#angry zodiacs
krisluxxeeempress · 9 months
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Pile One:
your haters are mad because they are broke, busted and disgusted. Now i am not one to relish in people being down bad financially, i know how it feels however, this energy is coming from people who are mad at you for being in a better financial situation than them. For some, that may not even be the case. You may simply make things look effortless. You can have less and it appears like you have more. This anger may even be coming from haters that have more than you, actually and they are mad you are happy and content with less. You make less look good. You have people who are mad that they are materialistic, boujie, and live their life to impress others. They are superficial and living in debt because of it. We all have debt but their debt could have been avoided. They are mad they live their life trying to look rich and and you don't. Imagine having it all materialistically and still being miserable and mad!? On the flip side, you may very well be well off and living your best life and that's why they are mad. You are minding your business, happy, flourishing and making s&^% happen for yourself and they are mad. They fail to realize they can make s&^% happen for themselves if they would 1. get out this negative, hating and low vibrational energy 2. stop watching you & projecting 3. Nike vibes, just go out and do it- Instead, they rather be mad while your creating and working for reasons to be glad. I see that you have haters who are mad you are educated! This could be due to college or being self taught regardless, knowledge is power and you have haters who are mad you have power. Again, this is something they can work towards themselves but no. Some of you may be highly skilled and informed in a subject or multiple. You may have a lot of Gemini, libra, or Aquarius placements or houses in your natal or progressive birth charts. You may also have a lot of Taurus, Virgo and or Capricorn. The earth elements in your chart contribute towards the hard work you put in that they acknowledge and are mad about. Intuitively, it just seems like they are mad you have knowledge or skill or BOTH that can make you a lot of money- if you are not financially well of as of yet. They are mad at your potential, basically. They are mad that you have endurance and perseverance against all odds, basically. They are mad you invest a lot of time in studies to improve your craft or area of expertise and they do not, more than likely because they are overly concerned with what you and others are doing expect themselves. They have an addiction to FOMO and you are sober haha. Lastly, they are mad you are LIT. You have a nice personality, you are creative, physically active, attractive, funny, multi talented, versatile, down to earth, intelligent and ultimately everything they are NOT and NEVER will be.
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Pile Two :
This pile feels like you have Ex's, Baby mama's or daddies who didn't make the cut. It looks like you have moved on into a new relationship that may be publicized, and these ex's see that you are treating this new person better than you ever treated them. You have ex's that are mad because you are giving everything to a new person that they themselves used to beg, plead and cry to receive from you. You have ex's who are mad they you never officially committed to them whether that be engagement, marriage or fully giving your heart to them- meanwhile this new person is getting all the above. I see you may be planning or going on vacation with this new person and the ex's are mad. Some of you may even have started a new family with this new person and the ex's are mad! They are mad because you never had children with them or you did, and now you have a new family and the focus is no longer on them. Their manipulative tactics are being exposed at this time and that's why they are mad as well. Your ex's are mad that you can afford designer or simply you have disposable income whereas, before you may have been struggling financially- but it's not like that anymore for you and they are mad. Basically, you are doing better without them and that is why they are mad. It hurts them real bad because it's also exposing that they were the problem and responsible for blocking your blessings. With this clarity in mind, they are mad there's no way in hell that you would ever spin the block and return to them. At this point, they are real sad because you see past the mad. You see they are real sad and going out real bad without you! For my ladies, if you did have a baby with this ex, they are mad you snapped back after the baby! I find it interesting they would be mad about that which is again another thing being exposed. They had children with you for the wrong reason, it was a trap and they are mad the trap baby didn't trap you. They are really mad someone else is eager to commit to you, baby and all. ( what a POS) I also see that they are mad you didn't have to f**% your way to the top meanwhile, they are a pass around. They are for the streets and you earned your lifestyle with integrity and hard work. Your ex's really wanted you to be struggling so bad, it's baffling. They are mad your work speaks for itself and any attempts they make to devalue you, fails, miserably. Looks like you have ex's mad that they couldn't ruin your life another day, month, or year more. You have met someone new at work and this explains further why they are mad you didn't f*&^% your way to the top. This new person at your job may hold a high position and authority however, you still worked hard and didn't use your relationship as a means to get ahead. The job energy feels like Virgo, could be dealing with a Virgo or they have those placements. This can even indicate someone you met at the gym, store, or someplace you frequent often. This new person is financially stable and in a position of authority and they want to provide for you, and if you have children, your children as well. This has your ex's mad. If you have no children, this new person wants them and you guessed it- this makes your ex, or their ex LIVID.
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Pile Three:
You have a specific person here that is mad that you are the one the got away, first and foremost. I am showing that this person had you in a breadcrumbing situation where you were their convenient text buddy, cuddle buddy and f&^% buddy. I see they never made time for you unless it was on their time and for their selfish needs and desires. ( WOW!, the audacity) The fact they are the mad you are the one that got away confirms that you have successfully detached and cut them and this TRIFLIN situation away. They may be making attempts to get back into your energy to either continue their TRIFLIN and selfish behavior and or to RIGHT THEIR WRONGS, however, i do not see this as being successful. You are not making time for them to right their wrongs or to continue their diabolical behavior. it's a lose lose for them, and that's why they are mad. Now, if they have not made any visible attempts, they are mad because they are trying to plan how to come back and they see no way to do so. ( I AM PROUD OF YOU) It's clear to me and them that you have a strong protective shield around your energy and ultimately your life.
Now, you have OTHERS MAD because they cannot use you as a convivence. They are mad you learned a harsh lesson with the last person or history of persons and you are no longer boo boo the fool. You have people mad that you have high standards especially in comparison to before and what you allowed and tolerated. ( NO DISREPECT) the last situation was the straw that broke the camels back and now your healing. The pain you feel is being used a motivation and fuel to NEVER allow someone to play you again. I feel like Pile two may resonate with you. If so, it's like the moment you release breadcrumbs you are offered a feast. You are in a era of having your way, MIGOS vibes- go play that song. Everybody is mad that you are no longer making yourself small for others or accepting small s&^% in all aspects, ha- ladies if you know what I mean. Some of you were getting played by small d*%$ men, WOW . . . Fellas, some of you were getting played by stank p#%*^ women ( EWW) Everyone is mad you refuse to chase them, past , present and future. You have the same sex mad because they thought they were important until you showed up. They thought they were somebody until you showed up. They are mad that their relationships are under threat WHEN YOU SHOW UP. If you resonate with this pile, it's like you went from being a doormat and RAT accepting breadcrumbs now now a BOSS, doing the hiring and firing- ON PERIOD.
Lastly, you have everybody mad that you will not change for them. Let's speak about change, TUHH WHERE IS MY MONEY?! is your new vibe that will not be changing until further notice. GLOW UP.
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he11swinter · 2 months
Very basic! But what do you think the ghosts' favourite foods were when they were alive?
Billy: He liked a lot of snack foods, y’know? Chips, candy, boxed cereals with prizes in them… He’d often pick these things over his mother’s home cooking, which drove her crazy!
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Jimmy: Jimmy never had a lot of time. He always had to be on the tracks or the casino making a bet, but would grab some finger food when he got a minute to spare—devilled eggs, sandwiches, salted nuts, cakes…
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Susan: I’d say she was pretty fond of fruits. But also, everything she ate would be aesthetic as possible.
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Jean: Whatever the average mom eats, so like…home baking? Spaghetti and meatballs? Casserole?
Royce: Royce went out for fast food a lot with his buddies, so burgers, fries…and maybe a milkshake!
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Dana: She likely didn’t have a great relationship with food.
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Margaret: She’d try to make a healthy example for her son, but she secretly loved candy!
Harold: He loved guacamole baby food so much that he’d throw it up and eat it again! He liked all the circus foods they had around, but his mommy didn’t want her widdle baby eating too unhealthily. 🙁
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Isabella: I dunno, stale bread?
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George: Anything his wife made for him after a long day of work, but I imagine steak was a favourite!
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Ryan: Please just feed the guy—he’s not picky. He’ll usually scarf it all down without even tasting it, so just nothing too hot. 😅
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Horace: Something inside me is screaming mostly “TV dinners” but he’s a big guy, and those microwave meals give you hardly anything. Maybe he eats 15 of them? 😵‍💫 I don’t think he puts much thought or care into his diet, but reserves only the best for his rotties!
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I enjoyed this ask so much, hehe! I hope you did too, but now I’m hungry…
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sickvictorianangel · 10 months
Pisces women are beautiful, magical and the best. But don’t try to test our patience… We have a 0 bs tolerance.
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ragnar0c · 1 month
I was thinking about Maia’s feelings for Aurora. Wanted to elaborate brainrot more. Bc it’s zodiac yuri but not really but yes it is.
Maia initially hated Aurora.
I don’t have every detail of Aurora’s backstory ironed out, just know Aethra began teaching Aurora when she was very young. And I’d imagine the Pleiades are at least 5 years younger than her.
Aethra mothered the girls but didn’t give them the attention she did Aurora. But the girls did not know that most of the time mommy Aethra treated Aurora like dirt. Training her in the most “tough love” sort of way. As revenge Aurora often rebelled against her.
SO for most of their lives the Pleiades viewed Aurora as a prick (She was a bit, the reason she’d gotten so powerful was essentially to flip off their mother). Maia got so lost in trying to impress her mom she grew envious of the idea of Aurora. Someone who talked like she was the shit— and could back it up so well Aethra was oddly impressed.
At least 13-20 years before OoS Aurora went missing and faked her death (this is explored more in OoS). But yeah Aurora was gone and………. Maia had envied Aurora, but it came from a deep admiration. But around the time Aurora vanished the envy turned that into something filled with vitriol.
Aethra moved her teaching regiment to them. Though, she had a sneaking suspicion Aurora had faked her death, only telling Electra about it.
Anyway, fast forward to Hana doing the summer trials and Vega learning that Hana had a very capable teacher who happened to be a woman.
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Vega’s friends with Electra, they work in similar fields. So Vega asked Lec to request Maia’s aid in finding a woman who was basically a 1-to-1 match to Aurora’s ability… Maia instantly found out Aurora HAD faked her death. She’d faked her death and purposely travelled at night when Maia’s scrying ability was least effective.
In order to scry, she actually had been given Hana’s coordinates. So. She saw how Aurora treated her. That day Aurora had disciplined Hana, mainly bc she knew that Hana’s actions would catch up to her.
Maia got curious though. Aurora hated being an apprentice and training, why would she take one in? Sure, 20 years had passed. But Aurora changed much? So she used her powers to see basically the extent of Hana’s apprenticeship. And hang on I have so many thumbnails from that:
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At first Aurora tries to be tough to Hana, but she realizes. The Cycle. (Plus 1 other thing in OoS). Note how Aurora goes from 😒🤨😃🥹 as Hana ages. Also the fact that as Hana ages she really only smiles while she’s not fully able to see it. She really loves Hana. She can’t say so, but Maia could tell.
Basically, Maia parasocially bonded with Hana and Aurora after seeing that… 😭 and her resent and hate turned into a respect and admiration. And after tracking them down and she acts at first like an enemy… but when Aurora sneaks away and leaves Hana… she bears no ill will at all. She’s actually very nice to Hana.
She has a tsundere type crush on Aurora, but Aurora still thinks Maia hates her ass 😭😭😭😭 Maia does get nicer and even defends Aurora… you’d think maybe Aurora would notice then. But. She thinks she’s high key unlovable so.
I can’t really call it yuri because Aurora. She needs therapy fr.
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yourfaveszodiacsign · 7 months
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Lucrecia Crescent from Final Fanstasy VII is a Cancer who was born in the Year of the Gold Tiger!
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murkyshitposting · 8 months
put your head in my lap. let me run my fingers through your hair. let me trace patterns on your back, your arms, your hips. let me hum a song playing in the background while you close your eyes. come closer to me. relax, close your eyes. close your eyes and trust me. close your eyes and feel safe. let me help you feel better. let me call you "honey" and say kind things. let me read a book aloud to you, let me turn the lights off, let me make you tea. let me hold you, let me feel you. tell me the things that bother you so i can make it better. let me bandage your scraped knee, your bruised knuckles, your damaged heart. let me care for you.
it's all i want.
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saintseiya-thoughts · 2 years
• Ikki - Headcanons
Also a spicy food enjoyer along with Shun ! Seiya tried to eat his part once and his tongue never fully recovered 😢 got worse since his taste got lowered
After his hellish training at Death Queen Island Shiryu tried to make him eat healthy and light food, his stomach being way more fragile due to malnutrition, he didn't listen and ended up throwing up all night, lesson learned I guess
His body is naturally really warm, he's almost never cold and everybody fears him in summer, especially Hyôga
He got that anger issues but isn't really the kind to insult and be mean for no reason ? If you don't annoy him he's pretty chill, just grumpy, he really has that grandpa energy
A night owl, he gets overwhelmed easily by others and feels better alone at night, and actually enjoys peaceful activities like cooking, when others wake up there's food on the table and no more Ikki around, he went back to his room and usually comes out later (he mostly does it to keep himself busy at night tho)
He actually knows how to style hair (ponytail, braids, etc) as he does Shun's hair since they're kids
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distopea · 1 month
"Well, well... " A tune of a melodious haunt, the shadows flicker and lights twitch but it's just enough to give a little spook as his form appears upon one of the chairs in this man's office. A twist of hair upon long index and a suit that matched the atmosphere of the meeting room of a gang so delightful. Under that gaze, Lilu could understand Zodiac's intentions here, the might he ruled with immature emotions and a tongue that promised great harm to those that were just too darn weak to fight the laws of the hierarchy. "Don't you look delicious this evening."
Attention eased from the meeting table though, twisting to that of his beloved little human. The accidental contractor that made a wonderful mess and got him a whole bunch of entertainment for free. Still, Lilu's not really been here, a demon wasn't bond by that contract - specially if their human was so weak willed. Still, Zodiac had ambition and that was enough to tickle the tendrils of lust.
"Long time no see, darling~ ♥" Lips curve, bright and without shame, adjusting legs to cross with ease and tilting his head in the opposite direction to give his human his full attention. "Shall we begin a delightful purge in the name of our contract?"
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It wasn’t his evening at all. He was pissed. The club was full of preeks and idiots as usual; Kaizen was busy; Gambit was out of town; and Zodiac had the feeling he needed to deal with too much shit downstair. Not to mention that this asshole of Vex was there, probably just to anger everyone, even if he was perfectly aware he couldn’t sell his meds shit to anyone on the Cleaners territory. 
Around 2 a.m., Zodiac was finally able to enter his office, grabbing his cigarette, his blood pressure high as hell, when his eyes eventually landed on something—or rather, someone—he clearly didn’t wish to see. His lips curled into a devious grimace while he slammed the door behind his back. He was far too embarrassed if anyone had seen Lilu wandering around. 
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“Tsk, you don’t have a home, you fucking drag queen?" Zodiac growled while he clipped the cigarette at the corner of his mouth and stood near the door. He felt more anxious than truly aggressive, because with that preek right there, he knew he wouldn’t have proper control over his actions. He hated him so much for that. “What ya want, stronzo?”
While he didn’t turn around—because fuck, he had to keep both eyes open with him around—he walked to the mini bar and grabbed a can of soda for himself. At this hour of the night, alcohol was the last thing needed, and he still had to write his report for Gambit in the morning. His little psycho of a colleague would shit on his boots if it wasn’t the first email he would read with his breakfast tea and his buttered toasts.
“Yeah, well, find someone else.” Zodiac waved his fingers and gulped on the Pepsi he had found in the front door of the fridge. He suddenly realized something: the surprise of finding Lilu here was changing into some unhinged rage. 
“Hey, by the way, fata gigante, why are you even showing up at my work? What the fuck about a contract?” He aggressively walked back to his desk and slammed both of his hands onto the wood. “I ain’t fucking signing a contract with you!” 
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What part shouldn’t had happened..?
Zodiac Monkey: She wasn’t supposed to disintegrate YET!
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drsohinisastri · 4 months
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How to Handle Each Zodiac Sign When They are Angry: Part 4
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he11swinter · 5 months
Hear me out…
A reason why I think I’m so attached to the thirteen ghosts is because I really liked the homunculi from Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) for a while first, and they kind of remind me of each other?
All of them used to be “human,” and were gathered into a team that represents either The Black Zodiac or Seven Deadly Sins.
The Jackal and Envy
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He’s crazy, he knows it, it’s fine… (But he kind of hates himself…)
More or less mistaken for a woman
Always laughing about something
In one version, Envy died by fire/suicide and Ryan did just that
The Great Child and Gluttony
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Acts like a baby but will kill you
Very clingy to one person (Margaret/Lust)
The resemblance. Come on.
The Juggernaut and Greed
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Bulletproof (oh wait, no…just VERY strong)
Height difference with Horace/Ryan and Greed/Envy (who they bicker with a lot…which is a head canon with the ghosts, but bear with me)
Likes animals???
The Angry Princess and Lust
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Will stab you
Secretly just very sad
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ungrapeful · 7 months
I'm starting to see the sanitization of chinese new year here in the west, where this beautifully rich cultural practice gets stripped of all meaning and churned through the capitalist holiday machine and appropriated by white people.
it's the same thing that happened to pride to make it palatable for corporations, heavily commercialized, and appropriated by straight people. like no!! that's not who pride is for!!! you're stripping away everything that makes pride, pride and pushing out the people who made it what it is.
I'm remembering this one time my homeroom teacher made all the chinese kids stand up and had the other students say 'gong hei fat choy' to us because "that's what chinese people say to each other!" like we were circus animals. i don't even speak cantonese.
and this year when my building manager (white lady) sent out a 'happy year of the dragon' email with a very sterilized message that avoided mentioning anything specific to cny or to other lny celebrations. it was also addressed to everyone, instead of to those who actually observe the holiday, as if this wasn't a specific cultural practice.
I'm just angry and scared that something so precious to me is being taken away by the very people who made me feel ashamed to be chinese growing up. i kinda liked it better when y'all didn't pretend to care thanks.
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hearts4valentina · 8 months
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dykepaldi · 1 year
homestuck was so perfect for autistic teenagers bc it took characters being sorted into categories and having Attributes to its absolute extreme. forget four hogwarts houses, every character has their associated colour their zodiac sign their associated animal their dream planet their god tier class and aspect their typing quirk their pesterchum handle their weapon their planet of x and y, as well as each of them having a handful of other very quantifiable Personality Traits and Interests (e.g. this one is a clown this one is angry this one likes fashion this one is just rufio from hook for some reason) and THEN they all also have their respective ancestors and dancestors(?)(plucked that word from my memory) who have all of those things as WELL
and god not to mention the fucking quadrant system
as a 13-15 year old autistic kid i didnt even need homestuck to have a plot i just happily made a big big spreadsheet of character attributes in my brain
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pardumansuri · 1 year
Girls💃 who get angry😡 a lot 3 Simple Remedy
Stay connected with us @astro_parduman
Book Your Appointment on 📞🔥 7876999199 🔥📞
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astrosamara · 4 months
Astrology Observations #3
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🩵Venus in 8th tend to not date until later in life because love and relationships are serious to them. When they do get into a relationship, it can end up transforming them entirely. Saturn aspecting Venus can cause even further delays in romance.
🩵Mars in Leo rarely show their anger. It's not that they don't get angry, but they feel much too proud to let others know they're angry. I feel like people would assume all fire mars are quick and prone to anger, but I've rarely seen Mars in Leo get angry.
🩵I've met so many Sagittarius risings that have lived incredibly difficult lives with dark pasts. This usually surprises me since they're ruled by Jupiter. I wonder if it has something to do with their Scorpio 12th house?
🩵Sun in 7th are very non-confrontational people. They tend to be people pleasers who prefer being passive in conflict. They can struggle a lot with caring about what others think and because of that, they can struggle with expressing themselves genuinely and without fear of judgement.
🩵Pluto in your chart can show where you'll experience the greatest transformation in your life. I have Pluto in the 9th and higher education, spirituality, and traveling have deeply impacted my life the most. With Pluto energy though, this transformation tends to come through very dark and challenging periods.
🩵Pisces placements can spend so much time alone and not be bothered at all. In fact, their alone time is sacred to them. They're the type to get happy when plans are canceled.
🩵8th house stelliums are prone to heavy depression throughout their life due to how tapped in they are to the darker aspects of life. There's an unavoidable intensity and deepness to them. This familiarity with darkness can build this incredible resilience to get them through anything life throws their way. A lot of people with this stellium are drawn to spirituality as well, due to this interest in what is "hidden" from us.
🩵Capricorn placements are so blunt and their dry humor is my favorite. They have this no bullshit tell it how I see it energy to them that my Scorpio self loves. Capricorn humor is so underrated imo.
🩵Gemini moons and especially suns seem to know so many people and have so many connections. I feel like they're just naturally friendly and sociable. Even if they're introverted, they have this natural talent for communicating with others.
🩵Aquarius women have an otherworldly beauty to them. They look like beautiful mythical creatures. Their appearance is so unique and captivating. They also tend to have a style that stands out from the crowd in some way.
🩵Sagittarius MC/Jupiter in 10th dream of a career that can provide them freedom and opportunity. They're not meant for a traditional career at all and if they do have this type of career, it can really affect them negatively. Traveling can be prominent with this placement.
🩵Jupiter in 2nd/8th can have a lot of success with money in this lifetime. This is the creating generational wealth placement. Ofc with any placement, the sign it's in and aspects to Jupiter can be a stronger indicator of how this money comes in and how challenging the process is.
🩵Scorpio and Aquarius placements hate authority and restriction. They want to live their life their own way without anyone telling them what to do. They're the true rebels of the zodiac.
🩵Jupiter conjunct Ascendant/Jupiter in 1st can feel naturally lucky. They seem to get out of issues easily and have a very abundant and optimistic approach to life, even during times they feel like they've hit rock bottom. They don't linger in pessimism for too long because they see the bigger picture easier than most.
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