a-jasminator · 4 hours
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When your best mate is about to go full vengeful and there's only one way to shock him back to his senses...
Companion piece to my fic Spectral Rage!
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a-jasminator · 12 hours
Oh wow, a post about me in the wild! 😄😄
I need help finding a fic because I cannot for the life of me find it again. It is where the boys are dealing with some sort of creature (I think a demon) and the demon ends up making itself look like Edwin and Charles keeps faltering when attacking because it looks like Edwin.
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a-jasminator · 13 hours
usually i don’t pay any attention to the name of the author when i read fanfiction, so i basically never realised what some of my most favourite dbda works are all yours!! moreover, you also created some amazing art pieces for each of them!! that’s some fantastic level of being creative and talented and i have such deep respect for your abilities and your contribution to the fandom, thank you❣️
🥰 Thank you so much! Tbh I never intended to draw/write so much for this fandom (or for it to get any particular attention) but positive feedback like yours has done wonders for my motivation!
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a-jasminator · 17 hours
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Edwin Payne is my favorite Disney princess
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a-jasminator · 1 day
OH MY GOD!!!!!
I've never had others do art of my fics before AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
This is awesome, thank you thank you!!!!
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evil not-edwin doodle from @a-jasminator's wonderful amazing showstopping incredible fic Made You Look, because i, too, crave villain george rexstrew
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a-jasminator · 2 days
Your appreciation is duly noted and gladly received, Mr. Payne. Apologies in advance for the somewhat-explicit content in the associated fic, though I imagine Niko could turn you around to it eventually!
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A shapeshifting incubus takes on Edwin's likeness.
Companion piece for my fic Made You Look! Listen I just really want to see George Rexstrew play a villain okay
Bonus Charles:
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a-jasminator · 3 days
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A companion art piece to my latest fic Frippery! Leave it to Dead Boy Detectives to break me out of both my art AND writing slump!
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a-jasminator · 3 days
I’m sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to tell you how amazing your DBDA fanfiction is! I read all your works within 2 days and at some point I just found myself crying because of how brilliant they were💔
And you also DRAW SO stunningly!!! I mean what an incredible person you are!!!!
Thank you SO SO MUCH for making people happy by creating such a wonderful content❤️
(the way Charles calls Edwin “Eds” in your fics >>>>>>>>> I just…..)
😭😭 No, you're not bothering me at all! Thank you for sending me this lovely message, now you're going to make me cry!
It's absolutely my pleasure to write/draw for DBDA. I literally haven't hyperfixated to this extent in ages, so I'm definitely not going to let this motivation pass me by. I'm just glad that others (like you 😁) seem to enjoy what I'm putting out, too!
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a-jasminator · 4 days
@catboy-cabin #cackling bc that caption is basically what i said in the comment i left on this fic#lmao#anyway i agree wholeheartedly
Sorry for the unintended plagiarism, I think your comment was so short-but-snappy it got embedded in my subconscious! 😆
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When the brawn gets manhandled >>>
A companion piece to my fic Spectral Resolve!
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a-jasminator · 4 days
as a child being told "the moon controls the tides" with no additional explanation was like. oh okay. you want me to believe in magic? you're talking about magic right now? okay. fine
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a-jasminator · 4 days
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A shapeshifting incubus takes on Edwin's likeness.
Companion piece for my fic Made You Look! Listen I just really want to see George Rexstrew play a villain okay
Bonus Charles:
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a-jasminator · 5 days
ok so hear me out
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a-jasminator · 7 days
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When the brawn gets manhandled >>>
A companion piece to my fic Spectral Resolve!
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a-jasminator · 7 days
@bequietimsodizzy #LOOK AT THESE GORGEOUS BOYS!!#damn a fic writer who can also DRAW their own companion pieces!? how does it feel to be god#I'm so excited to read this I will devour it immediately!!
You made me laugh, thank you! 😂
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A companion art piece to my latest fic Frippery! Leave it to Dead Boy Detectives to break me out of both my art AND writing slump!
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a-jasminator · 8 days
Thank you!! I'm definitely considering drawing some more companion pieces for my existing fics! 💖💖
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A companion art piece to my latest fic Frippery! Leave it to Dead Boy Detectives to break me out of both my art AND writing slump!
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a-jasminator · 8 days
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A companion art piece to my latest fic Frippery! Leave it to Dead Boy Detectives to break me out of both my art AND writing slump!
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a-jasminator · 16 days
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