#funny rant anon
my-name-is-apollo · 1 month
Which one is your favourite in Lucian's dialogue of the gods?
It's gotta be the one between Hera and Leto. Like it's so catty and petty and cracks me up every time the way Hera picked a losing fight because Hera starts it with "Oh aren't your kids are so lovely! /s" and Leto ends it with "I can't wait to see you cry when your husband has his next affair." (and yes I imagine them having the whole convo with a smile on their faces)
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lovvecherrymotion · 4 months
thoughts on Nace's antibiotic tit milk please
i feel like drinking it would fix all my problems
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zombified-hoglin · 13 days
as a gridoc and xtho enjoyer I have a suggestion:
Both couples have been together for a pretty long time. Neither are very open about it though, just by preference. At first it was kind of unintentional but at some point someone started keeping track of how many times Xisuma and Etho had accidentally dropped a hint that they’re together and then grian and doc got added and it’s spiraled since then.
so imagine some hypothetical hermit just chilling in the shopping district. and they end up starting a conversation with Xisuma and Etho. And say ethos like ‘yeah and when I was cooking Xisuma dinner last night’ and from like 6 feet away iskall, who had previously been sitting on a bench unnoticed, whips out a chalkboard from an unknown location. And then several seconds of panic gesturing go on (well, etho and Xisuma are , iskall seems pretty calm to be honest) before Iskall gives a sad expression and the chalkboard disappears (where is he putting an entire chalkboard??)
grian and doc have been crushing it since s10 started. Xisuma and Etho were decimating them for the entirety of the buttercups thing in s9 tho
(additional thing: another couple ends up on the blackboard without their knowledge as a sorta putting a random guy in the Olympics to show how good the Olympic athletes are thing)
Holy shit anon your brain is so big and wrinkly /pos
Now I want to write a fic from the perspective of Iskall who's somehow the only perceptive enough person on the server to realize that Xtho is a thing since like s7 but it was confirmed in s8 (hard not to notice when your roommate is gone most nights and coming back like he doesn't smell like someone else's cologne and is wearing a jacket that is very clearly not his)
I'd imagine that gridoc has been flirting for years since Grian joined but only got together more recently and who are they not to brag about the other being a great partner
I'm having a hard time thinking of what couple on the server would be normal enough about the other to be used as the control group, but maybe a Mumbo pairing or False/Gem?
It ends with either another hermit finding the whiteboard and asking Iskall what the fuck or Etho finding it and deciding that he needs to step up his game
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n4talia-chaparro · 4 months
"Omg 5 days without posting?! Lmao so funny."
Yeah I get it >|:/
I wanted to make this post cuz a lot of you were so "CoNcERnEd" about me and the allegations made by the anons. And well in case people wanna find "info". I kinda don't care if people wanna keep attacking me and shit but yk. I have to speak up and explain.
So I wanna start by saying that what I did last Thursday and Friday was very retarded and dumb of me and I highly apologize once again. I was not in the right mindset and it was never my intention to ignore anyone's advice. I have been mentally unstable and stressed that I couldn't focus. Yeah. I was having anger issues and a meltdown. I couldn't control them so I'm apologizing for the way I acted that time without thinking straight. It's not easy to be a CU artist because of what's happening and I admit it's not easy for me to be perfect like you guys wanted me to be. I tried everything yet you guys seem to judge and shove words in my damn throat.
About the allegations... the anons were also after one of my moots so I wanted to explain and debunk them. It's giving me a headache and overwhelming the living shit out of me.
(BTW pls I do NOT encourage harassment or any sort of threats to anyone mentioned in this post)
The grooming: this allegation is false. I'm sick of seeing them throwing the allegations around like it was some sort of volleyball-type shit. (I'm A MINOR !!! Not a adult-)
The reason why they were spreading those is because of my grooming situation I had a few years ago when I had 9-11 (and UNSUPERVISED). It all started on amino and I met my groomer. (I'm calling them M cuz yea). M and I were close friends and we used to talk. My groomer was a Krupp x Melvin shipper, a pro-shipper obviously, they would force me to do NSFW roleplay and art based on their favorite ship. (Keep this in mind I was younger at that time and I never knew how to say no to them) and they even guilt-trip me and stuff just make me feel bad and well. They would often force me to ship them too...yikes...
One day we argued and their friends decided to cause drama in the group chat. They pointed fingers at me and called me a predator. Again I was 9. I wasn't aware of what proshipping is until age 12. A lot of shit happened. I got threats, harassment, etc. And at the age of 13-14 I was groomed by someone different um yayy...:/// I was never taught about the internet safety.
And that's where the "Natty is a groomer" bullshit came from :/
I'm 16 now and to this day I keep receiving those rape threats and stuff over my past and then seeing people spreading those is dumb. The anon even went to Linavloger's blog to send a rape threat and told her I was gonna groom her. This is fucking disrespectful. Lina is Younger than me, she's fucking 13. I find it disgusting that you guys choose to tell her that. It's gross for fuck's sake. What is your problem????? For the love of God stop spreading that allegation. Not only you are making me uncomfortable but also the others who were involved. Literally, stop.
My trauma is not for you to joke with it or use it as a shield. It's gross that people are making fun of me for that. No I mean yeah. My past wasn't great because I met people who already sexualized me too many times but it doesn't mean you have to bring it up and tell everyone about it. :"(
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The sexualization: The anon mentioned that I sexualized Harold in one of my videos which is again funny yet bullshit because according to them it was because of a pride month pin and small accessories..
When I say pin i meant this- 😭
Like I'm so sorry but how is this sexualizing him? It's a Pride Month pin. A PIN. How the fuck can yall be this stupid. It was an old video and you took it so seriously????? Like what???? Have you read the 12th book??? There's no way you think it's sexualization when it's Harold with an MLM pin.
This also goes to the AGERE subject. I do NOT normalize nor promote ddlg. There's a difference between ddlg/ageplay and an ACTUAL coping mechanism and I'm tired of hearing this bullshit over again like stfu so uh.
Ddlg/ageplay is where random ass adults roleplay as children and do weird shit.
Agere on the other hand is where someone reverts to a young mindset to cope with trauma, stress, severe illness, or disorders. (Mainly a safe way to cope ofc)
These are the differences between them. You cannot just tell me it's the same shit dawg. 😭
The "ripping off" thingy: another thing that I wanna address is about the au :/
The anons that I dealt with were just infini-tree fans/supporters and tree house members. Well idk. They may sound like whiney little cunts but still-- my AU does NOT have any similarity with THAT. Why would I steal ideas from someone who BLOCKED me for no reason and sent her fans after me??? No really how? How can a blocked user steal ideas if they can't see, or interact with the post (like & reblog)? Be real y'all. You may seem ridiculous if you believed those anons cuz none of them didn't pull the evidence out of their ass. 💀
"You need to apologize to her" for what? Dawg I didn't do jack shit to her in the first place LMAO yeah like--- don't get me started on that bs again. I don't wanna hear her damn name, I don't wanna know anything about her aus and shiii-- or anything related to her in my inbox or dm. I do NOT wanna have anything to do with that individual. End of the story. Not trying to be harsh, rude, or anything but like. It's annoying. I don't like to be compared to anyone or deal with the same bullshit.
Mhm yea like man. Idk what else I need to debunk but pls don't believe those anons dawg.
You can't even ask for proof cuz they don't gave any 🥰🥰💀💀💀‼️‼️‼️😭😭😭 LOL IMAGINE FABRICATING ALLEGATIONS Y'ALL ARE SO DUMB 🗣‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥
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sasukeless · 3 months
bruh ss really are something else... they will say shit like "sasuke didn't blush when ino and karin hugged him, but he blushed when sakura did, he blushed when sakura raved about her dream, he blushed when he asked naruto what sakura told him = sasuke is attracted to/deeply in love with her" and somehow ignore the rest of the manga when sasuke showed in every possible way he's not interested in sakura. he didn't even blush during many other attempts from sakura but that doesn't mean anything?
i don’t understand the point of using sasuke blushing as proof he’s in love w anyone because part 1 sasuke blushed a lot and at many people like naruto, kakashi, his brother, his father (in flashbacks) and sakura as well too. it’s not that deep he just like that.
but anyway ss have an obsession with comparing ss to sk to prove smth which is funny because the ships are just mirror of each other anyone who pays attention can see all the parallels
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transmasc-rose · 5 months
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I think they could be really normal.
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hws-lceland · 1 year
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danish slaughterhouse fanart
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utilitycaster · 1 year
the thing is, the accounts on cr twitter who have these wild takes aren't even shippers
they're all about nuance about the gods, aeor, ludinus, ruby vanguard.....but then have these extreme views about orym, say he's got bloodlust and pretty much equate him to a cop/military soldier
Hey anon! So I will admit as I have in the past that I largely avoid CR Twitter because I hate Twitter as a platform and the community of CR Twitter specifically (more below) but I will say the tweets I have seen have largely been from people who are, if not the most rabid of shippers, shippers. I did in fact just go there and click on "Orym" as it was trending, and the tweets to this effect are largely from people with black and purple hearts in their names. I don't think they're necessarily conscious that this is the reason why they try so hard to discredit Liam's characters (and I think the desire for Laudna to be a Traumatized Innocent rather than a person who has done her own share of harm is an even larger factor) but I do think it is part of it.
I should note: a significant point of reference for me is that the person who famously said "do not uwuify this" re Orym post episode 63 is Wally Wests on Twitter. Look, I know I use the word "stupid" a lot, and I'm trying to reduce it not because I think it's a problem to use but because it reduces the impact and also heavily implying people are stupid without outright saying it tends to be more effective on every level but god this person is the dumbest motherfucker in the fandom and I'm not even kidding. Like, they're the "Australian white person who writes like Rupi Kaur but worse" I've referenced. Because of The Algorithm they are weirdly popular in that space and it baffles me because I honestly don't understand why every single thing they say isn't just filled with replies saying "are you fucking stupid." Like I physically cannot understand how you can have a brain and read a single word they say and go "this is a person I should listen to." They are also not a big shipper, but they do like the ship from what I understand. Specifically on Tumblr, the people echoing this nonsense are pretty much shippers.
With that said yeah, I do think it's worth addressing the soldier aspect. First off, if we're talking cops, why is Bryce, pleasant but forgettable minor NPC, inexplicably popular in this fandom despite them being an actual crownsguard of an actual authoritarian government. Like are all fictional cops bastards or no (fwiw my opinion is no, because the context of the world in which they exist is extremely important; I'm just pointing out the inconsistencies)? But also...I've run into this with Worlds Beyond Number too, and it actually came up on the Fireside chat, but there are words people hear (empire, religion, soldier) and automatically go "BAD BAD BAD" and don't spend any time thinking about how we've come to these conclusions. And for what it's worth I think Empire is always ultimately going to be bad because of its source in conquest; religion is neutral with the potential to harm or hurt; and soldier is deeply contextual and inherently gray; but all are very valid things to explore in fiction, where the war crimes and abuses aren't real. I remember seeing a take about Candela Obscura shitting on how half the party is former soldiers, and like...the messaging of this season of Candela is undeniably about the immense psychological damage of war, and the soldiers were defending their home against a colonizing force rather than doing any sort of invading, but some people are so high on a paper-thin unexamined concept of what I presume they tell themselves is leftism that they cannot see that. Orym's husband did not die trying to invade a nation for their oil. He died because people trying to unleash a horror ran an attack on their town as a practice run. Orym's experience as a soldier has always been one of defense, never conquest or destruction, and that is important to understand. It doesn't mean that in the future Zephrah couldn't become an oppressive power (and various worldbuilding in Exandria does explore the idea of small community watches or protective guards growing deeply corrupt or expansionist over time, but god knows the people saying this shit have the lore knowledge of a dead pigeon), but the aspects of being a soldier he is engaging with are those of personal sacrifice and protecting one's own, not killing for resources or ideology (which, let's be real, is usually an excuse to take the resources of those you disagree with).
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imminent-danger-came · 6 months
tbh you are so real for talking about the misogyny targeted to mei & other women in the lmk fandom. in general its like people only value mei as: a: the wingman to some basic mlm ship or b: macaque 2.0. its honestly crazy how so many male side characters overshadow her in the fanbase despite not even having a FRACTION of her screen time. idk chat i feel like the reason people dont care about mei but care about some random male side/background character is less because they're inherently more likeable but because some of you view women as inherently less likable. and everyone is always like "mei is so girlboss pussy cunt slay shes the only reason theyre still alive because she keeps them safe from their silly boy shennanigans shes their ultimate wingman shes so badass shes their lesbian best friend i totally paid attention to her when i watched this show LOL" and even ignoring the obvious misogyny here (ie. how people reduce her to being the male characters babysitter) its like... okay... i know mei is cool & badass already... could you name literally ANY other character trait she has. like people just value her as being "the braincell" who can get red son and mk together or something stupid and its like are we having fun still is this still fun. literally every day i go into the mei tag its like "look at mei shes red sons wifey and shes vaguely in the background of this drawing of red son and mk staring into each others eyes #trafficlighttrio am i right oh look shes macaques niece now this post is about ao lie why is it in the mei tag"
and thats literally JUST talking about mei and it doesnt even begin to cover the other female characters. chang'e constantly gets reduced to being red sons aunt/mom/big sister despite them like. not having any actual interactions in the show. lady bone demon constantly gets overshadowed by her minion who has like 2 seconds of screen time, or she gets made into a cartoonishly abusive madwoman who people call lady bitch demon. just in general people act like shes a horrible person for like. being a villain. liks yeah the trying to destroy everything was bad but also she was an antagonist and thats what antagonists do LOL. spider queen gets completely ignored. princess iron fan gets made into a cartoonishly abusive mother so that way red son can have a poor angsty backstory and some male character (usually nezha, macaque, swk) can take care of him.
(also theres just a great deal of ethnocentrism in the lmk fanbase? like im white so take what İ say here with a grain of salt but so many people will misconstrue aspects of chinese culture for their own personal hcs. people will say male characters are transfem or nonbinary while completely ignoring the time period/culture their from where thats the norm. like yippee youve implied that an east asian man is feminine/emasculine because he has long hair. how do you not see the negative connotations with this. people also turn pif (& lbd to an extent) into a dragon lady which obviously has negative racial connotations lol.)
anyway this is where my unhinged rambling ends have a good day have a good night İ had more to say here but İ reached the text limit. İ dont see a lot of people talk about the misogyny thats prevalent in the lmk fanbase so İm glad youre pointing it out lol.
Yeah, I totally hear you. The lmk fandom has plenty of issues with misogyny and, like you said, ethnocentrism. It's definitely something worth having a discussion about, along with these issues in fandom as a whole.
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sorchathered · 2 months
You guys get all the best haters in your inboxes I’m so jealous all I get are shitty Trump supporters and homophobes. It’s rude honestly.
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juniperhillpatient · 1 month
If you hate btvs s7 e6 “Him” you hate me personally btw
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emelinstriker · 1 year
About those 3 Anon messages recently...
Yes, there's 3 now. Third on came up while I was finishing typing about the 2nd one.
tl;dr context: peeps defending a fictional 2D lego character, questioning the morality of esau (despite the lack of lore context), as well as for some reason a personal attack on me... also smol chinese jesus??? :'D
I respect y'all's opinions and headcanons and whatnot. It's all valid. However. I expect respect on my own opinions and headcanons return. That's literally all I'm asking.
That's common sense and I will from this point on just delete anyone else's anon asks if they try to argue with me about my standings on these matters mentioned in here. Or this post in general.
There's literally no point in arguing over words written in a story, or debating whether or not pixels on a screen are hot or not.
With that disclaimer being said...
Case 1:
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I'm fully aware of the entire discussion thing of Nezha being eternally 12 and all that, but I'm also fully aware of how LMK Nezha is more of a parody on the original. LMK Nezha is more of an adult 2D character who took the characteristics of the source, but then was turned into an aged-up parody.
It's not weird with the context of how things even came to be in the AU. It does involve a form of "infection" that changes those that are infected. In ESAU it's just slightly different from my original story's OCs to appeal more to the Reader. There are people out there who seek comfort in their own superiority complex too, especially if they can never explore that part of themselves normally. If that doesn't appeal to you, that's fine. But don't assume it's weird just because you don't like it if a fictional master/servant relationship isn't for you.
Now, this ask wasn't really bad or directly disrespectful. That was just basic questioning on the general relationship of the AU as well as the LMK Nezha being 12 discussion. So I went to bed, cuz I didn't wanna respond with my rather aggressive response to the topic. Like, I ranted about it to my Discord server, but it was already around midnight and I knew I'd come off as aggressive, despite the logic and facts, if I just copy n pasted the way I phrased the rant. So I went to bed. But then I woke up to an essay in another ask...
Case 2:
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I'm assuming this is the exact same person, based on the timeframe and the writing style..? Maybe even the same person who asked that question about whether I'd make Nezha's relationship towards the Reader romantic or platonic..??
For the sake of this entire thing being unworthy of an unnecessary discussion, as well as the fact that the person sending this isn't worth directly responding to if they hide behind an anon face, knowing they would get flamed, I will solely respond to these for my actual viewers, who do enjoy ESAU.
As in, I noticed how almost every single point is easily arguable. Like, they literally just made it up as if every single relationship between the Reader and their champions is romantic. Which couldn't be further from the truth. This is a point I wanna get more into due to how it covers the Master System more. A random anon sending me questions, or rather statements, like this doesn't deserve to get a detailed response to this directly either. My viewers do deserve more insight though. Be it to avoid more people thinking this is automatically grooming, or just to give interested people more lore dump.
To keep it short: Everyone who wants to be a Reader, is a Reader. I myself am a Reader of fiction, which is why I use my persona to fill in the Reader's space in any drawing I do for ESAU. Which is also why Macaque referred to their Master currently being female in that one drawing- Because in that moment, in my drawings, I'm technically seen as their Master.
So when you see the champions swap between their Master using non-binary or female pronouns, this is why. If you see me draw them referring to their Master as a "she", they're referring to basically their current Master in that exact moment. However, literally anyone else can also be placed in that spot.
Whenever I refer to a Reader's reincarnation, I usually mean either "the same person, but another life" OR "different people of the same/a different life". As in, the Reader can imagine themselves having had multiple past lives, or their "past life" is actually another Reader. We're all the Reader. That's why I kept saying the Master System is rather philosophical.
The Reader can imagine themselves if they met their champions as a child or as an adult. However, nothing in ESAU is forced to be romantic or sexual. If you were born as a prince/princess/royalty, that doesn't mean your servants are immediately destined to be romantic or sexual with you, right? That entire portion is up to the Reader to decide and imagine. I do not control what another person thinks of and imagines. If they chose to pick a darker path, the fuck do you want me to do about that? Unless it ends up hurting anyone, or they actively push the topic onto others, I see no issue with however a Reader wants to think up what happens in their life with their servants. All I do is create material for others to play with.
Except for the First Master, any other Reader can be considered either the same person or various people. That's up to the person behind the screen, whether they feel more comforted with one idea or another.
On the Nezha being 12 topic... Do people know what a parody is, I-
LMK Nezha looks more like THIS-
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Not as young as THIS-
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And he was never said to be 12 years old in LMK. Nor does he look 12, act 12, speak 12, sound 12... LMK needs to be seen and accepted as more like a parody AU of the original story, if that wasn't obvious enough. I find it funny how they brought up my own age though-
Cuz yeah, I'm 21, almost 22, and I do understand the difference between reality's religions, fictional 2D pixels, and the difference between the source and a parody. Wow. Shocker. I know.
Or as I said it in tags earlier today-
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Also I'd just like to add… If we go by the theory of specifically LMK Nezha still being 12, despite literally thousands of years having passed, his body being depicted as a fully grown adult in basically every single goddamn aspect of his character within the show… Literally all he got is his paperwork saying he's 12. Like- LMK Nezha would literally just be one of those people that were born on February 29th. Just him not getting any birthdays. Do you assume after literal thousands of years, with his body and mind being mature, and only his paperwork saying he's 12, this dude wouldn't be tryna explore more of himself and his interests, wh-
Like- LMK Nezha isn't the original source Nezha. Simple as that. Just accept it's a parody and be done with it. If you don't agree with it, that's your opinion and I respect that. But don't you dare fucking push that opinion on others who do actually accept the show as a parody and wanna live out their fantasies in said parody.
Your opinion does not mean it's the opinion of others.
Like, the entire age thing in LMK is such a headcanon thing to the point where no one seems to have a solid age, besides maybe MK, who I've seen people calculate his age for due to his driving license and all that. LMK Nezha is confirmed to be depicted as an adult within the show, which is the headcanon I'm going with, regardless of whatever bullshittery people are trying to argue with.
In conclusion: Nezha may be eternally 12 in a story. But that story is NOT Lego Monkie Kid.
On a side note, something I found ironic and funny, is if an aged up character isn't allowed to be sexualized, then I guess if someone ages a character down, suddenly that original source of the character is no longer allowed to be sexualized either, just because that character suddenly has a younger version of themselves. It's not even the younger version that's being sexualized. That literally is the entire logic of this debate on not wanting a fictional character to have an aged up version of themselves.
Good job, nobody wins. I guess nothing can be sexualized at that point- But then again, Rule 34 wouldn't exist then.
Okay, but now this, THIS is where I got REALLY annoyed, cuz NOW we're getting into more personal territory of nitpicking at ESAU. And those who know me are aware of how I go Asian mom mode when my creations, or younger friends and mutuals, are being wrongfully disrespected.
In general, their entire point is a snowflake-behavior nitpick. Branding is also seen as a way to claim ownership over something. The torture part is basically just the pain of it. I could've also just have the champions have one of those toy stamps for lil children be slapped onto them if you really wanna snowflake it all for tHe PrEcIoUs cHilDrEn...
C'mon. I grew up with FNAF and Creepypastas. Which tend to be usually two of the first fandoms I see children get interested in and hyperfixated on. Mentions of brandmarks that have fully healed ain't nothin' at all.
Like, I literally met a boy who was 8ish years old, who was so happy and hyped about FNAF that he asked me to draw Freddy and Bonnie.
Creepypastas also might make one edgy for a while, but they do grow A LOT from it once they leave that phase. So far, everyone I've ever talked to about Creepypastas in the past became such a good person. Because they look back, and recognize morals so much better. They have seen what bad things can happen and we all know where to draw the line between what's fine, and what's not. Nitpicking on LMK Nezha and ESAU doesn't mean anything since it's just that, nitpicking. I know where to draw the line, but this line these people set is a line no one but themselves can imagine.
Show children bits of reality's darker side and they will know how to deal with the knowledge much better and faster as they grow. That wasn't even just about branding, but I'm tired of people saying how we need to keep children safe. Well yeah, keep them safe physically, but they will never fucking grow and become more independent unless you fucking let them think and process the good AND the bad for themselves.
Also on the topic of adding content warnings- Like, the fuck do you want me to even add? Those asks other people sent of the Reader being basically raised by their servants need no warnings, X Readers in general need no warnings, the brandmarks need no warnings cuz they're just there as aesthetic symbols for anyone not invested in the lore, LMK Nezha needs no content warnings-
Literally the only content warning I'd ever need to add is something like gore, which I do admit I didn't add on the ESAU!Nezha X Reader one.
And I'd just like to add a little something that made me raise an eyebrow: They complained about me going against "Wukong's celibacy vows" when they literally admitted to actively looking through the LMK X Reader tag. While that doesn't necessarily mean they would marry or bang Wukong, that means they're at least curious or interested in what a relationship with any of those characters would be like. Which by all means, would not be possible without it being fiction/fanfiction, and without them having some curiosity or interest in the 2D show of LMK.
Like you're literally telling me I'm practically hurting a fictional character's feelings on the matter, but then turn around and try to get with another character.
Fanfiction and AU's are a thing, man. It's all opinions, headcanons, and literally made up shenanigans. And there's nothing wrong with it when it differs from one person to another.
But dumping empty accusations onto me, someone who thinks more logically than emotionally, literally doesn't help your case. Like, you're debating whether or not this 2D character would actually give a shit if someone would wanna bang them cuz they look hot to the other person.
Case 3:
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This one just got dropped into my inbox as I finished typing out the last paragraph and just- This is literally just a unnecessary and only somewhat personal hatred thing at this point- But I'm wheezing at the idea of a smol Chinese Jesus-
Bro, as someone who was forced to be Christian on paper, but never gave a shit about it, because Religion doesn't prove anything or form you, I really don't care. And even if that were the case, I wouldn't complain. It's all fiction dammit. You're again, defending pixels on a screen. Besides that, that wouldn't even be the original source character, again. Also in general, honestly, I see any religious story as fiction anyway. Cuz that literally is what a religion is- You put a belief onto someone over a being/a story-
If you're religious, I respect that. But so do you have to respect that I'm not exactly religious myself.
Case 3 was probably the most directly aggressive one of the 3, but also the most unmeaningful one and so unnecessary one... as if that would be the one to prove a point.
Anyway, rant over, I'm done with this.
If I see any other personal hate on me for not sharing the same fucking opinion on such a niche debate, I'll just ignore and delete it all. This is such a pointless topic.
ESAU is supposed to be a comfort zone for those who actually do feel connected to it. If you don't, that's fine, I fully respect it. If people believe Nezha is 12, I respect that. But don't push that onto those who literally are just here to have a nice time away from shit like this. If you wanna "keep the children safe", fucking keep them away from this sort of nowhere-leading discussion topic.
Literally look at Genshin's Twitter Community, this just feels like the exact same type of unnecessary drama I see there.
And no I will not tag these 3 anons. If they respect me enough, they will either just keep quiet or block me and move on. I don't mind. But I refuse to let this bullshit be a whole ass discussion when I'm just trying to have a good time connecting to my viewers after a long day at work. If they look for a fight for some reason, I won't give them one. They can pick someone else for this bullshit, it's not worth my time as it's all OPINION AND HEADCANON-BASED.
And such debates don't end in peace. So I'd rather be the bigger, more mature person and just say "This is the line. Discussion over. We're done here".
Have a nice day, anyone who actually is nice and respectful towards others and their own takes/opinions on things! Weekend's here now tho so y'all ESAU lovers might see some wholesome lil doodles! :D
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fcb-mv33 · 1 year
"Max is so arrogant!!" and the Max in question skipped the red bull swimming pool party - which is celebrating his Monaco win where and typically adorns the race winner with a hell of a lot of fanfare - to go watch the Indy 500, which he spent of his post race interview asking about 💀💀💀
No I swear to god that statement that is made time and time again annoys the living fuck out of me. Whenever i see someone saying Max is arrogant or has a massive ego, has little time for anyone else but himself it actually infuriates me. Like ofc to be the best you have to have some arrogance of knowing your the best but even at that you rarely see that when it comes to Max.
Max literally has always been in recent years the first to congratulate drivers when he DNFs. He has defended other drivers in the media when he’s had to, called out the narrative that DTS tried to create about Lando and is literally one of the sweetest guys on the grid. Max seems to be genuine friends with a nice portion of the grid and the ones who he isn’t as close with he would still always give them the time of day to talk. I see drivers like George and Checo who have more arrogance than Max does who is a two time world champion. Max truly would spend more time talking to Charles about the race than he would in the media.
Max also literally cannot take compliment to save his life. He blushes and makes sure to say that while he broke a record he always knows that if the driver who held the record had the same number of races they would also beat it such as his 15 wins in a season record he took from Michael and Seb. You could literally not find another driver who simply wants to drive, not look at records, go home and watch more racing that you see with Max. It’s one of the most unfair images painted of Max I absolutely hate when I see Maxs name associated with ego or arrogance.
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vellichorom · 4 months
We've sort of turned into the undertale fandom at it's peak
Not in a bad way, but with our characters and plot
Underverse was completely different from Undertale plot-wise
I wouldn't call it a deterioration (not that you did), more of an evolution through time, like how pictures of Earth look different in 2012 or 2020
It's so fun to watch fandoms grow, they're like little ecosystems
- cat anon :3
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SORRY this ask came in MONTHS ago while i was having some kind of meltdown but looking back on it, all i'm reminded of is just the State of the undertale fandom circa 2016-17 with underverse & the daycare shit & sugarmelon & uhhh glitchtale & all the incest & oh my fucking god
look i'm all for people having fun, i really am & i never would want to ruin that for people. i don't even resent the undertale fandom for going to the insane degree it did beyond the more scarring shit you'd just get hit with i'm All for fandoms growing,
however, if i ever see modern day TSP even step remotely in that direction past the " narrators for everything " & selfcest, i'm going to open a twitch account, start streaming, eat myself like an ouroboros & make you people watch
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unsaidace · 4 months
Guys. I tried so hard to get back to my regularly scheduled fuckery today, hence the post about the still with Tommy and HenRen, but I’m afraid we’re going off again.
People are editing Tommy out of official stills for tomorrow’s ep, as well as editing Lou out of BTS pics posted by the 911onABC instagram account. Take a wild fucking guess which side of the fandom it is. Yep — of course it’s that one.
So, let me get this straight; two days ago, everyone was all “mental health matters, spread love and positivity, we should be uplifting each other” — and now people are actively bullying a man because he’s, in their opinion, “in the way” of a ship that they’ve already been told likely isn’t happening? Okay, sure. I guess that’s where we’re at now. Because there’s just so much positivity in that, right?
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meownotgood · 6 months
This is so unrelated, but there's this discussion right now on tik tok about when fandom spaces became so mean, and someone mentioned that it's because people come into fandom spaces with "weird kids" and get surprised by them doing "weird kid things" and essentially lack fandom etiquette. Anyways that reminded me of that person that came in your asks screaming abt how you're disgusting for writing smutty fanfics😭 like bro this is an anime fandom that's just what goes on here and in fandoms in general. The fact that they got all heated abt this on TUMBLR of all places just made it even more unserious. Like fork found it kitchen man.
I saw that post too, and I completely agree with fandom spaces being so mean in the past few years.
honestly, I feel like A) younger people are just extremely rude in general, and B) many fandom spaces that were once seen as niche are now more popular, especially anime and fanfic.
the majority of time when I see someone being an ass, or when I get a rude comment, it's from a kid. like dude I know kids are mean but I swear it wasn't this bad when I was that age, but now all I see is children leaving the nastiest hate comments. also there's a lot more younger people in spaces made for adults (like anime and fanfic), especially after covid because they had nothing to do so they spent all their time on the internet. parents don't care about their kids internet usage so they just run rampant. the amount of children I've seen commenting on nsfw content these days is alarming
it's definitely not just younger people, and there's always going to be assholes. like I wouldn't say fandom has always been accepting it's just like... a new kind of asshole you know... like now people are so quick to make fun because someone is doing what they think is unacceptable. it isn't enough now to just say "yeah this sucks". I'm not a dark content writer but the comments ppl leave on that now are insufferable. it's also so easy to get bullied for being "cringe", it's acceptable now to just record people who are in public minding their own business and post it because you think they're weird... yeah I just can't
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