#anon. i know you asked for only vernon but him and seungkwan are a buy one get one free deal i fear
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chugging-antiseptic-dye · 3 months ago
‱°. *àż vernon
◩ words: overcharge, sweet, and slap (> 600 words)
“Did you really have to make them kiss?” Vernon asked, peeking into your laptop.
Slamming the top of the laptop closed, you let out a strangled noise of protest and say,
“I think it's sweet! Don’t you think everyone deserves a happy ever after?” 
With amusement in his voice, Vernon replied, “Even if they didn’t, you would have forced them to have one anyways. But what I don’t get is why do you like writing gay fanfiction about 2D people so much.?”
“What is that supposed to mean? Are you making fun of me?” You ask tersely.
“No, of course not, babe”, Vernon placates, raising his hands in surrender. “Maybe I will understand it more if you write something about real people.” He clicked his fingers as the world’s best idea dawned on him. “I know! Why don't you write about me and Boo?”
Your brain stutters to a stop and you can’t help but look at your boyfriend disbelievingly. Maybe, I am dreaming right now, you think. To make sure that you aren’t hallucinating or going stark raving mad, you go,
“Are you asking me to write a yaoi fic about you and your best friend?”
“Yeah, write a boover, solkwan or whatever they call it.”
You correct him automatically, “it's solboo”
“Yeah, solboo. Write a solboo fic. I think Seungkwan would love to see what kind of person you write him as.”
You had a secret. Sometimes, just sometimes, you didn't know if your boyfriend was kidding or not. This was one of those times. Trying to test the waters, you hum and say, “I would have to charge you then. This writer doesn't work for free.”
Vernon nods approvingly. “Of course, the fact that you are willing to write for free usually doesn't mean you shouldn't know your worth. Good job standing up for yourself, babe. And you should even add an overcharge if I annoy you like this.”
“Thank you”, you giggle.
He continues, “And since you are charging, can I make some requests? Can you add in a fight scene or something? I would like to beat something up. Wait, let me ask Seungkwanie if he wants to be in a fight too.” 
Vernon looks around to see where he put his phone. He made a beeline for it when he found it. With an aha, he shoots a text and comes back to sit next to you.
“What did you text him about?” You ask bemusedly.
“What did you say to Seungkwan?”
Vernon was starting to get a bit confused by this exchange.
“I asked him if he wanted to be in a fight?”
“This and nothing else?”.
You try to clamp down the giggles that are bubbling inside you.
“Is there anything else to say?”
But thinking about Seungkwan's face when he sees the text Vernon sent, you can't help but break into a peal of laughter. Much to the growing confusion of your boyfriend, you laughed straight for five minutes. Forcing yourself to wrestle the conversation back to where you guys were, you say,
“A fight scene maybe a bit too much for me but I could add in a slap for you.”
A bit offended, Vernon shoots back “I don't want to get slapped for no reason.”
“Why would it be for no reason? Maybe you cheated on Seungkwan?”
“If I did, then I would deserve it and more but I would never cheat on him.” Vernon protested.
The slowly heating up banter between the couple in the cozy apartment and snowflakes whirling around the air outside was the opposite in every way but one. Both of them were where they belonged.
if anyone wants me to write about a specific member, please send me an ask with the member name + three words from this word generator)
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purpleyellow · 4 years ago
The audacity
Seventeen 14th member
Hayun’s masterlist
“Seventeen won’t take bs when it comes to Hayun”
Requested by: two (2) anons    
cw: offensive language
a/n: Feel free to share your thoughts with me. Requests are open! 💙
(to my brazilians around, this gif is svt’s version of ninguem solta a mão de ninguem)
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The arrival of dancers made the practice room even more crowded and noisy than usual. It was one of the few times Seventeen worked with an outside dance team, and they happened to have a lot of new faces around, who needed time to figure out the staging and how things were working so far.
After they ran through the choreography a couple of times, the choreographer called in a break, allowing the huge group to instantly clear the middle space and separate themselves into small circles of conversations.
Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Joshua instantly met each other and began chatting about dinner plans and whatnot. Slowly approaching Jun and Wonwoo, the oldest filled them in on what they're deciding until he starts searching for someone.
“So, we could order it on the next break and have someone grab it for us. Anyway, did anyone see Hayun?”
“Making friends, as usual,” Wonwoo comments, pointing at the other corner of the room where the girl was surrounded by four dancers.
“Hayun-ah” The leader waves her over and waits as she jogs to his side “We're talking about dinner, what do you think about-”
“Oh, those guys were talking about this new restaurant that opened downtown, I was thinking of tagging along with them” She points back at the group and watches as her members nod “But I can cancel, of course”
“No, go ahead. It's just a meal” Joshua goes to wave her off when Seungkwan approaches them with crossed arms.
“Yeah. Just a meal. Until she's suddenly ditching us during the holidays and moving out with her new friends” The boy pouts, turning his face away from the group. Hayun reaches up to ruffle his hair before landing a soft slap.
“Says the dude who is friends with half of the entertainment industry” Ignoring his eye roll, she turns back to the rest of their little huddle “Well, if nobody else will feel betrayed”
“I was kidding” Seungkwan whines and Scoups pushes her away from them “Stop being dramatic and go do your mingling”
Going back to the group of dancers, Hayun resumes chatting with them for a couple of minutes before the break is over.
After more hours of running over every tiny detail for the stage, the rehearsal finally ends and the scattering of people begins. Hayun takes a couple of minutes talking about minor adjustments with the members and just checking up on them before searching for the four friends she had made that evening.
“Hey, how do you guys plan on heading there?” She asks, taking a sip from her water bottle and missing the glances between the two boys and two girls.
“Actually, we might have to do it another day,” The girl closest to her says and flips a hair strand off of Hayun's shoulder. “We got pretty tired from this last session”
“And work tomorrow it's going to start pretty early, you know. It's best to let this go for today,” The boy nods to her before pulling out his phone from his pocket and slightly turning away from the idol.
“Yeah, I get it. That's okay, we'll reschedule it then” Hayun smiles and gives them a thumbs up “I'll head to the dorms, then. Have a good rest, and tomorrow we'll talk more”.
Sending her some quick waves and small smiles, the four dancers waited for Hayun to turn around before sharing an annoyed look and sighing.
The practice room slowly grows empty, only leaving Wonwoo and Vernon who lost an incredible game of rock, paper, scissors, and had to stay behind to clean up everything. Finally turning off the lights, the two boys head out into the hallway and spot a group of four people standing by the entrance.
“Aren't those the people Hayun was talking to earlier,” Vernon asks quietly before a voice from the group reaches them.
“Why is this damn cab taking so long? We should have let that airhead tag along”.
“Agreed. She would have talked our ears off, but at least we would have made it to the club already”.
Sharing a look, the two idols stop walking and listen closely to understand if the dancers are talking about what the boys think they're talking about.
“That was so stupid. Why would you invite her in the first place? She's so annoying”.
“I mean, having an idol considering you a friend would be fun, right? Especially with the Christmas season coming up. Can you imagine the gifts she would buy us?”
“Yeah, dude. We wouldn't even need to worry about paying for stuff anymore. Just have Hayun tag along anywhere and, boom, no more tabs to pay.”
“But also, no more functioning eardrums”
“No, you have a point. She seems like she'd give us her credit card password on the third time we hung out. Not to mention, looking at her position in contrast with ours. You don't even have to befriend her, but be on her good side, and she'll make sure to give us more gigs within Pledis”.
Standing frozen, Wonwoo and Vernon listened to everything they were saying and shared looks of disbelief. Having enough of it, the oldest cleared his throat and slung his bag, making it hit his own back with enough force to make a thumping sound.
“Let's go, Vernon,” He ignored the four people standing before them with wide eyes and resumed walking. Once shoulder to shoulder with one of the dancers, Wonwoo stopped again and said while looking ahead, “Next time, be careful of whom you're talking about”.
Vernon, on the other hand, made eye contact with each dancer before raising one eyebrow and following the oldest. After closing the car door, he groaned annoyed, “Can you believe they had
 the fucking audacity” Jeonghan places his cup on the table, face showcasing utter disgust after Wonwoo told him what they had listened before leaving the Pledis building.
“Show me who those people are again tomorrow. I'll make sure they never step inside our practice room, ever again,” Hoshi points out.
“Is there a way of not having them tomorrow? I'm afraid Scoups Hyung might commit murder” Dokyeom brought attention to the leader standing on the corner of the kitchen.
Looking like he was plotting an illegal act, Seungcheol scoffs and pushed himself away from the cabinets. “The bare minimum you would expect from someone is that they can be professional. I swear, those people are getting an earful for talking about Hayun within a billion-meter ratio from where I work”.
“It's best to let it rest until tomorrow's performance is done. After we'll probably never see them again, so there's not much point causing any visible disturbance.” Laying a hand on the leader's arm, Woozi tried to make some sort of sense, but all it did was cause Scoups to roll his eyes.
“We can't just act like nothing happened”
“We also can't change anything about the choreography until then” Hoshi butts in and takes a breath trying not to jump in the 'let's hunt them down' train.
“They already know Wonwoo and Vernon heard them trash-talking her, so I'm not letting them have it easy tomorrow.” Jeonghan rolls his eyes and pointed to both Woozi and Hoshi, “I'm speaking my mind the first moment I see those sons of bitches, you're free to wait until the show's over”.
“About that, I don't think we should tell Hayun what happened” Joshua, who had been quiet the entire time, speaks, drawing attention to him. “Not until, as you said, the show is over, and we won't see them again. You know that she's probably going to get disappointed about it”.
“And you expect her to not go running to meet her new 'friends' once we arrive at the venue?” Wonwoo raises an eyebrow, but Mingyu shakes his head and backs the older up.
“We just have to keep her entertained around us. Fill in Dino, Seungkwan, and Myungho later, and have them help with making sure the group doesn't run into her”.
Raising his hand, Vernon casually mumbles “Maybe don't tell Seungkwan, he won't be able to hide his feelings about the whole thing”
“Myungho won't either” Jun comments and the room falls silent at the sound of the remaining members chatting and approaching the kitchen.
“Wow, you make a meeting and forget to call in the main characters” Hayun laughs walking through the room and opening the fridge for a beer “So, when's the food arriving?”
Hayun is sitting on the makeup chair, casually watching Scoups and Jeonghan whispering to each other from the mirror's reflection, when a hand lands on her shoulder and another holds out a smoothie for her.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Joshua sits on the chair next to her while Mingyu punctures the drink's lid with a straw.
Without taking her eyes off the mirror, she nods with her head to it. “Those two are up to something”
“Scoups and Jeonghan Hyung? Nah, they're always like that. Sharing secrets and stuff,” Mingyu giggles, shoving the straw inside her mouth and shifting to stand in front of the mirror. “Cute nail polish, when did you have time to get it done?”
“Oh, these are acrylics. This lady was just putting them on” Hayun falls into his trap and began analyzing the design with some occasional comments from the boys.
Peace has seemingly set inside the dressing room, yet it doesn't last long until Dino's loud “Uh?” caught the attention of the members, who turned to see what he and Vernon were doing.
Trying to shut the youngest up, Vernon makes it very obvious to the guys that he had just filled Dino in with the “frenemies” situation. Most of them try to brush it off and not bring more attention to it. Seungkwan, however, approaches them by, very loudly, asking what's up.
“What are you talking about?” He boringly fixes up his outfit. Vernon can feel the burning eyes of Jeonghan on his skull as he tries to deviate the conversation to another topic.
“Did you go see catering already? I heard they had a coffee machine”.
“Wait. Does he not know what happened?” Dino fails to read the room properly and instigates the older boy.
“What happened? Why is everyone sharing secrets all of a sudden? Is the thing you're discussing why Scoups Hyung seems ready to jump someone”.
The timing of events can't be worse, as the makeup artist taps Hayun's shoulder to let her know they were done. Within seconds, the girl gets up and turns to where the three youngest were standing.
“What's with the gossiping? Did Vernon lose his airpods again?” She brushes away from Joshua as he tried to hold her in place and waves off Mingyu when, in a panic, he suggests they should check out the pigeons outside.
“What? No! I mean, yeah! How unfortunate, isn't it?” Vernon jumps around his answers and tries looking for anyone willing to help him out.
“Just tell her about it” Approaching them from the door, Jeonghan, now without the leader's company, shrugs his shoulders, making Hayun raise an eyebrow.
“Jeonghan, at least wait until the day is over,” Joshua speaks through his teeth and the boy rolls his eyes.
“Well, she already knows something is up, and to be fair I don't know what good hiding this will bring. At least, if she feels like doing something about it, she'll have the chance right now”.
“Do something about it? Hadn't we agreed that the best is to wait until the performance is over and just never see them again?”
“What even are you talking about?” Hayun shuts them both up and Jeonghan and Joshua turned to her with annoyed expressions, “Don't even look at me like that. You're the ones mentioning me as if I'm not in the room”.
Placing a hand on her shoulder, Joshua tilts his head a little and speaks softly, “Trust me for a moment here, it's best if you brush it aside. Until later at least, and then we can settle it as you wish”.
“Wha- Just spill it out for fucks sake. I'm going to combust if you don't tell me right now whatever this all means,” Hayun puffs, punching his shoulder. Just as Joshua opens his mouth to say the same thing again, Jeonghan beats him and shoves himself in front of the girl.
“Do you recall those dancers you were planning to go out with yesterday? Yeah, well, turns out they're all little shits who were trash-talking you, and just overall talking crap, yesterday”
“Jeonghan” Joshua repressed the older who does nothing but wave him off.
“Doesn't matter what they said because you're nothing of it, and-” Adverting his eyes for a second, Jeonghan stares to the side, where half of Scoups' body is waving for him through the door. “And, and, you're amazing and all of that. So now go rest your awesome self while I go teach those punks a lesson”.
Zooming past her, Jeonghan runs to the door, where the leader is already back outside. Hoshi, Jun, Woozi, and DK, scream for him before also going out of the door. A very lost, Seungkwan, simultaneously tries to get Vernon to tell him what exactly the dancer said before while shouting for the older to wait for him to also speak his mind.
“I didn't want you to know about this before the performance, but-”
“Whatever, let's make sure nobody dies today” Hayun rolls her eyes and turns around, Wonwoo running from where he was watching everything and holding her by the shoulder.
“Do you want us to go fix that up? It's okay to give them the cold shoulder or just go off if you want to” Nodding, she keeps silent and walks out, bringing the rest of the guys behind her.
The8, who also had just found out about the situation, whispers to Vernon, “Can you believe they had the audacity?”
“I know, right?” The youngest whisper-yelled at him as they made it to the hallway and assessed the situation.
“The next time you even think about opening your mouth to talk about her-” Scoups had his finger pointing at the tallest dancer -who ironically had a few centimeters on him-, while the rest of the members stood next to him nodding and calmly listening to what the leader was saying.
“Oppa, just drop it,” Hayun shouts, walking past them and holding his shoulder.
Annoyingly, Scoups rolled his eyes and turned to her, “What do you mean, drop it?” Thinking for a second, he blinked and turned even more bothered, “Who even told you about this?”
The leader looked around until he found Mingyu, offending the tall guy who made an X in front of his body.
“Doesn't matter who told me. Let's just not lose time doing this” Brushing past him, Hayun now faced the dancers “Look, I'll teach you something right now, so grab it or drop it okay? I don't give a shit that you don't like me, or whatever, but at least be professional because all this situation did was teach me that none of you care about your careers. It's pretty clear by the angry puppy beside me that you just lost any chance of growing inside our brand, so keep this as a lesson and respect the artists you're working with. Also, once we're on stage put on a smile, so my fans won't be able to sense your shit”
“It should be pretty clear by what she said but you definitely don't have a chance to work with any Pledis artist again” Hoshi came from the end of the hallway alongside their manager and choreographer. The latter nodded and added.
“For the sake of the performance, you should all go back to your dressing rooms. You all said whatever was on your mind, so try to refocus during the last few minutes you have”.
“I didn't get to say what was on my mind” While the group was dispersing, DK mumbles on the side and Jun snorts.
“You had a chance, but all you did was stare at them and scowl until Scoups Hyung took the lead”
“I don't care about who said and who didn't say what they wanted” Hayun rolled her eyes, turning to the boys as they arrived in the room. Clasping her hands together, she brings them to her face and smiles, “You all care about me”.
“The fact you still doubted about it after years hurts me” Dokyeom held his chest and frowned, the girl laughs and goes to hug him.
“Group hug?” Seungkwan says uncertainly and Hoshi nods, dragging Woozi with him, “Group hug!”
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soonhoonsol · 4 years ago
Nvm I got another rant. About Vernon's voice, vocal Vernon and just well him, again. XD. Anyway, lately I have been watching their old music shows (aka anything not from 24h) and their cover of mamamoo 너나 핮? HIS VOCSLS???? LIKE EXCUSE YOU SIR THOSE ARE SMOOTH AF. I swear to lord I just wanna swim in his vocals. His vocals plus the vibe of the sing is a perfect match. Like seriously, I cry, I weep, it's so beautiful. Also in case you didn't realise I go feral for rappers when they pop off but
asjhsjdgs school is taking me away from tumblr i’m so sorry T~T 
(2)  When a rapper turns to vocals I screech. There will be raptor hunters in the area. I just cannot get over his vocals, like same as when I watched caratland. We got vocal Vernon and I panicked. It was so beautiful but do short like all good things in life. Honestly vocal Vernon is such a rare thing that I get overwhelmed everytime. But not so rare that I don't remember just how powerful it is. Like we get so many different angles of vocal Vernon that we know he got skills and I'd love to see more
(3) But then there's the issue, cause if Vernon focuses more on vocals then we don't get rapper Vernon and rapper Vernon is. How do I put this. Respectfully. H.O.T. Hotter than Dead Valley during a heat wave. HOT. Don't get me wrong, I'm not here just for the hotness, but this rant is turning lowkey into thirst. Also, can we talk about how he only comments on his members' posts but doesn't make one himself? It's adorable and honestly just another reason (probably) why he is my bias. Oh and I got
(4)  Running joke with my friend of "ult bias living in the ult apartment of our mind while other biases just live in a form in our head" (like the rest of K-pop stans) but now we're joking that Vernon took his stuff and just waltzed into SUGAs apartment (aka current owner of the ult apartment) and just started sleeping on the couch using the kitchen etc and honestly what's suga doing just letting him use his apartment like that. I only got space for one ult, don't got money or time to gush over
(5)  Both of them. Like I got so much love, but two Ults is difficult. Anyway back to vocal Vernon, cause vocal Vernon means center Vernon (so does rapping but that's usually short cause rappers are fast) anyway. Center Vernon, raspy voice, vocal, singing don't wanna cry, while doing that choreo. We been blessed back then and I hope they do a 10y anniversary and we get to see it again, maybe a cappella?👀 Also can we talk about how often he sings about lost love or lack of love? Like his lines are
^ i didn’t get any ask after this :( tumblr might have eaten it T~T
🍉 🍉 🍉
this was such a fun read omg!! YES we stan vocal legend vernon chwe on this blog!!  đŸ‘đŸŒ đŸ‘đŸŒ anon, it’s like we have the same mind sometimes
i too turn into a puddle of mush whenever a rapper starts singing! exhibit a: ‘hug’ rock version during caratland. exhibit b: ‘smile flower’. but also! i turn into that same puddle when a singer starts rapping. exhibit c: seungkwan sing-rapping in L&R
but today we speak of vernon! vernon the cute baby boy who was embarrassed of his singing voice in 2016, now improved so much and ever confident of singing. and his voice is GOOD. i’d like to thank the members for being his hypemen and helping him gain confidence.
rapper vernon tho? unmatched. no one in the industry like him. vernon’s voice is SO FLIPPING UNIQUE that no one can replicate it and that’s why his voice is so distinct and recognizable. and yes, rapper vernon is H.O.T. especially when he growls đŸ€€
as someone with 2 ults (vernon and kihyun), i can assure you that your metaphor is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. they’re sharing a house, even tho it belongs to one. like your ult list will have an ult and that will be the ultimate ult, get it? i may not be explaining this right but yes
it’s super hard for the ultimate ult to get overthrown, no matter how wrecked we get. like it’s suga’s house ya know. he paid for it. bought the mortgage and what not (whatever mortgage is). vernon’s basically a roommate at this point and the only way vernon will become your ultimate ult is if he buys over the house from suga. until that time comes, suga can rest assured that the house is his :)
i am not making any sense omg it’s 5:30pm and i’ve been in school since 9am and my brain is dead T~T
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itsarealshitshow · 6 years ago
Seventeen scenario ----> s/o is insecure about being with them
Requested by anon
Pairing: Seventeen x reader
Warnings: Unspecified insecurities 
Author: Admin Wiki
Scenario: It wasn’t that you thought your relationship was bad and that people would look down on it. It was just that you felt unworthy of being with him. He was this amazing artist that many adore and would do anything to be in your position. You were just an ordinary person. A couple of maybe, hidden talents, but nothing special. You feel that maybe you should let him be with someone who was better than you, that had talent. The only reason he ever found out was because you were talking to your best friend on the phone and he just happened to walk in on the wrong (or right) moment.  
S.Coups  (Choi Seungcheol)
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He’s the leader of an amazing music group, he has plenty of people look up to him. It’s hard to not compare yourself to him. When he heard you talk down about yourself, it was hard for him to listen. He decided to confront you immediately after you ended the call with your friend. He’d list all the reasons he loves you and that sometimes he can’t find the right words to describe what he’s feeling with you. He’d make you see things in yourself to love and hopes that you still feel confident about your relationship.
Yoon Jeonghan
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He has the vocals of an angel, he’s the mom of the group. It’s hard to not compare yourself to him. When he heard you talk down about yourself, it was hard for him to listen. I think he’d take some time before talking to you about it. He’d subtly do things that would boost your self esteem, hoping that it will help you with your thoughts about the relationship. Eventually he’d ask you about what he heard and if it’s better now, what you guys could continue doing to make it better.
Joshua (Hong Joshua or Jisoo)
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He has amazing vocals, he’s a funny person. It’s hard to not compare yourself to him. When he heard you talk down about yourself, it was hard for him to listen. He thought that you were amazing and shouldn’t worry about yourself. He would confront you whenever he thought was appropriate and ask if you still feel this way and if there’s something he can do. Afterwards he’d kiss you and tell you that he loves you just the way you are. 
Jun (Wen Junhui)
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He’s an amazing performer, he’s graceful. It’s hard to not compare yourself to him. When he heard you talk down about yourself, it was hard for him to listen. The first thing that came to mind was for him to go back to when you two first started dating. He knew that you were happy then and started to flirt playfully with you again. It was little things like complimenting you excessively when you did something different with your clothing choice. A couple of weeks after he first heard the conversation between you and your friend, he decided to ask you how you felt now and if you felt better. 
Hoshi (Kwon Soonyoung)
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He’s an amazing choreographer, he’s funnily loud. It’s hard to not compare yourself to him. When he heard you talk down about yourself, it was hard for him to listen. He’s such a bubbly and lively person that most people when they’re near him brighten up immediately. When he realized that you weren’t constantly becoming happier when he was goofing around, he would ask about things you wanted to do or if you wanted to do something different at the moment. He would also ask you about the conversation he heard when he thought was appropriate. After working out what you guys could do, he was super happy and planned on making you even happier.
Jeon Wonwoo 
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He’s an amazing rapper, he’s an adorable bookworm. It’s hard to not compare yourself to him. When he heard you talk down about yourself, it was hard for him to listen. He thinks that you’re an amazing person and the fact that you’re insecure about yourself while with him, is a huge thing. He decides to start up cuddle session where he reads you books about someone finding self love, he’ll also subtly compliment your actions. I feel like he wouldn’t tell you that he overheard your conversation, because technically it’s eavesdropping and that’s not always nice. He’d keep it to himself and try and see if you were feeling more confident.
Woozi (Lee Jihoon)
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He’s an amazing producer, he had amazing vocals. It’s hard to not compare yourself to him. When he heard you talk down about yourself, it was hard for him to listen. He doesn’t really know how to help. He asks pretty much all the boys for help and comes to the conclusion that they’re no help for him. One night though, while lying in bed with you cuddled up to him makes him think to write you a song. He spends a long time writing all the lyrics and getting the sounds right before finally getting you to listen to it. You thought that it was a song for their new album, until you listened to the lyrics. After the song he ends up telling you that he heard you and wanted to show you that you don’t have anything to worry about.
DK (Lee Seokmin)
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He’s a funny person, he’s very likeable. It’s hard to not compare yourself to him. When he heard you talk down about yourself, it was hard for him to listen. He would be sad about the fact you weren’t confident about yourself and thought that he needs someone “better” than you. He would help you find things to like about yourself and hopes that it helps with your confidence about the relationship. He would even ask your friend to make sure that things were getting better.
Kim Mingyu
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He’s an amazing rapper, he has a puppy dog personality. It’s hard to not compare yourself to him. When he heard you talk down about yourself, it was hard for him to listen. This boy would cuddle up to you more, ask how things were going, if there’s anything he can do for you. When you ask him what he was doing, he would confess to you that he heard your conversation over the phone and wanted to help without you knowing. You would laugh and tell him that it definitely helped.
The8 (Xu Minghao)
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He knows martial arts, he’s graceful. It’s hard to not compare yourself to him. When he heard you talk down about yourself, it was hard for him to listen. Even if he’s a savage and most likely would say that you’re being ridiculous, he would be cautious about it. He knows that self confidence is difficult and that not everyone is comfortable with themselves but he would do subtle things for you. After a while of him doing these things for you, you noticed and appreciated them. When you told that you knew what he was doing, he would confess to you and hope that everything was better now.  
Boo Seungkwan
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He can hit notes that are godly, he’s goofy. It’s hard to not compare yourself to him. When he heard you talk down about yourself, it was hard for him to listen. He’s really concerned about you and will confront you about it. He’ll find a solution immediately and will help you about these insecurities. He’ll make sure that he looks up things that could help you with your self-esteem and keep using those. 
Vernon (Choi Hansol)
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He’s multilingual, he’s adorable. It’s hard to not compare yourself to him. When he heard you talk down about yourself, it was hard for him to listen. He might distance himself for a little bit to figure out ways to make it better. He would go back to normal but now adding little things that would make both of you feel better. He’d come up with last minutes dates that made both you leave feeling great, he’d leave little notes, he’d even buy himself a pack of post it notes to add to your mirror. After a while he would tell you the reason he was doing them but that he didn’t want to stop.
Dino (Lee Chan)
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He’s an amazing dancer, he’s very mature. It’s hard to not compare yourself to him. When he heard you talk down about yourself, it was hard for him to listen. He would confront you and ask you about what he heard. He’d ask ways that he can make you feel better about this because he really cares about you. He’d secretly ask your friend if you’d said anything about feeling better in the past weeks.
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redevenir · 5 years ago
Hi! @lxveille I wanted to send it to you via message but it is way too long, and since we don’t each other I thought it might be weird?
I’m not sure how to put it, but I’ve been reading your blog quite a lot for the past few months, and, well, while I was on my phone and couldn’t log in, I still left a few feedback here and there, but apparently they never reached you because I can’t find them on your blog, which sucks because everyone likes them and I feel like you should definitely know that here I am, appreciating your efforts past and present, and I figured, rather than sending you tiny messages, I’ll give you a very general review of the pieces I’ve read – it will be short, but please, do not hesitate if you want me to explain something, I know you’re not in my head and I might get confusing, I don’t know!! (Also, if you’ve spent a lot of time on a piece, it’s only natural to want to know more precisely what one liked in it, so feel free, I have zero thing to do and quarantine for another 3 weeks at least – probably until september so, cheers to that) And you can see I still have a lot to read !!! I’m saving them up !! It’s so hard!! Hopefully this isn’t overwhelming, since I had the time I thought «just do it» and well here we are. Have a nice day and take care of yourself!
(also sorry for the numerous typos you’ll find in this – or, to be precise, the missing words. This is my cross to bear I guess)
if a tree fell in the woods, like i fell for you: *see beat [it] or [around the bush]
as in ‘crush’ → ‘crush’ follow-up : the realness of the struggle is real, oh dear. Not only is IPA hard to grasp but I had a very shitty teacher and, well!! I’m amazed. Also love the awkwardness in this, sometimes I had to stop because of second hand embarrassment – by the way, this is something I often feel in the way you write Joshua, there’s something slightly awkward but not unpleasant, if you know what I mean? Awkward in a good way?
100 ways N°68 : I loved it!! bartender but make it space-y! Like in the Seungkwan space au, I really appreciate the grounding aspect that comes with a «normal» job set in an exotic(??) au. Your world-building (and I mean it everytime) is spot on!
revel : Well, you just Maupassant-ed all over the place, that’s it, I’m in high school again wondering what the fuck really happened.
alibi : why is the mc so rude to him??? Be tolerant !!!
drunk : see!! the awkwardness!! It’s here again, in a gentle, caring way but!!
paradigm shift : What happened to them? Where are they now? Are they ok? Did they ever meet the radio people? Part of me wants to know, part of me wants to keep it unsure so I can imagine what happened after. Also love a little heat in those panicky times.
Spill : I know the feeling. I know.
when the music’s right : honestly, still not sure about it, but I’m glad it exists in its own weird way.
trust fall → acquiescence → sanctuary → insolation : I saw your answer to an anon saying  the last part had «kinda flopped» so let me tell you: it was a nice end for an amazing au, it had everything and I for one cherish it for
100 ways N° 7 + 38 → apricot → of fawn and fences : the world building!! I want to take classes and learn this world’s History! I love that Soonyoung is portrayed as learning about his civilization, I think it draws a nice parallel between him and us readers, as we are both discovering/ surprised as much as he is, whereas mc seems more educated – in their own way.
100 ways N° 40 : you said it yourself « sweetheart soonyoung » well yes this is what I’m here for (among other things)
100 ways N° 42 + 50 : Every time I read one of your university au I love it. Every single time. The balance between the softness of your characters and the hardships of uni (to put it in a gentle way) makes them raw yet comforting.
beat [it] or [around the bush] : since january I’ve read this thrice, it’s never far in my head. I don’t really know how to express it but really thank you for writing it. In a way, I feel like you morning afters speak to me on a very deep level, I can connect with every single one of those I’ve read, and they all moved me like a groundswell (you can say that in french, hopefully it makes sense in english too) In conclusion they felt very personal and maybe I’m taking this too much at heart but I’m genuinely grateful you wrote them.
implications : shed a few tears, loved it, loved it, loved it, in a 1984 kind of way – if you’ve seen the movie, this is the aesthetic I pictured. Really witty take on soulmates au. Super moving.
crepuscule : love it love it love it. Don’t know what to say, I just enjoy every single word of it. It’s a treat, a candy.
happenstance : this is one of my favorite trope (is it even one though?) slice of life/shy shy shyness/university au  but in the end it’s not left unsaid so it’s super satisfying. Also a treat.
100 ways N° 12 : soft boyish bub.
100 ways N° 8 : my heart, just take it.
Sequestered : cried real tears, thank god I was alone the day I finished it.
caveat → impulse : I felt wrong to feel it was very wrong omg. Left it feeling living with a zombie might be manageable after all – who knew!
in a moment → now you, too : !!! yes!!! I !!! have no words!! that’s it!! that’s the dream!!!
charmed, unsure : heavy vibes of Only lovers left alive, which I love
asking daisies and the art of faking : *see beat [it] or [around the bush]
caught : as I’ve said before : What happened to them? Where is mc now? Are they ok? Also I remember whispering « noo » at the very end. The timing is very efficient, and all the details you’ve put here and there only left me wanting more: what happened before? What happens after?
100 ways N° 38 : for the love of god just fall in love already
100 ways N° 57 : yes ! YES ! Space kid Seungkwan for the win !!
100 ways N° 83 : « Except there absolutely is a reason, if only either one of you would work of the nerve to name it. » That’s my jam, that’s it. I’m a bit tired now so I know I could do these fƓtus reviews way better! But it doesn’t mean I love them any less !!
easy as
 (pt.1) :  I.. just, petition for making this into a tv show ? Please ? It is enthralling.
100 ways N° 37 : cute, Chan is cute. This is cute!
100 ways N° 14 : slice of life but make it apocalyptic. I’ve rand out of things to say but this? I’ve mentioned before there are some of your pieces I consider the reading equivalent of sweets. This is one of them. 15/10 would personally love a long Dino-centered apocalypse au. (among many other things but who knows! Maybe I’ll be the one to write it) (also consider: space Dino) (space college boy dino)(i’ll shut it now)
lee chan would like to buy a vowel : I remember sending you a message expressing my love for this one, but, since it never reached you !! a master piece!!! the way you write dino is so relatable?? *see also beat [it] or [around the bush]
That’s it for me.
PS : it doesn't have to remain on tumblr dot com, ask and I'll delete it right away !
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kachuwritings · 7 years ago
Seventeen as dads
This is going to be my 200 follower special requested by a lovely anon, thank you!~
I made it with bullet points, I hope you’ll enjoy!^-^
The born dad, I tell you
Searching for the perfect dad?
Here he his
Choi Seungcheol aka daddy af ;)
Is already a dad of 11, so he's experienced
He'll always know what to do, like in every situation
Has a solution for literally everything
Will care so much about your kids
He always has everything ready that your son or daughter might need when going out
Literally so protective over you and the kids
Like a momma lion, if someone steps too close to you he'll attacc
But so fluffy~ towards you and the lil ones
He loves you and the kids to no end
Will teach your son to be manly and strong
Like him
Cuz he's manly and strong (but also so fluffy and he knows he can't hide it)
Is such a happy dad overall
Prettiest dad ever
Like have you seen him???
Your kids are gonna be pretty af
Them genes gurl
He'll definitely teach them being smug
But also lazy
And you're like: “Hannie noooo! Be a better role model"
But he'll just keep lying down and munching chips with the kids
They'll love him so much for this
But honestly, he'll be a great dad
Will always take care of the kids
Will teach them useful things
Like cheating their way to success *cough*
But seriously tho!! He'll be such a good dad and he'll love it
Always ready to braid or comb his daughter’s hair
Adores her hair and thinks back to the time when his hair was long
You and him will have the prettiest kids with the most beautiful hair
Dorkiest dad ever
Always gentle and nice tho
But can be low-key a lil bitch
Your kids will love him
Always sings them to sleep with his sweet voice while playing guitar
And you're sitting next to him, adoring him and asking yourself how you've become so lucky
Such a good dad
Like for real
He's like one of these role model dads
Going on bike rides with the kids
And teaching them how to swim
Playing games
Just being a dad
It's like his new fav thing to do
And you're glad he's around so much even tho he has such a busy schedule
Will force your kids to go to church with him (ok this is joke chill guys)
You couldn't wish for a better dad
Like Really.
The duality of this dude will even confuse his children
One time he'll be a shy lil muffin dad
And another one he'll be an overconfident daddy-o
Don’t get fooled by this one
He'll always keep it interesting
Your kids will never be bored with him
Is a talented beb and will probably teach your kids everything they want to
He can act so he’ll probably teach your children how to act
They’ll be asking him to do improvisations and watch him act out different roles
It’s so entertaining and you realize once again how amazing your man Wen Junhui is
.so so soooo amazing
Like so soft for you and the kids
Also low-key emotional
Don't let him cry in front of the kids or they'll get worried lmao
But you'll be such a happy family
He'll teach you and the kids everything about Chinese culture
And of course your kids will grow up being able to speak mandarin
Even if you don't stan Wen Junhui, believe me you'd want kids with him
FunNieSt DaD eVer
Like Hoshi is such a cinnamon roll
He'll adore your kids to no end
Always makes them laugh and is able to cheer them up when they're sad
Probably teaches them how to dance
Like gurl, you're married to a choreographer or course your children are going to love dancing with their dad
Look at this good-looking, talented, lil bun
Such a proud dad
Your children are equally as proud of him
Hoshi is a cinnamon roll...most of the time
There's these rare occasions when he'll get angry because he's overworked and stressed and loses his temper
Can be reallll scary when angry
Your children will be low-key shocked about his sudden change of demeanor
But he'll notice and be like: Omg I cAnT posSibLy scAre mY oWn cHildRen
And he'll immediately calm down and comfort your kids
He's a loving dad and would feel really guilty to have scared them momentarily
Ayyyyy I see him as such a cute and nerdy dad
Like, always wears his glasses and looking fluffy af
You and the kids gotta deal with his occasional dad jokes
Thinks is funny, but really isn't
He even isn't funny to a point where it becomes funny again
Buys cute lil glasses for your children to match him
You get one too, believe me
You'll be the perfect nerd family
He'll always sit with the children in the evening and reads them stories from books to fall asleep to
Since Wonwoo loves books, your children will come to love them as well
Already at a young age
Probably eager to teach your children how to read before they even enter school
I see him as this typical, cute, fluffy, nerdy dad
Oh oh, don't get me started with this one
Your children are going to LOVE music
He’ll teach them how to play instruments
he'll play the sweetest of melodies on the piano
Will also sing to your children when they can't fall asleep
He might look cold and unemotional
Or kinda hard on the outside
But the love he holds inside his heart for you and the kids is infinite
He might not show his affection a lot
And also is kind of a workaholic kinda dad
Because he loves his job and music and he's so dedicated
If he does show his affection and become clingy and cuddly
You'll feel how much your family means to him
Probably writes a song about you and the kids
You guys are his inspiration and motivation
You help him keep going
In total
Just a cute lil dad who wants to love and be loved
Also kinda manly at times tho
But overall a really caring dad
Damn...he's such a loud dad
Like sooooo loud
Probably screams louder than all your children combined
Will always play with them
They probably gonna have a screaming contest
Y'all be playing some game and he'll randomly start screaming and entertaining y’all
He's such a fun dad seriously
Always knows what your children want
And always ready to spoil them
Is also soFT
And emotional
Is sensitive and gets hurt easily
Will then sulk and pout at your kids (in a joking manner) until they feel guilty and shower him with hugs
And he's definitely also one of these dads who'll sing your children to sleep
Maybe you'll even join him and you'll sing together
But you also just want to listen to his beautiful voice
Is probably the most excited dad ever
This tall bean lmao
Such a clumsy dad I tell you
He's a literal puppy
He's also such a big baby and he always seems to trip over his own feet
Your children will probably laugh at him tbh
But he won't be mad since he's happy he can entertain them
Even if he makes a fool out of himself
Like they'll love to have such a great view over the world from such a high spot
Cuz Mingyu is as tall ad a mountain
He's a fluffy bean and will make sure his children are always happy
He loves cooking for y'all
He'll cook so many delicious foods
Your children get excited and want to help him
So he'll teach them how to cook
It's such a sweet sight seeing your man cooking with your children in the kitchen
He's the kind of Disney prince dad
Like the perfect and most handsome dad ever
You couldn't wish for anything better
A smug dad tbh
He's a savage but also a lil bean
Such an innocent dad help
He's emotional and so caring
He'll give you and your children the whole freaking world
Always makes sure you’re all happy
Hates to see any of you unhappy
But sometimes...sometimes...
When thughao gets through to him
Your kids will be like what??just??happened???with???dad???
He'll have the most savage things to say and y'all are just lmao u for real?
Probably teaches your kids to be swaggy and savage
Also wants to teach them how to b-boy
The other half of chinaline, so your kids will grow up to know how to speak mandarin as well
Also loves to read to them like Wonwoo
Discusses books with you and the children like in a small book club
Also goes to art museums with y'all and teach you about art
You'll all draw and paint together
Your children will love to throw paint at the canvas, lemme tell you
But it's a happy mess, so it's okay
Coolest dad ever!!!
Fite me on this one
If one of your children trips and scratches his knee
He'll act as if they're about to die
Rushes towards them and makes sure they're okay
he's so caring istg
Even if he's overreacting and overdramatic
It only shows how much he cares for all of you
Loves you and the kids to no end
Sweetest father ever
(Whenever he's not in diva!boo mode)
Also has a beautiful voice
Of course I won't forget about this
I've mentioned it a lot
Will also sing your children to sleep
Will always sing
Like 24/7
Will sing when preparing breakfast for y'all
Will sing in the shower
Will sing when picking your children up from kindergarden
Will probably even sing while taking a nap istg this boi
But you and the kids love his voice
(Even if it's sometimes a lil much)
But they'll definitely want to sing along with him so he'll teach them how to sing the songs they like
So proud of you and the kids
Oh no this dork
He's soooooft
But also chill and relaxed
Your life will be so comfortable with him
Your kids will really take after him
Y'all are going to have lazy family movie evenings
Like I said
He's a dork
Probably tries to sell his mixtape to your children
And they'll be like
What is this???
We don't have any money???
He'll make them listen to the mixtape along with you
And they're so surprised like
Omg I didn't know my dad was so cool
He can rap??? My dad can rap???
Your kids will be so amazed
Want him to teach them how to rap
Probably writes funny little rhymes about your family life or other stuff that he'll rap to your kids
They'll have so much fun
He even tries to teach them how to write lyrics
But they'll just stare at him with big eyes
Dad...how do you even write? What is the alphabet?
And you'll just look at them and giggle to yourself
Your life will be all around great with Vernon and the kids
You have such a chill family life
Y'all harmonize so well with each other
Chillest dad ever
Like your kids will never get in trouble because he's so chill
But still cares about teaching your children proper manners
Aaaaah the baby himself has babies what
Ok i'm sorry
Chan is an adult now
He's a hard-working one
Very passionate
Very thoughtful dad
He'll know how to treat you and the children right
Your children look up to him tbh
Entertains you all with Michael Jackson impersonations
Will probably teach your children how to dance like Hoshi
But they'll also be so eager about it
Every time they see him dance they're like
And he'll be so proud
Will definitely teach them
It's gonna be so much fun and you're watching them trying to get the moves right and copying his movements
He's an active and motivated dad
Y'all are probably be the next new dancing family in town
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jeonghanniesfool · 7 years ago
Seungkwan: Barista AU
Genre: Fluff
Requested by: Anon
A scenario where Seungkwan is a barista in a well known karaoke bar.
you’ve always wanted to try going to a karaoke bar
no idea what it was like
you just imagined
crazy party hard people
completely drunk
singing old ballads at the top of their lungs
wailing and screaming
probably ending up in tears on the ground
crying about a love they never had 
so when you showed up with your friends at their favorite karaoke bar
that you had never gone to before this
always declining their invitation
you found it to be the complete opposite of your expectations
it was just like
a coffee shop
well the front “lobby” was like a coffee shop
very quiet 
very calm
 with soft piano music playing in the background
quiet chatter talking among the guests
your friends dragged you over to the counter 
talking animatedly to the cashier about renting out a karaoke room
the cashier nodded and led your group over to a side hall that had a large sign saying
pointing down the hall
the hall was very spacious
and you saw different numbered rooms down there
with windows 
and the cashier led your group to room number 4 and let you in
your friends thanked the cashier and he left
sitting around and singing with your friends
you realized exactly how much fun it was
y’all were just a TINY bit crazy
and very soon, your throats were parched
you volunteered to go buy drinks for the rest
so you took their orders
and proceeded out of the room and back down to the hall to the storefront 
you approached the cashier
and ordered your drinks
after the barista finished making the drinks
you carefully took the tray of drinks and made your way back to your karaoke room
on the way back
you absentmindedly nodded your head to the music as you listened to the singing in different rooms
you turned right when you thought you had to
and pushed open the door to go in
you were met with loud ballad music
and the angelic singing
of a boy
you froze
not recognizing the voice
you broke out of your daydream to meet the eyes of a boy who looked just as shocked as you did
his microphone was frozen in front of his mouth
you couldn’t help but notice how cute he was
and how lovely his singing had been
“i’m so sorry”
you stammered
you could feel your cheeks flaming
he hurriedly said it was okay
as you backed out of the room as quickly as you could
and before you shut his door
you quickly said
“your singing is beautiful”
before scurrying off to room number 4 where your friends were waiting for you to return with their drinks
what an embarrassing experience
you found that you really enjoyed the drinks they served there
so you found yourself going back to the shop after school the next week
there was no one at the counter
so you stood for a while
simply browsing the menu
the door to the backroom slid open
and a boy hurried out
“i’m so sorry for keeping you waiting”
it was the boy you had accidentally bumped into singing
“hi, what can I get you?”
his voice was bright and peppy
but his cheeks burned with embarrassment
probably remembering exactly who you were
in fact
he thought you were super cute when he saw you at first as well
and couldn’t believe that he had let someone like you crash into his room and hear him singing like that
he was in fact 
still very self conscious about his singing
“um hi”
you looked down at his nametag
you were confused to see that 
diva boo
was written on the nametag
surely that wasn’t his real name?
he followed your gaze down at his name tag
and blushed a deeper red 
“i’m so sorry. i lost a bet with my coworkers and they got to write whatever nickname they wanted on my nametag for the work day today”
“oh is that so?”
you laughed
“your friends sound like great people. what’s your real name then?”
“nice to meet you, Seungkwan, I’m Y/N. I wasn’t lying when I said you had amazing singing.”
he shook his head vigorously 
“no no i’m not that good. You’re probably way better than I am”
you laughed
“i wouldn’t bet on that”
you looked at the menu again
“i don’t really know what to get. maybe just surprise me?”
he smiled at you
“okay i will!”
you went to find a seat and scrolled through your phone
Seungkwan hurried to make your drink
he went to the backroom to find the best ingredients possible 
“What are you doing back here, Seungkwan?”
Seungcheol asked his coworker
“You’re not usually back here to get ingredients. What, are the ones up front not good enough for you?” Jeonghan teased him
“He’s getting the super special secret menu drink ingredients!”
Vernon exclaimed, watching as Seungkwan gathered the ingredients
The other three workers quickly crowded the small window that oversaw the shop from the backroom
catching sight of you
they all oooed collectively
“OHHH YOU FIND ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS CUTE DONT YOU” Vernon said, nudging his friend
“Little Seungkwan all grown up” Jeonghan said dramatically, wiping away a nonexistent tear
Seungkwan glared at his coworkers before returning to the front where he prepared your drink
when he called your name 
you accepted your drink and smiled at him and gave him a warm thank you
you waved goodbye and left the store
you took a sip of the drink and it was the most heavenly thing you had ever tasted
what in the world was this drink?
he didn’t even tell you what it was called
how in the world were you ever going to figure out what it was to order it again??
at least-
at least it gave you a chance to talk to him again
and to seek him out as he was the only person who knew what drink it was that he got you
except for his coworkers who watched him gather the ingredients for it
but you didn’t know that
every day that week
you passed by the store
hoping to catch a glimpse of Seungkwan so that you could ask him what the drink he made was
and to talk to him again
he seemed like such a sweet person you wanted to get to know better
your friends started teasing you when they found out that you took the long way back to your apartment every day just to walk past that shop just to see if Seungkwan was there
“What if he is there every day but you just don’t know because you never go inside??”
“i don’t want to seem like a stalker and that I’m actively looking for him!! What if he thinks that’s creepy??”
“Isn’t there a chance that he’ll find you cute too??”
but you didn’t want to take the chance
until one day one of your friends was walking home with you
and forced you to go into the shop
and once you were inside
your friend ran away
telling you that you couldn’t walk outside the shop now that you were inside
that was just too awkward 
unfortunately for you
your friend was wise enough not to step into the store with you
they just got close enough to open the door and shove you inside
with all eyes on you
you walked up to the counter so that they would stop staring at you for your unconventional entrance
you waited in line anxiously
knowing that Seungkwan wasn’t going to be behind that counter
you just wanted to hurry and order your latte and leave
there was no point in dawdling for very long if you couldn’t talk to Seungkwan
not looking at the waiter as you ordered
you mumbled your order and pushed money across the counter without hearing how much your order was
“Y/N, are you okay?”
his kind voice broke through your daze
your eyes rose to meet his
Seungkwan was standing there with his eyebrows furrowed
his lips in a pout
eyes dripping with concern
you were so shocked it was him that you couldn’t speak
you looked down at the receipt in your hand
in a flash
you had a pen in your hand
and you scribbled your number onto the receipt
thrust it across the counter to him
snatched your ready-made latte from his hand
and had rushed out the door
Seungkwan looked down at the receipt in his hand in shock
and quickly stuffed it into his pocket before ringing up the next guest
that night you got a text
Unknown: Hey.. is this Y/N? This is Seungkwan from the karaoke bar
You: oh hey! ...I didn’t think you would actually text me
Seungkwan: oh no were you hoping I wouldn’t?? I’m so sorry D: 
You: no no no!! It’s fine!!
Seungkwan: ...um so why did you give me your number?
You: a;sdkljf i don’t know....
and you turned off your phone and went to sleep in embarassment
when you woke up the next morning
you checked your phone and realized that you had fallen asleep without saying anything to him
your opened his message
Seungkwan: I’m glad you did tho. I really think you’re cute
you had left him in suspense all night
You: a;slkdjf;lasd I’m so sorry!! I fell asleep last night!!
You: a;klsjdf I think you’re really cute too >.<
Seungkwan: ahhhh um... maybe you can meet me at the karaoke bar later and i can take you up on your singing challenge?
You: you’re not working?
Seungkwan: no i’m not working today
You: oh okay I’m okay with that!!
Seungkwan: it’s a date then!! :D
A/N: for some reason I felt like ending it there. oh well XD Don’t be afraid to leave feedback and comments. i love talking to you guys ;u;
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years ago
Hogwarts! Seungkwan
anon requested: "i love your hogwarts scenarios! can you also do one for seungkwan? thank you!!"
all you have to do is imagine second year Seungkwan bouncing around the train
desperately searching for the “candy lady”
what an absolute cutie
until there’s suddenly a flaming wiggly shape in the horse carriage
freakin Boo Seungkwan at his finest acting like he’s kwon fire
a mess
at least he’s a cute mess
and his Hufflepuff self clinging to Vernon for help 
the both of them freaking out about an owl sized fire
and it takes a whole 30 seconds for them to realize there’s also a water spell like smh lol
halfblood so like he knew the houses and stuff
even though he didn’t look it, very very nervous on sorting day
after all, he was like a small halfblood wizard from a small island with a long generations of Boos behind him
not to mention he was second
“gosh couldn’t there be more Ahns born in our year” he whispers to Vernon
to which the latter raises his hands above his head
“I’m a Chwe so..” 
and approximately 17 seconds after the hat touch his head, Boo Seungkwan was declared Hufflepuff 
now who said Hufflepuffs can’t be funny, sarcastic, and loud
no one never after hearing this kid
legit the class clown, everything he does will go down in history
like that one time he got dared to superglue the potions professor’s things to his desk
“WHO DID THIS HUH?” that one teacher who looks hilarious when mad, trying to pry the chalk off the desk
and Seungkwans that bright kid who giggles while raising his hand
though whining while cleaning everyday for the next month, but happily singing trot songs loudly 
not really ‘best in the class type’ haha
so some teachers actually lowkey dislike him but they don’t wanna get pranked so
he’s really the ‘im good in every class if i study and take notes but i fall asleep one day and im FREAKED’
to which he figured this out in his first year
him panicking, running through the school blindly looking for Vernon 
probably passing Vernon multiple times, who was just bopping his head to a song blasting through his head phones
but this is how he meets Joshua, 
leaning up against the common room wall panting when he feels a light tap on the shoulder and looks up into an eye smile
“are you okay?” 
Joshua’s sweet soul who spends the rest of the night tutoring him, but Joshua does not do people’s work 
and Joshua’s like the only tutor Seungkwan will ever have that doesn’t make him wanna pull his hair out 
or roast them
but honestly Seungkwan has the biggest heart ever 
Christmas is the best time of year and don’t argue with him on this unless you wanna BOX
extra af and wears a Santa Claus hat the entire month which all the teachers ignore
and the get up he comes up with this year
lots of people went home for the holidays but not Seungkwan as he lives far
so that Christmas morning at breakfast waltzes in proudly wearing a Santa onesie
with a sack thrown over shoulder, filled with gifts
and Vernon next to him dying of laughter
the entire hall clapping excitingly and giggling as Seungkwan spreads his arms out 
“ho ho ho” 
through all the excitement ,,, leaves the sack under the table too busy arguing with Vernon and Minghao about who won the pie eating competition
you happen to have slightly over slept that morning
completely forgetting it was Christmas morning too focused on food
until your eyes meet the brightly decorated hall walking to your Gryffindor table and sitting down
happily swinging your feet back and forth until you accidentally kick something
quickly realizing omg it’s Seungkwan bag from last year
you weren’t really close to him, maybe had a couple conversations, 
that one time you guys were dying of laughter in class bc you caught him trying to stick sticky notes on Vernon’s back
but that’s it
being kinda nosy you can’t help but peek
its so cute
the bag’s filled with okay wrapped boxes, in vibrant red, green, blue, and yellow
secretly you take something from your bag, add a note, and drop it in
smiling to yourself, you pick up the bag and head to the Hufflepuff common room, where you knew his group of friends were spending the morning together 
from overhearing a conversation of course, they aren’t the quietest people lol
thankfully your eyes meet a panicking Seungkwan and his friends in front of the entrance
“Heyyyy Seungkwan”
“Oh! y/n~” his expression immediately changes to a happy one
“Merry Christmas!” you laugh, handing him the sack, making him realize you had it
he dramatically engulfs the sack into a hug making you giggle
“since it’s Christmas, i’ll let it slide, be more careful next time yeah?” you joke
he chuckles, “i will i will” 
he pauses, “oh? where are all your friends at?” 
tucking your hair behind your ears, you smile softly
“most of my friends went home for the holiday, and my one Slytherin friend,” you check your watch and laugh, 
“she’ll be sleeping for another three hours”
“omo omo omo, how SO, you shouldn’t spend Christmas morning all by yourself, do you wanna?” 
he turns back, unsure if he could invite a stranger 
before they can answer, you shake your head, “please Seungkwan, I’ll be fine” 
you grin at him, and feeling the holiday spirit, you give him a quick hug
“Merry Christmas you guys!” you call before skipping down the halls, 
not really thinking much of the hug, 
for now
“M-merry Christmas!!” he says after you 
“Oh! y/n~” Soonyoung mimics as soon as your out of sight
“stopppppp,” Seungkwan whines, shoving Soonyoung’s arm
“does little Seungkwanie have a crush already?” 
“come someone help me shove the cuties under some mistletoe” 
“LALALALALA I DONT” he protests
they chuckle, but leave it at 
and it’s time to pass out gifts, 
Seungkwan taking them out of his sack, handing them to each of his 7 friends present
then taking the last gift out, he notices a tiny something left
peaking to see if anyone saw, he pretends it wasn’t there stuffs the “empty” sack behind him
until he’s alone in his room and curiously opens the sack
“woah” he finds two chocolate frogs and a note
‘merry christmas seungkwan~ you always give people gifts, you deserve something too, thanks so much for always making history exciting hehe’
there he is sitting on his bed becoming shy with rosy cheeks all by himself
the next day
“VERNON” Seungkwan whisper yells, “what does y/n like?” 
“the heck?” he chuckles confused, “why?” 
shrugging not so casually, “just because” 
“wow the hyungs were just teasing, do you like her?” Vernon’s eyes budge out his sockets
he huffs, “nevermind” 
and walks away
while later that night, your walking upstairs 
“oh hey y/n! what do you like” 
you tilt your head at Vernon’s question
“uhhh just a friends asking” 
you quickly putting two and two together laugh, “i like chocolate frogs” 
the days go quickly and there’s one more day until class starts up again
so you and your friend decide to head to hogsmeade
just as you guys are about to step onto the carriage
your head turns to meet a large group of guys, 
“can we get in?” Seungkwan asks grinning
nodding of course, you smile
the conversation between the two of you is full of laughter, while Vernon who came along with Seungkwan and your friend made the occasional comments
when they weren’t paying attention, your friend nudges you
“hey do you like Seungkwan?” she whispers 
your eyes widen, “no!” 
but that question rings through your ears for the rest of the ride
and somehow
“i wanna go to the candy store” Seungkwan says
“ah im gonna go get a butterbeer with the hyungs” 
your eyes shake between them
and having a wild imagination and being quick witted, you think amused
‘did they plan this?’
“i’ll go” you say speaking up, but then checking with your friend about it
luckily she shrugs and says she has other friends she could meet before leaving
“i never said thanks for the chocolate frogs by the way!” 
“oh!” you laugh having pretty much forgot about it, “it’s no problem” 
“you know what, i’ll buy you some today!” 
you smile in thanks 
and feel this unfamiliar feeling in your heart
as he’s talking, your realizing so pretty his smile his
how he makes the best facial expressions, 
even him being one or two inches taller than you
and there it is again, that feeling in your chest
as if your heart is about to burst out from it’s safe place
upon entering the shop and without your approval, Seungkwan immediately buys 5 chocolate frogs
walking outside together now, 
“here” he hands you chocolate 
“cheers” you giggle accepting it then clinking the food together
“OH LOOK!” he points to something in your hand excitingly
chuckling at his cuteness, you raise your eyebrows, “you collect these then?” 
he nods vigorously 
“you can have it then” 
you take his hand in yours and dramatically set the card there
he gasps and bows he head, “i will protect this with my life” 
suddenly you both hear loud shrieks 
all his friends surround you guys, arms over his shoulders 
your honestly not really sure what happens then
but you remember saying goodbye and leave, laughing when you hear incoherent shouts
and that’s it sadly
until you stumble into the library with rolls of the parchment in hand with your friend
“OKAY, we must finish our homework tonight!” you say determined 
“YES! okay good luck!” 
maybe you guys set the goals a little two high
because two hours later your friend is asleep on the table with your about to follow after her
for the first time since in there, you look around
and become shocked when you see Seungkwan holding his hair in fists with two of his older friends next to him
he looks up and happens to make eye contact with you
you smile at him
but he starts to urgently motion you to come towards him while his friends stare
cautiously you walk over and introduce yourself to his friends
“y/n save me!!!” 
he grabs your hands holding them tightly
one of his friends tsk, “gentlemen should ask before holding a girl’s hand” 
“Jeonghan!” the other friend says in a scolding tone, but amusement seeping through his voice
Seungkwan immediately lets go of your hand and blushes, “it’s not-t-” 
“okay Kwannie,” the other friend smiles, a little mischievously in your opinion,
“y/n here, will give you a kiss on the cheek if you finish your work” 
for once your not quick to process things
“Joshua,” that Jeonghan guy mocks the Joshua guy’s tone from earlier
catching what they are saying, “i will~” 
an very obvious blush on your cheeks
“o-okay!” Seungkwan eyes you for a second but looks away, the red on his cheeks becoming redder
let’s just say his work might have not been accurate, as he ended up making the two of you escape them
dashing out the library
giggling you laugh, “if you hate it that much, i’ll have to help with your homework” 
he nods, “please” 
your eyes meet seconds too long
but neither of you look away
hearts pounding
and whether you gave him that kiss or not 
thats a secret ;)
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The Seventeen Hogwarts AU Series:
| S.coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino |
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reactingkpop · 8 years ago
Seventeen Reaction: Your Guy Best Friend Buys You Whatever You Want
“SVT Reaction to Your Guy Best friend Buying U whatever you want” -Anon
A/N: This is one of my first times doing reactions so I apologize if it is not the best! -Admin Sara
“Let me buy you something.”
“Who is this guy?”
Pouts the whole time cause this bean just wants to buy cute stuff for you but when he starts buying you everything what is left for him to get you.
Is a bit afraid you’ll stop telling him what you want and around Christmas and birthdays he’ll have to guess what you want.
Just wants to provide. 
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He’s happy he isn’t spending money
Is a bit sad still cause he wants to buy you cute things
“Oh, we need milk, get your best friend to buy it for you”
Is okay with it yet not so it confuses you SO much.
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How sweet of him
“Oh my gosh he bought you that outfit, its really cute”
“Sorry I couldn’t be there to buy it”
“I’ll buy you a whole new closet next time we go shopping!”
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I didn’t come here to date you and your best friend
“Why is he buying you all this stuff. I wanted to pay for that!”
I... wanted? to pay for that
“Why am I even mad, like I don’t understand.”
“Thank you for buying that?”
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“Lets go shopping now, I have to buy stuff before him”
Makes you give him a list of things you want so if your friend buys them he still has back ups to get you
This babe likes buying you random gifts so it sort of rains on his parade.
“Oh... he bought you one... okay.” Hides the exact thing he just bought you as your surprise gift behind his back
“I have to go to the store again”
:( 1/2
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Tries not to let you go shopping with the guy but somehow even if you don’t you still have new stuff.
“Why are there boxes of shoes at the door? I thought you didn’t go out today”
“Oh. I see.”
“Can’t you just tell him I want to buy you presents too? It isn’t fair if he is buying everything before I can.”
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“Why are gifts just appearing in this houSE?”
“Where are you even getting all of this stuff?”
How does he even have money anymore, he bought you like 200 things in one day.
Drags you to the store, even if he got out of practice at 3AM and the only store open just sells gum. You’re going.
“I don’t care if you’re tired. I’m tired of not being able to buy you as much stuff and it makes me feel bad. Now gET UP.”
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“He’s buying you stuff? Cute.”
“What’d you get today?” :|
“N-no I am happy he is buying you stuff and you’re able to hang out and stuff with him. But... Isn’t he spending a lot of money on you... are you sure that is okay? Like he has enough money to do that?”
Is more worried about your friends spending habits than trying to buy you anything
Doesn’t want your friend to feel left out of the gift circle
Buys your friend random gifts in return so he at least gets something other than pure friendship back.
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“I mean you can still hang out with him, I don’t really care... I just don’t like him.”
Tries to buy you more stuff 
“Oh that’s what he got you... well I got you THIS.”
“Yeah well, you’re the one dating me.”
“You’re dating me.”
Tries to ask your friend to stop buying you so much stuff but then gets caught and you think hes jealous.
“You’re dating me. How could I be jealous?”
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Sees you getting everything you want made him just a bit upset because he enjoys buying you things
Starts trying to find unique things that you didn’t even know you wanted
“Yeah, he may have bought you like 3 pairs of shoes today but the bracelet I got you... Yeah. I picked out everything.”
Acts really cool and proud about all the stuff he finds.
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Made your best friend mad accidentally? when he first asked him to stop because he called it clutter. 
Sees how much he buys you now and gets mad but just keeps joking about it.
“Can he buy me stuff?”
“My best friend who?”
“No seriously though Y/N, it could work I have a plan.”
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Not really upset, but also not fine with it either
Tries to buy you a bunch of stuff while out with you
Makes a list of stuff you want so he doesn’t forget and makes you promise not to tell your friend about the stuff so he can at least try and buy it first
“Ya know, just tell him I really want this album.”
The album shows up the next day and hes like... what??
Is he really buying me stuff too? He has that kind of money? I should probably get to know him so that way I can repay him one day...
All of us are friends now.
“Three musketeers”
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Didn’t really mind at first and was like, okay, yeah I’m cool with it as long as we can coordinate so we don’t get the same things again.
Started caring more once your friend said something he didn’t like and then they stopped coordinating
Got really sad because three weeks before Christmas he went to this place to get you this necklace you said you wanted and waiting 2 hours in a long line only to find out he was in the wrong one. Then go to another line for another hour just to buy it and find out that your friend got you the same one AND gave it you early.
You have to tell your friend to stop buying you so much and to start only buying maybe once every few months because this babe isn’t going to tell you that it bothers him because he knows that when you get gifts it makes you happy and that is all he wants.
:( 1/2
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ask-svt-hearteu · 8 years ago
father! Vernon
anon requested: "Father!Vernon plz"
 Vernon would probably be the softest parent ever
imagine him knowing nothing at all about parenting despite having a younger sibling
and Sophia is just shaking her head
"Oppa, are you sure you can take care of a kid? You can barely take care of yourself."
but she's super excited to be an aunt
and would go shopping with Hansol for stuff or with her sister-in-law
because when Vernon goes by himself
he'd buy the wrong baby car seat for the car
or dog clothes, not baby clothes
he'd be a super excited fluffball of an expecting parent, and a clueless mess
until someone points him to a first time parenting handbook
and he just sits there staring at it like it's the most incredible thing in the world
like 'They actually write books about how to raise a human?!?!'
and he'd read through the first few pages
before getting distracted by the pictures
of all the cute babies and of the loving parents
and would want to go out to buy a bunch of clothes and tiny shoes and tiny socks and tiny shirts
just squealing at every cute tiny thing
"Are babies really born that tiny?!?!?!"
and buying baby toys
each of which he will test himself
like a rattle, he'll shake it around before deciding to buy it
and then watching a bunch of youtube videos on how to change diapers
and vids of mommy vloggers recommending stuff
and he'd probably get distracted by other stuff again like an animation for the abc song or something
and would think it's super cute
he's literally a child what can you do
would spend weeks freaking out once the delivery date approaches
basically asking all the hyungs for advice
and asking Chan for advice even though Chan's younger
"Why are you asking me?" Chan would laugh
Lots of constant thinking and random questions
"Hyung, babies have a hole in their skull you can't touch right?"
"I'm going to call babies from now on small persons, because that's what they are, they don't need to be called babies."
"Small people need formula right?"
"On second thought babies might be a better term."
Hansol gets death glares from Jihoon
and on the delivery date
you can imagine twelve boys waiting out in the hospital hallway
literally all excited about being uncles basically
Seungkwan running up and down the hallway ready to see Hansol's kid already
Joshua just carrying a gift wrapped by Mingyu that they all chipped in to buy
until Hansol walks out with a huge goofy grin on his face
a high-pitched sound coming out the back of his throat
and all of Svt gathers around like
so much screaming happens in the next ten minutes, pretty sure the hospital staff were ready to kick Svt out
"Baby Decaprio Jr.!!!!"
and although Vernon is a kind of clueless parent
he figures things out his own way
can't change a diaper properly when he's watching the kid at the studio so he uses the next best thing
always insisting his wife take lots of breaks so he can bond with his son
"Yo do you like me or mom better? No we don't have to tell her ke ke ke."
"Hansol the baby can't talk yet."
"I know!"
the little guy always has his dad and his dad's twelve friends looking after him
"Repeat after me //ahem// uncle Seungkwan is the best, jjang!!!"
"He looks just like Hansol."
"You want to watch spongebob with me and your dad, hmm?"
Vernon carrying around his son everywhere in one of those baby harnesses he straps to his chest
"That's Woozi-hyung making music, that's Hoshi-hyung making dance moves, that's Dokyeom-hyung doing... something silly"
even if he isn't going out, his son is sitting in the harness on Hansol's chest
"Vernon you can't dance with your kid on your chest."
"Oh yea hang on."
and though he's a goofball
no one could ever deny how much Hansol loves his son
always using baby talk
and singing random songs in both Korean and English to his kid
at the end of a long day, they'd fall asleep together on the couch
and when the baby wakes up in the middle of the night, Vernon's panicking
"pop" is his first word
and Hansol is thinking YES POP LIKE DAD
but no it's pop like a bubble pops
because every time Hansol imitates a bubble and gets popped by one of the Svt members
his son laughs and smiles like crazy
"Pop, pop, pop!"
Vernon dying every time at the cuteness
"You can call me pop, just don't tell mom."
and when his kid gets a bit older and starts learning stuff
Vernon is really surprised at how quickly his son picks up a mix of both Korean and English
his son's sentences are never fully in one language it's always a mix of both
which Joshua laughs at every time
Hansol looking up abc raps for his son to listen to in the car
and soon the kid starts picking up on Vernon's mannerisms
"He's literally a tiny you." Seungkwan laughs pointing at how Vernon and his son stood
Hansol likes to go everywhere with his kid, since his son hangs out at the studio with him often since his mom works
he's only six now
"Uncle Seungkwan, do you want to get ice cream?"
"Uncle Joshua, how do you say 'adventure' in Korean?"
"Uncle Seungcheol, is my dad annoying you?"
literally the cutest six year old ever
running around the studio looking at everything and asking all the members questions
"Daddy! Uncle Woozi played me a bit of mansae, I liked it a lot!"
the kid is a goofball too like his dad
and Vernon lets him listen to Svt songs all the time
"I wrote these lyrics, do you like them?" he'd ask his son
"Of course, because you wrote them!"
they'd go to the park to play baseball or basketball
Hansol carrying his kid on his shoulders to throw the ball into the hoop
and then running around like crazy screaming if he makes it
would try to teach his son how to bike and skateboard and roller skate at eight
but not before buying all the security gear and elbow/knee guards and keeping a hand tightly around his kids hand
Hansol would play music in the park and they'd have a dance party out in the middle of the park
not caring what other people thought
just enjoying the music
"You can dance really well!" Vernon tells his son
"Yea, I think I'm better than you dad!"
"No way, let's have a dance battle!"
Vernon always worried about his kid
when his son needed to start school
"Dad, it's only like for five hours."
Hansol writing the names of the kids his son plays with and their parents on his hand to remember like he tries remembering fan names
"My dad's a rapper! He sings too! I'm really proud of him!" his son would tell all his friends
and man Hansol would be so happy, he'd almost explode
and they go everywhere to eat all the food and try all the good stuff
"Cheeseburgers, pizza, chicken, meat, chocolate, the necessary foods of a balanced diet."
"What about fruits and vegetables like mom told me?"
"I don't know what mom's been saying but it isn't that."
"I like apples though."
watch Hansol go out of his way just to buy like twelve apples just because his kid said he liked them
“how do you like them apples”
“dad. stop. PLEASE.”
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ask-svt-hearteu · 8 years ago
soulmate! Mingyu (carat version)
requested by anon: "Mingyu soulmate au where hes a idol and the soulmate is a carat. Thanks!"
in which you have a clock that starts at birth and counts time until you meet your soulmate, which it then stops
part 2
you seriously have never been so excited in your life
this is the moment where you wish you could say “i’m about to meet seventeen” 
but no, let’s try to shoot for the lower baskets first
aka, you're in L.A. for a little bit, before you and your friends drive to disneyland 
this is your spring break, a well needed break before you have to stress out for finals week
and as your first day here after a long road trip, everyone’s too tired to go out to some fancy place
so, you and your friend were put on snack duty and at the closest convenience store to your hotel
entering, your friend and you go to the drinks first
“hey how much cash you got on you” she asks
you smirk and answer “seventeen”
svt was your ulti group, you'd been a carat since adore u and your one goal in life: seeing seventeen live
she groans but laughs at your weird facial expressions, “STOP. But really though?”
“seventeen teen teen”
she takes the bottle of water she was holding and smacks your arms, not so gently
“oh my godeeuuuu” 
she almost smacks you again at your seventeen reference
by now all your friends knew of svt
you glanced down at your wrist, a habit formed from years of checking
the clock was still going and it was easy to tell ten minutes had passed since leaving the hotel
you used it often to keep track of time
even though you knew its real purpose
to stop the moment you met your soulmate
you'd never really been interested in searching like other of your friends have
going around randomly, looking at the clock on your wrist and waiting for it to stop
it didn't sound very. . . romantic
at that moment thirteen guys are three aisles over arguing over what kind of ramen they should buy
“mingyu-yah get this one” 
“no no i trust jisoo hyung he’s probably had all the american ramen before”
mingyu kind of just blanks them out and stares at the two brands lost in thought
suddenly he hears something and speaks,
“seungkwan-ah did you hear someone say seventeen teen teen and oh my godeu”
the argument over ramen ceases
“ayeee mingyu what kinda shit you saying now, you must be really hungry”
“no no no hyung i feel weird”
“there’s no way right?” woozi says, everyone knowing what he was implying
the others shake the thought off as they resume arguing, only a few of the members notice mingyu setting the ramen down and walking down the aisle
meanwhile you and your friend ignore the commotion, too busy with your own
“okay i’ll get chips, you get some ramen” you say
going straight to where they have the hot cheetos, you grab two bags
“hey you want any other-”
as you turn around your face almost hits someone's chest
your immediate thought is
“what giant did you just run into, lmao this would be me if i ever met mingyu”
you back up and look up to apologize
and then jump in shock 
getting a look at his face you realize, 
“holy fucking shit, kill me now”
“ah i’m sorry” he says distractedly in an incredibly cute accent
you're screaming internally, though for all you know you could have been screaming aloud
are you seeing things? bc this must be one hell of a dream
that’s the only explanation of why kim mingyu is standing in front of you at a freaking convenience store
fate isn't playing some kind of cruel trick on you right?
everything in your brain clicks together and of course i first thing you say is,
“i’m really sorry to ask you this but i’m a carat and i really love seventeen and your music and i’d really like it if you could like sign?”
these words rush out your mouth way to fast for his comprehension
he laughs confusedly and smiles, “carat?”
you almost slap your forehead, how embarrassing can you get
“yes, can you sign?” 
he smiles, “yes”
you thank the lord for this one moment where you didn’t clean out your purse and pull out a sharpie 
showing him your clear phone case you hold out the sharpie to him
he takes this moment to look at your wrist subconsciously, something he's done most of his life when meeting people
he feels conflicted, when he also sees a timer on your wrist which has stopped
because although he can't really speak that much english, he thinks you're really pretty
so he kind of just ignores it,
thinking you already found your soulmate and couldn’t possibly be his
unknown to you, he recognized your voice from the seventeen teen teen earlier 
grabbing the pen, he takes another habitual glimpse at his own wrist before he signs
you hear the pen hit the floor and feel lost
“um -”
he yells something in korean which you barely understand
twelve other boys come tumbling through the aisles yelling 
you're going to have a heart attack
in a split second your head registers exactly who is in front of you
mother effing seventeen teen teen
aka the people who give you heart attacks on a daily basis
aka your one goal in life
mingyu talks quickly to all them, glancing back at you every second
you're still standing there frozen in shock, like wtf just happened
and tbh you're still confused on what they're doing/ talking about
joshua smiles at you and grins
“you’ve just met your soulmate”
your first reaction: "?!?!?!" 
and immediately to look at your wrist and notice the timer has in fact stopped
you suddenly can't breathe and both you and mingyu make eye contact
holding three packs of ramen your friend comes beside you
“what’d i miss?”
“everything girl. fucking everything.”
despite the almost movie like encounter, you and mingyu had some problems
to name a few,
he’s an idol
your a college student
um, language barrier
pretty sure you have to know more than annyeonghaseyo & saranghae
you show you friend you wrist and the first thing she does is squeals, grab both your hands and jump up and down
“OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!! you know what! y’all spend time together, get to know one another WHATEVER, i’ll pay for everything! you come back to the hotel whenever!” 
she leaves giving you a hug and waving bye to the seventeen boys
suddenly this whole thing hits you, like damn these aren’t just some people you stare at from a screen, you guys actually have a personal connection
“so um annyeonghasyo? my name’s y/n” 
you are surprisingly able to be composed
the smile doesn’t fall from his face
“kim mingyu”
seungkwan starts saying something and everyone starts talking
somehow joshua and vernon get your phone and type in mingyus number plus adding everyones too
you get five minutes together before they have to leave
because of the language barrier, you both can’t say as much as you want
“i’ll try my very best to learn korean, soulmate”
“i try best at english?” mingyu says cutely
you laugh, and the time together comes to an end when their manager calls them home
with a leap of boldness, you wrap your arms around his waist tightly
you feel him stiffen but then wrap his arms around your shoulder tightly
suddenly you feel yourself being lift off the ground 
“KIM MINGYU” you screech, giggling
he sets you down with a grin on his face
“annyeong soulmate~” his to his members who are loudly saying stuff a mingyu
before he walks out he turns around one last time and lifts his phone to his ears yelling something in korean
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part 2
The Seventeen Soulmate AU series:
|| Seungcheol / Pt. 2 || Jeonghan / Pt. 2 || Joshua / Pt.2 || Jun / Pt.2 || Hoshi / Pt.2 || Wonwoo || Woozi / Pt.2 || Seokmin / Pt.2 || Mingyu / Pt.2 || Minghao || Seungkwan || Vernon / Pt.2 || Dino ||
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ask-svt-hearteu · 8 years ago
soulmate! Mingyu (pt. 2)
anon asked:  Omgggg please do more seventeen soul mate!!!! I love the ones you have-maybe minghao next? Possibly mingyu pt 2?? xoxoxoxx you are amazing writers and ignore the stupid haters
a/n: thanks so much! i’m sorry if this is late, we posted minghao a couple days ago incase you haven’t seen it, here
part 1
recap: in which you have a clock that starts at birth and counts time until you meet your soulmate, which it then stops
even though the drive to disneyland from L.A. is less than an hour 
you spent that time learning as much korean as you could 
which really only means the alphabet, sounds, and common phrases, but basics first okay 
that morning after you met mingyu, you and your friends all decided to change plans a little bit 
so instead of spending the whole day shopping, you guys spent the entire day at korea town 
which consisted of you buying whatever seventeen albums and merch you didn't have and even books on learning korean 
the girl there was kind enough to answer your questions and show you an app to download to learn
so you and mingyu text with his and your limited knowledge of each others language
it was funny if you look at it honestly, he’s sending you texts in his not bad english though your almost certain joshua or vernon were helping 
and you are sending short probably grammatically incorrect korean phrases with the help of the book you got of course
with this, he gets across he’s actually filming for an MV
and he just sends back a bunch of laughing emojis and your like STOP DONT MESS WITH ME
you tell him what your doing for today and he’s like is the food good 
and you say yes you liked it a lot but your not sure how it’s supposed to taste
and he sends you something in korean which you dont understand fully so you go to your book
and you almost end up s c r e a m i n g
because it translate into ‘then i’ll make you a korean dinner soon ;)”
and your fangirling to your friend about how housewife ming, your soulmate, just said he’ll make you dinner
like a date. date
you give some respond that took you 5 minutes to form but simply said “i’ll take you up on that” and the little blushy face emoji 
from then on, it’s constant talking
while he’s filming and doing photoshoots, he’s sending you selfies and videos of him or other members
and you send him pictures of you at disneyland, eating, or shopping
you secretly get him this little figure from disneyland to gift next time you see him
which might not be coming for a while because of your both busy schedule
his life as an idol and your still a college student
so the two of you have a long distance relationship, and though it’s hard, you make it work
even though you guys did have a few chances to meet it was never more than a week
the first date though, was indescribable 
you both were really nervous at first, and your sure it showed on you just like on him
but it couldn’t get any better
he took you out for korean bbq, where he learned all about you and you learned all the things you didn’t know about him
so you talked and talked and now you knew why everyone raves about their soulmate
trust the universe, if they thought you were good with kim mingyu then your good for kim mingyu
and he was good for you
you were perfect together aka devouring all the food and leaving full
but it’ll be a pity to end the date that fast soooo
you both agreed to go street shopping, where you looked at clothes, little nicknacks, and jewelry
he noticed when you would look at something a second too long and take note on it, not that you knew 
and by the end of the night, when he was walking you back to your hotel
you both stood at the side of the building under the street light, shuffling your feet, not wanting to leave
he nervously reaches his hand up to the neck and rubs it, then pulls out a little box out from his jacket pocket
and hands it to you, who had a surprised expression, nervously
“here, i got this for you”
you gingerly open the box, and find the pretty bracelet being sold by the ajumma earlier
“you... you noticed?” you say looking up at him
your face turns into a full on grin, “it’s beautiful, put it on me?”
and so he did and just when he finished clasping it, you took this chance you pull him into a full on hug
and pulling away slightly, his arms still around your neck, 
after a moment of just simply staring at each other, both knowing what was happening next,
he leaned down, and you tilted your head up
any thoughts of ‘oh my god’ were cleared from your brain as his lips touched yours
the kiss was soft, sweet, and innocent
and when you pulled away, the smiles on each others faces never diminished
as you both said goodnight, you took one last look at him, giggled, and walked into the building
basically the memory of your first date with mingyu was,,, honestly there’s no other word besides magical
so by the time you graduate college, you surprise him with the news of getting a job in seoul
this of course means it’s time to celebrate
and this is the time he does cook you dinner, as promised
his romantic ass books a hotel suite for you guys, be who wants to be in the dorm
the suite was complete with a kitchen and all that
really, the food is amazing
sitting at the dinner table you stare into his eyes
“i love you” you say, a smile forming on your face
“i love you too” he says, reaching his hand over the table to hold yours
and the two of you are in a really fancy hotel room after all
what happens though, you and mingyu leave that to the boys imagination when they ask you the next day 
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part 1
The Seventeen Soulmate AU series:
|| Seungcheol / Pt. 2 || Jeonghan / Pt. 2 || Joshua / Pt.2 || Jun / Pt.2 || Hoshi / Pt.2 || Wonwoo || Woozi / Pt.2 || Seokmin / Pt.2 || Mingyu / Pt.2 || Minghao || Seungkwan || Vernon / Pt.2 || Dino || 
651 notes · View notes
ask-svt-hearteu · 8 years ago
soulmate! Joshua (pt. 2)
Anon requested: “pt 2 to the svt Joshua soulmate au?” and “HI, I REALLY LOVE YOUR SOULMATE!JOSHUA AU AND I WAS WONDERING IF YOU COULD MAKE A PART 2. i love you” (TYSM AND ILY TOO) and “Can you write a part 2 for Joshua’s soulmate au pleeeaaaasssse”
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1381
Recap: any visible injuries like scratches, cuts, and bruises that you sustain appear on your soulmate and vice versa (part one)
A/N: This was requested and I’m so happy thank you! It was a bit different than our other cute ones so to make up for it, this will be the fluffiest!
Is he really my soulmate?
man does fate love messing with you
here you were feeling sorry all these years that your soulmate got hurt because of you
and here he was standing in front of you with the same cut on his thumb that you had on your thumb
and wouldn’t you know it? Fate really, reeeeaaally likes, no LOVES, messing with you
because after all these years of being generally careful to not get hurt
you, in your surprise, step back a little only to slip on the rain-slick sidewalk
and as you fall, instinctually you use your hands to break your fall
you’re suddenly on the ground
your palms are bleeding
you can’t believe your luck
“I’m really sorry- I- I- was surprised and-an-”
you stop as warm hands wrap around you as your soulmate gently picks you up off the ground
his palms are bleeding too
“It’s ok.” he says to you softly while holding you in his arms
you can’t help but want to cry at how comforting his voice sounds
he continues holding you in his arms, “It’s all going to be ok.”
he doesn’t let go for a while
Hansol introduces Joshua to you and steps back to give you both space to talk
“I don’t really know how to start apologizing to you.”
you look up, “apologizing to me?”
“Yea, I tried to train carefully, but as a trainee, injuries are bound to happen” he says with a shy smile
“I thought you’d hate me because I fell off my bike and got that huge scrape” you say in return
“No way. I remember that, I kept walking in circles wondering if you were ok and my parents kept telling me to stand still so they could bandage it.”
“Well I cried about it, not because it hurt but because you had it too.”
you both laugh, recalling separate memories
you give Joshua your name
“I’m y/n” “It’s nice to meet you soulmate” “It’s nice to meet you too”
he still has an arm wrapped around you when
you both walk into this big dance studio and Hansol runs off to grab bandaids
when he comes back, he’s not alone
“SHUA!” “Hyung!” “Is this her?” “She’s really pretty!” “Hansol told us everything!” twelve guys surround you and Joshua
“Don’t let him convince you he’s the normal one.”
“I hope you like freestyle rap. and pizza.”
you laugh amongst the chaos, greeting all of svt
Joshua pulls you away playfully
“Yah! Give her some space”
they all back off except for a blonde hair guy
“Shua will always love me the best, but I’m glad he found you. He was going crazy. I’m Jeonghan, by the way, but you can call me ‘Joshua’s angel’ and no that’s not negotiable.”
Joshua laughs and lightly hits Jeonghan on the arm
“I’m looking forward to seeing our gentleman Joshua, dating someone.” Jeonghan says shooting you a wink
from then on you and Joshua are pretty much inseparable
as the gentleman he is, Joshua asked you officially with flowers
and you gladly accepted
 you learn that quite a few members have found their soulmates already as well; Jun, Hansol, Soonyoung, Jihoon

you also hear from Joshua that about three days after you met Jeonghan, Jeonghan found his soulmate when they were having dinner
you love all of Svt, they treat you like family and always push you and Joshua together
maybe they got a sense of how much you two wanted to get to know more about each other 
you both have dates at random coffee and tea places around their company’s building
though he wears a mask to avoid media
you’ll both just sip your drinks and look up and meet each other’s eyes and then giggle into your drinks
or you go see movies, some in English, and talk about favorite characters and good plot points
or walk around in shops, pointing at random things you’d both want to buy
like these cool matching sunglasses or food and you usually end up with the food and later that day you’re both rocking those matching sunglasses
or stroll in the park or read together at book stores
you both talk about your day and how much you missed each other
yes, you’re that couple
you’re both always holding hands, or linking fingers when walking, or tugging at each other’s sleeves or playing footsie under the table
it’s sort of reassuring for the both of you
knowing that the other person is  there
when you’re both together, you both can enjoy each other’s company
you’re both a bit overprotective of each other as well
“Jeonghan!” Jeonghan turns to look at you
“Could you make sure Joshua actually eats when he’s supposed to, he told me last time he wasn’t feeling well.”
“Alright,” Jeonghan laughs, “it sounds like you already married Shua, y/n.”
you blush, but smile and playfully stick your tongue out at him
Joshua asks the others if they saw you waiting for him
and at first they tease and mess around with him saying you aren’t there
but he gives them a look
and they crumple telling him you’re in the studio waiting for him for your date
and next week you bring Joshua and svt chicken
“Chicken, the fastest way to butter up your soulmate’s friends and get them to like you. Y/n, you have good sense.”
and when he sees you, no matter what he might be doing, he always quickly walks up to your side
“UGH just get a room then.” Hansol laughs at his hyung
“I can’t do what you and your soulmate do, Hansol.” Joshua cheekily fires back
Hansol blushes and you and Joshua laugh
you could be having the worst day ever, but once you see Joshua, your fears subside and when he hugs you, nothing else really matters except for the two of you together
sharing injuries all these years
made you both closer without you both realizing it
if Joshua got injured rehearsing and said it didn’t hurt
you could tell if he was lying
because you shared his pain
you’ll wake up in the middle of the night, woken by some unknown nightmare, tears ready to fall
you accidentally dug your nails into your palm while having the nightmare
the imprints from your nails aren’t too deep, but they look red
and your phone buzzes
it’s Joshua
you’re up aren’t you? If you’re still up do you want to talk?
he calls you and asks a bit frantically if you’re ok
“I’m fine
 did you see the marks on your hand? I was just having a nightmare, I’m sorry
“No, it’s fine.” he says, relieved it wasn’t too bad
then he’ll sing you a song quietly
his soft and gentle voice carrying a sweet and calm melody
and you’ll fall asleep, your phone still allowing Joshua’s voice to be heard
and sometimes
you like playing with his hair
“yah, y/n, what’s up with you.”
“I just like your hair, it’s cute like a bunny.”
“My hair reminds you of bunnies?”
“Yea, because it’s fluffy.”
and when you next go over to hang out with Joshua in the studio
there’s a little bunny sitting on the couch next to some flowers
“For the person who thinks my hair looks like a bunny, now you can pet an actual bunny instead of messing with my hair.”
you cuddle the life out of that stuffed bunny
“Did you like it?” Joshua says from behind you
“It’s almost as cute as your hair.” you giggle giving him a hug
“I’m glad you like it.” he leans down to kiss your forehead
you’re a bit surprised and blush but you playfully scrunch your nose
“I’m not that easy Joshua Hong, you’ll need to buy me a few more bunnies first.”
“Will do, lovely.” he laughs
boldly you stand on you tiptoes and press a kiss to his lips
“Thanks for the bunny, I’ll give it cuddles whenever I miss you.”
“That poor bunny is going to get cuddled a lot then.”
“Nah because I have you too.”
“That’s right you have me now.”
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The Seventeen Soulmate AU series:
|| Seungcheol / Pt. 2 || Jeonghan / Pt. 2 || Joshua / Pt.2 || Jun / Pt.2 || Hoshi / Pt.2 || Wonwoo || Woozi / Pt.2 || Seokmin / Pt.2 || Mingyu / Pt.2 || Minghao || Seungkwan || Vernon / Pt.2 || Dino ||
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ask-svt-hearteu · 8 years ago
Hyung line parenting 101
@svt-seokhoon-17  I have an family au. Cheolsoo are the parents of Vernon, jeonghoon are the parents of seungkwan, wonhui are the parents of minghao and mingyu, hoshi is a single parent raising seokmin and dino. It’s the 7 oldest being the parents and youngest 6 being kids |  Omg yes (like thoes soulmate, best friend bullet point things or something different)
requested by anon: “A Lee family au (father woozi, mother jeonghan, child seungkwan)”
Cheolsoo family
their kid is currently in elementary school
tbh Joshua and Seungcheol are the proudest hype parents ever
they’re proud Hansol can find his way from the house to the bus station
or if he remembers their phone numbers
they hype everything he does
even if it’s just putting on his shoes
nothing Vernon does can be called stupid to them
except for that one time he tried eating a mud pie made from mud, clearly
and Vernon isn’t a stupid kid
no not at all
he just likes hanging out with friends and watching youtube videos more than coloring in pictures of George Washington and reading short chapter books about a magic tree house
he only colors when he knows the homework is due the next day
and then he colors outside the lines because why would you want to color inside the lines, that’s boring
he somehow always finishes his math hw though
without fail
it’s like magic
he hangs out a lot with the Lee family’s kid, Seungkwan
not because the kid does Vernon’s math hw for him or anything
they’re best friends but Vernon denies this
which sometimes hurts Seungkwan’s feelings
but then they play tag or watch some mine craft videos together
and they make up and Vernon finally admits they're best friends
and Vernon protects his best friend from the bullies on the playground
bullies being the girls who call Seungkwan ugly
Vernon will throw tanbark at them no joke
and you know he'd be that one kid that gets in trouble for putting gum in a girl's hair but she was asking for it by making fun of Seungkwan 
and he pushes Seungkwan on the swings a lot too
never complains about it 
Joshua is the parent who works from home
because his child’s education is really important and they need to have one parent home at least
according to his how to be a parent book
also in charge of the school's PTA 
so everyone knows Vernon
Joshua is always planning like fifty bake sales and a bunch of fundraisers 
also tries convincing the school to host a carnival
just so Vernon can ride the Ferris wheel
he also drags the whole family to church on Sunday
he always tries cooking dinner with an apron that says “Thank God for this chef”
but he can’t cook
at all
so Seungcheol always has to put out whatever fire is roaring in the kitchen
and then order takeout
Joshua’s one of those classy af parents sipping wine in the driveway with a book while their kid runs past screaming
“You’re doing great sweetie, don’t kill the neighbor’s cat like last time.” without even looking up
really loves his family though
reads bedtime stories to both Seungcheol and Vernon even though Vernon insists he stop
always packing Vernon’s lunch in a little brown paper bag with a heart drawn on it
which some people tease Vernon for
but he will fight them if they mess with it
and he secretly likes how much his parents care for him in the randomest ways
they have a pool in the backyard
so they’re always throwing neighborhood parties
Seungcheol can actually manage BBQ’s pretty well
so he makes stuff like hamburgers, hot dogs for Vernon and Joshua
he works downtown
pretty nice office space with a nice view
normal eight-hour work day type deal
never comes home and complains though
and always that parent dragging their kid out on the lawn to run through the sprinklers in summer
and tends to set things on fire with sparklers
rest in peace that poor rose bush
the one to mow the lawn in something embarrassing like just underwear
with Joshua covering Vernon's eyes and yelling for him to put a shirt on there are children what are you doing you need Jisoos
Seungcheol also the one to go to the hardware store for a lightbulb and ends up getting the idea to build a treehouse
and makes Vernon help him
even though it ends up being Joshua putting all the planks together and Seungcheol meekly hammering them together
they often go on family vacations too
so they don’t have a pet
it probably wouldn’t survive
camping often because nature
though secretly they all bring like ten portable battery chargers each and use data to check SNS
they all drive to the beach and take lots of family photos
photos end up on the fireplace mantel
everyone who sees the pictures can't deny how cute this family is
Vernon and Seungcheol teaming up to play a prank on Joshua, with whip cream
but they get caught
and end up being given a long lecture
Seungcheol nodding his head pretending to listen
Vernon mimicking Joshua
but mess with Vernon, or any of the family
and even Joshua can turn savage
next day your car is covered in soap or post-its
and you bring it up at the home owners' association meeting
Cheolsoo will high five each other and smile innocently
like "we have no idea who could have done that"
fights are nonexistent
they all think alike too much
they all love each other
they’re family
Jeonghoon family
tbh if savagery were parents
Jeonghan always bringing in the latest gossip from the other neighborhood parents
ranting on and on to Jihoon about how one person didn’t trim their lawn
or how their cat keeps pooping in the petunias
like how dare they
and Jihoon just nods
until Jeonghan brings up the neighbors that party too loudly
then Jihoon joins Jeonghan’s roasting fest
as they both criticize their neighbor’s music taste
“why even throw a party at all?”
“I’d rather die.”
they're always plotting their revenge on some random kid or neighbor
they tolerate the Cheolsoo family
though they low key like being neighbors because they can watch Seungkwan for them whenever he hangs out with Hansol
and then they can chill and do whatever they want
and the Cheolsoo family has lit pool parties
a bit suspicious of Vernon, but they love Vernon too
low key savage to their own kid too
“do whatever”
but they always secretly worry
and Seungkwan can tell this from their questions
“How’d you do on the spelling test? Not that we care it’s whatever.”
Seungkwan is a really smart kid
though they sometimes think he might be a pushover
so they try toughing Seungkwan up
going camping like the Choi's
doesn't go exactly as planned
too many mosquitos
not enough high speed internet
so the whole trying to toughen up their kid
doesn’t go so well
Seungkwan could end up crying
so they give up and give the kid ice cream
parenting experts clearly
Jihoon has an at home-studio
works on stuff and lets Seungkwan run around
might complain about annoying Seungkwan is
but let's Seungkwan do whatever he wants
the kid running around and testing all the sound equipment
and listening to the music his dad is composing
being brutally honest and savage
because he learned rom the best
"you sure you want to put that key change there?"
"get out"
Jeonghan just stays home and watches reality tv shows
“Seungkwan, I swear if you keep doing that kid’s math hw
 actually go ahead, we like that family.”
and Seungkwan will sit and watch too
and criticize the show's plot points
before Jeonghan tells his kid to be quiet
but Jeonghoon love Seungkwan a lot
Seungkwan is always bring them his pictures, drawings, paintings, hw, tests, etc.
and they don’t say much
and so you'd think they don't acknowledge the kid
but you're wrong
all the drawings are hung up somewhere
the bathroom
the fridge
on the garage door
and the tests always end up taped to the window with the perfect scores facing outside
and they’re always bragging about Seungkwan to their friends
“Yea my kid is a genius, I bet he could do algebra better than your kid” even though Seungkwan’s only in elementary school and doesn’t know algebra
Seungkwan’s always leads for the chorus shows and school productions
no one even fights him for it
the teachers just know
and he always drags Vernon into the shows
and on opening night Jeonghan and Jihoon are sitting front row center
with a huge af sign with Seungkwan’s name on it
not even caring they’re blocking other parents
proudest parents in the world that would never admit that nonsense
and they’ll tell you no recording because respect the school's rules
but you know secretly they’re recording the whole thing on their phones too
to send to friends and family like they do every year
"The Lee Family would like to say Season's Greetings"
and buy Seungkwan a flower bouquet afterwards
and all the ice cream the kid wants
maybe going with the Choi family
Jeonghan always buying takeout and putting it on fancy dishes to pretend he cooked it
fools Jihoon but not Seungkwan
who's learning to be more savage each day from his parents
"If I wanted takeout, I could just eat next door."
also Jeonghan's the parent to smear the frosting on store-bought cupcakes to make it look home-made
"They'll never notice"
Jihoon always the one doing the cleanup, washing dishes, mowing the lawn, changing lightbulbs (despite being short)
with Jeonghan telling him every five minutes “good job” without looking up from his drama series
the parents that prank all their neighborhood friends
"Quick we need to TP the house before they call the cops!"
Seungkwan's just shaking his head being dragged into it like
"They forgot to bring in their garbage cans, this is deserving."
end up all running away in the dark
and hiding in bushes
and laughing together as a family
before they start getting a bunch of insect bites from the bush
and rush home to shower and help each other with the anti-itch cream
they all love each other
they're family
Wonhui family
appear as the family that’s most got their ish together
with Wonwoo being a smart professor with a library at home
and Jun with his artistic performance arts stuff at the local theater all the time
gives lessons to Seungkwan for shows
which Jeonghoon is ok with because it's free
and Wonwoo tutoring Vernon
pretty calm and quiet parents at social events
except if they're the ones hosting
then ish can get crazy
don't play charades at the Jeon household
tbh their kids are always trying to ship the other to Canada or somewhere
“Hey dad I need a box.”
“How big?”
“Mingyu, how tall are you?”
“I need a box as big as Mingyu.”
“Minghao stop trying to ship your brother to Canada, you can’t afford the shipping fee anyway!”
Wonwoo always running around trying to stop the kids from fighting
Jun just casually in a corner, sipping wine and staring at the chaos
not even trying to help
just shakes his head and continues whatever he's doing
and Mingyu is the actual adult of the family
like yes his parents pay the bills
but they can't cook
he and Minghao may be in middle school
and Jun and Wonwoo may be the parents
but he’s always the one to cook and change light bulbs and make everyone else's lunch
wearing an apron too big for a middle schooler
but he's tall
Minghao denies being his sibling at schoool
even though Mingu is older
Minghao's like "Mingyu who?"
Mingyu always trailing after Minghao to annoy him but also to get attention from him
Mingyu also teasing Minghao for being taller than him
and people tend to call them 2Ming for short
which they hate
don't ever
unless you want a fight
separate friend groups at school but always sit together for lunch on fridays
and although they often argue
pray for Wonwoo and Jun if they decide to team up for a prank
let's just say 2Ming is still grounded after the last "incident"
middle school = angsty teens
but Minghao and Mingyu are surprisingly well behaved
they both have a lot of extracurriculars  
hecka busy schedule this family
never enough time for anything
Jun's performances at night
Wonwoo's lectures in the morning
martial arts class for Minghao
home economics class for Mingyu
Minghao always being done with the rest of his family
"How am I related to all of you?"
secretly loves his crazy family though
especially when Mingyu sticks up for him when people say he's a crazy nunchuck wielding ninja
which he is
they both do really well in school though
cuz smart parents
Mingyu always reminding everyone about important dates and appointments
being the mature parent one minute
and acting like a giant puppy the next
too busy for family vacations
so they just go out to fancy restaurants to eat every weekend
the one family to sing along to songs together in the car
but if the kids see someone from school
"I swear I don't know them, my family actually lives in Antarctica."
don't prank other neighbors either
mostly because they argue how extreme it should be
so generally when the Lee family strikes
they do four separate things
which is chaotic
but functional enough
Wonwoo always the one trying to calm everyone and be logical
Jun not helping whatsoever watching everyone struggle
Mingyu trying to fix everything by peaceful terms
and Minghao wanting chaotic means
they're a mess, but
they all love each other
they're family 
Kwon family
Seokmin is in middle school with Mingyu and Minghao
often hangs out with them
though he can't decide which friend group
so he floats from one to the other
like's hanging out with Chan too
but Chan is still in elementary school
a year younger than Seungkwan and Hansol
Soonyoung doing that hard carry as the single parent
dance classes for the whole family though
it's always lit at their birthday parties
choreos always on point
you know they rehearsed for that wedding they attended
"we have to nail the choreo to wow all the grandparents"
tbh also has a who's the adult crisis like the Wonhui family
with Chan having to scold Soonyoung for forgetting to pick him and Seokmin up
and Seokmin just being a huge happy fluffball
like idk what's going on but I love you all
Seokmin likes singing in chorus
so ends up seeing the elementary school choral director
and volunteering to teach the little ones
like Vernon and Seungkwan
and drags his dongsaeng Chan along
likes planning out all the costumes for shows too
and gets his dad to teach them choreos
and to just choreo the whole show
and Chan's just trying to hide the fact he's related to two huge dorks
but he's a dork too
and just gives up
he's a smart kid
like a genius
he's skipped a grade already
and can sometimes help Seokmin with his hw
which surprises Soonyoung who doesn't know what to do
but give his unending support to both his children
Soonyoung always asking the other parents for advice
but tbh do any of them know anything about parenting at this point
lots of full street block parties
Soonyoung is just glad to be included
his kids have friends within the neighborhood which is nice
probably the only family able to have a pet and still function
though Chan is like "Why get a pet, isn't that what Dokyeom-hyung is for?"
which gets him in trouble with soonyoung
and he apologizes
Seokshine is still smiley
they get a puppy
and that puppy leads them to get fishes too
and another puppy
and that's a lot
so Chan takes care of the fishes
and Soonyoung and Seokmin walk the puppies
Chan also does most of the cleaning
and god forbid there's a SpIdER 
because none of them will be able to catch it
except maybe Chan
and maybe Soonyoung, if he learns how to use a flamethrower safely
Seokmin always relying on Soonyoung
don't mess with Soonyoung's kid unless you want a hurricane to hit you
Chan really relies on Soonyoung too
since he's kind of quiet at school
he'd never admit it
but Soonyoung's stupid dad jokes and silly dances make him laugh
Soonyoung would legit fight a dragon for his kids
they don't travel often
but when they do they always have crazy stories to tell when they come back
like the trip to the beach
where Chan fell into a tide pool
and Seokmin fell in after him
and Soonyoung slipped trying to save them
so they all ended up in a tiny tide pool
with fish swimming between them and starfish surrounding them
would probably dance as a family for money at a birthday party
and they're pretty good too
they all love each other
they're family
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ask-svt-hearteu · 8 years ago
Svt's Reaction to their S/O who's secretly an otaku
Requested by anon
Seungcheol- Is it just me or would Seungcheol be super confused at first? “Babe, a package came in the mail? It’s a bunch of manga and anime stuff? When did you buy all this?” He’d find it super cute though when he finds out. A lot of teasing
 “Damn sweetheart, you don’t even obsess about Seventeen as much as some of this
” He’d probably be super curious what it was all about. Finds out your next shipment of stuffs is coming at 5:00pm and ends up staying up until 4:00am reading/watching anime. He’s hooked. Now he obsessively nerds out with you about all your favs and y'all get into fights over who’s merch was who’s.
“Stop stealing my manga to read on the toilet, y/n!!!”
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Jeonghan- Probably doesn’t understand it whatsoever, but he loves you so he’s not going to complain about it. Unless you’re not paying enough attention to him, then he’ll jokingly take your stuff and hide it somewhere high up or under his shirt. “Yah! Are you in love with this or me, huh?” Always falls asleep on the couch with his head on your shoulder while you’re catching up on the latest and unapologetically fake snores or tickles you to get your attention. Surprisingly takes extreme care to never damage any of your prized possessions until maybe one day when something goes missing and he claims it wasn’t him although you found it under his pillow.
“I swear, I was just using it for scientific research, don’t kill me, y/n.” 
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Joshua- This dork is freaking the fluff out, he’s always been super into this kind of stuff and can’t believe you never told him so he could have someone to fanboy/girl over it with him. “Have you seen/watched/read this?” “You have to check this one out, y/n!” You both probably have every evening dedicated to geeking out together and making theories, a lot of discussions and arguments over plot, favorite characters, best ships. He’d probably be more happy about the whole thing than you are because now he doesn’t have to hide it either.
“Y/n, this just means we're a better match for each other, more than we thought!”
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Jun- Oh my god this boi will tease you forever I swear. But not in the mean way, just enough to make you react in a way he thinks is freaking adorable. And because he wants to make you think he’s jealous. “Wouldn’t you rather be staring at me all day?” You of course tease him back and say no, which he lowkey get’s offended. You always explain the plot to him over and over because he forgets a lot. He wants to understand what he’s watching or reading but also just wants to hear you talk about something so passionately. Eventually he’ll want your attention on him again. 
“Babe I’m so much better. Better looking, I’m a real person, which means I can touch you
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Hoshi- Turns into a little fluffy hamster because even if he doesn’t like it as much as dance, he can appreciate you and your loves. In his mind it’s like, me = dance, y/n = anime. Thinks your reaction is the fluffiest ever so constantly buys you manga or anime plushies. Definitely will watch your shows with you. Cries when someone dies. “Y/n why? did? that? why?” “Soonyoungie, that didn’t kill them, they have powers.” “Oh.” Gets inspired by the manga or anime and creates seventeen’s choreography with it. So next time you guys watch or read together,
“OOO! Remember that choreo I showed you, it was from this.”
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Wonwoo- You know this boy already loves to read. So when he finds out you like anime and manga, he’s reluctant. Not because he’s judging you but because he wants to like it too but what if manga isn’t his thing. Ends up really liking some of them because he really likes the plot, character, etc. Becomes comfortable with all the pictures with words. And secretly loves it just as much as you. “Y/n~ look what I got.” “HOW. THAT JUST RELEASED!” “Hehe, when me and the guys were in Japan...” You guys read them together. Always. But.
“BABE, did you read the first chapter without me?? I can see the book creases!”
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Woozi- He’s the one pretending to not understand why you’re obsessing over this when he knows perfectly well why. Endless teasing, “Babe, why is there a small plastic person staring at me when we sleep?” Secretly thinks it’s adorable but would never admit it to you. He also loves anime but every time you bring this up he’s like, “what? who”. Denies any kind of fanboying he’s ever done. “nope you got the wrong person.” One day out of nowhere, he makes you listen to this track. “I got inspired while you were listening to that ost, and your love and passion for it made me realize all over again how beautiful you are and I put this together to remind you of that.”
“I can sometimes pay attention, you know y/n, and what I saw, I won’t forget, passion and beauty, something I admire a lot.”
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Dk- Practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. Will ask you to explain everything too him with a bright smile. Get into multiple anime and manga but forgets it all. Always wants to watch it to see what’s it about but asks questions. “I DIDN’T KNOW THEY COULD DO THAT” Still fanboys with you, hypes everything up, buys you gifts when he remembers. You think he’s the most adorable ever because he’ll fanboy about something not knowing it at all. “Do you remember this character at all?” "Nope"
“Which one is that, y/n? Should I style my hair like that? Would it make you laugh?”
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MIngyu- Protests about it at first, but will end up doing everything with you. Only protests because he wanted you to fangirl about him. He tries really hard to get into stuff with you, but he doesn't really ever understand what happens. He's too distracted by their hair colors and outfit choices to pay attention to the plot. He's willing to bake themed cakes and make other themed foods for you whenever though, keeps dinners interesting. And good luck if you fangirl/boy over just one character too much. That's going to make Mingyu playfully jealous, a lot of tickling and teasing and chasing around the sofa if you keep going on and on about your fav.
"I mean I admit he’s handsome and cool, but I’m a much better visual to stare at.”
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The8- He'd probably act the most indifferent on the outside, "I'm not stupid, y/n, there's a life-size cardboard cutout in the closet, did you think I didn't notice?" "Everyone has their own likes and preferences, doesn't change the fact that I love you. So why even hide it in the first place?" Secretly looks at your stuff so one day when you're talking about your fav otp, out of nowhere he says, " ______ makes a better couple though." You both would probably playfully bicker over the best couples all the time. He still pretends he's not just as obsessive as you are though.
"I love you, quirks and all. Plus if you can still love me after trying to flip water bottles for a good hour or so, it all works out in the end."
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 Seungkwan- Is like what is this? at first. But honestly just pretending because he already kinda knew because of Joshua. Just wanted to see you slightly offended because you look cute. He's going to be EXTRA af though. Goes around screaming character catchphrases and singing the OST's at the top of his lungs. Cosplays as characters he barely knows and jumps off of chairs and from behind doors to scare you. "Guess who I am babe?" Acts out scenes repeatedly and runs around yelling and overacting as usual. Is fascinated by the costuming choices,
“Gosh for seventeen next concept, we’ll dress up as anime characters.”
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Vernon- Finds it hella hilarious because he fanboys over stuff all the time and now he knows you do too. Y'all now both have your own fandoms that you always obsess over and neither of you want to get into the other's. "A new episode comes out tonight!" "I already called dibs on the tv though!" A lot of tickle fights to see who gets the tv. He thinks it's great that you have obsessions like he does and although you both aren't really interested in each other's fandoms, y'all fangirl/boy together. Also steals your fav character body pillow to snuggle with.
"I don't know who this is, but if you want it back y/n, you're going to have to take its place."
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Dino- This cutie is a confused marshmallow. He's really respectful of your interests though, and never refuses you when you ask him to watch something with you. He can't help it, you're too cute to refuse. He, like Minghao, wouldn't understand why you had to hide it though. He'll drag you out to stores he researched and ask you to pick out all your favs, and then just listens to you rant about certain issues or episodes or characters. He loves listening to you go on and on about it and out of curiosity ask you to point out stuff in shops and explain the whole plot to him.
"SO you're telling me, that there are like 60 characters you have to keep track of? How?"
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