thecpdiary · 1 year
The CP Diary Blog and Books
I never thought about writing as a career. My parents had my life mapped out and it didn’t involve writing. I was to grow up, get married and have children, but mental desperation changed all that.
The CP Diary
My website The CP Diary came about through a late diagnosis. It was a place to talk about things, to grapple with some of my experiences. It saved me, my life and my mental health.
My books were not pre-meditated either. 6 years into my blog and an email turned up in my in-box from a hybrid publisher asking a favour for a client who wanted to do a guest blog and that got me thinking about writing a book, on a need-to-know basis about something that looked like a disability.
Things happen for a reason
If you believe things happen for a reason, then the way my life has been mapped out what was meant to happen. My books bring reason and understanding. My website is a platform that enables me to talk about things in its wider context, things that not only helps me come to terms with aspects of my own life, but for the wider population too, on what we all get to deal with.
Go with what helps you
My philosophy has always been that if something helps you, why not give it a try; you've nothing to lose? When it comes to my blog, I leave no stone un-turned, if it’s a topic that is affecting me, I write about it.
My blog and books aren't just for me. These are difficult times, there is a struggle in all of us. Net proceeds of books to go to mental health charities. Please help support.
For more inspirational, lifestyle blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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kirstydreaming · 4 months
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Elvira; 📷
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kodaiki · 7 months
Everyone is freaking out over this James Park guy, but I’m still stuck on Satoru’s doppelgänger?! Who is this man ☹️. Idk I just feel like it’s going to become important later and I’ll freak out
who is this man, is he even relevant, that is the question 🤫🤷‍♀️
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yourcoffeeguru · 2 years
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
Aghh thank you for the birthday fic!! Not my request, but y’all do have some perfect timing (my birthday is Friday)
oh thank you!
It's always fun when we time things- I mean clearly we wrote these for you :) See them as early birthday gifts!
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railroad-migraine · 2 years
Thank you so much cutie!! 🥺 🥺 🥺
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ynverse · 1 year
day one - 18:02
OHSHC x gn! reader
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ouran messenger
masterlist - prev | next
fun facts !
↳ hikaru and kaoru have twitter accs but use different names so the tweets they make can’t get traced back
↳ y/n had to take a lap around the house to release themselves from the second hand embarrassment
↳ haruhi wishes the twins didn’t buy her a phone sometimes
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a/n: groupchat is calming down before the start of the routes :D this is the last set of gc messages before we dive in !! i’m so excited
taglist [open]: @saeransblush @sungieflwr @nervouspsychologynerd @gekkow @r4yyyyy @bandshirts-andbooks @rosaryia @ichichia
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
Jack Thompson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Marvel
Day 14 Prompt: "If you don't stop now-"
Summary: When Y/N is the first female agent allowed to work the night shift, side by side with Jack Thompson, Peggy and Daniel want to make sure she doesn't miss the hint.
Word Count: 1,108
Category: Fluff, Humor
Requested by @bandshirts-andbooks! This was so fun to write Babs lol, hope you enjoy!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I scribbled away at the report I was working on, completely ignoring the pointed throat-clearing from my friends on the other side of the desk. The workday was almost over, so if I could just block them out for a little longer-
"If you want to pretend to ignore us, that's fine," said Peggy, her voice light and teasing. I fought back a sigh. "Daniel and I can just have the conversation with ourselves. We know you can hear us."
I made a face, glancing up long enough to make eye contact with both of my friends before slowly and deliberately raising my hands to my ears and plugging them. Since I'd already decided to be this childish, I figured I'd go all out, so I stuck out my tongue too.
Peggy and Daniel shared a look, and then Daniel reached up and grabbed my wrist, pulling one hand away. I glared at him, ready to yank my hand back and continue ignoring them both, but he spoke lowly before I could.
"You know, if you plug your ears, we'll just have to raise our voices so you can hear us."
I narrowed my eyes at him, wordlessly threatening murder, but Daniel didn't blink as he stared back. Finally, after a minute, I sighed.
"Fine. I won't plug my ears. But it's basically five, so maybe you two should just head out. You know, get a jump start on the weekend-"
"And leave you alone with Thompson sooner?"
I turned to glare at Daniel. Like before, he didn't flinch.
"Y/N, listen," started Peggy, leaning forward and looking at me like she was being the reasonable one. "Everyone in this conversation is aware that you have feelings for Thompson. All we're trying to get you to hear is that, since Thompson actually agreed to let you work the night shift with him, making you the first female agent to work a night shift... he might return those feelings."
I sighed, long and hard, through my nose. I put up with so much from these two.
"Great. I've heard you. Now mind your own business, both of you."
"We've long ago made this our business," Peggy responded, an all too pleased smile on her face.
"Yeah, come on," continued Daniel. "I have no idea what you see in Jack, but you clearly like him a lot. And you didn't let up when you saw me and Peggy dancing around each other. So we're not letting this go, either. Not when you spend every minute he's in the room moon-eyed staring at him-"
"Daniel, if you don't stop now-"
"What's going on over here?"
Peggy, Daniel, and I all whirled around at the sound of Jack's voice next to my desk, like kids caught digging in the cookie jar.
"Nothing!" I answered quickly, before whirling back around and glaring at my two friends. "Daniel and Peggy were just saying goodbye before they left for the night."
"Well, then, goodbye. Now get out of here, you two are off the clock and I'm not paying you overtime."
Peggy and Daniel shared a loaded look that I didn't miss, and that I also doubted Jack missed. I rolled my eyes, then the three of us stood.
"You don't have to tell us twice to get us out of here," said Daniel, stretching a little as he got to his feet.
"I sure did," I muttered. He ignored me.
"You two have fun tonight," said Peggy, giving us a pointed smile as she turned away. I narrowed my eyes at her and Daniel as they linked arms and started heading for the doors of the agency together. They didn't look back once, the bastards.
"So... what was all that about?" asked Jack, turning to me the second our friends had cleared the agency doors. I huffed a laugh and turned to face him with a small smile.
"They're still trying to play matchmaker."
"They make any good points?"
I grinned. "Well, they did point out that you must like me if you let me stay to work the late shift with you. They really might be onto something there."
Jack scoffed. "For two of my best detectives they're sure oblivious sometimes."
"I'll say."
Jack and I shared a smile, and then he slowly leaned in until we were almost nose to nose, our breath mingling. His smile widened as his hand moved up to cup my face, and then he closed the rest of the distance and kissed me.
Jack and I had been together for a few months now. It had all started as we worked towards our mutual goal of setting Peggy and Daniel up, mostly so we wouldn't have to watch them exchange longing glances every day at work. In the process, he'd stopping being a dick to me, and I'd realized I actually really liked him. The rest was history.
To be fair to Peggy and Daniel's skills as agents, Jack and I had intentionally been keeping our relationship a secret from the beginning. It wasn't all that high-stakes, but we'd wanted to enjoy the beginning of our relationship without everyone in the office chiming in about it, to our faces or otherwise. We still hadn't told anybody, but our interactions had changed enough for Peggy and Daniel to pick up on the energy. They'd been hounding us both for three weeks to try to set us up, and for our part, Jack and I had just laughed when they weren't looking.
After a few long moments, Jack pulled back, both of us still with grins on our faces.
"So... we gonna tell them?"
I hummed in thought, hopping up to sit on my desk, swinging my legs a little as I fixed Jack with a mischevious smile.
"We probably should. It's gone on long enough that they should probably know."
"But there's still a lot of fun to be had in how we tell them. And, unless some emergency comes in that we have to deal with tonight... we've got plenty of time to figure out the best way we can think of."
"Have I mentioned lately that I love you?" he asked, leaning down to kiss my temple before taking a half step back towards his office. "Because I do."
"I love you too. Now come on, go get a notepad from your office so we can brainstorm ways to mess with our friends."
"Honey, you don't have to tell me twice."
I grinned after the swaggering form of my boyfriend, my heart singing. I really did love him. And this was gonna be fun.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie @songbirdcannabe
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Coming out to the batfam as asexual
A/n: So asexuals are all different, even then I tried to make it as universal as possible but if you're sex favorable (I'm not so that's probably partially why I wrote it like that) this one (unfortunately) might not be for you!
Warnings: Being scared to come out, mentions of aphobia and killing people, I think that's it? You have been warned!
The reader is gender neutral!
Requested by: @bandshirts-andbooks
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Ironically for being the world's best detectives no one really caught on
I think the only person who might of is Cass, but it's nothing for sure, she just saw your body language would change slightly when people talked about sex
The first person you tell is Alfred
You were probably having a bad day, maybe seeing some straight people talk about ace people in a really negative way, and perhaps some queer people online who told you, that ace people didn't belong in the community
And people just being shitheads in general towards the queer community and just all these laws being made against trans people everywhere can really wear someone down, right?
So it's the middle of the night and you're in the kitchen crying because it's just been a bad day
And Alfred comes in, "Mx. L/n are you alright?"
After you were adopted you never got Bruce's last name
"Ah, yes! Don't worry it's nothing!"
All it takes is one raised eyebrow from him and you're quickly defeated, and he pulls out a chair and sits next to you
"Don't let things fester for too long Mx. L/n, you know what happens to your brothers when they do."
Sighing you wring your hands through your hair (something you picked up from your father) "I just-"
"Alfred I think I'm asexual."
"There's a silence and half your brain is thinking maybe Alfred doesn't know what it is and the other half think he hates you now
"Mx. L/n you do not "think so" I'm pretty sure you know."
And that in itself is confirmation that he supports you, the way he's smiling makes you wonder how you could think anything else
Okay next you come out to Cass
Because Alfred slyly told you she might already know
She's supportive and tells you in her own way that she would hurt anyone who isn't
I also think she understands you the most because I headcanon (is it canon???) that Cass is asexual
So she's who you go for to vent, and eventually she'll come out to you as ace too!
Then there's Stephanie and Barbra
Steph squeals; "Another member of the alphabet mafia!" And Barbra recomends a bunch of asexual groups online where they share their personal experiences
While all this fluffiness is happening the batboys tm are trying to get back at you for winning the prank war last week
Naturally they go into your dating history, because why not?
Murder might be committed by Cass after this
There aren't very many people but there's ONE person from your high school days
And thanks to Tim's savvy tech skills they somehow find out you're a virgin
(don't ask)
At this point Damian didn't really know the plan, but he's mostly the distraction anyways!
In the past you had told them you weren't one
High school was not good for your baby ace ass alright?
Meaning they thought it was fair game because they were getting back at you for lying and winning the prank war
Imagine your surprise when at a rare dinner Jason, Tim, and Dick are glancing at each other mischievously
Bruce looks like he has no idea what's going on and Damian (for once) looks oddly innocent
"You know how we use to say Jason gets no bitches" Dick starts up
"Well little Timmy here." Dick continues ignoring an angry Jay. "Found out you're worse than Jaybird and are a Virgin."
You just stare dumbfounded at their giggling faces
"I didn't know that this was part of the plan." Damian mutters
At this point you were much more confident in yourself and had momentairly forgetten that Bruce was still in the room
Just imagine seeing those faces
when you finally tell them
"I'm asexual fuckwads."
Their faces go BEAT RED
"Oh, um..."
"Also Tim, idk how you found out I was still a virgin, but if you do anything like that again..."
The look on Tim's face - it was very clear that your threat got through to him
Then you remembered Bruce was still in the room
Slowly you turned your head to face him
Instead of saying anything he just gave you a smile
That's how you came out to the Batfam, from being scared, to be a confident badass
dc taglist: no one yet!
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masterofrecords · 6 months
On sworn fathers and sons
As I was translating the card for episode 6 of The Ravages of Time, I came across a conundrum. The relationship between Dong Zhuo and Lü Bu is typically translated into English as “adopted father and son”, but I feel like that’s a bit misleading. It is a similar concept to the “sworn brotherhood”, with the classic example being Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but it isn’t as easily adapted into English language and Western culture.
I suppose it’s tempting to try and push a square peg into a round hole and try to find similarities between the concepts we are accustomed to and the ones we see in different cultures – I readily admit I’ve done that myself, even in the translations for The Ravages of Time, albeit for a very minor character. This approach has its merits, and certainly makes the media more accessible to the wider audience. But I think it’s at least fun and at most quite helpful to try and figure out what it really means, especially for the cases where the differences become important.
Even just looking into the history of specifically the Three Kingdoms era, there are many kinds of relationships that are distinctly different from one another, with regards to if the people involved changed surnames, had inheritance rights, as well as how they were regarded by their peers. They are all typically translated into English as “adoption”, which automatically loses some of the context provided by the specific term.
Looking into a dictionary, there are quite a few terms that can be translated as “adopted son” into English. They don’t all mean the same thing, and while some are much more likely to turn up in various media, I’m going to go over all that I’ve come across one by one. That said, there is some debate on how these terms are meant to be used and sometimes the meaning is a bit muddled even in the writings of native speakers.
I will include the more literal meanings of the terms here, mostly for convenience of referring to different words without overloading this post with Chinese characters or pinyin.
义子 [yì zǐ] – lit. “sworn/righteous” son. This is probably the most common one and the one used for Lü Bu regarding Dong Zhuo. The character 义 is also the one used in “sworn brother”, and generally “sworn son” can mean the child of a sworn brother/sister. While there are some rituals involved in recognizing someone as a “sworn son”, it is not a legal process but rather a folk tradition and therefore did not give the right to inherit.
Since “sworn sons” were often adults (like in Lü Bu’s case, for example), it wasn’t uncommon for someone to enter such a relationship specifically for the perks of getting a talented heir/powerful patron.
To better illustrate the relationship between Lü Bu and Dong Zhuo, I’ll once more turn to Records of the Three Kingdoms andBook of Later Han (the passages are almost identical in both chronicles, and I used both sources to make the translation more accurate; that said, I found the Book of Later Han version slightly easier to understand in most places) and their description of Lü Bu’s decision to kill Dong Zhuo in a conversation with Wang Yun.
"From the start, Minister over the Masses Wang Yun had a close relationship with Lü Bu, having received him kindly. After Lü Bu came to Wang Yun, he complained how Dong Zhuo had tried to kill him several times. At the time, Wang Yun and the Vice Director of the Imperial Secretariat Shisun Rui were plotting against Dong Zhuo, so he offered Lü Bu to join them. Lü Bu said, “When we’re like father and son?” Wang Yun said, “Your surname is Lü, you are not his flesh and blood. Today he didn’t have time to worry about your death, what do you mean by father and son? When he threw a halberd, did he also feel like you’re father and son?” Lü Bu then agreed to kill Dong Zhuo himself, as is described in Dong Zhuo’s biography. Wang Yun gave Lü Bu the title General of Spirited Strength [1], granted him the Insignia [2], made him a Three Dignitaries Equal [3], and gave him the Wenxian county."
[1] General of Spirited Strength – uh. Look. I kind of went with the poetic feel, but just for reference, this has been translated by Moss Roberts as “General Known for Vigor-in-Arms” and by Charles Henry Brewitt-Taylor as "General Who Demonstrates Grand and Vigor Courage in Arms"
[2] Insignia – it’s kind of… a symbol of (usually military) power? Like, you have this thing, you can command/execute/etc. people even if you technically shouldn’t have the right to do so. They were usually granted temporarily for a particular mission.
[3] Three Dignitaries Equal – someone who isn’t one of the Three Dignitaries (included Minister over the Masses – Wang Yun himself, Minister of Works and Defender-in-Chief; also known as the Three Dukes), but has all the rights of one.
(This has nothing to do with the sworn sons thing, but Shisun Rui’s title literally means “charioteering archer” despite being an administrative rather than a military position. I just think that’s neat.)
养子 [yǎng zǐ] – another common one, lit. “raised/supported” son. One difference between the “sworn son” and “raised son” is in the actual act of raising – while the sworn son is typically of age, a “raised son” is a child and needs to be looked after. In modern society, this is the word used for what we would typically consider as official adoption or fostering, and comes with full inheritance rights (the legal translation seems to be fostering, but, uh, I’m not a lawyer).
That said, the word had existed for much longer than the modern legal system; so in the more historical context this would be a bit more muddled and sometimes used almost synonymously to a “sworn son”, just with a bit more legal rights.
One famous historical example of a “raised son” is Liu Feng, who was adopted by Liu Bei. At the time, Liu Bei didn’t have a heir, but later, after his biological sons were born, he stopped regarding Liu Feng as highly as before, eventually leading to mutual resentment and Liu Bei blaming Liu Feng for Guan Yu’s death and sentencing him to death (or, more accurately, ordering Liu Feng to kill himself). Even before that though, Liu Bei’s heir was announced to be his son by blood, Liu Shan.
干儿(子)[gān ér (zǐ)]- a “nominal” son, also sometimes translated as “godson”. Is usually used as a complete synonym for “sworn son” or “raised son”, but I believe is a bit more modern and appeared with the decline in the usage of “sworn son”.
契子 [qìzǐ] – lit. “contract” son. A dialect variant of “nominal son” used in Hakka Chinese. Some Chinese-English dictionaries seem to give the meaning as “adopted son” by default, but in Chinese-Chinese encyclopedias I don’t seem to see it for dialects other than the Hakka varieties – I might be wrong though.
寄子/儿 [jìzǐ/ér] – lit. “entrusted/dependent” son. That’s the one that was probably the most confusing for me. For one, it’s used to describe a similar relationship in Japanese culture. I suspected it might be a less-used spelling of “succeeding son” (see later) – the pronunciation is the same, and some of the descriptions of the terms match – but the online consensus seems to be that “dependent son” is more synonymous to “nominal son”. Unfortunately, the search for specifics is made difficult by the existence of a Japanese manga of the same title.
假子 [jiǎzǐ] – lit. “false/fake” son. It can be used as a synonym for the previous variants, or for a son of a previous husband/wife, and seems to carry a negative undertone, sometimes used to express dislike of the person it refers to or the fact that he’s not considered by the speaker to be a “real” child of the family. In the examples I’ve seen it’s only ever been used by outsiders, not by the people actually involved.
嗣子 [sìzǐ] – lit. “inheriting” son, can confusingly also mean an heir, an official son from a wife rather than a concubine. This refers specifically to someone who is going to inherit after a person, and I believe is somewhat limited to nephews. Gaining this status meant severing the legal connection with your own parents and becoming, for all intents and purposes, your uncle’s son.
祧子 [tiāozǐ] – lit. “picked” son. Unlike the “inheriting son”, didn’t need to sever ties with their original family and didn’t need to call the uncle “father”. A bit less formal than “inheriting son” but allowed one to be counted as a member of both families essentially.
继子 [jìzǐ] – lit. “succeeding” son, similar to the previous ones, but even less strict, with this relationship not being limited to nephews. Sometimes also refers to sons of ex-husbands/ex-wives.
螟蛉/螟蛉子/蛉子 [mínglíng/mínglíngzǐ/míngzǐ] – lit. “corn earworm” (or the larvae of a bunch of insects – you know what, this isn’t a biology post, whatever. You get the point). It’s a metaphor coming from an ancient misunderstanding of how they propagated. Basically, some wasps often use the larvae to store eggs (and later as food for the hatched eggs), but people used to think that wasps didn’t have children of their own and instead “adopted” the earworms. Is used as a synonym for “sworn son” or “raised son”.
微子 [wēizǐ] – lit. something like… “a little bit” son? Used to refer to the son not from the legitimate wife. Mostly this refers to the first ruler of the Song dynasty, and I’ve never come across its “illegitimate son” meaning, much less the “adopted son” given in some dictionaries. (Fun fact for Weil specially: since the “子” character means “particle” as well as “son”, 中微子 is how neutrino is spelled.)
This is all the options I’ve found! Some are very niche or even questionable, but I wanted to be thorough and cover all the possibilities one might come across in various Chinese media.
To finish this off, with so many different ways to take a child into the family, there is also a distinct word to describe children of one’s own blood – 亲子 [qīnzǐ].
At the end of the day, especially in historical context, I think it’s important to remember that many of the relationships described above were not codified, or were only partially codified. The specific dynamic relied on the interpretation of a particular person, and as we’ve seen with some of them, could even be revoked at any moment when it no longer suited the needs of the individuals involved.
I hope this was helpful!
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just-my-fandom · 2 years
Tag List ‘22-‘23 !!
Below are the tag lists for every fandom I write. You can request to be added (and/or removed) if desired
Some profiles do not show up!! (If you are highlighted white) please let me know if you have changed your name or switched profiles :).
EDIT: Writing NEW fics has been postponed until late January 2023!! Any current drafts I will try to finish and post to make up. Coming up list posted soon.
• Thor Odinson- None yet
• Yelena Belova- @snooy245 @castortheghost @yelenabelova-wife
• Natasha Romanoff- None yet
• Wanda Maximoff- None yet
• Sam Wilson- None yet
• Bucky Barnes- None yet
• Steve Rogers- None yet
• Tony Stark- None yet
• Kate Bishop- None yet
• Peter Parker- None yet
• Michelle Jones- None yet
• Ned Leeds- None yet
• Cisco Ramon- (One After Another story) @intoomanyfandom-s @thebloodrobin @thecatemacbeth7 @badasspolygenderfriend @writeroutoftime
• Barry Allen- None yet
• Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost- None yet
• Harry Wells- None yet
• Harrison Wells- None yet
• Any Wells’ not included- None yet
Stranger Things
• Billy Hargrove- @writer-of-camelot @intheendyouwillalwayskneel @hanoil15 @meaganjm @isistersuck @sweetdayme4427 @noodlenerd101
• Steve Harrington- @irreplaceable-ecstasy @rexorangecouny @fraeppuccino @spider-boyparker @itsfangirlmendez @tellmyselfies @xkotkuu @scarletmeii @krazykatkay456 @idumpyourgrass @strangerpotternatural
• Joyce Byers- @witching-imagines @teenwolflover28 @irreplaceable-ecstasy @icgaf
• Max Mayfield- @folly-olly @chincillagirl18
• Gareth Emerson- @emersongareth @krys-orion
• Dustin Henderson- None yet
• Mike Wheeler- None yet
• Eddie Munson- None yet
• Lucas Sinclair- None yet
• El- None yet
• Jim Hopper- None yet
Criminal Minds
• Jj Jureau- None yet
• Spencer Reid- None yet
• Aaron Hotchner- None yet
• Emily Prentiss- None yet
• David Rossi- None yet
• Luke Alvez- None yet
• Penelope Garcia- None yet
• Derek Morgan- None yet
• Cole Brookstone- None yet
• Kai Smith- None yet
• Lloyd Garmadon- None yet
• Jay Walker- None yet
• Zane Julien- None yet
• Nya Smith- None yet
• Wu Garmadon- None yet
• Garmadon- None yet
• Keith Kogane- @boiled-onionrings
• Hunk Garrett- None yet
• Pidge Holt- None yet
• Shiro- None yet
• Lance McClain- None yet
Outer Banks
• JJ Maybank- @sinisterspidey @parkerhale13 @thoughts-elsewhere @b-lueberryy @deamus-liv @bubs-world @bibliophilewednesday @sexualparkour @jjpouggues @poguestyle17
• John B Routledge- None yet
• Kiara- None yet
• Pope Hayward- None yet
• Topper Thornton- None yet
• Rafe Cameron- None yet
• Sarah Cameron- None yet
• Camillo Madrigal- @afluffyboi @bandshirts-andbooks @cloudysskies @erinisrightthere @alexloveskii
• Luisa Madrigal- None yet
• Maribel Madrigal- None yet
• Isabella Mardrigal- None yet
• Bruno Madrigal- None yet
The Black Phone
• Vance Hopper- None yet
• Robin Arellano- None yet
• Finney Blake- None yet
• Billy- None yet
• Griffen- None yet
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naveriaheightsfiji · 5 months
Unveiling the Enchantment: Book Rooms in Fiji for a Luxurious Retreat
Fiji, a slice of paradise nestled in the heart of the South Pacific, beckons travelers with its pristine beaches, azure waters, and vibrant culture. Amidst this tropical haven lies an oasis of luxury — the epitome of indulgence and relaxation. Picture yourself basking in the warm embrace of Fijian hospitality, surrounded by breathtaking vistas and unparalleled comfort. It’s time to elevate your vacation experience andbook rooms in Fijithat redefine luxury.
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Embracing Tranquility: Unveiling Fiji’s Finest Luxury Accommodation
Imagine waking up to the gentle rustle of palm trees and the melodious chirping of birds. This is the essence of luxury accommodation in Fiji — a harmonious blend of nature’s splendor and lavish amenities. Whether you seek a secluded beachfront villa, a private overwater bungalow, or a lavish resort suite, Fiji offers an array of options to cater to your every desire. Immerse yourself in the lap of luxury as you unwind in spacious rooms adorned with elegant furnishings and modern conveniences.
Beyond Expectations: Experiencing Unmatched Hospitality
In Fiji, hospitality isn’t just a service; it’s a way of life. From the moment you arrive, you’re greeted with genuine smiles and warm greetings, instantly making you feel like family. The staff at luxury accommodations in Fiji go above and beyond to ensure your every need is met with utmost care and attention to detail. Whether it’s arranging personalized excursions, curating bespoke dining experiences, or simply offering a friendly ear, their dedication knows no bounds. Prepare to be pampered like never before as you indulge in the finest hospitality Fiji has to offer.
Immersing in Extravagance: The Allure of Bespoke Amenities
Luxury accommodation in Fiji is not only about about lavish rooms but it also share entire experience with you. Step into a world of extravagance where every whim is catered to with precision and finesse. Unwind with rejuvenating spa treatments, savor exquisite culinary creations crafted from the freshest local ingredients, or embark on thrilling adventures amidst breathtaking landscapes. Whether you’re seeking relaxation or adventure, Fiji offers a myriad of bespoke amenities to elevate your stay to unparalleled heights.
Seize the Moment: Booking Your Dream Retreat
Now is the time to turn your dream of a luxurious Fijian getaway into reality. With a plethora of options to choose from, booking rooms in Fiji has always been challenging. Whether you’re planning a romantic escape, a family vacation, or a solo adventure, Fiji’s luxury accommodations cater to every discerning traveler’s needs. So why wait? Seize the moment and embark on a journey of unparalleled luxury and relaxation in one of the world’s most enchanting destinations.
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Fiji’s allure lies not only in its natural beauty but also in its ability to provide an unforgettable luxury experience. From secluded beachfront villas to opulent resort suites, the options are as diverse as they are indulgent. So go ahead, book rooms in Fiji, and immerse yourself in the epitome of luxury accommodation. Your dream retreat awaits in the heart of this tropical paradise. Visit naveriaheightsfiji.com now!
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samw3000 · 7 months
I love bold coloursThey make me happyLike the sunshine andBooks and flowers and Reading nooksBold colours are never tackyLike mean mugging Sally and Her shabby cat Tabby Image by Udo from Pixabay © 2024 Samantha Williams. All Rights Reserved.
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lizseyi · 11 months
What Is Our ‘Comfort Guarantee’ For Ski Boot Fitting - Ski Exchang
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So, you might know a few things about the fitting of ski boots. Those things may include that ski boots should generally fit snugly, but not so much that they cause painful pressure points or cut off circulation, and that you shouldn’t be taking the same approach to ski boot fitting that you take to the fitting of regular shoes.
But of course, presuming that you aren’t exactly reading this as a seasoned expert in ski boot fitting, you might be tempted to go a bit further than the above, by getting actual experts to assist you with getting your ski boots to fit optimally.
To that end, you might have heard a little about how good our own ski boot fitting service is here at Ski Exchange – indeed, it is one of the best in the world, not merely the UK.
Such is our self-confidence in the all-encompassing quality and thoroughness of what we do, that we offer a complete ski boot “Comfort Guarantee”. But what difference will it make to the boot fitting service that you receive from us?
Introducing the renowned Ski Exchange Comfort Guarantee
Our ski boot Comfort Guarantee works in a super simple way: if you have a boot fitting appointment with us and don’t feel utterly comfortable in your ski boots as a result, we will continue the fitting work with you until you are satisfied, at no extra cost.
This means you can book a ski boot fitting session with us in the confidence that we will achieve the right fit for you. An appointment with us typically lasts about two hours. It begins with a thorough assessment, whereby we will measure your foot length and width, and assess various aspects – such as your foot and ankle stability, current skiing ability, and future goals – that will affect the decisions we make across the rest of the ski boot fitting session.
We will then proceed with such crucial steps as the selection of a supportive footbed/insole from our own range, and the selection of multiple ski boot options to help ensure the right fit for the shape and volume of your foot. This will be followed by the heat moulding of your liners and shell to your feet, thorough cooling to enable the heat moulding to fully set, and then the final adjustments to the shell and fit.
“Alignment” – a process involving the “canting” of the whole boots inwards or outwards in accordance with the leg alignment of the skier – can also be included as part of our comprehensive ski boot fitting service.
Enquire today to learn more about our ski boot fitting – or book your appointment online
As you can see, there is a lot that is covered by a ski boot fitting session with us – and therefore, a lot that our ski boot Comfort Guarantee covers.
To find out more about what this highly rated service involves, please do feel free to contact our ski boot fitting experts. Or why not go ahead andbook your appointment online for ski boot fitting, so that you can look forward to achieving that seemingly elusive perfect fit?
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renaultsindia · 2 years
Discover Renault Kwid Price, Features, and Engine
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I still remember that day when we were about to step out to look for our first-ever car – a hatchback. We all were happy, enthusiastic, and excited to welcome a new member to our family. But which one was it going to be? That was under wraps, as we had planned to look at a few options and then make a decision.
We moved a lot around the city, reviewing various options. But we couldn’t finalise any, as the price was a significant constraint. All the cars we checked out were way beyond our budget.
Eventually, I called one of our cousins to seek his advice. I told him about the number of options we saw. Upon hearing our story, he said we should have called him earlier and suggested checking Renault Kwid price and features.
We did so and Renault Kwid came in as a genuinely superb hatchback. The car ticked each point from our criteria. Some features we loved included an LED digital instrument cluster, 20.32 cm touchscreen, floor console mounted AMT dial, dual tone multi-spoke flex wheels, tail lamps with LED light guides, and stylish grille with silver streak LED DRLs.
Not to forget Renault Kwid’s comfort factor as well. Features like spacious rear & front seats, a boot space of 279 litres (expandable up to 620 litres), steering-mounted audio controls, and a smart, ergonomic cabin further strengthened our decision to choose Renault Kwid as our first car.
But that wasn’t it! A few more surprises awaited us. One of them was Renault Kwid’s test drive. When I set it in motion, I could genuinely feel the power of Renault Kwid’s 1.0L SCe engine. The drive was as seamless as powerful.
Safety was yet another area that amazed all of us. Features like Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Traction Control System (TCS), Electronic Stability Program (ESP), and Hill Start Assist (HSA) assured me of Renault Kwid’s safety.
Finally - Renault Kwid price. We all loved the car’s features and hence, after discussing it internally, decided to stretch our budget if needed. But fortunately, we didn’t have to do it. Renault Kwid price started at Rs. 4.69 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi). The car was well within our budget! Obviously, without wasting any more time, we booked Renault Kwid.
So, that was our short story about buying Renault Kwid.
Want to experience a thrilling driving experience? Download the brochure, register your interest, andbook a Renault KWID test drive. Further, find a Renault dealerandbook your Renault.
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stylecouncil · 1 year
yeah but his bird said it’s amazing though so all thats left is the proof that loves not only blind, but deaf
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