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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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New pin drop! "Forever Grateful" Way back in 1990 the Grateful Dead became a major part of my life. It rippled through my reality like a 13 point bolt. In my new pin you can see the bolt rippling through the letters making them resonate the way my soul did over 20 years ago. The design is also a commissioned piece my wife requested of me to fill a space on our wall at home in a spot that happens not to be filled with tour posters, lol. These are live now! There are 9 variants total. LEs of 10-50 depending on the variant. Head over to my website to purchase with FREE shipping! www.OGCandyman.com Thanks for looking! Much love!! NFA!!! (~)} #furthur #gratefuldeadpins #grateful #gratefuldead #spyvsspy #Bertha #terrapinstation #terrapin #feellikeastranger #bobweir #NFA #pindrop #stealie #hatpin #candyman #OGCandyman #deadandco #deadandcompany #deadhead #ratdog #bolt #thirteenpointbolt #13pointbolt #Jerry #Garcia #jerrygarcia #captiantripps #jgb #jerrygarciaband #forevergrateful https://www.instagram.com/p/CMkrXF1sKx6/?igshid=4m0gfkz8hw6o
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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www.OGCandyman.com Bob Weir & Wolf Bros Established 2018 LE 100 pin So I remember this photo being the 1st image of Bob Weir & Wolf Brothers that I ever saw. It also seemed to be used on every website selling tickets for their shows. I've always seen this photo as a cartoon image in my own mind. This pin represents that "old Saturday morning cartoon" feeling I get when I see this photo. I hope you get a kick out of it like I do! 馃槉 On sale now! Much Love! NFA!! (~)} #gratefuldeadpins #grateful #gratefuldead #spyvsspy #spy #Bertha #terrapinstation #terrapin #feellikeastranger #bobweir #madmagazine #mad #stealie #hatpin #candyman #OGCandyman #deadandco #deadandcompany #deadhead #ratdog #furthur #bobweirwolfbros #bwwb #Weir #jaylane #donwas @bobweir @donwas @luvrzlane https://www.instagram.com/p/CAI0iAJH9Dq/?igshid=17me5x6lzdthk
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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Happy 81 circles around the sun to the one and only Phil Lesh! Thank you, for a real good time! Here's to many more!! #furthur #gratefuldeadpins #grateful #gratefuldead #phil #phillesh #Bertha #terrapinstation #terrapin #feellikeastranger #bobweir #madmagazine #philbomb #stealie #hatpin #candyman #OGCandyman #deadandco #deadandcompany #deadhead #ratdog #bolt #thirteenpointbolt #13pointbolt #Jerry #Garcia #jerrygarcia #captiantripps #jgb #jerrygarciaband https://www.instagram.com/p/CMdAM5isOQN/?igshid=3vwntnr7w5be
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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New pin! "Forever Grateful" Way back in 1990 the Grateful Dead became a major part of my life. It rippled through my reality like a 13 point bolt. In my new pin you can see the bolt rippling through the letters making them resonate the way my spuld did over 20 years ago. The design is also a commissioned piece my wife requested of me to fill a space on our wall at home in a spot that happens not to be filled with tour posters, lol. These are dropping soon! There are 9 variants total. LEs of 10-50 depending on the variant. To be one of the first notified, head to my website www.OGCandyman.com and sign up for emails. I always give 1st dibs to my emails customers prior to posting a drop on social media. Thanks for looking! Much love!! NFA!!! (~)} #furthur #gratefuldeadpins #grateful #gratefuldead #spyvsspy #Bertha #terrapinstation #terrapin #feellikeastranger #bobweir #madmagazine #mad #stealie #hatpin #candyman #OGCandyman #deadandco #deadandcompany #deadhead #ratdog #bolt #thirteenpointbolt #13pointbolt #Jerry #Garcia #jerrygarcia #captiantripps #jgb #jerrygarciaband #forevergrateful https://www.instagram.com/p/CMQCO-SsEax/?igshid=1mnrtxhm683up
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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Very excited!!! furthur #gratefuldeadpins #grateful #gratefuldead #spyvsspy #forevergrateful #Bertha #terrapinstation #terrapin #feellikeastranger #bobweir #madmagazine #mad #stealie #hatpin #candyman #OGCandyman #deadandco #deadandcompany #deadhead #ratdog #bolt #thirteenpointbolt #13pointbolt #Jerry #Garcia #jerrygarcia #captiantripps #jgb #jerrygarciaband https://www.instagram.com/p/CKWm0KRsCG4/?igshid=6rncb6rt953m
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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馃幎 It's like I told you, what I said, steel your waste and flush your head 馃幎 #furthur #gratefuldeadpins #grateful #gratefuldead #spyvsspy #spy #Bertha #terrapinstation #terrapin #feellikeastranger #bobweir #madmagazine #mad #stealie #hatpin #candyman #OGCandyman #deadandco #deadandcompany #deadhead #ratdog #bolt #thirteenpointbolt #13pointbolt #Jerry #Garcia #jerrygarcia #captiantripps #jgb #jerrygarciaband https://www.instagram.com/p/CKP6dywMcwD/?igshid=10szrg3kr613y
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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Happy birthday to the man with THE plan! #furthur #gratefuldeadpins #grateful #gratefuldead #spyvsspy #Bertha #terrapinstation #terrapin #feellikeastranger #bobweir #stealie #candyman #OGCandyman #deadandco #deadandcompany #deadhead #ratdog #bolt #thirteenpointbolt #13pointbolt #Jerry #Garcia #jerrygarcia #captiantripps #jgb #jerrygarciaband #owsley #bear #lsd #wallofsound https://www.instagram.com/p/CKPjS9aMxCf/?igshid=dphppxu2sfq6
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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Everybody, 5 grams in silent darkness #5driedgrams #fivedriedgrams #furthur #gratefuldeadpins #grateful #gratefuldead #spyvsspy #spy #Bertha #terrapinstation #terrapin #feellikeastranger #bobweir #stealie #hatpin #candyman #OGCandyman #deadandco #deadandcompany #deadhead #ratdog #bolt #thirteenpointbolt #13pointbolt #Jerry #Garcia #jerrygarcia #captiantripps #jgb #jerrygarciaband https://www.instagram.com/p/CJyjVz3MMow/?igshid=1d6qo1ypp9ruz
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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Happy New Year 馃コ #furthur #gratefuldeadpins #grateful #gratefuldead #spyvsspy #spy #Bertha #terrapinstation #terrapin #feellikeastranger #bobweir #happynewyear #stealie #hatpin #candyman #OGCandyman #deadandco #deadandcompany #deadhead #ratdog #bolt #thirteenpointbolt #13pointbolt #Jerry #Garcia #jerrygarcia #captiantripps #jgb #jerrygarciaband #newyear https://www.instagram.com/p/CJfRs_8Mxlc/?igshid=ne4sh64aw5dq
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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Every. Single. Time. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIzHYI-sv8K/?igshid=be4dfzdgq1sn
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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Can't wait for live summer shows again... My online pin sales are great and all, but the reason I started doing pins was all of YOU! Walking around with my pin board is my way of getting to meet everyone in the lot on a more personal level. I look forward to the day when we can be face to face in the lot once again! Miss you all!!! Much love, OGCandyman (~)} #furthur #gratefuldeadpins #grateful #gratefuldead #spyvsspy #spy #Bertha #terrapinstation #terrapin #feellikeastranger #bobweir #madmagazine #mad #stealie #hatpin #candyman #OGCandyman #deadandco #deadandcompany #deadhead #ratdog #bolt #thirteenpointbolt #13pointbolt #Jerry #Garcia #jerrygarcia #captiantripps #jgb #jerrygarciaband https://www.instagram.com/p/CIJ9awSMMT7/?igshid=1ht9ezktmoz5c
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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500 Facebook page likes on my OGCandyman page! Here is a 50% off discount code for the next 2 weeks. Use code "FB500" for 50% off all items. Cart must be $30 or more before discount. Much Love! NFA!! (~)} #furthur #gratefuldeadpins #grateful #gratefuldead #spyvsspy #spy #Bertha #terrapinstation #terrapin #feellikeastranger #bobweir #madmagazine #mad #stealie #hatpin #candyman #OGCandyman #deadandco #deadandcompany #deadhead #ratdog #bolt #thirteenpointbolt #13pointbolt #Jerry #Garcia #jerrygarcia #captiantripps #jgb #jerrygarciaband https://www.instagram.com/p/CH3s3y6sLrX/?igshid=1lf3v4qvehoac
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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Birthday gift from @noelprichard Much love brother! Thank you!! NFA!!! (~)} https://www.instagram.com/p/CHnfvorsE4f/?igshid=1o1swz4gbdxky
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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@croyvanderbeek Much Love brother for catching these shots of me in action, slinging pins at MSG! #furthur #gratefuldeadpins #grateful #gratefuldead #terrapinstation #terrapin #feellikeastranger #bobweir #stealie #hustle #candyman #OGCandyman #deadandco #deadandcompany #deadhead #ratdog #bolt #thirteenpointbolt #13pointbolt #Jerry #Garcia #jerrygarcia #captiantripps #thegarden #jgb #jerrygarciaband #halloween #msg https://www.instagram.com/p/CHCFTJyM4z9/?igshid=17lhl6qtbjy3s
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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1 year ago today at MSG for the Dead and Company Halloween show. I guess I was ahead of the curve w my face mask! The opened w Ripple but then went right into Shakedown Street! Grateful to have been there and for ALL of You! Miss you all and can't wait to see all of your smiling faces at the next show! #furthur #gratefuldeadpins #grateful #gratefuldead #Bertha #terrapinstation #terrapin #feellikeastranger #bobweir #stealie #hatpin #candyman #OGCandyman #deadandco #deadandcompany #deadhead #ratdog #bolt #thirteenpointbolt #13pointbolt #Jerry #Garcia #jerrygarcia #captiantripps #thegarden #jgb #jerrygarciaband #halloween #msg (at The Garden) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBnVTRM4Oh/?igshid=c68c2b34mm3w
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ogcandyman1 4 years ago
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Happy birthday Johny! Thanks for keeping the music alive...and weird! https://www.instagram.com/p/CGa1uresJfr/?igshid=bwu6uxty0b6
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