seen like this!
Out of the corner of my eye, I spot someone else walking by with an arm sticking out of their mouth. They swallow it down and casually pat their stomach, and...continue on their way without a care in the world. Nobody else around them so much as batted an eye, either...aren't they embarrassed at how their stomach thrashes around like that? Some people are glancing, but they just look away and aren't saying anything.
I look down at you resting in my stomach, listening to it quietly burble around you. Maybe this isn't such a big deal...but I'll still hurry along, just in case.
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Miguel O' Hara from Spider-Man is a pred!
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hungry-blue-dragon · 11 months
What are your favourite Pokémon? Be it as pred, prey, or just in general :3
In general and as pred, Serperior my beloved
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I don't really think too much about preferred Pokemon as prey. Usually it's humans who wind up in her belly, whether they want to be or not.
Speaking of, I think I'll let her have this one. I'm sure you'll look great on her curves, Anon~
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dzamie · 9 months
A hammerspace pred that uses themself for transportation, like a bus driver but instead of a car it's their stomach filled with seats and others.
"I still don't see why you pay Dezhrik to fly you to work. He's gotta be slower than a car, and more expensive, not to mention getting soaked."
"He's very comfortable, though, and I don't have to deal with driving in traffic. And he's a surprisingly good conversationalist!... well, once you get used to a dragon's occasionally macabre sense of humor."
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foxxsnacks · 1 year
Daryl Dixon gt/Vore headcanons por favor 🥺🤲
I apologize if some of these are ooc. I'm a bit delulu ❤️
He's always very gentle with tinies- even if they're being annoying, he's still very careful and wouldn't intentionally hurt them.
He's very awkward about holding tinies, tho. Sure, he holds them securely with both hands, but he likes to be able to do things with his hands and stay busy. Tinies will usually end up in a shirt pocket, or perched on his shoulder if it's a more calm environment.
He doesn't like tinies climbing around on him, it makes him a bit tense or nervous that they're gonna fall. Being on his shoulder and being stationary there is one thing- trying to climb up the back of his shirt is another.
He'll bring tinies or borrowers any sort of scraps he finds while out on runs. He doesn't really know what'll be useful to them, but if he spots something that he thinks could be useful in smaller hands, he'll grab it anyway.
Now into the vore stuff... *horrible gremlin laughter*
He doesn't strike me as the type to be particularly into mawplay- he's usually a swallow-and-done type of pred. But if his prey wants to linger in his mouth for a bit longer, he'll gladly let them since it gives him a sort of excuse to properly taste them more than he'll usually allow himself to.
He's not an aggressive pred a majority of the time- at least not towards willing prey- but he's not super gentle either. It's not intentional, he just doesn't really realize he can be a slight bit rough at times. If a prey points it out, he'll be more conscious of it and would probably mutter out a quiet apology and not much else.
He really, really loves willing prey. He won't admit it aloud, but he does.
He likes being able to hold someone he cares about close to him- it's one of the few times he's actually able to relax and feel like he's doing a proper job at protecting someone.
His belly is. Super fucking loud. That man has the diet of a rat in a New York dumpster, you can't tell me it's not noisy in there.
His stomach in general is really active no matter what, and might be a bit more slimy than what's normal- again, because of his awful diet.
He tries to hide it but when his stomach is particularly loud he does actually get a bit embarrassed by it. It's not super obvious, he's good at hiding his emotions, but if you know what to look for you can tell he's a bit flustered.
His voice is also very loud from inside. Like. He talks all low and gravelly so from inside his stomach it's super bassy and loud. He probably doesn't even realize how loud it is either until it's pointed out to him. He'll try to keep his voice down afterwards if it's someone he actually likes that's in his stomach, but otherwise he could care less.
At heart he's kind of a caretaker pred. He'll occasionally check in with his prey and press at his belly to see if they're alright and if they need anything. Not constantly, but often enough for it to be obvious that he cares.
He's not super touchy with his middle- at least not in public. If it's the right person, and he's away from prying eyes, however... his hands are practically glued onto his stomach. He doesn't usually rub, but when he does, it's slow and soothing- more for his own comfort than his prey's.
Belly rubs don't tend to do much for him... most of the time. Usually, he'll grumble something appreciative under his breath about it or other. But if it's timed correctly, and he's emotionally primed enough... oh, that man just breaks down. He's not used to being treated with gentle affection, so if it's coming from the right person at the right time he'll cry.
He refuses to eat anything with his prey. Not for any specific reasons, he just feels awkward doing it because he doesn't really see prey as any sort of food, and it feels weird to have them in his stomach while he eats.
Prey can expect to get squeezed a lot if he's in combat. He's got dense core muscle, and he throws himself around pretty violently, so being held tight is probably a good thing anyway. He'll check in with his prey afterwards to make sure they're okay, and maybe mutter a small apology for the 'bumpy ride'.
All of the softer stuff aside tho, he'd also be great for unwilling prey scenarios.
It's most likely that any sort of prey he eats that's unwilling is just being captured and contained temporarily. Be it a stranger he encounters, or someone from an enemy group.
He wouldn't go through with fatal stuff, I don't think, but he'd probably threaten it if the prey has info he needs, or if they're just flat out squirming too much.
He doesn't mind prey moving within him, but if they're outright fighting him he doesn't really like it. It doesn't hurt or feel uncomfortable, it's just hard for him to focus on much when there's some agitated prey thrashing around in his gut- and that can be detrimental in a dangerous situation.
Not surprising but he's very cold towards any sort of captured or enemy prey. He's not cruel, per say, but he's pretty much going to ignore them and just be snippy whenever he does talk to them at all. He won't purposefully pick at them or press at his belly much like that though, he deems it best to just let them sit and stew. If they're panicking, it's not his problem.
...at least, most of the time. If he's got someone who's outright crying and terrified of him he'll soften his approach a bit. Not by a whole lot- they're still a captive, after all- but he might confirm to them that no, they're safe, he's not intending to hurt them.
That's all I've got for right now nonnie!! I'll probably have more thoughts later it's 4am rn and my brain is fried so more asks abt my fav greasy man are more than welcome :)
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Top 3 specific characters, though getting to know types of preds might be nice too!
Sure thing! This is in no specific order, I love them too much to choose. Also, I will do my best to make sure this doesn't break containment and enter the fandom tags, but if it's not enough and you all see this, I'm sorry.
For specific characters, it has to be my triumvirate of crushes: 1: G/ali from B/ionicle, in either of her forms.
G/ali was my first crush from when I picked up Bionicle in 2002, and to this day she still holds my brain hostage 24/7. Because of the T/oa code, She'd likely only digest R/ahi, V/ahki, and other minions of M/akuta, but I feel that she won't be above putting her brothers in belly time out, arresting an enemy inside her until they can be dealt with, or just spend some good time with a friend inside her... ah, G/ali, my beloved...
2: E/lizabeth B/ray/E/xo S/tranger from the D/estiny series.
In the game canon, E/xos are capable of human biological functions, and regularly eat, so she's definitely capable of it. I can't tell you how often I visit her in the game, dreaming of soothing her active stomach after helping her "take out" an enemy patrol, or spending the frigid Europa nights wrapped up inside her warm, mechanical gut. Since the player characters have their own canonical respawn methods, you can even treat her for some new curves at no cost, goodness knows she earned it.
3. T/ali'zorah from M/ass E/ffect.
Look, full disclosure, I haven't actually played the games yet. Yes, heresy, I know, I know, but look! Cute, hopeful and kind alien girl with a compelling story, a rich culture, an adorable voice, and visor! Visored preds are so good, as soon as I see a girl with a helmet, visor, or mask I just want to get in her mouth. It makes perfect sense. Besides, as a nomadic people who often have to scavenge to survive, I'm sure she can't be that picky about what she eats, and holding a friend inside her for a day or several might also help with the whole immune system problem. Look, I just think she's neat, alright?
Anyway, I hope this was alright! I'll probably reblog this later to add the predator type, but it's late at night and this post is already way too long as is.
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teal-fiend · 6 months
you get eaten by a stranger. You barely are able to catch a glimpse of their face before you're gulped down and deposited in the stomach.
You were in public before, a park that you'd been to many times. So when your predator starts moving, and the stomach starts to become more active, stimulated by the walking, you can imagine in your minds eye where they have gone in the park.
They're heading to the edge, now you feel the footsteps hitting concrete as they go along the sidewalk.
you yell for help; there must be other people around who can help you. Your pred doesn't even bother trying to silence you, or acknowledge your protests at all.
You're still following along where you imagine they are, until they stop, leaving you hanging motionlessly for the first time. Its kind of like being in a hammock, but cramped, and the hammock is trying to digest you.
You hear a click, and the opening of a car door. As the pred gets in, you become much more cramped, squished by their legs and torso, and the car. And their stomach keeps squeezing you, trying to make you smaller.
Now the car is moving and you have no idea where you are. You are sloshed back and forth by the momentum of the vehicle or what could be an hour or more.
Eventually it slows down, the car parks. For the first time the pred gives you a little pat before getting out of the car.
They're moving up some stairs. You can feel and hear their heartbeat at the exertion. And you get thrown back and forth with each step.
You hear a door open. And a sigh. You're in a house, you assume. Or an apartment? It could be anywhere, you dont even know if you're still in the same city.
You are likely in a strangers home, and in their gut. You're going to be digested far away from any place you are familiar with. No one will know where you went. And if someone saw this pred with their full belly, they'd have no idea who the meal was.
Your world shifts, the pred has laid down. You hear a muffled rustling of sheets and there is extra weight over you. The pred is tucked into bed, and its not even night time. A mid-day rest, as they prepare to digest you fully.
You dont want to accept this. Your efforts to escape have been useless so far. But you try to do your best. You yell at them, to get their attention. You kick at their stomach, which is hard because of how restricted you are.
You feel the pred roll onto their back, letting you wriggle uselessly ontop of them. You feel silly doing it, seeing as how little an effect it has.
Then, you feel them tense their belly muscles slightly, and there is a loud bubbly gurgle. You feel the pred thump on you lightly. You figet in response, doing your best to irritate them further. But all you get is a loud burp from above, before you feel the pred relax again.
you hear their voice for the first time as they excuse themselves. But after that, they have nothing more to say.
You wonder what the room looks like. And what the pred looks like. You can barely remember.
You wonder what you would look like from the outside. A gurgling bulge in a stranger's abdomen. An anonymous meal. The pred had probably seen that many times. If they looked in a mirror later, they'd be able to see you. Well not you, the pred would only see their own stomach, but you would be inside it
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nomstellations · 16 days
I imagine a drider pred would be easy to stuff since they only have one stomach. (The human one, I don't really consider the spider thorax a stomach.) The drider eating all the prey they can, only to start whining when they realize they hit their limit from how tight and heavy their tummy is.
"Ohohoho! What do we have here? A few sweet little morsels have entered my parlor~"
Several fuzzy legs tapped ever so close to a group of fairies, some struggling in the web lining the cave walls of the tarantula's home. The drider grinned, flashing her fangs at her helpless prey which elicited some squeaks of...feigned terror. This was something the little things loved to do as a game, pretending to be caught by the big scary spider that lived in the woods...
The game always ended up with them being eaten, but she supposed that made them happy. The game entertained her too, it was rather lonely here...and she loved the opportunity to act.
"Sweet little things...don't you listen to the warnings people give you? People who wander into my cave...don't come back! Were you THAT eager to become spider food? Uhuhu~" She stepped closer, plucking up a fairy who struggled in her clawed grasp. "You're lucky I don't have venom, you know! But lucky for me, that means I get to feel you struggling all the way down..."
To make her point, she popped the little fairy into her mouth. Any protests were quickly muffled as her fangs clicked shut behind them, and the remaining fairies watched in horror as the glow in her mouth moved slowly down her throat until it vanished into her midsection. That was just one of their little group, and her stomach had plenty of room for more.
"So, who wants to be next? Maybe if you put up a good fight, I'll let some of you escape with your lives~"
This group was bigger than she thought. Five was her absolute limit, but more must've snuck in while she was hamming it up... She groaned as the subtle glowing forms shifted around in her noisy stomach. Two fairies sat perched on it, with one curiously poking and prodding at their friends inside. It was stretched taut from how full it was, making their movements and their glow all the more obvious to any curious onlookers. "Are you gonna be okay?"
Now that she had eaten them the game was over, so all the gravitas and mock fear was abandoned by both parties. She opened her mouth to reply but all that escaped was a burp and a quiet groan. Maybe one day her stomach capacity could handle more with how often they did this- but that day was not today, and her stomach grumbled loudly in complaint. At least with their magic the ache would start to lessen...eventually.
She really envied her taur friends and their multiple stomachs. Must be nice being able to eat so much with no drawbacks...
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