#angsty skeletons
mewobrute · 23 days
i got two mini comics with Killer "talking" to his other stages, its just angst.
Heres the first one
(hes talking about Nightmare in the first panel btw.)
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heres the second one
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heart soul = stage 1. circle soul = stage 2, and big crazy circle soul/the red one = stage 3. for anyone wondering.
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timethehobo · 1 month
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I had some angsty thoughts so we shall suffer tgt with my doodle.
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writer-room · 1 year
Rewatching the earlier, and even pilots episodes, of Ninjago are so WILD man. First of all, you notice all the things that are just plain forgotten about or pushed aside in later seasons. Kai originally being the main character, sure, we all know that one, but Cole was heavily implied to be, or become, the leader of the Ninja, that was Cole’s thing. Zane was automatically described with having a sixth seer sense, when nowadays it shows up very, very infrequently. Lloyd used to basically be the Avatar, does anyone remember that? This kid was just the Avatar.
And then you remember the silly things. Like how the skeleton army was once a threat. Like...the skeletons. We battled a giant snake, smaller snakes, robot armies, sentient video games, Garmadon a billion different times, the Overlord, Oni...and the skeletons used to be a worthy adversary. The skeletons.
Did you all remember that Cole’s earth dragon used to...breathe earth? I’ve been forced to remember. Rocky used to breathe earth as a form of attack. It was shown through brown swirly wisps in that beautiful, incredibly shitty 2011 effect. The Underworld used to be implied to be the place where all dead people went, or at least the bad ones. We never heard of a Departed Realm. Do we remember the time Cole had a scene that was a direct parody of Michael Jackson? I sure do. Genuinely the highlight simply because I don’t know how to describe the emotion I felt upon seeing it.
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goldetrash · 1 year
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ocularmacdown · 1 year
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“call me a joker, call me a fool, right at this moment i’m totally cool”
“eager to please, ready to fight, why do i go to extremes?” - i go to extremes, billy joel
hmm gob bluth can have a just little unnecessary angst. as a treat <3
i’m actually so so proud of this !! it took tremendous will not to fully colour and render it all but !!! i’m very glad i didn’t :D created for a target audience of exactly one person and BOY am i glad i’m here !!
(expand for quality cause tumblr despises my canvas sizes rip)
rotated and blank versions under the cut !!
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teacakekit · 2 years
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Family dinner :)
Projection au belongs to @havockingboo
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they rise from what can be assumed to be the flipside or hell
I heard there was a body in need of being disposed.
-Skeleton anon (They are not aware Lily died)
“Yesyes. Probably a few rooms down..?? I do not recall.,”
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hana-bobo-finch · 14 days
guess who’s writing a fanfic abt the formation of the current rescue corps told through shepherd’s diary entries
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early draft of the first entry woah ↴ ↴ ↴
“My father believes it’s time for me to become the next standing captain in command for the corps. Is being the rescue pup trainer not good enough? I’m perfectly content with that job. Who wouldn’t be? As much as it’s an honor to continue on this legacy of rescue captains, I worry. I worry I’m not prepared to be a captain, I worry my generosity doesn’t match that of my ancestors, I worry I’ll lead my team into danger we can’t get out of. If I fill the role of captain, I’ll be the 99th in my family. One generation away from a full hundred. How can I possibly live up to those standards? One mistake on my end, and I ruin a legacy centuries in the making. Worse yet, and maybe it’s selfish on my end, I’ve no doubt I’ll be but another small, disregarded blip in the long Shepherd family history. Already some of the previous captains are being ignored, if not forgotten with time. The ones who weren’t as prestigious, not as important in the eyes of the wider universe. I see it even in my grandmother—a talented, brave woman, yet even the memories of her are fading quickly, despite her passing only being of recent. I’m sure to follow in her footsteps.”
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imtrashraccoon · 10 days
I thought of an interesting story premise last night after reading an unrelated fanfiction.
MC is pregnant, maybe they know the father or maybe they don't, and ends up falling into the underground. She doesn't know she's pregnant right away but as her adventure progresses, it becomes quite obvious. Along the way, she meets new friends and falls for a skeleton. She's underground so long that she ends up giving birth and names her child Chara (this is likely going to end up being an Underswap story).
Anyways, I thought of another weird thing. Wouldn't there be a brief point in her pregnancy where MC possesses two souls? If the father is a monster, wouldn't she have both a human and monster soul at some point? Sorry, this is very cursed but if my brain won't forget, now your won't either. You're welcome!
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bubbleteasing · 2 months
Heads up!
I took myself on a little (and much needed) last minute vacation with my family, so I won't be updating anything in the following days.
But! I have been getting new ideas!!!!
I already had a very angsty fic in the works that I planned to start posting after finishing 2x1 and butb but this vacation gave me the inspo I needed to write an additional fic with classic Sans...
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joznii · 3 months
Sorry I have to send my ask through my main blog, but it is soooo nice to see more Sven and Faendal shippers out there. I hadn't ever thought of it until a couple years ago when someone here posted their fic and it was only the 2nd? or 3rd fic for the two of them to ever go on ao3, BUT IT JUST MAKES SENSE!!!! They are the PERFECT enemies to lovers!! I can't see it any other way anymore tbh. Your art and ideas are great and I can't wait to see what you do and who you convert!
THEY REALLY ARE !! Their dynamic lends itself to SO MUCH i honestly thought i was going INSANE when i looked for content of them and there was so little like HOW!! Tailor made enemies to lovers like AHGGGHHHH
Im glad u enjoy my art, i hate to say they single handedly pulled me out of a YEARS long artblock its so embarrassing lmao
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vithcy · 2 years
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Somebody stepped inside your soul Somebody stepped inside your soul Little by little they robbed and stole Till someone else was in control
[Image has alt text]
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dattosdan · 1 year
You know something I was thinking about the other day in regard to the other world sans theory, you know how the newsletter hinted at papyrus also being from another world?
It got me thinking about neutral runs, and why Sans's mental stability is affected so much by whether papyrus is alive or not, like even if everyone else is dead, he's pretty chill as long as papyrus is around, and even if everyone else is alive, he's pretty pissed even if you ONLY killed papyrus.
Now that could just be because papyrus is his brother, having close family around can help with that kind of stuff, and losing them would hurt really bad, especially if you actually spared some people, implying that you had mercy in your heart, you just didn't spare any for papyrus, a beacon of kindness who literally can't even kill you, unlike other monsters, which you presumably spared.
But like, sans is a VERY social guy, he has a lot of friends, and thus a lot of emotional support, you'd think a guy like that would more chill about this, especially considering the number of things he lets you get away with before stepping in, but all it takes papyrus to die for sans mental health to go down drastically.
But that's just it, what if these emotional support pillars called friends and colleagues, ARNT as stable as they should be? What if papyrus was the strongest pillar holding it all together? This is where I get back on topic to the otherworld sans theory.
You see, if sans ISNT from this world, then his connections to the people around him are lot more superficial then they might seem on a first glance, sure he cares about these people, but to him, a lot of them are people he already knew, people he already knew how to make laugh, how to make comfortable, how to be cool with, while they have very little knowledge about him.
In other words, these relationships are very one sided, sans already know how to befriend them, while they like sans for presumably accommodating them without him even having to try, they didn't actually have to go through the process of making a relationship, and could skip straight to the friend's part, it's no wonder he's so popular, dude is actually playing new game plus with relationships!
And because of all that, sans doesn't really have that much of a connection with them, it doesn't help that he doesn't have a lot in common with these people either, they lived their entire lives underneath a mountain, they have a different culture that he's not used to and doesn't know the ins and outs of, and they presumably all know every little thing about the mountain they call home, where as sans doesn't know and hasn't experienced any of this before, he's had to try and play it cool, pretending he knows what's up to not seem like an outsider, in order to "fit in"
Anyway, point is, while he may have a lot of "friends" those people don't know much about him, and thus, couldn't REALLY support him if it came down to it, but there is one person who would get it, just one, a very important one, papyrus.
If papyrus really IS from another world like sans, then he could confide in him fully, they are brothers, good ones at that, any trouble they may have had adjusting to this world, and worries, anything small or insignificant, they could talk about it, or not, and just chill knowing they are the same, and that, at the very least, they are not alone.
But when you kill papyrus, you take away a MASSIVE pillar from the structure that is his mental health, you take away not only his brother, but his most trusted confidant, the person who he values more than himself, his last remaining connection to his old world, his old friends, his old life, you're not just taking away his brother, your taking away a huge part of sans, one that he values very highly judging by the don't forget photo, and his genocide speech about letting go and giving up, which is implied to be referring to him trying to back home.
Anyway, these are angsty thoughts I had, maybe I'll find it cringe in hindsight and delete it, I just value sibling relationships a lot, being a brother myself, and wanted to talk about sans and papyrus's relationship.
Also, the newsletter was pretty good.
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Immortality can get lonely sometimes
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Another impulse idea that I cranked out in 2 days and regretted it immediately after I posted it 🙃
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greyias · 2 years
My scene skeleton/expanded outlines for this fic are starting to get a bit out of hand.
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Actual, written first drafts of the first two chapters:
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Me pre-writing the next three chapters:
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angsty mood board but in sketchbook
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One of my favorite pages in my sketchbook. Threw in a few Taylor references bc of course.
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